C & S Design Brief (Putrajaya)

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Jurutera Perunding Tegap Sdn. Bhd

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: December 2008


. INTR!DUCTI!N The Proposed Commercial Development is located at Lot 3C10 & 3C11, Precinct 3, Putrajaya.

". PURP!SE !F SUB#ISSI!N The purpose of su mission of this desi!n specifically used for the project. rief is to outline the technical proposal intended

"n the a sence of #oil "nvesti!ation report, planner$s and architectural$s dra%in!s at this juncture, the descriptions in the follo%in! shall only e set out in !eneral and the cost effective

proposal for the su structure and superstructure in particular shall not e ela orated herein until further information is availa le.

$. SC!PE !F %!R&S The proposed Civil & #tructural scope of %or&s as the Civil and #tructural 'C&#( )n!ineerin! Chec&er Consultant shall cover the plannin!, revie% of contractor$s desi!n, su mission, approval, construction, supervision, testin!, commissionin!, operations and maintenance thereof for the period as stated in the Conditions of Contract on the follo%in! %or&s, ut not limited to*+ 'i( 'ii( "nfrastructure ,or&s %ithin lot oundary and connect to e-istin! services #tructure for .uildin!

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Jurutera Perunding Tegap Sdn. Bhd

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: December 2008

'. INFRASTRUCTURE %!R&S /enerally, the scope of %or&s for the internal infrastructure %or&s includin! earth%or&s platform desi!n, road and draina!e desi!n, se%er reticulation desi!n, %ater reticulation desi!n and to see& the approval from all relevant authorities for detailed desi!n dra%in!. The project site is surrounded y an e-istin! %ell planned infrastructural system that %as desi!ned y e-ternal infrastructure %or&s consultant %hich comprises of e-istin! se%er net%or&, road and drains, %ater reticulation system and utility system. 0s such, all the internal infrastructure system %ill e dischar!ed and1or connected to the nearest e-ternal infrastructure system located %ithin the vicinity of the project site. '. EART(%!R&S '. . C!DE !F PRACTICE )arth%or&s desi!n and construction shall e carried out in accordance %ith the

recommendations contained in .ritish #tandard Code of Practice for )arth%or&s .# 2031* 1341. '. ." DESIGN CRITERIA a( Desi!n of uildin! platform level shall ta&e the follo%in! constraints into consideration* ( )-istin! road level surroundin! proposed site as provided consultant. )-istin! pedestrian %al&%ay surroundin! project site. )-ternal main drain and road side drain invert level surroundin! the project site. The under!round !radient. #heet piles %hich act as temporary retainin! %all shall )-cavation depth may reach up to 15m elo% !round level. c( d( e( The top of any attered cut 'or retainin! %all( and the toe of any attered fill 'or retainin! %all( is not to e closer than 300mm to any property oundary. Cut and fill slope shall not e-ceed a slope of 1*1.5 'v*h( for cut area and 1*6 for fill area. )-istin! stream flo% from adjacent lot1upstream, if any, shall not diverted.
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y the e-ternal %or&

asement car par& level and entrance to car par& i.e. ramp e provided durin! the asement car par&.

e-cavation and construction of the three levels of under!round

loc& or to


Jurutera Perunding Tegap Sdn. Bhd

Revision Date

: December 2008


Desi!n Capacity of #ediment .asin* + + + 0 settlin! 7one at least 0.2 m depth is re8uired to contain runoff and allo% suspended sediment to settle. 0 sediment stora!e 7one at least 0.3 m deep to store settled sediment until the asin is cleaned out. e redirected or concentrated onto adjoinin! provided to divert %ater.


#torm%ater or surface %ater runoff shall not

properties so as to cause a nuisance and ade8uate draina!e is to e

'. .$ #ATERIALS USED a( ( 0ll e-cavation shall e classified either as unsuita le material or as suita le material. 9nsuita le material shall mean other than suita le material and shall include* i( ii( :aterials from s%amps, marshes or perisha le material, slurry or mud. 0ny material * + a( ( c( d( Consistin! of hi!hly or!anic clay or silt ; ,hich is clay havin! a li8uid limit e-ceedin! 40 and1or a plasticity inde- e-ceedin! 55; ,hich is suscepti le to spontaneous com ustion ; Consistin! of such clin&ers, clin&ers ashes, fly ashes and domestic ashes that y virtue of their physical or chemical composition or of their moisture content %ill not compact to form a suita le fill. c( #uita le material shall comprise all that %hich is accepta le for use in the ,or&s and %hich is capa le of ein! compacted as per re8uirements to form a sta le fill. d( )-cavated suita le materials shall only e used for fillin! up areas to the re8uired levels in uildin! platforms. <illin! shall een cleared and any trees or or!anic o!s, runnin! silt, peat, lo!s, stumps,

accordance %ith the Dra%in!s for formation of roads and e carried out after the ori!inal !round has material removed.

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Jurutera Perunding Tegap Sdn. Bhd

Revision Date

: December 2008

'. .' E)CAVATI!N #ET(!D a( Due to space constraint, open e-cavation %ith earth slope is not feasi le. Therefore, temporary structure or permanent that allo%s for vertical cut need to e employed. :ethod considered include temporary sheet pile, diaphra!m %all system, conti!uous ored pile %all, top do%n construction method and etc. Due to economic factors and ease of construction, it is proposed that temporary steel sheet piles %ith !round anchors shall e adopted as the temporary structure for the vertical cut. ( Common e-cavation shall mean e-cavation in any materials, %hich are not roc& or artificial hard materials. )-cavation shall e carried out to the re8uired depths and levels in accordance %ith the Dra%in!s, for formations of roads and uildin! platforms.

'. .* C!#PACTI!N RE+UIRE#ENTS a( The compacted fill materials shall have a dry density correspondin! to the follo%in!*+ i( <or uildin! platform* + a( <or the topmost 0.2m '6 ft.( .elo% formation level 35 percent of the ma-imum dry density o tained from .# #tandard Compaction test; ( ii( <or the remainder elo% formation level 30 percent of the ma-imum dry density o tained from .# #tandard Compaction Test. <or roads and tan& platforms * + a( <or the topmost 0.2m ' 6 ft. ( Test; ( ( <or the remainder elo% formation level 30 percent of the ma-imum dry density o tained from .# =eavy Compaction Test 0ll fill materials shall e compacted in layers to achieve the re8uired de!ree of compaction in accordance %ith ..#. 13>> Compaction Test. elo% formation level 35 percent of the ma-imum dry density o tained from .# =eavy Compaction

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Jurutera Perunding Tegap Sdn. Bhd

Revision Date

: December 2008

'. ., SURFACE PR!TECTI!N a( ( )arth%or&s to e &ept free of standin! %ater. #torm%ater surface runoff !enerated from the project site %ill e diverted via the proposed temporary earth drain surroundin! the site. The temporary earth drain %ill then e channeled to a proposed temporary pit '1 meter depth( located at the lo%est asement level. Pondin! %ater in the temporary pit shall e pumped up into the proposed temporary sump at !round level. <rom the sump, the %ater shall 'silt trap(. #ilt shall e-istin! main drain. '. .- %AS(TR!UG( 0ny vehicle e-itin! the Project site %ill need to !o throu!h the %ashin! trou!h to clean the tyres efore accessin! the pu lic road. @ne %ashin! trou!h is proposed for the project site. e trapped in this e conveyed y proposed asin temporary ?50mm Dia. pipe culvert and finally dischar!ed into proposed sediment asin and e-cess %ater %ill

e dischar!ed into the

'. .. TE#P!RAR/ RETAINING %ALL a( ( #heet piles, %hich act as temporary retainin! %all, shall e-cavation and construction of asement retainin! %all. The proposed steel sheet piles need to e installed vertically at a minimum distance of 6 meter a%ay from the asement %all to provide for the necessary %or&in! space, form %or&s and any other temporary structures re8uired durin! asement construction. The temporary sheet piles shall e removed and voids shall e filled %ith suita le earth upon asement %all completion. e provided durin! the

'. .0 DESIGN SAFET/ FACT!R a( Durin! the su structure construction %or&s, the contractor shall ensure that sheet piles are providin! proper support to the sides of e-cavation under the %orst com ination of lateral earth pressure and !round%ater pressure, includin! the possi ility of the %ater level risin! temporarily to the !round surface due to heavy rainfall. Particular attention shall also e !iven in ensurin! compliance %ith permitted noise and vi ration levels durin! the installation and removal of sheet

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Jurutera Perunding Tegap Sdn. Bhd

Revision Date

: December 2008

piles and providin! ade8uate protection of all e-cavations from collapse and su sidence of adjacent !round and properties. '. . 1 !T(ERS a( #eparate temporary site entrance and e-it %ith interloc&in! concrete pavers on e-istin! road is proposed for the project site. 0 600mm thic& temporary crusher run road is proposed to e laid inside the project site replacin! the e-istin! %al&%ay %here y the e-istin! %al&%ay shall demolished and reinstate ac& upon completion of construction %or&s. '." R!AD %!R&S '.". C!DE !F PRACTICE The !eometric desi!n and pavement desi!n for the road shall follo% Aa atan Berja Caya 'ABC( 0rahan Te&ni& 'Aalan(. /eometric desi!n of road shall e in accordance to e used to desi!n re8uirements stipulated in 0rahan Te&ni& 'Aalan( 4142 '/uide on /eometric Desi!n of Coads(. 0rahan Te&ni& 'Aalan( 5145 ':anual on Pavement Desi!n( %ill pavement. Traffic si!na!e and pavement mar&in! desi!n shall comply to the 0rahan Te&ni& 'Aalan( 60145 '#tandard Traffic #i!ns, 0rahan Te&ni& 'Aalan( 6.145 'Traffic #i!ns 0pplications(, 0rahan Te&ni& 'Aalan( 6D145 'Coad :ar&in!s and Delineation(. e

'."." DESIGN CRITERIA a( <or su !rade, material for the top 300 mm shall e compacted not less than 35D 'for

cohesive material( or 100D 'for cohesionless material( of the ma-imum dry density determined in the ..#. 13>> Compaction Test '?.5 &! rammer method(. ( The road ase materials shall have a C.C value of not less than 40 %hen compacted to 34D of the ma-imum dry density as determined y .# 13>>* 13>5 Test Eo. 13. The fla&iness inde- of the coarse a!!re!ate shall e less than 35 per cent. The %ater a sorption shall e less than 6 percent and the specific !ravity shall e-ceed 6.?0 . The Los 0n!eles 0 rasion value of the coarse a!!re!ate shall not e-ceed ?0. c( d( <or su ase materials, li8uid limit shall e not more than 65D and plasticity inde- shall e not more than 2. The a!!re!ate crushin! value for su 30 shall e not more than 35; ase material %hen tested in accordance %ith :.#.

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Jurutera Perunding Tegap Sdn. Bhd


Revision Date

: December 2008

The %ei!hted avera!e loss of %ei!ht in the sodium sulphate soundness test '5 Cycles( %hen tested in accordance %ith 00#=T@ Test :ethod T 10? shall for crushed a!!re!ate road ase. e not more than 16D


The road shall e desi!ned as premi- road of Ffle-i e pavementG type. '.".$ #ATERIALS USED


Lo%er su + ase

crushed roc&, or crushed !ravel, or a mi-ture of crushed and natural a!!re!ates, %hich is hard, dura le, clean and essentially free from clay and other deleterious materials..

#u + ase


ase material shall e a natural or prepared a!!re!ate

comprisin! crushed roc&, %eathered or fra!mented roc&, !ravel or crushed !ravel, sand or a mi-ture of any of these materials c( /ravel #urfacin! 2 natural or prepared soil+a!!re!ate mi-ture comprisin! !ravel and sand si7e particles to!ether %ith a small proportion of plastic fines, and shall e essentially free from ve!etative and other or!anic matter, e-pansive clay minerals and lumps of clay. d( Crushed 0!!re!ate Coad ase + crushed roc&, or crushed !ravel, or a mi-ture of crushed and natural a!!re!ates, %hich is hard, dura le, clean and essentially free from clay and other deleterious materials. e( .ituminous Pavement Courses 2 the ituminous primin! material shall e either cut+ ac& itumen or itumen emulsion. Cut+ ac& itumen shall e !rade CC+>0 or :C+>0 conformin! to the re8uirements of :.#. 153. .itumen emulsion shall e slo% settin!, !rade ##+1 or ##+1B, conformin! to the re8uirements of :.#. 121. '.".' #A)I#U# R!AD GRADIENT a( ( :a-imum road !radient shall e set at 1*10 as per .@:.0 ma-imum re8uirement. 0s for the cross+section desi!n for the proposed road, 6.5D of cross+fall %ill to minimi7e %ater pondin!.
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e provided


Jurutera Perunding Tegap Sdn. Bhd


Revision Date

: December 2008

The hydraulic and hydrolo!y calculation for the draina!e system is !enerally desi!ned in accordance to Ur3an St4r56ater #anage5ent #anua7 84r #a7a9:ia ;#AS#A<= "111 pu lished y the Draina!e and "rri!ation Department 'D"D(. The desi!n and construction of all drains inclusive of draina!e sumps spacin! shall !ive the est hydraulic features, follo% !ood en!ineerin! practice and shall comply %ith the re8uirements of the relevant 0uthorities in terms of the desi!n standards and parameters.


The Desi!n 0vera!e Cecurrence "ntervals '0C"( adopted for the plannin! and desi!n of storm%ater shall e in accordance %ith Ta le ?.1 of 9r an #torm%ater :ana!ement :anual for :alaysia ':0#:0(. a( Ceturn Period i( 665mm =1C drain & Pipe Culvert

+ 5 years 'Desi!n return period( H 0.30 H 0.30

ii( 665mm =1C drain & Pipe Culvert + 10 years 'Chec&in!( ( Cunoff coefficient for pre+development Cunoff coefficient for post development

3< T(E RATI!NAL #ET(!D The Cational :ethod can provide satisfactory estimates of pea& dischar!e to a main drain on small catchments of up to 40 hectares. =ence, this method is used for the runoff dischar!es for the proposed development, %hich has a total area of 1."- he>tare: . 0ssumptions used in Cational :ethod are as follo%s* 1. 6. 3. The pea& flo% occurs %hen the entire catchments is contri utin! to the flo% The rainfall intensity is the same over the entire catchments area The rainfall intensity is uniform over a time duration e8ual to the time of concentration, tc

Project No.:08222 192205774.doc


Jurutera Perunding Tegap Sdn. Bhd

Revision Date

: December 2008


The 0C" of the computed pea& flo% is the same as that of the rainfall intensity, i.e. 5 year 0C" rainfall intensity %ill produce a 5+year 0C" pea& flo%. The formula is* Iy J C . y " t .0 320 ,here Iy C

K....KKK..')8n. 1?.> :0#:0( L Lear 0C" pea& flo% 'm 3 1s( Dimensionless runoff coefficient 'mm1hr(

J J "t

J y year 0C" avera!e rainfall intensity over time of concentration, tc, J draina!e area 'ha(

>< RAINFALL INTENSIT/2DURATI!N2FRE+UENC/ RELATI!NS(IP The rainfall intensity is desi!ned ased on clause 13.6.2 and 13.6.> of 9r an #torm %ater een

:ana!ement :anual for :alaysia, 6000. #ince Buala Lumpur is the closest city to Putrajaya a ta le of rainfall intensity at Buala Lumpur for various return period and duration has developed accordin! to the mentioned clauses for the proposed development.


The runoff coefficient, C is adopted depends on rainfall intensity and duration as %ell as on the catchment characteristics. Cecommended runoff coefficient values for rainfall intensities of up to 600mm1hr can e o tained from Desi!n Chart 1?.3 'ur an areas( or Chart 1?.? 'rural areas( e respectively. .y referrin! to Desi!n Chart 1?.3, the development runoff surface can cate!ori7ed as Type 6; therefore the runoff coefficient adopted for this development is 0.30.


:annin!$s formula is adopted for uniform flo% computation. The formula is* M ,here, I J n 0
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C 613 # 116 n


I J 0M

flo% in cumecs J J :annin!$s rou!hness coefficient drain cross sectional area in s8uare meters 9


Jurutera Perunding Tegap Sdn. Bhd

C # recommended at Chart 64.1. J J

Revision Date

: December 2008

hydraulic radius in meters slope in meters 1 meter

The n value is depends on the type of materials used for the drain linin! construction as

8< VEL!CIT/ !F FL!% To minimi7e the deposition of !rit and sand in storm %ater drains and scourin! of drain linin!s, the recommended minimum and ma-imum velocities for various types of drains are as follo%* + 0s indicated in clause 62.3.2 of 9r an #torm %ater :ana!ement :anual for :alaysia, 6000, the flo% velocity of open drain shall fall in the ran!e et%een 1..5: 2 t4 '5: 2 . + 0s comply %ith clause 6>.4.5 and 6>.4.2 of 9r an #torm %ater :ana!ement :anual for :alaysia, 6000, the adopted ran!e of flo% velocity for precast pipe culvert is '.$.$ T/PE !F DRAIN The proposed draina!e system %ithin the development shall consist of* 'i( 'ii( 'iii( .uildin!$s e-ternal perimeter drains %hich consist of 665mm half round concrete drain %ith ric& %all and concrete sla cover. 200mm N pipe culvert at in!ress and e!ress to the asement and drop off area. "ntermediate #umps. .15: 2 t4 ..15: 2 .

'.$.' #ATERIALS USED 0ll precast concrete drain sections shall the Dra%in!s. '.$.* SILT TRAP The hydraulic and hydrolo!y calculation for the silt trap desi!n are in accordance to 9r an #torm ,ater :ana!ement :anual for :alaysia ':0#:0(, 6000 pu lished "rri!ation Department 'D"D(. 0 silt trap 'sediment asin( is ein! proposed to e located at the northern tip of the site. 0ll e channeled to this silt trap for y the Draina!e and e of /rade 60 concrete %ith ma-imum 60 mm

a!!re!ates 'unless other%ise stated( to the shapes, si7es, dimensions and details as sho%n on

storm%ater runoff !enerated from the project site shall

deposition and stora!e of silt. The dimension of the proposed silt trap is Project No.:08222 10


Jurutera Perunding Tegap Sdn. Bhd

>m ',( - 1?m 'L( - 1.34m 'D(. The sediment

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: December 2008

asin is desi!ned as a %et sediment

asin to collect the sediment from

construction site. The desi!n return period for sediment asin is 10 years. "t should silt trap e noted that storm%ater %ithin the e-cavated area is not a le to y !ravity flo%. 0s such, storm%ater at the e-cavation area shall e dischar!ed to the e channeled to a pit

and then pumped up into the proposed silt trap 'sediment asin( at the top level. '.$., PR!P!SED DRAINAGE S/STE# /enerally, the storm %ater1surface runoff from the proposed pavement %ill and sla e dischar!ed into proposed 665mm =1C uildin!, roof, open area and road ric& %all

uildin! perimeter drain %ith

cover. 200mm N pipe culvert is proposed in locations %here a road crosses an open e dischar!ed into e-istin! roadside drain sump and finally

drain. The storm %ater %ill then channeled into e-istin! main drain.

"n order to facilitate the maintenance %or& of cover.

uildin!$s perimeter drain, intermediate sumps at

specific interval is proposed. The intermediate sumps shall have hot dip !alvani7ed /.". !ratin!

0ll the storm and runoff %ater from this development is drained %ithin the site oundary

y proper close draina!e system

efore dischar!es directly into perimeter drain surround the project

oundary, %hich is desi!ned y e-ternal infrastructure consultant.

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Jurutera Perunding Tegap Sdn. Bhd

Revision Date

: December 2008

'.$.- CULVERTS AND DRAINAGE STRUCTURE Concrete pipes for culverts shall e precast concrete draina!e pipes of approved manufacture

complyin! %ith the 0ustralian #tandard specification for precast concrete draina!e pipes + 0ustralian #tandard Eo.0# 13?6 + 13>3. The follo%in! classes shall e used* + Class O + e-tra stren!th reinforced Class L + special stren!th reinforced Class P + special stren!th reinforced Eote* #u ject for the approval of the #uperintendin! @fficer. Precast concrete draina!e pipes conformin! to .ritish #tandard ..#. 552 H 13>6 may also e used.

'.$.. DESIGN SAFET/ FACT!R a( Draina!e system shall e desi!ned %ith re!ard to oth operation and easy maintenance.

Consideration must therefore

e !iven for the provision of ade8uate openin!s and access

manholes, etc. for ease of routine service and maintenance of the draina!e system. 0de8uate !radient shall e provided to ena le self+cleanin! flo%. ( 0ll deep sumps shall e covered %ith stainless steel !rilles to ensure safety of pedestrian. =eavy duty stainless steel !rilles shall e provided at vehicular access points. c( 0ll !ratin!s shall landscape. d( Cascadin! drains shall not e seen comin! do%n the face of the slope. They shall e desi!ned to run do%n the slopes at the end s of the face of cuttin! and e hidden from vie%. e( @ther safety structures such as parapet %alls, !uardrails, etc. shall e provided %here necessary. e of hot dip !alvani7ed iron type and shall e desi!ned to lend %ith the

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Jurutera Perunding Tegap Sdn. Bhd

Revision Date

: December 2008

'.$.0 !T(ERS a( The draina!e system desi!ned shall ta&e into consideration the architectural features, position of uildin!s and other structures. ( The draina!e system shall also ta&e into consideration the details of the proposed e-ternal main drains y others into %hich it %ill e dischar!in!, especially in terms of capacities, si7es, shapes and levels. '.' SE%ERAGE RETICULATI!N '.'. DESIGN GUIDELINES The se%er net%or& and the associated %or&s are desi!ned in accordance to the :alaysian #tandards :.#.1664 * 1331 H FC@D) @< PC0CT"C) <@C D)#"/E 0ED "E#T0LL0T"@E @< #),)C0/) #L#T):G and /uidelines for Developers on the desi!n and installation of se%era!e system issued y Director /eneral, #e%era!e #ervices Department, :inistry of =ousin! and Local /overnment. '.'." DESIGN CRITERIA a( #e%era!e effluent in term of population e8uivalent 'P)( is estimated 01 i( ii( iii( %hich states that the recommended population ased on :alaysian for commercial

#e%era!e "ndustry /uidelines Cecommended Population )8uivalent ta ulated in Ta le e8uivalent development is 3 P) per 100m 6 per !ross floor area. The pea& factor adopted is e8ual to ?.> - 'P.)11000(+0.11 The e8uation for avera!e flo% is 0vera!e <lo% J P.) - 665 l1P.) The e8uation for pea& flo% is Pea& <lo% J Pea& <actor - P.) - 665 l1P.) ,here P.) is the estimated population e8uivalent in thousand. iv( The capacities and velocities of the se%er pipes are chec&ed usin! :annin!$s )8uation. The e8uations are as elo%* M J '11n( C 613 # 116 I J 0.M
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Jurutera Perunding Tegap Sdn. Bhd

,here M J velocity I J capacity

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: December 2008

C J hydraulic radius # J !radient of se%er pipe

n J :annin!$s coefficient v( The velocity of flo% is limited to e et%een 0.4 m1s to ?.0 m1s in order to prevent the deposition of solid matter in the invert and scourin! of se%er suspended matter respectively. vii( ( c( :inimum depth of se%a!e manhole to e limited to 1.60m from !round level. y erosive action of

0 net%or& of !ravity se%er pipe serves the proposed development. The total se%a!e %ill !ravity flo% into the e-ternal e-istin! main se%er manhole outside the site oundary.

'.'.$ #ATERIALS USED a< VITRIFIED CLA/ SE%ER PIPES %IT( RUBBER RING J!INT a( :aterial used for the development shall e of 665mm dia. Metrified Clay Pipe 'MCP(. Mitrified clay pipes and fittin!s shall comply %ith the re8uirements of the current editions includin! all amendments of .# 25 & 5?0* Part 1. The joints shall comply to the latest editions of .# 25 & 5?0 * Part 6 * Q<le-i le :echanical AointsQ. ( 0t the junction of pipes of different materials e.!. jointin! of clay pipe to cast iron pipes, the mortar joint %ill e used. 3< SE%ER #AN(!LE


Precast concrete manhole sections shall conform in all respects to .# 552. The dimensions of the cham ers and the shafts shall e as sho%n on the dra%in!s. 0ll joints in precast manhole sections shall e made %ith cement mortar. :anhole floors shall e constructed %ith concrete formed to the re8uired shapes %ith concrete channel inverts includin! half round concrete channels, ends, tapers, junctions and dou le junctions. The top of the in+situ enchin! shall e sloped ac& at 1 in 16. Precast manholes shall e encased %ith concrete as sho%n on the dra%in!s. Cou!h shutterin! shall e used for the concrete surround to manholes. 0ll concrete are to e 60 :Pa Portland cement. The si7e adopted for the development is 1600mm diameter 'internal( %ith varyin! depth to suit the se%er pipe depth and profile.

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Jurutera Perunding Tegap Sdn. Bhd


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: December 2008

:anholes covers and frames shall confirm to ..#. ?3>*132>. :anhole covers shall e of Crey "ron unless other%ise specified. The manholes covers shall e laid %ith their frames edded on the precast concrete rin!s. :onholes covers !enerally shall e set to the road profile and e flush %ith the road surface. :anhole covers located in unimproved areas shall e set at an evelation to prevent the entry of surface %ater.


#tep irons and ladders in manholes shall e stainless steel !rade 312 at 300mm spacin!. #tainless steel step irons and fastenin!s for ladders are secured in 65mm diameter holes to a depth of 150mm usin! e-po-y mortar.


,here drop manholes are indicated they shall e sho%n on the dra%in!s and shall e formed %here the upstream len!th of se%er enters a manhole at a hi!her level than the manhole invert level. 0ll pipes and fittin!s in drop connection shall connectin! pipeline sho%n on the Dra%in!s. e the same material and of the same si7e as the

'.'.' DESIGN SAFET/ FACT!R a( :inimum vertical and hori7ontal clearances %ith other services such as %ater, telephone line and electrical line shall e 1.0m

'.* %ATER SUPPL/ S/STE# '.*. DESIGN GUIDELINES The en!ineerin! desi!n for the %ater supply reticulation net%or& %ithin the development follo%s closely to Desi!n /uidelines for ,ater #upply #ystems pu lished y the :alaysian ,ater 0ssociation and /aris Panduan Pen!emu&aan #istem .e&alan 0ir Di Ee!eri #elan!or, ,ilayah Perse&utuan Buala Lumpur dan Putrajaya pu lished y #yari&at .e&alan 0ir #elan!or '#L0.0#(. '.*." DESIGN CRITERIA AND PARA#ETERS The desi!n criteria and parameters for ,ater #upply Ceticulation #ystem shall e as follo%s*+ a( The %ater reticulation system shall e desi!ned to 3 cases, namely Case 1 0vera!e %ater demand Case 6 Pea& %ater demand <actor J 6.5 for direct supply common facility 'surau, clu house, & tadi&a(
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<actor J 1



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<actor J 1.5 for supply to suction tan& 'stora!e tan&( in condominium. Case 3 ( Cesidual head Durin! 1( 6( 3( c( d( e( f( Pea& flo% J min. >.5m a ove T,L of suction tan&. <ire flo% J min. >.5m a ove platform level. <ire stream J 3-13>0 liter1m or 24.?3 liter1s 0vera!e flo% plus fire flo% <actor J 1.0 avera!e flo% R 1.0 fire flo%

C value for =a7en+,illiam formula is ta&en as 100. The flo% velocity in the reticulation system under pea& flo% condition shall e %ithin 6.2m1s and %ith a head loss !radient that is less than 6m1&m. <or fire flo% desi!n purposes, class 0 ris& 'for hi!h rise uildin!( %here y 3 num ers of fire stream at 13>0 liter1min each are used to !enerate %orst case desi!n scenario. The =a7en+,illiams <ormula shall e8uation MJ0.45 CC

e used in the estimation of major friction losses. <rom the


, the static friction head loss '= 1( can e e-pressed in terms of I 'flo%

rate, m31s(, L 'pipe Len!th, m(, D 'pipe diameter, m( and C 'rou!hness coefficient( as follo%* + =1 J '110.03?(S'I1C( 1.45 S'L1D?.425( The value C shall e ta&en as 100 to allo% for operation of pipe poor condition. The minor head loss 'h1( throu!h valves and fittin!s shall e e-pressed as a function of the velocity head as follo%*+ !( h1 J 'B6(SM61'6!( ,ater demand for this development shall #L0.0# /uidelines. e ased on floor area of the office uildin!

%hich is 600 !allons per day '!pd( per 100 s8uare meters as per recommendation in

'.*.$ #ATERIALS USED a( ( c( :aterial used for the development shall conform to the latest #L0.0# re8uirement, %hich for the time ein! is ductile iron pipe %ith appropriate joints and fittin!s. Domestic %ater supply shall e tapped from the 300mm diameter mains1 tee allocated for Lot 6C10 via proposed 650mm diameter D.". pipe 600mm diameter D.". %ater reticulation pipe shall suction tan&s at level mains %ill asement 1 from the e laid for fire hydrant as re8uired e used to feed the reinforced concrete ul& meter. #eparate 600mm diameter D.". y .@:.0 1 #L0.0#. T%o num ers of fire

hydrant is proposed for this project. d( T%o separate ul& meter shall e installed. '.*.' PR!P!SED %ATER SUPPL/ S/STE#
Project No.:08222 192205774.doc


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The e-istin! 300mm diameter %ater supply pipe servin! the proposed development has

inside the Tertiary Common 9tility Trench and sourced its %ater from the e-istin! 400mm diameter %ater mains installed inside the Primary Common 9tility Trench located alon! Aalan P6191L+6. ,ater supply from the e-istin! 300mm diameter shall then e tapped off from the e-istin! :ini 9tility =u allocated for the proposed development. Proposed 650mm diameter Ductile "ron 'D.".( %ater pipe shall 300mm1650mm D" taper after removin! off the end cap from the e connected to the tappin! point via e-istin! pipe. The pipe %ill then e

ranch off for %ater supplies to reinforced concrete suction tan&s located at Car Par& .asement Level 1 '.,LJ 31.20m @DL( and fire hydrant at /round <loor Level via proposed 600mm diameter Ductile "ron reticulation pipe from the ul& meter. '.*.* DESIGN SAFET/ FACT!R a( :inimum cover to cro%n of pipe shall these conditions, cannot 150mm mass concrete. ( :a-imum distance et%een fire hydrants shall e 30m. e 1.0m and ma-imum cover shall e 6.0m. %here

e met, the pipes shall e surrounded %ith minimum thic&ness of

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: December 2008

'., DESIGN C(EC&LIST F!R INFRASTRUCTURE %!R&S '.,. Earth64r?: and Drainage
Please tic& in the %here applica le.


De:ign C4de

9DD #tandard & Procedure for Peninsular :alaysia 9r an #torm ,ater :ana!ement :anual for :alaysia ':0#:0(, 6000 Draina!e and "rri!ation Department Local 0uthority /uidelines* Per adanan Putrajaya y


#ateria7 Strength Spe>i8i>ati4n 'i( Ceinforcement f yv fy fy 'ii( J

J J 650 E1mm 6 ?20 E1mm 6 ?45 E1mm 6

')lements*K#hear Lin&KK.K.( ')lements*KC.C. ,all KKKK( ')lements*KDrain .ase..KKK.(

/rade 15 /rade 60 /rade 65 /rade 30

')lements*KKKLean ConcreteKK( ')lements*KKKDrain .aseKKKK( ')lements*KKKKKKKKKKKK( ')lements*..C.C. Cetainin! ,allKK(

@thers*KKKKKKK. ')lements*KKKKKKKKKKKK(


Type of Drain .ric&%or& @pened =1C Drain Conceal CC .loc& Drain Pudu Cut Drain Precast CC 9+Drain Cast "n+situ CC Drain

'Location*KKKKKKKKKK( 'Location*KKKKKKKKKK( 'Location*KKKKKKKKKK( 'Location*K:ain DrainKKKK( 'Location* .uildin! e-ternal perimeter drain(


Cetainin! ,all 18

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CC ,all Cu le ,all

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: December 2008


Ceinforced )arth ,all @thers* >. Run2488 C4e88i>ient 84r Ur3an Centre: Land 9se

Cun+off Coefficient 0.3 KKKKK 0.4 KKKKK 0.4 KKKKK 0.35 KKKKK 0.3 KKKKK 0.?5 KKKKK 0.35 KKKKK 0.1 KKKKK 0.>5 KKKKK

.usiness 'City area fully uilt & shop houses( <ully uilt+up industrial area Cesidential Pavement Par&s Cu er )state

Aun!le :inin! land .are )arth


Pri5ar9 De:ign C4n:iderati4n :a- velocity :in velocity :a- velocity :in velocity '@pen Drain( '@pen Drain( 'Culvert( 'Culvert( J J J J J J J J J J J 19 3 m1s ++++++++++++++++ 1 m1s ++++++++++++++++ 4 m1s ++++++++++++++++ 1 m1s ++++++++++++++++ Depend on drain si7e and type ++++++++++++++++ Depend on drain si7e and type ++++++++++++++++ E10 m1s ++++++++++++++++ E10 m1s ++++++++++++++++ E10 ++++++++++++++++ E10 ++++++++++++++++ 5 years for open drain 100 years for concealed drain

:a- !radient 'Permanent Drain( :in !radient :a- velocity :in velocity 'Permanent Drain( 'Temporary ). Drain( 'Temporary ). Drain(

:a- !radient 'Temporary ). Drain( :in !radient 'Temporary ). Drain(

#torm Ceturn Period

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: December 2008

:a- depth of silt trap :in depth of silt trap :a- depth of retention pond :in depth of retention pond :a- depth of drain 1culvert :in depth of drain 1culvert :a- !radient for cut slope Ditto ut for fill slope @thers* KKKKKKKKKKKKKK..


++++++++++++++++ To e decided later ++++++++++++++++ To e decided later ++++++++++++++++ E10 m ++++++++++++++++ E10 m ++++++++++++++++ Depend on e-istin! main drain culvert ++++++++++++++++ 0.?5 m ++++++++++++++++ 1 * 1.5 'permanent( ++++++++++++++++ 1 * 6 'permanent( ++++++++++++++++ KKKKKKK.


Please tic& in the %here applica le.


De:ign C4de

ABC /uidelines Local 0uthority /uidelines*

Per adanan Putrajaya 2 Not Applicable J ++++++++++++++ J ++++++++++++++ J ++++++++++++++ J ++++++++++++++ J ++++++++++++++ J ++++++++++++++ J ++++++++++++++ vehicle m m m m no.


Ba:i> C4n>ept Coad =ierarchy Traffic Molume for the Coad Eet%or& Coad Ceserve Coad %idths Coad Len!ths :edian .us ays1 us stops


(4ri@4nta7 A7ign5ent Desi!n #peed J 20 &m1hr

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: December 2008

Cadius Transition1Circular Curve #uper elevation d. Verti>a7 A7ign5ent B value Clim in! Lane Provision Lon!itudinal #ections

J ++++++++++++++ J ++++++++++++++ J ++++++++++++++

m m D

J ++++++++++++++ J ++++++++++++++ J ++++++++++++++ D


PaAe5ent De:ign Desi!n 0ssumption* Not Applicable ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Desi!n Life Traffic Molume C.C Malue :aterial Thic&ness 'i( 'ii( 'iii( PremiCrusher run #and .lan&et J J J 165 ++++++++++++++ 300 ++++++++++++++ >5 ++++++++++++++ mm mm mm J ++++++++++++++ J J ++++++++++++++ 30 ++++++++++++++ pcu D years

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Please tic& in the %here applica le.


De:ign C4de

#e%era!e #ervice Department /uidelines :# 1664 Local 0uthority /uidelines * KKAPP1",BKKKKKKKKKK..


#ateria7 Strength Spe>i8i>ati4n 'v( Ceinforcement f yv fy fy 'vi( J

J J 650 E1mm 6 ?20 E1mm 6 ?45 E1mm 6

')lements*K#hear Lin&KKKK.( ')lements*K:ain .arKKKKK.( ')lements*K:anhole .aseKK.(

/rade 15 /rade 60 /rade 65 /rade 30 /rade 35

')lements*KKKLean ConcreteKK( ')lements*KKK:anhole .aseKK( ')lements*KKKKKKKKKKKK( ')lements*KKKKKKKKKKKK( ')lements*KKKKKKKKKKKK(


:aterial of Pipe

'#i7e * 665mm Dia to 3>5mm Dia.( '#i7e * ?50mm Dia and a oveK..( '#i7e *KKKKKKKKKKKK..(


Type of :anhole
.ric& :anhole Precast :anhole Cast "n+situ :anhole 'inside uildin!(

'Depth *KKKKKKKKKKKK..( 'Depth *KK:in 1.6mKKKKKK..( 'Depth *KK:in 1.6mKKKKKK..(


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P4pu7ati4n EBuiAa7ent S>he5e

Type of Premise 1)sta lishment Cesidential Commercial 1 @ffice #chool1)ducation "nstitutions =ospital =otel <actory :ar&et Petrol &ios&1#ervice #tation .us terminal Population )8uivalent E10 ++++++++ 3 ++++++++ E10 ++++++++ E10 ++++++++ E10 ++++++++ E10 ++++++++ E10 ++++++++ E10 ++++++++ E10 ++++++++ per unit per 100 s8.m !ross area per student per ed per room per staff per stall per service per us ay ay


Pri5ar9 De:ign C4n:iderati4n

:a- Melocity :in Melocity :a- Pipe /radient :in Pipe /radient :in Pipe #i7e :a-. Distance et%een :anholes J J J J J J J J J ?.0 m1s +++++++++++++++ 0.4 m1s +++++++++++++++ 1 * 50 for 665mm Dia. Pipe #i7e +++++++++++++++ 1 * 600 for 665mm Dia. Pipe #i7e +++++++++++++++ 665 mm +++++++++++++++ 100 m +++++++++++++++ 1.6 m +++++++++++++++ 6.? m +++++++++++++++ 0.2 m +++++++++++++++

:in. "nitial Depth for :anholes1pipe :a-. .ac&drop :in. .ac&drop


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: December 2008


%ater Reti>u7ati4n
%here applica le.

Please tic& in the


De:ign C4de
.# 4110 .# 400>

')lements*KKKKKK..KKKKKK.( ')lements*KKKK KKKKKKKK..( ')lements*KKKKKKKKKKKKK.( #L0.0# .erhad '=.I(

:,0 /uidelines Local 0uthority /uideline*


#ateria7 Strength Spe>i8i>ati4n

'i( Ceinforcement < yv <y <y <y 'ii( J J J J 650 E1mm 6 ?10 E1mm 6 ?20 E1mm 6 ?45 E1mm 6

')lements *KKKKKK. KKKK.( ')lements *KKKKKKK.KKKK.( ')lements *K:ain .arKKKKKK.( ')lements *KKKKKKKKKKK.(

Concrete /rade 15 /rade 60 /rade 65 /rade 30 /rade 35 @thers*KKKKKKKKK.


')lements *KKLean ConcreteKKKKKK( ')lements *KKKKKKKKKKKKK..K( ')lements * <oundation & Thrust .loc& (

')lements *KKKKKK..KKKKKKKK( ')lements *KKKKK...KKKKKKKK..( ')lements *KKKKKKKKKKKKKKK(


:aterial of Pipe =DP) :ild #teel uPMC '#i7e*KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK.( '#i7e*KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK.( '#i7e*KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK.(

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Cast "ron Ductile "ron @thers*

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: December 2008

'#i7e*KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK.( '#i7e*KK600mm Dia and 0 oveKKK.(



%ater De5and
Type of Premise1 )sta lishment ,ater Demand

Lo% cost :edium cost #in!le1dou le terrace house 0partment1Condominium #in!le1dou le storey semi+D or un!alo% E10 +++++++++ E10 +++++++++ E10 +++++++++ E10 +++++++++ E10 +++++++++ !1day !1day !1day !1day !1day

#in!le storey shop E10 !1day +++++++++ :ulti Hstorey shop 'every storey( E10 !1day +++++++++ :ulti H storey @ffice 'every 100 m 6 of !ross floor area( 600 !1day per 100 m 6 +++++++++ Petrol station E10 !1day +++++++++ :ar&et E10 !1day +++++++++ =a%&er centre E10 !1day +++++++++ =otel 'every room( E10 !1day +++++++++ #hoppin! Comple- 'every 100m 6 ( "ndustrial area 'every acre( Li!ht industry %or&shop <actory E10 !1day +++++++++ E10 !1day +++++++++ E10 !1day +++++++++ E10 1day +++++++++

Social and Society

:os8ue 'every person( :ulti+purpose hall Clu house Council hall
Project No.:08222 192205774.doc

E10 ++++++++ E10 ++++++++ E10 ++++++++ E10 ++++++++

!1day !1day !1day !1day



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#chool 'every student( #chool %ith hostels 'every student( "nstitution 'every acre( Binder!arten 'every children( @ther* KKKKKKKKKK.

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E10 ++++++++ E10 ++++++++ E10 ++++++++ E10 ++++++++ !1day !1day !1day !1day

: December 2008


Pri5ar9 De:ign C4n:iderati4n :a- velocity :in velocity :a- head loss !radient J J J 6.?5 m1s +++++++++++++++++++ 0.4 m1s +++++++++++++++++++ 6 m1&m +++++++++++++++++++ >.5 m +++++++++++++++++++ ?0 m +++++++++++++++++++ 150 mm dia. +++++++++++++++++++ 30 m +++++++++++++++++++ 0.3 m +++++++++++++++++++ To e informed y #L0.0# +++++++++++++++++++ 100 +++++++++++++++++++

:in head a ove hi!hest supply level J :a- head a ove platform level :in pipe si7e :a- distance et%een hydrants :in cover to top of pipes :a-. availa le head at any node C value for =a7en+,illian J J J J J J

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* . STRUCTURAL %!R&S F!R BUILDING *. SUBSTRUCTURE *. . F!UNDATI!N a< C!DE !F PRACTICE 0ll foundation and su structure %or&s shall

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: December 2008

e professionally desi!ned in accordance %ith the

re8uirements contained in .ritish #tandard Code of Practice for <oundations .# 400?* 1342. 3< DESIGN CRITERIA a( ( c( d( e( <oundation desi!n is ein! carried out ased on #oil "nvesti!ation ,or&s Ceport, %hich

includes ? num ers of orehole lo! records. .ased on the #oil "nvesti!ation Ceport, the su +soil stratum is !enerally firm and hit hard stratum at appro-imates 64.5m depths. .ore piles are considered to development. Pile capacity is commonly estimated usin! :eyerhoff$s :ethod. To ensure similar pile toe level for all piles it is decided to construct piles varyin! in diameter %hich consist of ?50mm, 200mm and 300mm ored pile as sho%n in Ta le 1. Ta37e C Pi7e Si@e: .ored Pile Diameter 'mm( ,or&in! Load '&E( + 9se Concrete /rade 35 Tremie 6 Provisional Pile Termination depth 'm( 'Pile len!th to e verified on site and y Pile Load Tests( 30 33 3>.5 Provisional Pile Len!th 'm( from Pile Cut+off Level to Pile Toe 'pile termination depth + .asement depth of 16m( 14 61 65.5 e the most appropriate foundation system for the proposed

?50 200 300 f( !( h( i(

1150 6100 ?>00

The len!ths of ored piles %ere !enerally estimated ased on the su soil profile and #PT+E values revealed from the e-ploratory oreholes. /round %ater level %as found at 3m elo% !round level. Due to e-istence of hi!h !round %ater level, Concrete !rade for ored pile shall e !rade 35 Tremie 6 '35E1mm 6 ( at 64 days. The desi!n safety factor for foundation desi!n shall e 6.5. 27

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Driven or jac&+in piles are not considered suita le due to site constraints and not favoured in Putrajaya ur an areas %here strict restrictions %ith re!ards to noise and vi rations are imposed y relevant authorities %hich restricted the use of other conventional pilin! system, e.!. driven piles. .ecause of the very restricted nature of the site and e-istin! !round condition, ored piles are considered to e the most appropriate foundation system for the proposed uildin! in vie% of its lo% noise, lo% vi ration, and fle-i ility of si7es to suit different loadin! conditions and su soil conditions.

*. ." BASE#ENT RETAINING %ALL a< DESIGN CRITERIA AND PARA#ETERS The perimeter asement retainin! %all is proposed to e formed usin! Ceinforced Concrete %all propped y the permanent asement floor sla s. Due to the e-istence of hi!h !round %ater level as indicated in the #.". report, the asis of desi!n of C.C. perimeter asement %all and the asement %all sla at the lo%est asement level of asement 3 should comply %ith the re8uirements of .# 400> '134>( for the desi!n of %ater H retainin! structure in order to prevent from !round%ater lea&a!e into the asement %all and sla . Cecommendations set out in .# 400> are as follo%s*+ a( The desi!n of the sections shall e ased upon limitin! ma-imum crac& %idth of 0.6mm. ( Concrete shall e /rade C350 %ith a minimum cement content of 365 &!1m 3. The asement %all should e dei!ned to resist lateral earth pressure, hydrostatic pressure plus any surchar!e from adjacent loads. 3< E)CAVATI!N #ET(!D Due to space constraint, open e-cavation %ith earth slope is not feasi le. Therefore, temporary structure or permanent that allo%s for vertical cut need to e employed. :ethod considered include temporary sheet pile, diaphra!m %all system, conti!uous ored pile %all, top do%n construction method and etc. Due to economic factors and ease of construction, it is proposed that temporary steel sheet piles %ith !round anchors shall e adopted as the temporary structure for the vertical cut.

The proposed steel sheet piles need to e installed vertically at a minimum distance of 6 meter a%ay from the asement %all to provide for the necessary %or&in! space, form %or&s and any other temporary structures re8uired durin! asement construction. The temporary sheet piles shall e removed and voids shall e filled %ith suita le earth upon asement %all completion.
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Durin! the su structure construction %or&s, the contractor shall ensure that sheet piles are providin! proper support to the sides of e-cavation under the %orst com ination of lateral earth pressure and !round%ater pressure, includin! the possi ility of the %ater level risin! temporarily to the !round surface due to heavy rainfall. Particular attention shall also e !iven in ensurin! compliance %ith permitted noise and vi ration levels durin! the installation and removal of sheet piles and providin! ade8uate protection of all e-cavations from collapse and su sidence of adjacent !round and properties. 0de8uate testin! of temporary !round anchors should e carried out. 0lso ade8uate !eotechnical instrumentation mainly to monitor !round movements due to e-cavation %or&s should also e provided.

>< DESIGN !PTI!N D PRACTICALIT/ AND C!ST STUD/ Temporary steel sheet pilin! is proposed to e adopted as the most effective means of

minimisin! retainin! %all displacements and thus dama!in! movements in the soil mass outside of the site area. /round conditions also allo%ed the use of temporary sheet piles to form the perimeter %all %ithout the need for e-pensive !routin! or other measures to control the inflo% of !round%ater. The choice ho%ever also ena led the superstructure to as the asement. *." SUPERSTRUCTURE *.". C!DE !F PRACTICE The desi!n of the multi+storey office uildin! shall e !uided y the follo%in! .ritish #tandards*+ ..#. 4110 * 133> ..#. 400>* 134> #tructural 9se of Concrete Code of Practice for the Desi!n of Concrete #tructures for e uilt at the same time

Cetainin! 08ueous Li8uids The desi!n loads shall e !uided y the follo%in! .ritish #tandards*+ i. ..#. 2333 + Loadin! for .uildin! Part 1 * Code of Practice for Dead and "mposed Load Part 6 * Code of Practice for ,ind Load Part 3 * Code of Practice for "mposed Coof Loads ii. ..#. 2?4 + #chedule of ,ei!hts of .uildin! :aterials


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a( ( c(

0ll structural material incorporated in the desi!n %or&s shall comply %ith relevant :alaysian #tandards1.ritish #tandards and Code of Practices. <actor of safety for Dead Load shall e 1.? and for Live Load shall e 1.2. The structural materials shall have the follo%in! minimum characteristic stren!th %here applica le*+ Ceinforced Concrete Prestressed "n+#ite Concrete :ild #teel Ceinforcement C =i!h Tensile #teel T ,ire :esh .CC #tructural #teel :em er #tructural Tim er fcu J 30 E1mm6 fcu J ?0 E1mm6 fy fy fy J 650 E1mm6 J ?20 E1mm6 J ?45 E1mm6

/rade ?30 #teel /rade 0 duly treated


Concrete Cover to Ceinforcement 60mm + "nternal CC #la 65mm H .eams, Columns, ,all and #tiffeners ?0mm H #tumps, Pilecaps, /round .eams, #la s restin! on !round and ,all elo% !round.

*.".$ DESIGN C!NCEPT a( Conventional C.C. frame %ith project. Prestressed ( c( d( eam, sla , column and shear %all is proposed for this eam span due to

eam is also introduced for more than 16 meter

architectural desi!n intent that re8uires spacious office areas %hich are column free. The multistorey office uildin! is desi!ned for dead loads, imposed loads and %ind loads, %hich is in accordance to .# 4110*1345 and other relevant .# code. The lateral 0s a tall uildin! loads are transmitted y roof and floor sla s and %alls to eam and desi!n to ri!id frame and throu!h the columns to foundations. uildin!, the hori7ontal loads are important factor in the structural analysis. ,ind force desi!n is done in accordance to the recommendation of CP 3 Chapter M Part 6.

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*.".' DESIGN SAFET/ FACT!R a( ( c(

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: December 2008

<actor of safety for Dead Load shall e 1.? and for Live Load shall e 1.2. :a-imum allo%a le deflection shall e 65mm. :a-imum allo%a le differential settlement shall e 16mm. *.".* ANAL/SIS AND DESIGN #ET(!D

The structural analysis and desi!n method can e cate!ori7ed into 3 parts as follo%*+ Part 1 Desi!n and 0nalysis Consideration. To produce the preliminary structural &ey plan and to chec& the structural sta ility and ro ustness of the uildin!s. Part 2 Data "nput and structural analysis y usin! en!ineerin! soft%are !RI!N Re7ea:e * Stru>tura7 Ana79:i: and De:ign S48t6are. 0ll the ased on !RI!N Re7ea:e * re8uired parameters shall e input to perform analysis. Part 3 #tructural desi!n, calculation and detailin! desi!n method. computer analysis !enerated output and chec&in! %ith conventional

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*.$ DESIGN C(EC&LIST F!R STRUCTURAL %!R&S Please tic& a.

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: December 2008

in the

%here applica le .

De:ign C4de

.# 4110 .# 400> .# 5350 #$ 399

#tructural 9se of Concrete Code of Practice for the Desi!n of Concrete #tructures for Cetainin! 08ueous Li8uids #tructural 9se of #teel%or& in .uildin! Loadin! for .uildin! Part 1 * Code of Practice for Dead and "mposed Load Part 6 * Code of Practice for ,ind Load Part 3 * Code of Practice for "mposed Coof Loads

T "


#ateria7 Strength Spe>i8i>ati4n ;i< Rein84r>e5ent

< yv <y <y J J J 650 E1mm 6 ?20 E1mm 6 ?45 E1mm 6 ')lements* Lin& ( ( (

')lements * :ain Ce ar ')lements * ,ire :esh


/rade 15 /rade 60 /rade 65 /rade 30 ')lements * Lean Concrete ')lements * ')lements * ')lements * C.C. .ored Piles /rade 35 @thers*KKKKKKKKK. ( ( ( ( ( ( eams, sla s, columns, lift core %alls,

')lements * .asement Cetainin! ,all ')lements *

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;iii< Stee764r? /rade ?30 #teel

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: December 2008

')lements * Coof Truss & #tructural #teel :em er (

>. d.

%ind Speed F4undati4n & Pi7e

'i( 'ii( #oil .earin! Pressure Pile ,or&in! Load *

?0 m1s

'0pplica le for <ootin! <oundation only( &E1m 6

150 - 150 CC #8uare Pile 600 - 600 CC #8uare Pile ?50mm Dia. .ored Pile


, 00mm Dia. .ored Pile 01 0mm Dia. .ored Pile e. L4ading S>he5e 'i(

JKK61 11 KKK..BE


:aterial ,ei!ht 0nd Dead Load; Concrete Density J 6? &E1m3

115mm th& ric& %all '%ith 60mm plasterin! oth side( J 3 &E1m6 630mm th& ric& %all '%ith 60mm plasterin! oth side( J 5.6 &E1m6 <inishes for C.C flat sla %ith %aterproof mem rane <loor <inishes ; i. ii. 65mm cement render Rvinyl1&arpetRceilin! 65mm cement render RtileRceilin! ( J 0.>5 &E1m6 J 1.00 &E1m6 J 1.0 &E1m6 J 1.5 &E1m6 J 1.65 &E1mU

Li!ht%ei!ht %all 1 partition Pitch Coof Dead Load

Project No.:08222 192205774.doc



Jurutera Perunding Tegap Sdn. Bhd

Revision Date

: December 2008

I5p4:ed L4ad Par&in! for vehicles not e-ceedin! 6500&! in !ross %ei!ht J 6.5 &E1m6

Par&in! for vehicles e-ceedin! 6500&! in !ross %ei!ht J To e desi!ned for Pitch Coof C.C <lat Coof Toilet 'all uildin!( Bitchen @ffice #taircase #taircase #taircase '@ffice( #taircase '/randstand( .edroom '0partment( Livin! '0partment( Dinin! '0partmentl( 0=9&)lec.Coom 1 :D< Common Corridor 1 Lift Lo Pantry #tora!e '@ffice 1 <illin! room( #urau ,al&%ay 1 Corridor #tora!e Coom'<or office( Lift :otor Coom )scalator Camp Conventional =all #tora!e Coom'<or office( Department #tore Conventional =all Lard 1 .alcony .edroom, Livin! & Dinin! @thers 34 y J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J 0.65 &E1m6 1.5 &E1m6 6.0 &E1m6 3.0 &E1m6 3.5 &E1m6 3.0 &E1m6 3.0 &E1m6 3.0 &E1m6 5.0 &E1m6 1.5 &E1m6 1.5 &E1m6 1.5 &E1m6 >.5 &E1m6 ?.0 &E1m6 3.0 &E1m6 5.0 &E1m6 3.0 &E1m6 ?.0 &E1m6 5.00 &E1m6 >.50 &E1m6 ?.00 &E1m6 5.00 &E1m6 ?.00 &E1m6 5.00 &E1m6 ?.00 ?.00 6.50 1.50 &E1m 6 &E1m 6 &E1m 6 &E1m 6

++++++++++ &E1m6

Project No.:08222 192205774.doc


Jurutera Perunding Tegap Sdn. Bhd

Revision Date

: December 2008


Type of .uildin! Cesidential =otel

0partment Condominium #hop


=ospital <actory ,arehouse #tadium @thersKKKKKK..

@ffice #hoppin! Comple-


Redu>ti4n in I5p4:ed L4ad F4r Bui7ding #4re Than * St4re9E Les Eo

Project No.:08222 192205774.doc


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