Bit Slice Processor

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Bit-Slice Processor

A microprocessor designed to allow variable word sizes using 2, 4, or 8 bit processor units on a single chip. These devices can be paralleled to yield an 8, 12, 16, 24, or 2 bit processor when assembled with other components. !ccasionally used in printers. "t is a techni#ue $or constructing a processor $rom modules, each o$ which processes one bit% $ield or &slice& o$ an operand. 'it slice processors usually consist o$ an A() o$ 1, 2, 4 or 8 bits and control lines *including carry or over$low signals usually internal to the +,)-. .or e/ample, two 4%bit A()s could be arranged side by side, with control lines between them, to $orm an 8%bit A(). A se#uencer e/ecutes a program to provide data and control signals. 'it%slice microprocessors are the (egos o$ microprocessors. "n bit%slice microprocessors the 0,) is split apart into +) and A() chips. At $irst blush, this may seem to go against the rationale $or using a 0,). 1plitting these $unctions apart into multiple increases comple/ity and e/pense. A$ter all the 0+) was built to shrin2 a computer and bit%slice seems to be e/panding it. Actually it is and does, but there are some interesting advantages to the bit%slice approach. The bit%slice microprocessor design has three very signi$icant advantages. 1. A()3s can be attached together in horizontal con$igurations to create computers that can handle very large chun2s o$ data at a time. An e/ample o$ a bit%slice processor is the A04 2561. 7ith the A04 2561 bit%slice, the 2561 is the A(), the A04 2516 is the +). The 2561 was a peer o$ the "ntel 8686, but the 8686 could only handle 8%bits o$ data at time. The 2561 was a 4%bit A(), but 4 25613s could be lin2ed together to create a computer that could handle 16%bits at a time, 8 could be put together to create a 2%bit computer and so on. 7hereas the 8686 would have to use multiple cycles to process 16 or 2 bits, the appropriate 2561 con$iguration could handle it in a single cycle giving such a computer signi$icantly more power than the 8686. 2. Advantage o$ the 'it%slice design is the $act that the two chip design allowed the chips to use bipolar chip technology *e/ample8 the "ntel 662-. 'ipolar is very $ast, but consumes lots o$ power and dissipates lots o$ heat. 'ecause o$ the heat dissipation problem, bipolar chips could not be as dense *in number o$ transistors per area- as the ,0!1 or 90!1 chips. "t was not possible to build single%chip +,)3s using bipolar technology. 1o, in addition to the wider data paths the bit%slice devices could achieve, they were inherently $aster due the bipolar technology that was employed to build the chips. . The bit%slices had the ability to allow users to create their own instruction sets $or their applications. "nstruction sets could be created to emulate, or enhance, e/isting processors such as the 6:62 or 8686, or to create a uni#ue instruction set specially adapted to ma/imize per$ormance o$ a speci$ic application. The combination o$ the speed and $le/ibility o$ bit%slice devices made the very popular and created a cult%li2e $ollowing, especially $or the A04 2561.

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