Apex 422 Patch Set Notes PDF 1940410
Apex 422 Patch Set Notes PDF 1940410
Apex 422 Patch Set Notes PDF 1940410
These patch set notes accompany the Oracle Application Express patch set. The Oracle Application Express patch set is a cumulative patch. This document contains these topics:
Patch Set Overview Pre-Installation Tasks Installation Tasks Post-Installation Tasks Known Issues Fixed Bugs Other Issues and Changes Changed Behavior Documentation Accessibility
If you have Oracle Application Express release 4.2 or later installed, download the Oracle Application Express 4.2.2 patch set and apply it.
If you have Oracle Application Express release 4.1.1 or earlier installed (including Oracle HTML DB release 1.5), download and install the entire Oracle Application Express 4.2.2 release from the Oracle Technology Network (OTN). If you do not have Oracle Application Express installed, download and install the entire Oracle Application Express 4.2.2 release from the Oracle Technology Network (OTN).
Pre-Installation Tasks
Complete the following pre-installation tasks before installing the patch set. This section contains these topics:
Identifying the Oracle Application Express Installation Downloading and Extracting the Installation Software Optionally Backing Up the Oracle Database Preventing Access to Oracle Application Express
Download the p16277995_422_GENERIC.zip patch set installation archive to a directory that is not the Oracle home directory or under the Oracle home directory. Unzip and extract the installation files as follows:
Microsoft Windows - Double-click the p16277995_422_GENERIC.zip file UNIX or Linux - Enter the following command:
$ unzip p16277995_422_GENERIC.zip
See Also:
http://docs.oracle.com/cd/E11882_ 01/backup.112/e10642/toc.htm
Stopping Oracle Application Express Listener About Disabling the Embedded PL/SQL Gateway Stopping Oracle HTTP Server
Start SQL*Plus and connect to the database where Oracle Application Express is installed as SYS. For example:
On Windows:
SYSTEM_DRIVE:\ sqlplus /nolog SQL> CONNECT SYS as SYSDBA Enter password: SYS_password
If the port number returns 0, the Oracle XML DB Protocol Server is disabled. Disabling HTTP on the Oracle XML DB Protocol Server To disable HTTP on the Oracle XML DB Protocol Server:
Start SQL*Plus and connect to the database where Oracle Application Express is installed as SYS. For example:
SYSTEM_DRIVE:\ sqlplus /nolog SQL> CONNECT SYS as SYSDBA Enter password: SYS_password
In the previous example, ORACLE_BASE is the path to the Oracle base directory.
Tip: Note that if the Oracle HTTP Server is listening on a port less than 1024, then these commands must be executed as a privileged user (such as root).
Installation Tasks
Complete the following tasks to install the patch set:
1. 2.
Set your current directory to the top-level "patch" directory where you unzipped the p16277995_422_GENERIC.zip file. Start SQL*Plus and connect to the database where Oracle Application Express is installed as SYS specifying the SYSDBA role. For example:
On Windows:
SYSTEM_DRIVE:\ sqlplus /nolog SQL> CONNECT SYS as SYSDBA Enter password: SYS_password
@apxpatch.sql 4.
Post-Installation Tasks
Complete the following post-installation tasks before using the upgraded software. This section contains these topics:
Updating the Images Directory Starting Oracle Application Express About Patching Oracle Application Express After Translating Languages
Updating the Images Directory When Using Oracle Application Express Listener Updating the Images Directory When Running the Embedded PL/SQL Gateway Updating the Images Directory When Running Oracle HTTP Server
Updating the Images Directory When Using Oracle Application Express Listener
If you are using the Oracle Application Express Listener, you need to create a Web Archive for Oracle Application Express images. For more information, see "Create the Web Archive for Oracle Application Express Images" in Oracle Application Express Listener Installation and Configuration Guide:
Updating the Images Directory When Running the Embedded PL/SQL Gateway
The images in an Oracle XML DB HTTP Server with the embedded PL/SQL gateway installation are in the XML DB repository. Updating the images is accomplished by running the SQL Script apxldimg.sql located in the top level directory where the patch was unzipped. To update the images directory:
1. 2.
Set your current directory to the top-level "patch" directory where you unzipped the p16277995_422_GENERIC.zip file. Start SQL*Plus and connect to the database where Oracle Application Express is installed as SYS specifying the SYSDBA role. For example:
On Windows:
SYSTEM_DRIVE:\ sqlplus /nolog SQL> CONNECT SYS as SYSDBA Enter password: SYS_password
Run apxldimg.sql passing the file system path to the "patch" directory where the p16277995_422_GENERIC.zip file was unzipped as shown in the following example:
On Windows:
@apxldimg.sql SYSTEM_DRIVE:\TEMP\patch
To locate the images directory on the file system by reviewing the following files for the text alias /i/:
Oracle Application Server 10g - See the marvel.conf or dads.conf files. Oracle HTTP Server distributed with Oracle Database 11g - See the marvel.conf or dads.conf files.
2. 3.
When you locate the images directory path, copy it to the existing ORACLE_ HTTPSERVER_HOME home. Depending upon your environment, run the following commands:
Windows systems - Run a command from a command prompt similar to the following example:
xcopy /E /I patch\images ORACLE_HTTPSERVER_HOME\Apache\Apache\images
UNIX or Linux based systems - Run a command similar to the following example:
cp -rf patch/images ORACLE_HTTPSERVER_HOME/Apache/Apache
In the previous syntax examples, ORACLE_HTTPSERVER_HOME is the existing Oracle Application Server or Oracle HTTP Server Oracle home. The location of the Oracle Application Express images directory may be different in your configuration.
Start SQL*Plus and connect to the database where Oracle Application Express is installed as SYS. For example:
SYSTEM_DRIVE:\> sqlplus /nolog SQL> CONNECT SYS as SYSDBA Enter password: SYS_password
For example:
Port numbers less than 1024 are reserved for use by privileged processes on many operating systems. To enable the Oracle XML DB Protocol Server on a port less than 1024, such as 80, review the following documentation: "Accessing the Repository using Protocols" in Oracle XML DB Developer's Guide:
http://docs.oracle.com/cd/E11882_ 01/appdev.112/e23094/xdb22pro.htm
"Protocol Address Configuration" and "Port Number Limitations" in Oracle Database Net Services Reference:
http://st-doc.us.oracle.com/12/121/network.121/e17611/ protocoladd.htm http://st-doc.us.oracle.com/12/121/network.121/e17611/ protocoladd.htm#NETRF180
In the previous example, ORACLE_BASE is the path to the Oracle base directory.
Tip: If the Oracle HTTP Server is listening on a port less than 1024, then these commands must be executed as a privileged user (such as root).
Known Issues
This section describes known issues in the Oracle Application Express patch set.
Tip: This section is current as of the writing of this document. To view the most current listing of known issues, go to the Known Issues page available off the Downloads page. See:
http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/developer-tools/apex/do wnloads/index.html
Builder is to use the browsers back button. You will need to go back once for each mobile page visited. Solution: Right click the Run Application button and select Open Link in New Tab or Open Link in New Window or similar text. The exact command varies by browser.
Tip: For applications with both desktop and mobile user interfaces you can access the Session State for a mobile page by navigating to a desktop page and using the Developer toolbar and then changing the page number.
Fixed Bugs
The Oracle Application Express patch set is a cumulative patch. This patch set includes release and additional product fixes. The following sections list bugs fixed in both the Oracle Application Express and patch sets. This section contains these topics:
Bugs Fixed in the Patch Set Bugs Fixed in the Patch Set
Bug Number Description 13040672 13997296 14238860 14328746 14371654 14532029 14532437 14533519 14546360 14554084 14555653 14559982 14565654 Master detail tabular form fails with "Failed to parse SQL query" when nls_ language="CYRILLIC SERBIAN" Update tabular form row that contains float datatype fails with error Query Builder generates incomplete SQL using function on any column name with spaces, ORA-00907 Substitution string is not being resolved when referenced in calendar icon details RESTful Service menu region links are difficult to understand with screen reader Label of parent entry of main list not displayed after upgrading to Oracle Application Express release 4.1.X Chart Return To Page prevents editing series $X_UPTILL PTOCLASS parameter will not work if element has more than one class Mobile List with icons fails in Sample Database Application Creating tab name with long text throws error ORA-06502 XML parser failure with custom chart colors Calendar views in theme 25 and theme 26 are not fully accessible ORA-01467: Sort key too long on schema comparison
Table 1 (Cont.) Bugs Fixed in the Oracle Application Express Patch Set Bug Number Description 14580494 14587320 14590482 14592185 14605541 14621008 14621714 14626995 14628640 14636215 14636997 14643161 14651423 14651733 14652728 14664375 14664649 14666892 14672179 14672334 14672351 14672613 14674126 14680469 14681001 14683491 14684868 14685176 14685869 14705631 Hidden item as first item affects automatic grid layout span calculation Websheet charts do not render properly in Internet Explorer 7 over SSL Websheet email from address is not shown as the from address in email Oracle Application Express Advisor does not properly handle list view region Page level page and dialog transition values are not used in jQuery Mobile application Create application based on design fails on non-standard table names ORA-00903 $s called with NULL sets "NULL" string in Internet Explorer Error occurs when edit a Websheet page which contains multibyte page alias Error occurs when clicking Cancel in adding row in a multibyte named data grid Dynamic Action Create Wizard - Affected element may incorrectly show as required Notification message in mobile applications overlaps with other content No information on upgrade available when upgrading packaged applications Unable to upload file in a mobile application RESTful services test buttons should only be enabled for 'get' resource handlers No data found error when exporting PDF reports Color Picker and Date Picker (HTML 5) not displayed for jQuery mobile Smartphones Popup LOV for jQuery Mobile applications displaying #Last_Row instead of the number Some interactive report messages cannot be customized to other languages Oracle Application Express Advisor does not know to observe substitution APP_DATE_TIME_FORMAT Checking Reset Pagination For Page clears the Clear Cache attribute Theme 25 JavaScript file has console.log causing errors in Internet Explorer Oracle Application Express interactive report subscriptions are lost after an import of an application Data loading transformation rule fails if column 1 is substring of column 2 Theme 50 has incorrect Viewport meta tag allowing for zoom on mobile devices Developers in a workspace can view scripts uploaded by other developers ORA-06550 on Set Application Defaults page in Forms migrations Theme 50 has incorrect Ui-Li-Aside CSS class definition Create List View/Plugin Region Wizard does not store all entered attribute values Calendar buttons created without template for mobile calendars Cannot load > 32K spreadsheet data with copy and paste option
Table 1 (Cont.) Bugs Fixed in the Oracle Application Express Patch Set Bug Number Description 14724684 14730656 14734825 14735732 14736332 14736763 14738067 14738837 14743026 14744294 14750692 14756002 14757259 14760382 14768250 14768361 14768991 14775149 14777994 14779722 14784118 14785456 14786585 14786921 14787445 14792173 14792686 14797914 14798077 14798940 14801895 Copy Page Item Wizard, Source item restricts characters unnecessarily Home is displayed as code in Websheet application in French language Workspace requests for more space extend the tablespace too much Set button is missing in workspace details page in Firefox in some languages Cascading radio group and check box items broken in jQuery Mobile UI Chart axis values displayed with white font in Chrome for mobile applications Conceal Drag and Drop Calendar attributes for mobile Select List item type containing Null return value entries fails when cascading Calendar template in theme 50 is missing borders Region caching visible for Global page regions if page number not 0 List View pages should be created with case-insensitive search by default Data grid single row view select list double escapes special character Classic date picker with date format MM/DD/YYYY HH:MI PM raises exception #REGION_STATIC_ID# is not parsed in calendar template for data display format Instance passwords for SMTP and wallet cause ORA-28817 after migration from release 4.1 REPORT_VIEW_MODE in APEX_APPLICATION_PAGE_IR_RPT view is NULL Oracle Application Express Advisor does not properly handle interactive report filters NEQ, NLIKE, IN And NIN in links Tabular Form Wizard: Parse Err: ORA-00972: identifier is too long Workspaces exported pre release 4.2 cause error when importing into 4.2 ORA-02291 REST errors reported in WWV_FLOW_UPGRADE_PROGRESS following upgrade to 4.2 Custom authentication can cause WWV_FLOW_DATA_SESSION_FK constraint violation reset_image_prefix.sql references APEX_040100 Instead Of APEX_ 040200 schema Copy Page Wizard loses references to templates Theme 25 links in buttons list list template do not work Create Region Wizard does not default position properly Fetch Row DML Process does not set items with ROWID as Source Unable to copy HTML5 chart in a mobile application Application title changes displays invalid characters when special characters are used Interactive report search button label does not pick up translated text LDAP Authentication: Error If USE_EXACT_DN Is NULL Page Template Body attribute only allows to enter up to 4000 characters
Table 1 (Cont.) Bugs Fixed in the Oracle Application Express Patch Set Bug Number Description 14802217 14803538 14808500 14809408 14812921 14835071 14837012 14840959 14844622 14850374 14851244 15829665 15831333 15831577 15836959 15837546 15838175 15842381 15843962 15850830 15851176 15854711 15856292 15858237 15863103 15867540 15868794 15871624 15872233 15873087 Oracle Application Express Advisor: Global page buttons which are referenced in processes fail Data loading fail if UK columns are using end user defined date/timestamp format Mobile monthly calendar grid too tall for most mobile devices Buttons in mobile calendars do not line up Newline in process success message results in error with Oracle Application Express Listener Tab template using image-based tab attributes generates incorrect tab HTML Default Option of select list is not selected in Internet Explorer 9 Interactive report with exact substitution in region title displays incorrect table summary Popup LOV displays incorrectly in Firefox when page item gains focus Creation of data loading in non-English results in ORA-20001, ORA-02291 ORA-01403/ORA-06510 adding row in tabular form if validations fails and check box is selected Max Width attribute of textareas should not be emitted for applications prior to Oracle Application Express release 4.2 Error when calling APEX_UTIL.PUBLIC_CHECK_AUTHORIZATION outside of session Page items on Global page other than 0 raises error APEX_LDAP.IS_MEMBER does not work with anonymous bind Repeat headings on break, group starts on new page-, heading duplicated or repeated List view images are not displayed if list view uses Page Items To Submit Forms project mobile application does not use list view item for navigation Incorrect file reference when using map region of Israel Countries missing from AnyChart world.amap file Tabular form broken when Primary Language set to something other than English and validation error occurs Create List View Wizard previous button redirects to Tab Options page Theme 25: Span tag inside of label is hidden Page submit does not work on Windows Phone 7.5 and 8 Maps and Gantts should not be available for upgrade to HTML5 in Release 4.2 Themes 24, 25, 26 - Modal dialogs appear incorrectly in Internet Explorer 8 Changing target does not change List Entry Current for pages Logout URL with Public page still requires authentication Focus On First Field attribute should not be available for jQuery Mobile applications Dynamic actions with an affected button do not work in translated applications
Table 1 (Cont.) Bugs Fixed in the Oracle Application Express Patch Set Bug Number Description 15874222 15877803 15879278 15884725 15885013 15887956 15889878 15897570 15912541 15912601 15912836 15917967 15922307 15923165 15929342 15947429 APEX_APPLICATION_PAGE_IR_RPT view does not remove column in REPORT_COLUMNS Team Development: Release In Dashboard is set 0 by default, leads to query error Hard-coded Image Prefix on Select A Theme page in Create Application Wizard Default theme not set during creation of application based on Forms migration Mobile Calendar Wizard overrides Footer condition on Global mobile page Missing tabs in Sample Database Application Cannot delete application if application name contains a double quotation character Theme 25 interactive report bar is not responsive for mobile devices RESTful services Reset Sample Data should recreate associated tables Label templates In jQuery Mobile theme 50 missing #CURRENT_ITEM_ CONTAINER_ID# Allow rendering of Gauge charts as HTML5 Error pages in mobile UI render poorly Template of Grid Layout of a translated application is not used Handle resizing of chart on mobile page automatically depending on device used Edit (List) Region page shows the target page links escaped SQL Commands can initiate database job unnecessarily when Transactional SQL is disabled
Bug Number 7169462 13974984 14309604 14582096 14699842 15916356 15935289 15940544 15959506 15965679
Table 2 (Cont.) Bugs Fixed in the Oracle Application Express Patch Set Bug Number 15969515 15984978 15994419 15995661 15996380 16002675 16002945 16010518 16011703 16029272 16030411 16045072 16046368 16051585 16096118 16097364 16097436 16103090 16104481 16165357 16177617 16191196 16191354 16192465 16198420 16211628 16212066 16225742 16236569 16242658 Description Application Image Prefix attribute should be NULL by default A Before-Submit dynamic action with a confirmation message fails Cancel Reset Data should not delete projects for Sample Wizard Cancel goes to wrong page when adding environment in system catalog Wrong page when Cancel or Change Environment in Edit Environment page Clicking link for APEX_UTIL.GET_BLOB does not call initialization code SQL And SQLVALUE syntax does not support WITH syntax Dynamic actions using Dynamic Event Scopes on mobile sometimes do not work Application Builder search: Error Processing Condition if invalid application or page ID After and Before refresh events not being fired in chart of interactive reports If Application Language Derived From using Browser Language always 'en' Manage Tabs gives error ORA-06502 when one tab associated with hundreds of pages Region Utilities, PL/SQL regions gives ORA-06502 error Extra space after Column label in interactive report filter APEX_PLUGIN_UTIL.GET_DATA* returns APX$ROWNUM column AJAX calls do not show meaningful errors if Oracle HTTP Server with mod_ plsql or embedded PL/SQL gateway are used End users should not see detailed error message if AJAX call triggers SSP error Error deleting Microsoft Access migration project Delete Workspace should first drop user then drop tablespace Instance Administration always shows packaged application installation count as 1 jQuery Mobile does not use cached version of JavaScript files Websheets navigation menus have dark background when using Internet Explorer 8 Buttons are not displayed in SQL Workshop in translated versions Copy list handle authorization schemes properly Theme 23 and 26 - Success message appears twice (Template Code) Hardcoded /i/ Image Prefix reference in Websheet menu bar APEX_WEB_SERVICE MAKE_REST_REQUEST does not use instance wallet if not specified ORA-20876: Stop Application Express engine caused by APEX_ ITEM.TEXT_FROM_LOV Enable interactive report group by Count * And Percent Total Count Show/Hide item button fails to control other button attributes with Grid Layout
Table 2 (Cont.) Bugs Fixed in the Oracle Application Express Patch Set Bug Number 16248868 16249729 16268842 16270085 16288600 16292676 16315123 16318010 16368520 16373530 16383567 16409544 16411940 16440645 16443640 16444131 16447504 16449547 16468156 16483690 16492569 16498928 16498958 16527183 16529338 16536609 Description Import of translated 4.1.1 application: User interface record created with wrong ID Pagination button not properly disabled when editing items in Internet Explorer Export To PDF, RTF, and XLS from Application Express 4.2.1 Using BI Publisher gives unreadable header Instance settings incorrectly assigned to non-internal workspace Global application items do not show in Developer Toolbar Session window Schema selection not shown in Query Builder ORA-20876 when Partial Page Refresh (PPR) refreshing (Sort, Refresh, Paginate) a classic report Page Process, Once Per Session Or When Reset, is not firing in translated application Create user with description larger than 240 characters does not create user Can change from region of type HTML to Data Upload Column Mapping Response from RESTful service with text output is off by one on last parameter Dynamic action containing a reference greater than 1 element in When selector fails to fire action for each element on page load Artifacts displayed in call stack when _PLSQL_MAX_STACK_SIZE is enabled Page region appears truncated when editing all items ERR-1002 Unable to find item ID for item "P1500_GROUP" when clicking link on application groups Region Item Display Position not correctly migrated for release 4.2 or earlier applications Oracle Application Express Listener printing option does not support print APIs P1_FIND does not exist when clicking link on assigned application in application groups Unwanted lines are displayed in apxpatch.log when upgrading Oracle Application Express release 4.2.1 To 4.2.2 Unable to import SQL scripts using SQL Workshop, SQL Scripts, Import option APEX_UTIL.CLEAR_APP_CACHE raises an error when called from another application Darkened background for Show Loading indicator does not stretch to full document On Demand GET requests should redirect if no Application Express session yet Mobile: Cascading LOV does not work if select list is displayed in dialog Importing workspace results in ORA-02291: Integrity Constraint Deprecate support of PL/SQL section in Websheets
Table 2 (Cont.) Bugs Fixed in the Oracle Application Express Patch Set Bug Number 16536668 16538936 16545160 16562938 16575574 16582743 16593319 16595273 16600519 16601212 16603010 16607625 16607687 16608852 16611289 16617432 16621861 16669380 Description Interactive Report, Download to email, substitution strings not being replaced in subject line Unable to import SQL scripts in German, Spanish, and so on. Responses Rate line chart displaying duplicate y-axis values APEX_UTIL.SET_AUTHENTICATION_RESULT does not set session status if login fails Export file splitter cannot handle duplicate component names Error Message You Are Using An Outdated Web Browser With Internet Explorer 10 Websheets: Username edit function does not run If Websheet contains suggested object, import fails with unique constraint error Double escaping of report column values on Application Builder home page No data found error encountered when creating a new page from Page Definition Creating blank pages defaults to Left Sidebar page template Workspace theme not shown in Create Application wizard Create Application Wizard - Copy shared components issue with themes Theme 25 (Blue Responsive) does not have default wizard template defined Regression: Have no access to the schema while Create Application Wizard using spreadsheet Report queries fail with custom XSL-FO templates greater than (>) 32K Upgrade jQuery Mobile to release 1.2.1 Calendar navigation buttons such as Next and Previous not functional for translated language.
Modifications to jQuery Mobile Smartphone Theme (Theme 50) Modifications to Blue Responsive Theme (Theme 25) Updating the Modal Region Template When Importing an Application Installed from Release 4.2.1 or Earlier Deprecation of Logout URLs that use APEX_CUSTOM_AUTH and WWV_FLOW_ CUSTOM_AUTH_STD Changes in How Oracle Application Express Populates CLIENT_INFO in V$SESSION and GV$SESSION Application Express No Longer Supports Reading Session Cookie Values from within an Application
On the Workspace home page, click the Application Builder icon. Select the application using theme 50. Click Shared Components. Under User Interface, select Themes. Rename the existing theme 50 to another number:
a. b.
On the Tasks list, click Change Identification Number. For Theme Number:
a. b. c.
Identify Theme - Select 50. jQuery Mobile Smartphone. Theme Identification Number - Enter a number greater than 100. Click Next.
c. 6.
Click Create. For Method, select From the Repository and click Next. For User Interface, select jQuery Mobile Smartphone and click Next. For Identify Theme, select jQuery Mobile Smartphone (Theme 50) and click Next. Click Create.
Click Switch Theme. For Currently Active Theme, select the theme number you created in step 5. For Switch to Theme, select 50. jQuery Mobile Smartphone and click Next. For Verify Compatibility, accept the defaults and click Next. Click Switch Theme.
From the Tasks list, click Delete Theme. For Delete Theme, select the theme number you created in step 5 and click Next. Click Delete Theme.
On the Workspace home page, click the Application Builder icon. Select the application using theme 25. Click Shared Components. Under User Interface, select Themes. Rename the existing theme 25 to another number:
a. b.
On the Tasks list, click Change Identification Number. For Theme Number: Identify Theme - Select 25. Blue Responsive. Theme Identification Number - Enter a number greater than 100. Click Next.
c. 6.
Click Create. For Method, select From the Repository and click Next. For User Interface, select Desktop and click Next. For Identify Theme, select Blue Responsive (Theme 25) and click Next. Click Create.
Click Switch Theme. For Currently Active Theme, select the theme number you created in step 5. For Switch to Theme, select 25. Blue Responsive and click Next. For Verify Compatibility, accept the defaults and click Next. Click Switch Theme.
From the Tasks list, click Delete Theme. For Delete Theme, select the theme number you created in step 5 and click Next. Click Delete Theme.
Updating the Modal Region Template When Importing an Application Installed from Release 4.2.1 or Earlier
If you are importing an unlocked packaged application from Oracle Application Express release 4.2.1 or earlier instance, you need to update the Modal Region template. To update the Modal Region template in an imported, unlocked packaged application:
1. 2.
Select the application to be updated. Click Shared Components. Under User Interface, select Templates. The Templates page appears.
3. 4.
Under Regions, locate and select Modal Region. Scroll down to Definition and update the template definition by surrounding the template HTML with <div id="#REGION_STATIC_ID#_parent"> and </div>. For example:
<div id="#REGION_STATIC_ID#_parent"> <section class="uRegion uWhiteRegion uModalRegion uAlertRegion clearfix" id="#REGION_STATIC_ID#" #REGION_ATTRIBUTES#> <div class="uRegionHeading"> <h1 class="modal_title">#TITLE#</h1> </div> <div class="uRegionContent clearfix"> #BODY# </div> <span class="uButtonContainer"> #CLOSE##PREVIOUS##NEXT##DELETE##EDIT##CHANGE##CREATE##CREATE2##EXPAND##COPY##HE LP# </span> </section> </div>
Oracle recommends users switch to the new logout procedure APEX_ AUTHENTICATION.LOGOUT.
Changes in How Oracle Application Express Populates CLIENT_INFO in V$SESSION and GV$SESSION
The Oracle Application Express patch set changes how Application Express populates the CLIENT_INFO value in V$SESSION and GV$SESSION. The new information in this field is workspace ID, followed by colon (:), followed by the authenticated username.
Tip: You may have to adapt database instance monitoring scripts which interpret CLIENT_INFO and expect the previous content for Oracle Application Express sessions (username ':' workspace id).
Application Express No Longer Supports Reading Session Cookie Values from within an Application
Oracle Application Express session cookie values now start with the identifier ORA_ WWV-. These cookies are removed from the CGI environment variables before the Application Express engine calls application specific code. Oracle Application Express no longer supports the ability to read session cookie values from within Application Express applications.
Changed Behavior
This section describes changed behavior in the Oracle Application Express and patch sets. This section contains these topics:
Maximum Width for Textareas Enhanced Security for Report Links jQuery Mobile AnyChart 6 Resizing of Charts on Mobile Page
Tip: This section is current as of the writing of this document. To view the most current listing of changed behavior, go to the Known Issues page available off the Downloads page. See:
http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/developer-tools/apex/do wnloads/index.html
In the previous example, NAME is a column name in the report. Prior to Oracle Application Express release 4.2.1, in order to protect against possible cross-site scripting vulnerabilities you would have had to explicitly escape any column values in the report source, so that they could safely be used in JavaScript links. In release 4.2.1 when running in Compatibility Mode 4.2, Oracle Application Express automatically JavaScript escapes column name substitutions referenced in JavaScript links if the column is defined to escape special characters. Existing applications with a Compatibility Mode of less than 4.2 will not be affected. However, if you have an existing application using Compatibility Mode 4.2 and you have manually JavaScript escaped any column values that were referenced in report column links, this will now result in double escaping. To fix this, Oracle recommends that you remove the manual JavaScript escaping from your report source and use of the native escaping.
jQuery Mobile
The jQuery Mobile JavaScript library used by Oracle Application Express has been updated to version 1.2.1.
AnyChart 6
The AnyChart JavaScript libraries used by Oracle Application Express have been updated to version 6.0.11. This version includes Circular Gauge HTML5 support, and a fix for the display of maps in Chrome 21 or later as referenced in the Oracle Application Express Release Notes. See: http://docs.oracle.com/cd/E37097_ 01/doc/doc.42/e35121/toc.htm#CACHEFDH
Documentation Accessibility
For information about Oracle's commitment to accessibility, visit the Oracle Accessibility Program web site at http://www.oracle.com/pls/topic/lookup?ctx=acc&id=docacc. Access to Oracle Support Oracle customers have access to electronic support through My Oracle Support. For information, visit http://www.oracle.com/pls/topic/lookup?ctx=acc&id=info or visit http://www.oracle.com/pls/topic/lookup?ctx=acc&id=trs if you are hearing impaired. Accessibility of Code Examples in Documentation Screen readers may not always correctly read the code examples in this document. The conventions for writing code require that closing braces should appear on an otherwise empty line; however, some screen readers may not always read a line of text that consists solely of a bracket or brace. Accessibility of Links to External Web Sites in Documentation This documentation may contain links to Web sites of other companies or organizations that Oracle does not own or control. Oracle neither evaluates nor makes any representations regarding the accessibility of these Web sites.
Oracle Application Express Patch Set Notes, Release Copyright 2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. This software and related documentation are provided under a license agreement containing restrictions on use and disclosure and are protected by intellectual property laws. Except as expressly permitted in your license agreement or allowed by law, you may not use, copy, reproduce, translate, broadcast, modify, license, transmit, distribute, exhibit, perform, publish, or display any part, in any form, or by any means. Reverse engineering, disassembly, or decompilation of this software, unless required by law for interoperability, is prohibited. The information contained herein is subject to change without notice and is not warranted to be error-free. If you find any errors, please report them to us in writing. If this is software or related documentation that is delivered to the U.S. Government or anyone licensing it on behalf of the U.S. Government, the following notice is applicable: U.S. GOVERNMENT END USERS: Oracle programs, including any operating system, integrated software, any programs installed on the hardware, and/or documentation, delivered to U.S. Government end users are "commercial computer software" pursuant to the applicable Federal Acquisition Regulation and agency-specific supplemental regulations. As such, use, duplication, disclosure, modification, and adaptation of the programs, including any operating system, integrated software, any programs installed on the hardware, and/or documentation, shall be subject to license terms and license restrictions applicable to the programs. No other rights are granted to the U.S. Government. This software or hardware is developed for general use in a variety of information management applications. It is not developed or intended for use in any inherently dangerous applications, including applications that may create a risk of personal injury. If you use this software or hardware in dangerous applications, then you shall be responsible to take all appropriate fail-safe, backup, redundancy, and other measures to ensure its safe use. Oracle Corporation and its affiliates disclaim any liability for any damages caused by use of this software or hardware in dangerous applications. Oracle and Java are registered trademarks of Oracle and/or its affiliates. Other names may be trademarks of their respective owners. Intel and Intel Xeon are trademarks or registered trademarks of Intel Corporation. All SPARC trademarks are used under license and are trademarks or registered trademarks of SPARC International, Inc. AMD, Opteron, the AMD logo, and the AMD Opteron logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of Advanced Micro Devices. UNIX is a registered trademark of The Open Group. This software or hardware and documentation may provide access to or information on content, products, and services from third parties. Oracle Corporation and its affiliates are not responsible for and expressly disclaim all warranties of any kind with respect to third-party content, products, and services. Oracle Corporation and its affiliates will not be responsible for any loss, costs, or damages incurred due to your access to or use of third-party content, products, or services.