Sonic Foundry Noise Reduction 2.0: Sample Files
Sonic Foundry Noise Reduction 2.0: Sample Files
Sonic Foundry Noise Reduction 2.0: Sample Files
Sample Files
August 15, 1999
Copyright 1999 Sonic Foundry, Inc. All rights reserved.
This document describes the methods used to restore iles included in the !oise "eduction #.$
C% under the S&mple Files directory. 'oth the origin&l &nd the denoised, declic(ed, or declipped
iles &re included. )ou m&y &lso vie* the p&r&meters used under the Comments Summ&ry Ino
ield or e&ch restored ile +in Sound Forge, select Properties rom the File Menu &nd then go to
the Summary t&b,.
A noiseprint *&s t&(en using the provided region. The -%e&ult or &st computer- !oise
"eduction preset *&s used, *ith the Reduce noise by control set to the m&.imum setting o 1$$
d'. The Mode 2 &lgorithm *&s used. !ote the lute/li(e &rti&cts introduced &long the -r- -- &nd
-s- sounds i Mode 0 is used.
Click uitar.wav
The -%e&ult or vinyl recordings- Clic( &nd Cr&c(le "estor&tion preset *&s irst used. Then, t*o
p&sses o !oise "eduction *ere used, *ith the -%e&ult or &st computers- preset. Mode ! &nd
Reduce noise by o #$ d' *&s used both times. A ne* noiseprint *&s t&(en &ter the irst p&ss.
Clipped uitar c"ords.wav
Clipped 0e&( "estor&tion1s -!o &ttenu&tion, limit clips- preset *&s used.
Clipped piano.wav
Clipped 0e&( "estor&tion1s -!o &ttenu&tion, limit clips- preset *&s used.
Clipped voice.wav
Clipped 0e&( "estor&tion1s -!o &ttenu&tion, limit clips- preset *&s used. !otice ho* the
h&rmonic distortion in the *ord -clipped- is minimi2ed.
This is & very diicult live r&dio recording. The -%e&ult or vinyl recordings- Clic( &nd Cr&c(le
"estor&tion preset *&s used, *ith the Sensitivity bumped &ll the *&y to #$ &nd the Click S"ape
set to 3 +since the cr&c(le h&s & l&rge &mount o very high re4uency content, . Then, !oise
"eduction *&s perormed *ithout getting & noiseprint, using the -%e&ult or &st computers-
setting. The Reduce noise by setting *&s set to 1# d' &nd Mode ! *&s used. The Noise $ias
*&s r&ised to 1# d'. Also, & high/shel cut o 51$ d' &t 3$$$ 62 *&s done using the !oise
"eduction. The periodic cr&c(ling +&bout every h&l second, is still there7something to *or( or
on the ne.t version8
The -%e&ult or vinyl recordings- Clic( &nd Cr&c(le "estor&tion preset *&s used, *ith the
Sensitivity bumped &ll the *&y to #$. Then, !oise "eduction *&s perormed *ithout getting &
noiseprint, using the -%e&ult or &st computers- setting. The Reduce noise by setting *&s set to
9$ d' &nd Mode ! *&s used. The Noise $ias *&s lo*ered to /: d'.
NR is #asy.wav
A noiseprint *&s t&(en using the st&rt o the ile. The -%e&ult or &st computer- !oise "eduction
preset *&s used, *ith the Reduce noise by control set to ;$ d'. The Mode ! &lgorithm *&s
used. The Attack Speed *&s r&ised to 1$$ &nd the Release speed r&ised to 9$. The FF% Si&e
*&s set to 1$#9 +m&(e sure to do so beore c&pturing & noiseprint,. For iles *ith lo*er s&mple
r&tes +this one is &t ##(62,, sm&ller FFT si2es &re oten re4uired.
NR is #asy 2.wav
A noiseprint *&s t&(en using the end o the ile. The -%e&ult or &st computer- !oise "eduction
preset *&s used, *ith the Reduce noise by control set to ;$ d'. The Mode ! &lgorithm *&s
used. The Attack Speed *&s r&ised to 1$$ &nd the Release speed r&ised to 9$. The FF% Si&e
*&s set to 1$#9 +m&(e sure to do so beore c&pturing & noiseprint,. The FF% Si&e o 1$#9
minimi2es the &rtiici&l reverb &rti&ct.
The -%e&ult or vinyl recordings- Clic( &nd Cr&c(le "estor&tion preset *&s irst used. Then, the
-%e&ult or &st computers- !oise "eduction preset *&s used, &ter t&(ing & noiseprint rom the
beginning o the ile. The Reduce noise by setting *&s set to :$ d'.
Slap bass.wav
A noiseprint *&s t&(en using the st&rt o the ile. The -%e&ult or &st computer- !oise "eduction
preset *&s used, *ith the Reduce noise by control set to ;$ d'. The Mode ! &lgorithm *&s
used. The FF% Si&e *&s set to 1$#9 +m&(e sure to do so beore c&pturing & noiseprint,. The
envelope points belo* 9$$ 62 *ere moved do*n & e* d'1s to prevent the b&ss rom being
h&rmed, <hough this step isn1t cruci&l unless the noise *&s even louder.
A noiseprint *&s t&(en using the st&rt o the ile. The -%e&ult or &st computer- !oise "eduction
preset *&s used, *ith the Reduce noise by control set to 9$ d'. The Mode ! &lgorithm *&s
used. Also, the *i"+ s"el) controls *ere en&bled, set or & : d' boost &t re4uencies &bove
3$$$ 62. This m&(es up or &ny lost high re4uencies rom the noise reduction.