KH Sept 11

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Peek at the Week

September 2009

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

14 15 16 17 18
Day 2 – Music Day 3 – PE Day 1 – Media Day 2 – Music Day 3 - PE

Start Spelling Patrol Training Spelling Test

Start IB Planner Friday Fun 
How the World


 9/23 – 5th Grade Curriculum Night We had a wonderful time at Camp St. Croix
6:00 – 7:00pm on Thursday. Students got to know each
All students who signed up for Patrol
other better as they participated in fun team-
will be trained in by the County Sheriff  10/14 – No School (Staff Development) building games and activities. Students did a
on Tuesday, September 15 at 10:15am.  10/15 – No School (MEA) great job on the climbing wall, not only
Patrols will be divided into teams and  10/16 – No School (MEA) reaching their own goals but cheering on
the schedules will be posted at school their classmates as well. We look forward to
and on the class website. going back to camp in November. Forms and
information will be coming towards the end of
Parent/Guardians: Please read over the September.
Tracker/Agenda’s each day. Sign at the
bottom of the Tracker/Agenda your name
or initials.
CLASS NEWS Sept. 14-18
We continue to spend a lot of time developing
a Responsive classroom. The seven principles of a We have set up a website for all the 5th grade classes this
responsive classroom are; year. Please check it out!
The social curriculum is as important as the academic
How children learn is as important as what they learn.
The greatest cognitive growth occurs through social
There is a specific set of social skills that children need
in order to be successful academically and socially.
Knowing the children we teach individually, culturally, DAILY SCHEDULE
and developmentally is as important as knowing the 9:15-9:25 Morning Work
content we teach. 9:25-10:10 Specialist
Knowing the parents of the children we teach is 10:10-10:25 Morning Meeting
important to knowing the children. 10:25-12:10 Unit of Inquiry
How the adults at school work together to accomplish Communications
their mission is as important as individual competence. Science/Social Studies
We also had our first field trip this week. We Spelling
had a lot of fun at Camp St. Croix and are looking 11:25-12:10 Spanish (every Day 2)
forward to our overnight trip there in November. 12:10-12:45 Lunch/Recess
Pictures will be posted soon on the class website. 12:45-1:00 Read Aloud
We will begin our first IB planner How the 1:00-2:00 Math
World Works, “ The Human Machine”. This unit of 2:00-2:45 Unit of Inquiry
study helps us understand how human organisms have 2:45-3:10 Buddies/Study time/TFK
systems that perform functions. The key questions are; 3:10-3:25 DEAR/Snack
What is a cell? How do systems work? How do parts of 3:40 Dismissal
the body work together? How do germs affect the body?
What does the body do to protect itself against disease?
How do vaccinations help to protect us against disease?
Spelling will begin next week. Look for CONTACT INFORMATION:
spelling words to be recorded in our Tracker/Agenda’s. Sandy Kriz-Herbert
Homework pages will be completed in class next week. Room 113
We are learning how to complete them. The next set of
homework pages will be sent home for students to
(651) 407-7600 x1608
complete. Follow the directions as noted on the front of [email protected]
the homework pages.
Our first experience with Math Expressions, PLAN AHEAD
the name of our Houghton Mifflin Math books will be to 5th Grade Curriculum Night is scheduled for Wednesday, WANT TO VOLUNTEER??
study multiplication and division situations, patterns and September 23 from 6:00-7:00pm. We are looking forward to Please keep your eye out for a volunteer
strategies. Look for our first Family Letter next week seeing you there and discussing important information about sign-up form that went home today if you are
introducing this new series in math. the 5th grade curriculum and activities planned for this year.
interested in volunteering this year. Your
help is always appreciated!

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