Wireless Voting Abstract
Wireless Voting Abstract
Wireless Voting Abstract
It is perceived to be charismatic one as it accommodates cultural, regional, economical, social disparities and still is able to stand on its own. Fundamental right to vote or simply voting in elections forms the basis of Indian democracy. In India all earlier elections be it state elections or centre elections a voter used to cast his/her vote to his/her favorite candidate by putting the stamp against his/her name and then folding the ballot paper as per a prescribed method before putting it in the Ballot box. This is a long, time consuming process and very much prone to errors. This situation continued till election scene was completely changed by electronic voting machine. !o more ballot paper, ballot boxes, stamping, etc. all this condensed into a simple box called ballot unit of the electronic voting machine. "#$ is capable of saving considerable printing stationery and transport of large volumes of electoral material. It is easy to transport, store, and maintain. It completely rules out the chance of invalid votes. Its use results in reduction of polling time, resulting in fewer problems in electoral preparations, law and order, candidates% expenditure, etc. and easy and accurate counting without any mischief at the counting centre. It is also eco friendly. &ur #oting $achine consists mainly of two units 'a( )ontrol *nit ')*( and 'b( Ballot *nit 'B*( with cable for connecting it with )ontrol unit. It consists of one +),, a fingerprint module, a votecast panel, a candidate panel, a bu--er and a couple of switches etc. This pro.ect is based on ) language programming. The software platform used in this pro.ect are /i Tech ) )ompiler and /yperTerminal.
ABSTRACT: This pro.ect is developed for the users to conduct election in a easy manner. If the particular voter is not able to come to the voting place, the device can be ta0en to the particular place. The vote given by the voter will be registered in the voting place in a wireless manner. The main part of this pro.ect is $icrocontroller 1I)23F4556,Finger 1rint 7canner and $ultichannel 8F Transmitter and 8eceiver. 6 group of press to on switches'e9ual to the number of candidates( connected to the portable wireless electronic circuit. 6ll the candidates names and symbols are displayed near the switches during entey, we need to 0eep the fingerprint, if it is accepted then only door open for voting. The voters can easily identify the switch corresponding to the particular candidate and press. :hen the particular switch is pressed, the corresponding signal is transmitted through 8F wave. The receiver is connected with the microcontroller unit which automatically puts a vote to the particular candidate and a beep sound is produced to confirm the vote. This process can be continued throughout the election. 6t the time of counting, when the switch for the particular candidate is pressed, the display displays the number of votes given to the particular candidate. This is very accurate and can be implemented very easily.
RF M !"#e Transmitter
RF M !"#e Re.ei/er