Quick Reference Teradata-Load Utilities

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FAST LOAD is one of load utility used to load source data into Teradata Tables. Fast Load runs in !"ase fas"ion#1.Ac$uition !"ase 2. A!!lication !"ase. APPLICATION: For faster loadin% t"an any ot"er utility. RESTRICTIONS: Tar%et Table s"ould be e&!ty. Tar%et table s"ould not "a'e referentials#forie%n(eys) secondary indi*es) and tri%%ers. E'en if one AM+ ,Access Module +rocessor- is do.n) fload can/t be restarted till t"e failed AM+ co&es online. Not accessible by users ."ile loadin%. Not able to collect statistics ."ile 0ob is runnin%. E'en if t"e Tar%et table is of &ultiset !ro!erty co&!lete du!licate records .ill be re!orted but not ca!tured. Only inserts can be done. 1it" 2 scri!t .e can load into 2 table only. INFRASTRUCTURE: FLOAD .ill "a'e error tables )2 lo% table 3 2 teradata table.. Error table 2 ca!tures do.n AM+ errors) con'ersion errors 3 constraints errors #!ossibility of occurrence in !"ase 2. Error table ca!tures 'iolation of du!licate 4SI#!ossibility of occurrence in !"ase . 5estart LO6 Table ca!tures c"ec(!oints successfully loaded into Tar%et Table. ADVANTAGES: 5estartability usin% c"ec( !oint. Faster Loadin% as no inter&ediate tables and transient 0ournals are &aintained. Errors can be ca!tured in error tables so t"at facilitatin% to analy7e errors. Follo.s !arallelis& usin% sessions. Ability to load into sin%le table fro& &ulti!le sources. Si&ultaneously .e can run u!to 28 0obs at a ti&e.

M4LTI LOAD is one of load utility used to load source data into Teradata Tables. M4LTI LOAD runs in 8 !"ases# 2.+rili&inary +"ase .DML +"ase 9. Ac$uition +"ase :. A!!lication +"ase 8. ;lean4!

APPLICATION: 1"en need to load data into teradata tar%et tables "a'in% records earlier. 1"en need to load du!licate records into teradata tar%et tables of &ultiset !ro!erty. 1"en need to access data by &any users ."ile loadin%.

1"en need to collect statistics ."ile loadin%. RESTRICTIONS: 5eferential inte%rities)4SI)forei%n (eys are not allo.ed. ;oncatenation of in!ut data files is not allo.ed. A!!ly clause .ill not !rocess arit"&etic o!erations. ;annot !rocess e*!onential or a%%re%ator o!erators. Te&!orary Table 3 sortin% !rocess are additional o'er"eads. INFRASTRUCTURE: Mload .ill "a'e # error tables) 2 lo% table) 2 .or( table) 2 to 8 teradata tar%et tables. Error table#2 ca!tures any errors occurrin% in Ac$uition !"ase. Error table# ca!tures uni$ue 'iolation of 4+I)constraint errors occurrin% in A!!lication !"ase.. 1or( table first ca!tures record fro& source files. 5ecords .ill flo. fro& .or( table to teradata tar%et table. ADVANTAGES: 5estartability usin% c"ec( !oint. Errors can be ca!tured in error tables so t"at facilitatin% to analy7e errors. Follo.s !arallelis& usin% sessions. N4SI is !er&itted. ;an load u!to 8 tables .it" 2 Mload scri!t. Mload runs e'en if an AM+ fails. Inserts)Deletes)4!set)4!sert can be done in Mload. Si&ultaneously .e can run u!to 28 0obs at a ti&e. No transient 0ournal o'er"eads in Mload. Error tables .ill not be loc(ed in Mload.

T+u&! is one of load utility used to load source data into Teradata Tables. APPLICATION: T+u&! is used for continous loadin% source data into teradata tar%et tables. ADVANTAGES: T+u&! allo.s to "a'e secondary indices 3 referential inte%rity constraints to teradata tar%et tables. T+u&! allo.s teradata tables to be !o!ulated or e&!ty earlier to loadin%. T+u&! can al.ays be sto!!ed and all its loc(s can be dro!!ed at any instant .it" no ill effect and tar%et tables are fully accessable.. Ability to !erfor& Inserts)deletes)u!dates o!erations. Allo.s conditional !rocessin%. Su!!orts auto&atic restart. T+u&! does better on relati'ely lo. 'olu&es of c"an%es. T!u&! i&!ro'es !erfor&ance 'ia. Multi!le state&ent re$uest. If T+u&! o!erates on ro.s t"at "a'e associated tri%%ers)t"e tri%%ers are in'o(ed as necessary. INFRASTRUCTURE: T+u&! consists of ###2 restart lo% table) 2 error table) 2 to <= teradata tar%et tables. RESTRICTIONS: ;oncatenation of data files is not su!!orted. E*!onential o!erators)A%%re%ator o!erators are not allo.ed.

Arit"&etic functions are not su!!orted. It is 'ery i&!ortant to "a'e clean data ."en usin% T+u&!.

+A;K: S!ecifies No. of state&ents to !ac( into a &ultistate&ent re$uest. 5ATE: S!ecifies initial &a* rate at ."ic" state&ents are sent to teradata 5D>MS !er &inute. SE5IALI?E: If on )%uarantees t"at o!eration on a ro. occurs serially. 5O>4ST: If on)!re'ents reinsertion of sa&e ro.s after restart.

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