Income Tax FINAL
Income Tax FINAL
Income Tax FINAL
1. Certificate 2. Acknowledgement 3. Preface 4. Introduction to Problem Area 5. b!ecti"e of the Pro!ect #. $efinition of the %&'tem (. )imitation of *anual %&'tem +. Propo'ed %&'tem ,. )imitation of the Pro!ect 1-. %&'tem $e'ign a. utput b. Input c. .ile $e'ign 2. 3. Coding utput / 0eport'
7hi' i' to certif& that M*. C0et *,m S;o J,/ P,1 Sin60 o- B.S .!Hon<#" IT VI Seme#te* ha' completed. 8i' pro!ect 'ucce''full& on =On1ine E>,min,tion S/#tem? u'ing C33 under m& 'uper"i'ion. It i' further certified that the pro!ect work i' candidate9' own work and i' not 'ubmitted to el'e where for an& other purpo'e. I wi'h her 'ucce'' in her future.
*i''. %unaina :hullar )ecturer; $eptt. f I.7. 4.2.:hal'a College <amuna 2agar 18r.6
7hi' i' to certif& that M*. C0et *,m S;o J,/ P,1 Sin60 o- B.S .!Hon<#" IT VI Seme#te* thi' college. %he ha' completed her pro!ect 'ucce''full& on =On1ine E>,min,tion S/#tem? u'ing C33.
P*o-. B,1 K*i#0,n Co>ordinator; $eptt. f I.7. 4.2.:hal'a College <amuna 2agar 18r.6
7here i' alwa&' a 'en'e of gratitude which one e?pre'' to other for the help and timel& 'er"ice' the& render during all pha'e' of life. I too would like to e?pre'' m& gratitude toward' all tho'e who ha"e been helpful to me during m& training period. I wa' 'omewhat pu@@led and a bit ner"ou' and 'eriou' about the pro!ect. 7oda& after completing the pro!ect I i' feeling relie"ed. I 'till remember the da& when I wa' a''igned the pro!ect =On1ine E>,min,tion S/#tem?. I 'incerel& thank our Principal 7*. S. Am,*@eet Sin60 !P*in iA,1" and our worth& teacher' of Information 7echnolog& M#. Sun,in, K0u11,* 1lecturer of Information 7echnolog&6 and M*. B,1 K*i#0,n 18ead of Information 7echnolog&6.
Computer' are re"olutioni@ing e"er& a'pect of life. 7he office where we work; the departmental 'tore' where we 'hop; 'chool and college' we attend; the bank where we tran'act our mone& and de"ice we u'e in our home are being radicall& attended b& computer'. Computer' u'age b& computer' and bound' in bu'ine''; indu'tr&; go"ernment and in'titution of 'tudie' like 'chool and college'. 7he rate of which demand i' growing our countr& could not produce requi'ite to match the demand. 7hi' cour'e i' aimed at making 'tudent complete and 'elf> reliant programmer'. =e are being imparted all needed knowledge about 'tructure and ba'i' of computer at fir't 'tage; thu' a candidate i' e?po'ed to thi' time en"ironment. 7he& ha"e to work in an& in'titute and ha"e to change a manuall& working '&'tem to computeri@ed '&'tem 'o that the& are to under'tand the problem ari'ing out of 'uch an en"ironment.
In order to run thi' pro!ect de"eloped under C language &our computer 'hould meet the following 8ardware and %oftware requirement'B
H,*dC,*e ReDui*ement#
At lea't 32 *A 0A* Preferred 8ard di'k of 'i@e + 4A or Abo"e %C4A Card *onitor *ono C4ADColor %C4A 1Preferred6 :e&board C$ $ri"e .lopp& $ri"e
So-tC,*e ReDui*ement#
7he People. =ho I' )iable 7o Pa& Income>7a? 5"er& Per'on ;=ho'e 7a?able Income .or 7he Pre"iou' .inancial <ear 5?ceed' 7he *inimum 7a?able )imit I' )iable 7o Pa& 7o 7he Central 4o"ernment Income <ear. %cheme Income>7a? 5?ceed' A f 7he Current Pre"iou' .inancial <ear At 7he 0ate' In .orce $uring 7he Current .inancial f 7a?ation Fnder 7he Income>7a? Act; An A''e''e 8a' 7o Pa& n 8i' 7otal Income f A Particular Pre"iou' <ear Pro"ided It Certain *inimum )imit' =hich I' Pre'cribed 5ach <ear A&
7he .inance Act. 7he 7otal Income I' Computed In 7he *anner Pro"ided 8ereunder And I' Cla''ified 7o 7he .ollowing 8ead'. 1. Income .rom %alarie'. 2. Income .rom 8ou'e Propert& 3. Profit' f Au'ine'' r Profe''ion 4. Capital 4ain' 5. Income .rom ther %ource' ComAutin6 In omeET,> .or Computing 7he 7otal Income f An A''e''e And 7a? Pa&able A& 8im ; 7he .ollowing %tep A& %tep Procedure I' .ollowed B
Permi''ible Fnder 7he Act In 0e'pect f 7he 0e'pecti"e 8ead f Income. 7he Aalance f Amount )eft Fnder 5ach 8ead f Income I' 7a?able Income. 2. 7otal Fp 7he 7a?able Income' f 5ach 8ead And 7he Aggregate f All 7he'e 7a?able Income' I' Called 7he 4ro'' 7otal Income. 3. .rom 7he 4ro'' 7otal Income;7hu' Arri"ed At; $educt 7he $eduction' Permi''ible Fnder 7he Act .or Computing 7he 7otal Income. 7he Aalance )eft After %ubtracting 7he Allowable $eduction' I' Called 7he 7otal Income. 4. 4ro'' Amount f Income>7a? Pa&able I' 7hen Calculated n 7hi' 7otal f Income Income According 7o 7he 0ate' Pre'cribed A& 7he .inance Act .or 7he 0ele"ant A''e''ment <ear. 7here Are %ometime' Certain Item' Included In 7he 7otal Income A"erage 0ate f Income >7a? n =hich 0ebate I' 7o Ae Allowed At 7he
f 7he Aa'ic %alar& And Allowance'. 7he Indu'tr& Al'o *ake' f 7he Allowance' And $eduction' Are Aa'ed n 7he .ollowing
2il .or 2on>5?ecuti"e 5mplo&ee'. 0' 2-- .or All 5?ecuti"e' 5mplo&ee'. $eduction' 1. 8ou'e 0ent 2il; If 7he 5mplo&ee I' 2ot Pro"ided A 8ou'e A& 7he Compan&. 1-I f 7he Aa'ic %alar& %ub!ect 7o *a?imum f 0'. 5--; If 7he 5mplo&ee I' Pro"ided A 8ou'e A& 7he Compan&. 2. Pro"ident .und 12I f 7he Aa'ic %alar&. 3. *edical .acilit& 7he Compan& Pro"ide' 7he 8o'pital .acilit& 7o It' 5mplo&ee'. It $educt' 7he .ollowing Amount .rom 7he %alar& 7hi' .acilit& . 0'. 5- .or 5mplo&ee' 4etting 7he Aa'ic %alar& Fpto 0'. 2---. 0'. 1-- .or 5mplo&ee' 4etting 7he Aa'ic %alar& Aetween 2--1 And 5---. f 5ach 5mplo&ee .or Pro"iding
0'. 2-- .or 5mplo&ee' 4etting 7he Aa'ic %alar& f *ore 7han 0'. 5---. 7he $etail'; %uch A' 7he 2ame; $e'ignation;
5?ecuti"eG2on5?ecuti"e $epartment And Aa'ic %alar& .or 5m Plo&ee' =orking In Compan& Are A"ailable. ur .ir't Job I' 7o $e'ign A %uitable $ata Aa'e .ile 7o %tore 7he'e $etail'. 7hen 7he 2e?t Job I' 7o =rite A Program 7hat Calculate' 7he Allowance' And $eduction' .or 5ach 5mplo&ee' And $i'pla&' r Print' 7he Pa&>%lip'. 7he Pa& > %lip f Compan&; *onth And f 7he 5mploⅇ Aa'ic %alar& f 7he 2et %alar& Contain' 7he .ollowing Information B 7he 2ame <ear; 2ame; $e'ignation And $epartment ;$etail' f
Allowance' And $eduction'; 4ro'' %alar& And 2et %alar&. f 8ou'e 0ent And Pro"ident .und $eduction' .or
7he Pa&roll Program Al'o Calculate' 7he %um Pa&able And 7he %um All 5mplo&ee'.
5mplo&ee' who'e annual income e?ceed' a certain amount are to pa& income ta? to the 4o"ernment. 7he e?act method' of computing the total income after allowing for permi''ible deduction' would be enacted b& the parliament &earl& during their budget 'e''ion; normall& in the month of .ebruar& e"er& &ear. 2on pa&ment of income ta? i' a criminal offence and the emplo&er i' dut& bound to deduct ta?e' at 'ource. OTHER 7E7UCTIONS Apart from the abo"e; there could be other mi'cellaneou' deduction' a' well in a pa&roll '&'tem. .or e?ample; repa&ment of loan taken from an emplo&er; ad"ance taken from 'alar&; 'ub'cription to 'elf help fund; %port'; )ibrar& etc. Pa&roll i' one of the fir't application' e"er to be computeri@ed in an& bu'ine'' organi@ation on acquiring a new computer. 7hi' i' primaril& becau'e; in a Pa&roll '&'tem the procedure' of wage calculation' are fairl& well defined and the end re'ult' of computeri@ation can ea'il& be e"aluated 'ince a foolproof manual '&'tem would an&wa& be e?i'ting in e"er& organi@ation. ften the accounting 'taff are kept totall& bu'& in calculating wage' of emplo&ee' during the fir't 'e"en da&' of e"er& month and ma& other important accounting function' are to be po'tponed to accommodate thi' time bound !ob of Pa&roll calculation'. =e thu' 'ee that computeri@ation of Pa&roll relie"e' the
accounting 'taff to attend to other important matter' a' well. 7he lion' 'hare of Pa&roll in"ol"e' computing and computer i' be't 'uited for thi' purpo'e. 7he ob!ecti"e of the Pa&roll '&'tem i' wage' calculation' and a''ociated record keeping. 5mplo&ee' are paid wage' normall& at the end of e"er& calendar month or on the fir't working da& of the following month. In factorie'; worker' are paid wage' on the (th or 1-th of the following month depending on whether the number of emplo&ee' in the factor& are below or abo"e one thou'and. Aa'ed on the pa&ment of wage'; emplo&ee' can be cla''ified into 1. 2. 1. 2. monthl& rated emplo&ee' paid monthl&. $ail& rated emplo&ee' paid on a dail& or monthl& ba'i'. 7ime rated emplo&ee'. Piece rated emplo&ee'.
7ime rated emplo&ee' are paid if the& are pre'ent on an& da& for the 'tipulated + hour' while piece rated one' are paid on the ba'i' of the "olume of work done. 7he &ard'tick' to mea'ure thi' "olume depend' on the t&pe of work and the t&pe of organi@ation.
MONTHLY RATE7 EMPLOYEES *anagement; 'uper"i'or&; clerical and mini'terial 'taff are normall& monthl& paid. 7he& u'uall& ha"e a 'cale of pa&. .or e?ample 2--- K 1-- K 25-- K 15- K 325- K2-- K 425- repre'ent' a t&pical pa& 'cale. 7hi' mean' that on !oining the emplo&ee get' a Aa'ic pa& of 0%. 2--- and e"er& &ear hi' ba'ic pa& i' incremented b& 0%. 1-- until he reache' a monthl& ba'ic pa& of 0%. 25-- in fi"e &ear' time. 7hereafter hi' increment would be 0%. 15- per annum until he reache' 0%. 325-; again in another fi"e &ear'. 7hi' goe' on until he 'tagnate' at 0%. 425- per month ba'ic pa&. 2ote that after ten &ear' of 'er"ice he get' an annual increment of 0%. 2--. Apart from ba'ic 'alar&; an emplo&ee al'o get' "ariou' allowance' 'uch a' 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. of !ob. 7he total earning' of a monthl& paid emplo&ee would thu' be the total of the ba'ic pa& and all allowance' he i' entitled to. $earne'' Allowance K Paid to off'et the increa'ing co't of lo"ing. 8ou'e rent allowance K to 'ub'idi@e the rent of be paid for getting Con"e&ance allowance K to meet tra"elling e?pen'e' incurred from Cit& compen'ator& allowance K Additional pa&ment made toward' ther allowance' K depending on the natur and need of the particular t&pe
accommodation for li"ing. home G office and back home. e?pen'e' that could ari'e out of li"ing in a cit&.
2ormall&; e?cept for dearne'' allowance; all allowance' would be fi?ed for a gi"en &ear. $earne'' allowance i' calculate ba'ed on co't of li"ing inde? publi'hed b& the 4o"ernment monthl& depending on increa'e or decrea'e of price' of e''ential commoditie' in the market. 7he e?act empirical formula of calculating $A would be different in different organi@ation' a' an outcome of labour G mangement negotiation'.
7AILY RATE7 EMPLOYEES %killed and un'killed worker' emplo&ed in the production department' are u'uall& paid wage' on a dail& rated ba'i'. =hile the actual pa&ment of wage' could be on a dail&; weekl& or monthl& ba'i'; calculation' of wage' are alwa&' done on a dail& rated ba'i'. 7he'e t&pe' of emplo&ee' do not ha"e a monthl& ba'ic pa&. In'tead the& will ha"e a dail& rate of pa&. In the ca'e of time rated emplo&ee'; who are paid on the ba'i' of attendance; the number of da&' worked in a month i' multiplied b& the dail& rate of pa& to get hi' montl& ba'ic wage' if pa&ment i' actuall& effected once in a month. %imilarl& weekl& or fortnightl& ba'ic wage' can al'o be calculated. In 'hort; the& are paid onl& for the da&' the& ha"e actuall& worked and on da&' ab'ent; the& get nothing. Piece rated dail& emplo&ee' are paid on the ba'i' of the quantum of work done. .or e?ample let u' take the ca'e of an agricultural worker. 8e can do the !ob' of pitting 1making pit' to plant a 'apling6; forking or weeding. .oreach t&pe of
the'e !ob' the rate per unit would be different. A pit of diameter one foot and a depth of two feet ma& attract a rate of 0'. 2. 7hu' if the worker dig' 2- pit' in a da&; he will be paid 0'. 4- a' hi' dail& wage; =eeding and forking could be paid on the ba'i' of 'quare feet weeded or forked and 'o on. 7hu'; a piece rated worker can get wage' ba'ed on hi' abilit& to produce rather than on time 'pent in doing the !ob. Al'o often a piece rated worker can get incenti"e wage' too if he can do more than a 'tandard quantum of work at a 'ub'tantiall& higher rate. A plucker in a tea e'tate i' paid hi' dail& wage' ba'ed on the number of kilogram' of lea"e' plucked. 5"er& plucker i' e?pected to pluck a minimum of 12 :g'. Per da& for which he will be paid at the rate of let u' a''ume 0'. 1 per :ilogram. "er and abo"e thi' minimum of 12 :g'; if the plucker i' able to get f lea"e'; he let u' 'a& 2- :g'. f lea"e' more; for thi' additional produce; he will get ma& be 0'.2 per :ilogram. 7hu' on a da& when a plucker bring' 32 :g'. get'; %tandard wage' L 12 :g' M 1 L 0'. 12 plu' Incenti"e wage' L 2- :g' M 2 L 0'. 4-. *aking a total of 0' 52 per da& a' hi' dail& wage'. In addition to the dail& wage'; a dail& rated emplo&ee i' al'o entitled to get dearne'' allowance and 'ome of the other allowance' al'o on a dail& rate ba'i' making up hi' total earning' per da&. 5mplo&ee' in an organi@ation can al'o be cla''ified into Permanent; 7emporar& and Ca'u'l empl&ee'. =hile permanent emplo&ee' are a''ured of their !ob on all working da&'; temporar& one' are onl& gi"en !ob a' and when a"ailable. Ca'ual emplo&ee' are al'o like temporar& emplo&ee' with a lower priorit& in being
a''igned a !ob. 7emporar& emplo&ee' thu' ha"e no right' to being pro"ided with emplo&ment. F'uall& it i' common practice that temporar& emplo&ee' do get promoted to permanent emplo&ee 'tatu' a' and when "acancie' ari'e. LEAVE ENTITLEMENTS Permanent emplo&ee' in an organi@ation are entitled to the following t&pe' of lea"e' of ab'encewith wage'. 1. 2. Ca'ual )ea"e B 7hi' i' gi"en to meet urgent per'onal requirement' of an %ick )ea"e or *edical )ea"e B =hen an emplo&ee fall' 'ick; he i' entitled
emplo&ee. F'uall& 12 da&' of ca'ual lea"e are permitted in a calender &ear. to a"ail thi' t&pe of lea"e 'ub!ect to a ma?imum number of da&' in a &ear depending on the organi@ation. 2ormall& thi' t&pe of lea"e i' 'anctioned for 12 da&' in a &ear. Prolonged 'ick lea"e can al'o be a"ailed on production of a "alid medical certificate on full wage'; half wage' or on lo'' of pa& depending on the 'pecific rule' of an organi@ation. 3. Pri"ilege )ea"e B 2ormall& thi' t&pe of lea"e with wage' i' granted for e"er& 15 or 2- da&' worked which can be accumulated ot make a lump 'um 'ub!ect to certain limitation'. 7he concept behind thi' t&pe of lea"e i' that an emplo&ee 'hould take forced re't after a rplonged period of emplo&ment to re!u"enate !im'elf and become refre'hed. If not a"ailed; the'e lea"e' can be 'urrendered again't ca'h pa&ment. 4. 2ational and .e'ti"al holida&' B 5"er& organi@ation i' obliged to gi"e nam. 7ho'e who are lea"e to it' emplo&ee' on da&' of national and fe'ti"al importance e.g. 2# th Januar& K 0epublic da&; $eepa"ali; 4ood .rida& or
forced to work on 2ational and .e'ti"al holida&' are to be paid double the dail& wage' and gi"en a compen'ator& da& off. 5. =eekl& $a& off B An emplo&ee i' al'o entitled to a da& off once e"er& week. 2ormall& thi' i' gi"en on a %unda&. %ome organi@ation' e?tend the'e lea"e pri"ilge' to their temporar& emplo&ee' al'o. =omen emplo&ee' can al'o a"ail maternit& lea"e of appro?imatel& three month' whene"er the& gi"e birth to a bab& 'ub!ect to a ma?imum of three children at pre'ent in India.
OVERTIME :A+ES 2on management and 'uper"i'or& 'taff are entitled to o"ertime wage' when the& are required to work more than + hour' a da&. %uch wage' are generall& paid at twice the hourl& rate of wage'. %uppo'e a worker who'e hourl& rate i' 0'. + work' for 1- hour' on a particular da&. 8i' dail& wage' would be 2ormal dail& wage' L + hr' M 0'.+ L 0'.#4 plu' "ertime wage' 7otal wage' BONUS L 2hr' M 0'.1# L 0'.32 L 0'.,#.
All profit making organi@ation' normall& pa& bonu' to their emplo&ee'. Aonu' percentage pa&able i' determined b& taking into con'ideration the actual profit made in an& one &ear. 7hi' t&pe of pa&ment i' onl& made once in a &ear. 4o"ernment 'tipulate' that a minimum of + 1 G3I bonu' 'hould be paid to all emplo&ee' who are earning a monthl& 'alar& of 0'. 3--- or below. %imilarl& the ma?imum percentage of bonu' pa&able 'hould not e?ceed 2-I. Aonu' i' calculated on the bai'c wage' and dearne'' allowance' paid to an emplo&ee in an& one &ear. 2otwith'tanding what ha' been di'cu''ed abo"e; organi@ation' al'o pa& other t&pe' of pa&ment' ot their emplo&ee' 'uch a' hard'hip allowance for tho'e who work in ha@ardou' en"ironment'; night allowance for tho'e who ha"e to work during night' etc. 8owe"er; to under'tand how emplo&ee' wage' are computed; the abo"e illu'tration' would be adequate. =e will now look at the different t&pe' of deduction' made from the 'alar& and under'tand how the& are computed to finall& calculate the net wage' pa&able to an emplo&ee. PROVI7ENT 8UN7 CONTRIBUTION 5mplo&ee' who work continuou'l& for #- da&' are eligible to become member' of the Pro"ident .und %cheme. nce &ou are a member; 1-I of &our monthl& wage' 1ba'ic wage' and dearne'' allowance6 would be deducted b& the emplo&er from the 'alar& pa&able and together with an equi"alent amount from their 'ide would be remitted to the pro"ident fund commi''ioner who keep' it in
'afe cu'tod& and when the emplo&ee retire' from 'er"ice i' gi"en back to him with accrued intere't a' retirement benefit. ne can al'o take a loan from the Pro"ident .und in ca'e of emergencie' while in 'er"ice. A certain percentage of the Pro"ident .und i' 'et apart a' a .amil& Pen'ion .und which i' u'ed for gi"ing a monthl& pen'ion to famil& member' or nominee' of the emplo&ee when the emplo&ee i' permanentl& di'abled or die' before the date of retirement; which i' normall& at the age of 5+ &ear'. Pro"ident .und deduction i' compul'or& for all member emplo&ee' and it i' the dut& of the emplo&er to make the nece''ar& deduction and remittance to the P. authoritie' failing which the& are liable for pro'ecution.
Printable report' are required for thi' pro!ect. 7hi' pro!ect can9t run after certain period due to the change' in the
requirement. 7hi' pro!ect i' ba'ed on limited 'ource' that9' wh& error can come in thi'
%&'tem de'ign con'i't' of the following pha'e'B OUTPUT INPUT 8ILE 7ESI+N
VieC EmA1o/ee 7hi' *odule i' u'ed to di'pla& the 5mplo&ee detail regarding the income ta?. P,/#1iA 7hi' module i' u'ed to di'pla& the pa&'lip of an& emplo&ee according to the emplo&ee code. In ome T,> 7hi' module i' u'ed to di'pla& the income ta? of an& emplo&ee according to the emplo&ee code.
Input de'ign i' a part of o"erall '&'tem de'igning which require' "er& careful attention a' collection of input. In-o*m,tion *e1,ted to EmA1o/ee CodeB> it read the code of the emplo&ee 2ameB> it read' the name of the emplo&ee 8ou'eB> it read' the hou'e in & or n of emplo&ee. 5?ecuti"e B> it read the e?ecuti"e in & or n of emplo&ee. $o!B> it read' the date of !oining of the emplo&ee. A'alar&B> it read the ba'ic 'alar& of the emplo&ee.
emA1o/ee -ie1dn,me code name hou'e e?ecuti"e do! b'alar& char char char double 2d,t, t/Ae int char 2Cidt0
GG Pro!ect .or Income 7a? Calculation Pro!ect GG8eader .ile' NincludeOio'tream.hP NincludeOconio.hP NincludeOgraphic'.hP NincludeO'tring.hP NincludeOdo'.hP NincludeO'tdlib.hP NincludeOf'tream.hP NincludeOiomanip.hP NincludeO'tdio.hP GG Cla'' $eclaration GMcla'' hrm1 Q publicB int code1E char name1R2-SE long pfund1;gro''1;net1E
"oid pinfo216 Q coutOOcode1 OO'etw1126OOname1 OO'etw11-6OOpfund1 OO'etw11-6OOgro''1 OO'etw11-6OOnet1 OOendlE T TE hrm1 hr1EMG cla'' hrm Q publicB GG $ata *ember' int c;r;i;codeE char nameR2-S;'noR2-S;'nameR2-S;cit&R2-S;'tateR2-S;phR2-S;deptR2-S;de'iR2-SE char do!R2-SE long int b';pfundE GG *ember .unction'
"oid di'pla&me1char chR2-S;int c;int r;int dt6 Q char dR2SE int l;iE lL'trlen1ch6E for1iL-EiOLlEi336 Q dR-SLchRiSE dR1SLUD-UE GG'ound15---6E outte?t?&1c;r;d6E cLc34-E dela&1dt6E T T "oid di'pla&me11char chR2-S;int c;int r;int dt6 Q char dR2SE int l;iE lL'trlen1ch6E for1iL-EiOLlEi336 Q dR-SLchRiSE dR1SLUD-UE GG'ound15---6E
outte?t?&1c;r;d6E cLc33-E dela&1dt6E T T "oid front16 Q int c;r;!L1E int ?1L1-E int &L1-E int ?2L1-E int &1L2-E int gdL$575C7;gmE initgraph1/gd;/gm;V V6E 'etfill't&le1% )I$W.I));)I48740A<6E bar1-;-;#4-;4+-6E 'etline't&le1-;-;36E 'etcolor146E line13-;12-;#2-;12-6E line13-;12-;3-;2(-6E line13-;2(-;#2-;2(-6E line1#2-;2(-;#2-;12-6E
line14-;13-;#1-;13-6E line14-;13-;4-;2#-6E line14-;2#-;#1-;2#-6E line1#1-;2#-;#1-;13-6E 'ette?t't&le170IP)5XW. 27;8 0IYW$I0;#6E outte?t?&115-;1#5;VI2C *5 7AX.V6E 'etfill't&le1% )I$W.I));A)F56E bar11--;42-;5--;44-6E 'ette?t't&le1%*A))W. 27;8 0IYW$I0;56E outte?t?&112-;423;V=elcome to Income 7a? Calculation Pro!ectV6E while1Zkbhit166 Q 'etcolor1!6E circle1?1;&;56E circle1?2;&1;56E dela&11-6E !33E ?1L?135-E &1L&135-E if1!P156 Q !L1E T if1?1P#4-6 Q
?1L1-E T if1&1P4+-6 Q &1L2-E T T getch16E clo'egraph16E T "oid front116 Q char aR2-SLVIncom e 7a?VE char bR2-SLV:hal'aVE int cL1--E int rL12-E int dtL5--E int c1L3(-E int r1L3--E int gdL$575C7;gmE initgraph1/gd;/gm;VV6E 'etfill't&le1% )I$W.I));405526E bar1-;-;#4-;4+-6E 'etcolor105$6E 'etline't&le1-;-;36E
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goto?&1c;r6E coutOOV1. Add 5mplo&eeVE goto?&1c;rLr326E coutOOV2. *odif& 5mplo&eeVE goto?&1c;rLr326E coutOOV3. $elete 5mplo&eeVE goto?&1c;rLr326E coutOOV4. Ciew 5mplo&eeVE goto?&1c;rLr326E coutOOV5. Income 7a?VE goto?&1c;rLr326E GMcoutOOV#. Income 7a?VE goto?&1c;rLr326EMG coutOOV#. About *eVE goto?&1c;rLr326E coutOOV(. 5?itVE goto?&13-;246E T "oid hrmWinfo16 Q cL1,E rL(E goto?&1c;r6E coutOOVCodeDtVE cinPPcodeE
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"oid pinfo16 Q cL1,E rL(E goto?&1c;r6E coutOOVCodeDtVE coutOOcodeE goto?&1c;rLr326E coutOOV2ameDtVE coutOOnameE goto?&1c;rLr326E coutOOV%tr 2oDtVE coutOO'noE goto?&1c;rLr326E coutOOV%tr 2ameDtVE
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coutOOcit&E goto?&1c;rLr326E coutOOVPhoneDtVE coutOOphE goto?&1c;rLr326E coutOOV$epartmentDtVE coutOOdeptE goto?&1c;rLr326E coutOOV$e'ignationDtVE coutOOde'iE goto?&1c;rLr326E coutOOVA'alar&DtVE coutOOb'E cL4-E rL(E goto?&1c;r6E T "oid bo?16 Q cL3-E rL1-E goto?&1c;r6E for1iL1EiOL1#Ei336 Q coutOOVMVE
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int gdL$575C7;gmE initgraph1/gd;/gm;V V6E 'etfill't&le1% )I$W.I));126E bar1-;-;#4-;4+-6E 'etcolor116E 'etline't&le1-;-;36E line13-;12-;#2-;12-6E line13-;12-;3-;2(-6E line13-;2(-;#2-;2(-6E line1#2-;2(-;#2-;12-6E line14-;13-;#1-;13-6E line14-;13-;4-;2#-6E line14-;2#-;#1-;2#-6E line1#1-;2#-;#1-;13-6E 'etcolor1146E 'ette?t't&le170IP)5XW. 27;8 0IYW$I0;(6E outte?t?&11-5;15-;VI2C *5 7AXV6E 'etfill't&le1% )I$W.I));36E bar11--;42-;5--;44-6E 'ette?t't&le1%*A))W. 27;8 0IYW$I0;56E 'etcolor116E outte?t?&115-;423;V<our Comment' are alwa&' =elcomed...V6E 'ette?t't&le170IP)5XW. 27;8 0IYW$I0;36E 'ette?t't&le170IP)5XW. 27;8 0IYW$I0;26E outte?t?&1(-;32-;VP)A7. 0*BV6E outte?t?&111-;355;VC33 )A24FA45BV6E
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cinPPchE 'witch1ch6 Q ca'e 1B clr'cr16E hr.'creen16E goto?&125;36E coutOOV5mplo&ee Information .ormVE hr.hrmWinfo16E coutOOendlE coutOOVDtDt$o <ou want to %a"e 7hi' 0ecord1<Gn6 VE cinPP'a"eE if1'a"eLLU&U[['a"eLLU<U6 Q fio.write11charM6/hr;'i@eof1hr66E coutOOendlE coutOOVDtDtDt0ecord %a"ed %ucce''full&VE T el'e Q coutOOendlE coutOOVDtDtDt0ecord %a"ed %ucce''full&VE T fio.clo'e16E getch16E
ca'e 2B clr'cr16E f'tream fioE fio.open1Vkhal'aV;io'BBin[io'BBout[io'BBate[io'BBbinar&6E goto?&125;246E coutOOV5nter the Code for 5diting VE cinPPcdE fio.'eekg1-;io'BBbeg6E int locL-E while1fio.read11charM6/hr;'i@eof1hr666 Q if1hr.codeLLcd6 Q clr'cr16E hr.'creen16E goto?&13-;46E coutOOV0ecord $i'pla& .ormVE hr.pinfo16E T el'e locLloc3'i@eof1hr6E
if1fio.eof166 fio.clear16E coutOOV$o &ou want to Fpdate VE cinPPupE if1upLLU&U6 Q clr'cr16E hr.'creen16E goto?&13-;46E coutOOV0ecord 5diting .ormVE hr.hrmWinfo16E coutOOVAre &ou %ure VE cinPP'ureE if1'ureLLU&U6 Q fio.'eekp1loc6E fio.write11charM6/hr;'i@eof1hr66E coutOOV0ecord FpdatedVE T T T fio.clo'e16E getch16E
ca'e 3B clr'cr16E f'tream foutE fout.open1Vkhal'aV;io'BBin[io'BBbinar&[io'BBate6E f'tream tempfileE tempfile.open1Vkhal'a1V;io'BBout[io'BBapp[io'BBbinar&[io'BBate6E coutOOV5nter the code VE cinPPcdE fout.'eekg1-;io'BBbeg6E int foundL-E int locationL-E while1fout.read11charM6/hr;'i@eof1hr666 Q if1hr.codeZLcd6 Q tempfile.write11charM6/hr;'i@eof1hr66E T el'e foundL1E locationLlocation3'i@eof1hr6E fout.'eekp1location6E
T if1foundLL-6 Q coutOOV0ecord not foundVE T el'e coutOOV0ecord found and deleted VE fout.flu'h16E tempfile.flu'h16E fout.clo'e16E tempfile.clo'e16E remo"e1Vkhal'aV6E rename1Vkhal'a1V;Vkhal'aV6E fout.clo'e16E getch16E goto abcE breakE ca'e 4B clr'cr16E cinPPch1E if1ch1LL16 Q goto?&132;1+6E coutOOV5nter 7he Code VE
cinPPcdE if'tream finE fin.open1Vkhal'aV;io'BBin[io'BBbinar&[io'BBate6E fin.'eekg1-;io'BBbeg6E while1fin.read11charM6/hr;'i@eof1hr666 Q if1hr.codeLLcd6 Q clr'cr16E hr.'creen16E goto?&13-;46E coutOOV0ecord $i'pla& .ormVE hr.pinfo16E breakE T T fin.clo'e16E T el'e Q if'tream finE fin.open1Vkhal'aV;io'BBin[io'BBbinar&6E clr'cr16E goto?&12+;16E coutOOV7otal 5mplo&ee InformationVOOendlE coutOOV>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>VE
coutOOendlE coutOOVCodeV OO'etw11-6OOV2ameV OO'etw1126OOVCit&V OO'etw11-6OOVPhoneV OO'etw11-6OOV$epttV OO'etw11-6OOV$ JV OO'etw11-6OOVA'alar&V OOendlOOendlE fin.'eekg1-;io'BBbeg6E while1fin.read11charM6/hr;'i@eof1hr66ZL2F))6 Q hr.pinfo116E T fin.clo'e16E T getch16E goto abcE breakE ca'e 5B clr'cr16E if'tream fin5E fin5.open1Vkhal'aV;io'BBin[io'BBbinar&6E cL2E rL2E goto?&1c;r6E
coutOOVCode VE cinPPcdE fin5.'eekg1-;io'BBbeg6E while1fin5.read11charM6/hr;'i@eof1hr66ZL2F))6 Q if1hr.codeLLcd6 Q clr'cr16E goto?&122;36E coutOOV5mplo&ee Pa& %lipVE hr.'creen16E hr.pinfo216E ta1L1hr.b'M1-G1--6E da1L1hr.b'M15G1--6E hra1L1hr.b'M5G1--6E ca1L1hr.b'M4G1--6E ea1L1hr.b'M3G1--6E g'L11hr.b'3ta13da13hra13ca13ea166E cL4-E rL(E goto?&1c;r6E coutOOV7A11-I6DtVE coutOOta1E goto?&1c;rLr316E coutOOV$A115I6DtVE coutOOda1E
goto?&1c;rLr316E coutOOV80A15I6DtVE coutOOhra1E goto?&1c;rLr316E coutOOVConAllow14I6DtVE coutOOca1E goto?&1c;rLr316E coutOOV5ntAllow13I6DtVE coutOOea1E goto?&1c;rLr316E coutOOV4ro'' %alar&DtVE coutOOg'E hrd1L1hr.b'M12G1--6E pfd1L1hr.b'M+G1--6E mfd1L1hr.b'M#G1--6E td1L1hrd13pfd13mfd16E goto?&1c;rLr326E coutOOV80ent $eductDtVE coutOOhrd1E goto?&1c;rLr316E coutOOVP.und $eductDtVE coutOOpfd1E goto?&1c;rLr316E coutOOV* $eductDtVE coutOOmfd1E goto?&1c;rLr316E
coutOOV7otal $eductDtVE coutOOtd1E n'L1g'>td16E goto?&1c;rLr326E coutOOV2et %alar&DtVE coutOOn'E if1n'PL- //n'OL#----6 Q ita?L-E T el'e if1n'PL#---1 //n'OL1-----6 Q ita?Ln'M1-G1--E T el'e if1n'PL1----1 //n'OL2-----6 Q ita?Ln'M15G1--E T el'e if1n'PL2----1 //n'OL5-----6 Q ita?Ln'M2-G1--E T el'e ita?Ln'M3-G1--E
goto?&1c;rLr326E coutOOVIncome 7a?DtVE coutOOita?E finalLn'>ita?E goto?&1c;rLr326E coutOOV2et %alar&DtVE coutOOfinalE getch16E breakE T T fin5.clo'e16E fout.clo'e16E getch16E goto abcE breakE ca'e #B hr.aboutme16E getch16E goto abcE breakE
ca'e (B
clr'cr16E goto?&11-;56E fflu'h1'tdin6E printf1V0eall& do &ou want to 5?it1&Gn6DtV6E 'canf1VIcV;/conf6E if1confLLU&U [[ confLLU<U6 Q te?tcolor140552312+6E goto?&11-;+6E cprintf1V7hank' for u'ing thi' Pro!ectZZZZV6E GMgetch16E hr.front116E e?it116EMG T el'e Q printf1VDnDnDtPre'' an& ke& to return to main menuV6E getch16E goto abcE T breakE GM ca'e ,B if'tream fin#E fin#.open1Vkhal'a5V6E
clr'cr16E goto?&12+;16E coutOOV7otal 5mplo&ee InformationVOOendlE coutOOV>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>VE coutOOendlE coutOOVCodeV OO'etw11-6OOV2ameV OO'etw1126OOVPfundV OO'etw11-6OOV4ro''V OO'etw11-6OOVnetV OOendlOOendlE fin#.'eekg1-;io'BBbeg6E while1fin#.read11charM6/hr1;'i@eof1hr166ZL2F))6 Q hr1.pinfo216E T fin#.clo'e16E breakE MG defaultB coutOOVPlea'e 5nter between 1 to # onl&VE getch16E goto abcE T getch16E T
A& computeri@ation of thi' pro!ect it would become ea'& to work fa'ter and accurate calculation of ta? i' done and it would help in future to the emplo&er to maintain their balance 'heet accuratel&. Aecau'e of maintaining the databa'e in the pro!ect i' record' for each ta? pa&er i' calculated and each required information will be ea'il& get. 7hi' feature enable u'er to perform repetiti"e ta'k automaticall& an& of the ob!ecti"e can be 'tored and then can be u'ed again and again. 7he main ad"antage i' that computer can 'tore a large 'i@e of data 'o it i' ea'& to maintain a large 'i@e of data el'e than to maintain the regi'ter'. It i' al'o an intelligent '&'tem becau'e there can al'o be change in future b& adding an& more attribute the'e can be changed.
7he Pa&roll Program $i'cu''ed Abo"e I' Aa'ic And *a& 0equire A .ew Change' If <ou =ant 7o F'e It In A 0eal )ife %ituation. <ou *a& 8a"e 7o 7ake Care f Additional Allowance' And $eduction'. <ou *a& Al'o 8a"e 7o 7ake Care 5mplo&ee'. In Addition; <ou *a& 8a"e 7o Ad!u't 7he .ormat And %i@e Pa&'lip 7o 5n'ure 7hat It Completel& .it' f 7he n 7he Page And $oe' 2ot f )oan' And ItU' 0epa&ment' A&
Areak Into 7wo $ifferent Page' =hen A Page 5nd'. <ou Can 5?periment =ith 7he Income 7a? Program 7o Incorporate 7he'e .eature'.
Agree; I.5. nl& ne 8a' 7o Ae Fpdated. At %uch 7ime 7he $ataba'e I' %aid 7o Ae Incon'i'tent =hich Can 0e'ult In %uppl&ing Incorrect Information. %o If 7he 4i"en .act I' 0epre'ented A %ingle 5ntr&; %uch And Incon'i'tenc& Can Ae 0emo"ed. 7,t, C,n Be S0,*ed. Apart .rom %haring 2ew Application Can Ae $e"eloped 7o Again't 7hat %ame %tored $ata. St,nd,*d# C,n Be En-o* ed. perate
f 7he $ataba'e; 7he $ataba'e Admini'trator Can Applicable %tandard' Are .ollowed In 7he r All 7he
.ollowing B Compan&; In'tallation; $epartmental; Indu'tr&; 2ational And International %tandard'. Se u*it/ Re#t*i tion# C,n Be AAA1ied. 7he $AA Can 5n'ure 7hat 7he nl& *ean' f Acce'' 7o 7he $ataba'e 7hrough 7he Proper Channel. Can Authori'ation Check' 7o Ae Carried ut =hene"er Acce'' 7o %en'iti"e $ata I' Attempted. Inte6*it/. It I' =orth 5mpha'ing 7hat; $ata Integrit& I' 5"en *ore Important In A $ataba'e %&'tem 7han In Pri"ate .ile' 5n"ironment; Aecau'e 7he $ataba'e I' %hared. %o If 0edundanc& I' 0emo"ed 8owe"er; 7he $ataba'e *a& %till Contain Incorrect $ata. Centrali'ed Control $efine Calidation Procedure 7o Ae Carried :nowing 7he "erall 0equirement f 7he $ataba'e 8elp' In A"oiding 7he'e %ituation'. $AA I' Permitted 7o ut =hene"er An& Fpdate ppo'ed 7o peration I' Attempted. Confliction 0equirement' Can Ae Aalanced B f 7he 5nterpri'e A' 7he Indi"idual 0equirement'; 7he $AA Can %tructure 7he $ataba'e %&'tem 7o Pro"ide An "erall %er"ice 7hat I' Ae't .or 7he 5nterpri'e. .or 5.4. A 0epre'entation Can Ae Choo'en .or 7he $ata In %torage 7hat
4i"e' .a't Acce'' .or 7he *o't Important Application' At 7he Co't Poor Performance In %ome ther Appliation'.
7oda&; ur countr& i' heading toward' ma'' 'cale computeri@ation. 7he computer i' all 'et to pla& it' "ital role in carr&ing India in 21't Centur& / 'o; .rom being more calculating de"ice. Computer' ha"e come long wa& / are 2ow getting in"ol"ed directl& in an& operation of all king / 'i@e of organi@ation. In coming &ear'; 5"er& efficient technologie' will be at premium / i' a que't to catch the alread& de"eloped countrie'; %oftware e?port indu'tr& can be a boom. =ith the re'ult of phenomenal growth in computer indu'tr& in India during the recent &ear; It i' flooded with the different manufacture'. A' a re'ult of abo"e 'aid ad"ancement; At pre'ent; there i' wide charm between the demand a"ailabilit& of properl& trained man power. 7he demand 'eem' to be an upward cur"e. 7o meet thi' demand; all o"er the countr&. %o reali@ing thi' fact / according to the time demand when computer' are nece''ar& / important achie"ement; I ha"e cho'en Computer %cience' and Application.
=hile making thi' pro!ect I ha"e referred the following book' for getting an idea to make thi' pro!ect and al'o for under'tanding the complete C L,n6u,6e with graphic'. 7he name' of the author' of the book' referred b& me are a' follow'B