BCA 253 Program List-1
BCA 253 Program List-1
BCA 253 Program List-1
S. NO.
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Implement in C
Write a Program To enter ten no. Count total Even & Odd Numbers &then perform the sum of even &odd no separately. Write a Program to Print Fibonacci Series. Multiplication of two number without using * Multiplication table of any number Reverse of a number Reverse of a string without using string operations
Implement in C ++
7 8 9 C++ Programming Basics Accept three numbers, find their sum, average and grade Program to identify if an input is a symbol, digit or character WAP to perform the Arithmetic operation & use the concept of typecasting.
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15 Write a Program to construct a structure called employee that contains two members,employee number of type integer &employee compensation of type float .Now ask the user to fill this data for three employees,store it in three variable of typed employee & then display the information for each employee. Create a structure of type distance, take two variables of type distance. Add their values and assign to third variable and print
17 18 WAP to print a character given number of times using function rep_char(char,int) WAP to create a function init() having following parameters id,name,course.Pass parameters to this function through user & if user does not give parameters provide default value to id as 1 & name as abc. WAP to create Inline function to find greatest of two no.. WAP to sum the digit of a no. using recursion.
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Operator Overloading
28 29 30 WAP to subtact 2 complex number using Operator Overloading. WAP to overload comparison operator (>) to compare objects of distance class with feet & inch. WAP to overload == to compare 2 string objects.
31 WAP to create base class house which has following member functios: i)constructor to initialise length & breadth of house. ii)funtion dimension to input dimension of house. iii)function get_door() to input number of doors in house. iv) function get_wind() to input number of windows in house. Derive two subclasses door & windows from the class house .two derived classes have methods to calculate total cost of doors/window. WAP to create multiple product company database using multiple inheritance WAP to create base class player having fields name,type_of_sport,experience.Derive two subclasses zone & national having
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members for rank.From these two subclasses zone & national ,derive another class called international,which calculate the final rank of player by adding ranks in two classes zone & national &apply condition on them. WAP to create a base class student having data members: a)roll_no b)name c) course.Derive a subclass test having data members to input marks of 3 subjects,derive another subclass result having data members & member function to calculate total marks.Provide functions get_data() & put_data() in each class to input values & display them using multilevel inheritance
Virtual Function
35 WAP to create two classes Dimension &Shape having required data members & member functions. Make shape class as friend of dimension class so that it can access its private data member for fetching Dimensions, & then calculate area of particular shape through member function of shape class. Create a base class Shape & derive classes circle,square & triangle.In base class write a virtual function draw & override it in derived class.