Stator Winding Fault Diagnosis in Three-Phase
Stator Winding Fault Diagnosis in Three-Phase
Stator Winding Fault Diagnosis in Three-Phase
Stator Winding Fault Diagnosis in Three-Phase Synchronous and Asynchronous Motors, by the Extended Parks Vector Approach
Srgio M. A. Cruz, Student Member, IEEE, and A. J. Marques Cardoso, Senior Member, IEEE
AbstractThis paper describes the use of the Extended Parks Vector Approach (EPVA) for diagnosing the occurrence of stator winding faults in operating three-phase synchronous and asynchronous motors. The major theoretical principles related with the EPVA are presented and it is shown how stator winding faults can be effectively diagnosed by the use of this noninvasive approach. Experimental results, obtained in the laboratory, corroborate that these faults can be detected, in the EPVA signature, by the identification of a spectral component at twice the fundamental supply frequency. On-site tests, conducted in a power generation plant and in a cement mill, demonstrate the effectiveness of the EPVA in the detection of these faults in large industrial motors, rated up to 5 MW. Index TermsAC motors, diagnostics, Parks Vector Approach, stator faults.
I. INTRODUCTION OTORS are critical components for electric utilities and process industries. A motor failure can result in the shutdown of a generating unit or production line, or require that redundant equipment be used to circumvent the problem [1]. Several studies, conducted under the auspices of the IEEE and the Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) have shown that stator windings breakdown is one of the major causes of motor failure [2]. Stator faults are usually related to an insulation failure. It is believed that these start as undetected turn-to-turn faults that finally grow and culminate in major ones [3]. Consequently, techniques able to detect these kind of faults at an early stage of development are particularly welcome, in order to prevent the catastrophic failure of the machine and also to allow for carefully planned repair actions [4]. Several modeling and simulation studies have been published, related to the analysis of the presence of internal faults in the stator winding of synchronous and asynchronous motors [5][8]. Although the data obtained with these models can provide useful information about the electric behavior of
the motors, under the presence of these faults, a complete evaluation of working conditions should be made on an experimental basis. In this context, several diagnostic techniques have been proposed in order to diagnose stator winding faults [9], [10]. Partial discharge testing [11], vibration monitoring [12], current monitoring [13], or the analysis of the axial flux [1] are some of the diagnostic techniques that can be found to detect these faults. Other researchers propose the use of the instantaneous power [14], the electromagnetic torque [15], [16], or the negative-sequence current [17], [18] as a medium to detect stator winding faults. The measurement of the negative-sequence impedance of the motor stator circuit is another technique extensively referred to in the literature published on this subject [18]. The Parks Vector Approach has also been successfully applied in the diagnosis of interturn stator winding faults in three-phase induction motors. As reported in [19], this diagnostic technique is able to detect and locate these faults. The online diagnosis is based on identifying the appearance of an elliptical pattern, corresponding to the motor current Parks Vector representation, whose ellipticity increases with the severity of the fault and whose major axis orientation is associated with the faulty phase. In order to provide a more detailed insight into the results obtained by the Parks Vector, a new diagnostic technique was first introduced in order to improve the diagnosis of rotor cage faults [20]. This new diagnostic technique, called the Extended Parks Vector Approach (EPVA), was also successfully applied in the diagnosis of rotor cage faults, unbalanced supply voltage, and mechanical load misalignments, in operating three-phase induction motors, either when occurring separately or simultaneously [21][23]. The emphasis of this paper is on the use of the EPVA in the diagnosis of stator winding faults in synchronous and asynchronous motors. II. EPVA
Paper IPCSD 01022, presented at the 2000 Industry Applications Society Annual Meeting, Rome, Italy, October 812, and approved for publication in the IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INDUSTRY APPLICATIONS by the Electric Machines Committee of the IEEE Industry Applications Society. Manuscript submitted for review October 15, 2000 and released for publication June 27, 2001. This work was supported by the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) under Project PBIC/C/CEG/2441/95. The authors are with the Departamento de Engenharia Electrotcnica, Universidade de Coimbra, P-3030-290 Coimbra, Portugal (e-mail: [email protected]; [email protected]). Publisher Item Identifier S 0093-9994(01)08302-5.
A. Theoretical Principles As a function of mains phase variables ( , , current Parks Vector components ( , ) are ) the motor
(1) (2)
Fig. 2. Relationship between the symmetrical components and Parks Vector, for the case of a motor with a stator asymmetry. (a) Motor current Parks Vector representation. (b) Motor current Parks Vector modulus.
Under ideal conditions, i.e., when the motor supply currents constitute a positive-sequence system, the Parks Vector has the following components: (3) (4) where maximum value of the current positive sequence (A); angular supply frequency (rad/s); time variable (s). The corresponding representation is a circular locus centered at the origin of the coordinates. In these conditions, the current Parks Vector modulus is constant (Fig. 1). Under abnormal conditions, (3) and (4) are no longer valid, because the motor supply current will contain other components besides the positive-sequence component, leading to a representation different from the reference one. In these conditions, the current Parks Vector modulus will contain a dominant dc level and an ac level, whose existence is directly related to the asymmetries either in the motor or in the voltage supply system. In order to discriminate the information contained in the modulus of the current Parks Vector, a new technique was introduced, the so-called EPVA, which is the result of a spectral analysis of the ac level of the motor supply current. This new implementation of the Parks Vector Approach combines the simplicity of the former technique and the detailed insight as given by the spectral analysis. Additionally, by taking into account the current in all the three phases, the EPVA provides a more meaningful spectrum than the one obtained by the conventional motor current spectral analysis. B. Interturn Short-Circuit Diagnosis by the EPVA Consider a healthy motor, synchronous or asynchronous, fed by a perfectly symmetrical voltage supply system. In ideal conditions, the motor supply current contains only a positive-sequence component, leading to a constant current Parks Vector modulus. In these conditions, the EPVA signature will be clear from any spectral component. Consider now that, due to the existence of an interturn short circuit in the motor stator winding, the supply current will ex-
hibits some sort of unbalance. Considering that the stator windings have no neutral connection, the motor supply current can be expressed as the sum of a positive- and a negative-sequence component. It can be shown that the existence of these two components will lead to an elliptical representation of the current Parks Vector (Fig. 2). Additionally, it can also be shown that the length of the major axis is directly proportional to the sum of the amplitudes of the positive- and negative-sequence components of the motor supply current, while the difference between the amplitudes of these two components is directly proportional to the length of the minor axis. Looking at Fig. 2(b), which shows the time-domain representation of the current Parks Vector modulus, and taking into account the fact that the existence of the current negative sequence is directly related to the asymmetry in the motor, it is clear that the presence of the fault manifests itself in the EPVA signature by the presence of a spectral component at twice the fundamental supply frequency ( ). Moreover, the amplitude of this spectral component is directly related to the extension of the fault. In this way, an indicator of the degree of asymmetry can be obtained as the ratio between the amplitude of the specand the dc level of the tral component at a frequency of current Parks Vector. The idea mentioned above is valid either for synchronous or asynchronous motors, as this fault has essentially the same effects in the currents of the stator windings for these two kinds of motors. III. LABORATORY TESTS A. Details of Test Rig The asynchronous motor used in the experimental investigation of the occurrence of interturn stator windings faults was a three-phase 50-Hz, four-pole 15-kW SEW-EURODRIVE squirrel-cage induction machine, type DV160L4, 29.5 A and 1450 r/min. The stator winding was modified by the addition of a number of tappings connected to the stator coils, for each of the three phases. The other end of these external wires is connected to an enlarged motor terminal box, allowing for the introduction of several numbers of shorted turns, at several locations in the stator windings. The motor has two parallel paths per phase and
Fig. 3. A shorting resistor was introduced between two tappings to allow for the introduction of interturn short circuits and to limit the short-circuit current.
Fig. 4. EPVA signature corresponding to the motor normal operating condi tions (no-load operation).
a total of 147 turns per path/phase. Further details of the test motor can be found in [19]. The experimental investigation of interturn short circuits in the stator windings of a synchronous motor was conducted in a Mawdsley Generalized Electrical Machine, connected as a three-phase two-pole synchronous motor, with a double-layer stator winding series arrangement. The machine has 48 coils in the stator and the rotor has no damper windings. The diagnostic instrumentation system used basically comprises a microcomputer, supporting a National Instruments data acquisition board, model NB-A2000. The signals provided by two current probes, type LemFlex RR-300, and those corresponding to two line-to-line voltages provided by a preconditioning module (in order to monitor the balance of the motor supply voltage) are connected to the four input channels of the board. The instrumentation system is complemented with specific software, developed in the Labview environment. B. Experimental Results 1) Induction Motor: The motor was initially tested in the absence of faults. Subsequently, several numbers of shorted turns were introduced in the stator windings, in different locations, by the use of a shorting resistor in order to limit the short-circuit current and, thus, protecting the motor from complete failure when the short was introduced (Fig. 3). The short circuits were introduced in the motor phase A and the stator winding was delta connected. Fig. 4 shows the EPVA signature for the case of the induction motor running at no load and in normal conditions. It was theoretically predicted that, in normal circumstances, the EPVA signature would be clear from any spectral component. However, in practice, the EPVA signature reveals the existence of a
(c) Fig. 5. EPVA signature for the case of the motor with the following numbers of shorted turns in phase A: (a) three turns; (b) 12 turns; and (c) 36 turns.
spectral component, with a small amplitude, at a frequency of 100 Hztwice the fundamental supply frequency. The appearance of this spectral component, even in normal conditions, is directly related to the existence of a residual asymmetry in the motor stator circuit, as can be proved by the measurement of all the three motor phase currents, and by the guarantee that the motor voltage supply system was balanced. The motor was then tested with several numbers of shortcircuited turns. Fig. 5 shows the EPVA signatures for the case of three, 12, and 36 short-circuited turns. It should be emphasized
Fig. 6. Evolution of the normalized severity factor with the extension of the fault (no-load operation).
Fig. 7. Evolution of the normalized severity factor with the motor load level (45 shorted turns).
that the value of the external shorting resistor was adjusted in order to keep the short-circuit current almost at the same value for all these tests. It is clear that the amplitude of the spectral component at twice the fundamental supply frequency increases notoriously with the extension of the fault, making it a good indicator of the presence of the fault. As it was earlier pointed out, the extension of the fault can be evaluated by the use of a severity factor, defined as the ratio between the amplitude of the spectral component at a frequency , visible in the EPVA signature, and the dc level of the current Parks Vector. Fig. 6 shows the evolution of this severity factor with the number of shorted turns. As can be seen in the figure, the values of the severity factor increase monotonically with the increase in the number of shorted turns. It should be noted that the extension of the fault is related not only to the number of shorted turns, but also to the value of the shorting resistor used for limiting the short-circuit current. This fact puts in evidence that, in practice, the evaluation of the degree of the fault cannot be made simply by referring the number of shorted turns to the total number of turns of a healthy winding. It is more correct to speak in terms of insulation resistance degradation rather than in terms of a specific number of shorted turns. Furthermore, it is important to evaluate the influence of the motor load level on the values assumed by this severity factor. In this context, some other tests were carried out, with the same number of shorted turns (and with the same value of the shorting resistor) but with different motor load levels. The evolution of the values assumed by the severity factor in these tests is shown in Fig. 7. The following preliminary conclusions can be made. The current in the shorting resistor has essentially the same value for all the motor load conditions considered. Consequently, it can be concluded that the local perturbation of the magnetic field in the regions adjacent of the shorted turns is not much dependent on the load level. An increase in the motor load level leads to an increase in the amplitude of the positive-sequence component of the motor current, while the amplitude of the negative sequence-component does not vary significantly with that
Fig. 8. EPVA signature corresponding to the synchronous motor in normal operating conditions.
parameter. This is the reason why the values assumed by the severity factor decrease with an increase in the motor load level. Other tests were carried out with different locations of the shorted turns, and in the other two phases. The obtained results are very much similar to those presented here. These tests put into evidence that the EPVA is a suitable diagnostic technique to detect the occurrence of interturn short circuits in an induction motor stator winding, even with a reduced number of shorted turns. If necessary, the identification of the faulty phase can be made by the use of the former current Parks Vector Approach. 2) Synchronous Motor: The procedures followed for the tests carried out on this motor are essentially the same of those mentioned above for the induction motor. It should be noted that, due to the stator winding arrangement of the Generalized Machine, it was only possible to test the occurrence of short circuits in a complete stator coil rather than on a few turns. Fig. 8 shows the EPVA signature for the case of the machine running at no load and in healthy condition. The EPVA signature is essentially clear from any spectral components. Nevertheless, and due to the residual asymmetries of the machine, it is possible to identify some spectral components of small amplitude. Fig. 9 shows the EPVA signature for the case of a shorted coil in motor phase .
Fig. 9. EPVA signature for the case of a synchronous motor with one shortcircuited coil.
Fig. 10. On-site (power plant) EPVA signature, corresponding to a stator circuit asymmetry.
Similarly to the case of shorted turns in the induction motor, the faulty coil manifests itself in the EPVA signature by the presence of a spectral component at twice the fundamental supply frequency. The results obtained for other faulty situations are very much similar to the ones presented earlier for the induction motor, leading to similar conclusions. C. Discussion General remarks can be made for both kind of motors. First, all the experimental results presented above are related to the use of the EPVA for diagnosing the occurrence of interturn and stator coils short circuits. Although these faults are assigned to the stator windings, this does not necessarily mean that the EPVA can only deal with these types of stator faults. As will be shown later, this diagnostic technique is able to detect faults in the stator magnetic circuit of the motor, such as slot wedges degradation, among others. In fact, asymmetries, either in the stator windings or in the stator magnetic circuit, such as magnetic anisotropy or damaged slot wedges, share the property that their presence causes a perturbation in the spatial distribution of the magnetomotive forces associated with the stator windings. Hence, such asymmetries may be expected to give rise to an asymmetry in all the three motor phase currents, thus allowing detection by the EPVA. IV. CASE HISTORIES The following case histories demonstrate the effectiveness of the EPVA for diagnosing stator-related faults in large threephase induction motors operating in a real industrial environment. 1) Power Plant [22]: motor detailsthree phase, 6 kV, 5 MW, 547 A, , 60 stator slots; 1493 r/min, 50 Hz, dutyboiler water feeding pump, power generation industry. Fig. 10 shows the EPVA signature from on-site tests, which indicates the presence of a stator circuit asymmetry. It was noticed that unusual noise was emitted from the machine during
Fig. 11. On-site (cement mill) EPVA signature, corresponding to a stator circuit asymmetry.
the start transition periods and also under the influence of timevarying loads. Partial discharges tests were also conducted on site. Although the results did not reveal an extremely high level of partial discharge activity, it was recommended that the motor be shut down and removed for inspection. At the repair shop, the visual inspection of the stator revealed that about 1/3 of the slot wedges presented some degree of degradation. After removing all the slot wedges, it was found that the conductor bars were not perfectly tight inside the slots, some of them presenting high levels of clearance. The stator circuit was effectively faulty and the problem had been produced at the manufacturing stage, during the vacuum pressure impregnation process. 2) Cement Mill: motor detailsthree phase, 6 kV, 450 kW, 53 A, ; 990 r/min, 50 Hz, dutyfan drive, cement industry. Fig. 11 shows the EPVA signature from on-site tests, which clearly indicates the presence of a stator circuit asymmetry. It was noticed that unusual noise was being emitted from the machine during the start transition periods and high temperature values were also being recorded. Although the results indicate a high level of asymmetry, the machine was kept in operation for some additional time, waiting for the delivery of a substitute
ACKNOWLEDGMENT The authors would like to thank the Pego Power Generation Plant, for providing the asynchronous test motor used in the laboratory tests, and also the plant personnel for the assistance given during the on-site testing. The assistance given by the Souselas Cement Mill personnel during on-site tests is also greatly acknowledged. REFERENCES
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Fig. 12. On-site (cement mill) EPVA signature, corresponding to the substitute motor.
motor [22]. When the faulty motor was finally removed for inspection, the inner surface of the stator revealed a high level of slot wedges degradation and also the existence of a decolorized region, typical of the presence of hot spot(s). The stator circuit was effectively faulty, as diagnosed by the analysis of the EPVA signature. Meanwhile, on-site tests also were conducted in the substitute motor (Fig. 12). As theoretically predicted, the EPVA signature corresponding to a healthy motor is characterized by a spectrum clear from any spectral component. V. CONCLUSIONS This paper has introduced a new approach, based on the spectral analysis of the current Parks Vector modulus, for diagnosing stator winding faults in operating three-phase synchronous and asynchronous motors. Several experimental results show that stator winding faults can be effectively diagnosed by using this new approach, whose operating philosophy relies on the behavior of a spectral component at twice the fundamental supply frequency. It was shown that the amplitude of this spectral component is directly related to the degree of asymmetry of the motor winding. A normalized severity factor, defined as the ratio between the amplitude of the spectral component at twice the fundamental supply frequency and the dc level of the motor current Parks Vector modulus, proves to be a good indicator of the condition of the motor. Tests carried out in an industrial environment have demonstrated the ability of the EPVA to detect stator circuit faults, even when these are strictly confined to the degradation of the stator magnetic circuit. This shows the extreme sensitivity of this method, even if the faults are at an early stage of development. A modeling and simulation study is currently in progress, in order to investigate the behavior of an induction motor under the presence of interturn short circuits, either when the motor is directly connected to the mains or fed from inverters. Additionally, more tests have to be done on a synchronous motor, with damper windings, to fully test the use of this diagnostic technique in these motors.
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Srgio M. A. Cruz (S96) was born in Coimbra, Portugal, in 1971. He received the E.E. diploma and the M.Sc. degree in 1994 and 1999, respectively, from the University of Coimbra, Coimbra, Portugal, where he is currently working toward the Ph.D. degree in the Department of Electrical Engineering. He is also currently a Teaching Assistant in the Department of Electrical Engineering, University of Coimbra. His current research interest is fault diagnosis in electrical machines and drives. He has authored several published technical papers on this subject. Mr. Cruz is a member of the Portuguese Federation of Industrial Maintenance (APMI).
A. J. Marques Cardoso (S89A95SM99) was born in Coimbra, Portugal, in 1962. He received the E.E. diploma and the Dr.Eng. degree from the University of Coimbra, Coimbra, Portugal, in 1985 and 1995, respectively. Since 1985, he has been with the University of Coimbra, where he is currently an Associate Professor in the Department of Electrical Engineering and Director of the Electrical Machines Laboratory. His teaching interests cover electrical rotating machines, transformers, and maintenance of electromechatronic systems, and his research interests are focused on condition monitoring and diagnostics of electrical machines and drives. He is the author of Fault Diagnosis in Three-Phase Induction Motors (Coimbra, Portugal: Coimbra Editora, 1991) (in Portuguese) and about 60 papers published in technical journals and conference proceedings. He is actively involved in the field of standardization on condition monitoring and diagnostics, both at the national and international level, where he has been acting as a convenor of ISO/TC 108/SC 5 Advisory Group D (Condition Monitoring and Diagnostics of Power Transformers) and ISO/TC 108/SC 5 Working Group 10 (Condition Monitoring and Diagnostics of Electrical Equipment), and also a member of several Working Groups/Balloting Committees of ISO and CEN. He was a member of the Overseas Advisory Panel of Condition Monitoring and Diagnostic Technology (a journal published by the British Institute of Non-Destructive Testing between 19901993), and he is currently a member of the Editorial Board of the International Journal of Condition Monitoring & Diagnostic Engineering Management. Dr. Marques Cardoso is a member of the New York Academy of Sciences, European Power Electronics and Drives Association (EPE), the Electric Machines and the Industrial Drives Committees of the IEEE Industry Applications Society, Portuguese Federation of Industrial Maintenance (APMI), and a senior member of the Portuguese Engineers Association (ODE). He is also a member of several Working Groups of the IEEE . He has been listed in Whos Who in the World and BEST Europe. He is an Honorary Member of the International Biographical Centre Advisory Council, Cambridge, U.K., and an Honorary Professor of the Albert Schweitzer International University, Geneva, Switzerland.