President Uhuru Kenyatta's Speech During The Flagging Off Ceremony of Relief Food To The Counties in Need

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E UHURU KENYATTA, CGH, PRESIDENT AND COMMANDER IN CHIEF OF THE DEFENCE FORCES OF THE REPUBLIC OF KENYA DURING THE FLAGGING OFF CEREMONY OF RELIEF FOOD TO THE COUNTIES IN NEED ON 6TH FEBRUARY 2014 AT UHURU PARK, NAIROBI Fellow Kenyans, I know, as you do, that a number of arid and semi-arid areas of the country are currently in the grip of drought. We owe this predicament to the inadequate short rains of October to ecember !"#$. %he immediate manifestation of the drought is seen in the food sector where populations in the affected districts are currently e&periencing food shortages. %he 'ubilee go(ernment through the rele(ant )inistries has responded by implementing (arious mitigation measures in (arious sectors that ha(e included* pro(ision of food relief and water+ pro(ision of emergency health and nutrition+ and inter(entions in agriculture and li(estock among others. ,adies and -entlemen, ,et me repeat that my go(ernment is committed to addressing the issue of food security in a durable way, for the long term. )eanwhile, we will do e(erything in our power to bring help to those most affected by drought in the country. .elief food pro(ision will continue until the situation normali/es. %his financial year alone, we ha(e allocated a total of Ksh. 0.$ 1illion for drought inter(entions. %his includes an initial amount of Ksh. ! billion which was allocated at the beginning of this financial year. Of this,half was de(ol(ed to counties to enable them to respond to emerging drought related challenges that they may face. ,ast week, my 2abinet appro(ed an additional Ksh. !.$ billion, to cope with the additional pressure that we are facing as a result of this drought. ,adies and -entlemen, We ha(e identified the (agaries of drought and the reality of climate change is one that we ha(e to plan for in terms of de(eloping national adaptation and resilience measures. )y -o(ernment is therefore putting in place appropriate measures to address this in the long term. %he Irrigation 3ro4ect in -alana is but the beginning of this, other inter(entions include building dams to stabili/e water supply, and support broad based irrigation across the country. I am directing that all the rele(ant ministries make concerted effort to ensure that these plans are e&ecuted immediately, and that we transform Kenya into a food secure nation. %oday, I am flagging off a consignment of ## lorries that will go to (arious parts of the country affected by the ongoing drought.

It is my hope that with this inter(ention, those affected will e&perience some respite from the ad(erse impacts they are facing currently as we address the problem in a more sustainable manner. ,adies and -entlemen, I now wish to officially flag off the trucks carrying relief food to people in need across the country. %hank you5

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