Developing A Documentum Web Application

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Developing a Documentum Web Application

Developing a Documentum Web Application

Featuring Documentum Web Development Kit 4.2 

Developing a Documentum Web Application

Table of Contents
OVERVIEW ....................................................................................................................................................................................4

USER INTERFACE DEVELOPMENT..................................................................................................................................4

1.0 WEB DEVELOPMENT KIT (WDK)................................................................................................................................4

1.1 P RODUCT GOALS ................................................................................................................................................................... 5
1.2 BENEFITS................................................................................................................................................................................ 5
1.3 THE TOOLKIT ......................................................................................................................................................................... 6
1.4 SOFTWARE REQUIREMENTS................................................................................................................................................. 7
2.0 WDK 4.2 ARCHITECTURE...............................................................................................................................................7
2.1 W HAT IS A WDK COMPONENT ?.......................................................................................................................................... 7
2.2 CONFIGURABLE APPLICATION FRAMEWORK .................................................................................................................... 8
2.2.1 Actions and Action Service .........................................................................................................................................9
2.2.2 Configurable Menus.....................................................................................................................................................9
2.2.3 Configuration Service................................................................................................................................................10
2.2.4 Qualifiers......................................................................................................................................................................10
3.0 WDK 4.2 COMPONENTS..................................................................................................................................................11
3.2 EXAMPLES OF WDK 4.2 COMPONENTS........................................................................................................................... 11
3.2.1 Checkin, Checkout, Cancel Checkout.....................................................................................................................11
3.2.2 Import............................................................................................................................................................................11
3.2.3 Inbox .............................................................................................................................................................................12
3.2.4 Properties.....................................................................................................................................................................13
3.2.5 Basic and Advanced Search......................................................................................................................................13
3.2.6 VDM ..............................................................................................................................................................................14
3.2.7 Workflow ......................................................................................................................................................................16
3.3 OTHER FEATURES................................................................................................................................................................ 17
3.3.1 Configurable Content Transfer ................................................................................................................................17
3.3.2 Multiple Selection Support (Checkboxes) ..............................................................................................................17
3.3.3 Multiple eContent Repository (Docbase) Support................................................................................................17
4.0 WEB DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS..........................................................................................................................17
4.1 JAVA DEVELOPMENT .......................................................................................................................................................... 17
4.1.1 JSP.................................................................................................................................................................................17
4.1.2 Servlets .........................................................................................................................................................................17
4.1.3 Java Classes ................................................................................................................................................................18
4.2 A PPLICATION SERVERS....................................................................................................................................................... 18
4.3 INTEGRATED DEVELOPMENT ENVIRONMENTS............................................................................................................... 18
5.0 J2EE COMPLIANCE FOR WDK 4.2 ............................................................................................................................18
5.1 J2EE BLUEPRINT ................................................................................................................................................................. 18
6.0 INTERNATIONALIZATION...........................................................................................................................................19
6.1 W HAT IS INTERNATIONALIZATION? ................................................................................................................................. 19
6.2 W HAT IS LOCALIZATION?................................................................................................................................................... 19
6.2.1 Locales..........................................................................................................................................................................20
6.2.2 Language selection.....................................................................................................................................................20
6.3 FONTS, CHARACTER SETS, AND ENCODING ..................................................................................................................... 20
6.3.1 Fonts .............................................................................................................................................................................20
6.3.2 Character sets and encoding (codepage) ...........................................................................................................21
6.3.3 Client display limitations..........................................................................................................................................22

Developing a Documentum Web Application

6.4 ECONTENT SERVER SUPPORT ............................................................................................................................................. 22

6.4.1 Supported encodings..................................................................................................................................................22
6.4.2 Attribute field limitation............................................................................................................................................23
6.4.3 DMCL initialization of client codepage .................................................................................................................23
6.4.4 Localized data dictionary labels..............................................................................................................................23
7.0 WDK 4.2-POWERED SAMPLE APPLICATIONS....................................................................................................23
7.1 WDKSPACE ......................................................................................................................................................................... 24
7.2 WDKA UCTION .................................................................................................................................................................... 25
LEVERAGING BUSINESS LOGIC......................................................................................................................................25

8.0 DOCUMENTUM FOUNDATION CLASSES (DFC).................................................................................................25

8.1 INTRODUCTION TO DFC...................................................................................................................................................... 26
8.2 PACKAGES............................................................................................................................................................................. 26
8.3 DFC PROGRAMMING .......................................................................................................................................................... 27
CUSTOMIZING THE DATA MODEL.................................................................................................................................30

9.0 DOCUMENTUM DEVELOPER STUDIO....................................................................................................................30

9.1 W HAT IS DOCUMENTUM DEVELOPER STUDIO?.............................................................................................................. 31
9.2 FUNCTIONALITY .................................................................................................................................................................. 31
9.3 DDS AND W EB CLIENT ...................................................................................................................................................... 31
9.4 W ORKFLOW M ANAGER...................................................................................................................................................... 32
SETTING UP AN XML APPLICATION.............................................................................................................................32

10.0 XML........................................................................................................................................................................................32
10.1 ROLE OF XML IN CONTENT M ANAGEMENT ................................................................................................................. 32
10.2 XML SUPPORT IN DOCUMENTUM .................................................................................................................................. 32
10.3 NEW CLASSES IN DFC...................................................................................................................................................... 33
10.4 A UTHORING AND PARSING XML IN DOCUMENTUM ................................................................................................... 33
10.5 W HAT IS AN XML A PPLICATION?.................................................................................................................................. 34
10.5.1 The XML Application Folder .................................................................................................................................34
10.5.2 XML Application Configuration File....................................................................................................................34
10.5.3 The DTD or Schema .................................................................................................................................................35
10.5.4 Application Support Documents............................................................................................................................35
10.6 THE DEFAULT XML A PPLICATION ................................................................................................................................ 35
10.7 HOW IS AN XML A PPLICATION USED? ......................................................................................................................... 35
10.7.1 Documentum XML_APP Processing Instruction................................................................................................35
10.8 NEW OBJECT TYPES IN DOCUMENTUM ......................................................................................................................... 36

APPENDIX A: LIST OF WDK 4.2 COMPONENTS.......................................................................................................38

Developing a Documentum Web Application

Documentum Foundation Classes (DFC), Documentum Developer Studio (DDS), Web
Development Kit (WDK), and XML are powerful options for developing Documentum-based
applications. They can be used together or separately, depending on the application. This
document will cover WDK 4.2 in the greatest detail, but will also provide information on DFC,
DDS, and XML in order to provide you with a broader look into developing web applications
with Documentum.


1.0 Web Development Kit (WDK)

WDK 4.2 is a set of presentation components and an application framework that is highly
configurable. It is built on the Java platform. Together, these components and framework
comprise a robust, flexible, scalable toolkit for building web applications that leverage the
Documentum platform. Over 50 content management library operations are prepackaged to
build rapid applications by gluing the components together. This includes both basic
components, such as checkin, checkout, and import and many advanced components, such as the
Workflow, Lifecycle, Rich Permissions, and Virtual Document Manager (VDM). In addition to
this, there are sophisticated content transfer services that can handle operations involving
multiple document selections.

WDK 4.2, in addition to an application server, is functionally equivalent with RightSite and
SmartSpace in a Java-based environment. Since WDK 4.2 is built in accordance to industry
standards (JSP 1.1 and Servlet 2.2), developers can utilize the standard Java IDEs, tools and
languages that they are already familiar with. This means rapid application development and
deployment. The application developer can take this toolkit and produce custom web
applications that leverage the power, flexibility, and security of the Documentum platform.

The WDK architecture, at a high level, is displayed in Figure 1. In this diagram, presentation
components, a configurable framework, and the J2EE development environment represent
WDK. DFC provides the business logic.

Figure 1: Web Development Kit 4.2

Developing a Documentum Web Application

1.1 Product Goals

WDK 4.2 provides an abundance of tools to the application developer, reducing development
time and increasing the scope of the Documentum platform. It also lays a strong foundation upon
which to deliver increased value. To summarize, the goals of WDK 4.2 are as follows:

1. To clearly separate the services/business logic layer of WDK from its presentation layer
2. To increase the breadth of WDK components and services to be functionally equivalent
to RightSite and SmartSpace
3. To improve product deployment
4. To broaden platform support in terms of web client/server operating systems,
application/web servers, web clients, and integrated development environments.
5. To fix bugs not fixed in previous product releases.
6. To provide a scalable run-time that can be included in custom web applications built to
leverage Documentum content management capabilities.
7. Leverage the industry leader application servers like Apache Tomcat, ATG Dynamo,
BEA Weblogic, IBM Websphere, Macromedia JRun, and Sun iPlanet.

1.2 Benefits
WDK speeds deployment as a result of component flexibility and reusability, reduces the
learning curve for development teams, and provides a more immediate return on investment in
standard technologies.

WDK 4.2 was designed and developed to provide approximately 80% of the functionality that
would be needed to build web application that utilizes the power of the Documentum platform.
The other 20% of the application will be up to the individual developer or development team.
This percentage may also change, of course, as the complexity of the application increases. On
the other hand, if the developer decides to take full advantage of the configuration services, there
may not be any additional programming necessary to create a custom application.

WDK is the ideal solution for developers who want to quickly engineer applications that utilize
common Documentum functionality. And since WDK is Java-based, developers can work within
a familiar environment. Reusable components, the essence of WDK, can be used for rapid
development of applications that perform common operations or customized as needed to
accommodate diverse Web application requirements.

Benefits Summary:

• Rapid application development. Reuse is the cornerstone for rapid application

development. WDK comes with over 50 pre-built components, based on JavaServer Pages
(JSP), to help developers build new applications faster than ever. For more information on
JSP, please go the following:

Developing a Documentum Web Application

• Faster deployment. Supplied WDK components allow development teams to hit the ground
running, providing a more immediate return on investment.
• Increased customer satisfaction. Because WDK operates on J2EE (Java2 Platform,
Enterprise Edition, developers can take advantage of faster, more efficient debugging and
other standard development practices, yielding a high quality application that meets the
stringent requirements of today’s business customers. For more information on J2EE, please
go to the following:

1.3 The Toolkit

The WDK consists of the following tools:

• Java classes that conduct eContent Repository (Docbase) operations. These classes include:

− Command classes that conduct eContent Repository operations.

− Content transfer classes that manage checkout, checkin, import, and export of documents
and XML between clients and a eContent Repository. The content transfer classes install
and use content transfer applets in the client browser.

The command classes and content transfer classes rely on the Documentum Foundation
Classes (DFC) to provide basic eContent Repository functionality.

• Java classes for models and views of Documentum objects, such as models and views of the
folder hierarchy in a eContent Repository or the document hierarchy in a virtual document.

• Java classes that manage configuration, context, menus, localization, events, and exceptions.

• JavaServer Pages that provide Documentum functionality by instantiating objects based on

the Java classes and creating standard user interfaces. JSP pages can contain both server-side
Java code and client-side HTML and JavaScript code, allowing you to generate dynamic
content on the server and control its presentation and behavior on the client. You can
customize these JSP pages as desired for your application.

• JavaScript functions and event handlers that support the user interfaces in the JSP pages.
Some JavaScript functions reside in associated JSP pages, while others reside in files that
contain only JavaScript.

• Services that allow you to configure your application and its components with XML, which
reduces the amount of time and programming expertise required to develop your application.

• API documentation (Javadocs) for the WDK and DFC classes, and online help (Javahelp)
that contains documentation for the JavaServer pages and application development tasks.

Developing a Documentum Web Application

1.4 Software Requirements

Before you develop a web application using WDK, you must install and configure the following
server software:

• An HTTP server, which can reside on your development machine or on a separate machine.

• A Java application server, which communicates with the HTTP server and typically (but not
always) resides on the same machine as the HTTP server. The Java application server must
support both the Java Servlet Specification, version 2.2, and the JavaServer Pages
Specification, version 1.1.

• A Documentum eContent server and eContent Repository (Docbase), which is accessed

through a Docbroker and can reside on any machine.

2.0 WDK 4.2 Architecture

The WDK Java classes can be used in your existing web development environment. You can
deploy the WDK classes in your web server application. The WDK Architecture is built with the
following elements:

• Presentation components: JavaServer Pages (JSP) that present static and dynamic content
through WDK model and view classes and perform eContent Repository transactions through
command classes.
• A configurable application framework for your application
• JSP 1.1 and Servlet 2.2 web application infrastructure
• Business logic encapsulated in the Documentum Foundation Classes (DFC)

2.1 What is a WDK component?

We define a component as being all of the 'bits' that are required to implement a single piece of

A component has a container and may have one or more supporting files. If the component has a
UI then the container will be a JSP file, otherwise it will be a servlet. The supporting files could
include Stylesheets; class files; config files; internationalization (I18N) resources - in fact any
files that the component makes use of.

The components are configurable, so they leverage the configuration of action services. This
means that the components also have associated configuration files. The configuration files are
XML files. This configurable application framework allows the application to be context

(Note: This example component has been simplified for illustrative purposes)

Developing a Documentum Web Application

A WDK component might implement a tree control that represents a Cabinet/Folder hierarchy.
This component is deemed to be all of the 'bits' needed to implement the tree-view.

As this component has a UI, (the tree-view itself), it would be contained within a JSP page. The
JSP page would make reference to the basic DFC class files, other Java class files, a stylesheet
and would get configuration information from an XML file. The component may also need
internationalization information which would also be included in the component.

Figure 2 illustrates the 'pieces' that make up this typical component.

Figure 2: WDK 4.2 Component

2.2 Configurable Application Framework

The framework is all of the pieces that the WDK components use to operate and interact. It
determines their behavior, look-and-feel and allows them to communicate with each other. The
framework lets you configure the component's localization (L10N), branding/style, content-
sensitivity, logging, behavior (redirection, error-handling etc.), presentation etc.

Configuration is based in XML and allows components to be data-driven without the traditional
coding that customization involves (e.g. extending a Java class). It is this approach that makes
the WDK suited to rapid, flexible and very powerful application development.

Developing a Documentum Web Application

Menus Widgets
Action Service
Configuration Service

eContent XML File

Repository System

Figure 3: WDK Configuration "Stack

Figure 3 outlines some the services that will be discussed in the next few sections.

2.2.1 Actions and Action Service

Actions provide the ability to register handlers with the action service, so that these handlers get
called first. Application logic gets placed here and then the commands get dispatched. This is
one level of indirection that WDK provides, which means more capability to add application

The action service provides the ability to make the UI context sensitive. This is done by the
construct preconditions. The preconditions are put into a configuration file. An example of a
precondition would be:
– If the role is consumer, then the action “add cabinet” will not be available.

The action service also provides:

– Data Driving
– Custom logic for your applications

2.2.2 Configurable Menus

Figure 4 : WDK 4.2 Menu Figure 5: WDK 4.2 Menu

WDK 4.2 has the ability to setup menus within XML configuration files. These menus are based
on actions and the action service. Therefore, separate menus can be created for different

Developing a Documentum Web Application

eContent Repository object types. For example, Figure 4 displays a menu that was created for a
dm_folder object. Figure 5 displays a menu that was set up for a dm_document object.

2.2.3 Configuration Service

The configuration service is the infrastructure layer that all components use. This layer provides
the ability to read the configuration files that are available with the WDK components and the
application. Then they take these files and store them in a namespace.

2.2.4 Qualifiers
The easiest way to map roles will be to put them into a configuration file. The developer will
still have the flexibility of creating a new role. The configuration services will read all of this
data and store it into a namespace. You can then use this context from within the component.
This allows custom application logic. A qualifier in the WDK encapsulates a set of values
associated with a specific form of context.

Role and type are examples of implementations of qualifiers that are provided with WDK 4.2.
For example, you can configure a UI using:

• role = contributor, coordinator, etc.

• type = dm_document

Developing a Documentum Web Application

3.0 WDK 4.2 Components

3.2 Examples of WDK 4.2 Components

3.2.1 Checkin, Checkout, Cancel Checkout

The checkin
gives the user
several useful
options. For
example, as
displayed in
Figure 6, this
allows a user to
create a version
label and
which are
optional. The
other optional
available and
can be used as
Figure 6: WDK 4.2 Checkin Component needed.

3.2.2 Import

Figure 7: WDK 4.2 Import Component

Developing a Documentum Web Application

The Import component will has been enhanced to provide the ability of importing multiple files.
It also has the built in intelligence to recognize certain file types and pre-define the import
settings, which can be changed. For other file types, such as the ScreenCam movie that is
displayed in Figure 7, the user will be able to select from a list of file formats. The XML
Category can be selected for appropriate file types.

3.2.3 Inbox

Figure 8: WDK 4.2 Inbox Component

Developing a Documentum Web Application

3.2.4 Properties
The Properties component has an
associated XML file that sets up
attributes that are editable and those that
are for display purposes only. For
example, Figure 9 displays the standard
properties for the type document. This
particular document has the editable
properties of name, title, subject,
keywords, and authors. These properties
can be edited via this component and
saved into the eContent Repository. The
non-editable, or view only, properties are
also available to be displayed.

The XML file for this component can be

edited, as all of the available options may
not be necessary or even valid for the
resulting application. In addition, custom
types may have their own XML
configuration file for the properties
component as these custom types would
often have unique attributes that are not a
part of any other object type.

Figure 9: WDK 4.2 Properties Component

3.2.5 Basic and Advanced Search

There are different types of search options
available in WDK 4.2. A basic search, also
known as one box search, is the most
simple search option available. The
advanced search options, as displayed in
Figure 10, will also the user to refine the
search criteria.
Figure 10: WDK 4.2 Basic Search Component

Developing a Documentum Web Application

Figure 11: Advanced Search Component

3.2.6 VDM

Figure 12: WDK 4.2 VDM Component

Figure 12 displays the generic user interface of the VDM component. The user will be able to
view the VDM tree, as well as have access to a menu with previously specific items. WDK 4.2

Developing a Documentum Web Application

will provide support for several VDM operations. Some of these operations will have an
associated user interface and others will not. For example, the VDM component will support the
following VDM operations:

• Create New Document

• Add Child
• Remove Child
• Levels to Show
• Set Default Binding For View
• Show Different Version
• Set Binding Rule
• Set Copy Behavior
• Assign Version Label
• Save Changes

Add Child

Figure 13: WDK 4.2 VDM Component - Add Child

Figure 13 displays part of the Add Child user interface.

Developing a Documentum Web Application

3.2.7 Workflow

Start Workflow Component

This component displays a

form that will allow a user
to select from a list of
available workflows and
then additional optional
information that may be
helpful to the next set of
recipient(s). Once that
information has been
entered, the user will then
be able to start a workflow.
In this release, the user will
not be able to actually
create the workflow itself.

Figure 14: WDK 4.2 Workflow Component – Start Workflow

Workflow Status

In addition to
simply viewing
the status of a
workflow, users
can drill down
and look at the
individual tasks.
The capability
to either halt or
abort a
workflow is also
a part of this

Figure 15: WDK 4.2 Workflow Component - Workflow Status

Developing a Documentum Web Application

3.3 Other Features

WDK 4.2 comes with several new features. The next three sections cover some of the other new
features in more detail.

3.3.1 Configurable Content Transfer

The content transfer services provide the ability to import, checkin, and checkout items via the
web. The first time a user logs on to the WDK-powered application, a content transfer applet
will be loaded. Even though some users may not like the idea of having an applet installed on
their browsers, it is necessary for this set functionality. A web browser is stateless by nature and
the applet is vital to creating the vital intelligence necessary for successful and secure content

3.3.2 Multiple Selection Support (Checkboxes)

In previous versions of WDK, users were not able to select more than one item at a time. This
option will continue to be available, if the developer decides it is appropriate. However, WDK
4.2 will include support for multiple selections (checkboxes) as part of the folder contents
component. For example, a user may want to checkout two documents at the same time in order
to make necessary changes. This option is now available.

3.3.3 Multiple eContent Repository (Docbase) Support

Another new feature of WDK 4.2 is multiple eContent Repository support. This will allow a user
to log into more than one eContent Repository during their session. This will also allow the
developer to more easily create a federated environment.

4.0 Web Development Standards

Web developers have a wide variety of options available to them today. There are multiple
development platforms, as well as development tools. WDK 4.2 has been developed to utilize
the Java platform due to its maturity in the marketplace. A Microsoft version of this product will
be developed upon the .NET platform once it is available.

4.1 Java Development

4.1.1 JSP
WDK leverages the investment in Java ServerPages (JSP). JSP is a server-side scripting
environment that is used to create and run dynamic, interactive web applications. With JSP, you
can combine HTML pages and script commands to create interactive web pages or powerful
Web-based applications.

4.1.2 Servlets
JSP pages compile into Servlets. Therefore any standard Java compiler can be used to develop
with WDK.

Developing a Documentum Web Application

4.1.3 Java Classes

Developers who wish to extend the Java classes that come with WDK 4.2 can do so as long as
they use standard Java methodology. The same is true if they would like to add additional
custom classes to their applications.

4.2 Application Servers

Application servers that are compliant with the JSP 1.1 and Servlet 2.2 specifications may be
used. WDK 4.2 is designed to be compliant with these standards and there should not be any
additional application server configuration required in order to start using the product.

4.3 Integrated Development Environments

Individual Integrated Development Environments (IDE) will not be certified as a part of WDK
4.2. The developer may choose to use any IDE that is J2EE compliant. There are many IDEs
that are a Java compiler and some that also contain support for JSP. There are also IDEs that are
designed specifically for JSP.

5.0 J2EE Compliance for WDK 4.2

In an application stack, WDK serves as presentation layer and DFC serves as business logic.
WDK is a set of presentation components and framework. It is written using JSP 1.1 and Servlet
2.2 specifications as defined in J2EE.

5.1 J2EE Blueprint

Figure 16 is a snapshot of the blueprint that Sun published regarding what a J2EE compliant
application would look like. On the presentation side there is JSP and Servlet technology. WDK
provides that.

On the business logic side, there are EJB containers. Today, DFC provides a set of Java classes.
DFC does not live in an EJB container. It does not extract into an entity bean. When DFC was
developed, EJB containers were not mature. DFC was implemented as a set of Java classes that
are available to both the Java platform natively and to the Windows platform via a Java-COM
bridge in the Microsoft JVM.

Developing a Documentum Web Application

Figure 16: J2EE Blueprint -

6.0 Internationalization

6.1 What is Internationalization?

Internationalization is the process of enabling the translation of a program without modification
of its executable code. An internationalized program supports user interfaces (UI) and user input
in multiple languages.

Internationalization is sometimes referred to as I18N, which represents the first and last letters of
the word “Internationalization” and the 18 characters in between.

The user can select a locale for the web session. All pages displayed in the application will be in
the selected language, if the user has the proper display fonts installed for the browser. The user
can enter data using characters from the selected language, if the user’s system has keyboard
support for the selected language.

6.2 What is localization?

Localization is the translation of user interface and message elements into multiple languages.
All visible text in WDK server pages has been externalized to simple text resource files which
can then be translated into other languages. Localization is sometimes referred to as L10N,
which represents the first and last characters and 10 characters between them.

You can add UI resource bundles, in addition to the bundles supplied with the WDK. Your
resource bundles extend standard Java internationalization classes.

Developing a Documentum Web Application

Your application’s user interface will be displayed in one of the languages you support, but you
must also consider the fonts and encoding for those languages.

6.2.1 Locales
A locale represents a specific geographical, political, or cultural region. A locale is specified in
the WDK, and in all Java applications, by a locale code, which consists of an ISO language code
and an ISO country code. See “Java Locale Names and Country Codes” in the Internationalizing
and Localizing WDK-based Applications manual for more information.

Your application specifies its supported locales in the application config.xml file. The list of
supported languages will be displayed when the user logs in to your application.

6.2.2 Language selection

The WDK login page detects the user’s current system locale setting (language) and by default
uses a compatible locale for the user’s session. For example, if the user’s locale is French
Canadian, and your config.xml file lists French and Spanish, the default locale will be set to
French. See “Language negotiation” in the Internationalizing and Localizing WDK-based
Applications manual for more information.

6.3 Fonts, character sets, and encoding

6.3.1 Fonts
Application users select a locale for their operating system -- French, English, Spanish, Italian,
German, Japanese, Korean, or other. There are dozens or even hundreds of fonts that can display
all of the characters for the selected locale. A font renders the language characters through an
encoding scheme, also called a character set.

Users can select default fonts for their browsers using browser preference settings. If their
selected font does not use the encoding of your WDK application pages (XML and JSP), then the
content will not be rendered properly.

Your localization process must specify the encoding for your pages, and optionally, specify in
style sheets the fonts that should be displayed by the browser.

WDK style sheets do not specify fonts. As a result, the HTML pages that are generated from
WDK JSP pages will be displayed in the default font of the user’s browser.

The sample application, wdkSpace, uses a style sheet that specifies font faces for Latin-1
languages. If you wish to change the fonts in the sample application to display double-byte
characters such as Japanese or Korean, specify your fonts in wdkSpace.css.

Developing a Documentum Web Application

6.3.2 Character sets and encoding (codepage)

Character sets (code sets)
Languages are rendered with character sets. For example, the English alphabet is a character set
that contains 52 upper- and lowercase letters. The Japanese character set kanji contains 1945

Characters sets that have assigned binary values for each character are called coded character
sets, or code sets. The most widely used character set in web pages is ASCII, which can
represent very few languages, mainly English, Indonesian, and Swahili. The ISO 8859-1
character set, known as Latin-1, supports more languages. Because character sets are rendered
with encodings, you will often see the words used interchangeably. However, some character
sets do not have assigned encodings.

A character set is encoded in binary octets. The mapping of the character to the binary sequence
is called an encoding method or scheme. Languages can often be encoded with several different
schemes, and no single encoding is used for every language.

Character set names are registered with the Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA) at character-sets. Names are case-insensitive and are
specified in the HTTP and MIME Content-Type headers that are sent from the browser to the
server and from the server to the browser.

WDK default encoding

The lack of a standard encoding scheme is a problem for multilanguage web sites or intranets.
The Unicode standard addresses the need for an encoding that can represent all character sets.
Unicode defines a 16-bit, fixed-width character encoding scheme. The standard assigns each
character a unique code point, with the capability of encoding over a million unique characters.

Unicode includes several encoding schemes:

• UCS-2: double-byte encoding (default Unicode encoding)
• UTF-8: 8-bit encoding

The WDK specifies UTF-8, one of the Unicode encoding schemes, in every XML and JSP page.
Unicode encodings are designed to be capable of rendering every known language character.
Unicode is represented by several encodings, including UTF-8, UTF-16, and UCS-2.

Some of the encodings used by current Documentum customers include Latin-1 (French and
German), K EUC (Korean), SJIS and EUC (Japanese), none of which is a Unicode encoding.
Even though Unicode can represent all characters, most of the world’s thousands of fonts do not
use a Unicode encoding.

Changing the encoding

Encodings other than UTF-8 are not supported by WDK. If you change the encoding, you must
translate form data from your encoding to the Java String encoding (UCS-16), in the same way

Developing a Documentum Web Application

that DwFixEncoding translates form data from UTF-8 to UCS-16. Certain elements of your
application must be in Unicode:

• XML files must be in a Unicode encoding scheme.

• Attributes stored in the eContent server must be in Unicode.
• URLs must be in ASCII format. Non-ASCII characters must be in escaped hexadecimal

If you change your application’s encoding scheme, you must change the encoding specification
in every WDK XML and JSP file. See “Specifying the encoding” in the Internationalizing and
Localizing WDK-based Applications manual for implementation details.

If you do not specify the encoding, client browsers will default to rendering content in the ISO
8859-1 (Latin-1) encoding, which will look like gibberish to non-Latin1 language speakers.

The encoding of your web pages affects only the display and user input, not the content of
objects that are imported into or exported from the eContent Repository. The eContent server is
unaware of the encoding for documents stored in the eContent Repository.

6.3.3 Client display limitations

There are two ways to display fonts correctly in your user’s language of choice:

• Create CSS files that specify fonts that are compatible with your encoding.

The font faces that you specify must be a set of fonts that are likely to be found on the
systems of all users of your application.

• Do not specify fonts.

Set the encoding in your JSP pages and XML files, and let users change their browser font
preference to one that is supported by your encoding.

See “Localizing styles” in the Internationalizing and Localizing WDK-based Applications

manual for information on creating locale-specific style sheets.

6.4 eContent server support

Versions of the eContent server prior to 4.2 did not support data dictionary data or attribute
values in non-Latin1 languages. With the 4.2 server, attribute data and data dictionary data are
stored in UTF-8, and localized versions of the data dictionary in several languages is supported.

6.4.1 Supported encodings

The following encodings are supported by the eContent server:

• Documents stored in an eContent Repository can be encoded with any encoding scheme.

Developing a Documentum Web Application

• Object attributes can be encoded in any encoding scheme. They are translated into UTF-8 for
storage in the eContent Repository.
• Object type names and attribute type names are limited to ASCII characters, although you
can escape non-ASCII characters using their hexadecimal representation.
• Data dictionaries can be localized to display messages, error strings, and labels for object
types and attribute names. Data dictionary entries must be in a UTF-8 encoding.

6.4.2 Attribute field limitation

Field length for attributes is an important consideration in localization. Asian languages typically
use three bytes in the UTF-8 encoding, which limits field length. For example, a 32-byte author
field will hold only 10 Asian characters.

6.4.3 DMCL initialization of client codepage

The 4.2 eContent server requires a new dmcl.ini setting to enable Unicode (UTF-8) support. See
“DMCL client codepage” in the Internationalizing and Localizing WDK-based Applications
manual for instructions on setting the client codepage for the WDK HTTP server.

6.4.4 Localized data dictionary labels

WDK has externalized all user interface strings to properties files for localization. This includes
labels for common attributes such a authors, keywords, or creation date. These labels can also be
localized in data dictionary files.

The WDK provides all strings in accessible properties files so that you can localize all strings for
a given interface in one or two files. If wish to leverage data dictionary localization, however,
you can remove the labels from component configuration files, and the WDK will display labels
from the data dictionary, passing in the user’s locale.

7.0 WDK 4.2-powered Sample Applications

For the convenience of the developer, there are several WDK 4.2 Powered sample applications
that are available. There is an example of a library services client, an example of a custom
application, and an example of a role-based client. Each of these applications will be shipped as
a WAR file, which is part of the J2EE standard.

Developing a Documentum Web Application

7.1 WDKSpace

Figure 17: WDKSpace Sample Application

WDKSpace is a sample library services application that can be added during the installation
process of WDK 4.2. The user interface is similar to that of the Intranet Client purely to
demonstrate functional equivalence. This application will ship as a WAR file and if the user
chooses to deploy this application at a later time, then that option is available. Please note that
WDKSpace is an unsupported sample. WDKSpace is also not a supported product and can not
be installed as such in a production environment. This application is only to be used for
educational purposes.

Developing a Documentum Web Application

7.2 WDKAuction

Figure 18: WDKAuction Sample Application

WDKAuction is a sample of a customized application that will also be available as a WAR file.
However, it will not be part of the WDK 4.2 installer. This application is also for educational
purposes as it is not a supported product.


8.0 Documentum Foundation Classes (DFC)

Documentum applications depend heavily on the Documentum object model, which is the
object-oriented structure by which eContent Server organizes the contents and control
mechanisms of eContent Repositories (Docbases). Therefore, it is a good idea to get a general
overview of the Documentum Foundation Classes (DFC). The following section on the DFC is
more deeply technical than the rest of the sections included in this document, but will provide the
background necessary in order to understand how it fits in the development cycle.

Developing a Documentum Web Application

8.1 Introduction to DFC

DFC exposes the Documentum object model as an object-oriented client library. It is leveraged
by both client/server architecture such as Desktop Client and web such as WDK.

DFC consists of the following:

• A set of interfaces that provide the DFC programming model. This programming model
specifies how an application interacts with the DFC objects that implements these interfaces
and the relationship between these DFC objects. The objects in this model consist of
persistent objects stored in a docbase and non-persistent objects returning from a query or
generated by DFC.
• A Java implementation of this model. It consists of several Java packages each contains a
number of Java classes and interfaces. These packages will run in both the Microsoft and
Sun’s Java virtual machine that support JDK 1.1. On-line documentation (JavaDoc) of this
class library is provided. It also provides tracing and exception handling.
• A set of COM interfaces and wrapper classes are provided with the DFC to make its Java
implementation available to COM components. Since the DFC appears as a set of COM
components, it is accessible by clients written in Visual C++ and Visual Basic.

8.2 Packages
DFC is organized into packages, that is, sets of related classes and interfaces.

• The names of DFC Java classes begin with Df (for example, DfWorkflow).
• Names of interfaces begin with IDf (for example, IDfWorkflow).

Interfaces expose DFC’s public methods and constants. Each interface contains a set of related

Table 1 describes the purpose of the classes and interfaces of DFC packages.

Table 1: Description of DFC Packages

Java Package Name Purpose
Com.documentum.fc.client Provides basic functionality
• Establishing DFC sessions
• Retrieving and validating data
• Managing workflows
• Manipulating virtual documents
• Working with document versions
Common.documentum.fc.client.qb Constructs and runs queries and Smartlists Facilitates accessing DFC from COM.
Com.documentum.fc.common Supplies utility methods for other DFC classes

Developing a Documentum Web Application

Com.documentum.operations Supports eContent Repository (Docbase) sessions.

Com.documentum.operations Provides high-level functionality, such as checking
documents or virtual documents in and out.
Com.documentum.registry Maintains Documentum information on the client’s system,
using the Windows registry on Win32 platforms, and .ini
files otherwise.

8.3 DFC Programming

The picture below shows a subset of the DFC interface interaction. The application developer
will first call the static method DfClient.getLocalClient() to get back an IDfClient interface.
Then call the IDfClient.newSession(...) to establish a DFC session. From there, you can retrieve
a persistent object by calling IDfSession.getObject() and pass in an object id.

IDfClient getRemoteClient ( location )

getSharedSession( docbase, IDfLoginInfo, key)

getClient() newSession( docbase, IDfLoginInfo )
findSession( dfcSessionId )
adoptDMCLSession ( dmclSessionId )

getSharedSession ( docbase, key )
newSession( docbase )

getObject( objectId ) IDfQuery

getObjectWithType( objectId,
getSession() objectType, className )
getObjectByQualification( qual) execute( DfSession , queryType )
getObjectByPath( path )
newObject( typeName )
getType(typeName )



getAttr( index )

IDfAttr getId( attrName )


DFC exposes most of the Documentum object hierarchy as a set of interfaces. An interface
defines a contract between an implementation class and any client that uses instances of that
class. Interfaces do not specify implementation. They simply define a set of methods with
specific signatures and specific semantics. A class provides the implementation, but as an
application programmer, you usually don’t need to know which class. If you hold a reference to a
class that implements a given interface, you know that objects of that class have all of the

Developing a Documentum Web Application

functionality that the interface promises. DFC includes a default implementation for each

In Figures 19 - 22, you can see how the interfaces that derive from the Documentum hierarchy fit
into the total DFC interface hierarchy.

Figure 19: IdfTyped Object

Developing a Documentum Web Application

Figure 20: IdfOperation Figure 21: IDfOperation Node

Figure 22: IDfClientRegistry Object

A Small DFC Program

The following fragment from a Java program that uses DFC contains three blocks of code. They
implement the first three steps of the procedure.
IDfClient client = DfClient.getLocalClient();

IDfLoginInfo loginInfo = new DfLoginInfo();

session = client.newSession("MyDocbase", loginInfo);

IDfDocument document = null;

document = (IDfDocument) session.newObject("dm_document");
document.setObjectName("Report on Wizards");

The first block creates the client object, which encapsulates the Documentum client software.
The second block creates and populates an object to hold login information and uses it to
manufacture an IDfSession object, which encapsulates a session for this application program
with the specified eContent Repository (Docbase).

Developing a Documentum Web Application

The third block of code creates and populates an IDfDocument object and saves it in the
eContent Repository. Notice that the newObject method of the session object manufactures the

The newObject method returns an IDfPersistentObject object. The program explicitly casts it to
an IDfDocument object, then uses the document object’s save method, a method that
IDfDocument inherits from IDfPersistentObject. COM does not support interface inheritance, so
the Visual Basic and C++ versions of the above code explicitly cast the document object to a
persistent object before saving it.

Most DFC methods throw DfException to report errors. Java code like that in the above example
normally appears within a try/catch/finally block, with an error handler in the catch block. Visual
Basic code uses the On Error Goto statement to handle exceptions.

More information on DFC can be found in the Using DFC in Documentum Applications manual.


9.0 Documentum Developer Studio

Documentum’s Developer Studio provides the application developer the ability to define
application specific data such as custom types, lifecycles, etc. that are utilized in building
Documentum applications.

Figure 23: Documentum Developer Studio

Developing a Documentum Web Application

9.1 What is Documentum Developer Studio?

DDS is the facility used by application developers to create and maintain their DocApps. A
DocApp is a collection of eContent Repository objects that make up a Documentum based
application. DDS provides the ability to externalize the application in the form of a DocApp
Archive. These archives can be installed in the customer's deployment eContent Repository
using the DocApp Installer (DAI). An important aspect of the DocApp is that parameters can be
used for eContent Repository specific information. This makes the DocApp Archives portable
from one eContent Repository to another. The DocApp Installer replaces the parameters with
values that the user provides when she installs the DocApp in a deployment eContent

Before the advent of DDS, users accomplished the deployment using a combination of scripts
and eContent Repository dump and load mechanism. The successful transfer of an application
from the development to a deployment eContent Repository required considerable expertise and
significant custom development effort.

Documentum based applications consist of eContent Repository elements such as Object Types,
Document Lifecycles (DLC), Workflow Templates, Methods, Jobs, Procedures, Folder
Hierarchies as well as business logic and presentation code. In general, DDS only deals with the
eContent Repository objects and does not address the business logic or the presentation logic.
However, the DocApp architecture was intended to address all aspects of applications and DDS
does provide some facilities to organize the functional components of applications associate
them with the eContent Repository hierarchy, even distribute the components to end user

9.2 Functionality
The DocApp architecture introduced the notion of Functionality. A Functionality is a system
capability that the end user uses to manipulate an object or several objects in a eContent
Repository. It is implemented by a component that encapsulates the business logic and the
presentation facility that the user can use to perform the operation. Functionality can be broadly
classified as Object Type Specific and Global. Type Specific Functionality is applicable only to
the instances of the Object Type it is defined for. For example, the 'Check In' functionality is
applicable only to instances of dm_document (objects that have content). Global Functionality is
applicable to all objects. The 'Import' Functionality is applicable to instances of all object types.
Type Specific Functionality can be inherited down the type hierarchy. For example, the 'Check
In' functionality is inherited by all the descendants of dm_document in the object hierarchy.

9.3 DDS and Web Client

The DocApp Architecture does not assume that Functionality is implemented using a particular
technology. It is possible that Functionality is implemented as a WDK component or even as a
JSP/ASP page. However, the Documentum Intranet Client chose not to use this facility.

Developing a Documentum Web Application

We plan to address issues in the present implementation of Functionality support and to extend
the support to WDK components. The benefit will be a uniform Object Type base customization
scheme for DTC and WDK. This will present a more coherent view of application development
to the users and reduce their learning curve.

9.4 Workflow Manager

The Workflow infrastructure is a vital part of the Documentum system. The eContent Repository
would be an inanimate lump of information but for Workflow. Workflow has given us the edge
in Document Management and will be an important differentiator in the Content Management.
Robust Workflow will be an essential prerequisite for any B2B initiative. The Workflow
infrastructure consists of the engine that is built into the Server, client Inbox capabilities built
into the client applications (DTC, Intranet Client, WebPublisher, WDK) and the Workflow
Manager that is a part of DDS, DTC and Intranet Client.


10.0 XML
The Documentum platform has rich capabilities for handling XML content (chunking, assembly,
zone searching, etc). This is built into our DFC layer and exposed seamlessly to both Web
(WDK) and Desktop clients.

10.1 Role of XML in Content Management

XML is rapidly becoming the standard language for e-business, including catalog creation, Web
publishing, and transactions between trading partners. XML enables businesses to create,
publish, and repurpose content from one source and reuse it throughout the enterprise. An XML-
based product specification, for example, can be used in a variety of different ways, publishing
this information on a company Web site, developing marketing collateral describing product
features, and composing catalog content distributed to customers. Within Documentum,
individual pieces of documents, “chunks,” have access to all the features of a eContent
Repository, including
lifecycle and workflow capabilities.

Documentum also provides standard document library services to XML content, including check
in, check out, and editing. Individual chunks of XML are treated as individual objects in the
eContent Repository. A configuration file controls how XML content is processed within a
eContent Repository.

10.2 XML Support in Documentum

The XML support in Documentum allows you to:
• Configure the storage, parsing, and searching XML content
• Specify validation against a document type definition (DTD)

Developing a Documentum Web Application

• Decompose XML into fragments that can be processed as individual objects with properties
and behaviors. This is commonly called “chunking.”
• Specify, query, and extract metadata (properties) associated with XML content and chunks.
• Populate Documentum attributes automatically
• Manage links in an XML file
• Transform XML from an eContent Repository to a schema for exchanging business
information, or to a format for publishing.
• Enable searching of XML documents using Verity zone searching
• Use XDQL to embed queries in an XML file. XDQL is an extension to the Document Query
Language (DQL). An XDQL query can return a DOM object, a file, or a stream. You can call
XSLT from XDQL, and you can call XDQL from XSLT.

10.3 New Classes in DFC

The XML capabilities of DFC are provided by a number of new classes in DFC. For most of the
basic document processing operations within Documentum, a new step has been added for
processing XML, apply XML application. This step uses the XML configuration file to tell
Documentum how to process and store the individual chunks within the EContent Repository.
The other two operations that are specific to XML processing are transformation and validation.
Transformation allows native XML content to be changed into a different format, like HTML,
for example. Style sheets control how XML will be transformed into different formats.
Validation requires that XML content conform to the rules of a document type definition (DTD).
Documentum allows validation to be included in a lifecycle operation, for example.

Documents composed in XML are treated as virtual documents within the EContent Repository.
The same rules regulating processing virtual documents apply to XML documents. Rules within
the XML configuration file control how parent and child chunks are treated. For detailed
information on the new classes, see the Javadocs for DFC. The Javadocs for DFC are being
shipped with the DFC.

10.4 Authoring and Parsing XML in Documentum

The XML that you use with Documentum must be well-formed, written in accordance with
XML language criteria. If your XML application requires that the XML be valid, there must be a
DTD or schema associated with a particular document. The DTD is included in the XML
application folder within an eContent Repository. To author XML, use any text editor or XML
editor that meets your needs. Documentum integrations with both Softquad and Arbortext
provide authoring and editing capabilities for XML. For information about third-party XML
editor integrations, please refer to the release notes for Desktop Client. The Web Publisher Editor
from Documentum allows you to author and edit XML in templates that enforce business rules.

To parse and transform XML, DFC uses the Xerces XML parser and the Xalan XSLT stylesheet
processor from the Apache Software Foundation.

Developing a Documentum Web Application

10.5 What is an XML Application?

A Documentum XML application defines the rules for processing XML documents. The
information in an XML application defines:

• Validation rules using DTDs or schemas when the document is imported or checked in
• Rules for storing the XML content as objects in the eContent Repository
• Setting properties on the resulting objects
• Interpreting and managing links
• Processing parsed entities
• Handling the XML content during standard document processing operations, including check
in, check out, export, and delete

Note: There are no limits to the number of XML applications you can have in Documentum. The
exact number depends on the different types of XML documents you have and the business rules
governing them.

To support XML functionality, an XML application contains these new Documentum objects:

• A folder of type dm_xml_application

− Named the same as the XML application name
− Stored in system/applications folder
− Detects the XML application
• An object type dm_xml_configuration
− Stores rules for processing an XML document
• Customer-specific DTD or schema, if desired
• Cascading style sheets, XSL style sheets, and FOSIs, if desired

Note: DTDs and schemas are not required by an Documentum XML application. They are
needed only if document validation against a DTD is desired.

10.5.1 The XML Application Folder

The XML application folder holds the components included in an XML application, including
DTDs, configuration files, and supporting documents. The attributes in the folder object
determine which XML application is applied to any given XML document. These folder
attributes must be set up before creating an XML application. For information concerning how to
setup folder attributes, refer to the section on Creating XML Applications.

10.5.2 XML Application Configuration File

Each XML application has a configuration file that describes what kind of documents the
application can process and the rules by which the documents are processed. A configuration file

• What objects are created in the eContent Repository for XML content

Developing a Documentum Web Application

• The mapping between XML elements and object attribute values in the eContent Repository
• The location of parent and child documents in the eContent Repository
• Processing of links in the XML

The configuration file is an XML document. The DTD required for all XML application
configuration files is supplied by Documentum and is named config.dtd. All XML application
configuration files must conform to this config.dtd, and it must not be modified. For information
about the config.dtd used to define the XML application, please refer to the config.htm file
provided by Documentum on the FTP site.

10.5.3 The DTD or Schema

If a customer-supplied DTD for an XML application is in the eContent Repository, Documentum
will use it for validating an XML document, if validation is required. Documentum downloads
the DTD to client machines and patches the system declaration to the location of the DTD.

10.5.4 Application Support Documents

An XML application may require additional documents to support authoring in XML. These
documents include cascading style sheets, FOSIs, and the like. If your particular application
requires these kinds of documents, create a subfolder in the XML application folder called
“Application Support Documents.” These files are downloaded to clients during standard
Documentum document processing operations.

10.6 The Default XML Application

Documentum provides a default XML application, named Default XML Application, stored in
systems/applications. The default application is used whenever an XML document is not
associated with a user-defined, custom XML application.

The default application has a configuration file that is also named Default XML Application,
stored in the application folder as an object of type, dm_xml_configuration. For details about
setting up the configuration file, see the “Creating XML Applications ” section of Creating
Documentum XML Applications. You can modify the Default XML Application to set up rules
for processing XML content.

10.7 How is an XML Application Used?

An XML application manages how XML content is processed during standard document
processing operations in an eContent Repository. When a user imports or checks in an XML
document, for example, the system first determines which XML application to use to handle the
specific XML document.

10.7.1 Documentum XML_APP Processing Instruction

If the document has an XML_APP processing instruction at the beginning of the file, the
application named in the instruction is used. This overrides any other user selection. The
processing instruction is:

Developing a Documentum Web Application

“<?dctm xml_app=“xml_application name”?>.

If processing is not desired, put the following:

<?dctm xmlapp=”ignore”?>

If no matching XML application is found, the default XML application will be used to process
the content.

During the apply XML application step, the configuration rules for the given application
determine subsequent processing of XML content.

If validation is required, then the document is parsed in validation mode. If there is a DTD in the
application folder, it will be applied to the document and the XML content validated against it.

If a schema is specified, then schema validation will be performed.

If there is no processing instruction, the system extracts the following values from the prolog of
the document:

• Root element
• System identifier
• Public identifier
• Namespace of the root element

These values are indicated in the prolog of the XML document, as follows:

<?xml version=1.0>
<DOCTYPE cellphone-catalog PUBLIC '/Documentum/DTD
CellPhoneInlineEntity//EN” “CellPhoneInlineEntity.dtd”>

<?xml version=”1.0”?>
<!DOCTYPE cellphone-catalog SYSTEM

Then, the system queries the attributes of the XML applications in /Systems/Applications to find
potential XML applications for the document. The Documentum client presents all potential
matches to the user. If the user fails to choose a match from the list of potential matches, the
system chooses the first XML application returned by the query.

10.8 New Object Types in Documentum

XML applications are supported in eContent Server by five new object types:

• dm_xml_application (subtype of dm_folder)

Developing a Documentum Web Application

• dm_xml_config (subtype of dm_document, contains configuration information for the

• dm_xml_style_sheet (subtype of dm_document)
• dm_xml_custom_code (subtype of dm_document, stores custom code for XML processing)
• dm_xml_zone (subtype of dm_document, stores the names of elements displayed as search
zones in a Find dialog)

For details of the attributes for these object types, refer to the eContent Server Object Reference

Documentum Foundation Classes (DFC), Documentum Developer Studio (DDS), Web
Development Kit (WDK), and XML are powerful options for developing Documentum-based
applications. They can be used together or separately, depending on the needs of the application.

DFC exposes the Documentum object model as an object-oriented client library. It is leveraged
by both client/server architecture such as Desktop Client and web such as WDK. Documentum
applications depend heavily on this object model, which is the object-oriented structure by which
eContent Server organizes the contents and control mechanisms of eContent Repositories

DDS provides the application developer the ability to define application specific data such as
custom types, lifecycles, etc. that are utilized in building Documentum applications. In general,
DDS only deals with the eContent Repository objects and does not address the business logic or
the presentation logic.

The Documentum platform has rich capabilities for handling XML content (chunking, assembly,
zone searching, etc). This is built into our DFC layer and exposed seamlessly to both Web
(WDK) and Desktop clients.

WDK speeds application development and deployment, reduces the learning curve for
development teams, and provides a more immediate return on investment in standard
technologies. And, WDK leverages application servers so that they benefit from XML and
content management functionality. Reusable components, the building blocks of WDK, facilitate
customization of applications within a familiar J2EE-compliant environment.

Developing a Documentum Web Application

Appendix A: List of WDK 4.2 Components

• browse
• browserRequirements
• cancelCheckout
• checkedOutObjects
• checkin
• checkout
• choose
• contents
• copy
• copyLinkMove
• create
− import
− newCabinet
− newDocument
− newFolder
• delete
• documentLifecycle
− attach
− demote
− detach
− doAttach
− doResume
− promote
− resume
− suspend
• edit
• error
• export
• inbox
• link
• locations
• login
• logout
• menu
• move
• permissions
• properties
• renditions
• search
− basicSearch
− advancedSearch

Developing a Documentum Web Application

• transform
• tree
• vdm
− addChild
− cancelCheckout
− convertVirtual
− moveChild
− removeChild
− saveChanges
− setBindingRule
• versions
• view
• workflow
− abort
− complete
− createNote
− deleteNote
− editNote
− halt
− insertDoc
− reassignForm
− resume
− reviewNotes
− selectInsertDoc
− selectNextTasks
− sendTo
− start
− status
− taskInfo
− taskManager


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