Grizzles: The $20 Ebay Vag-Com Cable Walkthrough Revisited
Grizzles: The $20 Ebay Vag-Com Cable Walkthrough Revisited
Grizzles: The $20 Ebay Vag-Com Cable Walkthrough Revisited
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Page 1 of 14 1 2 3 11 > Last View First Unread 09-06-2007, 12:54 AM Thread Tools Search this Thread Rating: Display Modes #1 The $20 eBay VAG-COM Cable Walkthrough *Revisited*
Four Rings Registered User
*****The $20 eBay VAG-COM Walkthrough Revisited********* So I get alot of PMs about VAG-COM stuff since I had saved this tutorial before the hack. Unfortunately the host site went down and I lost the digital copies of the document. I broke out the cable today after 9 months to code someone's car and found the hard copies so I figured I would post the complete tutorial since Parts 2 and 3 are missing. I want to note that this was the work of defunkt and I have made a couple small alterations (which are in blue) however he deserves all the credit for his original contribution. Also, moroisanorange is credited for the codes I have posted at the end of Part 3. Let me know if there are any errors, I had to recapture and label all the screen shots and retype all the steps. Enjoy. ************************************************** **
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Where to buy: Search eBay for "USB KKL Vag". I bought mine from a seller named alpha-bid. What this section covers: I chose to start with SWITCHING COM PORTS, since this is one of the biggest "hurdles" in getting this cable to work. This tutorial assumes you already plugged in your cable and installed the necessary drivers from the supplied CD. If for whatever reason you don't have the drivers you can download them here: If you don't know how to install drivers contact your local nerd friend.
Tools: $20 Ebay Vag Com Cable Windows Laptop w/ cable drivers installed and an open USB port Time: 5 minutes PART 1: SWITCHING COM PORTS Step 1: This tutorial assumes you already plugged in your cable and installed the necessary drivers from the supplied CD. Begin by CLICKING the "Start" button, RIGHT CLICKING the "My Computer" button, and finally CLICKING on "Properties". For those into using keyboard shortcuts, you can hit "Windows Key + Pause/Break" to get to the "System Properties".
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Step 2: You should now see the "System Properties" window. CLICK on the "Hardware" tab, then CLICK on the "Device Manager".
Step 3: This will bring up the "Device Manager". This is an invaluable tool used check on the status of every piece of hardware connected to your machine. Scroll down until you see "Ports (COM &
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LPT)" and DOUBLE CLICK to open this section. Inside should be "USB Serial Port (COMX)". DOUBLE CLICK on this to bring up the "USB Serial Port (COMX) Properties".
Step 4: Now that you are in the "USB Serial Port (COMX) Properties", CLICK on the "Port Settings" tab and then CLICK on the "Advanced..." button.
Step 5: This opens the "Advanced Stettings..." Start by CLICKING on the "COM Port Number:" drop down menu and select "COM1". If COM1 is "in use" select the next highest number, but it HAS to be in the range of COM1-4. Later we'll go into the VAG-COM software options and change it
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Notes: The changes have been made to the COM Port, but I wanted to call attention to the fact that it may not reflect the changes in the Device Manager, until you close and open it again or refresh.
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Also, if you plug the cable into another physical USB port, it may change the COM Port. If this is the case, simply repeat these steps.
09-06-2007, 12:54 AM
Four Rings Registered User
The $20 eBay VAG-COM Cable Walkthrough *revisited* - Part 2/3 What this section covers: This section deals with VAG-COM "Program Options" and how to get the cable to be recognized by the stofware and the car. This tutorial assumes you already have been through PART 1 and have installed "VAG-COM Release 409.1S for MODERN SERIAL Interfaces". Ross-Tech explicitly says that this version will not work with USB interfaces, however the driver we installed takes care of that. (For those interested the cable we are using is basically a USB-> Serial interface cable
and is very simple by design. The USB cable Ross-Tech is referring to is their HEX-USB+CAN interface which is much more complex and includes CAN features as well as a built in dongle for the software.)
Join Date: Sep 15 2006 AZ Member#: 11349 Location: Louisville, KY My Garage: is nonexistent My Photo Gallery My Reputation:
Tools: $20 Ebay Vag Com Cable Windows Laptop w/ cable drivers installed and an open USB port VAG-COM Release 409.1-S for MODERN SERIAL Interfaces - Installed Audi Time: 5 minutes PART 2: VAG-COM PROGRAM OPTIONS Step 1: Take your laptop to your car, plug the USB side into your laptop, and the OBDII side into the car. The OBDII port is located under the steering wheel by the hood release. Turn the ignition ON however the car does not have to be running. Make sure you've already been through part 1. Step 2: When you open the VAG-COM software, you will be presented with the "Main Screen". The first time you open it, all of the buttons will be grayed out except the [Options] button.
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Step 3: Here we see that you can select COM Ports 1-4. Chang this to the COM port you have selected in PART 1 and Click the [Test] button. Note: Part 1 has COM1 selected and the image above has COM2 selected due to me being too lazy to recapture the images for Part 1.
Step 4: If everything went smoothly, you'll see this pop up: "Port Status: OK, Interface: Found!". Congratulations! Your laptop is connected to your car and you may begin modding. Click the [Save] button to save your changes. The next time you open VAG-COM your settings will be there. If you see something other than this consult the Troubleshooting Section.
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TROUBLESHOOTING 1) Port does not exist. Interface: Not Found! If you see this error, check to see if the cable is seated properly in the laptop and the OBDII port. Also insure you are using the same COM port in parts 1 and 2. If you still get this error, you'll have to repeat PART 1.
2) Port Status: OK, Interface: Not Found! If you see this error, check to see if the cable is seated properly in the OBDII port on the car. If it is connected properly the connector will have a glowing blue LED as feedback. Also make sure that the ignition is ON.