Syllabus MECCE Syllabus Final
Syllabus MECCE Syllabus Final
Syllabus MECCE Syllabus Final
4 4 4 4 3 3 2 1 25
MECCE 102 Information Theory MECCE 103 Advanced Digital Communication Techniques
MECCE 104 Communication Networks MECCE 105 Elective I MECCE 106 Elective II MECCE 107 Communication Systems Engg. LabI
** This course is to be offered by faculty from the ECE Department and the Question paper setting also to be done by ECE faculty.
Elective I (MECCE 105)
MECCE 105 - 1 MEC CE 105 - 2
Wireless Communications Advanced Digital Signal Processing Principles of Communication System Simulation High Frequency Circuit Design
Computational Electromagnetics
L Lecture, T Tutorial, P Practical TA Teachers Assessment (Assignments, attendance, group discussion, Quiz, tutorials, seminars, etc.) CT Class Test (Minimum of two tests to be conducted by the Institute) ESE End Semester Examination to be conducted by the University Electives: New Electives may be added by the department according to the needs of emerging fields of technology. The name of the elective and its syllabus should be submitted to the University before the course is offered.
Hrs / Week Sl. No. Course No. Subject L T P TA 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 MECCE 201 Coding Theory MECCE 202 Estimation and Detection Theory MECCE 203 Wireless Networks MECCE 204 Adaptive Signal Processing MECCE 205 Elective III MECCE 206 Elective IV MECCE 207 Communication Systems Engg. LabII 3 3 3 3 2 2 0 0 16 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 2 5 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 50 225 CT 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 0 175 Evaluation Scheme (Marks) Sessional Sub Total 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 400 ESE Total Credits (C)
4 4 4 4 3 3 2 1 25
Wireless Communication Systems RF and Microwave Networks DSP System Design ASIC and SOC Design
MIMO Communication Systems RF Antenna Theory Detection and Tracking Systems Embedded Network Design
L Lecture, T Tutorial, P Practical s Assessment (Assignments, attendance, group discussion, Quiz, tutorials, seminars, etc.) CT Class Test (Minimum of two tests to be conducted by the Institute) ESE End Semester Examination to be conducted by the University Electives: New Electives may be added by the department according to the needs of emerging fields of technology. The name of the elective and its syllabus should be submitted to the University before the course is offered.
Hrs / Week Sl. No. Course No. Subject L T P TA 1 2 3 4 MECCE 301 MECCE 302 MECCE 303 MECCE 304 Research Methodologies Elective-V Global Elective Masters Thesis Phase - I Total 3 2 2 0 7 1 1 1 0 3 0 0 0 17 17 25 25 25 50* 125 CT 25 25 25 0 75 Evaluation Scheme (Marks) Sessional Sub Total 50 50 50 50 200 ESE Total Credits (C)
4 3 3 5 15
* The marks will be awarded by a panel of examiners constituted by the concerned institute
Hrs / Week Sl. No. Course No. Subject L T P TA* 1 2 MECCE 401 MECCE 402 Masters Thesis Masters Comprehensive Viva Total Grand Total of all Semesters 30 100 0 100 0 0 30 100 CT 0 Evaluation Scheme (Marks) Sessional ESE** (Oral Total & Sub Total Viva) 100 100 100 200 200 100 300 3000 15 80 Credits (C)
50% of the marks to be awarded by the Project Guide and the remaining 50% to be awarded by a panel of examiners, including the Project Guide, constituted by the Department
** Thesis evaluation and Viva-voce will be conducted at the end of the fourth semester by a panel of examiners, with at least one external examiner, constituted by the University.
L T P C 3 1 0 4
Module 1: Linear Algebra: Vector Spaces, Subspaces, Linear Independence, Basis And Dimension, Row pace, Column space, Null space, Rank and Nullity, Inner Product Spaces, Orthonormal Bases, GramSchmidt Procedure, Linear Transformations, Kernels And Images , Matrix Representation Of Linear Transformation, Change Of Basis, Eigen Values And Eigen Vectors, Diagonalization. Module2: Review of random processes: Classification of General Stochastic Processes, Jointly Gaussian Random Variables, Gaussian Random Process, Mean and Correlation of Random Processes, Stationary and Wide Sense Stationary Random Processes, Spectral Density Function, Low Pass and Band Pass Processes, White Noise and White Noise Integrals, Linear Predictions and Filtering, Random Processes as Input to LTI Systems. Module 3: Markov Process: Discrete Time Markov Chains Definition, Examples, Transition Probability Matrices of a Markov Chain, Classification of States and Chains, Chapman Kolmogorov Equation, Basic Limit Theorem, Limiting Distribution of Markov Chains. Continuous Time Markov Chains: General Pure Birth Processes And Poisson ProcessesProperties, Inter Arrival And Waiting Time Distributions, Birth And Death Processes. Module 4: Queuing Theory: Queuing models- Littles Theorem, Cost equations, steady state probabilities, exponential models- M/M/1, M/M/m, M/M/infinity, M/M/m/m modelsbalance equations, steady state distributions, Erlangs B and C formulae, Network of queuesbasic concepts, M/G/1 system basic concepts. References: 1. Kenneth Hoffman and Ray Kunze, Linear Algebra, 2nd Edition, PHI. (Module 1) 2. 3. 4. Gilbert Strang, Linear Algebra and Its Applications, Thomson Learning (Module 1) J.H. Kwak, S. Hong, Linear algebra, 2nd edition, Springer India, 2010. R. Bronson, G.B. Costa, Linear algebra- An Introduction, 2nd edition, Elsevier India, 2009 3
Alberto Leon Garcia, Probability and Random Processes for Electrical Engineering, Pearson Education, 2nd edition. (Modules 2, 3, 4) S. M. Ross, Introduction to Probability Models, Elsevier, 8th edition (Modules 2, 3, 4)
7. A. Papoulis, S. U. Pillai, Probability, Random Variables and Stochastic Processes 4th Edition Tata-Mc Hill (4/E), 2001(Modules 2, 3) 8. D. Bertsekas and R. Gallager, Data Networks, Prentice Hall of India, 2/e, 2000 (Chapter 3 for Module 4) 9. S. Karlin & H.M Taylor, A First Course In Stochastic Processes, 2nd Edition, Academic Press, New York. 10. J. Medhi, Stochastic Processes, New Age International, New Delhi.
L T P 3 1 0
C 4
Pre-requisite: A first course in Probability Theory and Communication Module 1: Information And Sources - Memory Less Sources- Markov Sources - Entropy - Entropy Of A Discrete Random Variable- Joint, Conditional And Relative Entropy- Mutual Information And Conditional Mutual Information- Chain Relation For Entropy, Relative Entropy And Mutual Information Module 2: Source Coding: Uniquely Decodable CodesInstantaneous Codes Krafts Inequality Mcmillans InequalityAverage Length of a CodeOptimal CodesShannon Codes Fano CodesHuffman Coding Optimality Of Huffman CodesLempel Ziv CodesShannons Source Coding Theorem Arithmetic Coding. Module 3: Channel Capacity: Examples, Symmetric channels, Properties Data Transmission over Discrete Memory less Channels- Shannons Channel Coding Theorem, Zero error codes, Fanos Inequality. Module 4: Differential
InformationWaveform ChannelsGaussian ChannelsMutual Information And Capacity Calculation For Band Limited Gaussian ChannelsShannon Limit. Basic Concepts of Rate Distortion Theory: Rate Distortion Function Properties Calculation of Rate Distortion Function for Binary Source and Gaussian Source. References 1. Thomas M. Cover and Joy A. Thomas, Elements of Information Theory, Wiley India, 2011 2. R. Gallager, Information Theory and Reliable Communication, John Wiley & Sons. 3. R. J. McEliece, The Theory of Information & coding, Addison Wesley Publishing Co., 1977. 4. T. Bergu, Rate Distortion Theory, a Mathematical Basis for Data Compression PH Inc. 1971. 5. Special Issue on Rate Distortion Theory, IEEE Signal Processing Magazine, November 1998.
MEC CE 103
L 3
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P 0
C 4
Pre-requisite: A basic course in Digital Communication Module 1: Review Review of Random variables, probability distribution and density functions, statistical averages- Moment generating function, Upper bounds on tail probability- Chebyshev inequality, Chernoff bound, Central limit Theorem, Binomial, Gaussian, Chi square, Rayleigh, Rician, Nakagami and Multi variate Gaussian distributions PDFs and moments, Characterization of Communication Signals and Systems- Signal space representation, Representation of digitally modulated signals, Memory less modulation methods, Multi dimensional signaling. Module 2: Communication over Additive Gaussian Noise Channels Optimum receivers for AWGN channels, Waveform and vector AWGN channel modelsOptimal detection, Correlation receiver, Matched filter receiver, Optimal detection and error probabilities for Band limited and Power limited signaling, Non coherent detection, Comparison of digital signaling methods, Link budget analysis in radio communication systems Module 3: Synchronization in Communication Systems Carrier Recovery and Symbol Synchronization in Signal Demodulation- Signal parameter estimation, Carrier Phase Estimation-, Maximum Likelihood phase estimation, Phase locked loop, Effect of additive noise on the phase estimate; Symbol Timing Estimation- Maximum Likelihood timing estimation- Receiver structure with phase and timing recovery; Joint Estimation of Carrier phase and Symbol Timing. Module 4: Communication over Band limited Channels Characterization for band limited channels, Signal design - Optimum pulse shaping, Nyquist criterion for zero ISI, partial response signaling; Optimum receiver for channels with ISI and AWGN; Equalization Techniques- Linear Equalization, Decision feedback equalization, Turbo equalization; Adaptive Equalization - adaptive linear equalizer, zero forcing algorithm, LMS algorithm, adaptive decision feedback equalizer. References: 1. J.G. Proakis, M. Salehi, Digital Communication, MGH 5th edition, 2008. 6
J.G. Proakis, M. Salehi, Fundamentals of Communication systems, Pearson, 2005. John B. Anderson, Digital Transmission Engineering, Wiley India Reprint,2012.
4. Edward. A. Lee and David. G. Messerschmitt, Digital Communication, Allied Publishers (second edition). 5. J Marvin.K.Simon, Sami. M. Hinedi and William. C. Lindsey, Digital Communication Techniques, PHI. 6. William Feller, An introduction to Probability Theory and its applications, Wiley 2000. 7. Sheldon.M.Ross, Introduction to Probability Models, Elsevier, 9th edition, 2007.
L T P C 3 1 0 4
Pre-requisite: A basic course in Computer Networks Module 1 Introduction to network architecture; Layering and protocols, OSI/Internet architecture, Performance parameters, Data link layer - Error detection and correction, multiple access protocols, Link layer addressing, Ethernet, CSMA/CD, Reliable Transmission-ARQ schemes and analysis. Module 2 Internet Architecture: Layering in the Internet, Applications layer - HTTP, SMTP, Telnet, FTP; TCP/IP protocol stack. Transport layer -TCP and UDP- Congestion control and avoidance, Fairness; Network layer IPV4 and IPV6, Routing algorithms-Link state, Distance vector, Hierarchical; Routing in the Internet. Module 3 Wireless links and Network characteristics, IEEE 802.11 wireless LANs-architecture, protocol, framing- Mobility management principles- Mobile IP; Multimedia networkingstreaming stored audio and video, protocols for real time interactive applications, Scheduling and policing; QOS- Integrated and Differentiated services. Module 4 Principles of Network security and Cryptography cryptographic tools- principles of ciphers, symmetric key and public key ciphers; Authentication protocols, Integrity_ Digital signatures, Hash functions, Key distribution public key and symmetric key, Firewalls, Security systems- email, TLS, HTTPS, IPsec, 802.11i etc References: 1. James. F. Kurose and Keith. W. Ross, Computer Networks: A top-down approach featuring the Internet, Pearson Education, 3/e, 2005. 2. L. L. Peterson & B. S. Davie, Computer Networks: A System Approach, Elsevier, 4/e, 2007 3. Jean Walrand & PravinVaraiya, High Performance Communication Networks, Morgan Kaufman Publishers, 2nd edition ,2000 4. Leon Gracia, IndraWidjaja, Communication Networks, Tata McGraw Hill, 2nd edition, 2005 5. Behrouz Forouzan, Data Communications & Networking, Tata McGraw-Hill, 2006 6. Stallings, W. Cryptography and network security: principles and practice. Pearsonl,5th edition, 2011. 8
MECCE 105-1
L T P 3 0 0
C 3
Module I: Nature of Light, propagation through a medium, total internal reflection. Guided optical communication wave representation in a dielectric slab wave guide, fibre- a cylindrical wave guide. Modes overview, modal concepts, Maxwells equations, waveguide equations. Modal analysis, modal equations, modes in SI fibres, LP modes. Power flow in SI fibre, mode field diameter, attenuation, transmission window, Signal distortion in fibres. Module II: Optical sources LED spectrum, quantum efficiency, power. Laser diodes modes and threshold conditions, Rate equations, external quantum efficiency, resonant frequency, radiation pattern. Light source linearity and reliability considerations. Photo detectors photo detection principle, quantum efficiency, responsivity,. Photo detector noise, noise sources, response time. PIN, APD (structure and working only). Module III: Digital receivers probability error, receiver sensitivity, quantum limit, BER and Q-factor measurements. Coherent detection concepts, homodyne and heterodyne reception, BER comparison. Bust mode receiver. Analog receivers. Point-to-point link. Rise time budget, power budget. Power penalties. Error control. Module IV: WDM concepts and components operation principle standards, Mach-Zehnder interferometer multiplexer. Isolators and circulators. Fibre grating filters basics, FBG analysis and applications. Dielectric thin film filters, phased-array based devices, diffraction gratings. Active optical components MEMs, variable optical attenuators, tunable optical filters, dynamic gain equalizers, optical add/drop multiplexers, polarization and dispersion controllers. Self phase modulation, cross phase modulation, four wave mixing, FWM mitigation, wave length convertors. Solitons concept, parameters, width and spacing. References: 1. Gerd Keiser, Optical fibre communications, TMH, 4th Edition, 2008. 2. Harold Kolimbiris, Fiber optics communications, Pearson Education, 2nd Edition, 2009. 3. Govind P Agrawal, Fiber optic communication systems, 4th Edition, John Wiley, 2010. 4. J.M. Senior, Optical fibre communications, Pearson education, 3rd Edition, 2009. 9
MECCE 106-1
L 3
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P 0
C 3
Module I Fading and Diversity: Wireless Channel Models path loss and shadowing models, statistical fading models Narrow band and wideband fading models. Diversity- Time diversity, Frequency and Space diversity, Receive diversity, Concept of diversity branches and signal paths, Performance gains, Combining methods- Selective combining, Maximal ratio combining, Equal gain combining, Transmit Diversity - Alamouti Scheme. Module II Performance of digital modulation over wireless channels- AWGN Channels, Fading channels, Doppler spread, Inter symbol interference. Capacity of Wireless ChannelsCapacity in AWGN, Capacity of flat fading and frequency selective fading channels Module III Cellular
FDM/TDM/FDMA/TDMA Spatial reuse, Co-channel interference analysis- Hand-off, Erlang Capacity Analysis- Spectral efficiency and Grade of Service, Improving capacity Cell splitting and sectorization. Overview of second generation cellular wireless systems: GSM and IS-95 standards, 3G systems: UMTS & CDMA 2000 standards and specifications, LTE & 4G proposals. Module IV Spread spectrum and CDMA: Overview of CDMA systems: Direct sequence and frequency hopped systemsspreading codescode synchronizationChannel estimationpower controlMultiuser detection Spread Spectrum Multiple Access CDMA Systems Interference Analysis for Broadcast and Multiple Access Channels Capacity of cellular CDMA networks.
References: 1. Andrea Goldsmith, Wireless Communications, Cambridge University press, 2008. 2. A.M. Molisch, Wireless Communications, Wiley India, 2010.
3. T.S. Rappaport, Wireless Communication, Principles & Practice, Pearson Education, 2010. 4. G.L Stuber, Principles of Mobile Communications, 2nd Edn, Kluwer Academic Publishers. 5. R.L Peterson, R.E. Ziemer and David E. Borth, Introduction to Spread Spectrum Communication, Pearson Education, 2009.
L T P C 0 0 3 2
Course objective: To experiment the concepts introduced in the core and elective courses offered this semester with the help of simulation tools and related hardware. Tools: Computing and Simulation Environments GNU Octave / MATLAB/ Lab View/NS 2 or any other equivalent tool. Suitable Hardware Tools like USRP (Universal Software Radio Peripheral) to supplement the simulation tools. Suggested flow of experiments: (These are minimum requirements; Topics could be added in concurrence with the syllabus of core and elective subjects) Generation of discrete time i.i.d. random processes with different distributions (Bernoulli, Binomial, Geometric, Poisson, Uniform, Gaussian, Exponential, Rayleigh, Rician etc) Visualization of Central Limit Theorem, Whitening Filter. Implementation of digital modulation schemes and performance comparison, Constellation diagrams, Simulation of BER curves for the various schemes, comparison with analytical results. Implementation of Matched filter, Correlation receiver & Equalizer Communication System Design for Band limited Channels - Signal Design for Zero ISI and Controlled ISI - Partial Response Signaling. Synchronization in Communication Systems: Carrier and Clock Synchronization- Frequency Offset Estimation and Correction. Modeling and Simulation of Networks using NS 2/similar tools. References 1. W.H. Tranter, K. Sam Shanmugham, T.S. Rappaport, and K.L. Kosbar, Principles of Communication System Simulation with Wireless Applications, Pearson, 2004. 12
2. J.G. Proakis, and M. Salehi, Contemporary Communication Systems using MATLAB, Bookware Companion Series, 2006.
E. Aboelela, Network Simulation Experiments Manual, The Morgan Kaufmann Series in Networking, 2007.
MEC CE 108
L T P C 0 0 2 1
Each student shall present a seminar on any topic of interest related to the core / elective courses offered in the first semester of the M. Tech. Programme. He / she shall select the topic based on the References: from international journals of repute, preferably IEEE journals. They should get the paper approved by the Programme Co-ordinator / Faculty member in charge of the seminar and shall present it in the class. Every student shall participate in the seminar. The students should undertake a detailed study on the topic and submit a report at the end of the semester. Marks will be awarded based on the topic, presentation, participation in the seminar and the report submitted.