This document outlines the required sections and information for a research paper proposal for CBMS DLSU-AKIEBS. It details 14 sections that must be included such as the project title, duration, introduction with background and objectives, literature review, methodology, schedule of activities, budget requirements, and credentials of the research team. The proposal requests specific information in each section, such as problems addressed, outcomes, knowledge gaps, and study significance. It aims to provide a comprehensive overview of the proposed research project.
This document outlines the required sections and information for a research paper proposal for CBMS DLSU-AKIEBS. It details 14 sections that must be included such as the project title, duration, introduction with background and objectives, literature review, methodology, schedule of activities, budget requirements, and credentials of the research team. The proposal requests specific information in each section, such as problems addressed, outcomes, knowledge gaps, and study significance. It aims to provide a comprehensive overview of the proposed research project.
This document outlines the required sections and information for a research paper proposal for CBMS DLSU-AKIEBS. It details 14 sections that must be included such as the project title, duration, introduction with background and objectives, literature review, methodology, schedule of activities, budget requirements, and credentials of the research team. The proposal requests specific information in each section, such as problems addressed, outcomes, knowledge gaps, and study significance. It aims to provide a comprehensive overview of the proposed research project.
This document outlines the required sections and information for a research paper proposal for CBMS DLSU-AKIEBS. It details 14 sections that must be included such as the project title, duration, introduction with background and objectives, literature review, methodology, schedule of activities, budget requirements, and credentials of the research team. The proposal requests specific information in each section, such as problems addressed, outcomes, knowledge gaps, and study significance. It aims to provide a comprehensive overview of the proposed research project.
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University Research Coordination Office
Yuchengco 601 * Local 164
CBMS DLSU-AKIEBS RESEARCH PAPER PROPOSAL (Please prepare one proposal per research topic) I. Proect !it"e: (This is the distinctive name given to the research proposal which descries the scope o! wor" in speci!ic# clear and concise terms$ De#art$ent%Co""e&e' Proect Leader: (This re!ers to the head o! the pro%ect# who manages the activities o! the research team$ D(ration: (This re!ers to the length o! period or numer o! months or &ears to complete the research pro%ect$ II) Introd(ction' '. Bac*&ro(nd%Rationa"e: (This re!ers to the overview o! the pro%ect discussing the !actors that led to the conceptuali(ation o! the prolem$ ). State$ent of the Pro+"e$: (This re!ers to the prolems oth general and speci!ic which the research proponent hopes to solve or o!!er solution# to re!lect *)+, o%ective$ *. O+ectives: (This re!ers to the outcomes that the pro%ect intends to achieve-ring aout$ .. Revie, of Literat(re: (This re!ers to the od& o! literature related to the stud& eing proposed and a discussion o! the "nowledge gaps that the proposed research will address$ /. Si&nificance of the St(dy: (This re!ers to the contriution o! the stud& to a$ national goals-plans0 $ national policies c$ emerging realities0 d$ regional (local goals-plans$0 e$ communit& goals-plans$ III. E-#ected O(t#(ts: (This re!ers to the products o! the investigation which would contriute to and increase the stoc" o! "nowledge-technolog&$ I1. Proced(re%Methodo"o&y: (This re!ers to the detailed technical-scienti!ic activities which include the research design# sampling plan# instrumentation# statistical tools# and treatment o! data$ Page 1 of 2 1. Sched("e of Activities: (This includes a rie! description in chronological order o! each activit&. The starting date and planned completion date are indicated in &ear and month. +ilestones or targets are also clearl& set. ,ample matrices that can e used to accomplish this section are shown elow.$ Activity Duration From To TARGETS End of Project First Draft Final Report Targets March !" #$$% Septem&er #$$% 1I. B(d&etary Re.(ire$ents/: (This includes a detailed-itemi(ed rea"down o! the total pro%ect costs and the source-s o! !unds. ' sample tale is shown elow.$ 'udget (tem 'udget Re)uirement 1II. Credentia" of Proect Leader and Key Researchers: (This should estalish crediilit& and e2pertise o! sta!! involved in the stud&$ 1III. Bi+"io&ra#hy: (This re!ers to the list o! sources reviewed and cited in the proposal$ Page 2 of 2