Module-Pool-Programming-Interview-Questions-Real-Time: Sapabapiq - Co M
Module-Pool-Programming-Interview-Questions-Real-Time: Sapabapiq - Co M
Module-Pool-Programming-Interview-Questions-Real-Time: Sapabapiq - Co M
co m
Module Pool Programming (Dialog Programming), Real T ime Interview Questions Part-2. T his post consist of Dialog Programming Real T ime Questions for the all levels of interviews on SAP-ABAP Programming. Dialog Programming is a special type of programming in SAP ABAP. Dialog programming (Module pool) is used to create custom SAP screens as per business requirement. Dialog programs are executed using T-codes. Click on read more to read the questions.
Dialog Programming is a special type of programming in SAP ABAP. Dialog programming (Module pool) is used to create custom SAP screens as per business requirement. Dialog programs are executed using Tcodes.
1)What is "at exit-command"? T he f low logic Keyword at EXIT-COMMAND is a special addition to the MODULE statement in the Flow Logic .AT EXIT-COMMAND lets you call a module bef ore the system executes the automatic f ields checks.
2)Which Function type has to be used f or using at exit-command ? To Use AT EXIT COMMAND, We must assign a f unction Type E to the relevant f unction in the MENU Painter OR Screen Painter.
3)Of the two next screen attributes the attributes that has more priority is ---. Dynamic.
5)Dynamic screen sequence f or a screen can be set using ------------- and ----------------- commands
6)T he commands through Which an ABAP/4 Module can branch to or call the next screen are a).------------,b)--------------,c)---------------,d) ------------.
7)What is dif f erence between SET SCREEN and CALL SCREEN? T his statement sets the screen with the screen number specif ied in dynnr, as the next screen f or processing of the current screen...If we want to branch to the next screen without f inishing the current one ,use LEAVE SCREEN. With CALL SCREEN , the current (calling) chain is suspended , and a next screen (screen chain) is called .T he called can then return to the suspended chain with the statement LEAVE SCREEN T O SCREEN 0.
8) Can we specif y the next screen number with a variable (*Yes/No)? a. Yes
10) T he Syntex used to call a screen as dialog box (pop up)is--------CALL SCREEN <screen number.> START ING AT <start column><start line> ENDING AT <end column> <end line>.
In the ABAP/4 WORLD each stackable sequence of screens is a call mode, T his is IMP because of the way u return f rom the given sequence .To terminate a call mode and return to a suspended chain set the next screen to 0 and leave to it:
12) T he max number of calling modes stacked at one time is? a.NINE
13) What happens if only one of the commands SET SCREEN and LEAVE SCREEN is used without using the other? If we use SET SCREEN without LEAVE SCREEN, the program f inishes processing f or the current screen bef ore branching to <scr no>. If we use LEAVE SCREEN without a SET SCREEN bef ore it, the current screen process will be terminated and branch directly to the screen specif ied as the def ault next-screen in the screen attributes.
14) What is the signif icance of the screen number 0? In calling mode, the special screen number 0 (LEAVE T O SCREEN 0) causes the system to jump back to the previous call level. T hat is, if you have called a screen sequence with CALL SCREEN leaving to screen 0 terminates the sequence and returns to the calling screen. If you have not called a screen sequence, LEAVE T O SCREEN 0 terminates the transaction.
15) What is the signif icance of the memory table SCREEN? At runtime, attributes f or each screen f ield are stored in the memory table called SCREEN. We need not declare this table in our program. T he system maintains the table f or us internally and updates it with every screen change.
16) Why grouping of f ields is required? What is the max no of modif ication groups f or each f ield? If the same attribute need to be changed f or several f ields at the same time these f ields can be grouped together. We can specif y up to f our modif ication groups f or each f ield.
17) What is a screen group? How it is usef ul? Four-character ID, placed in the system f ield SY-DYNGR while the screen is being processed.
T his allows you to assign several screens to a common screen group. You can use this, f or example, to modif y all of the screens in the group in a unif orm way. Screen groups are stored in table T FAWT.
18) What is a Sub screen? How can we use a Sub screen? A subscreen is an independent screen that is displayed in an area of another (main) screen. To use a subscreen we must call it in the f low logic (both PBO and PAI) of the main screen. T he CALL SUBSCREEN statement tells the system to execute the PBO and PAI events f or the sub screen as part of the PBO or PAI events of the main screen. T he f low logic of your main program should look as f ollows: PROCESS BEFORE OUT PUT. CALL SUBSCREEN <area> INCLUDING <program> <screen>. PROCESS AFT ER INPUT. CALL SUBSCREEN <area>.
19) What are the restrictions on Subscreens? Set their own GUI status Have a named OK code Call another screen Contain an AT EXIT-COMMAND module Support positioning of the cursor.
20) How can we use / display table in a screen? TABLE CONT ROLS and ST EP LOOPS.
21) What are the dif f erences between TABLE CONT ROLS and ST EP LOOPS? 1) TABLE CONT ROLS are simply enhanced ST EP LOOPS that display data,but f rom a programming accepts, TABLE CONT ROLS and ST EP LOOPS are almost the same. 2) One major dif f erence between ST EP LOOPS and TABLE CONT ROLS is , in ST EP LOOPS their table rows can span more than one line on the screen. In TABLE CONT ROLS the rows are always single lines, but can be very long and they are scrollable. 3) T he structure of table controls is dif f erent f rom step loops. A step loop, as a screen object, is simply a
series of f ield rows that appear as a repeating block. A table control, as a screen object consists of : i ) table f ields ( displayed in the screen ) ii ) a control structure that governs the table display and what the user can do with it.
22) What are the dynpro keywords? FIELD, MODULE, SELECT, VALUES and CHAIN are the dynpro keywords.
23) Why do we need to code a LOOP statement in both the PBO and PAI events f or each table in the screen? We need to code a LOOP statement in both PBO and PAI events f or each table in the screen. T his is because the LOOP statement causes the screen f ields to be copied back and f orth between the ABAP/4 program and the screen f ield. For this reason, at least an empty LOOP.ENDLOOP must be there.
24) How can we declare a table control in the ABAP/4 program? Using the syntax controls <table control name> type tableview using screen <scr no>.
25) Dif f erentiate between static and dynamic step loops. Static step loops have a f ixed size that cannot be changed at Run time. Dynamic step loops are variable in size. If the user re-sizes the window the system automatically increases or decreases the number of step loops blocks displayed.