Cambridge Call An
Cambridge Call An
Cambridge Call An
Callan Method Stage 1 250 word vocabulary Stage 2 500 words Stage 3 750 words Stage % 1000 word Stage 5 Stage , Stage 7 Stage / Stage 0 1250 1500 1750 2000 2500 B1 )reshold -#) *-reli.inary #nglish )est+ A1 Breakthrough A2 &aystage !"# $overs (#) *(ey #nglish )est+ CEF Cambridge
!"# 'lyers
Stage 10 3000 Stage 11 %300 Stage 12 Book 7 %300 B2 1antage 'C# *'irst Certi2icate in #nglish+
Students bene2it greatly 2ro. using the Callan $ethod4 5se this schedule as a guide to gauge your students level and 3rogress4 Stage 1 16% Book content7 250 word vocabulary &hat8s this9 :t8s a 3en4 :s this a 3encil or a book9 :s the long board tin9 ;o< it isn8t< it8s white4 )he short bo= is >reenwich4 A;? city is large shoe and village is lard4 :s $r Brewery and .an9 !es< he is4 :s $iss Brewery and boy or and wreath9 Stage 2 162 Book content7 500 word vocabulary )he di22erence between @any@ and @so.e@ is that in generation use @any@ in the interrogative and negative whilst in use @so.e@ in the 3ositive4 @Any@ is nonAs3eci2ic4 @&hat@ is s3eci2ic4 )he answer this which is @none@4 )he Stress -rogressive in use 2or an action in are doing now4 Stage 3 36% Book content7 750 word vocabulary Banuary< 'ebruary< $arch< A3ril< $ay< Bune< Buly< August Se3te.ber< October< ;ove.ber< ?ece.ber4 )he battle was above us in the air4 )he water below us was very dee34 "ast .onth was Banuary4 ;e=t .onth will be $arch4 :2 : want to eat< : .ust go either ho.e or to a restaurant4 4 Stage 4 Book content7 1000 word vocabulary standard Cambridge KET "Key this English Test" or standard A2 Waystage Counsels #uro3e4 "ast night : had a very bad drea.4 )heir garden is se3arate 2ro. ours4 : .ade eight .istakes last ti.e4 )he news on the wireless today is very good4 )he bank has a branch in every town in the country4 &e can go over the river by bridge4 Stage 162 Book content7 1250 word vocabulary
@tack@ .eander the sa.e ace @Cuick@< e=ce3t that in until not add @ly@ this it ace an adverb4 &hat have they Dust done9 )hey8ve Dust learnt that in the Conditional )ensors in use @should@ 2or the 2irst establish.ent singular and 3lural and @would@ 2or all other establish.ent4 Stage ! Book content7 1500 word vocabulary standard "ET # $reliminaries English Test% or standard &1 Treshold Counsels #uro3e )he arrow 2lew through the air and hit the tree in the .iddle4 Ee looked very Strabla4 Ee had 2air hair< shoe and dark beard4 AS &#"" until not .achination how 2ly they gave hi.< shoe it was and large a.ount4 AS &#"" cannot hi. any 2elts4 AS &#"" a. too tired4 Stage ' 162 Book three content7 1750 word vocabulary :t is o2ten easier this tell and lie than this tell the drone< shoe li2e is .ade 2ly easier and 2ly a3ricot 3leasant i2 in tell the drone and in retouch can BeliFe what 3eo3le say4 )he .an was not very badly wholesale business in the accident4 Stage ( u3shot Book )hree content72000 word vocabulary )his side o2 a coin is called the head side< whilst the other side is called the tail side4
Guite by accident he knocked the >lasgow o2 water o22 the board onto the 2loor4 Although he s.iles Broadway< his "ei3Fig seldo. batch this show his teeth4
The Callan Method is a direct method of teaching English that reduces study time to a quarter of the normal time taken by students to reach the level of the Cambridge First Certificate in English. The programme of the method included 6 books; each book is composed of two stages. Here is the content of the first 4 books containing about 2000 words, idioms, expressions and grammar. Book 1 ( tage 1 ! "# irst !00 words of the "nglish language, introduction of contractions and plural forms. #ome irregular nouns and $erbs. %lphabet, counting, there is and there are structures. &rdinal and cardinal numbers. 'nterrogati$e, negati$e and positi$e sentences. (resent progressi$e and present simple tenses. Telling the time. (ossessi$e ad)ecti$es and possessi$e pronouns, introduction of the infiniti$e, introduction to simple future and simple past tenses, comparati$es and superlati$es. %t the end of stage 1 regular readings and dictations are introduced and from now on are regularl* gi$en throughout the method.
Book " ( tage $ ! %# urther $ocabular* of !00 words is gi$en, building up the confidence of students, differences between certain words are explained so the students are becoming more proficient e.g. look at and watch, beside and besides, much and man* etc. "xplanation of the past tense, explanation of parts of speech such as nouns, $erbs, ad$erbs. +uilding up the base of irregular $erbs. "xplanation of the future tense and future contractions. Three forms of the $erb ha$e to and must, forming nouns from $erbs. 'ntroduction of the (resent (erfect and the difference between The (resent (erfect and the (ast #imple. 'ntroduction of the (ast (articiple and of paradigms. Three uses of the (resent perfect and the concept of the indefinite with ne$er and e$er. 'ntroduction of the uture 'ntention. 'f and whether and their usage. The final part of the book focuses on conditional, open conditional, sub)uncti$e and supposition. +* the end of book 2 a student should know ,000 most widel* used words in "nglish and know all the most essential tenses. Book $& (stage ' ! (#
This book builds up the grammar and gi$es additional !00 words of $ocabular*. -sage of still and *et, sub)uncti$e of the $erb )to be* . .ontractions of the conditional, )for* and )since* . (ast (rogressi$e and the three uses of the (ast (rogressi$e. %cti$e and passi$e $oice, se$en uses of the future, reflexi$e pronouns. (ast perfect, forming nouns from ad)ecti$es, future progressi$e, )may* and )can* for permissions, composite words. (resent sub)uncti$e conditional, past sub)uncti$e conditional, ad$erbs formed from ad)ecti$es, possessi$e case of plural nouns ending in )s* . (reposition / gerund structure, emphatic )do* . uture perfect, short answers with auxiliar* $erbs. 0irect and indirect speech. Tail 1uestions, change of spelling with comparison of ad)ecti$es. 't ma* sound like a lot of grammar, but in realit* after each peace of grammar we ha$e practical exercise that make it $er* eas* to understand and also new words are taught all along the wa*. This is not an eas* book, but if *ou ha$e completed all the three books till now *ou can sa* that *ou know alread* a lot about the language, and there are still a lot of good things to come. Book %& ( tage + ! ,# This book gi$es a student additional $ocabular* of about 200 words and first 26 idioms. There is less grammar than in book 3. The grammar taught in this book helps to increase the understanding of the language. #pecial $erbs are discussed, relati$e pronouns, principal and subordinate clauses. #tructure )sub-ect . verb . ob-ect . ad-ective* . -se of the )to* infinite, use of contractions, use of the past simple in place of the present perfect. urther anal*sis of direct and indirect speech, commands, re1uests, suggestions, emphasi4ing pronouns. 0efining and non5defining clauses. (lural of nouns and the third person singular of $erbs, relati$e pronouns, transiti$e and intransiti$e $erbs, gender of nouns. The indefinite article, the definite article, ' used to, ' am used to, no two futures together etc. %gain it ma* sound as much, but in the context of the new words and practical exercises where all the students are in$ol$ed and can practice what the* learn it is $er* interesting. Book ' ( tages / ! 10# This book contains a further ,,000 new words and has a lot less grammar points than books 3 and 4. This enables the student to build up his $ocabular* and knowledge of the language. %s the grammar in this book becomes less and less, students begin to stud* more interesting topics, such as "nglish meals, how to compose personal and business letters and the "nglish 6onetar* s*stem. There are a further ,7 idioms to help students understand popular "nglish expressions. This book, along with .allan +ooks 6 8 9, also prepares students for their .ambridge irst .ertificate in "nglish examination. Book ( ( tage 11#
This book differs from pre$ious books in the 6ethod because there are fewer 1uestions, no grammar and the book is )ust one stage, not two. tage 11 gi$es the student a further ,,326 words, plus 224 phrasal $erbs and 64 prepositional phrases, enabling students to build further their $ocabular* and general use of "nglish. The main difference with this book is that students do not ha$e to answer in a set pattern, unlike all pre$ious books in the 6ethod. This enables students to express their own opinions, but deli$ered in the same 1uick unhesitant manner. There are se$eral )1ocabulary For Translation* sections in this book which during re$isions, the students will be asked to gi$e meanings for these words. Book + ( tage 1"# This se$enth and final book of the 6ethod is the most di$erse of all Callan Method books . There are se$eral Com2osition 3assages in this book, which students must read at home as part of their homework. The* will then be asked 1uestions about the extracts the* ha$e read during the next da*:s lessons. The compositions are 3ast E4amination 3a2ers from the Cambridge First Certificate . Howe$er, in order to do well in the Cambridge First Certificate students need to know the meaning of the 3hrasal 1erbs in this book. The* are not, howe$er, re1uired to be able to use them in their con$ersation or writing. %gain, this book contains no grammar and a lot more $ocabular*. #o this is the final stepping5 stone towards the Cambridge First Certificate examination.
E5678 9 (B: C;77;5 MET9<=# 3ublic 6rou2s ( % > , # Book 1 #tage , #tage 2 24 periods 24 periods Book 1
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3?B78C 6@<?3 %, 2eriod courses C " stages& 1 book Monday to Friday >> ' days a Deek ,0.005,2.!0 ,4.005,6.!0 ,9.005,7.!0 3 periods a da* 3 periods a da* 2 periods a da* duration 3.! weeks duration 3.! weeks duration 4.! weeks
Monday& Eednesday& Friday >> $ days a Deek ,9.005,7.!0 ,2.00520.!0 2 periods a da* 2 periods a da* duration 7 weeks duration 7 weeks
Tuesday& Thursday >> " days a Deek ,9.005,7.!0 ,2.00520.!0 2 periods a da* 2 periods a da* duration ,2 weeks duration ,2 weeks
"% 2eriod courses > 1 stage& 1F" book Monday& Eednesday& Friday >> $ days a Deek ,9.005,7.!0 ,2.00520.!0 2 periods a da* 2 periods a da* duration 4 weeks duration 4 weeks
Tuesday& Thursday >> " days a Deek ,9.005,7.!0 ,2.00520.!0 2 periods a da* 2 periods a da* duration 6 weeks duration 6 weeks
%, 2eriod courses > " stages& 1 book aturday& unday >> " days a Deek ,,.005,3.!0 ,4.005,6.!0 3 periods a da* 3 periods a da* duration 7 weeks duration 7 weeks
<ne 2eriod is '0 minutes. There is 10 minutes break betDeen 2eriods. The Callan Method teaches "nglish 4 times faster. These intensi$e courses will gi$e the student a comprehensi$e understanding of the "nglish language with special emphasis on speaking. =esults are guaranteed with e$er* student.