Quantum Mechanics PyEd 342
Quantum Mechanics PyEd 342
Quantum Mechanics PyEd 342
d ∂L ∂L
− = 0, Lagrangian Mechanics, L = T − U
dt ∂q& ∂q
∂H ∂H
= − p& , = q& Hamiltonian Mechanics, H = T + U
∂q ∂p
All three formalisms have the same general goal: to find the equation of motion of
point-like objects and then determine the position and momentum as functions of
Is the failure of Classical Mechanics due to incorrect equations? Is it possible to
make the correct modifications to the equations so it is applicable to all objects
irrespective of their size, like it was done in relativity at high speeds?
I = σT 4 (1.1)
However, the intensity is not uniformly distributed over all frequencies of the
radiation. So, we can ask: “What is the energy within a unit volume of the
cavity at some given frequencyν, at absolute temperature T?”
8πν 2
u (ν , T ) = 3 kT (1.2)
A graph of the energy density u versus frequency ν is shown below both for the
Rayleigh-Jeans formula and the experimental data. The area under the
experimental curve is finite indicating that the total energy within the cavity is
finite at finite temperature. But the area under the R-J curve is infinite. That is,
when the R-J formula is integrated over all frequencies, it blows up; meaning
the cavity at finite temperature has an infinite total energy inside! The problem
lies in the UV region (high-frequency region) where the R-J curve does not fit
the experimental curve. This disaster was called the Ultraviolet Catastrophe.
In the same year (1900), Max Planck obtained a formula that fits the
experimental data for all frequencies and solved the UV catastrophe:
8π hν 3
u (ν , T ) = 3 hν kT (1.3)
c e −1
E = nhν (1.4)
Show that equation (1.3) matches the Rayleigh-Jeans result at small frequencies.
Use e = 1 + x for small x.
According to the Rutherford model of the atom, electrons orbit about the
nucleus of an atom. This model was not flawless, however. Classical
electrodynamics tells us that accelerating charges lose energy by radiating.
In 1913, Niels Bohr came up with a semi-quantum explanation for the structure
of atoms, particularly hydrogen. He postulated that:
L = r × p = nh (1.5)
• Radiation is quantized.
Electrons release or absorb a quantum of radiation (a photon) only during
transitions between allowed orbits. The energy released or absorbed is
given by
E = E f − Ei = hν (1.6)
1 1 1
= −1.096 × 107 m −1 z 2 2 − 2 (1.7)
λ n m
for the wavelength of the radiation emitted when the electron jumps from
the nth stable orbit to the mth stable orbit in a one-electron atom. This
result is the same as the empirical formulas of the spectral lines
discovered before the turn of the 20th century.
The problem was solved by Einstein in 1907. He explained that the vibrational
energies of atoms in a crystal are quantized according to E = nhν , which is
Planck's quantization condition for electronic oscillators. According to
Einstein’s theory the molar heat capacity is
hν e hν kT
Cv = 3 R 2
kT ( e hν kT − 1)
Can you justify that equation (1.8) gives the classical result Cv = 3R for hν kT ?
4. Wave-particle duality:
It has been observed that particles and waves behave in a way that cannot be
explained by classical theory. There were ample experimental evidences to
show quite clearly that particles like electrons sometimes act as if they were
waves and waves sometimes act as if they were streams of particles. This
behavior is called wave-particle duality. We will now briefly see some of these
Heinrich Hertz (1886 and 1887) discovered that electrons come out from a
metal surface when the metal is illuminated with ultraviolet light. Later on,
experiments revealed the following facts:
• No electrons are ejected from a metal surface if the frequency of the light
used is lower than a certain minimum threshold no matter how intense the
light is.
KEe = hν − φ (1.9)
Where φ , called the work function of the metal, is the energy binding the
electron to the metal?
Note that Einstein’s photoelectric theory predicts that electron energy and light
frequency are related through the same constant as found in Planck's blackbody
curves. This indicates that h has a universal nature.
Discuss how Einstein’s equation for the photoelectric effect (equation (1.9))
explains all the photoelectric observations listed above: existence of threshold
frequency, linear connection between energy and frequency, independence
of energy on light intensity, and absence of time lag.
Compton scattering
The particle nature of light exhibited in the photoelectric effect was further
justified by the Compton Effect. In 1922, Compton argued that if photons of
light actually behave like particles, then scattering of a photon from an electron
must be observed when they “collide” like two particles. He applied relativistic
mechanics and conservation principles and obtained
λ′ − λ = (1 − cos θ ) (1.10)
Where λ ′ and λ are the wavelengths of the scattered and incident photons,
respectively, m is the mass of the electron and θ is the angle of scattering.
The wavelength shift in equation (1.10) was actually observed in the lab!
De Broglie waves
λ= (1.11)
De Broglie's equation offers a justification for Bohr's assumption of quantized
angular momentum. Explain.
From the discussions so far we can conclude that there were two historic tracks
leading to the development of Quantum Mechanics:
Next we see how the wave-particle duality leads to the uncertainty principle.
∆x∆p ≥ h (1.12)
The uncertainty principle puts a limit to our knowledge of reality because it clearly
shows that Nature has a built-in indeterminacy, unpredictability.
Postulate 1:
The state of a quantum mechanical system is completely specified by the wave
function Ψ ( r,t ) , where r represents the space coordinates ( x, y, z ) of the system
and t is the time.
The wave function must be continuous, single valued and square integrable.
The probability of finding the system within a volume dv of space at time t is:
P ( r, t ) = Ψ* ( r, t ) Ψ ( r, t ) dv
where Ψ ( r , t ) = Ψ* ( r , t ) Ψ ( r , t )
Postulate 2:
In Quantum Mechanics, every observable (i.e., any measurable property of the
system), is described by a linear, Hermitian operator.
For example, for a particle in one dimensional motion, the momentum operator
corresponding to the classical momentum px is pˆ x = −ih ∂ ∂x .
Postulate 3:
The only possible results of any measurement of an observable are the eigenvalues
of the operator that corresponds to such observable.
That is, if  is the operator associated with the observable A being measured,
then the only values that will ever be observed are the eigenvalues a which satisfy
ÂΨ = aΨ
Although measurements must always yield an eigenvalue, the state of the system
is not necessarily an eigenstate of  . Generally, the state of the system is any
arbitrary state that can be expanded in a complete set of eigenvectors as
Ψ = ∑ i ciψ i ,
where the sum can run to infinity in principle. The probability of observing
eigenvalue ai is given by ci*ci .
Postulate 4:
The average value of many measurements of an observable A , corresponding to
operator  , is given by
=∫ *
Ψ ÂΨdv
∫ Ψ Ψdv
This average value is called the expectation value.
Postulate 5:
The evolution of the wavefunction Ψ ( r,t ) in time is described by the time
dependent Schrodinger equation:
∂Ψ ( r, t )
ĤΨ ( r, t ) = ih
ˆ h2 2 ˆ
where H = − ∇ + V ( r ) is the operator associated with the total energy of the
system, E = + V (r ) .
2.1. Operators
At the end of Chapter 1, we have briefly seen the postulates of Quantum
Mechanics. Postulate 2 tells us that any observable in quantum mechanics is
described by a linear, Hermitian operator. Now it’s time to see in detail about the
properties of quantum mechanical operators.
What is an operator?
 f ( x ) = g ( x ) (2.1)
Example: The differentiation operator transforms a differentiable function
into another function; the integration operator ∫ transforms an
integrable function into another function.
p2 1 2
E ( x, p ) = K + V = + kx (2.2)
2m 2
of the 1D harmonic oscillator. The energy operator then becomes (see postulate 5):
h2 ∂ 2 1 ˆ 2
Hˆ = − + kx (2.3)
2m ∂ x 2 2
What is the operator corresponding to angular momentum?
ˆ ˆ f =A
AB ˆ Bˆ f (2.5)
 f = B̂ f (2.6)
The identity operator, Î , does not change the operand it acts on:
Î f = f (2.7)
A ( )( )
ˆ BC
ˆ ˆ = AB
ˆ ˆ Cˆ (2.8)
The commutative law is not generally valid for operators. That is,
ˆ ˆ ≠ BA
AB ˆ ˆ , in general (2.9)
ˆ B
A, ˆ ˆ − BA
ˆ ≡ AB ˆˆ (2.10)
ˆ B
A, ˆ = − B,
ˆ Aˆ (2.11)
ˆ B
If  and B̂ commute, then A, ˆ =0. (2.12)
ˆ B
A, ˆ ψ = xx 2ψ − x 2 xψ = 0
Do the operators  = x and B̂ = ∂ ∂ x commute?
ˆ B
A, ˆ + B,
ˆ Aˆ =0 ( see equation 2.11) (2.13)
ˆ A
A, ˆ =0 (2.14)
ˆ B+C
A, ˆ ˆ = A,
ˆ B ˆ C
ˆ + A, ˆ (2.15)
Aˆ + B,C
ˆ ˆ = A,C
ˆ ˆ + B,
ˆ Cˆ (2.16)
ˆ BC
A, ˆ ˆ = A,
ˆ Bˆ Cˆ +B ˆ C
ˆ A, ˆ (2.17)
ˆ ˆ Cˆ = A,
AB, ˆ Cˆ B ˆ B,
ˆ +A ˆ Cˆ (2.18)
ˆ B,C
A, ˆ ˆ + C,
ˆ A,
ˆ Bˆ + B ˆ A
ˆ C, ˆ = 0 (2.19)
ˆ B
A, ˆn =nB ˆ B
ˆ n-1 A, ˆ (2.20)
Aˆ n, B ˆ n-1 A,
ˆ = nA ˆ Bˆ (2.21)
ˆ B
Finally, if A, ˆ then it is possible to show that
ˆ = iC
∆A ∆B ≥ 12 C (2.22)
Derive all the rules (2.14) – (2.22).
Obtain the well-known relation ∆x ∆px ≥ h2 from the general rule (2.22).
ˆ ( c f ) = cA
A ˆ f and  ( f + g ) = Aˆ f + Aˆ g (2.23)
where c is a constant and f and g are functions. Combining the two conditions we
can write
d 2
Example: Consider the two operators and ( ) . Which one is linear?
It is easy to see that the first operator is a linear operator because it satisfies the
conditions for linearity:
d d d
a f ( x ) + b g ( x ) = a f ( x) + b g ( x)
dx dx dx
Where α and β are complex constants and the asterisk represents their complex
* ∂
∞ ∞
∫−∞ψ 1 −ih ∂ x ψ 2 dx = −∞∫ −ih ∂ x ψ 1 ψ 2dx
∂ψ 1*
∞ ∞
∂ψ 2
−i h ∫ ψ 1 dx = ih ∫ ψ 2 dx
∂x −∞
∂ψ 2 ∂ψ 1* ∞
−ih ∫ ψ 1* + ψ 2 dx = −ih ψ 1*ψ 2 = 0
∂x ∂x
 f = k f (2.27)
Âψ ( r ) = aψ ( r ) , (2.28)
then, by Postulate 4,
* *
ψ (r ) Âψ ( r ) dr ∫ψ (r ) aψ (r ) dr
A =∫ * = *
∫ψ ( r )ψ (r ) dr ∫ψ ( r )ψ ( r ) dr
a ∫ψ * ( r )ψ ( r ) dr
= *
∫ψ ( r ψ
) ( r ) d r
( )
∫ψ nAˆ ψ n dx = ∫ Aˆ ψ n ψ ndx
* *
∫ψ nan ψ n dx = ∫ ( anψ n ) ψ ndx
an ∫ψ n*ψ n dx = an* ∫ψ n*ψ n dx
Since the eigenfunctions ψ n are square integrable (see Postulate 1), we conclude:
an = an* (2.29)
∫ψ nψ mdx = 0
Proof: using equation (2.26) together with equation (2.28):
* *
∫ψ nam ψ m dx = ∫ ( an ψ n ) ψ m dx
( am − an ) ∫ψ n*ψ m dx = 0 Equation (2.29) has been used.
∫ψ n ψ m dx = 0 (2.30)
∫ψ n ψ n dx = 1 , (2.31)
∫ψ n ψ m dx = δ nm (2.32)
Ψ ( r ) = ∑i ciψ i ( r ) (2.33)
∞ ∞
∫ ∑ i ciψ j (r )ψ i ( r )dr
∫ ψ j ( r ) Ψ ( r ) dr =
−∞ −∞
= ∑ i ci ∫ ψ *j ( r )ψ i ( r ) dr = ∑ i ciδ ji
⇒ c j = ∫ ψ *j ( r ) Ψ ( r ) dr (2.34)
What is the expectation value of the observable A when a quantum mechanical
system is in a state given by equation (2.33)?
∫ Ψ Aˆ Ψdr ∑ ciψ i ( r ) A ˆ
∑ j c jψ j ( r )dr
A = =
i ∫
∫ Ψ *Ψ d r ∑ i ciψ i ( r ) ∑ j c jψ j ( r ) dr
You will see that the average value of A is a weighted average of eigenvalues.
Continuous Representation
φ ( x′ ) = ∫ ψ * ( x′, x ) Ψ ( x ) dx
Ψ ( x ) = ∑ i ciψ i ( x ) , (2.35)
Ψ = ∑i ci ψ i (2.36)
Taking the complex conjugate of equation (2.36) and remembering that a bra is the
complex conjugate of a corresponding ket, we obtain
* * *
Ψ = ∑ i ci ψ i = ∑ i ci* ψ i
Ψ = ∑ i ci* ψ i (2.37)
The bra vector ψ defined by equation (2.37) is said to be dual to the ket vector
ψ . The inner (scalar) product of a bra and a ket is defined by
ΨΦ = ∫ Ψ Φ dx ,
Ψ Φ = ∑ n ∑ m cn* d m ψ n φm = ∑ n ∑ m cn* d mδ nm
Ψ Φ = ∑ n cn* d n (2.39)
Ψ Ψ ≥0 (2.41)
ψn ≡ n and ψn ≡ n (2.42)
1. Verify equations (2.39) – (2.41)
2. Write the definition of Hermiticity of an operator, equation (2.26), in Dirac’s
3. Show that ψ j ψ i is an operator that projects any vector Ψ into the direction
of ψ j .
The correspondence between φ ( p ) and ψ ( x ) is unique, that is, for a given wave
function ψ ( x ) in position space there is only one representation in momentum
space φ ( p ) . An important property of the Fourier transform is that if ψ ( x ) is
normalized, then φ ( p ) is normalized as well. The normalization condition holds
both in position and momentum spaces:
∞ ∞
* *
∫ ψ ( x )ψ ( x ) dx = ∫ φ ( p )φ ( p ) dp = 1
−∞ −∞
r r
r Liner Velocity: v = d r dt
m r r
Liner Momentum: p = mv
r r
nd dp r
Newton’s 2 Law: = −∇V
x Etcetera
Figure 3.1: Newtonian Picture of the dynamics of a particle
that is, it will be restricted to the volume where the particle is “caught”. If a second
measurement is made immediately after the first, the same result for the position is
obtained indicating that the wave function is still in its collapsed state. If, however,
the measurement is repeated after sufficiently long time, a different value is
obtained for the position of the particle. This shows that the wave function will
spread out again in time if allowed to do so.
If equation (3.1) is integrated over all possible locations of the particle, we must
obtain 1. That is, the total probability of finding the particle must be 100%. In
quantum mechanics, this is expressed by
r 2 r
ΨΨ = ∫ Ψ ( r ; t ) d 3r = 1 (3.2)
All r
The wave function for a quantum “particle” is obtained by solving the equation
h2 2 ∂Ψ
− ∇ Ψ + V Ψ = ih (3.3)
2m ∂t
∂2 ∂2 ∂2
where ∇ ≡ 2 + 2 + 2 is a differential operator called the Laplacian and V is
∂x ∂y ∂z
the potential energy function. Equation (3.3) is the time-dependent Schrödinger
Separable Solutions
In this Chapter, we consider 1D quantum problems so Ψ ( r ; t ) ≡ Ψ ( x; t ) . The time-
dependent Schrödinger equation, equation (3.3), now becomes
h2 ∂ 2 Ψ ( x; t ) ∂Ψ ( x; t )
− + V Ψ = ih (3.4)
2m ∂x 2
For cases where the potential energy is independent of time, the solution of the
time-dependent Schrödinger equation is separable, that is, we can find a function
of position and a function of time such that the product
Ψ ( x; t ) = ψ ( x ) f ( t ) (3.5)
Substituting equation (3.5) into equation (3.4) and then dividing by equation (3.5),
we have:
h2 1 d ψ ( x ) 1 df ( t )
2m ψ ( x ) dx 2
+ V ( x ) = i h
f ( t ) dt
The left-hand side of equation (3.6) is a function that depends only on x and the
right-hand side is a function only of t . The equality holds if and only if both
functions are equal to the same constant, say, E . Then,
h2 1 d ψ ( x )
− +V ( x) = E (3.7)
2m ψ ( x ) dx 2
1 df ( t )
and ih =E (3.8)
f ( t ) dt
d f (t ) i
= − E dt
f (t ) h
ln f ( t ) = − Et + const
Or f ( t ) = C e−(iE h )t (3.9)
Using equation (3.9) into equation (3.5) the separable solution to the time-
dependent Schrödinger equation becomes:
h2 d 2
− 2
+ V ( x ) ψ ( x ) = Eψ ( x ) (3.11)
2m dx
Ĥψ ( x ) = Eψ ( x ) (3.12)
ˆ Ψdx = ψ *H
H = ∫ Ψ *H ∫ ˆ ψ dx = E ∫ψ ψ dx = E
1) Show that the probability density is independent of time, that is,
2 2
Ψ ( x; t ) = ψ ( x ) . In this case, the wave functions are said to be stationary
2) Show that every measurement of the total energy always returns the same value
E for a stationary state: σ H = 0
Here the conduction electron is not totally free as there are other electrons and
nuclei within the copper surface and these should be ignored in the analysis. But
we can refine our imagination and say the particle is a lone helium atom stuck
inside a carbon nanotube.
A classical picture of the particle inside the infinite well is shown in Figure 3.3
while the actual quantum system we need to study is pictured as in Figure 3.4.
V ( x) V ( x)
ψ ( x)
x (t )
x x
a a
Figure 3.3. The classical picture Figure 3.4. The quantum picture
The classical particle, imagined as a little sphere, is bouncing back and forth
between the walls of the infinite well. If friction is not assumed, the particle will
keep bouncing forever.
A quantum “particle” like an electron does not have specific shape or size, but has
a wave property. So in quantum mechanics, we have a wave “reflecting” between
the walls of the infinite well instead of a particle bouncing around.
Conditions to be met
The particle inside the infinite well is assumed to be free, that is, it experiences no
forces except when it hits the sides of the well. Therefore, the potential energy
must be constant inside the well. Remember: force is the negative derivative of
potential energy. Further, since the value of the constant does not have physical
significance, we can simplify calculations by assuming that the potential energy is
zero inside the well. So, for the infinite potential well we are considering,
0, if 0 ≤ x ≤ a
V ( x ) = (3.13)
∞, otherwise
Since the particle is confined within the potential well, the probability of finding it
outside the well is zero, that is, ψ ( x ) = 0 for x < 0 and x > a . Moreover, the wave
function is required to be single-valued and continuous (see postulate 1, Chapter 1)
and, therefore, the following boundary conditions must be satisfied:
ψ ( 0) = 0 at x = 0 (3.14)
ψ (a) = 0 at x = a (3.15)
The Hamiltonian
Next we find the Hamiltonian, that is, the total energy operator. Using equation
(3.13), the 1D Hamiltonian becomes:
h2 d 2 h2 d 2
Ĥ = − + V ( x ) = − (3.16)
2m dx 2 2m dx 2
h2 d 2ψ
− = Eψ (3.17)
2m dx 2
d 2ψ 2mE
=− 2 ψ (3.18)
dx h
The best way here is to look up the solution in the form of an exponential function.
Then suppose the solution is
ψ ( x ) = Ceα x (3.19)
α 2ψ = − 2mE
Or α =±
−2 mE x h −2 mE x h
ψ ( x ) = C1e+ + C2e− (3.20)
ψ ( 0) = C1 + C2 = 0 ⇒ C2 = −C1
ψ ( x ) = C1 e+ −2 mE x h
− e− −2 mE x h
) (3.21)
ψ ( x ) = C1 e+ −2 mE a h
− e− −2 mE a h
)=0 (3.22)
Let’s assume that the energy E is negative so the square root −2mE and hence
the exponentials become real numbers.
Since the exponentials in equation (3.22) are not equal, the expression in
parentheses cannot be zero. Then the constant C1 will have to be zero producing
the trivial solution ψ ( x ) = 0 . A zero wave function is physically unacceptable
because inside the potential well, where there is a nonzero probability of finding
the particle, the wave function should not vanish. What is the problem then?
The problem must be the assumption that the energy is negative. Actually, the
energy cannot be negative! Remember that the potential energy is zero and, for the
particle in the infinite well, the total energy is all kinetic. According to Classical
Mechanics the kinetic energy, being proportional to the square of the velocity, can
never be negative. Quantum Mechanics agrees with Classical Mechanics on the
fact that the kinetic energy cannot be negative, but not on the reason. Quantum
Mechanics tells us that the particle’s kinetic energy is nonnegative because the
wave function must satisfy the boundary conditions.
d 2ψ
dx 2
ψ ( x ) = C1 + C2 x
ψ ( x ) = C2 x
Once again we have the trivial solution ψ ( x ) = 0 . So, the assumption that the
energy E can be zero must be wrong too.
There is no objection for zero energy in Classical Mechanics because that would
imply a particle sitting motionless in the infinite potential well. Quantum
Mechanics predicts that the particle cannot have zero kinetic energy because of
Heisenberg's uncertainty principle. Since the particle’s position cannot be
determined with certainty, its linear momentum must be uncertain as well.
Measurements will show a range of values for the momentum of the particle. It is
in motion and therefore has kinetic energy.
Note how the boundary conditions restrict the value of the energy the particle can
have. We are now left with one possibility – a positive energy. In that case,
equation (2.21) becomes
ψ ( x ) = C1 e+ik x − e−ik x ) (3.23)
k= (3.24)
Using Euler’s formula eikx = cos kx + i sin kx we can write equation (3.23) as
ψ ( x ) = C sin kx (3.25)
ψ ( a ) = C sin ka = 0
Since C cannot be zero (because, if it is, it would lead to the trivial solution),
equation (3.25) is satisfied only if the sine factor is zero. That is,
sin ka = 0
Or ka = 0, ± π , ± 2π , ± 3π ,L
The zero and negative values are not acceptable because k > 0 (E is positive in
equation (3.24)). We conclude: there is a nonzero solution for the time-
independent Schrödinger equation corresponding to each of the following values
of the positive constant k :
k =
, for n = 1,2,3,L (3.26)
The solutions are given by equation (3.25) for the different values of k :
Or in a generic form,
ψ n ( 0) = Cn sin ( 0) = 0
ψ n ( a ) = Cn sin ( nπ ) = 0
Also, substitution of each solution into the ordinary differential equation (equation
d 2ψ 2mE
=− 2 ψ
dx h
shows that they all satisfy it, provided that their energy values are:
n 2h 2π 2
En = for n = 1, 2,3,L (3.28)
2ma 2
Note that the energy values [equation (3.28)] could be obtained by combining
equations (2.24) and (2.26).
What about the normalization condition? Are the solutions normalized? Let’s
2 2 nπ
1= ψn ψn = ∫x=0 sin a
Cn x dx
a 2
Cn = 1
Cn =
Summarizing: there are infinitely many energy eigenfunctions and discrete energy
Show that the normalized wave functions are also orthogonal.
The first few of the allowed energy values are shown in Figure 3.5. In this “energy
spectrum”, the energy levels are plotted vertically and the corresponding quantum
number n is indicated to the right of each energy level.
Figure 3.5: A portion of the energy spectrum The lowest possible energy level
for the particle in the 1D infinite potential wellE1 is called the ground state. The
particle will be found in the
ground state when the temperature is lowered to absolute zero. We can see that
quantum mechanics does not allow zero energy even at zero Kelvin. In classical
physics, the particle has no kinetic energy (so zero total energy) at absolute zero.
1) Calculate the ground state energy for m = 9.10938 ×10−31 kg (the mass of an
electron) and a = 2 ×10−10 m . How big is it? Note that h = 1.05457 ×10−34 J .s .
Express the result in units of eV, where 1eV = 1.60218 ×10−19 J .
2) Now use macroscopic values, m = 1 kg and a = 1 m , into the expression for the
ground state energy and see how big it is.
3) What is the quantum number that produces a macroscopic amount of energy,
say, 1 J, for macroscopic values m = 1 kg and a = 1 m ? With that many energy
levels involved, would you see the difference between successive ones?
The ground state eigenfunction and its square magnitude are plotted at the top of
Figure 3.6. Since the square magnitude gives the probability distribution of the
particle’s position, it is seen that in the ground state, the particle is much more
likely to be found close to the middle of the potential well than close to the ends.
The middle graphs in Figure 3.6 show the first excited state wave function ψ 2 and
the corresponding probability density curve. Here there are two regions, to the left
and right of the center, where the particle is more likely to be found. But unlike to
the ground state, the probability of finding the particle close to the center is zero.
The second excited state ψ 3 and its square amplitude are shown at the bottom of
Figure 3.6. We can see that the probability curve picks up maximum values in
three regions indicating that the likelihood of locating the particle in these regions
is high.
2 nπ −i n2π 2h 2ma2 t
Ψ n ( x; t ) = sin xe (3.30)
a a
∞ ∞
2 nπ −i n2π 2h 2ma2 t
Ψ ( x; t ) = ∑ Cn Ψ n ( x; t ) = ∑ Cn sin xe (3.31)
n =1 n =1 a a
At some initial moment (t=0), the wave function takes the form
∑ Cn sin naπ x
Ψ ( x;0) = (3.32)
1) For the nth eigenfunction ψ n , how many distinct regions are there where the
particle may be found?
2) There are no forces inside the pipe, so the particle has to keep moving until it
hits the side of the infinite well, and then reflects backward until it hits the
other side and so on. So, it has to cross the center of the pipe regularly. But in
the energy eigenstate ψ 2 , the particle has zero chance of ever being found at
the center of the pipe. What goes wrong?
3) Show that the expansion coefficients Cn are given by
2 nπ
Cn = ∫ sin x Ψ ( x;0 ) dx ,
a 0 a
where Ψ ( x;0 ) is the initial wave function given by equation (3.32).
h2 ∂ 2 ∂ 2 ∂ 2
ψ x, y, z ) = Eψ ( x, y, z )
2m ∂x 2 ∂y 2 ∂z 2 (
− + + (3.33)
We have seen in the previous section that the wave function for the infinite
potential well is separable. That means the three-dimensional solution is a
combination of the one-dimensional solutions for all three coordinates:
ψ ( x, y, z ) = ψ 1 ( x )ψ 2 ( y )ψ 3 ( z ) (3.34)
Substituting (3.34) into (3.33) and dividing by the full wave function we obtain:
1 d 2ψ 1 ( x ) 2
1 d ψ 2 ( y)
1 d ψ3 ( z)
+ + = −k 2
ψ 1 ( x ) dx 2
ψ 2 ( y ) dy 2
ψ 3 ( z ) dz 2
1 d 2ψ 1 ( x )
= − k x2
ψ 1 ( x ) dx 2
1 d 2ψ 2 ( y )
= − k y2 with k 2 = k x2 + k y2 + k z2 (3.36)
ψ 2 ( y ) dy 2
1 d 2ψ 3 ( z )
= −k z2
ψ 3 ( z ) dz 2
Each of the equations above is similar to equation (3.18) and, therefore, produces
the same solutions. After all, there is no fundamental difference between the three
coordinate directions:
nπ nx2π 2
(ψ 1 )n = 2 sin 1 x , k x2 = for n1 = 1,2,3,L
1 ax ax ax2
2 2
nπ nπ
(ψ 2 )n = 2 sin 2 y , k y2 = y 2 for n2 = 1,2,3,L (3.37)
2 ay a
y ay
nπ nz2π 2
(ψ 3 )n = 2 sin 3 z , k z2 = for n3 = 1,2,3,L
3 az az az2
ψ n1n2n3 ( x, y, z ) = a a8 a sin na1π x sin na2π y sin na3π z
x y z x y z
There is one such three-dimensional eigenfunction for each set of three quantum
numbers {n1 , n2 , n3} .
For example, when all three quantum numbers are equal to 1, we get the lowest
energy state – the ground state – with
ψ 111 ( x, y, z ) = a a8 a sin aπ x sin aπ y sin aπ z
x y z x y z
h2π 2 1 1 1
E111 = + +
2m ax2 a y2 az2
1) If the dimensions a y and az are one tenth of the dimension ax , by what
percentage is the one-dimensional ground state energy E1 in error as an
approximation to the three-dimensional one E111 ?
2) If ax = a y = az = a , how many states are there with the same total energy of
h 2π 2
E = 14 2
Check yourself!
The initial wave function for the particle in the infinite square well is found to be a
linear combination of the first two stationary states:
Ψ ( x;0 ) = A ψ 1 ( x ) + ψ 2 ( x )
a) Normalize Ψ ( x;0 ) .
b) Find Ψ ( x; t ) and Ψ ( x; t )
d) Compute p .
f) A classical particle in this well would bounce back and forth between the
walls. If its energy is equal to the expectation value you found in (e), what
is the frequency of the classical motion? How does it compare with the
quantum frequency you found in (c)?
0, if 0 ≤ x ≤ a
V ( x ) = (3.40)
V0 , otherwise
where V0 > 0 .
Now, depending on the total energy E of the particle, we will obtain two types of
solutions to the time-independent Schrödinger equation. If E < V ( x ) , the solutions
are discrete and normalizable, like the eigenstates of the infinite potential well. On
the other hand, if E > V ( x ) , the solutions are non-normalizable, and labeled by a
continuous index. A particle represented by discrete, normalizable solutions is
said to be in a bound state. In the latter case, where the total energy exceeds the
potential energy, the particle is unbounded and we have a scattering state.
d 2ψ 2m (V0 − E )
= ψ; x < 0 and x > a
dx 2 h2
V ( x)
d 2ψ 2mE
=− 2 ψ; 0< x<a
dx h
d 2ψ
= q 2ψ ; x<0 (3.43)
d 2ψ
= −k 2ψ ; 0< x<a (3.44)
d 2ψ
= q 2ψ ; x>a (3.45)
ψ ( x ) = A1eqx + A2e−qx
ψ ( x ) = D1eqx + D2e−qx
Since the wave function and its first derivative must be continuous, the solutions
(3.46), (3.47) and (3.48) must satisfy the boundary conditions at x = 0 and x = a .
The boundary conditions fix the relations between the constants A, B, C and D.
At x = 0 :
dψ left dψ middle
= or qA = kC (3.50)
dx dx
x =0 x =0
At x = a :
dψ middle dψ right
= or − kB sin ka + kC cos ka = −qDe−qa (3.52)
dx dx
x =a x =a
B = A; C= A
D = − sin ka + cos ka Aeqa
Using equations (3.53) back into equation (3.51), or (3.52) for that matter,
produces the transcendental equation:
= − tan ka (3.54)
q2 − k 2
Let θ = ka . Then
In terms of θ,
2 θ02 −θ 2 θ02 − θ 2
q = and q= ; where θ0 = k0a
a2 a
Substituting this result into (3.54) and using θ = ka :
θ θ02 − θ 2
= − tan θ (3.55)
0.5θ02 − θ 2
A graphical solution for the transcendental equation (3.55) is shown below for
θ0 = 4π .
7π/2 4π
Now, the solutions to equation (3.55) correspond to the intersection of the curve
θ θ 02 − θ 2 ( 0.5θ02 − θ 2 ) with the curve [ − tan θ ] . Figure 3.8 shows that these curves
intersect three times to the left of θ = 3π and only once to the right of θ = 3π for
the particular value θ0 = 4π .
Since, for the bound state under consideration, 0 < E < V0 , the range of values of
θ must be between zero and θ0 = k0 a = a 2mV0 h . We can now consider two
extreme cases:
As θ0 increases (i.e., as the well becomes deeper), there are more and more bound
states. In this limit (i.e., the limit in which the well becomes very deep), the
solutions to equation (3.55) correspond to [ − tan θ ] → 0 . This gives
En ≅
n2π 2h2 , n≤
2ma2 π
The energies of the finite well approach the energies of the infinite potential well
as V0 → ∞ ! However, for finite V0 , no matter how large, there are a finite number
of bound states.
As θ0 decreases, the number of bound states decreases as well. But, no matter how
small θ0 becomes (i.e., no matter how shallow the well becomes), there is always
at least one bound state remaining.
Normalize the wave function for the finite square well, that is, determine the
constant A in equations (3.53).
Analyze the intersection points in Figure 3.8.
Let’s now examine the scattering states. In the three regions we have
d 2ψ 2m ( E −V0 )
= − 2
ψ = −q 2ψ ; for x < 0 and x > a
dx h
d 2ψ 2mE
= − 2 ψ = −k 2ψ ; 0< x<a
dx h
The general solutions are:
A eiqx + A e−iqx
1 2
ψ ( x ) = B1e + B2e−ikx
iqx −iqx
C1e + C2e
We assume the particle is going from left to right in figure 3.7. When it encounters
the well it is either reflected or transmitted. Thus, A1 is the amplitude of the
incident wave, A2 is the amplitude of the wave reflected at x = 0 and C1 is the
amplitude of the wave transmitted at x = a . Since there is no particle (wave)
coming from the right side of the well in figure 3.7, C2 must be zero.
Note that when the wave functions above are multiplied by exp ( −iEt h ) , they
represent progressive waves:
C1e ( )
i qx − Et h
represents a wave traveling from left to right
C2e (
−i qx + Et h )
represents a wave traveling from right to left
Continuity of ψ : A1 + A2 = B1 + B2 (3.58)
Continuity of dψ dx : q ( A1 − A2 ) = k ( B1 − B2 ) (3.59)
k + q i( q −k )a
B1 = C1 e (3.62)
k − q i ( q + k )a
B2 = C1 e (3.63)
Inserting equations (3.62) and (3.63) into equations (3.58) and (3.59) generates:
C1 iqa
A1 + A2 = e {k cos ka − iq sin ka} (3.64)
C1 iqa
A1 − A2 = e {q cos ka − ik sin ka} (3.65)
A2 =
i k 2 − q 2 sin ka ) A1 (3.66)
2kq cos ka − i k 2 + q 2 sin ka )
C1 = A1 (3.67)
2kq cos ka − i k 2 + q 2 sin ka )
The reflection and transmission probabilities are given by, respectively,
( )
k 2 − q 2 sin 2 ka
2 2
A1 2 2
4k q + k − q ( 2 2
) sin 2
4k 2 q 2
T= 2
= 2
A1 2 2
4k q + k − q ( 2 2
) sin 2
2mE a
which is valid if ka = nπ or = nπ
Consequently, for total transmission, the energy values will be the same as those
for the infinite potential well.
1) Verify all the equations (3.62) – (3.69).
2) Show that the sum of the reflection and transmission probabilities is 1.
3) An electron is trapped in a well 1Å wide, and V0 = 100eV deep. How many
possible bound states can this electron be in? (Explain clearly your reasoning)
(You may use me = 500 keV , hc = 2000 eV Å to keep the numbers simple)
d 2ψ 2mE
= − 2 ψ = −k 2ψ (3.70)
dx h
Inside the barrier ( 0 < x < a ) , the wave function must satisfy
d 2ψ 2m ( E − V0 )
=− 2
ψ = −q 2ψ (3.71)
dx h
where q = 2m ( E − V0 ) h , as before.
Let’s first consider a particle with E > V0 . The solutions in the different regions
for this case are:
For the region x > 0 , the solution consists of a plane-wave of complex amplitude
F traveling to the right and a plane-wave of complex amplitude G traveling to the
left. The second wave is unphysical as there is no particle coming from the right
side of the barrier and, therefore, we set G = 0 . The wave traveling to the right
interpreted as a particle transmitted through the barrier.
A+ B = C + D (3.72)
kA − kB = qC − qD (3.73)
Likewise, at x = a we have
You are welcome to show that the above four equations yield
( )
k 2 − q 2 sin 2 qa
A 2
2 2
4k q + k − q 2 2
) sin 2
F 4k 2q 2
T= = 2
A 2 2
4k q + k − q 2 2
) sin 2
Note that the reflection and transmission probabilities satisfy the condition
R +T =1.
Classically, a particle of energy E > V0 slows down when it moves across the
potential barrier and remains unaffected otherwise. That is to say, according to
classical physics, reflection is impossible when E > V0 and, thus, we must have
R = 0 and T = 1 . This classical result is obtained from equations (3.76) and (3.77)
in the limit of relatively small potential barriers (i.e., V0 E ). However, when V0
is of order E , there is a significant probability that the incident particle will be
reflected by the barrier. The reflection and transmission probabilities are plotted in
Figures 3.10 and 3.11.
We can see from equation (3.76) or Figure (3.11) that the probability of reflection
is zero at certain barrier widths irrespective of the energy of the incident particle.
These special barrier widths correspond to
qa = nπ ; n = 1,2,3,L (3.78)
The momenta of the particle outside and inside the barrier are, respectively,
poutside = hk and pinside = hq . Using the de Broglie relation p = h λ , we have,
inside the potential barrier:
2π (3.79)
a = n
In words, the special barrier widths are integer multiples of half the de Broglie
wavelength of the particle inside the barrier. The absence of a net reflection at the
special barrier widths is accounted for by the destructive interference of the waves
reflected from left and right edges of the barrier.
R, T
0.2 R
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
Figure 3.10: Transmission and reflection probabilities for a potential barrier as a function
of the ratio V0 E . Here, a potential barrier of width a = 1.25λ is assumed. λ is the free-
space de Broglie wave-length, λ = 2π k .
0.8 T
R, T
0.2 R
0 1 2 3 4 5
Let us, now, consider the case E < V0 . In this case, we define q = −2m ( E − V0 ) h
which is real and positive.
The general solution to the time-independent Schrödinger equation then takes the
At x = 0 : A+ B = C + D (3.81)
ik ( A − B ) = q ( C − D ) (3.82)
( )
k 2 + q 2 sinh 2 qa
A 2
2 2
4k q + k + q ( 2 2
) sinh 2
F 4k 2 q 2
T= = 2
A 2 2
4k q + k + q ( 2 2
) sinh 2
These results could have been easily obtained from Equations (3.76) and (3.77) by
simply replacing q by −iq .
Now, according to classical physics, a particle with a total energy less than the
height a potential barrier, E < V0 , cannot be reflected if incident on such a potential
barrier. That is, for such a particle, the classical probability of reflection is unity,
and the classical probability of transmission is zero.
0.9 R
0.1 T
1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5
Figure 3.12: Transmission and reflection probabilities as functions of the ratio V0 E . The
width of the potential barrier is taken to be a = 0.5λ , where λ is the free-space de
Broglie wave-length.
0.8 R
0 0.5 1 1.5 2
The reflection and transmission probabilities [Equations (3.85) and (3.86)] are
plotted in Figures (3.12) and (3.13). Figure (3.12) shows that the classical result,
2 2
R = 1 and T = 0 , is obtained for relatively thin barriers (i.e., qa 1 ) in the limit
where the height of the barrier is relatively large (i.e., V0 E ). However, when V0
is of order E , there is a substantial probability that the incident particle will be
transmitted by the barrier. According to classical physics, transmission is
impossible when V0 > E . Figure 3.13 shows that the transmission probability
decays exponentially as the width of the barrier increases. Nevertheless, even for
very wide barriers (i.e., qa 1 ), there is a small but finite probability that a
particle incident on the barrier will be transmitted. This phenomenon, which is
inexplicable within the context of classical physics, is called tunneling.
Using the notations ε = Vo E and λ = 2π h 2mE , show that equations (3.76) and
(3.77) can be written as
ε 2 sin 2 2π 1 − ε a λ
( ) 4 (1 − ε )
R= T=
4 (1 − ε ) + ε 2 sin 2 ( 2π 1 − ε a λ ) 4 (1 − ε ) + ε 2 sin 2 ( 2π 1 − ε a λ )
In Figure 3.9 we get a potential step if a → ∞ . Suppose a stream of particles of
mass m and energy E > 0 encounter a potential step of height V0 ( < E ) , that is,
V ( x ) = 0 for x < 0 and V ( x ) = V0 for x > 0 with the particles incident from − ∞ .
Show that the fraction reflected is
k −q
k +q
where k 2 = 2mE h 2 and q 2 = 2m ( E − V0 ) h 2
In this section, we will see that if equation (3.88) is satisfied at time t = 0 , then it
will stay satisfied at any time afterward. We begin by taking the time derivative of
the probability density function defined by equation (3.87).
P ( x, t ) = Ψ ( x, t ) = Ψ* ( x, t ) Ψ ( x, t ) (3.89)
∂P ( x, t ) ∂Ψ* ( x, t ) ∂Ψ ( x, t )
= Ψ ( x, t ) + Ψ * ( x, t ) (3.90)
∂t ∂t ∂t
From the time-dependent Schrödinger equation:
∂Ψ ( x, t ) ih ∂ 2 Ψ ( x, t ) i
= − V ( x ) Ψ ( x, t ) (3.91)
∂t 2m ∂x2 h
∂Ψ* ( x, t ) 2 *
ih ∂ Ψ ( x, t ) i *
=− + V ( x ) Ψ* ( x, t ) (3.92)
∂t 2m ∂x 2 h
Substituting equations (3.91) and (3.92) into equation (3.90) and assuming a real
potential energy function, we obtain:
∂P ( x, t ) i h ∂ Ψ ( x, t )
2 *
∂ 2 Ψ ( x, t )
=− *
Ψ ( x, t ) − Ψ ( x, t ) (3.93)
∂t 2m ∂x 2 ∂x 2
ih ∂ ∂Ψ ( x, t ) ∂Ψ ( x, t )
∂P ( x, t )
=− Ψ ( x, t ) − Ψ * ( x, t ) (3.94)
∂t 2m ∂x ∂x ∂x
ih ∂Ψ ( x, t ) ∂Ψ ( x, t )
J= Ψ ( x, t ) − Ψ * ( x, t ) (3.95)
2m ∂x ∂x
∂P ( x, t ) ∂J ( x, t )
=− (3.96)
∂t ∂x
Note that J ( x, t ) must go to zero at infinity because the square integrable wave
function and its first derivative vanish at infinity.
Thus, ∫
dt −∞
P ( x, t ) dx = 0 (3.98)
That is what we set off to prove: The probability integral is independent of time; if
it equals 1 at some time, t = 0 , it equals 1 for all other times!
Now, what exactly is the function J ( x, t ) ? To see the physical significance of this
function, let’s redo the integration in equation (3.97) from x = a to x = b , instead
of integrating over from −∞ to ∞ :
b b
∂J ( x, t )
dt a
P ( x, t ) dx = −∫ ∂x
dx = − J (b, t ) + J ( a, t ) = 0 (3.99)
The left hand side of equation (3.99) is the time variation of the probability of
finding the particle somewhere between x = a and x = b . If we think of a stream of
particles, this equation then tells us about the flux of particles entering the region
( a, b ) per unit time. So, J ( x, t ) must represent the flux, or probability current at
the point x = a at the time t .
∂P ( x, t ) ∂J ( x, t )
=− (3.100)
∂t ∂x
which in 3D becomes:
∂P ( x, y, z; t )
= −∇⋅ J ( x, y, z; t ) (3.101)
The time evolution of the wave function in the Schrödinger picture can be written
Ψ ( x; t ) = U ( t ) Ψ ( x;0) (3.102)
where U ( t ) is the time evolution operator that turns into an identity operator at
t = 0 , that is,
U ( 0) = 1 (3.103)
∞ ∞ *
U ( t ) Ψ
∫ Ψ * ( x; t ) Ψ ( x; t ) dx = ∫ ( x;0) U (t ) Ψ ( x;0) dx
−∞ −∞
U † ( t ) U ( t ) = U ( t )U † ( t ) = 1 (3.104)
ih Ψ ( x; t ) = Hˆ Ψ ( x; t )
ih U ( t ) Ψ ( x;0) = HU
ˆ ( t ) Ψ ( x;0)
∂U ( t ) ˆ ( t ) Ψ ( x;0 )
ih Ψ ( x;0) = HU
Here, the last equation generates an important relation, namely,
∂U ( t ) i
= − Hˆ U ( t ) (3.105)
∂t h
The Hermitian conjugate of equation (3.105) produces:
∂U † ( t ) i †
= U ( t ) Hˆ (3.106)
∂t h
Since the wavefunction has no direct physical meaning, we will eventually be
interested in observables. So instead of concentrating on a time-evolving
wavefunction, we can look at a time-evolving operator. In this case, the
expectation value of the corresponding observable is, in the bra-ket notation:
A ( t ) = Ψ ( t ) Â Ψ ( t )
ˆ U (t ) Ψ ( 0)
= U (t ) Ψ (0) A
ˆ U (t ) Ψ ( 0)
= Ψ ( 0) U † (t ) A
ˆ (t ) = U † (t ) A
A ˆ U (t ) (3.107)
Equation (3.107) tells us that the dynamics of a quantum system can be analyzed
using time-dependent operators. This is an alternative approach to the study of
quantum mechanics and is known as the Heisenberg representation of quantum
1) Schrödinger Picture
Ψ (t ) = U (t ) Ψ ( 0)
2) Heisenberg Picture
ˆ (t ) = U † (t ) A
A ˆ U (t ) .
This second picture is physically appealing because in reality particles move, that
is, position and momentum evolve with time.
ih Ψ = Ĥ Ψ (3.108)
In the bra notation this becomes:
∂ ˆ†= ˆ
−ih Ψ = Ψ H Ψ H (3.109)
ˆ Ψ (t )
A = Ψ (t ) A (3.110)
∂Ψ ( t ) ˆ ˆ
d A
= ih A Ψ ( t ) + ih Ψ ( t )
∂A ˆ ∂Ψ ( t ) (3.111)
Ψ ( t ) + ih Ψ ( t ) A
dt ∂t ∂t ∂t
Since operators in the Schrödinger picture do not have explicit time dependence,
we must have
=0 (3.112)
Using equations (3.108), (3.109) and (3.112) in equation (3.110), we get:
d A (t )
ih ˆ ˆ Ψ ( t ) + Ψ ( t ) AH
= −Ψ ( t ) HA ˆ ˆ Ψ (t )
ˆ ˆ − HA
= Ψ ( t ) AH ˆ ˆ Ψ (t )
= Ψ (t ) ˆ ˆ
A,H Ψ (t )
d A (t )
ih ˆ ˆ
= A,H (3.113)
Heisenberg Picture
ˆ (t ) = U † (t ) A
A ˆ U (t ) (3.114)
ˆ ( 0) = A
A ˆ (3.115)
ˆ ( t ) ∂U † ( t )
dA ˆ
= A ˆ ∂U ( t )
ˆ U (t ) + U † ( t ) ∂A S U ( t ) + U † ( t ) A
dt ∂t S ∂t S ∂t
The middle term vanishes because Schrödinger operators are time independent.
d H ( t ) ∂U † ( t ) ˆ ˆ ∂U ( t )
= A SU ( t ) + U † ( t ) A S (3.116)
dt ∂t ∂t
d H ( t ) ∂U † ( t ) ˆ U (t )U † ( t ) ∂U ( t )
ˆ U (t ) + U † (t ) A
= U ( t )U † ( t ) A S S
dt ∂t ∂t
∂U † ∂U
U = −U †
∂t ∂t
d H ( t ) ∂U † ( t ) ˆ ˆ ∂U † ( t )
= U (t ) A H − A H U (t ) (3.117)
dt ∂t ∂t
At this point, we go back to the Schrödinger picture and borrow equation (3.106)
and plug it into equation (3.117) using the subscript S for Schrödinger.
d H ( t ) i † ˆ
dt { ˆ −A
= U (t ) HS U (t ) A
h H
ˆ U † (t ) H
ˆ U (t )
S }
But, we know that,
ˆ = U † (t ) H
H ˆ U (t )
d H ( t ) ˆ ˆ ˆ A ˆ = Aˆ ,H
ih = AH HH − H H H H H (3.118)
d H ( t ) 1 ˆ ˆ
= A H ,H H (3.119)
dt ih
Given the unitary operator
U ( t ) = e−iHt h
for a time-independent Hamiltonian, show that U and H commute, and for a time-
dependent Hamiltonian, U and H need not commute.
Ψ =0
∂t H
Ψ S (t ) = U (t ) Ψ H (3.120)
Ψ H = U † (t ) Ψ S (t ) = Ψ S ( 0)
ˆ Ψ = Ψ UA
AH = Ψ H A ˆ U† Ψ = Ψ Aˆ Ψ = A
ÂS ψ n S
= an ψ n S
ÂSU ψ n H
= anU ψ n H
by (3.120)
ˆ U ψn
U† A = anU †U ψ n
ÂH ψ n H
= an ψ n H
by (3.104) and (3.107)
In this Chapter a basic quantum system will be discussed in detail. The system is a
particle constrained by forces to remain close to its equilibrium position. If the
forces pulling the particle back to its equilibrium position are negatively
proportional to the distance of the particle from this position, you have what is
called the harmonic oscillator. A real example of such a system is an atom in a
solid or in a molecule.
For the 3D oscillator shown in Figure 4.1, the total potential energy is the sum of
the potential energies due to each spring. That is,
V ( x, y, z ) = k x2 + y 2 + z 2
2 ) (4.2)
h2 ∂ 2 ∂ 2 ∂ 2 1
Ĥ = − + +
2m ∂x2 ∂y 2 ∂z 2 2 (
+ k x2 + y 2 + z 2 ) (4.3)
2 2
− h ∂ ∂ 2 ∂ 2 1
2m ∂x 2
+ + +
∂y 2 ∂z 2 2
k x 2
+ y 2
+ z)2
ψ = Eψ (4.4)
The boundary condition is that ψ becomes zero at large distance from the
equilibrium position. This must be true because at large distances we have a
system with infinite potential energy which is unphysical. Therefore, the chances
of finding the particle far away from the equilibrium position should be
vanishingly small.
ψ ( x, y, z ) =ψ x ( x )ψ y ( y )ψ z ( z ) (4.5)
Substituting equation (4.5) into equation (4.4) and dividing the resulting equation
by ψ x ( x )ψ y ( y )ψ z ( z ) we obtain:
h 2 1 ∂ 2ψ x 1 2 h 2 1 ∂ 2ψ y 1 2 h 2 1 ∂ 2ψ z 1 2
− 2 + kx + − 2 + ky + − + kz = E
2m ψ x ∂x 2 2m ψ y ∂y 2 2m ψ z ∂z 2
E = Ex + E y + Ez (4.6)
h2 1 d 2ψ x 1 2 (4.7)
− + kx = Ex
2m ψ x dx2 2
h2 1 d ψ y 1 2 (4.8)
− + ky = E y
2m ψ y dy 2 2
h2 1 d 2ψ z 1 2 (4.9)
− + kz = Ez
2m ψ z dz 2 2
d 2ψ x 2m 1 2
= kx − E ψx
dx2 h2 2
Using equation (4.1), the classical angular frequency of the harmonic oscillator,
equation (4.10) becomes:
d 2ψ x m2ω 2 2 2m (4.11)
= x − 2 Ex ψ x
dx2 h2 h
ξ = mω x (4.12)
Accordingly, we change the derivative with respect to x to derivative with respect
to ξ :
dψ x dψ x dξ mω dψ x
= =
dx dξ dx h dξ
d 2ψ x mω d 2ψ x
= (4.13)
dx2 h dξ 2
d 2ψ x
dξ 2 ( )
− ξ 2 −ε ψ x = 0 (4.14)
where ε = 2 Ex (4.15)
The solution to equation (4.14) above must satisfy the boundary condition ψ x → 0
as ξ → ∞ . In the limit ξ → ∞ , equation (4.14) simplifies to
d 2ψ ∞
− ξ 2ψ ∞ 0 (4.16)
2 2
with asymptotic solution ψ ∞ = Ce−ξ (4.17)
2 2
Check that ψ ∞ = Ce−ξ 2 + De+ξ 2 a more general approximate solution to
equation (4.16) above. Here we must set D = 0 . Why?
where h (ξ ) is a function yet to be determined such that ψ x = he− ξ 2
→ 0 as
ξ → ∞ . Substituting equation (4.18) into equation (4.14), we obtain
d 2h dh
dξ (
− 2ξ + ε −1) h = 0 (4.19)
∞ ∞ ∞
j =2
j ( j −1) a jξ j −2
− 2ξ ∑ ja jξ
j =1
j −1
+ (ε −1) ∑ a jξ j = 0
j =0
After adjusting the index j so all the summations start from j = 0 , we get
∞ ∞ ∞
j =0
( j + 2)( j +1) a j+2ξ − ∑ 2 ja jξ
j =0
j j
+ ∑ (ε −1) a jξ j = 0
j =0
j =0
j + 2 j +1 a
)( ) j+2 − ( 2 j +1− ε ) a j ξ j = 0 (4.21)
Equation (4.21) clearly shows that for the power series to vanish the coefficients
of ξ j must be zero for all ξ and for each j . Therefore,
a j +2 =
( 2 j +1− ε ) a (4.22)
( j + 2)( j +1) j
Equation (4.22) is the recursion relation between the coefficients. The recursion
relation shows that only the first two coefficients, a0 and a1 , are completely
arbitrary constants and the rest can be determined in terms of these two. If a0 is
known, we can use the recursion relation to generate a2 , a4 , a6 , a2 ,L and if a1 is
known we can generate a3 , a5 , a7 , a9 ,L . So,
Even j Odd j
a0 a1
1− ε 3−ε
a2 = a a3 = a
2! 0 3! 1
a4 =
(5 − ε ) (1 − ε ) a a5 =
( 7 − ε ) (3 − ε ) a
0 1
4! 5!
a6 =
(9 − ε ) (5 − ε ) (1 − ε ) a a7 =
(11 − ε ) ( 7 − ε ) (3 − ε ) a
0 1
6! 7!
Equation (4.20) now becomes the sum of even and odd power series:
1 − ε 2 ( 5 − ε ) (1 − ε ) 4 ( 9 − ε ) ( 5 − ε ) (1 − ε ) 6
h (ξ ) = a0 1 + ξ + ξ + ξ + L
2! 4! 6!
3 − ε 3 ( 7 − ε ) ( 3 − ε ) 5 (11 − ε ) ( 7 − ε ) ( 3 − ε ) 7
+ a1 ξ + ξ + ξ + ξ + L
3! 5! 7!
Both these series converge for all ξ since the ratio of two consecutive coefficients
approaches zero as j → ∞ :
a j +2 ( 2 j + 1 − ε ) 2
= → → 0 for j → ∞ (4.24)
a j ( j + 2 )( j + 1) j
But this convergence is not rapid enough to satisfy the requirement that
ψ x = he −ξ 2 → 0 in the limit ξ → ∞ . To see this, let’s examine the asymptotic
behavior of both the even and odd power series in equation (4.23) above.
For j 1 ,
1 2
h (ξ ) → C ∑ ξ 2 j → Ce ξ j 1 (4.25)
j j!
Inserting this into equation (4.18), we can see that in the limit ξ → ∞ and for
dominant powers of h (ξ ) , the wavefunction ψ x varies as
2 2 2 2 2 2 2
ψ x = he−ξ e ξ e−ξ = eξ →∞
This behavior of ψ x for large values of ξ is unacceptable, since it does not meet
the boundary condition ψ x → 0 as ξ → ∞ . The wavefunction ψ blows up because
we let j → ∞ in the power series expansion of h (ξ ) [equation (4.20)]. The
wavefunction remains finite as ξ → ∞ if the power series is cut off at some value
of j , say j = n , so that an+ 2 = 0. Hence, from the recursion relation (equation
4.22) we get:
an+2 =
( 2n +1− ε ) a = 0
( n + 2)( n +1) n
Prepared by Mesfin Tadesse, CoE, AAU, Megabit 2000 EC 65
Quantum Mechanics (PyEd 342)
Or ε = 2n + 1 (4.26)
Combining equations (4.15) and (4.26) we obtain the energy eigenvalues for the
1D harmonic oscillator:
This result tells us that a harmonic oscillator has equally spaced quantized energy
levels, the spacing between successive energy levels being hω , where ω is the
classical frequency of oscillation. When n = 0 , the 1D oscillator possesses the
lowest finite energy which is sometimes called the zero-point energy:
E 6 =13ħω/2
E 5 =11ħω/2
E 4 =9ħω/2
E 3 =7ħω/2
E 2 =5ħω/2
E 1 =3ħω/2
E 0 = ħω/2
Figure 4.2: Energy levels of the quantum oscillator
Having determined the proper energies for the simple harmonic oscillator in one
dimension, the next step is to obtain the corresponding eigenfunctions. Using
equation (4.26) in equation (4.23) produces:
2n 2 2n ( 2n − 4 ) 4 2n ( 2n − 4 )L8 × 4 n
hn (ξ ) = a0 1 − ξ + ξ −L + ξ , (4.29)
2! 4! n!
2n − 2 3 ( 2n − 2 )( 2n − 6) 5 ( 2n − 2 )( 2n − 6 )L8 × 4 n
hn (ξ ) = a1 ξ −
ξ + ξ −L + ξ ,
3! 5! n!
a0 = (−1)n 2
n! , even n (4.31)
( n 2 )!
a1 = 2(−1)( )
n −1 2
, odd n (4.32)
( n − 1) 2 !
With this choice a0 and a1 , the functions given by equations (4.29) and (4.30)
become Hermite polynomials, H n (ξ ) . If we write these polynomials in descending
powers of ξ , we get a single expression valid for both even and odd n :
n 2 d n −ξ 2
H n (ξ ) = ( −1) eξ e (4.34)
dξ n
H0 = 1
H1 = 2ξ
H 2 = 4ξ 2 − 2
H 3 = 8ξ 3 −12ξ
H 4 = 16ξ 4 − 48ξ 2 + 12
H 5 = 32ξ 5 −160ξ 3 + 120ξ
H 6 = 64ξ 6 − 480ξ 4 + 720ξ 2 −120
Obtain equations (4.31) and (4.32) from equations (4.29) and (4.30).
Obtain H 7 and H 8 first using equation (4.33) and then using equation (4.34).
Now, the wavefunctions for the 1D harmonic oscillator [equation (4.18)] could be
written as
2 2
ψ n (ξ ) = Cn H n (ξ ) e−ξ (4.36)
∞ ∞
∫ ψ n2 (ξ ) d ξ = Cn2 ∫ e−ξ H n2 (ξ ) dξ = 1 (4.37)
−∞ −∞
Using equation (4.34) and carrying out the integration it is easy to show that
Cn = (4.38)
π 1 4 2 n n!
Combining equations (4.36) and (4.38) the eigenfunctions become:
1 2
ψ n (ξ ) = 14
H n (ξ ) e−ξ 2 (4.39)
π 2 n!
ψ 0 ( x ) = mω
2 2h
e− mω x (4.41)
Verify that the eigenfunctions given by equation (4.39) satisfy
∫−∞ψ nψ mdξ = δ nm
Show how to obtain equation (4.41) from equation (4.40).
Write the wavefunctions ψ 1 , ψ 2 , ψ 3 , ψ 4 , ψ 5 , ψ 6 and discuss their nature.
ψ0 ψ1 ψ2
ψ3 ψ4 ψ5
− + ξ 2 ψ xn = ( 2n + 1)ψ xn (4.42)
dξ 2
This can be rewritten as
1 d 2
hω − 2 + ξ 2 ψ xn = ( n + 12 ) hωψ xn (4.43)
2 dξ
Obviously, the operator acting on the left side of this equation is the Hamiltonian:
1 d2
Hˆ = hω − 2 + ξ 2 for 1D oscillator (4.44)
2 dξ
1 d 1 d
aˆ+ = − + ξ and aˆ− = + ξ (4.45)
2 dξ 2 dξ
1 d d
aˆ+ aˆ−ψ xn = − + ξ
+ ξ ψ
2 dξ
1 d 2ψ xn
= −
2 dξ 2
+ ξ 2ψ xn −ψ xn =
( n + 12 )ψ xn − 12ψ xn
1 d d
aˆ− aˆ+ψ xn = + ξ −
+ ξ ψ
2 dξ
1 d 2ψ xn
xn = ( n + 2 )ψ xn + 2ψ xn
2 1 1
= − + ξ ψ +ψ
2 dξ 2 xn
We can see from this equation that the Hamiltonian for the harmonic oscillator can
be written in the form
But what is the effect of the operator â+ or â− acting on the wavefunction ψ n ?
Let’s see:
Hˆ ( aˆ+ψ n ) = hω ( aˆ+ aˆ− + 12 ) aˆ+ψ n = hω ( aˆ+ aˆ− aˆ+ + 12 aˆ+ )ψ n = hω aˆ+ ( aˆ− aˆ+ + 12 )ψ n
We conclude that â+ and â− are raising and lowering operators, respectively, for
the harmonic oscillator, that is, operating on the wavefunction with â+ causes the
quantum number n to increase by unity, and vice versa.
ψ nx ny nz (ξ ,ζ ,η ) =ψ x (ξ )ψ y (ζ )ψ z (η )
1 − 12 ξ 2 +ζ 2 +η 2 (4.60)
= 32
H nx (ξ ) H ny (ζ ) H nz (η ) e
π 3 4 ( 2n n!)
ξ = mω h x, ζ = mω h y, η = mω h z
1. Write out the ground state energy and the energy E100 .
3. Write out the ground state wavefunction and write the eigenstate ψ 100 fully.
Discrete energy levels: The energy eigenvalues are of great physical importance,
because according to Postulate 3 in Chapter 1, they are the only measurable values
of the total energy; the oscillator cannot have any other total energy than these
eigenvalues. Figure 4.4 shows the energy spectrum of the quantum oscillator and
the sets of quantum numbers nx , ny , nz generating each energy level.
nx = 0
E000 = 32 hω ny = 0 Lowest-energy state
nz = 0
The energy spectrum clearly shows that the energy of the quantum oscillator takes
only certain discrete values which evenly spaced. Note that each energy value is
an odd multiple of 12 hω . However, h is so small that on a macroscopic scale the
different energy levels are indistinguishably close together as if they form a
continuum. The Newtonian theory which assigns continuous energy values for the
harmonic oscillator is therefore an excellent macroscopic approximation though it
is strictly speaking incorrect.
No escape: Note that the energy levels have no largest value. Meaning, however
high the energy of the oscillator may be, it will never escape: the further it goes
from the equilibrium position, the larger the forces that pull it back.
E000 = 32 hω (4.61)
The physical meaning of equation (4.61) is that even at absolute zero temperature,
the particle is not completely at rest at its equilibrium position. It still has 3hω 2
worth of kinetic and potential energy left. This lowest-energy state is the ground
state of the quantum oscillator.
But why is the energy not zero at absolute zero? The answer comes from
Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle. If the potential energy is zero, the particle must
certainly be at its equilibrium position for. But the uncertainty principle does not
allow a certain position. Conversely, if the kinetic energy is zero, the linear
momentum would have to be zero for certain which is again not allowed by the
uncertainty principle.
Degeneracy: As seen in the energy spectrum in Figure 4.4, except the ground
state, three or more eigenstates produces the same energy. When multiple states
produce the same energy degeneracy is said to occur and such states are said to be
degenerate states.
Note that the number of degenerate sates increases rapidly when we go up the
energy level. For example, there are three degenerate states ψ 100 , ψ 010 , and ψ 001
with the energy E = 52 hω and ten degenerate states with the energy E = 92 hω .
1. Verify that the sets of quantum numbers shown in the spectrum Figure (4.4) do
indeed produce the indicated energy levels.
2. Verify that there are no sets of quantum numbers missing in Figure (4.4). The
listed ones are the only ones that produce those energy levels.
3. Write the energy level that should come next in Figure (4.4) with all sets of
quantum numbers nx , ny , nz producing it.
4. Write out the ground state wavefunction and show that it is spherically
5. Show that the ground state wave function is maximal at the origin and, like all
the other energy eigenfunctions, becomes zero at large distances from the
6. Show that the 3D harmonic oscillator eigenfunctions are orthonormal, that is,
ψ 000 ψ 000 = 1, ψ 100 ψ 000 = 0, ψ 100 ψ 100 = 1, ψ 010 ψ 100 = 0, etc
Lx = ypz − zp y
Ly = zpx − xpz (5.2)
Lz = xp y − ypx
ur ∂ ∂ ∂
where ∇ ≡ , , is the gradient operator.
∂x ∂y ∂z
∂ ∂
Lˆx = ypˆ z − zpˆ y = −ih y − z
∂z ∂y
∂ ∂
Lˆ y = zpˆ x − xpˆ z = −ih z − x (5.4)
∂x ∂z
∂ ∂
Lˆz = xpˆ y − ypˆ x = −ih x − y
∂y ∂x
Unlike the Hamiltonian, the angular momentum operator is not specific to a given
system. All observations about angular momentum will apply regardless of the
physical system being studied. Therefore, in the following we investigate the
commutation relations of the angular momentum operators.
xˆ , p
i ˆ j = − pˆ j , xˆi = ihδi j
xˆ , xˆ = 0 where i, j = 1, 2, 3 (5.5)
i j
pˆ , pˆ = 0
i j
Using these relations and equations (5.4), we can now obtain the commutation
relations between the components of angular momentum:
Lˆx , Lˆ y = ypˆ z − zpˆ y , zpˆ x − xpˆ z = ypˆ z − zpˆ y ( zpˆ x − xpˆ z ) − ( zpˆ x − xpˆ z ) ypˆ z − zpˆ y
( ) ( )
= ypˆ x pˆ z z − xypˆ z pˆ z − zzpˆ x pˆ y + xpˆ y zpˆ z − ypˆ x zpˆ z + zzpˆ x pˆ y + xypˆ z pˆ z − xpˆ y pˆ z z
= ypˆ x ( pˆ z z − zpˆ z ) + xpˆ y ( zpˆ z − pˆ z z )
= [ z, pˆ z ] ( xpˆ y − ypˆ x ) = ihLz
Instead of repeating the whole procedure for Lˆ y , Lˆz and Lˆz , Lˆx , we can the
results for these commutators by cyclic permutation of the indices, i.e., by
replacing x by y , replacing y by z , and replacing z by x . Hence, we have
Let’s now define an operator for the square of the angular momentum by
To evaluate the commutators of L̂2 with each component we use the relations
A2 , B = A A, B + A, B A and An , A = 0
In words, L̂2 commutes with Lˆx . Likewise, we can easily verify that the square
magnitude of the angular momentum commutes with the other two components.
These results show that we can simultaneously determine the square magnitude of
the angular momentum and one of its components. On the other hand, equations
(5.6) show that no two components of commute and, therefore, we cannot in
general specify more than one component at the same time. That means we cannot
usually determine the direction of angular momentum in quantum mechanics! But
we can choose an arbitrary direction and take it as the z-direction of our coordinate
system. Then we find the eigenvalues and common eigenfunctions of the two
observables L̂2 and Lˆz .
Subtracting we obtain:
Lˆ , Lˆ = 2hLˆ (5.13)
+ − z
We also have
Lˆ , Lˆ = −hLˆ (5.14)
+ z +
Lˆ , Lˆ = hLˆ (5.15)
− z −
Verify that L̂+ and L̂− are not hermitian operators, but are hermitian conjugates
of one another, that is,
† †
Lˆ+ = Lˆ− and Lˆ− = Lˆ+
( ) ( )
Verify equations (5.11)-(5.15)
x2 + y2
2 2 2
r = x + y + z , θ = arctan , ϕ = arctan y (5.16)
z x
The inverse transformations are
∂ ∂ sin θ ∂
= cosθ − (5.20)
∂z ∂r r ∂θ
Now using equations (5.4) and the results above, the components of the angular
momentum become:
∂ ∂ ∂ ∂
Lˆx = −ih y − z = ih sin ϕ + cot θ cosϕ (5.21)
∂z ∂y ∂θ ∂ϕ
∂ ∂ ∂ ∂
Lˆ y = −ih z − x = −ih cosϕ − cot θ sin ϕ (5.22)
∂x ∂z ∂θ ∂ϕ
∂ ∂ ∂
Lˆz = −ih x − y = −ih (5.23)
∂y ∂x ∂ϕ
1 ∂ ∂ 1 ∂ 2
Lˆ2 = −h2 sin θ + (5.24)
sin θ ∂θ ∂θ sin 2 θ ∂ϕ 2
∂ ∂
Lˆ+ = he+iϕ + + i cot θ (5.25)
∂θ ∂ϕ
∂ ∂
Lˆ− = he−iϕ − + i cot θ (5.26)
∂θ ∂ϕ
We can see that all the angular momentum operators involve only the angular
spherical coordinates, θ and ϕ , but not the radial coordinate, r . This reduces the
number of independent variables from three (x, y, z) to two (θ, φ). Furthermore,
equation (5.23) reduces one of the eigenvalue problems to one variable, ϕ .
Lˆz Φ = −ih = Lz Φ (5.27)
Φ (ϕ ) = Φ (ϕ + 2π ) (5.29)
ei 2π Lz h = 1
Comparing Lz with the linear momentum component pz , which can take on any
value within the accuracy permitted by the uncertainty principle, we see that Lz
can only take discrete but precise values.
Φ m (ϕ ) = Aeimϕ (5.32)
2π 2π
* 2
∫ Φ Φ dϕ = A ∫0 e
−imϕ imϕ
e dϕ = 2π A2 = 1
A= (5.33)
Inserting this into (5.32) we have the properly normalized eigenfunctions of Lˆz :
1 imϕ
Φ m (ϕ ) = e , m = 0, ± 1, ± 2, ± 3, L (5.34)
1. What is the magnetic quantum number of a macroscopic, 1 kg, particle that is
encircling the z-axis at a distance of 1 m at a speed of 1 m/s? Write out as an
integer, and show digits you are not sure about as a question mark.
2. Based on the derived eigenfunction, equation (5.32), would any macroscopic
particle ever be at a single magnetic quantum number in the first place? In
particular, what can you say about where the particle can be found in an
Now let’s determine the eigenfunctions and eigenvalues of the operator L̂2 ,
equation (5.24). It is reasonable to assume that the eigenstates of the square of the
angular momentum operator are functions of the angular variables only: Y (θ , ϕ ) .
The eigenvalues are, definitely, L2 , the magnitude squared of L . Therefore,
ˆ2 h 2 ∂ ∂Y (θ ,ϕ ) h 2 ∂ 2Y (θ ,ϕ )
L Y (θ ,ϕ ) = − sin θ −
2 2
= L2Y (θ ,ϕ ) (5.35)
sin θ ∂θ ∂θ sin θ ∂ϕ
Y (θ ,ϕ ) = Θ (θ ) Φ m (ϕ ) (5.36)
h 2Φ ∂ ∂Θ h2Θ ∂ 2Φ 2
− sin θ − = L ΘΦ (5.37)
sin θ ∂θ ∂θ sin 2 θ ∂ϕ 2
Note that the function Φ (ϕ ) is the eigenstate of Lˆz described by equation (5.34).
Using this function in equation (5.37) we come to an eigenvalue problem in the
variable θ. That is,
h2 ∂ ∂Θ h2m2
sin θ − Θ = − L2Θ (5.38)
sin θ ∂θ 2
∂θ sin θ
Instead of solving this eigenvalue problem directly, we use the properties of the
angular momentum operators discussed in the previous section. Let’s see first the
effect of the operator L+ on Φ m (ϕ ) . Using equations (5.27) and (5.32):
{ }
Lˆz Lˆ+Φ m = Lˆz , Lˆ+ + Lˆ+ Lˆz Φ m = hLˆ+ + Lˆ+ Lˆz Φ m
= hLˆ+ + mhLˆ+ Φ m = ( m + 1) h Lˆ+Φ m
Let’s now turn to the eigenfunctions Y (θ , ϕ ) of L̂2 . It can be easily verified that
these are also eigenfunctions of Lˆz :
where Lˆ†± = Lˆm has been used. [See the “Think” problem on page 78.] Using
equation (5.12) equation (5.42) becomes
= L2 − m ( m +1) h2 Y Y }
Prepared by Mesfin Tadesse, CoE, AAU, Megabit 2000 EC 82
Quantum Mechanics (PyEd 342)
We know that the inner product of any eigenfunction with itself is a positive-
definite real quantity, that is,
Lˆ+Y Lˆ+Y ≥ 0
Or L2 ≥ m ( m + 1) h2 (5.43)
Equation (5.43) tells us that the magnetic quantum number m has restricted
values. For example, if the magnitude of the angular momentum vector L is
6 2 h , then by the condition (5.43) we have
72 ≥ m ( m + 1)
m = 0, ± 1, ± 2, ± 3, ± 4, ± 5, ± 6, ± 7, ± 8.
Lˆ−Y Lˆ−Y ≥ 0 .
The result is
L2 ≥ m ( m −1) h2 (5.44)
In the restrictive conditions (5.43) and (5.44), the equality holds for the maximum
or minimum values of m . Suppose the maximum value of m is some positive
integer l , that is,
mmax = l
L2 = l ( l + 1) h2
L = l ( l +1) h (5.45)
mmin = −l
L = −l ( −l −1) h = l ( l +1) h
Therefore, inequalities (5.43) and (5.44) are equivalent to the following constraint:
−l ≤ m ≤ l (5.46)
where l is a non-negative integer. We, thus, conclude that the quantum number m
can only take a restricted range of integer values. The integer l is known as the
orbital (azimuthal) quantum number.
Using the two quantum numbers l and m , equations (5.35) and (5.41) now read
We can now set the rules for the allowed values of the quantum numbers l and
−l, − l + 1, − l + 2, L, 0, L, l − 2, l − 1, l (5.46*)
Now, do we get the same the result as in equations (5.39) and (5.40) if we use the
raising and lowering operators to act the eigenstates Yl,m (θ , ϕ ) ? Let us see:
Lˆz Lˆ+Yl,m = Lˆz , Lˆ+ + Lˆ+ Lˆz Yl,m = hLˆ+ + Lˆ+ Lˆz Yl,m
Thus, we conclude, as in equations (5.39) and (5.40), that the effect of the raising
operator L̂+ acting on an eigenstate of Lˆz corresponding to the eigenvalue mh is to
convert this eigenstate to an eigenstate corresponding to the eigenvalue ( m + 1) h .
Likewise, the lowering operator L̂− changes an eigenstate of Lˆz corresponding to
the eigenvalue mh into an eigenstate corresponding to the eigenvalue ( m − 1) h .
α l,m βl,m+1 = l ( l + 1) − m ( m + 1) h2 ) (5.55)
Lˆ+ Lˆ−Yl,m = βl,mα l,m−1Yl,m = l ( l +1) − m ( m −1) h2Yl,m
Or (
βl,mα l,m−1 = l ( l + 1) − m ( m −1) h2 ) (5.56)
α l,m = l ( l + 1) − m ( m + 1) h (5.57)
β l ,m = l ( l + 1) − m ( m − 1) h (5.58)
1. Prove that the condition given by (5.44) is correct.
2. Verify eqautions (5.50) and (5.56).
3. Check the validity of equations (5.57) and (5.58) by substituting into equations
(5.55) and (5.56), respectively.
4. Suppose m = ±l in equations (5.59) and (5.60). What would be the result?
5. using equations (5.25) and (5.26) write out the differential equations for
The effect is clearly to convert the eigenstate into that of a state with a lower value
of m , i.e., m = −l − 1 . However, no such state exists because of the constraint
(5.46) or (5.46*) . We must, therefore, have
These results could be directly obtained from equations (5.59) and (5.60).
We continue our investigation by picking one of the equations above, say equation
(5.62) which tells us that there is no state for which m has a larger value than + l .
The eigenstate corresponding to m = + l is, using equation (5.34),
Yl,l (θ ,ϕ ) = Θl,l (θ ) Φl (ϕ ) = Θl,l (θ ) ei lϕ (5.63)
Inserting this into equation (5.62) and making use of equation (5.25) we obtain
∂ ∂
heiϕ Θl,l (θ ) e
i lϕ
+ i cot θ =0 (5.64)
∂θ ∂ϕ
d Θl,l
− l cot θ Θl,l = 0 (5.65)
Integrating (5.65) gives
Θl,l = Cl,l ( sin θ )
Cl,l l i lϕ
Yl,l (θ ,ϕ ) =
(sinθ ) e (5.66)
In a similar way demonstrate that
Cl,l l
Yl,−l (θ ,ϕ ) =
(sinθ ) e − i lϕ (5.67)
∫ Yl,l (θ ,ϕ ) d Ω = 1 where d Ω = sin θ dθ dϕ (5.68)
π 2π
1 2 2l
Cl,l ∫ ∫ ( sin θ ) sin θ dθ dϕ = 1
2π θ = 0 ϕ =0
2 π l
∫ (1 − cos θ ) sin θ dθ = 1
2 +1 l
∫ (1 − u ) du = 1
Cl,l (5.69)
+1 l 2 ( ) 2l l!
(1 − u )2
du =
2l + 1 ( 2l )!
Inseting this into equation (5.69) yields an expression for the constant Cl,l :
2l + 1 1
Cl,l =
2 ( 2l )! l
2 l!
2l + 1 1 l
Yl,l (θ ,ϕ ) = ( 2l )! l ( sin θ ) ei lϕ (5.72)
4π 2 l!
Having determined the form of Yl,l , we can obtain the lower state eigenfunction
Yl ,l −1 by using equations (5.26) and (5.60) for m = l , that is, we use the lowering
operator on Yl,l :
∂ ∂
Lˆ−Yl,l = he−iϕ − + i cot θ Y = l ( l + 1) − l ( l − 1) hYl,l −1
∂θ ∂ϕ l,l
This yields
1 −iϕ ∂ ∂
Yl,l−1 = e − + i cot θ Yl,l (5.73)
2l ∂θ ∂ϕ
Yl,l−1 =
( −1) Cl,l i l −1 ϕ d
e ( ) + l cot θ ( sin θ )
2π 2l dθ
d 1
(sin θ ) f (θ )
+ l cot θ f (θ ) = l (5.75)
(sin θ ) dθ
i l −1)ϕ
( −1) Cl,l e ( 1 1 d 2l
Yl,l−1 =
l −1
(sinθ ) (5.76)
2π 2l
(sinθ ) sin θ dθ
By operating on Yl ,l −1 with the lowering operator (5.26) and using equation (5.60)
with m = l − 1 , we get:
∂ ∂
Lˆ−Yl,l−1 = he−iϕ − + i cot θ Y = l ( l + 1) − ( l −1)( l − 2 ) hYl,l−2
∂θ ∂ϕ l,l−1
Substituting equation (5.76) and using (5.75) we obtain the eigenstate Yl,l − 2 for
which m = l − 2 :
2 i l − 2)ϕ
( −1) Cl,l e ( 1 1 d
Yl,l−2 = l − 2 sin θ dθ
(sinθ ) (5.77)
2π 2!( 2l )( 2l − 1) ( sin θ )
Proceeding in the same way, we can show that the eigenstate with m = l − 3 is
( −1) Cl,l e ( )
3 i l −3 ϕ 3
1 1 d 2l
l −3 sin θ dθ (
Yl,l−3 = sin θ ) 5.78)
2π 3!( 2l )( 2l − 1)( 2l − 2 ) ( sin θ )
Inspection of equations (5.77) and (5.78) reveals a general functional form of the
spherical harmonics. So, for m = l − k , where 0 ≤ k ≤ 2l , we can write:
( −1) Cl,l e ( )
k i l −k ϕ k
1 1 d 2l
Yl,l−k =
( sin θ )
2π k !( 2l )( 2l − 1)L( 2l − k + 1) ( sin θ ) sin θ dθ
Cl,l ( l + m )! eimϕ 1 −1 d
Yl,m = m (sin θ )
2π ( l − m )!( 2l )! ( sin θ ) sin θ dθ
Or, substituting the expression for Cl,l , i.e., equation (5.71), we have
( 2l + 1)( l + m)! eimϕ 1 −1 d
Yl,m =
4π ( l − m )!
2l l! ( sin θ )m sin θ dθ
(sinθ ) (5.79)
The first few spherical harmonics obtained from equation (5.79) are listed below:
l m Yl,m l m Yl,m
1 7
0 0 Y0,0 =
3 0 Y3,0 =
( 5cos3 θ − 3cos θ )
3 21
1 0 Y1,0 = cos θ ±1 Y3,±1 = m sin θ ( 5cos 2 θ − 1) e± iϕ
4π 64π
±1 Y1, ±1 = m
sin θ e± iϕ ±2 Y3,±2 = 105 sin 2 θ cos θ e ±2iϕ
8π 32π
5 35
2 0 Y2,0 = ( 3cos 2 θ − 1) ±3 Y3, ±3 = m sin 3 θ e±3iϕ
16π 64π
Yl,m = ( −1)
m ( 2l + 1)(l − m )! eimϕ P cosθ ,
l,m ( ) for m ≥ 0 (5.80)
4π ( l + m )!
−m 2
l + m ( l + m )! 1 − u
) d
l−m l
Pl,m ( u ) = ( −1)
(l − m)! 2l l!
1− u 2 ) (5.81)
for m ≥ 0 . Alternatively,
l 1− u 2 ) d
l+m l
Pl,m (u ) = ( −1) 2l l!
(1− u ) 2
for m ≥ 0 . The spherical harmonics for m < 0 can be easily obtained from the
Yl,−m = ( −1) Yl*,m (5.83)
We have seen that these spherical harmonics are simultaneous eigenstates of Lˆz
(eigenvalues mh ) and L̂2 (with eigenvalues l ( l + 1) h 2 ). The spherical harmonics
given by equatios (5.79) or (5.80) are orthonormal:
∫ Yl′,m′Yl,md Ω = δ ll′ δ mm′ (5.84)
They also form a complete set. That is, any function of θ and φ can be represented
as a superposition of spherical harmonics. Hence,
∞ l
ψ (θ ,ϕ ) = ∑ ∑ cl,mYl,m (θ ,ϕ ) (5.85)
l=0 m=− l
Spin Operators
Spin angular momentum, just like orbital angular momentum, obeys the general
commutation relation
Sˆ × Sˆ = ihSˆ (5.86)
We can also define the magnitude squared of the spin angular momentum vector
by the operator
Following the algebra of orbital angular momentum in section 5.2, we can show
Sˆ 2 , Sˆ = Sˆ 2 , Sˆ = Sˆ 2 , Sˆ = 0 (5.89)
That is, we can simultaneously measure the magnitude squared of the spin angular
momentum and, at most, one cartesian component which is, by convention, the z-
component ( Sˆz ).
Analogous to equations (5.10), we can define raising and lowering operators for
spin angular momentum:
S± = S x ± iS y (5.90)
It can be easily demonstrated that the raising and lowering operators defind by
equation (5.90) satisfy the relations:
Sˆ = Sˆm (5.91)
Sˆ , Sˆ = m hS (5.94)
± z ±
The spin angular momentum of a quantum particle has nothing to do with motion
in real space; it is just a fundamental property of the quantum particle. Therefore,
unlike the orbital angular momentum, the spin angular momentum cannot be
expressed in terms of space coordinates x, y, z or r , θ , ϕ . This means, the spin
operators cannot be represented by differential operators as was done in section
5.3 for the case of orbital angular momentum operators. Now the question is: what
could the wavefunctions upon which the spin operators act possibly be? Definitely
we cannot have spin wavefunctions that depend on real space coordinates like the
spherical harmonics. It may be inappropriate to take them as regular functions in
the first place. We can think of spin eigenvectors in an abstract vector space, say
the spin space, on which the spin operators act. The eigenvectors in this space
correspond to the internal state of the particle under investigation.
Suppose a quantum particle has N linearly independent internal states which are
characterized by linearly independent spin vectors χ n . These N independent spin
vectors determine the dimensionality of the spin space. Now, it is a fundamental
assumption of quantum mechanics that the internal states of a particle are
χ = ∑ cn χ n (5.95)
n =1
χ = χ †χ ≥ 0 (5.96)
χ a† χb = χb† χ a = 0 (5.97)
Since the independent spin vectors discussed above span the spin space, they must
be orthonormal, that is,
χ n† χ m = δ nm (5.98)
These are the eigenvectors or eigenstates of the spin operators we are looking for!
If Ô represents a general spin operator, then
Oˆ χ n = α n χ n (5.99)
s ( s + 1) − ms ( ms ± 1) ≥ 0 (5.104)
So, for some given value of s , the possible values of ms are restricted within the
range between the minimum value − s and the maximum value + s . Therefore,
spin states like χ s , s +1 or χ s ,− s −1 do not exist. Using the raising and lowering
operators we then have
Given the eigenstate χ s ,− s , how many times should the raising operator be
employed to arrive at the eigenstate χ s , s ? Let’s see:
2 3
Sˆ+ χ s,− s → χ s ,− s +1 , Sˆ
+ χ s ,− s → χ s ,− s + 2 , Sˆ
+ χ s , − s → χ s , − s +3
4 k
Sˆ χ s ,− s → χ s ,− s + 4 , ------------ Sˆ χ s ,− s → χ s ,− s + k = χ s , s
+ +
We see from the pattern above that, after employing Ŝ+ k times, − s + k = s . Or
k = 2s (5.107)
where k is a positive integer. Hence, the values of the spin quantum number s are
s = k = 0, 1 , 1, 3 , 2, 5 , 3, K (5.108)
2 2 2 2
Unlike the orbital quantum number l , the spin quantum number s can take
positive half-integer values in addition to positive integer values. In our discussion
of orbital angular momentum, the quantum number m , which is analogous to ms ,
is restricted to take integer values due to the requirement that the wavefunctions be
singlevaued [see equation (5.29)]. Consequently, the quantum number l , which is
analogous to s , is also restricted to take integer values. We have seen that these
restrictions are end results of the representation of the orbital angular momentum
operators as differential operators in real space. There is no such representation
of the corresponding spin angular momentum operators. Hence, there is no reason
to restrict the quantum number s to integer values only.
By using equations (5.108) and (5.105) in equations (5.100) and (5.101), we can
determine the eigenvalues of the spin operators Sˆz and Ŝ 2 as shown below:
We have discussed that there are no coordinates θ and ϕ associated with internal
angular momentum. So the only thing we can do now to develop a spinor
representation for spin 1 2 .
The total spin for electrons is s = 1 2 . This means, there are only two possible spin
states for an electron. The usual basis states are the eigenstates of sz : ± 12 h .
χ + = χ 1 , 1 = 12 , 12 Spin up (5.109)
2 2
Sˆz χ ± = ± 12 hχ ± (5.111)
Ŝ 2 χ ± = 34 h2 χ ± (5.112)
χ +† χ + = χ −† χ − = 1 (5.113)
and χ +† χ − = χ −† χ + = 0 (5.114)
1 0
χ + =
and χ − = (5.115)
χ = = a χ + + bχ − (5.116)
2 2
with the normalization condition that a + b = 1 .
Now we derive the matrix operators for spin. A general spin operator which
operates on a spinor like the one given by equation (5.116) above must be
represented as a 2 × 2 matrix. Thus, using equations (5.111) and (5.115) for spin-
½ particles we can write
c11 c12 1 1 1
= h for spin up
0 2 0
c11 c12 0 1 0
= − h for spin down
c22 1 2 1
h 2 0 1 1 0
Sˆz = = 2 h (5.117)
0 − h 2 0 −1
1 0
Sˆ 2 = 34 h2 (5.118)
0 1
Ŝ± χ m = hχ ±
0 1
Sˆ+ = h (5.119)
0 0
0 0
Sˆ− = h (5.120)
1 0
S +S 0 1
Sˆx = + − = 2h (5.121)
2 1 0
S −S 0 −i
Sˆ y = + − = h2 (5.122)
2i i 0
We can see from equations (5.117), (5.121) and (5.122) that the spin operator Ŝ
can be conveniebtly expressed in vector form by
Sˆ = h2 σˆ
0 1 0 −i 1 0
σˆ x = σˆ y = σˆ z =
1 0 i 0 0 −1
1. Show that the Pauli matrices satisfy the usual commutation relations from
which we derived the properties of angular momentum operators.
2. Find the Pauli representations of Sˆx , Sˆ y , and Sˆz for a spin-1 particle.
3. Find the Pauli representations of the normalized eigenstates of Sˆx and Sˆ y for a
spin-½ particle.
4. Suppose that a spin-½ particle has a spin vector which lies in the xz plane,
making an angle θ with the z axis. Demonstrate that a measurement of S z
yields h 2 with probability cos 2 (θ 2 ) , and −h 2 with probability sin 2 (θ 2 ) .
5. An electron is in the spin-state
1 − 2i
χ = A Pauli representation
Determine the constant A by normalizing χ . If a measurement of Sˆz is made,
what values will be obtained, and with what probabilities? What is the
expectation value of Sˆz ? Repeat the above calculations for Sˆx and Sˆ y .
6. Consider a spin-½ system represented by the normalized spinor
χ =
e sin α
in the Pauli representation, where α and β are real. What is the probability
that a measurement of Sˆ y yields −h 2 ?
The quantum tereatment determines the energy levels of the electron leading to the
spectrum of hydrogen: the radiations (photons) that the atom can absorb or emit.
The result of this treatment is also very important for understanding the properties
of the other elements and of chemical bonds.
1 e2
V (r ) = − (6.1)
4πε 0 r
Where r is the distance from the nuclus, e = 1.6 × 10−19 C is the electronic charge
and ε 0 = 8.85 ×10−12 C 2 Jm is the permittivity of space.
Adding to this the kinetic energy operator, we get the Hamiltonian of the hydrogen
atom in spherical coordinates:
h2 2
Ĥ = − ∇ +V (r )
h 2 ∂ 2 ∂ 1 ∂ ∂ 1 ∂ 2 1 e2
=− r + sin θ + −
2me r 2 ∂r ∂r sin θ ∂θ ∂θ sin 2 θ ∂ϕ 2 4πε 0 r
Note: The small proton motion can be corrected for by using the reduced mass
me m p
µ= = 9.1044 × 10−31 kg . This makes the solution exact, except for extremely
me + m p
small effects due to relativity and spin.
ψ ( r ,θ ,ϕ ) = R ( r ) Y (θ ,ϕ ) = R ( r ) Θ (θ ) Φ (ϕ ) (6.2)
h 2 d 2 dR R ∂ ∂Y R ∂ 2Y 1 e2
− Y r + sin θ + − RY = ERY
2me r 2 dr dr sin θ ∂θ ∂θ sin 2 θ ∂ϕ 2 4πε 0 r
Multiplying this equation by 2me r 2 RY throughout and then then splitting the
terms yields:
h 2 d 2 dR 1 h 2 ∂ ∂Y h 2 ∂ 2Y 2me r 2 e2
− r + − sin θ − 2 − = 2me r 2 E
R dr dr Y sin θ ∂θ ∂θ sin θ ∂ϕ 4πε 0 r
We have seen in Chapter 5 that the expression in the square brackets is the square
of the angular momentum operator acting on the spherical harmonics Y, equation
(5.35), which is reproduced here:
h2 ∂ ∂Y h 2 ∂ 2Y
Lˆ2Y = − sin θ − = l ( l + 1) h 2Y
sin θ ∂θ 2
∂θ sin θ ∂ϕ 2
2 2
h 2 d 2 dR 2 2me r e
− r + l ( l + 1) h − = 2me r 2 E (6.3)
R dr dr 4πε 0 r
u ( r ) = rR ( r ) (6.4)
d 2 dR d 2u (6.5)
r = r
dr dr dr 2
Using equations (6.4) and (6.5) in equation (6.3) and dividing by 2me r 2 we obtain:
h 2 d 2u h 2 l ( l + 1) 1 e2 (6.6)
− + − u = Eu
2me dr 2 2me r 2 4πε 0 r
This equation is known as the radial equation and the expression in square
brackets is known as the effective potential energy.
1 e2 h2 l ( l +1)
Veff = − +
4πε 0 r 2me r 2
Now let’s examine the asymptotic behaviour of u ( r ) . There are two cases: r → ∞
and r → 0 .
d 2u 2me E
= − 2
u = κ 2u
dr h
u ( r ) = Ae−κ r + Be+κ r
The second term is not physically acceptable for it makes the function blow up as
r → ∞ . This implies that B = 0 . So,
d 2u l ( l +1)
= u
dr 2 r2
Here we assume a solution of the form u = Cr s where C is a constant. Putting this
into the equation above yields:
s ( s −1) = l ( l +1)
u ( r ) = Cr l+1 + Dr −l
Now a solution to the radial equation which encompasses the asymptotic behaviors
given by equations (6.7) and (6.8) can be written as
u ( r ) = r l+1e−κ r v ( r ) (6.9)
d 2u d 2v dv l ( l +1)
= r 2
+ 2 ( l + 1 − κ r ) + − 2κ ( l + 1) + κ 2r v r le−κ r
dr dr dr r
Putting this into equation (6.6) and noting that κ = −2me E h , the radial equation
d 2v dv 2mee2
dr 2
+ 2 ( l + 1 − κ r ) dr 4πε h2 ( ) v = 0
+ − 2κ l + 1 (6.10)
ρ =κr (6.11)
dv d ρ dv d 2v 2
2 d v
Then, = =κ and = κ
dr dr dρ dr 2 dρ2
Substituting these into equation (6.10) and using equation (6.11) we obtain
ρ d v2 + 2 ( l +1 − ρ ) dv + α − 2 ( l +1) v = 0 (6.12)
dρ dρ
where α = 2mee2 (6.13)
4πε 0h κ
We now assume a power-series solution to equation (6.12) and then determine the
coefficients in the power series, that is,
v ( ρ ) = ∑ bj ρ j (6.14)
j =0
dv ∞
Differentiating: = ∑ jb j ρ j −1 (6.15)
d ρ j =1
d 2v ∞
= ∑ j ( j −1) b j ρ j −2 (6.16)
dρ j =2
j =0
( j + 1)( j + 2l + 2 ) b j +1 − 2 ( l + 1 + j ) − α b j ρ = 0
This equation is valid for all values of ρ if the coefficient vanishes, that is,
2 ( l +1 + j ) − α
b j +1 = bj (6.18)
( j +1)( j + 2l + 2)
b j +1 = b
j +1 j
bj = b for large j
j! 0
v ( ρ ) = b0 ∑
∞ ( 2ρ ) = b0e2 ρ
j =0 j!
2 ( l +1+ j ) −α = 0
Or 2n = α (6.19)
where n = j + l + 1 = 1, 2,3,L
It turns out that the solutions of the radial problem can be numbered using a third
quantum number, n , called the principal quantum number. The principal quantum
number is larger than the azimuthal quantum number l , which in turn must be at
least as large as the absolute value of the magnetic quantum number m :
n>l≥ m
In terms of the quantum numbers n and l , the recursion relation (6.18) becomes
2 ( j + l +1− n )
b j +1 = bj (6.18*)
( j +1)( j + 2l + 2)
Now combining equations (6.13) and (6.19)
κ = mee 2 1 = 1 (6.20)
4πε 0h n a0n
where the length a0 is called the Bohr radius and has the value
4πε 0h2
a0 = 2
= 0.529 ×10−10 m (6.21)
Also, we can easily obtain from equations (6.11) and (6.20) the relation
ρ= r (6.22)
m e2 1 h2 1
En = − e2 = − (6.23)
2h 4πε 0 n2 2me a02 n2
The eigenfunctions for the radial equation of the hydrogen atom can now be
obtained by combining equations (6.4), (6.9), (6.11) and (6.14):
n −l −1
Rnl ( ρ ) = ρ l e− ρ vnl ( ρ ) = ρ le− ρ ∑
j =0
bj ρ j (6.24)
R1,0 ( ρ ) = b0e− ρ
R1,0 ( r ) = Ce−r a0
2 −r a0
R1,0 ( r ) = e (6.25)
Let’s try now R2,0 : R2,0 ( ρ ) = e− ρ ∑ b j ρ j = e− ρ ( b0 + b1ρ )
j =0
R2,0 ( ρ ) = b0e− ρ (1 − ρ )
R2,0 ( r ) = Ce−r 2a0 1 −
−r a
∫ e 0 (1− r 2a0 ) r dr = C 2a0 = 1
2 2 3
( )
1 r −r 2a0
So, R2,0 ( r ) = 1 − e (6.26)
2a0 2a0
All the other radial functions can be determined in a similar way. Generally,
however, the radial wave functions Rnl are obtained from the following generic
3 l
Rnl ( r ) =
( n − l −1)! e−r na
0 2r
na0 3 na0 na0
2n ( n + l )!
Lqp ( z ) = ( −1) dz q Lp+q ( z ) (6.28)
d p −z p
Lp ( z ) = e z
e z (6.29)
dz p
p and q in equations (6.28) and (6.29) are integers.
The first few Laguerre pliynomials obtained from equation (6.29) are listed below:
L0 = 1
L1 = − z + 1
L2 = z 2 − 4 z + 2
L3 = − z 3 + 9 z 2 − 18 z + 6
L4 = z 4 − 16 z 3 + 72 z 2 − 96 z + 24
L5 = − z 5 + 25 z 4 − 200 z 3 + 600 z 2 − 600 z + 120
The first few associated Laguerre polynomials obtained from equation (6.28) are:
R10 = 2a0−3 2 e − r a0
1 −3 2 r − r 2 a0 1 −3 2 r − r 2 a0
R20 = a0 1 − e R21 = a0 e
2 2a0 24 a0
In terms of the three quantum numbers, the final energy eigenfunctions of the
hydrogen atom are:
where Ylm are the spherical harmonics discussed in Chapter 5. These energy
eigenfunctions of hydrogen are, of course, orthonormal:
* 2
∫ψ nlmψ n'l'm' r sin θ drdθ dϕ = δ nn'δ ll 'δ mm '
1. Use the tables for the radial wave functions and the spherical harmonics to
write down the wave function
ψ nlm ( r ,θ ,ϕ ) = Rnl ( r ) Ylm (θ ,ϕ )
for the case of the ground state ψ 100 and check that this state is normalized.
2. An electron in the Coulomb field of a proton is in the state described by the
wave function
6(4ψ 100 + 3ψ 211 −ψ 210 + 10ψ 21−1 )
Find the expectation value of the Energy, L2 and Lz .
h2 1
En = − , n = 1, 2, 3, L (6.31)
2me a02 n2
Evidently, the energy depends only on the principal quantum number n , and not
also on the orbital (azimuthal) quantum number l and the magnetic quantum
number m . Since the lowest possible value of the principal quantum number is
one, the lowest possible energy is
E1 = −13.6eV (6.32)
This corresponds to the ground state of the hydrogen atom given by the
eigenfunction ψ 100 . The ground state is the state in which the hydrogen atom will
be at absolute zero temperature. Even at room temperature, it will still be in the
ground state since the thermal energy at room temperature is unlikely to raise the
energy level of the electron to the next higher one, E2 .
We see from equation (6.31) that the energy eigenvalues are all negative, unlike
those of the harmonic oscillator, which were all positive. This actually results from
defining the potential energy of the harmonic oscillator to be zero at the
equilibrium of the particle, while the hydrogen potential is instead defined to be
zero at large distance from the nucleus. Another difference is that the energy of the
hydrogen atom has a maximum value, namely zero, while there is no upper limit
for the energy values of the harmonic oscillator. This means, physically, that while
the particle can never escape in a harmonic oscillator, in a hydrogen atom, the
electron escapes if its total energy is greater than zero. Such a loss of the electron
is called ionization of the atom. The ionization energy of the hydrogen atom is
13.6 eV.
If the electron is excited (say, by passing a spark through hydrogen gas) from the
ground state to a higher but still bound energy level, it will in time make a
transition back to a lower energy level. The energy lost by the electron during a
transition is emitted as electromagnetic radiation in the form of a photon. The
energy of the photon emitted during electron transition is the difference between
the initial and final energy eigenvalues. That is,
h 2 1 1 (6.33)
E photon = Eni − En f = −
2me a02 n2f ni2
E photon h 1 1
1 1
ν= = − = RH − (6.34)
2π h 4π me a02 n2f ni2 n2 n 2
Where RH = 109677.6 cm −1 is the Rydberg constant for the Hydrogen atom. Figure
6.1 shows some of the possible transitions which constitute the spectrum of
hydrogen. The most energetic photons, in the ultraviolet range, are emitted by
Lyman transitions. Balmer transitions emit visible light and Paschen ones infrared.
There is a convention to name l = 0 the " s " states, l = 1 the " p " states, l = 2 the
" d " states and l = 3 the " f " states. From there on follow the alphabet with
g , h, i, L . The ground state of Hydrogen has n = 1 and l = 0 . Therefore, according
to the convention, the ground state is called the 1s state. The first excited state of
Hydrogen has n = 2 . Corresponding to this, there are four degenerate states (not
counting different spin states). In terms of ψ nlm , these are ψ 200 , ψ 21−1 , ψ 210 , ψ 211 .
These are called the 2s and 2 p states.
The second excited state has n = 3 with the degenerate states 3s , 3 p and 3d . This
totals 9 states with the different allowed m values.
Figure 6.2: Possible electron transitions in a Hydrogen atom. Note that transitions
which change l by one unit are strongly preferred.