Special Cunnilingus Techniques and Secrets
Special Cunnilingus Techniques and Secrets
Special Cunnilingus Techniques and Secrets
Basic Guidelines:
./ess0 is always the best way to start out if you "on#t know exactly what a specific person likes. )t#s much safer to buil" up from .not enough0 than to try to back "own after shattering the moo" by being too rough. The final argument to ensure that you always apply this rule is this1)f you start out .too0 gentle/slowly, in most cases this ,ust excites your lo%er more, e%en in the rare cases that it frustrates her a little. -ut if you start out .too0 rough for her, it almost always turns her off to the whole thing. The "ifferences between women cannot be emphasize" enough1no matter what you ha%e encountere" so far, always assume that you ha%e no i"ea what a new partner en,oys. )t is entirely possible to ha%e ha" many lo%ers, an" think they are all pretty much the same or you#%e learne" all of the %ariations, an" can tell who#s what. -ut this can be (an" usually is ,ust a matter of ran"om chance...you happene" to get se%eral similar lo%ers. 2%entually you will run into someone, or many people, who are completely "ifferent than those you#%e known before. 3on#t start by going "own on her. !ork your way up to it. 2xceptions may be if you#re in a hurry before your 4ress +ecretary shows up, or other situations where you#re expecte" to act more "irectly. )t#s worth obser%ing that .work your way up to it0 remains true no matter how many times you#%e been with that lo%er. !ith a long-term lo%er it may seem like you can get right to the "irect stuff, but working your way up still has the same effect of increasing her excitement, with most women. (long the same line of reasoning, "on#t start licking her clitoris imme"iately, when you "o get there. +tart with the area aroun" it, which can be pretty sensiti%e with some women, e%en if it "oesn#t seem to cause the same "ramatic response. 2%en more important is to not imme"iately start inserting fingers in her %agina. !ith most women, that really nee"s to be built up, first. )t usually "oesn#t hurt to buil" up a little, e%en if she#s alrea"y excite". 5emember this16ost often, the tongue works best with the clitoris, the fingers with the %agina/g-spot. +omeone else#s fingers on her clitoris ten"s to be a little rough, no matter how careful they are...an" almost all of the excitement she gets from attempting to lick into her %agina is psychological& she can#t really feel much that way.
Hand Care
)t#s best to be sure your fingernail e"ges are %ery smooth, an" preferably cut all the way "own to where they connect to your skin. 7o matter how careful you are, they are likely to cause her to get a little sore insi"e, or e%en really hurt, feeling like a knife cutting her. This can e%en be the cause of soreness that she "oesn#t realize is being cause" by your nails. -eing a guitarist, ) ha%e the nails on my left han" trimme" back as far as ) can cut them, anyway. $uitar also gi%es one#s fret-han" amazing en"urance an" finesse, for g-spot stimulation an" other tricks.
Dental Dams
These are, in most cases, ,ust plain silly. 8nlike almost any other form of sexual acti%ity, the o""s of you transmitting or catching ()3+ this way are almost zero. There are almost no cases of any female homosexuals, for instance, e%en /claiming/ to ha%e caught ()3+ this way. )n case you#re won"ering what the hell )#m talking about, a ."ental "am0 is simply a con"om cut in half lengthwise an" use" to keep flui"s from passing between mouth an" %ul%a. (n" it#s being a"%ocate" primarily by people who are simply ,ealous that they#re missing out on a great chance to be a .%ictim0 in the issue of sexually transmitte" "iseases. )nteresting note1( little noise on your part usually "oesn#t hurt, an" sometimes it helps. +ome women are %ery hung up on cunnilingus, "etermine" to belie%e that, no matter how much you say otherwise (an" she claims to belie%e you , it may be at least a little unpleasant for you. )f you#re excite" by her responses, or by the act itself, "on#t try to stay 'uiet about it. The same kin" of soun"s that will reassure an" excite a lo%er when they#re pleasuring you will often work when you#re pleasuring them, too. This coul" be consi"ere" a secret weapon in sex in general, because most guys are rather 'uiet, an" yet women almost always fin" responsi%eness %ery exciting. The contrast between someone who#s responsi%e an" most of the other guys makes it e%en more effecti%e than it woul" alrea"y ha%e been.
The G-Spot
This "oes exist. (n" in o%er half of the women out there, it works better than anything else you can "o to cause a strong, prolonge" orgasm. The original name is the $rafenberg spot, after a "octor, 2arnest $rafenberg, who "ocumente" the area (which may ha%e been known by people here an" there throughout history in the fifties. This .spot0 is a small .moun"0 of tissue insi"e the %agina, between a penny an" 'uarter in size, which respon"s to being presse" upon. )t#s almost certainly not the skenes glan"s, (which are locate" aroun" the urethra, which is behin" the $-spot area , as has been suggeste" by a few people. )n fact, the $-+pot is the tissue in that raise" area of the %agina, which has a higher concentration of sexual ner%es, an" pro"uces hormones similar to those ma"e by the male#s prostate glan". ( sort of map to the area1)magine your lo%er lying on her back, legs sprea". 9our position is between her legs. 9ou woul" sli"e a finger insi"e her %agina, palm up. !ith your finger straight back, mi""le finger is best, you woul" cur%e it towar" yourself, gently, as if you were gesturing to someone to .come here0. )n "oing so, the area you press on shoul" be pretty near her .$-+pot0 area. )f you know enough to follow the urethra (the tube that lea"s from the bla""er to where the pee comes out , along the insi"e of her %agina, you may feel a slight swelling (if she#s excite" at the point where the g-spot is. +he must be excite", especially if either you or she is new to the g-spot, for the g-spot to ha%e any real effect at all. )t#s not the i"eal area for getting your lo%er arouse". -ut when she is excite", this area (more often than not is the best way to bring her to orgasm. 9ou work your way back to it gra"ually, teasing her (typically, this works best with your fingers, slowly an" gently. )t#s easier to hit the right area with two fingers, but this may not be comfortable for her, "epen"ing on how .tight0 she is at that moment. !hen you ha%e your fingers aroun" the right area, try gently pressing, not too 'uickly. The mo%ement shoul" be fairly rhythmic. )t#s typically best if you#re licking her clitoris (or near it, "epen"ing on the woman at the same time..."on#t make a big "eal out of the .'uest0, this will often make her feel self-conscious, or "istracte". The licking shoul" seem to be the primary acti%ity. !hen you fin" the right area, she shoul" respon" by getting more excite". 6ost of the %agina#s insi"e surface isn#t really that sexually sensiti%e, belie%e it or not...most of the excitement of ran"omly inserting fingers is more psychological than from the actual stimulation. !hile more complicate" techni'ues work with some women, some of the time, the best basic techni'ue, upon fin"ing the g-spot, is to continue to slowly, rhythmically press on it, while licking her clitoris (for a few women, the labia (lips are sensiti%e to licking, too . This shoul" cause her to buil" up to an orgasm. ( $-+pot orgasm is "ifferent (always, when it works at all than any other kin" women ha%e. )t is possible, with some women, to ha%e "ifferent 'ualities an" kin"s of orgasms from %aginal, clitoral, anal, an" e%en breast
stimulation...but with other women, those kin"s of orgasms are all pretty much the same. -ut the $-+pot orgasm not only feels "ifferent& it also causes her bo"y to react in a "ifferent way. *irst, it often causes a .push out0 orgasm. The area aroun", or .abo%e0 (farther insi"e, that is your fingers seems to swell up or to contract towar" the opening of her %agina. )f you fin" the right combination of pushing back when this happens, an" slacking off to let it push out, you can cause (in perhaps half of the women her orgasm to continue happening, long after normal ones woul" ha%e subsi"e". )n some women you can e%en keep her at a .plateau0 (raise" le%el of sexual excitement, like a prolonge" orgasm (or a little less than one afterwar", buil"ing up to an e%en bigger climax. )#%e manage" to keep this pattern of buil"-up, orgasm, plateau, orgasm, buil"-up, orgasm for o%er four hours, with one lo%er. !e stoppe" when, though she wante" to go on, she was so exhauste" that she really ha" to stop. That brings me to another important point& $-+pot orgasms sometimes (less than half of the women, )#" guess, an" in some of those women only occasionally causes a huge amount (relati%ely speaking of lubrication (,uices, wetness ...far more than e%en the most excite" woman gets from .con%entional0 stimulation. )t#s a goo" thing, too, because otherwise g-spot orgasms can only be prolonge" for as long as she "oes not get raw/sore from it...which is yet another reason to be gentle. !hen that extra wetness combines with the push-out orgasm, you get actual e,aculation...like a guy, but much better tasting. The built up ,uices can shoot out in such %olume that you, or she, may be afrai" that she lost control of her bla""er. That is (almost always not what happene". The fear that she pee" can be enhance" by the fact that the urethra is behin" the g-spot, so that in rare cases the woman can sometimes get the feeling that she nee"s to pee, e%en though she "oes not. )n reality, in both men an" women, enough sexual excitement pre%ents peeing, unless you try really har". This is a built-in reflex, because urine is something of a spermici"e. The .pee har"-on0 that men get in the morning is partially his bo"y taking a"%antage of this reflex, to keep him from acci"entally wetting the be" with the urine that built up while he was sleeping.
that eats sugar anyway. <ne thing#s unanimous: sugar cough "rops won#t make any "ifference unless you#re alrea"y infecte", they "on#t carry that kin" of yeast. )n fact, a human#s fingers or tongue woul" be more likely to (an" e%en that is pretty unlikely, if they#re of e%en typical cleanliness . /et the "rop become e%en more roun"e" an" smoothe" by sucking on it for a while, if you#re actually going to apply it insi"e (which is the most effecti%e way . +peaking of which, the best thing to "o is actually insert it with your fingers. This only works if you#re going to be using your fingers "uring the cunnilingus, though an alternati%e is to lea%e it there for a while an" then engage in coitus, which can be pretty nifty for both parties. )f not insertion, the best way is to simply suck on it an" then, with cough-"roppy sali%a, lick her as you woul" ha%e "one anyway,perhaps using the (lphabet metho". This isn#t 'uite as amazing, but is still pretty goo". (ltoi"s are suppose" to be pretty goo", but they#re %ery powerful. ) ha%en#t yet %erifie" whether they work, though 3on = 6ike (5a"io $o"s unintentionally ma"e a big "eal of it recently. They a"mitte" they were working from a position of ignorance, much like their re%iews of mo%ies they ha%e ne%er seen. 3on#t forget to try breathing on, or blowing lightly on, her %agina/clitoris. The effect is more subtle until you try this... it#s the exposure to air that makes it especially tingly.
Around the 'orld(,art -) shoul" not fail to mention the cer%ix. 9ou may not ha%e e%en notice" it, by touch, but it#s there an" once you fin" it you#ll won"er how you misse" it (unless your lo%er has ha" hysterectomy, in which case it#s missing, no big "eal . This is yet another area where you "efinitely want to buil" up to stimulating, as it can actually be painful to e%en touch if she#s not excite" enough...but, "espite assumptions to the contrary, it can be %ery useful for stimulation, "one correctly. (s ) sai", issue @A is that she must be %ery arouse". !ell, bearing in min" that e%eryone#s "ifferent, of course. The >er%ix is also about ABC "egrees aroun" from the g-spot, but it#s in much "eeper (typically . )t lea"s back to the rest of her repro"ucti%e organs, like the womb. )f she#s pregnant, "on#t mess with this at all. !atch out, too, for )83s an" "iaphrams an" the like. Dopefully you are on goo" enough terms with her to alrea"y know if she#s using one of these contracepti%e "e%ices, which fit o%er the cer%ix. The cer%ix is not an abtract .area0, it actually ,uts up, like a little flesh mesa or something. )t has an opening at its %ery .peak0, but this is normally close" pretty tightly. The best way to start is to gently caress aroun" the si"es an" base of the cer%ix. 5emember, she shoul" alrea"y be %ery .hot0 before you e%en start this part. 2%entually, buil" up to circling it with one or two fingers, aroun" an" aroun", gently staying in contact with it so she can feel the motion through the cer%ix itself. Dow har" you can press "epen"s a lot on the specific woman. This is also something that probably works better as a change of pace, not the .main course0 of the cunnilingus session...unless she really gets into it. That circling motion may get another roun" of .what on earth are you "oing...heyE 3on#t +T<4 "oing itE0. 9ou may e%en, an" in my experience this rarely works, but works well when it "oes, be able to press "irectly on the tip, with your finger or fingers, pressing it the way a penis might if one happene" be entering her at the right angle to hit her cer%ix.
(nyone who likes, say, coffee or beer shoul" ha%e no room to complain about the way most women taste. 7o, ) "on#t mean it tastes like coffee or beer, genius...) mean that beer an" coffee are, at best, ac'uire" tastes...they are not naturally pleasant to a human being, no matter how much your a""iction to one or both has con%ince" you otherwise. 6ost people, whether they remember it or not, ha" to learn to like the taste of beer/coffee, an" ha" the "esire to be /ike the ("ults to help them along. !ell, )#" list taking pleasure in cunnilingus abo%e "rinking a""icti%e be%erages on the list of things that pro%e maturity. (si"e from that, there#s the fact that many people who gi%e it an honest try genuinely en,oy the taste/smell, myself inclu"e". Da" ) not like" it, for some reason, ) woul" ha%e simply taught myself to like it, because of the great pleasure it can bring. (si"e from whether you fin" the taste/smell sexually exciting to begin with (an", because of pheromones, males (at least shoul" , surely it will become e%er more stimulating for you as you come to associate it with the pleasure you can gi%e.
)f you "o ha%e a lo%er who can experience repeate", exten"e" orgasms from g-spot stimulation, an" you (for some reason nee" to take a break, the absolute best way to "o this is to gi%e her a clitoral orgasm. This can be as simple as pushing e%en more gently an" slowly on her g-spot, while gi%ing her clitoris more attention (it can often take more "irect an" firm stimulation by that le%el of arousal , so that her next orgasm is really cause" by the licking, not the pressing of your finger(s . This works because, with many women anyway, clitoral orgasms lea%e her feeling %ery sensiti%e, an" momentarily satisfie" (or at least wanting to take a breather . There is, on the other han", a %ery interesting trick for staying .in the game0 when your tongue is getting tire". +witch from mo%ing your tongue "irectly, to using your whole ,aw to mo%e your tongue, by slightly opening an" closing it. )f you tire of this, mo%e your entire hea", so that it#s "oing the actual work that makes
your tongue mo%e. !hen e%en your neck tires, it#s on to the final backup-plan, but the one that works the longest& gently rock your entire bo"y back an" forth, at the same spee" that you were "oing each of the other, so that it#s your bo"y that#s actually "oing the work to mo%e your tongue. *or someone who hasn#t built up the mighty en"urance that#s useful with a lo%er who can ha%e hours of orgasms, this is a great trick. <f course it mainly works when you#re going simpler, rhythmic motions...sa%e the fancy tongue stuff for when your tongue#s "oing all of the work (you shoul" be able to switch back to tongue-only motion regularly, as it gets reste" . by kaz