01 Walking With God: An Introduction

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Walking with God: An Introduction

For in Him we live and move and have our being, as also
some of your own poets have said, “For we are also His
offspring” (Acts 17:28, emphasis added).

God made man in His image, according to His likeness He

created him and He gave him dominion over the earth.
Adam and Eve were the epitome of divine energy and
tranquility and were glowing with heavenly peace as they
rule their domain, filled with joy as they join the angels
worshiping God in the cool of the day. As king, Adam
lived and related to realities in a world where the Spirit
and natural realms were fused into the one world of God.
It was a world where things existed in one realm because
God is one and in Him is no discord and division. It was a
perfect existence filled with everlasting life, dazzling light
and eternal truth as the glory of the Lord covered the earth
from horizon to horizon. It was perfect because man was
created the son of God, one with God (Luke 3:38). In their
relationship with God, man was son of God and God was
Father of man. Both God and Adam find delight and
fulfillment in their divine Father-son relationship. Man
was created to have dominion over all things in the
kingdom of his Father. Adam was beautifully fashioned a
glorious son of God to be concerned about his Father’s
business. He was created a royal prince of light,
overflowing with the presence and Spirit of God. God
placed Adam in the Garden of Eden, not to do his own
will, but the will of his Father.

When God walked with Adam, He taught him about

creation and the purpose for cultivating and maintaining
the garden. He also taught him about naming the animals
and his king-priest relationship with them. He was the
covering of all the earth. Because Adam was made in the
image of his Creator, Adam had creative freedom while
nurturing and caring the garden. In their fellowship both
God and Adam found great joy and fulfillment as they
flow in absolute oneness of Spirit. As Adam abided in
Christ His creator, doing His will, he flowed with the life
force of God. He was totally alive to God, always moving,
vibrant and an overflowing fountain of the energy of the
Spirit of God which was working in Adam’s whole being
according to His good pleasure. When Adam walked with
God he was in harmony with creation and filled with the
energy and strength of the Spirit of God. He was so full of
life that he lived 930 years after sin entered him and the
discord of sin entered his soul. All life in creation lost its
power when Adam ceased to abide in his Creator.

All that Adam did in the garden pleased God and brought
fulfillment to His heart. Adam was full of life and moved
with the vibrancy of the Spirit of Christ that was in him.
God purposefully fashioned Adam to bring delight and
fulfillment to Him and all of creation. In God, he lived and
gracefully moved with purpose in doing the will of God.
Nothing hurried him because he was master of time, total
in harmony with God.

When Adam partook of the tree of knowledge of good and

evil he tore the universe apart by separating the spiritual
from the physical. Through transgression he was confined
to the realm of the physical and access was denied him into
the Spiritual realm where God dwells. The Spiritual realm
is the atmosphere of heaven, the very breath of God, which
is eternal life. Adam through sin forfeited the right to live
in God where eternal life, light and truth reign. Because he
was severed from God, he died to God, in other words, in
his spirit, soul and body death reigned. He got
independent from God and on his own terms searched for
knowledge of good and evil. His perfect relationship that
he had in God, with God and all creation was ruined and
his rule and kingdom came to an end. He lost the ability to
know God as Father and to relate to Him as son.

Through Adam’s offense we all sinned and fall short of the

glory of God. In Adam, we all died to God, and death
reigned in our spirits, souls and bodies. Independence
from God is a state of death, void of Spirit and life. God
was no longer the perfection and righteousness of man. In
separation and independence from God, man always tends
to offer something of himself to God in an endeavor to
prove his own righteousness. Abimelech offered as an
offering of his own righteousness, clean hands and the
integrity of his heart (Genesis 20). He that puts no trust in
His servants and charges His angels with error found fault
with the offering of Abimelech. How could the imperfect
think that He could please Him that is perfect or how can
the dead satisfy the Living? Though sin is not imputed
where there is no law death reigned from Adam to Christ
through the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, for it is
written, “But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil you
shall not eat, for in the day that you eat of it you shall surely
die” (Genesis 2:17). Since the day of the transgression, until
Christ, sin reigned in death. Adam deprived the earth to
know God as Father and to become sons unto Him. Only
when Christ was made manifested in the flesh He revealed
the Father to man and demonstrated to the earth the truth
about the Father-son relationship.

Adam’s offense brought all men into subjection to futility

and the law entered that the offense might abound, so that
sin reigned in death. Because the law is spiritual the
righteous requirement of the law could never have been
fulfilled in the flesh. God who desired mercy and not
sacrifices of the law send His Son that by His obedience
many would be made righteous. So mercy and grace,
which is eternal life, rule in righteousness through faith in
Jesus Christ our Lord.

When a person comes to Christ by faith and is born again

by the Spirit, he or she is placed in the Beloved. That
person’s spirit is than quickened to God because of
righteousness. When a person is joined to Christ he or she
becomes one spirit with the Lord. One spirit with the Lord
does not mean a mixture of our spirit with His Spirit. It
means our spirit is one with the Spirit of Christ. We are just
as one with God, in Christ, as Jesus is one with the Father
and Holy Spirit. We share Christ’s oneness that He has
with the Father and Holy Spirit. Everything He is we are,
because He lives in us and is one Spirit with us. When
Christ is one with you He will not leave you or forsake
you. He will only give you His goodness and mercy and
will love you to the end. It is unthinkable to have the idea
that God can abandon or not loving that which is one with
Him, His very own. The oneness of Spirit with Christ
indicates a wedlock relationship with Him because your
Maker is your husband. For this reason God guard
jealously over His own like a husband over his wife. Just as
a wife that is set apart for her husband; so are they who are
in Christ, sanctified unto Him.

A deliberate turning away from Christ can cause Him to

divorce His Spirit from you. It will be just as traumatic for
Him as when the Father forsook Him on the cross, thus
crucify again the Son of God and put Him to an open
shame. When the Father forsook the Son it was the most
traumatic experience the Holy Trinity ever experienced.
For a moment in time the Holy Trinity was no trinity. The
Father and the Holy Spirit forsook the Son because of our
transgression. However, when He comes again He will not
be crucified again but will come to judge the earth in
righteousness. For it is impossible for those who were once
enlightened, and have tasted the heavenly gift, and have become
partakers of the Holy Spirit, and have tasted the good word of
God and the powers of the age to come, if they fall away, to
renew them again to repentance, since they crucify again for
themselves the Son of God, and put Him to an open shame
(Hebrews 6:4-6, emphasis added).

We relate to God with that part of us, which is alive to Him

and one with Him, which are our spirits. The kingdom of
God is all about relationships. This implies that we should
have an intimate relationship with God and to manifest
His mercy, grace and compassion to our neighbor and all
of creation as it was in the beginning. We should also know
one another after the Spirit, in other words, according to
the anointing that is working in one another. Relationships
in the Spirit work the same way as relationships in the
natural; it is a growing process. Relationships are not only
about doing things for each other but to become anointed
substances of love to one another. God is Father to you and
you are His maturing son, friend and worshiper. It is not
works but the substance of anointed relationships that
minister joy and fulfillment. To be something to someone
is the substance of what you have become to him or her.
That anointed substance is ministering unceasingly
whether you are awake or asleep. Deep relationships
rarely, if ever, happen overnight. Growth in your
relationship to God relates to the openness of your spirit to
Him. It is to grow into awareness what He is to you as
Father and what you become to Him as son in Christ Jesus.
It is important to God what you become to Him. It is
important that you find the anointing in you and follow
the Holy Spirit that is working in you. Only the substance
of what you have become in Christ through faith ministers
to God. It is the relationship that ministers, not
independent dead works of do and don’ts.

In Christ, you live and move and have your being in Him
because you are one Spirit with Him. Because you are one
with Him you live His life, in other words, to think His
thoughts, speak His words, accomplish His works and
walk His ways. You can do nothing without Jesus, the
Christ of God. He has paid the price for all things that
pertain to life and godliness. On the cross, He took upon
Himself your broken relationship with God and gave you
His own relationship with the Father. This implies that you
do not have independently from Christ a relationship with
God. You share Christ’s perfect relationship that He has
with the Father. No one come to the Father but through
Him. It takes time to grow up into Christ; all that you are
and have, matures with you in a relationship with God.
How will you become a son to Him if you do not know
Him as Father? To mature as a son you need to mature in
the relationship that the Son has with the Father. Through
faith you enjoy His relationship with the Father, not your
own. In Him, you find your delight in God; it is His delight
in the Father that you are sharing with Him. The Lord
Jesus Christ has done it all for you. What a display of His
love! It is due to His merits that you enjoy fellowship with
the Father and with Him. It is in His blessed name that you
come to the Father; blessed is He that comes in the name of
the Lord.

How does this works practically? God intended for man to

live with his body on earth and with his spirit in heaven.
No one has ascended to heaven but He who came down from
heaven, that is, the Son of Man who is in heaven (John 3:13,
emphasis added). Jesus was talking to Nicodemus being
on earth but telling him He is also in heaven at the same
time. The Lord who is a consuming fire is one spirit with
you from the time that you are joined to Him through the
born again experience. As He become one spirit with you
He makes you a flame of fire for the Lord makes His
messengers flames of fire. The Lord has set the fire alight
but you must keep it burning by abiding in Him. Unless
you keep this fire burning in your heart you cannot walk
with God or fulfill His purposes for you on the earth. God
never fashioned you to be close to Him but He made you
one with Him. So do not ascend into heaven to look for
Him or do not descend to hell to find Him. He is in you,
one with you, in your mouth and in your heart. It is not a
quest to be close to Him but an awareness of His presence
in you. To walk with God like Enoch did, you need to
practice the presence of the Lord all the time. This is how
you live with your spirit in heaven and become more at
home in heaven than on earth. If you loose the sense of His
presence you will descend down into the realm of the flesh
and die. The realm of the flesh isolates you from God’s life,
light and truth but compel you to partake from the tree of
the knowledge of good (legalism) and evil (lawlessness).
What most of us lack is discipline and endurance. Some of
us can adequately for short periods walk with God but we
must now learn to walk with endurance.

Just as God placed Adam in his garden and taught him the
reason for it and how to cultivate and maintain it, God has
given every one of His sons and daughters a garden of
their own. Your garden is the plan of God for your life that
you must cultivate and maintain with the anointing that
He has placed in you. Your garden is your dominion over
which the Lord has set you to rule. Now you must learn to
walk with Him with endurance in your domain. If you are
faithful in practicing to live in His presence He will teach
you about His purposes for your life, how to cultivate the
flow of His anointing in your life and how to maintain it.
You will become increasingly more creative in Him as you
grow into a greater awareness of His presence in you. Only
when you breathe the air of His presence you will be
fruitful and multiply. The fire, which burns in you, must be
fueled with the atmosphere of heaven, which is the breath
of God. What He breathes upon lives, and what He does
not breathe upon dies. The path of life always leads to the
awesome awareness of His presence and to harmony and
tranquility of your spirit with His and with all that is His.
It does not mean that you live by feelings but always by
faith. It is just that your spirit grows more sensitive to the
things of God as you live in the presence of God. This takes
intensity of strength and endurance because the whole
creation is in disharmony and apposes oneness in God.
The Father-son relationship will minister great joy and
fulfillment both to God and you as you walk with Him in
the cool of the day and the heat of the battle.

You can relate to God only through His word. His word is
given to you that you may relate to Him more correctly so
that He may find greater fulfillment in you and you in
God. Grace is to live a life with the faith of the Spirit, hope
from the heavenly vision that He placed in your heart and
the love of Christ, not your own. Faith, hope and love that
flows from the fleshly mind and emotions accounts for
nothing. It is just as dead as Adam after the fall. Your
relationships toward God, one another and the rest of
creation consist of faith, hope and love in and toward God.
Faith in God stimulates Christ in you, the only hope of
glory you have, to manifests Himself in you and to move
in your life. All your relationships toward God and His
creation are perfectly provided for you, in Christ Jesus.
However, you need to mature in those relationships.
Nothing happens by it self. God never purpose for you to
be a magician but He created you a vibrant life force that
always moves and grows. Therefore you need not to put
any confidence into the flesh because you rest in His
relationships. His life is grace, peace and fulfillment. He is
your inheritance and reward. He is everything you need. A
life apart from Christ’s relationship with the Father and
Holy Spirit is a life of independence from God, which
place you under the law or legalism of dead works that
brings forth death. Everything, which is not from Christ
within you, is death because it is not inoculated into the
Tree of Life. Everything that does not receive its waters
from the Fountain of Life is inevitability dead. It is not by
might or power, which is the dead works of legalism but
by His Spirit according to the anointing that is working in
you, which is His life and breath in you. I have been
crucified with Christ; it is no longer I who live, but Christ lives
in me; and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by faith in
the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself for me. I do not
set aside the grace of God; for if righteousness comes through the
law, then Christ died in vain (Galatians 2:20-21). The cross
has taken away the tree of the knowledge of good (the law
or legalism) and evil (lawlessness) and made you a
partaker of the Tree of Life, which is Christ. To enjoy the
fruit of the Tree of Life is to enjoy the fruit of His
immeasurable mercy and grace regardless your

You live this life by keeping you focus on the Lord. You
can truly live in the presence of God because of what Jesus
has done for you. A walk with Christ is to share His life
with Him in the presence of God. It is growing into an
awareness of the vastness of His provision and His love for
you. You need to understand that it is all through His
mercy, grace and infinite love and not through works of
legalism. The just shall live by their faith. This growing
awareness of who He is in you is an ever expanding
practicing of His presence. This is indeed a deep love
relationship that deepens everyday as you behold Him in
the Spirit and then change from glory to glory through
your faith that create substance in a world of unseen

Is God enough for you? Jesus said that His food is to do

the will of the Father that sent Him, and to accomplish His
works. The Lord was totally taken up with the will of His
Father. He was concerned about the Father’s business,
which is the garden of your domain. You must cultivate
and tend it faithfully. To be absorbed in the Father’s
business is the only way to come forth into the image of
the Son of God. God has not given us any other alternative
image to be shaped into, but the image of His Son. You
must follow the ways of the Firstborn among many
brethren. It is in this atmosphere where your spirit is
released into freedom to manifest the life of His Son in
mercy and grace.

The glory of God that we seek is the character and the

power of the Son of God. There is no other glory. The glory
of God that we are looking for is not a mystical cloud in
the air or radiance around us, or a nice feeling but it is
Jesus. It is not even a cloud by day or a pillar of fire at
night. Christ in us is the only hope of glory that the Father
has given us. He is the brightness of His glory and the
express image of His person. He is the alpha and omega of
our faith. Unless you know the Father, as Father, and share
Jesus’ sonship with Him, you will never come forth in the
fullness of the image of the Son of God. For this reason
Christ gave us the five-fold ministry to come to the
knowledge of the Son of God, to a perfect man, to the
measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ. It takes
fathers to bring forth sons and it takes sons to fashion
fathers. A father is one that knows the Father and a son is
one that knows the Son. Even the natural teaches us that
you cannot become a father unless you have become a son
first. No one comes to Father but through the Son. No one
comes to fatherhood but through the road of sonship. No
one matures spiritually unless he or she has a life in the
Spirit, which is an intimate relationship with God. A son is
one that is concerned about the Father’s business and he
will reveal to you the glory of the Father and lead you to
Him through Christ’s life in him.

Christ’s desire is to bring us into the presence of the Father

as we are growing up in Him. How wonderful to know
that we are perfect in Him. In all phases of our growth we
are perfect just like a rose that is perfect from its budding
stage to its full flower stage. Every stage is filled with
perfection, so are we in Christ. There is no need to labor.
Nature teaches us that there is no labor process in
completing any stage of growth of a living organism. Only
nutrients and patience are needed. We only need to rest in
His complete work and enjoy His eternal indwelling
presence and fellowship. It is not striving to attain but
resting in His provision while growing up in Him. Resting
is not passivity but godliness exercised through faith. Only
by faith you enter into Christ’s relationship with the Father.
Faith is the substance or realization of our hope, which is
the vision we have received by revelation with an
expectation of fulfillment. Faith creates the substance of
unseen realities. Paul testified to King Agrippa that he was
not disobedient to the heavenly vision, which was his hope
in God.

A backslidden condition is when you live a life, which is

not Christ. Only Jesus is the author and finisher of your
perfection. As you behold the Lamb of God you are
changed from glory to glory into His image. You cannot
change yourself into the image of Christ. Only as you
behold Him you are changed into His image through faith.
Real repentance is to enter into the life of Christ through
faith. Trust the anointing in you, Christ in you the hope of
glory. He is your only hope of glory. Without Him you can
do nothing. The works of the flesh is a destroyer of your
life in Christ.

A life in the Spirit is a perpetual focus on the Lord and a

practicing of His presence to grow into an awareness of
His awesome presence in you. It is like the sunflower plant
that continuously turned its face toward the sun. It is the
only way to conform to the image of the Son of God. It is
the way to release and reveal His glory. As you behold
Christ you change into His image through faith. The
motivation of your heart is to glorify your Father whom
you love.

The essence of life is to prepare our spirits and hearts to

please God continuously through faith in all that we do.
We are those that like the firstborn Son will have no
darkness in us or any shadow of turning. We are those like
Enoch that walk with God and God will take us.

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