Real Life Case Study Project - Capital One Bank

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The key takeaways are that technology has led to a paradigm shift in how banks function and provide services, with most transactions now able to be done remotely without visiting a branch in person. It has increased efficiency and competitiveness in the banking industry.

Technology has transformed banking transactions such that most can now be done remotely without visiting a branch through the use of ATMs, online bill payments, and mobile banking. This has improved operational efficiency for banks and obviated the need for customers to visit branches in person.

Capital One Bank specializes in services like home loans, credit cards, banking, savings and auto loans. It also offers fast auto loan transactions online and the ability to refinance existing auto loans.


Real Life Case Study Proje t: Ca!ital One Ban" Na#e Institution $ate

CAPITAL ONE BANK Capital One Bank Introduction

Te &nology &as led to a o#!lete s&ift of !aradig# in t&e fun tioning of t&e 'an"s as (ell as deli)ery of t&e 'an"ing ser)i es* Traditionally+ all t&e 'an"ing transa tions re,uired !&ysi al )isit to t&e 'an"* Presently+ #ost of t&e 'an"ing transa tions an 'e done fro# any !la e (it&out ne essary &a)ing to )isit t&e 'an"* Te &nology &as eased to 'e an ena'ler 'ut a dri)er* -ro(t& of o##uni ation te &nology+ #o'iles and t&e internet &as in reased t&e di#ension of t&e 'an"ing industry* T&e a)aila'le infor#ation te &nology is 'eing le)eraged 'ased on usto#er a ,uisitions to dri)e !ro ess effi ien y and auto#ation in deli)ery of ser)i es to t&e usto#ers* .any of t&e IT initiati)es in #ost 'an"s started in early /001s (it& e#!&asis on ado!tion of t&e ore 'an"ing solutions+ 'ran & auto#ation and entrali2ation of t&e o!erations* .ost 'an"s &a)e transfor#ed to te &nology3dri)en !ro esses t&at &a)e seen t&e #o)e#ent fro# #anual to auto#ated syste#s* T&e use of AT.s+ online 'ill !ay#ents and #o'ile 'an"ing &as o')iated t&e need for t&e )isiting of t&e 'ran &es 'y t&e usto#ers* Su & &anges &a)e 'een !rodu ti)e ena'ling 'an"s i#!ro)e t&eir o!erational effi ien y and in rease t&e o#!etiti)eness* Ban"ing industry is #o)ing to(ards 'usiness intelligen e and de ision #a"ing so as to o!ti#i2e t&e IT infrastru ture* As a result+ t&is !a!er !resents a real life ase study !roje t on Infor#ation Te &nology in Ca!ital One Ban" 4Cull 5 6onat&an+ %1/78*

Section 1.0: Organizational Profile of Capital one Bank T&e Ca!ital One Ban" is 'ased in 9*S and it s!e iali2es in &o#e loans+ redit ards+ 'an"ing and sa)ings and auto loans* T&e 'an" is a #e#'er of t&e :ortune ;11+ and it &el!ed in !ioneering #ass #ar"eting of t&e redit ards in early /001s* It is t&e si<t&3largest de!osit

CAPITAL ONE BANK grou! in 9nited States* Its

7 or!orate offi es are in =irginia+ Tyson>s Corner and

unin or!orated :airfa< County* T &e 'an" (as founded in /0?? 'y Nigel .orris and Ri &ard :air'an" as a s!in3off for t&e Ri &#ond Ban" (&i & is 'ased in =irginia* T&e 'an" (as t&e first to 'e fined 'y Consu#er :inan ial Prote tion Bureau 'e ause of defrauding t&e usto#ers* T&e 'an" entered t&e retail 'an"ing after a ,uiring Ne( Orleans 'an" in %11;* T&e 'an" jettisoned its !latfor# for t&e #ortgage during t&e su'!ri#e finan ial risis in %11@* T&is resulted in in)estor !ressures* By No)e#'er+ %11?+ t&e 'an" (as 'enefiting fro# 'ail3out fro# E#ergen y E ono#i Sta'ili2ation A t of 9SA7*;B 'illion* T&e 'an" o#!leted its

re!ur &ases in s&ares+ in %110 4I##aneni 5 Ron+ %11@8* T&e offi e of Co#!troller of urren y fined t&e Ca!ital One Ban" for #isleading usto#ers* T&e usto#ers (ere for ed to !ay e<tra for redit #onitoring or !ay#ent

!rote tion after ta"ing t&e ard* As a result+ t&e o#!any !aid A%/1 #illion for t&e !ay#ent of legal a tion ta"en to refund t&eir usto#ers* T&e 'an" is a !arent o#!any of t&e Ca!ital One Auto :inan e in Plano+ Te<as* T&e 'an" 'e a#e t&e largest auto lender after 'uying Peo!le:irst* T&e o#!any &ad !re)iously dealt (it& auto loans t&roug& t&e auto dealers&i!s and dire t #ail for t&e refinan ing of e<isting auto loans (&ere t&e s&o!!ers (ere a'le to a!!ly for loans online* T&is ensures fast transa tions and i##ediate feed'a " fro# t&e 'an"* To t&e dealers&i!+ t&e 'uyer a!!ears as t&oug& &e is !aying as&+ and t&e &e "s are used in !ur &asing used or ne( )e&i les+ as (ell as refinan ing t&e e<isting auto loans*

Services Offered T&e 'an" 'egan as a onsu#er lending+ &en e its !rofita'ility (as un!redi ta'le* $es!ite of #ost #ono lines going out of 'usiness or 'eing a ,uired &ea!ly during t&e &ard


ti#es+ a!ital one sur)i)ed t&roug& it all* Instead+ t&e 'an" e<!erien ed tre#endous gro(t& due to t&e effe ti)eness of its infor#ation3'ased strategy* T&is !ioneered t&e use of data fro# usto#ers in tailoring t&e !rodu ts to t&e su'!ri#e onsu#ers* T&e o#!any !ossessed one of t&e largest data'ases for t&e onsu#er data* T&e 'an" uses ArdentDs $ataStage E<tra tion and Transfor#ation Tool 4ETT8 in 'uilding t&e data (are&ouses for all its o!erational de!art#ents* Su & a data (are&ousing initiati)e for#s a ore o#!onent in i#!ro)ing t&e #anage#ent of #eta3data+ as (ell as deli)ery of riti al de ision infor#ation su!!ort* T&is strategy is le)eraged t&roug& ell !&ones 4$a#ar 5 Lynn+ %1/18* T&e 'an" s!onsors s!orts tea#s li"e t&e annual ollege 'all in :lorida and :oot'all League C&a#!ions&i!s in Notting&a# :orest* T&e o#!any s!onsored urling e)ents

'et(een %11? and %110 a ross Canada+ and ea & year+ t&e o#!any s!onsors #as ot &allenge* T&e 'an" is a#ong t&e to! ten finan ial ser)i es !ro)iders+ &en e t&e sta'ility and strengt& of #eeting t&e needs of t&e usto#ers* T&e o#!any is o##itted to (it& a dedi ated tea# of s!e ialists (&o en&an e t&e design of 'an"ing solutions t&at #eet t&e s!e ifi needs of t&e o#!any* T&e o#!any &as a o#!re&ensi)e suite of lending+ s!e ialty finan e+ treasury #anage#ent solutions and in)est#ent* T&e 'an" ensures t&at its usto#ers are a'le to e<!and t&eir 'usiness as (ell as !rote t t&e#* T&is #ay &el! t&e# a &ie)e t&e strategi o'je ti)es of t&e 'usiness* E)idently+ t&e #anage#ent in a!ital one 'elie)e t&at t&e 'an" s&ould 'roaden t&e a!!eal for its 'rand t&roug& so ial #edia and (e'site* T&is (ill &el! t&e# (in t&e young onsu#ers* T&e a ,uisition of t&e IN- dire t &as ena'led t&e o#!any i#!ro)e its

transa tions in order to deli)er attra ti)e deal of e ono#i s as (ell as o#!el a long3ter# strategi )alue* T&e o#'ination of IN- and Ca!ital One reates a )alua'le and uni,ue 'an"ing fran &ise to in lude t&e ad)antaged assets+ as (ell as t&e greater lo al 'an"ing+ in t&e attra ti)e #ar"ets* T&is sustains and en&an es t&e "ey sour es of s&are&older )alue on long


ter# 'asis* T&is in ludes t&e returns+ gro(t& and generation of a!ital 4Castelli+ %11C8* T&is inno)ati)e !latfor# is aligned in3line (it& t&e )ision of Ca!ital One Ban"* T&e 'an" is o##itted to en&an ing and sustains t&e usto#er relations&i!s t&at are entral to su ess of t&e t(o 'an"s* T&e 'an" is t&ere to #a"e a dra#ati deal t&at (ill a elerate t&e !arti i!ation in Ee' %*13'ased o#!etiti)e arena 4.anand&ar+ %11%8* Key C allenges !acing Capital One Bank T&e 'iggest &allenge fa ing Ca!ital One Ban" is t&e &anges in de#and and su!!ly related (it& asset* T&e &anges in de#and and asset o ur due to &anges in #onetary !oli y* T&e de#and for safe finan ial assets &as e<!anded+ and as a onse,uen e+ fe( !eo!le e<!erien e i#!a ts of t&e e ono#i re ession* Profita'ility in #ost 'an"s de!ends on onsolidation+ C&anges in !rodu tion

#anage#ent of t&e 'an" dri)en 'y in reased

te &nology+ regulation and dissol)ing 'orders* T&is a t as t&e #ajor sour e of t&e o#!etiti)e ad)antage in 'an"s 49soro+ %1/%8* T&e Ca!ital One Ban" fa es !ressure fro# t&e &anging trends in te &nology+ !oliti s and regulatory* E&ile #ost of t&ese &anges a!!ear urgent+ t&ey are not strategi * :or instan e+ t&e i#!le#entation of #o'ile 'an"ing as a regular deli)ery &annel affe ted t&e de)elo!#ent* T&is is 'e ause t&e o#!any is o#!elled to "ee! in !a e (it& t&e &anging trends* T&e 'an" #ust also de)elo! t&e strategy 'ased on t&e so ial #edia+ and t&is alls for !ara#eter resolution* Ot&er &allenges in)ol)e t&e !ro'le#s e<!erien ed in o#ing u! (it& ne( le)els of gro(t& and sustaina'le !rofita'ility due to lo( interest rates* T&e re'uilding of t&e asset ,uality+ as (ell as strengt&ening of t&e a!ital ade,ua y+ is ,uite !ro'le#ati * T&e enri &#ent of t&e 'usiness )alue t&roug& !ro#otion of usto#er of usto#er relations&i! as (ell as restoration of t&e usto#er onfiden e es!e ially after re ession greatly affe ts t&e !rofita'ility in t&e 'an" 4A)gerou+ %1178* $ue to t&ese &allenges+ Ca!ital One Ban" fa es

CAPITAL ONE BANK one o)erriding &allenge of staying dis i!lined as attenti)e a#idst all

B &allenges*

Section ".0: #ypes of I# Syste$s %sed in Capital One Bank Co$puterization of Operations Infor#ation te &nology is &anging t&e fa e of t&e 'an"ing !ro esses in Ca!ital One Ban" t&roug& o#!utation* T&e IT is used in net 'an"ing+ #o'ile 'an"ing+ s&o!!ing+ ti "eting 'oo"ing+ !ay#ent of 'ills+ transfer of funds and auto#ated teller #a &ines 4AT.s8* Te &nologi al inno)ations &a)e en&an ed o!ening u! of ne( deli)ery &annels (it&in t&e 'an"ing industry* Ta"ing t&e &el! of IT in dealing (it& t&e ne( &allenges &a)e ena'led 'an"s ta"e on ne( e ono#i !oses* IT+ t&erefore+ in reases t&e usto#er )alue t&roug& usto#er relations&i! #anage#ent 4CR.8 a!!li ations* T&e Ca!ital One Ban"ing is urrently in t&e #idst of IT re)olution* T&e o#'ined o#!etiti)e and regulatory reason &as in reased t&e i#!ortan e of t&e auto#ation (it&in t&e 'an"ing se tor* T&is &as seen t&e in rease in !rodu ti)ity+ &en e t&e gain in o#!etiti)e edge* Ca!ital One Ban" is urrently o!ening u! for t&e latest te &nology as (ell as t&e #odifi ation of te &nology to suit t&e 'an"ing en)iron#ent* Belo( are so#e of t&e IT ser)i es used 'y Ca!ital One Ban"* &'C e(ues )&lectronic Pay$ent Services* T&e e3 &e,ue are a ne( te &nology t&at &as 'een i#!le#ented to re!la e t&e on)entional !a!er &e,ue* T&is &as already 'een a#ended to in lude t&e e3 &e,ue

instru#ents and trun ated &e,ue* E3 &e,ues a t as a #ode of ele troni !ay#ents* T&is te &nology (as de)elo!ed 'y t&e onsortiu# of t&e Sili on =alley #er &ant 'an"ers and resear &ers* .any finan ial 'odies &a)e sin e t&en in luded it in t&eir syste#s* T&e (or"ing of e3 &e,ues is si#ilar to !a!er &e,ues and a t as legal !ay#ent syste#s* T&e syste# uses F.L do u#ents to aut&enti ate !arties for t&e transa tion* T&e e3 &e,ues are defines 'y t&e


:inan ial Ser)i es .ar"u! language 4:S.L8 t&at allo(s for in lusion or eli#ination of t&e do u#ents 'lo "s* T&e signatures are a o#!anied 'y ertifi ates issued 'y t&e 'an" to tie t&e signer to t&e 'an" a ount* E3 &e,ues #a"e an use different a ounts to !rote t t&e standard &e,uing a ount fro# fraud 46oia+ %11@8* T&e e<isting ANSI F0*CB standards &andle t&e settle#ent t&roug& :S.L re!resentation+ rat&er t&an &e,ue i#age and t&e ANSI F0*7@ as& letter t&at is ontained in t&e F0*CB en a!sulation* T&e related 'enefit of e3 &e,ues is t&at onsu#ers an use t&e e3 &e,ues in #a"ing !ay#ents for online !ur &ases* Online #er &ants an re ei)e t&e

!ay#ents instantly+ and instan es of t&e &e,ue to 'oun e are #ini#al sin e t&e 'an"s of t&e usto#ers are in)ol)ed in t&e transa tions* :urt&er#ore+ 'an"s #ay do !a!erless transa tions unless t&e #er &ant fails in a e!ting t&e e3 &e,ue* +eal #i$e ,ross Settle$ent )+#,S* T&e RT-S is a resear & analysis syste# t&roug& (&i & 'an"s re ei)e ele troni instru tions to t&e transa tions on transfer of funds fro# a ounts in t&eir 'an" to a ounts in ot&er 'an"s* T&e RBA o!erates and #aintains RT-S to en&an e effi ien y in t&e transfer of funds (it&in 'an"s to en&an e t&e finan ial o!erations* T&e transfer of funds ta"es !la e in real ti#e 'asis ena'ling instantaneous deli)ery of #oney to t&e 'enefi iary* T&e 'an" of t&e 'enefi iary #ust redit t&e a ount (it&in t(o &ours* T&e RT-S syste# runs on t&e redit3 !us& 'asis (&ere t&e final irre)o a'le settle#ent o urs only (&en t&e funds are a)aila'le in t&e settle#ent a ount of t&e o##er ial 'an"* T&is syste# allo(s #anage#ent of li,uidity 'y t&e 'an"s to ontri'ute to t&e reali2ation of t&e sta'ility of t&e finan ial syste# of t&e 'an"* T&e real ti#e instru tions are !erfor#ed 'y si#ultaneous redit and de'it

transa tions* After su essful e<e ution of instru tions fro# t&e a ount of t&e sender+ t&e


!ay#ent is #ade in t&e a ount of t&e re ei)er+ and t&is is irre)o a'le and final* So#e related 'enefits of RT-S are t&e related effi ien y and s!eed sin e t&e transa tions are !erfor#ed on real ti#e 'asis* T&is ena'les t&e 'an" #anage t&eir li,uidity and settle t&eir a ounts and eli#inates t&e ris"s in)ol)ed (it& t&e !ay#ent e<!osure* RT-S is an effe ti)e tool t&at ensures irre)o a'ility and finality of !ay#ents+ and &en e 'oosts t&e onfiden e of t&e general !u'li and in)estors 4A'el+ %1/%8* &lectronic !unds #ransfer )&!#* E:T syste# in)ol)es #a"ing of as& !ay#ents 'y any !erson to anot&er !erson and at ti#es #ay in)ol)e gi)ing t&e aut&ori2ation on transfer of funds dire tly fro# a !erson>s a ount to t&e a ount of t&e 'enefi iary* T&is re,uires furnis&ing of o#!lete details on t&e na#e+ a ount nu#'er+ a ount ty!e+ na#e of t&e 'an"+ 'ran & or ity of t&e re ei)er to t&e 'an" (&ile #a"ing t&e re,uest for transfer* T&is ensures t&at a urate and faster !ro essing of t&e #oney* E:T &a!!ens after digital instru tions are sent to t&e 'an" aut&ori2ing for t&e #o)e#ent of funds 'et(een t(o a ounts* T&e usto#er signs in an aut&ori2ation for# t&at allo(s t&e 'an" to dedu t t&e a#ount of !ay#ents for ertain dates* T&e usto#er t&ereafter !ro)ides a )oided &e " of )erifying t&e infor#ation a'out t&e a ount* T&e &arges are t&en dedu ted auto#ati ally fro# t&e 'a " a ount and de!osited on t&e 'an" a ount of t&e re ei)er* E:T !ro)ides a si#!le (ay of #a"ing !ay#ents* A one3ti#e aut&ori2ation en&an es de'iting of t&e said a#ount fro# t&e a ount of t&e usto#er 4Costantino 5 Bre''ia+ %11B8* &lectronic Clearance Service )&CS* ECS refers to a retail !ay#ent syste# used in #a"ing 'ul" !ay#ents of a si#ilar nature !arti ularly (&en t&e !ay#ents are re!etiti)e in nature and of s#aller a#ounts* T&is fa ility is #ostly used 'y go)ern#ent de!art#ents and o#!anies (&en dealing (it& large !ay#ents instead of using t&e indi)idual funds transfer* T&e ECS !ay#ents are initiated 'y


t&e user (it& intentions of #a"ing 'ul" !ay#ents to se)eral 'enefi iaries* T&e !erson initiates t&e transa tions after registration after (&i & t&ey o'tain onsent and a ount !arti ulars of t&e 'enefi iaries* T&e 'enefi iaries an re,uest t&e !aying institution use t&e ECS #e &anis# to effe t t&eir !ay#ent 4Ra)i+ %11?8* T&e ECS users (&o intend to effe t t&e !ay#ent #ust su'#it t&e data in a !arti ular for#at to t&e learing &ouse t&at in turn de'its t&e a ount of ECS user t&roug& t&e s!onsor 'an" on t&e a!!ointed day and redits t&e a ount of t&e re i!ient for affording on(ard redit to a ounts of ulti#ate 'enefi iaries* T&e 'enefi iary furnis&es t&e #andate gi)ing t&e onsent t&at a)ails t&e ECS fa ility* T&e user #ust o##uni ate all t&e details to t&e 'an"* T&is ser)i e is !referred sin e it is trou'le3free and eli#inates t&e need of going to t&e olle tion enters* Also+ t&e ECS users an easily #onitor t&e de'its 4Castelli+ %11C8* -uto$atic #eller .ac ine )-#.* Auto#ati Teller .a &ine is a#ong t&e #ost !o!ular de)i es used in t&e 'an"ing se tor+ in 9nited States* An AT. ena'les t&e usto#ers (it&dra( t&eir as& any ti#e of t&e day* T&e de)i e allo(s t&e usto#er (&o &as t&e AT. ard !erfor# t&e routine 'an"ing transa tion (it&out any intera tion (it& t&e &u#an teller* :urt&er#ore+ t&e AT.s an 'e used in !aying t&e 'ills for utility+ transferring of funds 'et(een a ounts+ de!ositing as& and &e,ues into a ounts and #a"ing 'alan e en,uiry a#ong ot&ers* An AT. re,uires data ter#inal onsisting of t(o in!ut de)i es and four out!ut de)i es+ and a &ost !ro essor* T&e &ost !ro essor en&an es t&e onne tion of t&e AT. and o##uni ation (it& t&e user* Internet Ser)i e Pro)ider 4ISP8 !ro)ides t&e gate(ay to inter#ediate net(or"s and t&e o#!uter in t&e 'an"* Leased AT.s &a)e C3(ire !oint3to3!oint dedi ated tele!&one line t&at &el!s in onne tion (it& t&e &ost !ro ess* T&e )arious o#!onents of an AT. in lude t&e ard reader t&at reads t&e infor#ation after t&e #agneti stri!e is s(i!ed t&roug& and t&e

CAPITAL ONE BANK /1 "ey!ad t&at allo(s t&e user fill in t&e details after t&e ard is re ogni2ed 4-reenstein 5 S&ane+ %11C8* Point of Sale #er$inal )POS* T&e !oint of sale ter#inal refers to use of a o#!uter ter#inal lin"ed online to o#!uteri2ed files ontaining t&e usto#er infor#ation in t&e 'an"* T&is also ontains !lasti transa tion ard t&at is oded #agneti ally and en&an es t&e identifi ation of t&e usto#ers* $uring t&e transa tions+ t&e a ount of t&e usto#er is de'ited (&ile t&at of t&e retailer is redited 'y t&e o#!uter for t&e a#ount !ur &ased* 9!on !ay#ent+ t&e POS &e "s for t&e )alidity of t&e ard+ onne ts (it& t&e 'an" t&at issued t&e ard* E&en t&e funds are a)aila'le in t&e a ount of ard&older+ t&en t&e POS !rints t&e re ei!t and transfers t&e a#ount to t&e a ount of t&e trader 4Bati23La2o+ %1//8* &lectronic /ata Interc ange )&/I* T&e E$I refers to t&e ele troni e< &ange of t&e 'usiness do u#ents su & as in)oi es+ !ur &ase orders+ s&i!!ing noti es and re ei)ing ad)i e a#ong ot&ers* T&e !ro essing is usually done in a standard and uni)ersal (ay t&at is a e!ta'le 'et(een t&e in)ol)ed trading !artners* T&e Ca!ital One Ban" &as ,ui "ly res!onded to t&e te &nologi al &anges (it&in t&e 'an"ing industry+ and t&e ontinuan e of su & trends is redefining t&e 'an"ing o!erations t&roug& usto#i2ation using t&e le)eraging te &nology* T&e te &nology is en&an ing

effi ien y in t&e 'an"ing se tor (&ere t&e usto#ers are a'le to #a"e transa tions (&ene)er t&ey (is& fro# (&ere)er t&ey are+ and t&is is redu ing t&e need for o!ening u! of !&ysi al 'ran &es* E$I redu es t&e nu#'er of ste!s 'y !ro)iding a fi<ed stru ture for t&e trans#itted data (it& t&e !re!ared data only trans#itted to t&e user after integration of t&e a!!li ation syste# infor#ation* E$I is used only (&en t&ere are t(o !artners in)ol)ed after (&i & a ontra tual agree#ent 'e o#es ne essary 4Ra)i+ %11?8*

CAPITAL ONE BANK // Section 0.0: Organization of I# Currently+ it is 'e o#ing i#!erati)e for t&e 'an"s to as ertain and assess t&e ad)antages of i#!le#entation of Infor#ation te &nology* Te &nology is ad)antageous 'ut re,uires !re autions and safety nets* In reased use of te &nology &as aused t&e se urity on erns* As a result+ t&e IT fun tion in 'an"s #ust 'e organi2ed learly to a)oid any #is&a!s on t&is a ount* Ban"s #ust !ro!erly #anage t&eir IT fun tion for t&eir net(or"s and internal se urity* Passing of Infor#ation Te &nology A t in %111 a ted as a 'oon to t&e 'an"ing se tor in 9nited States (&ere 'an"s are e<!e ted to a'ide 'y t&eir o)enants 4Rodri"+ %11@8* T&e Ca!ital One Ban" &as #ade efforts to o)er t&e online transa tions 'ased on t&e onsu#er la(s of t&e ountry* T&e &oi e of t&e #ost a!!ro!riate &annel+ t&e justifi ation of in)est#ent in IT+ e3go)ernan e+ se urity on erns and te &nologi al o'soles en e+ as (ell as outsour ing of t&e IT o!erations+ !ose #ajor &allenges and issues regarding use of IT in t&e 'an"ing o!erations* T&e in reased use of #o'ile 'an"ing ad e3!ay#ents is t&e "ey areas t&at re,uire &ange #anage#ent a!!roa &* T&e fo us is #o)ing to(ards !ro esses and syste#s re,uired in t&e #aturity !&ase of t&e needs ur)e of te &nology* Ca!ital One Ban" needs to fo us #ore on !rofita'ility and ost #anage#ent+ e<e uti)e infor#ation re!orts+ 'usiness intelligen e+ and data analyti s and (are&ousing* I#!ro)e#ent of t&e internal effi ien y and effe ti)eness (it& real3ti#e and data (are&ouse a ess to all t&e usto#er infor#ation (ill en&an e de ision #a"ing in 'an"s and fa ilitate t&e a'ility of deli)ery of a!!ro!riate ser)i es and !rodu ts to t&eir usto#ers 4I##aneni+ %11@8* Ca!ital One Ban" #ust see 'eyond a!!li ations in)ol)ed in !ro)iding solutions to t&e urrent !ro'le#s* T&e 'an" need to esta'lis& a )ision related to o#!re&ensi)e infrastru ture t&at o#!rise of all &e internal and e<ternal net(or"s to #o)e t&e infor#ation for t&e data

CAPITAL ONE BANK /% stores to users* T&e i#!ortan e of IT3'usiness unit !artners&i! #ay not 'e o)ere#!&asi2ed* T&e !ro esses and !eo!le are as )ital for su ess as soft(are and &ard(are o#!onents in t&e 'an"ing industry* Ca!ital One Ban" &as #ade &uge te &nologi al ad)an es in infor#ation storage* Ne)ert&eless+ t&e full !o(er of using t&at infor#ation to en&an e #ore !rodu ti)ity and i#!ro)e #ar"ets is still unreali2ed* T&e ontinued e#!&asis on !eri!&eral 'usiness and te &nologi al !ro esses and related effe ts &as #ade t&e Ca!ital One 'an" seriously negle t t&eir enter!rise and !ersonal (ide3intelligen e* Infrastru tural effe ti)eness is #easured 'ased on t&e )alue it 'rings to a usto#er* Su & )alue is di#inis&ed 'y non3net(or"ed indi)iduals and 'usiness units* Ca!ital One Ban" #ust+ t&erefore+ !ro)ide training and a ess to t&e #e#'er 'an"s in)ol)e (it& dire t or indire t ser)i e to usto#ers* T&is an only 'e reali2ed t&roug& t&e use of lear standards and e<!e tations to ena'le t&e organi2ation of infor#ation te &nology 'ring t&e indi)iduals in line (it& t&e organi2ational o'je ti)es* T&e e ono#i role of t&e !ay#ent syste# onne ts inti#ately to t&e e ono#i role of #oney* T&e esta'lis&#ent of Core Ban"ing Solution 4CBS8 allo(s for 'an"ing at any ti#e* T&e 'an" &as also in reased t&e efforts t&roug& t&e use of Ele troni Ser)i e Clearing 4ESC8+ NE:T and Real Ti#e -ross Settle#ent 4RT-S8* T&is for#s t&e leading inter onne ti)ity t&at en&an es easy intra and inter3'an" transfer of funds* T&e in reased use of #o'ile 'an"ing and de'it ards is en&an ing easier !ay#ents using different fa tors lin"ed to t&e 'an"* T&is fa ilitates easy online transa tions* Currently+ t&e te &nologi al de)elo!#ent relates to o#!uteri2ation of all t&e 'ran &es in Ca!ital One Ban" in ado!ting t&e ore 'an"ing solutions 4CBS8* A )ery ru ial de)elo!#ent is t&e in reased !er entage of 'ran &es (it&in t&e !u'li se tor t&at &a)e i#!le#ented CBS 4A'el+ %1/%8*

CAPITAL ONE BANK /7 &nergy .anage$ent Ca!ital One Ban" is ons ious of ar'on foot !rint generated and is (or"ing to(ards energy #anage#ent as (ell as use of t&e greener te &nology* T&is is a &ie)ed t&roug& ado!ting t&e ser)er )irtuali2ation te &nologies t&at are #eant to sa)e on !o(er+ floor s!a e and ooling o#!onents* T&e use of data en&an e#ents as (ell as t&e 'est !ra ti es for t&e o!ti#u# usage of s!a e en&an es energy #anage#ent* T&e 'an" &as also ado!ted t&e 'lade te &nology to en&an e o#!uting !o(er (it&in a s#aller foot!rint* T&is &as also seen t&e 'an" u!grading t&e older ser)ers and net(or"ing e,ui!#ents t&at used to onsu#e a lot of !o(er* T&e dyna#i !o(er a!!ing of t&e ser)ers using ne( !o(er sa)ing te &nology and solar !o(ered AT.s is a (ort&(&ile effort geared to(ards energy #anage#ent 4Cull 5 6onat&an+ %1/78* I# Outsourcing in Capital One Bank .ost 'an"s in 9nited States is at rossroads* A ording to Ca!ital One Ban"+ !rofits are not "ee!ing in !a e (it& t&e osts of e,uity* As a result+ t&e 'an" is see"ing for t&e #ost a!!ro!riate (ays of reengineering t&e 'an"ing #odel to en&an e !rofita'ility* T&e IT outsour ing &as #or!&ed as an e< e!tion to t&e rule of 'an"s and ot&er 'usinesses (orld(ide* T&e a eleration of infor#ation te &nology &as o#!elled t&e 'an" sour e IT* Ho(e)er+ t&e in reased use of IT &as not orres!onding res!onded to t&e gro(t&* T&e in reased de#and &as in reased t&e o#!le<ity related (it& IT* T&e sele tion and

#anage#ent of IT outsour ing de!ends on usto#er ser)i e+ osts+ ,uality relations&i! #anage#ent+ inno)ation and s!eed* Ho(e)er+ un lear understanding of t&ese dri)er results in dissatisfa tion due to #is#at &ed !ro)ider3 usto#er !airings 4-reenstein 5 S&ane+ %11C8* T&e e<!ansion of IT outsour ing o#!els t&e #anage#ent ta"e a &olisti )ie( on all t&e outsour ing de isions* $ue to t&e ra!id &anges in ser)i e offerings+ Ca!ital One Ban"

CAPITAL ONE BANK /C #ust not rely on outsour ing+ and instead+ o!erations and syste#s #ust 'e o#e !ro ure#ent3 entri for dire t re!orts and line3of3'usiness general #anagers* T&e 'usiness !ro ess

outsour ing 4BPO8 #ay (or" in o#'ination (it& t&e outsour ing (&ere ne( entrants join t&e traditional !layers* T&e BPO solutions are 'e o#ing onsidera'ly fle<i'le+ gro(ing around t&e #onolit&i fra#e syste#s* On t&e ot&er &and+ t&e Soft(are as a Ser)i e 4SaaS8 &as a!tured t&e attention of finan e and o!erations 'y !re)enting t&e i#!le#entation delays* T&is also ena'les e#!loyees !erfor# t&eir o!erations fro# t&e fa ilities fro# t&e fa ilities of t&e 'an"* T&is alls for de ision #a"ers to onsider t&e 'rea"3e)en !oint for (&i & t&e fi<ed osts !ro)ide e< ellent s&are&older )alue* T&e o!erational outsour ing en&an es t&e a &ie)e#ent of s ale and e ono#i effi ien ies t&roug& outsour ing of t&e o##oditi2ed as!e ts of 'usiness !ro ess* T&e syste# outsour ing #ust 'e o!ti#i2ed 'ased on !ro ure#ent (&ile la'or ar'itrage en&an es syste#s and o!erations de isions* $ue to disa!!oint#ents fro# #ost outsour ers+ Ca!ital One Ban" is relu tant to undo t&e de isions sin e t&ey re,uire a lear understanding of all t&e organi2ational needs 4A)gerou+ %1178*

Section 1.0: !uture #rends of capital One Bank T&e infrastru ture of t&e 'an" is not i##uta'le (&ere ne( te &nologies surfa e on a daily 'asis and e)olution of ne( #edia (ill o#!el t&e #anage#ent re onsider t&e

infrastru tural o'je ti)es* T&e definition of t&e funda#ental infrastru tural goals (ill en&an e t&e fo us of t&e 'an" is ada!ting (it&out a y distra tion 'y te &nologies (&i & do not ontri'ute to t&e usto#er )alue* IT fun tion an !lay a "ey !art in ena'ling organi2ations ada!t and t&ri)e in t&e ne( status ,uo* Ca!ital One Ban" (ill 'e a'le to align its tea#s 'ased on t&e organi2ational needs (&ere t&e #anage#ent !ro)ides strong o!erational and strategi

CAPITAL ONE BANK /; su!!ort* T&e IT fun tion #ust onsider t&e #ost a!!ro!riate role+ (&ere t&e senior

#anage#ent #ay re,uire transfor#ation and inno)ation t&roug& t&e IT* T&e e#!&asis ould 'e #ade on #ore 'asi ser)i es to ensure t&at osts are #anagea'le for en&an ed daily o!erational needs* T&e IT ty!i ally fits in utility+ !rote tors and !erfor#er 4.anand&ar+ %11%8* IT as a utility ena'les t&e 'usiness is onstantly running+ as a !rote tor+ IT en&an es #anage#ent of t&e 'an"* As a !erfor#er+ IT en&an es deli)ery of tangi'le 'usiness )alue (&en t&e fun tion trans end to t&e daily o!erations in 'ringing t&e real &ange*Te &nology is ena'ling t&e 'an" to !erfor# its ser)i es+ and t&is is dri)ing t&e transfor#ation (it&in t&e industry* Internet and #o'ile 'an"ing are going to 'e indoor in t&e near future* $es!ite t&e o#!le<ity and so!&isti ation of t&e IT syste#s+ t&e Ca!ital One Ban" onsiders t&e# as energy gu22lers* T&erefore+ t&e future related to t&e 'an"ing se tor is anti i!ated to #a"e ra!id straig&ts 4Rodri"+ %11@8* C+. #ec nologies in .anage$ent Custo#ers nor#ally e<!e t t&e 'an" to offer o#!re&ensi)e finan ial ser)i es* T&ey are attra ted 'y t&e effe ti)eness of t&e 'an" in deli)ering attra ti)e ser)i es and !rodu ts to ena'le t&e# 'e leared t&roug& a!!ro!riate &annels* T&e 'e&a)ior of t&e onsu#er is riti al in &anging &o( t&e IT fun tions* T&e 'an"ing se tor+ t&erefore+ ai#s at #o)ing a CR.3'ase #odel t&at (ill ena'le t&e 'an" #o)e to(ards de)elo!#ent of 'etter ser)i es and !rodu ts to t&e users* T&e #anage#ent of "no(ledge treats !eo!le>s 'e&a)ior as an essential and e,ual o#!onent for effe ti)e infor#ation3s&aring* T&is ena'les t&e "no(ledge a ,uired fro# !re)ious situations 'eing used in #a"ing t&e !resent de isions* T&e #anage#ent #ust+ t&erefore+ !lay a riti al role in esta'lis&ing a "no(ledge ulture 'y odifying t&e rele)ant e<!erien es and !a "aging t&e# in su & a (ay so as to #a<i#i2e t&eir rele)an e in a

CAPITAL ONE BANK /B situation t&at en&an es )alue reation* Codifi ation of "no(ledge re,uires furt&er s&aring (it& all t&e a!!ro!riate indi)iduals* T&is ena'les t&e 'an" to grou! its !rodu ts and ser)i es to(ards ser)i e of a !arti ular #ar"et seg#ent 4Ra)i+ %11?8* :or Ca!ital One Ban"+ infor#ation te &nology is riti al (&en #a"ing de isions t&roug& reating a #eans of olle ting t&e infor#ation and odifying t&e e<!erien es fro# si#ilar de isions in finan ial #anage#ent+ relations&i! de)elo!#ent and usto#er ser)i e* Kno(ledge of usto#er needs re,uires regular u!dating a ross all t&e 'ran &es* Te &nology allo(s t&e 'an" to do t&e u!dates* T&e )alua'le "no(ledge is nor#ally refle ted t&roug& !erfor#an e of t&e finan ial !ortfolio and ease in #a"ing transa tions*

Conclusion T&e infor#ation Te &nology in Ca!ital One Ban" &as dri)en t&e transfor#ation in t&e ser)i e deli)ery* Internet and #o'ile 'an"ing are gaining full t&rottle in Ca!ital One Ban"* T&is gi)es an assuran e for greater effi ien y in t&e 'an"ing Industry*

Referen es

CAPITAL ONE BANK /@ A'el+ 9* 4%1/%8* Leveraging Developing Economies with the Use of Information Technology Trends and Tools. Hers&ey+ PA: I-I -lo'al 4@1/ E* C&o olate A)enue+ Hers&ey+ Pennsyl)ania+ /@177+ 9SA8* A)gerou+ C* 4%1178* Information Systems and the Economics of Innovation . C&elten&a#+ 9K: Ed(ard Elgar Pu'* Bati23La2o+ B* 4%1//8* Technological Innovation in Retail Finance: International !erspectives . Ne( Gor": Routledge* Castelli+ A* 4%11C8* I"T !ractitioner S#ills and Training: $an#ing and Financial Services. Lu<e#'ourg: Offi e for Offi ial Pu'li ations of t&e Euro!ean Co##unities* Costantino+ .*+ 5 Bre''ia+ C* 4%11B8* "omp%tational Finance and Its &pplications II. Sout&a#!ton: EIT* Cull+ R*+ 5 6onat&an+ .* 4%1/78* $an#ing the 'orld: Empirical Fo%ndations of Financial Incl%sion. Ca#'ridge+ .A: .IT* $a#ar+ E*+ 5 Lynn+ H* 4%1/18* Credit 9nion .e#'ers&i! and 9se of Internet Ban"ing Te &nology* The $.E. (o%rnal of Economic &nalysis ) !olicy *+,*-* -reenstein+ S*+ 5 S&ane+ .* 4%11C8* Diamonds &re Forever. "omp%ters &re /ot: Economic and Strategic 0anagement in "omp%ting 0ar#ets. London: I#!erial College* I##aneni+ A* 4%11@8* Ca!ital One Ban"s on Si< Sig#a for Strategy E<e ution and Culture Transfor#ation* 1lo2al $%siness and 3rgani4ational E5cellence 67,7-+ C73;C* I##aneni+ A*+ 5 Ron+ A* 4%11@8* Ca!ital One Ban"s on Si< Sig#a for Strategy E<e ution and Culture Transfor#ation * 1lo2al $%siness and 3rgani4ational E5cellence 67,7-+ C73;C* istorical

CAPITAL ONE BANK /? 6oia+ L* 4%11@8* Strategies for Information Technology and Intellect%al "apital: "hallenges and 3pport%nities. Hers&ey: Infor#ation S ien e Referen e* .anand&ar+ R* 4%11%8* T&e E)aluation of Ban" Bran & Perfor#an e 9sing $ata En)elo!#ent Analysis A :ra#e(or"* The (o%rnal of Research *8,*-+ /3/@* Ra)i+ =* 4%11?8* &dvances in $an#ing Technology and 0anagement: Impacts of I"T and "R0. Hers&ey+ PA: Infor#ation S ien e Referen e* Rodri"+ $* 4%11@8* 3ne Economics. 0any Recipes: 1lo2ali4ation. Instit%tions. and Economic 1rowth. Prin eton: Prin eton 9P* 9soro+ A* 4%1/%8* Leveraging Developing Economies with the Use of Information Technology: Trends and Tools . Hers&ey+ PA : Infor#ation S ien e Referen e* igh Technology 0anagement

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