Text Editor-@mumbai-Academics

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The current scenario of the software industry relating to s/w programming languages is you have an huge collection of programming languages wherein the importance of one cannot be underlined with the other and every language presents some features which makes a given language more suitable than the other for a given set of domains thereby a programmer has to confront the need to write code in different languages for ex a java program needs to write code in java,html,xml,javascript,jsp,sql,plsql to name a few and each of these language has its own syntax ,code formatting and commenting techniques To help a programmer in editing code in these languages different tool vendors provide there own individual editors so now to use these tools a programmer should be fully aware of the features supported by different editors in these scenario a need for a single unified editor which can support editing of multiple programming language code is extremely felt Our project is aimed to address to the above issue. T !TO" is a powerful, pure #ava text editor primarily targeted for use by programmers. $or this reason, T !TO" provides many useful programming functions% syntax colori&ation, auto indentation, a source code browser, a class browser, and an integrated console. Other users will find some additional advanced T !TO" functions useful. These include% 'T() editing, the ability to send mail directly,

scripting, and a configurable clip library. )astly, T !TO" is fully customi&able with the help of plugins and !() configuration files. This enables anyone to easily translate T !TO" from nglish into other languages. PROJECT OUTLINE The outline of this application is to create a% * reliable, * portable, * fast, * lightweight, * easy to use, * standards compliant, * and functionally complete (ultiple )anguage ditor. * $ully $eatured.

Technology Used:

#ava, +wings #ava "un*Time

Oper !"ng Sys!e#:

O+ ,ndependent

$ESIGN CONSI$ERATIONS -ertain considerations should affect the design of the module. Sec%r"!y E&&"c"ency Por! '"l"!y OS Independen!


. T !TO" is a #ava application built on top of +wing T !TO" is a powerful, pure #ava text editor primarily targeted for use by programmers. $or this reason, T !TO" provides many useful programming functions% syntax colori&ation, auto indentation, a source code browser, a class browser, and an integrated console. Other users will find some additional advanced T !TO" functions useful. These include% 'T() editing, the ability to send mail directly, scripting, and a configurable clip library. )astly, T !TO" is fully customi&able with the help of plugins and !() configuration files. This enables anyone to easily translate T !TO" from other languages. T !TO" is full of useful shortcuts, which will help improve your productivity. .fter having read this documentation, you will be able to make the most of all of T !TO"/s many features. T !TO" is an application, which provides user an easy use 01, which also specifies many of the editor commands in an different way. ,t also console where in user can directly go to dos prompt with in the same viewport.. 2y default, information about your editing session is saved so that when you restart T !TO", things come back more or less as you left them% the same buffers will be open 3except for remote and transient buffers4, and the current location in each buffer will be the same. nglish into

T !TO" also provides support for named sessions with the commands save +ession and load +ession. save +ession saves information about the current editing session in a named session file. ,f no named session is active yet, you will be prompted for a name for the current session5 subsequent saves will go to that session file without further prompting. load +ession loads a previously saved named session, which then becomes the active named session as far as save +ession is concerned. .ll currently open buffers are closed before the new session is loaded. ,f a named session is active, you can save the current session under a new name by using execute -ommand to invoke save +ession with the new name as an argument 3e.g. .lt !, 6save +ession one64. ,f you do this, subsequent saves will go to the new session file by default. 7hen a named session is active, the session name appears in the title bar of the top*level window, enclosed in brackets. 2y default, the information in a named session file is only updated when you explicitly invoke save +ession. This allows you to exercise better control over the contents of named session files. The T !TO" console behaves exactly like any system console 3or terminal4. Thus, it can be used to browse disks, launch applications, etc... 7orkspaces are an easy and efficient way to manage your documents within T !TO". ach workspace can contain a different set of files. The

workspaces panel displays a list and two buttons. 2y default, the list contains an item called 68efault6. This is the default workspace, in which T !TO" will load files from the command line. 9ou can create and remove workspaces by using the button T !TO" supports all the traditional editing commands, as well as some enhancements features such as +earch/replace options, 2uilt in virtual console environment and the full 1nicode character set etc. 2ecause the T !TO" editing is line*oriented, T !TO" for #ava also treats documents as an array of lines and provides the block*edit commands, handles cursor movements, and extends the T !TO" editing with some modern editing 7hen saving a file, T !TO" will do some pretty*seriali&ing of the file.

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