TD Economics: The Weekly Bottom Line
TD Economics: The Weekly Bottom Line
TD Economics: The Weekly Bottom Line
TD Economics
The Weekly Bottom Line
May 1, 2009
• U.S. economy contracts 6.1% in Q1
Annualized Q/Q % change
• Canadian GDP slides 0.1% in February 7
mation contained in the accompanying communiqué. Mak- *Real GDP at basic prices in 2002 chained dollars
Source: Statistics Canada/Haver Analytics
ing no changes to the existing quantitative easing frame-
work, the Fed stated that it will “continue to evaluate the some large creditors, and securing a partnership with Ital-
timing and overall amounts of its purchases of securities in ian automaker Fiat, the inability to come to an agreement
light of the evolving economic outlook”. The Fed also noted with a group of lenders left Chrysler with only one option:
that the economic outlook has improved modestly since Chapter 11 bankruptcy.
the last meeting – with signs that the housing market may On the bright side, the successful negotiations with the
be stabilizing – however, further job losses, reduced hous- unions and Fiat helped the automaker sidestep a liquidation
ing wealth and credit constraints will keep economic activ- bankruptcy filing, thus allowing the company to maintain
ity under pressure for some time still. its operations. And while Chapter 11 bankruptcy was not
the preferred option, under court protection, Chrysler should
Canadian economy slides further in February
be able to rid itself of certain obligations and emerge as a
Switching to Canada, the picture is not much brighter. smaller and more cost competitive automaker – which in
The Canadian economy contracted by 0.1% M/M in Feb- turn should bring it back to profitability.
ruary, with output sitting at its lowest level in over two The Obama Administration has agreed to provide up to
years. And combined with January’s 0.7% contraction, it US$8 billion in loans to finance the restructuring for an 8%
appears as though the drop in economic activity in Canada stake in the new entity, while the Canadian and Ontario
during the first quarter was much sharper than originally governments agreed to provide US$2.4 billion (C$3.8 bil-
anticipated. In fact, assuming a flat performance in March, lion) in exchange for a 2% stake in the company and a
first quarter GDP is on track to slide by a massive 6.4% Q/ commitment to keep 20% of total production in Canada.
Q annualized – which would be the steepest quarterly drop At the present time, there are no plans for Chrysler Canada
on record. Moreover, with signs that domestic demand is to file for bankruptcy protection in Canada.
falling quite rapidly and export demand is still extremely
Although Chrysler was able to obtain government sup-
weak, economic activity in Canada will likely remain sub-
port – thereby avoiding liquidation – the automaker is not
dued for some time.
out of the woods just yet. With the U.S. economy ex-
History in the making pected to contract for at least another 2 quarters, unem-
Given the current economic environment and the vari- ployment likely to rise and credit conditions expected to
ous headwinds facing North American consumers, busi- improve only modestly, it is highly unlikely that we will see
nesses have been hit quite hard. And while several com- any uptick in sales this year. Moreover, the B-word may
panies have been unable to weather the storm, history was scare consumers off, despite warranty guarantees from
made this week in the auto sector, as Chrysler was the both the American and Canadian governments. Nonethe-
first major U.S. automaker to file for bankruptcy. After less, bankruptcy protection gives Chrysler the chance to
obtaining substantial concessions from labour unions and improve its financial position, and return to viability.
Dina Cover, Economist 416-982-2555
May 4 2:00 Germany Retail Sales Mar. Y/Y % chg. 0.2 -0.2
10:00 U.S. Pending Home Sales Mar. M/M % chg. 0.0 2.1
10:00 U.S. Construction Spending Mar. M/M % chg. -1.5 -0.9
12:30 U.S. Kansas City Fed President Hoenig speaks on Financial Crisis in New York
14:00 U.S. Richmond Fed President Lacker speaks on the economy in Charlottesville
May 5 0:30 AU RBA Cash Target 5-May Cash Rate 3.00 3.00
4:30 U.K. Purchasing Managers Index Construction Apr Index 31.9 30.9
5:00 E.C. Producer Prices Index Mar. Y/Y % chg. -2.9 -1.8
6:45 U.S. Boston Fed President Rosengren speaks in Hong Kong
10:00 U.S. Fed Chairman Bernanke testifies before joint economic committee on the economic outlook
13:15 U.S. Minneapolis Fed President Stern speaks in Minneapolis
17:00 U.S. ABC Consumer Confidence 3-May Index -- -45
21:30 AU Trade Balance Mar. AUD, mlns 1,700.0 2,109.0
21:30 AU Retail Sales Mar. M/M % chg. 0.5 -2.0
May 6 5:00 E.C. Retail Sales Mar. Y/Y % chg. 0.1 -0.6
6:30 U.S. Minneapolis Fed President Stern and FDIC Chairman Bair speak on financial regulation and moral
hazard before U.S. senate committee on banking, housing, and urban affairs
8:15 U.S. ADP Employment Change Apr Thousands -645 -742
8:30 Canada Building Permits Mar. M/M % chg. 2.5 -15.9
10:00 Canada Ivey Purchasing Managers Index Mar. Index 40.5 43.2
16:00 Canada Bank of Canada Governor Carney and Senior Deputy Governor Jenkins appear before the Senate Committee
on Banking, Trade and Commerce in Ottawa, ON
17:30 U.S. San Francisco Fed President Yellen speaks to Australian economists via satellite
18:45 NZ Unemployment Rate Q1-09 % 5.3 4.7
19:50 Japan Monetary Base Apr. Y/Y % chg. -- 6.9
21:30 AU Unemployment Rate Apr. % 5.9 5.7
May 7 2:45 France Trade Balance Mar. Eur, blns -3.8 -4.1
6:00 Germany Factory Orders Mar. Y/Y % chg. -35.8 -38.2
7:00 U.K Bank of England Annouces Rate Decision -- Percent 0.50 0.50
7:45 E.C. European Central Bank Annouces Rate Decision -- Percent 1.00 1.25
8:30 U.S. Non-farm productivity Q1-09 Q/Q % chg. 0.9 -0.4
8:30 U.S. Unit Labour Costs Q1-09 % change 2.8 5.7
8:30 U.S. Initial Jobless Claims 2-May. Thousands 635 631
8:30 U.S. Continuing Claims 25-Apr. Thousands 6345 6271
9:30 U.S. Fed Chairman Bernanke speaks at annual Chicago Fed's annual banking conference via satellite
15:00 U.S. Consumer Credit Mar. US$, blns -3.8 -7.5
19:50 Japan Bank of Japan Monetary Policy meeting minutes for April 6-7th released
21:30 AU Reserve Bank Quarterly Monetary Policy statement released
May 8 2:00 Germany Trade Balance Mar. Eur, blns 8.0 8.7
2:00 Germany Current Account Mar. Eur, blns 7.0 5.6
4:30 U.K. Purchasing Price Index Input Apr. Y/Y % chg. -3.5 -0.4
4:30 U.K. Purchasing Price Index Output Apr. Y/Y % chg. 0.7 2.0
6:00 Germany Industrial Production Mar. Y/Y % chg. -20.9 -20.6
7:00 Canada Unemployment Rate Apr. Percent 8.3 8.0
7:00 Canada Net Change in Employment Apr. Thousands -50.0 -61.3
8:15 Canada Housing Starts Apr. Thousands 140.0 146.5
8:30 U.S. Change in Non-farm Payroll Mar. Thousands -610 -663
8:30 U.S. Unemployment Rate Mar. Percent 8.9 8.5
8:30 U.S. Change in Manufacturing Payrolls Mar. Thousands -159 -161
8:30 U.S. Average Hourly Earnings Mar. Y/Y % chg. 3.3 3.4
10:00 U.S. Wholesale Inventories Mar. M/M % chg. -1.0 -1.5
13:00 U.S. Richmond Fed President Lacker speaks on the economic outlook at the DC Chamber of Commerce
* Eastern Standard Time; Sources: Bloomberg, TD Economics
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