Tutorial 1
Tutorial 1
Tutorial 1
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View post on Tuts+ BetaTuts+ Beta is an optimized, mobile-friendly and easy-to-read version of the Tuts+ network. This tutorial expands on techniques covered in Part 1 of the Illustrate and Animate a Bouncing Ball series. Well be using Illustrators 3D tools to improve Flashs spinning movement of the bouncing ball and taking a look at working between the two applications. The steps involved can also be followed independently of Part 1.
Below is the final animation we will be working towards. Want access to the full Vector Source files and downloadable copies of every tutorial, including this one? Join VECTORTUTS PLUS for just 9/month. ..and lets just remind ourselves of the subtly simpler animation we created during Part 1 of this tut..
Step 2: Pattern
Before we create our 3D object, lets add a pattern to the Symbols palette which well use to map to the finished ball. If you recall from the first part of the tut, our ball had six alternately colored stripes decorating our 3D version in the same way will be straightforward.
Create six vertical, equally sized and spaced rectangles. Color them alternately with red #DF3F22 and yellow #E3CB0E. Group them together if you wish and drag the whole lot into the Symbols palette (Window > Symbols). Assign this new symbol a name such as ball_pattern, not that were making any other symbols from which you need to differentiate it..
With this object selected go to Effects > 3D > Revolve Check Preview and the default options should give you the following result.
Step 4: Mapping
Now give the ball its pattern by clicking Map Art from within the 3D Options dialogue. A sphere will just have one surface to map; nice and simple. Select your ball_pattern from the Symbol drop-down and check Scale to Fit.
The Shade Artwork option is of particular relevance here. If you check it, youll get a great effect on the balls surface (see image below). However, the resultant vectors become so complex that Flash finds it very difficult to render them in animation. This doesnt mean that shading your ball isnt an option should you choose to do so, its possible to use the images in Flash by first rasterizing them. Flash has no problem handling the bitmaps this creates, but you of course lose the flexibility of working with paths.
Ill demonstrate this later on, but for now just take my word for it and leave Shade Artwork unchecked! Click OK to return to the 3D Options dialogue and make sure the Surface option here is also set to No Shading.
Step 5: Position
To complete the 3D process (for now) position your ball to a suitable angle and click OK. Bear in mind that well animate it revolving around its central axis as demonstrated below.
Once back in the 3D Options dialogue youll need to perform just one task and then click OK. We need to revolve the ball around 120. This will turn the ball to the first point where it looks exactly the same as the starting point; theres little point in revolving it a full 360 when it looks identical on three occasions during one revolution.. This will require a bit of eye-work. Click and drag one of the green edges on the position cube to revolve the ball around the central axis. Keep your eye on the preview of your ball and stop dragging when you see the ball has revolved enough. The wireframe of the ball matches neatly to our pattern; each colored segment of our ball consists of two longitudinal segments of the wireframe. This should make it easy enough to judge exactly where to stop dragging.
Step 9: Animate
Select your two objects and go to Object > Blend > Make. The result will be totally unnoticeable: all your blended steps are one top of one another.. In order to animate them in Flash, we need to split the steps and place them on separate layers. Expand the layer holding your blend and make sure you have the blend selected (as demonstrated below). Now open the palette menu within the Layers palette and choose Release to Layers (Sequence).
With that done, select all the resultant layers and drag them out of the first layer theyre sitting in. We need them to be entirely independent. Next, delete the original Layer 1; its now empty after all. Youll be left with a series of layers, each one containing a 3D ball at gradual degrees of rotation. The last and the first ones are exactly the same of course (they were the two original states which became blended) so you can remove one of these two layers as well.
Lets take a look at the options we have and apply them to this tut. If you have a Flash file from Part 1 of this tut, or if youre working with the source files, open up source_1.fla; our original animated ball. Otherwise just open up a new document in Flash. Go to Flash > Preferences.. and choose AI File Importer. The options are all reasonably selfexplanatory; we need to ensure that the contents of our AI file are imported as paths (not bitmaps, though as I mentioned earlier this is an option if the paths are too complex). Set up as below, our imported paths will be editable, the contents of each layer will be converted into individual movie clips and anything lying outside of the Artboard will be ignored (we only have objects within the Artboard so this doesnt really affect us).
OK, lets import our AI source file. Again, should you be working on a new flash file, just ignore my references to Part 1 of this tut. In source_1.fla (or your own completed FLA file from Part 1) open the Library (Command + L) and double-click on mc_ball_base. This was our ball in its most basic state; this movie clip was what we span and then, in turn, bounced. Anything we do to this movie will therefore be spun and bounced too. Lock Layer 1 and make a new one called imported ball.
ball spinning 360 clockwise and also 360 around the central axis; an effect impossible (without massive concentration and a couple of months drawing) through using only Flash.
Here ends the second part of this 2 part tut! These final steps have hopefully given you an insight into: separating Illustrator blends into layers, importing AI files into Flash, and capabilities and limits regarding vectors and bitmaps. As ever, I hope you enjoyed this one! Subscribe to the VECTORTUTS RSS Feed to stay up to date with the latest vector tutorials and articles.
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By Ian Yates
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