1 - Ephesians 5 Questions
1 - Ephesians 5 Questions
1 - Ephesians 5 Questions
1. In Matthew 18:3, Jesus told his disciples that unless they change and become like little children, they would never
enter the Kingdom of Heaven! He did not direct this statement to non-believers. Notice the word "as" in Ephesians
5:1. How does a "dear child" usually behave? How does a "dearly loved child" act? What kind of character traits
do they have?
2. How does one be a follower of God? How does one be an "imitator of God"? If you think the answer to the last two
questions is in verse two, or even if you don't, how does an individual live a lie of love? What kind of attitude
towards all others should such a person have? What does it mean "being a sacrifice to God"?
3. What is the most common sin of church-goers listed in Ephesians 5:3? What is the most common sin of church-
goers listed in the forth verse? What is the second most common sin in that verse? Why are the last two sins "not
convenient" or "out of place"? Why is giving thanks always convenient and appropriate?
4. What does the word "for" mean in verse 5? How are the common sins in verses 3 & 4 immoral and how do they
relate to impurity and greediness? What does Romans 14:17 say the "Kingdom of God" is? Why are the stern
warnings in Ephesians 5:5-8 necessary and important? (Look at Hebrews 10:19-25.)
5. Does Ephesians 5:7 tell Christians to hate or condemn fornicators, immoral and coveting (or greedy) individuals, or
obscene and foolish talkers or joke tellers? How should a Christian relate to such individuals? What does it mean to
be "light in the Lord"? Does "light" relate to "truthfulness" and is the latter the best thing for avoiding doing the sins
mentioned in the chapter? (Refer to Philippians 4:8 and Ephesians 6:14 also) How can you "live as a child of
light"? (Refer to Galatians 5:22-26 also)
6. Ephesians 5:10 has two interpretations. How can you "find out what pleases God"? How can you "prove what is
acceptable unto the Lord"? Remember, this verse is not an independent sentence from the two verses above or even
from verse 1 of this chapter.
7. How can you live Ephesians 5:11-12? Give specific examples.
8. Explain verse 13 as if you are teaching a class of new church members.
9. How does verse 14 relate to James 5:19 & 20?
10. How do verses 15 & 16 relate to 1 Peter 3:8-17?
11. What does it mean to "understand what the Lord's will is"? Give specific examples. What are the positive and
negative motivator which prompt you to live a moral life? Are there certain habits and relationships you need to
stop? What will you replace them with?
12. Give specific examples of what you can do to live the 7 commandments in Ephesians 5:17-21. (Incidentally, this is
the third group of 7 commandments each in Ephesians 4:17-5:21 and each group relates to one of the Godhead more
than to the others!) Especially explain how you can give thanks for all things and give thanks in every situation.
13. While restudying the first twenty-one verses of this chapter, list the indicated good characteristics a Christian spouse
should have or be striving to have. (Some of these characteristics are the opposites of the sins listed.) Which items
on the list do you still need? How can you acquire them?
14. How should a local church be subject unto Jesus Christ? List what would be Christ pleasing activities which would
encourage it participants to be more Christ-like. Therefore, how should wives submit or be subject unto their own
husbands? (The reason for this line of questioning is found in the word "as" in verse 24.)
15. How does Christ love His disciples? (24 different answers) Read John 14-17 before answering. What do verses 26
and 27 of Ephesians 5 really mean? How does a Christian husband do the same for his wife in specially relating to
her? Make a practical list assuming that both husband and wife have outside employment.
16. In what ways and how should a man love his own body? Therefore, in what specific ways should a husband love his
wife? How should his attitude toward his wife compare to his attitudes towards other females? How is the middle
part of verse 29 done? Give specific examples. Therefore, how can a Christian husband "feeds and cares"
("nourishes and cherishes") his wife? Give specific examples.
17. How does verse 31 relate to the purpose of marriage (as God purposed)? (Remember this purpose was stated to a
couple who didn't have parents. See Genesis 2:24.) What does this purpose say about the devotion and faithfulness
spouses should have to each other? Why should marriage never be considered "fifty- fifty"? In reality, how does a
husband and wife become one? (The answer is not inter-course, because a couple who can't do such can still be one
as verse 31 indicates.)
18. Don't verses 32 & 33 seem to be a reiteration of verses 22-30? Why is this "great mystery" so important for us in
determining what God sees as the important characteristics of Christian spouses?
19. Notice that in the last verse, the main command for the husband has not changed and that the one for the wife is
different wording. In what specific ways should a Christian wife respect or reference he husband? How should that
compare to how she relates to others men, especially a boss or supervisor?
20. How much more does it seem that God holds husbands responsible for a Christian marriage than the wives? (Count
the verses related to each and determine the percentage of husbands responsible for a Christian marriage than the
wives? (Count the verses related to each and determine the percentage of husband verses in relation to the verses in
this passage about spouse responsibilities.) Why is this understanding of God's view of spouse responsibility
important? What are the most popular reasons for divorce? What are the usual reasons give by couples for their
marriages lasting "so long" when they are celebrating their wedding anniversary with a banquet or party?