W Is For Wind: A Weather Alphabet
W Is For Wind: A Weather Alphabet
W Is For Wind: A Weather Alphabet
A Weather Alphabet
You can find all the information you will need to complete this
crossword in the book W is for Wind. It’s a wonderful book that
helps you to learn about our weather.
1. ____ ____ W
2. ____ ____ E
3. ____ A ____ ____ ____
4. ____ ____ ____ ____ T
5. ____ ____ ____ H ____ ____ ____ ____ ____
6. ____ ____ ____ ____ E
7. ____ ____ ____ R ____ ____ ____ ____
W is for Wind is a wonderful book that will teach you about
the weather on earth. You can find the answers to all of
these questions throughout the book.
Let your search begin!
Blair has been keeping track of the high and low temperatures for
several cities. Your task is to help her figure out the difference
between the high and low temperatures. Thanks for the help!
Circle the problems that would use the Celsius scale.
38 21 72
–9 – 13 – 45
______ ______ _____
81 69 17
– 59 – 53 –9
______ _____ _____
Precipitation is moisture that falls from the sky. Discover the many
different types of precipitation in the book W is for Wind.
List the various forms of precipitation that fall from the clouds.
Clouds Are Drifting By
How many types of clouds can you name? Discover the different
types of clouds in the book W is for Wind. Let’s have some fun
with clouds!
Take a pencil and paper to sketch on, outside on a nice day. Find a
comfortable spot and lie on your back and watch the clouds. Try to
name the different types of clouds you see. Make a sketch of any
clouds you think look like a familiar object. Change spots to look
at a different part of the sky. After you have completed your
sketches choose one and write a story about it. Staple your story to
your cloud picture. Be creative!
You can create your own water cycle and observe how it
works, right in your classroom. First, read about the water
cycle in the fact-filled book W is for Wind.
plastic zip top bag
small paper cup
I’ll Huff and I’ll Puff
The wind can take many shapes and forms. Learn the different forms the wind may take
in W is for Wind.
Dust devil
Jet stream
What is a glacier? Where can you find glaciers?
Learn what causes the Northern Lights on the N page of W
is for Wind, a great fact-filled book about our weather.
What is the scientific name for the northern lights?
Southern lights? _______________________
Art Project
1. Spray your paper lightly all over. Make it wet but NOT
2. Use the side of your chalk to make broad strokes that look
like the northern lights.
3. Appropriate colors might include: white, yellow, red, green,
blue, and violet.
4. When dry, spray your picture with a fixative to keep the
chalk from smearing.
What do you know about rainbows? Learn what a rainbow really is
made of in W is for Wind. Use this information and your own
experiences with rainbows to write an acrostic poem. An acrostic
poem describes the word, using the first letter to start each line.
An example:
R _______________________________
A _______________________________
I ________________________________
N ________________________________
B ________________________________
O ________________________________
W ________________________________
S _________________________________
Measuring Rainfall
Plastic bottle about 10 inches tall
Pebbles or marbles
Waterproof marker
12 inch ruler
1. Place pebbles in the bottom of the container.
2. Fill container with water one inch deep.
3. Draw a line with permanent marker at the one inch depth.
4. Place the gauge outside in an open area.
5. Measure the rainfall at the same time each day.
6. Chart this information.
7. Check gauge for one week each month.
8. Compare your results for the year.
Remember the Rainbow
Isn’t it wonderful to discover a rainbow in the sky? Did you know
the colors of the rainbow are always found in the same order?
Learn an easy way to remember the order of the colors in the book
W is for Wind.
Write a song or a rap about the weather. Do it alone or work with a friend.
When you’re happy with your piece, tape it or share it with your class as a
live performance.
There are special ways to enjoy yourself in each season of the year.
Which is your favorite season? Do you prefer activities in the
spring, summer, fall, or winter? Take a survey of your class and
your family to find each person’s favorite season.
Use the data you collected from this survey to make a pictograph
representing the data. In a pictograph you use pictures to represent
your numbers. Example: one flower equals five people.
We’re Warming Up
Another ice age is coming! When will it happen? Not for a long time. Read
about our previous ice ages in W is for Wind.
After you have read about the water cycle, you will make
your own water cycle using the pictures below.
Cut out the pictures and put them in the correct order. Draw
arrows to show how the cycle works. Glue each paper on
this or another sheet of paper. Label each step using the
following terms: condensation, evaporation, precipitation.
W is for Wind
Answer Sheet
Alphabetize the Weather- 1) dew 2) dust 3) frost 4) funnel cloud 5) ice age 6) jet
stream 7) ozone 8) poles 9) sunshine
Did You Know – 1) gases 2) 300 mph 3) forked lightning 4) ozone 5) temperature
6) Antarctica 7) 32 F or 0 C 8) 24 9) 1 yr. or 365 days 10) meteorologist
Weather Wizards- 1) D 2) A 3) E 4) C 5) B 6) F 7) H 8) G
Precipitation Falls- rain, mist, sprinkles, hail, freezing rain, sleet, graupel, ice pellets