Microprocessor 8086 Configuration

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8086 microprocessor- 16 bit, logic unit, internal register. Define multiprocessor. Mu !iprocessor- multiplexed address, memory location, data transfer. Mention the need for multiprocessor system. Mu !iprocessor s"s!em- cost ratio, modules, cheaper. List the advantages of multiprocessor system. Mu !iprocessor #$%#&!#'es- complex processor, less time, interprocessor. rite the demerits of multiprocessor system. Mu !iprocessor $emeri!s- interrupt net!or", operating system, high delay. hat are the applications of multiprocessor system# Mu !iprocessor #pp ic#!io&s- loosely coupled, closely coupled, inter processor. hat are the three basic configurations that the 8086 can support 8086 co&(i'ur#!io&- interconnection, cross bar, common buses. Define coprocessor. No%-0) Coprocessor- more components, instructions, execution. hat is mean by coprocessor configuration# Coprocessor co&(i'ur#!io&- memory module, local memory, processor. Define master slave processor. M#s!er s #%e processor- interrupt, coupled system, private cache. Dra! the structure for interaction bet!een 8086 and coprocessor. 8086 #&$ coprocessor- fetch message, cloc" generator, system bus. Mention the functions of coprocessor. Coprocessor (u&c!io&s- instruction se$uence, %&' decode, (%&( pin. List the advantages of coprocessor. Coprocessor #$%#&!#'es- faulty processor, multiprocessor, modular processing. rite the disadvantages of coprocessor. Coprocessor $is#$%#&!#'es- memory less, time delay, cloc" generator. Define 808) microprocessor. 808) microprocessor- parallel tas", bus control, system bus. hat is mean by %&' assembler language# ESC #ssem* er #&'u#'e- '*+, ,-( instruction, (%&( pin. Mention the operands of %&' assembler language. ESC #ssem* er oper#&$s- setup, independent processor, interrupt re$uest. rite about 808) register. 808) re'is!er- local register, system bus, control logic. hen coprocessor instruction can be executed# Coprocessor i&s!ruc!io&- bus allocation, all masters, controller. rite short notes on external opcode. E+!er&# opco$e- bus grant, bus re$uest, bus busy. rite about interaction bet!een 8086 and 808). 8086 #&$ 808)- -./ devices, local bus, system memory. Mention the applications of 808) microprocessor. 808) #pp ic#!io&s- data buffer, co processor, load constant. List the operations of 808) $ueue status signals. 808) oper#!io&s- arithmetic module, micro code, data buffer. Mention the uses of ,-( instructions. ,AIT i&s!ruc!io& uses- source operand, destination operand, string operand. Mention the uses of 808) register. 8087 register uses- trap flag, interrupt flag, pipelining.

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