Basis Questions (FAQ)
Basis Questions (FAQ)
Basis Questions (FAQ)
Ask him/her to describe how SAP handles Memory Management? ST02 / ST03 In general via table buffers, you could go into the whole Work Process, roll in, roll out, heap (private) memory, etc. however just as a Unix or DBA admin would know, is you look this up when needed for the exact specifics. Ask him/her to describe where they would look at the buffer statistics, and what steps they would use to adjust them? ST02, RZ10 Ask him/her to describe how to setup a printer in SAP or where they would look to research why a user/users can not print? SPAD, SP01, SM50, SU01
Keep the interview to 3 general areas: DB (what is the directory structure/ where are the files kept oracle alerts, init.ora, redo logs, archive logs, etc.; possibly some basics stuff like what to do "high level" when the archive directory fills up, etc. Keep this minimal as from a SAP basis admin point of view Oracle is just a big giant bit bucket and SAP can handle to the daily monitoring and maintenance itself. OS (what is the directory structure (what is NFS mounted and why / where are the message files contained for the OS error log; basic commands for the OS e.g. UNIX, mv, cp, ls, grep, ps-ef, dfk, etc. That is pretty much all the SAP basis admin will need to know. Client/Server architecture.
SAP (what is the directory structure / where are files located ie. profiles - start, instance, default (what are they and what is the order of precendence) start is for startup only, instance is the first to be read then the default and if a given parameter cannot be found in the instance or then the default then the internal standard is taken from RZ10 setting. You can ask them to ran Transaction codes to you. Menus constanly change so go with T-codes. He should have a good knowledge of the following areas; transports, user / print / spool / batch management, monitoring, client tools and copies, support packages, kernel patches, workload analysis, Roles and Security, etc.
Digging The
SM50, SM51, SM66, SM12, SM13, SM21, DB01, DB02, DB13, ST01, ST02, ST03, ST04, ST05, ST06, SU01, SUIM, PFCG, SCC4, SE01, SE09, SE10, SPAM, SM35, SM36, SM37, SPAD, SP01 SCC3, SCCL, SCC9 this are pretty much you heavy hitters for monitoring and support. I would ask in general how he would troubleshoot the following: - User cannot connect to SAP check SAP logon settings, ping the host, check message server, check dispatcher, etc. - User cannot print check SAP user setup, check SPAD, check spools, check unix queue or print queue at the os level, etc - System seems slow check SM66, SM51, SM50, SM21, ST06, ST03, SMLG, AL08 etc.
Some important things to remember is to ask not get specific to your installation or specific system setup as all SAP instances are different, keep your question to general topics and general answers. The most important thing to notice when choosing a candidate is not how they parrot back answers to you, but if they can a) think for themselves and b) they actually like to and will keep on learning as no one knows it all and c) they have a good background and willingness to perform analyis and will keep on until the answer is found or until their resources are exhausted and then they will pull in what is required to figure it out.
SAP Basis Components, Application Modules, Certification, ABAP/4 Programming Books Used Transaction Variants to make your fields Mandatory, Hidden or Display You can hide unwanted screens and fields in any of the standard SAP programs without changing any of the standard programs. Additional features such as making the variant as default on the standard SAP transaction code is only available on 4.6x. Steps:Transaction SHD0 - Create a variant for the required transaction by changing the layout through hiding fields and screens. Transaction SE93 - Create a variant transaction (e.g. for VA02 you can name it as ZA02). Next allocate the transaction variant to this variant transaction.
Create and change the Zxxx area menu with the new transaction variant. In this way, the user does have to remember any extra transaction codes. In 4.6c, you can default your transaction variant as the standard variant. (SHD0 - Edit -> Activate/Deactivate as standard variant) An example for using transaction variant (restricting the field display for CO11N - Goods movement) :If you want to restrict changes to the fields in Goods movement for one group of users. 1. Create a transaction variant for CO11N 2. Create a new transaction code for the transaction variant and assign an authorization object to it 3. Divide the users into this two transaction code. Those who can change the field using CO11N. For those that have limited field change, give them the authorizationfor ZCO11 (this is a new transaction code you have to create). Return to :Create Parameter transaction for SM30 Assuming that you want the user to maintain a table or view using SM30 but you do not want them to see the initial screen of SM30. For e.g. V023 - Material Group. Steps tested in 4.6x :SE93 - Type in a transaction name e.g. ZV023 Click create - choose parameter transaction In the Create Parameter transaction screen, fill in the following fields :Transaction SM30
Tick Skip initial screen Tick Inherit GUI attributes Name of screen field VIEWNAME UPDATE Value V023 X
Press F8 or click the Test button for testing. Save it and with the required authorization, the user will be able to use transaction code ZV023 to maintain the material group. Return to :Question : Subject : Client Copy with only user master and roles Hi We are on 4.6C and our QA and Production clients are on the same system. We create all the roles on the QA client to test.All the users are setup on both clients with the exception of a few. Before Going Live I want to copy the entire use master records and roles and their assignments to the Production Client. I want to know if my existing users and roles in Production will be deleted with the client copy of users master and roles??
Reply : Subject : Client Copy with only user master and roles Yes, they will be deleted. Reply : Subject : Client Copy with only user master and roles
Hi, I think it will be deleted. Reply : Subject : Client Copy with only user master and roles Hi all , Please take a look to the diferents profiles you can use in the copy client. I send you all the options that you have , for further needs. Data classes in the copy profiles: o Customizing All profiles, with the exception of SAP_USR/SAP_USER contain Customizing. Customizing data is generally in tables of the delivery classes C, G, E and S. o Client-independent Customizing between two systems Client-independent Customizing can only be transported via Export/Import. For this, a profile must be created with the corresponding option in the customer name space until Release 3.1I. As of Release 4.0, the following profiles are delivered for this: SAP_EXBC, SAP_EXPA and SAP_EXPC. In addition to some special selections, the client-independent customizing tables (delivery classes C, G, E, and S) that are not contained in the exception list for system tables are copied. For Basis tables (development class starts with 'S'), the existence of a customizing object is checked in addition (Transaction SOBJ) to make sure that those contain customizing that may be transported and no system settings. Note: Client-independent customizing must only be copied to create a
new system. Client-independent data and thus all clients in the target system are affected by this and can be destroyed! o User master data User master data is only deleted in the target system if a profile is copied with user master data. Prior to Release 4.5B, however, the user addresses are lost when copying customizing without application data. For transports, this restriction still applies. Authorization profiles belong to Customizing and therefore, they are always copied with this. Copying users without user profiles would be problematic. Therefore, the copy profile SAP_USR or SAP_USER additionally contains authorization profiles. A separate source client for the user data can be entered with a local copy or with an export. In Releases 4.0B to 4.6D the users are copied with each copy including user data. If this is not wanted you must store the user prior to the copy with profile SAP_USER to another client and retransfer it after the copy. o Application data (master & transaction data) Application data is dependent upon Customizing data. Therefore, the data can only exist consistently together with it. Application data is always deleted in target clients, with the exception of a copy with SAP_USR or SAP_USER. Application data is generally in tables of delivery class A. If you want to mix the application data with the Customizing data of another client for test purposes, import the corresponding Customizing transports in the target client. If you - in extremely exceptional cases - want to reach this goal via the client copy tools, then refer to Note 19574, which contains additional information. However, SAP expressively notes that no support is given for any of the problems and inconsistencies occuring with the execution. As of Release 4.5 a copy of the customizing without resetting the application data is not possible.
In Releases 4.0B to 4.6D the users are always copied for each copy including application data. Detailed information can be found in the user master data. o System variants and user-defined variants The copy profile SAP_USR or SAP_USER does not contain any variants. - Release 3.0: Variants are only copied if a copy profile ordered by the user contains this option. The profile SAP_ALL, which contains variants, is only delivered as of Release 3.0F. - As from Release 3.1: All delivered profiles contain variants. - As from Release 4.0: The tool can now handle system variants and user defined variants separately. If a copy profile does not contain the option 'With variants', the system variants are nevertheless copied. However, the user defined variants are only copied if the option to do so was selected. Nevertheless, via a delivery error, all profiles receive the option 'With variants'. - As from Release 4.5: With periodic planning, no variants are copied. SAP_APPL, SAP_CUST and SAP_UCUS do not contain any more user-defined variants. - As from Release 4.6A: Also SAP_UAPP contains no more user-defined variants. o Activity groups Activity groups are copied together with the Customizing. Only as of Release 4.5 they are also copied with the SAP_USER profile. In a former release, they must be transported, in this case, with the help of the report 'RHMOVE30'. Copy profiles delivered by SAP: As of Release 4.0, SAP only supports these profiles delivered by SAP.
o SAP_ALL (as of Release 3.0F) All client-dependent data o SAP_USR (as of 4.0 SAP_USER) User master data and authorization profiles o SAP_CUST Customizing - application data is deleted o SAP_UCUS Customizing and user data - application data is deleted o SAP_APPL Customizing data and application data ( because of changed user address assignments as of Release 4.0 to 4.6D, including the user data, which corresponds the profile SAP_ALL without user defined variant) o SAP_UAPP Corresponds to SAP_ALL and is omitted after Release 4.6D. The following profiles will be delivered additionally as of Release 4.0 (SCC8 only) in order to be able to copy client-independent Customizing data between two systems: o SAP_EXBC Customizing including client-independent customizing and user data o SAP_EXPA All client-dependent data and client-independent Customizing (as of Release 4.5 without change documents) o SAP_EXPC Customizing including client-independent Customizing As of Release 4.0, the following profiles are additionally delivered, which contain the user defined variants (see above): o SAP_CUSV corresponds to SAP_CUST with a variant flag o SAP_UCSV corresponds to SAP_UCUS with a variant flag As of Release 4.5B there is a specific profile to restore a client o SAP_RECO
Specific copy profile (for remote copies and transports) which contains change documents, system tables (delivery class 'W' e.g. the Central User Administration (CUA)), and local tables (delivery class 'L') in addition to SAP_ALL. The profile may only be used to restore a client which was accidentally deleted. The number of the source and target client and the system settings (for example, printer, etc.) should correspond. Reply : Subject : Client Copy with only user master and roles Thanks Nuria, but I still have a question. If I have a few users on the Production client and I copy the user master and roles with the Copy Profiles SAP_USR from QA, Will it overwrite those few users? Basically what I am asking is : Does a client copy of user master and profiles/roles delete the target user master and profiles/roles before doing the copy or transport? Reply: Subject: Client Copy with only user master and roles Yes, it doesnt delete all of that in the target client before it does the copy. All copies do regardless. Now, what you need to do in order to keep your target "roles and user master date" is that before the main copy, 1- make a dummy client in scc4 2- do a client copy using SAP_USER from your source client to this dummy client 3- start your main client copy 4- do another client copy except this one is from the dummy to the source using SAP_USER This will get everything you want and your roles/master data is intact.
Hope this helps. let me know if need more detail. Return to:-
Client Copy from Production to Quality Server Tips by: Hristo Hristov It depends on system size and available time. For small system you can do remote client copy. Another option is to make client export on PRD system, then client import in Quality system. For the large system is not any other way - just do system copy. In few words: make backup, remove Quality system from transport system and from CUA, resore on Quality system, re-create control files - to change the SID( Oracle), startup DB, several post-copy steps. Here is plan that i follow : Generally follow note 147243. The difference in this procedure is that DB Load is not interrupted as is proposed in the note, but I wait for the initial installation to fully complete and then do the next steps. 1. Adjust memory parameters (Oracle, SAP) and page file of source system. If necessary adjust also number of work processes. This step is optional. Most often it is not done, instead of it the adjustments of the profiles are done later in the target system. 2. Trace the control file Control<SID>.sql of source system note 147243 3. Adjust created control file as for the target system note 147243 4. Create new user with admin rights (put this user in ORA_DBA
group) 5. Logon as this user (local/domain) and perform a new installation as per inst. guide 6. Do this only if this is a second SAP instance installed on the same host: See note 576919 (Ora-12505). Oracle listener is changed during the installation. Adjust listener.ora - if system fails on DBCONNECTTEST step (can occur if you install more than one instance on the same host), check if environment variable Local is defined. If it is, it should have the correct value for the SID and it must be defined as User variable, not as System variable. Also restart the computer. Then start the database of the new SID. - Terminal services also can impact this error note 441518. Note 556232 explains the environment settings. - If error occurs on DIPGNTAB_NT see note 162266 and especially note 400241 (ora-1403 or ora 1017) 7. Patch Oracle of the target system, if necessary (to have the same patch level as in the source system) 8. Update Kernel of Target system (use the newest kernel available) 9. Stop Oracle <SID> Service 10. Delete on Target system <DRIVE>:\ORACLE\<SID> (Online redo log directories must stay, just the files in them have to be deleted). Redo log directories must be on the same drives as they are on the Source system (because Online Redo logs are recreated by the Control<SID>.SQL). Otherwise adjust appropriate the traced control file from the sourse system 11. Copy or restore <DRIVE>:\ORACLE\<SID> (SAPDATA 16) from Source to the target system. 12. Delete all copied in previous step Control files on the Target system ! 13. Copy Oracle init<SID>.ora , .sap , .dba from source system and adjust them to the situation in Target system (<SID>, paths, etc) 14. Adjust SAP profiles to the status of Target system (memory
parameters, number of workprocesses, language parametrs, etc.) 15. Start Oracle Services 16. Modify Control<SID>.sql as per Guide (Note 147243) 17. Database must be down. Execute Control<SID>.sql . This must recreate the control file and open that database 18. Start DB, Start SAP 19. If the system does not start, delete old OPS$ user and create it again (Note 50088) only for R/3 4.6C Only for BW (or system based on WAS 6.20): - Use note 659509 in combination with 400241. Use the newest oradbusr.sql script to create new OPS$ user it is attached to current version of note 50088. Change password/owner of SAPUSER table as described in 659509 use old SID for the ops$<sapsid>adm.sapuser and new SID for SCHEMAOWNER: ora<dbsid>% sqlplus /nolog > connect / as sysdba > insert into ops$<sapsid>adm.sapuser values ('<SCHEMAOWNER>', '<password>'); Grant SAPDBA role to new OPS$ user: GRANT CONNECT, RESOURCE TO OPS$<DOMAIN>\<SID>ADM; In the examples below IPW is the source system, GRB is the target system. - Give to the user default and temporary tablespace, for example: ALTER USER "OPS$GRATHDB1\GRBADM" DEFAULT TABLESPACE PSAPIPWUSR TEMPORARY TABLESPACE PSAPTEMP IDENTIFIED EXTERNALLY; - Grant the necessary roles to new SAP<SID> user, for example: GRANT CONNECT, RESOURCE, SELECT_CATALOG_ROLE TO SAPGRB;
- Apply note 534765 to change dbs_ora_schema environment to the old SID (SID which owns SAP tables in the schema) - Create OPS$SAPService user (example): create user "OPS$GRATHDB1\SAPSERVICEGRB" DEFAULT TABLESPACE SYSTEM TEMPORARY TABLESPACE SYSTEM IDENTIFIED EXTERNALLY; - Grant necessary rights to OPS$SAPService user: GRANT CONNECT, RESOURCE, SAPDBA TO "OPS$GRATHDB1\SAPSERVICEGRB"; - Create the synonym: CREATE SYNONYM "OPS$GRATHDB1\SAPSERVICEGRB".SAPUSER FOR "OPS$SAPBW\IPWADM".SAPUSER; - Grant select update onto the SAPUSER table for SAPService user: GRANT SELECT, UPDATE ON "OPS$SAPBW\IPWADM".SAPUSER TO "OPS$GRATHDB1\SAPSERVICEGRB; - Drop the old synonym: DROP SYNONYM "OPS$SAPBW\SAPSERVICEIPW".SAPUSER; - Start SAP system. 20. If the system does not start yet, apply note 8179 21. Post Implementation steps These steps are derived from Homogeneous copy guide, section post copy activities - Delete all irrelevant in SM59 - Delete old CUA settings, if exists (SCUA, BD64) - SPAD adjust printers - Delete entries in tables: sqlplus connect sapr3/sap;
delete from DBSTATHORA; delete from DBSTAIHORA; delete from DBSTATIORA; delete from DBSTATTORA; delete from MONI; delete from PAHI; delete from OSMON; delete from DBSNP; delete from SDBAH; delete from SDBAD; delete from SDBAP; delete from SDBAR; delete from DDLOG; delete from TPFET; delete from TPFHT; delete from TLOCK; commit; exit; For systems based on WAS 6.20 check in Homogeneous Copy Guide for the tables, which entries must be deleted. - Delete all unnecessary in SM37 - Execute SICK, SM28 (Installation check) - SE06 (Choose DB Copy) Start transaction SE06 and choose Database copy or migration. Click now the button Processing after installation [Execute]. Accept the given source system. SAP will now ask if the originals have to changed from source system name to target system name. Only answer this question with yes if this installation doesnt stay within the same landscape. - SE38 -> execute report RSBTCDEL (mark field delete with force mode). This deletes old batch jobs by your criteria - SP12 Tempse Consistency - Execute DB02
- Configure STMS - RZ10 import new profiles - SE61 adapt the logon text - Adapt the picture after logon - Delete unnecessary clients - Import necessary requests - Add the system CUA ? - Install Documentation Additional steps for BW only follow closely note 184754 a) In the target BW, change the contents of field "target host" in all RFC connections (destinations) for R/3 and DataMart source systems (Transaction SM59) to a nonsensical, nonexistent address (such as 'nowhere'). Then delete ALL R/3 and DataMart source systems in the Administrator Workbench source system tree. Caution: This step deletes all PSA tables of these source systems the data are lost! A message is generated stating that the source system cannot be accessed (since you deleted the host of the RFC connection). Select "Ignore". Confirm on the request, until all transfer structures are not deleted track this on Transfer structure. This operation deletes the transfer structures and transfer rules for the affected sourse systems. It asks also if you want to delete RFC destinations and Logical systems of the source systems (SALE). MySelf Logical system (based on old <SID>) can not be deleted. Release the request created during this procedure. b) DO NOT create new Logical system (e.g. GRGRB400). In BDLS step this will be done automatically by the report RBDLSMAP c) Follow note 121163 d) Before running BDLS, adapt ROLLBACK segments (if necessary)
SAP Basis Administration, Application Modules, Certification, ABAP/4 Programming Books Question : Subject : Copy table contents Hi, What is the transaction to copy table contents from one client to another? If there any other way to accomplish the copy? Thanks Reply : Subject : Copy table contents I think is this one: SCCL Reply : Subject : Copy table contents See Note 0001942 . You can do it at OS Level. 1) Generate a control file: clientcopy source client ... target client ... select * from yyy # for individual tables
2) R3trans -w <Log file> -u 1 <control file> Kind regards, Reply : Subject : Copy table contents Hi, Use the following procedure to copy table contents between two clients: After verifying the client copy log, due to some storage probslems in table MOFF, this table could not be completely copied. To avoid having to perform the whole client copy process, just hte entries on table MOFF from the source client will be copied to the table MOFF on the target client 010 in thte target system T12. 1. In the source system (C12), create a control file, for example, expmoff.ctrl with the following contents: export client select * from moff where mandt = '002". 2. Run the R3trans utility with the previous control file: R3trans -w expmoff.log -u 18 expmoff.ctrl The -w flag indicates the log file, the -u flag sets unconditional modes for the transport. In the export phonase, unconditional mode 1 indicates the system to ignore the wrong status of transport requests. Mode 8 allows direct selection of tables when the default modes are not allowed. By default, the previous command generates the data file trans.dat in the directory where the export has been executed. If both source and target systems share the transport
directory, it wont be necessary to copy the trans.dat file. Otherwise you must use ftp. 3. Check the export log file, expmoff.log and verify it did not contain any errors. 4. Once in the target system, create the import control file, for example impmoff.ctrl with the following content: import client 5. Then execute it with the R3trans tool: R3trans -w impmoff.log -u 248 impmoff.ctrl By default it uses the data file trans.dat generated by the previous commnad file. The unconditional modes used in the import phase are : 2 for enabling the overwriting of the original, 4 which ignores that the transport request was intended for a different target system, and 8 which allows for importing tables which are restricted by their table types. If you use the default options for the import, you do not need a control file. The import can be performed directly with R3trans -i <file>. 6. Check the import log file, impmoff.log to check that the import runs fine without errors. You can also log on to the target client, 010, in the target system and look up the table contents with se16. I hope this help. Reply : Subject : Copy table contents
You can also achieve this with a transport request, Object T3TR.TABU.<Table Name> and then double click and add the Key <Table name>.*
Restart Unix spooler lpshut /usr/lib/lp/lpsched Clear Unix spooler lpc clean print_id The Unix command to start and stop SAP su - production-admin stopsap all -> make sure that the R/3 Instance and Oracle Database stopped startsap all -> make sure that the R/3 Instance and Oracle Database started If the Oracle Database is not started, tried using SAPDBA su - oracle-admin sapdba Options a - Startup / Shutdown Database instance Return to :Unix command to start saprouter From user root : su - prdadm (production administrator) cd /usr/sap/saprouter saprouter -r The above steps will start the saprouter program to access the OSS. Return to :SAP ABAP/4 Programming, Basis Administration, Configuration Hints and Tips
SAP Basis Components, Application Modules, Certification, ABAP/4 Programming Books How to Configure the Unix SAP Internet Mail Gateway? Configuring SAP 4.6x Internet mail Gateway
SAP can be configured to send and receive emails from different sources.This section explains how to integrate SAPOffice with an external emailsystem. Your Internet email must be configured and running prior to this.Email from SAP is forwarded to the users external email system.. You can configure inbound and outbound forwarding. Outbound flow forwardsa SAP message (eg: update termination) via UNIX sendmail to the intended recepient. Inbound accepts a message from sendmail and places it in the users SAPOffice inbox. Many companies prefer to configure outbound only. Configuring outbound forwarding SAP configuration 1. Create your RFC destination for outbound email using transaction SM59 RFC Destination : SAP_INTERNET_GATEWAY Connection Type : T Description : SAP internet mail gateway Click on 'Explicit Host' if you wanton demand gateway dameon invocation. Program : /sapmnt/SID/exe/mlunxsnd Target Host : Enter hostname that runs your central instance. Click 'Test Connection' and you should seea successfull message. 2. Shared Office Settings transaction SO16-> Send -> Settings or directly via transaction SCOT- SAPconnect Administation Nodes - Create Node : IMAIL Description : SAP internet mail gateway RFC Destination : SAP_INTERNET_GATEWAY Tick : Internet Address Area : * Tick : All formats Dev. type : Choose an approciate Printer Device
Set further addresstype : N Maximum waiting timefor repeat send attempt procedure : Blank or decide for yourself Tick : Node is ready for use Setting - DefaultDomain : <your company domain>.com - Conversionrule : require if your communication device only support one format. e.g. if you email system only support the format RAW (ASCII text format) Format To Format Ranking Function module ALI RAW 1 SX_OBJECT_CONVERT_ALI_RAW (convert APAP List) Referto note 171698 - SAPconnect: Formats, conversion, device type UNIX configuration
1 .. cd /sapmnt/SID/exe 2 ..csh ..mlsomadm mailgw.ini System Name [C11] : Client [000] : Username : MAILADM Password : MAILADM Language : E Load Balancing : Hostname : <hostname> System number : <instance_number> Gateway hostname: <central_instance_hostname> Gateway Service : <instance number> Use SAP Router : Trace level : Sendmail Command [/usr/lib/sendmail -i -f<SENDER_ADDRESS>]: Codepage [ISO-8859-1] :
Trace Level (Outbound) [0] : Update file sapmailsid.cfg? [Y] Testing whether your configuration is successful 1. Logon to SAP 2. Execute transaction SO01 3. Write a message and send it to <your_internet_email_address>
4. If you don't see the mail in your internet mailbox, go back and review steps 1-12 Schedule the SAP Internet Mail Gateway Jobs to start every 5 minutes 1. Create 2. Position your cursor at INT 3. Click Schedule and supply the date and time 4. Click Schedule periodically and tick Minutes and type in 5 5. Click Create and you are done 6. Click Show Scheduling to check Problems that you might encounter :If you have set up a node in SCOT and it tests out well but recieve the reply. "Cannot process message in node, parameterscannot be converted". Make sure the RFC connection is working, and that SapConnect has been installed on the Unix Server or the Microsoft Exchange Server. Originally, I had the same error, and found that nothing had been installed on Unixor Exchange, to support SapConnect. In SCOT (View -> System Status), your mail remains at the Intransit column. Check you files (e.g.Sun Solaris /etc/mail/ Try using the sendmail command to send a test file at the Unix level. You must be able to send mail at theUnix level before you can send mail at the SAP level. Another way of connecting to the SAPOffice without setting up the SAPconnectis to use the Microsoft Outlook SAP MAPI Service Provider.
Searching for a file in Unix e.g find a single file find / -name filename e.g. find any file starting with test* find / -name test* SAP Basis Components, Application Modules, Certification, ABAP/4 Programming Books To unlock or lock all users From Unix Oracle If you accidentally locked all the users including SAP* and DDIC in one of the clients. This is another method to UNLOCK ALL users. Start Oracle Server manager ( I assume you are on Oracle) connect internal update sapr3.usr02 set uflag='0' where mandt='399'; When users are locked, the uflag is set to 64. Finish, just query to check. select bname, uflag from sapr3.usr02 where mandt='399'; Return to :Adding text to the SAPGUI logon/login screen When the user first login to SAP, you can display some message (for e.g. unathorized users please logged off from the system) to them. To create the front end login screen message, follow this step: Available only in 4.6x 1. Transaction SE61 2. Name -> ZLOGIN_SCREEN_INFO 3. Document Class -> Choose General Text Change the SAP Logo and direct connection using SAPGUI 4.6x
Change the animated little water mark up inthe top right hand corner. C:\Program Files\SAPpc\SAPGUI\themes\default\sapalogo.bmp Connecting direct to application server withusing the SAP Logon Use the Windows Start -> Find - File to locate the sapgui.exe files. Create an Icon and type in the command :"C:\Program Files\SAPpc\sapgui\sapgui.exe" /H/applServ/S/sapdp00 applServ refers to your SAP hostname To upload the the logo image on the right hand side of the SAP screen. Transaction codeSMW0 X - Binary data for WebRFC application Hit Enter Click Execute Click Settings -> Maintain MIME types Click the Create button Fill in :- TYPE : image/gif EXTENSION : .GIF Click Save Click Back to the Binary data for WebRFC Click Create Fill in :- Obj. name : ZXXXX.GIF Description : Company Logo Click Import and specify the filename where your GIF file is located.File type is BIN. Finish press the Transfer button. If successful, your logo will be shown in the Binary data for WebRFC. Transaction codeSM30 - Table/View - SSM_CUST Click Maintain Click New Entries Name Value to be set START_IMAGE ZXXXX.GIF RESIZE_IMAGE NO Logoff and Login again
SAP Basis Components, Application Modules, Certification, ABAP/4 Programming Books Activate or Deactivate the GuiXT This is possible with Sapgui 4.6D (Patch 103) Within windows there now exists a file called the 'Registry', this is where all the information needed to control Windows is held. (It corresponds to the old WIN.INI and SYS.INI along with any other application INI files) This file is essential to the operation of your PC. Making changes to this file can in some circumstances result in your PC either failing to work properly or not working at all. Having said that, Click Start Select Run Enter RegEdit and click Ok First, backup the registry in case you mess something up. Click 'Registry'->'Export Registry File' Enter a file name to save the registry to.
Open the folder HKEY_CURRENT_USER and then the sub folders 'Software', 'SAP' etc all the way down to 'SAPGUI Front/SAP Frontend Server/Administration'
If you do not see 'DisappearItems', click 'Edit->New->String Value' with a value of 'DisappearItems' Click on this new key and then add the values as suggested below. If this variable exists already with some other menu entries, you can add the new entry "Activate GuiXT" at the end separated by ';', e.g. "Generate graphic;Activate GuiXT". Save everything and exit regedit.
Click somewhere in the Windows without any Icons and Press F5 to Refresh or reboot your machine. The user will then no longer be able to activate or to deactivate GuiXT. If GuiXT should always be active, you have to set the variable "GuiXT" in : HKEY_CURRENT_USER/Software/SAP/SAPGUI Front/SAP Frontend Server/Customize, click 'Edit->New->Binary Value' with a value of 1. Automatic installations of SAP on each User PC If you plan to do automatic installations for your SAP applications on each computer using the Windows logon scripts. e.g. c:\winnt\system32\repl\import\scripts\ntlogon.bat There's 3 command lines needed: 1. If you do have a GUI 4.5B or earlier already installed on the local PC, you should run SAPSWEEP to clean up the Windows registry. The command is: >Installation server>\Netinst\ SAPSWEEP /all /y /nocancel /delsubdirs /delregkeys 2. To install the GUI use command: \Netinst\SapSetup.exe /p:"Package name" /install /noDialog /silent 3. To automatically apply patches you have installed on the Installation server add the following command to your logon script: \Netinst \sapsetup.exe /Intellimode /CheckDB /p: In addition you need to distribute the needed INI files Before you can use the sapsetup /p:package name , you have to install SAPGUI Installation Server using sapgui installation CD, run sapsetup on dialog choose SAPGUI installation server. It will then create SAPGUI Installation server and copy all the packages to the server. It will also create a shortcut SAPADMIN. Run SAPADMIN and it will prompt you to configure the installation server, and configure netinstall. After you have do that, you can also create your own packages using SAPADMIN dialog. From then onwards, you can use netsetup /p:"packagename" /install /intellimode on (which is in the installation directory) your
login script. You have to use options Intellimode so the user don't have to choose any options and if don't want the user to know about your installation use option /silent. If you happened have 46B installed, you can use netsetup /update and it will update the component to 46D (an example of the new upgrade version), then you don't have to uninstall the 46B installation. How to Remove the Multiple Login for a User? If you want to prevent user from multi login, you can put a parameter in the Instance Profile to prevent them from doing so. 4.6x To remove the multiple login for a single user, goto transaction RZ10--> Instance Profile--> Extended Maintenance Use the 'login/disable_multi_gui_login' Parameter. Enter your name as the value. Restart your R/3 and test the result. Remove the password change option To disable the password change option, you will have to change the Status used on that screen Status 0020 for program SAPMSYST done in transaction code SE41 Which table can you find the Users Last Login? At some point of time, you may want to find out whether an user id have been inactive or not. You can reference to their last login date with the table USR02 4.6x You can check the users last logon to SAP from :SE16N - Table USR02 Last login is TRDAT - Last logon date LTIME - Last logon time Return to :-
SAP Lock Entries If there is a sudden power failures, some of the users update entries might still be locked. You can check or release the locked entries using transaction SM12. You can check the lock entries of individual users or key an * at the user name to check all the users lock entries. The lock entry list shows you the users who is locking the entry, the time when the lock was initiated, the table that was locked as well as the locked records. If possible, asked the user to logoff first before deleting the locked.entries. For locking individual transactions code,used SM01. Putting a tick at the Locked columns will prevent allusers from using the transactions code. To lock individual user goto transactionSU01. Click the Lock/Unlock button. To lock multiple users (ver 4.6x) SU10 - User Maintenance Mass Changes click Address Execute Select all -> untick users you are not changing click Transfer Select users click Lock/Unlock - depending whether you want to Lock or Unlock (Pleasebe careful because once you lock all the users including yourself, youwill not be able to Unlock it.) RSUSR006 - List of UsersMaster Records Locked Due to Incorrect Logon List of all Users Locked SE16 - Data Browser Table -> USR02 Field -> UFLAG <> 0
In 4.6x, you can used the SAP standard lock/unlockprogram EWULKUSR ortransaction EWZ5. For 3.0x, you have to write your own ABAP program. A sampleABAP program to Mass Lock/Unlock SAP 3.0x users. SAP Basis Components, Application Modules, Certification, ABAP/4 Programming Books Perform a Consistency Check and Clean Temse Directory I'm having problems with the STMS on the Development Box, from the look of things I need to clean the temse directory. What sought of routine can I perform as clean up routine regarding the same. Steve ---------------------------------------------------This is the procedure clear and test the consistency of temse objects in case of 3.1I. So first excecute SPAD, where click on the consistency check button. - this will display a list of objects. check to see the whether objects other than current day is displayed. - then go SP12, here click on temse database button, where there is again consistency check. - after the consistency checks are over, click on temsedatabase button, select reorganisation, - here select the radio button that shows "delete all objects older than". Here enter the value and click on tick mark. - this will display the number of objects. then delete it. That's all the procedure.