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Python 2.

7 Quick Reference Sheet

ver 2.01 110105 (sjd)

Interactive Help in Python Shell help() Invoke interactive help help(m) Display help for module m help(f) Display help for function f dir(m) Display names in module m Small Operator Precedence Table func_name(args, ) Function call x[index : index] Slicing x[index] Indexing x.attribute Attribute reference ** Exponentiation *, /, % Multiply, divide, mod +, - Add, subtract >, <, <=, >=, !=, == Comparison in, not in Membership tests not, and, or Boolean operators NOT, AND, OR Module Import import module_name from module_name import name , from module_name import * Common Data Types Type Description Literal Ex int 32-bit Integer 3, -4 long Integer > 32 bits 101L float Floating point number 3.0, -6.55 complex Complex number 1.2J bool Boolean True, False str Character sequence Python tuple Immutable sequence (2, 4, 7) list Mutable sequence [2, x, 3.1] dict Mapping { x:2, y:5 }

Common Syntax Structures Assignment Statement var = exp Console Input/Output var = input( [prompt] ) var = raw_input( [prompt] ) print exp[,] Selection if (boolean_exp): stmt [elif (boolean_exp): stmt ] [else: stmt ] Repetition while (boolean_exp): stmt Traversal for var in traversable_object: stmt Function Definition def function_name( parmameters ): stmt Function Call function_name( arguments ) Class Definition class Class_name [ (super_class) ]: [ class variables ] def method_name( self, parameters ): stmt Object Instantiation obj_ref = Class_name( arguments ) Method Invocation obj_ref.method_name( arguments ) Exception Handling try: stmt except [exception_type] [, var]: stmt

Common Built-in Functions Function Returns abs(x) Absolute value of x dict() Empty dictionary, eg: d = dict() float(x) int or string x as float id(obj) memory addr of obj int (x) float or string x as int len(s) Number of items in sequence s list() Empty list, eg: m = list() max(s) Maximum value of items in s min(s) Minimum value of items in s open(f) Open filename f for input ord(c) ASCII code of c pow(x,y) x ** y range(x) A list of x ints 0 to x - 1 round(x,n) float x rounded to n places str(obj) str representation of obj sum(s) Sum of numeric sequence s tuple(items) tuple of items type(obj) Data type of obj Common Math Module Functions Function Returns (all float) ceil(x) Smallest whole nbr >= x cos(x) Cosine of x radians degrees(x) x radians in degrees radians(x) x degrees in radians exp(x) e ** x floor(x) Largest whole nbr <= x hypot(x, y) sqrt(x * x + y * y) log(x [, base]) Log of x to base or natural log if base not given pow(x, y) x ** y sin(x) Sine of x radians sqrt(x) Positive square root of x tan(x) Tangent of x radians pi Math constant pi to 15 sig figs e Math constant e to 15 sig figs

Common String Methods S.method() Returns (str unless noted) capitalize S with first char uppercase center(w) S centered in str w chars wide count(sub) int nbr of non-overlapping occurrences of sub in S find(sub) int index of first occurrence of sub in S or -1 if not found isdigit() bool True if S is all digit chars, False otherwise islower() bool True if S is all lower/upper isupper() case chars, False otherwise join(seq) All items in seq concatenated into a str, delimited by S lower() Lower/upper case copy of S upper() lstrip() Copy of S with leading/ trailing rstrip() whitespace removed, or both split([sep]) List of tokens in S, delimited by sep; if sep not given, delimiter is any whitespace Formatting Numbers as Strings Syntax: format_spec % numeric_exp format_spec syntax: % width.precision type x width (optional): align in number of colums specified; negative to left-align, precede with 0 to zero-fill x precision (optional): show specified digits of precision for floats; 6 is default x type (required): d (decimal int), f (float), s (string), e (float exponential notation) x Examples for x = 123, y = 456.789 % x -> . . . 123 % x -> 000123 %8.2f % y -> . . 456.79 -> 4.57e+02 -8s,-> Hello . . .

Common List Methods L.method() Result/Returns append(obj) Append obj to end of L count(obj) Returns int nbr of occurrences of obj in L index(obj) Returns index of first occurrence of obj in L; raises ValueError if obj not in L pop([index]) Returns item at specified index or item at end of L if index not given; raises IndexError if L is empty or index is out of range remove(obj) Removes first occurrence of obj from L; raises ValueError if obj is not in L reverse() Reverses L in place sort() Sorts L in place Common Tuple Methods T.method() Returns count(obj) Returns nbr of occurrences of obj in T index(obj) Returns index of first occurrence of obj in T; raises ValueError if obj is not in T Common Dictionary Methods D.method() Result/Returns clear() Remove all items from D get(k [,val]) Return D[k] if k in D, else val has_key(k) Return True if k in D, else False items() Return list of key-value pairs in D; each list item is 2-item tuple keys() Return list of D pop(k, [val]) Remove key k, return mapped value or val if k not in D values() Return list of Ds values

Common File Methods F.method() Result/Returns read([n]) Return str of next n chars from F, or up to EOF if n not given readline([n]) Return str up to next newline, or at most n chars if specified readlines() Return list of all lines in F, where each item is a line write(s) Write str s to F writelines(L) Write all str in seq L to F close() Closes the file Other Syntax Hold window for user keystroke to close: raw_input(Press <Enter> to quit.) Prevent execution on import:  main() Displayable ASCII Characters 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 SP ! # $ % & ( ) * + , - 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 : ; < = 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 @ A B C D E F G H I J K L M 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 P 96 Q 97 R 98 S 99 T 100 U 101 V 102 W 103 X 104 Y 105 Z 105 [ 107 \ 108 ] 109 ` a b c d e f g h i j k l m 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 p q r s t u v w x y z { | }

46 . 62 > 78 N 94 ^ 110 n 126 ~ 47 / 63 ? 79 O 95 _ 111 o 127 DEL

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