Project Report On Lic
Project Report On Lic
Project Report On Lic
Health is a majo !o"!e " o" e#e $%o&$'s mi"& these &a$s( )ith s*$ o!*eti"+ me&i!al e,-e"ses, the -ossi%ilit$ o. a"$ ill"ess lea&i"+ to hos-itali/atio" o s0 +e $ is a !o"sta"t so0 !e o. a",iet$ 0"less the .amil$ has a!ti#el$ - o#i&e& .o .0"&s to meet s0!h a" e#e"t0alit$( Most .amilies a el$ - o#i&e .o health!a e, a"& e#e" i. the$ &o, it is + ossl$ i"a&e10ate( 2i#e" this s!e"a io, LIC has la0"!he& LIC3s Health P ote!tio" Pl0s -la", a 0"i10e lo"+ te m health i"s0 a"!e -la" that !a" !om%i"e health i"s0 a"!e !o#e s .o the e"ti e .amil$ 4h0s%a"&, 5i.e a"& the !hil& e"6 3 Hos-ital Cash Be" 4HCB6 a"& Majo S0 +i!al Be" 4MSB6 alo"+ 5ith a 7LIP !om-o"e"t 4i"#estme"t i" the .o m o. 7"its6 that is s-e!i.i!all$ &esi+"e& to meet Domi!ilia $ T eatme"t Be" 4DTB6 8 O0t Patie"t De-a tme"t 4OPD6 e,-e"ses .o the i"s0 e& I. Vital Information Accumulation period 1.Age Principal Insured Mi" Poli!$ E"t $ 9+e 3 9+e Last :; Bi th&a$ Mi" 9+e 3 HCB Co#e 3 9+e Last :; Bi th&a$ Mi" 9+e 3 MSB Co#e 3 9+e Last :; Bi th&a$ Ma,im0m E"t $ 9+e 9+e Nea est == Bi th&a$ mem%e s(
Spouse Insured :; :; :; ==
Premium ode of Payment: Yea l$, Hal.?Yea l$ @ Mo"thl$ 4ECS Mo&e o"l$6
inimum Annual Premium Conditions !um"er of Li#es Hi+he o. the t5o !o"&itio"s i" ea!h !ate+o $ liste& %elo5: co#ered Si"+le Li.e A times the HCB o. the P i"!i-al I"s0 e& OR Rs(=BBB -(a( The a ithmeti! s0m o. A times the HCB o. PI a"& < times the HCB o. the T5o Li#es se!o"& i"s0 e&( OR Rs(>=BB -(a( Mo e tha" t5o The a ithmeti! s0m o. A times the HCB o. PI a"& < times the HCB o. ea!h Li#es o. the othe s i"s0 e& OR Rs(:B,BBB -(a( 9""0ali/e& P emi0ms a e -a$a%le i" m0lti-les o. Rs(=BB( III. Sum Assured.
The P i"!i-al I"s0 e& m0st .i st !hoose the es-e!ti#e le#els o. HCB .o ea!h mem%e to %e !o#e e& 0"&e the -oli!$( The s0m ass0 e& .o majo s0 +i!al %e"e.its 5ill %e CBB times o. the HCB $o0 !hoose( a$or Surgical Principal Insured Spouse Insured Child Insured CBB times the HCB a--li!a%le to ea!h i"s0 e& li.e 0"&e the -oli!$(
Sum Assured
IV. %ther &erms of the Policy. Age !earest 'irthday Principal Insured Spouse Insured Child Insured Ma,( HCB a"& MSB >= >= C= Co#e !easi"+ a+e () *ears !earest 'irthday o. the P i"!i-al P emi0m Ceasi"+ 9+e I"s0 e& DTB !easi"+ a+e No a+e limit No a+e limit C= V. Addition of !e+ em"ers. It is im-o ta"t .o the P i"!i-al I"s0 e& 4the -e so" ta*i"+ the
-oli!$6 to &e!i&e 5hi!h o. the e,isti"+ .amil$ mem%e s a e to %e !o#e e& a"& i"!l0&e them at the %e+i""i"+ 4- o-osal sta+e6 itsel.( Eli+i%le e,isti"+ .amil$ mem%e s !a""ot %e a&&e& at a late sta+e( Ne5 mem%e s !a" ho5e#e %e a&&e& 0"&e the .ollo5i"+ th ee sit0atio"s(
after ta/ing the policy A Child "orn or Legally adopted child less than 0 months after ta/ing the
the !hil& !om-letes < mo"ths policy Legally adopted child is F om the -oli!$ a""i#e sa $ .alli"+ more than 0 months old a.te &ate o. a&o-tio"
D The "e5 mem%e s 5ill %e eli+i%le .o the !o#e o"l$ i. the$ satis.$ the !o"&itio"s o. mi"im0m - emi0m a"& %e"e.its( D Ne5 mem%e s m0st %e i"!l0&e& %$ the P i"!i-al I"s0 e& o"l$( No "e5 mem%e s 5ill %e allo5e& a.te the &eath o. the - i"!i-al i"s0 e&(
VI. Increase.1ecrease of Premiums. I"! ease o &e! ease o. - emi0ms is allo5e& &0 i"+ the te m o. the -oli!$( I"! ease i" - emi0m m0st %e i" m0lti-les o. Rs(=BB( I" !ase o. &e! ease, the mi"im0m - emi0m !o"&itio"s m0st %e Ho5e#e , i"! ease8&e! ease i" - emi0ms &oes "ot a..e!t the le#el o. health !o#e a"& HCB a"& MSB %e"e.its( II. C%!1I&I%!S 2 34S&3IC&I%!S 1. Premium 1iscontinuance and 3e#i#al. The -oli!$ 5ill la-se i. the - emi0ms a e "ot -ai& 5ithi" the &a$s o. + a!e( The PI shall ha#e the o-tio" to e#i#e the -oli!$ a"$ time 5ithi" a -e io& o. t5o $ea s . om the &0e &ate o. .i st 0"-ai& - emi0m %$ -a$me"t o. a ea s o. - emi0ms o %$ a#aili"+ P emi0m Holi&a$s( D0 i"+ the -e io& o. &is!o"ti"0it$, the !ha +es .o HCB a"& MSB !o#e s 5ill !o"ti"0e to %e &e&0!te& 4e#e" %e$o"& t5o $ea s6 . om the -oli!$ .0"& till: i( The -oli!$ .0"& has s0..i!ie"t %ala"!e, o ii( The li#es !o#e e& ea!h the %e" !easi"+ a+e, o iii( The ma,im0m li.etime %e"e.its a e e,ha0ste&, o
i#( The -oli!$ is te mi"ate& &0e to &eath o a"$ othe easo", i. a"$, 5hi!he#e is ea lie ( I" !ase the -oli!$ is "ot e#i#e& &0 i"+ the e#i#al -e io& a"& the %ala"!e i" the Poli!$ F0"& is "ot s0..i!ie"t to e!o#e the !ha +es i(e( i. the Poli!$ F0"& e,ha0sts, the -oli!$ shall !om-0lso il$ %e te mi"ate& 5ith a "oti!e to the PI( 9ll othe !ha +es 5ill also !o"ti"0e to %e &e&0!te& . om the Poli!$ F0"& till the .0"& e,ha0sts( 5. Premium Holidays. I. the -oli!$ la-ses a.te at least < $ea s' - emi0ms ha#e %ee" -ai& the P i"!i-al I"s0 e& has the o-tio" o. eithe -a$i"+ all the &0e - emi0ms i" .0ll o a#ail o. - emi0m holi&a$ %$ j0st -a$i"+ the latest i"stalme"t - emi0m 5itho0t a"$ i"te est( The - emi0m holi&a$s !a" %e a#aile& o"l$ as lo"+ as the -oli!$ .0"& has a %ala"!e o. at least o"e a""0ali/e& - emi0m at the time o. e#i#al( 0. Surrender. No s0 e"&e 5ill %e allo5e&( 6. Policy Loans. No -oli!$ loa" 5ill %e a#aila%le 0"&e this -oli!$( ). Assignment. No assi+"me"t 5ill %e allo5e& 0"&e this -oli!$( (. &a7 'enefit. The - emi0m -a$a%le 0"&e this - o&0!t is eli+i%le .o Se!tio" ;B4D6 %e" o. I"!ome Ta, 9!t, :EA:( 8. 3is/s "orne "y the Policyholder: i6 LIC's Health P ote!tio" Pl0s is a 7"it Li"*e& Health I"s0 a"!e - o&0!t 5hi!h is &i..e e"t . om the t a&itio"al i"s0 a"!e - o&0!ts a"& is s0%je!t to is* .a!to s( ii6 The - emi0m -ai& i" 7"it Li"*e& Li.e I"s0 a"!e -oli!ies a e s0%je!t to i"#estme"t is*s asso!iate& 5ith !a-ital ma *ets a"& the N9Vs o. the 0"its ma$ +o 0- o &o5" %ase& o" the -e .o ma"!e o. .0"& a"& .a!to s i".l0e"!i"+ the !a-ital ma *et a"& the i"s0 e& is es-o"si%le .o his8he &e!isio"s(
iii6 Li.e I"s0 a"!e Co -o atio" o. I"&ia is o"l$ the "ame o. the I"s0 a"!e Com-a"$ a"& LIC's Health P ote!tio" Pl0s is o"l$ the "ame o. the 0"it li"*e& health i"s0 a"!e !o"t a!t a"& &oes "ot i" a"$ 5a$ i"&i!ate the 10alit$ o. the !o"t a!t, its .0t0 e - os-e!ts o et0 "s( i#6 Please *"o5 the asso!iate& is*s a"& the a--li!a%le !ha +es, . om $o0 I"s0 a"!e a+e"t o the I"te me&ia $ o -oli!$ &o!0me"t o. the i"s0 e ( #6 The .0"& o..e e& 0"&e this !o"t a!t is the "ame o. the .0"& a"& &o "ot i" a"$ 5a$ i"&i!ate the 10alit$ o. these -la"s, thei .0t0 e - os-e!ts a"& et0 "s( #i6 9ll %e"e.its 0"&e the -oli!$ a e also s0%je!t to the Ta, La5s a"& othe .i"a"!ial e"a!tme"ts as the$ e,ist . om time to time( 9. Cooling off period: I. $o0 a e "ot 5ith the 3Te ms a"& Co"&itio"s3 o. the -oli!$, $o0 ma$ et0 " the -oli!$ to 0s 5ithi" := &a$s(
he e0"&e a"& "o -a$me"t 5ill %e ma&e %$ the Co -o atio" .o a"$ !laim .o Hos-ital Cash Be" a"& Majo S0 +i!al Be" 0"&e this Poli!$ o" a!!o0"t o. Hos-itali/atio" &i e!tl$ o i"&i e!tl$ !a0se& %$, %ase& o", a isi"+ o0t o. o ho5soe#e att i%0ta%le to a"$ o. the .ollo5i"+: a(FP e?e,isti"+ !o"&itio"G? a"$ me&i!al !o"&itio" o a"$ elate& !o"&itio" 4e(+( ill"esses, s$m-toms, t eatme"ts, -ai"s a"& s0 +e $6 that ha#e a ise" at some -oi"t - io to the !omme"!eme"t o. this !o#e a+e, i es-e!ti#e o. 5hethe a"$ me&i!al t eatme"t o a&#i!e 5as so0+ht( 9"$ s0!h !o"&itio" o elate& !o"&itio" a%o0t 5hi!h the PI o i"s0 e& &e-e"&a"t *"o5, *"e5 o !o0l& easo"a%l$ ha#e %ee" ass0me& to ha#e *"o5", 5ill %e &eeme& to %e - e? e,isti"+( The .ollo5i"+ !o"&itio"s 5ill also %e &eeme& to %e F- e?e,isti"+G: i( Co"&itio"s a isi"+ %et5ee" si+"i"+ the a--li!atio" .o m a"& !o".i matio" o. a!!e-ta"!e %$ the Co -o atio"( ii( 9"$ Si!*"ess, ill"ess, !om-li!atio" o ailme"t a isi"+ o0t o. o !o""e!te& to the - e?e,isti"+ ill"ess
%( 9"$ Si!*"ess that has %ee" ! as a" E-i&emi! %$ the ?Ce"t al o State 2o#e "me"t( !( Sel.!te& i"j0 ies o !o"&itio"s 4attem-te& s0i!i&e6, a"&8o the 0se o mis0se o. a"$ & 0+s o al!ohol( &( 9"$ se,0all$ t a"smitte& &iseases o a"$ !o"&itio" &i e!tl$ o i"&i e!tl$ !a0se& to o asso!iate& 5ith H0ma" Imm0"o De.i!ie"!$ 4HIV6 Vi 0s o a"$ S$"& ome o !o"&itio" o. a simila *i"& !ommo"l$ e.e e& to as 9IDS( e( )a , i"#asio", a!t o. .o ei+" e"em$, hostilities 45hethe 5a %e &e!la e& o "ot6, !i#il 5a , e%ellio", e#ol0tio", i"s0 e!tio" milita $ o 0s0 -e& -o5e o. !i#il !ommotio" o loot o -illa+e i" !o""e!tio" he e5ith( .( Na#al o milita $ o-e atio"s4i"!l0&i"+ &0ties o. -ea!e time6 o. the a me& .o !es o ai .o !e a"& -a ti!i-atio" i" o-e atio"s e10i i"+ the 0se o. a ms o 5hi!h a e o &e e& %$ milita $ a0tho ities .o !om%ati"+ te o ists, e%els a"& the li*e( +( 9"$ "at0 al -e il 4i"!l0&i"+ %0t "ot limite& to a#ala"!he, ea th10a*e, #ol!a"i! e 0-tio"s o a"$ *i"& o. "at0 al ha/a &6( h( Pa ti!i-atio" i" a"$ ha/a &o0s a!ti#it$ o s-o ts i"!l0&i"+ %0t "ot limite& to a!i"+, s!0%a &i#i"+, ae ial s-o ts, %0"+ee j0m-i"+ a"& mo0"tai"ee i"+ o i" a"$ ! imi"al o ille+al a!ti#ities( i( Ra&ioa!ti#e !o"tami"atio"( j(No"?allo-athi! metho&s o. s0 +e $ a"& t eatme"t( 5. Additional 47clusions in respect of Hospital Cash 'enefit: No %e"e.its a e a#aila%le he e0"&e a"& "o -a$me"t 5ill %e ma&e %$ the Co -o atio" .o a"$ !laim .o Hos-ital Cash Be" 0"&e this Poli!$ o" a!!o0"t o. Hos-itali/atio" &i e!tl$ o i"&i e!tl$ !a0se& %$, %ase& o", a isi"+ o0t o. o ho5soe#e att i%0ta%le to a"$ o. the .ollo5i"+: a(Hos-itali/atio" &0e to ill"ess 5ithi" the .i st :;B &a$s . om the Date o. Co#e !omme"!eme"t o EB &a$s . om the &ate o. e#i#al8 ei"stateme"t i. e#i#e& a.te &is!o"ti"0a"!e o. the !o#e ( %(Remo#al o. a"$ mate ial that 5as im-la"te& i" a .o me s0 +e $ %e.o e Date o. Co#e !omme"!eme"t !(9"$ &ia+"osis o t eatme"t a isi"+ . om o t a!ea%le to - e+"a"!$ 45hethe 0te i"e o e,t a
0te i"e6, !hil&%i th i"!l0&i"+ !aesa ea" se!tio", me&i!al te mi"atio" o. - e+"a"!$ a"&8o a"$ t eatme"t elate& to - e a"& -ost "atal !a e o. the mothe o the "e5 %o "( &(Hos-itali/atio" .o the sole -0 -ose o. -h$siothe a-$ o a"$ ailme"t .o 5hi!h hos-itali/atio" is "ot 5a a"te& &0e to a&#a"!eme"t i" me&i!al te!h"olo+$ e(9"$ t eatme"t "ot -e .o me& %$ a Ph$si!ia" o a"$ t eatme"t o. a -0 el$ e,-e ime"tal "at0 e( .(9"$ o0ti"e o - es! i%e& me&i!al !he!* 0- o e,ami"atio"( +(Me&i!al E,-e"ses elati"+ to a"$ hos-itali/atio" - ima il$ .o &ia+"osti!, H? a$ o la%o ato $ e,ami"atio"s h(Ci !0m!isio", !osmeti! o aestheti! t eatme"ts o. a"$ &es! i-tio", !ha"+e o. +e"&e s0 +e $, -lasti! s0 +e $ 40"less s0!h -lasti! s0 +e $ is "e!essa $ .o the t eatme"t o. Ill"ess o 9!!i&e"tal Bo&il$ I"j0 $ as a &i e!t es0lt o. the i"s0 e& e#e"t a"& -e .o me& 5ith i" A mo"ths o. the same6( i(Hos-itali/atio" .o &o"atio" o. a" o +a"( j(Hos-itali/atio" .o !o e!tio" o. %i th &e.e!ts o !o"+e"ital a"omalies *(De"tal t eatme"t o s0 +e $ o. a"$ *i"& 0"less "e!essitate& %$ 9!!i&e"tal Bo&il$ I"j0 $( l(Co"#ales!e"!e, +e"e al &e%ilit$, "e #o0s o othe % ea*&o5", est !0 e, !o"+e"ital &iseases o &e.e!t o a"omal$, , ste ili/atio" o i".e tilit$ 4&ia+"osis a"& t eatme"t6, a"$ sa"ato i0ms, s-a o est !0 es o lo"+ te m !a e o hos-itali/atio" 0"&e ta*e" as a - e#e"ti#e o e!0-e ati#e meas0 e( 0. Additional 47clusions in respect of a$or Surgical 'enefit:
No %e"e.its a e a#aila%le he e0"&e a"& "o -a$me"t 5ill %e ma&e %$ the Co -o atio" .o a"$ !laim .o Majo S0 +i!al Be" 0"&e this Poli!$ &i e!tl$ o i"&i e!tl$ !a0se& %$, %ase& o", a isi"+ o0t o. o ho5soe#e att i%0ta%le to a"$ o. the .ollo5i"+: a(S0 +e ies "ot liste& i" the S0 +i!al Be" 9""e,0 e I %(S0 +e $ t i++e e& %$ health elate& !a0ses 4a"& "ot %$ 9!!i&e"t6 5ithi" the .i st :;B &a$s . om the !omme"!eme"t &ate o EB &a$s . om the &ate o. e#i#al8 ei"stateme"t i. e#i#e& a.te &is!o"ti"0a"!e o. the !o#e ( !(9"$ S0 +e $ .o 5hi!h !laim has al ea&$ %ee" ma&e a"& -ai& %$ the Co -o atio"(
&(9"$ t eatme"t "ot -e .o me& %$ a Ph$si!ia"8S0 +eo"( e(9"$ t eatme"t i"!l0&i"+ S0 +e $ that is -e .o me& 0"?!o"#e"tio"all$ 0"&e e,-e ime"tal !o"&itio"s a"& -0 el$ e,-e ime"tal i" "at0 e( .(Ci !0m!isio", !osmeti! o aestheti! t eatme"ts o. a"$ &es! i-tio", !ha"+e o. li.e s0 +e $ o t eatme"t, t eatme"t 4i"!l0&i"+ s0 +e $6 .o o%esit$, -lasti! s0 +e $ 40"less "e!essa $ .o the t eatme"t o. Ill"ess o a!!i&e"tal Bo&il$ I"j0 $ as a &i e!t es0lt o. the i"s0 e& e#e"t a"& -e .o me& 5ith i" A mo"ths o. the same6( +(S0 +e $ .o &o"atio" o. a" o +a"( h(Remo#al o !o e!tio" o e-la!eme"t o. a"$ mate ial that 5as im-la"te& i" a .o me S0 +e $ %e.o e Date o. Co#e !omme"!eme"t i(S0 +e $ .o !o e!tio" o. %i th &e.e!ts o !o"+e"ital a"omalies( j(9"$ &ia+"osis o t eatme"t o s0 +e $ a isi"+ . om o t a!ea%le to - e+"a"!$ 45hethe 0te i"e o e,t a 0te i"e6( IV. I!V4S& 4!& %< <;!1S The - emi0ms allo!ate& to -0 !hase 0"its 5ill %e st i!tl$ i"#este& i" a Health Protection Plus <und= S<I! !o: ;LI<>>15?>6>?LICHP3@<!1)15 4I"!ome a"& 2 o5th I Lo5 Ris*6 as .ollo5s: A. Ao#ernment. Ao#ernment Auaranteed. Corporate Securities. 1e"t '. Short term in#estments: including A a"o#e C. In#estment in listed eBuity shares oney ar/et instruments
Not less tha" =BJ Not mo e tha" EBJ Not less tha" :BJ @ Not mo e tha" =BJ
ethod of Calculation of ;nit price: 7"its 5ill %e allotte& %ase& o" the Net 9sset Val0e
4N9V6 o" the &ate o. allotme"t( The e is "o Bi&?O..e s- ea&( The N9V 5ill %e !om-0te& o" &a$ to &a$ %asis a"& 5ill %e %ase& o" i"#estme"t -e .o ma"!e a"& F0"& Ma"a+eme"t Cha +e a"& shall %e !om-0te& as: Ma *et #al0e o. i"#estme"t hel& %$ the .0"& K Val0e o. C0 e"t 9ssets I Val0e o. C0 e"t
Lia%ilities @ P o#isio"s, i. a"$ LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL LLL N0m%e o. 7"its e,isti"+ o" Val0atio" Date 4%e.o e ! eatio" 8 e&em-tio" o. 7"its6 a. Applica"ility of !et Asset Value C!AVD: The - emi0ms e!ei#e& 0- to < -(m( 4as -e IRD9 +0i&eli"es6 %$ the se #i!i"+ % a"!h o. the !o -o atio" %$ a lo!al !he10e o %$ a &ema"& & a.t -a$a%le at -a at the -la!e 5he e the - emi0m is e!ei#e&, the !losi"+ N9V o. the &a$ o" 5hi!h - emi0m is e!ei#e& shall %e a--li!a%le( The - emi0ms e!ei#e& a.te s0!h time %$ the se #i!i"+ % a"!h o. the !o -o atio" %$ a lo!al !he10e o %$ a &ema"& & a.t -a$a%le at -a at the -la!e 5he e the - emi0m is e!ei#e&, the !losi"+ N9V o. the "e,t %0si"ess &a$ shall %e a--li!a%le( ". 3edeeming of ;nits: I" es-e!t o. #ali& a--li!atio"s e!ei#e& .o eim%0 seme"t o. me&i!al e,-e"ses, &eath !laim, et! 0- to s0!h time %$ the se #i!i"+ % a"!h o. the Co -o atio" !losi"+ N9V o. that &a$ shall %e a--li!a%le( Fo the #ali& a--li!atio"s e!ei#e& i" es-e!t o. Domi!ilia $ T eatme"t Be", &eath !laim et! a.te < -(m( 4as -e IRD9 +0i&eli"es6 %$ the se #i!i"+ % a"!h o. the Co -o atio" the !losi"+ N9V o. the "e,t %0si"ess &a$ shall %e a--li!a%le( 5. Charges under the Plan: a. Premium Allocation Charge: This is the -e !e"ta+e o. the - emi0m a-- o- iate& to5a &s !ha +es . om the - emi0m e!ei#e&( The %ala"!e *"o5" as allo!atio" ate !o"stit0tes that -a t o. the - emi0m 5hi!h is 0tili/e& to -0 !hase 4I"#estme"t6 0"its .o the -oli!$( The allo!atio" !ha +es a e as %elo5: <irst year <BJ the ea.te AJ
The a%o#e allo!atio" !ha +es shall %e a--li!a%le .o all - emi0ms i"!l0&i"+ a"$ a&&itio"al - emi0m -ai& i" that -a ti!0la -oli!$ $ea ( ". Health Insurance Charge: The e 5ill %e t5o se-a ate !ha +es .o the .ollo5i"+ %e"e.its: i6 Hos-ital Cash Be"
ii6 Majo S0 +i!al Be"e.its( These !ha +es 5ill %e ta*e" e#e $ mo"th i" es-e!t o. all the mem%e s !o#e e& %$ !a"!eli"+ a-- o- iate "0m%e o. 0"its o0t o. the Poli!$ F0"&( These !ha +es, &0 i"+ a -oli!$ $ea , 5ill %e %ase& o" the a+e "ea e %i th&a$, o. ea!h o. the mem%e s !o#e e&, as at the Poli!$ a""i#e sa $ !oi"!i&i"+ 5ith o imme&iatel$ - e!e&i"+ the &0e &ate o. !a"!ellatio" o. 0"its a"& he"!e ma$ i"! ease e#e $ $ea o" ea!h -oli!$ a""i#e sa $( The !ha +es 5ill also &e-e"& o" 5hethe the -e so" !o#e e& is male o .emale a"& sta"&a & o s0%?sta"&a & as -e the 0"&e 5 iti"+ &e!isio"( I. mo e tha" o"e mem%e is !o#e e& 0"&e the -oli!$ the" the total !ha +es shall %e %ase& o" the i"&i#i&0al a+es o. all the mem%e s a"& the amo0"t o. !o#e .o ea!h s0!h mem%e ( I" !ase o. Hos-ital Cash Be", the !ha +es 5ill %e a--lie& o" the I"itial Dail$ Be" as me"tio"e& i" the Poli!$ S!he&0le( The !ha +es .o Hos-ital Cash Be" a"&8o Majo S0 +i!al Be" 5ill "ot %e &e&0!te& o"!e the %e" te mi"ates( S-e!ime" !ha +es .o Rs( :BB8? -e &a$ .o HCB a"& Rs( :BBB8? S9 .o MSB .o sta"&a & li#es a e +i#e" as 0"&e : Age = := C= <= M= == HC' CM(M< CB(>: <:(<E <<(=E ME(CE >A(B; S' CB(M< CB(>: CM(<M CE(EA =<(CB >C(=< B B :(BC :(=; <(=M >(C; B B :(<; :(>= C(AM =(:A
". Health Insurance Charge: Rs(>= -e mo"th &0 i"+ the .i st $ea a"& Rs( C= -e mo"th &0 i"+ the s0%se10e"t $ea s( Le#ie& N :(C=J -e a""0m o. the 0"it .0"&, at the time o. !om-0tatio" o. N9V 5hi!h 5ill %e &o"e o" &ail$ %asis( Nil
9 se #i!e ta, !ha +e shall %e le#ie& o" the .ollo5i"+ !ha +es: i6Poli!$ 9&mi"ist atio" !ha +e a"& Health I"s0 a"!e !ha +es ? %$ !a"!eli"+ a-- o- iate "0m%e o. 0"its o0t o. the Poli!$hol&e 's F0"& Val0e o" a mo"thl$ %asis as a"& 5he" the !o es-o"&i"+ Poli!$ 9&mi"ist atio" a"& Health I"s0 a"!e !ha +es a e &e&0!te&( ii6P emi0m allo!atio" !ha +e ? at the time o. allo!atio" o. - emi0m( iii6F0"& Ma"a+eme"t !ha +eI at the time o. !om-0tatio" o. N9V o" &ail$ %asis( The le#el o. this !ha +e 5ill %e as -e the ate o. se #i!e ta, as a--li!a%le . om time to time( C0 e"tl$, the ate o. se #i!e ta, is :BJ 5ith a" e&0!atio"al !ess at the ate o. <J the eo" a"& he"!e e..e!ti#e ate is :B(<BJ(
d. 3ight to re#ise charges-The Co -o atio" ese #es the i+ht to e#ise all o a"$ o. the a%o#e !ha +es e,!e-t the P emi0m 9llo!atio" !ha +e( The mo&i.i!atio" i" !ha +es 5ill %e &o"e 5ith - os-e!ti#e e..e!t 5ith the - io a-- o#al o. IRD9( 9ltho0+h the !ha +es a e e#ie5a%le, the$ 5ill %e s0%je!t to the .ollo5i"+ ma,im0m limit: Poli!$ 9&mi"ist atio" Cha +e?Rs( :=B8? -e mo"th &0 i"+ the .i st -oli!$ $ea a"& Rs(=B8? -e mo"th the ea.te , th o0+ho0t the te m o. the -oli!$( F0"& Ma"a+eme"t Cha +e?The Ma,im0m .o CBBJ o. the !0 e"t ate( F0"& 5ill %e C(=J -(a( o. 7"it F0"&
Hos-ital Cash Co#e !ha +es a"& Majo S0 +i!al Be" !ha +es shall "ot e,!ee& %$ mo e tha"
1isclaimer : Fo mo e &etails o" is* .a!to s , te ms a"& !o"&itio"s -lease ea& sales % o!h0 e !a e.0ll$ %e.o e !o"!l0&i"+ a sale ( 5. Eee#an Arogya Plan Introductions: Health has %ee" a majo !o"!e " o" e#e $%o&$'s mi"&, i"!l0&i"+ $o0 s( I" these &a$s o. s*$ o!*eti"+ me&i!al e,-e"ses, 5he" a .amil$ mem%e is ill, it is a t a0mati! time .o the est o. the .amil$( 9s a !a i"+ -e so", $o0 &o "ot 5a"t to let a"$ 0".o t0"ate i"!i&e"t to a..e!t $o0 -la"s .o $o0 a"& $o0 .amil$( So 5h$ let a"$ me&i!al eme +e"!ies shatte $o0 -ea!e o. mi"&( LIC has la0"!he& LIC's Oee#a" 9 o+$a, a 0"i10e "o"?li"*e& Health I"s0 a"!e -la" 5hi!h - o#i&es health i"s0 a"!e !o#e a+ai"st !e tai" s-e! health is*s a"& - o#i&es $o0 5ith timel$ s0--o t i" !ase o. me&i!al eme +e"!ies a"& hel-s $o0 a"& $o0 .amil$ emai" .i"a"!iall$ i"&e-e"&e"t i" &i..i!0lt times( LICFs Eee#an Arogya gi#es you: P Val0a%le .i"a"!ial - ote!tio" i" !ase o. hos-italisatio", s0 +e $ et! P I"! easi"+ Health !o#e e#e $ $ea P L0m- s0m %e" i es-e!ti#e o. a!t0al me&i!al !osts P No !laim %e" P Fle,i%le %e" limit to !hoose . om P Fle,i%le - emi0m -a$me"t o-tio"s Ve $ eas$ to !hoose $o0 -la" Ste- : Choose the le#el o. Health !o#e $o0 "ee& Ste- C )o * o0t the - emi0m -a$a%le alo"+ 5ith o0 Re- ese"tati#e Ste- :: Choose the le#el o. Health !o#e $o0 "ee&:
Yo0 !a" !hoose the amo0"t o. I"itial Dail$ Be" 4i(e( the &ail$ Hos-ital Cash Be" a--li!a%le i" the .i st $ea o. the -oli!$6 as -e $o0 "ee& . om o0t o. the .ollo5i"+ !hoi!es: Q :BBB -e &a$ Q CBBB -e &a$ Q <BBB -e &a$ Q MBBB -e &a$ This is the amo0"t that 5ill %e -a$a%le to $o0 i" the e#e"t o. hos-italisatio" i" the .i st $ea o" a -e &a$ %asis( The Majo S0 +i!al Be" that $o0 5ill %e !o#e e& .o 5ill %e :BB times the I"itial Dail$ Be" $o0 ha#e !hose"( Th0s the i"itial Majo S0 +i!al Be" S0m 9ss0 e& 5ill %e Q : la*h, C la*h, < la*h, M la*h es-e!ti#el$( Othe %e"e.its s0!h as Da$ Ca e P o!e&0 e Be", Othe S0 +i!al Be" a"& P emi0m 5ai#e Be" 4P)B6 me"tio"e& %elo5 shall also %e -a$a%le &e-e"&i"+ 0-o" the &ail$ Hos-ital Cash Be" !hose"( Ste- C: )o * o0t the - emi0m -a$a%le alo"+ 5ith o0 e- ese"tati#e Yo0 - emi0m 5ill &e-e"& o" $o0 a+e, +e"&e , the Health !o#e o-tio" $o0 ha#e !hose", 5hethe $o0 a e P i"!i-al I"s0 e& o othe i"s0 e& li.e a"& the mo&e o. -a$me"t( Ta%les %elo5 +i#e a" i"&i!ati#e a""0al - emi0m, -a$a%le $ea l$, .o all health %e"e.its !o es-o"&i"+ to a" I"itial Dail$ Be" o. Q :BBB -e &a$, .o some o. the a+es i" es-e!t o. #a io0s li#es that !a" %e !o#e e& 0"&e a si"+le -oli!$: P3I!CIPAL I!S;341 C aleD Age at entry CB <B MB =B Premium CGD :ECC(A= CCMC(EB C>EE(>B <>A;(BB
SP%;S4 C<emaleD . PA34!& Cof PI.SpouseD C<emaleD Age at entry CB <B MB =B Premium CGD :<E<(:= :><B(A= CCMB(AB C;ME(:B
,ho can "e insuredYo0 4as P i"!i-al I"s0 e& 4PI66, $o0 s-o0se, $o0 !hil& e", $o0 -a e"ts a"& -a e"ts o. $o0 s-o0se !a" all %e i"s0 e& 0"&e o"e -oli!$( R0ite a elie. is"'t it, to ha#e all i"s0 e& 0"&e o"e -oli!$S The mi"im0m a"& ma,im0m a+e at e"t $ is as 0"&e : inimum age at entry Self . spouse Parents . parents-in-la+ Children 19 years 19 years ?1 days a7imum age at entry () years Clast "irthdayD 8) Clast "irthdayD 18 years Clast "irthdayD
Ho+ long are each insured under this policyEa!h o. the i"s0 e& a e !o#e e& .o Health is*s 0- to a+e 4;B6( Chil& e" a e i"s0 e& 0- to a+e C= $ea s( 1. Payment of Premiums: Yo0 ma$ -a$ - emi0ms e+0la l$ at $ea l$, hal.?$ea l$, 10a te l$ o mo"thl$ 4ECS mo&e o"l$6 i"te #als o#e the te m o. the -oli!$( The - emi0m i" es-e!t o. ea!h i"&i#i&0al 5ill %e -a$a%le . om the &ate o. e"t $ i"to the -oli!$ till the &ate o. e,it . om the -oli!$ a"& 5ill &e-e"& o" the a+e o. the i"s0 e& mem%e , the le#el o. Hos-ital Cash Be" 4HCB6 !hose", 5hethe the i"s0 e& mem%e is P i"!i-al I"s0 e& o a"$ othe I"s0 e& li.e 4i" !ase o. !o#e .o mo e tha" o"e mem%e i" a -oli!$6( The le#el o. - emi0m .o P i"!i-al I"s0 e& a"& the othe i"s0 e& mem%e s shall %e &i..e e"t .o the same a+e a"& same le#el o. !o#e (
The - emi0ms a e +0a a"tee& .o < $ea s . om the &ate o. !omme"!eme"t o. -oli!$( The ea.te i(e( at the e"& o. e#e $ < $ea s, the Co -o atio" ese #es the i+ht to e#ie5 the - emi0m to ta*e a!!o0"t o. the e,-e ie"!e o. the -o t.olio s0%je!t to - io a-- o#al . om IRD9( The ates a--li!a%le o" e#e $ 90tomati! Re"e5al Date shall %e +0a a"tee& .o a .0 the -e io& o. < $ea s i(e( till "e,t 90tomati! Re"e5al Date( The - emi0m ates i" es-e!t o. ea!h i"s0 e& mem%e o" e"e5al 5ill %e %ase& o" a+e o. that mem%e at the time o. i"!l0sio" i"to the -oli!$( The total - emi0m to %e !ha +e& .o a -oli!$ 5ill %e the s0m o. - emi0ms i" es-e!t o. ea!h mem%e to %e !o#e e& i" that -oli!$( 5. ode and High HC' 3e"ates: ode 3e"ate: Yea l$ mo&e : CJ o. ta%0la - emi0m Hal.?$ea l$ mo&e : :J o. the ta%0la - emi0m HC' 3e"ates: I" es-e!t o. a mem%e !o#e e& 0"&e a -oli!$, i. HCB is mo e tha" Q :BBB, the" the - emi0m a i#e& at i" es-e!t o. that mem%e shall %e e&0!e& %$ a" amo0"t 4Q6 +i#e" %elo5: HCB 4Q6 Fo PI Fo ea!h i"s0 e& mem%e othe tha" PI CBBB =BB C=B <BBB :BBB =BB MBBB :=BB >=B 0. Automatic 3ene+al 1ate: The i"stallme"t - emi0m 5ill %e +0a a"tee& i" es-e!t o. ea!h I"s0 e& .o a -e io& o. < $ea s . om the Date o. Comme"!eme"t o. the -oli!$, i(e( .o the .i st < $ea s o. the -oli!$( The ea.te , at the e"& o. e#e $ thi & -oli!$ a""i#e sa $, the - emi0ms ma$ %e e#ie5e& to ta*e i"to a!!o0"t the Co -o atio"'s e,-e ie"!e, s0%je!t to - io a-- o#al . om IRD9( These - emi0m &0e &ates, at the e"& o. e#e $ thi & -oli!$ a""i#e sa $, sta ti"+ . om the &ate o. !omme"!eme"t o. -oli!$ till the &ate o. !o#e e,-i $, o" 5hi!h the i"stallme"t - emi0ms
a e e#ie5a%le, 5ill %e e.e e& as 90tomati! Re"e5al Dates i" es-e!t o. all I"s0 e& i" the Poli!$( O" a"$ 90tomati! Re"e5al Date i" the .0t0 e, the i"stallme"t - emi0m 5ill %e %ase& o" the a+e o. the I"s0 e& at the time o. i"!l0sio" i"to the -oli!$ a"& the Co -o atio"'s - emi0m ates the" - e#aili"+ .o this - o&0!t( 6. %ptions: 96 Co#e to "e5 a&&itio"al mem%e s: I. PI +ets ma ie&8 ema ie& &0 i"+ the te m o. the -oli!$, the s-o0se a"& -a e"ts?i"?la5 !a" %e i"!l0&e& i" the -oli!$ 5ithi" si, mo"ths . om the &ate o. ma ia+e 8 ema ia+e, %0t the !o#e shall sta t . om the -oli!$ a""i#e sa $ !oi"!i&i"+ 5ith o "e,t .ollo5i"+ the &ate o. i"!l0sio"( E"ha"!e& - emi0m shall %e &0e . om s0!h -oli!$ a""i#e sa $( Simila l$, 9"$ !hil& %o "8le+all$ a&o-te& a.te ta*i"+ the -oli!$ !a" also %e !o#e e& . om the "e,t imme&iate -oli!$ a""i#e sa $ &ate .ollo5i"+ the &ate o" 5hi!h the !hil& !om-letes the a+e o. < mo"ths( I. the a+e o. le+all$ a&o-te& !hil& o" the &ate o. a&o-tio" is mo e tha" < mo"ths, the !hil& !a" %e !o#e e& . om -oli!$ a""i#e sa $ !oi"!i&i"+ 5ith o "e,t .ollo5i"+ the &ate o. a&o-tio"( E"ha"!e& - emi0ms shall %e &0e . om s0!h -oli!$ a""i#e sa $( I"!l0sio" o. ea!h a&&itio"al mem%e 5ill %e o" -a$me"t o. e"ha"!e& - emi0ms a"& s0%je!t to #a io0s te ms a"& !o"&itio"s o. the -la"( 9"$ a&&itio" o. "e5 li#es shall %e allo5e& %$ the PI o"l$( 9.te the &eath o. PI, "o a&&itio" 5ill %e allo5e&( 9&&itio" i" a"$ othe !ase 5ill "ot %e allo5e&( The e,isti"+ s-o0se, -a e"ts, -a e"ts?i"?la5 a"& !hil& e", i. "ot !o#e e& at the time o. ta*i"+ -oli!$, shall "ot %e !o#e e& 0"&e the -oli!$( I. %oth o. the -a e"ts 4.athe a"& mothe 6 a e ali#e a"& a e eli+i%le .o !o#e , the" eithe %oth o. them 5ill ha#e to %e !o#e e& o "o"e o. them 5ill %e !o#e e&( The PI 5ill "ot ha#e a"$ o-tio" to !hoose o"e o. them( The same !o"&itio" 5ill a--l$ .o -a e"ts?i"?la5 also(
'D Huic/ Cash facility: I. a"$ o. the i"s0 e& li#es 0"&e +oes a"$ eli+i%le s0 +e $ !o#e e& 0"&e Cate+o $ I o II o. MSB i" a"$ o. the liste& "et5o * hos-itals, $o0, as PI 5ill ha#e a" o-tio" to a#ail R0i!* Cash .a!ilit$( 7"&e this .a!ilit$, =BJ o. eli+i%le MSB amo0"t 5o0l& %e ma&e a#aila%le e#e" &0 i"+ the -e io& o. hos-itali/atio" o. a"$ o. the i"s0 e& li#es !o#e e& 4the s0 +e $ ma$ %e eithe -la""e& o eme +e"!$ &0e to a!!i&e"t6 i"stea& o. 5aiti"+ .o ma*i"+ a !laim .o the %e" a.te &is!ha +e( It 5ill %e o"l$ a" a&#a"!e -a$me"t i" the e#e"t o. hos-itali/atio" .o a"$ MSB &e.i"e& i" the s0 +e ies liste& 0"&e !ate+o ies I @ II a"& -e missi%le 0"&e the -oli!$ !o"&itio"s o. the -la"( This 5ill %e, ho5e#e , s0%je!t to a-- o#al . om the TP9 4Thi & Pa t$ 9&mi"ist ato 6, a"& the a&#a"!e amo0"t 5ill %e a&j0ste& . om the .i"al settleme"t o. MSB !laim amo0"t( This .a!ilit$ o. a&#a"!e -a$me"t !o0l& %e a#aile& %$ s0%mitti"+ $o0 Ba"* 9!!o0"t &etails i" the - es! i%e& .o mat( The amo0"t o. a&#a"!e shall %e ! e&ite& to $o0 %a"* a!!o0"t &i e!tl$( CD &erm Assurance 3ider: Yo0, as PI, a"& $o0 s-o0se ma$ o-t .o Te m 9ss0 a"!e as o-tio"al i&e e10al to the MSB S9( I" !ase o. 0".o t0"ate &eath, a" amo0"t e10al to Te m 9ss0 a"!e S0m 9ss0 e& 5ill %e -a$a%le o" &eath &0 i"+ the te m .o 5hi!h Te m 9ss0 a"!e Ri&e is o-te& .o ( 1D Accident 'enefit 3ider: Yo0 a"& $o0 s-o0se ma$ also o-t .o 9!!i&e"t Be" Ri&e i. Te m 9ss0 a"!e Ri&e has %ee" o-te& .o ( Ma,im0m 9!!i&e"t Be" S0m 9ss0 e& shall %e e10al to the Te m 9ss0 a"!e Ri&e S9( I" !ase o. 0".o t0"ate &eath &0e to a" a!!i&e"t, a" amo0"t e10al to 9!!i&e"t Be" S0m 9ss0 e& shall %e -a$a%le( 9!!i&e"t Be" Ri&e 5ill %e a#aila%le 0"&e the -la" %$ -a$me"t o. a&&itio"al - emi0m o. Q B(=B .o e#e $ Q :,BBB8? o. the 9!!i&e"t Be" S0m 9ss0 e& -e -oli!$ $ea i" es-e!t o. ea!h li.e to %e !o#e e&( The a&&itio"al - emi0m .o this %e" 5ill "ot %e e10i e& to %e -ai& o" a"& a.te the Poli!$ a""i#e sa $ o" 5hi!h the Te m 9ss0 a"!e Ri&e !eases( ). 4ligi"ility Conditions And %ther 3estrictions:
FOR B9SIC PL9N iD <or Hospital Cash 'enefit CHC'D Cunder 'asic PlanD <eature Principal Insured CPID :( Mi"im0m I"itial Dail$ Be" 4i" a 5a & othe tha" I"te"si#e Ca e 7"it6 :( Ma,im0m i"itial &ail$ amo0"t Q M,BBB8? I"s0 e& S-o0se? Less tha" o e10al to that o. PI I"s0 e& Pa e"ts 8 Pa e"ts?i"? Less tha" o e10al to that o. I"s0 e& S-o0se 4PI, i. the e is "o Q :,BBB8? Insured Spouse Cif anyD 2 Insured Parents . Parents-inla+ Cif anyD Q :,BBB8? Q :,BBB8? Insured 1ependent Children Cif anyD
la5? Less tha" o e10al to that o. I"s0 e& S-o0se6( I"s0 e& S-o0se 4PI, i. the e is "o F0 the , i"!l0&e& I"s0 e& S-o0se6( F0 the , shall %e !o#e e& .o e10al %e"e.its( :( Ma,im0m a""0al %e" -e io&, i"s0 e& :( Ma,im0m Li.etime Be" -e io&, a--li!a%le to ea!h i"s0 e& >CB &a$s i"!l0si#e o. sta$ i" IC7( Ma,im0m "0m%e o. &a$s i" IC7 is est i!te& to <AB &a$s <B &a$s i" $ea :, EB &a$s -e $ea the ea.te , i"!l0si#e o. sta$ i" IC7( Ma,im0m "0m%e o. &a$s i" IC7 is est i!te& to := &a$s i" $ea : a"& to !hil& e" shall %e %e"e.its( i"!l0&e& -a e"ts 8 -a e"ts?i"?la5 !o#e e& .o e10al
I"itial Dail$ Be" shall %e i" m0lti-les o. Q :BBB8?( iiD <or <eature a$or Surgical 'enefit C S'D Cunder 'asic PlanD Principal Insured CPID Insured Spouse Cif anyD 2 Insured Parents . parents-inla+ Cif anyD :( Majo S0 +i!al Be" S0m 9ss0 e& 4MSB S96 :BB times o. 9--li!a%le Dail$ Be" 49DB6 o. PI 4as s-e! i" Pa a :96 a%o#e6( I"s0 e& S-o0se? :BB times o. 9DB o. I"s0 e& S-o0se I"s0 e& Pa e"ts 8 -a e"ts?i"?la5? :BB times o. 9DB o. ea!h -a e"t :( Ma,im0m a""0al :BBJ o. Majo S0 +i!al Be" S0m 9ss0 e& %e", a--li!a%le to ea!h i"s0 e& :( Ma,im0m Li.etime Be", a--li!a%le to ea!h i"s0 e& iiiD <or 1ay Care Procedure 'enefit C1CP'D Cunder 'asic PlanD <eature Principal Insured Insured Spouse Cif CPID anyD 2 Insured Parents . parents-inla+ Cif anyD :( L0m- s0m %e" -a$a%le = times o. 9--li!a%le Dail$ I"s0 e& S-o0se? = times o. 9DB o. = times o. 9DB o. ea!h !hil& Insured 1ependent Children Cif anyD ;BBJ o. Majo S0 +i!al Be" S0m 9ss0 e& :BB times o. 9DB o. ea!h !hil& Insured 1ependent Children Cif anyD
Be" 49DB6 o. PI
I"s0 e& S-o0se I"s0 e& Pa e"ts 8 -a e"ts?i"?la5? = times o. 9DB o. ea!h -a e"t
:( Ma,im0m a""0al %e", a--li!a%le to ea!h i"s0 e& :( Ma,im0m Li.etime Be", a--li!a%le to ea!h i"s0 e&
CM S0 +i!al P o!e&0 es
i#D <or %ther Surgical 'enefit C%S'D Cunder 'asic PlanD <eature Principal Insured CPID Insured Spouse Cif anyD 2 Insured Parents . parents-inla+ Cif anyD :( Dail$ %e" amo0"t C times o. 9DB o. PI I"s0 e& S-o0se? C times o. 9DB o. I"s0 e& S-o0se I"s0 e& Pa e"ts 8 -a e"ts?i"?la5? C times o. 9DB o. ea!h -a e"t :( Ma,im0m a""0al %e", := &a$s i" .i st -oli!$ $ea a"& M= &a$s -e $ea the ea.te a--li!a%le to ea!h i"s0 e& :( Ma,im0m Li.etime Be", a--li!a%le to ea!h i"s0 e& <%3 ACCI14!& '4!4<I& 3I143 %P&I%!: <AB &a$s C times o. 9DB o. ea!h !hil& Insured 1ependent Children Cif anyD
4a6 Mi"im0m 9!!i&e"t Be" S0m 9ss0 e&: Q TC=U i" VBBBVs 4%6 Ma,im0m 9!!i&e"t Be" S0m 9ss0 e&: 9" amo0"t e10al to the Te m 9ss0 a"!e S0m 9ss0 e& i" es-e!t o. the i"s0 e&, s0%je!t to ma,im0m o. Q =B la*hs o#e all limit !o"si&e i"+ the 9!!i&e"t Be" S0m 9ss0 e& i" es-e!t o. all e,isti"+ -oli!ies 0"&e i"&i#i&0al as 5ell as + o0- -oli!ies o" the li.e o. the i"s0 e& i"!l0&i"+ the -oli!ies ta*e" . om Li.e I"s0 a"!e Co -o atio" o. I"&ia a"& othe i"s0 a"!e !om-a"ies a"& the 9!!i&e"t Be" S0m 9ss0 e& 0"&e "e5 - o-osals i"to !o"si&e atio"( The 9!!i&e"t Be" S0m 9ss0 e& shall %e i" m0lti-les o. Q =,BBB8?( 4!6 Mi"im0m E"t $ 9+e: :; $ea s !om-lete& 4&6 Ma,im0m E"t $ 9+e: =B $ea s 4Nea est Bi th&a$6 4e6 Ma,im0m a+e .o !o#e : AB $ea s 4Nea est Bi th&a$6 4.6 Ma,im0m te m: <= $ea s FOR TERM 9SS7R9NCE RIDER OPTION: 4a6 Mi"im0m Te m 9ss0 a"!e S0m 9ss0 e&: Q T:BBU i" VBBBVs 4%6 Ma,im0m Te m 9ss0 a"!e S0m 9ss0 e&: 9" amo0"t e10al to the Majo S0 +i!al Be" S0m 9ss0 e& 4MSB S96 at the time o. i"!e-tio"8 i"!l0sio" i"to the -oli!$ 4i(e( :BB times o. I"itial Dail$ Hos-ital Cash Be"e.it6 i" es-e!t o. the i"s0 e&, s0%je!t to the ma,im0m o. Q C= la*h o#e all limit ta*i"+ all te m ass0 a"!e i&e s 0"&e all e,isti"+ -oli!ies o. the Li.e 9ss0 e& a"& Te m 9ss0 a"!e S0m 9ss0 e& 0"&e othe - o-osals i"to !o"si&e atio"( The Te m 9ss0 a"!e S0m 9ss0 e& shall %e i" m0lti-les o. Q C=,BBB8?( 4!6 Mi"im0m E"t $ 9+e: :; $ea s 4!om-lete&6 4&6 Ma,im0m E"t $ 9+e: =B $ea s 4Nea est Bi th&a$6 4e6 Ma,im0m Mat0 it$ 9+e: AB $ea s 4Nea est Bi th&a$6 4.6 Ma,im0m Te m: <= $ea s A( Othe Feat0 es: 96 Death Be" 0"&e the %asi! -la": No &eath %e"e.its 5ill %e -a$a%le o" the &eath o. a"$ I"s0 e& 0"less a"$ o. the Ri&e Be"e.its me"tio"e& a%o#e has %ee" o-te& .o (
O" &eath o. the P i"!i-al I"s0 e&W a6 The s0 #i#i"+ I"s0 e& S-o0se 5ill %e!ome the P i"!i-al I"s0 e& - o#i&e& the o-tio" is e,e !ise& at the %e+i""i"+ o. the !o"t a!t a"& the Poli!$ 5ill !o"ti"0e( I" s0!h !ase, the - emi0m .o the I"s0 e& S-o0se 5ill !ha"+e . om the &ate !oi"!i&i"+ 5ith o .ollo5i"+ i"stalme"t - emi0m &0e &ate a"& the "e5 - emi0m 5o0l& %e %ase& o" ta%0la - emi0m ates a--li!a%le .o PIs a"& the a+e .o !al!0latio" o. e#ise& - emi0m ate 5ill %e the a+e at e"t $ o. the s-o0se( I. the o-tio" is "ot e,e !ise& at the %e+i""i"+ o. the !o"t a!t, the I"s0 e& S-o0se 5ill "ot %e!ome PI a"& the -oli!$ 5ill te mi"ate( %6 I. the I"s0 e& S-o0se ha& - e&e!ease& the P i"!i-al I"s0 e&, the" the othe I"s0 e& 5ill ha#e the o-tio" to ta*e a "e5 -oli!$ a"& the e,isti"+ Poli!$ 5ill te mi"ate( I" es-e!t o. these othe I"s0 e&: i( The "e5 -oli!$ 5ill %e iss0e& 5itho0t a"$ 0"&e 5 iti"+ i. the "e5 -oli!$ is %o0+ht 5ithi" EB &a$s o. the te mi"atio" o. the e,isti"+ Poli!$( ii( The ma,im0m e"t $ a+e !o"&itio" 5ill "ot a--l$ .o the "e5 -oli!$( iii( The o0tsta"&i"+ )aiti"+ -e io&s a"& o0tsta"&i"+ -e io& o. a"$ E,!l0sio" 5ill ho5e#e a--l$ 0"&e the "e5 -oli!$( i#( Othe te ms a"& !o"&itio"s i"!l0&i"+ - emi0m ates 5ill %e as a--li!a%le .o the "e5 -oli!$( I" the e#e"t o. &eath o. a" I"s0 e& -e so" othe tha" the P i"!i-al I"s0 e&, the -oli!$ 5ill !o"ti"0e a.te emo#al o. the I"s0 e& a"& !ha"+e i" - emi0m 5ill a--l$ . om the i"stalme"t - emi0m &0e &ate !oi"!i&i"+ 5ith o "e,t .ollo5i"+ the &ate o. i"timatio" o. &eath o. the I"s0 e&( B6 Mat0 it$ Be" No %e"e.its a e -a$a%le at e"& o. the Co#e Pe io&( C6 Dis!o"ti"0a"!e o. - emi0ms: 9 + a!e -e io& o. o"e mo"th %0t "ot less tha" <B &a$s 5ill %e allo5e& .o -a$me"t o. $ea l$ o hal. $ea l$ o 10a te l$ - emi0ms a"& := &a$s .o mo"thl$ - emi0ms( I. - emi0m is "ot -ai& %e.o e the e,-i $ o. the &a$s o. + a!e, the Poli!$ la-ses a"& all the %e"e.its -a$a%le 0"&e this -la" 5ill !ease(
D6 Re#i#al: 9 la-se& -oli!$ ma$ %e e#i#e& %$ the PI 5ithi" a -e io& o. C $ea s . om the &0e &ate o. .i st 0"-ai& - emi0m %0t %e.o e the e,-i $ o. !o#e i" es-e!t o. PI, o" s0%missio" o. - oo. o. !o"ti"0e& i"s0 a%ilit$ to the satis.a!tio" o. the Co -o atio" a"& the -a$me"t o. all the a ea s o. - emi0m to+ethe 5ith i"te est at s0!h ate as ma$ %e .i,e& %$ the Co -o atio" . om time to time( The Co -o atio" ese #es the i+ht to a!!e-t at o i+i"al te ms, a!!e-t 5ith mo& te ms o &e!li"e the e#i#al o. a &is!o"ti"0e& -oli!$( The e#i#al o. the &is!o"ti"0e& -oli!$ shall ta*e e..e!t o"l$ a.te the same is a-- o#e& %$ the Co -o atio" a"& is s-e!i.i!all$ !omm0"i!ate& to the PI( )aiti"+ -e io&s a"& E,!l0sio"s, as &es! i%e& i" Pa a :M a"& := es-e!ti#el$, 5ill a--l$ o" e#i#al( The P i"!i-al I"s0 e& ma$ "ee& to - o#i&e satis.a!to $ e#i&e"!e o. +oo& health i" es-e!t o. ea!h I"s0 e& as e10i e& %$ the Co -o atio", at his o5" e,-e"se( The Date o. Re#i#al 5ill %e 5he" all e10i eme"ts .o e#i#al8 ei"stateme"t a e met a"& a-- o#e& %$ the Co -o atio" at its sole &is! etio"( No %e" 5ill %e -ai& .o a" e#e"t that o!!0 e& &0 i"+ the la-se -e io& till the Date o. Re#i#al 5he" the Poli!$ 5as i" a &is!o"ti"0e& state( F0 the , i. the 90tomati! Re"e5al Date .alls %et5ee" the e#i#al -e io& a"& e#i#al is &o"e a.te the 90tomati! Re"e5al Date, the - emi0m %e.o e a"& a.te the 90tomati! Re"e5al Date ma$ %e &i..e e"t( Re#i#al 5ill "ot %e allo5e& -ost the e#i#al -e io&( E6 S0 e"&e : No s0 e"&e #al0e 5ill %e a#aila%le 0"&e the -la"( >( Cooli"+ o.. -e io&: I. $o0 a e "ot 5ith the FTe ms a"& Co"&itio"sG o. the -oli!$, $o0 ma$ et0 " the -oli!$ to 0s 5ithi" := &a$s( ;( Loa": No loa" 5ill %e a#aila%le 0"&e this -la"(
E( 9ssi+"me"t: No 9ssi+"me"t 5ill %e allo5e& 0"&e this -la"( :B( E,!l0sio"s: No %e"e.its a e a#aila%le he e0"&e a"& "o -a$me"t 5ill %e ma&e %$ the Co -o atio" .o a"$ !laim 0"&e this -oli!$ o" a!!o0"t o. hos-itali/atio" o s0 +e $ &i e!tl$ o i"&i e!tl$ !a0se& %$, %ase& o", a isi"+ o0t o. o ho5soe#e att i%0ta%le to a"$ o. the .ollo5i"+: i( 9"$ P e?e,isti"+ Co"&itio" 0"less &is!lose& to a"& a!!e-te& %$ the Co -o atio" - io to the Date o. Co#e Comme"!eme"t o the Date o. Re#i#al 4i. the Poli!$ is e#i#e& a.te &is!o"ti"0a"!e o. the Co#e 6( ii( 9"$ t eatme"t o S0 +e $ "ot -e .o me& %$ a Ph$si!ia"8S0 +eo" o a"$ t eatme"t o S0 +e $ o. a -0 el$ e,-e ime"tal "at0 e( iii( 9"$ o0ti"e o - es! i%e& me&i!al !he!* 0- o e,ami"atio"( i#( Me&i!al E,-e"ses elati"+ to a"$ t eatme"t - ima il$ .o &ia+"osti!, H? a$ o la%o ato $ e,ami"atio"s( #( 9"$ Si!*"ess that has %ee" ! as a" E-i&emi! %$ the Ce"t al o State 2o#e "me"t( #i( Ci !0m!isio", !osmeti! o aestheti! t eatme"ts o. a"$ &es! i-tio", !ha"+e o. +e"&e s0 +e $, -lasti! s0 +e $ 40"less s0!h -lasti! s0 +e $ is "e!essa $ .o the t eatme"t o. Ill"ess o a!!i&e"tal Bo&il$ I"j0 $ as a &i e!t es0lt o. the i"s0 e& e#e"t a"& -e .o me& 5ith i" A mo"ths o. the same6( #ii( Hos-italisatio" o S0 +e $ .o &o"atio" o. a" o +a"( #iii( T eatme"t .o !o e!tio" o. %i th &e.e!ts o !o"+e"ital a"omalies( i,( De"tal t eatme"t o s0 +e $ o. a"$ *i"& 0"less "e!essitate& %$ 9!!i&e"tal Bo&il$ I"j0 $( ,( Co"#ales!e"!e, +e"e al &e%ilit$, "e #o0s o othe % ea*&o5", est !0 e, !o"+e"ital &iseases o &e.e!t o a"omal$, ste ilisatio" o i".e tilit$ 4&ia+"osis a"& t eatme"t6, a"$ sa"ato i0ms, s-a o est !0 es o lo"+ te m !a e o hos-itali/atio" 0"&e ta*e" as a - e#e"ti#e o e!0-e ati#e meas0 e( ,i( Sel.!te& i"j0 ies o !o"&itio"s 4attem-te& s0i!i&e6, a"&8o the 0se o mis0se o. a"$ & 0+s o al!ohol( ,ii( 9"$ se,0all$ t a"smitte& &iseases o a"$ !o"&itio" &i e!tl$ o i"&i e!tl$ !a0se& to o asso!iate& 5ith H0ma" Imm0"o De.i!ie"!$ 4HIV6 Vi 0s o a"$ S$"& ome o !o"&itio" o. a
simila *i"& !ommo"l$ e.e e& to as 9IDS( ,iii( Remo#al o !o e!tio" o e-la!eme"t o. a"$ mate ial that 5as im-la"te& i" a .o me s0 +e $ %e.o e Date o. Co#e !omme"!eme"t o Date o. Re#i#al 4i. the Poli!$ is e#i#e& a.te &is!o"ti"0a"!e o. the Co#e 6( ,i#( 9"$ &ia+"osis o t eatme"t a isi"+ . om o t a!ea%le to - e+"a"!$ 45hethe 0te i"e o e,t a 0te i"e6, !hil&%i th i"!l0&i"+ !aesa ea" se!tio", me&i!al te mi"atio" o. - e+"a"!$ a"&8o a"$ t eatme"t elate& to - e a"& -ost "atal !a e o. the mothe o the "e5 %o "( ,#( Hos-italisatio" .o the sole -0 -ose o. -h$siothe a-$ o a"$ ailme"t .o 5hi!h hos-itali/atio" is "ot 5a a"te& &0e to a&#a"!eme"t i" me&i!al te!h"olo+$( ,#i( )a , i"#asio", a!t o. .o ei+" e"em$, hostilities 45hethe 5a %e &e!la e& o "ot6, !i#il 5a , e%ellio", e#ol0tio", i"s0 e!tio" milita $ o 0s0 -e& -o5e o. !i#il !ommotio" o loot o -illa+e i" !o""e!tio" he e5ith( ,#ii( Na#al o milita $ o-e atio"s4i"!l0&i"+ &0ties o. -ea!e time6 o. the a me& .o !es o ai .o !e a"& -a ti!i-atio" i" o-e atio"s e10i i"+ the 0se o. a ms o 5hi!h a e o &e e& %$ milita $ a0tho ities .o !om%ati"+ te o ists, e%els a"& the li*e( ,#iii( 9"$ "at0 al -e il 4i"!l0&i"+ %0t "ot limite& to a#ala"!he, ea th10a*e, #ol!a"i! e 0-tio"s o a"$ *i"& o. "at0 al ha/a &6( ,i,( Pa ti!i-atio" i" a"$ ha/a &o0s a!ti#it$ o s-o ts i"!l0&i"+ %0t "ot limite& to a!i"+, s!0%a &i#i"+, ae ial s-o ts, %0"+ee j0m-i"+ a"& mo0"tai"ee i"+ o i" a"$ ! imi"al o ille+al a!ti#ities( ,,( Ra&ioa!ti#e !o"tami"atio"( ,,i( No"?allo-athi! metho&s o. t eatme"t o s0 +e $( ,,ii( Pa ti!i-atio" i" a"$ ! imi"al o ille+al a!ti#ities( ,,iii( T eatme"t a isi"+ . om the I"s0 e&'s .ail0 e to a!t o" - o-e me&i!al a&#i!e( Be" :(Be"e.its o..e e& 0"&e the -la" a e P Hos-ital !ash %e" 4HCB6 P Majo S0 +i!al Be" 4MSB6 P Da$ Ca e P o!e&0 e Be" P Othe S0 +i!al Be"
P 9m%0la"!e Be" P P emi0m 5ai#e Be" 4P)B6 96 Hos-ital Cash Be" I. $o0 o a"$ o. the i"s0 e& li#es !o#e e& 0"&e the -oli!$ is hos-italise& &0e to 9!!i&e"tal Bo&$ I"j0 $ o Si!*"ess a"& the sta$ i" hos-ital e,!ee&s a !o"ti"0o0s -e io& o. CM ho0 s, the" .o a"$ !o"ti"0o0s -e io& o. CM ho0 s o -a t the eo., - o#i&e& a"$ s0!h -a t sta$ e,!ee&s a !o"ti"0o0s -e io& o. M ho0 s 4a.te ha#i"+ !om-lete& the CM ho0 s as a%o#e6 i" a "o"?IC7 5a &8 oom o. a hos-ital, a" amo0"t e10al to the 9--li!a%le Dail$ Be" 49DB6 a#aila%le 0"&e the -oli!$ &0 i"+ that -oli!$ $ea shall %e -a$a%le s0%je!t to %e" limits a"& !o"&itio"s me"tio"e& i" Pa a ::96 a"& e,!l0sio"s me"tio"e& i" Pa a := %elo5( D0 i"+ the .i st $ea o. !o#e !omme"!eme"t i" es-e!t o. ea!h i"s0 e&, the 9--li!a%le Dail$ Be" shall %e the I"itial Dail$ Be" amo0"t !hose" %$ $o0 a"& me"tio"e& i" the -oli!$ S!he&0le( The amo0"t o. 9DB .o ea!h -oli!$ $ea , a.te the .i st -oli!$ $ea , shall !o"sist o. C -a ts: 9" a ithmeti! a&&itio" o. a" amo0"t e10al to =J 4.i#e -e !e"t6 o. the I"itial Dail$ Be" to the 9--li!a%le Dail$ Be" o. the - e#io0s Poli!$ Yea ( S0!h i"! ease i" the 9--li!a%le Dail$ Be" shall %e e..e!te& o" ea!h -oli!$ a""i#e sa $ &0 i"+ the Co#e Pe io& a"& shall !o"ti"0e 0"til it attai"s a ma,im0m amo0"t o. :(= times the I"itial Dail$ Be" The ea.te , this amo0"t i" ea!h Poli!$ Yea i" .0t0 e shall emai" at that ma,im0m le#el attai"e&( F0 the a ithmeti! a&&itio" o. a" amo0"t e10al to FNo Claim Be"e.itG 4as &es! i%e& i" Pa a :(26 %elo56 - o#i&e& the -oli!$ att a!ts a"& is eli+i%le .o it( The e shall %e "o ma,im0m limit .o s0!h i"! ease 5hi!h mea"s that i. this -oli!$ is eli+i%le .o FNo Claim Be"e.itG, the same shall %e + a"te& th o0+ho0t the Co#e Pe io& 5itho0t a"$ ma,im0m limit( Fo mem%e s i"!l0&e& s0%se10e"tl$ 0"&e the -oli!$, the %e" i" the .i st $ea shall %e e10al to I"itial Dail$ Be" amo0"t a"& the ea.te the 9--li!a%le Dail$ Be" shall i"! ease as a%o#e(
I. a"$ o. the mem%e i"s0 e& is e10i e& to sta$ i" a" I"te"si#e Ca e 7"it o. a hos-ital, t5o times the 9--li!a%le Dail$ Be" 5ill %e -a$a%le s0%je!t to %e" limits a"& !o"&itio"s me"tio"e& i" Pa a ::96 a"& e,!l0sio"s me"tio"e& i" Pa a := %elo5( D0 i"+ o"e -e io& o. CM !o"ti"0o0s ho0 s 4i(e( o"e &a$6 o. Hos-italisatio" 4a.te ha#i"+ !om-lete& the CM ho0 s as a%o#e6, i. the sai& Hos-italisatio" i"!l0&e& sta$ i" a" I"te"si#e Ca e 7"it as 5ell as i" a"$ othe i"?-atie"t 4"o"?I"te"si#e Ca e 7"it6 5a & o. the Hos-ital, the Co -o atio" shall -a$ %e"e.its as i. the a&missio" 5as to the I"te"si#e Ca e 7"it - o#i&e& that the -e io& o. Hos-italisatio" i" the I"te"si#e Ca e 7"it 5as at least M !o"ti"0o0s ho0 s( No %e" 5ill %e -a$a%le .o the .i st CM ho0 s o. hos-italisatio"( Ho5e#e , .o e#e $ Hos-itali/atio" that e,te"&s .o a !o"ti"0o0s -e io& o. > &a$s o mo e, the Dail$ Hos-ital Cash Be" 5o0l& also %e -ai& .o .i st CM ho0 s 4&a$ o"e6 o. hos-itali/atio", e+a &less o. 5hethe the I"s0 e& 5as a&mitte& i" a +e"e al o s-e!ial 5a & o i" a" i"te"si#e !a e 0"it( B6 Majo S0 +i!al Be" I" the e#e"t o. a" I"s0 e& 0"&e this -la", &0e to me&i!al "e!essit$, 0"&e +oi"+ o"e o. the s0 +e ies &e.i"e& i" Majo S0 +i!al Be" 9""e,0 e, 5ithi" the !o#e -e io& i" a hos-ital &0e to 9!!i&e"tal Bo&il$ I"j0 $ o Si!*"ess, the es-e!ti#e %e" -e !e"ta+e o. the Majo S0 +i!al Be" S0m 9ss0 e&, as s-e! a+ai"st ea!h o. the eli+i%le s0 +e ies me"tio"e& i" Majo S0 +i!al Be" 9""e,0 e, shall %e -ai& s0%je!t to %e" limits a"& !o"&itio"s me"tio"e& i" Pa a ::B6 a"& e,!l0sio"s me"tio"e& i" Pa a := %elo5( C6 Da$ Ca e P o!e&0 e Be" I" the e#e"t o. a" I"s0 e& 0"&e this Pla" 0"&e +oi"+ a"$ s-e! Da$ Ca e P o!e&0 e me"tio"e& i" the Da$ Ca e P o!e&0 e Be" 9""e,0 e &0e to me&i!al "e!essit$, a l0m- s0m amo0"t e10al to = 4.i#e6 times the 9--li!a%le Dail$ Be" shall %e -ai&, e+a &less o. the a!t0al !osts i"!0 e&, s0%je!t to %e" limits a"& !o"&itio"s me"tio"e& i" Pa a ::C6 a"& e,!l0sio"s me"tio"e& i" Pa a := %elo5( D6 Othe S0 +i!al Be" I" the e#e"t o. a" I"s0 e& 0"&e this Pla", &0e to me&i!al "e!essit$, 0"&e +oi"+ a"$ S0 +e $ "ot liste& 0"&e Majo S0 +i!al Be" o Da$ Ca e P o!e&0 e Be", !a0si"+ the I"s0 e&'s Hos-itali/atio" to e,!ee& a !o"ti"0o0s -e io& o. CM ho0 s 5ithi" the Co#e Pe io&, the", a &ail$ %e" e10al to C 4t5o6 times the 9--li!a%le Dail$ Be" shall %e -ai& .o ea!h !o"ti"0o0s -e io& o. CM ho0 s o -a t the eo. - o#i&e& a"$ s0!h -a t sta$ e,!ee&s a
!o"ti"0o0s -e io& o. M ho0 s o. Hos-itali/atio", s0%je!t to %e" limits a"& !o"&itio"s me"tio"e& i" Pa a ::D6 a"& e,!l0sio"s me"tio"e& i" Pa a := %elo5( E6 9m%0la"!e Be" I" the e#e"t that a Majo S0 +i!al Be" .alli"+ 0"&e Cate+o $ : o Cate+o $ C 4as me"tio"e& i" the Majo S0 +i!al Be" 9""e,0 e6 is -a$a%le a"& eme +e"!$ t a"s-o tatio" !osts %$ a" am%0la"!e ha#e %ee" i"!0 e&, a" a&&itio"al l0m- s0m o. Q :,BBB 5ill %e -a$a%le i" lie0 o. am%0la"!e e,-e"ses( F6 P emi0m )ai#e Be" I" the e#e"t that a Majo S0 +i!al Be" .alli"+ 0"&e Cate+o $ : o Cate+o $ C 4as me"tio"e& i" the Majo S0 +i!al Be" 9""e,0 e6 is -a$a%le i" es-e!t o. a"$ I"s0 e& !o#e e& 0"&e the -oli!$, the total a""0ali/e& - emi0m i(e( total o"e $ea - emi0m i" es-e!t o. that Poli!$ . om the &ate o. i"stalme"t - emi0m &0e !oi"!i&i"+ 5ith o "e,t .ollo5i"+ the &ate o. the S0 +e $ 5ill %e 5ai#e&( 26 No !laim %e" 9 "o !laim %e" 5ill %e -ai& i" the e#e"t that &0 i"+ the -e io& %et5ee" Date o. Comme"!eme"t o. -oli!$ a"& "e,t 90tomati! Re"e5al Date o %et5ee" t5o 90tomati! Re"e5al Dates 4&es! i%e& i" Pa a M %elo56 the e a e "o !laims i" es-e!t o. a"$ I"s0 e& !o#e e& 0"&e $o0 -oli!$( The amo0"t o. the "o !laim %e" 5o0l& %e e10al to =J 4.i#e -e !e"t6 o. the I"itial Dail$ Be" i" es-e!t o. ea!h I"s0 e& a"& the es0lti"+ amo0"t shall %e a&&e& to a i#e at the 9--li!a%le Dail$ Be" i" es-e!t o. ea!h I"s0 e& .o the Poli!$ Yea "e,t .ollo5i"+ the most e!e"t 90tomati! Re"e5al Date( ii6 Be" Limits a"& Co"&itio"s: 96 Hos-ital Cash Be" i6 The Hos-ital Cash Be" shall %e -a$a%le o"l$ i. Hos-italisatio" has o!!0 e& 5ithi" I"&ia( ii6 The total "0m%e o. &a$s .o 5hi!h hos-ital !ash %e" 5o0l& %e -a$a%le, i" es-e!t o. ea!h I"s0 e&, i" a Poli!$ Yea 5o0l& %e est i!te& to ? a6 9 ma,im0m o. <B 4thi t$6 &a$s o. Hos-itali/atio" o0t o. 5hi!h "ot mo e tha" := 4.i.tee"6 &a$s shall %e i" a" I"te"si#e Ca e 7"it i" the .i st Poli!$ Yea .ollo5i"+ the &ate o. !omme"!eme"t o. !o#e i" es-e!t o. that I"s0 e& %6 9 ma,im0m o. EB 4"i"et$6 &a$s o. Hos-itali/atio" o0t o. 5hi!h "ot mo e tha" M= 4.o t$ .i#e6 &a$s shall %e i" a" I"te"si#e Ca e 7"it i" the se!o"& a"& s0%se10e"t Poli!$ Yea s .ollo5i"+ the
&ate o. !omme"!eme"t o. !o#e i" es-e!t o. that I"s0 e& iii6 The total "0m%e o. &a$s o. Hos-itali/atio" .o 5hi!h Hos-ital Cash Be" is -a$a%le &0 i"+ the Co#e Pe io&, i" es-e!t o. ea!h a"& e#e $ I"s0 e& !o#e e& 0"&e the -oli!$, shall %e limite& to a ma,im0m o. >CB 4se#e" h0"& e& a"& t5e"t$6 &a$s o0t o. 5hi!h "ot mo e tha" <AB 4th ee h0"& e& a"& si,t$6 &a$s shall %e i" a" I"te"si#e Ca e 7"it( 7-o" attai"me"t o. this limit %$ a" I"s0 e&, the Hos-ital Cash Be" i" es-e!t o. that I"s0 e& shall !ease imme&iatel$( i#6 The Be" Limits s-e! i" the a%o#e !la0ses i" es-e!t o. a" I"s0 e& 0"&e this Poli!$, shall solel$ a"& e,!l0si#el$ a--l$ to that I"s0 e&( 9"$ 0"!laime& Hos-ital Cash Be" o. a"$ o"e I"s0 e& is "ot t a"s.e a%le to a"$ othe I"s0 e&( #6 The Hos-ital Cash Be" shall "ot %e -a$a%le i" the e#e"t o. a" I"s0 e& 0"&e this Poli!$ 0"&e +oi"+ a"$ s-e! Da$ Ca e P o!e&0 e 4as me"tio"e& i" the Da$ Ca e P o!e&0 e Be" 9""e,0 e6( B6 Majo S0 +i!al Be"
i6 I. mo e tha" o"e S0 +e $ is -e .o me& o" the I"s0 e&, th o0+h the same i"!isio" o %$ ma*i"+ &i..e e"t i"!isio"s, &0 i"+ the same s0 +i!al sessio", the Co -o atio" shall o"l$ -a$ .o that S0 +e $ -e .o me& i" es-e!t o. 5hi!h the la +est amo0"t shall %e!ome -a$a%le( ii6 The Majo S0 +i!al Be" shall %e -ai& as a l0m- s0m as s-e! .o the %e" !o"!e "e& a"& is s0%je!t to - o#i&i"+ - oo. o. S0 +e $ to the satis.a!tio" o. the Co -o atio"( iii6 9ll S0 +i!al P o!e&0 es !laime& sho0l& %e !o".i me& as esse"tial a"& e10i e&, %$ a Ph$si!ia" o S0 +eo", to the satis.a!tio" o. the Co -o atio"( i#6 The Majo S0 +i!al Be" 5ill %e -a$a%le o"l$ a.te the Co -o atio" is o" the %asis o. me&i!al e#i&e"!e that the s-e! S0 +e $ !o#e e& 0"&e the Poli!$ has %ee" -e .o me&( #6 The Majo S0 +i!al Be" shall %e -a$a%le o"l$ i. the S0 +e $ has %ee" -e .o me& 5ithi" I"&ia( #i6 The amo0"t i" lie0 o. am%0la"!e e,-e"ses shall %e -a$a%le o"l$ o"!e i" es-e!t o. ea!h I"s0 e& i" a"$ Poli!$ Yea a"& is s0%je!t to - o#i&i"+ satis.a!to $ e#i&e"!e to the Co -o atio"( #ii6 The total amo0"t -a$a%le i" es-e!t o. ea!h I"s0 e& 0"&e the Majo S0 +i!al Be" i" a"$ Poli!$ Yea &0 i"+ the Co#e Pe io& shall "ot e,!ee& :BBJ o. the Majo S0 +i!al Be" S0m 9ss0 e& i" that Poli!$ $ea ( #iii6 The total amo0"t -a$a%le i" es-e!t o. ea!h I"s0 e& &0 i"+ the Co#e Pe io& 0"&e the
Majo S0 +i!al Be" shall "ot e,!ee& a ma,im0m limit o. ;BBJ o. the Majo S0 +i!al Be" S0m 9ss0 e&( I. the total amo0"t -ai& i" es-e!t o. a" I"s0 e& e10als this li.etime ma,im0m limit, the Majo S0 +i!al Be" i" es-e!t o. that I"s0 e& 5ill !ease imme&iatel$( i,6 The Be" Limits s-e! i" the a%o#e !la0ses i" es-e!t o. a" I"s0 e& 0"&e this Poli!$, shall solel$ a"& e,!l0si#el$ a--l$ to that I"s0 e&( 9"$ 0"!laime& Majo S0 +i!al Be" o. a"$ o"e I"s0 e& is "ot t a"s.e a%le to a"$ othe I"s0 e&( ,6 The Majo S0 +i!al %e" .o a"$ s0 +e $ !a""ot %e !laime& a"& shall "ot %e -a$a%le mo e tha" o"!e .o the same s0 +e $ &0 i"+ the te m o. the -oli!$( C6 Da$ Ca e P o!e&0 e Be"
i6 I. mo e tha" o"e Da$ Ca e P o!e&0 e is -e .o me& o" the I"s0 e&, th o0+h the same i"!isio" o %$ ma*i"+ &i..e e"t i"!isio"s, &0 i"+ the same s0 +i!al sessio", the Co -o atio" shall o"l$ -a$ .o o. o"e S0 +e $ o to S0 +eo", Da$ the to Ca e satis.a!tio" the o. S0 +i!al the o. P o!e&0 e( Co -o atio"( the Co -o atio"( ii6 The Da$ Ca e P o!e&0 e Be" shall %e -ai& as a l0m- s0m a"& is s0%je!t to - o#i&i"+ - oo. iii6 9ll S0 +i!al P o!e&0 es !laime& sho0l& %e !o".i me& as esse"tial a"& e10i e&, %$ a Ph$si!ia" satis.a!tio" i#6 The Da$ Ca e P o!e&0 e Be" 5ill %e -a$a%le o"l$ a.te the Co -o atio" is o" the %asis o. me&i!al e#i&e"!e that the s-e! S0 +i!al P o!e&0 e !o#e e& 0"&e the -oli!$ has %ee" -e .o me& 5ithi" I"&ia( -e .o me&( #6 The Da$ Ca e P o!e&0 e Be" shall %e -a$a%le o"l$ i. the S0 +i!al P o!e&0 e has %ee" #i6 I" es-e!t o. ea!h I"s0 e&, the Da$ Ca e P o!e&0 e Be" 5ill %e -a$a%le o"l$ 0- to a ma,im0m o. < 4th ee6 S0 +i!al P o!e&0 es i" a"$ Poli!$ Yea &0 i"+ the Co#e Pe io&( #ii6 I" es-e!t o. ea!h I"s0 e& &0 i"+ the Co#e Pe io&, the Da$ Ca e P o!e&0 e Be" 5ill %e -a$a%le o"l$ 0- to a ma,im0m o. CM 4t5e"t$ .o0 6 S0 +i!al P o!e&0 es( I. the "0m%e o. S0 +i!al P o!e&0 es eli+i%le .o the Da$ Ca e P o!e&0 e Be" i" es-e!t o. a" I"s0 e& e10als this li.etime ma,im0m limit, the Da$ Ca e P o!e&0 e Be" i" es-e!t o. that I"s0 e& 5ill !ease imme&iatel$( #iii6 The Be" Limits s-e! i" the a%o#e !la0ses i" es-e!t o. a" I"s0 e& 0"&e this Poli!$, shall solel$ a"& e,!l0si#el$ a--l$ to that I"s0 e&( 9"$ 0"!laime& Da$ Ca e P o!e&0 e Be" o.
I"s0 e&
t a"s.e a%le
I"s0 e&(
i,6 I. a Da$ Ca e P o!e&0 e Be" is -e .o me& "o Hos-ital Cash Be" shall %e -ai&( D6 Othe S0 +i!al Be"
i6 I. mo e tha" o"e S0 +i!al P o!e&0 e is -e .o me& o" the I"s0 e&, th o0+h the same i"!isio" o %$ ma*i"+ &i..e e"t i"!isio"s, &0 i"+ the same s0 +i!al sessio", the Co -o atio" shall o"l$ -a$ .o o. S0 +e $ o to S0 +eo", o"e the to satis.a!tio" the S0 +i!al o. the o. P o!e&0 e( Co -o atio"( the Co -o atio"( ii6 The Othe S0 +i!al Be" shall %e -ai& as a Dail$ Be" a"& is s0%je!t to - o#i&i"+ - oo. iii6 9ll S0 +i!al P o!e&0 es !laime& sho0l& %e !o".i me& as esse"tial a"& e10i e&, %$ a Ph$si!ia" satis.a!tio" i#6 The Othe S0 +i!al Be" 5ill %e -a$a%le o"l$ a.te the Co -o atio" is o" the %asis o. me&i!al e#i&e"!e that the s-e! S0 +i!al P o!e&0 e !o#e e& 0"&e the -oli!$ has %ee" -e .o me&( #6 The Othe S0 +i!al Be" shall %e -a$a%le o"l$ i. the S0 +i!al P o!e&0 e has %ee" -e .o me& 5ithi" I"&ia( #i6 The total "0m%e o. &a$s o. Hos-itali/atio" .o 5hi!h the Othe S0 +i!al Be" is -a$a%le &0 i"+ a Poli!$ Yea i" es-e!t o. ea!h a"& e#e $ I"s0 e& !o#e e& 0"&e the Poli!$ shall "ot e,!ee& := 4.i.tee"6 &a$s i" the .i st Poli!$ Yea .ollo5i"+ the &ate o. !omme"!eme"t o. !o#e i" es-e!t o. that I"s0 e& a"& M= 4.o t$ .i#e6 &a$s .o the se!o"& a"& s0%se10e"t Poli!$ Yea s .ollo5i"+ the &ate o. !omme"!eme"t o. !o#e i" es-e!t o. that I"s0 e&( #ii6 The total "0m%e o. &a$s o. Hos-itali/atio" .o 5hi!h the Othe S0 +i!al Be" is -a$a%le &0 i"+ the Co#e Pe io&, i" es-e!t o. ea!h a"& e#e $ I"s0 e& !o#e e& 0"&e the Poli!$ shall "ot e,!ee& a ma,im0m limit o. <AB 4th ee h0"& e& a"& si,t$6 &a$s( 7-o" attai"me"t o. this li.etime ma,im0m limit, the Othe S0 +i!al Be" i" es-e!t o. that I"s0 e& 5ill !ease imme&iatel$( #iii6 The Be" Limits s-e! i" the a%o#e !la0ses i" es-e!t o. a" I"s0 e& 0"&e this Poli!$, shall solel$ a"& e,!l0si#el$ a--l$ to that I"s0 e&( 9"$ 0"!laime& Othe S0 +i!al Be" o" a"$ o"e I"s0 e& is "ot t a"s.e a%le to a"$ othe I"s0 e&( iii6 Comme"!eme"t 9"& Te mi"atio" O. Be" Co#e s:
The Hos-ital Cash Be", Majo S0 +i!al Be", Da$ Ca e P o!e&0 e Be" a"& Othe
S0 +i!al Be" !o#e i" es-e!t o. ea!h I"s0 e& !o#e e& 0"&e $o0 -oli!$ shall !omme"!e o" the Date o. Co#e Comme"!eme"t i"&i#i&0all$ state& i" the Poli!$ S!he&0le( The Hos-ital Cash Be", Majo S0 +i!al Be", Da$ Ca e P o!e&0 e Be" a"& Othe S0 +i!al Be" !o#e i" es-e!t o. ea!h I"s0 e& shall te mi"ate at the ea liest o. the .ollo5i"+: i( The Date o. Co#e E,-i $ me"tio"e& i" the Poli!$ S!he&0leW ii( O" e,ha0sti"+ all the li.etime ma,im0m Be" Limits as s-e! i" Pa a :: a%o#eW iii( O" &eath o Date o. Co#e E,-i $ o. the P i"!i-al I"s0 e& a"& i. the Poli!$ &oes "ot !o"ti"0e 5ith the I"s0 e& S-o0se as the P i"!i-al I"s0 e&W i#( O" &eath o Date o. Co#e E,-i $ o. I"s0 e& S-o0se a.te the Poli!$ !o"ti"0es 5ith the I"s0 e& S-o0se as the P i"!i-al I"s0 e& a.te the PI &ies o ea!hes his8he Date o. Co#e E,-i $( #( O" &eath o. the I"s0 e&W #i( I" es-e!t o. the I"s0 e& S-o0se, o" &i#o !e o le+al se-a atio" . om the P i"!i-al I"s0 e&W #ii( O" te mi"atio" o. the Poli!$ &0e to "o"?-a$me"t o. - emi0m o a"$ othe easo"( i#6 96 The i6 ii6 iii6 B6 The i6 O" I. -oli!$ the Date -oli!$ shall o. is te mi"ate o. Co#e I. -oli!$ No"?-a$me"t shall Te mi"atio" -oli!$ o. is te mi"ate at O" E,-i $ iss0e& at - emi0ms me"tio"e& o" the 5ithi" mo e ea liest o. the i" the tha" the Poli!$ o"e .ollo5i"+: -e io&W e#i#al - emi0ms iss0e& the 5ithi" o. o" ea liest the o. si"+le the e#i#al Poli!$: li.e: .ollo5i"+: -e io&W &eathW S!he&0leW li.e:
i#6 O" e,ha0sti"+ all the li.etime ma,im0m Be" Limits as s-e! i" Pa a :: a%o#e(
ii6 O" PI e,ha0sti"+ all the li.etime ma,im0m Be" Limits as s-e! i" Pa a :: a%o#e( iii6 O" &eath o Date o. Co#e E,-i $, o. the P i"!i-al I"s0 e& a"& i. the Poli!$ &oes "ot !o"ti"0e 5ith the I"s0 e& S-o0se as the P i"!i-al I"s0 e&( i#6 O" the &eath o Date o. Co#e E,-i $, o. I"s0 e& S-o0se a.te the Poli!$ !o"ti"0es 5ith the I"s0 e& S-o0se as the P i"!i-al I"s0 e& a.te the PI &ies o ea!hes his8he Date o. Co#e E,-i $( #6 )aiti"+ Pe io&:
2e"e al
-e io&:
The e shall %e "o +e"e al 5aiti"+ -e io& i" !ase Hos-itali/atio" o S0 +e $ is &0e to 9!!i&e"tal Bo&il$ I"j0 $( The e shall %e a +e"e al 5aiti"+ -e io& &0 i"+ 5hi!h "o %e"e.its shall %e -a$a%le i" the e#e"t o. Hos-itali/atio" o S0 +e $, i. the sai& Hos-itali/atio" o S0 +e $ o!!0 e& &0e to Si!*"ess( i( The +e"e al 5aiti"+ -e io& shall %e EB 4"i"et$6 &a$s . om the Date o. Co#e Comme"!eme"t i" es-e!t es-e!t o. o. ea!h ea!h I"s0 e&( I"s0 e&: ii( I. the -oli!$ is e#i#e& a.te &is!o"ti"0a"!e o. the Co#e the" the .ollo5i"+ shall a--l$ i" a6 I. the e10est .o e#i#al is e!ei#e& %$ the Co -o atio" 5ithi" EB 4"i"et$6 &a$s . om the &0e &ate o. the .i st 0"-ai& - emi0m, the" the e shall %e a +e"e al 5aiti"+ -e io& o. M= 4.o t$ .i#e6 &a$s . om the Date o. Re#i#al i" es-e!t o. ea!h I"s0 e&( %6 I. the e10est .o e#i#al is e!ei#e& %$ the Co -o atio" %e$o"& EB 4"i"et$6 &a$s . om the &0e &ate o. the .i st 0"-ai& - emi0m, the" the e shall %e a +e"e al 5aiti"+ -e io& o. EB 4"i"et$6 &a$s . om the Date o. Re#i#al i" es-e!t o. ea!h I"s0 e&( S-e!i.i! 5aiti"+ -e io&:
I" a&&itio", i" es-e!t o. ea!h I"s0 e&, "o %e"e.its a e a#aila%le he e0"&e a"& "o -a$me"t 5ill %e ma&e %$ the Co -o atio" .o a"$ !laim 0"&e this Poli!$ o" a!!o0"t o. Hos-itali/atio" o S0 +e $ &i e!tl$ o i"&i e!tl$ !a0se& %$, %ase& o", a isi"+ o0t o. o ho5soe#e att i%0ta%le to a"$ o. the .ollo5i"+ &0 i"+ the s-e!i.i! 5aiti"+ -e io&: i( ii( iii( %lee&i"+ #( #i( #ii( #iii( T eatme"t T eatme"t T eatme"t T eatme"t .o .o .o .o 2all sliT eatme"t T eatme"t T eatme"t .o .o .o a&e"oi& a"al %e"i+" .ist0la e"la +eme"t o o o. to"silla a"al - ostate &iso &e s .iss0 e +la"& et! Cata a!t sto"es &is! Piles
i#( T eatme"t .o %e"i+" 0te i"e &iso &e s li*e .i% oi&s, 0te i"e - ola-se, &$s.0"!tio"al 0te i"e
T eatme"t
.o T eatme"t T eatme"t
th$ oi&
,#ii( T eatme"t .o %e"i+" % east &iso &e s e(+( .i% oa&e"oma, .i% o!$sti! &isease et! The s-e!i.i! 5aiti"+ -e io& i" es-e!t o. the t eatme"ts s-e! i" the list a%o#e shall %e as .ollo5s: i( The s-e!i.i! 5aiti"+ -e io& shall %e C 4t5o6 $ea s . om the Date o. Co#e Comme"!eme"t i" es-e!t es-e!t o. o. ea!h ea!h I"s0 e&( I"s0 e&: ii( I. the -oli!$ is e#i#e& a.te &is!o"ti"0a"!e o. the Co#e the" the .ollo5i"+ shall a--l$ i" a6 I. the e10est .o e#i#al is e!ei#e& %$ the Co -o atio" 5ithi" less tha" EB 4"i"et$6 &a$s . om the &0e &ate o. the .i st 0"-ai& - emi0m, the" the s-e!i.i! 5aiti"+ -e io& shall !o"ti"0e to %e till C 4t5o6 $ea s . om the Date o. Co#e Comme"!eme"t i" es-e!t o. ea!h I"s0 e&( %6 I. the e10est .o e#i#al is e!ei#e& %$ the Co -o atio" %e$o"& EB 4"i"et$6 &a$s . om the &0e &ate o. the .i st 0"-ai& - emi0m, the" the e shall %e a s-e!i.i! 5aiti"+ -e io& o. C 4t5o6 $ea s . om the Date o. Re#i#al i" es-e!t o. ea!h I"s0 e&( No !ha +es .o this %e" shall %e &e&0!te& a.te the %e" !eases( Be" Ill0st atio" : SECTION M= OF INS7R9NCE 9CT, :E<;:
No -oli!$ o. li.e i"s0 a"!e shall a.te the e,-i $ o. t5o $ea s . om the &ate o" 5hi!h it 5as e..e!te&, %e !alle& i" 10estio" %$ a" i"s0 e o" the + o0"& that a stateme"t ma&e i" the - o-osal .o i"s0 a"!e o i" a"$ e-o t o. a me&i!al o..i!e , o e.e ee, o . ie"& o. the i"s0 e&, o i" a"$ othe &o!0me"t lea&i"+ to the iss0e o. the -oli!$, 5as i"a!!0 ate o .alse, 0"less the i"s0 e
sho5s that s0!h stateme"t 5as o" a mate ial matte o s0-- esse& .a!ts 5hi!h it 5as mate ial to &is!lose a"& that it 5as . a0&0le"tl$ ma&e %$ the -oli!$hol&e a"& that the -oli!$hol&e *"e5 at the time o. ma*i"+ it that the stateme"t 5as .alse o that it s0-- esse& .a!ts 5hi!h it 5as mate ial to &is!lose( P o#i&e& that "othi"+ i" this se!tio" shall - e#e"t the i"s0 e . om !alli"+ .o - oo. o. a+e at a"$ time i. he is e"title& to &o so, a"& "o -oli!$ shall %e &eeme& to %e !alle& i" 10estio" me el$ %e!a0se the te ms o. the -oli!$ a e a&j0ste& o" s0%se10e"t - oo. that the a+e o. the li.e ass0 e& 5as i"!o e!tl$ state& i" the - o-osal( SECTION M: OF INS7R9NCE 9CT :E<;:
4:6 No -e so" shall allo5 o o..e to allo5, eithe &i e!tl$ o i"&i e!tl$, as a" i"&0!eme"t to a"$ -e so" to ta*e o0t o e"e5 o !o"ti"0e a" i"s0 a"!e i" es-e!t o. a"$ *i"& o. is* elati"+ to e"e5i"+ o li#es o - o-e t$ i" I"&ia, a"$ e%ate o. the 5hole o -a t o. the !ommissio" -a$a%le o a"$ e%ate o. the - emi0m sho5" o" the -oli!$, "o shall a"$ -e so" ta*i"+ o0t o !o"ti"0i"+ a -oli!$ a!!e-t a"$ e%ate, e,!e-t s0!h e%ate as ma$ %e allo5e& i" a!!o &a"!e 5ith the -0%lishe& - os-e!t0ses o ta%les o. the i"s0 e : - o#i&e& that a!!e-ta"!e %$ a" i"s0 a"!e a+e"t o. !ommissio" i" !o""e!tio" 5ith a -oli!$ o. li.e i"s0 a"!e ta*e" o0t %$ himsel. o" his o5" li.e shall "ot %e &eeme& to %e a!!e-ta"!e o. a e%ate o. - emi0m 5ithi" the mea"i"+ o. this s0%?se!tio" i. at the time o. s0!h a!!e-ta"!e the i"s0 a"!e a+e"t satis.ies the - es! i%e& !o"&itio"s esta%lishi"+ that he is a %o"a .i&e i"s0 a"!e a+e"t em-lo$e& %$ the i"s0 e ( 4C6 9"$ -e so" ma*i"+ &e.a0lt i" !om-l$i"+ 5ith the - o#isio"s o. this se!tio" shall %e -0"isha%le 5ith .i"e 5hi!h ma$ e,te"& to .i#e h0"& e& 0-ees( Note: Co"&itio"s a--l$ .o 5hi!h -lease e.e to the Poli!$ &o!0me"t o !o"ta!t o0 "ea est B a"!h O..i!e(