Cessna 172R IMP Notes

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Cessna 172R IMP Notes

1. Oil pressure should register in cold weather in 60 secs. 2. In event at alternate static door open ASI will give an error of 4 knots and altimeter gives an error of 30ft in closed windows condition. 3. Propeller ground clearance is 11.25ft or 111/4 or 11ft 3 inch. 4. Minimum turning radius is 27ft 51/2inch or 27ft 5.5inch. 5. Abrupt use of controls prohibited beyond 99 knots. 6. Yellow arc of ASI is 129 to 163 knots. 7. Minimum oil pressure is 20 psi. 8. Annuciator does not active on low fuel flow and low RPM. 9. Switch off alternator manually in event ammeter reads more than 31.5 volts. 10. Compass error more than 25 degree may come in an event of alternator switch off. 11. For maximum cabin heat (A) knob full out (B) cabin air fully in 12. Attitude indicator bank marking at an increment of 10, 20, 30, 60, 90. 13. DGI (Directional gyro indicator) has to aligned regularly on long flight For Precision. 14. Audible stall warning 5 to 10 knots above stalling speed. 15. Avionics cooling fan switches on automatically when avionics master switch is ON. 16. Maximum window open speed 169 knots. 17. Maximum oil pressure is 115 psi. 18. Unusable fuel quantity in each tank is 1.5 gallons. 19. Color of 100LL (Low Lead) grade aviation fuel is BLUE. 20. Maximum slip duration with one tank dry is 30 secs. 21. Maximum ramp weight is 2457 lbs. 22. Concentration of Diethylene glycel monomethyl ether (DEGME) is 0.10% to 0.15% and 1% of isopropyl alchol. 23. Maximum oil quantity for extended flight 8 quarts. 24. Use of MIL-L-22851 Oil after 50 hrs or when oil consumption stabilized . 25. Maximum deflection of nose wheel by rudder on ground is 10 degree each side. 26. Mechanical stops on flaps 10, 20, 30 degree. 27. Shock absorption Air and oil on nose wheel and tubular spring steel on main wheels. 28. Best rate of climb at sea level 79 knots or 720 fpm. 29. In event of engine flooding actions to be taken:- Mixture Full lean, Throttle Full open, CRANK THE ENGINE, NO PRIMING. 30. Standard temperature lapse rate- 2 deg/1000 ft. 31. Starter cycle is 10 SECS ON and 20 SECS OFF for 3 times and then 10 MINUTES gap for cooling to be done. 32. Enroute climb speed 5 to 10 knots above best rate of climb speed for better visibility, performance and better routing.
By: www.commercialpilot.co.cc

By: www.commercialpilot.co.cc

33. Until 50 hrs accumulated engines should be run on 80% power on cruise. 34. An open alternator source door will result in an approx. 10% power less at full throttle. 35. Carbureator icing is indicated by loss of RPM in fixed pitch propeller and fall of mainfoild pressure in constant speed propeller. 36. OAT/VOLTMETER GAUGE select switch may be tested by putting the select button down for 30 SECS. 37. Microphone button when pressed to more than 33 SECS at a stretch and then transmission breaks automatically. 38. In event of static tube blockage or pitot blockage---- ASI reads error. 39. To permit heavy cabin fuel load reduced to 17.5 gallons usable in each tank. 40. VOLTMETER/OAT/CLOCK---pushing upper control button will change the display on OAT/VOLTMETER windows to E-C-F-E (EMPTY-CENTRE-FULL-EMPTY). 41. Examination of fuel with puffs of smoke is because of over priming. 42. There was obvious loss of power when ignition switch was turned for right magneto. 43. Parking brakes is set brakes with rudder paddle and rotate 90 degree down . 44. VSI depict rate of climb and rate of descend in FPM. 45. Engine driven vaccum system provides suction necessary to drive DGI and A/H. 46. Central area of instrument panel contain STATIC PRESSURE ALTERNATE SOURCE VALVE. 47. ELT is operated by control panel and forward fairing/facing. 48. Beta rays fit fine Thrust reverse. 49. Lift depends upon shape of wing and angle of attack. 50. Bernoullis theorem is - static pressure + dynamic pressure = constant (total pressure). 51. Performance of reciprocating engine reduces at HIGH ALTITUDE. 52. Ignition switch is controlled by LEFT, RIGHT and BOTH. 53. Oil pressure gauge marking green arc is 50-90 psi. 54. Green arc in ASI = 44-129 knots and red line = 163 knots. 55. The attitude which is not marked in each side of central marking = 40 degree.

By: www.commercialpilot.co.cc

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