How The Coal Properties Affect The Boiler Feed Water Temperature

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how the coal properties affect the boiler feed water temperature?

In my knowledge coal properties affec the boiler efficiency only.

4 days ago

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SudheerUnfollow Follow Sudheer Sudheer Vasist Coal particle size has the ability to change the combustion characteristic, hence the steam temperature. It might affect the bleed temp to your HP/LP haters and hence the change in final feedwater temp to boiler. 3 days ago

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- -. Coal properties that are vital for deciding the Boiler design are moisture content, calorificvalue and ash content. Keeping those parameters in view while designing the boiler system, which include feed water quality and quantity will be designed. Hence feed water temaparature is indirrectly related with Coal properties.
1 month ago Unlike Like

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prabakaranUnfollow Follow prabakaran prabakaran s Mr.Balaji i have checked the same in the STEAMPRO software.If i change the coal properties no changes in the feed water mass flow rate or feed water temperature.Changes occured only in the boiler efficiency and coal consumption. Coal properties does not affect the heat rate also.
1 month ago Unlike Like

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MainakUnfollow Follow Mainak Mainak Basu Coal properties affect Boiler efficiency. In case we get low grade coal, Boiler will be less efficient and for such condition we have to consider optimisation of certain parameters of the whole process to improve performance of the plant. Increase in feed water temperature is one of such optimisations. We have to modify feed water heating system to utilise more heat and to improve feed water inlet temperature to economiser. There is no direct effect of coal properties on feed water flow and temperature. We control the whole feed system to maintain a particular

temperature at feed heater outlet. Practically there will be fluctuation of this temperature in case of change in coal properties. But, theoretically this will be fixed temperature as load will reduce and plant will produce less power due to coal properties degradation. I hope this will help to solve your problem.
1 month ago Unlike Like

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GoutamUnfollow Follow Goutam Goutam Das For some low volatile coals it may be required to keep higher eco inlet temp to maintain higher furnace temp for proper ignition. Please check on this.
1 month ago Unlike Like

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AravindhanUnfollow Follow Aravindhan Aravindhan Guru I agree with Mr. Mainak Basu. There is no direct effect of coal properties of feed water temperature. Coal properties such as calorific value effect in process of combustion and may result in poor efficiency. So, only Boiler Efficiency will be affected, not the feed water temperature.
1 month ago Unlike Like

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