Single Entry

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Accounts fromIncomplete Records

Single entry system is generally found in sole trading concerns or even in partnership
firms to some extent but never in case of limited liability companies on account of
legal requirements.
There are three types of single entry systems:
Pure Single Entry
Simple Single Entry
Quasi Single Entry
Single entry system ignores the concept of duality and therefore, transactions are not
recorded in their two-fold aspects.
Closing Capital = Opening Capital + Additional Capital Drawings + Profits

Question 1
The following is the Balance Sheet of the retail business of Sri Srinivas as at 31st December, 2010:
Liabilities ` Assets `
Sri Srinivass capital 1,00,000 Furniture 10,000
Liabilities for goods 20,500 Stock 70,000
Rent 1,000 Debtors 25,000
Cash at bank 14,500
Cash in hand 2,000
1,21,500 1,21,500
You are furnished with the following information:
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(1) Sri Srinivas sells his goods at a profit of 20%on sales.
(2) Goods are sold for cash and credit. Credit customers pay by cheques only.
(3) Payments for purchases are always made by cheques.
(4) It is the practice of Sri Srinivas to send to the bank every weekend the collections of the week
after paying every week, salary of ` 300 to the clerk, Sundry expenses of ` 50 and personal
expenses ` 100.
Analysis of the Bank PassBook for the 13 weeks period ending 31st March, 2011 disclosed the
Payments to creditors 75,000
Payments of rent upto 31.3.2011 4,000
Amounts deposited into the bank 1,25,000
(include ` 30,000 received fromdebtors by cheques)
The following are the balances on 31st March, 2011: `
Stock 40,000
Debtors 30,000
Creditors for goods 36,500
On the evening of 31st March, 2011 the Cashier absconded with the available cash in the cash
box. There was no cash deposit in the week ended on that date.
You are required to prepare a statement showing the amount of cash defalcated by the Cashier
and also a Profit and Loss Account for the period ended 31st March, 2011 and a Balance Sheet as
on that date.
Statement showing the amount of cash defalcated by the Cashier
` `
Cash balance as on 1.1.2011 2,000
Add : Cash sales 1,16,250 1,18,250
Less : Salary to clerk (` 300 13) 3,900
Sundry expenses (` 50 13) 650
Drawings of Sri Srinivas (` 100 13) 1,300
Deposit into bank (` 1,25,000 ` 30,000) 95,000 1,00,850
Cash balance as on 31.3.2011 (defalcated by cashier) 17,400
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Trading and Profit and Loss Account of Sri Srinivas
for the 13 week period ended 31st March, 2011
` ` `
To Opening stock 70,000 By Sales :
To Purchases 91,000 Cash 1,16,250
To Gross Profit c/d 30,250 Credit 35,000 1,51,250
By Closing stock 40,000
191,250 1,91,250
To Salaries 3,900 By Gross profit b/d 30,250
To Rent (` 4,000 ` 1,000) 3,000
To Sundry Expenses 650
To Loss of cash by theft 17,400
To Net Profit 5,300
30,250 30,250
Balance Sheet of Sri Srinivas
as on 31st March, 2011
Liabilities ` Assets `
Capital as on 1.1.2011 1,00,000 Furniture 10,000
Add : Profit 5,300 Stock 40,000
1,05,300 Debtors 30,000
Less : Drawings (1,300) 1,04,000 Cash at bank 60,500
Liabilities for goods 36,500
1,40,500 1,40,500
Working Notes :
(1) Purchases
Creditors Account
` `
To Bank A/c 75,000 By Balance b/d 20,500
To Balance c/d 36,500 By Purchases A/c (Bal. fig.) 91,000
1,11,500 1,11,500
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(2) Total sales
Opening stock 70,000
Add : Purchases 91,000
Less : Closing stock 40,000
Cost of goods sold 1,21,000
Add : Gross profit @ 25% on cost 30,250
Total Sales 1,51,250
(3) Credit Sales
Debtors Account
` `
To Balance b/d 25,000 By Bank A/c 30,000
To Sales A/c (Bal. fig.) 35,000 By Balance c/d 30,000
60,000 60,000
(4) Cash Sales
Total sales 1,51,250
Less : Credit Sales (35,000)
Cash sales 1,16,250
(5) Bank balance as on 31.3.2011
` `
To Balance b/d 14,500 By Creditors A/c 75,000
To Debtors A/c 30,000 By Rent A/c 4,000
To Cash A/c 95,000 By Balance c/d 60,500
1,39,500 1,39,500
Notes :
1. All purchases are taken on credit basis.
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2. In the absence of information about the rate of depreciation, no depreciation has been
charged on furniture. Alternatively, students may assume any appropriate rate of
depreciation and account for the charge.
3. The amount defalcated by the cashier may be treated as recoverable from him. In that
case, ` 17,400 may be shown as sundry advances on assets side in the Balance Sheet
and net profit for the 13 week period ending 31st March, 2011 would amount ` 22,700.
Question 2
Mr A runs a business of readymade garments. He closes the books of accounts on
March. The Balance Sheet as on 31
March, 2011 was as follows:
Liabilities ` Assets `
As capital a/c 4,04,000 Furniture 40,000
Creditors 82,000 Stock 2,80,000
Debtors 1,00,000
Cash in hand 28,000
Cash at bank 38,000
4,86,000 4,86,000
You are furnished with the following information:
(1) His sales, for the year ended 31
March, 2012 were 20%higher than the sales of
previous year, out of which 20%sales was cash sales.
Total sales during the year 2010-11 were ` 5,00,000.
(2) Payments for all the purchases were made by cheques only.
(3) Goods were sold for cash and credit both. Credit customers pay be cheques only.
(4) Deprecition on furniture is to be charged 10%p.a.
(5) Mr A sent to the bank the collection of the month at the last date of the each month after
paying salary of ` 2,000 to the clerk, office expenses ` 1,200 and personal expenses `
Analysis of bank pass book for the year ending 31
March 2012 disclosed the following:
Payment to creditors 3,00,000
Payment of rent up to 31
March, 2012 16,000
Cash deposited into the bank during the year 80,000
The following are the balances on 31
March, 2012:
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Stock 1,60,000
Debtors 1,20,000
Creditors for goods 1,46,000
On the evening of 31
March 2012, the cashier absconded with the available cash in the cash book.
You are required to prepare Trading and Profit and Loss A/c for the year ended 31
2012 and Balance Sheet as on that date. All the workings should formpart of the answer.
Trading and Profit and Loss Account for the year ending 31st March 2011
Particulars ` Particulars `
To Opening stock 2,80,000 By Sales (W.N. 3)
To Purchases (W.N. 1) 3,64,000 Credit 4,80,000
To Gross profit 1,16,000 Cash 1,20,000 6,00,000
By Closing stock 1,60,000
7,60,000 7,60,000
To Salary 24,000 By Gross profit 1,16,000
To Rent 16,000
To Office expenses 14,400
To Loss of cash (W.N. 6) 23,600
To Depreciation on furniture 4,000
To Net Profit 34,000
1,16,000 1,16,000
Balance Sheet as on 31
March, 2011
Liabilities ` Assets `
As Capital 4,04,000 Furniture 40,000
Add: Net Profit 34,000 Less: Depreciation (4,000) 36,000
Less: Drawings (6,000) 4,32,000 Stock 1,60,000
Creditors 1,46,000 Debtors 1,20,000
Cash at bank 2,62,000
5,78,000 5,78,000

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Working Notes:
(1) Calculation of purchases
Creditors Account
Particulars ` Particulars `
To Bank A/c 3,00,000 By Balance b/d 82,000
To Balance c/d 1,46,000 By Purchases (Bal.fig.) 3,64,000
4,46,000 4,46,000
(2) Calculation of total sales
Sales for the year 2010-11 5,00,000
Add: 20% increase 1,00,000
Total sales for the year 2011-12 6,00,000
(3) Calculation of credit sales

Total sales 6,00,000
Less: Cash sales (20% of total sales) (1,20,000)
(4) Calculation of cash collected fromdebtors
Debtors Account
Particulars ` Particulars `
To Balance b/d 1,00,000 By Bank A/c (Bal. fig.) 4,60,000
To Sales A/c 4,80,000 By Balance c/d 1,20,000
5,80,000 5,80,000
(5) Calculation of closing balance of cash at bank
Bank Account
Particulars ` Particulars `
To Balance b/d 38,000 By Creditors A/c 3,00,000
To Debtors A/c 4,60,000 By Rent A/c 16,000
To Cash A/c 80,000 By Balance c/d 2,62,000
5,78,000 5,78,000

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(6) Calculation of the amount of cash defalcated by the cashier
Cash balance as on 1
April 2011 28,000
Add: Cash sales during the year 1,20,000
Less: Salary (` 2,000x12) 24,000
Office expenses (` 1,200 x 12) 14,400
Drawings of A (` 500x12) 6,000
Cash deposited into bank during the year 80,000 (1,24,400)
Cash balance as on 31
March 2012 (defalcated by the cashier) 23,600
Question 3
A trader keeps his books of account under single entry system. On 31st March, 2010 his statement
of affairs stood as follows :
Liabilities ` Assets `
Trade Creditors 5,80,000 Furniture, Fixtures and Fittings 1,00,000
Bills Payable 1,25,000 Stock 6,10,000
Outstanding Expenses 45,000 Trade Debtors 1,48,000
Capital Account 2,50,000 Bills Receivable 60,000
Unexpired Insurance 2,000
Cash in Hand and at Bank 80,000
10,00,000 10,00,000
The following was the summary of Cashbook for the year ended 31st March, 2011:
Receipts ` Payments `
Cash in Hand and at Bank on Payments to Trade Creditors 75,07,000
1st April, 2011 80,000 Payments for Bills payable 8,15,000
Cash Sales 73,80,000 Sundry Expenses paid 6,20,700
Receipts fromTrade Debtors 15,10,000 Drawings 2,40,000
Receipts for Bills Receivable 3,40,000 Cash in Hand and at Bank
on 31st March, 2011 1,27,300
93,10,000 93,10,000
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Discount allowed to trade debtors and received fromtrade creditors amounted to ` 36,000 and
` 28,000 respectively. Bills endorsed amounted to ` 15,000. Annual Fire Insurance premiumof
` 6,000 was paid every year on 1st August for the renewal of the policy. Furniture, fixtures and
fittings were subject to depreciation @ 15%per annumon diminishing balances method.
You are also informed about the following balances as on 31st March, 2011 :
Stock 6,50,000
Trade Debtors 1,52,000
Bills Receivable 75,000
Bills Payable 1,40,000
Outstanding Expenses 5,000
The trader maintains a steady gross profit ratio of 10%on sales.
Prepare Trading and Profit and Loss Account for the year ended 31st March, 2011 and Balance
Sheet as at that date.
Trading and Profit and Loss Account
for the year ended 31st March, 2011
` `
To Opening Stock 6,10,000 By Sales
To Purchases (W.N. 3) 84,10,000 Cash 73,80,000
To Gross profit c/d 9,30,000 Credit (W.N. 2) 19,20,000 93,00,000
(10% of 93,00,000) By Closing stock 6,50,000
99,50,000 99,50,000
To Sundry expenses (W.N. 6) 5,80,700 By Gross profit b/d 9,30,000
To Discount allowed 36,000 By Discount received 28,000
To Depreciation 15,000
(15% ` 1,00,000)
To Net Profit 3,26,300
9,58,000 9,58,000
Balance Sheet as at 31st March, 2011
Liabilities Amount Assets Amount
` `
Capital Furniture & Fittings 1,00,000
Opening balance 2,50,000 Less : Depreciation (15,000) 85,000
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Less : Drawing (2,40,000) Stock 6,50,000
10,000 Trade Debtors 1,52,000
Add : Net profit for the years 3,26,300 3,36,300 Bills receivable 75,000
Bills payable 1,40,000 Unexpired insurance 2,000
Trade creditors 6,10,000 Cash in hand & at bank 1,27,300
Outstanding expenses 5,000
10,91,300 10,91,300
Working Notes :
1. Bills Receivable Account
` `
To Balance b/d 60,000 By Cash 3,40,000
To Trade debtors 3,70,000 By Trade creditors 15,000
(Bills endorsed)
By Balance c/d 75,000
4,30,000 4,30,000
2. Trade Debtors Account
` `
To Balance b/d 1,48,000 By Cash/Bank 15,10,000
To Credit sales 19,20,000 By Discount allowed 36,000
(Bal. fig.) By Bills receivable 3,70,000
By Balance c/d 1,52,000
20,68,000 20,68,000
3. MemorandumTrading Account
` `
To Opening stock 6,10,000 By Sales 93,00,000
To Purchases (Balancing figure) 84,10,000 By Closing stock 6,50,000
To Gross Profit (10% on sales) 9,30,000
99,50,000 99,50,000
4. Bills Payable Account
` `
To Cash/Bank 8,15,000 By Balance b/d 1,25,000
To Balance c/d 1,40,000 By Creditors (balancing figure) 8,30,000
9,55,000 9,55,000
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5. Trade Creditors Account
` `
To Cash/Bank 75,07,000 By Balance b/d 5,80,000
To Discount received 28,000 By Purchases (as calculated 84,10,000
To Bills receivable 15,000 in W.N. 3)
To Bills payable 8,30,000
To Balance c/d (balancing figure) 6,10,000
89,90,000 89,90,000
6. Computation of sundry expenses to be charged to Profit &Loss A/c
Sundry expenses paid (as per cash book) 6,20,700
Add : Prepaid expenses as on 3132010 2,000
Less : Outstanding expenses as on 3132010 (45,000)
Add : Outstanding expenses as on 3132011 5,000
Less : Prepaid expenses as on 3132011 (Insurance paid till July, 2011) (2,000)
Question 4
The following is the Balance Sheet of a concern on 31st March, 2010 :
` `
Capital 10,00,000 Fixed Assets 4,00,000
Creditors (Trade) 1,40,000 Stock 3,00,000
Profit &Loss A/c 60,000 Debtors 1,50,000
Cash &Bank 3,50,000
12,00,000 12,00,000
The management estimates the purchases and sales for the year ended 31st March, 2011 as
under :
upto 28.2.2011 March 2011
` `
Purchases 14,10,000 1,10,000
Sales 19,20,000 2,00,000
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It was decided to invest ` 1,00,000 in purchases of fixed assets, which are depreciated @
10%on cost.
The time lag for payment to Trade Creditors for purchase and receipt fromSales is one month.
The business earns a gross profit of 30%on turnover. The expenses against gross profit
amount to 10%of the turnover. The amount of depreciation is not included in these expenses.
Draft a Balance Sheet as at 31st March, 2011 assuming that creditors are all Trade Creditors for
purchases and debtors for sales and there is no other itemof current assets and liabilities apart
fromstock and cash and bank balances.
Projected Balance Sheet of ......
as on 31st March, 2011
Liabilities ` Assets `
Capital 10,00,000 Fixed Assets 4,00,000
Profit & Loss Account as on Additions 1,00,000
1st April, 2010 60,000 5,00,000
Add : Profit for the year 3,74,000 4,34,000 Less : Depreciation (50,000) 4,50,000
Creditors (Trade) 1,10,000 Stock in trade 3,36,000
Sundry Debtors 2,00,000
Cash & Bank Balances 5,58,000
15,44,000 15,44,000
Working Notes:
1. Projected Trading and Profit and Loss Account
for the year ended 31st March, 2011
` `
To Opening Stock 3,00,000 By Sales 21,20,000
To Purchases 15,20,000 By Closing Stock (balancing figure) 3,36,000
To Gross Profit c/d (30% on 6,36,000
24,56,000 24,56,000
To Sundry Expenses (10% 2,12,000 By Gross Profit b/d 6,36,000
on sales)
To Depreciation 50,000
To Net Profit 3,74,000
6,36,000 6,36,000

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1st April, 2010 to 31st March, 2011
` `
To Balance b/d 3,50,000 By Sundry Creditors 15,50,000
To Sundry Debtors 20,70,000 (` 1,40,000 + ` 14,10,000)
(` 1,50,000 + ` 19,20,000) By Expenses 2,12,000
By Fixed Assets 1,00,000
By Balance c/d 5,58,000
24,20,000 24,20,000
Note : The entire sales and purchases are taken on credit basis.
Question 5
The following is the Balance Sheet of Sri Agni Dev as on 31st March, 2010:
Liabilities ` Assets `
Capital Account 2,52,500 Machinery 1,20,000
Sundry Creditors for purchases 45,000 Furniture 20,000
Stock 33,000
Debtors 1,00,000
Cash in hand 8,000
_______ Cash at Bank 16,500
2,97,500 2,97,500
Riots occurred and fire broke out on the evening of 31st March, 2011, destroying the books of
account and Furniture. The cashier was grievously hurt and the cash available in the cash
box was stolen.
The trader gives you the following information:
(i) Sales are effected as 25%for cash and the balance on credit. His total sales for the year
ended 31st March, 2011 were 20%higher than the previous year. All the sales and
purchases of goods were evenly spread throughout the year (as also in the last year).
(ii) Terms of credit
Debtors 2 Months
Creditors 1 Month
(iii) Stock level was maintained at ` 33,000 all throughout the year.
(iv) A steady Gross Profit rate of 25%on the turnover was maintained throughout. Creditors are
paid by cheque only, except for cash purchase of ` 50,000.
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(v) His private records and the Bank Pass-book disclosed the following transactions for the
(i) Miscellaneous Business expenses ` 1,57,500 (including ` 5,000 paid by
cheque and ` 7,500 was outstanding as
on 31st March, 2011)
(ii) Repairs ` 3,500 (paid by cash)
(iii) Addition to Machinery ` 60,000 (paid by cheque)
(iv) Private drawings ` 30,000 (paid by cash)
(v) Travelling expenses ` 18,000 (paid by cash)
(vi) Introduction of additional capital by
depositing in to the Bank
` 5,000
(vi) Collection fromdebtors were all through cheques.
(vii) Depreciation on Machinery is to be provided @ 15%on the Closing Book Value.
(viii) The Cash stolen is to be charged to the Profit and Loss Account.
(ix) Loss of furniture is to be adjusted fromthe Capital Account.
Prepare Trading, Profit and Loss Account for the year ended 31st March, 2011 and a Balance
Sheet as on that date. Make appropriate assumptions whenever necessary. All workings
should formpart of your answer.
Trading and Profit and Loss Account of Sri. Agni Dev
for the year ended 31st March, 2011
` `
To Opening Stock 33,000 By Sales 9,60,000
To Purchases 7,20,000 By Closing Stock 33,000
To Gross Profit c/d 2,40,000 _______
9,93,000 9,93,000
To Business Expenses 1,57,500 By Gross Profit b/d 2,40,000
To Repairs 3,500
To Depreciation 27,000
To Travelling Expenses 18,000
To Loss by theft 1,500
To Net Profit 32,500 _______
2,40,000 2,40,000
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Balance Sheet of Sri Agni Dev as at 31st March, 2011
Liabilities ` ` Assets ` `
Capital 2,52,500 Machinery 1,80,000
Add: Additional Capital 5,000 Less: Depreciation (27,000) 1,53,000
Net Profit 32,500
2,90,000 Stock in Trade 33,000
Less: Loss of Furniture (20,000) Sundry Debtors 1,20,000
Drawings (30,000) 2,40,000
Bank Overdraft 2,667
Sundry Creditors 55,833
Outstanding Expenses 7,500 _______
3,06,000 3,06,000
Working Notes:
1. Sales during 2010-2011 `
Debtors as on 31st March, 2010 1,00,000
(Being equal to 2 months' sales)
Total credit sales in 2009- 2010, ` 1,00,000 6 6,00,000
Cash Sales, being equal to 1/3rd of credit sales or 1/4th of the total 2,00,000
Sales in 2009- 2010 8,00,000
Increase, 20% as stated in the problem 1,60,000
Total sales during 2010-2011 9,60,000
Cash sales : 1/4th 2,40,000
Credit sales : 3/4th 7,20,000
2. Debtors equal to two months credit sales 1,20,000
3. Purchases
Sales in 2010-2011

Gross Profit @ 25% 2,40,000
Cost of goods sold being purchases 7,20,000
(Since there is no change in stock level)
4. Sundry Creditors for goods
(` 7,20,000 ` 50,000) /12 = ` 6,70,000/12 55,833

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5. Collections from Debtors
Opening Balance 1,00,000
Add: Credit Sales 7,20,000
Less: Closing Balance (1,20,000)
6. Payment to Creditors
Opening Balance 45,000
Add: Credit Purchases (` 7,20,000 ` 50,000) 6,70,000
Less: Closing Balance (55,833)
Payment by cheque 6,59,167
7. Cash and Bank Account
Particulars Cash Bank Particulars Cash Bank
To Balance b/d 8,000 16,500 By Payment to
50,000 6,59,167
To Collection from
7,00,000 By Misc. Expenses 1,45,000 5,000
To Sales 2,40,000 By Repairs 3,500
To Additional
5,000 By Addition to
To Balance c/d 2,667 By Travelling
(Bank overdraft) By Private Drawings 30,000

By Balance c/d (lost by


2,48,000 7,24,167 2,48,000 7,24,167
Question 6
Lucky does not maintain proper books of accounts. However, he maintains a record of his bank
transactions and also is able to give the following information fromwhich you are requested to
prepare his final accounts for the year 2011:

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1.1.2011 31.12.2011
` `
Debtors 1,02,500
Creditors 46,000
Stock 50,000 62,500
Bank Balance 50,000
Fixed Assets 7,500 9,000
Details of his bank transactions were as follows:
Received fromdebtors 3,40,000
Additional capital brought in 5,000
Sale of fixed assets (book value ` 2,500) 1,750
Paid to creditors 2,80,000
Expenses paid 49,250
Personal drawings 25,000
Purchase of fixed assets 5,000
No cash transactions took place during the year. Goods are sold at cost plus 25%. Cost of goods
sold was ` 2,60,000.
Trading and Profit and Loss Account
for the year ended 31st December, 2011
Amount Amount
` `
To Opening stock 50,000 By Sales (` 2,60,000 125/100) 3,25,000
To Purchases (balancing

By Closing stock 62,500

To Gross profit c/d
(` 2,60,000 25/100)


3,87,500 3,87,500
To Expenses 49,250 By Gross profit b/d 65,000
To Loss on sale of fixed


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To Depreciation on fixed
assets (W.N.1)


To Net profit 14,000 ______
65,000 65,000
Balance Sheet as on 31st December, 2011
Amount Amount
Liabilities ` Assets `
Capital (W.N. 5) 1,69,000 Fixed assets 9,000
Add: Additional capital 5,000 Debtors (W.N. 3) 87,500
Net profit 14,000 Stock 62,500
1,88,000 Bank balance 50,000
Less: Drawings (25,000) 1,63,000
Creditors 46,000 _______
2,09,000 2,09,000
Working Notes:
1. Fixed assets account
` `
To Balance b/d 7,500 By Bank (sale) 1,750
To Bank 5,000 By Loss on sale of fixed asset 750
By Depreciation (balancing figure) 1,000
_____ By Balance c/d 9,000
12,500 12,500
2. Bank account
` `
To Balance b/d (balancing figure) 62,500 By Creditors 2,80,000
To Debtors 3,40,000 By Expenses 49,250
To Capital 5,000 By Drawings 25,000
To Sale of fixed assets 1,750 By Fixed assets 5,000
_______ By Balance c/d 50,000
4,09,250 4,09,250
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3. Debtors account
` `
To Balance b/d 1,02,500 By Bank 3,40,000
To Sales
(` 2,60,000

By Balance c/d
(balancing figure)

4,27,500 4,27,500
4. Creditors account
` `
To Bank 2,80,000 By Balance b/d (balancing figure) 53,500
To Balance c/d 46,000 By Purchases (from trading account) 2,72,500
3,26,000 3,26,000
5. Balance Sheet as on 1st January, 2011
Liabilities ` Assets `
Creditors (W.N. 4) 53,500 Fixed assets 7,500
Capital (balancing figure) 1,69,000 Debtors 1,02,500
Stock 50,000
_______ Bank balance (W.N. 2) 62,500
2,22,500 2,22,500
Question 7
The following information relates to the business of Mr. Shiv Kumar, who requests you to prepare a
Trading and Profit &Loss Account for the year ended 31st March, 2011 and a Balance Sheet as on
that date
(a) Balance as on
31st March, 2010
Balance as on
31st March, 2011
Building 3,20,000 3,60,000
Furniture 60,000 68,000
Motorcar 80,000 80,000
Stocks 40,000
Bills payable 28,000 16,000
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Cash and Bank balances 1,80,000 1,04,000
Sundry Debtors 1,60,000
Bills receivable 32,000 28,000
Sundry Creditors 1,20,000
(b) Cash transactions during the year included the following besides certain other items:
` `
Sale of old papers and
miscellaneous income

Cash purchases
Payment to creditors
Miscellaneous Trade expenses
(including salaries etc.)

Cash Sales 80,000
Collection fromdebtors 2,00,000
(c) Other information:
(i) Bills receivable drawn during the year amount to ` 20,000 and Bills payable accepted
` 16,000.
(ii) Some items of old furniture, whose written down value on 31st March, 2010 was
` 20,000 was sold on 30th September, 2010 for ` 8,000. Depreciation is to be provided
on Building and Furniture @ 10%p.a. and on Motorcar @ 20%p.a. Depreciation on
sale of furniture is to be provided for 6 months and for additions to Building for whole
(iii) Of the Debtors, a sumof ` 8,000 should be written off as Bad Debt and a reserve for
doubtful debts is to be provided @ 2%.
(iv) Mr. Shivkumar has been maintaining a steady gross profit rate of 30%on turnover.
(v) Outstanding salary on 31st March, 2010 was ` 8,000 and on 31st March, 2011 was
` 10,000 on 31st March, 2010. Profit and Loss Account had a credit balance of
` 40,000.
(vi) 20%of total sales and total purchases are to be treated as for cash.
(vii) Additions in Furniture Account took place in the beginning of the year and there was no
opening provision for doubtful debts.
Trading and Profit and Loss Account of Mr. Shiv Kumar
for the year ended 31st March, 2011
` `
To Opening stock By Sales 4,00,000
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(balancing figure) 80,000 By Closing stock 40,000
To Purchases 2,40,000
To Gross profit c/d
@ 30% on sales


4,40,000 4,40,000
To Miscellaneous
expenses (` 80,000
` 8,000 +
` 10,000)

Gross profit b/d
Miscellaneous receipts
Net loss transferred to
Capital A/c

To Depreciation:
Building ` 36,000
Furniture ` 7,800

(` 6,800+` 1,000)
Motor Car ` 16,000 59,800
To Loss on sale of furniture

To Bad debts 8,000
To Provision for doubtful


1,65,840 1,65,840
Balance Sheet of Mr. Shivkumar
as on 31st March, 2011
Liabilities ` ` Assets ` `
Capital as on 1

Add: Addition during the
Profit and Loss A/c
Opening balance



Less: Loss for the Less: Provision for
year (25,840) 14,160 depreciation
Sundry creditors 1,12,000 Less: Sold during the year (20,000)
Bills payable 16,000 40,000
Outstanding salary 10,000 Add: Addition during the
year 28,000
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Less: Depreciation (6,800) 61,200
Motor car (at cost) 80,000
Less: Depreciation (16,000) 64,000
Stock in trade 40,000
Sundry debtors 2,52,000
Less: Provision for
doubtful debts @ 2%


Bills receivable 28,000
_______ Cash in hand and at bank 1,04,000
8,68,160 8,68,160
Working Notes:
Sundry Debtors Account
` `
To Balance b/d 1,60,000 By Cash/Bank A/c 2,00,000
To Sales A/c 3,20,000 By Bills receivable A/c 20,000
By Bad debts A/c 8,000
By Balance c/d (balancing fig.) 2,52,000
4,80,000 4,80,000
Sundry Creditors Account
` `
To Cash/Bank A/c 1,84,000 By Balance b/d 1,20,000
To Bills payable A/c 16,000 By Purchases A/c 1,92,000
To Balance c/d
(balancing figure) 1,12,000
3,12,000 3,12,000
Bills Receivable Account
` `
To Balance b/d 32,000 By Cash/ Bank A/c 24,000
To Sundry debtors A/c 20,000 (balancing figure)
By Balance c/d 28,000
52,000 52,000
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Bills Payable Account
` `
To Cash/Bank A/c 28,000 By Balance b/d 28,000
(balancing figure) By Sundry creditors A/c 16,000
To Balance c/d 16,000
44,000 44,000
Furniture Account
` `
To Balance b/d 60,000 By Bank/Cash A/c 8,000
To Bank A/c 28,000 By Depreciation A/c 1,000
By Profit and loss A/c (loss on sale) 11,000
By Depreciation A/c 6,800
By Balance c/d 61,200
88,000 88,000
Cash/Bank Account
` `
To Balance b/d 1,80,000 By Misc. trade expenses A/c 80,000
To Miscellaneous
receipts A/c

Purchases A/c
Furniture A/c (balancing
To Sundry debtors A/c 2,00,000 figure) 28,000
To Sales A/c 80,000 By Sundry creditors A/c 1,84,000
To Furniture A/c (sale) 8,000 By Bills payable A/c 28,000
To Bills receivable A/c 24,000 By Building A/c 40,000
By Balance c/d 1,04,000
5,12,000 5,12,000
Opening Balance Sheet of Mr. Shivkumar
as on 31st March, 2010
` Assets `
Capital (balancing figure) 7,16,000 Building 3,20,000
Profit and loss A/c
Sundry creditors
Motor car
Bills payable 28,000 Stock in trade 80,000
Outstanding salary 8,000 Sundry debtors 1,60,000
Bills receivable 32,000
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Cash in hand and at bank 1,80,000
9,12,000 9,12,000
Question 8
Fromthe following furnished by Shri Ramji, prepare Trading and Profit and Loss account for the
year ended 31.3.2011. Also draft his Balance Sheet as at 31.3.2011:
1.4.2010 31.3.2011
` `
Creditors 3,15,400 2,48,000
Expenses outstanding 12,000 6,600
Fixed assets (includes machinery) 2,32,200 2,40,800
Stock in hand 1,60,800 2,22,400
Cash in hand 59,200 24,000
Cash at bank 80,000 1,37,600
Sundry debtors 3,30,600 ?
Details of the years transactions are as follows:
Cash and discount credited to debtors 12,80,000
Returns fromdebtors 29,000
Bad debts 8,400
Sales (Both cash and credit) 14,36,200
Discount allowed by creditors 14,000
Returns to creditors 8,000
Capital introduced by cheque 1,70,000
Collection fromdebtors (Deposited into bank after receiving
Cash purchases 20,600
Expenses paid by cash 1,91,400
Drawings by cheque 8,600
Machinery acquired by cheque 63,600
Cash deposited into bank 1,00,000
Cash withdrawn frombank 1,84,800
Cash sales 92,000
Payment to creditors by cheque 12,05,400
Note: Ramji has not sold any Fixed Asset during the year.
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Accounts fromIncomplete Records 10.25

In the books of Shri Ramji
Trading and Profit and Loss Account
for the year ended 31st March, 2011
` ` ` `
To Opening stock 1,60,800 By Sales:
To Purchases: Cash 92,000
Cash 20,600 Credit 13,44,200
Credit (W.N. 3) 11,60,000 14,36,200
11,80,600 Less: Returns (29,000) 14,07,200
Less: Returns (8,000) 11,72,600
To Gross Profit c/d 2,96,200 By Closing stock 2,22,400
16,29,600 16,29,600
To Discount
30,000 By Gross profit
To Bad debts 8,400 By Discount 14,000
To General expenses (W.N. 5) 1,86,000
To Depreciation (W.N. 4) 55,000
To Net profit 30,800 _______
3,10,200 3,10,200
Balance Sheet as at 31st March, 2011
Liabilities ` Assets `
Capital (W.N. 1) 5,35,400 Sundry Assets 2,32,200
Add: Additional capital 1,70,000 Add: New machinery 63,600
Net profit 30,800 2,95,800
7,36,200 Less: Depreciation (55,000) 2,40,800
Less: Drawings (8,600) 7,27,600 Stock in trade 2,22,400
Sundry creditors 2,48,000 Sundry debtors (W.N. 2) 3,57,400
Expenses outstanding 6,600 Cash in hand 24,000
_______ Cash in Bank 1,37,600
9,82,200 9,82,200
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Working Notes:
(1) Statement of Affairs as at 31st March, 2010
Liabilities ` Assets `
Sundry creditors 3,15,400 Sundry Assets 2,32,200
Outstanding expenses 12,000 Stock 1,60,800
Ramjis Capital Debtors 3,30,600
(Balancing figure) 5,35,400 Cash in hand 59,200
_______ Cash at Bank 80,000
8,62,800 8,62,800
(2) Sundry Debtors Account
` `
To Balance b/d 3,30,600 By Cash 12,50,000
To Sales (14,36,200
13,44,200 By Discount 30,000
By Returns (sales) 29,000
By Bad debts 8,400
________ By Balance c/d (Bal. fig.) 3,57,400
16,74,800 16,74,800
(3) Sundry Creditors Account
` `
To Bank Payments 12,05,400 By Balance b/d 3,15,400
To Discount 14,000 By Purchases credit 11,60,000
To Returns 8,000 (Balancing figure)
To Balance c/d (closing balance) 2,48,000 ________
14,75,400 14,75,400
Depreciation on Fixed Assets: `
Opening balance 2,32,200
Add: Additions 63,600
Less: Closing balance (2,40,800)
Depreciation 55,000
The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India
Accounts fromIncomplete Records 10.27

(5) Expenses to be shown in profit and loss account
Expenses (in cash) 1,91,400
Add: Outstanding of 2011 6,600
Less: Outstanding of 2010 12,000
(6) Cash and Bank Account
Cash Bank Cash Bank
` ` ` `
To Balance b/d 59,200 80,000 By Purchases 20,600
To Capital 1,70,000 By Expenses 1,91,400
To Debtors 12,50,000 By Plant and
To Bank 1,84,800 By Drawings 8,600
To Cash 1,00,000 By Creditors 12,05,400
To Sales 92,000 By Cash 1,84,800
By Bank 1,00,000
_______ ________ By Balance c/d 24,000 1,37,600
3,36,000 16,00,000 3,36,000 16,00,000
Question 9
Mr. X runs a retail business. Suddenly he finds on 31.3.2011 that his Cash and Bank balances
have reduced considerably. He provides you the following information:
(i) Balances 31.3.2010 31.3.2011
` `
Sundry Debtors 35,400 58,800
Sundry Creditors 84,400 22,400
Cash at Bank 1,08,400 2,500
Cash in Hand 10,400 500
Rent (Outstanding for one month) 2,400 3,000
Stock 11,400 20,000
Electricity and Telephone bills-outstanding -- 6,400

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(ii) Bank Pass-book reveals the following `
Total Deposits 10,34,000
Creditors 8,90,000
Professional charges 34,000
Furniture and Fixtures (acquired on 1.10.10) 54,000
Proprietors drawings 1,61,900
(iii) Rent has been increased fromJ anuary, 2011.
(iv) Mr. X deposited all cash sales and collections fromdebtors after meeting wages, shop
expenses, rent, electricity and telephone charges.
(v) Mr. X made all purchases on credit.
(vi) His credit sales during the year amounts to ` 9,00,000.
(vii) He incurred ` 6,500 per month towards wages.
(viii) He incurred following expenses:
(a) Electricity and telephone charges ` 24,000 (paid)
(b) Shop expenses ` 18,000 (paid).
(ix) Charge depreciation on furniture and fixtures @10%p.a.
Finalise the accounts of Mr. X and compute his profit for the year ended 31.3.2011. Prepare his
statement of affairs and reconcile the profit and capital balance.
Trading and profit and Loss Account of Mr. X
For the year ended 31
March, 2011
` ` `
To Opening Stock 11,400 By Sales:
To Purchases 8,28,000 Cash 2,97,500
To Gross Profit 3,78,100 Credit 9,00,000 11,97,500
By Closing Stock 20,000
12,17,500 12,17,500
To Wages 78,000 By Gross Profit 3,78,100
To Rent* 30,600
The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India
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To Electricity & Telephone** 30,400
To Professional charges 34,000
To Shop Expenses 18,000
To Depreciation
(` 54,000

To Net Profit 1,84,400
3,78,100 3,78,100

*Rent Paid 30,000
Less: Outstanding on 1.4.2010 (2,400)
Add: Outstanding on 31.3.2011 3,000
**Electricity & Telephone charges paid 24,000
Add: Outstanding on 31.3.2011 6,400
Statement of Affairs of Mr. X as on 31-03-2010 &31-03-2011
Liabilities 31-3-2010
Assets 31-3-2010
Capital Account
(Balancing Figure)


Furniture - 51,300
Sundry Creditors 84,400 22,400 Stock 11,400 20,000
Outstanding Expenses: Sundry Debtors 35,400 58,800
Rent 2,400 3,000 Bank 1,08,400 2,500
Electricity & Telephone 6,400 Cash 10,400 500
1,65,600 1,33,100 1,65,600 1,33,100

The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India
10.30 Accounting
Reconciliation of Profit
Capital on 31.03.2011 1,01,300
Add: Drawings 1,61,900
Less: Opening Capital on 1.4.2010 (78,800)
Profit for the year 1,84,400
Working Notes
1. Total Debtors Account
` `
To Balance b/d 35,400 By Cash (Balancing Figure) 8,76,600
To Credit Sales 9,00,000 By Balance c/d 58,800
9,35,400 9,35,400
2. Total Creditors Account
` `
To Bank 8,90,000 By Balance b/d 84,400
To Balance c/d 22,400 By Credit Purchases 8,28,000
9,12,400 9,12,400
3. Cash Account
Cash (` ) Bank (` ) Cash (` ) Bank (` )
To Balance b/d 10,400 1,08,400 By Bank 10,34,000 -
To Sundry Debtors 8,76,600 - By Wages 78,000 -
To Cash Sales
(Balancing figure)
2,97,500 - By Rent 30,000 -
To Cash A/c
- 10,34,000 By Electricity &
24,000 -
By Shop Expenses 18,000 -
By Professional charges - 34,000
By Sundry Creditors A/c - 8,90,000
By Furniture - 54,000
By Drawings A/c - 1,61,900
By Balance c/d 500 2,500
11,84,500 11,42,400 11,84,500 11,42,400
The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India
Accounts fromIncomplete Records 10.31

Question 10
Mr. Ashok keeps his books in Single Entry system. Fromthe following information, prepare
Trading and Profit &Loss Account for the year ended 31
March, 2011 and the Balance Sheet as
on that date:
Assets and Liabilities 31.3.2010
(` )
(` )
Sundry Creditors 30,000 25,000
Outstanding expenses 1,000 500
Fixed Assets 23,000 22,000
Stock 16,000 22,500
Cash in Hand and at Bank 14,000 16,000
Sundry Debtors ? 36,000
Following further details are available for the Current year:
` `
Total receipts fromdebtors 1,30,000 Cash purchases 2,000
Returns inward 3,000 Fixed Assets purchased and
paid by cheque

Bad Debts 1,000 Drawings by cheques 6,500
Total Sales 1,50,000 Deposited into the bank 10,000
Discount received 1,500 Withdrawn frombank 18,500
Return outwards 1,000 Cash in hand at the end 2,500
Capital introduced Paid to creditors by cheques 1,20,000
(paid into Bank) 15,000 Expenses paid 20,000
Cheques received fromDebtors 1,25,000
Trading and Profit and Loss Account
for the year ended on 31
March, 2011
Particulars Amount
Particulars Amount
To Opening Stock 16,000 By Sales:
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To Purchases: Cash


Cash 2,000 Credit 1,43,500
Credit (W.N.3) 1,17,500 1,50,000
1,19,500 Less: Returns 3,000 1,47,000
Less: Returns (1,000) 1,18,500 By Stock 22,500
To Gross Profit c/d 35,000
1,69,500 1,69,500
To Expenses 20,000
Add: O/s at the end 500 By Gross profit b/d 35,000
20,500 By Discount received 1,500
Less: O/s at the



To Bad debts 1,000
To Depreciation 2,000
To Net Profit 14,000
36,500 36,500
Balance Sheet
as on 31
March, 2011
Liabilities Amount
Assets Amount
Capital (W.N.5) 48,500 Fixed Assets 23,000
Add: Additional

Add: Purchased during the
Add: Net Profit 14,000 Less: Depreciation (2,000) 22,000
Less: Drawings (6,500) 71,000 Stock 22,500
Creditors 25,000 Cash 2,500
Outstanding Exp. 500 Bank 13,500
_____ Debtors 36,000
96,500 96,500

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Accounts fromIncomplete Records 10.33

Working Notes:
1. Cash Account
Particulars Amount
Particulars Amount
To Balance b/d 4,500 By Purchases 2,000
To Sales (Bal. Fig.) 6,500 By Bank (contra) 10,000
To Debtors 5,000 By Expenses 20,000
To Bank (contra) 18,500 By Balance c/d 2,500
34,500 34,500
2. Bank Account
Particulars Amount
Particulars Amount
To Balance b/d (Bal. Fig.) 9,500 By Fixed Assets 1,000
To Capital 15,000 By Drawings 6,500
To Cash (contra) 10,000 By Cash (contra) 18,500
To Debtors 1,25,000 By Creditors 1,20,000
By Balance c/d 13,500
1,59,500 1,59,500
3. Creditors Account
Particulars Amount
Particulars Amount
To Bank 1,20,000 By Balance b/d 30,000
To Returns 1,000 By Purchase (Bal. Fig.) 1,17,500
To Discount received 1,500
To Balance c/d 25,000
1,47,500 1,47,500
4. Debtors Account
Particulars Amount
Particulars Amount
To Balance b/d (Bal. Fig.) 26,500 By Cash 5,000
To Sales 1,43,500 By Bank 1,25,000
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By Bad Debts 1,000
By Returns 3,000
By Balance c/d 36,000
1,70,000 1,70,000
5. Opening Balance Sheet as on 31.3.2010
Liabilities Amount
Assets Amount
Creditors 30,000 Fixed Assets 23,000
O/s Expenses 1,000 Stock 16,000
Capital (Bal. Fig.) 48,500 Cash 4,500
Bank (W.N.2) 9,500
Debtors (W.N.4) 26,500
79,500 79,500
Question 11
A and B are in partnership sharing profits and losses equally. They keep their books by single
entry system. The following balances are available fromtheir books as on 31.3.2010 and
Building 1,50,000 1,50,000
Equipments 2,40,000 2,72,000
Furniture 25,000 25,000
Debtors ? 1,00,000
Creditors 65,000 ?
Stock ? 70,000
Bank loan 45,000 35,000
Cash 60,000 ?
The transactions during the year ended 31.3.2011 were the following:
Collection fromdebtors 3,80,000
Payment to creditors 2,50,000
Cash purchases 65,000
Expenses paid 40,000
Drawings by A 30,000
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Accounts fromIncomplete Records 10.35

On 1.4.2010 an equipment of book value ` 20,000 was sold for ` 15,000. On 1.10.2010, some
equipments were purchased.
Cash sales amounted to 10%of sales.
Credit sales amounted to ` 4,50,000.
Credit purchases were 80%of total purchases.
The firmsells goods at cost plus 25%.
Discount allowed ` 5,500 during the year.
Discount earned ` 4,800 during the year.
Outstanding expenses ` 3,000 as on 31.3.2011.
Capital of A as on 31.3.2010 was ` 15,000 more than the capital of B, equipments and furniture
to be depreciated at 10%p.a. and building @ 2%p.a.
You are required to prepare:
(I) Trading and Profit and Loss account for the year ended 31.3.2011 and
(ii) The Balance Sheet as on that date.
Trading and Profit and Loss A/c for the year ended 31.3.2011
` `
To Opening stock
1,45,000 By Sales- Cash
To Purchases-Cash 65,000 Credit 4,50,000 5,00,000
Credit (W.N.2) 2,60,000 3,25,000 By Closing stock 70,000
To Gross profit c/d 1,00,000
5,70,000 5,70,000
To Loss on sale of

By Gross profit b/d 1,00,000
To Depreciation By Discount received 4,800
Building 3,000
Furniture 2,500
24,600 30,100
To Expenses paid 40,000
Add : Outstanding
The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India
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expenses 3,000 43,000
To Discount allowed 5,500
To Net profit
transferred to:
As capital A/c


Bs capital A/c 10,600 21,200
1,04,800 1,04,800
Balance Sheet as on 31-3-2011
Liabilities ` Assets `
As capital (W.N.7) 2,80,250 Building 1,50,000
Less: Drawings (30,000 ) Less: Depreciation (3,000) 1,47,000
2,50,250 Equipments 2,72,000
Add: Net profit 10,600 2,60,850 Less: Depreciation (24,600) 2,47,400
Bs capital (W.N.7) 2,65,250 Furniture 25,000
Add: Net profit 10,600 2,75,850 Less: Depreciation (2,500) 22,500
Sundry creditors (W.N.5) 70,200 Debtors 1,00,000
Bank loan 35,000 Stock 70,000
Outstanding expenses 3,000 Cash balance (W.N.8) 58,000
6,44,900 6,44,900
Working Notes:
1. Calculation of total sales and cost of goods sold
Cash sales = 10% of total sales
Credit sales = 90% of total sales = ` 4,50,000
Total sales =
100 5,00,000
Cash sales = 10% of 5,00,000 = ` 50,000
2. Calculation of total purchases and credit purchases
Cash purchases = ` 65,000
Credit purchases = 80% of total purchases
Cash purchases = 20% of total purchases
The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India
Accounts fromIncomplete Records 10.37

Total purchases = `
100 3,25,000
Credit purchases = 3,25,000 65,000 = ` 2,60,000
3. Calculation of opening stock
Stock Account
` `
To Balance b/d (Bal. Fig.) 1,45,000 By Cost of goods sold
000 , 00 , 5

To Total purchases (W.N.2) 3,25,000 By Balance c/d 70,000
4,70,000 4,70,000
4. Purchase of equipment &depreciation on equipments
Equipment Account
` `
To Balance b/d 2,40,000 By Cash -equipment sold 15,000
To Cash-purchase (Bal. Fig.) 52,000 By Profit and Loss
Accounts ( Loss on

By Balance c/d 2,72,000
2,92,000 2,92,000
Depreciation on equipment:
@ 10% p.a. on ` 2,20,000 (i.e. ` 2,40,000 ` 20,000) = 22,000
@ 10% p.a. on ` 52,000 for 6 months (i.e. during the year) = 2,600
5. Calculation of closing balance of creditors
Creditors Account
` `
To Cash 2,50,000 By Balance b/d 65,000
To Discount received 4,800 By Credit purchases
To Balance c/d (Bal. Fig.) 70,200
3,25,000 3,25,000
The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India
10.38 Accounting
6. Calculation of opening balance of debtors
Debtors Account
` `
To Balance b/d (Bal. Fig.) 35,500 By Cash 3,80,000
To Sales (Credit) 4,50,000 By Discount allowed 5,500
By Balance c/d 1,00,000
4,85,500 4,85,500
7. Calculation of capital accounts of A &B as on 31.3.2010
Balance Sheet as on 31.3.2010
Liabilities ` Assets `
Combined Capital Accounts of
A & B (Bal. Fig.)

Building 1,50,000
Creditors 65,000 Equipments 2,40,000
Bank Loan 45,000 Furniture 25,000
Debtors (W.N.6) 35,500
Stock (W.N.3) 1,45,000
Cash balance 60,000
6,55,500 6,55,500

Combined Capitals of A & B 5,45,500
Less: Difference in capitals of A and B (15,000)

As Capital as on 31.3.2010 = `
2,65,250 15,000 2,80,250
= + =
Bs Capital as on 31.3.2010 =
= ` 2,65,250
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Accounts fromIncomplete Records 10.39

8. Cash Account
` `
To Balance b/d 60,000 By Creditors 2,50,000
To Debtors 3,80,000 By Purchases 65,000
To Equipment (sales) 15,000 By Expenses 40,000
To Cash sales (W.N.1) 50,000 By As drawings 30,000
By Bank loan paid
By Equipment purchased
By Balance c/d (Bal. Fig.) 58,000
5,05,000 5,05,000
Question 12
Following incomplete information of X are given below:
Trading and Profit &Loss Account for the year ended 31
March, 2011
` 000 ` 000
To Opening stock 700 By Sales ?
To Purchases ? By Closing stock ?
To Direct expenses 175
To Gross profit c/d ?
? ?
To Establishment expenses 740 By Gross profit b/d ?
To Interest on loan 60 By Commission 100
To Provision for taxation ?
To Net profit c/d ?
? ?
To Proposed dividends ? By Balance b/f 140
To Transfer to general reserve ? By Net profit b/d ?
To Balance transferred to Balance sheet ?
? ?

The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India
10.40 Accounting
Balance Sheet as at 31
March, 2011
Liabilities Amount Assets Amount
(` 000) (` 000)
Paid-up capital 1,000 Fixed assets:
General reserve: Plant &machinery 1,400
Balance at the beginning of
the year
? Other fixed assets ?
Proposed addition ? Current assets:
Profit and loss account ? Stock ?
10%Loan account ? Sundry debtors ?
Current liabilities ? Cash at bank 125
? ?
Other information:
(i) Current ratio is 2:1.
(ii) Closing stock is 25%of sales.
(iii) Proposed dividends to paid-up capital ratio is 2:3.
(iv) Gross profit ratio is 60%of turnover.
(v) Loan is half of current liabilities.
(vi) Transfer to general reserves to proposed dividends ratio is 1:1.
(vii) Profit carried forward is 10%of proposed dividends.
(viii) Provision for taxation is equal to the amount of net profit of the year.
(ix) Balance to credit of general reserve at the beginning of the year is twice the amount
transferred to that account fromthe current years profits.
All working notes should be part of your answer. You are required to complete:
(i) Trading and Profit and Loss account for the year ended 31
March, 2011 and
(ii) The Balance Sheet as on that date.
The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India
Accounts fromIncomplete Records 10.41

Trading and Profit &Loss A/c
for the year ended 31
March, 2011
(` in
(` in
To Opening stock 700.00 By Sales (W.N.10) 5366.66
To Purchases (Bal. Fig.) 2613.33 By Closing stock (W.N.11) 1341.67
To Direct expenses 175.00
To Gross profit c/d (W.N.9) 3,220.00
6,708.33 6,708.33
To Establishment expenses 740.00 By Gross profit b/d (Bal. Fig.) 3,220.00
To Interest on loan 60.00 By Commission 100.00
To Provision for tax (W.N.8) 1,260.00
To Net profit c/d 1,260.00
3,320.00 3,320.00
To Proposed dividends (W.N.1) 666.67 By Balance b/f 140.00
To Transfer to general reserve
666.67 By Net profit b/d (Bal. Fig.) 1,260.00
To Balance transferred to
Balance sheet (W.N.3)


1,400.00 1,400.00
Balance Sheet as at 31
March, 2011
Liabilities (` in
Assets (` in 000s)
Paid-up capital 1,000.00 Fixed assets:
General reserve: Plant & machinery 1,400.00
Balance at the beginning (W.N.14) 1333.34 Other fixed assets (Bal. Fig.) 1066.67
Proposed addition (W.N.2) 666.67 Current Assets:
Profit and loss A/c 66.66 Stock (W.N.11) 1341.67
10% Loan A/c (W.N.4) 600.00 Sundry debtors (W.N.13) 933.33
Current liabilities (W.N.5) 1,200.00 Cash at bank 125.00
4,866.67 4,866.67
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10.42 Accounting
Working Notes:
1. Proposed dividend to paid up capital is 2:3.

i.e. Proposed dividend =
of paid up capital
= ` 1,000.00 thousand
= ` 666.67 thousand
2. Transfer to General Reserve is equal to proposed dividend i.e., 1:1.
Proposed dividend is ` 666.67 thousand,
therefore general reserve is also ` 666.67 thousand.
3. Profit carried forward to Balance Sheet = 10% of Proposed Dividend
i.e., ` 666.67 thousand 10% = ` 66.66 thousand
4. 10% Loan implies interest on loan being 10%

i.e. ` 60.00 thousand
= ` 600.00 thousand
5. Loan is half of current liabilities which means current liabilities are twice of loan
i.e., ` 600.00 thousand 2 = ` 1,200.00 thousand
Current Ratio i.e.,
s Liabilitie Current
sets Current As
= 2:1 or

i.e. Current Assets = 2 x Current Liabilities
or 2 x ` 1,200.00 thousand = ` 2,400.00 thousand
7. Current Net Profit (` in 000s)
Proposed dividend 666.67
Transfer to general reserve 666.67
Profit and loss balance transferred to balance sheet 66.66
Less: Balance b/f (140.00)
Net profit for the year 1,260.00
8. Provision for taxation is equal to current net profit i.e., = ` 1,260.00 thousand
9. Gross profit being balancing figure of Profit and Loss A/c = ` 3,220.00 thousand
10. Gross profit = 60% of sales i.e.
` 3,220.00 thousand = 60% of sales

Or, sales = `
3,220 thousand
= ` 5,366.67 thousand
The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India
Accounts fromIncomplete Records 10.43

11. Closing stock is 25% of sales i.e., 25% of ` 5,366.67 thousand = ` 1,341.67 thousand
12. Purchases being balancing figure of Trading A/c = ` 2,613.33 thousand
13. Debtors = Current Assets Closing Stock Cash at Bank
= ` 2,400.00 thousand ` 1,341.67 thousand ` 125.00 thousand
= ` 933.33 thousand
14. Balance of general reserve at the beginning of the year is twice of the amount transferred to
general reserve during the year i.e. 2 x ` 666.67 thousand = ` 1,333.34 thousand
15. Other fixed assets = Total of balance sheet (liabilities side)- Current assets Plant and
i.e., ` 4,866.67 thousand - ` 2,400.00 thousand ` 1,400.00 thousand
= ` 1,066.67 thousand
Question 13
Ramcarried on business as retail merchant. He has not maintained regular account books.
However, he always maintained ` 10,000 in cash and deposited the balance into the bank account.
He informs you that he has sold goods at profit of 25%on sales.
Following information is given to you:
Assets and Liabilities As on 1.4.2010 As on 31.3.2011
Cash in Hand 10,000 10,000
Sundry Creditors 40,000 90,000
Cash at Bank 50,000 (Cr.) 80,000 (Dr.)
Sundry Debtors 1,00,000 3,50,000
Stock in Trade 2,80,000 ?
Analysis of his bank pass book reveals the following information:
(a) Payment to creditors ` 7,00,000
(b) Payment for business expenses ` 1,20,000
(c) Receipts fromdebtors ` 7,50,000
(d) Loan fromLaxman ` 1,00,000 taken on 1.10.2010 at 10%per annum
(e) Cash deposited in the bank ` 1,00,000
He informs you that he paid creditors for goods ` 20,000 in cash and salaries ` 40,000 in cash.
He has drawn ` 80,000 in cash for personal expenses. During the year Ramhad not introduced
any additional capital. Surplus cash if any, to be taken as cash sales.

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10.44 Accounting
(i) Trading and Profit and Loss Account for the year ended 31.3.2011.
(ii) Balance Sheet as at 31
March, 2011.
Trading and Profit and Loss Account
for the year ended 31
March, 2011
` `
To Opening stock 2,80,000 By Sales
To Purchases 7,70,000 Cash 2,40,000
To Gross Profit @ 25% 3,10,000 Credit 10,00,000 12,40,000
By Closing Stock 1,20,000
13,60,000 13,60,000

To Salaries 40,000 By Gross Profit 3,10,000
To Business expenses 1,20,000
To Interest on loan 5,000
To Net Profit 1,45,000
3,10,000 3,10,000
Balance Sheet as at 31
March, 2011
Liabilities ` ` Assets `
Rams capital: Cash in hand 10,000
Opening 3,00,000 Cash at Bank 80,000
Add: Net Profit 1,45,000 Sundry Debtors 3,50,000
4,45,000 Stock in trade 1,20,000
Less: Drawings (80,000) 3,65,000
Loan from Laxman (including interest due) 1,05,000
Sundry Creditors 90,000 _______
5,60,000 5,60,000
Working Notes:
1. Sundry Debtors Account
` `
To Balance b/d 1,00,000 By Bank A/c 7,50,000
To Credit sales (Bal. fig) 10,00,000 By Balance c/d 3,50,000
11,00,000 11,00,000

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Accounts fromIncomplete Records 10.45

2. Sundry Creditors Account
` `
To Bank A/c 7,00,000 By Balance b/d 40,000
To Cash A/c 20,000 By Purchases (Bal. fig.) 7,70,000
To Balance c/d 90,000
8,10,000 8,10,000
3. Cash and Bank Account
Cash Bank Cash Bank
` ` ` `
To Balance b/d 10,000 By Balance b/d 50,000
To Sales (bal. fig) 2,40,000 By Bank A/c (C) 1,00,000
To Cash (C) 1,00,000 By Salaries 40,000
To Debtors 7,50,000 By Creditors 20,000 7,00,000
To Laxmans

expenses 1,20,000
By Balance c/d 10,000 80,000
2,50,000 9,50,000 2,50,000 9,50,000
4. Calculation of Rams Capital on 1
April, 2010
Balance Sheet as at 01.04.2010
Liabilities ` Assets `
Rams Capital (bal. fig) 3,00,000 Cash in hand 10,000
Bank Overdraft 50,000 Sundry Debtors 1,00,000
Sundry Creditors 40,000 Stock in trade 2,80,000
3,90,000 3,90,000
Question 14
The closing capital of Mr. B as on 31.3.2010 was ` 4,00,000. On 1.4.2009 his capital was
` 3,50,000. His net profit for the year ended 31.3.2010 was ` 1,00,000. He introduced
` 30,000 as additional capital in February, 2010. Find out the amount drawn by Mr. B for his
domestic expenses.

The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India
10.46 Accounting
Computation of drawings during the year
Opening capital as on 01.04.2009 3,50,000
Add: Net profit 1,00,000
Add: Additional capital introduced in February, 2010 30,000
Less: Closing capital as on 31.3.2010 (4,00,000)
Drawings by Mr. B during the year 2009 2010 80,000
Question 15
Lokesh, who keeps books by single entry, had submitted his Income-tax returns to Income-tax
authorities showing his incomes to be as follows:
Year ending March 31, 2005 = 33,075
Year ending March 31, 2006 = 33,300
Year ending March 31, 2007 = 35,415
Year ending March 31, 2008 = 61,875
Year ending March 31, 2009 = 54,630
Year ending March 31, 2010 = 41,670
The Income-tax officer is not satisfied as to the accuracy of the incomes returned. You are
appointed as a consultant to assist in establishing correctness of the incomes returned and for
that purpose you are given the following information:
(a) Business liabilities and assets at March 31, 2004 were:
Creditors: ` 32,940, Furniture & Fittings: ` 22,500, Stock : ` 24,390 (at selling price
which is 25%above cost), Debtors: ` 11,025, Cash at Bank and in hand ` 15,615.
(b) Lokesh owned his brother ` 18,000 on March 31, 2004. On February 15, 2007 he repaid
this amount and on April 1, 2009, he lent his brother ` 13,500.
(c) Lokesh owns a house which he purchased in 1999 for ` 90,000 and a car which he
purchased in October, 2005 for ` 33,750. In J anuary, 2009, he bought debentures in X
Ltd. having face value of ` 40,000 for ` 33,750.
(d) In May, 2009 a sumof ` 13,500 was stolen fromhis house.
The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India
Accounts fromIncomplete Records 10.47

(e) Lokesh estimates that his living expenses have been 2004-05 ` 13,500; 2005-06
` 18,000; 2006-07 ` 27,000; 2007-08, 2008-09 and 2009-10 ` 31,500 p.a. exclusive
of the amount stolen.
(f) On March 31, 2010 business liabilities and assets were: Creditors ` 37,800, Furniture,
Fixtures and Fittings ` 40,500, Stock ` 54,330 (at selling price with a gross profit of
25%), Debtors ` 26,640, Cash-in-Hand and at Bank ` 29,025.
Fromthe information submitted, prepare statements showing whether or not the incomes
declared by Lokesh are correct.
Statement of Affairs of Lokesh
as on March 31, 2004
Liabilities ` Assets `
Creditors 32,940 Furniture, Fixtures & Fittings 22,500
Loan from brother 18,000 Stock (24,390 x 100/125) 19,512
Capital (Bal. fig.) 1,07,712 Debtors 11,025
Cash-in-Hand and at Bank 15,615
Building (House) 90,000

1,58,652 1,58,652
Statement of Affairs of Lokesh as on March 31, 2010
Liabilities ` Assets `
Creditors 37,800 Furniture, Fixtures & Fittings 40,500
Capital (Bal. fig.) 2,70,112 Stock (54,330 x 75%) 40,747
Debtors 26,640
Cash-in-Hand and at Bank 29,025
Loan to Brother 13,500
Building (House) 90,000
Car 33,750
Debentures in X Ltd. 33,750
3,07,912 3,07,912

The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India
10.48 Accounting
Statement of Profit:
Particulars `
Capital as on March 31, 2010 2,70,112
Add: Drawings
2004-05 13,500
2005-06 18,000
2006-07 27,000
2007-08 31,500
2008-09 31,500
2009-10 31,500 1,53,000
Add: Amount stolen in May, 2009 13,500
Less: Opening Capital as on March 31, 2004 (1,07,712)
Less: Profit as shown by I.T.O.
For the year ending March 31, 2005 33,075
For the year ending March 31, 2006 33,300
For the year ending March 31, 2007 35,415
For the year ending march 31, 2008 61,875
For the year ending March 31, 2009 54,630
For the year ending March 31, 2010 41,670 (2,59,965)
Understatement of Income 68,935
Note: In the absence of the information regarding depreciation in the question, no
depreciation has been provided on Building (house) and Car. The candidates may
assume any appropriate rate of depreciation and can provide depreciation.
Question 16
M/s Ice Limited gives you the following information to find out Total Sales and Total
Particulars Amount (`)
Debtors as on 01.04.2011 70,000
Creditors as on 01.04.2011 81,000
Bills Receivables received during the year 47,000
Bills Payable issued during the year 53,000
The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India
Accounts fromIncomplete Records 10.49

Cash received fromcustomers 1,56,000
Cash paid to suppliers 1,72,000
Bad Debts recovered 16,000
Bills Receivables endorsed to creditors 27,000
Bills Receivables dishonoured by customers 5,000
Discount allowed by suppliers 7,000
Discount allowed to customers 9,000
Endorsed Bills Receivables dishonoured 3,000
Sales Return 11,000
Bills Receivable discounted 8,000
Discounted Bills Receivable dishonoured 2,000
Cash Sales 1,68,500
Cash Purchases 1,97,800
Debtors as on 31.03.2012 82,000
Creditors as on 31.03.2012 95,000
1. Total Sales = Cash sales + Credit sales
= ` 1,68,500 + ` 2,25,000 (W.N.1)
= ` 3,93,500
2. Total Purchases = Cash Purchases + Credit Purchases
= ` 1,97,800 + ` 2,70,000 (W.N.2)
= ` 4,67,800
Working Notes:
1. Debtors Account
Particulars ` Particulars `
To Balance b/d 70,000 By Bills receivable 47,000
To Bills receivable
5,000 By Cash 1,56,000
To Bills receivable
dishonoured (endorsed)
3,000 By Discount allowed 9,000
To Bills receivable
dishonoured (discounted)
2,000 By Sales return 11,000
To Credit sales (bal.fig.) 2,25,000 By Balance c/d 82,000
3,05,000 3,05,000

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10.50 Accounting
2. Creditors Account
Particulars ` Particulars `
To Bills payable 53,000 By Balance b/d 81,000
To Cash 1,72,000 By Bills receivable dishonoured
To Discount received 7,000 By Credit purchases (bal.fig.) 2,70,000
To Bills receivable endorsed 27,000
To Balance c/d 95,000
3,54,000 3,54,000
Note: It is assumed that sales return is out of credit sales only.
1. K. Azad, who is in business as a wholesaler in sunflower oil, is a client of your accounting firm. You are required to
drawup his final accounts for the year ended 31.3.2011.
Fromthe files, you pick up his Balance Sheet as at 31.3.2010 reading as below:
Balance Sheet as at 31.3.2010
Liabilities ` `
K. Azads Capital 1,50,000
Creditors for Oil Purchases 2,00,000
12%Security Deposit fromCustomers 50,000
Creditors for Expenses :
Rent 6,000
Salaries 4,000
Commission 20,000
Cash and Bank Balances 75,000
Debtors 1,60,000
Stock of Oil (125 tins) 1,25,000
Furniture 30,000
Less : Depreciation (3,000) 27,000
Rent Advance 12,000
Electricity Deposit 1,000
3Wheeler Tempo Van 40,000
Less : Depreciation (10,000) 30,000
A Summary of the rough Cash Book of K. Azad for the year ended 31.3.2011 is as below:
Cash and Bank Summary
Receipts `
Cash Sales 5,26,500
Collections fromDebtors 26,73,500
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Accounts fromIncomplete Records 10.51

To Landlord 79,000
Salaries 48,000
Miscellaneous Office Expenses 12,000
Commission 20,000
Personal Incometax 50,000
Transfer on 1.10.2010 to 12%Fixed Deposit 6,00,000
To Creditors for Oil Supplies 24,00,000
A scrutiny of the other records gives you the following information :
(i) During the year oil was purchased at 250 tins per month basis at a unit cost of ` 1,000. 5 tins were
damaged in transit in respect of which insurance claimhas been preferred. The surveyors have since
approved the claimat 80%. The damaged ones were sold for ` 1,500 which is included in the cash sales.
One tin has been used up for personal consumption. Total number of tins sold during the year was 3,000 at
a unit price of ` 1,750.
(ii) Rent until 30.9.2010 was ` 6,000 per month and was increased thereafter by ` 1,000 per month.
Additional advance rent of ` 2,000 was paid and this is included in the figure of payments to landlord.
(iii) Provide depreciation at 10%and 25%of WDV on furniture and tempo van respectively.
(iv) It is further noticed that a customer has paid ` 10,000 on 31.3.2011 as security deposit by cash. One of the
staff has defalcated. The claimagainst the Insurance Company is pending.
You are requested to prepare final accounts for the year ended 31.3.2011
(Hints: Gross Profit ` 22.50.000; net Profit ` 21,26,300; Total of Balance Sheet ` 30,98,300)
2. The following is the Balance Sheet of Sanjay, a small trader as on 31.3.2010 :
(Figures in ` 000)
Liabilities ` Assets `
Capital 200 Fixed Assets 145
Creditors 50 Stock 40
Debtors 50
Cash in Hand 5
Cash at Bank 10
250 250
A fire destroyed the accounting records as well as the closing cash of the trader on 31.3.2011. However, the
following information was available :
(a) Debtors and creditors on 31.3.2011 showed an increase of 20%as compared to 31.3.2011.
(b) Credit Period :
Debtors 1 month Creditors 2 months
(c) Stock was maintained at the same level throughout the year.
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10.52 Accounting
(d) Cash sales constituted 20%of total sales.
(e) All purchases were for credit only.
(f) Current ratio as on 31.3.2011 was exactly 2.
(g) Total expenses excluding depreciation for the year amounted to ` 2,50,000.
(h) Depreciation was provided at 10%on the closing value of fixed assets.
(i) Bank and cash transactions:
(1) Payments to creditors included ` 50,000 by cash.
(2) Receipts fromdebtors included ` 5,90,000 by way of cheques.
(3) Cash deposited into the bank ` 1,20,000.
(4) Personal drawings frombank ` 50,000.
(5) Fixed assets purchased and paid by cheques ` 2,25,000.
You are required to prepare :
(a) The Trading and Profit &Loss Account of Sanjay for the year ended 31.3.2011 and
(b) A Balance Sheet on that date.
For your exercise, assume cash destroyed by fire is written off in the Profit and Loss Account
(Hints: Gross 540; Net Profit 243; and Total Balance Sheet 453 ` in 000s))

The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India

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