SP 5 - 2008 Statement of Financial Information and 2008 Annual Report
SP 5 - 2008 Statement of Financial Information and 2008 Annual Report
SP 5 - 2008 Statement of Financial Information and 2008 Annual Report
That Council approve the 2008 Statement of Financial Information; and further
That Council consider the 2008 Annual Report and receive submissions and questions from the
public concerning the Annual Report.
The Financial Information Act requires Council to approve the 2008 Statement of Financial
Information (SOFI) prepared and approved by the Director of Finance. The SOFI includes the
report of Council remuneration, expenses, and benefits as required by the Community Charter.
The 2008 Annual Report must be published prior to June 30, 2009 and must be available to the
public for inspection 14 days prior to an annual meeting wherein Council must consider the
report and related submissions and comments from the public.
Report No. 09-83 fulfills the Community Charter and the Financial Information Act reporting and
approval requirements for the 2008 Statement of Financial Information (SOFI) and for the 2008
Annual Report.
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The Financial Information Act requires Council to approve the 2008 Statement of Financial
Information (SOFI) that must include the following:
• Approval of the SOFI by the Director of Finance;
• The audited 2008 Financial Statements (included in the 2008 Annual Report);
• A Schedule of Debt (included in the 2008 Annual Report);
• The 2008 Schedule of Council Remuneration, Expenses, Benefits and Contracts (also
required by Section 168 of the Community Charter);
• The 2008 Schedule of Remuneration and Expenses for Employees, with a reconciliation
with the amounts reported in the audited 2008 Financial Statements;
• A Statement of Severance Agreements that includes the number of agreements
commenced during 2008 in respect of employees excluded from coverage under
collective agreements, and the range of equivalent months’ compensation represented
by those agreements;
• The 2008 Schedule of Payments to Suppliers for Good or Services, with a reconciliation
with the total reported in the audited 2008 Statement of Financial Activities;
• The 2008 Schedule of Grants or Contributions in excess of $25,000; and
• The 2008 Schedule of Guarantee and Indemnity Agreements.
When Council approves the SOFI, staff will forward the resolution along with the SOFI to the
Ministry of Community Services as required by the Financial Information Act.
Sections 98 and 99 of the Community Charter require that Council prepare the 2008 Annual
Report and make the report available for public inspection. At least fourteen days later, at a
Council or other public meeting, Council must consider the 2008 Annual Report and
submissions and questions from the public thereon. The 2008 Annual Report must include the
1. The audited 2008 Financial Statements
2. For each permissive tax exemption provided by Council, the amount of property taxes
that would have been imposed on the property if it were not exempted
3. A report respecting municipal services and operations for 2008
4. A progress report respecting the previous year in relation to the objectives and
measures established in that previous year
5. A statement of 2009 municipal objectives and measures
6. A statement of 2010 municipal objectives and measures
Respectfully submitted,
Hilary Tsikayi
Copy of 2008 Annual Report (under separate cover) which provides information on:
Assets & Liabilities
Operational Statement
Schedule of Debts
The Township of Langley has not given any guarantees or indemnities under the Guarantees
and Indemnities Regulation.
Consolidated total for employees with remuneration under 75,000 26,144,518 109,932
$ 38,106,124
Reconciling Items
There were three (3) severance agreements under which payment commenced between the
Township of Langley and it's non-unionized employees during the fiscal year 2008.
Sub-Total $ 147,593,516
Reconciling Items
Grant Payments