ToB v4 SF
ToB v4 SF
ToB v4 SF
I make a Tree of Mourning at the beginning of my book on which you may see first, the governors of the Holy Church in such sharp tribulation as was never before, dissensions and wars... and after you may see the great discord, battles and killings which exist today between kings and christian princes. Afterwards you may plainly see that amount nobles and communities there is great anguish and slaughter. Honor Bovet from the frontispiece of Arbre des Batailles, a military manual from 1360
The Tree of Battles is designed to re-create, with miniature figures, the battles of the 14th-15th centuries in Western Europe. This fascinating period covers the demise of the aristocratic knight as the arbiter of battle at the hands of common men armed with spears, pikes, longbows and guns. The Tree of Battles has have been adapted from Comitatus, my Dark Age wargames rules and uses many of the same mechanisms. I have taken care to ensure that these rules work particularly well for the Hundred Years War and Wars of the Roses. However they can also be used for other actions and theatres including the Scottish, Italian, Burgundian and Swiss wars right through to the end of the 15th century. With little modification they could also be used for representing some earlier conflicts. Many key words used in The Tree of Battles have meanings which have a significant bearing on the rules. These words are set in italics the first time they appear in and are fully defined in the last section of the rules.
1. Preparing a Game
What You Need to Play: Sufficient figures mounted on uniform sized stands. These are pieces of cardboard or similar material cut out to a standard size, mounting a group of miniature figures of the same troop type. You should be careful that the card is thick enough not to warp when painted or textured. The addition of magnetic strips across the bottom of the card base can be useful for transporting the figures in metal or metal-lined boxes and can also help to stiffen thinner card and prevent warping. It is possible to play the game using the stands as counters marked with appropriate symbols to distinguish troops types. New players might like to do this to experiment with the rules while they raise their armies of miniatures Measuring sticks or tapes to measure move distances and ranges. These can be cut from card or wood and be marked in graduations equal to ! stand frontage (see p7). Several normal 6-sided dice (D6), and Average dice (AvD) marked 2-3-3-4-4-5. If you do not have AvD you can throw a D6 and count 1 as 3, and 6 as 4. A table top or other playing surface large enough to accommodate the number of contingents in use. Dining room tables are usually a bit too small for larger games so you will most likely have to get hold of some boards which can be laid on top of a normal table to give a larger playing area. Three dimensional terrain to represent: hills; linear obstacles such as streams, hedges, ditches, fortifications; and rough terrain such as woods, marshes, soft ground and towns. Suitable markers to indicate actions which would be helpful if they were visually indicated on the table. Where figures are used as markers the bases should be shaped or textured to differentiate them from contingents. Suggested markers include: Disorder Markers - small pebbles or pieces of gravel (easily obtainable from pet shops) to indicate disorder points (DPs - see p17). Contingents will accumulate and loose these points throughout the game. Pieces of gravel make especially good markers for this purpose since they can be more easily handled than counters and blend in better with the battlefield terrain. Alternatively very small six sided dice could be used. Halt Marker - a small counter (counters from old board games work well), painted or textured to blend with the battlefield to indicate contingents which may not move. Archery Markers a counter, single archer figures or sheafs of arrows to indicate archers who have shot intensively.
Herald Marker - a single mounted figure to act as a herald or messenger. Leader Marker a single mounted or dismounted captain to represent a leader who has temporarily left his retinue to join another contingent. Horse-holder Marker - a single dismounted figure and one or two horses, to mark the location of horses of dismounted troops. Organising Figures Each stand mounts a number of gures of the same troop type, armour class and status. Each troop type has characteristics and abilities which are are expressed as Attack (A) and Defence (D) factors, and Shooting Ability (S). These are know as Combat Factors. Attack factors represent lan and willingness to close to combat, combined with weaponry and armour. Defence factors are represent staying power and unit cohesion. Troops with a missile capability (S) are able inict signicant damage on an opponent at that distance. The range for missile weapons may vary. Troop Types Skirmishers: lightly armed men who ght in loose or dispersed formations to harass the enemy at a distance with light missile weapons. These include bidowers, Irish kerns, and some Spanish foot. They are usually armed with javelins or slings, although some could carry weak bows, crossbows, or even handguns. Mounted Skirmishers include Spanish jinettes, Venetian stradiots and some Irish, Gascon and Grenadine horseman. Shooting ability is the same for all skirmishers regardless of the weapon they carry. Combat Factors: Mounted A2/ D0/S; Foot: A1/D1/S. Light Horse: lightly equipped mounted men whose main role is scouting and operating on the anks. They include mounted hobilars, currours, scourers and prickers. Combat Factors: A3/D1 Missile Troops: massed longbowmen, crossbowmen and handgunners whose primary role is to soften up the enemy before close combat but who also have limited hand to hand ghting abilities. Their shooting effectiveness will vary depending on the weapon they carry. Combat Factors: A1/D2/S. Men at Arms: Primarily nobles, knights, esquires and other men of rank armed with lances, pole arms or similar heavy weapons, They may ght either mounted or dismounted. A stand of men-at-arms could be assumed to contain men of rank in the front backed up by a number of lesser serjeants or coutiliers. Combat Factors: Mounted A5/D2; Dismounted A4/D3 Heavy Infantry: Men who ght hand to hand in close order with spears, bills, halberds or a mix of pole arms. They will usually have at least some form of basic protective armour. These include town and communal militias, professional retainers, English billmen and Swiss halberdiers. A stand of foot soldiers could include a few dismounted men at arms in the front rank. Combat Factors: A3/D2
Pavisiers: Men on foot armed with spears and very large shields, some of which can be set up as a free-standing protective barrier. They would normally be mixed contingents with crossbowmen or handgunners. They may be used as shield bearers carrying the pavises forward, setting them up to protect the missile troops and then withdrawing to the rear, or they may be used as static infantry on their own. Combat Factors: A0/D3. Players may also choose to deploy mixed stands of crossbowmen or handgunners and pavisiers mounted on the same base. In this case their combat factors are A0/D2/S and they count as understrength (see below) for shooting purposes. In all cases troops behind pavises count as being in cover when shot at from the front. Light Infantry: Lightly equipped men who fight hand to hand in loose order with a mixture of weapons. These include brigans, jacquerie, ribaulds, sword and buckler men and many Welsh, Scottish and Irish foot. Combat Factors: A2/D1 Pikemen: Flemish, Swiss and Scottish foot fighting in close formation with long spears or pikes. They gain significant bonuses in in combat due to their formation and are particularly effective against mounted troops. Combat Factors: A1/D1 Artillery: light bombards and field guns. They have no combat value (see p33) Men-at-arms, Heavy Infantry, Pavisiers and Pikemen are collectively termed fighting troops. Under-strength stands may be used to represent about half the usual numbers of troops over the same frontage as a full strength stand of the same type. They reduce attack and defence factors by one (minimum 0) and halve the number of stands able to shoot. They are most useful to represent dismounted men-at-arms stands on the same frontage as their mounted equivalent or contingents which are heavily outnumbered and therefore have formed a shallow line to cover more ground with less depth. Mixed stands of missile troops and pavisiers count as under strength for shooting purposes only (as they have half as many shooters). Armour classes Each stand is classified as one of the following armour classes: Full Harness: All men in full plate armour cap pied. If mounted the majority of their horses must also have full protection to count as full harness. Armoured: All men with good protection such as brigantines, mail and jacks, with some in full or partial harness. Mounted men in full harness but riding horses without full protection also count as armoured Unarmoured or lightly armoured: Men with little protection beyond a helmet or jack or a mix of men with some in armour and some without. Armoured men are classified as unarmoured if mounted on unarmoured horses.
Troops are further classified according to their status and experience as follows: A Grade. Courageous, well trained experienced men-at-arms or others of high standing such as royal troops or hard bitten veterans with a record of success. B Grade. Full time well trained and experienced soldiers of lesser rank. C Grade. Non-professional troops levied from a noble's tenants as well as town and shire militias, and clansmen. D Grade. Troops with little or no training, levied peasants and armed mobs A Grade contingents containing men of rank with an exceptionally high opinion of themselves and who are out to gain glory by seeking combat with men of their own standing may be additionally classified as Chivalrous. Hired A and B Grade foreign troops are called mercenaries. They will be slightly more cautious than native troops and not liable to treachery (see pp13 & 14). Basing. Individual figures are mounted on bases, according to their troop type and the figure scale, in groups called stands. Base size is not critical as long as all frontages are exactly the same in both armies. To conform to most current wargames rules, the following base sizes are recommended: 6mm scale: 20mm frontage x 20mm depth 15 mm scale: 40mm frontage x 30mm depth 25mm+ scale: 60mm frontage x 40mm depth Players using 20mm figures may opt to use either 15mm or 25mm scale for basing and ranges, reducing or increasing the number of figures per base to fit. For 6mm figures, players could alternatively use 15mm scale but increase the number of figures per base. The same is true for 10mm. Base depths may be increased to accommodate figures in active poses. The actual number of figures is for visual purposes only. It provides a ready reference as to troop types but do not have any actual effect on the game. In order to give the right visual appearance and to conform to most other commonly used rule sets, the following arrangements are recommended (for 15mm and 25mm, adjusting to fit for other scales): Foot Skirmishers: 4 figures spaced out irregularly on the base. Missile Troops and Light Infantry: 4-5 figures spaced out irregularly on the base Dismounted Men-at-Arms, Heavy Infantry, Pikemen: 6-8 figures two ranks deep Light Horse and Mounted Skirmishers: 2 figures spaced out irregularly. Mounted Men at Arms and Light Horse: 2-3 figures Artillery: 1 gun + crewmen The number of figures per base can be adjusted to fit the size and pose of the figures. Base depths can also be increased to 40mm for 15mm scale, or 60mm for 25mm scale to allow for more active poses and more variation in the arrangement of irregular troops on the bases. 6 Thursday, 26 April 2012
Casualties. There is no need to mount figures on separate individual bases since a casualty will result in a complete stand being eliminated. Alternate basing for Skirmishers. Skirmishers may be mounted individually, or in small groups, on round or irregular-shaped bases. In this case 4 foot and 2 mounted figures will count as a stand for shooting and numbers in combat. Scale The Tree of Battles has no fixed scale. If recreating a relatively small battle with armies under 10,000 men on each side, 1 stand of men on foot should be taken to represent approximately 200-300 men, mounted stands about ! that. For larger battles the scale could be increased to roughly 4-600 men per foot stand. Ground scale is dependant on the size of figures used. For 15mm figures and smaller 1 cm = approximately 10 metres, for 20-30mm figures 1.5 cm = 10 metres. All measurements in the game, regardless of the figure-man ratio or theoretical ground scale, are taken in multiples of stand frontages (SF), ie: 40 mm for 15mm scale; and 60 mm for 25mm scale. Players using alternate base sizes should measure distances in multiples of the base frontages they use. Players with 6mm figures on 20mm bases will find it better to retain 15mm scale for movement purposes (1 SF = 40 mm) in order to produce more sweeping moves and faster action. Movement is measured in ! SF segments. Contingents Except for artillery, stands must be organised into contingents. A contingent is the smallest group capable of moving and acting independently under the rules and represents the troops brought to the battle by a nobleman or captain and who fight under his banner. All stands in a contingent must be either mounted or dismounted and of the same grade. They will normally be the same troop type but mixed contingents are allowed (eg: English archers and billmen, or crossbowmen and pavisiers or Swiss halberdiers and pikemen). All stands of the contingent must remain in base to base contact with each other for the duration of the game. For aesthetic purposes and to distinguish contingents, stands may be separated by up to 1 cm and still count as technically in base to base contact. Artillery, baggage animals and wagons are not formed into contingents. Instead they operate independently as individual stands. Organising the Army To prepare for a game, players must organise their contingents into battles. Each battle should consist of a number of contingents grouped together and under the leadership of an important captain. All contingents of the same battle will act together for the duration of the game, supporting each other and following the same orders.
An army may contain up to 4 battles: Vanward, Mainward, Rearward and Reserve. Additionally each army may have up to one independent mounted contingent on each wing. Setting up a Game The most enjoyable games are usually those where a scenario has been agreed on by the players, and they have a rationale for the battle and objectives for their troops. Scenarios can be based on historical or fictional events. They could include battles between opposing forces of unequal strengths balanced by terrain favouring the weaker army or battlefield objectives that give each side a roughly equal chance of success. If time or circumstances do not permit setting up a scenario, choose either by mutual agreement or die roll, whether the game will be an attack on a defended position or a meeting engagement. The latter, which involves two armies deploying simultaneously and trying to destroy each other is probably the most common wargame, but historically tended to be a rather rare event. Numbers and terrain set up should be different depending on the type of battle chosen. Attack on a Defended Position. It is assumed that this type of battle has been brought about by one side deciding that he has sufficient numbers of troops to win and the other, although outnumbered, deciding that the terrain holds enough advantages for him to make a stand. The attacker, therefore will certainly need to have more troops and probably troops of higher quality otherwise an attack is unlikely to succeed. The defender will be able to make better use of the terrain and might have some artillery, and possibly some hasty fortifications such as the pits dug by the English archers at Crcy. Terrain features should ideally be laid out by mutual consent with the defending player choosing sides, or the attacker laying out the terrain and the defender choosing sides. The defender draws a sketch map of his intended deployment. He may deploy anywhere on his half of the table. Once the positions are sketched he deploys those troops that can be seen from the opposing table edge. Troops that cannot be seen are not yet deployed. There are two deployment options for the attacker. The simplest is for the attacker to deploy his troops anywhere on his side of the table beyond 6 SF of any enemy. If more time is available, instead of deploying, he could allocate one to three entry points on his table edge (ideally roads), write down his order of march for each entry point, and have each of his battles enter in column at these points, starting on the first turn.. Which ever deployment method is used, the attacker moves first on turn one. If entering in column, movement for each battle is measured from the table edge. The defender only deploys his remaining troops if they move or shoot, or if they become visible to any of the attackers contingents.
Meeting Engagement. Numbers and quality of troops in this kind of engagement should be roughly equal. The easiest method of deciding what terrain should go on the table is for one player to lay it out and the other choose which side he deploys from. In laying out the terrain, players should aim for a relatively open battlefield, especially in the centre. Both players draw sketch maps of their initial deployment which can be anywhere on their half of the table, beyond 3 SF of the centre. Once the maps have been drawn, players deploy all their troops simultaneously. Variations There are numerous ways these basic scenarios can be modified. For example, rather than deploying all the troops at once, some could arrive in column after several turns, either to reinforce a beleaguered position or, perhaps, from a flank. To make it more interesting the player expecting reinforcements might have to dice to see if they arrive, perhaps needing a 5-6 on the first attempt, increasing by 1 on each succeeding turn. Instead of deploying actual contingents, players can partially recreate the fog of war by laying out strips of card, some of which are dummies, to indicate contingent positions. These cards are replaced with actual contingents, and dummies removed, only when a leader from the other side is actually able to see them or a scout/messenger reports to him. This is a simple way of recreating problems of deploying in poor visibility such as at the Battle of Barnet in 1471. Game Length Games can go on as long as players have the time and stamina. Usually, however, 2-4 hours of intensive playing is a good average length. A game shorter than this probably does not reach a satisfactory conclusion and longer games can become tiring. For very large games it is often better (if players have a full weekend at their disposal) to play out the deployments and initial clashes on the first day then fight a follow-on action the next, perhaps adding some reinforcements. A simple meeting engagement with both sides initially deploying in line should rarely take longer than 2-3 hours to complete once players are familiar with the rules. Multi-player Games Just as real-life commanders have a limited span of control, players can only handle a limited number of contingents before a game becomes cumbersome. Once armies start to exceed 20 contingents on each side, turns can start to become too long and confusing. At this point it may be better better to have different players controlling each battle. The players on the same side can then concentrate only on their own troops and move simultaneously to speed things up. Games such as this can result in very realistic situations where parts of an army act with very little knowledge of what is going on elsewhere on the battlefield. There is also great scope to add interest to multi-player games by introducing personal victory conditions to reflect political rivalries between commanders on the same side.
The captain is always assumed to be with his retinue unless he moves away temporarily in the Command Phase or is killed. If a leader temporarily leaves his retinue, the unit will act as a normal contingent until the captain returns. Command Points The marshal of the host and each captain is allocated 2-5 Command Points (CPs), that will allow him to carry out certain actions during the game. This is determined by giving 1 CP for each number rolled on an AvD (+1 to this roll is allowed for historically exceptional men, up to a maximum of 5 CPs), unless their CPs are already decided by the scenario.
Command Actions Unless engaged in combat, the marshal of the host and each captain, must decide in the Command Phase of every turn, if he wishes to take any of the command actions listed below. A leaders Command Points will determine the number of actions he may make each turn. Leaders may use up to their total number of CPs each turn to complete any combination of the following actions. CPs must be allocated during the Command Phase. Unused CPs may not be carried over to the next turn. Move (cost 1 CP) Leave his retinue and move on his own up to 6 SF in the command phase to join or influence another contingent of his battle. The captain may move again in the tactical movement phase to rejoin his retinue or he may instead move or fight with a new contingent to which he has temporarily joined Steady Troops (cost 2 CPs). Remove two Disorder Points (DPs - see p17) from any contingent of his battle within 40. These may be from his own or an adjacent contingent. If he takes this action within 1 SF of enemy there is a possibility that he could be wounded or killed (see p15). A leader with 4 CPs may remove 2 DPs by taking this action twice. In this case the DPs may both be from the same contingent or he may take one DP off two different contingents. Exert Control (cost 2 CPs). Try to influence the behaviour of a contingent within 1 SF which otherwise would have to take a control test. A marshal of the host may double this distance or influence two contingents by taking two control actions Issue or listen to new orders (Cost 2 CPs). Includes sending a herald, or using a prearranged signal. Orders At the start of the game each captain must have orders from his superior (usually the marshal of the host). Each contingent in the captain's battle will have the same orders. These should be one of: 1. Advance to and attack the enemy (a specific enemy battle may be named) 2. Advance to a specific position or a specific distance and then hold position. 3. Hold current position. There is flexibility as to how orders are executed. For example a captain with Order #1 may chose when and how to attack and with which contingents. He may also pause to allow missile troops to shoot or to regain his order before closing to contact. Likewise when defending a position, the commander may re-deploy his contingents to meet the local tactical situation and counter-attack any enemy who have taken or are threatening the position. Contingents on hold orders may not, however, initiate a charge although they may countercharge if normally allowed (see p29) Once a battle has interpreted orders in a way other than originally intended, the marshal of the host may issue new orders in order to try to get them to take up the original orders. In doing so the receiving captain will again dice for interpretation.
Orders may only be changed by the leader who issued them, or his superior. To do this the superior must take an issue orders action and do so by: being in base to base contact with the subordinate, or by sending a herald who will relay the message once in base to base contact, or by pre-arranged signal, as long as the leaders are within 6 SF of each other. Captains can have 1 pre-arranged signal which will usually be to change Hold orders to Attack. The marshal of the host may have 2 such pre-arranged signals. Pre-arranged signals must be written down before the first turn of the game. Interpreting Orders At the beginning of the game, when initial orders are given, or when new orders are received, all the receiving captains must roll an D6 to see how they will interpret the order for their battle or whether they will deliberately disobey them. +1 if the captains retinue and majority of his contingents are chivalrous Result: 6+ = Increase order to the next most aggressive on the order list (eg order #2 becomes order #1). If originally given order #1 the battle must advance at maximum speed without pausing and must charge as soon as within range. If originally given order #3 which now becomes #2, the battle must advance to hold an obvious terrain feature to their front or to within 2 SF of enemy, whichever is closer. In this case the player may choose the speed of advance as long as the battle moves each turn. 2-5 = Obey orders 1- = Vacillate. Temporarily adopt Hold orders. If wishing to do something other than Hold, the player must throw again next turn deducting 1 from the die unless a superior leader within 2 SF takes an exert control option or joins them in person.
Control Test All contingents in a battle will normally carry out the same orders and do as the player wishers within the spirit of those orders. There are however a number of circumstances which may cause an individual contingent to do something other than the player wishes or that their orders dictate. In these cases a contingents actions will be determined by a Control Test. This must be taken at the end of the command phase by any contingent:
which is further than 1 SF from their captain unless within2 SF of the marshal of the host. If they are embattled (see p22) they do not have to test as long as they are part of a continuous line of contingents in base to base contact with each other and connected to the stand containing their captain. They also do not need to test if in combat with enemy. in pursuit or looting and the player wishes them to stop.
Non-retinues must also test at the end of the shooting phase if they took 1 DP per stand in the front rank, or were C or D Grade shot at by artillery. Additionally chivalrous contingents must also take a control test in the tactical move phase if they are within 6 SF of enemy, and the player wishes them to do other than advance at full speed towards the enemy. Control Test Procedure: Roll one D6. Modifiers +1 if Chivalrous contingent -1 if D Grade contingent +/-1 (optional) if a superior leader exerting control within 1 SF +/-1 if A Grade non-chivalrous contingent +/-1 (optional) if friendly troops in base to base contact to the rear of those testing for shooting Results: 1 23-4 5 Continue pursuit or looting. Retire if testing for shooting. Otherwise halt. Nonmercenaries test for treachery if in a civil war. Continue pursuit or looting; D grade retire if shot at by artillery; otherwise halt Act as player wishes in keeping with orders Continue pursuit or looting. Otherwise chivalrous contingents advance towards the nearest A grade enemy and charge once within 2 SF;* D grade advance towards nearest enemy; otherwise repeat last move. Continue pursuit or looting. Otherwise chivalrous contingents advance towards the nearest A grade enemy at maximum speed and charge once within 2 SF;* D grade and troops testing for shooting advance towards nearest enemy; otherwise repeat last move.
* If there are no A grade enemy then advance to the highest grade enemy. 13 Thursday, 26 April 2012
Control test results override orders. If a retinue acts other than in accordance with orders, that captains other embattled contingents will follow suit. Contingents with a Halt reaction may shoot and may adjust their facing or formation to face a threat. They may not make other moves other than to exchange ranks and they may not initiate a charge. They may, however, counter-charge if charged and normally allowed to. There are no restrictions on possible after-combat moves. Mixed contingents who are forced to advance may exchange ranks as they advance. Treachery At certain times in civil war scenarios (such as the Wars of the Roses) one or more leaders may be deemed to be potentially treacherous. A treacherous leader will be reluctant to take any action that he cannot undo later and may even switch sides if things are not going well. In a civil war, test any potentially treacherous captains, and contingents who get a 1 result on a control test by rolling another D6: 1-2 = Treachery! 3-4 = No treachery but loyalty not proven. Test again on another 1 control test result 5-6 = Loyal. No need to test again A treacherous leader will not advance his troops any closer than 6 SF of enemy. If already within 6 SF he will immediately hold and adopt permanent hold orders. If an enemy captain is within 2 SF he will switch sides unless a loyal superior leader is closer. Once a leader switches sides the opposing player takes control of that contingent or battle and may give it new orders. The contingent may not, however, attack or shoot former friends from their battle unless they themselves are attacked or shot at by them. If faced with treachery a superior leader may try to influence the traitor back to loyalty unless he has already switched sides. In order to do so he must move into base to base contact with the treacherous leader by taking a move action away from his own retinue; then test to see if he has been successful by rolling 1 D6: 1 = Unsuccessful. The treacherous leader changes sides and attempts to kill his superior test risk to leader below. If the result is other than killed the leader is able to escape, although he may be wounded. 2-3 = Unsuccessful. The treacherous leader still refuses to obey orders but does not necessarily change sides. The superior leader is able to depart without interference. 4-6 = Successful. The superior leader offers sufficient inducement or killed the traitor and replaced him with a loyal subordinate.
Risk to Leaders Any time the captain's retinue takes a DP from shooting or combat; or a casualty; or steadies troops within1 SF of enemy; the leader must test to see if he is also hit. He only needs to test once for shooting and once for combat regardless of the number of DPs inflicted on the contingent. Lone commanders who have temporarily left their retinue and are within1 SF of a friendly contingent which takes a DP from shooting or combat; or a casualty in any circumstances; must also test to see if they are hit. Heralds are treated similarly. Test to see if a Leader is Hit: Roll one D6: 1= Hit. If Hit roll again, -1 if testing for steadying troops: 1 = Killed 2/3 = Wounded. Loose 2 CPs. Captured if within1 SF of enemy 4/5 = Light wound. Loose 1 CP 6 = That investment in expensive Italian armour paid off - no effect. Note. It is possible to purchase dice that have a skull and crossbones in place of a 1. This makes a useful dice of death to throw when testing for risk to leaders. The loss of CPs represent bodyguards and staff officers being killed, thereby reducing a commanders ability to exert his influence over his battle. Visibility Contingents and leaders can only react to, or shoot at, what they can see. Visibility is restricted to line of sight and is normally unlimited by distance. Light cover, hills, towns, woods and formed contingents block line of sight except that: In woods and towns, visibility is limited to1 SF. contingents on the edge of woods and towns can see out without restriction but can only be seen from one javelin throw unless they shoot. If they do shoot then they can be seen by anyone in line of sight. contingents on higher elevation (hill, fortress) can see over intervening contingents who are at least one javelin throw away. They cannot see over woods or towns.
3. Sequence of Play
All actions are conducted alternately with all players completing each phase in the sequence of play before moving to the next. In an attack on a defended position scenario, the attacker moves first on turn one. Thereafter, and in other circumstances, dice to determine who moves first by rolling one D6 +/- the marshal of the hosts CPs the high score going first. Players may wish to dice for each battle separately so that battles on the same side do not necessarily move at the same time. Once the order has been resolved the players keep the same order for all phases in the turn. The player moving first is termed the player with initiative. All actions are carried out from right to left except that where contingent moves intersect, the highest graded contingent may move first. Combat is resolved simultaneously. The sequence is as follows: Command Phase. Assign command actions for each captain; move leaders who are taking a move action; move heralds relaying new orders; remove DPs for contingents being steadied; take control tests for those contingents who must; Approach Phase. Any contingents beyond 6 SF of enemy may make a march move (see p 22), manoeuvre or change formation. They must end all movement beyond 6 SF of visible enemy (ie out of archery and crossbow range)
Shooting Phase. Artillery and Missile Troops may shoot at eligible targets within range. Skirmishers do not shoot in this phase. Take Control Tests for contingents which are shotup
Tactical Movement Phase. Battles and contingents may move normally in this phase. Troops who moved in the Approach Phase may also move again in this phase if normally eligible. Skirmishers may shoot in this phase at any point in their move. In the tactical phase they must halt at1 SF from enemy to their front. To move any closer requires a charge. Combat Phase. In the following order:
declare and execute charge, counter-charge and evade moves; work out any shooting against charging contingents resolve all hand to hand combat; conduct any moves resulting from the combat resolution.
4. Morale
Death, Disorder and Desertion Points (DPs) During the course of the game contingents will accumulate death, disorder and desertion points (called DPs). These are represented by placing a marker beside the contingent for each DP incurred. The recommended marker is a piece of gravel as it can easily be picked up and does not look out of place on the battlefield. Alternatively a small D6 could be used with each pip representing a DP. DPs can result from manoeuvre, shooting, combat and morale. Once a contingent has accumulated 5 DPs it will fall into disarray and any further DPs from shooting, combat or morale (but not manoeuvre) will result in a casualty. Contingents of 6 stands or more may accumulate an additional DP (total of 6) before falling into disarray, as may retinues of non-treacherous captains. Once a contingent falls into disarray it no longer takes any DPs for fatigue and disorder when moving DPs can be removed when the contingent reorders itself (see p17) according to their status: A/B Grade: 1 if stationary* and not in combat C Grade: D Grade 1 if stationary, not in combat and took no DPs from shooting. 1 if stationary, not in combat and not shot at
* to count as stationary the contingent must not have moved at any time in that turn although they may adjust formation or facing, or exchange ranks. Additional DPs can be immediately removed by the contingent's captain if he is within1 SF and chose a 'steady troops' action. He may do so even if the contingent is in combat, moving or being shot at. A contingents morale and good order is further affected by the following events: 2 DPs if non-chivalrous and an equal/higher grade contingent routs or is destroyed within 3 SF. 1 DP if chivalrous 1 DP if non-chivalrous and a higher grade contingent retires within 3 SF 1 DP Moving in difficult terrain in other than skirmish array. ? DPs From shooting and combat results. 2 DPs Baggage train looted 2 DPs Their captain or marshal of the host killed or routed within 6 SF 1 DP Fatigue and disorder when moving, unless in disarray or skirmish array (see p24) 2 DPs Troops on foot who charged and are contacted by a mounted charge. 2 DPs Contacted by a charge which originated from behind the contingents flank or rear
Disarray This is a state in which a contingent has lost all order and internal cohesion due to external events. A contingent will fall into disarray: ! ! ! ! If pursuing, evading, routing or retiring By failing to contact an opponent in a charge Having reached the maximum 5 or 6 DPs D Grade who move
In order to rally from disarray the contingent must first remove the original cause of disarray (eg stop pursuing, or remove a DP). Then it may re-order itself in any formation or direction taking ! move to complete.
5. Shooting
Eligibility. Artillery, missile troops and skirmishers may normally open shoot at targets to their front which are in sight and range. Targets must be directly to the shooter's front and within 22! of centre for missile troops or artillery. Skirmishers may shoot all-round. Where several targets are available, troops must shoot at the nearest except that A or B Grade may choose to shoot the nearest fighting troops. Enemy stands in base to base contact with friends are not eligible as targets. Timing. Artillery and missile troops shoot in the Shooting Phase. Skirmishers shoot in their movement phase, shooting at any point in their move. Additionally Missile Troops who stand to receive a charge may under certain circumstances shoot at enemy charging them (see p30) Gaps and overhead shooting. All skirmisher stands may shoot as long as they have a clear line of sight, otherwise gaps must be at least1 SF wide to shoot through, and only front rank stands may shoot. Troops on a higher elevation may, however, shoot and be shot at over the heads of others on lower ground as long as they are further than1 SF away. The top of fortifications are considered to be higher elevation. Archers and artillery may also shoot over or through skirmishers at a target beyond them. Shooting and Moving. Skirmishers may shoot and move without restriction. Archers may move a maximum of 1 die in the tactical movement phase if they shot normally. If they delivered and arrow storm (see below) they may not move in the tactical move phase. Crossbowmen and hand gunners may exchange ranks if they shot. Otherwise troops which shot may not move in the tactical movement phase. There are no restrictions on movement in the approach or combat phases. Ranges Artillery Archers Crossbowmen Handgunners Skirmishers Maximum Range 12 SF 6 SF 6 SF 2 SF 1 SF Effective Range 6 SF Close Range 3 SF 2 SF 3 SF 1 SF -
Skirmishers have the same range and effect regardless of the weapons they are carrying. Missile Troops have differentiated by the weapon they carry.
As shooting by missile troops and artillery takes place before movement, the ranges take into account the possibility of some movement occurring. For example although 6 SF (240 metres) is arguably extreme range for archers it allows for the possibility of the shots taking effect as the enemy move closer, or of the archers closing in for better shots at a stationary target. Artillery Effect: Roll 1 D6 per gun. Modified as follows: Same target and range Target in column or enfilade* Each DP on firing gun New target Target beyond effective range Target in fortification +1 +1 -1 -1 -1 -2
* enfilade is fire on the flank of an enemy Effective Range and beyond: 4-5 = 1DP; 6 = 2 DPs Close Range: 1-3 = 1DP; 4+ = 2 DPs Missile Troops and Skirmishers: Roll 1 D6 per stand shooting. Halve dice if shooting contingent has 1 DP per stand*; is in disarray, or counts as being understrength (mixed missile troops and pavisiers for example). In the case of an uneven number of stands, round down first time, round up second and so on. *1 DP per stand in the entire contingent not just the missile troops of a mixed contingent. Result: 5-6 = 1 DP. Modify die rolls as follows: -1 if archer or skirmisher shooting at armoured or full harness foot, -1 if shooting at foot skirmishers, or at a target in cover +1 if shooting at close range, except archers shooting at targets in full harness. +1 if archers shooting at non-skirmishing mounted troops These are not cumulative. Cover includes being in dense woods or built up areas; or behind fortifications, thick hedges or pavises
Sharing shooting DPs. A contingent which is directly to the rear of a single rank contingent which took more than 1 DP from archery or artillery beyond 2 SF, will take a share of the DPs. The total number of DPs taken will be divided evenly between the target and the contingent to its rear with the extra going to the front contingent in case of an odd number. This only applies if the contingent in front is in one rank only and if the contingent to the rear is no further than 1 cm away. Disregard any amour or cover modifiers that would normally apply if the rear ranks were in being directly shot at from the front.
Arrow Storm. Archers may choose to deliver an arrow storm up to two times in the course of a game. This represents shooting rapidly (up to 12 arrows a minute) for a short period. These two bursts of intensive shooting may be taken at any time or range. Roll two dice per stand rather than the normal one per stand. Skirmishers. Skirmishers shoot in the movement rather than the shooting phase. This is may be done at any point in their move, however, skirmishers may not both advance and retire in the same phase when shooting. Skirmishers shoot at up to1 SF regardless of the weapons they carry. Results of shooting. A contingent which suffered 1 DP per stand in front rank in the shooting phase must take a control test, as must C or D grade who took any DPs from artillery fire or handguns.
These contingents are embattled. They are all in base to base contact and will move and act as a single body. There may be a space of up to 1 cm between bases for aesthetic reasons Normal Move Distances: Except for march moves, move distances are randomly controlled by die rolls. When more than one die is possible the player must decide how many he will roll, then roll all at once. It is not permitted to roll one die then, after seeing the result, decide to roll another. Possible moves are: Normal Move: Move 1 or 2 AvD x ! SF. This move may be made by all contingents except unlimbered guns which may not move. Mounted contingents + 1 additional optional D6 x ! SF to normal or road move Skirmish array: Optional + ! SF for each die rolled (eg: roll two dice for movement adds 1 SF to the result) Fast Move: Evade, rout, retire and pursuit use maximum possible dice and add all optional additions. Roads Move up to 5 SF if in column and the move begins and ends on a road. No dice roll required. Detached leaders/heralds move up to 6 SF, no dice required. Guns. Once in place they may not move other than to pivot by up to 45
Contingents must move the full amount indicated except: Contingents intending to occupy a specific piece of terrain or fortification, or intending to line up with other contingents, may halt when they reach that place. Such an intention must be declared in advance. During the approach phase all contingents must halt beyond 6 SF of enemy to their front. In the tactical phase troops must halt at 1 SF from enemy to their front. Contingents need to initiate a charge in order to move closer to the enemy. An exception to this is that skirmishers will fall back in face of an advance (see below) Contingents may halt short if their full move would force them to interpenetrate a friendly contingent or move into, out of, or across, a terrain feature. In these cases the contingent may halt up to one1 SF before reaching such a position. All embattled contingents use the same dice rolls; others roll individually. In the case of a battle of mixed troop types, use the appropriate dice for the slowest type. Mounted troops may only change speed by up to 2 dice per turn. Therefore a stationary contingent which decides to move may only roll up to two dice for a normal move. The following turn it may roll the additional optional die. Conversely a contingent which moved 3 dice may not normally halt the following turn except in response to a halt reaction, from a control test or combat result, or if blocked by terrain or other troops. A road or march move is considered to count as moving two dice for purposes of this rule. Troops to the right move first except where two moves intersect, when the highest grade move first, or lead contingent when both are equal grade. This could well result in higher grade troops passing through lower grade troops and causing disruption due to passage of lines (see p27) Skirmishing. Troops in skirmish array must fall back to maintain desired skirmishing distance in face of an approach by heavier enemy. This is done in the enemy movement phase and has no impact on previous or subsequent movement by the skirmishers. Fatigue and Disorder. Contingents normally incur 1 DP each time the move die result is 5-6. This reflects fatigue from moving fast together with disorder in the ranks caused by the difficulty of maintaining dressing as well as unseen terrain obstructions. However, contingents in skirmish array, disarray, making a march move, or in column do not incur DPs for fatigue and disorder. Notes: Random movement within 6 SF of the enemy simulates a wide range of physiological factors which may cause individual contingents to behave in ways that that deviate from parade ground manoeuvre. A contingent which rolls a very low movement dice, for example, may be having doubts about its position, its contingent commander may be indecisive, or other such factors.
Furthermore battlefield terrain is never as flat and clear as what appears on the wargames table. Even an open plain will be covered with small folds in the ground, crops, rocks, scrub, trees and a variety of things that will disrupt a contingents parade-ground manoeuvre. The DPs incurred for fatigue and disorder take this into account as well as representing the difficulty in maintaining alignment with a wide frontage. 24
Effect of rough terrain. Rough terrain is any terrain that hinders movement. It can include woods, heavy scrub, built up areas, soft ground, marshes, steep hill slopes and rocky outcrops. It also includes crossing minor linear obstacles such as streams and gullies. Rough terrain is usually impassable to mounted troops unless on a road or unless they dismount. All mounted troops may however cross minor obstacles; they may also negotiate steep hill slopes and cross soft ground (such as the ploughed field at Agincourt). When moving in rough terrain, reduce normal move speed by ! SF for each die rolled. For example a contingent rolling 2 AvD, scoring a 3 and a 4, may move 2! SF: (1! - !) + (2 - !). Contingents take 1 DP if moving in rough terrain unless in column, skirmish array, or disarray. This applies even if only part of the contingent or part of the contingents move is through the difficult terrain. Troops on foot in full harness take an additional DP if the move die result is 4. Roads negate the effects of all rough terrain, except steep hill slopes, to troops in column. Troops in column in a built-up area are assumed to be on a road. Extreme terrain such as major rivers and sheer cliffs can be designated as impassable. Crossing Obstacles Crossing a minor obstacle such as a stream, ditch or light field fortifications costs 1 DP unless in skirmish array or disarray. Casualty inflicting defensive obstacles such as stakes, caltrops or concealed pits count as a minor obstacle but inflict one additional DP to all mounted troops. This counts as a combat rather than manoeuvre DP and therefore will cause a casualty if at maximum DPs. Crossing a major obstacle such as a river or significant fortification takes 1 move, regardless of the size of the obstacle. It causes all contingents to incur 1 DP, or 2 DPs if in full harness. Manoeuvre Normal moves by arrayed contingents must be in the direction of the contingents facing with no more than 22! deviation off-centre. Chivalrous contingents who are advancing on the enemy and who are within 6 SF of A Grade enemy must angle their movement in order to be in a position to charge the A Grade opponent. This may result in the chivalrous contingents breaking alignment with lower grade troops in their battle and crossing paths with other troops. Troops in skirmish array or disarray manoeuvre by each base moving freely and independently without having to maintain alignment or order. Bases may not, however, be separated by more than ! SF from each other. Such troops do not incur any movement penalties or DPs for any manoeuvre other than crossing major obstacles or mounting and dismounting. Manoeuvre in other cases usually reduces the move and may cause the contingent to accumulate DPs. 25 Thursday, 26 April 2012
The following actions or manoeuvres are possible: Wheel: This is the usual method of changing the direction of a contingents facing. It is conducted as a normal move, first rolling dice to determine the move distance. The contingent then pivots on one end of the line and the distance moved by the outside base is measured. If any distance remains, the contingent may move forwards normally up to the full allowance. Cost: 1 DP for contingents in line within 6 SF of enemy. No penalty if in column, skirmish array or disarray. Rally from disarray: The contingent must first be free of whatever caused it to fall into disarray ie: ceased pursuing or no longer at maximum DPs. If these conditions have been met, the contingents stands may be re-arranged into any formation and facing, taking ! move. This is either done on the spot or the contingent may withdraw (still moving in disarray) to a safer location first. Change of array: Re-arrange the contingent's stands, on the spot, into the appropriate new array. Takes ! move and costs 1 DP if within 6 SF of enemy. Exchange ranks: Exchange a battle's rear ranks to front or visa versa. This is done in order to bring differently armed troops to the front. For example a battle of archers and billmen may choose to have the archers in front initially then later bring the bills forward. The ranks must be in base to base contact at the start of the move phase in order to exchange ranks. It takes ! move and costs 1 DP if within1 SF of enemy unless part of a fall-back or follow-up after combat move. Counter march to face the rear: This involves a turn through 180 degrees ending with the same front and rear ranks but facing the opposite direction. Takes ! move. C and D Grade incur 1 DP if within 6 SF of enemy. Turns to the flank are not allowed, although a contingent in line could form a column facing the direction of either flank (and visa versa), conducting such a move as a change of array. They could then use the rest of their move to change back into their original formation with a new facing. Such a double change takes a complete turn and incurs 1 DP (not 2) if within 6 SF of enemy. Expand or contract frontage: This is only allowed by contingents in line. They may change the width or depth of the formation by increasing or reducing the number or ranks. It takes ! move and additionally causes 1 DP for C or D Grade. This includes two under strength stands forming into one full strength one and visa versa. Mount/Dismount: Replace the mounted troops by figures on foot (or visa versa) Takes ! moves and 1 DP for all troops. Two mounted stands form one full dismounted stand or two under strength dismounted stands. Dismounted troops should have a horse and horse-holder marker to indicate their status and the location of their mounts.
Passage of Lines: No penalty for contingents passing through each other if both are parallel, one is stationary, and one is in skirmish array. Otherwise this causes 1DP on each contingent involved, plus an additional DP if interpenetrated by mounted. Set Obstacle: Put down or take up stakes, caltrops, spiked nets or pavises. Takes ! move. Pass a gap: Contingents in line wishing to pass through a gap narrower than their frontage, must either: Reduce frontage by up to half, pass through, and then expand immediately back to original formation. This incurs 1 DP and reduces foot move by !. Mounted can maintain full speed; or Change formation into column then pass through. Splitting Contingents. Missile troops or skirmishers may be detached from a contingent of mixed troop types to form a new contingent which will act independently from that point on for the rest of the game. They will, however, remain part of the same battle. If this is done the detached contingent takes with it the same number of DPs as the parent contingent it is breaking off from. To do this simply move the new detached contingent independently. This can only be done in the movement phases and the split-off contingent may not re-join later. No DPs are incurred. DPs are incurred only once for each action. For example a contingent which starts crossing a major obstacle on turn 1 then continues the manoeuvre on turn 2 only gets 1 DP for the manoeuvre. When ! move is specified the contingent must roll the dice then divide the total allowance by two and round up. Moving off-table. Once on the table, contingents may not normally move off voluntarily but may be forced off when evading, retiring, routing or pursuing. In order to return, a contingent must first pass a control test getting a result of act as player wishes. If a retiring contingent was followed off table by pursuers it may not return until after the pursuers have returned. In such a case the pursuing player may choose to remain off table with his contingent in order to prevent his opponent from returning. In order to return to the table the contingents must roll a D6, returning on a roll of 4-6, -1 of each subsequent attempt. Rout and Pursuit Moves. Broken contingents must continue to make a full move in disarray using the maximum possible dice until destroyed or off-table. Subsequent rout moves (after the initial after combat move (see p33) are made during opponent's move phase as long as the opponent is still pursuing in order to keep routers and pursuers moving together. A routing contingent looses one casualty for each such subsequent rout move and once routed may never rally. Pursuers also move using maximum dice in disarray and must pass a control test in order to cease pursuit.
7. Combat
Combat Basics Combat is sub-divided into Charges and Mle. A charge is an aggressive movement intended to end in hand-to-hand fighting. As a charge is as much governed by psychological factors as actual physical combat, a charge result may simulate one side or the other running out of steam, giving ground or even breaking up completely before the anticipated clash of battle lines can occur. Once troops enter mle however, they are considered to be locked into a series of confused hand-to-hand combats with each side pushing into each others ranks. Charges. A charge is the only way that a non-pursuing contingent can move into contact with an opponent. Each player must declare which of his contingents will initiate a charge. This is done in turn, starting with the player who has initiative. After all players have made their declarations, determine charge responses and roll dice to determine charge movement. Players may not voluntarily cancel previously declared charges, nor add new ones, based on their opponents charge responses or the result of their movement dice. Restrictions on Charges. The following troops have restrictions on their ability to initiate a charge: Troops in column, square or skirmish array may not charge Artillery, hand gunners and crossbowmen may not charge. Unless in pursuit; archers, light infantry and light horse may only charge enemy in skirmish array, disarray, or an exposed flank or rear. Contingents which may not move (eg: because they are on a halt reaction or on hold orders) may not charge. In the case of mixed troop types, use the front rank to determine ability to declare a charge. Charge Moves. A charge always involves a move into contact even the contingent moved during the Move Phases. It must normally be directly to the front with no deviation except to line up with opposing stands. All wheels and manoeuvre must have been completed in the tactical movement phase. The charging contingent must roll at least one move die and must move up to the maximum rolled or into contact, taking any DPs for fatigue and disorder rolled on the dice. The charging player must decide how many move dice he wishes to use and may not later add more if he fails to contact. Embattled contingents use the same dice, others roll individually. Where possible the charging troops must align their stands with their opponents so that in contact all stands face each other without overlaps. 28 Thursday, 26 April 2012
Chivalrous contingents must try to exclusively charge other A grade contingents if any are within range. In order to do this they may angle their charge move by up to 22 ! off centre and contract their frontage in the same way as passing a gap but without any DP penalty. This is an exception to the normal rule of a charge having to be directly to the front. If two chivalrous contingents are facing only one enemy A Grade continent and there is not enough room for both of them, the most senior captain will have the honour of charging while the other holds back. If there is no clear senior, the contingent on the right will charge first. Failure to Contact. If the chargers fail to contact, because their opponent broke or evaded, they must continue their charge move up to the full distance rolled on the dice. They will automatically charge into any new opponents who are uncovered by the evading or breaking contingent. A new target must react according to the normal charge responses if it is charged in these circumstances. If the chargers fail to make contact because they did not roll high enough on their movement dice they will fall into disarray and may move normally next turn. If, however, they need to take a control test next turn, they count as charging or pursuing and if they get a repeat last move result, they must advance to and charge the nearest enemy. The charging contingent will fall into disarray if it does not make contact with any opponent. Charge Responses. Any contingent, which has not itself declared a charge, and is charged by enemy, will react according to their troop type and circumstances. These responses are: ! Foot skirmishers and artillery gunners may stand to receive if: o in, or separated from the chargers by difficult terrain or obstacle; or o charged by other skirmishers only. o In all other circumstances, skirmishers and gunners must evade if charged. ! ! ! ! Light horse and mounted skirmishers may counter-charge skirmishers or mounted troops, otherwise they must evade. Men at Arms may countercharge. All other troops, or in other circumstances, must stand to receive. Troops in mle from a previous turn must also stand to receive. Contingents in disarray: skirmishers, light horse and all D grade break. Others respond according to type as above
Evade. Contingents attempting to evade are trying to move out of the way of the charge with no penalty for turning. This is done by making a full fast move in disarray directly away from the enemy charging them. Evaders may stop short of the full amount rolled on their movement dice if they are separated from the chargers by friendly troops in good array or difficult terrain. If evading troops are caught in the back because they failed to move fast or far enough, they will break. The chargers immediately get a free hack (see p33). Artillery pieces whose gunners have evaded are captured by any enemy who come into contact with them.
Counter-charge. A contingent which counter-charges, rolls a move die in the same way as a charging contingent, it then moves forward contacting the charger half way if of the same type, or if mounted counter-charging foot. Foot counter-charging mounted move up to1 SF or half way which ever is shortest. Counter-charging mounted troops may not choose to throw the third optional move die. A counter-charge is considered as a charge when it comes to working out combat results. Stand to Receive. A contingent, which stands to receive a charge, remains in place without moving. They may however exchange ranks if the charge originated from beyond1 SF. Shooting and Charging. Missile Troops who stand to receive, who did not shoot at close range in the shooting phase, and who did not just exchange ranks in response to the charge, may shoot at enemy who are charging them. This shooting is assumed to be at close range and may not be an arrow storm. The effect of such shooting is taken into account before combat is worked out. Mle Troops in contact with each other from previous turns, except pursuers who contacted routing or retiring troops, are considered to be in mle. This is close combat with opposing troops fighting hand to hand and becoming intermingled as they push into each others ranks. This kind of hard fighting emphasises individual man to man combat rather than the clash of battle lines.
Reinforcing a Mle. In the tactical move phase, a new contingent may be brought in behind a friendly contingent in melee in order to give it greater depth and impetus. This new contingent may be from the same or a different battle. The reinforcing contingent is considered to be in combat. Charging into a Mle. If a contingent charges an opponent which is in mle with friends from the previous turn, the combined charge/mle is worked out as a single combat. Count those factors which apply to charge combat only on the contingents which charged or were contacted by the charge, count those factors which apply in mle only on the contingents which are involved in mle. At least one contingent (the one in mle which has been charged) will need to take both into account.
Combat Resolution. Opposing contingents determine the outcome of combat by comparing their relative strengths from the factors listed on the Combat Resolution Chart below: Roll 1 AvD for non-chivalrous A Grade contingents; 1 D6 for others and add the following: + Combat Factor of troops in the front rank. Use Attack Factor if charging, following up or in a reinforced melee, Defence factor if halted or falling back. +1 -1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 -1 -2 -3 -2 -1 -1 +1 +3 A or B Grade D Grade Advantage of Ground Defending Fortification (cumulative with advantage of ground) Deeper formation Pursuing, +2 if mounted pursuing Reinforced in mle this turn Heavier armour in mle only Captain fighting in front rank, +2 if he has 4 CPs or more. If outnumbered Outnumbered at least 2:1 Outnumbered 3:1+ If in column, skirmish order or disarray For each DP (max -5)* For each casualty Mounted chivalrous charge* Pikemen facing in good array*, +4 if facing mounted*
* These apply in charge combats only, not in mle. Multiple contingent Combat: When multiple contingents are involved in a combat, roll a die for each contingent, total all factors for all contingents and divide by the number of contingents - round up to the nearest whole number. All contingents that had stands involved in the combat must share the outcome. Advantage of Ground: This can be applied to contingents which have a clear advantage due to terrain. This could include being uphill of their opponent, charging downhill, or being behind some form of obstacle (including man-made) or difficult terrain. Fortifications: Count in addition to advantage of ground for troops defending significant fortifications. Deeper Formation. Count all ranks directly behind, in base to base contact, and facing the enemy in good array up to a maximum of 2 stands deep for mounted, 4 for foot. These additional ranks can come from a different contingent or battle. Skirmishers can only give depth to mounted and mounted may not give depth to foot. 31 Thursday, 26 April 2012
Numbers: All stands (including under strength) have the same numerical value when determining if troops are outnumbered. Count only stands in base to base contact plus up to one stand over-lapping on each flank. Pikemen also count ! the stands of other pikemen in a second rank as long as they are facing in good array and have not yet fallen back. Contingents which have been charged in the flank or rear do not count any overlapping stands in a charge. Combat Results. Compare the difference between the total scores of each side: 5+ Victory. 0 DPs. Non-chivalrous A and B Grade foot who did not charge or counter-charge may choose to halt. Otherwise must pursue broken opponents. +2/4 Success. Take 1 DP. Foot who stood to face a mounted charge must halt. Mounted who frontally charged foot in good array must retire. Others must normally follow-up opponents who fall-back and pursue those who retire. However, Non-chivalrous A and B Grade foot who did not charge, may halt. +1/-1 Inconclusive. Take 2 DPs if mounted who charged archers, 1 DP otherwise. Foot choose to halt or fall-back; Mounted who frontally charged foot in good array, or who fought a round of mle, must retire. Other mounted may halt, follow-up or retire. -2/-4 Set-Back. Take 2 DPs. Troops in disarray break, otherwise: Foot who were charged by mounted only, must halt. Troops in skirmish array must retire; Others must fall-back. -5/-6 Defeat. Take one casualty. Troops in skirmish array or disarray break; others fall into disarray and retire. -7 or less Rout. Take one casualty and break. Movement after Combat Combat resolutions are conducted by all the losing contingents moving first, then the player of the winning contingents deciding which option(s) they wish to take after the losers have moved. In an inconclusive result, the player with initiative decides his options last. The possible results are on the next page.
Halt. Remain in place. A contingent of mixed troop types more than one rank deep may exchange ranks. They may move normally the following turn. Fall-back. Move back one base depth (ie 40mm for 25mm scale) facing the enemy. Contingents unable to fall-back, due to impassable terrain or troops, remain in place and receive 1 DP. All supporting troops in rear ranks fall back as well. However, in the case of mixed troop types (a Swiss halberd and pike contingent, for example) the front rank troops can fall back through the rear ranks so that they exchange ranks. This is done without penalty. Follow-up. Move forward to remain in combat with an opponent who fell back. A contingent of mixed troop types more than one rank deep may exchange ranks without penalty as they follow up Retire. All contingents involved (including those making up rear ranks) move back a full fast move in disarray. Next turn may either continue to retire or halt to reform. Retiring contingents may stop short of the full amount rolled on their movement dice if they are separated from the chargers by formed friendly troops or difficult terrain. Contingents unable to retire, due to impassable terrain or troops, remain in place and receive 1 DP. Retiring contingents break if caught by pursuers and the pursuers get a free hack (see below). Break. Break into Rout. Make a full fast move, in disarray, until either destroyed or off table. Contingents unable to make a rout move due to impassable terrain or troops, remain in place and receive 1 casualty. A routing contingent takes one casualty for each turn of rout after the first. Pursue. Move a full fast move, in disarray, in an attempt to remain in contact with opponent who broke or retired. Pursuers encountering new enemy automatically come into combat with them. This is worked out immediately as a new charge. Artillery and Wagons. Guns, wagons and pack animals on their own are automatically captured by any enemy who come into contact with them, it being assumed that the crews have fled for safety. If fighting in a Battle they will be captured if all the other contingents of the Battle fall back, retire or a routed. Captured wagons may be used by the enemy if they remove one stand from the capturing contingent to crew them. Breaking off from Combat. When combat results allow it, contingents may choose to fall back or retire even if they win; this allows them to break contact with their opponent. Contingents that must halt or follow-up are not allowed to do this. Free Hack. Routing stands do not fight back. Pursuers who catch routers may immediately take a free hack, rolling one die for every stand in the pursuing body and removing a casualty for each die roll of 4 or more (no modifiers). This will continue each turn they remain in contact. This is the same for evading or retiring contingents who are caught in the back by chargers or pursuers !
8. Denitions
The following are key terms the meanings of which should be understood in the same way by all players. More information can be found in the indicated paragraphs Advantage of Ground. Troops who are uphill, charged downhill, defending a terrain feature or in some similar situation where the terrain gives them an advantage in combat over their opponents. Array. A contingents formation. AvD. Average Die marked 2,3,3,4,4,5. A normal 6 sided die could be used, counting a 6 as a 4 and a 1 as a 3. Base to base contact. Contingents are in base to base contact if their bases are actually touching except that bases may be separated by up to 1cm for aesthetic purposes. Battle. A subdivision of the army containing a number of contingents which operate together under the leadership of the same captain. An normal medieval army may have up to 4 battles: vanward, mainward, rearward and reserve. Break. The total collapse of all internal contingent cohesion which causing troops to break and rout (run away in panic). Embattled. A formation of several contingents of the same battle which are lined up side by side in base to base contact with each other. Casualty. The permanent removal of a stand representing very significant losses due to death and desertion. Captain. Very senior leader who commands a battle Charge. A deliberate attempt to close to combat with the enemy. Combat resulting from a charge counts different factors from mle as it takes into account the psychological factors involved in two bodies of troops closing with each other rather than man to man fighting. Column. A formation one stand wide in which a contingent is formed one stand behind the other. Combat Factors. Numerical values (0-5) which reflect the relative effectiveness of certain troop types in combat. Contingent. An organised grouping of several stands which must operate together for the entire game. It is the smallest group capable of moving and acting independently under the rules. D6. A normal six-sided die. Disarray. A contingent which has lost its internal cohesion due to casualties, stress, fatigue or uncontrolled movement. Disorder Points (DPs). A means of measuring the cumulative effect of casualties, stress, fatigue and disorder on a contingent. 34 Thursday, 26 April 2012
Enfilade. Artillery fire onto the flank of an enemy. Evade. An attempt to avoid being contacted by an enemy charge. It is an unformed fast move and it causes 1DP. Exposed Flank is the flank of an enemy contingent which, if charged, would cause that contingent to count as having been charged in the flank, thereby receiving 2 DPs. Contingents in skirmish array or square have no flanks or rear. Free Hack. This is what pursuers or charges do to routing, retiring or evading contingents they catch up with. A casualty is removed for a 4-6 rolled on a D6 by each stand in contact. Fighting Troops: Men who fight in close formation with hand to hand weapons only. This includes men at arms, heavy infantry and pikemen. Fast Move. Evade, retire, rout, and pursuit moves. They are made in disarray, at the run or gallop where speed rather than contingent cohesion is most important. Flank. The side of a contingent in line or column. To count as having been charged in the flank the enemy charge must have originated from behind the flank and some of the stands of the charging contingent must have started their charge move from behind the flank. An Hills. Ground that is high enough to be noticeable. They will give a contingent advantage of ground if it is defending the high ground or charging downhill. Missile troops on a hill can shoot overhead of intervening troops. Some hills can have steep slopes. Steep hill slopes count as difficult terrain for movement, gentle hill slopes do not. Good Array. A contingent which is not in disarray. Hit. A term used to describe a successful result in shooting. Impassable Terrain. Very difficult terrain such as wide rivers, cliffs, lakes etc which are impassable. Leader. A generic term for officers at any level of command including the marshal of the host and all captains. Linear Obstacle. Rivers, ditches, palisades, walls and other linear terrain features which impose a movement penalty on troops crossing them. Line. An array in which a contingent if formed up in a line and at least as wide as it is deep. This is the main combat formation designed to maximise the number of troops able to shoot and fight. March Move. A move by troops beyond 6 SF of enemy. No dice are required. The move must end at 6 SF of any enemy. Mle. Close hand to hand combat between troops who are in contact from the previous turn. Mounted Troops. Troops on horse. Potentially Treacherous. A captain whose loyalty is dubious. This should be determined by the game scenario and would include men such as the Stanleys at Bosworth or Lord Wenlock at Tewksbury.
Pursue. An attempt to catch opponents who have broken or retired. Rally. The act of reforming a contingent which has been shaken. It involves remaining stationary an entire turn (all movement phases) beyond 6 SF of enemy. Repeat last move. A control test result which obliges a contingent to make more or less the same move as the previous turn. If it was halted it must stay halted, if moving forwards then it must move forward again. However the player may choose how many move dice to roll and there is no obligation to charge. Retinue. The command stand of a captain Retire. A fast unformed move away from opponents but without panic. Rough Terrain. Any terrain, other which has an impact on the movement of troops. This includes: woods, villages or settlements, marshes or boggy ground, heavy scrub, rocky or soft ground, steep hill slopes, bogs or marshes, and anything else that might hinder movement. Rout. A panic move to get away from enemy made by broken contingents. Stand. A standard sized base mounting a number of figures which forms the basic playing piece of the game. Stand Frontage (SF). The width of the stand which forms the basis for all measurements in the game. Wing. An independent contingent of mounted men posted on the flank