Basis Tips
Basis Tips
Basis Tips
es with Restricted Company Codes and alues iew loc!ed transactions Logging into S"# using S"#S$C%T Fast Logon to an S"# Ser&er Sa&ing #asswords for S"# Shortcuts 'etting technical info at the (S le&el Controlling the S"#'%) *ew isual Design Loc!ing+%nloc!ing accounts , -ehind the scenes S"# table with ersion and )nstance name Logging on to S"#*et directly .bypass (SS/0 Chec! if your S"# ser&ers are ali&e from the Command #rompt Loc! a Client to #re&ent Logons "ll tips written by Giovanni Davila1 2ou can find more S"# tips at searchS"#1com and other S"#,related sites ) ha&e lin!ed from my site1
(ut, how do you )uickly find out what roles you need to ad#ust$ *imple. +uery table AGR_1252 and check the contents of the LOW and H GH fields. ou can use your favorite )uery tool %+uery Analy"er in *+, *erver for e-ample& or use transaction SE16 or SE11 within *A.. /ere is a sample )uery: sele!t "A#$%& AGR_#A"'& (ARBL& LOW& H GH )rom AGR_1252 *+ere "A#$%=,1--, and .LOW /0,, or H GH /0,,1 and .LOW /0,2, and H GH /0,2,1 and AGR_#A"' not li3e ,4A56, The above )uery looks for any non0*A. role in client 122 where either LOW or H GH have anything different than '. ou'll get a list of the roles you need to ad#ust to use the new company code.
8ptionally, you can pass parameter :!ommand to e-ecute a transaction upon logon. *ee e-ample below: sa<s+!ut :s;sname=4A5 5rodu!tion :!lient=--- :user=sa<2 :<*=-=->1992 :!ommand=4"-? 7or more information, run *A.*/5?T 3$
ou can hide the *A. 5onfiguration applet. ou can even do this when setting up *A.@?I. ou can edit the file *A.*:T?..6I! and comment out these two lines: H nstallIileList.,6W #484$ R6,1 64A5sour!e$ir6Asa<guiAsa<)!<lJ!<l 'nd5ro!/U/%4 In *A.@?I A.;! the line above is number 1,AHI. H@reate !onOrLin3.,4A5 @on)iguration,&,6W #484$ R 6Asa<)!<lJ!<l ,&,64A5*or3$ir6,&,sa<)!<lJ!<l&-,&,$es3to<A,&, ,&!gAs@ommon1/%4 In *A.@?I A.;! the line above is number 1,;AH.
sele!t 2 )rom %4L'? ou don't even have to log on to the application to get this info. The above )uery gives it to you in less than 1 second.
Check i$ your SAP ser#ers are ali#e $rom the Command Prompt
This is a very useful tip that can help you check if an *A. D3B server is up and running. This way, you don't have to log on to the system #ust to find out. Additionally, you can create another script that uses the 78D command to check A,, your servers so you don't have to check one by one. /ave the script do the #ob for you. The key to this script is the command *A.I678.e-e, which comes on the *A.7ront:nd 5! %*A.@?I&. It's part of the *!J. If you don't have the file, e0mail me and I'll send it to you. The synta- of *A.I678 is: sa<in)o as+ost=+ost s;snr=nn 9hen used in a batch file %.bat or .cmd& you can check the errorlevel returned by the program. If it is 1 then the system is not up and running. 4y script below first checks if the system is on the network by 'pinging' it and e-pecting a reply. If you want to check all your systems, then create another script %e-ample: checkallrfcs.bat& and use this command: IOR /I 66i in .4A5s;stemsJtKt1 do !all !+e!3r)! 66i 22 The command above reads the file *, which should have a list of all the servers %one server name per line& and then it invokes the script 'checkrfc' passing the server name as a parameter. The 22 indicates the instance number. I believe you will find it e-tremely useful and it will save you tons of time. 6ow, you can #ust run the script, sit back and watch it report the status of the systems. Script code: Le!+o o)) rem ============================================================ ========== rem 4!ri<tM @+e!3RI@JBA% rem t uses 4A5 #IO )rom t+e RI@:4$K .4A5GU 1 to !+e!3 an
RI@ destinationJ rem t needs t*o <arametersM 1J Hostname 2J nstan!e #umber rem A <ing is sent to t+e +ostJ ) su!!ess)ul an RI@ !+e!3 is !arried outJ rem B;M GioGanni $aGila rem ============================================================ ========== i) D62D==DD goto #o5arameter e!+o 5inging 61 JJJ <ing 61 :n 2 C )ind /i Dre<l;D 0nul NN goto @+e!3RI@ e!+o 4;stem does not eKist on t+e net*or3H N goto B;e M@+e!3RI@ sa<in)o as+ost=61 s;snr=62 N i) errorleGel 1 goto 4;stem_$o*n e!+o :::::::::::::::::::::::::::: e!+o 4;stem is u<J RI@ !+e!3s OKH e!+o :::::::::::::::::::::::::::: goto B;e M4;stem_$o*n e!+o ::::::::::::::: e!+o 4;stem is do*nH e!+o ::::::::::::::: goto B;e M#o5arameter e!+o :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: e!+o 8ou did not s<e!i); at least one <arameterH e!+o 4;ntaKM !+e!3r)! D+ostnameD Dinstan!e numberD e!+o 'Kam<leM !+e!3r)! m;deG -e!+o :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: MB;e
:-ample: To lock your !:Q system enter this command: t< lo!3s;s $'( <)=sa<trans+ostsa<mnttransbint<_domain_deGJ<)l ?sers will get this message if they attempt to log on: <?pgrade still running. ,ogon not possible<. 6otice that the message is not e-actly accurate. T. locksys is mainly used during release upgrades so the message is kind of generic. (ut, it works! To unlock the system, run: t< unlo!3s;s /4 $0 <)=t<<ro)ile 6ow you can tell your boss that you know how to keep the users off the system! 8nly *A.' and !!I5 can log on to any of the clients in the system that has been locked.