MLB Workplace Code of Conduct (Sexual-Orientation-Non-Discrimination)
MLB Workplace Code of Conduct (Sexual-Orientation-Non-Discrimination)
MLB Workplace Code of Conduct (Sexual-Orientation-Non-Discrimination)
MLB has s a zero-tole erance policy y for harassm ment or disc crimination based on se exual orienta ation. MLBS P PRINCIPLE ES:
Harassm ment and disc crimination based b on sexu ual orientatio on are aga ainst MLBs values v and wi ill not be tolerated anywhe ere in the M Major or Minor Leagues. Sportsm manship mean ns helping ev very player pl lay his best, regardle ess of sexual orientation, so the team can c play its best. Both on the field and away fr rom it, Major r League Bas seball has a z zero-toleranc ce policy for harassment or discrim mination bas sed on sexual l orientation. - Allan H. S Selig, Commi issioner of Ba aseball e Major Leag gue Baseball Players Asso ports ociation supp "The scrimination and pr romotes a dis n-free and ha arassment-fre ee workp place. - Michael S S. Weiner, Ex xecutive Direc ctor, MLBPA A
Respect t your fellow w players and d employees. You may no ot know ev verything abo out who they are, including g their sexual orientat tion. Without t even knowin ng it, your wo ords or actions could ke eep your team mmate from playing p his bestand that hurts yo our team. . If you see a player harassing someone e Report misconduct. based on that persons sexual orie entation, tell th he player to stop and d report it to your y Field Ma anager, your General Manage er, the Comm missioners Off ffice, or the Pl layers Associa ation. If you see s an MLB or o Club emplo oyee discrimi inating against someone based on sexua al orientation, report it t as well. odel of sport tsmanship. It t doesnt matt ter if youre ono Be a mo field, on n-line, tweetin ng, or talking g to reporters or o fans. Youre always a representati ive of MLB and a must cond duct yourself with the e honor that re eflects positiv vely on the Le eague.