ICICI Bank Financial Statement Annalisis

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The project report analyzes the financial statements of ICICI Bank over several years to understand the bank's financial performance and position.

The project report analyzes the financial statements of ICICI Bank to understand the changes in its financial position, policies, trends in profit and loss through financial ratio analysis.

The objectives of the project are to analyze the financial performance of ICICI Bank and evaluate its liquidity position, profitability, capital structure and credit performance in order to provide suggestions for improvement.


Submitted to H.P university, Shimla In the partial fulfillment of Award of the degree of Bachelor of business administration

Submitted by:

Under the Guidance of:

GAURAV NARANG University Roll no. 4329

MR. ANKUR MAHAJAN Lecturer, B.B.A, Govt. colle e, !"#r$s"#l#.

Dept. of business administration Govt. post graduate college, Dharmshala(H.P) 2007-10


Govt. College,Dharmshala


This is to certify that the Project Report entitled FINANCIAL ANALYSIS OF ICICI Ban ! has "een co#pleted "y$ %A&RA' NARAN%! (nder #y s(per)ision* To the "est of #y no+led,e- this is his o+n +or and he has not s("#itted the sa#e else+here for the a+ard of any other de,ree or diplo#a* I appro)e it for s("#ission in the partial f(lfill#ent of the re.(ire#ent for the de,ree of Bachelor of B(siness Ad#inistration*

/ate Place 0r*An (r 0ahajan 1Project %(ide2 Lect(rer B*B*AGovt.%olle e,!"#r$s"#l#

%a(ra) Naran, B*B*A

No tas is sin,le #an4s effort *Any jo" in this +orld ho+e)er tri)ial or to(,h cannot "e acco#plished +itho(t the assistance of others* An assi,n#ent p(ts the no+led,e and e5perience of an indi)id(al to lit#(s test* There is al+ays a sense of ,ratit(de that one li es to e5press to+ards the persons +ho helped to chan,e an effort in a s(ccess* The opport(nity to e5press #y inde"tness to people +ho ha)e helped #e to acco#plish this tas * I dee# it a pro(d pri)ile,e to e5tend #y ,reatest sense of ,ratit(de to #y Project %(ide MR. ANKUR MAHAJAN &lecturer B.B.A' for the een interest- inspirin, ,(idancecontin(o(s enco(ra,e#ent- )al(a"le s(,,estions and constr(cti)e criticis# thro(,ho(t the p(rs(ance of this report* I a# than f(l to Coordinator sir !R. U((AM %HAN! for ,i)in, #e the opport(nity to (nderta e the st(dy* I a# hi,hly inde"ted to MR. !)N*+H JAM,AL &-R./. R*G).NAL %*N(R*,H.-.U,+H)MLA' for sparin, ti#e fro# their "(sy sched(le for pro)idin, #e +ith their a"le ,(idance at the ti#e of need and helpin, #e to achie)e the (lti#ate ,oal of the st(dy* I +o(ld also li e to than MR. RAJ &Br#nc" M#n# er, )%)%) B#n0, !"#r$s"#l#' for their )al(a"le s(pport in helpin, #e to ,ain this opport(nity of "ein, associated +ith an or,ani6ation of s(ch estee#* Last "(t not the least- it +o(ld "e (nfair if I don4t e5press #y inde"tness to #y parents and all #y friends for their acti)e cooperation +hich +as of ,reat help d(rin, the co(rse of #y trainin, project*

%a(ra) Naran, B*B*A


In any or,ani6ation- the t+o i#portant financial state#ents are the Balance Sheet and Profit 8 Loss Acco(nt of the "(siness* Balance Sheet is a state#ent of financial position of an enterprise at a partic(lar point of ti#e* Profit 8 Loss acco(nt sho+s the net profit or net loss of a co#pany for a specified period of ti#e* 9hen these state#ents of the last fe+ year of any or,ani6ation are st(died and analy6ed- si,nificant concl(sions #ay "e arri)ed re,ardin, the chan,es in the financial position- the i#portant policies follo+ed and trends in profit and loss etc* Analysis and interpretation of financial state#ent has no+ "eco#e an i#portant techni.(e of credit appraisal* The in)estors- financial e5perts#ana,e#ent e5ec(ti)es and the "an ers all analy6e these state#ents* Tho(,h the "asic techni.(e of appraisal re#ains the sa#e in all the cases "(t the approach and the e#phasis in the analysis )ary* A "an er interprets the financial state#ent so as to e)al(ate the financial so(ndness and sta"ility- the li.(idity position and the profita"ility or the earnin, capacity of "orro+in, concern* Analysis of financial state#ents is necessary "eca(se it helps in depictin, the financial position on the "asis of past and c(rrent records* Analysis of financial state#ents helps in #a in, the f(t(re decisions and strate,ies* Therefore it is )ery necessary for e)ery or,ani6ation +hether it is a financial or #an(fact(rin,- to #a e financial state#ent and to analy6e it*

%a(ra) Naran, B*B*A

Table of content
Chapter no.

Ac0no1le2 e$ent -re3#ce )ntro2uction .3 B#n0in
a* "* c* d* e* Introd(ction of "an in,;;;;;;;* <istory of "an in, in India;;;;;; Ban s in India;;;;;;;;;;; Fact files of "an s in India;;;;;; Indian "an in, ind(stry;;;;;;;* a* "* c* d* e* f* ,* h* i* Introd(ction to ICICI Ban ;;;; ICICI Ban today;;;;;;;; B(siness profile;;;;;;;;*** Board of directors;;;;;;;; Board co##ittee;;;;;;;;* B(siness o"jecti)e;;;;;;;; Technolo,y (sed in ICICI Ban ;;** Prod(cts and ser)ices;;;;;;*** A+ards and reco,nition;;;;;; O"jecti)e of st(dy;;;;;;;; I#portance of st(dy;;;;;;;* 0eanin, of research;;;;;;; Research pro"le#;;;;;;;; Research desi,n;;;;;;;;*** /ata collection #ethod;;;;;; Analysis and interpretation of data;** Li#itation of st(dy;;;;;;;**

Page no.
3 4 5647
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/in#nci#l An#lysis
a* "* c* d* Introd(ction of the topic;;;;;;* 0ethodDTools of financial analysis;;* Balance sheet of ICICI Ban ;** Profit and Loss Acco(nt of ICICI Ban ;;;;;;;;;;;** e* Financial state#ent analysis;;;;; ?2 Co#parati)e financial state#ent;;;;;;;;;* 32 Trend analysis;;;;;;;;* 72 Ratio analysis;;;;;;;;**

C: C= =7 =B ;5 =C =@ >A 93697


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%a(ra) Naran, B*B*A


Bi<lio r#8"y;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;


Chapter 1


%a(ra) Naran, B*B*A

Definition Of Bank: Ban in, 0eans EAcceptin, /eposits for the p(rpose of lendin, or In)est#ent of deposits of #oney fro# the p("lic- repaya"le on de#and or other+ise and +ithdra+ "y che.(e- draft or other+ise*E

6B#n0in %o$8#nies &Re ul#tion' Act,4949

ORIGIN OF THE WORD BANK:The ori,in of the +ord "an is shro(ded in #ystery* Accordin, to one )ie+ point the Italian "(siness ho(se carryin, on cr(de fro# of "an in, +ere called "anchi "ancheriE Accordin, to another )ie+point "an in, is deri)ed fro# %er#an +ord EBranc E +hich #ean heap or #o(nd* In Fn,land- the iss(e of paper #oney "y the ,o)ern#ent +as referred to as a raisin, a "an *

Its ori,in in the si#plest for# can "e traced to the ori,in of a(thentic history* After reco,ni6in, the "enefit of #oney as a #edi(# of e5chan,e- the i#portance of "an in, +as de)eloped as it pro)ides the safer place to store the #oney* This safe place (lti#ately e)ol)ed in to financial instit(tions that accepts deposits and #a e loans i*e*#odern co##ercial "an s*

Banking system in India

9itho(t a so(nd and effecti)e "an in, syste# in India it cannot ha)e a healthy econo#y*The "an in, syste# of India sho(ld not only "e hassle free "(t it sho(ld "e a"le to #eet ne+ challen,es posed "y the technolo,y and any other e5ternal and internal factors* %a(ra) Naran, B*B*A =

For the past three decades IndiaGs "an in, syste# has se)eral o(tstandin, achie)e#ents to its credit* The #ost stri in, is its e5tensi)e reach* It is no lon,er confined to only #etropolitans or cos#opolitans in India* In fact- Indian "an in, syste# has reached e)en to the re#ote corners of the co(ntry* This is one of the #ain reasons of IndiaGs ,ro+th process*

H)+(.R> ./ BANK)NG )N )N!)A

Ban in, in India has its ori,in as early or 'edic period* It is "elie)ed that the transitions fro# #any lendin, to "an in, #(st ha)e occ(rred e)en "efore 0an(- the ,reat <ind( f(rriest- +ho has de)oted a section of his +or to deposit and ad)ances and laid do+n r(les relatin, to the rate of interest* /(rin, the #o,(l period- the indi,eno(s "an er played a )ery i#portant role in lendin, #oney and financin, forei,n trade and co##erce* /(rin, the days of the Fast India Co#pany it +as the t(rn of a,ency ho(se to carry on the "an in, "(siness* The %eneral Ban of India +as the first joint stoc "an to "e esta"lished in the year ?=>C* The other +hich follo+ed +as the Ban of <ind(stan and Ben,al Ban * The Ban of <ind(stan is reported to ha)e contin(ed till ?@AC* 9hile other t+o failed in the #eanti#e* In the first half of the ?@th cent(ry the Fast India Co#pany esta"lished there "an s- The "an of Ben,al in ?>A@- the Ban of Bo#"ay in ?>:A and the Ban of Bo#"ay in?>:7* These three "an s also no+n as the Presidency "an s +ere the independent (nits and f(nctioned +ell* These three "an s +ere a#al,a#ated in ?@3A and ne+ "an - the I#perial Ban of India +as esta"lished on 3=th Han(ary- ?@3?* 9ith the passin, of the State Ban of India Act in ?@BB the (nderta in, of the I#perial Ban of India +as ta en o)er "y the ne+ly constit(ted SBI* The Reser)e Ban of India 1RBI2 +hich is the Central "an +as esta"lished in April- ?@7B "y passin, Reser)e "an of India act ?@7B* The Central office of RBI is in 0(#"ai and it controls all the other "an s in the co(ntry* In the +a e of S+adeshi 0o)e#ent- n(#"er of "an s +ith the Indian #ana,e#ent +ere esta"lished in the co(ntry na#ely- P(nja" National Ban Ltd*- Ban of India Ltd*- Ban of Baroda Ltd*- Canara Ban * Ltd* on ?@th H(ly ?@C@- ?: #ajor "an s of the co(ntry +ere nationali6ed and on ?Bth April ?@>A- C #ore co##ercial pri)ate sector "an s +ere ta en o)er "y the ,o)ern#ent* The first "an in India- tho(,h conser)ati)e- +as esta"lished in ?=>C* Fro# ?=>C till today-the jo(rney of Indian Ban in, Syste# can "e se,re,ated into three distinct phases* They areas #entioned "elo+$ Farly phase fro# ?=>C to ?@C@ of Indian Ban s %a(ra) Naran, B*B*A >

Nationali6ation of Indian Ban s and (p to ?@@? prior to Indian "an in, sector Refor#s* Ne+ phase of Indian Ban in, Syste# +ith the ad)ent of Indian Financial 8 Ban in, Sector Refor#s after ?@@?*

To #a e this +riteI(p #ore e5planatory- I prefi5 the scenario as Phase I- Phase II and Phase III*

-"#se )
The %eneral Ban of India +as set (p in the year ?=>C* Ne5t ca#e Ban of <ind(stan and Ben,al Ban * The Fast India Co#pany esta"lished Ban of Ben,al 1?>A@2- Ban of Bo#"ay 1?>:A2 and Ban of 0adras 1?>:72 as independent (nits and called it Presidency Ban s* These three "an s +ere a#al,a#ated in ?@3A and I#perial Ban of India +as esta"lished +hich started as pri)ate shareholders "an s- #ostly F(ropeans shareholders* In ?>CB Allaha"ad Ban +as esta"lished and first ti#e e5cl(si)ely "y Indians- P(nja" National Ban Ltd* +as set (p in ?>@: +ith head.(arters at Lahore* Bet+een ?@AC and ?@?7- Ban of India- Central Ban of India- Ban of Baroda- Canara Ban - Indian Ban and Ban of 0ysore +ere set (p* Reser)e Ban of India ca#e in ?@7B* /(rin, the first phase the ,ro+th +as )ery slo+ and "an s also e5perienced periodic fail(res "et+een ?@?7 and ?@:>* There +ere appro5i#ately ??AA "an s- #ostly s#all* To strea#line the f(nctionin, and acti)ities of co##ercial "an s- the %o)ern#ent of India ca#e (p +ith The Ban in, Co#panies Act- ?@:@ +hich +as later chan,ed to Ban in, Re,(lation Act ?@:@ as per a#endin, Act of ?@CB 1Act No* 37 of ?@CB2* Reser)e Ban of India +as )ested +ith e5tensi)e po+ers for the s(per)ision of "an in, in India as the Central Ban in, A(thority* /(rin, those day4s p("lic has lesser confidence in the "an s* As an after#ath deposit #o"ili6ation +as slo+* A"reast of it the sa)in,s "an facility pro)ided "y the Postal depart#ent +as co#parati)ely safer* 0oreo)er- f(nds +ere lar,ely ,i)en to traders*

-"#se ))
%o)ern#ent too #ajor steps in this Indian Ban in, Sector Refor# after independence* In?@BB- it nationali6ed I#perial Ban of India +ith e5tensi)e "an in, facilities on a lar,e scale especially in r(ral and se#iI(r"an areas* It for#ed State Ban of India to act %a(ra) Naran, B*B*A @

as the principal a,ent of RBI and to handle "an in, transactions of the &nion and State %o)ern#ents all o)er the co(ntry* Se)en "an s for#in, s("sidiary of State Ban of India +as nationali6ed in ?@CA on ?@th H(ly-?@C@- #ajor process of nationali6ation +as carried o(t* It +as the effort of the then Pri#e 0inister of India- 0rs* Indira %andhi* ?: #ajor co##ercial "an s in the co(ntry +as nationali6ed* Second phase of nationali6ation Indian Ban in, Sector Refor# +as carried o(t in ?@>A +ith se)en #ore "an s* This step "ro(,ht >AJ of the "an in, se,#ent in India (nder %o)ern#ent o+nership* The follo+in, are the steps ta en "y the %o)ern#ent of India to Re,(late Ban in,Instit(tions in the Co(ntry$ ?@:@$ Fnact#ent of Ban in, Re,(lation Act* ?@BB$ Nationali6ation of State Ban of India* ?@B@$ Nationali6ation of SBI s("sidiaries* ?@C?$ Ins(rance co)er e5tended to deposits* ?@C@$ Nationali6ation of ?: #ajor "an s* ?@=?$ Creation of credit ,(arantee corporation* ?@=B$ Creation of re,ional r(ral "an s* ?@>A$ Nationali6ation of se)en "an s +ith deposits o)er 3AA crore*

After the nationali6ation of "an s- the "ranches of the p("lic sector "an India rose to appro5i#ately >AAJ in deposits and ad)ances too a h(,e j(#p "y ??-AAAJ* Ban in, in the s(nshine of %o)ern#ent o+nership ,a)e the p("lic i#plicit faith and i##ense confidence a"o(t the s(staina"ility of these instit(tions* -"#se ))) This phase has introd(ced #any #ore prod(cts and facilities in the "an in, sector in its refor#s #eas(re* In ?@@?- (nder the chair#anship of 0 Narasi#ha#- a co##ittee +as set (p "y his na#e +hich +or ed for the li"erali6ation of "an in, practices* The co(ntry is flooded +ith forei,n "an s and their AT0 stations* Ffforts are "ein, p(t to ,i)e a satisfactory ser)ice to c(sto#ers* Phone "an in, and net "an in, is introd(ced* The entire syste# "eca#e #ore con)enient and s+ift* Ti#e is ,i)en #ore i#portance than #oney* The financial syste# of India has sho+n a ,reat deal of resilience* It is sheltered fro# any crisis tri,,ered "y any e5ternal #acroecono#ics shoc as other Fast Asian Co(ntries s(ffered* This is all d(e to a fle5i"le e5chan,e rate re,i#e- the forei,n reser)es are hi,h- the capital acco(nt is not yet f(lly con)erti"le- and "an s and their c(sto#ers ha)e li#ited forei,n e5chan,e e5pos(re* %a(ra) Naran, B*B*A ?A

In India the "an s are "ein, se,re,ated in different ,ro(ps* Fach ,ro(p has their o+n "enefits and li#itations in operatin, in India* Fach has their o+n dedicated tar,et #ar et* Fe+ of the# only +or in r(ral sector +hile others in "oth r(ral as +ell as (r"an* 0any e)en are only caterin, in cities* So#e are of Indian ori,in and so#e are forei,n players* All these details and #any #ore is disc(ssed o)er here* The "an s and its relation +ith the c(sto#ers- their #ode of operation- the na#es of "an s (nder different ,ro(ps and other s(ch (sef(l infor#ation4s are tal ed a"o(t* One #ore section has "een ta en note of is the (pco#in, forei,n "an s in India* The RBI has sho+n certain interest to in)ol)e #ore of forei,n "an s than the e5istin, one recently* This step has pa)ed a +ay for fe+ #ore forei,n "an s to start "(siness in India*


+%H*!UL*! BANK+ )N )N!)A
(1) Scheduled Commercial Banks

-u<lic +ector B#n0s


-riv#te +ector B#n0s


/orei n B#n0s )n )n2i#


Re ion#l Rur#l B#n0s


Nationali6ed Ban Other P("lic Sector Ban s 1I/BI2 SBI And Its Associates

Old Ban s Ne+ Ban s

Pri)ate Pri)ate

%a(ra) Naran, B*B*A


(2) Scheduled Cooperative Banks

+c"e2ule2 Ur<#n %oo8er#tive B#n0s

+c"e2ule2 +t#te %oo8er#tive B#n0s

Public Sector Banks

P("lic sector "an s are those "an s +hich are o+ned "y the %o)ern#ent* The %o)t* r(ns these Ban s* In India ?: "an s +ere nationali6ed in ?@C@ 8 in ?@>A another C "an s +ere also nationali6ed* Therefore in ?@>A the n(#"er of nationali6ed "an 3A* At present there are total 3C P("lic Sector Ban s in India 1As on 3CIA@I3AA@2* Of these ?@ are nationalised "an s- C1STATF BANK OF IN/ORF ALSO 0FR%F/ RFCFNTLY2 "elon, to SBI 8 associates ,ro(p and ? "an 1I/BI Ban 2 is classified as other p("lic sector "an * 9elfare is their pri#ary o"jecti)e*

Nationalised banks
Allaha"ad Ban Andhra Ban Ban Of Baroda Ban Of India Ban Of 0aharastra Canara Ban Central Ban Of India Corporation Ban /ena Ban Indian Ban Indian O)erseas Ban Oriental Ban Of Co##erce P(nja" 8 Sind Ban P(nja" National Ban Syndicate Ban &CO Ban &nion Ban Of India &nited Ban Of India

Other Public Sector Banks

)!B) 1Ind(strial /e)elop#ent Ban Of India2Ltd*

SBI & its Associates

State Ban of India State Ban of <ydera"ad State Ban of 0ysore State Ban of Patiala State Ban of Tra)ancore State Ban of Bi aner And Haip(r

1State Ban of Sa(rastra #er,ed +ith SBI in the year 3AA> and State Ban of Indore In 3A?A2

%a(ra) Naran, B*B*A


'ijaya Ban

Private Sector Banks

These "an s are o+ned and r(n "y the pri)ate sector* 'ario(s "an s in the co(ntry s(ch as ICICI Ban - </FC Ban etc* An indi)id(al has control o)er there "an s in preparation to the share of the "an s held "y hi#* Pri)ate "an in, in India +as practiced since the "e,innin, of "an in, syste# in India* The first pri)ate "an in India to "e set (p in Pri)ate Sector Ban s in India +as Ind(sInd Ban * It is one of the fastest ,ro+in, Ban Pri)ate Sector Ban s in India* I/BI ran s the tenth lar,est de)elop#ent "an in the +orld as Pri)ate Ban s in India and has pro#oted +orld class instit(tions in India*

%a(ra) Naran, B*B*A


The first Pri)ate Ban in India to recei)e an in principle appro)al fro# the Reser)e Ban of India +as <o(sin, /e)elop#ent Finance Corporation Li#ited- to set (p a "an in the pri)ate sector "an s in India as part of the RBIGs li"erali6ation of the Indian Ban in, Ind(stry* It +as incorporated in A(,(st ?@@: as </FC Ban Li#ited +ith re,istered office in 0(#"ai and co##enced operations as Sched(led Co##ercial Ban in Han(ary ?@@B* IN% 'ysya- yet another Pri)ate Ban of India +as incorporated in the year ?@7A Pri)ate sector "an s ha)e "een s("di)ided into follo+in, 3 cate,ories$I

Old Private Sector Banks

Ban of Rajasthan Ltd* Catholic Syrian Ban Ltd* City &nion Ban Ltd* /hanala sh#i Ban Ltd* Federal Ban Ltd* IN% 'ysya Ban Ltd* Ha##( and Kash#ir Ban Ltd* Karnata a Ban Ltd* Kar(r 'ysya Ban Ltd* La sh#i 'ilas Ban Ltd* Nainital Ban Ltd* Ratna ar Ban Ltd* SBI Co##ercial and International Ban Ltd* So(th Indian Ban Ltd* Ta#ilnad 0ercantile Ban Ltd* &nited 9estern Ban Ltd*

New Private Sector Banks

Ban of P(nja" Ltd* 1since #er,ed +ith Cent(rian Ban 2 Cent(rian Ban of P(nja" 1since #er,ed +ith </FC Ban 2 /e)elop#ent Credit Ban Ltd* </FC Ban Ltd* ICICI Ban Ltd* Ind(sInd Ban Ltd* Kota 0ahindra Ban Ltd* A5is Ban 1earlier &TI Ban 2 Yes Ban Ltd*

%a(ra) Naran, B*B*A


Foreign Banks In India

%a(ra) Naran, B*B*A


ABN A0RO Ban N*'* A"( /ha"i Co##ercial Ban Ltd A#erican F5press Ban Ant+erp /ia#ond Ban Ara" Ban,ladesh Ban Ban International Indonesia Ban of A#erica Ban of Bahrain 8 K(+ait Ban of Ceylon Ban of No)a Scotia Ban of To yo 0its("ishi &FH Barclays Ban BNP Pari"as Calyon Ban ChinaTr(st Co##ercial Ban Citi"an /BS Ban /e(tsche Ban

<SBC 1<on, on, 8 Shan,hai Ban in, Corporation2 HP0or,an Chase Ban Kr(n, Thai Ban 0ashre. Ban 0i6(ho Corporate Ban O#an International Ban Shinhan Ban SociLtL %LnLrale Sonali Ban Standard Chartered Ban State Ban of 0a(riti(s

Cooperative banks in India

%a(ra) Naran, B*B*A


The Cooperati)e "an is an i#portant constit(ent of the Indian Financial Syste#j(d,in, "y the role assi,ned to co operati)e- the e5pectations the co operati)e is s(pposed to f(lfil- their n(#"er- and the n(#"er of offices the cooperati)e "an operate* Tho(,h the co operati)e #o)e#ent ori,inated in the 9est- "(t the i#portance of s(ch "an s ha)e ass(#ed in India is rarely paralleled any+here else in the +orld* The cooperati)e "an s in India plays an i#portant role e)en today in r(ral financin,* The "(sinessess of cooperati)e "an in the (r"an areas also has increased pheno#enally in recent years d(e to the sharp increase in the n(#"er of pri#ary coIoperati)e "an s* Co operati)e Ban s in India are re,istered (nder the CoIoperati)e Societies Act* The cooperati)e "an is also re,(lated "y the RBI* They are ,o)erned "y the Ban in, Re,(lations Act ?@:@ and Ban in, La+s 1CoIoperati)e Societies2 Act- ?@CB*

Rural banks in India

Rural banking in India started since the esta"lish#ent of "an in, sector in India* R(ral Ban s in those days #ainly foc(ssed (pon the a,ro sector* Re,ional r(ral "an s in India penetrated e)ery corner of the co(ntry and e5tended a helpin, hand in the ,ro+th process of the co(ntry* SBI has 7A Re,ional R(ral Ban s in India no+n as RRBs* The r(ral "an s of SBI is spread in ?7 states e5tendin, fro# Kash#ir to Karnata a and <i#achal Pradesh to North Fast* The total n(#"er of SBIs Re,ional R(ral Ban s in India "ranches is 37:@ 1?CJ2* Till date in r(ral "an in, in India- there are ?:-:=B r(ral "an s in the co(ntry of +hich 3?3C 1@?J2 are located in re#ote r(ral areas* Apart fro# SBI- there are other fe+ "an s +hich f(nctions for the de)elop#ent of the r(ral areas in India* Fe+ of the# are as follo+s*

H#ry#n# +t#te %oo8er#tive A8e? B#n0 Li$ite2

The <aryana State Cooperati)e Ape5 Ban Ltd* co##only called as <ARCOBANK plays a )ital role in r(ral "an in, in the econo#y of <aryana State and has "een pro)idin, aids and financin, far#ers- r(ral artisans- a,ric(lt(ral la"o(rers- entreprene(rsetc* in the state and ,i)in, ser)ice to its depositors*

National Ban for A,ric(lt(re and R(ral /e)elop#ent 1NABAR/2 is a de)elop#ent "an in the sector of Re,ional R(ral Ban s in India* It pro)ides and re,(lates credit and ,i)es ser)ice for the pro#otion and de)elop#ent of r(ral sectors #ainly a,ric(lt(re%a(ra) Naran, B*B*A ?=

s#all scale ind(stries- cotta,e and )illa,e ind(stries- handicrafts* It also finance r(ral crafts and other allied r(ral econo#ic acti)ities to pro#ote inte,rated r(ral de)elop#ent* It helps in sec(rin, r(ral prosperity and its connected #atters*

+in2"#nur Ur<#n +ou"#r2# %o6o8er#tive B#n0

Sindhan(r &r"an So(harda CoIoperati)e Ban - pop(larly no+n as S&CO BANK is the first of its ind in r(ral "an s of India* The i#pressi)e story of its inception is interestin, and inspirin, for all the yo(th of this co(ntry*

Unite2 B#n0 o3 )n2i#

&nited Ban of India 1&BI2 also plays an i#portant role in re,ional r(ral "an s* It has e5panded its "ranch net+or in a "i, +ay to acti)ely participate in the de)elop#ental of the r(ral and se#iI(r"an areas in confor#ity +ith the o"jecti)es of nationalisation*

+yn2ic#te B#n0
Syndicate Ban +as fir#ly rooted in r(ral India as r(ral "an in, and ha)e a clear )ision of f(t(re India "y (nderstandin, the ,rassroot realities* Its pro,ress has "een a"reast of the phase of pro,ressi)e "an in, in India especially in r(ral "an s*

Fact Files of Banks in India

%a(ra) Naran, B*B*A ?>

The first Ban in India to "e ,i)en an ISO certification* The first Ban in Northern India to ,et ISO @AA3 certification for their selected "ranches* The first Indian Ban to ha)e "een started solely +ith Indian capital*

Canara Ban P(nja" and Sind Ban P(nja" Ban National

The first a#on, the Pri)ate Sector Ban s in Kerala to "eco#e Sched(led So(th Indian Ban Ban in ?@:C (nder the RBI act* India4s oldest-lar,est and the #ost s(ccessf(l co##ercial "an offerin, the State Ban of India +idest possi"le ran, of do#estic-international and NRI prod(cts and ser)ices-thro(,h its )ast net+or in India and o)erseas* India4s second lar,est Pri)ate Sector Ban and is no+ the lar,est sched(led The Federal Ban co##ercial "an in India* Li#ited Ban +hich started as Pri)ate Shareholders Ban s-#ostly F(ropean I#perial Ban shareholders* India of

The first Indian Ban to open a "ranch o(tside India in London in ?@:C and Ban of Indiathe first to open a "ranch in continental F(rope at Paris in ?@=: fo(nded in ?@AC in 0(#"ai* The oldest P("lic Sector Ban in India ha)in, "ranches all o)er India and Allaha"ad Ban ser)in, the c(sto#ers for the last ?73 years* The first Indian Co##ercial Ban +hich +as +holly o+ned and #ana,ed "y Central Indians* India Ban of

%a(ra) Naran, B*B*A



The Indian "an in, #ar et is ,ro+in, at an astonishin, rate- +ith Assets e5pected to reach &SM? trillion "y 3A?A* An e5pandin, econo#y- #iddleclass- and technolo,ical inno)ations are all contri"(tin, to this ,ro+th* The co(ntry4s #iddle class acco(nts for o)er 73A #illion People* In correlation +ith the ,ro+th of the econo#y- risin, inco#e le)els- increased standard of li)in,- and afforda"ility of "an in, prod(cts are pro#isin, factors for contin(ed e5pansion*

The Indian "an in, Ind(stry is in the #iddle of an IT re)ol(tion- Foc(sin, on the e5pansion of retail and r(ral "an in,* Players are "eco#in, increasin,ly c(sto#er Icentric in their approach- +hich has res(lted in inno)ati)e #ethods of offerin, ne+ "an in, prod(cts and ser)ices* Ban s are no+ reali6in, the i#portance of "ein, a "i, playerand are "e,innin, to foc(s their attention on #er,ers and ac.(isitions to ta e ad)anta,e of econo#ies of scale andDor co#ply +ith Basel II re,(lation*Indian "an in, ind(stry assets are e5pected to reach &SM? trillion "y 3A?A and are poised to recei)e a ,reater inf(sion of forei,n capital-! says Prathi#a Rajan- analyst in CelentGs "an in, ,ro(p and a(thor of the report* The "an in, ind(stry sho(ld foc(s on ha)in, a s#all n(#"er of lar,e players that can co#pete ,lo"ally rather than ha)in, a lar,e n(#"er of fra,#ented players*

%a(ra) Naran, B*B*A


Chapter 2


%a(ra) Naran, B*B*A



Pri)ate BSF 8 NSF$ICICINYSF$ IBN Ban in, Ins(rance Capital 0ar ets and allied ind(stries ?@BB (as Industrial Credit and Investment Corporation of India) ICICI Ban Ltd*ICICI Ban To+ersBandra K(rla0(#"ai- India K*'* Ka#ath-Chair#an Chanda Kochhar- 0ana,in, /irector 8 CFO Sandeep Ba hshi- /ep(ty 0ana,in, /irector N*S* Kannan- F5ec(ti)e /irector 8 CFO K* Ra# (#ar- F5ec(ti)e /irector Sonjoy Chatterjee- F5ec(ti)e /irector Loans- Credit Cards- Sa)in,sIn)est#ent )ehicles- Ins(rance etc* N &S/ ?B*AC "illion N &S/ ?3A*C? "illion 1at March 31, 2009.2 +++*icici"an *co#


/oun2e2 He#2@u#rters

Key 8eo8le


Revenue (ot#l #ssets


%a(ra) Naran, B*B*A



History Of ICICI
49::$ The Ind(strial Credit and In)est#ent Corporation of India Li#ited 1ICICI2 +as incorporated at the initiati)e of 9orld Ban the %o)ern#ent of India and representati)es of Indian ind(stry+ith the o"jecti)e of creatin, a de)elop#ent financial instit(tion for pro)idin, #edi(#Iter# and lon,Iter# project financin, to Indian "(sinesses* 0r*A*Ra#as+a#i 0(daliar elected as the first Chair#an of ICICI Li#ited* ICICI e#er,es as the #ajor so(rce of forei,n c(rrency loans to Indian ind(stry* Besides f(ndin, fro# the 9orld Ban and other #(ltiIlateral a,encies- ICICI +as also a#on, the first Indian co#panies to raise f(nds fro# international #ar ets* 49:5 A ICICI declared its first di)idend of 7*BJ* 49:7 A 0r*%*L*0ehta appointed the second Chair#an of ICICI Ltd* 495= A ICICI "(ildin, at ?C7- Bac "ay Recla#ation- ina(,(rated* 4954 A The first 9est %er#an loan of /0 B #illion fro# Kredianstalt o"tained* 495; A ICICI #ade its first de"ent(re iss(e for Rs*C crore- +hich +as o)ers("scri"ed* 4959 A The first t+o re,ional offices in Calc(tta and 0adras set (p* 49;2 A The second entity in India to set (p #erchant "an in, ser)ices* A 0r* <* T* Pare h appointed the third Chair#an of ICICI* %a(ra) Naran, B*B*A 37

49;; A ICICI sponsored the for#ation of <o(sin, /e)elop#ent Finance Corporation* 0ana,ed its first e.(ity p("lic iss(e* 49;7 A 0r* Ha#es Raj appointed the fo(rth Chair#an of ICICI* 49;9 A 0r*Siddharth 0ehta appointed the fifth Chair#an of ICICI* 4972 A ?@>3 $ ICICI "eca#e the first e)er Indian "orro+er to raise F(ropean C(rrency &nits* A ICICI co##ences leasin, "(siness* 4974 A 0r* S* Nad arni appointed the si5th Chair#an of ICICI* 497: A 0r* N*'a,h(l appointed the se)enth Chair#an and 0ana,in, /irector of ICICI* 4975 A ICICI "eca#e the first Indian instit(tion to recei)e A/B Loans* A ICICI- alon, +ith &TI- set (p Credit Ratin, Infor#ation Ser)ices of India Li#ited- IndiaGs first professional credit ratin, a,ency* A ICICI pro#otes Shippin, Credit and In)est#ent Co#pany of India Li#ited* A The Corporation #ade a p("lic iss(e of S+iss Franc =B #illion in S+it6erland- the first p("lic iss(e "y any Indian entity in the S+iss Capital 0ar et* 497; A ICICI si,ned a loan a,ree#ent for Sterlin, Po(nd ?A #illion +ith Co##on+ealth /e)elop#ent Corporation 1C/C2the first loan "y C/C for financin, projects in India* 4977 A Pro#oted T/ICI I IndiaGs first )ent(re capital co#pany*

4993 A ICICI Sec(rities and Finance Co#pany Li#ited in joint )ent(re +ith H* P* 0or,an set (p* A ICICI Asset 0ana,e#ent Co#pany set (p* 4994A ICICI esta"lished Ban in, Corporation as a "an in, s("sidiary*for#erly Ind(strial Credit and In)est#ent Corporation of India* Later- ICICI Ban in, Corporation +as rena#ed as GICICI Ban Li#itedG* ICICI fo(nded a separate le,al entity- ICICI Ban to (nderta e nor#al "an in, operations I ta in, deposits- credit cards- car loans etc* 4995 A ICICI Ltd "eca#e the first co#pany in the Indian financial sector to raise %/R* A SCICI #er,ed +ith ICICI Ltd* A 0r* K*'*Ka#ath appointed the 0ana,in, /irector and CFO of ICICI Ltd

%a(ra) Naran, B*B*A


499; A ICICI Ltd +as the first inter#ediary to #o)e a+ay fro# sin,le pri#e rate to threeItier pri#e rates str(ct(re and introd(ced yieldIc(r)e "ased pricin,* A The na#e The Ind(strial Credit and In)est#ent Corporation of India Ltd chan,ed to ICICI Ltd* A ICICI Ltd anno(nced the ta eo)er of ITC Classic Finance* 4997 A Introd(ced the ne+ lo,o sy#"oli6in, a co##on corporate identity for the ICICI %ro(p* A ICICI anno(nced ta eo)er of Ana,ra# Finance* 4999 A ICICI la(nched retail finance I car loans- ho(se loans and loans for cons(#er d(ra"les* A ICICI "eco#es the first Indian Co#pany to list on the NYSF thro(,h an iss(e of A#erican /epositary Shares* 2=== A ICICI Ban "eca#e the first co##ercial "an fro# India to list its stoc on NYSF* 2==4A ICICI ac.(ired Ban of 0ad(ra 1est* ?@:72* Ban of 0ad(ra +as a Chettiar "an - and had ac.(ired Chettinad 0ercantile Ban 1est* ?@772 and Illanji Ban 1esta"lished ?@A:2 in the ?@CAs* In Octo"er 3AA?- the Boards of /irectors of ICICI and ICICI Ban appro)ed the #er,er of ICICI and t+o of its +holly o+ned retail finance s("sidiaries- ICICI Personal Financial Ser)ices Li#ited and ICICI Capital Ser)ices Li#ited- +ith ICICI Ban * 2==2 $ The #er,er +as appro)ed "y shareholders of ICICI and ICICI Ban in Han(ary 3AA3- "y the <i,h Co(rt of %(jarat at Ah#ada"ad in 0arch 3AA3- and "y the <i,h Co(rt of H(dicat(re at 0(#"ai and the Reser)e Ban of India in April 3AA3* Conse.(ent to the #er,er- the ICICI ,ro(pGs financin, and "an in, Operations- "oth +holesale and retail- ha)e "een inte,rated in a sin,le entity* At the sa#e ti#e- ICICI started its international e5pansion "y openin, representati)e offices in Ne+ Yor and London* In India- ICICI Ban "o(,ht the Shi#la and /arjeelin, "ranches that Standard Chartered Ban had inherited +hen it ac.(ired %rindlays Ban * 2==3 A The first Inte,rated C(rrency 0ana,e#ent Centre la(nched in P(ne* B ICICI Ban anno(nced the settin, (p of its first e)er offshore "ranch in Sin,apore* B The first offshore "an in, (nit 1OB&2 at Seep6 Special Fcono#ic Oone- 0(#"aila(nched* B ICICI Ban 4s representati)e office ina(,(rated in /("ai* B Representati)e office set (p in China* $ ICICI Ban 4s &K s("sidiary la(nched* B India4s first e)er E'isa 0ini Credit CardE- a :7J s#aller credit card in di#ensions la(nched* B ICICI Ban s("sidiary set (p in Canada* B Te#ase <oldin,s ac.(ired B*3J %a(ra) Naran, B*B*A 3B

sta e in ICICI Ban * B ICICI Ban "eca#e the #ar et leader in retail credit in India* In the &K it esta"lished an alliance +ith Lloyds TSB* It also opened an Offshore Ban in, &nit 1OB&2 in Sin,apore and representati)e offices in /("ai and Shan,hai*

2==4 A 0a5 0oney- a ho#e loan prod(ct that offers the d(al "enefit of hi,her eli,i"ility and afforda"ility to a c(sto#erintrod(ced* A 0o"ile "an in, ser)ice in India la(nched in association +ith Reliance Infoco##* A India4s first #(ltiI"randed credit card +ith <PCL and Airtel la(nched* A Kisan Loan Card and inno)ati)e- lo+Icost AT0s in r(ral India la(nched* A ICICI Ban and CNBC T' ?> anno(nced India4s first e)er a+ards reco,ni6in, the achie)e#ents of S0Fs- a pioneerin, initiati)e to enco(ra,e the contri"(tion of S#all and 0edi(# Fnterprises to the ,ro+th of Indian econo#y* A ICICI Ban opened its BAAth "ranch in India* A ICICI Ban introd(ced partnership #odel +herein ICICI Ban +o(ld for,e an alliance +ith e5istin, #icro finance instit(tions 10FIs2* The 0FI +o(ld (nderta e the pro#otional role of identifyin,- trainin, and pro#otin, the #icroI finance clients and ICICI Ban +o(ld finance the clients directly on the reco##endation of the 0FI* A ICICI Ban introd(ced >I> Ban in, +herein all the "ranches of the Ban +o(ld re#ain open fro# >a*#* to > p*#* fro# 0onday to Sat(rday* A ICICI Ban introd(ced the concept of floatin, rate for ho#e loans in India* At the sa#e ti#e- ICICI opened a representati)e office in Ban,ladesh to tap the e5tensi)e trade "et+een that co(ntry- India and So(th Africa*

2==: A First r(ral "ranch and AT0 la(nched in &ttar Pradesh at /elpandar+a- <ardoi* B EFree for LifeE credit cards la(nched +herein ann(al fees of all ICICI Ban Credit Cards +ere +ai)ed off* B ICICI Ban and 'isa jointly la(nched #Ch. P a re)ol(tionary credit card on the #o"ile phone* B Pri)ate Ban in, 0asters 3AAB- a nation+ide %olf to(rna#ent for hi,h net+orth clients of the pri)ate "an in, di)ision la(nched* This e)ent is the lar,est do#estic in)itation a#ate(r ,olf e)ent cond(cted in India* B First Indian co#pany to #a e a si#(ltaneo(s e.(ity offerin, of M?*> "illion in India- the &nited States and Hapan* B ICICI ac.(ired In)estitsionnoIKreditny Ban 1IKB2- a R(ssia "an +ith a"o(t &SM:#n in assets- head office in Bala"ano)o in the Kal(,a re,ion- and +ith a "ranch in 0osco+* ICICI rena#ed the "an ICICI Ban F(rasia* Also- ICICI esta"lished a "ranch in /("ai %a(ra) Naran, B*B*A 3C

International Financial Centre and in <on, Kon,*ICICI Ban "eca#e the lar,est "an in India in ter#s of its #ar et capitali6ation* B ICICI Ban "eca#e the first pri)ate entity in India to offer a disco(nt to retail in)estors for its follo+I(p offer*

2==5 A ICICI Ban "eca#e the first Indian "an to iss(e hy"rid TierI? perpet(al de"t in the international #ar ets* A ICICI Ban s("sidiary set (p in R(ssia* B Introd(ced a ne+ prod(ct I QNRI s#art sa)e /eposits4 P a (ni.(e fi5ed deposit sche#e for nonresident Indians* A Representati)e offices opened in ThailandIndonesia and 0alaysia* R ICICI Ban &K opened a "ranch in Ant+erp- in Bel,i(# B ICICI Ban "eca#e the lar,est retail player in the #ar et to introd(ce a "io#etric ena"led s#art card that allo+ "an in, transactions to "e cond(cted on the field* A lo+I cost sol(tion- this "eca#e an effecti)e deli)ery option for ICICI Ban 4s #icro finance instit(tion partners* B Financial co(nselin, centre /isha la(nched* /isha pro)ides free credit co(nselin,financial plannin, and de"t #ana,e#ent ser)ices* B Bhoo#i p(ja cond(cted for a re,ional h(" in <ydera"ad- Andhra Pradesh*

2==; A ICICI Ban Qs &S/ 3 "illion 7Itranche international "ond offerin, +as the lar,est "ond offerin, "y an Indian "an * B ICICI a#al,a#ated +#n li B#n0- +hich +as head.(artered in San,li- in 0aharashtra State- and +hich had ?B> "ranches in 0aharashtra and another 7? in Karnata a State* San,li Ban had "een fo(nded in ?@?C and +as partic(larly stron, in r(ral areas* 9ith respect to the international sphere- ICICI also recei)ed per#ission fro# the ,o)ern#ent of Satar to open a "ranch in /oha* Also- ICICI Ban F(rasia opened a second "ranch- this ti#e in St* Peters"(r,* B ICICI Ban raised Rs 3A-AAA crore 1appro5 MB "illion2 fro# "oth do#estic and international #ar ets thro(,h a follo+Ion p("lic offer* B ICICI Ban 4s %BP 7BA #illion international "ond offerin, #ar ed the ina(,(ral deal in the sterlin, #ar et fro# an Indian iss(er and also the lar,est deal in the sterlin, #ar et fro# Asia* B La(nched India4s first e)er je+ellery card in association +ith je+elry #ajor %itanjali %ro(p* B ICICI Ban "eca#e the first "an in India to la(nch a pre#i(# credit card II The 'isa Si,nat(re Credit Card* B Fo(ndation stone laid for a re,ional h(" in %andhina,ar- %(jarat* B Introd(ced S0F Tool it- an online reso(rce centre- to help s#all and #edi(# enterprises startfinance and ,ro+ their "(siness* B ICICI Ban si,ned a #(ltiI tranche d(al c(rrency &SM ?*B "illion syndication loan a,ree#ent %a(ra) Naran, B*B*A 3=

in Sin,apore* B ICICI Ban "eca#e the first pri)ate "an in India to offer "oth floatin, and fi5ed rate on car loans- co##ercial )ehicles loans- constr(ction e.(ip#ent loans and professional e.(ip#ent loans* B In a first of its ind- nation +ide initiati)e to attract "ri,ht ,rad(ate st(dents to p(rs(e a career in "an in,ICICI Ban la(nched the EPro"ationary Officer Pro,ra##eE* BLa(nched Ban Tho#e ser)ices for all sa)in,s and c(rrent aDc c(sto#ers residin, in India B ICICI Ban F(rasia LLC ina(,(rated its first "ranch at St Peters"(r,- R(ssia*

2==7 A ICICI Ban enters &S The &S Federal Reser)e per#itted ICICI to con)ert its representati)e office in Ne+ Yor into a "ranch*B ICICI Ban enters %er#any- opens its first "ranch in Fran f(rt B ICICI Ban la(nched i0o"ile- a "rea thro(,h inno)ation in "an in, +here practically all internet "an in, transactions can no+ "e si#ply done on #o"ile phones* B ICICI Ban concl(ded IndiaGs lar,est e)er sec(riti6ation transaction of a pool of retail loan assets a,,re,atin, to Rs* :>*@C "illion 1e.(i)alent of &S/ ?*3? "illion2 in a #(ltiItranche iss(e "ac ed "y fo(r different asset cate,ories* It is also the lar,est deal in Asia 1e5IHapan2 in 3AA> till date and the second lar,est deal in Asia 1e5IHapan 8 A(stralia2 since the "e,innin, of 3AA=* B ICICI Ban la(nches ICICIACTI'F I Ban in, Interacti)e Ser)ice I alon, +ith /IS<T'- +hich +ill allo+ )ie+ers to see infor#ation a"o(t the Ban Gs prod(cts and ser)ices and contact details on their /IS<T' screens* B ICICI Ban and British Air+ays la(nch coI "randed credit card- +hich is desi,ned to earn accelerated re+ard points to the card holders +ith e)ery British Air+ays fli,ht or "y spendin, on e)eryday p(rchases* 2==9A ICICI Ban Board appoints 0r K* '* Ka#ath as nonI e5ec(ti)e Chair#an and 0s Chanda Kochhar as 0ana,in, %a(ra) Naran, B*B*A 3>

/irector 8 CFO effecti)e 0ay ?- 3AA@- +hile the e5istin, nonI e5ec(ti)e Chair#an 0r N 'a,h(l retires after co#pletin, his ter# on April 7A- 3AA@ B ICICI "an ties (p +ith BSNL Cell One for "ill pay#ents- it +ill facilitate "ill pay#ent for BSNL Cell One (sers thro(,h +++*icici"an *co# across all the 3= circles of BSNL* B ICICI Ban Li#ited actin, thro(,h its <on, Kon, Branch 1ICICI Ban 2 si,ned an a,ree#ent on F5port Credit Line totalin, (p to &SM?AA #illion +ith the Hapan Ban for International Cooperation 1HBIC2 +hich constit(tes the international +in, of Hapan Finance Corporation* B ICICI Ban Li#ited actin, thro(,h its <on, Kon, Branch 1ICICI Ban 2 si,ned a loan a,ree#ent +ith the F5portII#port Ban of China 1China F5i#2 for &S/ @> #illion (nder the T+oI step B(yer Credit 1F5port Credit2 arran,e#ent* ICICI Ban is the first Indian Ban to ha)e entered into this arran,e#ent +ith China F5i# B ICICI Ban +ith Sin,apore Airlines la(nched ICICI Ban Sin,apore Airlines 'isa Platin(# Credit Card!- the Card has e5cl(si)e pri)ile,es especially desi,ned for the #e#"ers* B ICICI Ban anno(nced an association +ith #Che - India4s leadin, #o"ile pay#ent sol(tions pro)ider- to facilitate #Che ser)ices to all ICICI Ban /e"it and Credit Card c(sto#ers* These are electronic cards iss(ed to the c(sto#ers +ith #Che application on their #o"ile phone* B 0s Chanda Kochhar too char,e as the 0ana,in, /irector 8 CFO of ICICI Ban fro# 0ay ?- 3AA@*


)%)%) B#n0 1BSF$ ICICI2 1for#erly )n2ustri#l %re2it #n2 )nvest$ent %or8or#tion o3 )n2i#2 is IndiaGs lar,est pri)ate sector "an "y #ar et capitalisation and second lar,est o)erall in ter#s of assets* Trotal assets of Rs* 7-BC3*3> "illion 1&SM == "illion2 at /ece#"er 7?- 3AA@ and profit after ta5 Rs* 7A*?@ "illion 1&SM C:>*> #illion2 for the nine #onths ended /ece#"er 7?- 3AA@* The Ban also has a net+or of ?-C:AU "ranches 1as on Fe"r(ary ??- 3A?A2 and a"o(t :-=3? AT0s in India and presence in ?> co(ntries- as +ell as so#e 3: #illion c(sto#ers 1at the end of H(ly 3AA=2* ICICI Ban offers a +ide ran,e of "an in, prod(cts and financial ser)ices to corporate and retail c(sto#ers thro(,h a )ariety of deli)ery channels and specialised s("sidiaries and affiliates in the areas of in)est#ent "an in,- life and nonIlife ins(rance- )ent(re capital and asset #ana,e#ent* 1These data are dyna#ic*2 ICICI Ban is also the lar,est iss(er of credit cards in India* ICICI Ban has ,ot its e.(ity shares listed on the stoc e5chan,es at Kol ata and 'adodara- 0(#"ai and the National Stoc F5chan,e of India Li#ited- and its A/Rs on the Ne+ Yor Stoc F5chan,e 1NYSF2* The Ban is e5pandin, in o)erseas #ar ets and has the lar,est international "alance sheet a#on, Indian "an s* ICICI Ban no+ has +hollyIo+ned s("sidiaries- "ranches and representati)es offices in ?> co(ntriesincl(din, an offshore (nit in 0(#"ai* This incl(des +holly o+ned s("sidiaries in Canada- R(ssia and the &K 1the s("sidiary thro(,h +hich the <iSA'F sa)in,s "rand is %a(ra) Naran, B*B*A 3@

operated2- offshore "an in, (nits in Bahrain and Sin,apore- an ad)isory "ranch in /("ai- "ranches in Bel,i(#- <on, Kon, and Sri Lan a- and representati)e offices in Ban,ladesh- China- 0alaysia- Indonesia- So(th Africa- Thailand- the &nited Ara" F#irates and &SA* O)erseas- the Ban is tar,etin, the NRI 1NonIResident Indian2 pop(lation in partic(lar* ICICI reported a net profit of Rs* 7-=B> crore 1&SM =:? #illion2 for FY3AA@* The "an Gs C(rrent and sa)in,s acco(nt 1CASA2 ratio increased to 3>*=J at 0arch 7?- 3AA@ fro# 3C*?J at 0arch 7?- 3AA>* Increase of Rs* B-3>C crore in CASA deposits in .(arter ended 0arch 7?-3AA@* ICICI Ban is one of the Big Four Banks of India +ith State Ban of India- A5is Ban and </FC Ban

ICICI Bank Group

++ -R./)L*
-ro2ucts C +ervices
-erson#l B#n0in


/eposits Loans Cards In)est#ents Ins(rance /e#at Ser)ices 9ealth 0ana,e#ent

NR) B#n0in

0oney Transfer Ban Acco(nts In)est#ents

%a(ra) Naran, B*B*A


Property Sol(tions Ins(rance Loans

Business B#n0in

Corporate Net Ban in, Cash 0ana,e#ent Trade Ser)ices FVOnline S0F Ser)ices Online Ta5es C(stodial Ser)ices

He#2 .33ice
ICICI Ban @th Floor- So(th To+ers ICICI To+ers Bandra K(rla Co#ple5 Bandra 1F2 0(#"ai* -"oneA @?IA33ICB7 =@?: ,e<siteA +++*icici"an *co#

%#8it#l structure
The A(thori6ed Capital of ICICI Ban is 3?:*=B Crores* The Iss(ed- S("scri"ed and Paid &p Capital is di)ided into ???73BAC:3 e.(ity shares T Rs*?ADI each*

Bo#r2 o3 !irectors
Bo#r2 Me$<ers
0r* K* '* Ka#ath- Chair#an **************************************************** 0r* Sridar Iyen,ar **************************************************** 0r* <o#i R* Kh(sro han **************************************************** 0r* La sh#i N* 0ittal ************************************************ 0r* Narendra 0(r (#"i ************************************************* /r* An(p K* P(jari %a(ra) Naran, B*B*A 7?

************************************************* 0r* An(pa# P(ri ************************************************** 0r* 0*S* Ra#achandran ************************************************** 0r* 0*K* Shar#a ************************************************** 0r* '* Sridar Prof* 0arti %* S("rah#anya# ********************************************************* 0r* '* Pre# 9atsa ********************************************************* 0s* Chanda /* Kochhar0ana,in, /irector 8 CFO ********************************************************* 0r* Sandeep Ba hshi/ep(ty 0ana,in, /irector ********************************************************* 0r* N* S* KannanF5ec(ti)e /irector 8 CFO ********************************************************* 0r* K* Ra# (#arF5ec(ti)e /irector ********************************************************* 0r* Sonjoy ChatterjeeF5ec(ti)e /irector

Bo#r2 co$$ittee
Au2it %o$$ittee 0r* Sridar Iyen,ar- Chair#an 0r* 0* K* Shar#a- Alternate Chair#an 0r* Narendra 0(r (#"i 0r* '* Sridar %or8or#te +oci#l Res8onsi<ility %o$$ittee 0r* 0* K* Shar#a- Chair#an /r* An(p K* P(jari 0s* Chanda /* Kochhar Bo#r2 Govern#nce Re$uner#tion C No$in#tion %o$$ittee 0r* 0* K* Shar#a- Chair#an 0r* K* '* Ka#ath 0r* An(pa# P(ri Prof* 0arti %* S("rah#anya# %usto$er +ervice %o$$ittee 0r* K* '* Ka#ath- Chair#an 0r* Narendra 0(r (#"i /r* An(p K* P(jari 0r* 0* S* Ra#achandran 73

%a(ra) Naran, B*B*A

0r* 0*K* Shar#a 0s* Chanda /* Kochhar %re2it %o$$ittee 0r* K* '* Ka#ath- Chair#an 0r* Narendra 0(r (#"i 0r* 0* S* Ra#achandran 0r* 0 *K* Shar#a 0s* Chanda /* Kochhar Ris0 %o$$ittee /r#u2 Monitorin %o$$ittee 0r* 0* K* Shar#a- Chair#an 0r* K* '* Ka#ath 0r* Narendra 0(r (#"i 0s* Chanda /* Kochhar 0r* Sandeep Ba hshi

+"#re (r#ns3er C +"#re"ol2ersDE )nvestorsD Griev#nce %o$$ittee 0r* 0* K* Shar#a- Chair#an 0r* Narendra 0(r (#"i 0r* N* S* Kannan

0r* K* '* Ka#ath- Chair#an 0r* Sridar Iyen,ar /r* An(p K* P(jari Prof* 0arti %* S("rah#anya# 0r* '* Pre# 9atsa 0s* Chanda /* Kochhar %o$$ittee o3 *?ecutive !irectors 0s* Chanda /* Kochhar- Chairperson 0r* Sandeep Ba hshi0r* N* S* Kannan 0r* K* Ra# (#ar 0r* Sonjoy Chatterjee

To "e the leadin, pro)ider of financial ser)ices in India and a #ajor ,lo"al "an *

%a(ra) Naran, B*B*A


9e +ill le)era,e o(r people- technolo,y- speed and financial capital toA "e the "an er of first choice for o(r c(sto#ers "y deli)erin, hi,h .(ality- +orldIclass ser)ice* F5pand the frontiers of o(r "(siness ,lo"ally* Play a proacti)e role in the f(ll realisation of India4s potential* 0aintain a healthy financial profile and di)ersify o(r earnin,s across "(sinesses and ,eo,raphies* 0aintain hi,h standards of ,o)ernance and ethics* Contri"(te positi)ely to the )ario(s co(ntries and #ar ets in +hich +e operate* Create )al(e for o(r sta eholders*


ICICI (se #any type of ad)ance technolo,ical soft+are li e Pinnacle =*A and %a(ra) Naran, B*B*A 7:

Pinnacle=*A?C*A#on, fro# this soft+are ICICI "an (ses the eI"an in,- core "an in,#o"ile "an in, electronic display sy ICICI Ban +as (sin, Teradata for its data +areho(se* <o+e)er- d(e to its proprietary hard+are- the cost of proc(re#ent- (p,rades and ad#inistration +as soarin,* The closed "o5 architect(re of Teradata i#posed restrictions on scala"ility* Secondly- .(eryin, and loadin, co(ld not happen si#(ltaneo(sly* S(eries co(ld only "e r(n d(rin, "(siness ho(rs "eca(se the loadin, of data had to ta e place d(rin, off "(siness ho(rs* This #eant that the refresh rate of F/9 +as delayed- so .(eries #ay not reflect the #ost c(rrent data* ICICI Ban +as also dependent on Teradata for s(pport and other acti)ities$ The "an +as co#pletely tied do+n to that sol(tion* These iss(es co#pelled ICICI Ban to loo for #ore efficient and fle5i"le sol(tions* The sol(tion +o(ld ha)e to address not only c(rrent iss(es- "(t acco##odate f(t(re ,ro+th e5pectations and "(siness re.(ire#ents* ICICI Ban e)al(ated n(#ero(s data +areho(sin, sol(tions in the p(rs(it of sol)in, its iss(es- and de)eloped a shortlist of alternati)es for its #i,ration proofIofIconcept$ Sy"ase- SAS and Nete66a* The pri#ary criteria for e)al(ation +as the priceItoIperfor#ance ratio +here Sy"ase IS e#er,ed the clear +inner* /(rin, this ri,oro(s testin,- Sy"ase IS deli)ered faster res(lts on independent hard+are and operatin, syste#s +ith #ini#(# infrastr(ct(re* Co##endin, the i#pro)e#ents achie)ed- A#it Sethi- Hoint %eneral 0ana,er- ICICI "an says- E9hat i#pressed (s +asthat e)en +ith o)erall lo+er costs- +e co(ld achie)e si,nificantly "etter .(ery perfor#anceafter i#ple#entin, the Sy"ase enterprise +areho(se sol(tion*E ICICI Infotech today la(nched an enterprise reso(rceplannin, 1FRP2 sol(tion for the s#all and #edi(# enterprises* The FRP pac a,e I Orion Ad)anta,e I co#es "(ndled +ith an <P d(al processor Veon ser)er- Oracle @i data"ase- 9indo+s 3AA7 ser)er and costs a"o(t Rs @*@A la h and has a ?BI(ser license* An FRP pac a,e helps a #an(fact(rer or any other "(siness i#ple#entin, it to #ana,e all the i#portant parts in the co#pany s(ch as prod(ct plannin,- parts p(rchasin,#aintainin, in)entory and interactin, +ith s(ppliers and c(sto#ers* ICICI Infotech officials told a press conference here today that Orion Ad)anta,e offered a set of "(siness practice sol(tions for ind(stry se,#ents s(ch as en,ineerin,- a(to ancillary- phar#ace(ticals- che#icals and IT distri"(tion* Besides the cost ad)anta,e- the FRP pac a,e also ca#e preIconfi,(red* ICICI Infotech had #apped the processes specific to each ind(stry se,#ent into the pac a,e* 0r* 0anoj K(n alien ar- F5ec(ti)e /irector and President- ICICI Infotech- said that s#alland #edi(# enterprises 1S0Fs2 offered a ,ood #ar et and ICICI Infotech hoped to "eco#e a leadin, sol(tion pro)ider to this se,#ent* 0r* R*K* Kanthi- /ep(ty %eneral 0ana,er- ICICI Infotech- said there +as no FRP pac a,efor the S0Fs that "(ndled the ser)er- data"ase and operatin, syste# ri,ht no+* That +as the ad)anta,e ICICI Infotech offered to S0Fs as Orion Ad)anta,e ca#e "(ndled and preconfi,(red* Besides the hi,h cost of ,eneric FRP pac a,es- their i#ple#entation ti#e as far as S0Fs +ere concerned +as also lon,* Orion Ad)anta,e co(ld "e installed in :B days* %a(ra) Naran, B*B*A 7B

ICICI Infotech had si,ned (p si5 c(sto#ers so far for the pac a,e and hoped to ,arner a ?B per cent #ar et share of the S0F se,#ent- +hose n(#"er in the co(ntry +as esti#ated at 3*7A la h* 0r* K*S* Natarajan- 0ana,in, /irector- Trident Pne(#atics P)t Ltd of Coi#"atore- one of the co#panies that had installed Orion Ad)anta,e- said that the co#pany had tried three other FRP pac a,es- all of +hich had failed- "efore settlin, on Orion Ad)anta,e* 0r K(n alien ar said that ICICI Infotech planned to #o)e the t+o de)elop#ent centers in Chennai into a sin,le location and do("le the staff stren,th fro# 7AA no+ in the ne5t t+o years* The Chennai centers +ere in)ol)ed in research and de)elop#ent of Orion FRP sol(tions and Pre#ia- an ins(rance pac a,e* 9e can see that the ho+ technolo,y ,i)es the "est res(lts in the "elo+ dia,ra#* There are drastically chan,es seen in the (se of Internet "an in,- in a year 3AA? 13J2 and in the year 3AA> 13BJ2* These type of technolo,y ,i)es the freedo# to retail c(sto#ers* %entr#liFe2 -rocessin Units Electronic traight through !rocessing Data #arehousing$CR% Innovative "echnolog& 'pplication Derived Economies Of cale Reduced "ransaction Cost Improve Cost Efficienc&$Cross ell !rovide (e) Or uperior !roducts

The co(ntry4s #iddle class acco(nts for o)er 73A #illion people* In correlation +ith the,ro+th of the econo#y- risin, inco#e le)els- increased standard of li)in,- and afforda"ility of "an in, prod(cts are pro#isin, factors for contin(ed e5pansion*


%a(ra) Naran, B*B*A 7C

Loan Product
A(to loan Loan a,ainst sec(rity Loan a,ainst property Personal loan Credit card 3I +heeler loan Co##ercial )ehicles finance <o#e loans Retail "(siness "an in, Tractor loan 9or in, capital finance Constr(ction F.(ip#ent finance <ealth care finance Fd(cation loan %old loan Credit Card /e"it Card Prepaid Card

Deposit Product
Sa)in,s ADC C(rrent ADC Fi5ed /eposits /e#at ADC Safe /eposit Loc ers

Investment & Insurance

0(t(al F(nds Bonds Kno+led,e Centre Ins(rance %eneral And <ealth Ins(rance F.(ity And /eri)ati)es 0(dra %old Bar


Payment Services
Net Safe 0erchant Prepaid Refill Bill Pay 'isa Bill Pay InstaPay /irect Pay 'isa0oney Transfers FI0onies Flectronic F(nds Transfer Online Pay#ent Of /irect Ta5

Access To Bank
Net Ban in, One 'ie+ InstaAlert 0o"ile Ban in, AT0 Phone Ban in, F#ail State#ents Branch Net+or

IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII /ore? services IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII Prod(ct And Ser)ices Trade Ser)ices Fore5 Ser)ice Branch Locater RBI %(idelines


%a(ra) Naran, B*B*A



Small and Medium Financial Institutions Enterprises and Trusts

F(nded Ser)ices Non F(nded Ser)ices Speciali6ed Ser)ices 'al(e Added Ser)ices Internet Ban in,

F(nded Ser)ices Non F(nded Ser)ices 'al(e Added Ser)ices Internet Ban in,

Clearing Sub-Membership !"S Sub-Membership Fun# !rans$er %!M !ie- &ps Corporate Salar' %(C !a) Collection

/in#nci#l )nstitutions Mutu#l /un2s +toc0 Broc0ers )nsur#nce %o$8#nies %o$$o2ities Business "rusts

%a(ra) Naran, B*B*A 7>

Accounts & Deposits

R(pee Sa)in, ADC R(pee C(rrent ADC R(pee Fi5ed /eposits Forei,n C(rrency /eposits Acco(nts For Ret(rnin, Indians

North A#erica & F(rope So(th Fast Asia 0iddle Fast Africa Others
Guic0 Re$it )n2i# Lin0 %"ec0 Loc0 Bo? (ele r#8"icE ,ire (r#ns3er /un2 (r#ns3er %"e@uesE!2sE(cs

Investment & Insurances

0(t(al F(nds Ins(rance Pri)ate Ban in, Portfolio In)est#ent Sche#e

<o#e Loans Loans A,ainst Sec(rities Loans A,ainst /eposits %old Card Credit

Payment Services
Net Safe Bill Pay InstaPay /irectPay 'isa0oney Online /onation

Access To Bank
Net Ban in, One 'ie+ InstaAlert AT0 Phone Ban in, F#ail State#ents Branch Net+or s

%a(ra) Naran, B*B*A


ICICI Ban offers +ide )ariety of /eposit Prod(cts to s(it yo(r re.(ire#ents* Co(pled +ith con)enience of net+or ed "ranchesD AT0s and facility of FIchannels li e Internet and 0o"ile Ban in,- ICICI Ban "rin,s "an in, at yo(r doorstep* Select any of its deposit prod(cts and pro)ide yo(r details online and their representati)e +ill contact yo( for Acco(nt Openin,*

ICICI Ban offers c(sto#ers a po+er pac ed Sa)in,s Acco(nt +ith a host of con)enient feat(res and "an in, channels to transact thro(,h* So no+ c(sto#ers can "an at their con)enience- +itho(t the stress of +aitin, in .(e(es*

Special Savings Account:

The Special Sa)in,s Acco(nt has "een desi,ned eepin, in #ind the specific needs of or,ani6ations s(ch as Tr(sts- Associations- Societies- Co(ncils- Cl("s etc* It pro)ides or,ani6ations sol(tions +ith added )al(e and is ideal for ta5 e5e#pted entities*

LIFE PLUSSenior citizens savings account

LIFF PL&S-a special sa)in,s acco(nt for senior citi6ens fro# ICICI Ban is pac ed +ith a host of "enefits-desi,ned eepin, yo(r (ni.(e financial re.(ire#ents in #ind* Special senior citi6ens des to cater to all "an in, transactions- so that yo( don4t +ait in .(e(es* <i,her interest rate on F/DR/$a)ail the co#"ined "enefits of safety-fele5i"ility and attracti)e ret(rns +ith ICICI Ban Fi5ed /eposit and Rec(rrin, /eposit* Free special senior citi6en LIFF PL&S de"it card* 0oney #(ltiplies facility* F5tended "an in, ho(rs allo+s yo( to )isit o(r "ranches-as per yo(r con)enience* Any+here "an in, access to )ario(s ser)ices-ICICI Ban has to offer P anyti#e-any+here and fro# any place-incl(din, "ranches-AT0s and phone "an in,* No#ination facility a)aila"le* S(arterly a)era,e "alance1SAB2 re.(ire#ent of Rs*BAAA*

%a(ra) Naran, B*B*A


S(arterly physical state#ents are deli)ered to yo(r doorstep to a"sol(tely free of cost* Pass"oo on re.(est*

Young Stars Account:

Yo(n, Stars is a "an in, ser)ice for children- a,ed ?day I?> years- "ro(,ht to yo( "y ICICI Ban to help the parents #eet the present and f(t(re aspirations that they hold for their child* It offers )ario(s sa)in,s and in)est#ent options to the parent alon, +ith teachin, the child to #ana,e hisDher personal finance in a #ore responsi"le and independent #anner*Yo(n, Stars +ill ,(ide yo(r child thro(,h the +orld of "an in, Ithro(,h chec in, the acco(nt "alance- f(n 6ones and special pa,es on the internet* It #a es "an in, a pleas(re and of co(rse teaches yo(r child to #ana,e their personal finances*9ith the poc et #oney that yo( transfer to yo(r childGs acco(nt- yo( can e)en shop +ith hi# D her at Yo(n, Stars )ery o+n shoppin, pa,e* Yo( can e)en open a rec(rrin, deposit in yo(r childGs na#e* Once yo( are done +ith yo(r G"an in,G- yo( can access yo(r childGs acco(nt +ith all the f(n lin s to special 6ones desi,ned to s(it yo(r childGs area of interests and also i#part no+led,e on the c(rrent e)ents of the +orld*

Advantage woman savings account

The ICICI Ban Ad)anta,e 9o#an Acco(nt ena"les today4s independent +o#en to enjoy hassleIfree "an in, ser)ices* Besides the core ICICI Ban ad)anta,e- the Ad)anta,e 9o#an Sa)in,s Acco(nt is pac ed +ith special "enefits for o(r +o#en c(sto#ers* Fnjoy yo(r present and plan for the f(t(re +ith ICICI Ban 4s Ad)anta,e 9o#an Sa)in,s Acco(nt*Ad)anta,e 9o#an offers a specially desi,ned +o#anGs de"it card +hich helps yo( shop and sa)e si#(ltaneo(sly- #ana,es yo(r ho(sehold e5pendit(res and co#es +ith a "a, f(ll of offers attached to it* Special International 9o#an4s /e"it Card +ith lots of offers* Free (nli#ited access to any "an 4s AT0* Bill Pay facility 8 0(lti Channel Access* Paya"leIatIpar che.(e "oo * No#ination facility a)aila"le* Oero "alance facility +ith an R/ of Rs*3AAA or S(arterly A)era,e Balance 1SAB2 re.(ire#ent of Rs* ?A-AAA*

Current Accounts:
%a(ra) Naran, B*B*A :?

F)ery "(siness re.(ires efficient "an in, facilities to s(pport its "(siness acti)ities* ICICI Ban offers pre#i(# .(ality ser)ice- (nfoldin, a +ide array of class prod(cts* 9ith technolo,y leadership and ser)ice the "an is a"le to #eet so#e of the #ost challen,in, financial needs of clients*A C(rrent Acco(nt is one that is re.(ired "y B(siness#an- Hoint stoc co#paniesInstit(tions- P("lic a(thorities- p("lic corporations etc* Any "(siness that has n(#ero(s "an in, tranactions need a c(rrent acco(nt as it Allo+s r(nnin, acco(nt s(pportin, (nli#ited +ithdra+als and deposits* Is #eant for con)enience and not to sa)e #oney*

Roaming Current Account

Only Roa#in, C(rrent Acco(nt fro# ICICI Ban tra)els the distance +ith c(sto#ers "(siness* 9ith ad)anced technolo,ical feat(res s(ch as 0CC and LCC- "an in, needs are +ell ta en care of- c(sto#ers can access their acco(nts at o)er BAA net+or ed "ranches across the co(ntry* So +hile c(sto#ers ta e care of their "(siness- ICICI Ban 4s Roa#in, C(rrent Acco(nt si#plifies "an in, for the#*

Salary Accounts
Salary Acco(nt is a feat(re rich corporate payroll acco(nt +ith "enefits for "oth corporates and its e#ployees* The process of dra+in, che.(es for salaries is replaced "y sendin, a sin,le ASCII file to the "an and the a #o(nt is directl y credited into the e #ploye es salar y acco(nt C(ts do+n pa yroll processin, +or load Salar y Acco(nt can "e opened +ith #i ni#(# ?A e#ploye es Instant credit of salaries

ICICI Ban Salary Acco(nt is a "enefitIrich payroll acco(nt for F#ployers and F#ployees*As an or,ani6ation- yo( can opt for o(r Salary Acco(nts to ena"le easy dis"(rse#ents of salaries and enjoy n(#ero(s other "enefits too*9ith ICICI Ban Salary Acco(nts yo(r e#ployees +ill enjoy the con)enience of $ W W W <a)in, the lar,est net+or of AT0s at their co##andFree 3: ho(r Phone Ban in,Free Internet Ban in,*

All that the or,ani6ation +o(ld re.(ire to do is to send ICICI Ban an ad)ice 1in for# of a che.(eDde"it instr(ction- ecs- etc2 for the total salary a#o(nt alon, +ith the salary details of the desi,nated e#ployees in a soft and hard copy for#at and +e +ill credit the respecti)e e#ployeesG acco(nts as per yo(r state#ent of ad)ice*ICICI Ban Salary Acco(nts "enefits yo( in #ore than one +ays$I

%a(ra) Naran, B*B*A



Red(ces paper+or * Sa)es re#ittance costs*

F#ployees recei)e instant credit of salaries* 0ore con)enient than FCS* Besides all of the a"o)e- e#ployees a(to#atically "eco#e ICICI Ban acco(nt holders +ith special "enefits and pri)ile,es of >I> "an in,- In)est#ent ad)isory and #(ch #ore***

Fixed deposits:
Fi5ed deposits are options +hich help yo( ,ro+ yo(r #oney th(s creatin, +ealth in a safer and sec(re +ay* ICICI pro)ides its c(sto#ers +ith )ario(s inds of Fi5ed deposit facilities that are fle5i"le and cater to c(sto#ers +ho ha)e different needs and +ants in their fi5ed deposits* ICICI pro)ides a Fi5ed /eposit that allo+s c(sto#ers to deposit their #oney for j(st as lon, as yo( +ish* 9ide ran,e of ten(res P ?B days to ?A years* Choice of in)est#ent plan P traditional and c(#(lati)e deposits* Partial +ithdra+al allo+ed* Loan facility a)aila"le P yo( can a)ail loan (p to @AJ of principal and accr(ed interest* A(to rene+al facility P yo( can choose this option so that the deposit can "e rene+ed on #at(rity* Interest co#po(nded .(arterly* Additional interest rate of A*BJ for senior citi6ens*

Recurring Deposits:
ICICI Ban Recurrin !e8osits are an ideal +ay to in)est s#all a#o(nts of #oney e)ery #onth and end (p +ith a lar,e itty on #at(rity*<i,h recurrin <illin and recurrin 8#y$ents can "e a drain on yo(r finances and hence lar,e in)est#ents #ay see# a plan a+ay* Rec(rrin, deposits ai#s to enco(ra,e sa)in,s +itho(t p(ttin, any stress on c(sto#ers finances "y #a in, the# to p(t a l(#p s(# a#o(nt in fi5ed deposit in one ,o*The rec(rrin, deposit also attracts hi,h rate of ret(rn that are identical to the fi5ed deposit rates and #ost i#portantly no T/S is applica"le in it *the #ini#(# "alance of deposit is of Rs*BAA and thereafter in #(ltiples of Rs*?AA the #ini#(# period is C #onths and thereafter in #(ltiples of 7 #onths-no#ination facility is also a)aila"le*

%a(ra) Naran, B*B*A


Security Deposits:
A fe+ Corporates stip(late to their ne+ e#ployees to pro)ide Sec(rity /eposit to red(ce attrition* ICICI Ban 4s proposal for the e#ployee is to eep the Sec(rity /eposit in the for# of a Fi5ed /eposit 1F/2 +ith the Ban * The e#ployee cannot +ithdra+ s(ch F/s +itho(t the consent of the co#pany and the co#pany has the ri,ht to +ithdra+ the F/ in the e)ent of e#ployee lea)in, the or,ani6ation "efore a certain stip(lated period*

)%)%) B#n0 (#?6+#ver /i?e2 !e8osit

ICICI Ban 4s (#?6+#ver /i?e2 !e8osit ena"les yo( to sa)e ta5 and earn hi,h ret(rns* A d(al "enefit option str(ct(red to #a5i#ise yo(r ad)anta,e* ICICI Ban 4s Ta5 Sa)er F/ is the perfect sol(tion for yo(r in)est#ent needs*

**/% Account
Indian e5ports ha)e s(r,ed o)er the last decade o+in, to an (nprecedented "oo# in sectors li e soft+are- "iotechnolo,y- ,e#s- je+ellery- te5tiles etc* As a res(lt of this- the )ol(#e of in+ard re#ittances has also increased si,nificantly* To shield the fir#s en,a,ed in re,(lar e5port and i#port fro# the e5chan,e rate fl(ct(ations RBI has allo+ed par in, of forei,n c(rrency "y e5porters in an acco(nt desi,nated as F5chan,e Farners Forei,n C(rrency Acco(nt 1FFFC2* FFFC acco(nts are C(rrent Acco(nts held in forei,n c(rrency +ith a(thori6ed dealers of forei,n e5chan,e in the co(ntry*

Resi2ent /orei n %urrency &!o$estic' Account

/o yo( +ant to sa)e #oney +hile "(yin, forei,n c(rrency for tra)ellin, a"roadX Yo( can "(y tra)eller4s che.(es- forei,n c(rrency in cash and forei,n c(rrency de#and draft for yo(r e5penses o)erseas* If yo( are a fre.(ent tra)eller- yo( #ay not +ant to ,o thro(,h the hassles of "(yin, forei,n c(rrency e)ery ti#e yo( tra)el a"road* The Reser)e Ban of India has no+ #ade it easier for yo( to access forei,n c(rrency "y per#ittin, a forei,n c(rrency acco(nt 1do#estic2 for resident Indians* In line +ith RBI ,(idelines- ICICI Ban has co#e (p +ith a sche#e that helps yo( ,et rid of all yo(r fore5 +orries* Yo( can par yo(r forei,n c(rrency in ICICI Ban (nder RFC 1/2 acco(nt* NonIinterest "earin, Resident Forei,n C(rrency 1/2 1RFC 1/22 +ith ICICI Ban can "e #aintained in fo(r #ajor c(rrencies 1&S/- F&RO- %BP and Hapanese Yen2

Pri)ile,e "an in, ser)ice ens(res preferential treat#ent to its c(sto#ers*

%a(ra) Naran, B*B*A


Silver privilege A/c

9ai)er of #(ltiIcity che.(e "oo (sa,e (p to Rs* ?-AA-AAA per #onth* 9ai)er of //DPO char,es for (pto Rs*BA-AAA per day* Preferential rates of ,old coins-deposits loc esr 8forei,n e*change+ S(arterly a)era,e "alance re.(ire#ent of Rs*3BAAA*

Gold privilege A/c

Priority processin, at all ICICI Ban "ranches and c(sto#er care* Free (sa,e of paya"le IatIpar che.(e"oo * Free international ,old de"it card +ith hi,her daily +ithdra+al and spend li#it* 9ai)er of //DPO char,es for (p to Rs*?AA-AAA per day* Free any+here "an in, facility* Prefrential rates for ,old coins-deposit loc ers and forei,n e5chan,e* S(arterly A)era,e Balance1SAB2 re.(ire#ent of Rs*BAAAA*

Titanium privilege A/c

Branch relationship #ana,er s(pported +ith phone "an in, relationship #ana,er* Priority processin, at ICICI Ban "ranc,hes and c(sto#er care* Free international titani(# de"it card +ith hi,her daily +ithdra+al and spend li#it* Free any+here "an in, facility* Free (sa,e of #(ltyIcity che.(e "oo * Free physical #onthly acco(nt state#ent* Co#plete +ai)er on //DPO char,es* Preferential rates for ,ol coins-deposit loc ers and forei,n e5chan,e* S(arterly a)era,e "alance 1SAB2re.(ire#ent of Rs*=BAAA and Total Relationship 'al(e1TR'2of Rs* B-AA-AAA*

Family banking:
S(perior prod(ct "enefits of pri)ili,e "an in,-+ealth #ana,e#ent and ,lo"al pri)ate client1%PC2 a)aila"le to all the #e#"ers of yo(r fa#ily +hile the re.(ired #ini#(# "alance can "e #aintained in any of the acco(nts* Access to s(perior "enefits for the entire fa#ily* Fle5i"ility to #aintain "alances across acco(nt* Lo+er #ini#(# "alance re.(ire#ent at indi)id(al c(sto#er le)el*

%a(ra) Naran, B*B*A


Sin,le fa#ily "an P con)enience for the entire fa#ily and easier f(nds #ana,e#ent .

.ut1#r2 Re$itt#nceA
+en2 $oney to your love2 ones #<ro#2
ICICI Ban offers yo( a si#ple +ay to send #oney o(tside India* O(r O(t+ard Re#ittance facilities #a e re#ittin, #oney a"road .(ic - and relia"le* ICICI Ban 4s O(t+ard Re#ittance is the sol(tion for yo(r all yo(r needs* Be it #oney for ed(cation- ,ift #oney or #aintenance for lo)ed ones or donation for a ca(se* O(r e5tensi)e net+or ,i)es (s reach to #ost parts of the +orld*

A2v#nt# e !e8osit
Ad)anta,e /eposit is a co#"ination of fi5ed deposit and #(t(al f(nd in)est#ent- offerin, yo( the safety of a fi5ed deposit and the ret(rns of an e.(ity f(nd* Ad)anta,e /eposit co(nters e.(ityI#ar et fl(ct(ations thro(,h Syste#atic In)est#ent Plans*

Co#"ination of a Fi5ed /eposit 1+ith #onthly interest payo(t2 and Syste#atic In)est#ent Plan 1SIP2 of a 0(t(al F(nd* ReIin)est#ent of #onthly interest payo(t of Fi5ed /eposit into syste#atic in)est#ent plan of 0(t(al F(nd* A(to#atic de"its to acco(nt thro(,h Standin, Instr(ction D FCS de"it #andate*

Ne1 -ension +yste$ o3 Govern$ent o3 )n2i#

ICICI Ban +ith :@ "ranches is a Point of Presence 1POP2 for the NF9 PFNSION SYSTF0 la(nched on 0ay ?- 3AA@ "y the %o)ern#ent of India* The sche#e- pro#oted "y the PFR/A 1Pension F(nd Re,(latory and /e)elop#ent A(thority- %o)ern#ent of India2- is a first of its ind in India and is "ein, la(nched panIIndia "y 33 other POPGs as +ell* The p(rpose of this pension sche#e is to pro#ote sec(rity of inco#e to its s("scri"ers in their old a,e* The sche#e +ill e#po+er a s("scri"er to plan his o+n retire#ent and pension* It not only +ill help hi# sa)e for life after retire#ent "(t also is a ,ood in)est#ent tool as the ret(rns are #ar etIdri)en* For opti#(# ret(rns- the %o)ern#ent has appointed si5 f(nd #ana,ers for s("scri"ers to choose fro#*

Interest rates on ho#e loans ha)e co#e do+n considera"ly in the last fe+ years* Indi)id(als +ho opted for ho(sin, loans in the years

%a(ra) Naran, B*B*A


,one "y- are still ser)icin, the# at ?=J to 3?J per ann(#* S(ite a price to pay- since one can ,et a loan today for aro(nd ?3J per ann(#* In s(ch a case- yo( can opt for a "alance transfer* &nder this sche#e- c(sto#ers can replace their e5istin, old hi,h interest loan "y a cheaper 1e.(al to applica"le c(rrent rates2 loan* ICICI <o#e Finance +ill not only finance the "alance a#o(nt of o(tstandin, loan "(t also yo(r prepay#ent char,es to the old ho(sin, finance co#pany* The res(lt$ A lo+er F0I +ith the sa#e ten(re * A red(ced ten(re +ith the sa#e F0I* A red(ced ten(re and F0I * The sa#e F0I and ten(re "(t an additional a#o(nt as a loan*

ICICI Ban Personal Loans are easy to ,et and a"sol(tely hassle free* 9ith #ini#(# doc(#entation yo( can no+ sec(re a loan for an a#o(nt (p to Rs* ?B la hs* Loans for salaried 8 self e#ployed indi)id(als* Loans are a)aila"le fro# Rs* 3A-AAA to Rs* ?B La hs* Repay#ent ten(res fro# ?3 I CA #onths* No Sec(rity-Collateral or %(arantors re.(ired* Loans can "e (sed for any p(rpose +ith no .(estions as ed re,ardin, the end (se of the loan* A "alance transfer facility a)aila"le for those +ho +ant to retire any hi,her de"t* All loan repay#ents are done )ia e.(ated #onthly instal#ents 1F0I2*


The NO* ? financier for car loans in the co(ntry* Net+or of #ore than ?BAA channel partners in o)er =>A locations* TieI(ps +ith all

%a(ra) Naran, B*B*A


leadin, a(to#o"ile #an(fact(rers to ens(re the "est deals* Fle5i"le sche#es 8 .(ic processin,* <assleIfree application process on the clic of a #o(se*


Reaches yo( thro(,h #ore than =AA locations across the co(ntry* Ran,e of prod(cts (nder one (#"rella* F(ndin, of )ario(s prod(cts li e <C's- B(ses0C's- LC's- 7 +heelers 8 (sed )ehicle* Ran,e of ser)ices on e5istin, loans 8 e5tended prod(cts li e f(ndin, of ne+ )ehicles- refinance on (sed )ehicles- "alance transfer on hi,h cost loans- top (p on e5istin, loans- Vtend prod(ct- +or in, capital loans 8 other "an in, prod(cts** Preferred financier stat(s +ith #ost of the leadin, #an(fact(rers* Si#ple doc(#entation* S(ic t(rn aro(nd ti#e* Fle5i"le financin, sol(tions to #eet the indi)id(al re.(ire#ent*


EOoo#E a+ay in yo(r fa)o(rite t+o +heeler* ICICI pro)ides attracti)e sche#es at co#petiti)e interest rates* Finance facility a)aila"le for all t+o +heelers ran,in, fro# #opeds to #otor "i es* No+ a)ail Finance (pto @AJY of the On Road Cost of the )ehicle- repaya"le in con)enient ten(re options ran,in, fro# C #onths to 7C #onthsY* Ride Fasy Pay Fasy +ith ICICI Ban T+o 9heeler Loans* In an (nli ely case of yo(r not #eetin, o(r nor#s NO PROBLF0 I yo( can still a)ail o(r loan- any "lood relati)e can "e yo(r coIapplicant* F5istin, ICICI Ban C(sto#ers ride a+ay on yo(r fa)o(rite T+o 9heeler "y a)ailin, Loan On PhoneYII a facility to ,et an instant loan o)er the phoneZZ Apply for loan online- call or thro(,h s#s*


ICICI is the preferred financier for al#ost all leadin, tractor #an(fact(rers in the co(ntry* ICICI finances far# e.(ip#ents in o)er 7>? locations spread across the co(ntry* Pro)ides fast processin, of files +ith easy doc(#entation*

%a(ra) Naran, B*B*A


Fle5i"le repay#ent options in tande# +ith the far#erGs seasonal li.(idity* 0onthly- S(arterly and <alfIyearly repay#ent patterns to choose fro#* Co#forta"le repay#ent ten(res fro# ? year to C years*


<a)in, f(nded infrastr(ct(re for o)er : decades- ICICI (nderstands the need of the c(sto#ers "etter* ICICI Ban offers attracti)e financial pac a,es thro(,h their e5cellent distri"(tion net+or * The prod(cts are c(sto#ised for ne+ entreprene(r to lar,e "(siness ho(ses* ICICI has tieI(p +ith leadin, constr(ction e.(ip#ent #an(fact(rers for +ide ran,e of prod(cts* The Ban ta e o)er e5istin, hi,h cost loans at co#petiti)e ter#s res(ltin, in h(,e sa)in,s and is .(ic in processin, d(e to easy for#alities and one ti#e sanction of loans for dis"(rse#ent o)er a period of ti#e*


0ini#(# doc(#entation re.(ired * /oorstep Ser)ice* Co#petiti)e Interest rates* Fle5i"le repay#ent str(ct(re* <assleIfree application process +ith the clic of a #o(se* /etails on yo(r application stat(s online*


Professional doctors are a+are of the distinct ad)anta,es that the latest #edical e.(ip#ent can ,i)e their patients* ICICI Ban 0edical F.(ip#ent Loans s(pports professionals in their effort to ,i)e the "est to their patients* ItGs o(r h(#"le +ay of "ein, in)ol)ed in a no"le profession* Loans are offered for$ P(rchase of Ne+ e.(ip#ents* Ta eo)er of F5istin, loans*

O(r Key feat(res are$ /oorstep Ser)ice* F(ndin, in #ore than ?BA locations across the co(ntry* The "an pro)ides Co#petiti)e interest rates* ICICI also offers fle5i"le repay#ent str(ct(re*


%a(ra) Naran, B*B*A


Loans a,ainst Sec(rities ena"les c(sto#ers to o"tain loans a,ainst their sec(rities* So they ,et instant li.(idity +itho(t ha)in, to sell their sec(rities* All c(sto#ers ha)e to do is pled,e yo(r sec(rities in fa)o(r of ICICI Ban The Ban +ill then ,rant the# an o)erdraft facility (pto a )al(e deter#ined on the "asis of the sec(rities pled,ed "y the#* A c(rrent acco(nt +ill "e opened and c(sto#er can +ithdra+ #oney as and +hen they re.(ire* Interest +ill "e char,ed only on the a#o(nt +ithdra+n and for the ti#e span (tilised* ICICI offer loans a,ainst$ /e#at Shares RBI Relief Bonds 0(t(al F(nds &nits India 0illenni(# /eposits 1I0/s2 ICICI Ban Bonds Life Ins(rance Policies 1Sin,le Pre#i(#2

ICICI Ban Credit Cards ,i)e yo( the facility of cash- con)enience and a ran,e of "enefits- any+here in the +orld* These "enefits ran,e fro# life ti#efree cards- Ins(rance "enefits- ,lo"al e#er,ency assistance ser)ice-disco(nts- (tility pay#ents- tra)el disco(nts and #(ch #ore*

The ICICI Ban /e"it Card is a re)ol(tionary for# of cash that allo+s c(sto#ers to access their "an acco(nt aro(nd the cloc aro(nd the +orld*The ICICI Ban /e"it Card can "e (sed for shoppin, at #ore than ?AA-AAA #erchants in India and ?7 #illion #erchants +orld+ide*

%a(ra) Naran, B*B*A BA

Presentin, ICICI Ban Tra)el Card* The <assle Free +ay to Tra)el the +orld* Tra)elin, +ith &S /ollar- F(ro- Po(nd Sterlin, or S+iss FrancsR Loo in, for sec(rity and con)enienceR ta e ICICI Ban Tra)el Card* Iss(ed in d(plicate* Offers the Pin "ased sec(rity* <as the con)enience of (sa,e of Credit or /e"it card*


ICICI Ban "rin,s to yo( a co#plete "o(.(et of preIpaid cards pro)idin, pay#ent sol(tions at yo(r fin,ertips* ICICI Ban preI paid cards are a safe 8con)enient +ay for associate pay#entsdis"(rse#ents- ,iftin, 8 s#all tic et transactions* PreIpaid cards are a)aila"le on a 'ISA platfor# th(s pro)idin, accessi"ility to o)er one la h #erchant esta"lish#ents 8 cash +ithdra+al fro# all 'ISA AT0s in India*

ICICI Ban cares a"o(t all needs* Alon, +ith /eposit prod(cts and Loan offerin,s- ICICI Ban assists people to #ana,e their finances "y pro)idin, )ario(s in)est#ent options ran,in, fro# ICICI Ban Ta5 Sa)in, Bonds to F.(ity In)est#ents thro(,h Initial P("lic Offers and In)est#ent in P(re %old* ICICI Ban facilitates follo+in, in)est#ent prod(cts$ ICICI Ban Ta5 Sa)in, Bonds %o)ern#ent of India Bonds In)est#ent in 0(t(al F(nds Initial P("lic Offers "y Corporate In)est#ent in EP(re %oldE Forei,n F5chan,e Ser)ices Senior Citi6ens Sa)in,s Sche#e- 3AA: C(sto#ers can in)est in a"o)e prod(cts thro(,h any of ICICI "an "ranches* For select prod(cts ICICI Ban also pro)ides the ease of in)estin, thro(,h electronic channels li e AT0s and Internet 1ICICIdirect*co#2

%a(ra) Naran, B*B*A



All ICICI Ban Bonds ha)e "een rated EAAAE "y CARF and ELAAAE "y ICRA indicatin, the hi,hest de,ree of safety for yo(r #oney* In)est#ent in ICICI Ban Bonds are eli,i"le for ta5 re"ate (nder Sec >> to the f(ll e5tent possi"le* Bonds are listed on BSF- NSF*

>J Sa)in,s Bonds 1Ta5a"le2- 3AA7* Lo+ ris * Reasona"le in)est#ent ten(re* No#ination facility a)aila"le* Cannot "e traded in secondary #ar et* Interest inco#e ta5a"le*

Mutu#l /un2s 0(t(al F(nds pool #oney of )ario(s in)estors to p(rchase a +ide )ariety of sec(rities +hile p(rs(in, a specific ,oal* Selection of Sec(rities for the p(rpose is done "y specialists fro# the field* Ret(rns ,enerated are distri"(ted to the In)estors* 0(t(al F(nd Co#panies offer )ario(s sche#es* In)estors can choose any partic(lar F(ndDSche#e or #i5 of F(ndsDSche#es dependin, (pon their perception to+ards ris * In)est#ent is done on the "asis of pre)ailin, Net Asset 'al(es of )ario(s sche#es* 0(t(al F(nds In)est#ents are s("ject to 0ar et Ris s*

(y8es o3 /un2s +ol2

ICICI Ban helps in)estor deter#ine +hich types of f(nds yo( need to #eet yo(r in)est#ent ,oals* This #ay incl(de the follo+in, types of f(nds$ !e<tA Li.(id sche#es- Inco#e sche#es- %Isec sche#es- 0onthly Inco#e Sche#es etc* *@uityA /i)ersified F.(ity Sche#es- Sector Sche#es- Inde5 Sche#es etc* Hy<ri2 /un2sA Balanced Sche#es- Special Sche#es I Pension Sche#es- Child ed(cation Sche#es etc* ICICI Ban helps in)estors identify an appropriate #i5 of 0(t(al F(nd sche#es for their portfolio (sin, asset allocation strate,ies*

%a(ra) Naran, B*B*A


Thro(,h ICICI Ban in)estor can in)est in )ario(s sche#es of #(ltiple #(t(al f(nds +ith decent perfor#ance record* in)estor can ta e the aid of ICICI Ban 4s )ario(s research reports on #(t(al f(nds and their sche#es "efore choosin, a sche#e for in)est#ent* ICICI Ban offers in)est#ent in 0(t(al F(nds thro(,h 0(ltiple Channels* 9ith ICICI Ban - in)estor can in)est in 0(t(al F(nds thro(,h follo+in, channels* ICICI Ban Branches ICICI Ban AT04S ICICIdirect*co# And pro)ide a /edicated +or force to ser)e clients* Before "ein, dep(ted- o(r officers co#plete a co#prehensi)e trainin, pro,ra# andonce dep(ted- they recei)e thoro(,h instr(ctions in financial plannin, s ills and techni.(es Thro(,ho(t their careers officers also attend pro,ra#s to (pdate their s ills* All officers in char,e of 0(t(al F(nds are certified professionals "y A0FI 1Association of 0(t(al F(nds in India2 0any of these officers also hold professional de,rees li e I 0BA- CA- IC9A- and CFA etc*

ICICI eeps the in)estors (pdated on the latest happenin,s in the 0(t(al F(nd ind(stry and the )ario(s financial #ar ets thro(,h re,(lar electronic (pdates 1daily 8 +ee ly2 thro(,h F#ails* ICICI also send o(t a #onthly #a,a6ine on in)est#ents to their c(sto#ers*

Initial public offerings (IPO)

In)estor can in)est in IPOs online thro(,h +++*icicidirect*co# +ith sa#e con)enience of in)estin, in e.(ities I hassleIfree and +ith 6ero paper +or * Also- ,et inIdepth analyses of ne+ IPOs iss(es 1Initial P("lic Offerin,s2 +hich are a"o(t to hit the #ar et* IPO calendar- recent IPO listin,s- prospect(sDoffer doc(#ents and li)e prices +ill help yo( eep on top of the IPO #ar ets*

ICICI Bank Pure Gold

%old has "een traditionally the #ost fa)ored for# of in)est#ent for Indians* In fact- Indiae)en today is a#on,st the hi,hest cons(#ers of %old in the +orld* <o+e)er- the %old #ar et re#ains lar,ely (nor,ani6ed +ith relia"ility and con)enience re#ainin, the ey iss(es for ,old "(yers in the co(ntry*ICICI Ban +ith its [P(re %oldG offer atte#pts to "rid,e the ,ap "et+een the need of the c(sto#ers for "(yin, ,old and a)aila"ility of an or,ani6ed a)en(e to satisfy that need- "y ta in, care of the t+o ey co#ponents$I Relia"ility and Con)enience* Reli#<ility 3: Carat ICICI Ban P(re %old is i#ported fro# S+it6erland* This %old carries a @@*@@J Assay Certification- si,nifyin, hi,hest le)el of p(rity- as per international standards*

%a(ra) Naran, B*B*A


%onvenience ICICI Ban P(re %old is co#petiti)ely priced "ased on daily prices in the international "(llion #ar et* C(rrently- ,old is a)aila"le in 3*B,- B,- >,- 3A, and BA, cate,ories*

Comprehensive range of products and services ISa)in,s Acco(nt- Fi5ed /eposits- Rec(rrin, /eposits- S(ant(# Opti#a- C(rrent Acco(ntsIResident Forei,n C(rrency 1/o#estic2 Acco(nts etc* IAsset Prod(ctsI <o#e Loans- Car 8 Personal Loans- Loan A,ainst Sec(rities etc* IIn)est#entsI %o)ern#ent of India Bonds- 0(t(al F(nds- Capital %ain Bond etc* IIns(rance I9e" Trade and /e#at Acco(nts I%old Coins 8 B(rea( de Chan,e IInternational /e"it and Credit cards IAnd #any #ore**** E*clusivit& and Convenience I/edicated Officer ISeparate interaction area in the "ranch IAny+here Ban in, facility IF5cl(si)e Phone Ban in, ser)ice ICo#petiti)e Pricin, IRed(ced rates for prod(cts and ser)ices ISe)eral Co#pli#entary Offers I'al(eIlin ed "enefits Competitive !ricing IRed(ced rates for prod(cts and ser)ices ISe)eral Co#pli#entary Offers I'al(eIlin ed "enefits

%a(ra) Naran, B*B*A B:

)NV*+(M*N( +*RV)%*+

Demat ervices
A /e#at Acco(nt allo+s e#ployees transact in shares instantaneo(sly in a safe and sec(re #anner*

Salary Acco(nt c(sto#ers can no+ in)est in %o)ern#ent of India relief and sa)in,s "onds- a "as et of #(t(al f(nds- forei,n e5chan,e facilities and Ins(rance prod(cts thro(,h ICICI Ban *

F#ployees can "(y 3: arats P(re %old- +hich ICICI Ban "rin,s to yo(* Fach coin co#es to yo( strai,ht fro# S+it6erland* Refined to @@*@@J fine ,old and sealed +ith a (ni.(e Certificate of A(thencityI ,(aranteein, yo( its p(rity*

/.R*H +*RV)%*+
ICICI Ban Gs Forei,n F5chan,e Ser)ices +ill help yo( or,ani6e yo(r forei,n e5chan,e in the #ost hassle free #anner* 9hether its Forei,n C(rrency- Tra)elers Che.(es or Tra)el CardICICI Ban Forei,n F5chan,e Ser)ices is a oneIstop sol(tion to yo(r forei,n e5chan,e re.(ire#ent*

NR) +*RV)%*+
9here)er people #ay "e- in India or a"road- ICICI Ban has created a +ide ran,e of prod(cts and ser)ices that pro)ide c(sto#ers co#plete financial sol(tions* <elpin, the# to #a e the ri,ht decisions at the ri,ht ti#e and can "e rest ass(red that they are in the safe and tr(st+orthy hands of ICICI "an * Deposit !roducts0

?* (RE 'ccount* An NRI can open a NonIResident F5ternal Acco(nt1NRF Acco(nt2+ith any
"an in India* The acco(nt not only lets c(sto#ers #ana,e their #oney that they earn in India 1as per#itted "y FF0A Re,(lations2 "(t also of the #oney earned a"road* The #oney in the acco(nt and the interest earned on it can "e sent "ac o(tside India +itho(t any a(thori6ation fro# RBI* The Acco(nt can "e opened and f(nded in any per#issi"le c(rrency- and is later con)erted into Indian R(pees* This Acco(nt offers d(al "enefits of hi,h ret(rns as offered "y the fi5ed deposits and li.(idity as offered "y the sa)in,s acco(nt* The Acco(nt helps c(sto#ers ta e care of all their financial needs- .(ic ly and con)eniently* In addition to attracti)e r(pee interest

%a(ra) Naran, B*B*A


rates c(sto#ers ,et free #oney transfers- easy access for the c(sto#er as +ell as for hisDher fa#ily "ac in India- and a free #andate card for the lo)ed ones in India* 3 * (RO 'ccount0 The NonIResident Ordinary Acco(nt 1NRO Acco(nt2 allo+s c(sto#ers to hold the #oney they ha)e earned in India s(ch as rent- di)idends- pensions etc* They can open the acco(nt and can f(nd it in any per#issi"le c(rrency and is later con)erted into Indian R(pees* NRO acco(nt offers attracti)e e5chan,e rates (pon con)ersion of forei,n c(rrency into Indian R(pees* This acco(nt to offers hi,h ret(rns and li.(idity* <o+e)er- the interest earned on the principal a#o(nt in the acco(nt can "e sent "ac after the ded(ctions of ta5 in India* 1+ .C(R 'ccount0A Forei,n C(rrency Non Resident Acco(nt 1FCNR Acco(nt2 allo+s c(sto#ers to #aintain f(nds as Ter# /eposits in )ario(s forei,n c(rrencies- there"y ,(ardin, c(sto#ers a,ainst fl(ct(atin, e5chan,e rates* &nder this acco(nt "oth the principal a#o(nt and the interest can "e sent "ac f(lly- and are ta5a"le in India* The ten(res ran,e fro# ?3 to 7C #onth 2+ R.C 'ccount0 By openin, a Resident Forei,n C(rrency Acco(nt 1RFC Acco(nt2 c(sto#ers can #aintain f(nds as Ter# deposits in )ario(s forei,n c(rrencies e)en after they ha)e ret(rned to India* Both the principal and the interest can "e re#itted o(tside India* The ten(res ran,e fro# ?#onth to 7C#onths*

Advisory Services
Pri)ate F.(ity Place#ent ICICI Ban Gs S#all Fnterprises %ro(pGs 1SF%2 In)est#ent Ban in, tea# is dedicated to pro)ide yo( niche and e5cl(si)e in)est#ent "an in, ser)ices* ("e )%)%) B#n0 *2 e

%#8it#l R#isin At ti#es for a ,ro+in, co#pany- the a#o(nt of capital that a pro#oter can inf(se in the "(siness "eco#es li#ited* B(sinesses can "e self s(fficient for capital needs in their nascent and initial ,ro+th phases* <o+e)er to #eet e5pansion and ,ro+th planse5ternal capital is i#perati)e* 9e at ICICI Ban - +ith o(r lendin, e5perience- f(lly (nderstand this and help clients raise e.(ity to f(nd ,ro+th* 9e ha)e de)eloped a stron, net+or of do#estic and international in)estors +ho are een to partner +ith s(ch

%a(ra) Naran, B*B*A


s(ccess stories in India and these players solicit o(r ad)ice for in)estin, into s(ch co#panies* * Buy An2 +ell +i2e A2visory Inor,anically addin, ,ro+th to a "(siness or hi)in, off nonIcore acti)ities or opport(nity to reali6e ri,ht )al(e for the "(siness created or an instance of ta in, a co#pany on a "i,,er scale are the +ays to strate,i6e today* 9e at ICICI Ban pro)ide assistance on "oth "(y side and sell side transaction* 9ith a lar,e client franchise "(ilt#ore than ?A-AAA asset clients and international lin a,es in de)eloped econo#ies- ICICI Ban can "rin, in the "est syner,y partner to concl(de a sell side or "(y side ad)isory assi,n#ent* +8eci#l +itu#tion +olutions Bac ed "y instit(tional le,acy- inIdepth (nderstandin, and lin a,es +ith ey sta eholders in the process of t(rnaro(nd- ICICI Ban Gs In)est#ent Ban in, tea# can desi,n sol(tions for special sit(ations li e C/R- BIFR- OTS- etc* Co(nt on (s to t(rn aro(nd the capital str(ct(re of yo(r co#pany and "rin, in additional capital for ,ro+th*

Online Services
ICICI Ban pro)ides a )ariety of online ser)ices*no+ these is no need of +al in, (p to the "an "ranch- e)ery ti#e yo( need to do yo(r "an in,* As yo( can do a lot of it online* Fro# payin, yo(r "ills to transferrin, f(nds- "oo in, yo(r railDair tic ets- shoppin,- sendin, a #oney order and doin, lots #ore*


For the third year in a ro+ ICICI Ban has +on The Asset Triple A Co(ntry A+ards for Best /o#estic Ban in India*

ICICI Ban +on the 0ost Ad#ired Kno+led,e Fnterprises 10AKF2 India 3AA@ A+ard* ICICI Ban +on the first place in E0a5i#i6in, Fnterprise Intellect(al CapitalE cate,ory- Octo"er 3>- 3AA@*

0s Chanda Kochhar- 0/ and CFO +as a+arded +ith the Indian B(siness 9o#en Leadership A+ard at

%a(ra) Naran, B*B*A


N/T' Profit B(siness Leadership A+ards - Octo"er 3C- 3AA@*

ICICI Ban recei)ed t+o a+ards in CNBC A+aa6 Cons(#er A+ardsR one for the #ost preferred a(to loan and the other for #ost preferred credit Card- on Septe#"er 7A- 3AA@*

0s* Chanda Kochhar- 0ana,in, /irector 8 CFO ran ed in the top 3A of the 9orldGs ?AA 0ost Po+erf(l 9o#en list co#piled "y For"es- A(,(st 3AA@*

Financial F5press at its FF IndiaGs Best Ban s A+ards- hono(red 0r* K*'* Ka#ath- Chair#an +ith the Lifeti#e Achie)e#ent A+ard - H(ly 3B- 3AA@*

ICICI Ban +on Asset Triple A In)est#ent A+ards for the Best /eri)ati)e <o(se- India* In addition ICICI Ban +ere <i,hly co##ended - Local C(rrency Str(ct(red prod(ct- India for ?*B year A/R %/R lin ed Ran,e Accr(al Note*- H(ly 3AA@*

ICICI "an +on in three cate,ories at 9orld finance Ban in, a+ards on H(ne ?C- 3AA@ W Best NRI Ser)ices "an W F5cellence in Pri)ate Ban in,- APAC Re,ion W F5cellence in Re#ittance B(siness- APAC Re,ion*

ICICI Ban 0o"ile Ban in, +as adj(d,ed EBest Ban A+ard for Initiati)es in 0o"ile Pay#ents and Ban in,E "y I/RBT- on 0ay ?>- 3AA@ in <ydera"ad*

ICICI Ban Gs "3 "ranchfree "an in, +as adj(d,ed EBest FIBan in, Project I#ple#entation A+ard 3AA>E "y The Asian Ban er- on 0ay ??- 3AA@ at the China 9orld <otel in Beijin,*

ICICI Ban "a,s the Best "an in S0F financin, 1Pri)ate Sector2! at the /(n 8 Bradstreet Ban in, a+ards 3AA@* ICICI Ban NRI ser)ices +ins the F5cellence in B(siness 0odel Inno)ation A+ard! in the ei,hth Asian Ban er F5cellence in Retail Financial Ser)ices A+ards Pro,ra##e*

ICICI Ban Gs R(ral 0icro Ban in, and A,riIB(siness %ro(p +ins 9O9 F)ent 8 F5periential 0ar etin, A+ard in t+o cate,ories I R(ral 0ar etin, pro,ra##e of the year! and S#all B(d,et On %ro(nd Pro#otion of the Year!* These a+ards +ere ,i)en for Cattle Loan GKa#dhen( Ca#pai,nG and GTal ies on the #o)e ca#pai,nG respecti)ely*

%a(ra) Naran, B*B*A


ICICI Ban Gs %er#any Branch has "een certified "y Stift(n, 9arrentest!* ICICI Ban is ran ed 3nd a#on,st B= sa)in,s prod(cts across ?@ "an s

ICICI Ban %er#any +on the yearly "an in, test of the in)estor #a,a6ine \(ro in the call #oney!cate,ory*

The ICICI Ban +as a+arded the r(nnerGs (p position in %artner B(siness Intelli,ence and F5cellence A+ard for Asia Pacific for its B(siness Intelli,ence f(nctions*

ICICI Ban Gs Or,anisational F5cellence %ro(p +as recently a+arded ISO @AA?$3AA> certification "y T&' Nord* The scope of certification co#prised processes aro(nd cons(ltin, and capa"ility "(ildin, on #ethods of .(ality 8 i#pro)e#ents*

ICICI Ban has "een a+arded the follo+in, titles (nder The Asset Triple A Co(ntry A+ards for 3AA@$ W Best Transaction Ban in India W Best Trade Finance Ban in India W Best Cash 0ana,e#ent Ban in India W Best /o#estic C(stodian in India ICICI Ban has "a,,ed the Best Cash 0ana,e#ent Ban in India a+ard for the second year in a ro+* The other a+ards ha)e "een "a,,ed for the third year in a ro+*

ICICI Ban Canada recei)ed the presti,io(s Canadian <elen Keller A+ard at the Canadian <elen Keller CentreGs Fifth Ann(al L(ncheon in Toronto* The a+ard +as ,i)en to ICICI Ban its lon,Istandin, s(pport to this (ni.(e trainin, centre for people +ho are deafI"lind*

%a(ra) Naran, B*B*A


Chapter 1


Resea !" met"#d#$#gy

The proced(re adopted for cond(ctin, the research re.(ires a lot of attention as it has direct "earin, on acc(racy- relia"ility and ade.(acy of res(lts o"tained* It is d(e to this %a(ra) Naran, B*B*A CA

reason that research #ethodolo,y- +hich +e (sed at the ti#e of cond(ctin, the researchneeds to "e ela"orated (pon* It #ay "e (nderstood as a science of st(dyin, ho+ research is done scientifically* So- the research #ethodolo,y not only tal s a"o(t the research #ethods "(t also considers the lo,ic "ehind the #ethod (sed in the conte5t of the research st(dy* Research 0ethodolo,y is a +ay to syste#atically st(dy and sol)e the research pro"le#s* If a researcher +ants to clai# his st(dy as a ,ood st(dy- he #(st clearly state the #ethodolo,y adapted in cond(ctin, the research the research so that it +ay "e j(d,ed "y the reader +hether the #ethodolo,y of +or done is so(nd or not*

("e Rese#rc" Met"o2olo y "ere inclu2esA6

O"jecti)e of st(dy

0eanin, of Research* Research Pro"le#* Research /esi,n* /ata Collection #ethod* Analysis and interpretation of /ata Li#itation of st(dy


O"jecti)es are the ends that states specifically ho+ ,oal "e achie)ed* F)ery st(dy #(st ha)e an o"jecti)e for +hich all the efforts ha)e "een done* 9itho(t o"jecti)e no research can "e cond(cted and no res(lt can "e o"tained* On the "asis of o"jecti)e all the research %a(ra) Naran, B*B*A C?

process is follo+ed* O"jecti)es are the #ain aspect of e)ery st(dy* The o"jecti)e of the st(dy ,i)es direction to ,o thro(,h the research pro"le#* It ,(ides the researcher and eeps hi# on trac * I ha)e t+o o"jecti)es re,ardin, #y research project* These are sho+n "elo+ $I ?* Pri#ary o"jecti)e 3* Secondary o"jecti)e
4. -ri$#ry o<Iective A6

?2 To st(dy the soft+are (sed in ICICI Ban * 32 To analyse the financial state#ents of the corporation to assess it4s tr(e financial position "y the (se of ratios* 2. +econ2#ry o<Iective A6 ?2 To find o(t the shortco#in,s in ICICI Ban * 32 To see +hether ICICI Ban is ,oin, +ell or not in different areas*


By FINANCIAL PFRFOR0ANCF ANALYSIS OF ICICI Ban ! +e +o(ld "e a"le to ,et a fair pict(re of the financial position of ICICI Ban * By sho+in, the financial perfor#ance to )ario(s lenders and creditors it is possi"le to ,et credit in easy ter#s if ,ood financial condition is #aintained in the co#pany +ith assets o(t+ei,hin, the lia"ilities* Protectin, the property of the "(siness* Co#pliances +ith le,al re.(ire#ent*

Meaning of Research:
Research is defined as a scientific and syste#atic search for pertinent infor#ation on a specific topic!* Research is an art of scientific in)esti,ation* Research is a syste#ati6ed %a(ra) Naran, B*B*A C3

effort to ,ain no+ no+led,e* It is a caref(l in)esti,ation or in.(iry especially thro(,h search for ne+ facts in any "ranch of no+led,e* Research is an acade#ic acti)ity and this ter# sho(ld "e (sed in a technical sense* Research co#prises definin, and redefinin, pro"le#s- for#(latin, hypothesis or s(,,ested sol(tions* 0a in, ded(ctions and reachin, concl(sions to deter#ine +hether they if the for#(latin, hypothesis* Research is th(s- an ori,inal contri"(tion to the e5istin, stoc of no+led,e #a in, for its ad)ance#ent* The search for no+led,e thro(,h o"jecti)e and syste#atic #ethod of findin, sol(tions to a pro"le# is research*

Research Problem
The first step +hile cond(ctin, research is caref(l definition of Research Pro"le#* To FRR IS T<F <&0AN! is a pro)er" +hich indicates that no one is perfect in this +orld* F)ery researcher has to face #any pro"le#s+hich cond(ctin, any research that4s +hy pro"le# state#ent is defined to no+ +hich type of pro"le#s a researcher has to face +hile cond(ctin, any st(dy* It is said thatJ-ro<le$ 1ell 2e3ine2 is 8ro<le$ "#l3 solve2.K Basically- a pro"le# state#ent refers to so#e diffic(lty- +hich researcher e5periences in the conte5t of either a theoretical or practical sit(ation and +ants to o"tain the sol(tion for the sa#e* The pro"le# state#ent here is$I


Research Design
A research desi,ns is the arran,e#ent of conditions for collection and analysis data in a #anner that ai#s to co#"ine rele)ance to the research p(rpose +ith econo#y in proced(re* Research /esi,n is the concept(al str(ct(re +ith in +hich research in cond(cted* It constit(tes the "l(eprint for the collection #eas(re#ent and analysis of data* Research /esi,n incl(des and o(tline of +hat the researcher +ill do for# +ritin, the hypothesis and it operational i#plication to the final analysis of data* A research desi,n is a fra#e+or for the st(dy and is (sed as ,(ide in collection and analy6in, the data* It is a strate,y specifyin, +hich approach +ill "e (sed for ,atherin, and analy6in, the data* It also incl(de the ti#e and cost "(d,et since #ost st(dies are done (nder these t+o cost "(d,et since #ost st(dies are done (nder theses to+ constraints* The desi,n is s(ch st(dies #(st "e ri,id and not fle5i"le and #ost foc(s attention on the follo+in,$I 9hat is the st(dy a"o(tX %a(ra) Naran, B*B*A C7

9hy is the st(dy "ein, #adeX 9here +ill the st(dy "e carried o(tX 9hat type of data is re.(iredX 9here can "e re.(ired data "e fo(ndX 9hat period of ti#e +ill the st(dy incl(deX 9hat +ill "e sa#ple desi,nX 9hat techni.(es of data collection +ill "e (sedX <o+ +ill the data "e analy6edX In +hat style +ill the report "e preparedX


*H-*R)M*N(AL R*+*AR%H !*+)GN *H-L.RA(.R> R*+*AR%H !*+)GN !*+%R)-()V*C !)AGN.+()% R*+*AR%H *?8lor#tory Rese#rc" !esi nA This research desi,n is preferred +hen researcher has a )a,(e idea a"o(t the pro"le# the researcher has to e5plore the s("ject* *?8eri$ent#l Rese#rc" !esi n L The research desi,n is (sed to pro)ide a stron, "asis for the e5istence of cas(al relationship "et+een t+o or #ore )aria"les* !escri8tive Rese#rc" !esi n L It see s to deter#ine the ans+ers to +ho- +hat- +here+hen and ho+ .(estions* It is "ased on so#e pre)io(s (nderstandin, of the #atter* !i# nostic Rese#rc" !esi n It deter#ines the fre.(ency +ith +hich so#ethin, occ(rs or its association +ith so#ethin, else*

RE E'RC3 DE I/( 4 ED I( "3E "4D50

/escripti)e research desi,n is (sed in this st(dy "eca(se it +ill ens(re the #ini#i6ation of "ias and #a5i#i6ation of relia"ility of data collected* /escripti)e st(dy is "ased on so#e pre)io(s (nderstandin, of the topic* Research has ,ot a )ery specific o"jecti)e and clear c(t data re.(ire#ents The researcher had to (se fact and infor#ation already a)aila"le thro(,h financial state#ents of earlier years and analyse these to #a e critical e)al(ation of the a)aila"le #aterial* <ence "y #a in, the type of the research cond(cted to "e "oth !escri8tive and An#lytic#l in nat(re* Fro# the st(dy- the type of data to "e collected and the proced(re to "e (sed for this p(rpose +ere decided*

Data Collection Method

%a(ra) Naran, B*B*A C:

The process of data collection "e,ins after a research pro"le# has "een defined and research desi,n ahs "een chal ed o(t* There are t+o types of data P -R)MAR> !A(A 6 It is first hand data- +hich is collected "y researcher itself* Pri#ary data is collected "y )ario(s approaches so as to ,et a precise- acc(rate- realistic and rele)ant data* The #ain tool in ,atherin, pri#ary data +as in)esti,ation and o"ser)ation* It +as achie)ed "y a direct approach and o"ser)ation fro# the officials of the co#pany* +*%.N!AR> !A(A 6 it is the data +hich is already collected "y so#eone else* Researcher has to analy6e the data and interprets the res(lts* It has al+ays "een i#portant for the co#pletion of any report* It pro)ides relia"le- s(ita"le- ade.(ate and specific no+led,e*

"5!E O. D'"' 4 ED I( "3E "4D5

The re.(ired data for the st(dy are "asically secon2#ry in nat(re and the data are collected fro# The a(dited reports of the co#pany* INTFRNFT P +hich incl(des re.(ired financial data collected for# ICICI Ban 4s official +e"site i*e +++*icici*co# and so#e other +e"sites on the internet for the p(rpose of ,ettin, all the re.(ired financial data of the "an and to ,et detailed no+led,e a"o(t ICICI Ban for the con)enience of st(dy* Bro(chers of ICICI Ban * The )al(a"le cooperation e5tended "y staff #e#"ers and the "ranch #ana,er of ICICI "an -dhar#shala contri"(ted a lot to f(lfill the re.(ire#ents in the collection of data in order to co#plete the project*

Methods of data analysis

The data collected +ere edited- classified and ta"(lated for analysis* The analytical tools (sed in this st(dy are$ ANAL>()%AL (..L+ A--L)*!A The st(dy e#ploys the follo+in, analytical tools$ 4. Co#parati)e state#ent* 2. Trend Percenta,e* 3. Ratio Analysis* 4. Cash Flo+ State#ent* %a(ra) Naran, B*B*A CB

Limitations of study
/iffic(lty in data collection* Li#ited no+led,e a"o(t the "an in the initial sta,es* Branch #ana,er +as rel(ctant for ,i)in, financial data of the "an * The analysis and interpretation are "ased on secondary data contained in the p("lished ann(al reports of ICICI Ban for the st(dy period* /(e to the li#ited ti#e a)aila"le at the disposa"le - the st(dy has "een confined for a period of B years 13AABI3AA@2* Ratio itself +ill not co#pletely sho+ the co#pany4s ,ood or "ad financial position* Inter fir# co#parison +as not possi"le d(e to the non a)aila"ility of co#petitors data* The st(dy of financial perfor#ance can "e only a #eans to no+ a"o(t the financial condition of the co#pany and cannot sho+ a thro(,h pict(re of the acti)ities of the co#pany

%a(ra) Naran, B*B*A


Chapter 2



Meaning Of Financial Statements
Financial state#ents refer to s(ch state#ents +hich contains financial infor#ation a"o(t an enterprise* They report profita"ility and the financial position of the "(siness at the end of acco(ntin, period* The tea# financial state#ent incl(des at least t+o state#ents

%a(ra) Naran, B*B*A


+hich the acco(ntant prepares at the end of an acco(ntin, period* The t+o state#ents are$ I ("e B#l#nce +"eet -ro3it An2 Loss Account

They pro)ide so#e e5tre#ely (sef(l infor#ation to the e5tent that "alance Sheet #irrors the financial position on a partic(lar date in ter#s of the str(ct(re of assets- lia"ilities and o+ners e.(ity- and so on and the Profit And Loss acco(nt sho+s the res(lts of operations d(rin, a certain period of ti#e in ter#s of the re)en(es o"tained and the cost inc(rred d(rin, the year* Th(s the financial state#ent pro)ides a s(##ari6ed )ie+ of financial positions and operations of a fir#*

Meaning Of Financial Analysis

The ter# 3in#nci#l #n#lysis is also no+n as Q#n#lysis #n2 inter8ret#tion o3 3in#nci#l st#te$ents9 refers to the process of deter#inin, financial stren,th and +ea ness of the fir# "y esta"lishin, strate,ic relationship "et+een the ite#s of the Balance Sheet- Profit and Loss acco(nt and other operati)e data* The first tas of financial analysis is to select the infor#ation rele)ant to the decision (nder consideration to the total infor#ation contained in the financial state#ent* The second step is to arran,e the infor#ation in a +ay to hi,hli,ht si,nificant relationship* The final step is interpretation and dra+in, of inference and concl(sions* Financial state#ent is the process of selection- relation and e)al(ation*

Features of Financial Analysis

o To present a co#ple5 data contained in the financial state#ent in si#ple and (nderstanda"le for#* o To classify the ite#s contained in the financial state#ent in con)enient and rational ,ro(ps*
o To #a e co#parison "et+een )ario(s ,ro(ps to dra+ )ario(s concl(sions*

Purpose of Analysis of financial statements

To no+ the earnin, capacity or profita"ility* To no+ the sol)ency* To no+ the financial stren,ths* To no+ the capa"ility of pay#ent of interest 8 di)idends* To #a e co#parati)e st(dy +ith other fir#s* To no+ the trend of "(siness* To no+ the efficiency of #,t* To pro)ide (sef(l infor#ation to #,t*

Procedure of Financial Statement Analysis

The follo+in, proced(re is adopted for the analysis and interpretation of %a(ra) Naran, B*B*A C>

financial state#ents$I The analyst sho(ld ac.(aint hi#self +ith principles and post(lated of acco(ntin,* <e sho(ld no+ the plans and policies of the #ana,e#ent so that he #ay "e a"le to find o(t +hether these plans are properly e5ec(ted or not* The e5tent of analysis sho(ld "e deter#ined so that the sphere of +or #ay "e decided* If the ai# is find o(t* Farnin, capacity of the enterprise then analysis of inco#e state#ent +ill "e (nderta en* On the other hand- if financial position is to "e st(died then "alance sheet analysis +ill "e necessary* The financial data "e ,i)en in state#ent sho(ld "e reco,ni6ed and rearran,ed* It +ill in)ol)e the ,ro(pin, si#ilar data (nder sa#e heads* Brea in, do+n of indi)id(al co#ponents of state#ent accordin, to nat(re* The data is red(ced to a standard for#* A relationship is esta"lished a#on, financial state#ents +ith the help of tools 8 techni.(es of analysis s(ch as ratios- trends- co##on si6e- f(nd flo+ etc* The infor#ation is interpreted in a si#ple and (nderstanda"le +ay* The si,nificance and (tility of financial data is e5plained for help in decision #a in,* The concl(sions dra+n fro# interpretation are presented to the #ana,e#ent in the for# of reports*

Types Of Financial Analysis

There are different +ays of analysis the financial state#ents$

4. .n ("e B#sis .3 -rocess .3 An#lysis

#' HoriFont#l An#lysisA This is (sed +hen the financial state#ent of a n(#"er of years are to "e analysed* S(ch analysis indicates the trends and the increase or decrease in )ario(s ite#s not only in a"sol(te fi,(res "(t also in percenta,e for#* This analysis indicates the stren,ths and +ea nesses of the fir#* This analysis is also called as dyna#ic analysis "eca(se it also sho+s the trend of the "(siness* <' Vertic#l An#lysis A This is (sed +hen financial state#ents of a partic(lar year or on a partic(lar date are analy6ed* For this type of analysis +e ,enerally (se co##on si6e state#ents and the ratio analysis* It in)ol)es a st(dy of .(antitati)e relationship a#on, )ario(s ite#s of "alance sheet and profit and loss acco(nt* This type of analysis is static analysis "eca(se this is "ased on the financial res(lts of one year* 'ertical analysis is (sef(l +hen +e ha)e to co#pare the perfor#ance of different depart#ents of the sa#e co#pany* %a(ra) Naran, B*B*A C@

A#on, these t+o types of analysis- hori6ontal analysis is #ore (sef(l "eca(se it "rin,s o(t #ore clearly the trends of +or in, of a fir#* This ,i)es (s #ore concrete "ases for f(t(re plannin,*

2. .n ("e B#sis .3 )n3or$#tion Av#il#<le #' )ntern#l An#lysisA This analysis is "ased on the infor#ation a)aila"le to the
"(siness fir# only *<ence internal analysis is #ade "y the #ana,e#ent* Internal analysis is #ore relia"le and helpf(l for financial decisions*

<' *?tern#l An#lysis A This analysis is #ade on the "asis of p("lished

state#ents-reports and infor#ations* This analysis is #ade "y e5ternal parties s(ch as creditors-in)estors-"an s-financial analysis etc* e5ternal analysis is less relia"le in co#parison to internal analysis "eca(se of li#ited and often inco#plete infor#ation*

3. .n ("e B#sis .3 Nu$<er .3 /ir$s

#' )nter6/ir$ An#lysis A 9hen financial analysis of t+o or #ore co#panies or fir#s are analy6ed and co#pared o)er a n(#"er of acco(ntin, period- it is called interIfir# analysis* "' )ntr# 6/ir$ An#lysis A intraIfir# analysis is concerned +ith the analysis of financial perfor#ance of different (nits or depart#ents or se,#ents of the sa#e enterprise or co#pany* Si#ilarly +hen financial state#ents of t+o or #ore years of the sa#e fir# are analy6ed and co#pared it is also called as intraIfir# analysis*

4. .n ("e B#sis .3 .<Iectives #' Accountin An#lysisA Acco(ntin, analysis is analysis of past financial perfor#ance
and in)ol)es e5a#inin, ho+ ,enerally accepted acco(ntin, principles and con)entions ha)e "een applied in arri)in, at the )al(es of assets- lia"ilities- re)en(es and e5penses* <' -ros8ective An#lysis A Prospecti)e analysis in)ol)es de)elopin, forecasted financial state#ents eepin, in )ie+ the chan,es that are li ely to shape and affect the "(siness ,i)en the ass(#ptions a"o(t these chan,es and the li#itation of the forecastin, techni.(e (sed* This is .(ite co#plicated analysis*

Methods/Tools Of Financial Analysis

A n(#"er of #ethods can "e (sed for the p(rpose of analysis of financial state#ents* These are also ter#ed as techni.(es or tools of financial analysis* O(t of these- and enterprise can choose those techni.(es +hich are s(ita"le to its re.(ire#ents* The principal techni.(es of financial analysis are$I %a(ra) Naran, B*B*A =A

a* "* c* d* e* f* ,*

Co#parati)e financial state#ents Co##onIsi6e state#ents Trend analysis Ratio analysis F(nds flo+ analysis Cash flo+ analysis Brea e)en point analysis

a. Comparative

Financial Statements:

9hen financial state#ents fi,(res for t+o or #ote years are placed sideIside to facilitate co#parison- these are called Qco#parati)e Financial State#ents4* S(ch state#ents not only sho+ the a"sol(te fi,(res of )ario(s years "(t also pro)ide for col(#ns to indicate to increase ort decrease in these fi,(res fro# one year to another* In addition- these state#ents #ay also sho+ the chan,e fro# one year to another on percenta,e for#* S(ch cooperati)e state#ents are of ,reat )al(e in for#in, the opinion re,ardin, the pro,ress of the enterprise* .<Iectives 8ur8ose or si ni3ic#nce o3 co$8#r#tive 3in#nci#l st#te$ents
?*To si#plify data

3*To #a e inter periodDinterIfir# co#parison 7*To indicate the trends :*To ena"le forecastin, B*To indicate the stren,ths and +ea nesses of the fir# C*To co#pare the perfor#ance =*To analyse e5penses >*To analyse profits

(ools 3or co$8#rison o3 3in#nci#l st#te$ents

Co#parati)e financial state#ent is a tool of financial analysis that depicts chan,e in each ite# of the financial state#ent in "oth a"sol(te a#o(nt and percenta,e ter#- ta in, the ite# in precedin, acco(ntin, period as "ase* Co#parison and analysis of financial state#ents #ay "e carried o(t (sin, the follo+in, tools$ ?*%o$8#r#tive B#l#nce +"eet A The co#parati)e "alance sheet sho+s increase and decrease in a"sol(te ter#s as +ell as percenta,es -in )ario(s assets -lia"ilities and capital* A co#parati)e analysis of "alance sheets of t+o periods pro)ides infor#ation re,ardin, pro,ress of the "(siness fir#* The #ain p(rpose of co#parati)e "alance sheet is to #eas(re the shortI ter# and lon,I ter# sol)ency position of the "(siness* %a(ra) Naran, B*B*A =?

2. %o$8#r#tive )nco$e +t#te$ent A Co#parati)e inco#e state#ent is prepared "y ta in, fi,(res of t+o or #ore than t+o acco(ntin, periods-to ena"le the analyst to ha)e definite no+led,e a"o(t the pro,ress of the "(siness*Co#partati)e inco#e state#ents facilitate the hori6ontal analysis since each acco(ntin, )aria"le is analysed hori6ontally* b. Common- Size Statements: Co##on si6e state#ents are s(ch state#ents in +hich the ite#s of financial state#ents are co)ered into percenta,e of co##on "ase* In co##onIsi6e inco#e state#ent- "y ass(#in, net sales as ?AA1i*e J2and other indi)id(al ite#s are con)erted as percenta,e of this* Si#ilarly- in co##on Psi6e "alance sheet -total assets are ass(#ed to "e ?AA 1i*e J2 and indi)id(al assets are e5pressed as percenta,e*

.<Iectives o3 co$$on siFe st#te$ents ?* Presentin, the chan,e in )ario(s ite#s in relation to total assets or total lia"ilities or net sales* 3* Fsta"lishin, a relationship* 7* Pro)idin, a co##on "ase for co#parison*

(y8es o3 co$$on siFe st#te$ents ?* %o$$on6+iFe B#l#nce +"eet A A co##on Psi6e "alance sheet is a state#ent in +hich total of assets or lia"ilities is ass(#ed to "e e.(al to ?AA and all the fi,(res are e5pressed as percenta,e of the total* That is +hy it is no+n as percenta,e "alance sheet* Co##onIsi6e "alance sheet facilitate the )ertical analysis since each ite# of the Balance Sheet is analy6ed )ertically* 3* %o$$on6+iFe )nco$e +t#te$entA Co##onIsi6e inco#e state#ent is a state#ent in +hich the fi,(res of net sales is ass(#ed to "e e.(al to ?AA and all other fi,(res of profit and loss ADc! are e5pressed as percenta,e of net sales*this state#ent facilitate the )ertical analysiss since each acco(ntin, )aria"le is analy6ed )ertically* One can dra+ concl(sion- re,ardin, the "eha)io(r of e5penses o)er period of ti#e "y e5a#inin, these percenta,es*

c. Trend Analysis:
%a(ra) Naran, B*B*A =3

Trend percenta,e are )ery (sef(l is #a in, co#parati)e st(dy of the financial state#ents for a n(#"er of years* These indicate the direction of #o)e#ent o)er a lon, tine and help an analyst of financial state#ents to for# an opinion as to +hether fa)ora"le or (nfa)ora"le tendencies ha)e de)eloped* This helps in f(t(re forecasts of )ario(s ite#s* For calc(latin, trend percenta,es any year #ay "e ta en as the Q"ase year4* Fach ite# of "ease year is ass(#ed to "e e.(al to ?AA and on that "asis the percenta,e of ite# of each year calc(lated*

d. Ratio Analysis:
Meaning :
A"sol(te fi,(res e5pressed in financial state#ents "y the#sel)es are #eanin,f(lness* These fi,(res often do not con)ey #(ch #eanin, (nless e5pressed in relation to other fi,(res* Th(s- it can "e say that the relationship "et+een t+o fi,(res- e5pressed in arith#etical ter#s is called a ratio*

JAccor2in to R.N. Ant"ony.K

JA r#tio is si$8ly one nu$<er e?8resse2 in ter$s o3 #not"er. )t is 3oun2 <y 2ivi2in one nu$<er into t"e ot"er.K

?* 3* 7* :* Proportion or P(re Ratio or Si#ple ratio* Rate or so #any Ti#es* Percenta,e Fraction*

.BJ*%(+ AN! A!VAN(AG*+ .R U+*+ ./ RA(). ANAL>+)+ ?* <elpf(l in analysis of financial state#ents* 3* Si#plification of acco(ntin, data* 7* <elpf(l in co#parati)e st(dy* %a(ra) Naran, B*B*A =7

:* B* C* =* >* @*

<elpf(l in locatin, the +ea spots of the "(siness* <elpf(l in forecastin, Fsti#ate a"o(t the trend of the "(siness Fi5ation of ideal standards Fffecti)e control St(dy of financial so(ndness*

L)M)(A().N ./ RA(). ANAL>+)+

?* False acco(ntin, data ,i)es false ratios 3* Co#parisons not possi"le of different fir#s adopt different 7* acco(ntin, policies* :* Ratio analysis "eco#es less effecti)e d(e to price le)el B* chan,e C* Ratios #ay "e #isleadin, in the a"sence of a"sol(te data* =* Li#ited (se of a sin,le Ratio* >* 9indo+I/ressin, @* Lac of proper standards* ?A* Ratio alone are not ade.(ate for proper concl(sions ??* Fffect of personal a"ility and "ias of the analyst*

In )ie+ of the financial #ana,e#ent or accordin, to the tests satisfied)ario(s ratios ha)e "een classifieds as "elo+$ Li@ui2ity R#tios A These are the ratios +hich #eas(re the shortIter# sol)ency or financial position of a fir#* These ratios are calc(lated to co##ent (pon the shortIter# payin, capacity of a concern or the fir#4s a"ility to #eet its c(rrent o"li,ations* Lon L(er$ +olvency #n2 Lever# e R#tios A Lon,Iter# sol)ency ratios con)ey a fir#4s a"ility to #eet the interest cost and repay#ent sched(les of its lon,Iter# o"li,ation e*,* /e"it F.(ity Ratio and Interest Co)era,e Ration* Le)era,e Ratios* Activity R#tiosA Acti)ity ratios are calc(lated to #eas(re the efficiency +ith +hich the reso(rce of a fir# ha)e "een e#ployed* These ratios are also called t(rno)er ratios "eca(se they indicate the speed +ith +hich assets are "ein, t(rned o)er into sales e*,* de"tors t(rno)er ratio* -ro3it#<lity R#tiosA These ratios #eas(re the res(lts of "(siness operations or o)erall perfor#ance and effecti)e of the fir# e*,* ,ross profit ratio- operatin, ratio or capital e#ployed* %enerally- t+o types of profita"ility ratios are calc(lated* &#' )n rel#tion to +#les, #n2 &<')n rel#tion in )nvest$ent

%a(ra) Naran, B*B*A



Li@ui2ity R#tios Lon 6ter$ Activity R#tios +olvency #n2 Lever# e R#tios
IC(rrent Ratio ILi.(id Ratio 1Acid2 Test or S(ic Ratio* IA"sol(te li.(id or ICash Ratio* I/e"tors T(rno)er Ratio ICreditors T(rno)er Ratio IIn)entory T(rno)er ratio /in#nci#l .8er#tin %o$8osite I/e"t* F.(ity Ratio I/e"t to Total Capital Ratio IInterest Co)era,e Ratio ICapital %earin, Ratio In)entory T(rno)er Ratio* /e"tors T(rno)er Ratio Fi5ed Assets T(rno)er Ratio Total Asset T(rno)er Ratio 9or in, Capital T(rno)er Ratio* Paya"les T(rno)er Ratio Capital F#ployed T(rno)er Ratio

-ro3it#<ility R#tios
)n Rel#tion to +#les* %ross Profit Ratio* Operatin, Ratio* Operatin, Profit Ratio* Net Profit Ratio* F5penses Ratio )n rel#tion to invest$ents Ret(rn on In)est#ents* Ret(rn on capital* Ret(rn on F.(ity Capital* Ret(rn on total Reso(rces Farnin, per share* Price Farnin, Ratio*

A cash P flo+ state#ent is a state#ent sho+in, inflo+s 1receipts2 and o(tflo+s 1pay#ents2 of cash d(rin, a partic(lar period* In other +ords- it is a s(##ary of so(rces and applications of each d(rin, a partic(lar span of ti#e*

Objectives of Cash Flow Statement :

?* 3* 7* :* B* C* =* &sef(l for ShortITer# Financial Plannin,* &sef(l in Preparin, the Cash B(d,et* Co#parison +ith the Cash B(d,et* St(dy of the Trend of Cash Receipts and Pay#ents* It e5plains the /e)iations of Cash fro# Farnin,s* <elpf(l in Ascertainin, Cash Flo+ fro# )ario(s Separately* <elpf(l in 0a in, /i)idend /ecisions* =B

%a(ra) Naran, B*B*A


As On Mar 2008,Mar 2009,Mar 2010,Mar2011,Mar2012. crores) (Rs. In

3AA=IA> CAPITAL AND LIABILITIES: Total Share Capital F.(ity Share Capital Share Application 0oney Preference Share Capital Reser)es Re)al(ation Reser)es Net 9orth /eposits Borro+in,s Total /e"t Other Lia"ilities And Pro)isions (ot#l Li#<ilities





4=75.;: =7C*=B A*A3 7BA*AA ??>?7*3A A*AA 12677+78 @@>?>*=> 77B::*BA 445253.2: 3?7@C*?= 45;5:9.42

4239.73 >>@*>7 A*AA 7BA*AA 3?7?C*?C A*AA 22999+77 ?CBA>7*?= 7>B3?*@? 225454.4; 3B33=*>> 2:4377.9:

4249.34 >@@*7: A*AA 7BA*AA 37:?7*@3 A*AA 22::1+2: 37AB?A*?@ B?3BC*A7 3=5429.47 7>33>*C: 3445:7.42

4452.57 ???3*C> A*AA 7BA*AA :B7B=*B7 A*AA 2:62;+21 3:::7?*AB CBC:>*:7 3:5799.59 :3>@B*7@ 399;9:.=7

4453.29 ???7*3@ A*AA 7BA*AA :>:?@*=7 A*AA 27661+;2 3?>7:=*>3 C=737*C@ 33:::4.:3 :7=:C*:7 3;93==.95

Cash And Balances 9ith RBI Balances 9ith Ban s-0oney At Call Ad)ances In)est#ents %ross Bloc Acc(#(lated /epreciation Net Fi5ed Assets Capital 9or In Pro,ress %a(ra) Naran, B*B*A C7::*@A CB>B*A= @?:AB*?B BA:>=*7B ::2:.5: ?:>=*C? 4=37.=4 @C*7A >@7:*7= >?AB*>B ?:C?C7*?? =?B:=*7@ :957.:; ?@>=*>B 397=.;2 ?:=*@: ?>=AC*>> ?>:?:*:B ?@B>CB*CA @?3B=*>: 5297.:5 37=B*?: 3923.42 ?>@*CC 3@7==*B7 >CC7*CA 33BC?C*A> ???:B:*7: ;=35.== 3@3=*?? 44=7.79 A*AA ?=B7C*77 ?3:7A*37 3?>7?A*>B ?A7AB>*7? ;443.;4 7C:3*A@ 37=4.52 A*AA


Other Assets (ot#l Assets

>=A3*B@ 45;5:9.4=

?3BA@*B= 2:4377.9:

?C7AA*3C 3445:7.44

3AB=:*C7 399;9:.=;

3:?C7*C3 3;93==.95

Contin,ent lia"ilities Bills for collection Boo )al(e1Rs*2 FPS No* of e.(ity shares

@=BA=*=@ @>A7*C= ?=A*7B 3=*33 =7C=?CA@:

??@>@B*=> ?BA3B*3? 3:@*BB 3>*BB >>@>37@A?

?==AB:*?> 33=?=*37 3=A*7= 7:*B@ >@@3CCC=3

7=?=7=*7C 3@7==*BB :?=*C: 7=*7= ???3C>=:@B

>A7@@?*@3 7CC=>*=? ::B*?= 77*=> ???73BAC:3

%a(ra) Naran, B*B*A



For The Year Ended Mar2005,Mar2006,Mar2007,Mar2008,Mar2009 Crores) (Rs. In

2==: INCOME: Interest Farned Other Inco#e Total Inco#e *H-*N!)(UR*A Interest F5pended Operatin, F5penses Total F5penses Operatin, Profit Other Pro)ision And Conti,encies Pro)ision For Ta5 Net -ro3it F5traordinary Ite#s Profit BDF (ot#l Preference /i)idend F.(ity /i)idend Corporate /i)idend Ta5 Pershare /ata Fps1Rs*2 F.(ity /i)idend1J2 Boo 'al(e1Rs2 Appropriations Transfer To Stat(tory Reser)e Transfer To Other Reser)e Proposed /i)idendDTransfer To %o)t Balance CDF To Balance Sheet %a(ra) Naran, B*B*A @:A@*@A 7:?C*?: 42725.=4 CB=A*>@ 73@@*?B 97;=.=4 3@BC :3>*>A B33 2==:.2= A*AA B7*A@ 2=:7.29 A*AA C73*@C @A*?A 3=*33 >B*AA ?=A*7B B:=*AA CAA*A? =37*AC ?>>*33

2==5 ?7=>:*:@ :@>7*?: 47;5;.53 @B@=*:B ::=@*B? 44=;5.95 :C@A*C= ?B@:*A= BBC*B7 2:4=.=; A*AA ?>>*33 2;27.29 A*AA =B@*77 ?AC*BA 3>*BB >B*AA 3:@*BB 3:>*C@ ?73A*7: >CB*>7 3@7*::

2==; 33@@:*3@ B@3@*?= 27923.45 ?C7B>*BA CC@A*BC 23=49.=5 B>=:*:A 333C*7C B7=*>3 344=.22 A*AA 3@7*:: 34=3.55 A*AA @A?*?= ?B7*?A 7:*B@ ?AA*AA 3=A*7= ?7B?*?3 A*AA ?AB:*3= @@>*3=

2==7 7A=>>*7: >>?A*== 39:99.44 37:>:*3: >?B:*?> 34537.42 =@CA*C@ 3@A:*B@ >@>*7= 44:;.;3 A*AA @@>*3= :4:5.== A*AA ?33=*=A ?:@*C= 7=*7= ??A*AA :?=*C: ?7:3*7? A*A? ?7==*7= 3:7C*73

2==9 7?A@3*BB =CA7*=3 37595.2; 33=3B*@7 =A:B*?? 29;;4.=4 >@3B*37 7>A>*3C ?7B>*>: 3;:7.43 1A*B>2 3:7C*73 5493.7; A*AA ?33:*B> ?B?*3? 77*=> ??A*AA ::B*?= 3AA>*:3 A*A? ?7=B*=@ 3>A@*CB =>








%o$8#r#tive B#l#nce +"eet .3 )%)%) B#n0 /ro$ 2==:62==5 (o 2==76 2==9
-AR()%ULAR+ 2==:62==5
A<solute c"#n e M o3 c"#n e

A<solute c"#n e M o3 c"#n e

1Rs* in crores2 2==;62==7 2==762==9

A<solute c"#n e M o3 c"#n e A<solute c"#n e M o3 c"#n e

C'!I"'< '(D <I',I<I"IE A


Reser)es and s(rpl(s /eposits Borro+in,s Other Lia"ilities and Pro)isions

(.(AL %A-)(AL AN! L)AB)L)()*+

?B7*A> @BA3*@C CB3C:*7@ :@==*:? 7>7?*=?

?: >A CB ?B ?>

@*B? 3A@=*=C CB:3=*A3 ?3=7:*?3 ?7AAA*=C

A*> ?A :A 77 B?*B

3?7*7: 3?@:7*C? ?7@3A*>C ?:7@3*: :CCC*=B

?= @: C 3> ?3

A*C? 7AC3*3 13CA>7*372 ?C=B*3C >B?*A:

*A: = 1??2 3*B 3









In)est#ents Ad)ances Fi5ed assets Capital 9or In Pro,ress C(rrent assets (.(AL A++*(+A
)nter8ret#tion 3?ACA*A: B:=B=*@C 1B=*732 B?*C: =@?=*37 73;29.:: :3 CA 1?*:2 B: 7= := ?@=?A*:B :@=A3*:@ 1B=*72 :?*=3 37>=?*> 93259.45 3=*B 7: 1?*:2 3>*3 >? 3; 3A?@C*B 3@=BA*:> ?>B*:= 1?>@*CC2 B?@:*?= ::435.95 33 ?B B I?AA ?A 45 1>7@C*A72 1=7AB*37 17A=*3=2 A*AA 1::>B*B>2 &2=494.44' 1=*B2 17*3B2 1=*B2 A*AA 1>2 &:.4'

The capital of "an increased "y ?:J in 3AABIAC-A*>J in 3AACIA=-?=J in 3AA=IA>-and *A: J in 3AA>IA@*This sho+s that there is fl(ct(ation in the rate of increase in the capital* %a(ra) Naran, B*B*A =@

In 3AABIAC and 3AA=IA> the rate of increase in capital is #ore than that of 3AACIA= and 3AA>IA@* There is a h(,e fl(ct(ation in the rate of increase in reser)es and s(rpl(s also* This sho+s that "an is effecti)ely (tili6in, its reser)es and s(rpl(s* In 3AABIAC deposits increase "y CBJ-in 3AACIA= it increased "y :AJ-and an increase of CJ in 3AA=IA>*in 3AA>IA@ deposits fall "y ??J*this sho+s that the "an has repayed its deposits in this year* The "orro+in,s are also sho+in, a fl(ct(atin, rate of increase*in 3AA>IA> the "orro+in,s ha)e increased at a )ery lo+ rate*this sho+s that "an has repaid a lar,e a#o(nt of "orro+in,s in this year and there"y red(cin, the dependence on o(tside de"t* The in)est#ents are also increasin, "(t +ith lo+er rates co#pared to the precedin, years* Si#ilarly ad)ances rose "y CAJ in 3AABIAC-an increase of 7:J in 3AACIA=-?BJ increase in 3AA=IA> and finally decresed "y 7*3BJ in 3AA>IA@* Thre has "een a consistent decline in the fi5ed assets o)er years*in 3AABIAC and 3AACIA= it decreased "y ?*: J -increased "y BJ in 3AA=IA> and a,ain decreasin, "y =*BJ in 3AA>IA@*this is #ainly d(e to increase in the rate of depreciation in the s("se.(ent years* A h(,e fl(ct(ation is re)ealed fro# c(rrent assets* it increased "y 7=J in 3AABIAC-rate of increase rose to >AJ in 3AACIA= and then the it increased at a #(ch lo+er rate i*e at ?AJ*this sho+s that the "an is effecti)ely (stilisin, its +or in, capital*there is a fall in c(rrent assets in 3AA>IA@ "y > J*this is #ainly d(e to the repay#ent of deposits in the years 3AA>IA@*

%a(ra) Naran, B*B*A


1. Comparative Income Statement Of ICICI Bank From 2005-2006 To 2008-2009

A<solute c"#n e M o3 c"#n e

A<solute c"#n e M o3 c"#n e

A<solute c"#n e M o3 c"#n e

1Rs* in crores2 3AA>I3AA@

A<solute c"#n e M o3 c"#n6 e


Operatin, inco#e









Interest e5pended Operatin, e5penses Total e5penses Operatin, profit

Pro)ision and conti,encies

7A3C*BC ??>A*7C 42=5.92 ?=7:*C=

:C 7C 43 B@

C=C?*AB 33??*AB 79;2.4 ??>7*=7

=A*: :@*7 54 3B*3

=?3B*=: ?:C7*C3 7:79.35 3A>C*3@

:7*B 33 3;.2 7B*B

1=B>*7?2 1??A@*A= &475;.37' @C:*B:

172 1?:2 &:.9' ?3*?

??@@*> B7:*>= A*AA ?7B*?7 C=A

?3C*? 3= A*AA 3B:*B 73*BB

C?7*B> B=A*?B A*AA ?AB*33 C=B*7=

3>*B 33*: A*AA BC 3B

?A7>*=> ?A:=*B? A*AA =A:*>7 ?=B3*7:

7=*B 7: A*AA 3? B?*:

?7C:*?: 17@@*C2 1A*B>2 ?:7>*AB ?A7=*>=

7C 1?A2 A*AA ?:: 3A

Net profit for the year F5traordinary ite#s Profit "ro(,ht for+ard
"O"'< !RO.I"(<O )0


The net profit sho+s a fl(ct(atin, trend i*e it increased "y 3=J in 3AABIAC-33*:J increase in 3AACIA=-and increased "y 7:J in 3AA=IA> and finally if falls "y ?AJ in3AA>IA@*this #ay "e d(e to decline in operatin, inco#e and inresed ta5 lia"ility in the year 3AA>IA@* The interest e5penses fro# the period 3AAB to 3AA> sho+ed an increasin, trend "(t decresed in 3AA>IA@ d(e to repay#ent of "orro+in,s*

%a(ra) Naran, B*B*A


Trend Percenta,e Of ICICI Ban Fro# 3AA:I3AAB To 3AA>I3AA@
+base 'ear 200, -0-. /ercentage+0. $igures

/eposits Ad)ances Net profit


?CB ?CA ?3=

37? 3?: ?BB

3:B 3:= 3A=

3?@ 37@ ?>=

T end g a%" #& ICICI Bank

300 250 %e !entage()* 200 150 100 50 0 2005 2006 2007 'ea s
)nter8ret#tionA There is a contino(s increase in the deposits till the year endin, 3AA> follo+ed "y a do+nfall in the year endin, 3AA@ d(e to repay#ent od deposits in this year* Si#ilarly ad)ances also sho+s as increasin, trend till the year endin, 3AA> follo+ed "y a sli,ht do+nfall in the year endin, 3AA@* There has "een a s("stantial increase in net profit till the year year endin, 3AA>*In fo(r years it has "een #ore than do("le*




%a(ra) Naran, B*B*A


The o)erall perfor#ance of the "an is satisfactory*

An indication of a co#panyGs a"ility to #eet shortIter# de"t o"li,ationsR the hi,her the ratio- the #ore li.(id the co#pany is* C(rrent ratio is e.(al to c(rrent assets di)ided "y c(rrent lia"ilities* If the c(rrent assets of a co#pany are #ore than t+ice the c(rrent lia"ilities- then that co#pany is ,enerally considered to ha)e ,ood shortIter# financial stren,th* If c(rrent lia"ilities e5ceed c(rrent assets- then the co#pany #ay ha)e pro"le#s #eetin, its shortIter# o"li,ations*

%URR*N( RA(). N %URR*N( A++*(+ E %URR*N( L)AB)L)(>

C+ ent Rati# #& ICICI Bank &# t"e %e i#d #& ,--./,--0
1$6 1$% 1$2 1 Rati# 0$8 0$6 0$% 0$2 0 2005 2006 2007 'ea s 2008 2009 1$17 1$01 Curr&n' #a'(o 1$39 1$36 1$23

>e#r 3AAB 3AAC 3AA= 3AA> 3AA@

%urrent Assets
1Rs* In crores2

%urrent Li#<ilities
1Rs* In crores2

%urrent R#tio ?*A? ?*?= ?*7@ ?*7C ?*37

3?C73*BC 3@B:@*=@ B7:3?*B@ B>C?B*=C B:?7A*?>

3?7@C*?C 3B33=*>> 7>33>*C: :3>@B*7> :7=:C*:7

An ideal sol)ency ratio is 3* The ratio of 3 is considered as a safe #ar,in of sol)ency d(e to the fact that if c(rrent assets are red(ced to half 1i*e*2 ? instead of 3- then also the creditors +ill "e a"le to ,et their pay#ents in f(ll*

%a(ra) Naran, B*B*A


B(t here the c(rrent ratio is less than 3 and #ore than ? +hich sho+s that the "an ha)e c(rrent assets j(st e.(al to the c(rrent lia"ilities +hich is not satisfactory as the safety #ar,in is )ery less or 6ero* Therefore the "an sho(ld eep #ore c(rrent assets so that it can #aintain a satisfactory safety #ar,in*

Li.(id ratio is also no+n as OGuic09 or OAci2 (est OR#tio* Li.(id assets refer to assets +hich are .(ic ly con)erti"le into cash* C(rrent Assets other stoc and prepaid e5penses are considered as .(ic assets* Guic0 R#tio N (ot#l Guic0 Assets (ot#l %urrent Li#<ilities Guic0 Assets N (ot#l %urrent Assets L )nventory

L()u(* #a'(o o+ ICICI Bank +or ',& p&r(o* o+ 2005-2009 1$2 1 0$8 Rati# 0$67 0$6 0$% 0$2 0 2005 2006 2007 'ea s 2008 2009 0$6 0$97 0$88 0$68 L()u(* #a'(o

3AAB 3AAC 3AA= 3AA> 3AA@

?3@3@*@= ?=A:A*33 7=?3?*77 7>A:?*?7 3@@CC*BC

3?7@C*?C 3B33=*>> 7>33>*C: :3>@B*7> :7=:C*:7

A*CA A*C= A*@= A*>> A*C>

A .(ic ratio of ?$? is considered fa)o(ra"le "eca(se for e)ery r(pee of c(rrent lia"ility-there is atleast one r(pee of li.(id assets* A hi,her )al(e of ratio is considered fa)o(ra"le* <ere this ratio is less than ? in 3AAB-3AAC 8 3AA@ "(t in 3AA= 8 3AA> it is close to ? +hich is not satisfactory*

%a(ra) Naran, B*B*A


This #eans the "an has not #ana,ed its f(nds properly in this partic(lar period*Therefore "an sho(ld rationally (tilise its f(nds to #aintain an ideal li.(id ratio*


In order to a)oid conf(sion on acco(nt of the )aried #eanin,s of the ter# capital e#ployed- the o)erall profita"ility can also "e j(d,ed "y calc(latin, earnin, per share +ith the help of the follo+in, for#(la$

*#rnin -er *@uity +"#re N Net -ro3it #3ter (#? L-re3rence !ivi2en2 No. o3 *@uity s"#res
The earnin, per share of the co#pany helps in deter#inin, the #ar et price of the e.(ity shares of the co#pany* A co#parison of earnin, per share of the co#pany +ith another +ill also help in decidin, +hether the e.(ity share capital is "ein, effecti)ely (sed or not* It also helps in esti#atin, the co#pany4s capacity to pay di)idend to its e.(ity shareholders*

Ea nings Pe S"a e Rati# #& ICICI Bank &# t"e %e i#d #& ,--./,--0
%0 35 30 25 Rati# 20 15 10 5 0 2005 2006 2007 'ea s 2008 2009 Earn(n./ &r S,ar& 27$22 28$55 3%$59 37$37 33$78

>e#r 3AAB 3AAC 3AA= 3AA> 3AA@

Net )nco$e Av#il#<le /or +"#re"ol2ers

1Rs* In crores2

No. .3 *@uity +"#res

1Rs* In crores2

*-+ 3=*33 3>*BB 7:*B@ 7=*7= 77*=>

3AAB*3 3B:A*A= 7??A*33 :?B=*=7 7=B>*?7

=7*C=?C >>*@>37 >@*@3CC ???*3C>= ???*73B

%a(ra) Naran, B*B*A


Farnin, Per Share is the #ost co##only (sed data +hich reflects the perfor#ance and prospects of the co#pany*It affects the #ar et price of shares* <ere the Farnin, Per Share is sho+s a persistent increase till the year 3AA> after that in the year 3AA@ Farnin, Per share is follo+ed "y a do+nfall d(e to decline in profits*


It is e5pressed "y di)idin, di)idend paid to e.(ity shareholders "y no* of e.(ity shares*this sho+s the per share di)idend ,i)en to e.(ity shareholders*It is )ery helpf(l for potential in)estors to no+ the di)idend payin, capacity of the co#pany*It affects the #ar et )al(e of the co#pany*

Dividend Per Share = Dividend Paid To Equity Shareholders No. Of Equity Shares

Di1idend Pe S"a e Rati# #& ICICI Bank &# t"e %e i#d #& ,--./,--0
12 10 8 Rati# 6 % 2 0 2005 2006 2007 'ea s 2008 2009 10$02 8$59 8$53 D(0(*&n* &r S,ar& #a'(o 11$03 11

>e#r 3AAB 3AAC 3AA= 3AA> 3AA@ %a(ra) Naran, B*B*A

!ivi2en2 -#i2
1Rs* In crores2

No. .3 *@uity +"#res

1Rs* In crores2

!-+ >*B@ >*B7 ?A*A3 ??*A7 ?? >C

C73*@C =B@*77 @A?*?= ?33=*= ?33:*B>

=7*C=?C >>*@>37 >@*@3CC ???*3C>= ???*73B

<ere the /i)idend Per Share is increasin, year after year e5cept a little decline in 3AA@*other+ise the di)idend per share ratio of the "an is .(ite satisfactory +hich sho+s the "an has a ,ood di)idend payin, capacity*


This ratio indicates the Net #ar,in on a sale of Rs*?AA* It is calc(lated as follo+s$

Net -ro3it R#tio N Net -ro3it H 4== Net +#les

This ratio helps in deter#inin, the efficiency +ith +hich affairs of the "(siness are "ein, #ana,ed* An increase in the ratio o)er the pre)io(s period indicates i#pro)e#ent in the operational efficiency of the "(siness* The ratio is th(s on effecti)e #eas(re to chec the profita"ility of "(siness*
Net P #&it Rati# #& ICICI Bank &# t"e %e i#d #& ,--./,--0 25 21$3 20 18$%2 13$52 13$5


15 10


N&' ro+(' #a'(o

5 0 2005 2006 2007 'ea s 2008 2009

>e#r 3AAB 3AAC 3AA=

Net -ro3it
1Rs* In crores2

1Rs* In crores2

3AAB*3 3B:A*A= 7??A*33

@:A@*@ ?7=>:*:@ 33@@:*3@

Net -ro3it R#tio &in M' 3?*7 ?>*:3 ?7*B3 >=

%a(ra) Naran, B*B*A

3AA> 3AA@

:?B=*=7 7=B>*?7

7A=>>*7: 7?A@3*BB

?7*B ?3*A>

Altho(,h "oth the sales and net profit ha)e increased d(rin, the a"o)e period "(t the Net Profit Ratio of the "an is declinin, contin(o(sly* This is "eca(se of the reason that net profits ha)e not increased in the sa#e proportion as of the sales*


This ratio is calc(lated as follo+s$

.8er#tin -ro3it R#tio N

.8er#tin -ro3it H4== Net +#les

The difference "et+een net profit ratio and net operatin, profit ratio is that net operatin, profit is calc(lated +itho(t considerin, nonIoperatin, e5penses and nonIoperatin, inco#es* If +e ded(ct this ratio fro# ?AA-the res(lt +ill "e operatin, ratio* <i,her operatin, profit ratio ena"le the or,ani6ation to reco(p nonIoperatin, e5penses o(t of operatin, profits and pro)ide reasona"le ret(rn*

O%e ating P #&it Rati# #& ICICI Bank &# t"e %e i#d #& ,--./,--0
%0 35 30 Rati# 25 20 15 10 5 0 2005 2006 2007 'ea s 2008 2009 !p&ra'(n. ro+(' #a'(o 3%$02 31$%1 28$7 25$5% 25$85

3AAB 3AAC 3AA= 3AA> 3AA@

.8er#tin -ro3it
1Rs* In crores2

1Rs* In crores2

.8er#tin -ro3it R#tio &in M'

7?*:? 7:*A3 3B*B: 3B*>B 3>*=

3@BC :C@A*C= B>=:*: =@CA*C@ >@3B*37

@:A@*@ ?7=>:*:@ 33@@:*3@ 7A=>>*7: 7?A@3*BB

%a(ra) Naran, B*B*A


In the year 3AAB 8 3AAC the operatin, profit is 7?*:?J 8 7:*A3J respecti)ely* After that it has "een consistently declined fro# the year 3AA= till 3AA> and a,ain ,ainin, #o#ent(# in 3AA@* This #ay "e d(e to the reason that operatin, e5penses ha)e "een increased #ore as co#pared to sales d(rin, the a"o)e period conse.(ently red(cin, the operatin, profits*Therefore the "an sho(ld chec on (nnecessary operatin, e5penses to correct this sit(ation and to pro)ide a s(fficient ret(rn*


It #eas(res the profita"ility of the "(siness in )ie+ of the shareholders* It j(d,es the earnin, capacity of the co#pany and the ade.(acy of ret(rn on proprietor4s f(nds*Shareholders and potential in)estors are interested in this ratio*It is calc(lated as "elo+$

Return .n Net ,ort" N Net -ro3it A3ter )nterest An2 (#? ? 4== +"#re"ol2er9s /un2s Ret+ n On Net W# t" Rati# #& ICICI Bank &# t"e %e i#d #& ,--./,--0
18 16 1% 12 Rati# 10 8 6 % 2 0 2005 2006 2007 'ea s 2008 2009 11$26 15$5% 12$61 8$88


#&'urn !n N&' 1or',

2==: 2==5 2==; 2==7

Net -ro3it A3ter )nterest An2 (#?

1Rs* In crores2 2==:.2 2:4=.=; 344=.22 44:;.;3

+"#re"ol2erDs /un2
1Rs* In crores2 42799.9; 22:::.99 24553.25 4572=.24

Return .n Net ,ort" &in M'

4:.:4 44.25 42.54 7.77

%a(ra) Naran, B*B*A






The net profit after interest and ta5 ha)e increased slo+ly till the year 3AA> follo+ed "y a do+nfall d(e to hi,h interest pay#ents-operatin, e5penses and ta5ation lia"ility*conse.(ently the net+orth ratio has declined considera"ly and has red(ced to #ore than half in the year 3AA@ than it +as in 3AAB*


It esta"lishes relationship "et+een profit "efore interest and ta5 and capital e#ployed* It indicates the percenta,e of ret(rn on the total capital e#ployed in the "(siness*This ratio is also no+n as Return .n )nvest$ent. It #eas(res the o)erall efficiency and profita"ilityof the "(siness in relation to in)est#ent #ade in "(siness* It also sho+s ho+ efficiently the reso(rces are (sed in the "(siness*co#parison of one (nit +ith that of the other or perfor#ance in one year +ith that of the sa#e (nit is possi"le* It is calc(lated as "elo+$

Ret+ n On Ca%ita$ Em%$#yed #& ICICI Bank &# t"e %e i#d #& ,--./,--0
9 8 7 6 Rati# 5 % 3 2 1 0 2005 2006 2007 'ea s 2008 2009 #&'urn !n Cap('a2 E3p2o4&* 6$22 5$61 6$52 7$99 8$29

2==: 2==5 2==;

Net -ro3it Be3ore )nterest An2 (#?

1Rs* In crores2 9=97.=9 42594.=: 2===5.:4

%#8it#l *$8loye2
1Rs* In crores2 445253.2: 225454.4; 3=5429.47

Return .n %#8it#l *$8loye2 &in M'

5.22 :.54 5.:2

%a(ra) Naran, B*B*A


2==7 2==9

27:4=.34 2;742.9

3:5799.59 33:::4.:3

;.99 7.29

The a"o)e ta"le e5hi"it the ret(rn on capital e#ployed ratio of the "an for last fi)e years*This ratio #eas(res the earnin, of the net assets of the "(siness* The ratio +as C*33J in year 3AAB* After that it rised to the t(ne of B*C?J-C*B3J-=*@@J and >*3@J in year 3AAC- 3AA=- 3AA> and year 3AA@ respecti)ely* It lead to the concl(sion "an risin, "(t )ery little proportion of ret(rn on capital e#ployed*


The /e"tIF.(ity ratio is calc(lated to find o(t the lon,Iter# financial position of the fir#*This ratio indicates the relationship "et+een lon,Iter# de"ts and shareholder4s f(nds*The so(ndness of lon,Iter# financial policies of a fir# can "e deter#ined +ith the help of this ratio* It helps to assess the so(ndness of lon,Iter# financial policies of a "(siness*It also helps to deter#ine the relati)e sta es of o(tsiders and shareholders*Lon,Iter# creditors can assess the sec(rity of their f(nds in a "(siness*it indicates to +hat e5tent a fir# depends (pon lenders to #eet its lon,Iter# financial re.(ire#ents*A lo+ /e"tIF.(ity ratio is considered "etter fro# the point of )ie+ of creditors*

De2t E3+ity ati# #& ICICI Bank &# t"e %e i#d #& ,--./,--0
1% 12 10 Rati# 8 6 % 2 0 2005 2006 2007 'ea s 2008 2009 11$99 10$1% 7$53 12$97


D&5' E)u('4 #a'(o

>e#r 3AAB 3AAC 3AA= 3AA>

1Rs* In crores2

1Rs* In crores2

!e<t *@uity R#tio ??*@@ ?A*?: ?3*@= =*B7 @?

?B:=B@*:B 33>>73*@C 7?@@@:*>C 7B3@=:*>=

?3>@@*@= 33BBB*@@ 3:CC7*3C :C>3A*3?

%a(ra) Naran, B*B*A





The ratio sho+s the e5tent to +hich f(nds ha)e "een pro)ided "y lon,Iter# creditors as co#pared to the f(nds pro)ided "y the o+ners*<ere the /e"tIF.(ity ratio for the a"o)e period is al+ays hi,h*this sho+s that the "an is #ore relyin, on o(tside f(nds as co#pared to internal so(rces of capital-in its capital str(ct(re* Fro# the lon,Iter# lenders point of )ie+ this ratio is not satisfactory*

It is also called shareholders e.(ity to total e.(ity ratio or net +orth to total assets ratio or e.(ity ratio*It co#pares the shareholder4s f(nds to total assets*It is calc(lated "y di)idin, shareholder4s f(nds "y total assets*

-ro8rietory R#tio N +"#re"ol2er9s /un2 (ot#l Assets

It helps to deter#ine the lon,Iter# sol)ency of a co#pany*This ratio #eas(res the protection a)aila"le to the creditors*<i,her the ratio-lesser is the li elihood of insol)ency in f(t(re-as the #ana,e#ent has to (se lessor de"ts and )ice )ersa*Th(s-this ratio is of ,reat i#portance to the creditors*

P #% iet# y Rati# #& ICICI Bank &# t"e %e i#d #& ,--./,--0
0$1% 0$12 0$1 Rati# 0$08 0$06 0$0% 0$02 0 2005 2006 2007 'ea s 2008 2009 0$07 0$08 0$12 0$13


ropr(&'or4 #a'(o

>e#rs 3AAB 3AAC 3AA= %a(ra) Naran, B*B*A

+"#re"ol2erDs /un2s
1Rs* In crores2

(ot#l Assets
1Rs* In crores2

-ro8rietory R#tio A*A= A*A> A*A= @3

?3>@@*@= 33BBB*@@ 3:CC7*3C

?C=CB@*: 3B?7>>*@B 7::CB>*??

3AA> 3AA@

:C>3A*3? :@>>7*A3

7@@=@B*A= 7=@7AA*@C

A*?3 A*?7

A"o)e ta"le e5hi"its the proprietary ratio of the "an for last fi)e years * It +as =J in 3AAB-After that +as >J in year 3AAC* Si#ilarly it +as once a,ain red(ced to = J in the year 3AA=* After 3AA= it re,istered increase and +as ?3J and ?7J in the year 3AA> and 3AA@ respecti)ely* <ence it leads to the concl(sion o+ners ha)e less than ?7J sta e in the total assets of the "an * It is not a ,ood si,n as far the lon, ter# sol)ency is concerned*


It is also called as Sales to Fi5ed Assets Ratio*It #eas(res the efficient (se of fi5ed assets*This ratio is a #eas(re of efficient (se of fi5ed assets*it is calc(lated as$ /i?e2 Assets (urnover R#tio N %ost o3 oo2s sol2 or +#les Net /i?e2 Assets It #eas(res the efficiency and profit earnin, capacity of the "(siness*<i,her the ratio-,reater is the intensi)e (tili6ation of fi5ed assets and a lo+er ratio sho+s (nder (tili6ation of the fi5ed assets*This ratio has a special i#portance for #an(fact(rin, concerns +here in)est#ent in fi5ed assets-is )ey hi,h and the profita"ility is si,nificantly dependent on the (tili6ation of these assets *

Fi4ed assets T+ n#1e Rati# #& ICICI Bank &# t"e %e i#d #& ,--./,--0
9 8 7 6 5 % 3 2 1 0 7$%9 5$86 3$%6 2$33 F(6&* a//&'/ Turno0&r #a'(o 8$17




2007 'ea s



>e#r 3AAB %a(ra) Naran, B*B*A

1Rs* In crores2

Net /i?e2 Assets

1Rs* In crores2



/i?e2 Assets (urnover R#tio 3*77 @7

3AAC 3AA= 3AA> 3AA@

?7=>:*:@ 33@@:*3@ 7A=>>*7: 7?A@3*BB

7@>A*=3 7@37*:3 :?A>*>@ 7>A?*C3

7*:C B*>C =*:@ >*?=

<ere the fi5ed assets e#ployed in the "(siness sho+s a decreasin, trend e5cept in the year 3AA> +here fi5ed assets ha)e a,ain increased*This #ay "e d(e to increase in rate of depreciation in s("se.(ent years* Ne)erthless-the fi5ed assets t(rno)er ratio has "een consistently increasin,*It indicates that fi5ed assets ha)e "een effecti)ely (sed in the "(siness +itho(t #(ch additional in)est#ent in the period of st(dy and also the capital is not "loc ed in fi5ed assets*

This ratio is )ery i#portant to assess the credit perfor#ance of the "an * The ratio sho+s the relationship "et+een the a#o(nt of deposit ,enerated "y the "an has +ell as their deploy#ent to+ards dis"(rse#ent of loan and ad)ances* <i,her credit deposit ratio sho+s o)erall ,ood efficiency and perfor#ance of any "an in, instit(tion*
Cre#its ?AA 1eposits

Cre#it 1eposit

atio =

%re2it $e#ns 2is<urse$ent o3 #2v#nces !e8osit $e#n su$ o3 3i?e2 2e8osit, +#vin 2e8osit #n2 current 2e8osit.

%a(ra) Naran, B*B*A


C edit De%#sit ati# #& ICICI 2ank &# t"e %e i#d #& ,--./,--0
1$05 1 0$95 Rati# 0$9 0$85 0$8 0$75 2005 2006 2007 'ea s 2008 2009 0$91 0$88 0$8% 0$92 Cr&*(' D&po/(' ra'(o 0$99

>e#r 3AAB 3AAC 3AA= 3AA> 3AA@

1Rs* In crores2

1Rs* In crores2

%re2it !e8osit R#tio &inM' @? >> >: @3 @@

@?:AB*?B ?:C?C7*?? ?@B>CB*C 33BC?C*A> 3?>7?A*>B

@@>?>*=> ?CBA>7*?= 37AB?A*?@ 3:::7?*AB 3?>7:=*>3

A"o)e ta"le e5hi"its credit deposit ratio of the "an d(rin, last B years* In the year 3AAB ratio +as @?J and it declined to >>J and >:Jin the year 3AAC and 3AA= respecti)ely* In the year 3AA> and 3AA@ ratio +as increased to @3J and @@J respecti)ely* it leads to concl(sion that credit perfor#ance of the "an is )ery ,ood*

%a(ra) Naran, B*B*A



Profit "efore ta5 Net cashflo+Ioperatin, acti)ity Net cash (sed in in)estin, acti)ity Netcash (sed in fin* acti)ity Net incDdec in cash and e.(i)lnt Cash and e.(i)alnt "e,in of year Cash and e.(i)alnt end of year 3AAB 3-B3=*3A @-?7?*=3 I7-::B*3: I?-33=*?7 :-:B@*7: >-:=A*C7 ?3-@3@*@= 3AAC 7-A@C*C? :-CB3*@7 I=->@7*@> =-7BA*@A :-??A*3B ?3-@3@*@= ?=-A:A*33 3AA= 7-C:>*A: 37-AC?*@B I?>-7C3*C= ?B-:?:*B> 3A-A>?*?A ?=-A:A*33 7=-?3?*73 3AA> B-ABC*?A 3AA@ B-??C*@=

I??-C7?*?B I?:-?>>*?:@ I?=-BC?*?? 7->B=*>> 3@-@C:*>3 C>7*BB 7=-7B=*B> 7>-A:?*?7 ?-C3B*7C I>-A=:*B= 7>-A:?*?7 3@-@CC*BC

%a(ra) Naran, B*B*A


Chapter -


Profit "efore ta5 for the year ended 0arch 7?- 3AA@ 1FY3AA@2 +as Rs* B-??= crore 1&SM ?-AA@ #illion2- co#pared to Rs* B-ABC crore 1&SM @@= #illion2 for the year ended 0arch 7?- 3AA> 1FY3AA>2* Profit after ta5 for FY3AA@ +as Rs* 7-=B> crore 1&SM =:? #illion2 co#pared to Rs* :-?B> crore 1&SM >3A #illion2 for FY3AA> d(e to the hi,her effecti)e ta5 rate on acco(nt of lo+er proportion of inco#e ta5a"le as di)idends and capital ,ains* Net interest inco#e increased ?BJ fro# Rs* =-7A: crore 1&SM ?-::A #illion2 for FY3AA> to Rs* >-7C= crore 1&SM ?-CBA #illion2 for FY3AA@* 9hile the ad)ances %a(ra) Naran, B*B*A @=

declined #ar,inally yearIonIyear- the net interest inco#e increased d(e to i#pro)e#ent in net interest #ar,in fro# 3*3J in FY3AA> to 3*:J in FY3AA@* Operatin, e5penses 1incl(din, direct #ar etin, a,ency e5penses2 decreased ?:J to Rs* C->7B crore 1&SM ?-7:> #illion2 in FY3AA@ fro# Rs* =-@=3 crore 1&SM ?-B=3 #illion2 in FY3AA>* The costDa)era,e asset ratio for FY3AA@ +as ?*>J co#pared to 3*3J for FY3AA>* /(rin, the year- the Ban has p(rs(ed a strate,y of prioriti6in, capital conser)ation- li.(idity #ana,e#ent and ris contain#ent ,i)en the challen,in, econo#ic en)iron#ent* This is reflected in the Ban 4s stron, capital ade.(acy and its foc(s on red(cin, its +holesale ter# deposit "ase and increasin, its CASA ratio* The Ban is #aintainin, e5cess li.(idity on an on,oin, "asis* The Ban has also placed stron, e#phasis on efficiency i#pro)e#ent and cost rationali6ation* The Ban contin(es to in)est in e5pansion of its "ranch net+or to enhance its deposit franchise and create an inte,rated distri"(tion net+or for "oth asset and lia"ility prod(cts* In line +ith the a"o)e strate,y- the total deposits of the Ban +ere Rs* 3?>-7:> crore 1&SM :7*A "illion2 at 0arch 7?- 3AA@- co#pared to Rs* 3::-:7? crore 1&SM :>*3 "illion2 at 0arch 7?- 3AA>* The red(ction in ter# deposits "y Rs* 3:-@=A crore 1&SM :*@ "illion2 +as pri#arily d(e to the Ban 4s conscio(s strate,y of payin, off +holesale deposits* /(rin, S:I3AA@- total deposits increased "y Rs* @-3>7 crore 1&SM ?*> "illion2- of +hich Rs* B-3>C crore 1&SM ?*A "illion2- or a"o(t B=J- +as in the for# of CASA deposits* The CASA ratio i#pro)ed to 3>*=J of total deposits at 0arch 7?- 3AA@ fro# 3C*?J at 0arch 7?- 3AA>* The "ranch net+or of the Ban has increased fro# =BB "ranches at 0arch 7?3AA= to ?-:7> "ranches at April 3:- 3AA@* The Ban is also in the process of openin, B>A ne+ "ranches +hich +o(ld e5pand the "ranch net+or to a"o(t 3-AAA "ranches- ,i)in, the Ban a +ide distri"(tion reach in the co(ntry* In line +ith the strate,y of prioriti6in, capital conser)ation and ris contain#ent- the loan "oo of the Ban decreased #ar,inally to Rs* 3?>-7?? crore 1&SM :7*A "illion2 at 0arch 7?- 3AA@ fro# Rs* 33B-C?C crore 1&SM ::*B "illion2 at 0arch 7?- 3AA>*

Li@ui2ity 8osition The li.(id ratio of the "an in the year 3AAB-3AAC and 3AA@ is A*CA-A*C=and A*C> respecti)ely and the year 3AA= and 3AA> li.(id ratio is A*@= and A*>> respecti)ely +hich is close to ?*Tho(,h it is not e.(al to the ideal li.(id ratio of ?$? "(t still its (nder control* So in n(t shell- it can "e concl(ded that the li.(idity position of the "an is .(ite satisfactory* %a(ra) Naran, B*B*A @>

%#8it#l #2e@u#cy #n2 return on c#8it#l e$8loye2 The Ban 4s capital ade.(acy at 0arch 7?- 3AA@ as per Reser)e Ban of India4s re)ised ,(idelines on Basel II nor#s +as ?B*BJ and TierI? capital ade.(acy +as ??*>J- +ell a"o)e RBI4s re.(ire#ent of total capital ade.(acy of @*AJ and TierI? capital ade.(acy of C*AJ* The a"o)e capital ade.(acy ta es into acco(nt the i#pact of di)idend reco##ended "y the Board* Also the capital is "ein, effecti)ely (tili6ed in the "an as it sho+s "etter ret(rn on capital e#ployed o)er years* Asset @u#lity At 0arch 7?- 3AA@- the Ban 4s net nonIperfor#in, asset ratio +as ?*@CJ* /(rin, the year the Ban restr(ct(red loans a,,re,atin, to Rs* ?-??B crore 1&SM 33A #illion2* !ivi2en2 on e@uity s"#res Since the di)idend per share has sho+n a pro#isin, increase for the period (nder st(dy*It sho+s that the "an is follo+in, a so(nd di)idend policy and is capa"le of distri"(tin, hi,her di)idends*in this +ay the in)estors +ill feel in)estin, in capital of the "an a #(ch "eneficial option and +ill "e rel(ctant to +ithdra+ capital for a lon, ti#e* *#rnin s 8er s"#re The earnin,s per share for the period (nder st(dy also sho+s a pro#isin, increase*it s(,,ests that "an has "etter profita"ility position and in f(t(re it can "e a "etter or attracti)e channel of in)est#ent for shareholders* Hi "er tren2s o3 cre2it 2e8osit r#tio L A 8ositive si n <i,h trends of credit deposit ratio re)eals that "an has perfor#ed satisfactorily as re,ard to ,rantin, loans and ad)ances to ,enerate inco#e* It s(,,ests that credit perfor#ance is ,ood and the "an is doin, its "(siness ,ood "y f(lfillin, its #ajor o"jecti)e as re,ards to ,rantin, loans and acceptin, deposits*


%a(ra) Naran, B*B*A


On the "asis of )ario(s techni.(es applied for the financial analysis of ICICI Ban +e can arri)e at a concl(sion that the financial position and o)erall perfor#ance of the "an is satisfactory* Tho(,h the inco#e of the "an has increased o)er the period "(t not in the sa#e pace as of e5penses* B(t the "an has s(cceeded in #aintainin, a reasona"le profita"ility position* The "an has s(cceeded in increasin, its share capital also +hich has increased aro(nd BAJ in the last B years* Indi)id(als are the #ajor shareholders* The #ajor achie)e#ent of the "an has "een a tre#endo(s increase in its deposits- +hich has al+ays "een its #ain o"jecti)e* Fi5ed and c(rrent deposits ha)e also sho+n an increasin, trend* F.(ity shareholders are also enjoyin, an increasin, trend in the ret(rn on their capital* Tho(,h c(rrent assets and lia"ilities 1c(rrent li.(idity2 of the "an is not so satisfactory "(t "an has s(cceeded in #aintainin, a sta"le sol)ency position o)er the years* As far as the ratio of e5ternal and internal e.(ity is concerned- it is clear that "an has "een (sin, #ore a#o(nt of e5ternal e.(ity in the for# of loans and "orro+in,s than o+ner4s e.(ity* Ban 4s in)est#ents are also sho+in, an increasin, trend* /(e to increase in ad)ances- the interest recei)ed "y the "an fro# s(ch ad)ances is pro)in, to "e the #ajor so(rce of inco#e for the "an *


%a(ra) Naran, B*B*A


Altho(,h the short ter# li.(idity position is .(ite satisfactory as per re)ealed "y li.(id ratio "(t the c(rrent ratio is "elo+ the ideal ratio of 3$?*So the "an sho(ld #a e efforts to increase its c(rrent assets to #aintain a safety #ar,in and to #aintain a "etter li.(idity position* The profita"ility of the "an for the period (nder st(dy is not satisfactory* Profits are increasin, "(t not +ith sa#e pace as of the e5pendit(re d(e to hi,her reliance on de"t capital in the for# of "orro+in,s and loans for financin, capital str(ct(re* So in order to i#pro)e profita"ility- the "an sho(ld red(ce its dependence on e5ternal e.(ities for #eetin, capital re.(ire#ents* Conse.(entlythe interest e5penses +ill decline and profits +ill increase +hich is ,ood for the "an * Si#ilarly non prod(cti)e e5penses sho(ld "e c(rtailed to i#pro)e profita"ility* <i,her trend of credit deposit ratio re)eals that the "an has perfor#ed satisfactorily as re,ard to ,rantin, loans and ad)ances to ,enerate inco#e* It s(,,ests that the credit perfor#ance of "an is ,ood and it is perfor#in, its "(siness +ell "y f(lfillin, the #ajor o"jecti)e of ,rantin, credit and acceptin, deposit* So in order to ha)e #ore credita"ility in the #ar et the "an sho(ld #aintain its credit deposit ratio* Tho(,h the "an has "een s(ccessf(l in increasin, it4s deposits "(t to f(rther i#pro)e (pon s(ch sit(ation it can introd(ce so#e ne+ and attracti)e sche#es for p("lic* S(ch sche#es can "e in the for# of hi,her rate of interest and shorter #at(rity period for F/4s etc* Ban sho(ld try to finance #ore and #ore projects* Financin, +ill help it to earn hi,her a#o(nt of profits* The "an is ha)in, a ,reater reliance on de"t capital* The increasin, reliance on e5ternal e.(ities #ay pro)e ha6ardo(s in the lon, r(n* So in order to re#edy this sit(ation "an sho(ld increase its foc(s on internal e.(ities and other so(rces of internal financin,* Ban can also thin for i#pro)in, it4s dayIto Iday ser)ice to its clients* S(ch ser)ice can "e i#pro)ed "y pro)idin, pro#pt ser)ice and sho+in, an attit(de of coIoperation to its clients* It +ill help to ,i)e a ind of confidence to the p("lic and "(ild a "etter p("lic i#a,e* To achie)e the o"jecti)e of R(ral de)elop#ent it sho(ld open #ore and #ore "ranches in different r(ral areas of the co(ntry* It +ill facilitate in pro)idin, help to r(ral poor far#ers and other li)in, "elo+ the po)erty line* Ban can appoint co##ission a,ents for different area +ho can enco(ra,e ,eneral p("lic to in)est in the capital of the "an and #a e #ore deposits in ICICI Ban *

%a(ra) Naran, B*B*A


The "an sho(ld si#plify the proced(re of ad)ances for .(ic dis"(rse#ent* To achie)e or,ani6ational s(ccess a proper independent +or in, at#osphere sho(ld "e de)eloped to achie)e desired o"jecti)e #ore effecti)ely* Last "(t not least- "an sho(ld adopt "ranch a(to#ation e5peri#ent to control the operational cost*

%a(ra) Naran, B*B*A


C3'!"ER :


%a(ra) Naran, B*B*A


Boo0s Re33ere2A
Acco(ntancy* R*K* 0ittal-A*K*Hain* Financial 0ana,e#entI Theory and Practice* Shashi*K*%(pta - R*K* Shar#a* Fssentials of Corporate Finance 3nd edition -Ir+in D0c%ra+I<ill*Ross- S*A*-R*9* 9esterfield and B*/* Hordan* Basic Financial 0ana,e#ent ->th edition -Prentice I<all-Inc* Scott- /*F*- H*/ 0artin- H*9* Petty and A*Keo+n*

)nternet 1e<sitesA
9++*Icici"an *Co# 9++*0oneycontrol*Co# 999*0oney*Rediff*Co# 9++*9i ipedia*Or, 9++*%oo,le*Co# 9++*Scri"d*Co# 9++*0ana,e#entparadise*Co#

%a(ra) Naran, B*B*A


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