2 Inverse Laplace Transform: Engg Maths - 3
2 Inverse Laplace Transform: Engg Maths - 3
2 Inverse Laplace Transform: Engg Maths - 3
1 Laplace Transform 1.1 Function of bounded variation, Laplace Transform of standard functions such as 1, t n , eat , sin at, cos at, sinh at, cosh at 1.2 Linearity property of Laplace Transform, First Shifting property, Second Shifting property, Change of Scale property of L.T., Heaviside Unitstep function, Direct Delta function, Periodic functions and their Laplace Transform 2 Inverse Laplace Transform 2.1 Inverse Laplace Transform: Linearity property, use of theorems to find inverse Laplace Transform, Partial fractions method and convolution theorem (without proof). 2.2 Applications to solve initial and boundary value problems involving ordinary differential equations with one dependent variable. 3 Complex variables 3.1 Functions of complex variable, Analytic function, necessary and sufficient conditions for f (z) to be analytic (without proof), Cauchy-Riemann equations inpolar coordinates. 3.2 Milne- Thomson method to determine analytic function f (z) when its real or imaginary or its combination is given. Harmonic function, orthogonal trajectories. 3.3 Mapping: Conformal mapping, linear, bilinear mapping, cross ratio, fixed points and standard transformations such as Rotation and magnification, inversion and reflection, translation. 4 Complex Integration 4.1 Line integral of a function of a complex variable, Cauchys theorem for analytic function, Cauchys Goursat theorem (without proof), properties of line integral, Cauchys integral formula and deductions. 4.2 Singularities and poles: 4.3 Taylors and Laurents series development (without proof) 4.4 Residue at isolated singularity and its evaluation. 4.5 Residue theorem, application to evaluate real integral of type 5 Fourier Series 5.1 Orthogonal and orthonormal functions, Expressions of a function in a series of orthogonal functions, Dirichlets conditions, Fourier series of periodic function with period2 & 2l. 5.2 Dirichlets theorem(only statement), even and odd functions, Half range sine and cosine series, Parsvels identities (without proof)
5.3 Complex form of Fourier series. 6 Partial Differential Equations 6.1 Numerical Solution of Partial differential equations using Bender Schmidt Explicit Method, Implicit method (CrankNicolson method) Successive over relaxation method. 6.2 Partial differential equations governing transverse vibrations of elastic string its solution using Fourier series. 6.3 Heat equation, steady-state configuration for heat flow. 6.4 Two and Three dimensional Laplace equations.
Surveying - I
1 Introduction 1.1 Definition, principles, object, uses and necessity of surveying. Various types of surveying based on methods and instruments, classifications-Plane surveying and geodetic surveying, Scales, Plain and diagonal scale, use of various types of verniers and micrometers in survey instruments. 1.2 Chain surveying, study of ranging, Instruments required for linear measurements and setting out right angles. 2 Levelling 2.1 Definitions, technical terms, principle of levelling, different types of levels such as dumpy, tilting, wye level, auto level and laser level, temporary and permanent adjustments of level 2.2 Levelling staff Different types, classification of levelling, reduction of levels. Precise level and levelling staff, and field procedure for precise levelling. Difficulties in levelling work, corrections and precautions in levelling work, problems, corrections due to curvature and refraction. 3 Contouring 3.1 Contouring: definitions, contour interval, equivalent, uses and characteristics of contour lines, direct and indirect methods of contouring. Grade contour: definition and use. 3.2 Computation of volume by trapezoidal and prismoidal formula, volume from spot levels, volume from contour plans. 4 Traversing 4.1 Compass survey: Bearings: Definition, different types and designations, compass- prismatic and surveyors, declination, local attraction, plotting of compass survey by different methods.
4.2 Theodolite traverse: Various parts and axis of transit, technical terms, temporary and permanent adjustments of a transit, horizontal and vertical angles, methods of repetition and reiteration. 4.3 Different methods of running a theodolite traverse, Gales traverse table, balancing of traverse by Bow- Ditchs, transit and modified transit rules 4.4 Problems on one plane and two plane methods, omitted measurements, Precautions in using transit, errors in theodolite traversing; Use of theodolite for various works such as prolongation of a straight line, setting out an angle, bearing measurements. 5 Areas 5.1 Area of a irregular figure by trapezoidal rule, average ordinate rule, Simpsons 1/3 rule, various coordinate methods. 5.2 Planimeter: types including digital planimeter, area of zero circle, use of planimeter. 6 Plane Table Surveying 6.1 Definition, uses and advantages , temporary adjustments 6.2 Different methods of plane table surveying 6.3 Errors in plane table surveying 6.4 Use of telescopic alidade
Strength of Materials
1 Shear Force and Bending Moment in Beams 1.1 Axial force, shear force and bending moment diagrams for statically determinate beams including beams with internal hinges for different types of loading. 1.2 Relationship between rate of loading, shear force and bending moment. 2 Stresses and Strains 2.1 Stresses, Strains, Modulus of elasticity (E), Modulus of rigidity (G), Bulk Modulus (K), Yield Stresses, Ultimate Stress, Factor of safety, shear stress, Poissons ratio. 2.2 Relationship between E, G and K, bars of varying sections, deformation due to self weight, composite sections, temperature stress. 3 Theory of Simple Bending Flexure formula for straight beam, moment of inertia, transfer theorem, polar moment of inertia, simple problems involving application of flexure formula, section modulus, moment of resistance, flitched beams.
4 Strain Energy Strain energy due to axial force, stresses in axial member and simple beams under impact loading. 5 Shear Stresses in Beams Distribution of shear stress across plane sections commonly used for structural purposes, shear connectors. 6 Theory of Simple Torsion Torsion in circular shafts-solid & hallow, stresses in shaft when transmitting power, closed coil helical spring under axial load 7 Direct and Bending Stresses Application to members subjected to eccentric loads, core of section, problems on chimneys, retaining walls etc involving lateral loads. 8 Struts Struts subjected to axial loading, concept of buckling, Eulers formula for struts ith different support conditions, limitation, Eulers and Rankines design formulae. 9 Principal Planes and Stresses 9.1 General equation for transformation of stress, principal planes and principal stresses, maximum shear stress, stress determination using Mohrs circle, 9.2 Principal stresses in shafts subjected to combined torsion, bending & axial thrust, and concept of equivalent torsional and bending moment. 10 Thin Cylindrical and Spherical Shells. Cylindrical and spherical shells under internal pressure. Building Materials and Construction 1 Foundations Different types of structures such as load bearing structures, framed structures and composite structures, Introduction to different types of foundations: Stepped foundations, column footing, combined footing, under-reamed pile foundations. Construction Materials: Classification and Properties 1.1 Classification of materials, building materials symbols and requirements of building materials and products: functional, aesthetical and economical. 1.2 Study of properties of materials-physical, mechanical, chemical, biological and other like durability, reliability, compatibility and economic characteristics. 2 Raw Materials, Manufacturing Process and Properties of Basic Construction Materials.
2.1 Rocks (Stone) - quarrying, milling and surface finishing, preservative treatments. 2.2 Structural clay products- bricks, roofing tiles, ceramic tiles, raw materials and manufacturing process. 2.3 Concrete blocks, flooring tiles, paver blocks-raw materials and manufacturing process. 2.4 Binder material: lime, cement: physical properties and manufacturing process, plaster of Paris- properties and uses. 2.5 Mortar - ingredients, preparation and uses. 3 Masonry Construction and Masonry Finishes 3.1 Classification and bonding of stone, brick and concrete blocks 3.2 Masonry finishes-pointing, plastering and painting 3.3 Paints and Varnishes Types, constituents and uses. 4 4.1 Formwork Materials used, design considerations, shuttering, centering and staging, scaffolding. 4.2 Floor and Roofs Type of floors, floor finishes and suitability. Type of roofs, wooden and steel trusses and roof covering 5 5.1 Glass Types and uses. Introduction to glass fibre reinforced plastic. 5.2 Timber Varieties, defects in timber, preservative treatments and wood composites. 5.3 Metal and Alloys Ferrous and non ferrous metals and alloys, aluminum, tin, zinc, nickel - types and uses and anti-corrosive treatment.
6 Building Services Air conditioning and Ventilation, Acoustics and Sound Insulation, Damp-proofing and Water proofing. 6.1 Air conditioning: systems of heating, air conditioning, ventilation, construction requirements. 6.2 Acoustics and sound insulation: Characteristics of sound, reflection and absorption coefficient, acoustical defects, design and material. 6.3 Damp-proofing and water proofing: materials and methods Engineering Geology 1 Introduction
1.1 Branches of geology useful to civil engineering, Importance of geological studies in various civil engineering Projects. 1.2 Internal structure of the Earth and use of seismic waves in understanding the interior of the earth 2 General and Physical Geology 2.1 Agents modifying the earth's surface, study of weathering and its significance in engineering properties of rocks like strength, water tightness and durability etc. 2.2 Brief study of geological action of river, wind, glacier, ground water and the related land forms created by them. 2.3 Volcano- Central type and fissure type, products of volcano, volcanic land forms. 2.4 Earthquake - Earthquake waves, construction and working of seismograph, Earthquake zones of India, elastic rebound theory Preventive measures for structures constructed in Earthquake prone areas. 3 Mineralogy Identification of minerals with the help of physical properties, rock forming minerals, megascopic identification of primary and secondary minerals, study of common ore minerals 4 Petrology Study of igneous, sedimentary and metamorphic rocks, distinguishing properties among these three rocks to identify them in fields. 4.1 Igneous Petrology - Mode of formation, Texture and structure, Classifications, study of common occurring igneous rocks. 4.2 Sedimentary Petrology - Mode of formation , Textures, characteristics of shallow water deposits like lamination, bedding, current bedding etc., residual deposits, chemically formed and organically deposits, classification and study of commonly occurring sedimentary rocks. 4.3 Metamorphic Petrology - Mode of formation, agents and types of metamorphism, metamorphic minerals, rock cleavage, structures and textures of metamorphic rocks, classification and study of commonly occurring metamorphic rocks. 5 Structural Geology Structural elements of rocks, dip, strike, outcrop patterns unconformities, outliers and inlier, study of joints. Faults and folds, importance of structural elements in engineering operations. 6 Stratigraphy and Indian Geology : General principles of Stratiagraphy, geological time scale, Physiographic divisions of India and their characteristics. Stratiagraphy of Maharashtra
7 Geological Investigation 7.1 Preliminary Geological Investigation and their importance to achieve safety and economy of the projects supporting dams and tunnel projects ,methods of surface and subsurface investigations, excavations-Trial pit, trenches etc. 7.2 Core Drilling - Geological logging, Inclined Drill holes. Electrical Resistivity method, Seismic method and their applications. 7.3 Use of Aerial photographs, Satellite imageries in civil engineering projects. 8 Geology of dam and reservoir site 8.1 Strengths, stability, water tightness over the foundation rocks and its physical characters against geological structures at dam sites, favorable and unfavorable conditions for locating dam sites. 8.2 Precautions over the unfavorable geological structures like faults , dykes , joints, unfavorable dips on dam sites and giving treatments, structural and erosional valleys. 9 Tunneling Importance of geological considerations while choosing tunnel sites and alignments of the tunnel, safe and unsafe geological and structural conditions, Difficulties during tunneling and methods to overcome the difficulties. 10 Ground water 10.1 Sources, zones, water table, unconfined and Perched water tables. Factors controlling water bearing capacity of rocks, Pervious and Impervious rocks, Cone of depression and its use in Civil engineering. Geological work of groundwater, Artesian well. 10.2 Springs seepage sites and geological structures. Different types of rocks as source of ground water 11 Recharge of ground water Methods of artificial recharge of ground water, geology of percolation tank. 12 Land slides Types, causes and preventive measures for landslides, Landslides in Deccan region. 13 Building stones Requirements of good building stones and its geological factors, controlling properties, consideration of common rocks as building stones, study of different building stones from various formations of Indian Peninsula.
Fluid Mechanics-I
1 Properties of fluids Mass density, weight density, specific gravity, specific volume, viscosity, compressibility and elasticity, surface tension, capillarity, vapour pressure, types of fluids, basic concepts applicable to fluid mechanics. 2 Fluid Statics 2.1 Pascals law, hydrostatic law, pressure variation in fluids at rest. Absolute, atmospheric, gauge pressure, measurement of pressures. 2.2 Hydrostatic force on surface, total pressure and centre of pressure, total pressure on horizontal plane surface, vertical plane surface, Inclined plane surface, centre of pressure for vertical plane surface and for inclined plane surface, practical applications of total pressure and centre of pressure on dams, gates, and tanks. 2.3 Buoyancy and flotation, Archimedes principle, Metacentre, metacentric height, Stability of floating and submerged bodies, determination of metacentric height, metacentric height for floating bodies containing liquid, Time period of Transverse oscillations of floating bodies. 3 Liquids in Relative equilibrium Fluid mass subjected to uniform linear acceleration, liquid containers subjected to constant horizontal acceleration and vertical acceleration, fluid containers subjected to constant rotation with axis vertical and horizontal. 4 Fluid Kinematics Types of fluid flow, description of flow pattern, Lagrangian methods, Eulerian method, continuity equation, velocity and acceleration of fluid particles, velocity potential and stream function, streamline, streak line, path line, equipotential lines and flow net, uses of flow net, rotational and irrotational motions, circulation and vorticity. 5 Fluid dynamics Control volume and control surface, Forces acting on fluid in motion, Navier-Stokes Equation, Eulers Equation of motion , Integration of Eulers equations of motion, Bernoullis Theorem and its derivation, Bernoullis equation for compressible fluid and real fluid, applications of Bernoullis Equation Venturimeter, Orifice meter, nozzle meter, pitot tube 6 Orifices and Mouthpieces 6.1 Classification of orifices, flow through orifices, determination of hydraulic coefficients, flow through large rectangular orifice, flow through fully submerged and partially submerged orifice, time of emptying a tank through an orifice at its bottom
6.2 Classification of Mouthpieces, Flow through external cylindrical mouthpiece, convergent-divergent mouthpiece, Bordas mouthpieces. 7 Notches and Weirs Classification of notches and weirs, discharge over a rectangular, triangular, trapezoidal notch/weir, velocity of approach, stepped notch, Cipolleti weir, broad crested weir, ogee weir, discharge over a submerged weir, ventilation of weirs. 8 Introduction to Ideal fluid flow 8.1 Uniform flow, source and Sink, free vortex flow, superimposed flow, doublet, 8.2 Flow past a half body, flow past a Rankine oval body and flow past a cylinder.