Social Computing Social Cognition Social Networks AISB2012
Social Computing Social Cognition Social Networks AISB2012
Social Computing Social Cognition Social Networks AISB2012
so are and
). That is, [U] is a neighbourhood of [w] if there exists a neigh-
bourhood U in the original model reachable through a world w
[= #, then because w w
we get M, w [= #.
Theorem 2 (Finite Model Property via Filtrations). Assume that
is satisable in a model Mas in Denition 3; take any ltration M
through the set of subformulas of . That is satisable in M
immediate from the Filtration Theorem for the neighbourhood case.
Being an equivalence relation, and using Theorem 1 its easy
to check that, a model M and any ltration M
are equivalent mod-
ulus . This result is useful to understand why the original properties
of the frames in the models are preserved. This results are provided
in [Chellas] for the preservation of frames clases through ltrations.
Example 1 (uni-agent mono-modal system). A simple system can
be dened with structure as in Denition 3, where we can write and
test situations like the one following:
Bus stop scenario ([13], revisited). Suppose that agent y is at the
bus stop. We can test whether y raises his hand and stops the bus by
testing the validity of the formula: Doesy(StopBus). This simple
kind of systems are proved decidable via FMP through Denition 4,
Theorem 1 and Lemma 1 in this Section. They are powerful enough
to monitor a single agents behaviour.
Note that Doesy(StopBus) holds in a world w in a model M, that
is, M, w [= Doesy(StopBus) iff ( U Nyw
) such that ( u
U) (M, u [= StopBus).
3 Extension to the multi-agent multi-modal case
Recall that the original base structure discussed in [32] is a multi-
relational frame of the form:
F = A, W, |Bi
, |Gi
, |Ii
, |Di
A is a nite set of agents;
W is a set of situations, or points, or possible worlds;
is a set of accessibility relations wrt Bel, which are tran-
sitive, euclidean and serial;
is a set of accessibility relations wrt Goal, (standard Kn
is a set of accessibility relations wrt Int, which are serial;
is a family of sets of accessibility relations Di wrt Does,
which are pointwise closed under intersection, reexive and serial
This original structure contains the well-known normal operators
Bel, Goal, and Int. They have a necessity semantics, plus character-
izing axioms (see for example [19, 9]). These operators are the ones
we aim to arbitrarily combine with the non-normal Does.
Note that the necessity semantics for the Kripke case can be
written using neighbourhood semantics in the following way (see
[6] Theorem 7.9 for more detail):
, w [= iff (v / wRv)(M
, v [= ) M
, w [= iff
( v
Nw) (u v
, u [= )
where M
is a Kripke model, and M
is a neighbourhood model.
The intuition behind this denition is that each world v accessible
from w in M
is a neighbourhood of w in M
. Standard models
can be paired one-to-one with neighbourhood models in such a way
that paired models are pointwise equivalent [6].
So we can think of having a |Niw
for each normal modality, as
we do for the Does modality.
Now let us consider a multi-modal system with structure
W, |N1w
, ..., |Nmw
) and let us assume that we have one agent.
It is straightfoward to extend the application of Theorem 1 (Section
2) to this structure. Asume a basic modal language with modalities
#1, ..., #m, each with a neighbourhood semantics. Also, consider a
set closed for subformulas that satises: (i) if
, ..., |Nmw
, V
) such that W
= W and:
1. If U Niw
then |[u]/u U N
; and
2. For every formula #i , if | N
and ([u]
|)(M, u [= ), then M, w [= #i .
3. V
(p) = |[w] / M, w [= p, for all proposition letter p in .
It is easy to check that if is a subformula closed set of formulas,
then M
is a ltration of M through . That is, for all in and
all w in M, M, w [= iff M
, [w] [= . Proof is done by repeated
application of Theorem 1 (Section 2). Clearly, it sufces to prove
the result for a single #i as all modalities have a neighbourhood
semantics. It is worth mentioning that authors in [10], for example,
proceed with the direct repeated application of the notion of ltration
for proving the FMP of their (normal) multi-modal system.
Example 2 (uni-agent multi-modal system). A simple system can
be dened according to Denition 5, where we can depict scenarios
and test situations like the one following:
Bus stop example (revisited). Agent x is at the bus stop having
the goal to stop the bus: Goalx(Doesx(StopBus)).
Note that Goalx(Doesx(StopBus)) holds in a world w in
a model M, that is, M, w [= (Goalx Doesx(StopBus)) iff
( U Nxw
) such that ( u U)(M, u [= Doesx(StopBus)),
and ( u U)(M, u [= Doesx(StopBus)) iff ( U
) such
that ( u
)(M, u
[= StopBus).
Further extension: multi-agent case
Extending the system to many agents will not add anything sub-
stantially new to Denition 5. A multi-agent system is a special case
of the multi-modal case; the structure is merely extended with the
inclusion of new modalities. For example, include Beli, Goali, and
Inti, for each agent i and a Doesi for each agent i. Thus, for every
agent, include its corresponding modalities, each of which brings in
its own semantics.
Example 3 (multi-agent multi-modal system). A multi-agent
multi-modal system for the bus stop scenario is, for example:
Bus stop example (re-revisited). The formula
Belx(Doesy(StopBus))) stands for agent x believes that
agent y will stop the bus, meaning that he thinks he will not
have to raise the hand himself. This formula holds in a world
w in a model M, that is, M, w [= Belx Doesy(StopBus) iff
( U Nxw
) such that ( u U)(M, u [= Doesy(StopBus)),
and ( u U)(M, u [= Doesy(StopBus)) iff ( U
) such
that ( u
)(M, u
[= StopBus).
Another example.
Bus stop example (persuasion). Doesx(Goaly(StopBus))
can be seen as a form of persuasion, meaning that agent x makes
agent y stop the bus. Doesx(Goaly(StopBus))) holds in a world
w in a model M, that is, M, w [= Doesx Goaly(StopBus) iff
( U Nxw
) such that ( u U)(M, u [= Goaly(StopBus)),
and ( u U)(M, u [= Goaly(StopBus)) iff ( U
) such
that ( u
)(M, u
[= StopBus).
Recall that we could not write and test wff with modalities within
the scope of a Does in [32] and [31]. Doesi(Goalj A) is a formula
in which the normal modality appears within the scope of a (non-
normal) Does.
4 Combination of Mental States and Actions
Up to now, we described MAS under a single point of view: in this
situation an agent believes this way, and acts that way. We are now
interested in describing systems in which two points of view coexist:
a cognitive one, and a behavioural one. These differ from the former
ones on the ontology adopted.
We already referred in the Introduction that it is common to com-
bine agents behaviour with time. As a further example, a combina-
tion between a basic temporal and a simple deontic logic for MAS
has been recently depicted in [33]. That combination puts together
two normal modal logics: a temporal one and a deontic one. In the re-
sultant system it is possible to write and test the validity of formulas
with arbitrarily interleaved deontic and tense modalities. There are
two structures (W, R) and (T, <) which are respectively the under-
lying ontologies where a deontic point of view and a temporal point
of vieware interpreted (both are Kripke models). (W, R) represents a
multigraph over situations, (T, <) represents a valid time line. Next,
it is built an ontology W T of pairs (situation, point in time) rep-
resenting the intuition this situation, at this time. We note that such
combination can be seen as a special case of the structure that we out-
line next. This outline (which is more general) allows combinations
of non-normal operators having neighbourhood semantics.
For simplifying our presentation, we work again with the less pos-
sible number of modalities (say just two). We choose a normal, cog-
nitive modality (let us say Bel, for beliefs), and a non-normal be-
havioural one (let us say Does, for agency).
Proposition 1. If WB, |NB
) and WD, |ND
) are
neighbourhood frames, then:
, |ND
) is a
combined frame, where:
WB WD is a set of pairs of situations;
iff S = m|d, m NB
; and
iff T = |b n, n ND
At a point (wB, wD) we have a pair of situations which are, re-
spectively, environmental support for an internal conguration and
for an external one. According to both dimensions, we test the va-
lidity of wffs: beliefs are tested on wB and throughout the neigbour-
hoods of wB provided by dimension S. The S dimension keeps un-
touched the behavioral dimension bound to wB i.e. wD is the second
component on the neighbourhood S of wB. (respectively for w
In its turn, a combined model is a strucure C, V ) where V is a val-
uation function dened as expected. It is plain to see that this struc-
ture is an instance of Denition 5. That means there exists a itration
for a model based on this structure.
A MAS with structure as in Proposition 1 is said to be two-
dimensional in the sense given by Finger and Gabbay in [14]: the
alphabet of the systems language contains two disjoint sets of op-
erators, and formulas are evaluated at a two-dimensional assignment
of points that come from the prime frames sets of situations. More-
over, in this Beliefs Actions outline, there is no strong interac-
tion among the logic of beliefs and the logic of agency as we dene
no interaction axioms among both special purpose logics. Our Propo-
sition 1 much resembles the denition of full join given in [14] (Def
6.1) (two-dimensional plane).
Example 4 (Uni-agent combined system). Agents beliefs and ac-
tions. According to Proposition 1, we can dene a system where to
write and test formulas like e.g. Belx(Doesx(Belx A)). This for-
mula is meant to stand for agent x believes that s/he does what
s/he believes which can be seen as a kind of positive introspec-
tion regarding agency. This formula is not to be understood as an
axiom bridging agency and beliefs; nonetheless it may be interesting
to test its validity in certain circumstances: one may indeed believe
that one is doing what meant to (expected correspondence between
behaviour and belief), while one may believe one is doing something
completely different to what one is effectively doing (e.g. poison-
ing a plant instead of watering it; or some other forms of erratic
behaviour). Moreover, there are occasions where one performs an
action which one does not believes in (e.g. obeying immoral orders).
For testing such formula, one possible movement along the multi-
graph is:
M, (wB, wD) [= Belx(Doesx(Belx A)) iff ( U
) such that ( (u, wD) U) (M, (u, wD) [=
Doesx(Belx A). In its turn, (M, (u, wD) [= Doesx(Belx A) iff
( V ND
) such that ( (u, v) V) (M, (u, v) [= Belx A).
Finally, (M, (u, v) [= Belx A) iff ( U
) such that
( (u
, v) U
) (M, (u
, v) [= A).
In connection with our Example 4, it is worth mentioning that J.
Broersen denes and explains in [5] a particular logics for doing
something (un)knowingly. In that work (Section 3) the author ex-
plicitly denes some constraints for the interaction between knowl-
edge and action, namely (1) an axiom that reects that agents can not
knowingly do more than what is affected by the choices they have,
and (2) an axiom establishing that if agents knowingly see to it that
a condition holds in the next state, in that same state agents will re-
call that such condition holds. The frames used are two-dimensional,
with a dimension of histories (linear timelines) and a dimension of
states agents can be in. Behaviours of agents can be interpreted as
trajectories going from the past to the future along the dimension
of states, and jumping from sets of histories to subsets of histories
(choices) along the dimension of histories.
5 Conclusions
The idea of combining special purpose logics for building on de-
mand MAS is promising. This engineering approach is, in this pa-
per, balanced with the aimto handle decidable logics, which is a basis
for the implementation and launching of correct systems. We believe
that the decidability issue should be a prerequisite to be taken into
account during the design phase of MAS.
Within the MAS community the neighbourhood notation is, pos-
sibly, most widely used, well-understood, and well-recognized than
the selection function notation. We gave a neighbourhood outline
to decidability via ltration for a particular kind of models, namely
neighbourhood models. These models are suitable for capturing the
semantics of some non-normal operators found in the MAS litera-
ture (such as agency, or ability, among others) and, of course, also
the semantics of normal modal operators as most MAS use.
We also offered technical details for combining logics which can
be used as a basis for modeling multi-agent systems. The logics re-
sulting from different possible combinations lead to interesting levels
of expressiveness of the systems, by allowing different types of com-
plex formulas. The combinations outlined in this paper are, given
the logical tools presented in Section 2, decidable. There are for sure
several other possible combinations that can be performed. For exam-
ple, Proposition 1 can be extended to capture more cognitive aspects
such as e.g. goals, or intentions. In that case, the cognitive dimen-
sion (In Proposition 1, characterized by S) is to be extended with the
inclusion of normal operators. Moreover, within our neighbourhood
outline and on top of the uni-agent modalities, collective modalities
such as mutual intention, collective intention; also elaborated con-
cepts such as trust or collective trust can also be dened.
We can push the combination strategy even further, by proposing
the combination of modules which are in its turn combinations of
special purpose logics, in a kind of multiple level combination. This
strategy has to be carefully studied, and is matter of our future re-
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The Effects of Social Ties on Coordination: Conceptual
Foundations for an Empirical Analysis
Giuseppe Attanasi
and Astrid Hopfensitz
and Emiliano Lorini
and Fr ed eric Moisan
Abstract. In this paper, we are investigating the inuence that so-
cial ties can have on behavior. After rst dening the concept of
social ties that we consider, we propose a coordination game with
outside option, which allows us to study the impact of such ties on
social preferences. We provide a detailed game theoretic analysis of
this game while considering various types of players: i.e. self-interest
maximising, inequity averse, and fair agents. Moreover, in addition
to these approaches that require strategic reasoning in order to reach
some equilibrium, we also present an alternative hypothesis that re-
lies on the concept of team reasoning. Finally, we show that an ex-
periment could provide insight into which of these approaches is the
most realistic.
1 Introduction
In classical economic theories, most models assume that agents are
self-interested and maximize their own material payoffs. However,
important experimental evidence from economics and psychology
have shown some persistent deviation from such self-interested be-
havior in many particular situations. These results suggest the need
to incorporate social preferences into game theoretical models. Such
preferences describe the fact that a given player not only considers
his own material payoffs but also those of other players [27]. The
various social norms created by the cultural environment in which
human beings live give us some idea of how such experimental data
could be interpreted: fairness, inequity aversion, reciprocity and so-
cial welfare maximization all represent concepts that everybody is
familiar with, and which have been shown to play an important role
in interactive decision making (e.g. see [16, 11, 28]).
In fact, various simple economic games, such as the trust game [4]
and the ultimatum game [23], have been extensively studied in the
past years because they illustrate well the weakness of classical game
theory and its assumption of individualistic rationality. Moreover,
given the little complexity carried out in such games, the bounded
rationality argument [19] does not seem sufcient to justify the ob-
served behaviors. Social preferences appear as a more realistic option
because it allows to explain the resulting behaviors while still con-
sidering rational agents.
However, although many economic experimental studies (e.g.
[4, 23]) have shown that people genuinely exhibit other-regarding
preferences when interacting with perfect strangers, one may wonder
to what extent the existence of some social ties between individuals
may inuence behavior. Indeed the dynamic aspect of social prefer-
ences seems closely related to that of social ties: one may cooperate
more with a friend than with a stranger, and doing so may eventually
Toulouse School of Economics (TSE)
Universit e de Toulouse, CNRS, Institut de Recherche en Informatique de
Toulouse (IRIT)
enforce the level of friendship. Yet, in spite of their obvious relevance
to the study of human behavior, very little is known about the nature
of social ties and their actual impact on social interactions.
Our attempt, through this paper, is to study the possible effects that
positive social ties can have on human cooperation and coordination.
Our main hypothesis is that such relationships can directly inuence
the social preferences of the players: an agent may choose to be fair
conditionally to the relative closeness with his opponent(s). In order
to investigate this theory, we propose a theoretical analysis of a spe-
cic two player game, which creates an ideal context for the study of
social ties and social preferences.
The rest of the article is organized as follows. Section 2 denes
the concept of a social tie that we consider. In section 3, we pro-
pose a game that allows to measure the behavioral effects of social
ties. We then provide in Section 4 a game theoretical analysis of this
game by considering only self-interested agents. Then in Section 5,
we perform a similar analysis by considering other-regarding agents
according to theories of social preferences. Finally, in Section 6, we
propose an alternative interpretation of the same game by consider-
ing agents as team-directed reasoners.
2 A basic theory of social ties
As previously mentioned, there exists no formal denition of a social
tie in the literature, and this is why, given the vagueness and the am-
biguity that the term may suggest, we rst have to clarify the concept
that we consider.
First, we choose to restrict our study only to those ties that can
be judged to be positive: examples of those include relationships be-
tween close friends, married couples, family relative, class mates,
etc. . . In contrast, negative ties may include relationships between
people with different tastes, from different political orientations, with
different religious beliefs, etc. . .
It seems reasonable to compare this concept of a social tie with
social identity theory from social psychology [34]. In fact, the exis-
tence of a bond between two individuals seems likely to make them
identify themselves to the same social group, whatever such a group
might be. However, whether belonging to the same group actually
implies the existence of some social tie remains unclear. To illus-
trate this point, let us consider the Minimal Group Paradigm (MGP)
[34], which corresponds to an experimental methodology from so-
cial psychology that investigates the minimal conditions required for
discrimination to occur between groups. In fact, experiments using
this approach [35] have revealed that arbitrary and virtually mean-
ingless distinctions between groups (e.g. the colour of their shirts)
can trigger a tendency to cooperate more with ones own group than
with others. One meaningful interpretation from such results is that
prejudice can indeed have some non negligible inuence on social
This brings us to focus on the intrinsic foundations of social ties
and the possible reasons for their emergence. Following the previous
studies based on the MGP, it is reasonable to state that social ties rely,
at least to some extent, on sharing some common social features. One
can then distinguish the following dimensions of proximity:
Similarity of features: i.e. sharing the same social features ( be-
longing to the same political party, having the same religious ori-
entation, etc . . . ) One should note that this categorization may in-
clude any form of prejudice.
Importance of features: i.e. the degree of importance people give
to particular social features ( the importance given to belonging to
some political party, the degree of faith in some particular religion,
etc . . . )
One should note that correlation across such social features can
sometimes sufce to imply the same behavior: for instance, activists
from the same political party may share some fairness properties.
Moreover, experimental studies in economics [21, 12] suggest that
such social proximity between interacting individuals may induce
group identity and therefore directly affect social preferences and
norm enforcement.
As a concrete example to illustrate the above theory of common
social features, one may consider the approach by online dating sys-
tems (as currently ourishing on the internet). In fact, those systems,
which are clearly meant to build social ties between individuals (as-
suming an affective tie as a special case of a social tie), are clearly
based on the matching of both the similarity and the importance of
features. However, while one cannot deny the effectiveness of such
systems [24], it is doubtful to assume that such criteria are sufcient
to fully dene social ties [17].
The previous example suggests that social ties require some addi-
tional sharing of information, which help identify particular behav-
ioral patterns. In fact, human beings are learning agents that gen-
uinely infer judgements from experience. One may then assume that
social ties also rely on some experience-based proximity, which in-
volves actual interactions between individuals. For example, eliciting
some altruistic behavior in some interactive situation may be likely
to contribute to the creation of a social bond with other individuals.
One should note that the main difference here with the other dimen-
sions of proximity described above lies in the necessity to observe
the others behaviors during past interactions.
The last issue that we wish to address here concerns the bilat-
eral and symmetric aspect of a social tie. Indeed, any unilateral bond
should be simply understood as some belief about the existence of a
social tie: as an example, although Alice can see the same TV-show
host every day and knows that they both share some common social
features, there cannot be any social tie as long as the TV host does
not know her.
As a consequence, this leads to the following hypothesis:
Statement 2.1 a social tie (to a certain degree k) exists between two
individuals if and only if both individuals commonly believe that the
tie exists.
3 The social tie game
Having previously analysed the main characteristics of a social tie,
we now propose a game that seems best suited to study its behavioral
The corresponding Social Tie (ST) game, which is shown in Figure
1, is a two player game that can be described as follows: during the
rst stage of the game, only Alice has to choose between either play-
ing In or Out. In the latter case, the game ends with Alice earning
$20 and Bob earning $10. In the former case (i.e. In), both players
enter the second stage of the game that corresponds to a basic coordi-
nation game. If both coordinate on the (Ca, C
) solution, then Alice
and Bob get $35 and $5, respectively. Similarly, if both coordinate
on the (Da, Db) solution, then they get $15 (Alice) and $35 (Bob).
In any other case, both players win nothing ($0).
In Out
(15,35) (0,0)
(0,0) Ca
Figure 1. Social Tie game
One may note that our ST game corresponds to a variant of the
Battle of the Sexes (BoS) game with outside option (see [15]). In-
deed, the only difference lies on the symmetrical property within the
coordination subgame that we voluntarily removed here: unlike in
the BoS game, the lowest payoff is different in the two coordination
outcomes ($5 = $15). The main motivation to introduce this type
of asymmetry is to create some incentives for the players to favour
the group as a whole (in fact, neither social preferences, not team
reasoning would affect behavior in a BoS-like subgame).
One may also notice the similarity with the Dalek game presented
in [5]. The only difference with our ST game is that in the Dalek
game one solution of the coordination subgame ensures perfect eq-
uity. Indeed, as in our case, the Dalek game also introduces some
dilemma between maximizing ones self-interest and playing the
fairest outcome. However, unlike in our ST game, it does not in-
troduce any dilemma between satisfying self-interest and maximiz-
ing the social welfare (i.e. the combined payoffs of every player).
Although this game would be interesting to investigate, it may also
make it more difcult to observe the actual effects of social ties on
behavior: as a consequence of this missing dilemma, the Dalek game
offers less incentive to play the fairest solution, which may eventually
lead to a higher rate of miscoordination, with and without the pres-
ence of such ties. On the other hand, the signal of perfect equity in
the Dalek game may also appear so strong that it could reinforce the
stability of coordinating on the corresponding solution, even when
no ties are involved.
4 Game theoretic analysis
Through this section, we wish to provide a full theoretical analysis
of the above ST game that is exclusively based on classical game
theory (i.e. assuming agents are self-interested maximizers). In order
to do so, we will dene the sets of Nash equilibria, subgame perfect
equilibria, and forward induction solutions.
4.1 Nash equilibria
First consider the coordination subgame alone (i.e. the second stage
of the full ST game). Such a game has three different Nash equilibria
two asymmetric ones in pure strategies, (Ca, Cb) and (Da, Db),
and one in mixed strategies in which Alice plays Ca with probability
7/8 and earns an expected payoff of $10.5, while Bob plays Cb with
probability 3/10 and earns an expected payoff of $4.375.
Let us now consider the full ST game, which consists of the pre-
vious coordination game extended with some outside option (at the
rst stage of the game). The corresponding game in normal form is
represented in Figure 2.
(15,35) (0,0)
(0,0) (In, Ca)
(In, Da)
(20,10) (Out, Ca)
(Out, Da)
Figure 2. Social Tie game in normal form
This game contains three Nash equilibria in pure strategies, which
are the following:
(In, Ca, C
), (Out, Ca, D
), (Out, Da, D
These equilibria should simply be understood as follows: As long
as Bob does play D
in the coordination subgame, then Out remains
the best option for Alice (no matter what Alice would have chosen
between Ca and Da in the subgame). In any other cases, the strategy
(In, Ca) becomes the only rational move for Alice.
One should note that this set of solutions should be extended by a
large number of Nash equilibria in mixed strategies: we voluntarily
postpone the analysis of such solutions to the next section.
4.2 Subgame perfect equilibria
The subgame perfect equilibria, which can be computed through the
backward induction method, represent a restriction on the previous
set of Nash equilibria. In fact, this solution concept allows to rule out
incredible solutions that may be predicted as Nash equilibria. In our
game, (Out, Ca, Db) represents such a solution. Indeed, although
the prediction to play Out is perfectly rational for Alice, it here relies
on the fact that she would not be rational if she had played In in
the rst place: given that Bob plays D
in the coordination subgame,
Alices only rational move would be to play Da instead of Ca (which
corresponds to a Nash equilibrium in the subgame).
Moreover, one should note that the backward induction principle
also discard every Nash equilibrium in mixed strategies. In fact, the
optimal mixed strategy in the coordination subgame (see Section 4.1)
is strictly dominated by the Out option.
As a consequence, the set of all subgame perfect Nash equilibria
in pure strategies reduces to the following:
(In, Ca, C
), (Out, Da, D
4.3 Forward induction
Similarly the forward induction principle restricts the previous set of
subgame perfect Nash equilibria to keep only the most rational so-
lutions, which resist the iteration of weak dominance. In the context
of our ST game (see Figure 2), this leads to the following solution:
rst Alices strategy (In, Da) is weakly (and strictly) dominated by
any strategy involving Out. Then Bobs strategy Db becomes weakly
dominated by Da. Thus Alices strategies (Out, Ca) and (Out, Da)
are both weakly (and strictly) dominated by (In, Ca, C
). Therefore,
the unique forward induction solution, which resist iterated weak
dominance, is as follows:
(In, Ca, Cb)
Indeed it turns out that fully rational players should play this solu-
tion, which can be interpreted as follows: while playing In, Alice
signals Bob that she intends to play Ca (if she intended to play Da,
she would have played Out in the rst place). Therefore Bobs only
rational move is then to play C
. However, while this interpretation
justify the existence of the above solution, it does not explain why
the other backward induction solution is not rational. To continue the
argument, let us then consider the solution (Out, Da, D
), which
can be interpreted as follows: Alice plays Out because she expects
Bob to play D
in case she had played In. This chain of reason-
ing is clearly erroneous because Alices conditional expectation does
not match what she would really expect if she had actually chosen
to perform In. Indeed, as shown before, if Alice performs In, Bobs
only rational move is to play C
b, so no matter what Alice does during
the rst stage, she cannot expect anything else than Bob playing Cb.
Consequently, her only rational move is to play (In, Ca), and Bobs
best response is to play (C
The interesting characteristics that this analysis brings about is
that the validity of this forward induction argument is independent
on Bobs preferences. This therefore suggests that such a game in-
troduces some rst mover advantage that the second player can
not exploit, assuming that it is common knowledge among them that
they both are self interested agents.
Many studies in the economic literature have shown support to this
forward induction argument, see e.g. [8, 31, 14, 15, 36, 9, 10, 3].
Cooper et al. [14] investigate a coordination game with two Pareto-
ranked equilibria and report that a payoff-relevant outside option
changes play in the direction predicted by forward induction. Van
Huyck et al. [36] report the success of forward induction in a setup
in which the right to participate in a coordination game is auctioned
off prior to play. Cachon and Camerer [10] investigate a setup in
which subjects may pay a fee to participate in a coordination game
with Pareto-ranked equilibria. They report that play is consistent with
forward induction.
However, there is also contrary evidence. In [15], Cooper et al.
obtain the forward induction solution when it coincides with a dom-
inance argument but the same outcome is predicted when forward
induction makes no prediction. Brandts and Holt [9] also show that
the forward induction is only a good prediction if it coincides with
a simple dominance argument. In [7], Brandts et al. nd evidence
against forward induction in an industrial organization game.
Other work have shown that the temporal factor of the game is
relevant to the forward induction reasoning. In [15] and [25], the for-
ward induction solution predicts well in the experiment based on the
extensive form but does poorly when subjects are presented with the
normal form game.
However, all these work consider games that are slightly different
from our current version. One may then wonder whether the asym-
metry introduced in our ST game does resist the game theoretical
5 Introducing social preferences
In this section, we reinterpret our ST game through the use of existing
economic theories of social preferences. In fact, these models allows
one to consider not only the self-interested motivations of the agents,
but also their social motivations. In other words, a players utility is
not characterised by his own material payoffs, but also those of the
other players. We choose to focus on the concepts of inequity aver-
sion and fairness, which seem to be the most relevant to our current
game. Other models of reciprocity and altruism do not appear to be
suitable to such a coordination game: those models would indeed re-
quire agents to predict the opponents move and behave in a way that
would be indistinguishable from that of some self-interested agent.
5.1 Theory of inequity Aversion
In the models proposed by Fehr & Schmidt [16] and Bolton & Ock-
enfels [6], players are assumed to be intrinsically motivated to dis-
tribute payoffs in an equitable way: a player dislikes being either
better off or worse off than another player. In other terms, utilities
are calculated in such a way that equitable allocations of payoffs are
preferred by all players.
Formally, consider two players i and j and let x = {xi, xj} de-
note the vector of monetary payoffs. According to Fehr & Schmidts
model, the utility function of player i is given by:
Ui(x) = xi i max{xj xi, 0} i max{xi xj, 0}
where it is assumed that i = j, i i and 0 i < 1.
The two parameters can be interpreted as follows: i parametrizes
the distaste of person i for disadvantageous inequality while i
parametrizes the distaste of person i for advantageous inequality. One
should note that setting these parameters to zero denes some purely
self-interested agent. The constraints imposed on the parameters are
meant to ensure that players do not act altruistically, which is not the
purpose of the model (i.e. if i < i then the model would assume i
is altruist).
Clearly, applying such a model to our current ST game can literally
transform its whole structure, depending on the values assigned to
parameters i and i. Let us then performa game theoretical analysis
that involves such inequity aversion parameters.
The main observation that can be made is about the effects of
Alices preference ordering on her behavior. In fact, assuming that
Alice Alice, then Alice will never play the strategy (In, Da),
no matter how inequity averse she is:
< 3/4 and
< 1/6, then Alice and Bobs prefer-
ences remain as if they were self-interested (i.e. the forward in-
duction argument still holds). Thus Alices only rational strategy
is to play (In, Ca) while Bob will rationally play (Cb).
if Alice < 3/4 and Bob 1/6, then Alice is always better
off by playing (Out): the coordination subgame yields a unique
Nash equilibrium (i.e. (Da, D
)), which is strictly dominated by
playing (Out).
if Alice 3/4, then Alice is always better off by playing (Out):
for any Alice Alice, any outcome from the coordination sub-
game is strictly dominated by playing (Out) (see Figure 3 for an
In Out
(-5,15) (0,0)
(0,0) Ca
Figure 3. Transformed ST game with inequity averse players
= 1)
The main result of this analysis is that the value of Alice and
are irrelevant to dening Alice and Bobs preferences. In other
words, only Alices distaste about advantageous inequality can affect
her preference ordering in the current game. Similarly, only Bobs
distaste about disadvantageous inequality can affect his preference
ordering. One should also note that inequity aversion does not keep
the rst mover advantage mentioned in the previous section: Al-
ices rst move does signal Bob not only about her low level of in-
equity aversion, but also about her expectation of Bobs low level of
inequity aversion. That means that if she plays In, then the resulting
outcome is entirely depending on Bobs level of inequity aversion
(either (In, Ca, C
) or (In, Ca, D
) will be played).
The set of Nash Equilibria (NE) and Subgame Perfect Equilibria
(SPE), in the context of the ST game played with inequity aversion, is
summarized through the following table (note that forward induction
is irrelevant in this case because the SPE always predicts a unique
(Out, Ca, C
) (Out, Ca, C
) if
< 1/6
(Out, Ca, D
) (Out, Da, D
) if
< 3/4
(Out, Da, D
) (Out, Ca, D
) if
1/6 and
(Out, Da, C
Table 1. Equilibrium solution concepts for inequity averse agent(s)
3/4 or
5.2 Theory of fairness
Let us now consider another type of social preferences model that
relies on the notion of fairness. In [11], Charness & Rabin propose
a specic form of social preference they call quasi-maximin prefer-
ences. In their model, group payoff is computed by means of a social
welfare function which is a weighted combination of Rawls maximin
and of the utilitarian welfare function (i.e. summation of individual
payoffs) (see [11, p. 851]).
Formally, consider two players i and j and let x = {xi, xj} denote
the vector of monetary payoffs. According to Charness & Rabins
model, the utility function of player i is given by:
Ui(x) = (1 ) xi + [ min[xi, xj] + (1 ) (xi +xj)]
where , [0, 1]. Moreover, the two parameters can be inter-
preted as follows: measures the degree of concern for helping the
worst-off person versus maximizing the total social surplus. Setting
= 1 corresponds to a pure maximin (or Rawlsian criterion),
while setting = 0 corresponds to total-surplus maximization.
measures how much player i cares about pursuing the social welfare
versus his own self-interest. Setting = 1 corresponds to purely
disinterested preferences, in which players care no more (or less)
about her own payoffs than others, while setting = 0 corresponds
to pure self-interest.
As for the previous model, the parameters and can consider-
ably change the structure of the ST game, which is why we propose
a new game theoretical analysis involving such fair agents.
The rst observation is that while fairness may slightly alter Bobs
preferences, the (In, Da, D
) outcome always remains the best op-
tion: the only difference with the classical model is that he may
come to prefer the (In, Ca, Cb) outcome to the (Out) solution when
< 2/3 and > 1/3.
Similarly, Alices preferences also get affected by such notion of
fairness. The main result is that a new forward induction solution
may emerge through such a social preferences model:
if < 1/2, then Alice may still play the forward induction solu-
tion as predicted by classical game theory (i.e. (In, Ca)), depend-
ing on the value of .
if 1/2 3/4, then no prediction can be made without con-
sidering probabilistic beliefs: both Nash solutions in pure strate-
gies from the subgame are always at least as good for Alice as
playing (Out).
if > 3/4 and > 2/3, then Alice may play a forward induc-
tion solution (i.e. (In, Da)) that mainly relies on her other regard-
ing preferences: solution (In, Da, D
) indeed becomes preferred
to playing Out, which is preferred to solution (In, Ca, Cb) (see
Figure 4 for an example).
Moreover, one should note that, as for the original version of the
game (see section 4), the (Out) option for Alice always dominates
the Nash equilibrium in mixed strategies from the coordination sub-
game, no matter what the values of and are.
In Out
(15,15) (0,0)
(0,0) Ca
Figure 4. Transformed ST game for fair agents ( = = 1)
The above analysis suggests that the ST game may in fact con-
tain two distinct focal points for the players, which can be identied
by the two possible forward induction solutions. Therefore, one can
state that the current ST game yields a unique social-welfare equilib-
if and only if players have either some strong self-interested
preferences ( << 1/5) or some strong other-regarding preferences
( >> 3/4 and >> 2/3). In the latter case, one should note that
the players sensibility to the maximin principle needs to dominate
that of the utilitarian welfare function.
The set of Nash Equilibria (NE), Subgame Perfect Equilibria
(SPE), and Forward Induction solutions (FI), in the context of the
ST game played by fair agents, is summarized through the following
(In, Da, D
), (Out, Ca, C
) (In, Da, D
) (In, Da, D
(Out, Da, C
) (Out, Ca, C
Table 2. Equilibrium solution concepts for fair agents ( >> 3/4 and
>> 2/3)
6 Towards team reasoning
Another important concept that is of high relevance when studying
social ties is about team reasoning. In fact, as already said in Section
2, players that are socially connected may be expected to identify
themselves with the same group, which may consequently lead them
to choose actions as a member of this group.
In order to illustrate this argument in the context of our ST game,
let us dene a payoff function U that satises, for example, Rawls
maximin criterion [29]. This criterion corresponds to giving innitely
greater weight to the benets of the worse-off person. Applying this
The social welfare equilibrium introduced by Charness & Rabin [11, p. 852]
corresponds to a Nash equilibrium for some given values of and
payoff function to the ST game leads to the transformed game de-
picted in Figure 4 from Section 5.2.
In fact, in this case, both players benet if and only if they co-
ordinate with each other in the subgame. However, their subsequent
payoffs depends on which action they do coordinate on. The inter-
esting property of this transformed subgame is that it introduces a
dilemma that even economic theory cannot solve. However, while
game theory is indeed unable to predict any particular outcome (i.e.
both coordinated outcomes of the subgame are Nash solutions), it
is shown in [2] that people would tend to coordinate on the action
that leads to the most rewarding outcome for both (i.e. (Da, Db)).
In order to interpret such intuitive behavior, some theorists have pro-
posed to incorporate new modes of reasoning into game theory. For
instance, starting from the work of Gilbert [20] and Reagan [30],
some economists and logicians [26] have studied team reasoning as
an alternative to the best-response reasoning assumed in classical
game theory [33, 32, 1, 13]. Team-directed reasoning is the kind of
reasoning that people use when they take themselves to be acting as
members of a group or team [32]. That is, when an agent i engages
in team reasoning, he identies himself as a member of a group of
agents S and conceives S as a unit of agency acting as a single en-
tity in pursuit of some collective objective. A team reasoning player
acts for the interest of his group by identifying a strategy prole that
maximizes the collective payoff of the group, and then, if the maxi-
mizing strategy prole is unique, by choosing the action that forms a
component of this strategy prole.
According to [22, 33], simple team reasoning (from Alices view-
point) in the current ST game can therefore be dened as follows:
Statement 6.1 If Alice believes that:
She is a member of a group {Alice, Bob}.
It is common knowledge among Alice and Bob that both identify
with {Alice, Bob}.
It is common knowledge among Alice and Bob that both want the
value of U to be maximized.
It is common knowledge among Alice and Bob that (In, Da, D
uniquely maximizes U.
Then she should choose her strategy (In, Da).
However, one should note that the above payoff function U is sim-
ply an example, and could then be interpreted otherwise. As an al-
ternative, one may consider a function of social welfare that satises
classical utilitarianism (i.e. by maximizing the total combined pay-
off of all players). In this case, as the transformed game would hold
the same characteristics as the game depicted in Figure 4, Alices
behavior predicted by Statement 6.1 would remain unchanged.
7 Working hypotheses
As previously mentioned, the main goal of our ST game is to inves-
tigate whether social ties affect social preferences. According to the
previous theoretical analyses, experimenting this game can therefore
allow to verify the following hypotheses.
Hypothesis 7.1 Social ties correlate with inequity aversion.
Hypothesis 7.1 thus predicts that Alice will play (Out), no matter
whether she is and/or expects Bob to be inequity averse.
Hypothesis 7.2 Social ties correlate with fairness.
Hypothesis 7.2 predicts that both Alice and Bob will coordinate on
the (In, Da, Db) outcome. However, in this case, the following hy-
pothesis also needs to be veried:
Hypothesis 7.3 Social ties correlate with team reasoning
Indeed, one should note that the ST game does not allow to dis-
tinguish Hypothesis 7.3 from Hypothesis 7.2 (in both cases, agents
should play (In, Da, Db)). In order to differentiate these hypotheses,
one may then consider a version of our game without the outside op-
tion (that is the possibility for Alice to play (Out) rst): this simply
corresponds to playing the coordination subgame alone. In this alter-
native situation, the game resembles the well known Hi-Lo matching
game: Hypothesis 7.2 then predicts that players would miscoordi-
nate (there will always be two different social welfare equilibria in
this case), whereas Hypothesis 7.3 predicts that players would not
change their behavior and still coordinate on the (Da, D
) outcome.
8 Conclusion
In this paper, we have proposed a game that appears to have very nice
properties to investigate the behavioral effects of social ties. Indeed it
creates a dilemma between maximizing self-interest and maximizing
social welfare. It differs however fromexisting economic games from
the literature that elicit similar properties, such as the trust game, the
ultimatum game, and the dictator game. In the latter cases, both play-
ers only need to rely on their own type of preference as well as their
belief about the others, which may then be inuenced by some psy-
chological factors (e.g. disappointment, regret, guilt) [18]. On the
other hand, in our ST game, knowing each others type of preference
is not sufcient to predict any action that maximizes utilities, it also
needs to be common knowledge among them. In addition to allow-
ing for some considerably more detailed epistemic analysis, such an
additional constraint seems relevant as it appears to be a requirement
for the existence of a social tie (according to Statement 2.1 from Sec-
tion 2). Moreover, this game is also well suited to evaluate the very
plausible theory of team reasoning in the context of social ties: the
stronger the tie between individuals, the more they may act as mem-
bers of the same group.
However, as this work is purely theoretical, it clearly suggests
some further experimental analysis. The next stage of this study
therefore consists of testing and evaluating the various hypotheses
made in the previous sections. To do so, we intend to conduct experi-
mental sessions where people will be asked to interact (1) with some
perfect strangers, and (2) with some socially connected individuals
(e.g. friends, class mates, team mates, etc. . . ) in the context of our
ST game in extensive form.
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Conviviality by Design
Patrice Caire
and Antonis Bikakis
and Vasileios Efthymiou
Abstract. With the pervasive development of socio-
technical systems, such as Facebook, Twitter and digital
cities, modelling and reasoning on social settings has acquired
great signicance. Hence, an independent soft objective of sys-
tem design is to facilitate interactions. Conviviality has been
introduced as a social science concept for multiagent systems
to highlight soft qualitative requirements like user friendliness
of systems. Roughly, more opportunity to work with other
people increases the conviviality. In this paper, the question
we address is how to design systems to increase conviviality by
design. To evaluate conviviality, we model agent interactions
using dependence networks, and dene measures that quan-
tify interdependence over time. To illustrate our approach we
use a gaming example. Though, our methods can be applied
similarly to any type of agent systems, which involve human
or articial agents cooperating to achieve their goals.
1 Introduction
As software systems gain in complexity and become more and
more intertwined with the human social environment, models
that can express the social characteristics of complex systems
are increasingly needed [13, 8, 16]. For example, people may
live far apart, speak dierent languages and have never physi-
cally met, but still, they expect to interact electronically with
each other as they do physically. Hence, an implicit soft objec-
tive of system design is often to facilitate interactions. Con-
viviality emerges, but we want to design systems that foster
conviviality among people or devices [18].
So far, most systems let users nd their own ways to cooper-
ate without providing any help or support. In such cases, users
have to coordinate their actions and cooperate in a distributed
way. Without any support from the system, they are not able
to evaluate their cooperation and therefore the conviviality
of the system; consequently they also cannot nd ways to in-
crease it. Conviviality is more than mere cooperation; it gives
agents the freedom to chose with whom to cooperate.
Our proposed approach follows an alternative direction. It
is based on the intuition that, to be convivial, the system
itself should provide its users with potential ways to cooper-
ate. For example, the system may suggest to the employees
of a company, possible ways of interaction that will improve
their cooperation. The system may monitor the evolution of
these interactions, evaluate the agents cooperation, and up-
date the suggestions it makes to increase conviviality. Our
research question is the following:
University of Luxembourg, email: [email protected]
UCL, United Kingdom, email: [email protected]
University of Luxembourg, email: [email protected]
Research Question: How to, by design, increase convivi-
ality in multiagent systems?
This breaks down into the following sub-questions:
(a) How to evaluate conviviality?
(b) How to measure conviviality over time?
(c) What are the assumptions and requirements for such
(d) How to use the measures in MAS?
In agent systems, conviviality measures quantify interde-
pendence in social relations, representing the degree to which
the system facilitates social interactions. Roughly, more in-
terdependence increases conviviality among groups of agents
or coalitions, whereas larger coalitions may decrease the e-
ciency or stability of these involved coalitions. We are, there-
fore, interested in two main issues. The rst one is to design
multiagent systems so that they foster conviviality, while the
second one is to evaluate conviviality. For the rst issue we
adopt the paradigm of dependence networks, based on the
intuition that conviviality may be represented by the interde-
pendence among the agents of the system. For evaluating con-
viviality over time, we build on the static measures originally
introduced in [4]. We extend these measures by proposing new
ones, that we call temporal case.
In this paper, we build on the notion of social dependence
introduced by Castelfranchi [7]. Castelfranchi brings concepts
like groups and collectives from social theory to agent theory
to enrich agent theory and develop experimental, conceptual
and theoretical new instruments for social sciences.
Moreover, we take as a starting point the notion of depen-
dence graphs and dependence networks initially elaborated
by Conte and Sichman [20], and Conte et al. [21], and further
developed by these authors [20].
We build on the Temporal Dependence Networks, intro-
duced in [5] to compare time sequences of dierent depen-
dence networks. This time however, we model the potential
evolutions of sequences within the same dependence network.
We introduce three principles to dene three new measures,
and therefore compare conviviality in Temporal Dependence
Networks in a macro- and micro-organizational scale.
The remainder of the paper is structured as follows: First,
we introduce our motivating example, highlighting the main
challenges. Then, we identify requirements for convivial sys-
tem design measures. We introduce our temporal dependence
networks measures and principles. Finally, we present some of
the most related works and summarize this paper.
2 Example Scenario
In order to demonstrate the requirements and challenges of
conviviality among heterogeneous agents, we use an example
scenario from the domain of social networks. This example al-
lows us to compare dierent instances of a game and illustrate
how the system may increase the conviviality by evaluating
the games against a number of conviviality principles.
Consider a game in Facebook, in which dierent users form
teams and cooperate in order to achieve a common goal. We
assume the members of each team to be completely unknown
to each other (they are not Facebook friends and they have no
friends in common), and that the game allows only one-to-one
interactions between team members. For the sake of simplic-
ity, we also assume that each team must consist of the same
number of players. The game consists in nding answers to
questions involving information that is available in the pub-
lic proles of the team members. The game unfolds in three
dierent phases, and for each phase there is one associated
problem in the form of a question/answer to be solved.
For the rst phase, the question (Q1) is: Which team mem-
ber has the most in common with the others?. For example,
in a ve-member team A: Alice, Bob, Carlo, Dimitra and
Eve, it could be that Eve has common interests with Alice
in tennis, with Carlo in Spanish movies, and with Dimitra in
ancient history. Alice and Dimitra have a common interest in
climbing, and Bob and Carlo are both interested in football.
For team A, the correct answer would be Eve.
The second phase question (Q2) is: Which country corre-
sponds to both the picture uploaded by answer of Q1 (Eve) and
one (and one only) of the team members?. For our team A,
the correct answer would be Greece based on the fact that
Eve has uploaded a photo, which was taken in Athens, and
Dimitra is the only team member that comes from Greece.
The last question (Q3) is: What is the place among the
answers provided to Q2 that most team members prefer?
(Greece). The answer would be Santorini, which is liked
by Alice, Dimitra and Eve, while other places in Greece, such
as Athens or Crete, are liked only by two of the team mem-
The team that manages to solve the riddles faster than the
other teams is the winner. Building on instances of the game,
we analyze how the system may increase the conviviality of
the game by evaluating it against proposed principles.
Winning such a game requires nding the proper ways to
cooperate, and assessing the teams performance by evaluat-
ing conviviality. In brief, the challenges of this game are:
1. Cooperation. If one of the team members does not coop-
erate, this would probably mean that the team may not be
able to answer a question, and consequently win the game.
The challenge, here, is to enable and foster cooperation be-
tween the team players.
2. Evaluation of conviviality. This process will help the
team assess its performance in each round of the game, and
nd ways to improve it. For example, if team A could not
provide an answer to Q1, because there were not enough
interactions between the team members, the team should
be able to realise the reasons for their poor performance and
nd ways to improve it for the next rounds. The challenge,
in this case, is to develop principled methods for measuring
the conviviality among the team members.
3 Hypotheses and requirements
To represent agents interdependencies we use dependence
networks [9, 19, 2], dierentiating static and temporal cases.
3.1 Static case
In this case, all interdependencies are modelled in a single
global dependence network, as in [9, 19, 2]. We consider
that the agents goals and interdependencies have been identi-
ed using a goal-oriented method like Tropos [3], for instance.
Abstracting from method-specic concepts (e.g. tasks and re-
sources in Tropos), we dene a dependence network as in [4]:
Definition 3.1 (Dependence network) A dependence
network (DN) is a tuple A, G, dep, where: A is a set of
agents, G is a set of goals, dep : A A 2
is a function
that relates with each pair of agents, the sets of goals on which
the rst agent depends on the second, and : A 2
is for each agent a total pre-order on sets of goals occurring
in his dependencies: G1 >
To illustrate our denition, we consider that during the rst
phase of the game, only A and B interact to answer Q1; during
phase 2, B and C interact as well as D and C; and during
phase 3, B and E interact as well as D and E, and A and
E. Figure 1 depicts a dependence network that captures this
situation. The nodes A, B, C, D and E represent agents Alice,
Bob, Carlo, Dimitra and Eve. The arrows indicate the goal
dependencies (i.e. ask a question or reply to it). A number of
coalitions are formed among the ve agents, such as (A, E),
(A, B, E) and (A, B, C, D, E).
Figure 1. Example of a dependence network.
Based on [4], we make the following hypotheses:
H1 the cycles identied in a dependence network are consid-
ered as coalitions. These coalitions are used to evaluate
conviviality in the network. Cycles are the smallest graph
topology expressing interdependence, thereby conviviality,
and are therefore considered atomic relations of interdepen-
dence. When referring to cycles, we are implicitly signifying
simple cycles, i.e., where all nodes are distinct [10]; we also
discard self-loops. When referring to conviviality, we always
refer to potential interaction not actual interaction.
H2 conviviality in a dependence network is evaluated in a
bounded domain, i.e., over a [0, 1] interval. This allows the
comparison of dierent systems in terms of conviviality.
H3 larger coalitions have more conviviality.
H4 the more coalitions in the dependence network, the higher
the conviviality measure (ceteris paribus).
Our top goal is to maximize conviviality in the multiagent
system. Some coalitions provide more opportunities for their
participants to cooperate than others, being thereby more
convivial. Our two sub-goals (or requirements) are thus:
R1 maximize the size of the agents coalitions, i.e. to maximize
the number of agents involved in the coalitions,
R2 maximize the number of these coalitions.
3.2 Temporal Case
For more ne-grained exploration, the network can be divided
up into sequences, and analysis performed on each sequence.
This allows for local analysis of the network and is less compu-
tationally intensive. Denition 3.2 formalizes how dependence
networks can be extended to capture the temporal evolution
of dependencies between agents, inspired from [5].
Definition 3.2 (Temporal dependence network) A
temporal dependence network (TDN) is a tuple A,G,T, dep
where: A is a set of agents, G is a set of goals, T is a set of
natural numbers denoting the time units or sequence number,
dep : T A A 2
is a function that relates with each
triple of a sequence number, and two agents, the set of goals
on which the rst agent depends on the second.
Returning to our example, the static view illustrated Fig-
ure 1 is now captured as a sequence in Figure 2. If we call
the temporal dependence network TDN
denotes the
individual dependence network that corresponds to the j
step. Note that |A|, the number of agents (5 in this case),
remains constant over TDN
. |TDN
| refers to the length of
the temporal dependence network (3 in this case).
(a) TDN
(b) TDN
(c) TDN
Figure 2. Example of a temporal dependence network.
Building on the static case, our assumptions are:
H5 the more regularly the number of coalitions increases, the
higher the conviviality measure (ceteris paribus); for ex-
ample, in human society, allowing people to get to know
each other progressively enables trust to build up. In cases,
where agents need to quickly form a grand coalition with-
out build up, and dissolve, the assumptions may dier.
H6 the more dierent agents take part in coalitions, the higher
the conviviality (ceteris paribus); for example, by allowing
all agents to participate in interactions.
Our two additional requirements are thus:
R3 maximize the regular increment of the number of coalitions,
R4 maximize the involvement of each individual agent in the
4 Conviviality measures
In multiagent systems, conviviality has been evaluated by
measuring the interdependencies among the agents [4]. In this
section, we use the static conviviality measures presented in
[4], that we call static case. We extend these measures by
proposing new ones, that we call temporal case. The main
challenge in dening conviviality measures over time is to
make assumptions about the sequences. For example, when
modelling the agents interdependencies as a sequence of de-
pendence networks, we could leave out one dependence net-
work from a sequence, or introduce multiple copies of the same
dependence network. How this aects the conviviality and its
evaluation depends on the underlying assumptions.
4.1 Static Case
The basic idea for the conviviality measures introduced in [4],
is the following. Since the atomic structure reecting convivi-
ality is a pair of reciprocating agents, the conviviality mea-
sures should also be based on the pairing relations in the de-
pendence networks. Hence, for each pair of agents, the num-
ber of cycles that contains this pair is counted. Furthermore,
the measures introduced in [4] were normalized to be in [0, 1]
in order to allow the sensible comparison of any two depen-
dence networks in terms of conviviality. Equation 1 is the
general formula to express the pairwise conviviality measure
conv(DN) of a dependence network.
conv(DN) =
coal(a, b)
, (1)
where coal(a, b) for any distinct a, b A is the number of
cycles that contain both a and b in DN and is the maximum
the sum in the numerator can get, over a dependence network
of the same set of goals and the same number of agents but
with all possible dependencies.
To compare the conviviality of each of the three steps
in TDN
of Figure 2, using the measure of Equation 1,
we would just have to count the pairs of agents that be-
long to cycles, since the denominator is the same for
all three steps. In TDN
there are two pairs participat-
ing in a cycle: (A, B), (B, A), in TDN
, four pairs of
agents: (B, C), (C, B), (C, D), (D, C) and in TDN
six pairs:
(A, E), (E, A), (B, E), (E, B), (D, E), (E, D). This makes the
third step more convivial than the rst two.
4.2 Temporal Case
Conviviality in Temporal Dependence Network can be mea-
sured on at least two separate scales: the micro organiza-
tional and the macro-organizational scales. Measurements at
the macro-organizational scale focus on the evaluation and
comparison of the conviviality measures of each step in the se-
quence of dependence networks, whereas micro-organizational
measurement reects topological aspects within each depen-
dence network. We consider three measurement principles:
Principle 1 (Dominance) A temporal dependence network
has more conviviality than another one if, ceteris paribus, each
individual dependence network of the former has more convivi-
ality than the corresponding (same sequence number) individ-
ual dependence network of the latter. This is a combination
of R1 and R2 from the single transition case.
Principle 2 (Volatility) A temporal dependence network
has more conviviality than another one if, ceteris paribus, the
conviviality measures of all individual dependence networks in
the former shows less volatility than in the latter.
Principle 3 ((Micro-organizational) Entropy) A tem-
poral dependence network has higher conviviality than another
one if, ceteris paribus, the dependence topology in the former
shows more variations than in the latter, i.e., if the agents
have the opportunity to interact in a greater variety of coali-
For instance, when we state our Principle 1, Dominance,
we compare conviviality measures of each step in the se-
quence of dependence networks, thus a measure at the macro-
organizational is done. The same holds when we say that the
conviviality measures should be equally distributed (Princi-
ple 2, Volatility). In contrast, to be able to compare the en-
tropy within two sequences of temporal dependence networks,
and evaluate the R.4, i.e., maximize the involvement of each
individual agent in the coalitions, we need to study the tem-
poral dependence network at a micro-organizational scale.
4.2.1 Macro-organizational scale
To illustrate our Dominance Principle, we return to our run-
ning example. Consider two instances of the game: l and k.
The same ve players, Alice, Bob, Carlo, Dimitra and Eve,
are trying to improve their conviviality. Indeed, in game l they
considered that they did poorly. They play a second game k
and compare their performance with the rst one. Figure 3
illustrates the Dominance Principle with these two games.
(a) TDN
(b) TDN
(c) TDN
(a) TDN
(b) TDN
(c) TDN
Figure 3. Illustration of Dominance.
The rst game l, represented by the temporal dependence
network TDNl has more conviviality than the second, repre-
sented by TDN
. In each corresponding phase of the game,
there are more interactions among the agents in game l than
in game k. For example, in phase 1, three agents from game l
interact, namely A, D and B, to form two coalitions, whereas
in the same phase, only two agents from game k interact,
namely A and B, to form a single coalition.
We now introduce our ne-grained conviviality measures
for temporal dependence networks. Let TDN1 and TDN2 be
two temporal dependence networks.
Let |TDN1| and |TDN2| be the length of these temporal de-
pendence networks, i.e., the number of steps in the sequences.
Let |A1| and |A2| be the number of agents in TDN1 and
TDN2 respectively. We recall that |A1| and |A2| are constant
over the individual dependence networks Let TDN
the j-th individual dependence network of the temporal de-
pendence networks TDNi.
Definition 4.1 (Dominance, formally) Let
|TDN1| = |TDN2|. If TDN
) conv(TDN
then conv(TDN1) conv(TDN2).
For each instance of TDN
in Figure 3, the corresponding
instance of TDN
, containing the same agents and goals, has
less cycles. This makes TDN
overally more convivial.
Similarly as in the static case represented Figure 1, we can
assume, for our example, that each cycle consists of the same
two goals reciprocation in any given individual dependence
network. For instance, illustrated Figure 3, in TDN
, C de-
pends on B and reciprocally, to ask and answer question, sim-
ilarly C depends on D and reciprocally. This reects the fact
that the game is turn based, and all players have similar goals
at a given phase of the game (i.e., in a given individual de-
pendence network step). Then, there are a total of 2 goals
in each individual dependence network of our examples (Fig-
ure 3 to Figure 5). The following are then constant over all the
computation section for each individual dependence network:
Agents = {A, B, C, D, E},
Goals = {ask a question
, reply to a question
= 6320.
The conviviality computation of each individual dependence
network step displayed on Figure 3 is presented in Table 1. For
instance, the conviviality of TDN
is explained in Paragraph
4.1. We see that the computed conviviality for each individual
dependence network is higher in TDN
than in TDN
. In
each phase of the game, the players have more interactions.As
a conclusion and per Dominance Principle, TDN
has more
conviviality than TDNk.
Table 1. Computations for TDN
and TDN
Phase 1 Phase 2 Phase 3
) =
) =
) =
) =
) =
) =
, the stan-
dard variation of TDN
is less than the standard variation of
TDNm. This means that the conviviality of TDN
more gradually and therefore TDNk is more convivial. The
intuition for this principle is that volatility and dependency
are two conicting notions.
To evaluate the conviviality of the temporal dependence
networks depicted Fig. 4, we rst compute conviviality for
each individual dependence network step, presented Table 2.
Table 2. Computations for TDNm and TDN
, Fig. 4.
Phase 1 Phase 2 Phase 3
= 0 TDN
(TDNk) =
St. dist.
(TDNm) =
(TDNk) =
4.2.2 Micro-Organizational Scale
Figure 5 illustrates Entropy: TDNi is more convivial than
TDNj. In game i, players change partners more often, allow-
(a) TDN
(b) TDN
(c) TDN
(a) TDN
(b) TDN
(c) TDN
Figure 5. Illustration of Entropy.
ing all players to interact, whereas in game j the same players
interact with each other and one player is never involved.
Let T be the number of dierent coalitions over all steps
in the sequences of the temporal dependence network T.
Definition 4.3 (Entropy, formally) Let
|TDN1| = |TDN2|, and (TDN1) = (TDN2), and
(TDN1) = (TDN2).
If 1 > 2, then coal(TDN1) > coal(TDN2).
In Figure 5, none of the two temporal dependence networks
TDNj and TDNi is dominant or less volatile. However, in
TDNj the same coalitions exist throughout the game, whereas
in TDNi, dierent coalitions are formed and consequently
more players have the ability to participate, contribute and
benet. Therefore, TDNi is more convivial.
Table 4. Entropy, Fig. 5.
(TDNj) =
(TDNj) = 0
= 2
(TDNi) =
(TDNi) = 0
= 6
Remark: this principle may lead to unexpected results since
only the number of coalitions is taken into account (and not
their length). If we limit ourself to coalitions of length 2, the
above is sucient. A further study is needed to understand
the impact of this principle on coalitions with random lengths.
4.2.3 Discussion
In this section we dene conviviality measures that satisfy the
four requirements we distinguish and the three principles for
our conviviality measures, and illustrate them with our run-
ning example. Our measures build up to allow the agents to
compare their performances and increase their conviviality.
Our rst measures allow agents to compare their conviviality
at each step of the game. However, these measures do not re-
ect the distribution of conviviality over the whole sequence,
which is what our second measures provide. On the other
hand, these second measures do not provide any insight on
which agents cooperate to ensure individual agents partici-
pation, which is addressed by our third measure.
5 Related research
In this paper, we use the notion of social dependence intro-
duced by Castelfranchi [7]. Moreover, we build on the notion
of dependence graphs and dependence networks, elaborated
by Conte and Sichman [20], and Conte et al. [21], in order to
model and measure conviviality.
By contrast, we use a more abstract representation of de-
pendence networks, i.e., abstracting notions such as tasks,
actions or plans. In this sense our approach also builds to
Sauros abstractions in [15], Boella et al. [2].Dependence based
coalition formation is analyzed by Sichman [19], while other
approaches are developed in [17, 11, 1].
Dierently from Grossi and Turrini [12], our approach does
not bring together coalitional theory and dependence theory
in the study of social cooperation within multiagent systems.
Moreover, our approach diers as it does not hinge on agree-
ments. Finally, similarly to works such as in Johnson and
Bradshaw et al. coactive design [14], we emphasize agents
interdependence as a critical feature of multiagent systems.
Addtionally, the authors focus on the design of systems in-
volving joint interaction among human-agent systems .
6 Summary
In agents systems, conviviality measures quantify interdepen-
dence in social dependence relations, representing the degree
to which the system facilitates social interactions. In this pa-
per, we distinguish static from temporal measures. In the
static case, roughly, more interdependence increases convivi-
ality among groups of agents, i.e., coalitions, whereas larger
coalitions may decrease the eciency or stability of these in-
volved coalitions. In the temporal case, we consider sequences
of dependence networks over time.
We distinguish four requirements to maximize conviviality
in a multiagent system: 1) maximize the size of the agents
coalitions; 2) maximize the number of these coalitions; 3)
maximize the regular increment of the number of coalitions;
and 4) maximize the involvement of each individual agent in
the coalitions. Furthermore, we distinguish three principles
to guide our denition of conviviality measures: dominance,
volatility, and entropy. Finally, we dene conviviality mea-
sures that can be used to test our requirements following our
three principles, and illustrate them with a gaming example.
A topic of further work is to dene measures of temporal
dependence networks for other interpretation of the temporal
sequence, and to dene conviviality measures for dynamic nor-
mative dependence networks. The dierence between the two,
is that in the latter, a normative system mechanism is used
to change conviviality by changing social dependencies, for
example by creating new obligations, hiding power relations
and social structures. This has been used to dene convivial-
ity masks [6], and thus the measures of dynamic dependence
networks will lead to measures of conviviality masks. How-
ever, we expect that the proposed measures do not apply in
a straightforward way, but that new measures will be needed
to capture further views of conviviality.
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doxastic (propositional) and practical commitments. We question
Brandoms assumption that there is a fundamental asymmetry be-
tween these two types of commitment and argue that conformist im-
itation can be incorporated into his model if we allow that practical
as well as propositional commitments may be accorded default en-
titlement and that (provisional) entitlement may be inherited from
other agents. Thus alongside Brandoms notion of inheritance of en-
titlement to propositional commitments via testimony, we propose
inheritance by example in the practical case. This line of argument is
contrasted with recent computational models based on data mining
and machine learning. Finally, we briey discuss how these ndings
may be incorporated in a framework for normative agents.
A recent survey of the state of the art in normative multi-agent sys-
tems [12] proposes a model of the normlife cycle incorporating the
processes of creation, transmission, recognition, enforcement, accep-
tance, modication, internalisation, emergence, forgetting and evolu-
tion. This paper will focus on one particular aspect of social learning
and interaction, namely conformist imitation, and will suggest ways
it can be incorporated into this model.
Imitation has been called the main process of social learning
[16] and there is evidence that the propensity to imitate is one of the
key factors distinguishing humans from other higher primates, along
with productive use of language and large-scale cooperation outside
kin groups [10]. The eld of agent-based social simulation has taken
on board the notion of social learning from social psychology: there
has been much discussion of agents propensity to imitate others in
learning and interaction [16, 7]. [10] marshals evidence that a dispo-
sition to imitate may in fact be hard wired in humans:
In the same way that individuals develop certain responsive dis-
positions, which lead them to develop appropriate beliefs in the
case of observations, or desires in the case of somatic stimulus,
people also acquire rules to govern their conduct by imitating
observed regularities of behaviour in their immediate social en-
Furthermore, the choice of which behaviour to imitate is subject to a
conformist bias: if there are competing regularities in a population,
individuals will tend to select the one which is most common.
Department of Computing, Goldsmiths University of London. Email:
[email protected]
[12] distinguishes between Type I norms, which are decreed by
an authority, and Type II which emerge from interactions between
agents. I would like to distinguish further between two classes of
Type II norms: what we may call behaviourist norms, essentially
regularities in behaviour governed by positive or negative reinforce-
ment, and intersubjective norms which are characterised by mutual
accountability between agents. Thus for example if someone takes
it on themselves to sanction an incorrect action, their entitlement
to carry out sanctions is itself at issue. The aim of this paper will
be to show how conformist imitation can be accounted for within an
intersubjective normative framework.
My main thesis will be that imitation is a manifestation of inher-
ited entitlement to practical commitments as dened in Robert Bran-
doms account of normativity [2, 3]. The account will be based on
Brandoms commitment model but will argue for some signicant
modications to his framework. The remainder of this paper will be
structured as follows. Section 2 will draw a distinction between in-
strumental accounts of normativity and approaches based on essen-
tially communicative models of rationality, involving notions such
as accountability and justication. This distinction will be motivated
via critical discussion of some recent proposals in the eld of agent-
based modelling. Section 3 will outline some essential characteris-
tics of Brandoms commitment model, while section 4 will propose
detailed arguments for default entitlement and inheritance of entitle-
ment to practical commitments. Section 5 will sketch possible appli-
cations to normative MAS architectures and section 6 presents some
concluding remarks.
Is there a clear distinction between norms and regularities? By
norm, I mean here a type of behaviour towards which it is appro-
priate to take a normative stance: that is, the behaviour is generally
approved, and it is considered appropriate both to sanction those who
breach the norm and those who fail to sanction non-compliance. A
norm can be breached in various ways: if the norm is prescriptive, it
is breached by acting in a non-approved manner; if it is permissive, it
is breached by trying to stop people acting in accord with it. While it
is clear that imitative behaviour can lead to regularities, it is perhaps
less clear that it can establish norms. This construal of norms turns
out to be quite similar to the notion of a normative social practice
found in [18], which is maintained by interactions among its con-
stitutive performances that express their mutual accountability Such
holding to account is itself integral to the practice and can likewise be
done correctly or incorrectly. Rouse (op cit) claims that the cycle of
holding performances to account, holding those holding-to-accounts
to account and so on need never terminate in an objectively charac-
terizable social regularity. And indeed it seems quite plausible that
a given practice can be considered to be correct within a commu-
nity without any members of the community being able to quantify
how frequently this practice is observed.
2.1 Where do norms come from?
The survey referred to above [12] cites two recent studies [20, 19] as
exemplars of agent-based simulations which aim to model the emer-
gence or acquisition of what I have called behaviourist norms. [20]
treats norm emergence as a problem of resolving social dilemmas
where there are multiple game-theoretic equilibria. The particular
scenario investigated is the emergence of rules of the road, i.e.
whether to drive on the left or the right. The set-up is that when two
drivers meet on the same side of the road, they have the options of
both driving on (and colliding), both stopping, or one yielding to the
other. Simulations involving various learning algorithms show that
a population can converge on a convention to drive on one side or
the other through multiple repeated interactions. The authors quote
Axelrod on the self-enforcing nature of norms: A norm exists in a
given social setting to the extent that individuals usually act in a cer-
tain way and are often punished when seen not to be acting in this
way. However, the rules of the road scenario doesnt t this de-
nition all that well. The model does not include punishment of those
who are seen to drive on the wrong side of the road, rather the neg-
ative sanctions only arise when the driver collides with an oncoming
vehicle or stops because his way is blocked; and these consequences
are equally costly for the conformist and the deviant. And it really
seems to make little sense to talk of sanctions during the period of
emergence of the putative norm, since one can only speak of con-
formists and deviants (and thus of appropriate use of sanctions) once
the norm is in place.
[19] present a model which is intended to simulate an agents ac-
quisition of norms in an unfamiliar environment. This model involves
two main functions: norm identication and norm verication.The
scenario is that the agent (lets call him the diner) is visiting a restau-
rant in a strange country, and is naturally anxious to knowhowpeople
are expected to behave when eating out in this country; specically,
whether or not he should leave a tip for the waiter. The procedure the
diner follows is:
1. Observe a series of episodes, some of which include sanctioning
actions and some do not
2. Apply data mining techniques to discover if the sanctioning action
is reliably associated with the presence of absence of any identi-
able sequence of events.
3. Compile a set of candidate norms, namely regularities in be-
haviour which appear to be associated with sanctions.
4. Ask another agent in the vicinity whether a candidate norm is in
fact a norm of the society. If the agent responds positively, the
agent infers that the identied action is governed by an obligation
norm. This is the norm identication stage.
In this scenario, the sanctioned action might be failure to leave a tip
at the end of the meal, with the sanctioning action being some expres-
sion of disapproval or anger by the waiter. Thus, the diners goal is to
imitate the behaviour of other agents who are more successful in that
they avoid being punished. The authors present simulation results
showing the effect on the uptake of norms brought about by vary-
ing parameters such as the length of the event history that the diner
takes into account, or a probability threshold for identifying candi-
date norms. Under certain assumptions the system does indeed suc-
ceed in learning that tipping is expected. Now, this process does fall a
little short of norm recognition: at best the system recognises can-
didate norms, which then have to be veried by asking a local (an-
other agent in the vicinity). It could be argued that what the diner has
identied is not a full-edged norm but rather a regularity: when cus-
tomers fail to leave tips, waiters are disposed to sanction them. There
are (at least) two considerations here: rstly, for tipping to count as
a norm, the waiters actions should also be considered appropriate
within the society - there should be a permissive norm for waiters
to react angrily to non-tipping customers, and this is something that
may be done correctly or incorrectly. And secondly, the diner needs
to correctly interpret the waiters actions as sanctions. Short of phys-
ical violence, it is not always obvious to strangers whether particular
actions count as friendly or hostile. However, in this model sanction-
ing actions are considered to be transparent, and the waiters perform
them probabilistically rather than under any kind of accountability.
Also: a customers decision not to tip may itself count as a sanc-
tioning action if the customer is not satised with their service.
However, the diner cannot ascertain this unless he already knows
whether a tipping norm is in place - if it is not, then failure to tip
carries no signicance as a sanction. And once the diner conjectures
that non-tipping may be meant as a sanction, he will have to observe
several episodes in order to establish what kind of behaviour on the
waiters part is being punished. This observation might have to take
account not only of sequences of events but e.g. the time that elapses
between events. If a customer has failed to leave a tip because he
has good reason to be unsatised with the service, then it may not be
appropriate for the waiter to sanction him.
In other words, an outside observer cant simply try to infer norms
by looking out for sanctioning actions, as the local norms themselves
determine what counts as a sanction. A second conclusion is that
norms are manifested in interactions that exhibit mutual accountabil-
ity: if either party decides to sanction the other, this only makes sense
if (a) the sanctionee both understands the signicance of the action
and accepts it as appropriate (b) the sanctioner acts deliberately, and
is prepared to explain and justify his action.
The authors concede that recognising and categorising a sanc-
tioning event is a difcult problem but assume that such a mech-
anism exists (e.g. based on an agents past experience). Given that
sanctioning is itself a norm-governed activity, it seems that the au-
thors are assuming that what they are seeking to explain is already
understood: the diner has already somehow acquired an under-
standing of sanctioning norms. The fact that an unexplained and
problematic notion of sanctioning events is used to explain norm
identication may appear to be a fatal aw in the proposal, or one
could see it as pointing towards a deeper issue: normative frame-
works may turn out to be unavoidably holistic and non-well-founded,
only explicable in terms of other norms.
The arguments presented in this section are not particularly novel
but draw on philosophical critiques of regulist and regularist
approaches to normativity [2, 18]. Regulism corresponds to Type I
above and construes norms as explicit rules or precepts laid down
and enforced by some authority. Regularism corresponds to what I
have called the behaviourist variant of Type II, according to which
norms are quantiable regularities in the behaviour of members of a
community which are reinforced by positive or negative sanctions.
Brandom [2] argues that both notions are incoherent and prone to
innite regress. The aw in regulism is that agents need to be sub-
ject to not only the rules that constitute explicit norms, but rules that
tell them how to follow a rule: just as for instance a system of logi-
cal axioms is inert without some system of inference rules dening
how the axioms are to be used in constructing proofs. This, it is ar-
gued, gives rise to a regress which must bottom out in rules that are
implicit in practice. I suggest the regulist approach is also vulnera-
ble to another kind of regress: whatever authority is responsible for
decreeing and enforcing the norms must consist of a group or class
rather than a single individual: no one agent or Hobbesian Sovereign
can be constantly monitoring the actions of every member of a com-
munity, in any realistic setup. (Even Stalin or Saddam had to sleep.)
But then this governing class must itself act with a common pur-
pose, following norms that pertain within the group; and so the prob-
lem of order re-emerges within the authority. Regularism also runs
into a regress problem since as I show above, sanctioning is also a
norm-governed activity which may be done correctly or incorrectly.
Brandom and Rouse further accuse regularists of what Brandomcalls
gerrymandering: the claim is that there is no uniquely identiable
sequence of actions that make up a norm-conformative performance.
For example, it might happen that all the non-tippers in a restaurant
scenario were wearing white socks, and that this was the cause of
the waiters ire. To be honest, this argument has the air of armchair
theorising: it seems reasonable to assume that members of an agent
society are able to discriminate different types of action and to per-
ceive some as more relevant than others to their immediate purposes.
However, the criticism does seem valid for the particular model pre-
sented by [19]. The repertoire of actions is limited to a rather basic
set comprising {arrive, order, eat, pay, tip, depart} for customers and
{wait, sanction} for waiters: thus it is assumed that agents only per-
ceive actions which are directly relevant to the problem under anal-
ysis. Indeed, the diner is assumed to be already equipped with the
notion of tipping, which puts in question whether this model could
be extended to cover the acquisition of norms which are completely
outside the agents prior experience.
I have argued that norm-conformant behaviour such as conformist
imitation is best modelled within a framework of mutual account-
ability, such that agents are in principle capable of questioning and
justifying each others behaviour. The remainder of this paper aims
to provide an outline account within Robert Brandoms normative
pragmatics, which uses parallel notions of social commitments and
entitlements to model on the one hand actions and intentions, and on
the other, assertions and beliefs. [13] rehearsed some classic issues
with the BDI framework for multi-agent communication, derived in
part from Austin and Searles Speech Act theories, and proposed that
Brandoms normative framework might form the basis of a more
manageable approach. Brandoms approach is concerned with de-
ontic attitudes of hearers, and of speakers as self-monitors, rather
than intentional attitudes of speakers as in classic Speech Act the-
ory. In place of beliefs and desires, Brandom discusses doxastic
(propositional) and practical commitments, which interacting agents
may acknowledge or ascribe to one another.
The normative dimensions of language use according to Brandom
comprise responsibility - if I make a claim, I am obliged to back it up
with appropriate evidence, argumentation and so on - and authority -
by making a claimto which I amassumed to be entitled, I license oth-
ers to make the same claim. Concepts are essentially rules or norms
which govern the inferences we may or must make. The essential
idea is that making an assertion is taking on a commitment to defend
that assertion if challenged. There are obvious shared concerns with
the notions of commitment developed by [9, 23] and introduced into
MAS by [21]. Brandoms elaborations include the notion of entitle-
ment to commitments by virtue of evidence, argumentation etc; the
interpersonal inheritance of commitments and entitlements, and the
treatment of consequential commitments and incompatibility
The mechanism for keeping track of agents commitments and en-
titlements consists of deontic scoreboards maintained by each inter-
locutor, which record the set of commitments and entitlements which
agents claim, acknowledge and attribute to one another (claims and
acknowledgements are forms of self-attribution). Scoreboards are
perspectival and may include both explicitly claimed commitments
and consequential commitments derived by inference. Thus an agent
may be assessed by others as being committed to propositions which
are entailed by his overt commitments, whether or not he acknowl-
edges such commitments. Agents may be in a position of claiming
incompatible commitments but may not be assessed as entitled to
more than one of them (if any).
3.1 Testimony and default entitlement
In Brandoms model, entitlement to a propositional commitment can
arise in two ways: by inference from a commitment to which one is
already entitled, or by deferral to the testimony of an interlocutor who
is entitled to the commitment. Stated thus simply, there is an obvious
threat of innite regress on both scores, since it appears we may not
acquire any entitlements unless there are already commitments that
we or our interlocutors are entitled to. Brandom nesses this danger
by proposing a default and challenge model: entitlement to a com-
mitment is often attributed by default, though remaining potentially
liable to be challenged by the assertion of an incompatible commit-
ment Which commitments are taken to be prima facie entitled and
which are liable to vindication is a matter of social practice, though
a little reection will show that we go through our days attributing
default entitlement to a great deal, perhaps most of the propositional
commitments we encounter.
Brandom seems to have in mind relatively banal claims which it
would be silly to challenge, such as There have been black dogs or
I have ten ngers. However I think we can safely go further than
this, and assume that people are generally disposed to accept novel
claims that do not conict with their prior beliefs. [1] observe that
human societies are characterised by generally honest communica-
tion and that humans tend to be credulous: while this may leave
us potentially vulnerable to free-riders such as gossips and rumour-
mongers, it is the price we have paid in cultural evolution for mostly
stable societies and the rapid transmission of new ideas and novel
practices. Crucially, Brandom claims that practical commitments are
not transferrable in the same way: while performing an action incurs
a commitment to justify it, it does not authorise others to carry out
the same action.
Brandoms account of practical reasoning has received relatively
little critical attention, by comparison with the account of proposi-
tional reasoning: it is explicitly excluded from a recent monograph
on Brandoms philosophy [24] and none of the papers collected in
[25] make it their focus. In fact I am not aware that the central claim
of asymmetry between the two modes of reasoning has been chal-
lenged in Brandom commentary.
Brandoms account of action and intention is initially quite similar
to his propositional story in its overall structure: the role of intentions
is taken by practical commitments which can stand in inferential re-
lations to propositional or other practical commitments, and to which
one may be entitled or not entitled. It is notable that practical com-
mitments can be inferred from propositional commitments as in ex-
amples like:
1. Only opening my umbrella will keep me dry, so I shall open my
2. I am a bank employee going to work, so I shall wear a tie.
Brandom argues that these inferences are not enthymematic, relying
on suppressed premises I wish to stay dry or Bank employees
should wear ties, but that (1) and (2) are in fact examples of what he
(following Sellars) calls material inference: the consequent follows
from the antecedent by virtue of its content, and the putative sup-
pressed premises are ways of making explicit the implicit norms or
preferences that make the inferences go through.
Many people encountering Brandoms work nd the notion of ma-
terial inference puzzling and suspicious, particularly in the way it
seems to provide free inference tickets for deriving ought from
is. Space does not permit an in-depth discussion of this issue: for
now we merely note that practical commitments are taken to stand
in inferential relations with both propositional and other practical
commitments, and that an action is taken to be rational if it fulls
a practical commitment for which the agent can give a reason. For
example: Why are you wearing a tie? Im on the way to work.
Putting things a little more technically: to demonstrate entitlement
is to offer a chain of reasoning which terminates in a practical com-
mitment which is compatible with ones other acknowledged com-
mitments, and actions result from reliable dispositions to respond
differentially to the acknowledgement of certain sorts of commit-
ments [3]. Scorekeepers are licensed to infer agents beliefs from
their intentional actions [Ibid.].
3.2 Commitment updates
Following [13] we assume that in a multi-agent interaction, each
agent An maintains a deontic scoreboard for each agent Ai in-
cluding sets Ci and Ei of commitments and entitlements which An
attributes to Ai (including the case where n = i). Commitments will
be stored as labelled formulae L : where represents a proposition
and L details Ais grounds for commitment or entitlement to (cf
[6]. Update operations involve the following consequence relations:
C committive entailment: commitment to P involves commit-
ment to Q
P permissive entailment: entitlement to P involves entitlement to
Ci : L
L : } - remove
all commitments from the entitlement set which are incompatible
with the updated Ci
4. Ei = Cl(Ei) under C - add all committive entailments of con-
tracted entitlement set
5. Ei = Ei { : }
({{ P , } : | (n Ei P
) ( P ) ( : Ci C )}) - add
to the entitlement set along with the disjunction of all permissive
entailments of and n - which need not be consistent with each
other, but must all be consistent with the commitment set.
6. Finally: if is consistent with En, add defer(Ai, ) : to Cn
and repeat 2 - 5 with n substituted for i. That is, if the scorekeeper
An considers Ai is entitled to commit to , An can add to his
or her own commitments and entitlements, with an indication that
Ai is the source of the information.
3.3 Imitation within a rational practice
The aim of this and the next section is to show how conformist imi-
tation can be modelled as part of a rational practice, involving agents
who are capable of demanding and giving reasons for their actions.
The use of labelled formulas to represent commitments is intended to
facilitate this by encapsulating the inferential history and justication
of individual commitments. In the event of disagreement, claims can
be evaluated by comparing the reliability and trustworthiness of in-
formants, strength of premises or the accuracy of a scorekeepers hy-
potheses about the reasons for an action. So for example if Aclaims
and B counter claims s.t.
E vj vi
j i
) , (
The number of friends an individual have is called the degree of
the corresponding node.
4.1 The Agents
Our simulation has four categories of agents:
1. The requestors. This category will be composed by only one
agent, lets called him the agent r.
2. The members c1 of the circle of r in a primary social
network. They are composed by the friends of r as well as
people r wants them as friends (potential future friends), or
wants to be aware of their activities (subscribers in
Facebook, circles in Google+
3. The members c2 of the circle of r in a second social
network. We simulate two different social networks in order
to perform real-time comparisons. As we will see in the
experimental part, these two social networks are twin. Each
member of a social network has its alter-ego in the other.
4. The rumors launchers m are users which trigger rumors
regarding the requestor r. Those agents have the faculty of
not being influenced by other agents. They will propagate a
message that is opposite to the true nature of r (see the
following chapter). We notice that this specific faculty can for
example be possessed ex- friends, which have arrived to a
point of no return regarding their negative confidence in r.
4.2 The Diffusion Model
) (r S
represents the score of the requestor r at a time t
according to c, a member of its circle. This score indicate the
assumed degree of safeness of the requestor. The higher it is, the
more c consider r as safe. The lower it is, the more c
consider r as dangerous.
) (r S
represents the real privacy score of a requestor. As the
requestor is the only entity that possesses all the information
about him, we use the index r (requestor) for this score. By
considering that this value exists, we make here a strong
assumption: we consider that the requestor has a coherent
behavior at a given instance of time t which is moreover
systematically reflected in its interactions with others users.
4.3 The Meetings
At each step (i.e. each iteration), agents move within the
simulated 2D plane starting from original position and moving in
randomly selected direction with a small step. When an agent c
is localized at the same position of r, there is a possibility that a
direct or indirect information transfer occurs between r and c
(see section 4). This communication event, Com(r,c), is triggered
in the simulation model according to the following rule:
As we are dealing with OSNs based on privacy, thats why we do not
mention public OSN like Twitters, with its followers.
threshold com
s c r s > ) , (
where s(r,c) represents the strength of the friendship. This value
depends on the presence of a friendship relation,
c r
, as well
as on the number of friends in common between r and c. To
trigger Com(r,c), s(r,c) is combined with a random perturbation
, and checked against a system-wise defined threshold,
s .We introduce a negative random perturbation to
account for the situations where the information transfer is not
meaningful with respect to the safeness degree of the requestor
As we want to give chances to a discussion to be continued,
we need to give to our system a short-term memory. By
reinforcing the probability of meetings that have already took
place, the slight and random move policy fits well with this goal.
4.4 The Information Exchange
When a communication is happening, agents exchange
information about the requestor. By saying interacting, we
have in mind the comment of a status, the like a photo, the tag
of an article etc We have previously defined in FORPS [10]
that in a social network context, exchanging information could
be done directly (information accessible thru the own data of
c), or via a friend in common.
Lets suppose now that all the interactions that exist in our
simulation are interactions between the requestor and the
members of its circle, and that they can either represents a direct
exchange or an exchange via common friends (indirect
exchange). So, in FORPS, when an interaction occurs between
c and r (i.e the communication event Com(r,c) is triggered),
the new score (at t+1) of c regarding r will get closer than the
real score of r by being updated as follows:
) ( ) ( : ) ( ). 1 ( .
r S r S r S
+ =
In FORPS+, all the users that are in a friend relationship with the
member who has interacted with r will also benefit from the
added information (provided that the addition is
) ( ) (
r S r S
) ( ) ( : ) (
1 / '
' ,
) 1 ( . r S r S r S
FS c
c c
+ +
+ =
where , indeed, the scores people have directly computed
will have a higher impact because in this case, the requestors
data are analyzed with more personalized criteria [10].
The rumors launcher agents have the same power of a
requestor: they can influence others (except the requestor
himself). Mathematically, they behave as a requestor. When a
member c will meet a rumor launcher, (i.e this communication
event Com(m,c) is triggered), it will increase the amount of
information it has related to the requestor:
) ( ) ( : ) ( ). 1 ( .
r S r S r S
m m
+ =
Note: We have considered here that the rumor is propagated
within the score FORPS. This is a shortcut. We should better
have an independent global opinion score, which would be
composed by the FORPS score and the Rumor score. For our
simulation, we consider here that the Rumor is an entry of the
FORPS computation, even it is not a source of information
created by the requestor himself as all the other entries.
4.5 The Instantiation of the Network
How can we simulate instantiations of real nodes of an online
social network in our model?
Usually, the degree distribution (the distribution of friendship
links in a network) follows a power-law distribution [14]. But in
our case, as we focus on the requestors networks, we dont
consider the edges of all the nodes, except for the requestors
node. So we will just ensure the presence of simpler properties.
Iteratively, for each member of the circle, we choose
randomly 3 others members, and we connect them with the first.
We observe that with this simple algorithm, few members have a
high level of connections, whereas the majority remains with a
homogeneous number of connections.
4.6 Decision process and monitors
At the beginning, we have to define the real privacy score for the
requestor: ) (r S
. Then, by interacting with the requestor (see
section 4.4), the idea each member of its circle have on him
(represented by ) (r S
) will change. Each member is unique: it
has a personal acceptability threshold below which its opinion
over the requestor becomes negative
. To simplify the
simulation, we tolerate disloyalties: the possibility to a
requestors friend to often break its relation. And this is exactly
what happened when its opinion become too negative: it breaks
its relation with the requestor. Symmetrically, when its opinion
become enough positive (relatively to its personal threshold) it
re-establishes again its friendship relation. The figure 1
represents results obtained with our monitors:
1. The average opinion (Global Opinion monitor) on the
requestor computed by all the members of its circle.
2. The number of requestors friends in green (Friends monitor).
3. The number of people in its circle who are not its friends in
red (Friends monitor).
4. The convergence (stable global opinion and stable number of
friends) in this case is obtained after 6390 iterations, and as
we can see in the figure 1, the global opinion is quite similar
to the real privacy score of the requestor ) (r S
= 67.
Figure 1: Monitors of our simulation
In fact, the peer of alter ego within the two networks possess the same
acceptability threshold
We decide to use the multi-agent programmable modeling
environment NetLogo [16] in order to implement our models.
5.1 Preliminaries
1. Friendly Comparison Interface
We have designed a friendly interface which helps to compare
the three models: Forps, Forps+, and No. No is a simple
model where friends acceptance is only depending of the
number of friends people have in common [2]. In fact, we
were confronted initially to several difficulties linked to the
simulation environment: from one experience to another, as
the random parameters were different (especially the personal
acceptability threshold and the links between agents) we were
not capable to really compare two consecutive tests.
Thats why we have implemented two parallel executions,
with the same original parameters. The figure 2 shows how we
can easily select the diffusion mechanism among the three that
we propose. In the example of the figure 2, the social network
1 uses Forps as diffusion mechanism, whereas the social
network 2 uses Forps+.
Figure 2: Diffusion mechanism selection
2. Comparison Indicators
Requestor dangerousness evaluation error. This is the
most important indicator. It measures how far from the real
score, the evaluation score is. It is the subtraction in
absolute value of the two scores, the lower better.
Convergence speed. During a simulation, agents are
moving, and sometimes a communication occurs with a
requestor or with a malicious agent (see section 4). Each of
this communication steps is considered as an iteration.
When the number of friends stops evolving, the simulation
is over. The convergence speed index represents the number
of iterations before the final convergence.
Half-life. This is also an indicator of convergence. It
informs when 50% of the agents in the circle of the
requestor are its friends. If the requestor has a low score,
half-life index may not exist. Note that this is also the
intersection point of the red and the green curves where
proportion of friends (in green) and non-friends (in red) is
equal, see figure 1.
The three indicators represent the average value of the 300
simulations used in our experiment.
5.2 Forps Legitimacy
1. With Forps, without Forps
We have conducted 300 tests for each of the models.
For each test, the requestor has a fixed real dangerousness value
and its circle is composed by 144 individuals. We have given the
opportunity to the requestor to have 144 friends because this
number is known in literature as the average number of friends
of a Facebook user [5]. A test has duration of around 22 seconds.
The average results are represented in the following tables.
Requestors real score = 82 Comparison
Convergence 107,13 21422,38 16160,45
Half-life 82,72 12416,18 8508,88
evaluation error
20,20 1,11 0,96
Requestors real score = 55 Comparison
Convergence 102,55 16161,58 12814,87
Half-Life 18,26 No No
evaluation error
45,12 1,20 1,03
We see that the convergence speed of a simple system (No
FORPS) is the best. But it often gives absurd results (especially
in the Table II) because it doesnt take into account the
propensity of the requestor to propagate information. Indeed, the
requestor may be dangerous, but because its circle members
have more and more friends in common with the requestor, they
accept gradually accept him as a friend.
2. Forps versus Forps+
We have implemented within NetLogo a way for triggering and
analyzing a large quantity of tests, lets see deeper what happens
when we compare FORPS and FORPS+.
In the example below, the purple curve represents FORPS and
the green curve represents FORPS+.
Figure 3: Indicators FORPS versus FORPS+
These plots show the series of values of three indicators taken
from 100 tests. In terms of convergence speed, FORPS+ gave
better results than FORPS at 86% of cases (see the figure 4).
Note that it is not obvious to determine when a simulation has
reached its stationary point (termination of the simulation). In
some cases, most of the agent will quickly reach their final states
whereas some of them will conclude lately, because they have a
selective acceptability threshold
Figure 4: FORPS+ in x-axis, FORPS in y-axis
However, we can notice than if we exclude from the
evaluation the simulations which have taken too much time
(relatively to the others), FORPS+ become better than FORPS at
93% of cases.
5.3 Reactivity to requestors change.
As we want to confer to our system a right to forget
component, we want it to be able to amplify the impact of recent
activities with respect to the old activities. Our logic is to catch
the latest evolution of the character of the requestor.
Lets see what its reactions in case of such evolutions are.
We can observe in the figure 5 that unlike the simple strategy,
FORPS reacts quite well to this dynamics. Indeed, we see that
the Global Opinion gradually becomes coherent with the
requestors real score. By conferring to our system such a
property, we give clearly to the requestor the opportunity to give
another opinion of him.
Note that this right to forget property of our system is
different from a simple data aging over the time. In fact, if the
requestors real score remains unchanged, nothing would change
in the score estimations neither.
Figure 5: FORPS reactions to requestors change
t0: ) (
r S
=81, t1: ) (
r S
=66, t2: ) (
r S
=83, t3: ) (
r S
(Social Network 1: FORPS, Social Network 2: NO)
5.4 Reactivity to malicious rumors
An important property we want to obtain is the capability of the
system to discern between authentic and false information
available about the requestor. This is especially the case when a
rumor appears. Lets have a simple scenario: a leader M and six
of its active militants (AM(M)) want to explicitly propagate
negative ideas on our requestor.
) (r S
) (r S
=30 ) (M AM m
Lets see what will be the reaction of our simulated system on
the figure 6.
Figure 6: Reactions to malicious rumors
Before instance t1, the system has reached a stable state with
FORPS option. At t1, the malicious rumor is triggered, its impact
is radical. After only a few iterations, the requestor has inverted
its proportion of friend (in green) and non-friend (in red) in its
circle. The Global Opinion was also diminished but remained
higher than 50% thanks to the effect of FORPS.
At the instance t2, we modify the propagation of the privacy
score by applying FORPS+ instead of FORPS, and we observe
that FORPS+ manage to contain the rumor. Indeed, the majority
of the member of its circle becomes its friend again. This
experience is repeated several times (t3, t4, t5 ) and equivalent
results are obtained.
Contrarily to other phenomena considered in this paper, we do
not observe a full convergence, but an oscillatory state, which is
quite stable yet.
Finally, we then trigger the experiments with the two
networks in parallel to have a synchronous comparison (Social
Network 1: FORPS, Social Network 2: FORPS+)
We see in Figure 7 that when FORPS loose 20 points, between
t1 and t1 (real score 80, Global Opinion 60) FORPS + loose
only 11 points (Global Opinion 69).
We then modify the real requestors score 80-> 92 (t2) during
the same simulation. This can be considered as a reaction of
counter-attack to the rumor from the point of view of the
requestor. And we observe that FORPS+ manage to pass the
half-life point, whereas FORPS does not.
Figure 7: FORPS+ and FORPS reactions to rumors
The FORPS (Friends Oriented Reputation Privacy Score) system
evaluates the dangerousness of people who want to become our
friends, by computing their propensity to propagate sensitive
information. In order to anticipate the long-term and large scale
effects of this system, we have built a multi-agent simulation that
models a high number of interactions between users. We have
shown that privacy protection based on different variants of the
FORPS system produces better results than a simple decision
process, in term of evaluation of the requestors dangerousness,
of convergence speed and of resistance to rumor phenomena.
Below we discuss several other findings and present the
perspectives of the current work.
1. Bootstrap Problem. One of the assumed weaknesses of Forps
was linked to the classical bootstrap problem [4] [10]. When we
do not have any information about the requestor, how to initiate
the process? What score should the system give for the
requestor? In this paper, we have tested many initial states (very
good, very bad, totally random, semi random). We find that the
initial state has only a little influence on the convergence speed.
Indeed, they all lead to the same final state which allows to
conclude that bootstrap problem is not a problem for this system.
2. The NO model. Based on our intuitions and the previous
work [2] we have supposed that in a simple process, people
accept friends requests when they have enough common friends
with the requestors. We should include to this model a loose
friend process. We plan to retrieve data related to the loss of
friends over the time, by for example using tools as unfriends
3. Simple Simulation Model One of the positive aspects of our
simulation is that it is very simple. But we have not taken into
consideration some aspects of the Forps process.
First, all the interactions we generate are considered faithful
to the real privacy score of the requestor. But in real life, even if
this score is quite bad, the requestor doesnt act every time
negatively. He has also neutral or positive behaviors. For the
moment, we have solved this problem by adding the random
perturbation in the event triggering logic (see formula (1)).
When it gives low number, it means that the discussion was not
meaningful, and so it may be not considered as an interaction.
The drawback is that this wont be considered as a positive
interaction. The advantage is that it simplifies the simulation
process. In a future work we intend to validate the assumption
that such a simplified model does not perturb the final state of
the estimated scores.
Second, in this simulation we have supposed that the focus is
on a single topic. It has simplified our way to take into account
the exchanges of scores between users (FORPS+). Everything
was considered as meaningful because related to a sensitive topic
for everybody. For further works we should introduce themes
and give different sensitive profiles to the agents.
Third, we should also consider other specificities of the
FORPS+ model. For example, we should favour the scores from
friends who dont have exactly the same friends in common than
me. Indeed, as their scores were computed by analyzing the
same data, they wont really bring me new information.
4. Testing with real users. Finally, we envisage testing
different variants of FORPS system within a corpus of real users
in order to benefit from their feedbacks with respect to both
usability aspects as well as the efficiency of different algorithmic
parameters we have exploited in the simulated model. This will
allow notably to validate the assumptions and the results derived
from the simulations presented in the current paper.
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Understanding the formation and evolution of
collaborative networks using a multi-actor climate
program as example
Bei Wen
and Edwin Horlings
Abstract. The mechanisms governing the composition of formal
collaborative network remain poorly understood, owing to a
restrictive focus on endogenous mechanisms to the exclusion of
exogenous mechanisms. It is important to study how endogenous
network structure and exogenous actor behaviour influence
network formation and evolution over time. Current efforts in
modelling longitudinal social networks are consistent with this
view. The use of stochastic actor-based simulation models for
the co-evolution of networks and behaviour allows the joint
representation of endogenous and exogenous mechanisms,
specifically the structural, componential, functional, and
behavioural mechanisms of network formation. In this paper we
study the emergence of collaborative networks in the Knowledge
for Climate (KvK) research program. Endogenous mechanisms
(transitivity and centrality) play a key role in the evolution of the
KvK network. The results also reveal the influence of exogenous
mechanisms: actors tend to collaborate with other actors from
the same type of organizations (componential) and patterns of
collaboration are affected by the nature and differences in roles
(functional). Our analysis reveals a gap between actors from
different sectors and a gap between actors working on global
problems and those working on local problems. This is
particularly visible in the fact that organizations active in
hotspots projects, which focus on developing practical solutions
for local and regional problems, are significantly more likely to
form new ties than those active in theme projects.
Networks have become a central concept in many fields,
particularly in the areas of communication and organization.
Among the various types of networks, collaborative networks are
of special importance [1]. Collaborative networks are
undergoing dramatic changes driven by scientific, economic,
political, societal, cultural, and communicative processes
collectively known as globalization [2].
These changes are particularly visible in science itself. In
addition to the rise of international collaboration, scientific
research is increasingly carried out in interinstitutional and
international collaborative teams. Team science has evolved as a
way to organize scientific research aimed at understanding and
solving the most complex problems that confront humanity [3,4].
Dept. of Science System Assessment, Rathenau Institute, 2593HW The
Hague, The Netherlands. Email: {b.wen, e.horlings}
Dept. of Water Management, Faculty of Civil Engineering &
Geosciences, Delft Univ. of Technology, 2628CN Delft, The
Netherlands. Email: {B.Wen}
The rise of team science has created an urgent need to
understand the fundamental configurations and interaction rules
that govern the formation of collaborative networks as well as
the behavioural patterns that emerge.
Understanding collaborative networks in science requires that
we take into account two aspects of their evolution: complexity
and history. Complexity arises from the fact that the actors in
collaborative networks are largely autonomous, geographically
distributed, and heterogeneous in terms of their operating
environment, culture, social capital, and goals [1], have a set of
attributes and preferences, and follow rules of interaction. They
collaborate with each other to seek complementarities that allow
them to participate in a competitive socioeconomic environment
and achieve scientific excellence [5]. The history of networks
relates to the fact that networks from nowhere do not exist.
Understanding the evolution of networks necessitates
longitudinal analysis.
One way to analyse the formation of a complex social
network is to simulate its emergence from the behaviour of
individuals in the network. Simulation requires empirical data to
verify the results.
We contribute to the understanding of the evolution of
scientific networks and the empirical basis for future simulations
by studying the Knowledge for Climate (KvK) research
program, a 90 million multi-actor program aimed at developing
useful knowledge for practical solutions to climate adaptation
and mitigation.
Climate change is one of todays grand
challenges and network effects are prevalent in climate science.
The core of the program is formed by so-called hotspot projects
in which government, industry, and science collaborate to
develop real options for coping with climate issues at the local
and regional level (e.g. in the port of Rotterdam and around
Schiphol Airport).
The mechanisms underlying the processes of network
evolution are not yet fully understood [6,7]. A deeper
understanding of network evolution requires studying
mechanisms that extend beyond the well-accepted drivers. The
sociological literature on network formation and stability
suggests four general mechanisms that may generate and sustain
social ties that are potentially important for the KvK networks
being studied, namely structural, componential, functional and
behavioural mechanisms [8]. Our interest in both endogenous
and exogenous mechanisms of network formation is linked with
the recent theory on the co-evolution of social networks.
This paper was written as part of the project Comparative Monitoring
of Knowledge for Climate, which is carried out in the framework of the
Dutch National Research Programme Knowledge for Climate
The use of stochastic actor-based simulation models for the
co-evolution of networks and behaviour allows the joint
representation of endogenous and exogenous mechanisms and
making the distinction between social selection and social
influence processes, as elaborated by Snijders et al. [9,10,11,12].
Thus, we add to the empirical foundations of network
In section 2 we introduce the mechanisms of network
formation and evolution. Section 3 describes the network data
obtained from the KvK research program and outlines our
approach to the analysis of structure, behaviour, and their
dynamics. The results of the empirical study are presented and
interpreted in section 4. Finally, in section 5, we present our
conclusions and discuss our findings in light of the theoretical
and practical relevance.
The evolution of a network is driven simultaneously by
endogenous effects that derive from network structure and actor
positions, and exogenous effects that derive from the attributes
and behaviours of individual actors. The combination of
endogenous network effects and exogenous actor covariate
effects constitutes the so-called objective function. This
objective function captures the theoretically relevant information
that the actor has at his disposal in the decision to establish a
new tie or not [12].
Utilizing insights from the sociological literature on network
formation, we have identified four general mechanisms that
generate and sustain social ties that are potentially important for
the KvK networks [8].
Structural mechanisms (endogenous). The structural
dimension addresses the structure or composition of the
actors attached to the network. One of the principal features
in most networks is the tendency toward transitivity or
transitive closure. This means that collaborative partners of
collaborative partners tend to become collaborative partners
themselves. A second feature is that popular or active
organizations will become even more popular or active in
the collaborative network over time. Thirdly, The number
of organizations with which an organization indirectly
collaborates (i.e. the number of alters at geodesic distance
two) is also considered to measure the effect from indirect
relations. The tendency to keep other organizations at
distance two can also be interpreted as negative measure of
triadic closure.
Componential mechanisms (exogenous). It has been argued
that the identity of organizations constitutes an important
aspect of form [13]. Individuals with the same type of
affiliations tend to recognize each others configurations of
characteristic, processes, and resources [14]. The
homophily principle, which suggests that collaborative
partners are selected based on the similarity of
characteristics, has been shown to be a crucial network
mechanism in many contexts [15]. A second componential
mechanism is geographic distance to the network centre and
between individual nodes. The existing literature finds that
geographical distance matters and that being geographically
close stimulates and facilitates collaboration [16].
Functional mechanisms (exogenous). This dimension
considers the extent to which participants possess valuable
and complementary competencies that help ensure the
success of the collaboration [17]. Competencies represent
the organizations knowledge, skills and capabilities. The
individuals of the organizations active in the KvK program
network play different roles, ranging from purely formal,
non-substantive roles (e.g. legal representative, contract
signee), programme functions (e.g. programme
administrator, project supervisor), substantive roles in
projects (e.g. project member, hotspot member), and leaders
of projects, consortia, and hotspots. Theories of status
variation address the greater capacity of high-status actors
to attract others, compared with low-status actors [18,19].
Behaviour mechanisms (exogenous). Behavioural
approaches are based on the extent of participation
behaviour at an organizational level. This contributes to our
understanding of how the behaviours of individual
organizations affect their chances of engaging in the
collaborative network. It is proposed that organizations are
more likely to engage in projects with established or
experienced partners to maximize collective value.
Theories of network selection propose that the choice of network
ties depends on the attributes and network embeddedness of
actors as well as their possible alters. Social influence means that
the behaviour (which also represents characteristics, attitudes,
performance, etcetera) of actors depends on their own attributes
and network position, but also on the attributes and behaviour of
the actors with whom they are directly or indirectly tied in the
network. In our paper, we presume that the relationship between
participation and network formation may be explained by
selection (ego seeks highly participating alters) or by influence
(alters participation influences the participation of ego). Each
process has different implications. Determining the direction of
causality is important for understanding the potential
contribution of network dynamics [20].
Models have also been developed for the evolution of non-
directed networks, such as collaboration networks, alliance
networks, and knowledge sharing networks. For example, [21]
studied the effect of job mobility of managers on inter-firm
networks; [22] explained the development of interorganizational
networks; [23] investigated the industrial alliance networks and
found that reputation based on past performance was a strong
predictor of alliance formation; and [24] examined how to
facilitate innovation spreading in knowledge sharing networks.
The KvK research program is an ongoing collaborative
program that was started in 2008. The program can be regarded
as a constantly evolving social network of temporary
collaborations [25,26]: collaboration is organized on the basis of
projects that dissolve once the project, for which organizations
are specifically set up, is completed. It includes 108 distinct but
interrelated projects, and involves 102 organizations. The entire
project and membership database of the KvK research program
has been made available by the programme office. The master
database has been cleaned and coded, and currently contains
extensive information linking 1,131 individual members to
projects, recording the starting and ending dates of their
involvement in projects, showing the roles the individuals played
in projects and the organization the individuals represent, and
indicating the theme to which the project belongs.
The data include details about the individual and institutional
program members, the nature and timing of their involvement in
different projects, as well as data describing the various projects.
This allows us to examine how organizations and individuals
collaborate and to study the mechanisms that facilitate or inhibit
network formation and evolution.
Using this information, we constructed non-directed one-
mode networks at an organizational level based on a binary
association matrix indicating how individuals are indirectly
linked with each other through the same project. This resulted in
a symmetric association matrix of organizations with 102 rows
and columns, where 1 represented a non-directed tie in which
the row organization participated in the same project as the
column organization, and 0 represented the absence of a tie.
The networks were divided into four waves according to the
project periods: 2008, 2009, 2010, and 2011. The relationship
between the organizations in each wave was visualized using
Gephi [27]. The input information included (1) the association
matrix, (2) the type of organizations, and (3) the geographic
longitude and latitude coordinates of the organizations.
The similarity between consecutive waves was measured
using the Jaccard index. The index is calculated as the number of
ties present at both consecutive waves divided by the combined
total number of ties. Since it is generally assumed that the
change process is gradual, the Jaccard value should preferably be
higher than 0.3 [12].
We use RSIENA to conduct stochastic actor-based simulation
as described in [9], [10], [11], and [12] to estimate and evaluate a
set of parameter values of interdependencies specified in an
objective function that describes the development of KvK
One advantage of RSIENA is that it allows us to infer
the direction of causation between network selection and social
influence [11,20]. Stochastic actor-based simulation has proved
highly suitable for analysing longitudinal social network data
and was specifically designed for estimating actor-driven
network dynamics.
The set of parameters, or independent variables, include items
that capture the structural, componential, functional and
behavioural mechanisms, as described in Table 1. These
parameters were first tested by score-type tests for statistical
evidence about their effects without controlling for the effect on
each other. The significant parameters were selected as the best
specification for simulations.
Algorithmically, the simulation procedure begins with a set of
preliminary estimates of the parameters, iteratively producing a
sequence of parameter estimates based on a continuous-time
Markov process, then comparing the resulting network and
attribute matrices with the observed network data, and updating
parameter values to reduce discrepancies. These iterative
processes are repeated until the deviation between the parameter
values and predetermined target values (t-ratio) are smaller than
0.1. The final parameter estimates are then used to simulate a
new set of networks. In the simulations, we derived the standard
errors of estimation for each parameter based on the set of
simulated networks [9]. We constructed rate parameter models to
assess the amount of change between consecutive waves, i.e. the
The R software package RSIENA is freely available at
speed with which the dependent variable changed. Three set of
simulations were done, based on different models. The baseline
model (model 1) included the set of significant parameters
verified by score-type tests. The baseline model was then
extended to incorporate both selection and influence processes.
The organizational participation behaviour for the network and
behaviour dynamics was tested in model 2. In model 3, we added
control variables to balance the effects across groups.
Finally we used a function in RSIENA to assess the fit of
model with respect to auxiliary functions of networks. The
auxiliary functions concern the attributes of the network, such as
degree distributions, which are not included among the target
statistics for the effects in fitted models. Goodness-of-fit was
visualized using violin plots. A p-value for the goodness-of-fit
was derived from a Monte Carlo Mahalanobis Distance Test
[28]. The null hypothesis for this p-value is that the auxiliary
statistics for the observed data are distributed according to the
distribution simulated in phases of the estimations.
Parameter Description or definition
Degree (density) (Intercept) Representation of the tendency to connect
with arbitrary ties. Normally it is a negative value
indicating the unlikelihood of forming ties randomly.
Transitive triads Defined by the number of transitive alters in one ego's
Degree popularity Defined by the the sum of square root of the degree of
the alters.
Indirect relations at distance 2 Defined by the number of alters at geodesic distance
Identity Defined by the type of organizations (program center,
university, other knowledge institutes, government,
firms, and NGOs and knowledge platforms).
Geodistance Calculated by the logarithm of the geographical
distance from each organization to the program center.
Geoproximity Calculated by the logarithm of the geographical
distance between each two of organizations.
Role_max Calculated by the highest role among individuals of
each organization.
Role_average Calculated by the average role among individuals of
each organization.
Role_sum Calculated by the sum of roles of individuals belonging
to each organization.
Individual_sum Calculated by the number of individuals belonging to
each organization.
Structural dimensions (endogenous)
Componential dimensions (exogenous)
Functional dimensions (exogenous)
Behavioral dimensions (exogenous)
Table 1. The description of dependent variables.
Figure 1 and Table 2 present the basic properties of the KvK
network over time. They show how the network experienced a
boost at the beginning and moderate changes in the following
years. Over time, the network became more dense (graph
density) and the number of collaborative partners of
organisations increased (average degree). The changes of ties in
consecutive networks, shown in Figure 1, were treated as the
dependent variable in RSIENA modelling.
RSIENA program needs a certain amount of variation in ties
between the network waves to be able to estimate the
parameters. Jaccard coefficients for the similarity of consecutive
networks were 0.140, 0.582, and 0.791, indicating an increasing
similarity between the four waves. The Jaccard coefficients
suggest that waves 2, 3 and 4 are best suited for modelling,
because the change processes became gradual after wave 1.
Figure 1. The graphical representations of four consecutive
snapshots of KvK collaboration networks from 2008 to 2011.
The nodes represent the organizations located geographically on a map
of the Netherlands. The colour of nodes indicates the identity of the
participating organizations, namely 3 program centres (red), 29
universities (dark green), 17 other knowledge institutes (light green), 28
government (yellow), 17 industrial firms (blue), and 8 NGOs or other
knowledge platforms (purple). The existence of a collaboration tie
between a pair of organizations is indicated using a solid grey line
linking two nodes.
Observation time
Wave 1
Wave 2
Wave 3
Wave 4
Graph density 0.023 0.121 0.202 0.160
Average degree 2.294 12.196 20.431 16.157
Number of ties 117 622 1042 824
Table 2. Network density indicators
The modelling results are presented in Table 3. We began the
analysis by simulating the endogenous and exogenous
mechanisms. Model 1 in Table 3 shows all 12 identified
parameters postulated for KvK network change and stability,
including considerations of structural, componential, functional
and behavioural dimensions. They were statistically verified
with an acceptable fit to the data.
Structural parameters have a pronounced effect on network
evolution. First, the negative effect of density (beta = -3.16, P <
0.001) is consistent with established knowledge obtained for
most sparse networks [12]. This negative effect can be
interpreted as an intercept, indicating that the costs of forming an
arbitrary tie outweigh the benefits. In our case this suggests that
it is unlikely that organizations form ties randomly. Second,
KvK networks tend to be closed or transitive, as seen in the
significant effects of transitive triads (beta = 0.48, P < 0.001).
This finding is consistent with previous literature stating that
collaborative partners of collaborative partners tend to become
collaborative partners. Degree popularity (the square root of the
degree of alters) measures the extent to which organizations tend
to seek or be sought in the collaborative network. The positive
effect size (beta = 0.47, P < 0.001) suggests that central
organizations in the KvK network become even more central
over time. The benefit of forming a tie must compensate for the
cost per tie. Our results suggest that organizations should
collaborate with a very central organisation with at least 45
relations in order to compensate for the -3.16 cost of creating a
new collaboration (0.47*45 = 3.16).
Componential mechanisms involve the identity of
collaborating organisations. There is a significant segregation
according to identity (beta = -0.37, P < 0.001), meaning
collaboration in the KvK program is influenced by the
organization type. Moreover, organizations tend to collaborate
with the same type of organizations (beta = 0.65, P
< 0.001).
To measure the functional mechanisms, we weighted actor
roles according to the substantive nature of their involvement in
projects. The negative parameter estimates (beta = -0.44, P <
0.001; beta = -0.68, P < 0.001) imply that the more concrete the
role actors played, the less likely it was that they sought for more
network ties. For example, project leaders or principal
investigators (weighted higher) appear less likely to connect to
others, compared with regular project members (weighted
lower). In addition, actors were less likely to participate in
relations with actors having the same roles (beta = -3.03, P <
0.001). This effect may reflect a task division within
collaborative projects, in which organizations jointly participated
with a diversity of roles.
We found no significant effects among the behavioural
mechanisms. Model 2 also incorporates the dynamics of
behaviour, which models the organizational behavioural changes
as a function of itself and the network evolution. The results
showed that past participation behaviour had a significant effect
in the long run (-0.06*(the extent of participation) + 0.00*(the
extent of participation)^2). The average of alters behaviour also
had a significant influence on the egos participation behaviour
(beta = 0.00, P = 0.046), which means that organizations tend to
adapt their participation behaviour to the average behaviour of
their collaboration partners. However, all these effects are very
small. Therefore, the evidence for participation-based social
influence is weak.
The KvK research programme consists of eight geographical
hotspots (Schiphol Mainport, Haaglanden Region, Rotterdam
Region, Major rivers, South-West Netherlands Delta, Shallow
waters and peat meadow areas, Dry rural areas, Wadden Sea)
and eight research themes (climate proof flood risk management,
climate proof fresh water supply, climate adaptation for rural
areas, climate proof cities, infrastructure and networks, high-
quality climate projections, governance of adaptation, decision
support tools). Hotspot projects are the essence of the program.
They were developed around specific locations in the
Netherlands which are particularly vulnerable to the
consequences of climate change. These locations function as
real-life laboratories where knowledge is put in practice. Given
the special functional and geographical importance of hotspot
projects, we have tested the effects of project type (hotspots or
not) separately in Model 3.
Table 3. Parameter estimates of KvK evolution model, with standard errors and two-sided p-values.
Estimates SE p-value Estimates SE p-value Estimates SE p-value
Network Dynamics:
Rate function:
0.1 Network rate period 1 4.65 0.23 4.61 0.27 4.92 0.26
0.2 Network rate period 2 5.16 0.41 5.65 1.17 5.02 0.38
Objective function:
Structural dimensions (endogenous)
1. Degree (density) -3.16 0.40 0.000
-2.44 0.09 0.000
-3.20 0.35 0.000
2. Transitive triads 0.38 0.06 0.000
0.41 0.06 0.000
0.36 0.04 0.000
3. Degree popularity 0.47 0.11 0.000
0.27 0.07 0.000
0.44 0.11 0.000
4. Indirect relations at distance 2 -0.05 0.04 0.206 -0.03 0.03 0.333 -0.06 0.04 0.069
Componential dimensions (exogenous)
5. Identity -0.37 0.09 0.000
-0.38 0.11 0.000
-0.37 0.08 0.000
6. Same identity 0.65 0.16 0.000
0.63 0.17 0.000
0.61 0.14 0.000
7. Geodistance 0.02 0.05 0.716 0.02 0.06 0.766 0.02 0.05 0.708
8. Geoproximity -0.03 0.05 0.503 -0.04 0.06 0.574 -0.04 0.05 0.472
Functional dimensions (exogenous)
9. Role_max -0.44 0.11 0.000
-0.49 0.23 0.031
-0.42 0.10 0.000
10. Same role_max 0.02 0.18 0.923 0.00 0.18 0.989 -0.02 0.16 0.878
11. Role_average -0.68 0.20 0.001
-0.59 0.27 0.028
-0.67 0.20 0.001
12. Role_average similarity -3.03 0.58 0.000
-3.00 0.67 0.000
-2.86 0.56 0.000
Behavioral dimensions (exogenous)
13. Role_sum -0.01 0.03 0.716 0.00 0.07 0.984 -0.01 0.02 0.648
14. Role_sum similarity 0.01 9.06 0.999 -0.39 3.98 0.921 -0.34 8.68 0.969
15. Individual_sum 0.00 0.05 0.923 0.02 0.04 0.536 0.01 0.04 0.900
16. Individual_sum similarity -4.35 9.62 0.651 -3.73 8.52 0.661 -4.42 9.32 0.635
Control variables
17. Hotspots 0.78 0.32 0.017
Behavior Dynamics:
0.3 Behavior (role_sum) rate period 1 704.36 94.60
0.4 Behavior (role_sum) rate period 2 188.03 30.19
18. Behavior (role_sum) linear shape -0.06 0.02 0.004
19. Behavior (role_sum) quadratic shape 0.00 0.00 0.003
20. Behavior (role_sum) co_degree 0.00 0.00 1.000
21. Behavior (role_sum) co_average alter 0.00 0.00 0.046
Model 1 (Baseline Model) Model 2 (Bahaviour Dynamics) Model 3 (Control Variable)
The two-sided P-values were derived based on the normal distribution of the resultant test statistics (estimate devided by standard error). +p<.1, *p<.05, **p<.01, ***p<.001.
In Model 3, we have added a control variable to test if the
effects identified in Models 1 are changed when we take into
consideration the difference between hotspot projects and regular
projects. The results show a statistically significant positive
difference (beta = 0.78, P = 0.017), suggesting that organizations
active in hotspots projects are more likely to form new
collaborations over time than organizations that work in regular
projects. The other effects remain similar.
All parameter estimates in the three models converged well
below 0.1, indicating a good fit between the simulated ties and
the observed ties. We also did sensitivity tests for the weighting
of roles, but changing the weights did not influence the results.
Overall goodness-of-fit (Figure 2) is with a p-value of 0.014,
which is improved from 0.003 when only structural dimensions
are included in the model. Most observations are nicely within
the 95% regions of the simulated distributions, that indicates an
acceptable fit of the models to the data.
Stimulating and facilitating multi-actor collaborations for joint
problem solving is considered to be one of the key challenges for
modern organization studies. In practice, the emergence of new
collaborative networks invariably entails a decision regarding
who will participate and which partners to select. How
organizations are connected can have lasting consequences for
their performance. Yet, the mechanisms that may connect one
actor to another remain insufficiently understood, owing to a
restrictive focus on mechanisms of network endogeneity to the
exclusion of exogenous mechanisms. In order to understand the
mechanisms that influence the formation and evolution of
collaborative networks, we have used a stochastic actor-based
simulation model to study the evolution of a collaborative multi-
actor program, combining endogenous and exogenous
mechanisms of network formation.
Figure 2. The goodness of fit of degree distribution.
The "violin plots" show, for each number of nodes with degree < x, the
simulated values of these statistics as both a box plot and a kernel
density estimate. The solid red line denotes the observed values. The
dashed grey line represents a 95% probability band for the simulations.
The results of our analysis match the findings in previous
literature with respect to endogenous network structural
dimensions: transitivity and centrality play a key role in the
evolution of the KvK network. The results also reveal the
influence of exogenous mechanisms: actors tend to collaborate
with other actors from the same type of organizations
(componential) and patterns of collaboration are affected by the
nature and differences in roles (functional), which may reflect
task division within collaborative projects.
Our analysis reveals a gap between actors from different
sectors and a gap between actors working on global problems
and those working on local problems. The KvK research
program was designed as platform to encourage and support the
collaboration between actors from different sectors. The program
aims to form a bridge between communities without necessarily
closing the gap.
Our results also suggest that organizations active in hotspots
projects are significantly more likely to form new ties than those
active in theme projects. Hotspots projects focus on developing
practical solutions for local and regional problems, while theme
projects comprise teams of geographically dispersed scientists
working to solve global challenges. The balance between global
and local is reflected in the structure of the network.
Finally, our study has both theoretical and practical relevance.
By addressing the mechanisms that inhibit or facilitate the
development of collaborative networks, we provide theoretical
insights in the position of organizations as strategic actors,
attempting to effectively participate in organizational
collaboration for knowledge creation. The practical value of our
findings is that they may help identify and bridge gaps between
actors from different societal organizations in a meaningful and
purposeful way.
Our study is not without limitations, which also points the
way for further research. First, we could only construct the
presence or absence of ties (non-directed networks) from the
available data. More information about who took the initiative to
start a collaboration and other direction-related effects such as
reciprocity would permit a more in-depth understanding and
might also result in a better model fit. Second, the models were
restricted to binary network data. Third, the project-based
collaborations were affected by top-down (programme)
interference for which we could not model. Finally, it would be
interesting to investigate the emergent network at the individual
level, which calls for a model with extended computational
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Epistemic Responsibility in Entangled Socio-Technical
Judith Simon
Abstract. In my talk I want to start exploring the requirements
for a concept of epistemic responsibility that can account for the
responsibilities of different (human and non-human) agents
within entangled socio-technical epistemic systems. This
includes the question as to whether non-human epistemic
responsibility is possible in the first place or whether non-human
agents can merely exhibit agency and accountability but no
responsibility. To open up this topic, I will make use of insights
from three different fields of research, namely: research on
(distributed) moral responsibility in philosophy of computing,
research on epistemic responsibility in (social) epistemology and
research on distributed or entangled responsibility in feminist
Contemporary epistemic practices have to be conceived as
socio-technical epistemic practices. That is, our ways of
knowing, be it in research or in everyday-life are on the one hand
highly social: much of what we know, we know through the
spoken or written words of others; research consists not only in
collaboration, but also in building upon previous knowledge, in
communicating information, in communal quality assessment of
scientific agents or content (e.g. peer review), etc. On the other
hand, technology, particularly information and communication
technologies mediate and shape these practices of knowing to
profound extends. Social computing aligns these technical and
social aspects. If we use social computing for epistemic
purposes, we can speak of socio-technical epistemic systems par
excellence: We check Wikipedia to find information about a city
we plan to visit or some information about a historical incident,
we rely on search engines to deliver relevant information on a
specific topic, we use ratings of other agents explicitly to assess
the quality of products before buying them or implicitly by
accepting the ordering of search results or recommendations.
In knowing, we rely in numerous more or less transparent
ways on other agents, human agents as much as non-human
agents, infrastructures, technologies. However, this socio-
technical entanglement in knowing is philosophically still only
poorly understood. How do we trust to know and how should
we trust to know in socio-technical epistemic systems? What
could epistemic vigilance mean on the web and elsewhere?
What are the epistemic responsibilities of different agents, e.g. of
designers or users of search engines or recommender systems?
How should concepts such as agency, accountability and
Department of Philosophy, University of Vienna, Austria & Institute of
Technology Assessment and Systems Analysis, Karlsruhe Institute of
Technology, Germany. Email: [email protected].
responsibility in socio-technical epistemic systems and their
epistemic counterparts be understood in the first place?
Different (sub-)disciplines have provided invaluable insights
to crucial aspects of knowing within entangled socio-technical
epistemic systems, even if none of them has yet offered any
comprehensive account of it. Providing such a comprehensive
account is beyond the scope of my talk. Hence, I want to focus
on a more specific topic namely epistemic responsibility. More
precisely, the goal of my talk is to explore the requirements for a
concept of epistemic responsibility that can account for the
responsibilities of different (human and non-human) agents
within entangled socio-technical epistemic systems. This
includes the question as to whether non-human epistemic
responsibility is possible in the first place or whether non-human
agents can merely exhibit agency and accountability but no
To open up this topic, I will make use of insights from three
different fields of research, which I will very briefly introduce in
the following sections: research on (distributed) moral
responsibility in philosophy of computing, research on epistemic
responsibility in (social) epistemology and research on
distributed or entangled responsibility in feminist theory.
The difficulty to attribute responsibility, to locate
accountability in ever more distributed and entangled socio-
technical systems is one of the core experiences which seems to
pervade many, if not all aspects of our contemporary
environment. Think small - about the difficulties of finding and
reaching the person to make responsible in case of a non-
functioning internet connection? Think big whos responsible
for the financial crisis?
Computer technology and ICT in particular has deepened and
aggravated these issues. Think of artificial agents, search engine
algorithms, the personal data handling of social networking sites;
think of drones, robots in military and health-care or unmanned
vehicles: who is responsible, who is to blame if things go wrong:
designers, users, the technologies or rather the distributed and
entangled socio-technical systems in compounds?
There is a growing amount of research on moral and legal
responsibility in computing (cf. [1]), specific foci being
autonomous agents (e.g. [2]) and robotics [3]. With respect to
accountability, Nissenbaums paper [4] on accountability in a
computerized society is surely an early seminal piece, in which
different causes for difficulties in accountability attribution are
worked out: the problem of many hands, the problem of bugs,
using the computer as a scapegoat, and ownership without
Of particular importance for the goals of this paper are Floridi
and Sanders early considerations on the morality of artificial
agents and the concept of distributed morality [5]. According to
them something qualifies as an agent if it shows interactivity,
autonomy and adaptability, i.e. neither free will nor intentions
are deemed necessary for agency. In the context of social
computing, such a concept of mind-less morality [5: 349]
allows addressing the agency of artificial entities (such as
algorithms) as well as of collectives, which may form entities of
their own (such as companies or organizations). Another merit of
their approach lies in the disentanglement of moral agency and
moral responsibility: a non-human entity can be held
accountable if it qualifies as an agent, i.e. if it acts
autonomously, interactively and adaptively. However, it cannot
be held responsible, because responsibility requires
intentionality. That is, while agency and accountability do not
require intentionality, responsibility does. Therefore, it seems
that non-human agents at least in separation cannot be held
responsible even if they are accountable for certain actions. I
will return to this topic at the end of this paper.
While these considerations on responsibility and
accountability in socio-technical systems are highly developed,
the specific problem of epistemic responsibility in ICT has not
yet been in the focus of attention within philosophy of
computing. Hence, to understand more about the specificities of
epistemic responsibility, we should also turn to epistemology,
and to social epistemology in particular.
In social epistemology, debates concerning the
epistemological status of testimony (e.g. [6], [7], [8],), have in
the new millennium also led to explorations of the notions of
epistemic trust (e.g. [9]), epistemic authority (e.g. [10]),
epistemic injustice (especially [11]) and now most recently
also, epistemic responsibility.
Due to this origin in the debates around the epistemology of
testimony, the focus of attention in this discourse of epistemic
responsibility is also mostly on epistemic interactions between
human agents, i.e. on the responsibilities of speakers and hearers
in testimonial exchanges. Yet, taking into account that processes
of knowing take place in increasingly entangled systems
consisting of human and non-human agents, systems in which
content from multiple sources gets processed, accepted, rejected,
modified in various ways by these different agents, the notion of
epistemic responsibility needs to be modified and expanded to
account for such epistemic processes. In particular, I think two
issues need to be addressed in more detail than is currently the
case in most analytic accounts of epistemic responsibility: a) the
role of technology and b) the relationship between power and
For both topics, feminist theoreticians in particular
have provided highly valuable insights.
Confer for instance the conference on Social Epistemology and
Epistemic Responsibility, which took place at Kings College in May
It would be inadequate to argue that the role of technology or the role
of power have been entirely neglected in social epistemology. On the one
hand, there have been attempts to account for ICT (e.g. some works by
Despite the fact that epistemic responsibility has only very
recently attracted attention within analytic epistemology, the
term itself has already been used in 1987 as the title of a book by
Lorraine Code [12]. In this book, Code addresses the concepts of
responsibility and accountability from a decidedly feminist
perspective and argues that in understanding epistemic processes
in general and epistemic responsibility and accountability in
particular, we need to relate epistemology to ethics. Criticizing
the unconditioned subject S who knows that p, the abstract,
interchangeable individual, whose monologues have been
spoken from nowhere, in particular, to an audience of faceless
and usually disembodied onlookers [13:xiv], Code emphasizes
social, i.e. cooperative and interactive aspects of knowing as
well as the related complicity in structures of power and
privilege [13:xiv],, the linkages between power and
knowledge, and between stereotyping and testimonial authority
While Codes work highlights the relationship between
knowledge and power, research by Karen Barad and Lucy
Suchman adds technology to the equation and therefore appears
particularly suited to explore the notion of epistemic
responsibility within entangled and distributed socio-technical
Barads agential realism (AR) [16, 17], delivers an [...]
epistemological-ontological-ethical framework that provides an
understanding of the role of human and nonhuman, material and
discursive, and natural and cultural factors in scientific and other
social-material practices [17:26].
Barads AR is theoretically based upon Niels Bohrs
unmaking of the Cartesian dualism of object and subject, i.e. on
the claim that within the process of physical measurement, the
object and the observer, Barads agencies of observation, get
constituted by and within the process itself and are not pre-
defined entities. The results of measurements are thus neither
fully constituted by any reality that is independent of its
observation, nor by the methods or agents of observation alone.
Rather, all of them, the observed, the observer and the practices,
methods and instruments of observation are entangled in the
process of what we call reality. For Barad, reality itself is
nothing pre-defined, but something that develops and changes
through epistemic practices, through the interactions of objects
and agents of observation in the process of observation and
measurement. Reality in this sense is a verb and not a noun.
Yet, interaction is a problematic term in so far as it
presupposes two separate entities to interact. Thus, to avoid this
presupposed dualism, she introduces the neologism of intra-
Alvin Goldman [14] and Don Fallis [15], the special issue of the journal
EPISTEME (2009, volume 6, issue 1, on Wikipedia). Moreover,
Frickers [11] book on Epistemic Injustice has also stirred a lot of
interest in the relationship between power and knowledge. However,
these developments are rather recent and the classical assessment of
testimonial processes remains focused on communication between
humans often still conceived as an unconditioned and a-social subject S,
who knows that p.
action, to denote the processes taking place within the object-
observer-compound, the entanglement of object and observer in
the process of observation. This terminological innovation is
meant to discursively challenge the prevalent dualisms of
subject-object, nature-culture, human-technology, and aims at
opening up alternative, non-dichotomous understandings of
technoscientific practices.
A crucial concern of Barad is the revaluation of matter.
Opposing the excessive focus on discourse in other feminist
theories (e.g. Judith Butlers), Barad emphasizes the relevance of
matter and the materiality of our worlds. Taking matter serious
and describing it as active, means to allow for non-human or
hybrid forms of agency, a step that has been taken already with
the principle of general symmetry in Actor-Network-Theory. But
then here is the problem: If we attribute agency to non-human
entities, can and should they be held responsible and
accountable? Plus, isnt that an invitation, a carte blanche to
shirk responsibility by humans? Do we let ourselves off the hook
to easily and throw away any hopes for responsible and
accountable actions?
It appears that Barads view on non-human agency and her
stance towards the ontological asymmetry between humans and
non-humans has changed from earlier articulations [16] to later
ones [17]. In 1996, she still underscores the human role in
representing, by stating that [n]ature has agency, but it does not
speak itself to the patient, unobstrusive observer listening for its
cries there is an important asymmetry with respect to agency:
we do the representing and yet nature is not a passive blank slate
awaiting our inscriptions, and to privilege the material or
discursive is to forget the inseparability that characterizes
phenomena [16:181] .
However, it seems that this special treatment of humans and
especially the notion of representing does not well match her
posthumanist performativity, as depicted some years later [18].
Finally, in Meeting the Universe Halfway Barad offers a more
nuanced dissolution of the distinction between human and non-
human agency. By stating that [a]gency is a matter of intra-
acting; it is an enactment, not something that someone or
something has [17:261], Barad moves the locus of agency from
singular entities to entangled material-discursive apparatuses.
But even if agency is not tied to individual entities, it is bound
with responsibility and accountability, as Barad makes very
explicit in the following quote: Learning how to intra-act
responsibly within and as part of the world means understanding
that we are not the only active beings though this is never
justification for deflecting that responsibility onto other entities.
The acknowledgment of nonhuman agency does not lessen
human accountability; on the contrary, it means that
accountability requires that much more attentiveness to existing
power asymmetries [17:218f].
Thus, the possibility to understand agency not essentialist as a
(human) characteristic, but as something which is rather
to certain phenomena within entangled networks
could be regarded as an invitation to shirk of responsibility. But
this is clearly not the case for Barad. When developing her
posthumanist ethics, Barad concludes that even if we are not the
only ones who are or can be held responsible, our responsibility
even greater than it would be if it were ours alone. She states
We (but not only we humans) are always already responsible
Cf. Wallace (1994) on the attribution of responsibility.
to the others with whom or which we are entangled, not through
conscious intent but through the various ontological
entanglements that materiality entails. What is on the other side
of the agential cut is not separate from usagential separability
is not individuation. Ethics is therefore not about right response
to a radically exterio/ized (sic!) other, but about responsibility
and accountability for the lively relationalities of becoming of
which we are a part. [17:393].
This focus on responsibility and accountability relates back to
Barads initial framing of agential realism as an
epistemological-ontological-ethical framework, a term by
which she stresses the [...] fundamental inseparability of
epistemological, ontological, and ethical considerations [17:26].
Barad insists that we are responsible for what we know, and as
a consequence of her onto-epistemology for what is [18:829].
Accountability and responsibility must be thought of in terms of
what matters and what is excluded from mattering, what is
known and what is not, what is and what is not.
This acknowledgement that knowledge always implies
responsibility, not only renders issues of ethics and politics of
such knowledge- and reality-creating processes indispensable. It
also relates directly back to Barads emphasis on performativity.
Epistemic practices are productive and different practices
produce different phenomena. If our practices of knowing do not
merely represent what is there, but shape and create what is and
what will be there, talking about the extent to which knowledge
is power or entails responsibility gets a whole different flavor.
Lucy Suchman shares many concerns of Barad and her
insights promise to be of particular importance for social
computing due to Suchmans background in Human-Computer
Interaction. Acknowledging the relational and entangled nature
of the sociomaterial, Suchman claims that agency cannot be
localized in individual entities, but rather is distributed within
socio-material assemblages. Resonating with Barad, she notes
[...] agencies and associated accountabilities reside neither
in us nor in our artifacts but in our intra-actions [19:285].
The question, however, remains how exactly to be
responsible, how to hold or to be held accountable if agency is
distributed. How can we maintain responsibility and
accountability in such a networked, dynamic and relational
matrix? Although I think that Suchman goes into the right
direction, she remains quite vague about this in her concluding
remarks of Human-Machine-Reconfigurations by stating that
responsibility on that view is met neither through control nor
abdication but in ongoing practical, critical, and generative acts
of engagement. The point in the end is not to assign agency
either to persons or to things but to identify the materialization of
subjects, objects, and the relations between them as an effect,
more and less durable and contestable, of ongoing sociomaterial
practices [19:285].
To understand the epistemic responsibilities of knowers in our
contemporary world, I think all insights outlined above need to
be accounted for. Yet it still has to be discussed in detail
whether, how and to what extent they can be aligned. As
knowers we move and act within highly entangled socio-
technical epistemic systems. In our attempts to know, we
permanently need to decide when and whom to trust and when to
withhold trust, when to remain vigilant. Loci of trust in these
entangled and highly complex environments are not only other
humans, but also of technologies, companies, or organizations
and they usually cannot be conceived in separation but only as
socio-technical compounds.
However, the fact that both human and non-human entities
can qualify as agents should not convey the impression that we
have entered a state of harmony and equality: there are enormous
differences in power between different agents. To use Barads
terminology, some agents matter much more than others. And
those that matter most do not necessarily have to be the human
Socio-technical epistemic systems in general and social
computing applications in particular need to be understood as
highly entangled but also highly differentiated systems
consisting of human, non-human and compound or collective
entities with very different amounts of power. To understand
this, search engines are a useful example. In highly simplified
terms, search engines can be conceived as code written, run and
used by human and non-human agents embedded in socio-
technical infrastructures as well as in organizational, economic,
societal and political environments. While there are potentially
many ways to enter the World Wide Web, search engines have
emerged as major points of entrance and specific search engines
nowadays function as obligatory passage points [20], exerting
enormous amount of not only economic, but also epistemic
What do these considerations and insights imply for the
development of a useful concept of epistemic responsibility?
First of all, it should be noted that responsibility is something
that can be assumed oneself as well as something that can be
attributed to someone or something else. This dual nature of
responsibility has to be kept in mind if we want to understand
what it means to be epistemically responsible, because we can
ask two questions: 1) Can epistemic responsibility be assumed
only by human agents or also by other agents? 2) Can epistemic
responsibility be attributed to only human or also non-human
agents? Or are these two questions already misleading because
they imply or at least allow for individualized forms of
responsibility, which appear at odds with Barads view.
Irrespective of how we respond to this, these questions would be
starting points for inquiry at maximum, because the next steps
would then consist in finding criteria of how exactly
responsibility can be assumed or attributed and further how it
should be assumed or attributed.
To my mind, a first step should consist in disentangling the
notions of agency, accountability and responsibility more
carefully. While both Barad and Suchman in the previous quotes
seem to use the terms synonymously, it seems fruitful to keep up
a distinction in particular, to understand both notions and their
epistemic counterparts in entangled socio-technical systems. For
this distinction between responsibility and accountability,
insights from computer ethics can be of some use even if
different premises may lead to some initial contradictions, which
would need to be resolved by further research. According to
Floridi and Sanders [5], agency requires only interactivity,
autonomy and adaptivity, but no intentionality is needed.
Accountability is bound to agency only and hence also does not
require intentionality of agents. However, responsibility differs
from accountability exactly by requiring intentionality. Hence, if
we agree with Floridi and Sanders [5] that responsibility as
opposed to agency and accountability requires intentionality,
then it makes no sense to talk about responsibility with respect to
technical artifacts. A car cannot be made responsible for a crash,
it is the driver who is to blame - for negligence or ill-will - or
maybe the manufacturer, if a technical flaw caused the crash.
Even if we think of unmanned vehicles and the car drove
autonomously, interactively and adaptively and then caused a
crash, this car may be accountable for a crash, but it could not be
made responsible. Please note that it is only the technical artifact
in isolation, which cannot be made responsible. For socio-
technical compounds, the possibility of attributing responsibility
would still be given, hence this perspective may in the end well
be compatible with Barads agential realism [17].
If we want to distinguish responsibility and accountability
than sticking to intentionality as the demarcation line appears
still plausible and fruitful. Moreover, I think the same
distinctions between agency, accountability and responsibility
also hold for their epistemic counterparts: algorithms, software
applications or interfaces may have epistemic agency and then
could be made epistemically accountable, but it is unclear how
they in isolation could be considered responsible in a strong
sense of the word which differentiates between accountability
and responsibility.
For responsibility to be attributed some human (either
individually or as part of a collective) seems to have to be part of
the socio-technical compound. Both Barad and Suchman have
reminded us that analytic cuts are never innocent, that the
distinctions we make and boundaries we draw in research have
consequences and should therefore be done carefully. This does
not imply, however, that cuts can be avoided, that they should
not or cannot be done for epistemic purposes. Hence, I consider
it adequate to also take a look cut-out or individualized agents.
Even if we acknowledge the thorough entanglement of agents,
we may need to zoom in and cut out parts of this entanglement
not only to understand more about this part, but also about its
surroundings. And as we have seen, even those cut-out parts,
already pose enormous conceptual and pragmatic difficulties.
Nonetheless, the task remains to tackle the responsibility of
socio-technical compounds. If we decide to keep intentionality
as the demarcation line between responsibility and
accountability, insights from the field of social ontology,
especially debates on shared intentionality and group agency
may prove useful [21, 22, 23].
In my talk, I hope to further expand and deepen these initial
considerations concerning the problems related to epistemic
responsibility within distributed socio-technical systems and to
explore how these insights can be made fruitful for social
computing. While it is clear, that providing full-blown models or
definitive answers of how to conceive epistemic responsibility in
socio-technical epistemic systems is beyond the scope of such a
short paper, I hope to open up a new field of inquiry, to have
asked questions that will lead to new insights.
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Trust in Social Machines: The Challenges
Kieron OHara
The World Wide Web has ushered in a new
generation of applications constructively linking people and
computers to create what have been called social machines.
The components of these machines are people and
technologies. It has long been recognised that for people to
participate in social machines, they have to trust the processes.
However, the notions of trust often used tend to be imported
from agent-based computing, and may be too formal, objective
and selective to describe human trust accurately. This paper
applies a theory of human trust to social machines research, and
sets out some of the challenges to system designers.
Computers have always been sociotechnical systems, embedded
in organisations, or serving the purposes of users for work or
leisure. However, thanks to the spread of interactive read/write
technologies (e.g. wikis, photo-sharing, blogging) and devices
and sensors embedded in both physical and digital worlds (e.g.
GPS-enabled hand-held devices), people and machines have
become increasingly integrated. Terms such as augmented
reality and mediated reality are in common use, and the
embedding of computation into society via personal devices has
led to discussion of social machines and social computation, an
abstract conception in which people and machines interact for
problem-solving. The components of the machine may be
people or computers; the routines or procedures could be
carried out by humans, computers or both together.
Social machines are rapidly becoming a focus of computing
research [1]. Programming the global computer is one of the
British Computing Societys grand challenges for computing,
while peer-to-peer technologies have opened up the possibility
of flexibly linking people and computers, as explored in projects
such as OpenKnowledge ( and the Social
Computer community (
Trust has always been recognised as an important factor in the
function of such human/computer hybrids. However, the notions
of trust used have often been relatively formal, imported from
agent-based research. In this paper, I will examine the question
of whether, and how, social computing can take into account
wider and less well-ordered notions of psychologically realistic
trust. I also note here two important limitations of scope of this
paper. First, I focus here on issues of trust relevant to system
designers fostering trust in their systems by users; of course
there are many other stakeholders and many other trust relations
typically involved (to take an obvious example, system designers
have to trust users as well as being trusted by them). Secondly, I
focus here on the challenges; solutions are already being created
Electronics and Computer Science, University of Southampton,
Highfield, Southampton SO17 1BJ, United Kingdom,
[email protected].
for these issues, but the point I want to emphasise in this paper is
that we have to be clear about exactly how social machines rely
on trust to function, and where a breakdown will lead to
dysfunction. Without a precise model, it will be harder to
diagnose problems.
In this section, I will flesh out the idea of a social machine or
social computer. After a preliminary discussion, I shall briefly
describe a couple of examples. A third subsection will examine
the notion of programming social machines, before the section is
completed with a brief sketch of the important role trust plays.
2.1 What is a social machine?
The idea of a social machine was implicit in early conceptions of
the World Wide Web. As Berners-Lee put it in 1999:
Real life is and must be full of all kinds of social constraint
the very processes from which society arises. Computers can
help if we use them to create abstract social machines on the
Web: processes in which people do the creative work and the
machine does the administration. ([2], pp.172, Berners-Lees
We see plenty of social machines around today. Many are
embedded in social networks such as Facebook, in which human
interactions from organising a birthday party to interacting with
ones Member of Parliament are underpinned by the engineered
environment. Another type of example is a multiplayer online
game, where a persistent online environment facilitates
interactions concerning virtual resources between real people. A
third type is an online poker game, where the resources being
played for are real-world, but where the players may be human
or bots, and where the environment in which the game takes
place is engineered around a relatively simple computational
model. In such systems, (some of) the social constraints that
Berners-Lee talks about, which are currently norm-driven, are
converted to (or in his terms administered by) the architecture of
the programmed environment.
These social machines are straightforward (qua interaction
models), but as the technology is theorised more deeply it is
inevitable that more complex systems will be developed. A
generalised definition of a social computation is provided by
Robertson and Giunchiglia:
A computation for which an executable specification exists
but the successful implementation of this specification depends
upon computer mediated social interaction between the human
actors in its implementation. [3]
In such an environment, self-organisation (partial or full)
becomes viable and scalable, while physical objects, agents,
contracts, agreements, incentives and other objects can be
referred to using Web resources (Uniform Resource Identifiers
URIs). Programming the social computer (rather than simply
supporting and directing interactions on an engineered
environment) and integrating larger numbers of people and
machines will become increasingly feasible.
2.2 Examples
As a small example of a social machine, consider reCAPTCHA
[4]. A CAPTCHA (Completely Automated Public Turing test to
tell Computers and Humans Apart), invented by Louis Von Ahn,
is the distorted sequence of letters that someone has to type in a
box to identify him- or herself as a human (e.g. to buy a ticket
online, or to comment on a blog). This is a task that computers
cannot do, and so the system stops bots buying thousands of
tickets for a concert or sporting event for later resale, or for a
spambot to leave spam messages as comments to blogs.
Von Ahn extended the idea of the CAPTCHA to create the
reCAPTCHA, which uses the same principle to solve another
problem. Google (which acquired reCAPTCHA in 2009) wishes
to scan and publish out-of-copyright books. However, Optical
Character Recognition is too fallible to automate the process (in
books over 100 years old, OCR fails for about 30% of words).
The quantity of books to be scanned rules out human labour as a
general solution to the problem.
Von Ahn noticed that his original CAPTCHA device was
being used over 200m times a day, about half a million person-
hours of effort. reCAPTCHA was designed to put these person-
hours to more productive use. It presents the user who wishes to
identify him- or herself as a human with two words, not one. The
first is a normal CAPTCHA, and the second is a word from an
old book that OCR had failed to identify. If the person succeeds
with the first CAPTCHA, then he or she is known to be a human.
As humans are reliable at word recognition, Google can
therefore take the response to the second word as a plausible
suggestion of what it is. Presenting the same word to multiple
users allows a consensus to emerge.
The person is not necessarily aware that he or she is helping
Google in its scanning task. The incentive for his or her
involvement is the need for identification (to buy tickets, or
comment on a blog, etc). The time taken for a reCAPTCHA is
not significantly longer than a CAPTCHA. The machine
thereby created, of millions of people interacting via the
reCAPTCHA facility, is currently identifying about 100m words
per day (about 2m books equivalent per year). reCAPTCHA is
offered as a free Web service to hundreds of thousands of
websites (including Facebook, Twitter and Ticketmaster) which
need spam protection; the service can be offered without a fee
because of the translation service it also provides to Google [4].
As another example, Robertson and Giunchiglia [3] use the
DARPA balloon challenge of 2009, in which all human
components of the machine are fully aware of their own role.
In the DARPA challenge, the aim was to find ten weather
balloons placed randomly around the US (in nine different states
from California to Delaware). The rules of the challenge were
intended to support the growth of a network of people taking part
in the search, enabling a crowdsourced solution. The means of
doing this in the winning solution (from Sandy Pentland at the
Massachusetts Institute of Technology) was to set out financial
incentives everyone who discovered a balloon got a certain
quantity of money, while for everyone who received a reward,
the person who introduced them to the network received half that
reward. Hence people were incentivised both to look for the
balloons and to add more people to the network. Pentlands team
began with 4 people, and using social media had recruited over
5,000 at the point of completion, which took under ten hours.
reCAPTCHA and the DARPA challenge were intended to
solve a particular exogenous problem, but social machines can
be designed to solve the problems of the people who constitute
them. In such cases, the incentive of the participants is that the
machines smooth functioning is in their own interests. One
could imagine, for instance, a set of computer-mediated
interactions enabling a community to provide a social response
to problems of crime (such as BlueServo, which crowdsources
the policing of the Texas-Mexico border), or enabling those
suffering from a particular health care problem to pool resources
and to offer support and advice to fellow sufferers (such as It will be obvious from these examples that
such efforts will not always be uncontroversial.
Note finally that in many cases the ability to compute and to
gather and process information at large scale is vital. This adds
an extra layer of complication to the social machine vision.
2.3 Programming the social machine
Giunchiglia and Robertson define a social machine or computer
as follows [3]:
A computer system that allows people to initiate social
computations (via executable specifications) and adopt
appropriate roles in social computations initiated by others,
ensuring while doing so that social properties of viable
computations are preserved. A general purpose social computer
provides a domain-independent infrastructure for this purpose.
This implies three processes that need to take place in order
for the social machine to run. First, specifications must be
initiated, so that where necessary groups of people are able and
willing to carry out parts of the computation. It may be that part
of the programming of the social machine will involve
observation of and induction from existing social processes, to
be adapted and reused in the new context of the social machine.
Second, people and groups must adopt appropriate roles in
the machine, having been incentivised to join social
computations. The discovery of these roles is an important issue.
Third, the groups relevant to the computation must be
reinforced; as Robertson and Giunchiglia put it, this relies on
the computation being executed in a way that spreads the
computation and knits together the social group via further social
properties of the computation. In other words, the social
computation must preserve the social structures necessary for its
operation. In the example of the DARPA challenge, the clause
that rewards anyone who has introduced a reward-winner gives
incentives to people to add friends to an ever-growing network.
Robertson and Giunchiglia also define a social property,
analogous to an invariant in conventional programming with
real-world physical consequences: a requirement associated
with the specification of social computation that must be
maintained, and perhaps communicated, during the execution of
the specification in order for the computation to establish the
social group needed to run it.
So if we return to the example of reCAPTCHA, its initiation
involves publicising the Web service to sites needing spam
protection, people adopt the appropriate role when they decide to
solve a reCAPTCHA to get access to a service, and relevant
groups are reinforced by the success of the service in
suppressing spam on sites to which people want access. The key
social property to be preserved is that spam is suppressed; if
spammers found an effective way around the reCAPTCHA, then
fewer sites would support the Web service, and therefore fewer
people would be playing the role of word recognisers.
2.4 The relevance of trust
Trust is essential to the smooth running of a social machine. Two
precondition for social machines to motivate people to adopt
appropriate roles is that they trust that promised incentives will
appear, and that they trust that the machine will not do anything
(in the world) that conflicts with their values. In the case of
reCAPTCHA, people must trust that they will obtain access to
their desired sites. In the case of the DARPA challenge, the
participants must have trusted that the money would be paid out.
Trust is also central to the reinforcement of groups, as
cooperation towards a goal demands trust in others
contributions; would Wikipedia authors bother to contribute if
their work was routinely trashed without argued rationales? If an
effect of a computation was to fragment the coalitions developed
to carry it out by undermining trust between members, then it
could not ultimately succeed. It is fair to say that for many social
computations, trust (both between individuals in different roles,
and of the machine by its component individuals) is likely to be
a social property essential to the social machines function.
Trust is of course most important when people take risks or
place themselves in a vulnerable position with respect to a social
machine. With reCAPTCHA this is barely an issue, but in a
machine that, for example, enabled people to manage health care
problems, users might need to pool information which could
include sensitive health- or lifestyle-related data. That brings in
complex rights-based issues such as privacy, and legal issues
such as data protection.
In the next section, I shall briefly set out some of the most
important properties of trust, as background to a discussion of
issues that arise with respect to trust in social machines.
The discussion of trust will be in four parts, beginning with an
analysis of trustworthiness, upon which will be built an analysis
of trust. Finally I shall discuss issues surrounding the connection
of the two. These analyses are developed in more detail in a
working paper [5].
3.1 Trustworthiness
Trustworthiness is prior to trust, which is an attitude toward the
trustworthiness of others. Indeed, as Hardin has argued ([6], [7]),
many commentators supposedly discussing trust are actually
discussing trustworthiness. What, then, is this prior concept?
A trustworthy person is someone who does what she says she
will do, all things being equal. This characterisation conceals
quite a lot of structure. First of all, trustworthiness is a property
of an agent. A claim must be made about her future actions.
After all, it is absurd to accuse Barack Obama of being an
untrustworthy brain surgeon, because he has never claimed to
have brain surgery skills. The claim will also narrow the scope
of trustworthiness; put another way, trustworthiness is context-
dependent. The all things being equal clause means that a
trustworthy person need not succeed in carrying out the claimed
behaviour, but if she does not, there must be an explanation for
her failure which will absolve her of responsibility.
We can therefore define trustworthiness as a four-place
relation, as follows:
(1) Y is trustworthy =
where Y and Z are agents, R is a representation of the
claim and C is a (task) context in which it applies.
In (1), Y is the agent who, if (1) is true, is trustworthy. R is
the content of the claim made about her intentions, capacities
and motivations for future behaviour. When (1) is true, Ys
behaviour will be constrained by R. R may be explicitly written
down, or may be implicit and understood; it may be open-ended
and deliberately left unspecific to degrade gracefully. C is the set
of contexts in which R is intended to apply (for instance, Y may
claim to be a trustworthy car mechanic, but only within office
hours, and only on certain makes of car).
This leaves Z, who is the agent responsible for generating and
disseminating the claim R. In many, perhaps most,
circumstances, Y = Z. However, this need not be the case. A
trustworthy customer service employee (Y) respects a role
description generated by her company (Z). A trustworthy piece
of software (Y) performs according to a specification written by
a designer (Z). It is essential that Z is authorised to make the
claim about Y. Without authority, Zs claim has no bearing on
Ys trustworthiness.
3.2 Trust
Trust is an attitude toward the trustworthiness of another. X
trusts Y iff he believes that she is trustworthy (or, better, holds of
the proposition Y is trustworthy that it is true).
This characterisation of trust has a straightforward surface
appearance. It is still a complex idea, however. Not only does
trustworthiness import context-dependency, but trust forces us to
confront a subjective element. There are six parameters of
consequence in the trust relation, as follows:
(2) X trusts Y =
with Y, Z and R as before, and X an agent.
In (2), the first three parameters are the relevant agents. X is
the trustor and Y the trustee. Z, as before, is the agent who
makes the claim R about Ys intentions, capacities and
motivations. And again, as before, it could be that Z = Y (or, for
that matter, X = Y, X = Z or X = Y = Z, although the possibility
of these identities will not be defended here [5]).
Z makes a claim that Ys behaviour, all things being equal,
will conform to R in contexts C. Xs trust, if well-placed, should
accept that claim. However, it need not, because X is only
boundedly rational and communications between Z and X are
not guaranteed to succeed. Furthermore, R might be implicit or
unspecific. Hence X has to interpret Rs meaning in the contexts
in which he is interested. I have written this as a function I(R,c),
to be read as Xs interpretation of the force of R in the set of
contexts that interest X, which I term c.
This brings trusts subjective aspect to the fore. For Xs trust,
it is Xs interpretation that is the final arbiter, whether or not it is
accurate. As trust is an attitude held by X about Y, it is X who
supplies the underlying assumptions of the judgment. This has
three specific consequences. First, for Y to maintain Xs trust,
she must behave in accordance with I(R,c) even if that differs
from her own interpretation of R in c. Second, for X to trust Y, it
need not be the case that Z has authority to make claim R about
Y. It is necessary only that X believes that Z has that authority.
Third, I(R,c) only has any force with respect to Y if c C,
otherwise it will fall out of the scope of R. Yet for Xs trust, it is
necessary only that X believes that c C. If any of Xs beliefs is
false i.e. if the force of R in c is not I(R,c), or if Z does not
have the authority to make claim R about Y, or if c C Xs
trust or mistrust will be misplaced as based on a
In short, in definition (2) above, X believes that (i) Z can
authoritatively make claim R about Y, (ii) I(R,c) is the
interpretation of R within a set of contexts c, and (iii) c C.
This leaves two more parameters. Deg is a measure of Xs
confidence in his attitude toward Ys trustworthiness. The metric
for Deg depends on the system under discussion. For
psychological realism, it may be that Deg would be a fairly
coarse-grained Likert-type psychometric scale of five or seven
points. But it would be legitimate to produce more complex
models that modelled Deg on, say, the real line between 0 and 1.
Whatever metric chosen must facilitate the expression of two
types of trust judgment. First of all, X may have to choose
whether he trusts Y
more than Y
to decide with whom to place
his trust. Secondly, the level of risk that X takes on with respect
to an interaction with Y will depend on his degree of trust; if he
trusts her a lot, he will, all things being equal, be prepared to risk
a lot, and if he trusts her only a little, his appetite for risk will be
Warr is the warrant for Xs trust in Y. This could take any
form it doesnt have to be rational, and could even be that X
has been dosed with oxytocin which increases the propensity to
trust [8]. Unlike a warrant in Toulmins system [9], the warrant
explains the judgment, but is not intended for the persuasion of
others. Nevertheless, usually there is a sensible rationale behind
a trust judgment which is important for assessing it, and also for
assessing how robust it is likely to be. Typical relatively reliable
trust warrants include the reputation of Y, the past history of Xs
encounters with Y, the availability of sanctions for X, the
possibility of a binding reciprocal agreement between X and Y,
the credible commitments made by Y and the credentials that Y
brings to the transaction.
As Wierzbicki argues ([10], pp.26-27), trust that does not
have a rational component will be hard to model. That does not
mean that trust cannot be irrational, but it makes it harder to
embed psychologically-realistic trusting mechanisms into
software, or to design sociotechnical systems (or social
machines) which incorporate potentially irrational human trust
judgments without restriction.
3.3 The problem of trust
The problem of trust is not to increase trust, but rather to ensure
that X trusts Y when and only when Y is trustworthy. This is
difficult as the incentives are not optimally aligned. If X risks
assets in an interaction with Y, then he benefits from her
trustworthiness, but unfortunately he only controls his trust.
Conversely, Y benefits from Xs trust, but only controls her
trustworthiness. The result is a dilemma where the benefits of
cooperation could be high, but losses to a trusting (trustworthy)
party would accrue if their partner is untrustworthy (distrusting).
From this two things follow. First, trust cannot be an entirely
rational attitude; as Hollis has argued, trustworthiness does not
survive rigorous game-theoretic analysis (a fact available to
rational would-be trustors) [11]. Second, X should use the
analysis of (2) to determine where trust judgments can break
down. Many failures of trust are down to differences in
interpreting what Y is committed to.
A typical strategy for a trustworthy Y is to send signals of
trustworthiness to X, which ideally will accurately represent her
trustworthiness (would not be forthcoming if she were not
trustworthy) and which will be included in Xs warrant to trust Y
[12]. These signals can be conscious or unconscious, and more
or less strongly connected with the task that Y is offering to
carry out, preferably as an unavoidable by-product. The flip side
of any such signalling system, however, is that if it is made
explicit, it can potentially be counterfeited by an untrustworthy
person. Types of signal already mentioned include Ys
reputation, history and credible commitments.
A second strategy involves structuring the encounter with
some kind of institution (in the broad sense of a mechanism for
producing order by structuring behaviour) which can reduce the
likelihood of a deception being in Ys interest. Such an
institution might supply objective credentials for Y, or might
make plausible and effective sanctions available for X to apply if
Y defects. Or X and Y might set up their own mini-institution
by entering into a reciprocal agreement. In each case, an
institution promotes Xs trust in Y only if X trusts the institution
to deliver the structures it promises.
As noted earlier, trust is a vital element for social machines to
function. However, this is a complex issue: in the open peer-to-
peer architectures that will be required to support social
machines, traditional knowledge engineering safeguards (such as
centralisation of key functions, shared culture and ontologies,
constraints and access control) are not practicable. In this
section, I will expand on the theme of trust, using the theoretical
apparatus assembled in Section 3.
Importing human interaction into the programming
environment envisaged by Robertson and Giunchiglia presents a
major challenge. Hendler and Berners-Lee see artificial
intelligence as the key to enable people and machines to
represent and reason over social attitudes including trust and
trustworthiness, as well as related issues such as reliance and
expectations; linked data and the Semantic Web will be
important tools in such a world, by providing designers with
access to a level of abstraction in which resources can be
referred to directly and independently of the documents in which
they are described [13]. Machines which require users to
contribute information (such as those mentioned earlier to
coordinate community responses to crime or healthcare issues)
will also need to reason about privacy and data protection.
The human world is messy and full of compromise;
computations in social machines must be able to cope with the
consequences of this, such as inconsistency. Furthermore, given
the sensitivity of personal data, social machines will also need to
be able to function in hostile environments where some actors
are malicious.
Although this is a lively area for research, there are few
robust and scalable structures in place to represent these
qualities. Hendler and Berners-Lee point out the importance of
being able to treat these social phenomena as first-class objects
capable of being reasoned over. The Semantic Web provides a
blueprint for this, allowing the use of URIs to name objects of
any kind [13].
In open environments, trust needs to be fostered from a
number of sources. The most common view is to describe the
relations between peers in a peer-to-peer architecture in terms of
permissions and obligations governed by policies [14]. Theorem
provers can determine whether peers have conformed to policies
[15] and systems have been developed to explore the question of
how to specify and verify strategies to determine whether and
when to interact, and with whom [16].
One issue is that these approaches tend to assume that human
trust behaviour is relatively well-behaved and if not rational at
least fairly tidy and explicable. Yet as argued in section 3, it
need not necessarily be so; as Kahneman has recently pointed
out, rational processing coexists with fast, intuitive and
emotional thinking [17]. Furthermore, the subjective element of
trust is deep-seated. Hence policies may work very well to
describe interactions in distributed systems unless elements are
likely to behave idiosyncratically. Reasoning is only one
approach to making a trust judgment, and may well involve a
complexity that is inappropriate. Human judgments about
trustworthiness of complex and distributed systems will not
always align with the methods, ontologies and terms in which
questions are framed by system designers. The key factors for
consideration, as argued in section 3.2, include Xs view of Z,
Xs interpretation of R, and the warrants that X accepts.
5.1 Displacing trust
Most approaches to trust in multi-agent systems assume that
information relevant to agents reputation, or data provenance, or
data security will suffice to align trust and trustworthiness.
Certainly transparency and availability of information about
these is a bonus, and can do no harm. But will they be sufficient?
Trust is not always grounded; Xs trust of Y may depend on
his trust of Z. In many scenarios, X is given information by the
system about the reputation of Y, or about the provenance of
some information it is widely accepted that these are important
for trust. But even assuming that a typical X is willing to restrict
his warrant for his trust in Y to reputation, provenance,
recommendations and other mechanisms that have been
extensively theorised online, he still needs to trust the source of
the reputation/provenance/recommendation. If someone does not
trust, say, Amazon, they are unlikely to trust the *-rating system
that it hosts, even though it is intended to provide an objective
assessment of Amazons products. The provision of such
information does not solve the trust problem it just displaces it
to another point of the system.
Recall also a point made earlier, that institutions can help
promote well-placed trust if they are themselves trusted. It is also
worth noting in this context that people contributing to a social
machine, by trusting the machines structuration of behaviour,
also have to trust that their fellow users will behave in good
faith. The trustworthiness of the machine will also depend on the
trustworthiness of the user community. This is somewhat beyond
the scope of this paper, which focuses on the challenges to
designers, but the wide range of other stakeholders (owners,
managers, shareholders, policymakers, users) should be an
important focus of future research, and a complete social
machine program should take all relevant roles into account.
5.2 The logic of trust
Z makes a claim about how Y will perform. Y in this case is the
social machine, and Z the administrator. Xs trust of the social
machine will depend on his trust of the administrator. For
instance, the motivation of the people from whom information is
crowdsourced in the DARPA network challenge depended on
financial incentives (a) to provide information to the
administrator, and (b) to introduce new people to the group. The
function of that social machine depended among many other
things on enough people trusting the administration of the
machine, and the likelihood of its dispersing the money.
Indeed, because we are dealing with trust with its subjective
element, all that was required was that the various Xs believed
that remuneration would be forthcoming. The money need not
actually have been in place at all. Hence if we are formalising
social machines using a process calculus (as advocated
persuasively by Robertson and Giunchiglia), we need to make a
distinction between those social properties which need to be true
in order for a social machine to achieve its purpose, those
properties which need to be believed to be true (but which need
not be true), and those properties which need to be both true and
This matters because a calculus should describe necessary
conditions for a machines function. In the case of the DARPA
challenge, the existence of a pot of money to be distributed to the
participants was neither sufficient nor necessary to the social
machines function. It was not sufficient, because if would-be
participants were unaware of or did not believe in the financial
remuneration they would not have taken part. It was not
necessary, because all that mattered was that the participants
were motivated, not that they were paid. Of course, this problem
is most dramatic in a one-shot system, but will always re-emerge
in some form even in contexts with repeat runs.
Indeed, spreading the truth about how a machine will function
could on occasion undermine that very functioning. The reader
may have noticed that someone helping Google by using a
reCAPTCHA need not be aware that he or she is doing that
(although Google makes no secret of it). This introduces an
exploitative element to reCAPTCHA; one wishes to identify
oneself as a human, but having done that, one is also required to
perform an extra task, which is not identified as such, to help
Google scan an old book.
reCAPTCHA demands very little effort, so the exploitation is
probably bearable, but even so someone might resent having to
help Google when they wanted to interact with Facebook. More
generally, if people came to understand that, say, a social
network was gathering information about them primarily in
order to sell to marketing companies, or that a healthcare social
machine was gleaning information primarily to sell to
pharmaceutical companies, the feeling of exploitation (even if it
was plausibly in the interests of the users) might have the effect
of discouraging the users from taking part. It is essential to make
a distinction between what is known about the system, what
users should believe (even if false) about the system, and what
users should be unaware of (even if true) about the system.
5.3 Differences of interpretation
Where the interests of Z and X do not align, it is important to
ensure that Xs interpretation of R coincides with that of Z. This
is not always the case with technology. Where Z is a designer
who has created an artificial agent Y, Ys trustworthiness is
often measured by Z against a highly technical specification R.
However, the user X will typically see the technology
holistically as part of a system with which he is confronted. If we
take the example of an ID card, the system designer may be
pleased to have devised a secure system. But the owner of the
card will judge it in terms of the extent to which it empowers and
constrains him. As Charles Raab puts it, it is no comfort to a
privacy-aware individual to be told that inaccurate, outdated,
excessive and irrelevant data about her are encrypted and stored
behind hacker-proof firewalls until put to use by (say) a credit-
granting organization in making decisions about her [18].
There are many types of case where R, the claim that is made
about Y, can be very different from I(R,c), Xs interpretation of
that claim. If trust is to be maintained, R must be couched in a
way that is meaningful for X. A merely technical specification of
behaviour, however accurate, is unlikely to be enough. Yet a
technical specification of the systems behaviour is required if
we are to be able to program social machines rigorously.
The problem of trust is that it is hard to align to an arbitrary
degree of certainty with trustworthiness. It is important, if
dispiriting, to note that the most trustworthy system is useless if
it is not trusted. Furthermore, it could happen that a trusted
system works perfectly well (to its designers satisfaction,
anyway) even if it is not trustworthy.
Much will depend on the incentives given to participants. In
the case of machines which provide a good user experience (for
example, healthcare networking sites from which people get best
practice or companionship or counselling from others with
similar problems), specifying that experience will be difficult.
All a designer can really specify are issues such as the privacy
and security with which health data are stored. These are
important factors for user trust, but the porousness of the system
will also depend on the propensity of the networking humans to
misuse or leak information they gain, for example from
chatrooms. The nature of the user community is at least as
important as the technical specification.
Taking this thought to a logical conclusion, it is likely that
public trust in such machines will be highest when the public has
had a say in their design and operation. The closer the
relationship between trustor, designers and administrators, the
better. This suggests that a focus of future research here might be
the development of tools and protocols to allow communities to
design social machines to their own specifications.
In machines such as reCAPTCHA and the DARPA challenge,
where the humans in the loop are performing tasks subordinate
to the wider goal of the system and gaining nothing intrinsic
from participation, the classic trade-off of trust (that trust matters
and trustworthiness is secondary, especially in one-shot games),
is harder to avoid. Programming of such machines using
process calculi should, from the point of view of good design,
make the necessary and sufficient conditions clear. Whether this
promotes or restricts cynicism is an empirical question upon
whose answer the future of social machines will probably rest.
The work reported in this paper was funded by the EnAKTing
project, EPSRC Grant EP/G008493/1. Thanks to Dave
Robertson, Luc Moreau and three referees for comments.
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Navigating between chaos and bureaucracy: How open-
content communities are backgrounding trust
Paul B. de Laat
Abstract. Many virtual communities that rely on user-generated
content (social news, citizen reports, and encyclopedic entries in
particular) offer unrestricted and immediate write access to
every contributor. It is argued that these communities do not just
assume that the trust as granted by that policy is well-placed;
they have developed extensive mechanisms that underpin the
trust involved (backgrounding). These target contributors (stip-
ulating legal terms of use and developing etiquette, both under-
scored by sanctions) as well as the contents contributed by them
(schemes for basic quality control: patrolling for illegal and/or
vandalist content, variously performed by humans and bots).
Backgrounding is argued to be important since it allows avoiding
bureaucratic measures that may easily cause unrest among com-
munity members and chase them away.
Online communities that thrive on user-generated content come
in various formats. Contents may vary considerablyfrom text,
photographs, videos, designs and logos to source code. Further-
more, cooperation may range from loose interaction: uploaded
contents are presented as-isto tight interaction: an evolving
product is being worked on collectively. This distinction in co-
operation patterns is referred to by Dutton [1] as contributing
2.0 vs. co-creation 3.0. Typical examples of the former are
Flickr and YouTube, of the latter Wikipedia and open source
These communities face the dilemma of which contributors
are to be accepted as members and how contributions are to be
processed and published. Some communities take a cautious ap-
proach: only some categories of people are allowed to contrib-
ute, and their contributions are critically examined, by filtering
before reception or moderating afterwards. A typical example is
the Encyclopedia of Earth which only accepts inputs from
acknowledged experts. Moreover, their appointed topic editors
decide who is to write the entries and who is to participate in re-
viewing them. In the end they have to approve of entries appear-
ing in a public version. Other communities, though, prefer to
hand out a generous invitation to their crowds in order to max-
imize possible returns. It consists of two parts: (1) Anyone is in-
vited to contribute content without any restrictions on entry; ac-
cordingly, access is fully open to anyone who cares to contrib-
ute; (2) Contents contributed are subsequently accepted with no
questions asked and appear right away on the appropriate spot.
Publication proceeds without review and without delay. In terms
of Goldman [3]: no filtering is applied at the reception stage.
Faculty of Philosophy, University of Groningen, the Netherlands.
Email: [email protected].
Which communities typically practice this two-fold institu-
tional gesture? Let me mention some of them as far as they pre-
dominantly revolve around soliciting and reworking of text. I se-
lect these since it seems especially with text that the whole spec-
trum from contribution (2.0) to co-creation (3.0) unfolds; activi-
ties in communities which focus on other kinds of content most
often remain at the level of contributing. The first category is
social news sites that focus on creating a collective discussion
about topics in the news that are deemed to be relevant. The
formula is basically the same for all: users are invited to submit
news stories and/or news links that will be put up for public dis-
cussion (comments). In this category we find Digg (2004) and
Reddit (2005) which focus on news of all kinds, and Slashdot
(1997) and Hacker News (2007) which focus on technology-
related issues.
The second category is user-generated newspa-
pers that have been around since 2004. NowPublic (2005), Digi-
tal Journal (2006) and GroundReport (2006) invite everybody to
become a citizen journalist and contribute their own articles,
blog entries and/or images to the site, as well as leave comments
on those of others. These contributions essentially remain unal-
tered. Wikinews (started earlier, in 2004) goes one step further:
in the so-called news room articles which have been submitted
are polished further by fellow contributors (by means of a wiki).
As soon as criticisms have been met, the article can officially
appear on the front page. The third and final category consists
of user-generated encyclopedias. Many such communities exist
(cf. [5]), but only a few have adopted policies of open access &
immediate publication. British h2g2 (2001) invites everybody to
compose entries; these are put up on the site for public comment-
ing. Wikipedia (2001) and Citizendium (2007) lean more to-
wards co-creation by publishing new entries in an open-access
wiki that allows other participants to instantaneously insert their
own textual changes.
This gesture of unrestricted and immediate access to the com-
munity platform (to be denoted write access)
can be interpret-
ed as a form of institutionalized trust towards prospective par-
Henceforth, years of foundation are given in brackets.
These communities will serve as cases to be analysed further on in this
article. Note that while they practiced unrestricted and immediate access
from the outset, some of them recently have been ponderingor actually
resorted tomore restrictive editorial policies: filtering before reception
(to be commented on below).
This term is in use among developers working together on open source
software. As a rule, anyone may access the site and inspect the contents
(read access). When participants have proven their skills, they may ac-
quire the additional right to directly contribute code to a projects source
code tree: they have obtained write access.
ticipants. The italics are employed in order to stress two particu-
lar points. On the one hand, the gesture is an institutional one:
we are dealing here with the ways in which an institution ap-
proaches the members it depends on, not with interpersonal trust.
On the other hand, the gesture embodies the presumption that
prospective participants are willing to contribute content with
good intentions and to the best of their capabilities. Their trust-
worthiness in terms of moral intentions and capabilities is taken
for granted. Notice that different capabilities are involved across
the various communities. Social news sites rely on capabilities of
argumentation and discussion; rhetoric skills are vital. Encyclo-
pedic projects, on the other hand, are mainly interested in peo-
ples cognitive capabilities to contribute knowledge. Citizen
journals occupy a position in between: they are looking for both
kinds of capabilities.
That trust is at issue here can easily be seen from the fact that
all communities concerned are exposing their respective reposi-
tories of content and entrust them as it were to the whims of the
masses. They have decided to fully rely on their volunteers,
thereby making themselves vulnerable and taking risks. Discus-
sion sites, published news reports and encyclopedic entries can
easily be polluted and spoiled by all kinds of disruptive actions.
As Wikipedia defines the matter, cranks may insert nonsense,
flamers and trolls may enjoy fomenting trouble, amateurs
may ruin factual reporting, partisans may smuggle in their per-
sonal opinion where this is inappropriate, and advertisers may
just try to promote their products anywhere (English Wikipe-
dia:RCO). Repositories polluted in this way undermine the via-
bility of any community, and necessitate laborious cleaning ac-
tions to be performed.
Given this gesture of fully trusting potential participants and
giving them write access accordingly, which mechanisms of
trusting others may be relied on in the process? Which processes
possibly lie behind it? In the sequel I discuss three well-known
mechanisms to handle the trust problem: the assumption, infer-
ence, and substitution of trust. Subsequently, I argue for a fourth
mechanism that seems to have been neglected in the literature
thus far: backgrounding trust. In this approach the gesture of full
trust is underpinned by developing support mechanisms in the
background that render the trust-as-default rule rational in a re-
ductionist way.
First and foremost, the trust involved may be the simple as-
sumption that the crowds are trustworthy. Trustworthiness is as-
sumed without any particular evidence to support that assump-
tion. The rationale for this assumption is that precisely by acting
as if trust is present, one may actually produce it in the process
[2]. In Luhmannian terms: the gesture of trust creates a norma-
tive pressure to respond likewise. Can any good reasons be ad-
vanced for the assumption? Which mechanism may be argued to
underlie said normative pressure?
Pettit [8] argued that esteem is the driving force. Since people
are sensitive to the esteem of others, they will answer an act of
trust with trust as it enables them to reap the esteem that is being
offered to them. As argued before [4: 332], this interpretation of
the normative force of trust does not seem wholly convincing in
the case of open-content communities. While esteem surely is a
driving force, it would seem to be an underlying one, not a para-
mount one. A more forceful interpretation obtains if we move
away from this calculating conception of as-if trust to another
conception that is based on a vision of and hopes in the capabili-
ties of others. As argued by McGeer [7], showing trust may be
rooted in hopes to challenge others to apply their capabilities in
return. These others are not manipulated but empowered to show
their capacities and further develop them. The trusting party puts
his/her bets on a utopian future.
Such reasoning can in a
straightforward fashion be applied to our open-content commu-
nities since the capabilities that are the cornerstone of this
McGeerian vision have quite specific connotations here. By
granting unrestricted and immediate access, crowd members are
challenged to show their capacities of commenting, reporting
news, or contributing reliable knowledge. They are invited to
fulfil the promise of a community of exciting, newsworthy, or
encyclopedic content.
A second way to handle the tensions that a trusting gesture
generates is to infer trustworthiness. One looks for indicators
that inspire confidence in the other(s) as a trusted partner: per-
ceived individual characteristics like family background, sex, or
ethnicity, belonging to a shared culture, linkage(s) to respected
institutions, or reputation based on performance in the past (this
argument can be traced back to Zucker [11]). Moreover, the cal-
culative balance of costs and benefits may seem to preclude a
non-cooperative outcome. As argued before (in [4: 330-31]), I do
not believe that an open-content community operating in cyber-
spaceor any virtual community for that matterhas many re-
liable indicators to cling to. Virtual identities are always precari-
ous; anonymity of contributors only aggravates this problem.
Even the common requirement to register and choose a user
name (or even disclose ones real name) hardly alleviates the
problem (cf. [5]). Moreover, contributors often just enter and
leave, precluding any stable identity let alone reputation to form.
To sum up: signalling trustworthiness cannot be implemented in
a reliable way. So while the inference of trust has rightly been
regarded a central component of processes of trust formation in
real life, I do not think it has much value in virtual surroundings.
A third way to handle the problem of trust may be referred to
as the substitution of trust. Wherever people interact continu-
ously and some kind of community emerges, rules, regulations,
and procedure tend to be introduced. Often these enact re-
strictions on behavioural possibilities. As a result, reliance on
participants wisdom and judgment in contributing is reduced;
their actions become less discretionary. As a corollary, the need
to grant them trust is lessened; the problem of trust is partly
eliminated. The introduction of bureaucratic structure of the kind
effectively substitutes for the need to estimateor assume
participants being trustworthy. Below evidence is presented on
some of our open-content communities recently instituting re-
strictive rules and regulations: filtering incoming content prior to
publication. Write access thus becomes circumscribed and regu-
However, a fourth mechanism to deal with the tensions of an
all-out policy of trust is to be distinguished. It embodies efforts,
in the absence of reliable inference, to create a middle road be-
tween relying on the normative power of trust on the one hand,
and (partly) eliminating the problem by substitution on the other
hand. In this approach the default rule of all-out trust is kept in-
tact by underpinning it in the background with corrective mech-
anisms that contain the possible damages inflicted by malevolent
McGeer uses the term substantial trust, as opposed to the shallow trust
Pettit is supposed to refer to. I prefer to avoid the former term since, to
my view, not another type of trust is being defined, but just a different
mechanism for generating trust ex post that actors may supposedly rely
on ex ante.
and/or incapable contributors. To my knowledge, this approach
has been neglected in the literature up to the present. As we will
see, the supportive mechanisms themselves are not unknown, but
their corrective function for keeping the default rule of trust in-
tact has largely gone unnoticed.
I propose that several types of backgrounding can be distin-
guished (to be elaborated below in further detail). First, a cultur-
al offensive can be launched to curb potential digressers: legal
terms of use and an etiquette of sorts that defines proper behav-
iour are developed and propagated. Secondly, these standards of
behaviour can be underscored by defining sanctions and disci-
plinary measures. Participants that deviate too much from the
ground rules for constructive cooperation may be punished and
ultimately expelled from the community. Thirdly, structural
schemes can be introduced that aim to guarantee the quality of
the communitys contents. These range from relatively simple
vandalism patrol schemes up to voting and quality enhancement
programs. The bottom line for all three activities is that they
mayat least partlycontribute to sustaining the rationality of
the decision to maintain an editorial policy of all-out trust. They
serve to keep the default rule of full trust in place.
3.1 Legal terms and etiquette
As a consequence of their full-trust write access policy, our
open-content communities are quite vulnerable to disruptive be-
haviour, from posting illegal content to vandalist actions. As a
way of defence they are first of all trying to lay down legal
guidelines. Plagiary, libel, defamation, illegal content and the
like are strictly forbidden. This is considered the baseline for
proper behaviour since deviations from them would land the site
with legal trouble.
Interestingly, though, our communities under study also pro-
mote good manners beyond these legal terms of use. An eti-
quette is formulated for regulating mutual interactions on their
sites. Leaving Wikinews and Wikipedia aside for the moment
(see below), all of them stress the same kind of exhortations in
their community guidelines, house rules, netiquette, or
rediquettebe it to varying degrees.
On the positive side,
members are urged to always remain respectful, polite, and civil;
to stay calm; to be patient, tolerant, and forgiving; to behave re-
sponsibly; and/or to stay on topic at all times. On the negative
side, the list of interdictions is much longer. One is urged to re-
frain from calling names, offensive language, harassment, and
hate speech. Flaming and trolling are sharply condemned. Com-
mercial spam and advertisements are declared out of bounds.
Flooding a site with materials that are offensive, objectionable,
misleading, or simply false only amount to an objectionable
waste of the sites resources (nicknamed crapflooding).
Finally, let us consider Wikinews and Wikipedia. Both under
the umbrella of the Wikimedia Foundation, they have adopted
virtually the same etiquette (called: Wikiquette). It is in fact the
most extended set of rules for polite behaviour in open-content
communities to be found anywhere on the Net. Assuming good
For reasons of space, precise references to the various community sites
are omitted (but are available on request).
faith on the part of othersand showing it yourself is the
starting point. Help others in correcting their mistakes and al-
ways work towards agreement. Remain civil and polite at all
times: discuss and argue, instead of insulting, harassing or per-
sonally attacking people. Be open and warm. Give praise, and
forgive and forget where necessary. Overall, several pages are
devoted to the subject (
3.2 Enforcement
Both legal rules and etiquette cannot do without some mechan-
ism of enforcement. With all communities above, without excep-
tion, sanctioning of deviant users has become the normal state of
affairs. Users that (repeatedly) flout the rules of etiquettelet
alone the legal rulescan be banned from the community for
some period of time, or even forever. As a rule the professional
editors as employed by the site (editorial team) simply assume
these judicial powers themselves. With others, site volunteers are
entrusted with the task. At h2g2, these are appointed for the job
(as moderators) by staff of the company which owns the site
(formerly the BBC). The pair of Wikipedia and Wikinews ap-
points candidates with a procedure that relies on public consulta-
tion of the community (administrators). Citizendium does like-
wise (constables).
The mechanisms of rules & sanctions taken together send the
message: respect legal terms of use and be civil and polite
otherwise thou risk to be expelled. Notice how these may impact
on the employed policy of unrestricted and immediate access.
That policy assumes trustworthiness of participants from the out-
set. Inculcating respect for legal issues and rules of etiquette then
may serve to create trustworthiness where it is found to be lack-
ingafterwards. Whenever the assumption of trustworthiness
appears unwarranted, that defect can (at least partly) be repaired
afterwards. As a result, the full write-access policy is under-
pinned and can possibly remain in force after all. Background-
ing, as I shall call this phenomenon, keeps confidence in full-
trust as the default intact.
I would argue, however, that these mechanisms can do just so
much. They can only possibly educate participants that are
staying longer. Newcomers, who are the most likely source of
mischief, can hardly be supposed to have read let alone intern-
alized the rules involved upon entry. As a result, the campaign
for legal and civil conscience has no effect on them, and the full-
trust policy remains vulnerable to their abuse. Therefore we now
turn to structural means that may support the full-trust policy. No
longer the dispositions of people but the contents they actually
contribute come in focus. I shall argue that these tools are ulti-
mately able to do a more powerful job of sustaining that policy.
3.3 Quality management
The term quality management is used in quite a broad mean-
ing: it is to refer to both rating and (for dynamic entries) raising
the quality of contributed content, throughout the whole quality
range, from low to high. At the lower end, the mess of clearly
inappropriate content that flouts basic legal terms of use or eti-
quette has to be cleaned up. Beyond these tasks of basic clean-
ing (as I shall label them) the quality of contentas far as it has
passed the former test of scrutinycan be monitored continu-
ously and (in case of dynamic content) raised ever further. Such
quality schemes may already be the normal modus operandi (cf.
the wiki format); they may also be developed as additional
mechanisms since the basic mode is felt to be an insufficient
guarantee for quality.
3.3.1 Social news sites and citizen journals
Social news sites and citizen journals (apart from Wikinews) are
usefully treated together since all operate in the contributing
2.0 mode. These solicit stories (whether existingfor social
news sites, or newly composedfor citizen journals) and com-
ments on them. Tasks of basic cleaning are performed (after-
wards) by the editorial teams involved: they scout their sites con-
tinuously for illegal and inappropriate content. Usually, site visi-
tors are also solicited to report violations. Any content of the
kindwhether illegal content, flooding, spamming, advertising,
hate speech or abusive languageis immediately dealt with and
deleted; those who posted them are reprimanded or, after repeat-
ed violations, banned from the site.
Such basic cleaning can
however just achieve so much: the quality of contents above the
baseline of appropriate content remains an issue.
In order to tackle this thornier problem these sites have pio-
neered a novel approach: stories and comments can be voted on,
usually as either a plus or a minus. As a rule, all users are enti-
tled to vote. Note though that some communities require regis-
tration, and in Slashdot the right to vote obtains for a limited
amount of time only. Let me elaborate these schemes. Digg has
pioneered digging: if a user likes the content, it is digged
(+1), if (s)he dislikes it, it is buried (-1). GroundReport has
adopted the very same scheme. Reddit, Hacker News, and Slash-
dot use the more neutral wording of voting for the process: a
plus if entries are found to be helpful, interesting, or con-
structive, a minus if they are not. Finally, NowPublic and Digi-
tal Journal only allow plus votes, for articles deemed newswor-
The sum total of votes then determines the prominence of arti-
cles on the site. By default, stories (on the front page) and com-
ments on them (below each story) are displayed in chrono-
logical order of submission, with the most recent ones on top.
Entries thus have a natural rate of decay. Voting data, fed into
one algorithm or another, then force the liked items to remain
longer on top of the page (countering natural decay), while at the
same time forcing the disliked itemsat least as far as dislikes
are part of the schemeto plunge down the page quicker (accel-
erating natural decay).
Slashdot uses a slight variation: with
vote totals for items being limited to the range -1 to + 5, readers
can choose their own personal threshold level to determine
whether items become visible to them or not when they enter the
site. Thus articles of bad repute are no longer punished by being
pushed down the page, but by being deleted for all practical
3.3.2 Encyclopedias and Wikinews
In Reddit, those who started a subreddit usually are awarded the same
powers for their particular subreddit.
Some basics of these algorithms are elaborated in
The remaining communities in my sample operate in proper co-
creation 3.0 mode (Wikinews and encyclopedias). They also re-
sort to basic cleaning concerning illegal or inappropriate content;
in addition they have introduced elaborate quality schemes that
go beyond simple voting. Let me start with h2g2 that does not
use the wiki format, but just old-fashioned commenting. Tasks of
basic cleaning are executed by the aforementioned volunteer
moderators (as appointed by the owner). As they phrase it,
someone has to clean the flotsam. In addition, these decide on
banning users who are found to be in violation. Higher up the
quality scale, authors may strive for their article to appear in the
edited guide. To that end, it has to be put up for public review,
be recommended by a scout, and edited by subeditors. Notice
that these two roles (volunteer roles one has to apply for) are in-
tended to support authors, as opposed to control them. They are
urged to operate as first among equals.
Citizendium, Wikipedia, and Wikinews have the wiki mode of
production in common. This wiki is the place to carry out basic
cleaning of illegal and inappropriate contents. Users are always
on the alert regarding contents, allowed to immediately correct
new edits in the wiki, and invited to report any transgressor to
the authorities concerned (constables and administrators respect-
ively). The three communities have quite similar procedures as
well for identifying and promoting high quality content (apart
from normal wikiing). In Citizendium an entry may gain the
status of approved. To that end, an appointed moderator (de-
noted editor) has to give his/her approval. This role incumbent
is also to exercise gentle oversight concerning matters of evol-
ving content. So here again, like in h2g2, a non-authoritarian
role, a primus inter pares. Wikinews and Wikipedia, on their
part, elaborated wholly public procedures for entries to gain the
status of good or even featured article. As a preliminary step
towards acquiring such statuses an entry may be put up for pub-
lic peer review first.
Wikipedia in particular, though, over time has come to devel-
oping additional efforts of quality management that supplement
the basic wiki mode of production. The most extended quality-
watch program anywhere in our communities is to be found here.
It revolves around a kind of permanent mobilisation of Wikipe-
dians who are invited to focus their energies on quality enhance-
ment. In their fight against vandalism basic cleaning is high on
the agenda. Users can maintain personal watch lists: listed en-
tries are kept under surveillance for new edits coming in. New
Pages Patrol is a system for users to scan newly created entries
for potential problems right after they are submitted. Further-
more hundreds of software bots have been developed for the
purpose. After severe testing and public discussion within the
Wikipedian community, these may be let loose on a 24 hours
basis. A famous example is Cluebot, which is instructed to inter-
vene whenever suspicious words are inserted (black lists) or
whole pages deleted (
ClueBot.pdf). The new generation CluebotNG operates along
quite different lines: as a neural network. The bot has to be fed
with both constructive and vandalist edits. By interpreting those
data it hopefully will learn in the long run to correctly diagnose
instances of vandalism (
Close watch also extends beyond the issue of vandalism. Wik-
ipedian pages and articles are under constant surveillance wheth-
er they should be kept, deleted, merged, redirected, or transwik-
ied (=transferred to another Wikimedia project). More im-
portantly, in order to raise the quality of entries further, Wiki-
Projects (with subordinate taskforces) are formed in which
people focus on specific themes (such as classical music or Aus-
tralia). Each project takes relevant entries under its wings and
promotes improvement. In particular they are entrusted the task
of grading the articles in their purview by quality (7 degrees, the
highest being featured and good, cf. above) and importance (4
degrees) (
Council/Guide). Last but not least, tools are made available to
users for judging the credibility of entries: the WikiTrust exten-
sion and the WikiDashboard. These tools calculate proxies for
credibility of entries from their review histories. Users may use
these indicators for focused quality enhancement of entries.
3.3.3 Intensity
Before embarking on a discussion of the relationship between
measures of quality control and trust, let me first put them in a
comparative perspective across the whole range of open-content
communities under study. Legal rules and etiquette (3.1 and 3.2)
seem to be emphasized throughout, in about equal measure. This
stands to reason, since these revolve around behavioural norms
of trust and respect which are universally applicable to all com-
munities of open textual content. Not so however for quality
management efforts: these are clearly intensifying if we move
towards the encyclopedic end of the range. For one thing, patrol-
ling for improper content is increasing. For another, voting
schemes make way for a variety of teams that focus on quality
within the wiki mode. Why this more intense mobilisation?
I want to argue that this is mainly due to the different types of
content involved. Social news sites aim to foster discussions; an
exciting exchange of opinions is what they are after. These dis-
cussions, moreover, have a kind of topicalityin the long run
their importance simply fades away. To that end, a contributing
2.0 mode is sufficient. In order to guarantee quality in this
mode, scouting for inappropriate content combined with voting
schemes is good enough: good discussions will remain in view
(longer), while bad discussions will disappear out of sight
(quicker). The natural tendency for time to produce decay is in-
tensified. To citizen journals, furthermore, similar arguments ap-
Encyclopedias, however, aim to render the facts about par-
ticular matters. Such entries cannot be produced in one go, but
have to evolve over time. Moreover, such entries are to remain
permanently visible, ready to be consulted. For the purpose, co-
creation 3.0 is the preferred mode: Wikipedia, Wikinews, and
Citizendium have chosen the interactive wiki format as mode of
production (which does not necessarily have to be so: h2g2 pre-
fers a contributing approach). Obviously, such a dynamic mode
is susceptible to disruptions. Watching over quality therefore be-
comes a more urgent task. For that purpose, the wiki is turned in-
to a space of intense patrolling and quality enhancement efforts.
3.3.4 Backgrounding trust
After this assessment of quality management efforts across our
sample of open-content communities finally their connection
with the default rule of full trust concerning write access remains
to be specified. To what extent may this institutionalized trust be
said to be backgrounded by quality control? As far as this con-
trol is concerned with basic cleaning tasks, there is a connection.
Scouting for inappropriate or outright vandalist contributions
whether inside a wiki or not, whether by special volunteer patrol
teams or the editorial team only, whether by humans or bots,
combined with appropriate corrective action and disciplining of
transgressors, is a contribution to keep the policy of full write
access viable. Since disruptive contributions can always be sifted
out afterwards, the gates may remain open to all. Background-
ing of the kind may effectively allow unrestricted and immedi-
ate write access to remain the default.
All other efforts under the rubric of quality controlwhich
push for quality promotionare not connected to trust: voting
schemes in order to push high quality articles to prominent
and/or visible position (social news and citizen journals), efforts
to promote articles to the edited guide (h2g2), to develop ap-
proved articles (Citizendium), or to produce good or featured
articles (Wikinews, Wikipedia) hardly bear a relationship.
Though profiting largely from the condition of full write access
for everybody since a maximum of contributions is being solicit-
ed, these ongoing initiatives obviously cannot be considered to
supportor undermine for that matterthe institutional trust
exhibited. They just thrive on it.
As regards quality management (3.3) critics may object that the
relevant rules, regulations, and procedures cannot neatly be sort-
ed into those that either background or substitute trust (or are
neutral in that respect); they are just variations on the same
theme of concern for quality that only differ in their temporality
of application. I would argue, however, that the distinction is
sound and important. My argument proceeds along the following
On the one hand, schemes for quality control can aim directly
at the discretion of participants and reduce it (e.g., filtering).
This reduction of discretion by definition leaves less-than-full-
trust to participants. As a corollary, hierarchical distinctions
among participants need to be defined (such as determining who
is entitled to carry out filtering, and who is to be subjected to it).
If so, some amount of bureaucracy proper has been introduced in
the community. Note finally, that the substitution of trust as ef-
fectuated is precisely the intention of such schemes. On the other
hand, measures of quality control can also buttress policies of
write access for all (e.g., scouting and patrolling for vandalism,
whether by humans or bots). Institutionalized full trust remains a
viable option because of the damage repair options that are un-
folding. Essentially these schemes mobilize the whole commun-
ityand therefore do not introduce any hierarchical distinctions.
Furthermore, the supporting effect on institutionalized trust to-
wards participants is more properly a side effect; the main focus
of such campaigns is quality overall. Obviously, in between the
two categories quality management initiatives can be discerned
that do not touch upon our issue of institutional trust. The above
mentioned voting and quality rating schemes are cases in point.
The contrast can best be captured in terms of the trust assump-
tions embodied in the various write access policies involved. In
the case of patrolling new inputs and new contributors (as well
as quality watch and voting schemes more generally), the as-
sumption of full trust of potential participants is left intact and
Cf. by way of analogy the common distinction between developers and
observers in open source software projects.
untouched. The default remains: we trust your inputs, unless
proven otherwise. In the case of filtering which reduces the trust
offered, this default is exchanged for quite another one: we can
no longer afford to trust your inputs, and accordingly first have
to check them carefully.
In line with the above I want to underline that backgrounding
trust in open-content communities is very important for their
functioning. The mechanism allows the full-trust write access
policy to remain in force. By the same token, other available
mechanisms to manage the trust problem do not have to be re-
sorted to. In particular, the substitution of trust by installing bu-
reaucratic measures can be avoided. Before elaborating this point
let me first provide some examples of steps towards bureaucracy
as considered or actually taken by our communities.
The Slash-
dot editorial team routinely scans incoming stories and only ac-
cepts the most interesting, timely, and relevant ones for posting
to the homepage. Furthermore, since 2009, Now Public and
GroundReport filter incoming news before publication. With the
former, first articles from aspiring journalists are thoroughly
checked by the editorial team; subsequent ones may go live im-
mediately and are only checked afterwards. With the latter, the
sites editors have to give their approval to all proposed articles
prior to publication. Only reporters with a strong track record
have full write access. In the Wikimedia circuit, finally, pro-
posals for checking incoming edits for vandalism before publica-
tion have been circulating for several years; only after approval
edits are to become publicly visible. Such review is to be carried
out by experienced users. In this fashion, evidently, trust in new-
comers gets restricted. The proposal is actually in force in a
number of their projects from 2008 onwards: Wikipedia and
Wiktionary (German versions), as well as Wikinews and Wiki-
books (English versions).
Why then would it be important to avoid bureaucracy? The
answer is that such measures may meet a chilly reception and
cause unrest and trouble among community members. A con-
spicuous example of such unrest is the heavy contestation of the
system of reviewing edits prior to publication (called Flagged
Revisions) in English Wikipedia: the proposal has encountered
fierce resistance and finally had to be abandoned (cf. [6]). Com-
munity members may simply detest bureaucratic rules and
threaten to withdraw their commitment accordingly. That is why
backgrounding trust is such an important mechanism.
Note also
in this context the conspicuous role of software bots in Wikipe-
For reasons of space, references that document the steps to be men-
tioned have been omittedbut are available from the author.
The proposal is also in force in several smaller language versions other
than English, German, or French (cf.
In our sample it is editorial teams (social news sites, citizen journals),
moderators (h2g2), constables (Citizendium) and administrators (Wiki-
pedia, Wikinews) who hold the powers to clean up messy content and/or
to discipline members. Obviously, these power holders also represent bu-
reaucracythe difference with the filtering measures mentioned being,
that no community members seem to be opposed to such a baseline of
Note in this respect how some of our communities try to bolster the
quality process by introducing specific supportive roles that are intended
as prime among equals (cf. editors in Citizendium, and subeditors in
h2g2). Their intention is clearly to avoid introducing hierarchical rela-
tions in this fashion. But trying to operate as such a primus is walking a
tight rope: in his/her performance, the role occupant may easily come to
be perceived as an ordinary boss.
dia. These have been and still are very active in detecting van-
dalismoften ahead of patrollers of flesh and blood. The home
page of Cluebot is full of barn stars from co-Wikipedians,
awarded since the bot had detected vandalist edits before them,
in just a few seconds. Reportedly it identifies, overall, about one
vandalist edit per minute (over a thousand per day). Thanks to
Cluebot and its likes, introduction of the system of Flagged Re-
visions was not inevitable and the plans could be shelved.
Recently both Simon [9] and Tollefsen [10] asked themselves
the question: can users rely on Wikipedia? In their affirmative
answers they pointed to editorial mechanisms in place that may
ensure high quality: the wiki format with associated talk pages
[9: 348], and the procedure for acquiring good or featured
status [10: 22]. My question has been a slightly different one:
can Wikipedia trust their users and grant them unrestricted and
immediate write access? No wonder myequally affirmative
answer turned out to be slightly different. Contributors can fully
be trusted since swift procedures to filter low quality submis-
sions afterwards are in place; in complementary fashion, a con-
tinuous campaign among participants promotes respect for eti-
quette and basic rules of law.
[1] W.H. Dutton. The wisdom of collaborative network organizations:
Capturing the value of networked individuals. Prometheus, 26(3):
211-230 (2008).
[2] D. Gambetta. Can we trust trust? In D. Gambetta (ed.), Trust: Making
and breaking cooperative relations, Blackwell: Oxford, 213-237
[3] A.I. Goldman. The social epistemology of blogging. In J. van den
Hoven, J. Weckert (eds.), Information Technology and Moral Philos-
ophy, Cambridge University Press: Cambridge etc., 111-22 (2008).
[4] P.B. de Laat. How can contributors to open-source communities be
trusted? On the assumption, inference, and substitution of trust. Ethics
and Information Technology, 12(4): 327-341 (2010).
[5] P.B. de Laat. Open source production of encyclopedias: Editorial pol-
icies at the intersection of organizational and epistemological trust.
Social Epistemology, 26(1): 71-103 (2012).
[6] P.B. de Laat. Coercion or empowerment? Moderation of content in
Wikipedia as essentially contested bureaucratic rules. Ethics and In-
formation Technology, 14(2): 123-135 (2012).
[7] V. McGeer. Trust, hope and empowerment. Australasian Journal of
Philosophy, 86(2): 237-254 (2008).
[8] Ph. Pettit. The cunning of trust. Philosophy and Public Affairs, 24(3):
202-225 (1995).
[9] J. Simon. The entanglement of trust and knowledge on the Web. Eth-
ics and Information Technology, 12(4): 343-355 (2010).
[10] D.P. Tollefsen. Wikipedia and the epistemology of testimony. Epis-
teme, 6(1): 8-24 (2009).
[11] L.G. Zucker. Production of trust: Institutional sources of economic
structure, 1840-1920. Research in Organizational Behaviour, 8: 53-
111 (1986).
Artificial and Autonomous: A Person?
Migle Laukyte
Abstract. Autonomy and personhood are two statuses the law
usually ascribes to human beings. But we also ascribe these
statuses to nonhuman entities, notably corporations. In this paper
I explore the idea of expanding this ascription so as to include a
third class of entities: not only humans and corporations but also
artificially intelligent beings (artificial agents). I discuss in
particular what autonomy and personhood mean, and I consider
different ways in which these statuses can be applied to artificial
agents, arguing that although computer science and software
engineering have yet to develop such agents, a circumstance that
makes the whole discussion hypothetical, it still makes sense to
discuss these issues, on the assumption that once the former
status (autonomy) is built into these agents, the latter status
(personhood) will become a more realistic scenario.
Individual autonomy and legal personhood are two interrelated
notions: once a human being achieves full autonomy as an adult,
that person becomes a subject of rights and duties, that is, he or
she becomes a person in the eyes of the law.
Autonomy and personhood, however, are not something the
law ascribes exclusively to humans: we have extended these
statuses to nonhuman entities as well, such as corporations,
ships, and other artificial legal persons.
This paper revolves around the idea that our ascription of
autonomy and legal personhood may be still in process,
specifically as concerns artificially intelligent entities (from here
on out artificial agents), which I posit as a third class (next to
humans and corporations) to which these two statuses may be
The paper is divided into two main parts: the first deals with
autonomy, which I take to be an essential requisite of artificial
agents before any personhood can be ascribed to them.
Autonomy is discussed as both a philosophical and a
computational concept, and in both respects I will be attempting
to determine what it takes for an artificial agent to be
The second part of this paper will thus turn to the issue of
legal personhood, asking whether artificial agents should be
recognized as persons once they become fully autonomous in
both the philosophical and the computational senses I will be
clarifying. In fact, one can easily envision the consequences that
might accompany the development of artificially autonomous
CIRSFID, Bologna University School of Law, via Galliera 3, 40121
Bologna. Email: [email protected].
As was briefly hinted at a moment ago, an artificial person can take
different forms aside from the aforementioned corporations: states and
municipalities, for example, can also be so considered. Still, for the sake
of expediency, I will be taking the corporation (a business entity having
a separate existence from its owners and managers) as a paradigmatic
example of what an artificial person is.
agents, and since these are too broad to be discussed intelligibly
in the space of a single paper, I will restrict my discussion to
what such a development would entail for the law. I speculate
that we would have to revisit the concept of legal personhood as
a status acquired in consequence of gaining autonomy. I also
discuss in this connection the question of whether autonomous
artificial agents should be likened to natural persons (humans),
or to artificial ones (corporations), or whether we should work
out a new formula for such entities.
The paper is thus organized as follows: in Section 2, I
introduce a Kantian concept of autonomy as self-governance. I
then apply this concept to artificial agents, asking whether this is
a useful basis on which to proceed in building agents. I argue
that this is not a possibility given the current state of the art in
computer science (CS), and I therefore suggest that we focus on
the concept of autonomy adopted in CS itself: Section 3
discusses how this concept can be applied to artificial agents.
Then, in Section 4, I consider what the development of artificial
autonomous agents would mean for the law. I argue in particular
that if an agent is autonomous, it is responsible for its actions,
and only legal personsnatural ones (people) or artificial ones
(corporations)are held responsible for their actions in law, and
the question becomes which of these two classes is the more
appropriate basis on which to consider the responsibility of an
agent as a legal person. Sections 5 and 6 discuss these two
hypotheses, respectively, and Section 7 puts forward a few ideas
about how we could deal with these issues going forward.
In this section I present a concept of autonomy based on the
account of it that Kant expounds in [1], and the reason why I
look to Kant is that his account lays the modern foundation of
the concept and is often taken as the starting point in
understanding the idea of autonomy and working out its
implications in different settings.
Kant introduced what in his time was a revolutionary
conception of morality [2], which he called self-governance or
autonomy, arguing that such autonomy lies in the will: The
autonomy of the will is the sole principle of all moral laws, and
of all duties which conform to them [1].
What Kant meant is that in order for someone to be
recognized as a moral agent, he or she must be a self-governing,
or autonomous, creature. Which in turn means that we are the
makers of our own action: we are self-legislating creatures who
follow their own moral law, and a failure to do so is a failure on
our part to act as moral agents. Thus Kant considered autonomy
a compass that enables common human reason to tell what is
consistent with duty and what is not (or what is moral and what
is not). This common human reason, or pure practical reason,
belongs to all of us: this is why we can understand and relate to
one another; and since we are all anchored to it, we cannot loose
moral capacities no matter how corrupt we may become, because
the commonest intelligence can easily and without hesitation
see what, on the principle of autonomy of the will, requires to be
done [1].
This is a very simplified idea of Kantian autonomy, but even
in this stripped-down version we have enough to go on in
deciding whether, and if do how, autonomy so conceived is an
attribute we can ascribe to artificial agents. This is a question we
ask because autonomy as a philosophical concept is inherently
bound up with freedom, will, and moralitythree attributes that
are assumed to be distinctively human. So, how can artificial
agents become autonomous in the sense described? This
question I will I will try to answer in what follows.
To begin with, the idea of morality as an exclusively human
property is no longer an axiom. It is argued in [3] that artificial
agents can take part in moral situations, for they can be
conceived of as moral entities (as entities that can be acted upon
for good or evil) and also as moral agents (as entities that can
perform actions, again for good or evil). Furthermore,
according to [4], if we are working to develop autonomous
agents, we have to make them moral, that is, we have to equip
them with enough intelligence to access the effects of their
actions on sentient beings and act accordingly, while [5] sees
agents as having moral virtuesgrouped in into altruistic ones
(such as non-maleficence and obedience) and egoistic ones (such
as self-protection)and claims that these are the virtues we
should build into agents.
It is not questioned in [6] whether artificial moral agents will
be among us, and so the discussion instead focuses on what their
development toward a full morality might look like: first, agents
acquire moral significance, in that they can make decisions
pregnant with moral meaning; then they acquire moral
intelligence, in that they can reason on the basis of value and
principle; and third, agents are able to learn from their moral
experience, thereby acquiring dynamic moral intelligence, and
only then can they become fully moral agents, when their
dynamic moral intelligence further makes them conscious, self-
aware, sensible, deliberative, and capable of introspection, at
which point they would be recognized as having personal rights
and duties (as will be shortly discussed).
So, if we assume that moral agents are possible, then the next
question is: How can moral values be built into artificial agents,
considering that an agents capacity to act in accordance with
moral values is inseparable from the agents autonomy in the
Kantian sense?
Three approaches are offered in [4] in working toward this
goal. The first is to program directly into the agent the values the
agent should be guided by, but this is quite problematic because,
for one thing, we have to decide on a set of values by which an
agent is to be guided, and, second, it is not quite clear what the
algorithm would have to be like for each of these values,
especially considering that we do not have an agreed view of
what they each mean: How is an honest agent supposed to act?
Can two responses to the same problem or situation be equally
honest? And isnt honesty (along with any other moral trait) to
Kant is not the only philosopher who thought of autonomy as strictly
related to morality: also in the same line of thought were Nietzsche,
Kierkegaard, Popper, and Sartre, among others. For an overview, see [7].
be judged by an agents action as much as by its reasons for
The second approach is to make agents moral by associative
learning, that is, by having them adopt the techniques by which
the children learn what is morally acceptable and what is not.
But the problem is that the children learn what is good and what
is bad because someone explains or shows them why something
is good or bad. This means that children learn to distinguish the
good from the bad by virtue of a desire to avoid punishment or to
gain the approval of their parents or the acceptance of other
children. In order to learn the way children do, artificial agents
should also have motives for action, but is that possible?
There is also a third approach, which consists in simulating
the evolution of agents. The underlying idea in this case is that
the agent is moral if it is rational in the sense involved in the
game of the iterated prisoners dilemma (PD).
The iterated PD differs from the simple PD by virtue of its
being played more than once: players do not know how many
iterations there will be, but they remember each others previous
actions and will model their strategy of future actions by taking
this information into account. We can find examples of this
situation in nature, for it has been shown that organisms which
have mutually iterated PD interactions evolve into a stable set of
cooperative interactions [4] based on survival values. In the
agent-based scenario, these survival values could take the form
of moral rules.
Thus agents should cooperate and behave in a morally
acceptable way. But the problem with this approach is that
human morality is much more complex than what the PD can
account for, and if we want to frame our interactions in game-
theoretical terms, the PD framework is only one option and not
even the best one [5]. It is argued in [4] that what agents need is
an ability to construct a conception of morality. This is an ability
we humans have, but which CS is far from being able to model.
Human morality is a much and long debated concept which for
this reason cannot be contained within any single conception of
morality, or any single view of what morality is and requires of
us. Indeed, the very idea of morality as a source of requirements
or imperatives may not be so straightforward as it might at first
blush appear, if we only take into account the connection that
morality has been found to bear to the emotionsconsider
Humes idea that moral distinctions are derived from the moral
sentiments [26], such as empathysince the emotions have a
phenomenological quality to which we cannot strictly ascribe the
moral properties necessary for them to count as inherently
normative. In addition, many ingredients go into mortality that
do not appear to be susceptible of artificial modelling: some of
them are substantive, such our upbringing and the conventions
forming our social milieu; others are formal, consisting of
capacities that can take any range of contents, such as the
capacity to adopt personal projects, develop relationships and
accept commitments to causes, through which [our] personal
integrity and sense of dignity and self-respect are made
concrete [24]. So the point is that it would be quite a challenge
to pack all this material into a single, comprehensive yet
coherent account of moral action: we cannot do so as an
It should be pointed out, however, that research in machine ethics has
become a field of study in its own right (see, for example, [8]).
A discussion of the prisoners dilemma can be found in the Stanford
Encyclopedia of Philosophy at
academic exercise, much less as an implementation of CS
Hence, we can see that it is at present a task too complex for
CS and software engineering to model a moral or autonomous
agent in Kants sense. Therefore, for the time being we have to
set aside the Kantian conception of autonomy as moral self-
governance and consider another conception of autonomy, that
is, autonomy as understood and used in CS.
The main difference between the idea of autonomy in CS and the
same idea in other fields of study (such as law, economics, and
philosophy) is that in CS this idea is quite loose: as is argued in
[9], autonomy is a widely used term in artificial intelligence,
robotics, and other related fields in CS, but at the same time it is
not clear what distinguishes autonomy from non-autonomy, nor
is there a single pattern that can be recognized in its different
uses. The result is that, while in other areas of study one can tell
with relative ease when an action is autonomous and when it is
not, in CS this distinction is not so clear, especially as concerns
artificial agents.
We ask: What is to be considered an autonomous entity or tool
in CS? The qualifier autonomous is applied to mobile robots, for
example, and to systems and devices that show some level of
intelligence or independent control ([10], [11], [12]), but none of
these devices, systems, or entities can be considered fully
autonomous, because their autonomy is a matter of subjective
evaluation: what counts as autonomous action for one computer
scientist doesnt for another.
So, when can we say that an agent is autonomous? There are
different views in this regard, but computer scientists mostly
agree that an agent is autonomous if it can (i) learn from
experience and act (ii) over the long course (iii) without the
direct control of humans or of other agents. Let us take a closer
look at these three aspects of autonomous action.
The first aspect, identifying an ability to learn from
experience, entails an agents ability to accordingly modify its
programmed instructions and develop new ones [4]. Hence, the
more it learns, the more it will become autonomous. This is a
naturalistic account of an agents autonomy: animals are born
with this knowledge, and that enables them to survive. It has
been suggested, in [13], that the same can be said of agents. In
fact, [14] identifies learning as one of the current trends in
autonomous robotics, meaning that the focus has shifted from an
emphasis on movement to one on cognition and learning.
The second aspect identifies an agents ability to act
autonomously in its environment over time [15]. Autonomy in
this sense has no temporal limits, in that no agent can be
considered autonomous if its instructions either run out or
commit the agent to repeating the same pattern of action over
and again.
The third aspect, identifying an ability to act without the direct
input of humans or of other agents, means that an autonomous
agent can control its own actions and internal states [16]. The
idea of such twofold autonomy is also expressed in [17],
describing autonomy [16] as being in the first place
unpredictable, with its freedom from human intervention, and in
the second place as dynamic, with its control over an agents
own actions (see Figure 1 below).
Figure 1. The concept of autonomy
Figure 1 gives an illustration of what such twofold autonomy
means in a shopping agent: the agent possesses unpredictable
autonomy (for it controls its own actions), but is not autonomous
in a dynamic sense (humans do intervene to make it act). My
idea of an autonomous agent would locate it further down on the
scale of unpredictability and dynamicity, somewhere close to
human action. On this view, an autonomous agent would have to
be free from human intervention and would have to control its
own actions and internal states.
This latter agent, in other words, should possess what [18]
calls internal autonomy, or autonomy in the strong sense of the
term, meaning an ability to choose not only the means to achieve
goals but the goals themselves: autonomy in a weak sense means
that an agent can only choose among alternative ways of
achieving a predetermined end set by someone other than the
agent itself; only when an agent can choose both the means and
the end can it be described as autonomous in a strong sense, with
characteristics essentially equivalent to those which typify what
[24] calls a significant autonomous entity, one that can shape
[its] life and determine its course. Such internal or significant
autonomy is also crucial to the concept of legal personhood. In
fact, we humans are legal persons because we can make choices
on our own and act accordingly.
Let us consider how such an agent would look like in practical
terms. Imagine the agent in question is an online travel agent that
can hear me saying that my dream is to go to New York for
Christmas, and that, motivated by friendliness and social
convention [18], decides to give me a gift. Such an agent would
be conscious and could be considered as an imitation of life
[14]: it would share with us emotions such as friendliness and
social inclinations, and so would be closer to the human world
and distant from the world of automata.
For the time being, however, CS has not yet advanced to the
point of giving us such fully autonomous artificial agents. Even
The same conception can be appreciated in the laws consideration of
corporations as legal persons: a corporation cannot be so considered
unless it is assumed to be able to make choices and act on them as a
person does.
In fact, scientists (see, for example, [19]) have begun to pay more and
more attention to the importance of emotions in the mechanics of
rational thinking: If we want computers to be genuinely intelligent, to
adapt to us, and to interact naturally with us, then they will need the
ability to recognize and express emotions, to have emotions, and to have
what has been called emotional intelligence. Emotional intelligence
would thus lead to autonomous software agents in the most human sense
of the term.
so, this should not be taken to mean that we ought not concern
ourselves with the question of what would happen if such agents
were with us, because we can all agree that this scenario,
however much removed from the present it may be, is not
thereby fantastical but is rather a concrete prospect. Hence, in
what follows, I discuss this latter possibility from the legal point
of view, arguing that the first legal concept we will need to
reconsider when such agents will be built is that of legal
I consider in this section what a full and complete, human-like
autonomy of artificial agents would mean for the law: if agents
are fully autonomous, then they must be aware of their actions. If
they are aware of their actions, then they must also be held to
account; that is, they are liable for their actions. An agents
autonomy in law, in other words, means that the agent has rights
and a corresponding set of duties. In law, rights and duties are
attributed to legal persons, both natural (such as humans) and
artificial (such as corporations). Therefore, the moment we deem
artificial autonomous agents liable for their actions, we ascribe
legal personhood to them.
If that should happen, artificially autonomous agents would
have to come to be part of the class of legal persons, and the law
would then have to reconsider the existing concept of legal
personhood and decide whether the current legal system is
adequate for the new reality, and how it should otherwise be
reshaped so as to enable it to include the new artificial entities.
If we want to see whether the concept of legal personhood
currently in use can account for artificially autonomous agents,
we have to look at what types of legal persons exist, and whether
a parallel can be drawn between existing legal persons and an
autonomous artificial agent.
The concept of legal personhood has evolved over time: it is
in a sense coextensive with human moral development, in that its
range of application has expanded in proportion as our social
likings have also done so, meaning that, on this ideal
evolutionary line, we first extended such likings to those around
us, then to the community, then to the races, then to
handicapped, and finally to animals [20]. Furthermore, the
concept of legal personhood has evolved in parallel with moral
and political conceptions of personhood, where from ancient
times the person represented someone who can take part in, or
who can play a role in, social life, and hence exercise and respect
various rights and duties [25]. Modern democracy has attributed
further moral powers to the person (the capacity for a sense of
justice and a conception of good), along with the powers of
reason (thought and judgment), and has coextensively developed
the idea of persons as free and equal.
A parallel evolution can be observed in the law, which first
ascribed rights and duties to families, then to tribes, and then to
persons, first to men then to women, first to husbands then to
wives, first to the healthy then to the ill, first to heterosexuals
then to homosexuals (although this latter right is still in process),
and so on.
Hence, rights and duties (legal personhood) are a dynamic
concept, and the direction of their development cannot be known
beforehand. In fact, the current debate on the status of embryos
illustrates that we still find ourselves dealing with forms of life
whose status as persons has yet to be determined, and that the list
of entities eligible for legal personhood might be open-ended.
The content of legal rights and duties depends on the type of
legal person these rights and duties apply to. Hence, the rights
and duties of humans are different from those of corporations;
for example, we humans enjoy some fundamental human rights
that corporations do not have.
But there are some features that both natural and artificial
persons have in common. These are mainly three: the right to
own property and the capacity to sue and be sued [21]. It is these
features that bring artificial autonomous agents into play. In fact,
the capacity to be sued is why we are discussing these agents and
their legal position. If agents were liable, that is, if they could be
sued, they would become legal persons, and the task of law
would then be to decide whether existing concepts of the legal
person (that is, the natural person and the artificial person) can
cover artificial agents as well.
So, between natural persons (humans) and artificial ones
(corporations), where should we locate artificial agents having
the same autonomy as we do?
In what follows I will examine the possibility of considering
agents as natural legal persons as against artificial legal persons.
But I should point out that this analysis amounts to nothing more
than a thought experiment, as [21] calls it, aiming to shed
light on the debate over the possibility of artificial intelligence
and on debates in legal theory about the borderlines of status or
It is difficult to say which type of personhood is closest to agents
because at first glance none of the known legal models of
personhood seem to exactly match the personhood of these
hypothetical entities of the future. Still, some parallels can be
drawn if we take the corporation as an artificial person and use
this as a model on which basis to shape a legal perspective
through which to conceptualize the hypothetical personhood of
artificially autonomous agents.
Four such parallels come to mind. First, just like a
corporation, an artificially autonomous agent can be said to
belong to someone, and this someone can be a natural person,
such as a programmer, a software developer, or a user.
Second, just like a corporation is said to live in perpetuity
unless it is terminated at the initiative of its shareholders, so the
life of an autonomous artificial agent will extend indefinitely
unless the agent is put out of existence by its stakeholders
(programmer, software developer, user, etc.).
Third, an agents liability can be modelled after that of a
corporation, in that its liability for losses or injuries caused to
others can be either separated from that of its stakeholders (users
and developers) or its stakeholders can be made personally
liable, and the parallel here is with a limited and unlimited
liability company respectively.
Fourth, there is a parallel to be drawn as concerns the birth
and makeup of the entity in question: just as a corporation comes
into existence through a charter (its birth certificate) providing
a broad statement of purpose further defined in the corporations
bylaws, so we can envision the stakeholders of an autonomous
artificial agent giving birth to it through a charter and framing its
action through bylaws stating what the agents purpose is, who
its stakeholders are, what its capital structure is, and what its
powers are (or what the extent of these powers is, which allows
for the possibility of ultra vires action, offering a framework
within which to work out issues of liability).
Still, there is one but in considering artificial agents as
artificial persons: however we conceive the nature of an artificial
person, it will always be fictitiously autonomous. A corporation
is not really autonomous, because its actions are decided by is
stakeholders (its shareholders, officers, and directors) and its
will is always the will of its stakeholders. This is the sense in
which artificial persons in the law are considered legal fictions: a
corporation is deemed, or constructed as, an autonomous person,
even though we understand it is not actually autonomous on its
Not so in the case of artificial agents: their autonomy is not a
fiction; it is real, and one of its features is freedom from human
control. This is why we cannot strictly ascribe legal personhood
to artificially autonomous agents: we cannot assume that these
agents express their users will if we know that agents decide on
their own, nor we can assume that someone can control these
agents, because these agents act on their own.
Still, although we cannot consider autonomous artificial
agents as artificial persons in a strict sense, we will have to
concede that the existence of artificial persons in law shows that
the law can create new legal forms to welcome novel entries: the
development of legal personhooda status initially ascribed to
natural persons and then to artificial onesshows that the
concept of legal personhood can be extended, and in fact that it
was extended in the effort to meet the need to address
technological and industrial developments in the 19th century.
Artificial agents may well be the next development of this kind.
In any event, if the autonomy of an artificial agent cannot be
properly compared to that of an artificial personon account of
the legal fiction involved in framing the concept of an artificial
personwe can still look to other forms of analogy. One idea is
that we can think of an artificial entity as a natural person, and it
is to this idea that I devote the next section.
Natural persons in law are humans, and they enjoy some basic
human rights. The question, then, is: Could we, and should we,
ascribe such rights to artificially autonomous agents?
Basic human rightsjustified, high-priority claims to that
minimal level of decent and respectful treatment which we
believe is owned to the human being [22]include in the first
instance the constitutional rights, such as freedom of expression
and religion; the right to participate in the political process, as by
voting; the right to be secure in ones personal effects; the right
to life, liberty, and property; the right to a fair and speedy trial;
and the right to be free from cruel and unusual punishment, to
use another well-known phrase; as well as the rights to material
subsistence (e.g., the right to health and an opportunity to have
7 There is another kind of analogy that can be struck in thinking about
the personhood of an artificial agent: these agents can be analogized not
to corporations but to cooperatives, understood as entities created to
provide services to its stakeholders, who (where artificial agents are
concerned) might be identified as the entire group comprising its users.
gainful employment) and the right to social recognition as an
equal member of society.
Undoubtedly, some of the aforementioned rights can only
apply to humans, an example being the right to be free from
unreasonable search and seizure. Depending on how these rights
are conceived, however, they can also be made to apply to
nonhuman entities. By way of example, the United States
Supreme Court has recently found that corporations and unions
can make unlimited campaign contributions (subject to certain
restrictions), on the reasoning that a government restriction of
such activities would amount to a violation of the First
Amendment right to free speech, a ruling that accordingly
recognizes that right for corporations and unions.
It can thus be
argued that humans can and do share some human rights with
nonhuman entitiesso why cant humans share such rights with
artificial agents, too?
There are several arguments why autonomous artificial agents
should not be treated as natural persons. In [21] a list of six main
reasons is considered suggesting that artificial agents should be
precluded from such treatment: agents cannot be treated as
humans because they lack (i) a soul, (ii) intentionality, (iii)
consciousness, (iv) feelings, (v) interests, and (vi) free will. But
the author then proceeds to defeat all these arguments against a
legal anthropomorphization of autonomous artificial agents:
the lack of a soul and of interests (understood as forming the
basis for a conception of a good life), he argues, are not valid
arguments because we neither agree on what a soul is, nor do we
share a common conception of good.
The remaining four
arguments are defeated by arguing that in each case, our
experience should be the arbiter of the dispute: if we had good
practical reasons to treat AIs [Artificial Intelligences] as being
conscious, having intentions, and possessing feelings, then the
argument that the behaviours are not real lacks bite [21].
In the same vein, [23] argues that sooner or later courts will
have to grapple with the unstated assumption underlying the
copyright concepts of authorship and originality, [namely] that
authors must be human, while also arguing that any self-
aware robot that speaks English and is able to recognize moral
alternatives, and thus make moral choices, should be considered
a worthy robot person in our society. Such a robot would have
the highest degree of autonomy, such that we would inevitably
have to take up the issue of its legal personhood.
These, however, are only the first hurdles an artificial
autonomous agent would have to overcome on the path to
authentically human behaviour, and there are still many more to
come. Just think about the remedies available in dealing with
human liability: artificial autonomous agents cannot share
liability with humans, because humans can be imprisoned and
fined, while artificial agents cannot. True, an agent could
conceivably be imprisoned or fined, but such penalties mean
different things to humans than they do to agents: imprisonment
carries psychological, social, and physical consequences for
humans as they do not for agents, while fining imposes on
humans a loss that agents cannot suffer, for any money damages
would weigh on the agents owners, not on the agents
themselves (unless, that is, we fall back on the analogy of agents
See Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission 558 U.S. (2010),
holding that the First Amendment applies to corporations.
A compelling statement of this argument is offered in [6], noting that
what we share is not a single broadly accepted moral conception but a
sparse collection of generally accepted moral norms.
as artificial persons). For these reasons the natural-person
analogy does not quite help us solve the problem of how
artificial agents should be treated from a legal perspective.
So what conclusions can we draw from the foregoing
discussion? One thing is clear, that even when CS will advance
to the point where it enables us to build an artificial agent that is
fully autonomous in all senses of this termKantian and
computationalthe problems to be solved will not come to an
end but will on the contrary multiply. It may very well be that
we can work out these issues as we go along, but I believe that it
is nevertheless important to think about the implications ahead of
time. I believe that the more we discuss them, the greater the
likelihood that we will have ideas, insights, and solutions we can
put to use so as to be ready in time. As [6] argues, the law has an
advantage over other disciplines in working toward practical
solutions to the legal and moral responsibility of artificial agents,
precisely because the law is accustomed to dealing with such
practical problems, and so we should persist in our effort, not
dismissing any avenue of research as too far-flung.
In the meantime, we still have to ask: How might the law
proceed in treating artificially autonomous agents if it cannot
apply to them either of the two forms of personhood, the natural
or the artificial? One suggestion I would have is that of hybrid
personhood: a quasi-legal person that would be recognized as
having a menu of rights and duties selected from those we
currently ascribe to both natural and artificial persons, the idea
being that we need not commit to any one analogy in working
out the question of an artificial agents autonomy and liability.
Unfortunately, there are quite a few sizable obstacles that will
need to be overcome in pursuing such an approach: to begin
with, we would have to come up with an appropriate list of rights
and duties, then we would have to decide which of these rights
and duties applydepending on the different areas of activity
and the different types of agents involvedand finally we would
have to work out agreed procedures for deciding how these
rights and duties are to be applied and who will be empowered to
make such decisions. But, as I suggested a moment ago, this is
very much a work in progress: the beauty of it is that, although
we may not have all the solutions ready at hand, it is probably
not advisable to attempt a comprehensive theory before we even
know what an autonomous artificial entity will exactly look like,
because we can probably develop better insights as we go along,
provided we do not become complacent and set the problem
aside entirely, thinking that we can solve it when it becomes real.
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Socialness in man-machine-interaction and the structure
of thought
Bernhard Will
and Gerhard Chr. Bukow
Abstract. We propose that socialness in man-machine-
interaction is reached only in a cognitively informed way and
bring in different results from philosophy and psychology to
handle the structure of human belief in social interaction
1 MAST!"#G T$ T%!"#G TST
The Turing test is expected to be a measure judged by humans
for a machines intelligence! socialness or humanness of
cognition in a dialogical man-machine-interaction scenario.
"any issues have been treated regarding the #strange$
foundations of Turing test-interactions% is it really social without
embodied contact or shared aims& 'r! the dependence from the
subjectivity of interpretation of humanness. (owever! the Turing
test promotes full-flagged functionalism regarding the material
reali)ation of the machine * and so the machines judges will
refer to issues li+e expert +nowledge! daily experiences! or
content coherence! and the existence of own points of view. ,or
many people -and especially lay people.! it may be straight
forward to thin+ about essential #human universals$ that should
generate dialogical behavior. /ut is this the only approach&
,rom an engineering point of view! it might be quite clear that
another approach could generate the #most human$ dialogue
sequence% given enough interactions -at best! infinitely many
ones.! using a statistical method li+e "ar+ov-chains will give
you the most probable #most human$ messages depending on the
history of interaction. This approach is essentially poor of theory
and is comparable to a situation well +nown in the astronomy of
the middle ages% given a very high or probably infinite number
of spheres! there could be a best model describing the orbits of
all planets in the universe. 0f there are problems with the
predictions generated by the model! one just has to add another
sphere influencing the other spheres. /ut li+e the "ar+ov-
chains-approach that could be used for the Turing test without
having ever used a theory about human essentials! you could do
this without having ever captured the theory about the essentials
of the physics of universe. 1ou would only loo+ for non-
explanatorily surfaces that do not capture human belief.
This story about surface and generating structure tells us two
issues% 1. dialogues are usually seen in a contentful manner by
Turing test-judges. /ut they might concentrate on the surface
structure of contents -li+e the spheres. without caring for the
essential structures of thought that generate content2 2. wor+
about the Turing test * or any other man-machine-interaction *
could be done without any humanly informed way.
propose that a #social turn$ should require a cognitively
10nstitute of 3hilosophy! 4niversity of "agdeburg! 5ermany
20nstitute of 3sychology! 4niversity of 5iessen! 5ermany
informed! predictive and explanatory way that handles human
cognition and its constraints on dialogical interaction.
& '"A()G-BAS' "SS%S "# T%!"#G TSTS
The surface-structure of a Turing test is based on the sequences
of dialog messages. These messages may represent beliefs held
by agents engaging in a dialogue. 6ext to our last question!
whether we should reali)e this engagement in an informed way!
it is a serious issue! whether we should concentrate on the
content -i.e. surface. of dialogical sequences or on its underlying
belief structures. /oth options are integrated in a sequential
model of surface structures! but the moves and consequences
within this model are modeled very differently. 7et us first loo+
at the content-based option and then consider the structural
option in the next chapter.
8equences of contents are driven purely semantically! by world
+nowledge or other contentual strategies. 9 #good$ dialogue
should have content typed #human$. /elief contents can be
inspected with means of coherence% is the dialogue story
coherent& 9re all the parts of the story explanatorily relevant for
each other& 9re measures of information distribution and
interchange rate in normal ranges of communication&
/ut the focus on sequences of contents alone has serious deficits%
- 0t seems hopeless to wait for a purely #semantically driven$
theory of content that guides you just from content to content
while only respecting content. This theory would also imply a
solution for the problem of the relation between syntax and
semantics! which is really hard.
- The focus on content is typically expressed by the hypothesis
that agents wor+ in a propositional format. (owever! every
proposition is believed in a representational format.
- The focus on #linear sequences$ of contents may neither
respect the #holistic$ structure of thought nor the properties that
guide acquiring! abandoning or revising belief. 0t may seem that
content alone would be relevant for the #next$ belief! but it is
commonly +nown within the cognitive community that
structures of thought are also relevant.
8o! let us hold that the content-driven sequence-model in the
Turing test-debate has some deficits concerning the capturing of
belief-based human cognition. We propose that attention to the
structural approach can support some fixes of these deficits and
want to motivate this by considering the reverse Turing test.
* T$ !+!S T%!"#G TST
The reverse Turing test lets us thin+ about how one should
generate the sequence of belief from the point of view of the
machine that should test for humanness. 0t is clear that we cannot
ad hoc assume that machines can focus on the contents of belief
or on intentions lin+ed to representations! because one would
already assume the intentionality and #humanness$ of the
machine * which is circular with respect to our problem.
(owever! a machine only driven by probabilistic methods!
would be problematic! too% the machine would already be
expected to be without any content-component. This would
undermine our models of humanness.
8o! how could we figure out the desired humanness and ability
for social interaction with humans to be implemented in the
Turing test& 0t is worthy to have a loo+ to philosophy of science
where three general types of strategies are +nown% 1. list strategy
2. universals strategy :. structures strategy.
1. The list strategy see+s for a list of desired features of
humanness or socialness. (owever! this approach is most
problematic! since we need another list of criteria to
legitimate each list! which is circular.
2. The universals strategy see+s for what is common among
all humans -i.e. universals.. /ut #content-universals$ have a
difficult standing with respect to actual human psychology.
The "aslow pyramid of motivations does show this% though
the pyramid is intuitively appealing and does suggest
several motivations -i.e. contents.! empirically! it has been
shown to be quite worthless. 0nstead of content theories!
theories of processes are successful and adequate to
describe human behavior! and e.g. their selection of specific
:. The structures strategy focuses on the structures generating
the surfaces of content. This is our second mentioned option
of the last chapter. 0n the view of the deficits of the other
options! we will consider two different structures
underlying the Turing test% 1. the man-machine-interaction
model 2. examples for the structure of human thought and
how it might play a role in dialogical interaction. This also
is the adequate strategy for the machine that cannot +now
intrinsically any human universals or cannot legitimate a
special list.
The ;everse Turing test-perspective now shall be combined with
the structural strategy to investigate! how a machine could
#reali)e$ human moves of thought. To do this! we consider two
more preliminary points regarding first the planning framewor+
and second the right type of explanation we should expect.
, -.)"#T/0 -S$A!'/ A#' 12(A#AT")#S
<ialogical models of man-machine-interaction usually ta+e a
planning approach and add individual agents that collaborate in
terms of planning and acting with respect to shared goals or joint
awareness of the environment -e.g. being aware of each other..
0n this view! coherent verbal dialogues are just special cases of
mutually planned actions. #=oint$ or #shared$ is regular
#planning-babbel$ that can be viewed from at least two opposite
positions with respect to the notions of global or local standards
of intentional planning.
8ome researchers! li+e /ratman >1?! ta+e individual plans to be
globally #meshed$ such that e.g. a dialogue can be reduced to
intentions! actions and their organi)ation. @ommon activities are
reduced to intentions and meshing delivers necessary and
sufficient conditions for social interaction -conditions to spea+
about social interactions at all. such that socialness depends on
plan meshing. 8ome other researchers claim that a shared
activity with a shared intention is irreducible to the individual
intentions of the participants2 however! we do not follow this
irreducibility here. 0n these cases! the social interaction has a
global nature% individuals share intentions and plans from a
global point of view that also regulates the sub-global points of
view. This claim about the necessity of globalist plan- meshing is
far too strong and unsuitable for the description of man-machine-
interaction! and it is too global to be achievable for a machine
without life-long history of interaction.
0nstead! we argue that neither shared intentionality nor plan -
meshing is required for a successful interaction.
9greeing with (ollnagel >2? on joint cognitive systems and
control! and 8uchmans >:? view on situated action! successful
interaction requires the machines ability to recogni)e and
support the intentions of the user at a local and situational level.
To be able to fullfil these tas+s! the machine has to be
cognitively informed to cope with the users mista+es and
intentions * to investigate in these abilities with respect to
machines! we have to consider the ;everse Turing test.
9ctual research does not ta+e into account interaction from a
;everse Turing test perspective% mostly! psychology discusses
human-human-interaction and computer science is concerned
with human-machine-interaction from the view point of a human
being. What type of explanation could be useful and adequate for
this type of perspective& 0n the framewor+ of planning resp.
planned dialogical interaction! we can already dismiss statistical
explanations. 6o statistical explanation given by a machine
without ta+ing the human #structural$ perspective into account
delivers an acceptable explanation for humans * it does not
provide reasons. We should also ta+e care with too vaguely
formulated types of mechanisms! e.g. #neuro-cognitive
mechanisms$ -see e.g. 8eban) et al. >A?.. These mechanisms
implicate something li+e a #nomological bridge$ between
cognition and neurological reali)ation that is excluded in
principle within functionalism promoted by the Turing test.
The right level for our problem is the cognitive level -e.g.
promoted by classic cognitivism in the sense =erry ,odor has
promoted it. that is committed to functionalism and properties of
cognitive systems -e.g. representationalism! systematicity! etc...
@ognitivism also suggests a specific type of explanation that is
based on the functional role of a cognitive entity. 8uch an entity
has its role in a networ+ of entities and this networ+ is
configured in specific ways to fulfill specific tas+s. 7et us apply
this type of explanation now in our consideration of human
structures of thought.
3 ST!%CT%!S )4 T$)%G$T
We now want to consider three examples that show specifically
human ways of structures of thought that should be ta+en into
account in the attempt to generate socialness in man-machine-
interaction% 1. belief systems and their changes2 2. special
representational formats of beliefs and their specific ways of
changes! e.g. mental models and their variation with respect to
preference and epistemic equivalence2 :. epistemic accessibility
and the explicitBimplicit-distinction.
9ll of these aspects normally depend on some very specific
pictures of the maximally rational agent. We already had
considered a rational agent in the case of global notions of
planning and interaction. (owever! we have good reasons to ta+e
into account realistic models of agents when considering the
structure of human thought from a ;everse Turing test-
perspective. 0f we aim at a positive explanation for successful
social interaction! the most acceptable explanation will certainly
not be the mention of deficits of actual humans to a
fundamentally different and ideali)ed cognitive agent. There are
infinitely fundamentally different models we could ta+e into
account * but why should any of these ones matter if we judge
the humanness of a machine or the machine should judge the
humanness of a potential human& 9s far as we can imagine! the
only useful way would be a #metric$ to measure the distance
between actual human and all ideali)ed rational agent models.
(owever! as far as we +now! no such metric for rational agents
has been suggested. 8o! let us consider three examples where
humans diverge from ideal agents and ideal rationality.
1. /elief systems and their change
The change of belief systems is generally analogical to theory
change * a well +nown topic in philosophy of science. Which
beliefs -or laws or entities in case of theory. should be adopted!
abandoned or acquired in the front of new information -or
confirmationBdisconfirmation etc..& The change of belief systems
is a typical feature of agents that are not omniscient with respect
to the world and logic. 6either do they +now everything! nor do
they believe in any consequence of their already established
beliefs! nor do they have unlimited computational capacities.
<epending on ones epistemological position! there are some
different framewor+s one can choose for the norms and
descriptions of rational change of belief. We do not need to go
into detail with respect to any of these approaches and their
differences. (owever! their common feature is that typically the
change of belief is not uniquely determined. There is actually no
theoretical framewor+ that provides norms and descriptions for
this determination as well as for iterated change -in case of
revision.. ,urthermore! with respect to actual humans! change
depends on several features! sensitive to context! semantics! and
syntax! as well as epistemicBdoxastic features li+e preference!
equivalence! and representational format.
0n case of Turing test or ;everse Turing test! we propose a strong
lin+ between the way belief systems do change and the judgment
of humanness of the produced sequence. 9 good practical
example is delivered by the theory of mental models and its
experimental apparatus that we want to consider now.
2. "ental models! preferences and epistemic equivalency
/elief revision typically assumes that beliefs are just the
propositions expressed and thought in language-li+e sentences.
'ur cognitive abilities * e.g. the ability to infer * are just thought
to be possible because of inferential relations between
propositions. /ut the +ingdom of mental representations and
their properties is much larger than sentences expressing
propositions alone. We have some reasons to accept this% if one
ta+es seriously the insight that propositions are always believed
in a representational format and that the representational formats
of wor+ing memory and long term memory do differ. 9
consequence of these two insights is that change of belief can
differ with respect to format issues. @urrent research -e.g. =ahn et
al. >C?. investigates the construction and revision -there called
variation. of mental models in the realm of cognitive
psychologist =ohnson-7aird. These models are built upon
propositions that describe spatial scenes! but can be used for
every scene that integrates relational information. 9fter building
up the model! cognitive processes wor+ on the mental model.
9dditional scanning procedures then scan the model to generate
new propositions describing the scene in the model.
The following pictorial example ta+en up from the /D70D,
839@D project led by "ar+us Enauff at 4niversity of 5iessen
gives an impression of how to construct from premises -1.! -2.
and -:. a mental model -A.. The premises give relations between
things located at several places such that we are in the area of
spatial reasoning. (owever! you may use other items with
different complexity or semantics as well as other relations! too.
0n the light of new evidence or information inconsistent with the
model -here% -a..! however! the model has to be changed.
There are two possibilities to revise the model if -a. is presented
such that it is new information relevant for the model% -a. and
6ow! cognitive research shows that * given several logically
equivalent ways to construct and to revise a model * some ways
-i.e. models. are preferred. These preferences are constant within
individuals and within groups and show that there are
cognitively significant aspects that are not captured by the
logical description alone. This does not mean that humans prefer
in an #illogically$ way * but that epistemic equivalence may
have to do with other equivalence-relations than classic logical
3reference and equivalence do play a major role in the
generation of beliefs and an agents ability to trac+ them.
(owever! as the next point shows! not all beliefs are #assessable$
for the human agent. The ability to follow the generation of
preferred models is essential for socialness. =ust imagine! how
#social$ a group of human agents would be if they do not see
the model of other group membersF
:. Dpistemic accessibility and coherence
Dpistemic logic assumes that the cognitive agent is able to
overview his own beliefs in two important senses% -1. the agent
is fully aware of all beliefs -2. the agent +nows and believes
every consequence of his set of beliefs. /oth assumptions are
critical! because either we ta+e them seriously and neglect
certain aspects of real agents! or we discard these assumptions
and have to discard standard ways to model agents with the help
of epistemic logic! too. 0t is an open question how to model
realistic belief structures of actual humans without using
something li+e an awareness-function that #signs$ every belief
we are aware of. 'f course! the problem is how such an
awareness-function would be formulated and if it is
psychologically adequate. There are some alternatives to classic
logics without such functions! but these do have their own
problems -of course.. /ut again we just need to consider the
principle problem.
7et us consider coreferential situations of names! that is a type of
situation where one may have some implicit +nowledge from a
formal point of view! but cannot access it. =ulia may +now that
@icero is a great orator! and she may also +now that Tully is a
great orator. (owever! the reference may be opaque such that
=ulia may not +now that Cicero = Tully holds. /ut! in a certain
sense -called direct reference.! =ulia may +now implicitly that
@icero G Tully because if her beliefs refer to truthful
circumstances! she refers to @icero in cases of believing
something about @icero and in cases of believing something
about Tully. /ut this is not assessable and for this reason she
may also not believe the consequences of these beliefs. 0f =ulia
gets the information that @icero G Tully -e.g. by analogical
inference or by seeing @icero when she expects Tully to tal+.!
her implicit +nowledge may be assessable for her.
(ow should we model and understand this shift in epistemic
accessibility& ,rom the revision point of view! it may seem that
=ulia #revises$ her belief set by a new fact #@icero G Tully$. /ut
this cannot be the case if belief revision assumes that =uliaHs
beliefs are referring to the world. =ulia +nows * in a way * this
information already and it is not a real change. 9nd! the
cognitive dimension of the expansion of accessibility from
implicitness to explicitness may not be described adequately as a
revision. =ulia does not have explicit false beliefs about @icero
and Tully. Doxastic logic >I? may be the most promising
alternative in terms of logics! because it does not require
epistemic closure and has a notion of equivalence. 0t does not
imply awareness functions. (owever! we cannot detect
coherence directly and modeling with doxastic logic has its own
difficulties! if we want to respect cognitive information that is
not relevant for doxastic actions -e.g. doxastic logic is format-
9n alternative suggestion how to #detect$ a change in epistemic
accessibility may be a change of coherence in the time line of the
modeled agent. 0t seems obvious that both the coherence of
elements and the coherence of the whole belief networ+ are
higher if =ulia believes that #@icero G Tully$. 9nalogy of
explanations -@icero does this! Tully does this! @icero was here!
Tully was here J. is a coherence relation such that there are not
two isolated #bloc+s$ without relations named li+e #@icero$ and
#Tully$ do exist. "ore epistemic accessibility means more
coherence with respect to the ordinary belief set handled in
epistemic approaches! and it can be vindicated by e.g. following
actions depending on coherence. (owever! this coherence is not
only a content feature -li+e in casual dialog models. * it is a
feature of the accessibility-structure of human thought. This can
easily be modeled e.g. with Dcho=9K9 without implementing
directly the implicit hypothesis #@icero G Tully$ -(:. or #@icero
FG Tully$.
0f machines shall act in the realm of socialness * that is being
able to ta+e part in social interaction and understand social
situations * both +nowing how humans could have implicit
beliefs and how these beliefs may come explicit and causally
efficient are important to understand behavior in social
Table 1. 8imple coherence properties of epistemic accessibility
in =avaDcho
l! see e.g. Thagard -2LLL..
@oherence without (:%
@oherence with (:% L!LANLOA
BB (1 - @icero is a great orator
BB (2 - Tully is a great orator
BB (: - @icero equals Tully
BB D1 - see Tully
BB D2 - see @icero
BB (1 - @icero is a great orator
BB (2 - Tully is a great orator
BB (: - @icero equals Tully
BB D1 - see Tully
BB D2 - see @icero
5 C)#C(%S")#S
7et us ma+e three conclusions based on our treatment of
dialogical situations in man-machine-interaction and the
bac+ground problem of the -reverse. Turing test%
1. 8ocialness is not just a feature of content or sequences
of content. 0t is also a feature beared by the structure
that generate beliefs having such contents and guide
belief systems in case of change! accessibility!
preference! equivalence! representational format! and
other features. These features are proposed to be
necessary conditions for social cognitive agents that
deserve their labels! at least in social interaction with
2. We should consider not only the Turing test-situation!
but also other situations of planned social interaction
from different perspectives! e.g. the ;everse Turing
test-situation. These perspectives force us not just to
ta+e care for content-based research and circular
assumptions of content-understanding machines! but
also for structural aspects and content-understanding
capabilities from scratch up.
:. (owever! we should be aware of the right level and
type of explanation% cognitive explanations do provide
a way to inform us and our machines about the typical
defaults of humanness and socialness. These cognitive
aspects cannot be reduced to statistics or brute force in
the long run.
>1? /ratman! ". -1NNN.. Intention, Plans, and Practical Reason.
@ambridge 4niversity 3ress.
>2? (ollnagel! D. -1NO:.. What we do not +now about man-machine
systems. International ournal o! "an-"achine #tudies, $%, &, $'(-$)'*
>:? 8uchman! 7. -1NOM.. Plans and #ituated +ctions, The Problem o!
-uman-"achine Communication. @ambridge 4niversity 3ress.
>A? 8eban)! 6.! /e++ering! (.! P Enoblich! 5. -2LLI.. =oint action%
bodies and minds moving together. Trends in Cognitive #cience, $., &,
>C? =ahn! 5.! Enauff! ".! P =ohnson-7aird! 3. 6. -2LLM.. 3referred
mental models in reasoning about spatial relations. "emory 1
Cognition, '(, &./(-&.%/*
>I? /elnap! 6.! 3erloff! ".! P Qu! ". -2LL1.. 2acing the !uture. 'xford%
'xford 4niversity 3ress.
>M? Thagard! 3. -2LLL.. Coherence in Thought and +ction. "0T 3ress.
Virtual Sociality or Social Virtuality in Digital Games?
Encountering a Paradigm Shift of Action and Actor
Diego Compagna
Abstract. In this paper, I argue that digital games are a best case
scenario for new forms of action and especially for new actor
models. Social computing is not just about humans bringing the
social world into virtuality or finding some sort of social terms in
the virtual environments, but constitutes a way that, as social
actors, humans are reshaped by the new forms of social realities
(even if we find them within virtuality). In Meads definition of
action and actor model, the meaning of a symbol (and, to that
effect, the meaning of ones own thoughts and view, and finally
ones 'sense of self) depends on the reaction of the other (alter).
The meaning of a symbol constitutes ex post according to alter's
reaction to it. In these terms, 'knowing' something means to
anticipate alters (most probable) reaction/understanding. In the
end, this means that a clear distinction between the player and
his or her avatar cannot be presumed. As a cybernetic feedback
loop, they create a oneness or an integrated interface: The avatar
and the player (at least as long as he or she is playing) are social
actors within the game-play space, even if the player is
physically located outside the virtual environment of the game-
play space - in almost the same manner as Luhmann (relying on
Mead) claimed that the actors mind is outside the environment
of the interaction.
The relationship between the player of a digital game and his
or her avatar (or model)
is intriguing: Who or what is actually
acting and where does the action take place? A first step towards
clarifying this peculiar situation is to distinguish between two
different areas of action. The first area involves the human
player using fine motor skills and usually takes place within a
one meter radius at most. The second is the player's avatars area
of action, which can cover great distances depending on the type
of game [8]. Especially in comparison with the player's range of
actions and motions, the avatar is usually capable of performing
a much wider variety of actions, usually characterized by a very
high degree of freedom [15, 12].
The literature describes three areas or dimensions related to
this topic: 1.) physical space: this is the human players space
(); 2.) game-play space: this is the virtual environment where
avatars act (); 3.) social-symbolic space: this is the space where
social interactions take place and social meaning/symbols are
University of Duisburg-Essen, Faculty of Social Sciences, Germany
Email: [email protected]
In this paper the expression "avatar" will be used to refer to the
(virtual) game character, inde-pendent of genre. In shooter games this is
often referred to as a model and in role playing games an avatar.
used or emerge (). The crucial point I would like to emphasize
is that some scholars dealing with digital games locate the area
where symbolically mediated interaction takes place within the
game-play space, i.e. within the avatar's virtual surroundings and
very far away from the 'human's' location [5, 9, 15]. This clearly
gives us cause to assume a new form of sociality within the
virtual (i.e. virtual sociality). Then again, maybe characterizing
this phenomenon as a form of virtual sociality is misleading - if
an entitys interaction can be described as a symbolically
mediated one, the effects are the real construction of social
worlds. For these purposes, is it still appropriate to call it 'virtual'
by any means?
Britta Neitzel examines the relationship between player and
avatar by positing a distinction between a "point of action"
(PoA) and a "point of view" (PoV) [11, 15]. First, Neitzel
assumes that the connection between player and avatar can be
characterized by very tightly wound feedback loops or
cybernetic models [9]. Second, she asserts a strict division
between player () and avatar (), due to the fact that the player's
perspective (PoV) is outside the game-play space (PoA) [9, 11].
Although the player acts within the game-play space (PoA, ),
he or she remains outside of this area and stays planted in the
players (i.e. the humans) location (PoV, ) [10]. Due to the fact
that the player is constantly observing (PoV) his or her avatar
and its actions within the game-play space (PoA).
Although the player acts in the game-play space through his or
her avatar, he or she is constantly aware that the avatar is merely
a representative performing actions in a purely virtual
environment (qualitatively different and strictly separate from
the players reality) [10]. Neitzel attributes this differentiation to
the human player's observation of his or her avatar, even though
she characterizes the game-play space () as the area where
symbolically mediated interactions take place () [11, 9]. Neitzel
refers to George Herbert Meads action theory in describing the
game-play space as the area where symbolically mediated
interactions take place [9]. Under these circumstances it becomes
quite peculiar to argue that the avatar (or more precisely, the
human player observing his or her avatar) is grounds for
differentiating between the two areas. Even if Neitzel states that
the relationship between player and avatar could be described as
a pair of entities strongly connected by cybernetic feedback
loops, the two entities remain strictly separated.
I would like to stress that characterizing the game-play space ()
with Meads concept of symbolically mediated interaction ()
could or should lead to a completely different conclusion
regarding the relationship between the player () and his or her
avatar ( = ). In Meads definition of action and actor model,
the meaning of a symbol (and, to that effect, the meaning of
ones own thoughts and view, and finally ones 'sense of self)
depends on the reaction of the other (alter). The meaning of a
symbol constitutes ex post according to alter's reaction to it. In
these terms, 'knowing' something means to anticipate alters
(most probable) reaction/understanding. Mead emphasizes the
so-called 'vocal gesture' because humans have the physiological
ability to hear the 'spoken symbol (e.g. word) in the same way
and at the same time as alter [7]. From a biological and
physiological point of view, language played a useful role in
social evolution as a tool for successful interactions. Applying
this concept to the previously mentioned situation, one can easily
see the strong parallel: The player is able to observe his or her
own actions at the same time as alter (the player of another
avatar) is seeing them. The player anticipates his or her action
(mediated by his or her avatar) in a very similar way to Meads
description of the vocal gesture.
The player (ego) is able to anticipate the view of his or her
teammate (alter) not just because he or she is able to hear what
he or she is saying to alter, but also because ego can actually see
his or her own avatar acting in just the same way alter sees it.
The accentuated weight of the vocal gesture can be easily
transferred to bodily related gestures. As a matter of course the
importance of the vocal gesture plays a fundamental role in
Meads theory on a very basic level. It describes the connection
between the ontogenesis and the phylogenesis of the social
that can be traced back to the effects of symbolically mediated
interaction and the (intersubjective) social reality it constructs
[7]. Nevertheless, by transferring Meads general and abstract
concepts that link action, sociality, and identity to the concrete
phenomenon of digital games, one can easily conclude that
making a distinction between the PoV from the PoA leads to the
exact opposite of Neitzels deduction.
In the end, Meads action theory is also the core model for
Niklas Luhmanns micro-level theory of social systems
(interaction system) and could be used to explain how
consciousness is linked to the social world (both, of course, as
systems): The ego's psychological system (self-awareness,
consciousness) is constantly observing the interaction between
alter and ego, but it remains in the environment of the
interaction/social system [6, 4]. The mere proposition of ego
observing the interaction in which he or she is involved does not
mean that a clear distinction or some sort of 'border' keeping the
player apart from his or her avatar can be presumed. Quite the
contrary, especially if the situation is described using Meads
theory. Meads complex social explication of action and the way
social actors identity and self-awareness is bound with
symbolically mediated interactions is deeply misunderstood by
Neitzel. Her argumentation is based on the differentiation
between the PoV and the PoA, although according to Mead or
Luhmann there is no PoV that is not decidedly intertwined with
the location where the action is taking place: The PoA () is the
only area where social meaning can possibly emerge (), which,
in turn, gives rise to self-awareness and -consciousness (),
which made a PoV possible.
Some of the cybertext approaches compared to Neitzels view
are much closer to my view: The avatar is an essential part of the
feedback loop that constitutes the player as an actor [3].
Metaphorically speaking, one can say that the avatar becomes a
prosthesis of the player [1]. Unlike Neitzels view (which could
be seen as a showcase for monolithic actor models), the game-
play area cannot be separated from the actor, who in turn is
constituted by his or her actions performed by his or her avatar.
In the end, this means that a clear distinction between the player
and his or her avatar cannot be presumed. As a cybernetic
feedback loop, they create a oneness or an integrated interface
[2]: The avatar and the player (at least as long as he or she is
playing) are social actors within the game-play space, even if the
player (and this certainly applies to the PoV as well) is
physically located outside the virtual environment of the game-
play space - in almost the same manner as the actors mind is
outside the environment of the interaction. Finally, the
differentiation between PoV and PoA is completely irrelevant in
terms of describing or achieving better understanding of the
question at stake. Of course the situation can only be described
this way if the player is able to experience an immersion in the
flow of game-play. To do so he or she must be able to control his
or her avatar in a similar way how he or she have learned how to
move his or her body [14, 13, 9].
In this paper, I argue that digital games are a best case scenario
for new forms of action and especially for new actor models.
Social computing is not just about humans bringing the social
world into virtuality or finding some sort of social terms in the
virtual environments, but constitutes a way that, as social actors,
humans are reshaped by the new forms of social realities (even if
we find them within virtuality).
[1] K. Bartels. Vom Elephant Land bis Second Life. Eine Archologie
des Computerspiels als Raumprothese. In: Hamburger Hefte zur
Medienkultur 5, pp. 82-100 (2007).
[2] J. Baudrillard. Videowelt und fraktales Subjekt. In: Ars Electronica
(Hg.): Philosophien der neuen Technologie. (1. Aufl.) Berlin: Merve-
Verl. pp. 113-131 (1989).
[3] T. Friedman. Making sense of software. Computer games and
interactive textuality. In: Jones, Steven G. (Hg.): CyberSociety.
Computer-mediated communication and community. (1. Aufl.)
Thousand Oaks [u.a.]: Sage Publications. pp. 73-89 (1995).
[4] A. Hahn. Der Mensch in der deutschen Systemtheorie. In: Brckling,
Ulrich / Paul, Axel T. / Kaufmann, Stefan (Hg.): Vernunft -
Entwicklung - Leben. Schlsselbegriffe der Moderne. Festschrift fr
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[5] A. Kerr. The business and culture of digital games.
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A Multi-Dimensional Agency Concept for Social
Computing Systems
Sabine Thrmel
Abstract. In order to understand agency and interagency in
virtual and hybrid constellations the state of the art in attributing
collective and distributed agency in socio-technical systems is
outlined. A concept of multi-dimensional, gradual agency is
introduced and its applicability to social computing systems is
Computer simulations let us explore the dynamic behaviour of
complex systems. Today they are not only used in natural
sciences and computational engineering but also in
computational sociology. Social computing systems focus on the
simulation of complex interactions and relationships of
individual human and/or nonhuman agents. If the simulations are
based on scientific abstractions of real-world problem spaces
they enable us to gain new insights. Crowd simulation systems
are useful if evacuation plans have to be developed.
Demonstrators for the coordination of emergency response
services in disaster management systems, based on electronic
market mechanisms, have been built [1].
Computer-based simulations provide a link between theory
and experiment. Social simulation systems are similar to
numerical simulations but use different conceptual and software
models. Numerical methods based on non-linear equation
systems support the simulation of quantitative aspects of
complex, discrete systems [2]. In contrast, multi-agent systems
(MAS) [3] permit to model collective behaviour based on the
local perspectives of individuals, their high level cognitive
processes and their interaction with the environment. Both
approaches may complement each other. They can even be
integrated to simulate both numerical, quantitative and
qualitative, logical aspects e.g. within one expressive temporal
specification language [4]. Agent-based models (ABMs) may be
better suited than conventional economic models to model the
herding among investors. Early-warning systems for the next
financial crisis could be built based on ABMs [5]. The Agile
project (Advanced Governance of Information services through
Legal Engineering) is even searching for a Ph.D candidate to
develop new policies in tax evasion scenarios based on ABMs
[6]. The novel technical options of social computing do not
only offer to explain social behaviour but they may also suggest
ways how to change it.
Simulations owe their attractiveness to the elaborate rhetoric
of the virtual [7]: It is a question of representing a future and
hypothetical situation as if it were given neglecting the temporal
and factual dimensions separating us from it i.e. to represent it
as actual [8, p.4]. Social computing systems are virtual systems
Carl von Linde Akademie, Technische Universitt Mnchen, Munich,
Germany, Email: [email protected]
modeled e.g. by MAS and realized by the corresponding
dynamic computer-mediated environments.
Virtuality in technologically induced contexts is even better
explained if Hubigs two-tiered presentation of technology in
general as a medium is adopted. He distinguishes between the
potential sphere of the realization of potential ends and the
actual sphere of realizing possible ends [9, p. 256]. Applied to
social computing systems it can be stated that their specification
corresponds to the potential sphere of the realization of
potential ends and any run-time instantiation to a corresponding
actual sphere. In other words: Due to their nature as
computational artifacts the potential of social computing systems
becomes actual in a concrete instantiation. Their inherent
potentiality is actualised during runtime. A technical system
constitutes a potentiality which only becomes a reality if and
when the system is identified as relevant for agency and is
embedded into concrete contexts of action [9, p.3].
Since purely computational artifacts are intangible, i.e.
existing in time but not in space, the situation becomes even
more challenging: one and the same social computing program
can be executed in experimental environments and in real-world
interaction spaces. The demonstrator for the coordination of
emergency response services may go live and coordinate human
and nonhuman actors in genuine disaster recovery scenarios.
Concerning its impact on the physical environment it possesses a
virtual actuality in the test-bed environment and a real actuality
when it is employed in real-time in order to control processes in
the natural word.
In case of social computing systems the actual sphere of
realizing possible ends can either be an experimental
environment composed exclusively of software agents or a
system running in real-time. In the latter case humans may be
integrated for clarifying and/or deciding non-formalized
conflicts in an ad-hoc manner. Automatic collaborative routines
or new practises for ad-hoc collaboration are established. Novel
purely virtual or hybrid contexts realizing collective and
distributed agency materialize. Therefore it becomes vital to
understand agency and interagency in virtual and hybrid
In order to exemplify the state of the art in attributing collective
and distributed agency in sociotechnical systems two thought
provoking schools are shortly summarized: the Actor Network
Theory (ANT) and the sociotechnical approach of attributing
distributed agency of Rammert and colleagues. Both intend to
analyse constellations of collective inter-agency by attributing
agency both to human and nonhuman actors but they differ in
essential aspects.
The ANT approach introduces a flat concept of agency and a
symmetrical ontology applicable both to human and nonhuman
actors (e.g.[10]) whereas the distributed agency approach of
Rammert et al. promotes a leveled and gradual concept of
agency based on the practical fiction of technologies in action
([11], [12]).
2.1 The Actor Network Theory (ANT)
As a practitioner of science and technology studies and a true
technograph Bruno Latour was the first to attribute agency and
action both to humans and non-humans [13]. Together with
colleagues as Michel Callon a symmetric vocabulary was
developed which they deemed applicable both to humans and
non-humans [14, p. 353]. This ontological symmetry led to a flat
concept of agency where humans and nonhuman entities were
declared equal. Observations gained in laboratories and field
tests were described as so-called actor networks, heterogeneous
collectives of humans and nonhuman entities, mediators and
intermediaries. The Actor Network Theory regards innovation
in technology and sciences as largely depending on whether the
involved entities may they be material or semiotic succeed in
forming (stable) associations. Such stabilizations can be
inscribed in certain devices and thus demonstrate their power to
influence the further scientific evolution [15]. All activity
emanates from so called actants [10, pp. 54]. The activity of
forming networks is named translation[10, p. 108]. Statements
made about actants as agents of translation are snapshots in the
process of realizing networks [16, p. 199]. The central empirical
goal of the actor network theory consists in reconstructively
opening up convergent and (temporarily) irreversible networks
[16, p. 205]. Thus the ANT approach could more aptly be called
a sociology of translation, an actant-rhyzome ontology or a
sociology of innovation [10, p. 9]. However, it should be noted
that Latour has quite a conventional, tool-oriented notion of
technology [12]. This may be due to the fact that smart
technology and agent systems are nowhere to be found in his
2.2 Distributed agency and technology in action
It is important to Werner Rammert and Ingo Schulz-Schffer
under what conditions we can attribute agency and inter-agency
to material entities and how to identify such entities as potential
agents [11, p. 9]. Therefore a gradual concept of agency is
developed in order to categorize potential agents regardless of
their ontological status as machines, animals or human beings.
Rammert is convinced that it is not sufficient to only open up
the black box of technology; it is also necessary and more
informative to observe the different dimensions and levels of its
performance [12, p. 11]. The model is inspired by Anthony
Giddens stratification model of action [17]. It distinguishes
between three levels of agency:
causality ranging from short-time irritation to permanent
contingency, i.e. the additional ability to do otherwise,
ranging from choosing pre-selected options to self-
generated actions, and, in addition, on the highest level
intentionality as a basis for rational and self-reflective
behaviour [11, p. 26], [12, pp. 1].
The reality of distributed and mediated agency is demonstrated
e.g. based on an intelligent air traffic system [12, p. 15]. Hybrid
constellations of interacting humans, machines and programs are
identified. Moreover a pragmatic classification scheme of
technical objects depending on their activity levels is developed.
This permits to classify the different levels of technology in
action. It starts with passive artifacts, continuing with reactive
ones, i.e. systems with feedback loops. Next come active ones,
then proactive ones, i.e. systems with self-activating programs. It
ranges further up to co-operative systems, i.e. distributed and
self-coordinating systems [18, p.7]. The degrees of freedom in
modern technologies are constantly increasing. Therefore the
relationship between humans and technical artifacts evolves
from a fixed instrumental relation to a flexible partnership[12,
p. 13]. Rammert identifies three types of inter-agency:
interaction between human actors, intra-activity between
technical agents and interactivity between people and objects
[18, p. 8]. These capabilities do not unfold ex nihilo but
medias in res. According to [this] concept of mediated and
situated agency, agency arises in the context of interaction and
can only be observed under conditions of interdependency [12,
p. 5].
These reflections show how technology in action may be
classified and how constellations of collective inter-agency can
be evaluated using a gradual and multi-level approach. Similar to
Latour these authors are convinced that artifacts are not just
effective means, but must be constantly activated via practise
(enactment) [19, p. 15].
Since this approach focuses exclusively on agency medias in
res, i.e. on snapshots of distributed agency and action, the
evolution of any individual capabilities, be they human or
nonhuman, are not accounted for. Even relatively primitive
cognitive activities as learning via trial and error, which many
machines, animals and all humans are capable of, are not part of
the methodical symmetry between human and technology. A
clear distinction between human agency, i.e. intentional agents,
and the technical agency, a mere pragmatic fiction, remains. In
Rammerts view technical agency emerges in real situations
and not in written sentences. It is a practical fiction that has real
consequences, not only theoretical ones [12, p. 5]. In his
somewhat vague view the agency of objects built by engineers
is a practical fiction that allows building, describing and
understanding them adequately. It is not just an illusion, a
metaphorical talk or a semiotic trick [12, p .8].
In the following I want to base my approach on Rammert et al.s
reflections on the qualities of advanced technology in action. But
in contrast to Rammert the agency of technology is not
considered a pragmatic fiction but a level of abstraction
(LoA), as defined by Floridi. A pragmatic fiction is essentially a
manner of speaking whereas a LoA corresponds to a (functional)
abstraction. A LoA is a specific set of typed variables,
intuitively representable as an interface, which establishes the
scope and type of data that will be available as a resource for the
generation of information [20, p. 36]. For a detailed definition
see [21, pp. 44].
A LoA presents an interface where the observed behavior
either in virtual actuality or real actuality - may be interpreted.
Under a LoA, different observations may result due to the fact
that a social computing software can be executed in different
runtime environments, e.g. in a test-bed in contrast to a real-time
environment. Different LoAs correspond to different abstractions
of one and the same behaviour of social computing systems in a
certain runtime environment. Different observations under one
and the same LoA are possible if different versions of a social
computing program are run. This is the case when software
agents are replaced by humans.
Conceptual entities may also be interpreted at a chosen LoA.
Note that different levels of abstraction may co-exist. Since
levels of abstractions correspond to different perspectives, the
system designers LoA may be different from the sociologists
LoA or the legal engineers LoA of one and the same social
computing system. These LoAs are related but not necessarily
The basis to technology in action is not a pragmatic fiction of
action but a model of the desired behavior. From the designers
point of view metaphors often serve as a starting point to
develop e.g. novel heuristics to solve NP-complete
(optimization) problems or to build humanoid service robots
instead of industrial robots. Such metaphors may be borrowed
from biology, sociology or economics. Research areas as neural
nets, swarm intelligence approaches and electronic auction
procedures are products of such approaches. In the design phase
ideas guiding the modeling phase are often quite vague at first.
In due course their concretization results in a conceptual model
[22, p. 107] which is then specified as a software system. From
the users or observers point of view during runtime the more is
known about the conceptual model the better its potential for
(distributed) agency can be predicted and the better the hybrid
constellations of (collective) action, emerging at runtime, may be
analysed. Latours snapshots are complemented by a perspective
on the system model. The philosophical value added of this
approach does not only lie in a reconstructive approach as
intended by Latour and Rammert but also in the conceptual
engineering of the activity space. Under a LoA for agency and
action, activities may be observed as they unfold. Moreover the
system may be analysed and educated guesses about its future
behaviour can be made. Both the specifics of distinct systems
and their commonalities may be compiled.
The following proposal for a conceptual framework for agency
and action is intended to provide a multidimensional gradual
classification scheme for the observation and interpretation of
scenarios where humans and nonhumans interact. It permits to
define appropriate lenses, i.e. levels of abstraction, under which
to observe, interpret, analyse and judge their activities.
As Rammert states, agency really is built into technology but
in my opinion - not as it is built into people [12, p.6] but by
intelligent design performed by engineers and computer
scientists. In order to demonstrate the potential for agency not
only the activity levels of any entities but also their potential for
adaptivity, interaction, personification of others, individual
action and conjoint action has to be taken into account. Being at
least (re)active is the minimal requirement for being an agent.
Higher activity levels permit to influence the environment. Being
able to adapt is a gradual faculty. It starts with primitive adaption
to environment changes and ranges up to the adaption of long-
term strategies and the corresponding goals based on past
experiences and (self-reflective) reasoning of human beings.
Based on activity levels and on being able to adapt in a smart
way acting may be discerned from just behaving.
The potential for interaction is a precondition to any
collaborative performance. The potential of the personification
of others enables agents to integrate predicted effects of own and
other actions. Personification of non-humans is best understood
as a strategy of dealing with the uncertainty about the identity of
the other Personifying other non-humans is a social reality
today and a political necessity for the future [23, p. 497]. It
starts with the attribution of simple dispositions up to perceiving
the other as a human-like actor. This capability may affect any
tactically or strategically motivated individual action. Moreover
it is prerequisite to any form of defining conjoint goals and
conjoint (intentional) commitment. The capabilities for
individual action and conjoint action may be defined based on
activity levels, the potential for adaptivity, interaction and
personification of others possessed by the involved actor(s).
Any object entity type may be classified according to its
characteristics in these dimensions. For any entity types the
maximum potential (in these dimensions) is defined by a distinct
value tuple. It may be depicted by a point in the
multidimensional space spanned by the dimensions introduced
Any token, i.e. instantiation of an entity type, may be
characterized by a distinct value tuple at a moment in time, i.e.
by its actual time-stamped value. This value reflects the virtual
actual activity if the program is run in a test-bed. It portrays its
real actuality if the program is run in real-time in a real world
environment. In agent-based systems the changes over time
correspond to state changes of each agent.
Note that in the following the granularity on the different axes
is only exemplary and can be adjusted according to the systems
to be analysed and/or compared.
The activity level permits to characterize individual behaviour
depending on the degree of self-inducible activity potential. It
starts with passive entities as Latours well-known road
bumpers. Reactivity, realized as simple feedback loops or other
situated reactions, is the next level. Active entities permit
individual selection between alternatives resulting in changes in
the behavior. Pro-active ones allow self-reflective individual
selection. The next level corresponds to the capability of setting
ones own goals and pursuing them. These capabilities depend
on an entity-internal system for information processing linking
input to output. In the case of humans it equals a cognitive
system connecting perception and action. For material artifacts
or software agents an artificial cognitive system couples
(sensor) input with (actuator) output.
Based on such a system for (agent-internal) information
processing the level of adaptivity may be defined. It
characterizes the plasticity of the phenotype, i.e. the ability to
change ones observable characteristics including any traits,
which may be made visible by a technical procedure, in
correspondence to changes in the environment. Models of
adaptivity and their corresponding realizations range from totally
rigid to simple conditioning up to impressive cognitive agency,
i.e. the capability to learn from past experiences and to plan and
act accordingly. A wide range of models co-exist allowing to
study and experiment with artificial cognition in action. This
dimension is important to all who define agency as situation-
appropriate behavior and who deem the plasticity of the
phenotype as an essential assumption of the conception of man.
The potential for interaction, i.e. the coordination by means of
communications is the basis to most if not all social computing
systems and approaches to distributed problem solving. It may
range from uncommunicative to hard-wired cooperation
mechanisms up to ad-hoc cooperation.
The personification of others lays the foundation for interactive
planning, sharing strategies and for adapting actions. This
capability is non-existent in most material and software agents.
Some agents have more or less crude models of others, e.g.
realized as so-called minimal models of the mind. A next
qualitative level may be found in great apes [24] which also have
the potential for joint intentionality. This provides the basis for
topic-focused group decision making based on egoistical
behavior. Understanding the other as an intentional agent allows
even infants to participate in so-called shared actions [25].
Understanding others as mental actors lays the basis for
interacting intentionally and acting collectively [25]. Currently
there is quite a gap between nonhuman actors and human ones
concerning their ability to interact intentionally. This strongly
limits the scope of social computing systems when it is used to
predict human behavior or if it is intended to engineer and
simulate future environments.
Both the potential for individual action and for conjoint action
may be defined based on the above mentioned capabilities for
activity, adaptivity, interaction and personification of others.
One option is the following: In order to stress the communalities
between human and nonhuman agents, an agent counts as
capable of acting (instead of just behaving), if the following
conditions concerning its ontogenesis hold: the individual actor
[evolves] as a complex, adaptive system (CAS), which is capable
of rule based information processing and based on that able to
solve problems by way of adaptive behavior in a dynamic
process of constitution and emergence [26, p. 320]. Based on
the actors capability for joint intentionality resp. understanding
the other as an intentional agent or even as a mental actor, the
actor may be able of joint action, shared or collective action in
the sense outlined above. New capabilities may emerge over
time on the individual level (e.g. emergent semantics, emergent
consciousness). Self-organisation and coalition forming on the
group level can occur. New cultural practices and novel
institutional policies may emerge.
Constellations of inter-agency and distributed agency in social
computing systems or hybrid constellations, where humans,
machines and programs interact, may be described, examined
and analysed using above introduced classification scheme for
agency and action. These constellations start with purely virtual
systems like swam intelligence systems and fixed instrumental
relationships between humans and assistive software agents
where certain tasks are delegated to artificial agents. They
continue with flexible partnerships between humans and
software agents. They range up to loosely coupled complex
adaptive systems. The latter may model so diverse problem
spaces as predator-prey relationships of natural ecologies, legal
engineering scenarios or disaster recovery systems. Their
common ground and their differences may be discovered when
the above outlined multi-dimensional, gradual conceptual
framework for agency and action is applied. A subset of these
social computing systems, namely those which may form part of
the infrastructure of our world, provide a new form of
embedded governance. Their potential and limits may also be
analysed using the multi-dimensional agency concept.
The proposed conceptual framework for agency and action
offers a multidimensional gradual classification scheme for the
observation and interpretation of scenarios where humans and
nonhumans interact. It may be applied to the analysis of the
potential of social computing systems and their virtual and real
actualizations. The above introduces approach may also be used
to describe situations, where options to act are delegated to
technical agents. The corresponding variants of e-trust and
potential legal relationships may be characterized.
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Collective Individuation: A New Theoretical Foundation
for post-Facebook Social Networks
Yuk Hui
! Harr" Halpin
Abstract$ Despite their increasing ubiquity, there is no
fundamental philosophical theory of social networking, and we
believe this has limited the technical development social
networking to very limited use-cases. We propose to develop a
theoretical discourse on the new generation of social networks
and to develop software prototypes for an alternative. Our
project centres on the question what is collective individuation
and what is its relation to collective intelligence! "urrent social
networking websites and network-science are based on
individuals as the basic analytic unit, with social relationships as
simple #ties$ between individuals. %n contrast, this project wants
to approach even individual humans as fundamentally shaped by
their collective social relationships, building from &imondon's
insight that individuation is always simultaneously psychological
and collective. Our proposal should enable new kinds of social
imagination and social structure through redesigning the concept
of the (social' in the time of )acebook.
FAC%&''( AN) TH% *+'&,%- 'F
a* +he Origin of &ocial ,etworks -oreno and &aint
One of the emerging research areas of web science and
network analysis is the attempt to analy.e social networks in
terms of network theory as it directly descends from sociological
approach by questionnaires, interviews which attempt to
understand the social relations and e/plain certain social
phenomenon. +he marriage of this sociological approach and
mathematical representations during the early-mid 01
gave us a significant image to think about the (social', in which
individuals are often considered as nodes and their social
relationships are mapped to edges. +his pioneered the
application of graph theory in social network analysis. +oday
with the assistance of computers which facilitate data collection
and image processing and especially the rise of social
networking website, such a conceptuali.ation seems to be a
foundation of a new discipline mediating the computer science
and sociology and cultural studies. %n its entirety, the image of
network consisting of nodes becomes the representation and also
a method to approach social phenomenon. +o us, the problem is
that this approach takes for granted many historical
developments and philosophical assumptions. Our questions start
from where did this entire conception come from? What
legitimates its being? What is the consequence of such a
conceptualization? +hese questions constitute the first part of
this article2 in the second part, we will propose another way to
think of social networks and discuss the alternatives.
3. 4. -oreno56778-689:*, a psychologist and founder of
sociometry was one of the first sociologists to demonstrate the
value of graph-theoretic approaches to social relationships. +he
most-often quoted e/ample is -oreno's work at the ,ew ;ork
&tate +raining &chool for <irls in =udson where the run-away
rate of the girls were 6: times more than the norm> -oreno
identified it as a consequence of the particular network of social
relationships amongst the girls in the school, and he followed by
creating a simple sociological survey to help him to #map the
network$. +he survey consists of simple questions such as (who
do you want to sit ne/t to!' -oreno found from the map that the
actual allocation plan of the girls in different dormitories created
conflicts2 he then used the self-same model to propose another
allocation plan that successfully reduced the number of run-
away. +he belief in the representation of social relations by
(charting' prompts -oreno to write that (as the pattern of the
social universe is not visible to us, it is made visible through
charting. +herefore the sociometric chart is the more useful the
more accurately and realistically it portrays the relations
discovered.' ?6@ Aut one should be careful that by doing this, the
charting is no longer a mere representation of social
relationships, but also that these maps of social relationships
could be used to reali.e what -oreno called social planning,
meaning to reorgani.e #organic$ social relationships with the
help of planned and technologically-embodied social networks.
Bt this point that we can identify a question which is not yet
been tackled significantly by researches, which -oreno already
proposed in 68:6 the superimposition of technical social
networks upon pre-e/isting social networks (produces a situation
that takes society unaware and removes it more and more from
human control' ?0@ +his lost of control is the central problem of
the technical social networks currently, and in order to address
this phenomenon, we propose to question some of the
presuppositions that have been hidden in the historical
development of social network analysis.
Despite their e/plicit mapping of social relationships, social
networking analysis is actually an e/treme e/pression of social
atomism. +his proposition has to be understood sociologically
and philosophically +he presupposition of the social networks is
that individuals constitute the network, and hence individuals C
which in traditional sociology 5if we count Bctor ,etwork
+heory as an alternative*, tend to be humans - are the basic
unchanging units of the social networks. %f there is any
collectivity, it is considered primarily being created by the sum
of the individuals and their social relationships as quantifiable
%nstitut de Decherche et dE%nnovation du "entre Fompidou, Faris, www.digitalmilieu.netGyuk
World Wide Web "onsortium, -%+, httpGGwww.ibiblio.orgGhhalpinG
representation in the map of the networks. +his view is at odds
with what has been widely understood in anthropology namely
that a society, community, or some other collectivity are beyond
the mere sum of individuals and their relationships. %t can be
noted that historically the development of collectives has
originally e/isted in the form of families, clans, tribes, and so on
and so forth even pre-dates the notion of the autonomous
+he reemergence of sociometry should attribute to the
proliferation of technical networks, and here we must recogni.e
that today is not longer human relations are mapped in
sociometry but virtually anything which can be digitali.ed, or
more precisely anything can be represented as data and relations
can be established according to two different terms. +he arrival
of network society supported by technological infrastructure
further reinforces the concept of sociometry. 4ets recall that in
68HH when -oreno published in ,ew ;ork +ime an article
(Imotion -apped' where he suggested to draw a sociometric
map of ,ew ;ork "ity, in fact he could only work on community
of si.e :HJ, nowadays with tools such as )acebook, -oreno's
dream is not impossible?H@. Bt the same time, the combination of
the social and the network also reactivates the spirit of
industriali.ation which one can trace back to the 68
)rench philosopher, socialist &aint &imon. +he )rench
sociologist Fierre -usso shows that &aint-&imon was the first
philosopher who fully conceptuali.ed the idea of networks via
his understanding of physiology, which he then used to analy.e
vastly different domains, albeit more imaginatively rather than
concretely as done later by -oreno.?:@ &aint &imon indeed
envisioned networks as including communication, transportation,
and the like, holding the idea of a network as both his primary
concept and tool for social transformation. &aint &imon believes
that through industriali.ation, it is possible to create a socialist
state by reallocating wealth and resources from the rich to the
poor, from the talented to the less talented, like an organism
attains its inner equilibrium by unblocking all the circulations.
+oday we know from history that &aint &imon's sociology
was blind to the question of classes which was later analy.ed by
Karl -ar/ in Das Kapital. -ar/'s vision of the society is often
distorted as social planning, which is more or less the
codification of collections in the &oviet fashion. -oreno
critici.ed this distorted figure of -ar/ and proposed that the
(ne/t social revolution will be of the #sociometric$ type. +he
revolutions of the socialistic-mar/istic type are outmoded 2 they
failed to meet with the sociodynamics of the world situation'.
-oreno's announcement maybe demonstrated today by
)acebook as some of the pop writers on technology would say,
but in fact what -oreno means by that has to be further
discussed, especially the concept of spontaneity. Aut neither
&aint &imon's distinctly old-fashioned industrial vision is
considered, since it is obviously that socialism doesn't come
naturally through industriali.ation, but what is new is the
&uch a view of individualism is also naturali.ed in economic
studies since Bdam &mith, who saw division of labour as a
natural development and the e/change between individuals as
the origin of economic life. %n the works of anthropologists such
as -arcel -auss, David <raber, we can find another
understanding of economy which is since the beginning
imagination of a new democratic society, which is frictionless
through the mediation of networks. Ay frictionless here we mean
the conceptuali.ation a rather flattened social structure with kind
of slogans such as (=ere "omes Iverybody'2 one can use
)acebook and etc to autonomously organi.e events, movements,
and even revolutions. %t is the same for -oreno, the sociometric
revolution never gets rid of its own shadow.
b* Blienation and Disindividuation
+he graphical portrayal of social networks as nodes and
lines reinforces the perception of -oreno and &aint &imon that
social relations always e/it in the form from one atomic unit to
another. +his image, with its obvious bias towards vision
, has
become the central paradigm in understanding society and the
technological systems. ;et any image is also a mediation
between the subject and object that pre-configures C or pre-
programs C a certain intuition onto the world
One can imagine
that the image itself of a social network as merely lines and dots
constrains innovation as it cannot understand how to graphically
represent any collectivity beyond the individual as primacy, but
always take it only consequence or byproduct of the map of
interconnected atoms. +his is something -oreno forgot or he
couldn't see at his time the materiali.ation of social relations,
not in the figure of charts on the paper, but controllable data
stored on the computer which mediate the actions of users. What
-oreno called a sociometric revolution is a postulation that
through certain sociometric planning, the spontaneity of human
interactions can be enhanced. -oreno gained this insight from
his long time works on psychodrama, based on which he
critici.ed psychoanalyst especially )reud couldn't (act out'.
What -oreno means by (acting out' in this conte/t is that the
psychoanalysts feared to participate in the theater of the patient,
but only act as a mere observer. We want to add more meanings
to this word (acting out' in the passages followed. Aut here we
want to point out that firstly seeing each individual as a social
atom already implies an e/treme form of individualism that
intrinsically dismisses the position of the collective2 secondly
today when sociometrical vision is materiali.ed in social
networking website, what is at stake is e/actly -oreno's own
faith in spontaneity and the question of individuation.
&ocial networking sites like )acebook stay within this
paradigm by providing only digital representations of social
relations that pre-e/ist in a richer social space, and allows new
associations based on different discovery algorithms to emerge.
)acebook's very e/istence relies largely on the presupposition of
%t has been widely critici.ed in the 01
century that western
philosophy has a bias towards vision, we see this in the work of
=eidegger and etc. %t is interesting to note that <uy Debord even
critici.ed it as a weakness (+he spectacle inherits the weakness
of the Western philosophical project, which attempted to
understand activity by means of the categories of vision, and it is
based on the relentless development of the particular technical
rationality that grew out of that form of thought.', see <uy
Debord, +he &ociety of &pectacles, L68, "hapter 6,
One can also speak of the Weltbild as deployed by =eidegger,
where =eidegger showed that an image is not simply a
representation of the world, but also that the world can be
controlled and manipulated as an image.
individualism, as the primary unit in )acebook is always the
individual's )acebook profile. One can always recall the original
idea of )acebook, as it was shown in the film, the young -ark
Muckerberg created )acebook as a tool to e/press his se/ual
desire, that is to say a libidinal economy intrinsically
individualistic. +his e/ploitation of libidinal economy is not new
today, in the past decades, we already witnessed the e/ploitation
of libidinal energy in consumerism
. %n the turn of the 01th
century, the father of public relations, Idward Aernays adopted
psychoanalysis in his marketing techniques and integrated the
economy of commodities with the libidinal economy. %t may be
interesting to note that in fact Aernays is the nephew of &igmund
Aernays employed the psychoanalysts to participate in
designing marketing strategies. One of the well known e/amples
is to promote the tobacco business to the Bmerican females,
since at that time the female smoking population in the Onited
&tate is quite low. Aernays hired the female movie stars to smoke
in the public, this create a circuit of libidinal economy which has
to be completed through the action of smoking, which is also to
say buying the cigarette. +oday it is no longer simply cigarettes,
but whatever commodities. =ere is the picture of the
consumerism of the 01
century the workers sell their labour-
time to the factories and offices, afterwards they are seduced to
spend their salaries on the unnecessary and magical commodities
C the control of both physiological and psychological circuit. On
)acebook, it seems as if the users have their own will to e/ecute
actions, but in such as technological system, the vision, actions
have to adopt the configurations and functions of the system. %n
general, on other sites such as <oogleP group profiles or
anonymous profiles are actively discouraged. One cannot deny
that these social networks are able to bring people together and
form groups whose activity ranges from shopping to protests. ;et
we have to be careful here, as these groups are positive
e/ternalities in economic terms. +hese social networking website
support only a few collective actions, but are instead optimi.ed
for individuals to map their own network of friends so they can
leave individuals commenting on each other's posts and clicking
on very basic individual operations such as (4ike' and (Want',
which are now increasingly littered throughout the entire Web.
When the users are considered as social atoms which can
then be superimposed onto a technological network, the
spontaneity and innovation within the collective is given to
control of the networks, which is mainly driven by intensive
marketing and consumerism aimed at individuals
. &ocial
networks have obviously become both an apparatus to e/press
and control the desire of the users. +he subject is an atom, and
within the social networks, subjectivation becomes an
engineering process subjected to careful monitoring and control,
which has been thought of by theorists like )ranQois Ferrou/
Aernard &tiegler, )or a ,ew "ritique of Folitical Iconomy,
Folity, 4ondon, 0161
Bfter the 4ike button, )acebook has announced in &eptember
0166 of introducing the Want button, that is designed for
+he )rench economist )ranQois Ferrou/ took up the question of
industry and social transformation from &aint-&imon and
developed a vision of collective creation, in which humans and
a source of a new kind of alienation. +his is not entirely
dissimilar to the alienation which -ar/ described in Das Kapital
which was produced by having human workers adapt to the
rhythm of the machines, so the worker loses control of his vital
energy and ultimately his time to reflect and to act. When -ar/
describes the vital forces of the collective, he uses the <erman
word Naturwchsigkeit, which can literally translated into
Inglish as the nature-growth-ness, which is similar to what
-oreno calls spontaneity
. +he similarity lies in the imagination
of the autonomous subjects naturally interact with each other and
create a collective that at the same time displaces the individuals.
Bnd -oreno's (acting out' as a psychologist is also the catalyst
for the (acting out' of the collective. +he second sense of the
acting out is the formation of group conditioned by a projects, it
designates an investment of attention2 libidinal energy and time.
%f an e/istential critique can be introduced here, we can say time
and equally the attention of each social atom is chopped into
smaller pieces and disperse on the networks by the status
updates, interactions, advertisements, and the like. +his form of
collective that is e/actly what -artin =eidegger would call (das
-an', the (they' who e/hausts one's time without giving
meaning to one's own e/istence. %n fact, Aernard &tielger would
hold that these constructed social atoms are not individuals are
not really (individuals', but the disindividuals, as they seem to
have lost their ability to act out and to relate e/cept within the
apparatus of an atomistic social network
. ?J@
c* &ocial Ingineering and +echnical Ingineering
-oreno's sociometry as response to both -ar/' economic
materialism and )reud's psychological materialism encounters
its own impasse today2 -oreno and &aint-&imon didn't take
digital networks and telecommunication into account in their
theories C yet nonetheless technological materialism is currently
tied to this new digital economic, psychological, and
technological network.?N@ &ociety is mediated by data. &ites like
)acebook uses graphs of personal connections to predict and
hence (recommend' products, and so produce desires in the
individual that show that the autonomous individual is in fact
shaped not only by their relationships in the network, but by the
e/istence of the network itself. While the %nternet is a distributed
and decentrali.ed network, industriali.ation reverses this
principle as simply to maintain a social graph for analysis the
machines act on each other and through the standardi.ation of
objects, human beings can renew their life style, and produce a
system of (auto collective creation'. ,otably Ferrou/ was also
influenced by &chumpeter, especially the concept of creative
=ence one should recogni.e the problematic of -oreno's
critique of -ar/, and one may be able to develop a new relation
between -oreno and -ar/
A. &tiegler, Rtats de choc AStise et savoir au TT%e &iUcle,
-ille et une ,uit, 0160, p.610-61J, where he proposes three
types of disindividuation, firstly the regression to the pure social,
what is pure social is the animal form of life2 secondly the
deskilling process by technologies, for e/ample when the
craftsmen had to enter factories and gave up their own skills and
way of life2 thirdly the process of (bracketing' the previous
individuation which produces a (quantum jump' and e/ceed the
threshold of the psychical transformation, according to &tiegler,
these three types of disindividuations cannot be separated.
si.e of )acebook requires immense centrali.ation. Bt the same
time it creates a technical reality, with a deception of being an
unmodifiable default. ;et, we have to ask is )acebook a social
collectivity, or the false image of one! <oing beyond the social
graph, we need to grasp other possibilities of (social networks'.
+he social engineering of facebook is supported by its
multiple features ranging from sharing and (% like' functions to
privacy settings. =ere we sees the unification of social
engineering and technical engineering, which also poses the
great challenge to the humanities. %t will be necessary to look at
how these realities are created and accepted, for e/ample if one
tries to leave, one losses everything, including the social
relations, profile data, the possibility of communicating with
friends. Iven when one uses social networking sites, individuals
and e/pressions are conditioned by the capacities permitted
according to the features of the website and there is little to no
privacy. One cannot choose to be anonymous, on the other hand
the verification of identities become more and more an important
to industry.
+here can be political considerations, for e/ample, in "hina
the social networks request the users to prove their identities by
showing their identity cards, and this may be in response to the
fact that the question of anonymity is seemingly increasingly
important for democracy and transparency as has been shown by
Wikileaks. +here is even a demand for anonymity, as the
3apanese ,i "hanel50ch* which entirely operates on the basis of
anonymity has became one of the most popular social network
website in 3apan. +hese features would obviously be vital to
those in the -iddle Iast, 4ondon, &pain, and VOccupyWall&t. %f
subjectivation within social networks is an engineering process,
what is necessary is to produce a new type of thinking and new
form of social networks. &ome of this thinking can be seen in
various slogans data portability, privacy and personal possession
of data. +hese slogans are natural responses to the monstrous
ability of social networks to create #walled gardens$ out of
personal data. +hough these slogan are important to fight against
the dictatorship of )acebook, they still lack an overall
reevaluation of facebook and a vision of an alternative social
network which is not merely an immediate response.
# *+'0%CT! *+'0%CTI'N AN)
C',,%CTI.% IN)I.I)/ATI'N
a* &imondon and "ollective %ndividuation
=ence we propose to rethink from the perspective of the
collective, as a remedy to the individualistic approach of the
current social networks. +his doesnEt mean they we want simply
collectivity, but rather we want to put collective at the same level
as individual, like water and fish which cannot be vivant without
each other. &ociometry demands a mapping which is becoming
more and more precise, and reflects the probabilities of
connections, interactions, marketing, that is a technological
individuation easily slips back to disindiiduation. "an we think
of an new kind of individuation that cannot be reduced to
statistics, and whose power only work in ambiguity, instead of
precisions! We propose that the )rench philosopher <ilbert
&imondon proposed in his book !"#ndiiduation psychique et
$ollectie a model of individuation which can be therapeutic to
the conceptuali.ation of the social presupposed by the current
technological developments- or in other words socio-techno
&imondon suggests that individuation is always both
psychical and collective. What &imondon means by psychical
individuation can be considered to be the psychology of
individuals, for e/ample under the situation of an/iety, grief,
angry, etc. Aut pure psychic and pure social are not enough. )or
&imondon, individuals and groups are not opposite to each other,
meaning while in the group, one loses his or her singularity, as
what was considered as the &oviet type of collectivism. %nstead,
the individual and the group constitute a constant process of
individuation. Fsychical individuation to &imondon is more an
individuali.ation, which is also the condition of individuation,
while collective individuation is one that brings the individual to
constant transformation. =ence one can understand that nature is
in fact not in opposition to human being, but rather the primary
phase of being, human being and the technical milieu created by
them constitute the second phase of being, which if we can say
so, it is the technical individuation proposed by Aernard &tiegler.
&imondon hence rejected the Bmerican microsociology and
psychology, which indirectly includes -oreno's sociometry 5via
the works of Kurt 4ewin*, as being substantialism. +he
substantial approach towards individuals and groups easily
ignores the dynamic of the social, and see individual and
collective as interiority and e/teriority that has to be separated .
+his approach falls prey to the e/treme of psychologism and
sociologism C a molecular and molar substantialism- which
consider individuals precede groups or groups precede
individuals. +he former sees the psychology of the individuals as
the determining factor of the collective, and consider the
formation of the collective only by considering why the
individual wants to participate- a typical question for those who
do marketing or planning a start-up2 the later sees social norms
and collectives as predefined structures, that is to say in order to
form a collective one needs immediately set up the social
categories and (mould' the individuals according to these pre-
&imondon considers individuation as a process of
crystalli.ation. "onsidering a supersaturated solution is
undergoing crystalli.ation, by absorbing energy each individual
ion is transforming itself according to the relations with others,
that is its milieu. %t is the same in the group genesis that each
individual is at the same time agent and milieu.%n contrast,
crystalli.ation is a process that though finally gives a form, e.g,
the identity of a specific crystal, it is also at the same time a
process depends less on the form5on can always figure out
forms* but rather on the redistribution of energy and matter.
&imondon hence proposes to think of individuation as a
necessary dynamics between individuals and groups. =e
distinguishes (in group' and (out group', and suggests to think of
(in group' as an intermediate between individual beings and (out
group'. One may sense a bit of similarity between -oreno and
&imondon in this respect, that is the spontaneity of in-group and
out-group2 and it is also by this reason that we believe -oreno's
sociometric technique though can be used today to analyse social
networks like )acebook, +witter, but it also post tremendous
danger of social engineering that fall back to psychologism and
sociologism if we ignore his discussion on spontaneity, while we
wonEt be able to fully discuss it in this short article.
b* Frojects as the Aasic Onit of <roup
One may want to ask isn't what we have seen on
)acebook already a psychic and collective individuation! %t is
true that the philosophical approaches of &imondon can become
tools to analy.e social relations, but one must go beyond the
limit that thoughts are merely tools of analysis, and recogni.e
that they are also tools for transformation. Bs we have seen,
)acebook individuates primarily atomistic individuals, and we
propose to start from the collective instead in order to redesign
the relation between the individual and the collective. %nstead of
how social atoms form collective, we must find out how a
collective social network changes and shapes the individuals,
and take this phenomenon as primacy. +his social network will
be one that enables collective individuation but also as a remedy
to the industrial into/ication and e/ploitation of libidinal energy.
=ence we want to reflect on the question of group, and we
want to propose that what distinguishes a collective from an
individual is the question of a common project pertaining to
groups. +ake for e/ample Oshahidi, a website that provided
mapping service. Bfter the earthquake in =aiti in 0161, in order
to help =aiti to recover from the catastrophe. Ay using a web-
based platform, Oshahdidi enabled both local and overseas
volunteers to collect &-& messages with a special hash code to
map the crisis in order help save people who might otherwise be
lost. Bfter the earthquake and tsunami in 3apan in 0166,
engineers from 3apan developed a map of the damages caused by
the tsunami and the emergencies need to be taken care of by tweets and other social medias. +he dynamics of these
projects go far beyond simply posting status updates, but allow
people to dynamically work together on common goals. %t is the
moment of the formation of projects that allows the individuals
to individuate themselves through the collective, and so give
meaning to the individuals. On )acebook, one can establish a
group, a page, an event, it seems to allow a common project to
appear, but it doesn't provide the tools for collective
individuation based on collaboration2 in other words, on
)acebook a group is no different from an individual.
Fassing from a philosophical model to its reali.ation in a
technical system, we propose that the social networking site
should e/ist as a set of tools to enable the collective creation and
administration of a project. +he collective intelligence is
activated insofar as the group successfully uses its human and
technical abilities to accomplish its goals. B user must always
belong to a project, without which he or she will not be able to
fully utili.e the features C and projects are defined by groups.
+his is a first attempt to tackle the individualism e/ist in the
current paradigm of social networks. Iach project is defined by a
goal and requirements of fulfillments as collectively initiated and
updated by members of the group. +asks will be assigned to
users either in the form of individuals or subgroups, the progress
of the tasks will be monitored and indicated. =owever, the
collective should be dynamic rather than static, groups can be
merged together to form larger projects and a project can also be
split into smaller collectives. <roups can discover each other and
communicate to seek possibility of collaborations and
information sharing.
c* "ase &tudies and a Fossible )ramework
%n our project (&ocial Web', we look at some of the current
models, including Wikipedia, some open source platforms, and
alternative social networking projects like 4orea
, )ederated
<eneral Bssembly
, "rabgrass
, and Diaspora - as well as
unusual social networking websites such as ,i "hannel,
,ico,ico Douga in 3apan. &ome of these groups already
demonstrate the value of groups and projects, for e/ample the
encyclopedia project of Wikipedia, also 4orea and "rabgrass to
create an alternative social networks that favor groups and
common working spaces. We also recogni.e that though each of
them has some of the collaborative features necessary for a new
kind of social network, they don't really take the idea of
individuation at the core of their designs. +hey can easily
become e/amples of successful crowd sourcing that lows
production cost and raising profits, instead of allowing us to
rethink alternatives with different values and assumptions.
Aesides of returning to the primacy of groups, and emphasi.e on
group management, we also suggest some other technical
features for such a vision of collective social network
6* +he network primarily e/ists as directed social
communication aiming at project, it also needs various other
collaboration tools such as forums, wikis, etc. =owever, unlike
traditional social networks, the purpose of the social networking
site will be to help users store and refine data, the data can be
stored in an open format such as DD). Osers and groups have
the permission to manage data of the projects, and retrieve data
using tagging and semantic search. -apping should be employed
as one possible, and easily interpretable, way to understand
collective data collection.
0* Bnonymity can be allowed under certain
conditions 5for e/ample the group is wholly anonymous, or the
group decides to open to anonymity* by collective projects. )or
e/ample, in ,i "hannel, one of the reasons that the inventor
wanted it to be anonymous is that there wonEt be segregation
between e/perienced users and amateurs, that might harm the
formation of the collectives. ?7@ Aesides of the possibility to
yield interesting social phenomenon, anonymity can also act as a
counter-force of the strict control of identities and censorship.
H* Fersonal data should be accessible only to the
collective, and not even to those that run the server. "oncerning
the security of the networks, data either on the servers will be
encrypted by implementing public key infrastructure, with the
group being defined by shared public keys. =ence the %&F and
system administrators won't be able to access the data on the
server. &econdly the data will be stored distributed across
multiple servers in order to minimi.e the consequences of
1 C'NC,/SI'NS 2 F/T/+% 3'+(
+he above outline is an introduction to a philosophical
framework of a funded project titled (social web'. )acebook to
us, represents an industriali.ation of social relationships to the
e/treme that it transforms the (social' to a totally (atomic'
individualism. &aint &imon's imagination of socialism based on
the believe of the common good and well being of individuals
through building networks is deemed to be a failure, but the
relation between network and society take a more aggressive
form at the time of ubiquitous metadata. -oreno's sociometry
technique probably finds its best companion today on )acebook
and other social networking apparatus, but celebrating the
reemergence of sociometric technique is only blind to the danger
posed by the presuppositions of such theory and the
technological developments that never e/amine its origins. We
propose that social computing today must go beyond the
traditional digital humanities, which proposes to analy.e the
social transformation by taking technologies into account, rather
it will be more fruitful to follow what &tiegler calls
pharmacology, which is to say technology is both good and bad,
both a remedy and a poison at the same time, but it is necessary
to develop a therapeutic approach against the to/icity generated
by it, which in our case is )acebook5s*.
"ollective individuation proposes that another social
network is possible, and it is necessary to consider an economy
which is far more than marketing, click rate, number of users,
etc. )or us, a project is also a projection, that is the anticipation
of a common future of the groups. Ay tiring groups to projects,
we want to propose that individuation is also always a temporal
and e/istential process, rather than merely social and
psychological. Ay projecting a common will to a project, it
produces a co-individuation of groups and individuals. +he
project is under development, but we hope the above outlines
show the problem of the social networks and the limits of digital
humanities 5especially those who embraces sociometry* in
understanding social computing, and it is clear that a new
method towards software development is possible, and urgent.
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?H@ &. Wasserman and K. )aust, &ocial ,etwork Bnalysis
-ethods and Bpplications, ,ew ;ork ?etc.@ "ambridge
Oniversity Fress, 688:
?:@ F. -usso, Bu/ origines du concept moderne corps et rRseau
dans la philosophie de &aint &imon. %n Xuaderni. ,. H, =iver
79G77. pp. 66-08. doi 61.H:1NGquad.6879.01H9
?J@ Aernard &tiegler, Rtats de choc AStise et savoir au TT%e
&iUcle, -ille et une ,uit, 0160
?N@ 3. 4. -oreno, +he )uture of -anEs World,, ,ew ;ork Aeacon
=ouse, Fsychodrama -onographs, 68:9
?9@ <ilbert &imondon, 4'individuqtion Fsychique et "ollective, Y
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?7@&atoshi =amano, Brchitecutre no seitaikei 3ohokankyo wa
ikani sekkeisaretekitaka5 +he Icology of Brchitecture*, "hinese
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Trust, Ethics and Legal Aspects of Social Computing
Andrew Power, Grainne Kirwan
Abstract. The development of a legal environment for virtual
worlds presents issues of both law and ethics. The cross-border
nature of online law and particularly law in virtual environments
suggests that some lessons on its formation can be gained by
looking at the development of international law, specifically the
ideas of soft law, and adaptive governance. In assessing the
ethical implications of such environments the network of online
regulations, technical solutions and the privatization of legal
remedies offer some direction. While legal systems in online
virtual worlds require development, the ethical acceptability of
actions in these worlds is somewhat clearer, and users need to
take care to ensure that their behaviours do not harm others.
Social networks and virtual worlds are becoming a more
important and prevalent part of our real world with each passing
month. Shirky [1] argues that the old view of online as a separate
space, cyberspace, apart from the real world is fading. Now that
computers and computer like smartphones have been so broadly
adopted there is no separate cyberworld, just a more
interconnected new world. The internet augments real world
social life rather than providing an alternative to it. Instead of
becoming a separate cyberspace, our electronic networks are
becoming embedded in real life [2]. The reason for this growth is
in part down to the natural inclination of humans to want to form
groups and interact with each other, combined with the
increasing simplicity of the technology to allow it. As Shirky [2]
states, Communications tools dont get socially interesting until
they get technologically boring. [The tool] has to have been
around long enough that most of society is using it. Its when a
technology becomes normal, then ubiquitous, and finally so
pervasive as to be invisible, that the really profound changes
Crime in a virtual world can take a number of forms. Some
activities such as the theft of goods are relatively clear-cut
whereas, private law issues such as harassment or commercial
disputes are more complex. Online crime is defined as, crime
committed using a computer and the internet to steal a person's
identity or sell contraband or stalk victims or disrupt operations
with malevolent programs. The IT security company Symantec
[3] defines two categories of cybercrime, Type I, examples of
this type of cybercrime include but are not limited to phishing,
theft or manipulation of data or services via hacking or viruses,
identity theft, and bank or e-commerce fraud. Type II cybercrime
includes, but is not limited to activities such as cyberstalking and
harassment, child predation, extortion, blackmail, stock market
manipulation, complex corporate espionage, and planning or
carrying out terrorist activities. Types of crime can be
categorized as internet enabled crimes, internet specific crimes
and new crimes committed in a virtual world. The first two
categories of online crime have been observed for many years
and the third, which coincided with the growth in online virtual
environments, is a more recent development. Internet enabled
crimes are those crimes which existed offline but are facilitated
by the Internet. These include credit card fraud, defamation,
blackmail, obscenity, money laundering, and copyright
infringement. Internet specific crimes are those that did not exist
before the arrival of networked computing and more specifically
the proliferation of the internet. These include, hacking, cyber
vandalism, dissemination of viruses, denial of service attacks,
and domain name hijacking. The third category of crimes
committed in a virtual world arises when individuals are acting
through their online avatars or alternate personas (the Sanskrit
word avatara means incarnation). In computing an avatar is a
representation of the user in the form of a three-dimensional
model. Harassing another individual through their online
representation may or may not be criminal but it is at the very
least antisocial. It is also the case that that online activities can
lead to very real crimes offline.
This paper aims to introduce some of the types of crimes
which can occur in virtual worlds through a series of examples
of actual virtual crimes, such as virtual sexual assault, theft, and
child pornography. It should be noted that while the term
crimes will be used to describe these acts throughout the
chapter, and the term criminals assigned to the perpetrators, the
actions are not necessarily criminal events under any offline
legal system, and the perpetrators may not be considered
criminal by a court of law. In some cases there have been offline
consequences of the actions which are real criminal events, but
in many cases no criminal prosecution is currently possible.
Nevertheless, this is not to say that these virtual criminal
behaviours are actually ethical, and the chapter also considers
the impact of the behaviour on the individuals involved. Finally
it is aimed to determine what the implications are for law
formation in virtual worlds, along with an examination of how
these should be implemented.
Online theft of virtual goods has led to serious crimes offline.
In 2008 a Russian member of the Platanium clan of an
MMORPG (massively multiplayer online role-playing game)
was assaulted in the Russian city of Ufa by a member of the rival
Coo-clocks clan in retaliation for a virtual assault in a role
playing game. The man died of his injuries en route to hospital
[4]. Even if the activity does not spill over into the real world but
remains online it is clear that crime can occur. In August 2005 a
Japanese man was arrested for using software bots to
virtually assault online characters in the computer game
Lineage II and seal their virtual possessions. Bots, or web robots,
are software applications that run automated tasks over the
Internet. He was then able to sell these items through a Japanese
auction website [5]. In October 2008, a Dutch court sentenced
two teenagers to 360 hours of community service for virtually
beating up a classmate and stealing his digital goods [6]. In 2007
a Dutch teenager was arrested for stealing virtual furniture from
rooms in Habbo Hotel, a 3D social networking website; this
virtual furniture was valued at 4,000 [7].
Internet child pornography is a topic which is eliciting greater
attention from society and the media, as parents and caregivers
become more aware of the risks to their children and law
enforcement agencies become more aware of the techniques and
strategies used by offenders. Sheldon and Howitt [8] indicate
that at least in terms of convictions, internet child pornography is
the major activity that constitutes Internet related sex crimes. An
example of the kind of ethical controversies this subject can
produce is the Wonderland area of Second Life which provided a
place for role play of sexual activity with child avatars. This
drew out many questions which are dealt with by Adams [9] and
Kirwan and Power [10]. These include examining when the
fantasy of illegality becomes illegal, the verification of
participants age, and the definition of harm in a virtual world.
Online activity may be an outlet for harmful urges or an
encouragement toward them; it may have a therapeutic role or
alternatively promote the normalization of unacceptable
In Britain a couple are divorcing after the wife discovered her
husband's online alter-ego was having an affair online with
another, virtual, woman [11]. This is interesting in that the
affair was virtual and involved a relationship between the
avatar of the husband and the avatar of another woman. Is it
possible to be unfaithful to your real world partner by having
your alter ego have an online only relationship? Clearly in the
view of this mans wife it is and it hurt just as much, she said
"His was the ultimate betrayal. He had been lying to me." Was
this a question of trust, ethics, or just a lack of a shared
understanding about the rules of a game vs. the rules of life?
Our view of what is ethical is informed by our world view
and it is possible that more than one system of values can exist
simultaneously. Isaiah Berlin [12] argued that when it comes to
questions like what is justice? there is never a single answer.
This leads to a variety of answers depending on the value
systems in a given time and place. There can be no one value
system that can accommodate all that is valuable. So there will
be competing values systems even within the same community
and at a given point in time. There is also no objective system to
evaluate which is right and which is wrong (or less right!). Value
systems are essential to the models through which we see
ourselves and the world around us and they embody deeply held
convictions. John Rawls [13,14] sought to develop a theory of
justice suitable for governing political communities in the light
of irreconcilable moral disagreements.
These debates are crucial in considering behaviour in online
societies. Social networks will emerge in different ways and for
different purposes and as such will require different value
systems. Constructing systems of variable ethics and providing
choice in online value systems will pose increasing challenges to
states, individuals and systems of justice. To give one example,
the behaviour considered correct and moral in an environment
such as Grand Theft Auto will, one hopes, be quite different to
that of Club Penguin. The world of Grand Theft Auto consists of
a mixture of action, adventure, driving, and shooting and has
gained controversy for its adult nature and violent themes. Club
Penguin in contrast is aimed at young children who use cartoon
penguins as avatars to play a series of games in a winter polar
environment. Both in terms of the activities engaged in and the
nature of the language used these environments could not be
more different from an ethical perspective. However both
conform to their own internal rule set for player behaviour.
This allows for the possibility of individual citizens being part
not only of a number of different online societies with different
standards of ethics, but that most or all of these may be different
to the ethical standard assumed to be the norm when offline.
This dichotomy or system of variable ethics may not have much
societal impact if the online worlds are restricted to games, or
infrequent visits to virtual worlds for entertainment. However as
commercial interest, banks, and the state begin to move services
online and explore virtual communities and service centres this
issue becomes more prescient.
In opposition to the ideas of John Rawls mentioned earlier,
Robert Nozick argued that the solution was not the reimagining
of the state but its removal [15]. In his book Anarchy, State, and
Utopia Nozick makes the case for a minimal state limited to the
most narrow of functions of protection of citizens against
external force, theft and contract law. A state which moves
beyond this narrow role will, he argues, lead to the violation of
rights. The diminishing of the role of the state in the
development of ethical standards, either by a Rawlian
reimagining of the state or a Nozickian removal of the state for
such matters, will in either case lead to a greater role for the
individual in setting his or her own subjective ethical standard.
Online identities are not restricted by reality. They need not
in any way correspond to a persons real life identity: people can
make and remake themselves, choosing their gender and the
details of their online presentation [16]. Impression
management is the process of controlling the impressions that
other people form, and aspects of impression management
normally outside our control in face-to-face interactions, can be
controlled in online environments [17]. In the online context, we
can easily manage and alter how other people see us in ways that
were never before possible.
Given this reality can a personal attack against an avatar be
construed as the equivalent of an attack against the person whom
the avatar represents? The humanity or otherwise of avatars in
virtual worlds is important. Can they be considered equal to
human victims of crimes? Has harm really been done? The
answer to this lies both in the degree of separation the creator of
the avatar has between their online and offline personas and their
degree of attachment to their avatar. Spending a large amount of
time in the skin of our avatar can lead to strong feelings of
association to the point where an attack on the avatar can feel
like an attack on self. The degree to which a person experiences
a strong sense of presence within a virtual world is discussed in
detail by Kirwan [18]. It is also true that as we spend greater
amounts of time online the differences between our online and
offline personalities diminish. In part this is because it is just too
much trouble to maintain two different personae but also because
the distinction between the real world and our online world are
no longer meaningful. Shirky [2] outlines the problem of treating
the internet as some sort of separate space or cyberspace when
he states; The internet augments real-world social life rather
than providing an alternative to it. Instead of becoming a
separate cyberspace, our electronic networks are becoming
deeply embedded in real life. We only live in one world but an
increasing portion of our time is spent interconnected to others
though technology. It is not an alternative world it is just part of
our new world.
Robert Putnam [19] wrote about the decline in social capital
and described the declining vibrancy of American civil society,
as evidenced by the reduced participation in community-based
groups. His solution was in large part built on the development
of networks, norms and social trust that facilitate coordination
for mutual benefit [20]. He considers that the pursuit of shared
objectives provides a way for people to experience reciprocity
and thus helps to create webs of networks underpinned by shared
values. The resulting high levels of social trust foster further
cooperation between people and reduce the chances of anti-
social conduct [21].
Rachel Botsman [22] makes the case that technology is
enabling trust between strangers. Products like Swaptree and
eBay which facilitate online trading only work in an
environment of trust. Collaborative behaviours and trust
mechanics are embedded in these systems. These networks
mimic the ties that used to happen face-to-face but on a massive
scale. Social networks and real-time technologies are taking us
back to a system of bartering, trading and swapping where we
have wired our world to share. This is happening in our
neighbourhood, our schools, our workplaces, and on our
Facebook network. This she calls collaborative consumption.
We are moving from passive consumers, to creators, to active
collaborators. This transition is actually a return to the behaviour
we should be most comfortable with. As we are increasingly
interconnected through social networks this is providing us with
opportunities to express this social dimension and to be active in
our many communities. Younger, citizens are developing
networks of trust and confidence in virtual spaces which are
informing their behaviour in their communities and informing
their sense of the polis.
There are a number of reactions that are evident in victims of
crime, as outlined by Kirwan [18]. These vary according to both
the type of crime and the coping strategy and personality of the
individual victim, but can include Acute Stress Disorder (ASD)
or Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), self-blaming for
victimization, victim blaming (where others put all or partial
blame for the victimization on the victim themselves), and a
need for retribution. Virtual victimization, either of property
crime or a crime against the person, should not be considered as
severe as if a similar offence occurred in real life. However, it
would be an error to believe that an online victimization has no
effect on the victim at all.
Victim blaming appears to be particularly common for virtual
crime. It has been argued that victims of virtual crime could
easily escape. In Second Life, it is possible to engage in rape
fantasies, where another player has control over the victims
avatar, but this is usually given with consent. There are
suggestions that some individuals have been tricked into giving
their consent, but even bearing this in mind, there has been
widespread criticism by Second Life commentators of anyone
who allows an attack to take place, as it is alleged that it is
always possible to teleport away from any situation, disconnect
from the network connection or turn off their computer and thus
end the event. It is clear that victims of virtual crime do seem to
experience some victim blaming by others they are in ways
being blamed for not escaping their attacker. Those victims who
experience the greatest degree of presence those who are most
immersed in the game - are probably those who are least likely
to think of closing the application to escape. It should also be
considered that a victim may experience discomfort at being
victimized, even if they do escape relatively quickly. As in a real
life crime, the initial stages of the attack may be confusing or
upsetting enough to cause significant distress, even if the victim
manages to escape quickly.
There is also some evidence of self-blaming by various
victims of virtual crimes. Some victims refer to their relative
naivety in the online world prior to victimization [23], and
indicate that if they had been more experienced they may have
realized what was happening sooner. There are also suggestions
that a victim who is inexperienced with the virtual worlds user
interface may inadvertently give control of their avatar to
another user. It is certain that empirical study needs to be
completed on this topic before a definitive conclusion can be
reached as to the degree of self-blaming which occurs.
There is also some evidence of limited symptoms of ASD in
victims of virtual crimes, such as some anecdotal accounts of
intrusive memories, emotional numbing and upset from victims
of virtual sexual assault [24, 25]. While it is impossible to make
an accurate judgment without a full psychological evaluation, it
seems very unlikely that these victims would receive a clinical
diagnosis of either ASD or PTSD. This is because there is no
mention of either flashbacks or heightened autonomic arousal
(possibly due to the lack of real danger to the victims life).
There are also several accounts of individuals who have
experienced online victimization, but who do not see it as a
serious assault and do not appear to experience any severe
negative reaction. Those most at risk appear to be those who
have previously experienced victimization of a real-life sexual
assault, where the online attack has served to remind the victim
of the previous attack. As such, while not a major risk, the
possibility of developing ASD or PTSD is a factor that should be
monitored in future victims of serious online assaults, especially
those who have been previously victimized in real life.
Finally, there is substantial anecdotal evidence of a need for
retribution in victims of virtual crimes. Similar reactions have
been noted by other victims of crimes in virtual worlds, to the
extent that in some cases victims have approached real world
police forces seeking justice. This is possibly the strongest
evidence that victims of virtual offences experience similar
psychological reactions to victims of real life offences, although
again, empirical evidence is lacking to date. As victims begin to
seek justice, it seems necessary to consider the legal position of
crimes in virtual worlds.
Law online is inevitably international in nature given the
cross border nature of the internet. As law making moved from
the sole preserve of the state to supra state bodies such as the
European Union and to entities such as the United Nations (UN),
the International Monetary Fund (IMF), the World Bank, and the
World Trade Organization (WTO), there was a move away from
systems of command and control. As these changes occurred
individual states had less autonomy, the importance of non-state
actors grew and governance by peer review became important.
Another influence on the development of online law is the
concept of soft law. Soft laws are those which consist of
informal rules which are non-binding but due to cultural norms
or standards of conduct, have practical effect [26]. These are
distinct from hard laws which are the rules and regulations that
make up legal systems in the traditional sense. In the early days
of the internet the instinct of governments was to solve the
perceived problems of control by hard law. In the US the Clinton
administration tried on many occasions to pass laws to control
pornography online. The Communications Decency Act (CDA)
was followed by the Child Online Protection Act (COPA) which
was followed by the Childrens Internet Protection Act (CHIPA).
All were passed into law and all were challenged in the courts
under freedom of speech issues.
Soft law offers techniques for compromise and cooperation
between States and private actors. Soft law can provide
opportunities for deliberation, systematic comparisons, and
learning [27]. It may not commit a government to a policy but it
may achieve the desired result by moral persuasion and peer
pressure. It may also allow a state to engage with an issue
otherwise impossible for domestic reasons and open the
possibility for more substantive agreements in the future.
In considering the appropriate legal framework for the
international realm of the internet the nature both of the activities
taking place and the individuals and organizations using it need
to be considered. The legitimacy or appropriateness of hard
versus soft laws depends on the society they are seeking to
legalize. In the context of online social networks soft laws have a
power and potential for support which may make them more
effective than the hard laws that might attempt to assert
legitimacy. It is confluence of States, individuals, businesses,
and other non-State actors that make up the legal, regulatory and
technical web of behaviours that make the internet somewhat
There are a number of views about the need for cyberlaws.
One is that rules for online activities in cyberspace need to come
from territorial States [28]. The other is that there is a case for
considering cyberspace as a different place where we can and
should make new rules [29]. A third option is to look at the
decentralization of law making, and the development of
processes which do not seek to impose a framework of law but
which allows one to emerge.
This could involve the creation of in-world systems of
governance (controlled by software engineers, users,
administrators, or a combination of these). Service providers
would develop their own systems of governance and ethics. The
law would come from the bottom up as users select the services,
products and environment that match their own standards of
behaviour and ethics. This would constitute a system of variable
ethics. For example a user may choose to abide by the ethical
norms in Grand Theft Auto and be quite comfortable with the
notion of violent behaviour as a norm. Another user may be
more comfortable in the ethical environment of Club Penguin.
The ethical world is thus no longer normative but adaptable,
variable or fit for purpose. In this sense the ethical norms are
not just variable but relative to the task at hand or the
environment in which the citizen or user finds themselves.
Relative ethics seems to be a contradiction in terms or perhaps
indicative of a lack of moral clarity. This may be the view of
some but an alternate view is that it moves the ethical framework
by which a person lives their life away from a singularity such as
church or state and towards the individuals own informed moral
An approach suggested by Cannataci and Mifsud-Bonnici
[30] is that there is developing a mesh of private and State rules
and remedies which are independent and complementary. The
internet community can adopt rules and remedies based on their
fitness for purpose. State regulation may be appropriate to
control certain activities, technical standards may be more
appropriate in other situations, and private regulation may be
appropriate where access to State courts or processes are
impossible. Our understanding of justice may change as we see
what emerges from un-coerced individual choice [31]. The
appropriate legal or ethical framework on one context or virtual
environment may be quite different in another.
Some aspects of what can and cannot be done, or even what
may be considered right or wrong, will be determined by
software engineers. They will find ways to prevent file sharing
or illegal downloading or many other elements of our online
activities. The blocking or filtering software that has largely
removed the need for states to struggle with issues of censorship
is being improved and refined all the time. This raises the
question of the ethical landscape which results from coding. If
the rules of the environment are set in part by programmers are
we confident that the ethical norms of, for example, a young,
male, college educated, Californian software engineer will
necessarily match the needs or desires of all users? Private
regulations also exist in the realm of codes of behaviour agreed
amongst groups of users or laid down by commercial
organizations that provide a service or social networking
environment. The intertwining of State and private regulation is
both inevitable and necessary to provide real-time solutions to
millions of online customers and consumers.
Another part of the framework for considering law on the
internet can be taken from the writing of Cooney and Lang [32].
They describe the recent development of learning-centred
alternatives to traditional command-and-control regulatory
frameworks, variously described as experimentalist
governance, reflexive governance, or new governance.
Elements of these approaches contribute to what Cooney and
Lang call adaptive governance. In this way all the sources of
governance; user choice, code, private and state regulation, are
all in constant flux as they both influence each other and
improve and change overtime.
Online crimes with real world impact and risks should be
under the remit of the traditional and appropriate enforcement
agencies. This would include child pornography, online
grooming of children, identity theft and appropriate hacking
activities. However, in many cases the line is blurred, such as if a
virtual attack is interpreted as an actual threat against the victim
in real life. If an item is stolen in a virtual world, and the item
can be judged to have an actual monetary value in real life, then
it may also be possible to prosecute the thief in real life [33].
However, the line between a real life crime, and one which is
purely virtual, is less coherent when the damages caused to the
victim are emotional or psychological in nature, without any
physical or monetary harm being caused. It is for these cases in
particular that legal systems need to consider what the most
appropriate course of action should be.
Policing of virtual worlds would most likely need to be
unique to each world, if only because different worlds have
differing social norms and definitions of acceptable and
unacceptable behaviours. For example, players in an online war
game such as Battlefield are unlikely to need a legal recourse if
their avatar is killed when they lose, especially when the avatars
come back to life after a short time. However, if the same
virtual murder occurred in an online world aimed at young
children, it would obviously be much less acceptable. With this
in mind, should it be obligatory for the creator of each virtual
world to put in place a strict set of laws or regulations outlining
what is and is not acceptable in the world, and ensuring that the
virtual world is patrolled sufficiently well to ensure that all
wrongdoings are observed and punished appropriately. An
alternative is to make cybersocieties mirrors of the real world,
where the police rely greatly on the citizens of the relevant
society to report misconduct. On the other hand, this approach
may also be open to abuse as one or more players could make
unfounded allegations against another.
The punishment of virtual crime is often framed by a
restorative justice approach. This refers to processes involving
mediation between the offender and the victim [34]. Rather than
focusing on the criminal activity itself, it focuses on the harm
caused by the crime, and more specifically, the victims of the
crime. It often involves a mediated meeting between the victim
and the offender, where both are allowed to express sentiments
and explanations, and the offender is given the opportunity to
apologize. The aims of restorative justice are a satisfied victim,
an offender who feels that they have been fairly dealt with, and
reintegration of the community, rather than financial
compensation or specific punishment. If the mediation does not
meet the satisfaction of all involved, alternative punishments can
then be considered. It would appear that the restorative justice
approach is ideally suited for many virtual crimes as it allows the
victim to feel that they have been heard, while allowing the
community to remain cohesive. However, it should be noted that
not all victims of real life crimes have felt satisfied by the
process [35], and so in some online cases it may be inadequate or
fail to satisfy those involved. It has been argued that virtual
punishment is the appropriate recourse for crimes which occur in
an online community [36]. In theft cases where the item has a
real world value, then it may be possible in some jurisdictions
to enforce a real world punishment also perhaps a fine or a
prison term.
Victims of real-life offences normally have relatively
straightforward procedures available to them for the reporting of
criminal offences. In online worlds, the reporting procedure is
less clear, and the user may need to invest time and energy to
determine how to report their experience. Although many online
worlds have procedures for reporting misconduct, these are not
always found to be satisfactory by victims if they wish to report
more serious offences [23]. Similarly, reporting the occurrence
to the administrators of the online world alone may not meet the
victims need for retribution, especially if they feel that they
have experienced real-world harm because of the virtual crime.
In those cases, the victim may prefer to approach the real-world
authorities. To aid victims in this regard, many online worlds
need to be clearer about their complaints procedures, and the
possible outcomes of this. They may also need to be clearer
about the possible repercussions of reporting virtual crimes to
real world authorities.
Victims of real world crimes receive varying degrees of
emotional, financial and legal aid, depending on the offence
which occurred. In some cases, this aid is provided through
charitable organizations, such as Victim Support, sometimes
through government organizations, and also through informal
supports such as family and friends. Financial aid is probably the
least applicable to victims of virtual crime, as although theft of
property can occur, it is unlikely to result in severe poverty for
the victim. Also, because items with a designated real-world
value are starting to be considered by real-world authorities,
there is some possibility of financial recompense. Legal aid, both
in terms of the provision of a lawyer and in terms of help in
understanding the court system, can also be provided to real
world victims. The legal situation is somewhat less clear for
victims of virtual crimes, particularly where the punishment is
meted out in the virtual world. But from the cases which have
been publicized to date, it appears that the greatest need for
assistance that online victims have is for emotional support. In
some cases victims have sought this from other members of the
online community, but the evidence of victim-blaming for virtual
crimes which is apparent to date may result in increased upset
for victims, instead of alleviating their distress.
Cybersocieties have largely been making the rules up as they
go, trying to deal with individual cases of virtual crime or anti-
social behaviour, often without the action being criminalized in
the community beforehand. In some cases this has been
relatively successful, but in others victims of virtual offences
appear to experience quite serious emotional reactions to their
victimization, with limited acceptance of their reaction from
others. With increasing numbers of both children and adults
joining multiple online communities, it is important that
adequate protection is provided to the cybercitizen.
These ideas of variable ethics (providing choice in online
value system), soft law and adaptive governance offer lessons to
the notion of a structure of laws for the internet. Systems of
informal rules which may not be binding but have effect though
a shared understanding of their benefits. Adaptable law which is
flexible and open to change as knowledge develops. Agreements
which include States and non-state actors, and which involve
both the citizen and business. Soft law offers lessons on
continuous learning in a changing environment, resulting in an
evolving system of law and ethics and will pose increasing
challenges to states, individuals and systems of justice.
Further work into the humanity or otherwise of avatars in
virtual worlds and the connection a user feels towards their
avatar is important when considering the ethical response of
users to each other. Further research also needs to be conducted
in order to determine how widespread virtual crime actually is,
and to establish how severely most victims react to it. The
factors which lead to more severe reactions should then be
identified. If virtual crime is determined to be a serious problem,
with substantial effects on victims, then a greater focus needs to
be placed on how online communities deal with this problem,
and if legislation needs to be changed to reflect the
psychological and emotional consequences of victimization. It
should also be established if there are distinct or unique motives
for online crime which do not apply to offline crime and how
can these be combated.
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Facebook's user: product of the network or 'craft
Ekaterina Netchitailova
Abstract. There is an ongoing debate about the role of the users
of Facebook within the network. On the one hand, the user of
Facebook can be seen as a 'product' of the network and a free
labour force working for Facebook for free, but on the other
hand, the same user can be seen as a 'craft consumer',
participating in the 'trickery' within the network as well as taking
part in making policy of Facebook, as the failed initiative of
Beacon demonstrates. The role of the user within the network is
usually analysed either by using critical Internet Theory (critical
studies of communication, as advanced by Fuchs, 2008, 2010,
2011) where the user emerges as a 'prosumer commodity', a
commodity which is produced, sold and consumed, or through
'celebratory media studies', where the user is seen as an active
agent who takes an active role in making Facebook. Both these
approaches tend to be either very optimistic or pessimistic in
looking at the role of the user within such a network as
Facebook. However, a new approach is needed which
encompasses both views. We propose in this paper to go back to
the notion of a 'craft consumer' as proposed by Cambell (2005)
[1] where the user is crafting things he consumes, including
Facebook's usage.
Facebook is many different things: it is a useful tool to stay in
touch, a platform for organising groups and petitions, a means to
portray oneself in an 'interesting' way and Facebook is also
ultimately a corporation, and whose main drive is profit.
The way we choose to look at Facebook determines the way
we analyse the role of the user of Facebook. Take Facebook and
its greeting which says 'Facebook helps you to connect and share
with the people in your life', and Facebook emerges indeed as a
wonderful tool, which helps us to find lost classmates, stay in
touch with friends and organise all kinds of events. Here
Facebook emerges as a Web 2.0 tool, where users are not only
consumers of the content but also are its creators.
However, if we look at Facebook as a corporation, another
picture can be drawn. Facebook is ultimately a capitalistic
structure, pursuing profit and with a dubious privacy policy. As
the privacy policy of Facebook says: "For content that is covered by
intellectual property rights, like photos and videos ('IP content') you
specifically give us the following permission, subject to your privacy and
application settings: you grant us a non-exclusive permission, subject to
your privacy and application settings: you grant us a non-exclusive,
transferable, sub-licensable, royalty-free, worldwide license to use any IP
content that you post on or in connection with Facebook ('IP licence').
This IP licence ends when you delete your IP content or your account
Dept. of Sociology, Sheffield Hallam University, S1 1WB, UK.
Email: [email protected]
unless your content has been shared with others, and they have not
deleted it." ( [2]
We can also find the following paragraph:
"When you access Facebook from a computer, mobile phone, or other
device, we may collect information from that device about your browser
type, location, and IP address, as well as the pages you visit."
This means that Facebook collects information about us. It
can also sell information about us to advertisers, and here the
user emerges as someone who is used and actually works for free
for Facebook.
These two views on Facebook are reflected in the current
research on Facebook. On the one hand we have what can be
called 'celebratory cultural studies' (Fuchs, 2011) [3], led by such
researchers as boyd (2008,2010) [4] and Jenkins (2006) [5] and
which view online social networks as spaces for community-
building, friendship formation and autonomous spaces where
people can have 'fun' and take an active part in network's
creation. Here the user is seen as an active agent who
participates in the art of making of everyday life, including his
involvement with Facebook. On the other hand, however, we
have critical studies of communication, led by Fuchs (2008,
2010, 2011) which see online social networks as sites of
domination and oppression, where user is used for the purposes
of the corporation.
Both of these views do not interact with each other in the
current analysis of online social network and as a result an
important part of the analysis is missing. By focussing only on
the user we miss the societal aspects of the network, its macro-
context and how it is shaped by capitalism. But by focussing
only on the oppressive side of an online social network, we miss
the perspective of the user and the concept of 'joy' and
'playfulness' within the network. As Dwayne Winseck argues in
his discussion with Christian Fuchs (2011), by reducing media
and communication to instruments of domination there is a
danger to overlook the links between communication and media
and pleasure and joy.
We think that in the analysis of such a network as Facebook,
it is important to look at both how the user is 'exploited' by
Facebook, by underlying the capitalistic structure of Facebook
but also at how the user makes Facebook 'his own', reworks it
and has fun with it. We propose to look at Facebook's user as a
'craft consumer', who not only consumes the content on
Facebook but also participates in making 'craft' out of it.
2 Facebook as Web 2.0
Facebook can be seen as a part of Web 2.0/Web 3.0 where users
are not only consumers of the content but also are its creators.
In the first phase of the development of the Internet, World Wide
Web was dominated by hyperlinked textual structures, called
Web 1.0. It is characterized by text-based sites and is mostly a
system of cognition. (Fuchs, 2008) [6] However, with the rise of
such sites as Youtube, MySpace and Facebook, both
communication and cooperation became important features of
the Web. The Web characterized by communication is called
Web 2.0. Web 3.0, on the other hand, is not only communicative
but also cooperative. An example of Web 3.0 is Wikipedia,
where everyone can participate in the creation of the content.
Thus, Fuchs says that Web 1.0 (where we mostly read the text
but do not participate) is a tool for thought, Web 2.0 is a medium
for human communication and Web 3.0 technologies "are
networked digital technologies that support human cooperation."
(Fuchs, 2008, p. 127)
The main thought associated with Web 2.0 platforms is that
people take a more pro-active approach in their creation.
Jenkins in his 'Convergence Culture' (2006) talks about three
new trends which have been shaping media lately. These are
media convergence, participatory culture and collective
By media convergence he means that today the content flows
across multiple media platforms, different media industries
cooperate with one another and media audiences have a greater
choice about where to seek content. An example of media
convergence on Facebook would be many posts of users where
they provide links to different sites, including Youtube or CNN.
This permits the user to get different kind of news and
information and raises awareness about issues which otherwise
would have remained unknown.
An example of media convergence would be Obama's
presidential campaign in 2008.
The use of different media outlets and especially of online social
networks was central to the election win. Obama used Twitter
and Facebook, blogs and video-sharing sites including YouTube,
to spread his political views and rally supporters. Staff of Obama
directly responded to voters' questions about Obama's policies
and views via social networking sites. As Ranjit Mathoda wrote
on his blog: "Senator Barack Obama understood that you
could use the Web to lower the cost of building a political brand,
create a sense of connection and engagement, and dispense with
the command and control method of governing to allow people
to self-organize to do the work." (from [7]
In April 2010 President Obama announced that he was seeking
re-election to the highest office via YouTube video.
By participatory culture Jenkins means that people today are
actively participating in the creation of media content.
"Rather than talking about media producers and consumers as
occupying separate roles, we might now see them as
participants who interact with each other according to a new
set of rules that none of fully understands." (Jenkins, 2006, p.
And by collective intelligence Jenkins means that the
consumption of media has become a collective process, where
producers and consumers of media work side by side.
"Convergence requires media companies to rethink old
assumptions about what it means to consume media,
assumptions that shape both programming and marketing
decisions. If old consumers were assumed to be passive, the
new consumers are active. If old consumers were predictable
and stayed where you told them to stay, then new consumers
are migratory, showing a declining loyalty to networks or
media. If old consumers were isolated individuals, the new
consumers are more socially connected. If the work of media
consumers was once silent and invisible, the new consumers
are now noisy and public." (Jenkins H., 2006, p. 19)
Jenkins gives an example of the reality show 'Survivor' whose
viewers created an online forum, serving as an important
platform for discussing the show, but also on some instances as a
catalyst of changes in the show itself and as an important
exchange of learning between viewers on different issues, not
necessary limited to the show.
Thus, according to Jenkins, despite the increasing influence of
big corporations, consumers and audiences can still play an
active role in the cultural formation.
The example of active audience on Facebook can be seen in the
reaction of its users to some of the initiatives taken by
Facebook's owners.
On November 6, 2007 Facebook launched Beacon, a
controversial social advertising system, that sent data from
external websites to Facebook, allegedly in order to allow
targeted advertisements and so that users could share activities
with their friends.
However, as soon as it was launched it created considerable
controversy, due to privacy concerns. People did not want the
information about their purchases on the Internet to appear on
Facebook's news feed for everyone to see. There was a story
about a guy who had bought an engagement ring for his
girlfriend, planned as a surprise, but this news appeared on
Facebook for everyone to see. As this person complained:
"I purchased a diamond engagement ring set from overstock
in preparation for a New Year's surprise for my girlfriend.
Please note that this was something meant to be very special,
and also very private at this point (for obvious reasons).
Within hours, I received a shocking call from one of my best
friends of surprise and "congratulations" for getting
Imagine my horror when I learned that overstock had
published the details of my purchase (including a link to the
item and its price) on my public Facebook news feed, as well
as notifications to all of my friends. ALL OF MY FRIENDS,
including my girlfriend, and all of her friends, etc..."
encounter.html) [8]
That same month a civic action group created a
Facebook group and online petition asking Facebook not to
publish users' activity from other websites without explicit
permission from a user. In ten days the group had 50,000
members. Facebook changed Beacon so that users had first to
approve any information from external websites appearing on
their news feed. However, it was found that the information from
external websites was still collected by Facebook which
provoked further controversy and angry reactions from
Facebook's users.
In response Facebook announced in December that people could
opt out of Beacon and Mark Zuckerberg apologized to
Facebook's users.
As Scott Karp remarks in his article 'Facebook Beacon: A
Cautionary Tale About New Media Monopolies' (2007) [9] the
whole story with Beacon is much more interesting and important
to the evolution of media than simply the reason why Beacon did
not work.
Previously media companies could have complete control over
their content. Even if we do not like advertisements on TV, we
still watch the TV. Media companies have complete control over
a TV channel, where a consumer has a little choice. However,
with the advance of the Internet, the user has also a control over
the content. The nature of monopoly has changed. Facebook is
not really a monopoly, it simply has high switching costs.
"So Facebook got caught in the perfect storm of believing it
had a monopoly - when it didn't - and having the
unprecedented technical capacity to abuse the privilege that it
didn't actually haveIt may well be that natural monopolies
in media which drove the media business for the last century -
are dead. And without monopoly control, you don't have
license to exploit your audience, i.e. your users." (Scott Karp,
2007, from
retrieved on 12.02.2011)
Beacon initiative showed that Facebook users want to have a say
in how Facebook was run.
3 Facebook as corporation
While the initiative with Beacon was successfully sabotaged by
Facebook's users, the participation of Facebook's users in how
the site is run is not a straightforward one. When, in 2010,
Facebook changed its privacy settings, many users started to
complain, but the network effectively ignored the complaints and
maintained the changes. This shows that Facebook as
corporation makes the final decision about how it is run and its
privacy policy clearly shows that data of users is used for
advertisements purposes. Information on Facebook posted by its
users provides invaluable knowledge to many corporations
(including Facebook itself) and companies. Thrift (2005) [10]
talks about knowledge economy, which underlines the current
capitalistic society, where "knowledges that are transmitted
through gossip and small talk which often prove surprisingly
important are able to be captured and made into opportunities for
profit." (Beer, 2008, p. 523) [11]
On Facebook we engage constantly with gossip and small talk
and this can be used by many companies to target their
And this leads to the following question. Are we indeed
customers of Facebook or are we simply its product, as Andrew
Brown asks rightly in his article "Facebook is not your friend."
"Anyone who supposes that Facebook's users are its customer
has got the business model precisely backwards. Users pay
nothing, because we aren't customers, but product. The
customers are the advertisers to whom Facebook sells the
information users hand over, knowingly or not. " (Brown A.,
Even games and quizzes can be regarded as another tool to
collect more information about us. Almost everything on
Facebook is a means to harvest data about its users and
therefore, Facebook is much more complicated than a wonderful
tool to stay in touch with people. It is also a powerful advertising
machine, a sophisticated business model, and the exchange on
Facebook is two-sided. We get a tool to communicate with our
friends, while in exchange we provide information about
ourselves, which can be used by the government, advertising
agencies, market research companies and Facebook itself.
Alvin Toffler (1980) coined the term prosumer within
information society. Axel Bruns (2007) [13] applied this term to
new media and coined the term produsers - where users become
producers of digital knowledge and technology.
"Produsage, then, can be roughly defined as a mode of
collaborative content creation which is led by users or at least
crucially involves users as producers - where, in other words,
the user acts as a hybrid user/producer, virtually throughout
the production process." (Bruns, 2007, p 3)
As Trebor Scholz (2010) [14] argues, we produce economic
value for Facebook mainly in three ways: 1. providing
information for advertisers, 2. providing unpaid services and
volunteer work, and 3. providing numerous data for researchers
and marketers.
Providing unpaid services and volunteer work is especially
interesting, as Facebook basically users the labour of Facebook
users for free. Scholz mentions that many Facebook users
provide willingly their time and energy for Facebook use. The
example is the translation application, where users translate
Facebook into different languages totally for free. Roughly ten
thousand people participated in the application which allowed
the Facebook to be read and used in many languages, besides
As Fuchs says:
"If users become productive, then in terms of Marxian class
theory this means that they also produce surplus value and are
exploited by capital as for Marx productive labour is labour
generating surplus. Therefore the exploitation of surplus
value in cases like Google, YouTube, MySpace, or Facebook
is not merely accomplished by those who are employed by
these corporations for programming, updating, and
maintaining the soft- and hardware, performing marketing
activities, and so on, but by wage labour and produsers who
engage in the production of user-generated content." (Fuchs,
Ch., 2009, p. 30) [15]
Users of Facebook also provide data and content for the site,
making it more appealing for use, through photos, comments,
etc. One of the strategies employed by such corporations as
Facebook is to lure the users through the promise of free service,
who in turn produce content. This content, in turn, is sold to
third-party advertisers.
Maurizo Lazzarato introduced the term 'immaterial labour',
which means "labour that produces the informational and
cultural content of the commodity." (Lazzarato M., 1996, p. 133)
[16] This term was popularized by Michael Hardt and Antonio
Negri who said that immaterial labour is labour "that creates
immaterial products, such as knowledge, information,
communication, a relationship, or an emotional response." (in
Fuchs Ch., 2011, p. 299) [17] For them the main purpose of
immaterial labour is to create communication, social relations
and cooperation. Knowledge produced by this way would be
exploited by capital. "The common () has become the locus of
surplus value. Exploitation is the private appropriation of part or
all of the value that has been produced as common." ( in Fuchs
Ch., 2011, p. 299) [18]
As Fuchs explains the Internet is part for the commons because
all humans need to communicate in order to exist. But, as he
continues, "the actual reality of the Internet is that large parts of
it are controlled by corporations and 'immaterial' online labour is
exploited and turned into surplus value in the form of the
advertising-based Internet prosumer commodity." (Fuchs, 2011,
p. 299) [19]
Fuchs actually prefers the term 'knowledge labour' since
'immaterial labour' might mean that there are two substances of
the world - matter and mind.
Knowledge labour is the labour that works for free in the Internet
"The concept of free labour has gained particular importance
with the rise of web 2.0 in which capital is accumulated by
providing free access. Accumulation here is dependent on the
number of users and the content they provide. They are not
paid for the content, but the more content and the more users
join the more profit can be made by advertisements. Hence
the users are exploited - they produce digital content for free
in non-wage labour relationship." (Fuchs, 2011, p. 299) [20]
Capitalism's imperative is to accumulate more capital. In order to
achieve this, capitalists either have to prolong the working day
(then it is called absolute value production) or to increase the
productivity of labour (relative surplus value production).
(Fuchs, 2011) In the case of relative surplus value production
productivity is increased so that more commodities and more
surplus value are produced in the same period as previously.
Targeted Internet advertising can be called relative surplus value
production. The advertisements are produced by advertising
company's wage workers but also by users of the online social
networks, whose content in the profiles and transaction data is
used to make advertisements. Users also produce content for free
for Facebook itself, and thus, provide unpaid labour, which
Fuchs terms also 'play-labour'. (Fuchs, 2011). Users use such
sites as entertainment mainly and usually in their free time. But
without realizing it, in their free time they actually continue
working for free for numerous Internet sites, by posting
comments, updating profiles and by buying and selling things.
However, our argument is that the relationship between
Facebook and its users is more complicated than seeing
Facebook as 'exploiting' its users. Most users to whom I talked
do not mind that Facebook sells their data to advertisers,
provided it treats them with respect and does not intervene with
their activities on the network. Moreover, numerous examples of
'trickery' and 'dtournement' on Facebook can be seen as a
response of users to Facebook's policy and as a demonstration
that users of Facebook do not embrace Facebook without
thinking but reflect about what it means and what Facebook
4 'Trickery' on Facebook
Vejby and Wittkower in "Facebook and Philosophy" (2010) [21]
talk about how users approach actively the culture around us
through what they call 'dtournement', which "refers to the
subversion of pre-existing artistic productions by altering them,
giving them a new meaning and placing them with a new
context." (Vejby &Wittkower, 2010, p. 104)
They give an example of how users reacted to the privacy
changes announced by Facebook by approaching changes
ironically and through a play of words. They quoted also my
status update in their chapter:
"Ekaterina Netchitailova if you don't know, as of today, Facebook will
automatically index all your info on Google, which allows everyone to
view it. To change this option, go to Settings - -> Privacy Settings -->
Search - -> then UN-CLICK the box that says 'Allow indexing'.
Facebook kept this one quiet. Copy and paste onto your status for all
your friends ASAP." (Wittkower, 2010, p. 105)
After this status update another one follows from a different
"David Graf If you don't know, as of today, Facebook will automatically
start plunging the Earth into the Sun. To change this option, go to
Settings - -> Planetary Settings - -> Trajectory then UN-CLICK the box
that says 'Apocalypse'. Facebook kept this one quiet. Copy and paste
onto your status for all to see." (Wittkower D, 2010, p. 105)
And shortly afterwards another update appears:
"Dale Miller If you don't, as of today, Facebook staff will be allowed to
eat your children and pets. To turn this option off, go to Settings - ->
Privacy Settings - -> then Meals. Click the top two boxes to prevent the
employees of Facebook from eating your beloved children and pets.
Copy this to your status to warn your friends." (Wittkower, 2010, p.
One of my friends posted the following status update:
"WARNING: New privacy issue with Facebook! As of tomorrow,
Facebook will creep into your bathroom when you're in the shower,
smack your arse, and then steal your clothes and towel. To change this
option, go to Privacy Settings > Personal Settings > Bathroom Settings >
Smacking and Stealing Settings, and uncheck the Shenanigans box.
Facebook kept this one quiet. Copy and paste on your status to alert the
This playful interchange allows Facebook's users to actively
react to Facebook's policy and approach media content as active
"This kind of play may be silly, but it is significant. Of
course, we should be concerned about privacy and Google-
indexing of our Facebook posts, but the sense of participation
and playful ridicule helps us to approach the media and
culture around as active agents rather than passive recipients.
It may not be the fullest from of political agency, but it's an
indication of the kind of active irony which online culture is
absolutely full of, and represents a kind of resistance and
subversion." (Vejby& Wittkower, 2010, p. 105-106) [22]
There are many other examples of dtournement on Facebook
which demonstrate that users (at least some) think about
Facebook and make 'fun' of it. One example is a group which is
dedicated to art and has a special photo folder with references to
Facebook as a part of culture and everyday life.
For instance, there is one picture which says:
Do you want to make money from Facebook? It's easy. Just go
to your Account settings, deactivate your account and go to
Another picture makes fun of the relationship status of
Facebook. The text on the picture, on which a man and a woman
lie in bed, shows their discussion in the following way: The
woman says: So? Is this it? Are we a couple now?, the man
replies: I don't know...I like this...I just...I don't know... to
which the woman says: Well...Will you be my 'It's complicated
on Facebook?'
And there is another picture which shows a woman in front of
the computer with a text which says: Now I have 3250
friends...I can share with them my solitude.
These instances of the playful use of Facebook might appear as
silly, but they have an important point. They show that people, in
their own way, not only make fun of Facebook but also reflect
on the issues related to Facebook: its association with a waste of
time, its influence on how we view friendships and community,
and the fact that any activity on Facebook (like a status update or
a new relationship status) is taken seriously by our Facebook
This dtournement is actually an example of 'excorporation'
discussed by John Fiske (1989) [23]. For him excorporation is
the process by which the subordinate make their own culture
out of the resources and commodities provided by the dominant
system, and this is central to popular culture, for in an industrial
society, the only resources from which the subordinate can make
their own subcultures are those provided by the system that
subordinates them. There is no 'authentic' folk culture to provide
an alternative, and so popular culture is necessary the art of
making do with what is available. This means that the study of
popular culture requires the study not only of the cultural
commodities out of which it is made, but also of the ways that
people use them. The latter are far more creative and varied than
the former. (Fiske, 1989, p. 15)
Fiske gives an example of the commodity of jeans. Jeans are a
perfect product of capitalism, many brands compete with each
other to sell it to people and jeans are one of the most wearable
item. But there are ways in which people, while still wearing
them, manage to give an oppositional meaning to jeans, by
'debranding' them -by tie-dying them, bleaching irregularly or
wearing them in a particular way. Another example that he gives
is that of advertisements. We are constantly bombarded by
advertisements from all corners in late capitalism, but people
manage to turn advertisements into popular art, by playing with
them and reworking them. For instance, children in Australia
changed a 1982 beer commercial into a playground rhyme by
singing: How do you feel when you're are having a fuck, under
a truck, and the truck rolls off? I feel like a Tooheys, I feel like a
Tooheys, I feel like a Tooheys or two. (Fiske, 1989, p. 31)
Fiske reminds us of the 'trickery' term used by de Certeau, which
is at the heart of popular culture:
The actual order of things is precisely what 'popular' tactics
turn to their own ends, without any illusion that it will change
any time soon. Though elsewhere it is exploited by a
dominant power or simply denied by an ideological discourse,
here order is tricked by an art. Into the institution to be served
are thus insinuated styles of social exchange, technical
inventions and moral resistance, that is, an economy of the
'gift' (generosities, for which one expects a return), an
aesthetics of 'tricks' (artists' operations) and an ethics of
tenacity (countless ways of refusing to accord the established
order the status of a law, a meaning or a fatality. (in Fiske,
1989, p. 38)
The examples of playful interpretation of Facebook, like for
instance, a picture which says: I once had a life...when some
idiot came and told me to make a Facebook account or a text
which says: Spending a day on Facebook has once again fooled
me into believing I have an actual social life can be seen as an
example of such excorporation or trickery on Facebook, as well
numerous groups which actually discuss Facebook as
corporation and compare it to Panopticon. These examples
demonstrate that the creativity of popular culture lies not in the
production of commodities so much as in the productive use of
industrial commodities. The art of people is the art of 'making
do'. The culture of everyday life lies in the creative,
discriminating use of the resources that capitalism provides.
(Fiske, 1989, p. 28)
The user of Facebook then emerges as not only as a commodity,
working for free for Facebook, but as a 'craft consumer' (Beer
2010, Cambell, 2005) [24], a consumer as defined by Colin
Cambell, who has an active approach to the culture around him
and participates in its creation. The definition proposed by
Cambell rejects any suggestion that the contemporary consumer
is simply the helpless puppet of external forces. (Cambell,
2005. p. 24) [25] but an active agent involved in choosing the
culture around him in a creative way. Then the power within
Facebook is not only the power of Facebook as a corporation and
the power of groups of individuals to create groups to oppose the
regime and status-quo, but also the power to be creative.
Building profiles (while according to some categories as defined
by Facebook) is then a creative and in a way a powerful act.
Putting status updates and talking with friends is an act of
freedom, freedom to conduct one's everyday life as one sees fit.
5 Conclusion
The relationship between Facebook and its users is not a
straightforward one. On the one hand, the user of Facebook can
be seen as its product working for free for corporation, but, on
the other hand, the same user can be seen as a 'craft consumer'
actively engaging with the content of the network and 'having
fun' with it.
So far, most studies either focus on the positive aspects of the
network or the negative ones. However, a new direction is
needed where critical theory of communication and media
studies would incorporate popular culture for the analysis of
such networks as Facebook in this society.
[1] C. Cambell, 'The Craft Consumer: Culture, Craft and Consumption in
a Postmodern Society', Journal of Consumer Culture 5 (1): 23-42
[3] Ch. Fuchs & D. Winseck, 'Critical Media and Communication
Studies Today. A Conversation,' TripleC 9(2): 247-271, (2011)
[4]D. boyd, Taken out of context: American Teen Sociality in
Networked Publics. PhD thesis. (2010)
[5] H. Jenkins, Convergence Culture: where old and new media collide,
New York, University Press (2006)
[6] Ch. Fuchs, Internet and Society. Social Theory in the Information
Age. Routledge. New York, London, (2008)
[9] S. Karp, Facebook Beacon: A Cautionary Tale About New Media
Monopolies. In, December 3, 2007.
[10] N. Thrift, Knowing Capitalism, Sage Publications. (2005)
[11] D. Beer, 'Social network(ing) sitesrevisiting the story so far: A
response to danah boyd & Nicole Ellison', Journal of Computer-
Mediated Communication, 13, pp. 516-529. (2008)
[12] A. Brown, 'Facebook is not your friend', in
cebook-not-your-friend) (2010)
[13] A. Bruns, Produsage, generation C, and their effects on the
process. In Proceedings of the conference: Media in transition 5, MIT,
Boston., (2007)
[14] T. Scholz, Facebook as Playground and Factory, in Facebook and
Philosophy, D. Wittkower (ed.), Carus Publishing Company, (2010)
[15] Ch. Fuchs, '
Web 2.0, Prosumption, and Surveillance', Surveillance
& Society 8(3), 288-309, (2009)
[16] M. Lazzarato, Immaterial Labour. In Radical thought in Italy,
Virno, P and Hardt, M (eds), 133-146, Minneapolis, MN: University of
Minnesota Press
[17] Ch. Fuchs, '
Web 2.0, Prosumption, and Surveillance', Surveillance
& Society 8(3), 288-309, (2011)
[18] see [17]
[19] see [17]
[20] see [17]
[21] R. Vejby & D. Wittkower, Spectacle 2.0?, in D. Wittkower, (ed)
Facebook and Philosophy. Carus Publishing Company, (2010)
[22] see [21]
[23] J. Fiske, Understanding Popular Culture, Routledge, (1989)
[24] D. Beer, 'Consumption, Prosumption and Participatory Web
Cultures: An introduction', Journal of Consumer Culture, 10:3, (2010)
[25] C. Cambell, The Craft Consumer: Culture, Craft and Consumption
in a postmodern Society. In Journal of Consumer Culture, vol. 5, no. 1,
23-42. 920050
Resorts behind the Construction of the Expositional Self
on Facebook
Greti Iulia Ivana
Abstract. The concept of self presentation, as developed by
Goffman, has had a decisive influence on the literature about
social networking sites. In the current paper, I explore some
implications of what Hogan describes as a shift from
presentation to exposure of the self, a phenomenon which is
specific to the online environment. rawing from !ourdieu and
!audrillard, I argue that the consumption practices, or more
broadly, the lifestyle that the users expose through "acebook are
a tool for the ob#ectification and promotion of the self to a
specific reference group.
Keyords! self, presentation, exhibition, ob#ectification,
Goffman, !ourdieu.
" I#$R%&'C$I%#
The fast development of social network websites in the last %
years has drawn the attention of researchers trying to explain
their success and explore their implications. !y far the fastest
expanding such site is "acebook, counting an impressive &''
million active members in (anuary $'11. )ome of the key
features that I believe individuali*e this network are the custom
of presenting information that makes the user identifiable +such
as real name and elo,uent pictures- and the general tendency of
creating a social network that comprises mainly of people with
whom the user has had face to face interactions. Given the
atypical amount of self disclosure as compared to most of the
online environment and the strong link with the offline social
universe, "acebook has been analy*ed through the lens of
Goffman.s /10 work, and particularly, 1The 2resentation of the
)elf In 3veryday 4ife5. The profile is often regarded as a scene,
while the action of sharing certain information becomes a way of
Goffman.s /10 metaphor of the dramaturgy of everyday life
draws from the premise that individuals take up different roles in
order to create an ideali*ed version of their selves. These roles
vary according to different contexts and according to what the
audience expects as appropriate behaviour. In this context, he
makes a distinction between 1expressions given and expressions
given off5, where the latter consists of uncontrolled
manifestations of the 1true self5. However, one key element in
Goffman.s/10 theory is how actions are bounded in space and
time and oriented towards specific goals. Goffman /10 described
these specific settings in terms of 1front region5 and the 1back
region5. In the front stage, we are trying to present an ideali*ed
version of the self according to a specific role6 to be an
Information and 7nowledge )ociety doctoral candidate at the Internet
Interdisciplinary Institute, 8pen 9niversity of :atalunya,, ;oc !oronat
11, :.2. '<'1< !arcelona, 3mail6 [email protected]
appropriate server, lecturer, audience member, and so forth. The
back= stage, as Goffman /10 says, is 1a place, relative to a given
performance, where the impression fostered by the performance
is knowingly contradicted as a matter of course5 +p. 11$-.
The audience circumscribes those who observe a given actor
and monitor his performance. >ore succinctly, these are those
for whom one 1puts on a front.5 This front consists of the
selective details that one presents in order to foster the desired
impression alongside the unintentional details that are given off
as part of the performance. >oreover, a front involves the
continual ad#ustment of self=presentation based on the presence
of others. The key point here is that individuals put on specific
fronts and modify said fronts because of the sustained
observation of an audience.
( G%FF)A# A#& S%CIA* #E$+%RKI#G
Goffman has often been used as a theoretical framework for the
study of )?).s. !y )?).s I mean sites defined by combination
of features that allow individuals to +1- construct a public or
semi= public profile within a bounded system, +$- articulate a list
of other users with whom they share a connection, and +@- view
and traverse their list of connections and those made by others
within the system/$0.
A common idea of articles about )?).s is that individuals use
this tool to employ impression management +or the selective
disclosure of personal details designed to present an ideali*ed
self-. Authors who use Goffman in this manner include6 !oyd B
Heer /@0C 4ampe et al. /D0, Hewitt and "orte/%0, 4ewis et al /&0,
Tufekci /E0. Fhen regarding "acebook in this perspective, I find
Hogan.s/<0 criti,ue to be of utmost significance. He discusses
the dichotomy between performance as an ephemeral act and
recorded performance and points out that a recorded
performance can be taken out of its original context and be
played in another setting. He argues that everyday life is now
replete with reproductions of the self and those reproductions
lack the aura of the original, #ust as it happens with artwork.
Thus, he introduces the exhibitional approach, which is specific
to sites where users are not necessarily copresent in time. These
sites re,uire a third party to store data for later interaction, which
places the analysis in a different *one from the focus of
Goffman.s work.
A second important distinction Hogan/<0 makes is between
information which is addressed and information which is
submitted. 8n )?).s, the information shared is not bound to a
specific audience. :omputers take up the function curators have
in an art exhibition, while users are e,uated to artefacts, as they
can be filtered and searched.
I consider Hogan.s/<0 analysis of the presentation vs.
exhibition of the self in )?).s to be very accurate, as I also
completely adhere to the distinction he points out between actor
and artefact. "urthermore, I believe this distinction to have very
deep implications on the construction of the self in and through
online environments. If we conceptuali*e dramaturgical
performance as a means for the presentation of the self, to what
end does replacing the performance with an exhibition leadG I
believe the crucial point of this shift, which Hogan/<0 indirectly
touches upon, is the ob#ectification of the self. And, although
fostered by the exhibition=like setting, this process of
ob#ectification has gone beyond the possibility to filter
information or to search for certain individuals according to a
series of criteria. It is now a mechanism that users have
internali*ed and they put a certain effort into directing it towards
a desired finished good. They are aware of the exhibition they
are letting themselves be placed in, and are trying to determine
their exact position through the information they share, or in
other words, through the artefact they become.
, I)-*ICA$I%#S %F E./I0I$E& SE*1ES
I believe that one of the main ways in which users expose
themselves to the ob#ectification that "acebook employs and at
the same time contribute to it is through consumption. 3xtending
". de )aussure.s linguistic structuralism, !audrillard /H0 argues
that consumption is a way to differentiate ourselves socially, a
result of the need not for a particular ob#ect due to its intrinsic
value +as in classic >arxist theory-, but a need for social
difference and meaning. )ome of the main components of users.
profiles are related to their taste in music, movies or books. "rom
this point of view, "acebook can also be seen as an accurate
application of !ourdieu.s theory of social distance. 3ach user
interprets what he likes or what others like as indicators of,
broadly speaking, social prestige. !ourdieu /1'0 explains6
1!ecause different conditions of existence produce different
habitus= systems of generative schemes applicable, by simple
transfer, to the most varied arias of practice, the practices
engaged by different habitus appear as systematic configurations
of properties expressing the differences ob#ectively inscribed in
conditions of existence in the form of systems of differential
deviations which, when perceived by agents endowed with
schemes of perception and appreciation necessary in order to
identify, interpret, evaluate their pertinent features, function as
life styles.5 It is due to these systematic configurations that
"acebook, and all )?).s for that matter, are so successful.
Information about what one does around the clock, what books
he reads, what movies he watches, who he talks to and what they
talk about is not interesting in itself, but it becomes interesting as
a tool for systemati*ation. >oreover, I am skeptical of the
explanation that comes at hand, about people finding pleasure in
gossip. 3ven unbar.s /110 grooming explanation of gossip as
the human version of social grooming in primates seems to have
limited applicability in the type of interaction social network
sites host. Thelwall and Filkinson /1$0 emphasi*e the difference
between social grooming and information gathering,
underscoring that social grooming re,uires maintaining
relationships with others through gossip or other minor activities.
They point out the fact that empirical evidence support more the
hypothesis of pure information gathering rather than social
grooming, as users commonly visit profiles unobtrusively,
without communicating with the individuals they are gathering
information on. Although a case can be made that creating a
profile, regular posting or following other users activity is a form
of forging bonds, affirming relationships, displaying bonds, and
asserting and learning about hierarchies and alliances, the
reduced dimensionality of 1the other5, the decontextuali*ation
and the accessibility of others in the absence of any form of
interactivity bring an essential change to the initial premises.
:onse,uently, I believe all of the cues shared in a profile are
interpreted according to the user.s own system of codes in a way
that helps him create a unified artefact of the other. If selves are
indeed, as argued by post=modernists, not coherent narratives,
but disarticulated fragments that are often contradictory, than it.s
not difficult to understand why a simulated ob#ectification of
others that makes sense and can be placed on a social mapping
sounds tempting for most of us.
However, individuals are not only exposed to this process,
they are also aware of it and consciously engaging in it
themselves. :onse,uently, an expected outcome is to artificially
create a habitus that one predicts will result in them gaining a
certain position in the social maps others create, which,
ultimately, lies at the core of the ob#ectified simulacrum of the
self. In practical terms, symbolic fictions are replaced by
simulations of capital through the hierarchi*ation of the codes,
or, in other words, the rating of preferences. 9ndoubtedly, the
rating is strongly influenced by one.s sub#ectivity, but even more
so, by their constructed simulation of sub#ectivity. 2arallel to
their evaluations, "acebook users emphasi*e different
dimensions on their own profile, they simulate a certain type of
capital, but they always activate +or at least aim to activate- on a
market with those with similar evaluations of certain codes.
"urthermore, within the 1market5 created around each type of
activity, there is a hierarchy of the products that can be
consumed in order to maximi*e that experience. (ust like there is
a market of detergents where one consumes a product or the
other according to the evaluation of their capacity to wash
clothes, there is a market of adventurous trips where the most
appreciated would be the trips to inaccessible, wild or dangerous
places. !ut, on markets such as music or other arts, a hierarchy
of products is very difficult to be obtained, due to the
sub#ectivity implied in the evaluation of what maximi*es the
experience. And as sub#ectivity is strongly shaped by offline
social class belonging, so is the system of codes according to
which one establishes a hierarchy of music genres. Fhat
happens is that individuals with similar social status will have
similar codes and will end up having similar preferences on
markets that are not intrinsically related. Thus, what "acebook
does is list most of the cues needed for an individual to be 1read5
as a whole according to a series of codes. That is one of reasons
why I believe "acebook moves from the commodified structure
of aspects of our lives to a transparent unified commodification
of selves. The author of a profile doesn.t #ust present his
preferences or hobbiesC he presents those preferences and
hobbies that allow him to wrap himself up to the image he wants
to obtain, assuming the viewer shares the same system of codes.
And he is viewed as a holistic entity. 3ach new item a user posts
is filtered through ,uestions about how that information will
contribute to the final ob#ect users want to make of themselves.
)hifting from presentation to exhibition gives the user complete
control over what one lets others see. !ut that doesn.t mean it
also gives control over what they perceive or interpret from your
exhibited self image. In the absence of non=verbal signs, what
you give is still not the same as what you give off. Fhen an
individual is presenting himself to an audience, he plays the role
he believes is expected to play in that particular context. !ut one
of the conse,uences of the collapsing contexts that are often
invoked when talking about online environments is that the
expectancies are directed towards you as a whole. 8ne #udges a
math teacher by his math knowledge, by his conduct during
class, by his interactions with parents or peers, etc. and he might
be able to present himself in a positive light. Iet, if the same
teacher activates on an )?) where he makes spelling errors in
his posts, the entire presentation is undermined. )o, irrespective
of how reliable the image created through an exhibition is in
comparison to a role delivered in face to face contextual
presentation, it is still going to be relevant in the evaluation of
the audience, unless they already have a holistic #udgement of
the person in ,uestion.
Thus, the simulacrum of the self is simultaneously a resource
for generating meaning and mapping the social space and the
main outcome of the same process. However, I expect the limit
of simulation to be generally reached at the point where it
becomes impossible for the sub#ect to compatibili*e it with his
own self image. Thus, I am probably not willing to post photo
shopped pictures of me in the Ama*onian (ungle, although I
haven.t left my home town in months, but I am willing to post it
if I lived for a week in a nearing locality and I have #ust taken a $
hour excursion to the wilderness. >y explanation for that is the
need not #ust for others, but also for the user to interpret his own
signs in a way that would lead him to consider he is close to his
socially constructed ideal self.
Going even further, "acebook is essentially consumerist due
to its de=humani*ing character. Fhat happens is that friends on
"acebook are not people one feels emotionally attached to, but
opportunities to watch impersonal narratives. (ust like the ob#ect
of consumption, the user does not function via the utilitarian or
the personal6 it functions via its relations with other ob#ects.
Another essential difference between the presented self and
the exhibited artefact representing the self is the final purpose of
the presentation. Although both are often #udged in terms of
1impression management5 there are important nuances that need
to be distinguished. Fhen presenting one.s self in the front
stage, an individual is strongly conditioned by issues of
ade,uacy between his actions and the role heJ she is assuming
rather than by identity matters. However, when creating an
exhibitionary space of your self, the user is anticipating and
aiming for a global evaluation. Kuestions of what a teacher or a
waiter are expected to do are replaced by ,uestions of who one is
or what heJshe is like. Above, I have talked about the use of
"acebook for social mapping. Fhen creating a traditional
presentation of the self, it often happens that individuals don.t
expect to be mapped according to it and they often are not.
:ompatibility of one.s behaviour with what heJshe believes the
audience expects is less revealing in terms of symbolic capital
than creating a profile on )?).s would be. 8ne key indicator for
symbolic capital that is absent in everyday interactions is the
selection of relevant information that is supposed to reach an
audience. In face to face interactions, the selection is, at least
partly, given by the context, or by the role assumed, but in the
virtual exhibition, the user accounts entirely for the decision on
whether certain information is worth sharing.
!ut ultimately, face to face interacting, seen from the
dramaturgical perspective, is most of the time a spectacle of
masks, and the mask tells little about the actor. If someone is
trying to evaluate the actor behind the mask, they will probably
try to look beyond it, search for giveaways the actor lets slip. In
)?).s, the premise is that the profile, the artefact is revealing of
the self. Fhen trying to learn more about some other user,
someone does not look beyond the mask of the profile, but looks
at it and through it. And sharing information you know is going
to be viewed as representative of you determines the need for
control. Lhu /1@0, for instance, says6 Mpeople, despite their
various cultural backgrounds, are believed to possess self=
imageJvalue and want their self=imageJvalue to be appreciated
and respected by other members of the community..
8n the other hand, this phenomenon has implications at the
macro societal level. Ki /1D0 defines face as the social anchoring
of self in the ga*e of others and argues that the use of this
concept in :hinese sociology can be related to Goffman.s work.
However, after discussing aspects about the universality of face
and the relationship between a person.s self=image and their
social standing, the author shows concern over the 1possibility of
the reification of face, the generation of face as a conscious
pro#ect of social relations+N-It is possible, then, that face
considerations may go beyond a mere mechanism associated
with social approval and disapproval of the thing that gives rise
to face or subtracts from it, and that face itself becomes an ob#ect
of self=conscious consideration. It is possible, then, that persons
may be engaged in the construction of face as a self=conscious
pro#ect, not only to achieve the pleasure of social approval and
avoid the pain of social disapproval or censure, but also to
engage in a politics of face as an explicit social practice.5 I
believe this is no longer a danger, but a fact. "acebook is in itself
a system that allows users to present information that they would
share in every day social contact, while at the same time
subtracting that information from any other purposeful
interaction. Thus, the collective reification of selves results in a
simulated sociality that is reduced to its political component.
3mpirical evidence supporting this theoretical assumption can
be found in 4edbetter et al. /1%0. The article distinguishes
between two essentially different uses of "acebook6 online social
connection and online self disclosure. In the context of this
argument, I find that it is useful to focus on issues related to
online self disclosure +8)-. 8ne result compatible with my
hypotheses is that 8) inversely predicted "acebook
communication. 9sers who practice online social disclosure can
be considered as having highly ob#ectified selves, which
translates into a stronger interest in the social mappingJ political
positioning than in personal communication. "urthermore, online
social connection emerged as a positive predictor for relational
closeness, whereas online self disclosure was negatively
associated with the same variable. )ome might argue that the
positive relation between online communication and relational
closeness undermine the claim that "acebook is a means of
dehumani*ing selves. However, we need to keep in mind that the
network of friends each user has is considerably larger than the
number of close relations heJshe has. )o, we may expect the
network to have a strengthening effect on existing strong ties,
which, nevertheless, does not cancel the aspects of self
ob#ectification in relation to those with whom the user is not
close. >oreover, we need to account for the fact that 8) and
8): usually coexist within the same account. Fhether the user
communicates or not with some close friends over "acebook
does not make him less exposed, or in 4edbetter et al..s/1%0
terms, less self disclosed.
2 C%#C*'SI%#S
"acebook is one of the sites that foster the creation of
personal profiles, where users submit data. "ollowing the line of
authors sustaining this activity contains an essential shift from
traditional interpersonal communication, social grooming or the
presentation of the self in Goffman.s understanding, I explore
the conse,uences this shift has on the construction of the self.
)ome of the main elements that distinguish )?) activity from
other form of presence in the social life are absence of context,
sharing information without direct communication, more control
over what one shares +lack of non=verbal cues-, the possibility to
search for people, to filter them, to organi*e them according to
certain criteria and so forth.
I argue that the voluntary enrolment in the practice of
exposing in stead of presenting oneself results in the
ob#ectification of selves as artefacts and their consumption as
narratives. "rom this point of view, the motivations behind
willing reification I believe relate to gains in symbolic capital
and upward mobility in the social field. And users find it straight
forward to do so through the creation of a one=dimension self
that allegedly meets the expectations of a reference group +or in
some cases even individual- that the user strives to get closer to.
:onversely, the monitoring of others appears to be a tool for
elaborating the social map that surrounds the user, and is a
necessary process for making an accurate estimation of the
expectations of the reference group+s-. Fhen talking about
exposure or reification of the self as a conscious action, the
content that is exposed becomes a strategic, and thus extremely
relevant, choice. "acebook users are aware of and seek to be
evaluated by their posts, by what they share, by their likes and
their guide to this construction is the habitus that their target
group exposes. I expect this dynamics to lead to a simulacrum of
self that is more than a front stage, because expectations are no
longer related to specific roles, but to sub#ects as a whole and
because of the underlying claim for authenticity.
9ltimately, what changes is the way in which we construct
ourselves through and for others, as well as the mechanisms of
evaluation others employ and those mechanisms interfere
decisively with the core of all social relations. Therefore, I
believe the analysis of reified selves is an important step within
the broader thematic of the influence computer mediation has on
/10 Goffman, 3. The presentation of the self in everyday life, ?ew Iork,
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/1'0 !ourdieu, 2. 1istinction= A )ocial :riti,ue of the (udgment of
Taste5 +translated by ;ichard ?ice-, Harvard 9niversity 2ress
/110 unbar, ;. *roomin&, *ossip, and the 0vol(tion of 1an&(a&e,
Harvard 9niversity 2ress, :ambridge, >A +1HH<-.
/1$0 Thelwall, >., B Filkinson, . 2ublic ialogs in )ocial ?etwork
)itesQ6 Fhat Is Their 2urposeQG 2o(rnal of the merican Society for
!nformation Science, 3,+:mc-, @H$=D'D +$'1'-.
/1@0 Lhu, H. M4ooking for "ace., (ournal of Asian 2acific
:ommunication 1@6 @1@O$1+$''@-.
/1D0 Ki, R. "ace6 A :hinese concept in a global sociology. 2o(rnal of
Sociolo&y, 45+@-, $EH=$H% +$'11-.
/1%0 4edbetter, a. >., >a*er, (. 2., eGroot, (. >., >eyer, 7. ;., B
)wafford, !. Attitudes Toward 8nline )ocial :onnection and )elf=
isclosure as 2redictors of "acebook :ommunication and ;elational
:loseness. 'omm(nication 6esearch, .7+1-, $E=%@ +$'1'-.
Qualitative Methods of Link Prediction in
Co-authorship Networks
Elisandra Aparecida Alves da Silva
and Marco T ulio Carvalho de Andrade
Abstract. Link Prediction is useful in many application do-
mains, including recommender systems, information retrieval,
automatic Web hyperlink generation, and protein/protein in-
teractions. In social networks it can be used for recommending
users with common interests which is a useful mechanism to
improve and to stimulate communication. This paper presents
qualitative methods for link prediction in co-authorship net-
works, which are based on Fuzzy Compositions to predict
new link weights between two authors adopting not only at-
tributes nodes, but also the combination of attributes of other
observed links. Using DBLP dataset we explore the used at-
tributes and demonstrate that qualitative methods represent
a satisfactory approach in this context.
Nowadays, many databases are described as a linked collection
of interrelated objects. The networks formed by such objects
can be homogeneous, in which there is a single object type
and link type or heterogeneous networks in which objects and
links may be of multiple types. An example of heterogeneous
network is the WWW (World Wide Web), and examples of
homogeneous networks include co-authorship networks, which
are used in this project.
The main aim of traditional data mining algorithms is to
nd patterns in a dataset characterized by a collection of in-
dependent instances of a single relation. However, the appli-
cation of traditional statistical inference procedures which use
independent instances can lead to inappropriate conclusions
about data [14]. According to [17], a challenge in the Data
Mining area is to deal with richly structured, heterogeneous
data. In this way, the link features between objects need to be
used to improve the accuracy of predictive models [10]. Some
of these features are mentioned by [6]: the correlation between
attributes of interconnected objects and the existence of links
between objects which present similarities.
Link Mining refers to Data Mining techniques that explic-
itly consider the links in the development of predictive or
descriptive models of interconnected data. The Link Mining
tasks, according to the taxonomy shown by [10], are: object-
related tasks (Ranking, Classication, Clustering and Ob-
Federal Institute of S ao Paulo, Department of Informatics
Av. Francisco Samuel Lucchesi Filho, 770 12929-600 Bragan ca
Paulista, SP - Brazil, email: [email protected]
University of Sao Paulo, Polytechnic School, Dept. of Com-
puter Engineering and Digital Systems Av. Prof. Luciano Gual-
berto, travessa 3, 158 05508-900 S ao Paulo, SP - Brazil, email:
[email protected]
ject Identication), link-related tasks (Link Prediction) and
graph-related tasks (Subgraph Detection, Graph Classica-
tion and Generative Models for Graphs). Link Mining is an
emergent area that represents the intersection of dierent ar-
eas: Link Analysis, Web and Hypertext Mining, Relational
Learning and Inductive Logic Programming, and Graph Min-
The main aim of Link Prediction is to determine the ex-
istence of a link between two entities using object or link
attributes. Link Prediction is useful in dierent application
elds, such as recommendation systems, detection of links not
observed in terrorist networks, protein interaction networks,
prediction of collaboration between scientists and Web hyper-
links prediction [33].
This paper presents qualitative methods for link prediction
considering context information in co-authorship networks. A
systematic process to evaluate Link Prediction methods based
on non-dichotomic metrics for data selection, determination
of new links and evaluation of results is used.
This work is organized as follows: Section 2 presents impor-
tant denitions, Section 3 presents an overview of the main
methods of Link Prediction and Section 4 presents the used
process. Finally, the application of the process and the results
are presented. The next section deals with the important def-
initions for this work.
In this paper we consider the use of co-authorship networks
variables. Thus, it is important to present the denitions re-
lated to these networks.
2.1 Co-authorship Network
According to [34], a social network is formed by a set of actors
and their relationships: family, friendships, work, etc.. These
relationships may be associated with the context in which user
interacts with others. [31] points out that social networks ex-
press the world in motion that, according to [19], is a not well
understand world, since these networks connect people which
interact with others to share information in a structure that is
constantly evolving. The social structure favors the informa-
tion sharing between network actors, but it is important that
these relations be consolidated allowing the actors to know
their partners to establish trusting relationships and ensure
an ecient information sharing.
According to [9], a social network is a graph where people
or organizations are represented by nodes connected by edges,
which can correspond to strong social relationships sharing
some characteristic. Analysis of this graph structure, as sta-
tistical analysis of nodes and/or edges attributes may reveal
important individuals/organizations relationships and special
[17] presents an analysis of Link Prediction methods in So-
cial Networks, and believes that as part of recent research in
large complex networks and their properties, considerable at-
tention has been given to the computational analysis of social
networks structures in which nodes represent people and other
entities in a social context, and links represent interactions,
collaboration and inuence between entities.
Here, the co-authorship networks are social networks in
which nodes represent authors and links represent their coau-
thored publications. However, one can explore dierent rela-
tionships in these networks, such as author-conference [2] and
author-word [26].
Having the denition of social networks and the relevant
aspects related to co-authorship networks, the denition of
interaction is shown.
Some authors do not distinguish interaction and interactiv-
ity, but there are those that relate interaction to human rela-
tionships and interactivity to the human-machine interface. In
this work, interaction refers to links between authors of a co-
authorship network or author-author interaction. Therefore,
it diers from the denitions presented, which are focused on
user-computer interaction.
Having the interaction denition adopted, it is necessary
to dene the users relevant characteristics. Several character-
istics can be used for user representation, as his knowledge
about the system, goals, history, experience, and their prefer-
ences [22].
In a co-authorship network, communication enables expe-
rience and knowledge exchange in a bi-directional manner,
which is an interesting feature to allow a more active inter-
action between actors. Thus, information about publications
and coauthors, which refer to users interaction can be adopted
for user representation. Next subsection presents the context
2.2 Actor Context
[7] dene context as any information that characterizes the en-
tity situation, which may be one person, a computing device,
or an relevant object for user-application interaction. For con-
text information specication and modeling, ve dimensions
were suggested by [1]:
Who: Identication of individuals engaged in a specic
Where: User location;
When: Temporal information such as time spent on par-
ticular task;
What: Task performed by user;
Why: Intention, which allows to understand the motiva-
tion for some action.
[27] presents the following classication for context:
Computational: network connectivity, communication
cost, resources, etc..;
User: their characteristics, user prole, location, people
nearby, social situation, etc.;
Physical: light, noise, temperature, etc..;
Time: day, week, season, etc..
In this work, nodes represent authors and links the coau-
thored publications. Therefore, the focus is the link prediction
between authors, which is related to the User Context, deter-
mined by the relationships established with other authors.
Next section present some Link Prediction methods based on
structural properties.
The main goal of Link Prediction is to predict the existence
of a link between two entities using features of objects and
other observed links. The basic approach of Link Prediction
methods is the classication of all node pairs based on the
graph proximity measure. The link weight called score(x, y) is
assigned to each node pair x and y, and then a list is generated
in decreasing order of score. Considering node x, (x) denotes
a neighbor set of x. Neighbors of x are the nodes which are
directly connected with x.
Thus, these methods can be seen as the computation of
proximity measure or similarity between nodes x and y, re-
lated to the topology of the network. In general, these meth-
ods derive from Graph Theory and Social Network Analysis
and are designed to measure similarity between nodes. Ac-
cording to [17], these methods need to be modied for appli-
cations to dierent contexts.
Many approaches are based on the idea that the greater
the number of common neighbors between two objects, the
greater the chance of a link between x and y. [6] and [15]
have proposed abstract models for network growth using this
idea. These authors present the most direct idea of the ap-
plication of Common Neighbors to Link Prediction. [21] used
this measure in the context of collaborations network.
score(x, y) = |(x) (y)|
[3] used the proximity idea to verify the similarity between
personal web pages. They assume common neighbors with
lower degrees as more relevant, as follows:
score(x, y) =
Another approach, called Preferential Attachment, assumes
that the probability of a new link involving x and y is propor-
tional to the number of their neighbors links. This measure
is given as follows [4]:
score(x, y) = |(x)| |(y)|
The Link Prediction methods shown above are based on
structural properties of networks and do not consider the
connection weights between users. [20] proposed some ad-
justments based on proximity measures to be used in online
social networks. As users personal information is not gener-
ally available in these networks, only the structural properties
have been used. Additionally, the connection weight between
x and y, w(x, y), was dened as the number of encounters
between x and y. A simple adaptation of Common Neighbors
including link weights is presented in [20]:
score(x, y) =
w(x, z) +w(y, z)
In this context, there are also approaches based on path
analysis [16],[13] and on graph structure of networks [12].
Dierent approaches consider the application of probabilis-
tic models [33] and similarity measurements between two ob-
jects [24], [30]. The main problems related to these approaches
are the high complexity of the probabilistic models and the
utilization of node attributes in similarity measurements that
sometimes are not available in networks. Additionally, the link
information is not considered in these approaches.
All the methods shown in this section are used for new link
determination. However, when they are adopted or proposed,
the tasks necessary to evaluate the link predictions are not
identied. In general, a simple strategy is adopted for selecting
a subset of data (network used to generate new links), which
are used for result evaluation, as an example, nodes which
have at least a determined number of edges are selected [17].
And to compare the results, in general, the ROC curve and/or
related metrics are used [12]. The next section deals with the
used process for link prediction evaluation.
The used process involves the tasks shown in [28]: Data Se-
lection, New Link Determination and Result Evaluation. In
the data selection task, the use of fuzzy sensors is considered,
the determination of new links is based on fuzzy composi-
tions and the fuzzy ROC curve and AUC are used to evaluate
the results. Hence, we use a process based on non-dichotomic
metrics in order to evaluate the methods of Link Prediction,
which allows the use of specialists knowledge and adopting
a perspective more similar to the human perception of the
The following sections present the methods used in the
tasks identied.
4.1 Data Selection
According to [18], the aim of a sensor is to generate a symbolic
linguistic representation from numerical measurements, i.e., a
numeric-linguistic conversion considering the subjectivity of
the problem.
Thus, the sensor creates a symbolic qualitative description
in two stages: (1) numeric measurement and (2) numeric-
linguistic conversion. A numeric measure, generally obtained
by an electronic processing, provides an objective quantita-
tive description of objects. The measure language, usually ob-
tained from the interrogation of users provides a qualitative
description of subjective objects. The conversion should pro-
vide a very accurate description as that performed directly
by a human. Therefore, to implement a symbolic sensor, the
symbolism of the adopted language should be considered in
order to articially reproduce the human perception of the
The fuzzy sensor used for data selection includes two input
variables: NumberOfPapers and NumberOfCoauthors and
an output variable that determines the choice of the node.
Input variables are thus called because they represent authors
of a co-authorship network. However, they can be obtained
in dierent areas. The NumberOfPapers is the number of
encounters with others users and the NumberOfCoauthors
represents the number of neighbors.
Next section presents the link prediction methods consid-
ering non-dichotomic metrics.
4.2 New Link Determination
This work views the link weight between two users x and y
as the relation quality. This measure is obtained by the ap-
plication of approaches that use features from co-authorship
social networks, which can be directly used in other domains.
Dierent approaches based on fuzzy theory are revealed
here. These approaches consider the use of fuzzy compositions
to determine new links between two authors and employ the
relation quality to determine the link weight.
The approaches consider that the quality of the relation
between two authors is higher in the following situations:
when two authors have a large number of papers, mainly
in recent years;
when the average of coauthors of the authors in the relation
is low, but the common coauthors are not considered as
they inuence the relation in a positive way.
The next sections present the technique used for new link
4.2.1 Fuzzy Compositions
Supposing that R(X, Y ) and S(X, Y ) are two fuzzy relations
, the composition C(X, Z) between R(X, Y ) and S(Y, Z) is
a fuzzy relation now between X and Z, using Y as a bridge
(transitivity) [35]. It is given by:
C(X, Z) = R(X, Y ) S(Y, Z)
Therefore, using relation compositions, it is possible to pre-
dict new link weights connecting users that are not yet con-
nected. The operator used in this work is the Max-product.
4.2.2 Relation Quality
This measure represents the quality of the relation between
two users. We adopt dierent approaches to obtain this value.
The input variables used are NumberOfPapers, Coauthor-
sAverage and RelationTime.
NumberOfPapers is the number of papers coauthored by
A and B;
CoauthorsAverage is the average of coauthors of A and
B, but the common coauthors are not considered. (A) is the
number of coauthors of A and (B) is the number of coauthors
of B. This value is obtained as follows:
Co =
(A) + (B)
((A) (B))
RelationTime is the dierence between the last year of
training and the year of the oldest paper.
A fuzzy relation establishes associations of dierent truth de-
grees between related elements, which are similar to the Fuzzy
Set membership degrees [35]. A fuzzy relation example is given
by physical similarity between members from x and y.
Some of used rules are revealed below:
if CoauthorsAverage is low AND NumberOfPapers is low AND Re-
lationTime is low THEN RelationQuality is regular
if CoauthorsAverage is low AND NumberOfPapers is low AND Re-
lationTime is high THEN RelationQuality is low
RelationTime is important in case of low coauthors average
and low number of papers. In this situation, RelationTime is
used to determine if quality is low or regular.
For experiments the combination of these variables was con-
sidered to analyze what is the better choice in the context of
co-authorship networks.
The next section presents the method used to evaluate the
results of Link Prediction methods.
4.3 Result Evaluation
According to [25], the ROC analysis is a graphical method to
evaluate diagnostic and prediction systems. The ROC graphs
were initially proposed to analyze the quality of signal trans-
mission [8]. Nowadays, they are used as a powerful tool to
evaluate classiers in Machine Learning and Data Mining ar-
eas [5], [29]. The ROC curve is obtained from the rate of false
positives and true positives. Hence, it is possible to compare
these values in various cuto points, not just considering a
single threshold. A measure often used to evaluate classiers
is the Area Under the Curve, which can range from 0 to 1,
and the greater the value, the better their performance. In
Link Prediction context, the main goal is to determine the
existence of a link between two entities. In order to do so,
the link weight is assigned to each pair of nodes x and y, and
then a list is generated in decreasing order of score. This value
can represent the membership degree of the link to the fuzzy
set Positive. Thus, given that the methods provide a value
representing the weight of the link and not only its existence,
one can use a fuzzy method to generate the ROC curve and
evaluate the Link Prediction methods.
The Fuzzy ROC curve is used to evaluate the results of
new link determination methods. The main advantage of this
method is the adoption of non-dichotomic representations to
the result of the new link determination method (predicted
class) and/or the real class. To create the traditional ROC
curve, a threshold is selected to the predicted class, making
the values be binarized in Positive and Negative. The true
class is determined by the presence or absence of the sample
at the test base, also using a dichotomic representation.
The Fuzzy ROC curve used to evaluate the prediction of
links adopts a non-dichotomic representation for the result of
the new link determination method.
To create the Fuzzy ROC curve, it is necessary to dene
the fuzzy sets which represent the values to predicted and
real class of a new link determined by a method. Thus, let X
the instance set given by a new link determination method.
The fuzzy subset Pt of X is the set of ordered pairs dened
Pt = {(x, P
(x)) | x X e P
[0, 1]}
where Pt
(x) is the membership degree of x to the positive
links Pt of true class.
And their complement is dened as:
Pt = {(x,
(x)) |
(x) = 1 P
(x)}, x X
(x) is the membership degree of x to the set
of negative links. To analyze the method performance, it is
necessary to verify if the predicted class is positive or negative.
Hence, the set Positive can be dened to the Predicted class
as follow:
Pp = {(x, Pp
(x)) | x X e Pp
[0, 1]}
where Pp
(x) denotes the membership degree of x to the
set Pp. And so their complement is:
Pp = {(x,
(x)) |
(x) = 1 Pp
(x)}, x X
Knowing the membership degree for each instance of the
subsets shown, the operators maximum and minimum dened
by [23] can be applied to determine the membership degree of
a case to each category. Thus, since: TP = PpPt, TN =
FP = Pp
Pt,FN =
Pp Pt.
The membership functions to each case are given as:
TP (x) =
(x), TN(x) =
(x), FP (x) =
(x), FN(x) =
TP (x) = min[Pp
(x), P
(x)], x X
TN(x) = min[
(x)] = min[1 Pp
(x), 1 P
FP (x) = min[Pp
(x)] = min[Pp
(x), 1 P
FN(x) = min[
(x), P
(x)] = min[1 Pp
(x), P
x X. Since TP + TN + FP + FN = 1. To gen-
erate the fuzzy ROC curve, the values of true positives and
false positives rates can be obtained from the measurements
Sensitivity and Specificity also associated with the ROC
Sensitivity(P (x)) =
TP (xi)
TP (xi) +
Specificity(P (x)) =
FP (xi)
TN(xi) +
FP (xi)
i, i = 1, 2, ..., n where xi is the i-th case of the sample
set and n is the total number of cases. The ROC curve is
generated using fuzzy rate of false positives (Specificity) and
true positive (Sensitivity).
4.4 Dierential Aspects
The innovative aspects are shown below:
Use of non-dichotomic metrics for the new link determina-
Fuzzy composition is used to predict new link weights, con-
Utilization of both objects attributes and link features to
determine the relation weight, which is called Relation
Quality. The use of objects attributes is accomplished
by the adoption of the following measures: (1) Average
of coauthors of the users present in the relation and (2)
Common neighbors.
The utilization of link features is obtained by the use of
the measures: (1) Number of coauthored papers, which
represents the number of encounters of the users and (2)
Relation time.
Fuzzy AUC associated with Fuzzy ROC Curve is used to
evaluate the results of Link Prediction.
Suppose we have a social net G = V, E in which edge e =
u, v E represents the total of interactions (co-authored
papers) between u and v at dierent times. Having times t0,
, t1, t
, and assuming that t0 t
t1 t
. [t0, t
] the training
interval and [t1, t
] the test interval are considered. Let G[t, t
consist of all edges in t and t
], and generates a list of links that are not
present in G[t0, t
] which needs to be veried in G[t1, t
[17] observed that the evaluation of Link Prediction meth-
ods use parameters ktraining and ktest and assumed that
the Core set are nodes that belong to at least ktraining
links in G[t0, t
] and at least ktest links in G[t1, t
]. In our
work, we consider set as nodes selected by the use of Fuzzy
Sensors which consider the variables NumberOfPapers and
The training interval is denoted as Gcollab = A, Eold and
Enew is used to denote the link set u, v, u and v A. Let
u and v co-author a paper during the test interval but not in
the training interval (Enew = A A E
). These are the
new interactions sought to be predicted.
Each link predictor p produces a list Lp of pairs AAE
in decreasing order of score. For the evaluation, we focus on
the Core set, thus we denote E
:= Enew (Core Core)
and n := |E
| . Thus, the rst n pairs in the list Lp in
Core Core are considered to determine the Area Under
The experiments were performed according to the process
presented in the previous section. The DBLP dataset is shown
in the next section.
5.1 Dataset and Setup
DBLP (Digital Bibliography & Library Project) is the dataset
used in the experiment. This dataset contains data of Com-
puter Science publications and has been used in dierent
works [11], [33].
The DBLP Computer Science Bibliography from the Uni-
versity of Trier contains more than 1.15 million records. DBLP
contains details from publications of conference proceedings
related to Data Mining, Databases, Machine Learning, and
other areas. The dataset is public and is in XML format [32].
The fuzzy methods proposed in this paper must be evaluated
by comparing their performance measures. Table 1 shows the
information about dataset and Table 2 presents the additional
information about dataset.
Table 1. Training and Test
Period Train. Test |Eold| |Enew| |E
1 1999-2004 2005-2007 695906 852388 131904
2 2001-2006 2007-2009 1027172 1040058 191390
Table 2. Number of Authors and Papers
Period Aut. Train. Pap. Train. Aut. Test Pap. Test
1 323118 404432 368542 384311
2 426631 546927 443320 450703
Table 3. Traditional AUCs
Period C P T C+T P+T C+P C+P+T
1 0.503 0.581 0.544 0.585 0.577 0.599 0.605
2 0.486 0.578 0.559 0.582 0.578 0.607 0.606
Table 3 presents the AUCs in both period, where C
is CoauthorsAverage, P is NumberOfPapers and T is
RelationTime. The AUCs indicate that the use of all vari-
ables presents the best performance in period 2. The use of
one variable shows that NumberOfPapers is better than oth-
ers in both period and CoauthorsAverage is the worst. The
use of two variables indicates that CoauthorsAverage com-
bined with others variables is the best approach. The use of
just one variable presents worse results in period 1 and 2. In
this case, the variable NumberOfPapers presents the best
The traditional and Fuzzy AUCs shown very similar re-
sults, but when using CoauthorsAverage and RelationTime
(C +T), CoauthorsAverage and NumberOfPapers(C +P)
or three variables(C + P + T), Fuzzy AUC can detect some
variations not considered by traditional AUC.
The results show that when using one variable the
NumberOfPapers is better than others in both period and
CoauthorsAverage is the worst. The use of two variables in-
dicates that CoauthorsAverage combined with others is bet-
ter than others approaches, but the use of just one variable
presents the worst results in both periods. In this case, the
variable NumberOfPapers revealed the best performance.
A process based on non-dichotomic metrics in order to eval-
uate the Link Prediction methods allows the use of the spe-
cialists knowledge and adopting a perspective more similar
to the human perception of the problem. The use of a fuzzy
model to determine the RelationQuality is interesting be-
cause it allows the specialist knowledge in the eld to be ex-
ploited in the denition of variables, since some features are
particular to that type of social network. In important works
[3, 17] only one variable (common authors number) is consid-
ered, then the results indicate that there are variables related
to the context that can be better explored in link prediction
Table 4. Fuzzy AUCs
Period C P T C+T P+T C+P C+P+T
1 0.503 0.587 0.545 0.594 0.582 0.616 0.619
2 0.486 0.579 0.563 0.594 0.578 0.623 0.621
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From Linguistic Innovation in Blogs
to Language Learning in Adults:
What do Interaction Networks Tell us?
, Chih-Chun CHEN
, Agnieszka CIERPICH
, ukasz JONAK
Abstract. Social networks have been found to play an
increasing role in human behaviour and even the attainment of
individuals. We present the results of two projects applying
SNA to language phenomena. One involves exploring the
social propagation of neologisms in a social software
(microblogging service), the other investigating the impact of
social network structure and peer interaction dynamics on
second-language learning outcomes in the setting of naturally
occurring face-to-face interaction. From local, low-level
interactions between agents verbally communicating with one
another we aim to describe the processes underlying the
emergence of more global systemic order and dynamics, using
the latest methods of complexity science.
In the former study, we demonstrate 1) the emergence of a
linguistic norm, 2) that the general lexical innovativeness of
Internet users scales not like a power law, but a unimodal, 3)
that the exposure thresholds necessary for a user to adopt new
lexemes fromhis/her neighbours concentrate at low values,
suggesting thatat least in low-stakes scenariospeople are
more susceptible to social influence than may erstwhile have
been expected, and 4) that, contrary to common expectations,
the most popular tags are characterised by high adoption
thresholds. In the latter, we find 1) that the best predictor of
performance is reciprocal interactions between individuals in
the language being acquired, 2) that outgoing interactions in
the acquired language are a better predictor than incoming
interactions, and 3) not surprisingly, a clear negative
relationship between performance and the intensity of
interactions with same-native-language speakers. We also
compare models where social interactions are weighted by
homophily with those that treat themas orthogonal to each
Within an individual, many linguistic mechanisms are at
work, such as the perceptual dynamics and categorisation in
speech, the emergence of phonological templates, or word and
Inst. of Applied Linguistics, Univ. of Warsaw, ul. Browarna 8/10,
00-311 Warsaw, Poland. Email: mi chal . par adowski;
a. ci er pi ch@st udent . uw. edu. pl .
Centre d'analyse et de mathmatique sociales UMR 8557, cole
des hautes tudes en sciences sociales, 190-198, avenue de France,
75244 Paris cedex 13, France. Email: c. chen@abmcet . net .
National Library of Poland, Al. Niepodlegoci 213, 02-086
Warsaw, Poland. Email: l ukasz@j onak. i nf o.
sentence processing. There are also a multitude of interactions
simultaneously occurring at the society level between systems
that are inherently complex in their own right, such as
variations and typology, the rise of new grammatical
constructions, semantic bleaching, language evolution in
general, and the spread and competition of both individual
expressions, and entire languages. Nearly two hundred papers
have already been published dealing with language
simulations. However, many of them, devoted to phenomena
such as language evolution, language competition, language
spread, and semiotic dynamics, were based on regular-lattice
in silico experiments and as such are grossly inadequate,
especially in the context of the 21
c. The models:
- only allow for Euclidean relationships (while nowadays
more and more of our linguistic input covers immense
distances; spatial proximity social proximity),
- are static (while mobility is not exclusively a 20
-c. phenomenon, as evidenced by warriors, refugees,
missionaries, or tradespeople),
- assume an identical number of neighbours for every
agent (48),
- presuppose identical perception of a given individuals
prestige by each of its neighbours
, as well as
- invariant intensity of interactions between different
- most fail to take into account multilingual agents
- have no memory effect, and
- zero noise (while noise may be a mechanismfor pattern
To address these limitations, rather than take a modelling
outlook, we can start with analysing language phenomena in
social networkseither by tapping into already available
repositories of data nearly perfectly suited to large-scale
dynamic linguistic analyses, such as the Internet, or by
analysing communities of speakers via offline approaches
and subsequently applying SNA and other complexity science
tools to the analyses. Roman J akobson remarked already half
a century ago on the striking coincidences and convergences
between the latest stages of linguistic analysis and the
approach to language in the mathematical theory of
communication ([17] p. 570).
But see e.g. [13] or [33] incorporating complex network
architectures and differences in prestige.
But see e.g. [2].
II est un fait que les concidences, les convergences, sont
frappantes, entre les tapes les plus rcentes de lanalyse linguistique
Erstwhile research on language evolution and change focused
on large time-scales, typically spanning at least several
decades. Nowadays, observable changes are taking place
much faster. According to [12] a new English word is born
roughly every 98 minutes (admittedly an overrated estimate
owing to methodological problems). Particularly useful for
multi-angle analyses of language phenomena are Web 2.0
services, with content (co)generated by the users, especially
the ones which allow enriching analyses with information
concerning the structure of the connections and interactions
between the participating users. This unprecedented reliance
on news delivered by the users is also increasingly being
observed in editorial offices and television newsrooms.
The uptake of novel linguistic creations in the Internet has
been commonly believed to reflect the focus of attention in
contemporary public discourse (suffice it to recollect the
dynamics and main themes of status updates on Twitter
following the presidential elections in Iran, Michael J acksons
death, Vancouver Olympic Games, and the recent Oscar gala,
last J ulys L.A. earthquake, the Jasmine Revolutionby some
also called the Internet Revolutionin Tunisia, the
developments in Libya, the 2011 Thoku earthquake and
tsunami, or ibn Ladens death, see e.g. [11]). However, even
where the topics coincide, the proportions in the respective
channels of information are divergently different (correlation
at a level of a mere .3; e.g. [27], just as television ratings
cannot be used to predict online mentions; [26]), just as not
infrequently the top stories in the mainstream press are
markedly different than those leading on social media
platforms (e.g. [29]). The emotive content of comments on
different social platforms is also distinctly different ([5], [6]).
Table 1. The microblogging site in numbers (at time of data
Users 20k, over half logging on daily
Users in the giant component 5.5k (density 0.003)
Relations 110k
Tagged statuses 720k
While there does exist some scarce research looking at the
emergence and spread of online innovation
, studies that do so
utilising social network data are next to non-existent. Our
empirical research project has set out to investigate how
mutual communication between Internet users impact the
social diffusion of neological tags (semantic shortcuts) in
Polish microblogging site Blip (for site statistics, see Table 1).
et le mode dapproche du langage qui caractrise la thorie
mathmatique de la communication. (Essais de linguistique
gnrale, 1967:87)
By tags (or hashtags) we mean expressions prefixed with the
number sign # and usually used in microblogging sites to mark the
message as relevant to a particular topic of interest, or channel.
Cf. e.g. [24] for how the use of Internet chatrooms by teenagers is
resulting in linguistic innovation within that channel of virtual
communication, [18] for a discourse-analytic glance at the social
practices of propagating online memes, or [22] for a visualisation of
the competition between top quotes in the news during the 2008 US
presidential election.
The intended purpose of tagging systems introduced to
various Web 2.0 services was to provide ways of building ad
hoc, bottom-up, user-generated thematic classifications (or
folksonomies; [35]) of the content produced or published
within those systems.
However, the tagging systemof Blip became much more
than that, as users redefined the meaning and modes of using
tags. In the site, tagging is not merely a mechanism for
retrospective content classification, but also provides
institutional scaffold for on-going communication within the
system. Fromthe point of view of individuals, using a tag
within a status update still provides information about what
the update is about, but also implies joining the conversation
defined by the tag, and, consequently, subscribing to the rules
and conventions governing conversation. In this sense, the
system of tags can be thought of as an institution (as
sociologically understood), regulating and coordinating social
conduct here, mostly communication. Fromthe systemic
point of view, tags-institutions define what is about,
the meaning of its dynamics, and its culture.
One of the preliminary results obtained fromthe data analysis
carried out concerns tag popularity, whose distribution scales
like a power law (Fig. 1), a feature Blip shares with a wide
range of natural, technological and socio-cultural phenomena
(cf. e.g. [3], [25]). Our assumption is that at least a
considerable proportion of popular Blip tags constitute the
meaning and structure of the system, its cultural and
institutional establishment, while the long tail consists of more
or less contingent representations. Our interests lie in
answering questions about the mechanisms which were
responsible for the systembecoming the way it is in terms of
cultural tag composition.
Figure 1. Tag popularity distribution in Blip
The most important mechanismwe are looking for has to do
with diffusion of innovation. Diffusion and creation of novelty
has been traditionally assumed to be among the most
important social processes [7]. In our case, each of Blips tags,
a potential communication coordinator, had been first created
by a user, then spread throughout the systemwith greater or
smaller success (see Fig. 2). Some of the most successful,
most frequently imitated tags have become Blips culture and
Figure 2. Evolution of the popularity of an idiosyncratic tag,
relative to systemsize; absciss: time, ordinates left:
percentage of saturation; ordinates right: absolute count; blue
rhomb dots: first usages; red square dots: subsequent usages;
thin black line: subsequent usage trend (multinomial); thick
blue line: first usages cumulative
There are a number of theories explaining the mechanisms
of diffusion of novelty, and one of our goals is to find out
which best accounts for our data. Memetic theory assumes
that ideas (here coded as words-tags) are like viruses which
use the mechanisms of the human mind to reproduce. The
most successful reproducers would be those optimally adapted
to the environment of the mind its natural dispositions and
the ecosystemof already established ideas ([4], [8]).
The theory of social influence constructs a situation in
which individual behaviour (including adoption of innovation)
is contingent on peer pressure. The threshold model of
collective behaviour postulates that a person will adopt a
given behaviour only after a certain proportion of the people
s/he observes have already done the same. This proportion
the adoption thresholdconstitutes the individual
characteristic of each member of the group ([14], [34]).
A third point of view is offered by the social learning
theory [1], which assumes that innovation or behaviour
adoption is a result of a psycho-cognitive process which
involves evaluation of other peoples behaviour and its
consequences. In this case the adoption process is perceived
as more reflexive and less automatic than the previous two
([15], [30]).
The preliminary analysis conducted involved calculating
thresholds for all tag adoptions (i.e., their first usages). We
describe the user-tag network with a bipartite graph G =
G(U,X,E), where U is the set of users, X is the set of tags, and
E represents the edges between users and tags. The user-user
network we define using a directed graph D =D(U,H), where
H is the set of edges. To every e
E edge connecting user
u to tag x added in time
we assign a variable (e
such that
1 if in time
where E(u) E is the set of connections of user u. A low
value of
means that the user tends to introduce more
innovation into the system.
Figure 3. Creativity distribution in the microblogging site
Using the above notation,
is the (mean) measure of the
number of alters (neighbours == followed users in
Twitter/Blip terms) who had adopted a given tag before user
u. We only consider first usages:
) is the number of neighbours of u who are
already connected to x at time
(in other words, it
says how mainstream the tag is);
(u) is the number of neighbours of u at time t;
E(u) is the total number of (unique) tags used by u.
Thus, a high value of
corresponds to the user being more
likely to be influenced by his/her neighbours.
The resultant distribution of the thresholds is considerably
skewed, with a median of 0.11 and a long tail of higher values
(Fig. 4)
. This suggests that the population of Blip users is
generally innovative and/or corroborates the viral model of
diffusion over the two alternative theories mentioned above.
However, we expect other factors (such as tag and user
characteristics) to play an important role as well, especially
since, contrary to many common expectations, expressions
popularity correlates negatively with low thresholds (Fig. 5).
An alternative explanation may be the classical diffusion
process with population division into early adopters and
laggards: thresholds rise with tags popularity because users
with lower thresholds had adopted them earlier (when the
expressions were not yet popular). Our aimis to consider
models that include these factors in explaining diffusion
Although a large alpha can also be observed in cases where a user is
surrounded by many neighbours who adopted a tag before her/him.
Naturally, given the nature of the data recorded by social software, it
is impossible to determine which entries a given user has actually
read. This of course means that the posts published by followed
persons are merely treated as a realistic proxy of the data actually seen
by the user.
A thematic breakdown of the tags might reveal that humans
succumb to influence more easily in certain contexts than others.
The humped feature of the distribution tail stems fromthe skewed
distribution of the variables used to calculate the threshold values.
Figure 4. Distribution of tag adoption thresholds in Blip
Figure 5. Relationship between tag popularity and exposure
In the field of foreign language studies, the past two decades
have witnessed a significant increase in theories and research
focused on the role of social interaction (e.g. socio-cultural
theory [20], language socialisation hypothesis [19], or
conversation analysis [9], [10]). These developments conceive
of language learning as a process anchored in and configured
through the activities in which the language user engages as a
social agent [28]. Yet, to date no data-driven analysis has been
carried out to investigate the impact of social network
structure and peer interaction dynamics on second-language
learning outcomes in the setting of naturally occurring face-
to-face interaction.
During the 2010/11 academic year, a striking observation was
made independently by several German-language instructors
at one university in Baden-Wurttemberg: for the first time in a
long while the cohort of Erasmus exchange students arriving
at the university became a visibly cohesive group. This had a
measurable impact on the improvement of their linguistic
competence over the course of the academic year.
All members of the group (n=39) were approached with in-
depth structured interviews, with the objective to grasp: (i) the
precise individual, social and interactional factors impacting
the acquisition process; (ii) the way in which language
development is affected by the dynamics of peer interaction,
and (iii) the impact of social network topology on motivation
and learning outcomes. Fromthese interviews, we were able
to gain insight into the motivations, preferences and peer
interaction among the participants. The goal was then to
determine how, if at all, these were associated with
performance. Because the number of participants was very
low and the majority improved by one level, we chose to
focus on over- and underperformers (improvement by two
levels or no improvement) to try to identify the features and
conditions that might explain their outcomes.
We measured performance in terms of self-reported
improvement, taking the difference between the participants
initial level in German and their level at the end of the course.
Interaction frequency was assessed by the participants
themselves and rated on a scale between 1 and 10, where a
score of 10 was given for participants with which the
individual felt s/he interacted most frequently.
Figure 6. Bidirectional interactions in German; edge intensity
indicates relative link weight
In our analyses, we consider six different weighted
interaction networks, namely those of: (i) incoming
interactions, where an individual i has an in-link from
individual j if j has reported interacting with i (irrespective of
whether or not i has reported such interaction); (ii) outgoing
interactions, where individual i has an out-link to an
individual j if i has reported interacting with j; (iii) the sumof
general interactions; (iv) bidirectional interactions only; (v)
incoming interactions in German; (vi) outgoing interactions in
German; (vii) the sum of German interactions; (viii)
bidirectional interactions in German (a snapshot of the last
network is visible in Fig. 6).
The interactions were all normalised with respect to
participants general interactions (so, for example, if a
participant had a high level of interaction, a score of 4 will be
treated the same as a score of 2 for a participant who did not
interact very much).
Due to the low number of participants and the fact that the
majority improved by one level, we had to ensure that any
apparent similarities between strongly linked individuals
(large frequencies of interactions) were not simply due to
homogeneity. To address this, we compared the predictions
that would be made by the network with those that would be
made by the network randomly rewired. Rather than use
traditional network analysis methods that depend on large
numbers of nodes and links, we tested hypotheses by
evaluating alternative models that overlay or weight networks.
For example, to gain further insight on the interplay between
social factors, language factors, and homophily ([21], [23]),
we compare models where social interactions are weighted by
homophily with those that treat themas orthogonal to each
Using this multi-layered-network perspective to study socially
distributed learning, we found:
(i) No direct association between outgoing interactions
(neither general nor in German) and performance.
However, when the outgoing German interactions were
framed in the context of the general outward
interactions (i.e., using