Management of Change and Innovation: Course Code: 507
Management of Change and Innovation: Course Code: 507
Management of Change and Innovation: Course Code: 507
Innovation Management
Thirty thousand new consumer products are launched each year.....over 90 per cent of them fail....after marketing professionals have spent massive amounts of money trying to understand what their customers want.
How to innovate?
How to innovate?
iscard self imposed constraints. Think out of box. Think inside the box ! "hich of the constraints can #e ignored and which can not #e ignored.
*isten to whom?
+oices of
,roducts -ustomers .our )rgani/ation .our )wn Inner +oice
ivision ! ivide product into its component parts 2physical or functional34 reconfigure them' Sony's walkman. Multiplication ! )ne innovation4 multiply it to create whole product line5 ,latform strategy5 (cale and scope #enefits' pple's many
varieties of i!od.
"hat was;were the innovations in this case? "hat led to these? One of the hallmarks of a winning innovation is Vision or UVP. Think of an appropriate ?+, for each of these innovations. ue to this innovation4 what specific feelings are generated and which needs are met' "here do you position Tata Motors@ innovations on Transformation ! -ommodities ladder? "hy' Innovators look for perfect storm. "hat storm did Tata Motors found?
"ho innovates?
Innovative Individual Innovative Team Innovative )rgani/ation
-ase: Indicorps - Harnessing the power of Youth through Volunteeris b! Creating a "eta-#$O
Innovative individual
Highly motivated efies the crowd 0 +issionary ! )ne with vision 48nvisioned future/ "isdom 47I5S/ 87cellence4 ,assion and 6esources & Independent minded -ompany ! "ants to have same kind around' Caleidoscope thinking 6eady to fail ! $ail early to succeed faster ,ersistence Intersection
Innovative Teams
Ideal team consists of a technology e7pert4 a manager and a marketing e7pert. ifferentiate teams from groups' -atch#all ! To manage innovative teams
-lear definition of mission of the team and making sure it is understood #y all the mem#ers. "hile choosing team encourage diversity in skills4 personality' Managea#le si/e ! -hoose team leader with care5 Make sure team has a champion $oster trust4 fre1uent face&to&face meetings& not in same location4 performance #ased rewards ecisions have to #uilt on data.
Innovative organi/ation
$ostering innovation
Two approaches
oes it encourage selfappointed intrapreneurs? o youBll talk a#out such people in your organi/ation? 0re resources 1uickly availa#le for trying new ideas? oes it encourage people;team to try new product ideas4 even if they are #eyond the e7isting lines? oes it tolerate failure and accept risk? oes it allow people to stick to an idea long enough to give it a fair chance? -an autonomous cross&functional teams #e formed easily?
If most of the answers are no... .our organi/ation culture needs redoing... )r have a protected Dskunk worksE team...
Indicorps F
"hat was the innovation in this case? there is any? If yes4 what led to this? o you think if
One of the hallmarks of a winning innovation is Vision or UVP. Think of an appropriate ?+, for I6*Bs innovation. ue to this innovation4 what specific feelings are generated and which needs are met' "here do you position IndicorpsB innovation Transformation ! -ommodities ladder? "hy' on
Innovators look for perfect storm. "hat storm did Indicorps find?
-lassify this innovation? 2A ,Bs3 "hat is the source of this innovation? 2 ( sources of innovation ) !eter $rucker, Searching for Innovation +pportunities pg ,-"(., Innovation &anagement/ How is one supposed to e7ploit the source you identified? o you think Indicorps did the same? 87plain.
0ecall 1he 2our 3oices 4of !roduct, 5ustomer, +rgani#ation and Self/% o you think Indicorps listened to these voices? 87plain. 0efer to 3oice of your +rgani#ation% "hat do we mean #y Inspiration and ,erspiration? iscuss these in conte7t of Indicorps. 0efer to three levels of innovation " 7ho innovates' 4Individual, 1eam and +rgani#ation/ "ho innovated;innovate in Indicorps?
6ecall: 9o money 69o innovation% o you think Indicorps defied this? (upport your answer. "hat do you think is the product of Indicorps? 87plain.