Hot-pressed glass-ceramics are suitable as adhesively bonded posterior crowns in clinical application. New materials are being introduced into the market for the fabrication of dental restorations. Both high-strength hot isostatically pressed (HIP) or partially stabilized zirconia ceramics show a high fracture strength with a small range of strength.
Hot-pressed glass-ceramics are suitable as adhesively bonded posterior crowns in clinical application. New materials are being introduced into the market for the fabrication of dental restorations. Both high-strength hot isostatically pressed (HIP) or partially stabilized zirconia ceramics show a high fracture strength with a small range of strength.
Hot-pressed glass-ceramics are suitable as adhesively bonded posterior crowns in clinical application. New materials are being introduced into the market for the fabrication of dental restorations. Both high-strength hot isostatically pressed (HIP) or partially stabilized zirconia ceramics show a high fracture strength with a small range of strength.
Hot-pressed glass-ceramics are suitable as adhesively bonded posterior crowns in clinical application. New materials are being introduced into the market for the fabrication of dental restorations. Both high-strength hot isostatically pressed (HIP) or partially stabilized zirconia ceramics show a high fracture strength with a small range of strength.
Long-term experience has shown that hot- pressed glass-ceramics, which ensure good esthetic results, as well as a good biologic compatibility, are suitable as adhesively bonded posterior crowns in clinical applica- tion. Against the background of new and faster technologies (computer-aided design/ manufacturing [CAD/CAM]), easier handling (no adhesive cementation required), and increased strength, new materials are being introduced into the market. Standardized computer-controlled ceramic processes such as milling (Lava, 3M ESPE; Cercon, DeguDent), ceramic buildup (ce.novation, ce.novation), or computerized slip casting/ electrophoresis (alumina-ceramic Wolceram, Wolceram) are discussed for the fabrication of dental restorations. 1,2 Both high-strength hot isostatically pressed (HIP) or partially sta- bilized zirconia ceramics show a high frac- ture strength with a small range of strength Fracture performance of computer-aided manufactured zirconia and alloy crowns Martin Rosentritt, PhD 1 /Michael Behr, PhD 2 /Christian Thaller, DDS 3 / Heike Rudolph, DDS 4 /Albert Feilzer, DDS, PhD 5 Objective: To compare the fracture resistance and fracture performance of CAD/CAM zir- conia and alloy crowns. Method and Materials: One electrophoretic deposition alumina ceramic (Wolceram, Wolceram) and 4 zirconia-based systems (ce.novation, ce.novation; Cercon, DeguDent; Digizon, Amann Girrbach; and Lava, 3M ESPE) were investigated. A porcelain-fused-to-metal method (Academy, Bego Medical) was used in either convention- al casting technique or laser sintering. Sixteen crowns of each material were fabricated and veneered with glass-ceramic as recommended by the manufacturers. Crown and root dimensions were measured, and 8 crowns of each system were adhesively bonded or conventionally cemented. After the crowns were artificially aged in a simulated oral envi- ronment (1,200,000 mechanical loads with 50 N; 3,000 thermal cycles with distilled water between 5C and 55C; 2 minutes per cycle), fracture resistance and fracture patterns were determined and defect sizes investigated. Results: The fracture force varied between 1,111 N and 2,038 N for conventional cementation and between 1,181 N and 2,295 N for adhesive bonding. No significant differences were found between adhesive and conventional cementations. Fracture patterns presented mostly as a chipping of the veneering, in single cases as a fracture of the core, and in 1 case as a fracture of the tooth. Conclusions: Crown material and cementation do not have any significant influ- ence on the fracture force and fracture performance of all-ceramic and metal-based crowns. Therefore, it may be concluded that adhesive bonding is not necessary for the application of high-strength ceramics. (Quintessence Int 2009;40:655662) Key words: adhesive bonding, CAD/CAM, cementation, dental crown, fracture, zirconia 1 Engineer, Department of Prosthetic Dentistry, University Medical Center Regensburg, Regensburg, Germany. 2 Professor, Department of Prosthetic Dentistry, University Medical Center Regensburg, Regensburg, Germany. 3 Assistant, Prosthetic Dentistry, University Medical Center Regensburg, Regensburg, Germany. 4 Assistant Professor, Prosthetic Dentistry, University Medical Center Regensburg, Regensburg, Germany. 5 Professor and Chair, Department of Dental Materials Science, Academic Centre for Dentistry, Universiteit van Amsterdam and Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. Correspondence: Dr Martin Rosentritt, Regensburg University Medical Center, Department of Prosthetic Dentistry, Franz- Josef-Strauss Allee 11, Regensburg D-93042, Germany. Email: [email protected] 2009 BY QUINTESSENCE PUBLISHING CO, INC. PRINTING OF THIS DOCUMENT IS RESTRICTED TO PERSONAL USE ONLY. NO PART OF THIS ARTICLE MAY BE REPRODUCED OR TRANSMITTED IN ANY FORM WITHOUT WRITTEN PERMISSION FROM THE PUBLISHER. 656 VOLUME 40 NUMBER 8 SEPTEMBER 2009 QUI NTESSENCE I NTERNATI ONAL Rosent r i t t et al variation and a high structural reliability compared to conventional dental glass- ceramics. 3,4 Metal-based restorations may be fabricated conventionally by means of cast- ing techniques or alternatively with laser-sin- tering (Bego Medical). Both technologies should show only small differences in the composition and final structure of the alloys, regardless of the mode of melting used, ie, laser-sintered or conventionally melted. The computer-based fabrication process starts with digitizing the clinical situation with a 3-dimensional scanner, followed by CAD designing the cores of the restorations and their fabrication in the particular CAM process. One system allows the alternative scanning of waxup models (Cercon). A weak point in view of processing and strength may be that CAD/CAM cores have to be veneered with comparatively low-strength conventional glass-ceramics in press or layering technique. Chipping of the veneering ceramic has already been reported for porcelain-fused-to- metal (PFM) restorations, 5 and particularly chipping of the veneering ceramic for zirco- nia has been widely discussed 68 since the launch of the current zirconia systems. The basic effects of veneering on the core-veneer- ing interface, 9 as well as on the fracture per- formance of 2- or 3-layer specimens, have been reported, helping to understand failure mechanisms. 1012 Laboratory results allow the prediction of the combination of material lay- ers, but failure type and pattern may vary for clinically relevant restorations. The main rea- son may be in the individual design and dimension of a special restoration, in which, for example, compliance with an optimal veneering thickness is difficult to achieve. On the other hand, in vivo conditions may differ from loadings in the laboratory. To investigate the performance of new materials, fracture benchmark tests were conducted. This static test on dental restora- tions may reveal different failure patterns in comparison to in vivo situations. 13,14 Moreover, the influence of improper alternative tooth abutment material (for instance, steel) 1517 may falsify results. Simulation procedures with dynamic loading and thermal cycling using clinically relevant chewing forces and bath temperatures are applied for aging specimens and are supposed to result in a performance approximated to the clinical sit- uation of restorations. 18,19 Failures during sim- ulation can be compared to failures during oral application and may help to estimate the lifetime of new materials. If no failures occur during simulation, a subsequent static frac- ture test allows the locating of initiated weak points or at least permits comparison of the tested materials to clinically well-known sys- tems. Basic fractographic information, 20,21 which describes ceramic failures as initiated by flaws or damages from the marginal side or occlusal surface, 14 contributes to the eval- uation of results. The null hypothesis of this investigation was that no significant difference exists between the fracture force and fracture per- formance of all-ceramic and metal-based crowns after simulation of oral service. The influence that the dimensions of both tooth and crown, as well as the type of cementa- tion, have on a fracture should be consid- ered. METHOD AND MATERIALS To simulate the human periodontium, the roots of human molars (n = 96) were first coated with a 1-mm layer of polyether materi- al (Impregum, 3M ESPE) and then inserted into polyethylenemethacrylate (PMMA) resin (Palapress Vario, Heraeus Kulzer). This layer allows the maximum tooth mobility of 0.1 mm in axial and vertical directions at a load of 50 N. Human molars were used to ensure a clinically relevant modulus of elasticity of the abutments and simulate a relevant bonding between crown and tooth. Each tooth was prepared according to the directives for ceramic restoration techniques using a 1-mm- deep circular shoulder crown preparation. Sixteen crowns of each material group listed in Table 1 were fabricated according to the manufacturers instructions. All frame- works were veneered according to the man- ufacturers instructions using glass-ceramic materials, which were recommended by the manufacturers of the core materials (see Table 1). 2009 BY QUINTESSENCE PUBLISHING CO, INC. PRINTING OF THIS DOCUMENT IS RESTRICTED TO PERSONAL USE ONLY. NO PART OF THIS ARTICLE MAY BE REPRODUCED OR TRANSMITTED IN ANY FORM WITHOUT WRITTEN PERMISSION FROM THE PUBLISHER. VOLUME 40 NUMBER 8 SEPTEMBER 2009 657 QUI NTESSENCE I NTERNATI ONAL Rosent r i t t et al To compare the type of cementation, 8 crowns of each group were luted adhesively with dual-curing composite (Variolink 2 with Syntac Classic for bonding, Ivoclar Vivadent), whereas the other 8 crowns were cemented with conventional zinc oxidephosphate cement (Harvard, Hoffman & Richter). The dimensions of the investigated teeth and crowns were determined for adhesive/conven- tional cementation, respectively: mean height standard deviation (SD) of the crown (mm): 6.8 1.1 / 6.9 1.0; length SD of the root (mm): 11.5 2.2 / 10.9 2.0; distal-mesial length SD (mm): 9.4 1.4 / 9.0 1.6; and palatal-buc- cal length SD (mm): 9.9 1.0 / 9.9 1.1. Artificial aging was performed to simulate 5 years of oral service using the following loading parameters 18 : 1,200,000 mechanical loads with 50 N and simultaneous thermal cycling with distilled water between 5C and 55C (3,000 times for 2 minutes per cycle). A human molar was adjusted as an antagonist in a dental articulator (Artex CN, Amann Girrbach), and tooth and crown were trans- ferred to the simulator. Antagonist-tooth rela- tion was controlled with an occlusal foil. Aging was interrupted every 100,000 mechanical loading cycles, and the crowns were checked optically for failures (fracture, chipping). After aging, each crown was loaded until failure by means of a testing machine (Zwick 1446, Zwick; velocity = 1 mm/min). Force was applied using a steel ball (diameter = 12 mm), and a tin foil (1 mm) between crown and antagonist prevented force peaks. The crowns were examined optically before and after fracture testing. The failure mode was divided into the following fracture patterns: initial crack, chipping in the veneering ceramic, chipping down to the framework, and fracture of the core or the tooth (Fig 1). Location and size of failure were analyzed in mesial, distal, buccal, and lingual directions. Material/ Conventional veneering (batch) Manufacturer cementation Adhesive bonding Academy/Vita Omega Bego Medical/Vita Zahnfabrik Harvard, Syntac Classic/Variolink 2, Ivoclar Vivadent (22920/7427) Hoffman & Richter (G22359/21260/18808/14040/ (1104C09/B11/1116B02/ 24888/L16678/22838/L9241) 2121000311) Academy/Vita Omega Bego Medical/Vita Zahnfabrik Laser sintering (16020/15560) ce.novation/Cercon ce.novation Ceram Kiss (50708/50739) Cercon/Cercon DeguDent Ceram Kiss (25264/24917) Digizon/GC Initial Amann Girrbach/ (8276/7811) GC Europe Lava/Lava Ceram (KW00400133/400116) 3M ESPE Inceram (Wolceram)/ Vita Alpha (2331/2029/ Wolceram/Vita Zahnfabrik 11050601/5303) Tabl e 1 Materials and manufacturers Fig 1 Type of failure. Crack Fracture in the veneering Fracture between framework and veneering Fracture in tooth/crown 2009 BY QUINTESSENCE PUBLISHING CO, INC. PRINTING OF THIS DOCUMENT IS RESTRICTED TO PERSONAL USE ONLY. NO PART OF THIS ARTICLE MAY BE REPRODUCED OR TRANSMITTED IN ANY FORM WITHOUT WRITTEN PERMISSION FROM THE PUBLISHER. QUI NTESSENCE I NTERNATI ONAL Rosent r i t t et al The type of crown failure was analyzed in detail by means of scanning electron micro- scopy (SEM; Quanta, FEI-Phillips). Overview and detailed photographs were made (mag- nification: 10 to 1,000; working distance: 20.4 mm; voltage: 5 kV; low vacuum). Medians, as well as 25th and 75th per- centiles of the fracture resistance (newtons), were calculated. Statistical analysis was per- formed using 1-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) and the Kruskal-Wallis test to detect statistically significant differences between values by pairwise comparisons ( = .05). Calculations were conducted using statistical software (SPSS 11.5 for Windows, SPSS). For power calculation, the relative effects of the pairwise comparisons were calculated. The power calculation for the Wilcoxon (Mann- Whitney) rank-sum test was performed using G*Power (Kiel University). 22 Using 8 samples for each material and accepting a 2-sided type I error of 5% for each comparison, a power of 80% was achieved (0.807). RESULTS The mean fracture resistance of the tested systems varied between 1,111 N and 2,038 N for conventional cementation and 1,181 N and 2,295 N for adhesive bonding. Fracture force with adhesive bonding was lower for the systems Academy laser sintering (P = .574), Digizon (P = .279), and Lava (P = .382) compared to conventional cementation. The other systems revealed a higher fracture strength with adhesive bonding, but the results were not statistically significant (P = .382) (Fig 2). The main failure type was chipping of the veneering ceramic. For Cercon (P = .779) and Wolceram (P = .382), 1 fracture of the framework could be found for both types of cementation. For ce.novation (P = .574), 1 core fracture could be determined for conventional cementation and 2 core frac- tures for adhesive bonding. In the Cercon group, only 1 case of conventional cementa- tion showed a fractured tooth. The detailed fracture patterns are shown in Table 2. The portion of the failed veneering was related to the surface of the whole crown. 658 VOLUME 40 NUMBER 8 SEPTEMBER 2009 Variolink Harvard Academy Academy laser ce. novation Cercon Kiss Digizon Lava Wolceram 3,500 3,000 2,500 2,000 1,500 1,000 0 F r a c t u r e
f o r c e
( N ) Variolink Harvard Wolceram Lava Cercon Kiss ce. novation Digizon Academy laser Academy 50 40 30 20 10 0 F a i l u r e
c r o w n
a r e a
( m m 2 ) Fig 3 Failure crown area (mean, SD). Fig 2 Fracture force after thermal cycling and loading (mean, SD). 2009 BY QUINTESSENCE PUBLISHING CO, INC. PRINTING OF THIS DOCUMENT IS RESTRICTED TO PERSONAL USE ONLY. NO PART OF THIS ARTICLE MAY BE REPRODUCED OR TRANSMITTED IN ANY FORM WITHOUT WRITTEN PERMISSION FROM THE PUBLISHER. VOLUME 40 NUMBER 8 SEPTEMBER 2009 659 QUI NTESSENCE I NTERNATI ONAL Rosent r i t t et al Failures varied between 5% and 32% (Fig 3). PFM restorations and Cercon Kiss (adhe- sive) showed the lowest values, of about 10% and less. No significant differences (P = .723) in the propagation of defects could be deter- mined, neither for adhesive bonding nor con- ventional cementation. Defects occurred more frequently on mesial and distal tooth sides compared to labial or palatal sides (Fig 4). Figure 5 provides an example of an SEM image of a typical crown failure. Academy Cercon laser Digizon Lava ce.novation Kiss Wolceram Academy sintering Ad Co Ad Co Ad Co Ad Co Ad Co Ad Co Ad Co Tooth 1 Framework 2 1 1 1 1 1 Chipping 8 8 8 8 6 7 7 6 7 7 8 8 8 8 Crack 2 2 Fracture in 3 4 8 8 2 5 5 2 1 2 the veneering Fracture between 5 2 4 1 1 4 7 8 6 8 8 8 framework and veneering (Ad) Adhesive; (Co) conventional. *For defect type, see Fig 1. Tabl e 2 No. and type of failure* Palatinal Mesial Wolceram Lava Cercon Kiss ce. novation Digizon Academy laser Academy 1.0 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.0 0.2 F a i l u r e
s i z e
( % )0.8 Palatinal Mesial Wolceram Lava Cercon Kiss ce. novation Digizon Academy laser Academy 1.0 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.0 0.2 F a i l u r e
s i z e
( % )0.8 Harvard Variolink Distal Mesial Wolceram Lava Cercon Kiss ce. novation Digizon Academy laser Academy 1.0 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.0 0.2 F a i l u r e
s i z e
( % )0.8 Distal Mesial Wolceram Lava Cercon Kiss ce. novation Digizon Academy laser Academy 1.0 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.0 0.2 F a i l u r e
s i z e
( % )0.8 Harvard Variolink Figs 4a and 4b Failure crown area (mean, SD). 2009 BY QUINTESSENCE PUBLISHING CO, INC. PRINTING OF THIS DOCUMENT IS RESTRICTED TO PERSONAL USE ONLY. NO PART OF THIS ARTICLE MAY BE REPRODUCED OR TRANSMITTED IN ANY FORM WITHOUT WRITTEN PERMISSION FROM THE PUBLISHER. 660 VOLUME 40 NUMBER 8 SEPTEMBER 2009 QUI NTESSENCE I NTERNATI ONAL Rosent r i t t et al DISCUSSION The null hypothesis of this investigation has to be corroborated, ie, that no significant dif- ference exists between the fracture force and fracture performance of all-ceramic and metal-based crowns after the simulation of oral service. No significant influence of the type of cementation on the fracture could be determined. Assuming that the strength of the ceramic crowns tested was reduced by cyclic loading 23,24 which was supposed to simulate oral service of about 5 years 19 frac- ture loading of the tested systems exceeded the postulated requirements of 500 N 25 and was therefore high enough to resist in vivo chewing forces in posterior applications. Fracture testing as a single-load test shows no clinical relevance but may provide helpful data for comparing tested speci- mens. During oral simulation, flaws or other superficial wear or aging effects contribute to the deterioration of the material and reduce fracture strength. Therefore, fracture testing after simulation allows for the differentiation of materials. In comparison to well-known systems, these data may help to estimate the clinical performance of new materials. The wide distribution of fracture results restricts their significance, indicating the high individuality of restorations. The characteris- tics of materials (strength, Weibull modu- lus), 26 their fabrication (density, severity, flaws, voids, or cracks), 27 or improper super- ficial polishing may contribute to the high variation of results. More relevant factors are the differences in the core thickness of ceramic crowns and the resulting varying lay- ers of veneering ceramics because of labo- ratory work. The (manual) veneering of cores of a uniformly low thickness will result in an increased thickness of the veneering that will be more prone to fracture, independent of the buccolingual or mesiodistal crown dimensions. This could be the reason the measured crown dimensions did not have any significant influence on fracture results, in contrast to the results described by other authors for crown material and thickness. 16 The fracture pattern showed that the frac- ture strength depends on the strength of the weakest part of the crown, which seems to be the veneering ceramic. In most cases, the tested systems showed chipping of the com- parable low-strength veneering ceramic but seldom a fracture of the high-strength core or the whole tooth. The fact that, in most cases, only veneering is involved in the failure pat- tern explains why no significant differences exist among crowns made of differing core materials. High-strength HIP zirconia (Digi- zon) did not show any strength advantages compared to zirconia systems, which were milled in a partially sintered state or fabricat- ed in a ceramic build-up process. Although electrophoretically manufactured alumina demonstrates even lower strength values, no statistically different fracture values could be detected between Wolceram and PFM crowns. The fact that the fracture results depend on the glass-ceramic veneering would also explain why these results were comparable to adhesively bonded glass- or leucite-reinforced all-ceramic systems, 17,2830 since both have a comparable chemical basis and strength (~100 to 200 GPa). 16 Furthermore, the described fracture pattern in the veneering shows that the type of cement did not contribute to the fracture resistance of crowns with high-strength cores, but significantly influences the fracture strength of glass-ceramic crowns. 28 Fig 5 SEM image of a typical crown failure (Cercon). Origin Wake hackles Arrest lines Veneering Core 2009 BY QUINTESSENCE PUBLISHING CO, INC. PRINTING OF THIS DOCUMENT IS RESTRICTED TO PERSONAL USE ONLY. NO PART OF THIS ARTICLE MAY BE REPRODUCED OR TRANSMITTED IN ANY FORM WITHOUT WRITTEN PERMISSION FROM THE PUBLISHER. VOLUME 40 NUMBER 8 SEPTEMBER 2009 661 QUI NTESSENCE I NTERNATI ONAL Rosent r i t t et al Fractographic analysis by SEM showed that the fracture origin in the veneering was mostly on the occlusal surface. Here, the antagonist caused wear or superficial flaws during thermal cycling and loading, which was the origin of the fracture or chipping in the following fracture test (see Fig 5). These results are partly in agreement with investiga- tions of in vivo failures of glass-ceramic sys- tems, for which a failure of occlusal and mar- ginal areas has been described. 14 These results may explain the clinically described chipping of PFM- and zirconia-based restora- tions, 68 but no detailed failure analysis of zir- conia restorations under clinical conditions has been conducted so far. In accordance with the literature, 9,11,12 the present SEM pictures also demonstrated that chipping can be divided into 2 types: Chipping occurred interfacially between cores and veneering ceramic or cracks ran in the veneering itself. In the case of interfacial fractures, a thin layer of the veneering ceram- ic remained on the core material. These findings underline that fracture strength is influenced by the properties (for instance, strength, fracture toughness) of the veneer- ing material itself and to some smaller extent by the veneering-core bonding. Cracks with- in the veneering at lower fracture forces sug- gest a lower strength value of the applied veneering ceramic material (Lava), whereas lower fracture forces refer to either a combi- nation of a lower fracture toughness of the veneering and core material or one of these 2 aspects (Wolceram). These effects could mask one another. Further investigations are needed with regard to the extent the surface structure of the framework (manufacturing process: smooth as machined, roughened microstructure, milling patterns; see Fig 5) contributes to the bonding of veneering ceramics to the zirconia core. The fact that the fracture area of PFM crowns was smaller in contrast to failure areas of all-ceramic crowns (see Fig 3) requires further detailed and systematic eval- uation. A clinical consequence may be that although these defects are smaller, they are more obvious because of the exposure of the metal framework. Chipping of the ceramic may not be visible or could be easily removed by polishing. The small increase of failures in the distal and mesial directions (see Fig 4) may be attributed to the design of the crown and may be of interest when fabri- cating restorations for patients with high chewing forces or bruxism. The achieved fracture values suggest a sufficient strength of the crown systems for clinical application, but the fracture patterns underline the requirement for a core design, which supports the occlusal veneering ceramic. 31,32 Wear of the veneering ceramic may cause superficial defects, which may cause chipping of an insufficiently supported veneering in the long term. 33 The results show that the clinical survival of all crowns supposedly depends on the surface quality of the veneering (strength, fracture tough- ness, surface roughness) and, to a lesser extent, on the bond at the veneering and core interface, but not on the strength of the underlying core structures. CONCLUSIONS This study indicated that the fracture force and fracture performance of types of all- ceramic and metal-based crowns depend neither on the crown material nor the type of cementation. 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