Unit 9 Performance Planning and Review: Objectives
Unit 9 Performance Planning and Review: Objectives
Unit 9 Performance Planning and Review: Objectives
After completion of the unit, you should be able to:
l understand the concept of performance appraisal;
l explain the performance appraisal process;
l discuss the benefits of appraisal;
l describe various appraisal methods; and
l understand the problems in appraisal.
9.1. Introduction
9.2 Concept of Performance Appraisal
9.3 Goals of Performance Appraisal
9.4 Objectives of Performance Appraisal
9.5 The Performance Appraisal Process
9.6 Benefits of Performance Appraisal
9.7 Performance Appraisal Methods
9.8 Performance Counselling
9.9 Problems in Performance Appraisal
9.10 Effective Performance Appraisal
9.11 Summary
9.12 Self Assessment Questions
9.13 Further Readings
Performance appraisal helps organizations to determine how employees can help to
achieve the goals of organizations. It has two important activities included in it. First
has to do with determining the performance and other with the process of evaluation.
In this unit, concept of performance appraisal and the processes involved in it have
been discussed.
Performance Planning
Performance appraisal has a number of specific objectives. These are given below:
a) To review past performance;
b) To assess training needs;
c) To help develop individuals;
d) To audit the skills within an organizations;
e) To set targets for future performance;
f) To identify potential for promotion.
Some employees may believe that performance appraisal is simply used by the
organization to apportion blame and to provide a basis for disciplinary action. They
see it as a stick that management has introduced with which to beat people. Under
such situations a well thought out performance appraisal is doomed to failure. Even if
the more positive objectives are built into the system, problems may still arise because
they may not all be achievable and they may cause conflict. For Example, an appraise
is less likely to be open about any shortcomings in past performance during a process
that affects pay or promotion prospects, or which might be perceived as leading to
disciplinary action. It is therefore important that performance appraisal should have
specific objective. Not only should the objectives be clear but also they should form
part of the organization’s whole strategy. Thus incorporating objectives into the
appraisal system may highlight areas for improvement, new directions and
Initiate Communicate
Corrective Performance
Action, if expectations
Comparison of s
Actual Measurement
Performance in
of Actual
the Performance Performance
Performance Planning
Activity A
Assume you are currently operating an appraisal system in your organisation. How
will you carry out the same following the above sections.
2) Checklist
In the checklist, the evaluator uses a bit of behavioral descriptions and checks of those
behaviors that apply to the employee. The evaluator merely goes down the list and
gives “yes” or “no” responses. Once the checklist is complete, it is usually evaluated
by the staff of personnel department, not the rater himself. Therefore the rater does not
actually evaluate the employee’s performance; he/she merely records it. An analyst in
the personnel department then scores the checklist, often weighting the factors in
relationship to their importance. The final evaluation can then be returned to the rating
manager for discussion with the subordinate, or someone from the personnel
department can provide the feedback to the subordinate.
7) Individual Ranking
The individual ranking method requires the evaluator merely to list all the employees
in an order from highest to lowest. Only one can be the “best.” If the evaluator is
required to appraise thirty individuals ranking method carries the same pluses and
minuses as group order ranking.
8) Paired Comparison
The paired comparison method is calculated by taking the total of [n (n-1)]/2
comparisons. A score is obtained for each employee by simply counting the number of
pairs in which the individual is the preferred member. It ranks each individual in
relationship to all others on a one-on-one basis. If ten people are being evaluated, the
first person is compared, with each of the other nine, and the number of items this
person is preferred in any of the nine pairs is tabulated. Each of the remaining nine
persons, in turn, is compared in the same way, and a ranking is evolved by the greatest
number of preferred “victories”. This method ensures that each employee is compared
against every other, but the method can become unwieldy when large numbers of
employees are being compared.
9) Management by Objectives
Management by objectives (MBO) is a process that converts organizational objectives
into individual objectives. It can be thought of as consisting of four steps: goal setting,
action planning, self-control, and periodic reviews:-
a) In goal setting, the organization’s overall objectives are used as guidelines from
which departmental and individual objectives are set. At the individual level, the
manager and subordinate jointly identify those goals that are critical for the
subordinate to achieve in order to fulfill the requirements of the job as
determined in job analysis. These goals are agreed upon and then become the
standards by which the employee’s results will be evaluated.
b) In action planning, the means are determined for achieving the ends established
in goals setting. That is, realistic plans are developed to attain the objectives.
This step includes identifying the activities necessary to accomplish the objective,
establishing the critical relationships between these activities, estimating the time
requirement for each activity, and determining the resources required to complete
each activity.
c) Self-control refers to the systematic monitoring and measuring of performance.
Ideally, by having the individual review his or her own performance. The MBO
philosophy is built on the assumptions that individuals can be responsible, can
exercise self-direction, and do not require external controls and threats of
d) Finally, with periodic progress reviews, corrective action is initiated when
behavior deviates from the standards established in the goal-setting phase. Again,
consistent with MBO philosophy, these manager-subordinate reviews are
conducted in a constructive rather than punitive manner. Reviews are not meant
to degrade the individual but to aid in future performance. These reviews should
24 take place at least two or three times a year.
Following are the advantages of MBO: Performance Planning
and Review
a) It is result –oriented. It assists the planning and control functions and provides
b) Employees know exactly what is expected of them and how they will be
c) Employees have a greater commitment to objectives that they have participated
in developing than to those unilaterally set by their bosses.
Activity C
List out the contexts in which Performance Counselling is carried out for a particular
employee in your organization.
Career Path
One of the important objectives of appraisal, particularly potential appraisal is to help
employees to move upwards in the organization. People do not like to work on dead-
end jobs. Hence, a career ladder with clearly defined steps becomes an integral
component of human resources management. Most HRM practitioners favor
restructuring of a job to provide reasonably long and orderly career growth. Career
path basically refers to opportunities for growth in the organization. Availability of
such opportunities has tremendous motivational value. It also helps in designing salary
structures, identifying training needs and developing second line in command. Career
paths can be of two kinds:
a) Those where designations changes to a higher level position, job remaining more
or less the same. A good example of this is found in teaching institutions, where
an assistant professor may grow to became associate professor and a professor,
but the nature of job (teaching and research) remains the same. Career path in
such situations means a change in status, better salary and benefits and perhaps
less load and better working condition.
b) Those where changes in position bring about changes in job along with increased
salary, status and better benefits and working conditions. In many engineering
organizations, an employee may grow in the same line with increased
responsibilities or may move to other projects with different job demands.
One important mechanism to identify the promotability of employees is Assessment
Centre. It is a method which uses a variety of technique to evaluate employees for
manpower requirements in the organization. It uses situational tests including
exercises requiring participants to prepare written reports after analyzing management
problem, make oral presentations, answer mail or memo in in-basket situation and a
whole lot of situational decision making exercises. Assessors observe the behavior and Performance Planning
make independent reports of their evaluation of the strengths and weaknesses of the and Review
attributes being studied.
1) Leniency Error
Every evaluator has his/her own value system that acts as a standard against which
appraisals are made. Relative to the true or actual performance an individual exhibits,
some evaluators mark high and others low. The former is referred to as positive
leniency error, and the latter as negative leniency error. When evaluators are positively
lenient in their appraisal, an individual’s performance becomes overstated; that is
rated higher than it actually should. Similarly, a negative leniency error understates
performance, giving the individuals as lower appraisal.
2) Halo Effect
The halo effect or error is a tendency to rate high or low on all factors due to the
impression of a high or low rating on some specific factor. For example, if an
employee tends to be conscientious and dependable, the supervisor might become
biased toward that individual to the extent that he will rate him/her high on many
desirable attributes.
3) Similarity Error
When evaluators rate other people in the same ways that the evaluators perceive
themselves they are making a similarity error. Based on the perception that evaluators
have of themselves, they project those perceptions onto others. For example, the
evaluator who perceives him self or herself as aggressive may evaluate others by
looking for aggressiveness. Those who demonstrate this characteristic tend to benefit,
while others are penalized.
5) Central Tendency
It is possible that regardless of whom the appraiser evaluates and what traits are used,
the pattern of evaluation remains the same. It is also possible that the evaluator’s
ability to appraise objectively and accurately has been impeded by a failure to use the
extremes of the scale, that is, central tendency. Central tendency is the reluctance to
make extreme ratings (in either directions); the inability to distinguish between and
among ratees; a form of range restriction.
Performance Management 6) Recency vs. Primacy Effect
and Potential Assessment
Recency refers to the proximity or closeness to appraisal period. Generally an
employee takes it easy for the whole year and does little to get the punishment.
However, comes appraisal time, he becomes very active. Suddenly there is an aura of
efficiency, files move faster, tasks are taken seriously and the bosses are constantly
appraised of the progress and problems. All this creates an illusion of high efficiency
and plays a significant role in the appraisal decisions. The supervisor gets railroaded
into believing that the employee is alert and hence, rates him high. In reality though it
refers only to his two to three month’s performance.
The opposite of recency is primacy effect. Here the initial impression influences the
decision on year end appraisal irrespective of whether the employee has been able to
keep up the initial impression or not. First impression is the last impression is perhaps
the most befitting description of this error.
b) Ongoing Feedback
Employees like to know how they are doing. The annual review, where the manager
shares the subordinates evaluations with them, can become a problem. In some cases,
it is a problem merely because managers put off such reviews. This is particularly
likely if the appraisal is negative. The solution lies in having the manager share with
the subordinate both expectations and disappointments on a day-today basis. By
providing the employee with frequent opportunities to discuss performance before any
reward or punishment consequences occur, there will be no surprises at the time of the
annual formal review. In fact, where ongoing feedback has been provided, the formal
sitting down step should not be particularly traumatic for either party.
c) Multiple Raters
As the number of raters increase, the probability of attaining more accurate
information increases. If rater error tends to follow a normal curve, an increase in the
number of raters will tend to find the majority congregating about the middle. If a
person has had ten supervisors, nine having rated him or her excellent and one poor,
we can discount the value of the one poor evaluation.
d) Peer Evaluations
Periodically managers find it difficult to evaluate their subordinates’ performance
because they are not working with them every day. Unfortunately, unless they have
this information, they may not be making an accurate assessment. One of the easiest
means is through peer evaluations. Peer evaluations are conducted by employees’ co-
workers, people explicitly familiar with the jobs involved mainly because they too are
doing the same thing, they are the ones most aware of co-workers’ day to-day work
behavior and should be given the opportunity to provide the management with some
The main advantages to peer evaluation are that (a) there is tendency for co-workers
to offer more constructive insight to each other so that, as a unit, each will improve;
and (b) their recommendations tend to be more specific regarding job behaviors-unless
specificity exists, constructive measures are hard to gain.
Performance appraisal is concerned with setting objectives for individuals, monitoring
progress towards these objectives on a regular basis in our atmosphere of trust and
cooperation between the appraiser and the appraisee. Well designed appraisal systems
benefit the organisation, managers and individuals in different ways and need to fulfill
certain key objectives if they are to be successful. Appraisal systems should be
designed to focus employees on both their short and long-term objectives and career
goals. It is also important to be aware of the problems associated with performance
appraisal systems.
Performance Management
and Potential Assessment 9.12 SELF ASSESSMENT QUESTIONS
1) Explain the Performance Appraisal System. Either suggest improvements to an
existing appraisal system in your organisation or design an appraisal system
which would meet the objectives outlines in this chapter.
2) Describe the 360 degree appraisal with the help of examples.
3) Write short notes of:
a) Management by objectives
b) Behaviourly Anchored Rating Scale
c) Performance Counselling