Kartografska Zbirka Bosnjackog Instituta
Kartografska Zbirka Bosnjackog Instituta
Kartografska Zbirka Bosnjackog Instituta
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The feat was repeated at the end of the 20th century by Adil-beg Zulfikarpai, a journalist, politician and cultural patron, who lived in Switzerland after World War II. In 1988, he established the Bosnian Institute in Zurich, wishing to move it to Bosnia and Herzegovina some day. The institute served to gather books, journals, geographic maps, documents, photographs and pictures of Bosnian authors, as well as all material concerning Bosnia and Herzegovina produced outside its premises. With the realisation of accommodation space of the Bosnian Institute in Sarajevo, the main resources (library, archive, collections, etc.) were transported from Zurich to Sarajevo at the begin-
facilities, and rearranged Gazi Husrevbegs hamam and an administrative building. Architects Hasan emalovi and Ahmed Kapidi are responsible for architectural solution of the Bosnian Institute, library building and successful restoration of Gazi Husrev-begovs hamam, which is today a junction of modern and oriental architecture. They were awarded the Sixth of April Award of the city of Sarajevo for that object in 2001, in the category of group awards. It was the agency of the Hamam building which realised the historical contact of two vakufs, Gazi Husrev-begs, which originated when Islamic culture, education and science experienced their peak in Bosnia and Herze-
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se sastoji od biblioteke, arhiva dokumenata, grafikog centra, kartografske zbirke, zbirke umjetnina, knjigovenice i ureda za izdavatvo. U prostoru Hamama odravaju se promocije knjiga, izlobe, koncerti i druge kulturne manifestacije. Karte su, uz knjige i rukopise, vrijedni dokumenti kulturne batine. U njima esto nalazimo mnogo vie podataka nego u knjigama. Neke od njih imaju osim povijesne i umjetniku vrijednost, jer su prava remek djela kartografije svoga vremena. Upravo zbog toga, njihovom skupljanju, zatiti i promoviranju treba posvetiti posebnu pozornost.
konstantno se radi na prikupljanju starih karta ili pribavljanju njihovih kopija iz biblioteka ili arhiva s prostora bive Jugoslavije i ire. Karte u kartografskoj zbirci Bonjakog instituta kataloki se obrauju (po anglo-amerikim pravilima), te ih moemo nai u online katalogu biblioteke. Inae, karte se mogu koristiti i u itaonici Bonjakog instituta. Ovom prilikom emo prikazati samo neke stare karte na kojima je prikazana Bosna i Hercegovina. Do 17. st. Bosna i Hercegovina nije prikazivana kao samostalna drava, ve u okviru veih teritorija
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before Mercator and even his contemporaries. Taking into consideration the method it was produced (by compiling earlier maps), the map has lots of errors. These can be seen in representation of rivers, and especially relief. Ill Regno della Bosnia diuso nelle sue Prouincie principali, 1: 800000, published in Venice in 1689 by famous Italian cartographer Giacomo Cantelli da Vignola. This was the first regional map of Bosnia and Herzegovina. It represents Bosnia and the northern part of Herzegovina as a special entity. It is considered a top-level accomplishment of Italian cartographers in depicting this province in the 17th century. It was especially successful in good expression and combination of physical-geographic and political elements. The river network on it is wide, but the flows of some rivers are depicted incorrectly. The relief was also represented interestingly, and several names of mountains are stated.
On this opportunity, we are going to present only some of the old maps depicting Bosnia and Herzegovina. Until the 17th century, Bosnia and Herzegovina had not been represented on maps as an autonomous country, but within the frame of larger territories (the Balkan peninsula, Austria-Hungary, European Turkey, etc.). The maps were produced by cartographers from various countries, those governing Bosnia and Herzegovina, as well as those having pretensions for it. At first it was the Venetian Republic, so the oldest maps were made by Italian cartographers. After that, the Austrian interests in Bosnia and Herzegovina rose, so their cartographers secretly came to Bosnia and surveyed the terrain, and then drew maps. The first survey of Bosnia was con-
ducted during the time of Topal Osman erif pasha (1862-1868). After Bosnia and Herzegovina was occupied, Austrian geometers executed a supplemental cadastral survey (1882-1884), which resulted in better and more precise maps, so some of them became models for drawing future maps.
Le Royaume de Hongrie et les Estats qui en on este sujets ; et quisont presetement la partie Septentrionale de la Empire des Turqs en Europe, by French cartographer Guillaume Sanson, published in Paris around 1692. It was produced at the scale of 1:3000000; 9565 cm. It is somewhat modified and improved representation of Sansons map of Ottoman holdings in Europe in 1654. Due to the maps small area and the large territory it encompasses, its scale is very small, so Bosnia and Herzegovina is represented on a very small area, and the content is very generalised. There are only several settlements, several main rivers, and there are almost no mountain representations. This map belongs to the period of stagnation of representing Bosnia and Herzegovina on geographic maps. Tabula geographica exhibens Regnum Sclavonie cum Syrmii Ducatu, produced and published by heirs of the German cartographer Homann in Nrnberg in 1745, produced at the scale of 1:600000 in cylindrical projection. It only represents the northern part of Bosnia (Pars Regni Bosnie). It was produced on the basis of the 1717-1718 survey, but even so had numerous errors. We can see that on it Seragli (Sarajevo) is situated in the middle flow of the Bosnia River, north from Psenitza (Zenica), etc. It is obvious the cartographers had never seen Bosnia, but drew the map according to old maps that were incorrect. Karte von Bosnien, der Herzegovina und des Paschaliks von Novi Bazar by Johann Roskiewicz, published in Vienna in 1865 at the Military-Geographic Institute, produced on four sheets at the
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(Balkanskog poluotoka, Austro-Ugarske, Europske Turske i dr.). Radili su ih kartografi raznih zemalja, kako onih pod ijom je vlau bila, tako i onih koji su prema njoj imali pretenzije. U prvo vrijeme bila je to Mletaka Republika, pa su najstarije karte radili talijanski kartografi. Kasnije je porastao interes Austrije, pa su njezini kartografi tajno dolazili u Bosnu i snimali terene, a zatim crtali karte. Za vrijeme Topal Osman erif pae (1862-1868) izvedena je prva izmjera Bosne. Nakon okupacije Bosne i Hercegovine austrijski geometri obavili su naknadnu katastarsku izmjeru (1882-1884), to je rezultiralo boljim i preciznijim kartama, pa su neke od njih bile uzor za crtanje karata u kasnijem razdoblju.
planina gotovo nema. Ta karta pripada razdoblju stagnacije prikazivanja Bosne i Hercegovine na geografskim kartama. Tabula geographica exhibens Regnum Sclavonie cum Syrmii Ducatu, koju su izradili i izdali nasljednici njemakog kartografa Homanna u Nrnbergu 1745. godine, izraena je u mjerilu 1:600000 u cilindrinoj projekciji. Na njoj je prikazan samo sjeverni dio Bosne (Pars Regni Bosnie). Nastala je na osnovi izmjere 1717-1718, ali i pored toga ima veliki broj pogreaka. Primjeujemo da je na njoj Seragli (Sarajevo) smjeteno u srednjem toku rijeke Bosne, sjeverno od Psenitze (Zenice) itd. Oito je da ti kartografi nisu ni vidjeli Bosnu, ve su
kartu nacrtali na temelju starih karata koje su bile netone. Karte von Bosnien, der Herzegovina und des Paschaliks von Novi Bazar Johanna Roskiewicza, izdana u Beu 1865. godine u Vojno-geografskom institutu, izraena je na 4 lista u mjerilu 1:400000. Nastala je na osnovi ranijih podataka austrijskih kartografa, a osim toga vlastite izmjere koju je autor poduzeo uz dozvolu lokalnih vlasti 1863-1864. godine, te skica izraenih na terenu. Rezultat takve koncepcije rada bila je izuzetno kvalitetno izraena karta Bosne i Hercegovine u srednjem mjerilu, a nastala u predgeodetskom razdoblju. To je prva karta na kojoj je cijela Bosna i
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The thematic map Geologische bersichtskarte von BosnienHercegovina is from the same period, by an Austrian geologist Fridrich Katzer (who lived and worked in Bosnia and Herzegovina), at the scale of 1:200000, and published by the Land Government for Bosnia and Herzegovina in Sarajevo in 1906. The mentioned author is also the author of the first Geology of Bosnia and Herzegovina. The map Bosna i Hercegovina, at the scale of 1:1000000, was produced by Alois Studnika, and published by J. Studnika et al. in Sarajevo, around 1910. It represents all larger settlements and routes of that period, therefore it is similar to the maps produced at the end of the 19th century. The Cartographic Collection of the Bosnian Institute in Sarajevo also contains numerous plans of Sarajevo and other cities of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Among them is the oldest Plan von Sarajevo: Reduction der Catastral-Aufnahme aus dem Jahre 1882. Massstab 1:3125. / Unterdirector Anton Kneevi, Geometer Josef Matasi. Wien : MGI, 1882. The plan has 16 parts. The first has basic data about the plan, the second Zeichenerklrung (explanation of symbols), a list of mahala (parts of the city) and streets in arija (business part of the city). The last part contains the arija itself. The production of the plan was preceded by preparations for the census in Bosnia and Herzegovina (June 16, 1879), so a list of streets was made with house numeration (around 5000), shops, etc. The plan of Sarajevo was published in 1882, and also served for the production of the land registry. 21377 people lived in Sarajevo at the time. After the fire in 1879, the bed of the Miljacka River was regulated, the centre arranged, and an iron bridge on Skenderija and other new bridges were built instead of wooden bridges. Among other objects, the city gained a new slaughterhouse (1881). Since Ottoman buildings for army accommodation were inadequate, a camp was built on the area of (east from the railway station) which was called the Filipovis Camp to 1918. In 1880, an officer casino (Army Home) and a series of cultural and other institutions that can be noticed on the plan were built. In order to facilitate access and protect the valuable material kept at the Cartographic Collection of the Bosnian Institute in Sarajevo, it is necessary to digitise the oldest maps as soon as possible and put them on the Internet. That would be a creative solution to make the Collection available to a wider range of users. Sadida ahmanovi
scale of 1:400000. It was produced on the basis of earlier data of Austrian cartographers, and also his own survey conducted with permission of local authorities between 1863 and 1864, and field sketches. The result of such a conception was a map of Bosnia and Herzegovina in the medium scale of extremely high quality made during the pregeodetic period. It was the first map to depict the whole Bosnia and Herzegovina. The only disadvantage of the map was poor relief representation. It was probably produced for military purposes because it represents settlements and trails the best. That is why it served Austrian officers during the occupation of Bosnia and Herzegovina as one of the most important operation maps. The map Bosnien, die Herzegovina und Rascien, by J. Roskiewicz, at the scale of 1:1152000, was produced by reducing Roskiewiczs map from 1865. The map was supplemented to his work Studien ber Bosnien und Herzegovina, published in Leipzig and Vienna in 1868. It was much worse in comparison with the authors previous map. The Map Collection of the Bosnian Institute in Sarajevo has several mounted sheets of Specialkarte von Bosnien und Hercegovina , at the scale of 1:75000, published in Vienna in 1889. The map was produced on the basis of a cadastral survey (1861-1869) and addi-
tional surveys between 1880 and 1885, and then to 1889. The map was actually a southeastern extension of the map of Austria-Hungary Monarchy at the scale of 1:75000, produced during the period between 1869 and 1887. Bosnia and Herzegovina is represented on 66 sheets, grouped into zone and columns. Contour lines in combination with hachures were used to represent relief. Used topographic symbols, names and drawn general situation were done so well that the map is still being used for regional-geographic studies. bersichtskarte von Bosnien und der Hercegovina , at the scale of 1:900000, published in Vienna in 1895, is a statistical map produced after the census from the same year. It represents settlements according to the number of inhabitants. It was noticed that the settlements differ in the function they had during that period, which is the maps special value. It was produced according to a similar map from 1885, and was supplemented to the work Hauptresultate der Volhszhlung in Bosnien und der Hercegovina vom 22. April 1895. G. Freytags Reisekarte von Dalmatien, Bosnien und der Hercegovina, at the scale of 1:900000, published around 1900 by the famous Austrian publisher G. Freytag in Vienna. It depicts all the most important routes of that time, so it is very important.
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Hercegovina posebno prikazana. Jedini nedostatak te karte je slab prikaz reljefa. Na njoj su najbolje prikazana naselja i putevi, jer je vjerojatno izraena u vojne svrhe. Zbog toga je posluila austrijskim oficirima prilikom okupacije Bosne i Hercegovine, kao jedna od najvanijih operacionih karata. Karta Bosnien, die Herzegovina und Rascien, J. Roskiewicza, u mjerilu 1:1152000, nastala je smanjivanjem Roskiewiczeve karte iz 1865. godine. Karta je priloena uz njegovo djelo Studien ber Bosnien und Herzegovina, izdano u Leipzigu i Beu 1868. Ona je u odnosu na autorovu prethodnu kartu mnogo slabija. U Zbirci karata Bonjakog instituta u Sarajevu nalazi se nekoliko kairanih listova Specialkarte von Bosnien und Hercegovina, u mjerilu 1:75000, izdane u Beu 1889. godine. Ta je karta izraena na temelju katastarske izmjere (18611869) i dopunskih mjerenja 1880-1885, i zatim do 1889. godine. Karta je zapravo jugoistono proirenje karte AustroUgarske Monarhije u mjerilu 1:75000, izraene u razdoblju 1869-1887. godine. Bosna i Hercegovina prikazana je na 66 listova, svrstanih u zone i kolone. Za prikaz reljefa upotrijebljene su izohipse u kombinaciji sa rafama. Upotrijebljeni topografski znakovi, nazivi i ucrtana opa situacija izvedeni su tako dobro, da ta karta i danas slui za regionalno-geografska prouavanja. bersichtskarte von Bosnien und der Hercegovina , mjerila 1:900000, izdana u Beu 1895. godine, statistika je karta, nastala nakon popisa stanovnitva obavljenog iste godine. Na njoj su prikazana mjesta prema broju stanovnika. Primjeuje se, da se mjesta razlikuju po funkciji koju su imala u to doba, to je posebna vrijednost te karte. Karta je izraena prema slinoj karti iz 1885., a bila je priloena uz djelo Hauptresultate der Volhszhlung in Bosnien und der Hercegovina vom 22. April 1895. G. Freytags Reisekarte von Dalmatien, Bosnien und der Hercegovina, u mjerilu 1:900000, izdana oko 1900. godine kod poznatog austrijskog izdavaa G. Freytaga u Beu. Na njoj su prikazane sve najvanije prometnice toga vremena, pa je stoga veoma vana. Iz istog razdoblja je i tematska karta Geologische bersichtskarte von BosnienHercegovina, austrijskog geologa Fridricha Katzera (koji je ivio i radio u Bosni i Hercegovini), u mjerilu 1:200000, a izdala ju je Zemaljska vlada za BiH u Sarajevu 1906. godine. Spomenuti autor
je takoer autor prve Geologije Bosne i Hercegovine. Kartu Bosna i Hercegovina , 1:1000000, izradio je Alois Studnika, a izdali J. Studnika i dr. u Sarajevu, oko 1910. Na njoj su prikazana sva vea mjesta i prometnice toga doba, pa je radi toga slina kartama nastalim krajem 19. stoljea. U Kartografskoj zbirci Bonjakog instituta u Sarajevu nalazi se i veliki broj planova grada Sarajeva, te ostalih gradova Bosne i Hercegovine. Meu njima je najstariji Plan von Sarajevo: Reduction der Catastral-Aufnahme aus dem Jahre 1882. Massstab 1:3125. / Unterdirector Anton Kneevi, Geometer Josef Matasi. Wien : MGI, 1882. Plan ima 16 dijelova. Na prvom su osnovni podaci o planu, na drugom Zeichenerklrung (objanjenje znakova), popis mahala (dijelova grada) i ulica u ariji (poslovni dio grada). Na posljednjem dijelu je sama arija. Izradi toga plana prethodile su pripreme za popis stanovnitva u Bosni i Hercegovini (16. 6. 1879.), pa je izraen popis ulica s numeracijom kua (oko 5000), duana i dr. Plan Sarajeva izdan je 1882. godine, a posluio je i za izradu gruntovnice. U Sarajevu je tada ivjelo 21377 stanovnika. Nakon poara 1879. godine regulirano je korito Miljacke, ureeno sredite, a umjesto drvenih uprija (mostova) sagraeni su eljezni most na Skenderiji i drugi novi mostovi. Izmeu ostalih objekata grad je 1881. godine dobio i novu klaonicu. Budui da su osmanske zgrade za smjetaj vojske
bile neprikladne pristupilo se izgradnji logora na prostoru od 30ha (istono od kolodvora) koji se do1918. godine zvao Filipoviev logor. Godine 1880. izgraen je oficirski kasino (Dom Armije) i niz kulturnih i drugih ustanova koje se mogu uoiti na ovome planu. Radi lakeg pristupa i zatite vrijedne grae koja se uva u Kartografsoj zbirci Bonjakog instituta u Sarajevu bilo bi nuno to prije digitalizirati najstarije karte i postaviti ih na internet. Tako bi se na kreativan nain ta zbirka mogla pribliiti irem krugu korisnika.
References / Literatura
Gaparovi, Ratimir. Bosna i Hercegovina na geografskim kartama od prvih poetaka do kraja XIX vijeka. Sarajevo : Akademija nauka i umjetnosti, 1970. Markovi, Mirko. Descriptio Bosnae & Hercegovine : Bosna i Hercegovina na starim zemljovidima. Zagreb : AGM, 1998. ehi, Zijad; Tepi, Ibrahim. Povijesni atlas Bosne i Hercegovine : Bosna i Hercegovina na historijskim kartama. Sarajevo : Sejtarija, 2002. Sadida ahmanovi