RP Template

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University Research Coordination Office

Yuchengco 601 * Local 164

(Please prepare one proposal per research topic)
I. Proect !it"e: (This is the distinctive name given to the research proposal
which descries the scope o! wor" in speci!ic# clear and concise terms$
Proect Leader: (This re!ers to the head o! the pro%ect# who manages the
activities o! the research team$
D(ration: (This re!ers to the length o! period or numer o! months or &ears
to complete the research pro%ect$
II) Introd(ction'
'. Bac*&ro(nd%Rationa"e: (This re!ers to the overview o! the pro%ect
discussing the !actors that led to the conceptuali(ation o! the prolem$
). State$ent of the Pro+"e$: (This re!ers to the prolems oth general
and speci!ic which the research proponent hopes to solve or o!!er
solution# to re!lect *)+, o%ective$
*. O+ectives: (This re!ers to the outcomes that the pro%ect intends to
achieve-ring aout$
.. Revie, of Literat(re: (This re!ers to the od& o! literature related to the
stud& eing proposed and a discussion o! the "nowledge gaps that the
proposed research will address$
/. Si&nificance of the St(dy: (This re!ers to the contriution o! the stud&
to a$ national goals-plans0 $ national policies c$ emerging realities0 d$
regional (local goals-plans$0 e$ communit& goals-plans$
III. E-#ected O(t#(ts: (This re!ers to the products o! the investigation which
would contriute to and increase the stoc" o! "nowledge-technolog&$
I1. Proced(re%Methodo"o&y: (This re!ers to the detailed technical-scienti!ic
activities which include the research design# sampling plan# instrumentation#
statistical tools# and treatment o! data$
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1. Sched("e of Activities: (This includes a rie! description in chronological
order o! each activit&. The starting date and planned completion date are
indicated in &ear and month. +ilestones or targets are also clearl& set.
,ample matrices that can e used to accomplish this section are shown
Activity Duration
From To
End of Project First Draft Final Report
Targets March !" #$$% Septem&er #$$%
1I. B(d&etary Re.(ire$ents/: (This includes a detailed-itemi(ed rea"down
o! the total pro%ect costs and the source-s o! !unds. ' sample tale is shown
'udget (tem 'udget Re)uirement
1II. Credentia" of Proect Leader and Key Researchers: (This should
estalish crediilit& and e2pertise o! sta!! involved in the stud&$
1III. Bi+"io&ra#hy: (This re!ers to the list o! sources reviewed and cited in the
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