General Catalogue Tintometer Lovibond Oils-Fats
General Catalogue Tintometer Lovibond Oils-Fats
General Catalogue Tintometer Lovibond Oils-Fats
E d i b l e O i l s & Fa t s Oleochemicals & Surfactants Industrial Oils & Resins Liquid Chemicals Tr a n s p a re n t L i q u i d s
AOCS-Tintometer Colour beta Carotene Chlorophyll A & B Dichromate Colour Index FAC Colour Gardner Colour Hess-Ives Colour Units Iodine Colour Klett Colour Kreis Value Lovibond RYBN Pt-Co/Hazen/APHA Colour Rosin, US Naval Stores Yellowness Index CIE Values Spectral Data
The Tintometer
....... Tintometer
4 4 5
....... Why Measure Colour? ....... The Colour Scales ....... Lovibond Instrument Selection Guide
....... Lovibond PFX995, PFX950, PFX880/L & PFX880/AT Tintometers ....... Lovibond PFX195 Automatic Colorimeters ....... Lovibond Tintometer Model F ....... Lovibond Tintometer AF 710 - 3 ....... Lovibond Comparator 3000 Series ....... Lovibond Comparator System 2000 ....... Accessories Colorimetry Cells Conformance Filter Sets Certified Colour Reference Standards
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Over a Century of Excellence in Colour Measurement
In the 1800s, Joseph Lovibond, the founder of The Tintometer Ltd, developed the original Lovibond Colour Scale, which was based on a calibrated series of red, yellow and blue glasses. Today companies throughout the world use Lovibond colorimeters in the analysis of products such as edible and industrial oils, oil derivatives, liquid chemicals, paint vehicles and coatings. Over the years the Lovibond brand has become the hallmark for colour measurement in processing industries, recognised by major international standardising bodies, including the AOCS, ISO and ASTM, who quote our equipment in their specifications for colour measurement. Tintometers unparalleled knowledge is embodied into the Lovibond range of instruments, from the visual comparators for single-scale colour grading through to flexible, full-scale spectrophotometric instruments for objective measurement and data analysis. And it is this unique experience that ensures excellent correlation between automatic and visual grading instruments.
Quality Assured
All Lovibond equipment can be issued with a Certificate of Conformity, which confirms that the product has been manufactured, inspected and tested under the control of our ISO 9001 Quality Management System and conform in all respects with the stated standard or test method. In addition, Tintometer has been awarded UKAS (United Kingdom Accreditation Service) accreditation as one of an elite group of calibration laboratories for spectral response and CIE measurements. As a result, we are now able to supply glass filters and reference materials for Lovibond instruments with colour measurements that are directly traceable to national standards.
Q852 0630
As a Performance Indicator
For example, to assess the performance of decolorising materials or to determine a products suitability for a particular purpose.
As a Content Indicator
There is often a correlation between colour and chemical/physical content (for example, the amount of fat in milk). In these cases, colour measurement may offer a simple alternative to more complex means of testing.
AOCS Cc 13b-45 the Wesson Method,AOCS Cc 8d-55, AOCS Cc 13j-97 APHA Colour, see Platinum-Cobalt beta Carotene BS684 Section 2.20 Chlorophyll A & B AOCS Cc 13d-55 Dichromate Colour DGF C-IV 4d (discontinued) Index FAC Colour AOCS Cc 13a-43 Gardner Colour ASTM D 1544, ASTM D 6166, AOCS Td 1a Hazen Colour, see Platinum-Cobalt Hess-Ives Colour Units Iodine Colour DIN 6162 AOCS Dd 5-92
Modified red and yellow version of the Lovibond RYBN scale used for oils, 0.1 - 20 Red fats and derivatives. 1.0 - 70 Yellow
Direct measurement of beta carotene content. Direct measurement of chlorophyll content. Oils and fats where colours are similar to potassium dichromate solutions. Approved by the Fats Analysis Committee of the American Oil Chemists Society for grading dark coloured oils, fats and tallows. Oils & chemicals ranging from pale yellow to red, including lecithins, resins, drying oils & fatty acids. Chemicals and surfactant liquids. Oils and chemicals ranging from yellow to brown. For colours registering 1 or less on the Iodine scale, the Pt-Co Colour scale is applicable. Detergents and surfactants.
1 - 500 units 0 - 1000 units Depends on concentration & pathlength 0.1 - 70 Red,Yellow; 0.1 - 40 Blue; 0.1 - 3.0 Neutral 0 - 500 mg Pt/l XC - D + FF
Colorimetric test for quality control of fats and oils for oxidative rancidity which uses Lovibond Red units. ISO 15305, BS 684, Based on calibrated series of coloured glasses in each of the colours red, AOCS Cc 13e-92, yellow and blue, going from very pale to dark. It is widely used for oils, AOCS Cc 13j-97 fats, chemicals, resins and other transparent liquids products; it is also used for some light-reflecting products such as fats and waxes. ASTM D 1209, AOCS Ea 9-65, Clear oils, chemicals and petrochemicals such as glycerine, solvents, AOCS Td 1b-64 carbon tetrachloride, and petroleum spirits. ASTM D 509 Rosins varying in colour from yellow to reddish orange. ASTM D 1925, ASTM E 313 Determination of the degree of yellowness under daylight illumination. Calculated from X Y Z tristimulus values.
Spectrophotometric Colorimeters
Visual Colorimeters
Visual Comparators
PFX880/L o o o
Tintometer Model F
Tintometer AF710-3
Comparator 2000+
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Dichromate Index COLOUR SCALES FAC Gardner Colour Hess-Ives Colour Units Iodine Klett Colour (blue filter KS-42) Kreis Value Lovibond RYBN Pt-Co/Hazen/APHA Rosin, US Naval Stores Yellowness Index C O L O U R VA L U E S X Y Z tristimulus values x y Y chromaticity co-ordinates CIE L*a*b* colour space L*C*h colour space Hunter L a b colour space
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E colour difference
Transmittance Optical density Path length Windows software Integrated heater unit
Up to 50 mm
Up to 50 mm Up to 6" (153 mm) Up to 51/ " (134mm) 10 mm, 7/8" (Rosin) Up to 40 mm
Up to 6" (153 mm) Up to 6" (153 mm) Up to 6" (153 mm) Up to 6" (153 mm) Up to 50 mm
Up to 288mm
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included as standard
o available as an optional upgrade 2) Includes AF960 AOCS Colour scale upgrade kits for Saybolt and ASTM Colour are available for spectrophotometric colorimeters 5) The current Gardner scale was specified in 1963; Lovibond glass filters are also available for earlier 1953 and 1933 versions.
Lovibond PFX995,
The Lovibond Colour and AOCS-Tintometer Colour scales are popular quantitative methods of colour measurement that have gained widespread international acceptance, particularly with processors of oils and oil derivatives. In addition, certain product sectors have adopted one-dimensional scales such as Gardner and FAC Colour to simplify colour control when the range of sample colours involves varying intensities of a single hue. To satisfy the diverse requirements for colour data, the Lovibond PFX995/950/880 series of high-precision, spectrophotometric colorimeters offers a choice of more than 20 colour scales. The standard versions vary from focussed instruments for Lovibond Colour or AOCS-Tintometer Colour through to a flexible, full-scale package. Additional scales can be added as optional upgrades, either at the time of purchase or at a later date.
0 / L & P F X 8 8 0 / AT T i n t o m e t e r s
Colour Scale
Range 0 - 70 Red,Yellow; 0 - 40 Blue; 0 - 3.9 Neutral 0 - 20 Red, 0 - 70 Yellow 1 - 18 units 0 - 500 mg Pt/l 1 - 45 (odd numbers) 0 - 100 ppm 0 - 1000 ppm 1 - 500 units 0 - 1000 units Depends on concentration and pathlength Defined by spectrum locus
Path length
PFX880/A T
Lovibond RYBN AOCS-Tintometer Colour Gardner Colour Pt-Co/Hazen/APHA Colour FAC Colour Chlorophyll A & B beta Carotene Iodine Colour Hess-Ives Colour Units Klett Colour (blue filter KS-42) Kreis Value CIE Values - X Y Z tristimulus values - x y Y chromaticity co-ordinates - CIE L*a*b* colour space - L*C*h colour space - Hunter L a b colour space - E colour difference Spectral Data - transmittance
/16" - 6"
40 mm /16" - 6"
2) 2)
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- optical density 0 - 2.5 (full spectrum and specified wavelength) Optional Items for Individual Applications Integrated heater unit A factory fitted option for maintaining samples such as fats and waxes in a liquid state. Windows software for data Allows data sets to be automatically downloaded to a PC capture on PC computer where they can be processed or stored. It also permits remote control of the instrument. Conformance filter sets Sets of graded glass filters, representing a spread of colours from the main scales for quick and simple calibration checks (page 11) Certified colour reference Ideal for routine calibration and verification of test data (see standards page 11.
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included as standard
o available as an optional upgrade Colour scale upgrades are also available for Saybolt and ASTM Colour 2) The Lovibond PFX995 also includes: the AF960 Lovibond Scale, an abridged red and yellow scale which was
TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION Measuring principle Spectral response Bandwidth Repeatability - chromaticity (x y) - transmittance - Lovibond values Measurement time Calibration Light source Illuminant Observer Path length Interface Input voltage Approvals Display Keypad Instructions Heater unit Instrument housing Dimensions Weight 0.0002 0.25 % 0.1 Less than 25 seconds Single key press; fully automated 5 Volt, 10 Watt tungsten halogen lamp (lens ended) CIE Illuminant C (A, C, D65 on PFX995) 2 (2 , 10 on PFX995) 0.004" - 6" (0.1 - 153 mm) Parallel printer port, RS 232 port Universal, via external power supply CE 2 x 40-character, back-lit LCD 21 key membrane keypad; washable polyester with audible feedback 7 languages - English, French, German, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese, Dutch Factory fitted option, 95 C max Fabricated sheet steel with tough, textured paint finish Width 515 mm, depth 195 mm, height 170 mm 7.75 kg
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introduced on the AF960, an early electronic colorimeter; the AF960 AOCS scale, which is similar to AOCS-Tintometer Colour but modified for use on the AF960.
The precision filament lamp is easily accessed and changed from outside the instrument.
For regular conformance testing the colorimeters are also supplied with a certified glass filter of specified colour value.
Each instrument is supplied complete with optical glass cells of the relevant path lengths for each of the colour scales included, a calibrated glass conformance filter, a spare lamp and instructions.
Pt-Co/Hazen/APHA Colour Gardner Colour FAC Colour Iodine Colour Hess-Ives Colour Units Klett Colour (blue filter KS-42) Rosin, US Naval Stores Yellowness Index CIE Values
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- X Y Z tristimulus values sample colour - x y Y chromaticity co-ordinates - CIE L*a*b* colour space - E colour difference - CIE L C h Spectral data - transmittance, 0 - 100% (full spectrum and specified wavelength) - optical density 0 - 2.5 (full spectrum and specified wavelength) Optional Items for Individual Applications Conformance filter sets Sets of graded glass filters, representing a spread of colour from each of the main scales, are available for quick and simple calibration checks (see page 11) Certified colour reference standards Idea for routine calibration of and verification of test data (see page 11) Adaptor for 10.65 mm (Gardner) For Gardner colour of hot samples in tubes (eg testing the colour stability of tubes fatty acids and drying oils after heating). Spectrophotometer cell holder Allows use of standard width (12.5 mm) spectrophotometer cells
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TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION Measuring principle Spectral response Bandwidth Repeatability - chromaticity (x,y) - transmittance Measurement time Calibration Light source Illuminants Observers Path length Interface Data storage Input voltage Approvals Display Keypad 0.0004 0.5 % Less than 25 seconds Single key press, fully automated 5 Volt, 10 Watt tungsten halogen lamp (lens ended) CIE Illuminant A, B, C, D65 2 , 10
o o
0.1 - 50 mm Parallel printer port, RS 232 port Up to 32 data sets Universal, via external power supply CE 2 x 40-character, back-lit LCD 21-key membrane keypad; washable polyester with audible feedback 7 languages - English, French, German, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese & Dutch Fabricated sheet steel with tought, textured paint finish Width 290 mm, depth 360 mm, height 120 mm 6.8 kg
The Lovibond PFX195 is supplied complete with Windows software, accessories and spares, optical glass cells of the relevant path lengths for each of the colour scales included, a calibrated glass conformance filter and instructions.
easily removed and cleaned if a spillage occurs, and the precision filament lamp is easily assessed and changed from outside the instrument..
Prismatic optical system for accurate and repeatable colour matching. Standardised and diffused tungsten-halogen light source. A removable sample chamber insert simplifies cleaning if a spillage takes
place; it can be replaced at intervals to maintain the whiteness of the interior, an essential feature for accurate colour matching.
Versatile Applications
The Model F is a versatile instrument for colour measurement of products that transmit light as well as opaque solids, powders and pastes (an optional solid sample accessory pack may be required for measuring light-reflecting products). Fats are measured for colour either by transmitted light when in a molten condition or by reflected light when solid. The Model F is available in two formats to meet the requirements of different applications and the national and international standardising bodies which specify the instrument in their official methods for colour measurement: Tintometer Model F Model F (BS 684) Scope
Each format of the Model F is supplied with a complete set of 11 racks containing colour stable glass standards for the Lovibond colour scale (Red 0.1 - 0.9, 1.0 - 9.0, 10.0 - 70; Yellow 0.1 - 0.9, 1.0 - 9.0, 10.0 - 70; Blue 0.1 - 0.9, 1.0 - 9.0, 10.0 - 40; Neutral 0.1 - 0.9, 1.0 - 3.0), a sample chamber liner with a white PVC reference, a spare white reference, a pair of spare bulbs, rectangular fused glass cells (one each of 1" and 51/4" for the Model F and one each of 1/16", 1/8", 1/4", 1/2", 1", 51/4" for the Model F (BS 684)), a colour analysis records book and instructions.
Standard model for applications including fats and fatty oils, bleached lac, liquid chemicals and pharmaceuticals. Version for grading animal and vegetable fats and oils according to BS 684 Section 1.14, ISO 15305 and AOCS Method Cc 13e-92. Racks are fitted with colourless glass compensating slides in the sample field. The instrument also includes a black sheath to prevent light entering the sides of the sample cell. Optional Items for Individual Applications Replacement sample chamber insert Solid sample accessory pack Conformance filter sets Available as single units or in a pack of 3. A selection of sample holders for various types of light reflecting products: a short optical cell (W560/OG/10mm), holders for powders and opaque liquids, solid sample clamp and detachable magnetic white reference. Individual holders can be ordered separately if required. Sets of graded glass filters, representing a spread of colours from the Lovibond Colour scale are available for quick and simple calibration checks.
AF 229
AF 670
Nessleriser 1209 1) Comparator 2000+ Comparator Comparator Comparator Comparator Comparator 2000+ 2000+ 2000+ 2000+ 2000+
4/58 4/59 4/60 Dichromate Colour Index 4/62 4/63 Daylight 2000 Lighting Unit
Optional Items for Individual Applications A standardised benchtop light source to guarantee constant lighting conditions for accurate colour grading, particularly when the sample is very pale in colour.
Colorimetry Cells
We supply precision fused cells in a range of dimensions and path lengths, made from optical glass to the highest standards at our own factory. For instruments equipped with a heater unit and whenever cells are subjected to thermal shock, it is recommended that borosilicate cells be used.
W600 Optical W600 Borosilicate PFX995/950/880/195 Series,Tintometer Model F Order Order Code Type Code Type 60 59 60 60 59 90 60 60 20 60 62 00 60 60 30 60 60 40 60 60 60 60 60 70 60 60 80 60 60 90 60 61 30 W600/OG/10 W600/OG/25 W600/OG/40 W600/OG/50 W600/OG/100 W600/OG/1/16" W600/OG/1/4" W600/OG/1/2" W600/OG/1" W600/OG/2" W600/OG/51/4" 65 59 60 65 59 90 65 60 20 65 62 00 65 60 30 65 60 40 65 60 60 65 60 70 65 60 80 65 60 90 65 61 30 W600/B/10 W600/B/25 W600/B/40 W100/B/50 W600/B/100 W600/B/1/16" W600/B/1/4" W600/B/1/2" W600/B/1" W600/B/2" W600/B/51/4"
W680 Optical Comparator 2000/3000 Order Code Type 60 68 10 60 68 60 60 68 90 60 69 30 W680/OG/10 W680/OG/25 W680/OG/40 W680/OG/50
/4" /2"
PFX995, PFX950, PFX880/L, PFX880/AT & PFX195 13 69 00 AOCS-Tintometer Colour 3 0.5R 1.0Y, 3.7R 13.0Y, 6.6R 50Y 13 95 20 beta carotene 1 45 ppm (at 10mm path length) 13 95 30 13 97 00 13 13 13 13 95 95 96 96 60 90 10 20 Chlorophyll A FAC Colour Gardner Colour Lovibond Red Yellow Neutral Lovibond Red Yellow Neutral Lovibond Red Yellow Blue 1 5 4 10 5 5 0.19 ppm (at 10mm path length) 7, 13, 15, 29, 39
2, 8, 12, 17 0.1R 0.5Y - 7.1R 51.0Y 0.5N 0.1R 0.5Y - 5.0R 34.0Y 0.1N 1.0R 0.5B, 1.3R 0.8B, 1.2R 4.3Y 1.2B, 2.6R 11.5Y 2.1B, 3.4R 15.9Y 2.9B 13 95 70 Platinum-Cobalt/Hazen/APHA 5 5, 20, 50, 100, 300 10 99 70 Single Filter (Certificated) 1 Select scale and nominal value from above 10 99 80 User Specified Filter 1 Specify scale and value when ordering Iodine Colour is also available under the category User Specified Filter (Certified) Tintometer Model F 18 40 00 Lovibond Red Yellow 10 0.1R 0.5Y - 6.5R 51.0Y 18 50 00 Lovibond Red Yellow 5 0.1R 0.5Y - 5.0R 34.0Y 18 60 00 Lovibond Red Yellow Blue 5 1.2R 0.9B, 1.1R 4.3Y 1.4B, 2.6R 11.5Y 2.1B, 3.2R15.5Y 2.9B, 1.0Y 0.5B Tintometer Model F (BS 684) 18 70 00 Lovibond Red Yellow Blue 10 0.6R 1.0Y 0.6B - 7.3R 51.0Y 1.0B Comparator 3000 Series 34 30 00 34 20 00 FAC Colour Gardner Colour 4 2 7, 13, 29, 39 3, 17
Certified Colour Reference Standards Ideal for routine calibration & verification of test data Ensure good inter-laboratory and inter-instrument
Nominal Certified Value 0.3R 2.0Y (51/4) 1.0R 9.0Y (51/4) 1.2R 12.0Y (51/4) 2.2R 22.0Y (51/4) 3.4R 28.0Y (51/4) 2 5 8 0.4R 1.9Y 0.1N (51/4) 1.0R 4.3Y 0.1N (51/4) 1.4R 7.3Y 0.2N (51/4) 1.6R 11.0Y 0.1N (51/4) 1.8R 14.0Y 0.3N (51/4) 2.5R 24.0Y 0.5N (51/4)
Order Code 134240 134250 134260 134270 134280 134200 134210 134220 134080 134090 134100 134110 134120 134130 134230 134140 134150 134160 134170 134180 134190
Accreditation ISO 9001 ISO 9001 ISO 9001 ISO 9001 ISO 9001 UKAS UKAS UKAS ISO 9001 ISO 9001 ISO 9001 ISO 9001 ISO 9001 ISO 9001 ISO ISO ISO ISO 9001 900 9001 9001
Supplied in a 500 mL bottle with a 12-month shelf life Full traceability to internationally recognised standards
(Gardner Colour standards certified under UKAS to ISO 17025; AOCS-Tintometer, Lovibond RYBN & Pt-Co Colour certified under ISO9001 quality system Gardner Colour
All classified as non-hazardous according to EU directives Each bottle supplied with full certification including MSDS
Pt-Co/Hazen/APHA Colour
w w w. t i n t o m e t e r. c o m
The Tintometer Ltd Waterloo Road Salisbury SP1 2JY UK Tel: +44 1722 327242 Fax: +44 1722 412322 Email: [email protected]
Offices in Switzerland, Far East & Australia LOCD/4 Lovibond and Tintometer are registered trademarks of The Tintometer Ltd. Specifications and design are subject to change without notice