Army Aviation Digest - Sep 1992
Army Aviation Digest - Sep 1992
Army Aviation Digest - Sep 1992
Total Force
Aviation Digest
Professional Bulletin
1- 92-5 September/October 1992
1 The Total Force, MG Dave Robinson
3 Views From Readers
6 Reserve Forces: A New Beginning, MAJ James A. Houston III
8 Will the Pentagon's Proposed Force Mix Meet the Future
Threat?, Captain(P) Brian J. Boquist
12 The Total Force Partnership, 1 L T Garth Connor
14 The Army' s Mobilization of National Guard Units, CPT James
E. Neilson II
18 Army Aviation Between WWII and the Korean Conflict,
1945 -1950, Dr. John W. Kitchens
29 How Do Newspapers Report Army Aviation Aircraft
Mishaps?, CW2 James M. Stewart
34 Army Aviation in Level III Rear Operations, CPT John
36 Training for the Night JAAT, CPT Robert L. Douthit
40 Aviation CSS at the NTC, MAJ Brian K. Mays
43 Helicopter Maintenance Through the Years, COL William J. Blair
49 Anatomy of an Air Crash: The Early Phase, MAJ William S. Besser
54 Leader Development in the 1990s, MAJ Mark T. Littel
57 Western Region Aviation Survival School Schedule of Courses,
Mr. Frank Heyl
58 DES Report to the Field: Equivalency Evaluations, CW3
David J. Bean
59 Aviation Logistics: OH-58D Kiowa Warrior Training, SSG
David R. Jordan and SSG Herbert Ramirez
60 TEXCOM: UAV, Mr. Wayne Hair
61 USAASA Sez: MAMS, Mr. Robert C. Cole
62 Aviation Personnel Notes: AWO Utilization
63 ATC Focus: Area Maintenance and Supply Facility,
Reimbursable Operations, Mr. Neal Johnson
64 PEARL' S: Who Is Responsible?, CW3 Daniel R. Vandervort
65 Soldiers' Spotlight: What's in the Future for ANCOC CMF 67,
SFC Lawrence F. Dunn
Back Cover: Key Points on the Total Force, GEN Gordon R. Sullivan
Cover: This issue concentrates on
the U.S. Army' s Total Force policy
whereby our Active and Reserve
Components serve as equal
partners. This partnership must
produce a solid force-trained,
ready, and capable of decisive vic-
tory on a moment's notice. The lead
article introduces the U.S. Army
Reserve Command, Fort McPherson,
GA, and discusses its potential
cohesive effect on the U.S. Army
Reserves and the Aviation com-
Major General Dave Robinson
Commander, U.S. Army Aviation Center
Lieutenant Colonel Gerard Hart
Executive Editor
Patricia S. Kitchell
By order of the Secretary of the Army:
General , U.S. Army
Chief of Staff
Official :
~ 4 . ~
Administrative Assistant to the
Secretary of the Army
The U.S. Army A viation Digest is an official Department of the Army
professional bulletin (USPS 415-350) published bimonthly under the super-
vision of the commander , U.S. Army Aviation Center. This publication presents
professional information, but the views expressed herein are those of the author
not the Department of Defense or its elements. The content does not neces-
sarily reflect the official U.S. Army position and does not change or supersede
any information unless otherwise specified. Photos are U.S. Army unless
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Warfighter 6
Throughout our history, citizen
soldiers have served our nation in
peace and in war. From the frozen
rice paddies of Korea to the sands of
Kuwait and Saudi Arabia, from the
streets of Los Angeles to the storm-
ravaged south Florida and Louisiana
regions; when they were needed, our
Reserve Components (RC) were
there. As we anticipate the future,
reliance on the RC to help defend
our national security interests will
increase significantly.
In the Cold War environment, Ac-
tive Component (AC) forces could not
deal with the follow-on forces of the
Soviet Union if hostilities went
beyond a 30-day period. To deter
Soviet aggression in western Europe,
our AC forces had to be enhanced
significantly. This enhancement was
accomplished in 1973, when
Secretary of Defense James R.
Schlesinger announced the RC would
be the primary uni ts to augment our
AC forces under a "Total Force"
policy whereby both the AC and RC
served as equal partners.
The "roundout program," which in-
tegrates RC units of battalion- and
brigade-size maneuver units into the
AC divisions, was an important part in
winning the Cold War. A significant
feature ofthe roundout program is that
it allows the Anny to maintain more
Major General Dave Robinson
The Total Force
AC divisions than ever possible, if all
the forces within the divisions were
purely AC units.
Since its inception, the concept of
a total force has evolved into a viable
system that ensures our nation's
security. The infant stages of develop-
ing the Total Force had some growing
pains. Sometimes the AC was reluc-
tant to treat the RC units as full and
equal partners. However, in 1982, the
Anny began to correct a significant
fault in the system by authorizing the
roundout units to be equipped with the
same equipment as the AC divisions
with which they were affiliated. Be-
cause of this policy, some Army RC
forces are now equipped with the M-l
tank, the Bradley fighting vehicle, and
some of the most modern aircraft in
the world, including the UH-60L
Black Hawk, CH-47D Chinook, and
AH-64 Apache.
Today, America is at a critical
point in its history. The Cold War is
behind us, but we are still faced with
an extremely unstable and volatile
world. Our nation's defense forces are
contingency-oriented and must be
trained and ready to fight anywhere in
the world on a moment's notice. The
nature of future adversaries is uncer-
tain. We can expect to conduct opera-
tions along the entire continuum of
military operations, ranging from
peacekeeping and nation-building
operations to major regional contin-
gencies, such as Desert Storm. Active
and Reserve Component forces must
possess a solid
ready, and capable of decisive victory.
Currently, many RC forces are
engaged in a significant operation
along the continuum of military
operations-counterdrugs. The role
RC units have played in helping to
eradicate illicit drug production in this
country and other nations is well-
While everyone within the Depart-
ment of Defense agrees that restruc-
turing of our forces is required be-
cause of the collapse of the Soviet
Union, we must ensure that we shape
our future forces to deal with any con-
tingency that may arise. Our military
strategy will be built on the premise of
rapidly deployable, lethal, and expan-
sible contingency forces-primarily
continental U.S.-based, rather than
large-standing, forward-deployed for-
ces. In the past these contingency for-
ces have been exclusively AC units;
however, future operations may need
to be evaluated to incorporate Reserve
Components. For this to occur, how-
ever, the President and the Congress
must settle their differences over the
War Powers Act. It is imperative that
the President have quick access to the
u.s. Army Aviation Digest September/October 1992
forces required to support contingen-
cy operations without large mobiliza-
tions subject to congressional review
and reversals after a 180-day period.
Significant challenges are ahead
for the Army and its aviation com-
ponent. We must find cost -effective
ways to train. In the future, we will
assess the benefits of consolidation.
As the defense budget shrinks, we
must get maximum value for each
training dollar expended. We will
capitalize on all opportunities to train
Active and Reserve Components
together. We must look at innovative
means of training the force. These
m u t u ~ l coordinated training events
should' focus on improving the combat
capabilities of both components.
We in the Active and Reserve
Components of Army Aviation have
unique opportunities to train together.
We can train together in a field en-
vironment, such as the Combined
Training Centers, the Joint Readiness
Training Center, and the National
Training Center, or in combined exer-
cises harnessing the power of simula-
tion. In the future we must look at
where we will conduct our flight train-
ing programs. While Fort Rucker will
continue to be the center for Army
A viation training, some flight training
in our modernized systems should be
shifted to the Eastern Army National
Guard (ARNG) Aviation Training
Site and the Western ARNG Aviation
Training Site.
There are benefits in patterning Ac-
tive and Reserve relationships in
Army Aviation after the highly suc-
cessful model established in the U.S.
Air Force. Active force augmentation
is an operational necessity in Army
Aviation, but there is advantage in
placing selected aviation functions
solely in the Re. Again the placement
of these selected capabilities in the
Reserves is contingent upon the Presi-
dent having ready access to these as-
sets during periods of crisis.
While this is a time of great chal-
lenge, it also is a time of great oppor-
tunity. Aviation is a maneuver force
integral to the reshaping of our
nation's defenses. I firmly believe that
Aviation will step into the 21 st cen-
tury with its Active and Reserve Com-
ponents in full partnership. History
has proven the value of reserves and
its citizen soldiers. It is only through
the full cooperation of all components
that the Army will maintain its place
as a relevant warfighting force.
u. S. Army A viation Digest September/October 1992
As Colonel Michael K. Mehaf-
fey, former director, Department
of Tactics and Simulation, Fort
Rucker, AL, requested, I am writ-
ing my comment and question I
addressed during his presentation
to the U.S. Army Aviation Branch
aviators attending the Command
and General Staff Officer Course
(CGSOC) at Fort Leavenworth,
He addressed the U.S. Army
Aviation Digest and its relative
merits of providing a forum for
A viation discussion and ideas. In
my experience, primarily the last 4
years, I've heard many aviators
with good ideas who refused to
write articles for the Aviation
Digest because the chain of com-
mand had to screen (censor) ar-
ticles before forwarding to Fort
Rucker. I remember, specifically,
a counterpart from 6th Cavalry
whose article made the chain of
command scrunity only to be
returned by the Digest as not
publishable since "it did not reflect
current Aviation doctrine."
Our counterparts in the U.S.
Navy and U.S. Air Force use their
aviation magazines to stimulate
discussion and, I think, to promote
initiative. By our magazine only
publishing the "school solution,"
we stifle that interaction.
In my opinion, the magazine
editor's disclaimer should be suffi-
cient to cover the doctrinal issue.
Perhaps, mine is an isolated case,
but I have heard this said about the
Digest from several other aviators.
MAJ Michael J. Hartman
CGSOC, Class 92-93,
Section 23C
Fort Leavenworth, KS
Response: When Major
General (MG) Dave Robinson
became the chief of branch and
commander of the U.S. Army
Aviation Center, Fort Rucker,
AL, he promoted a climate
where "disagreement is not dis-
respect." He wanted an open and
honest dialogue among his staff
so that all options and opinions
could be explored. From this
open dialogue, the best solutions
for problems could be identified
and implemented.
Approximately a year ago,
MG Robinson changed the
philosophy of the U.S. Army
A viation Digest to reflect his
"disagreement is not disrespect"
philosophy. He had received
input from the field that the
Digest was too parochial and
Fort Rucker-based. He elimi-
nated the Fort Rucker review
board which had inhibited ideas
contrary to current branch
doctrine. MG Robinson wanted
less" school solutions" and more
field applications.
In his Warfighter 6 column in
the January/February 1992
issue, MG Robinson said he
wanted controversy in the
Digest. Aviation is a large branch
and can have differing opinions.
The free discussion of those ideas
and concepts are essential for the
growth of the branch in a time of
u.s. Army Aviation Digest September/October 1992
MG Robinson has directed the
A viation Digest to become a
forum for the expression of alter-
native ideas, concepts, and tac-
tics as they relate to our doctrine.
Through the A viation Digest,
members of the branch can ex-
change their views and see
responses in "Views from
Readers" or in alternative ar-
ticles. This process is healthy for
the branch.
As the executive editor for the
Digest, I encourage you to write
for us. The Digest attempts to
carry articles that will reach a
cross-section of the branch. We
are relying less and less on Ruck-
er-based products and more and
more on field-generated
products. One area the Digest
can always use help in is getting
articles written by Aviation sol-
diers and their noncommis-
sioned officer leaders.
I hope to see more articles
from across the branch repre-
senting the great ideas and ap-
plications going on in the field.
LTC Gerard Hart
Executive Editor
U.S. Army A viation Digest
I am writing to you to see if you
can clear up something for me
about the U.S. Army Aviation
Digest. The inside front cover says,
"This medium is approved for the
dissemination of material designed
to keep individuals within the
A viation Branch know ledgeable of
current and emerging develop-
ments within their areas of exper-
tise to enhance their professional
development. "
I should like to know which in-
dividuals are referenced by that
statement. I have seen new
programs, ideas, and tactically
oriented stories in every issue I
have read. I have noticed that al-
most all of these are related to the
AH-64 Apache, AH-1 Cobra, and
the RAH-66 Comanche.
The May/June 1992 issue has a
26-page layout on the RAH-66. It
goes into great detail about the
T800 engine, deployment, logisti-
cal support, and many other topics
concerning the aircraft.
I was reading in the July 1992
issue of Rotor and Wing Interna-
tional (R WI) that funding for the
Comanche might be included in a
new program objective memoran-
dum, and the production may be
reinstated. According to that RWI
article, we are not sure that there is
even going to be an Army RAH -66.
I was looking for an article that
would pertain to a UH-1 Huey, UH-6O
Black Hawk, CH-47 Chinook, or
fixed-wing pilot or crewmember in
this last issue of A viation Digest.
There were a few, but not many. There
are other aircraft in the inventory be-
sides AH-64s and AH-1s, and there
are developments going on other than
the RAH-66. Let us hear about them
a little bit more.
Recently, I read in the Soldiers
magazine about the UH -6OQ, a new
MEDEV AC variant of the UH-60.
How about some information for the
(very important person) fIxed/rotary-
wing pilot? At the Central Army
Aviation Scheduling Office, Fort Bel-
voir, V A, a new hub system went into
effect 1 October 1992 for the fixed-
wing aviators in continental United
States assignments. Why don't we
hear about that? What about tactical
loading for Chinooks? What is the
state of competition for the new initial
entry trainer? What about flight
medics, flight surgeons, crewchiefs,
mechanics, air traffic control person-
nel, their issues and tactics?
I think that these things are just
as important, if not more, than the
development of an aircraft that we
are not sure that we, in the Army,
will ever fly.
CW2 Glenn S. Bloom
U.S. Army
Fort Sill, OK
Response: See the notice
regarding the initial entry
Notice: The Program Executive
Office, Aviation, with the U.S.
Army Aviation and Troop Com-
mand, St. Louis, MO, is vigorously
pursuing the acquisition of a new
training helicopter (NTH). The new
helicopter will replace the aging
UH-l Hueys in the initial entry
rotary wing (lERW) program at
Fort Rucker, AL. The effort is
focused on a commercial, "off-the-
shelf," Federal Aviation Ad-
ministration-type, certified
helicopter that will have sig-
nificantly lower operating and sup-
port costs than the Huey, but will
not degrade training effectiveness.
The program is designated as the
New Training Helicopter.
The Program Executive Officer,
Aviation, Major General De Witt T.
Irby, has charged the NTH team to
streamline the acquisition process
to the maximum extent possible,
while ensuring a "best-value" ap-
proach to source selection.
A "world class" team of aviation
acquisition experts met in an almost
nonstop series of conferences to put
together a request for proposal
(RFP). All items had to be fully jus-
tified for inclusion in this most im-
portant document or be excluded.
This was a severe irritant to some of
the long-standing, "rice-bowl"
holders in the system. Each level, all
the way up to the Secretary of the
Army, backed the NTH team's ef-
fort in this.
A draft RFP reflected the initial
efforts of the team. The RFP was
widely distributed to all known in-
terested industrial components
(159 addressees) for comments. The
NTH team analyzed the industry
comments; they incorporated the
comments, as appropriate, into a
revision of the draft RFP. The team
discussed the RFP revisions with
industry's representatives in a pre-
solicitation meeting. The team ob-
tained additional comments and
fully considered them in construct-
ing the formal RFP.
The formal RFP was released in
May 1992 with a suspense for
proposal submission of 10 August
1992. To assure total under-
standing of the requirement, a pre-
proposal meeting was conducted in
June to permit all interested parties
to surface any additional questions
they might have. Four amendments
to the RFP were released to formal-
ize the results from these govern-
ment/industry exchanges.
The evaluation process is divided
into two major areas: the Source
Selection Evaluation Board
(SSEB), which is responsible for the
overall evaluation of the proposals;
and the Training Effectiveness
User Evaluation (TEUE), which is
essentially a "fly-off" to be con-
ducted at a Fort Rucker airfield and
surrounding environs by highly
skilled instructor pilots from the
Aviation Center. The results of the
TEUE will be documented and
transmitted to the SSEB. The board
will incorporate those findings with
all others and complete an overall
comparative evaluation report.
Some think of the source selec-
tion process as a glamorous, attrac-
u.s. Army Aviation Digest September/October 1992
tive activity. In reality, when
properly accomplished, it is a
grinding, hectic, time-compressed,
bundle of hard work. Thousands of
calculations must be made and re-
made. Every word of each proposal
must be reviewed again and again;
rIrst to assure every requirement of
the RFP has been touched on;
second to evaluate the level, depth,
and rIrmness of the commitments
made in the proposal; third to
evaluate the accuracy of those com-
mitments and cross-talk them
against all other relatable areas to
assure overall acceptability and
creditability; and finally to score
them according to their place in the
hierarchy of priorities for this pro-
gram. Then the evaluator must
support his/her rmdings to at least
two levels of review and place the
refmed findings into report form.
The report must then be final-
ized, summarized, and briefed to
the body of senior experts known as
the source selection advisory coun-
cil (SSAC). This council may re-
quire even more refinement or
more definition in the report. When
this direction has been satisfied, the
SSEB must then make the presen-
tation to the source selection
authority, the final decisionmaker,
usually with the SSAC in atten-
The decision is then made and a
contract is awarded. About a year
later (March 1994), the first of the
NTHs will start arriving at Fort
Rucker to be inducted into the
training equipment inventory and
be readied to take over the IERW
training tasks. The NTHs will con-
tinue to perform those tasks for at
least the next 20 years if current
planning is fully executed.
The NTH team is dedicated to
assuring that the selected
aircraft will truly represent a
"best-value" buy for the Army-
effective, safe, affordable,
rugged, and reliable enough still
to be training students in the
year 2014. LOOK FOR IT I!!!!!
The U.S. Anny Aviation Logistics
School (USAALS), Fort Eustis, VA,
is hosting the 1993 Aviation Logistics
and Maintenance Commanders' Con-
ference and the Maintenance Test
Pilot Training Update 24 to 29
January 1993. For more information
about either conference contact CW 4
Hrichak or Mrs. Alvord at DSN 927-
6166 or commercial 804-878-6166.
COL William J. Blair
Assistant Commandant,
Fort Eustis, VA
The 1993 National Conference on
Noise Control Engineering will be
held at the Fort Magruder Inn and
Conference Center in Williamsburg,
V A, on 2 to 5 May 1993. The Langley
Research Center of the National
Aeronautics and Space Administra-
tion (NASA) and the Institute of
Noise Control Engineering (lNCE)
are organizing the conference.
Noise Control 93 is the 12th in a
series of national conferences on
noise control engineering that began
in 1973.
The theme is Noise Control in
Aeroacoustics. The technical pro-
gram will consist of parallel sessions
of invited and contributed papers. An
exhibition of acoustical instrumenta-
tion and equipment will be at the con-
ference, and a tour of the NASN
Langley Research Center will be
Noise Control 93 is being or-
ganized in conjunction with the
Second Conference on Recent Ad-
vances in Active Control of Sound
and Vibration, which will take place
in Blacksburg, V A, on 28 to 30 April
u.s. Army Aviation Digest September/October 1992
1993. Those aviators interested in ac-
tive noise-abatement techniques for
helipad and flightline environments
may wish to attend both conferences.
For further information, contact the
Noise Control 93 Conference
Secretariat, David G. Stephens, Mail
Stop 462, NASA Langley Research
Center, Hampton, VA 23665-5225.
Telephone commercial 804-864-
French army aviators are looking
for fellow aviation soldiers with
whom to correspond. Pilots and avia-
tion support personnel interested in
sharing experiences and interests in
military flying and service to their
country are encouraged to set up a
relationship by mail with your French
counterparts. They are very interested
in a continuing interchange and take
"pen pals" very seriously. If inter-
ested, please send Lieutenant Colonel
(LTC) Clay Edwards, Fort Rucker's
aviation liaison officer in France, a
brief synopsis of your position and
interests. LTC Edwards will match
you with a member of the Aviation
Legere de P' Armee de Terre (light
aviation, army) of like interests and
experiences. If you want to cor-
respond with a French soldier of
another branch, send the letter to: LTC
LawynC.Edwards, U.S. Army Train-
ing and Doctrine Command
(TRADOC), Aviation Liaison Of-
ficer (Avn LNO), Unit 21551, Box
A209A, APO AE 09777. He will for-
ward the letter to that branch's repre-
sentative. Postage is only $.29.
LTC Lawyn C. Edwards
Readers can obtain copies of the
material printed in this issue by
writing to the Editor, U.S. Army
Aviation Digest, ATZQ-PAO-AD,
Fort Rucker, AL 36362-5042.
Reserve F orees
A New Beginning
Major James A. Houston III
Aviation Staff Office
U.S. Army Reserve Command
Fort McPherson, GA
wice the citizen soldiers now have a single
chain of command to provide their leader-
ship. Aviation units, in particular, are
benefiting from activation of the U.S. Army Reserve
Command (USARC), Fort McPherson, GA, specifi-
cally in force modernization, stationing, and facility
Transfer of Functions from CONUSAs to USARC
On 18 October 1991, USARC, a major subordinate
command under U.S. Army Forces Command
(FORSCOM), Fort McPherson, GA, shed its provisional
status and became a full team player. The USARC, which
had operated provisionally since October 1990, planned the
orderly transition of functions, and command and control
(C), of assigned U.S. Army Reserve (USAR) units from
the continental U.S. Armies (CONUSAs). Execution of this
plan has already taken place for most units.
The new command is the result of a congressional man-
date. Congress directed that Department of the Army in-
crease the role of the Chief, Army Reserve (CAR), in the
of USAR units and the management of USAR -specific
resources. Upon completion of the transfer of functions
from the CONUSAs, by October 1992, US ARC will pro-
vide consolidated command authority for all USAR units
reporting directly to the FORSCOM commander.
Leadership/Staff of USARC
Major General (MG) Roger W. Sandler, who also serves
as the CAR, commands USARC, and reports directly to the
FORSCOM commander. MG Sandler also serves as the
deputy commanding general (OCG), Reserve Mfairs,
FORSCOM. MG Sandler's primary duty station is in
Washington, OC. The OCG, USARC, MG Max Baratz,
oversees the daily operation of the headquarters, which is
located on Forts McPherson and Gillem, Atlanta, GA. The
CAR command sergeant major (CSM) , Collin L. Younger,
also wears dual hats as the USARC CSM.
Responsibilities of USARC/CONUSs
To assist the command in managing resources, USARC
is developing a "winning" staff comprised of a mix of
70-percent civilian employees, 21-percent Active Guard
and Reserve soldiers, and 9-percent Active Component
soldiers. By October 1992, the staff will increase to 814
The command's responsibilities extend to all Army
USAR units assigned to FORSCOM. The CONUSAs will
remain responsible for training, operations, mobilization,
and deployment functions. USARC will provide central-
ized control of resource allocations, including funding, to
assigned USAR forces. This change will improve the ef-
fectiveness and efficiency involved in the distribution of
those allocations.
A viation Office under USARC
Initially, USARC's primary focus was to identify and
work through systemic problems while establishing a new
command. To meet the needs ofUSAR aviation forces, the
US ARC aviation office was formed. The aviation office
U.S. Army Aviation Digest September/October 1992
works directly for the Chief of Staff, USARC. Formation
of the office enables USARC to focus a concentrated effort
on improving all aspects of aviation. The aviation office
provides the command a single voice and point of contact
for both information and responsibility in aviation matters.
Colonel (COL) George F. Francioni is the chief of the
aviation office, which has 18 authorized positions (see
figure). COL Francioni serves as the principle advisor to
the commander and staff on all aviation matters within the
USAR aviation program. He provides guidance and leader-
ship to about 7,000 aviation and aviation-related soldiers in
USAR troop program units.
To manage the USAR aviation program, COL Francioni
has three branches within the aviation office. The opera-
tions and plans branch manages current USAR Aviation
program operations. This branch manages such diverse
actions as special mission requests, military aviation assis-
tance to counterdrug operations, and requests for flight
orders. It manages aviation funds to include a flying hour
program of 90,000 hours at a cost of over $40 million.
Current and future aviation program planning needs and
requirements also are prepared by this branch. A major
action for the branch has been planning for the conversion
of two AH-l Cobra attack helicopter units to the AH-64
Apache helicopter configuration.
The operations and plans branch is involved with
another area of interest, that of equipment acquisition
and distribution. The fielding of night vision goggles
and the distribution of U-21 Ute and UH-60 Black
Hawk aircraft to USAR units are examples.The efforts
of this office toward purchasing and fielding the C-12F
Huron aircraft will bring a new era to reserve aviation.
The standardization and training branch develops and
implements USAR standardization and training policies.
One facet of the branch's duties that reaches to the in-
dividual soldier level is the prioritizing and coordination of
course quotas at both formal and regional schools and
training sites. To administer the standardization policies for
the USARC, Army Regulations (AR) 95-1, AR 95-3, and
AR 140-1 are being supplemented and revised by the
, standardization branch.
The third branch in the aviation office is the
facilities and maintenance support branch. This branch
is active in monitoring the material readiness of the
513 rotary-wing aircraft and 47 fixed-wing aircraft
belonging to the Army Reserve division also involved
in the aviation support facilities program. The branch
oversees the budgeting, stationing, and management
for 33 of these facilities.
Cohesive Effect of USARC
As the USARC matures, and the functions and
responsibilities of command are transferred from the
CONUSAs, the aviation community, and the Army at
large, will see the cohesive effect the USARC brings
to the Total Army Force. The aviation office will play
a major role in developing that cohesiveness for the
aviation community. LJ
u.s. Army Aviation Digest September/October 1992 7
Will The Pentagon's Force Mix
Meet The Future Threat?
Captaln(P) Brian J. Boquist
Commander, B Company, 3d Battalion
12th Special Forces Group (Airborne)
U.S. Army Reserve
Portland, OR
n the early morning hours of 2 August 1990,
Mohamed lundi looked out his window to Fahad Al
Salem Street and saw Soviet-made tanks rolling into
Kuwait City. In 210 days, he watched American-made
Abrams tanks and Bradley fighting vehicles liberate the
Emirate of Kuwait. In 7 months, Department of Defense
(OOD) mobilized, deployed, trained, prepared, and ex-
ecuted the Gulf War of 1990 to 1991. The 100-hour ground
war has been compared to the classic armor operations of
World War II (wwn). No question, armor forces carried
the striking blow t h ~ t liberated Kuwait
The officers commanding American military units are
paid to expect the unexpected coupled with preparing
primary, alternate, and supplemental positions and plans.
To analyze the Gulf War is to quickly comprehend that not
all military actions enjoy the luxury of a 7-month buildup
before action. Four questions discussed in this article com-
prise a tightly coupled complex issue of the Pentagon's
proposed force mix versus the future threat. This issue has
not been raised since before WWI.
Identifying Potential Threat Regions
As stated in Congressional hearings of the Senate Armed
Forces Committee, the answer depends on assessing the
potential enemy or threat to the country. With the Warsaw
Pact crumbling and the Soviet Union being replaced by
shadows of itself, this leaves only a small list of known
threats to America's national security. Recently, the Pen-
tagon publicly identified North Korea, Cuba, India, Pakis-
tan, and Iraq as potential hot spots. As the world changes,
the military focus changes to identify potential geographic
or climatic regions that may become a threat in the future.
In scientific terms, seven categories of climatic regions
are subdivided into subtypes as follows: Tropical rainy
climates (rainforest, savannah), dry climates (steppe,
desert), humid mesothermal climates (dry summer sub-
tropical, humid SUbtropical marine west coast), humid
microthermal (warm summer, cool summer, subarctic),
polar (tundra, ice cap), undifferentiated highlands, and
extensive uplands.
Strategists are familiar with the humid mesothermal
climates and terrain in America and Europe along with the
former military force structures. However, what about the
rest of the world? In lay terms, dry climates comprise
roughly one-quarter of the earth's land, while true desert is
one-seventh; mountains comprise one-fifth; rainforests and
tropical rainy climates, about one-third; about one-quarter
is subarctic or continental; and the remaining lands are
mostly in America and Europe.
About three-quarters of earth's land surface is desert,
tropics, arctic, tundra (subarctic), or mountains. Classical
armor or mechanized operations are nearly impossible in
the tropics, arctic, tundra, and mountains. Desert warfare is
limited to logistical and time constraints of the situation
combined with geological characteristics of the desert. The
Israeli Defense Forces are fully aware of the inoperability
of armor in sandy deserts common to northern Africa and
parts of Arabia. Moreover, regions in South America,
u.s. Army Aviation Digest September/October 1992
Africa, Middle East, Asia, and Australia are thousands of
miles away from the continental United States.
The Requirement for Light Forces
Obviously, the requirement for classical armor and
mechanized forces in the desert will not disappear nor
diminish in the next decade. This is true, despite the article
"But Whom Will We Fight?, Frustration at U.S. Army
Tank School," in the 4 February 1992 issue of the Interna-
tiofUll Herald Tribune. Can armor and mechanized forces
be projected to move 1,000 to 8,000 miles in a few days or
weeks? No. Can armor or mechanized forces be airlifted to
the battlefield by the U.S. Air Force (USAF) or aircraft
from the Civilian Reserve Air Fleet (CRAF)? No. Army's
Abrams tank and Bradley fighting vehicle are too large or
heavy for the USAF's C-130, C-14IA, C-14IB, and C-5A
while CRAF aircraft face similar problems. Yes, armor and
mechanized forces can be sealifted to destinations around
the world given time, ships, and lots of fuel.
The premise that lighter forces are required by American
forces is evidenced by Vietnam, Grenada, Panama, and the
Gulf War. The speed of deployment depends on the aircraft
available for lifting the forces to the theater of operations.
The fIrst major forces on the ground in Saudi Arabia were
the 82d Airborne Division from Fort Bragg, NC. Though
well trained in infantry, the airborne soldier's antiarmor
weapons are limited. Airborne has short-range (1,000
meters (m)) capability with the Dragon; limited numbers
of TOW medium-range (3,75Om) anti armor weapons; and
minimal artillery support with the 105 millimeter (mm)
artillery piece. An organic organization, the 82d, or any
light infantry division, lacks any serious anti armor
capability in the face of an armored division.
In simple terms, everybody held his breath and prayed
that Iraqi armored divisions did not move south into Saudi
Arabia. Grinding infantry under the tank tracks of Soviet-
made armor is no way to delay a foe while awaiting sealift
armor and mechanized forces. The conventional tactical
response would be to delay the enemy through fire and
maneuver. The classic concept is to trade space for time
while withdrawing intact either under pressure or through
deception. Unfortunately, the airborne division, or light
infantry division, has neither the maneuver or fIrepower
capability to accomplish this mission. These soldiers travel
by foot at a rate of 3 kilometers (km) per hour while armor
easily d0eS 35km per hour.
An average airborne or light infantry battalion should
have 2 to 4 TOW antiarmor launchers, 27 Dragon antiarmor
launchers, and 27 7.62mm M60 machineguns. Hopefully,
the battalion will have limited 105mm artillery support. The
TOW launcher has a range of 3,75Om; time of flight to the
target is about 19 seconds with a basic load of 7 rounds per
u.s. Army Aviation Digest September/October 1992
weapon. The Dragon launcher has a range of 1 ,000m being
a single-round weapon. The M60 machine gun has a range
of 1,000m with ammunition limited to what can be carried
on the personnel.
The average opposing armor battalion would be com-
prised of 40 tanks and 2 BRDM amphibious anti armor
scout vehicles supported by 122mm self-propelled (SP)
howitzers and possibly a rocket battery. The tanks likely
will be equipped with 125mm main guns fIring 6 to 8
rounds a minute effective 50 percent of the time at 2,000m.
The basic load of ammunition on each tank is 40 rounds.
Each of the 40 tanks should have one 12.7mm machinegun
and one 7.62mm machinegun, a total of80 for the battalion.
The 122mm SP howitzer has a range of 15km.
Discussion of Issue
1. Would the first American forces on the ground in
August to September 1990 have been able to turn back
the Iraqi armored forces?
Clearly, the capability of airborne infantry battalions to
accomplish this feat can be seriously questioned. The claim
of massive air superiority has merit; however, the lack of
adequate quantities of aviation fuel again seriously ques-
tions whether forces on hand could have accomplished the
The discussion of task-organizing special antiarmor
units to support the airborne units commenced immediately
after the Iraqi invasion. Several challenges were apparent
that needed to be overcome before successfully deploying
these special units. The units with the best command,
control, and communications (C
) assets were Special For-
ces (SF) detachments, U.S. Army Special Operations Com-
mand, Fort Bragg, NC. The separate antiarmor battalions
having the required firepower and maneuver capability
were under the command of the U.S. Army Forces Com-
mand, Fort McPherson, GA. If the antiarmor battalion and
SF company could have been task-organized, the airborne
forces could have been immediately augmented with supe-
rior antiarmor capabilities.
Unfortunately, the four separate antiarmor battalions
were rated combat-ready but belonged to the GA, OK, WI,
and OR National Guard (NG). Even though the U.S.
Marines, Navy, and Air Force mobilized combat reserves,
the U.S. Army did not follow suit whether for political or
other reasons. Whether Reserve Component (RC) or Ac-
tive Component (AC), the task organization of anti armor
forces merited consideration in Iraq in 1990 and merits
consideration in the future.
The four separate antiarmor battalions were not dedi-
cated assets but had tremendous mobility and fIrepower.
Each of the battalion's fIve line companies could have been
teamed up with an SF detachment and host country counter-
parts to perform overwatch, screening, raiding, and recon-
naissance missions. The SF detachments could have
provided C
, 60mm or 81 mm mortar, and Stinger air
defense expertise with host nation forces providing guides,
language, and other liaison.
Each antiannor company is virtually self-sufficient with
medics, mechanics, supplies, logistics, fuelers, limited
mess facilities, and communications. Each of a battalion's
five companies has 12 M996 TOW high-mobility, multi-
purpose wheeled vehicles (HMMWV s); 6 M 1 025 Scout
HMMWVs; 7 M998/l038 Command HMMWVs; and 8
other support vehicles. In addition, the TOW and Scout
HMMVs have M60 machineguns for a total of 18 per
company. The Command HMMWV s have two empty
seats while the TOW and Scout HMMWV s have one
empty seat per vehicle. There is seating for an extra 25
personnel along with mortars and Stinger missiles.
The HMMWV' s ground weight per square inch allows
it to operate on desert sand and tropical clay, while armor
is too heavy and sinks. Further, the HMMWV can operate
in mountains and arctic environments restrictive to annor.
The HMMWV vehicle range is 515 km, but the vehicle can
carry additional fuel and water. The maximum effective
range of the TOW II weapon is 3,75Orn, which is stand off
to most armor such as those weapons possessed by the Iraqi
forces in 1990. Two mortars for each company could have
provided indirect fire support out to 4,595m. Two Stinger
missile launchers could have provided adequate air defense
against attack helicopters. The Scout HMMWV s are con-
figured for MK-19 40mm grenade launchers and M2 .50-
caliber machine guns to include ammunition racks. Com-
panies organized in this nature would have more firepower
than a light infantry or ranger battalion.
Space existed for additional SF or host nation personnel
throughout each antiarmor company with no requirement
for additional vehicles. The Command HMMWV s could
be used for Stinger and/or mortar carries without any
problems since redundancy exists in the line platoons.
These company-size teams could have conducted
unconventional raids, reconnaissance, screening, and
psychological operations deep in enemy territory or to
the front of airborne forces. Unlike armor, the antiar-
mor task forces could operate in the limited terrain of
the desert, tropics, and mountainous environments.
The HMMWV can climb grades of 60 percent and
traverse slopes of 22 to 40 percent. Armor does not
have the same capability. On hilly terrain, the
HMMWV can expect to achieve speeds of 30 to 40
miles per hour. This is critical in geographic areas that
require the mobile firepower to conduct operations and
support airborne or light infantry. The U.S. Army
should note that other military forces in desert, tropi-
cal, and mountainous geographic regions have
wheeled armored vehicles for this same reason.
Company teams of this nature could be resupplied by air
drop and are fully capable of being sling-loaded by helicop-
ter. The anti armor companies could provide combat fire
power for the offense or defense. The SF detachments could
provide air defense, indirect fire support, command and
control, psychological operations, civic action, long-range
communications, and liaison. Host nation forces could
provide liaison and language skills coupled with command
coordination with allied forces.
Unlike the MI Abrams tank weighing 60 tons, the
vehicles of the antiarmor battalions are all capable of airlift
by USAF aircraft. The M966 HMMWV has a gross vehicle
weight of 8,200 pounds (lbs) while other HMMWV s do
not exceed 9,100 lbs. Six HMMWV s could be carried on a
C-141 USAF aircraft, while 10 could be carried on a C-5
USAF aircraft at a minimum.
To airlift an entire antiarmor company with attach-
ments would require six C-141 aircraft or possibly
three C-5A aircraft. This means every 6 aircraft would
lift 12 TOWs, 6 MK-19 40mm grenade launchers or
M2 .50-caliber machineguns, 18 7.62mm
machineguns, 20 M203 grenade launchers, 92 rifles,
17 pistols, 2 mortars, 2 Stinger missiles, 27 night
vision devices, and 109 combat-ready personnel with
their equipment and vehicles.
2. Does the United States have a force structure of
units capable of deploying in a few days or weeks to meet
a threat similar to the situation faced by the 82d Air-
borne Division in September 1990?
The proposed task organization of antiarmor com-
panies and battalions together with SF detachments
was never implemented. Even though a Rand Note
Report titled, "TOW Missile System Utilization at the
National Training Center," dated October 1990,
pointed out the advantage of the wheeled TOW, the
separate antiarmor battalions are being inactivated.
Further, an article titled, "Military Lessons Learned
from the Gulf War," in the NovemberlDecember 1991
issue of the Army Research, Development, and Ac-
quisition (RDA) Bulletin reports, "New tactics might
resemble guerilla warfare writ large [sic]: smaller,
agile, stealthy units stage hit-and-run raids with tanks,
armored cars, artillery, and helicopters integrated with
tactical air support." It appears inactivating highly
mobile, airlift-capable units means fewer units will be
available to respond to crisis situations around the
3. Will the Pentagon's proposed force structure of the
U.S. Army meet the geopolitical realities of the world
next year or in 5 years?
u.s. Army Aviation Digest September/October 1992
The RDA article points out America's military continue
to focus wrongly on weapons systems and defense acquisi-
tion. The basis of the article is an analysis from the Center
for Strategic and International Studies, Washington, DC.
The article points out that the most important factor to
winning a war is having quality, capable, well-trained
personnel. Another important point is that American
defense strategy remains inappropriate for the threat facing
the United States in the world today. America needs a
"balanced defenses investment strategy" to meet future
defense requirements, but it must "place the greatest em-
phasis on the quality of military personnel."
Presently, the Pentagon is proposing to eliminate about
25 percent of the combined military personnel. This will
allow further acquisition of weapons systems or retainment
of present equipment over personnel. In late March 1992,
Secretary of Defense Dick Cheney proposed massive cuts
in Reserve and NG personnel, focusing on combat arms
units. Even though these units are more cost effective, it is
considered important to transfer combat arms control to the
Active Army. The reasons cited by Secretary Cheney and
General Colin Powell, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of
Staff, run counter to educated recommendations, the ex-
perience of Reserve service in the Gulf War, and the
concept of a balanced defense strategy.
4. Should U.S. citizens rely on an Active Component
U.S. military or a mix combined with the citizen soldiers
of the Reserve and National Guard components of the
various services?
This question was first put to ink during July 1776 by the
fIrst Congressional delegation that adopted the Bill of
Rights. The right to bear arms focused on the ability of
states to control a militia that could counter the tyranny of
a central government. Today, we focus on the right for
personal ownership of weapons, but that was not the worry
of America's founding fathers.
Recall that the King of England used the British Army
to suppress opposition and control the population in the
Colonies. The "Red Coat" soldier became a symbol of the
oppression to freedom-loving Americans. Just the same,
the Nazi Storm Trooper became the symbol of oppression
in Germany in the 1930s. The Committee for State Security
and Chief Intelligent Directorate of the General Staff served
the same purpose in the Soviet Union until just last year.
The interrelationship of the army and nation in
geopolitical terms are inseparable according to Karl
von Clausewitz, author of "On War," published 1832-
1834. Clausewitz' s thoughts served as a basis for the
developing modem military concepts like the tenants
of AirLand Battle Operations and combined arms
philosophy. Unfortunately, in Clausewitz's country,
the people experienced the army's support of fascism
u.s. Army Aviation Digest September/October 1992
and the literal extermination of those opposing the
The military cannot be isolated from their respon-
sibilities to a nation whether open warfare, economic dis-
tress, drug overdose, or foreign assistance (nation-build-
ing). A look at America's national debt, which is primarily
due to defense spending, is like looking in the mirror. Even
after WW II, British Prime Minister Winston Churchill fell
victim to failing to adhere to public demands. American
leaders in government who assume responsibility acquire
their legitimate authority from the people in our democracy.
Further, America should note the National Guard has
remained at the same strength since President Theodore
Roosevelt set the present level almost 100 ago. If there is a
failure in the readiness of the National Guard and Army
Reserve, it should be fIxed. However, the U.S. Army
leadership in the Pentagon did not point out any failures
until discussions of mobilization in August 1990. Even if
the NG combat units required 90 days to train up, the Active
U.S. Army required 7 months from August 1990 to
February 1991. The readiness issue of the National Guard
and Reserve is still being debated within the ranks of the
Active Component of the U.S. Army.
It could be stated that the soldiers of the four separate
NG antiarmor battalions being inactivated in OR, GA, OK,
and WI probably gave more to their country than their
active counterparts. The citizen soldiers who gave up their
weekends to be trained, equipped, and prepared to serve
their country also during the week held civilian jobs to
support their families and pay taxes. Similar tax dollars
have been overcommitted by the military and government
alike, in tum creating a portion of the national debt to build
a massive military industrial complex.
In closing, remember this is a political rather than an
economic issue. The federal expenditures for the National
Guard are 2.8 percent of the OOD's budget. To cut the
National Guard in half will only save 1.4 percent of the
budget. What would we be saving? We need to focus on
realistic future missions not political and economical
The four questions discussed in this article deserve
serious consideration by every American. Military person-
nel, government leaders, business people, and homemakers
alike will be influenced by the fInal outcome of this discus-
sion. Never in U.S. history has such a complex issue been
given such little public discussion. The fmger-pointing and
politics of an election year must be put aside to discuss these
important issues. The future of America in geopolitical,
military, social, and economic terms depends on the right
solution being implemented in the next year. c::J
', .
. .
. ..
W Total
First Lieutenant Garth Connor
Aviation Officer Advanced Course, Class 91-3
Fort Rucker, AL
he integration between the U.S. Army
Reserve and the Active Army can and must
improve. Proposed budget cuts and changing
international security requirements have made the
Total Force partnership increasingly important.
Several incidents during Operations Desert Shield and
Desert Storm show that the Total Force partnership
between the Reserve and Active Army is not working.
In contrast to the Army, the U.S. Marine Corps was
successful in implementing its Total Force concept
during Operations Desert Shield and Desert Storm.
The Marine Corps' success came from a total commit-
ment, during peacetime, to integrate its Reserves and
Active Force. By studying the Marine Corps' Active
and Reserve relationship, the Army can improve the
integration of its Active and Reserve Forces.
The Total Force partnership is more important to our
national security now than ever before. Disintegration
of the Warsaw Pact has greatly reduced the threat and
has expanded the warning time for an attack. This fact
has made it difficult for Army senior leaders to justify
a large standing force. With lack of justification, Con-
gress has decided to reduce the Active Army and
increase the nation's reliance on the Reserves.
This cut will reduce the Active Army from 18
divisions with 730,000 personnel to 12 divisions with
540,000 by 1995.
This 25 percent cut in the Active
Army increasFs the nation's dependency on the Na-
tional Guard (NG) and Army Reserve, and makes
success of the Total Force policy critical.
Results from Operations Desert Shield and Desert
Storm show that the Total Force concept is not working
for the Army. On 22 August 1990, President George
Bush authorized the callup of 200,000 National
Guardsmen and women. Immediately after this callup,
Secretary of Defense Richard B. Cheney enlisted only
the combat support and combat service support (CSS)
units of the NG. Secretary Cheney did not alert NG
combat units because Department of Defense (DODl
concluded that these units were not ready for combat.
On 8 November 1990, after pressure by Head-
quarters, National Guard Bureau, DOD activated three
roundout brigades (48th Infantry (Mechanized)
(Mech), Georgia Army National Guard (ARNG), as-
signed to the 24th Infantry Division; 155th Armored,
MSARNG, assigned to the 1st Cavalry Division; and
256th Infantry (Mech)). Although, these brigades
spent 2 months training, thej never deployed with their
Active Army counterparts.
In contrast, the Marine Corps deployed Reserve
combat units to the Persian Gulf with great success.
The 8th Tank Battalion, Marine Corps Reserve, mobi-
lized and deployed to Southwest Asia. The battalion
was successful in its mobilization and participation in
the attack on Kuwait City. The unit received high
praise during Operation Desert Storm for its ability,
professionalism, and readiness.
The Marine Corps'
ability to send combat reserve units to the Persian Gulf
is a result of the Corps' peacetime reserve system. The
Marines concentrate on keeping their Active and
Reserve Forces similarly structured, equipped, and
trained. These practices ensure that the Marines have
an effective Total Force integration upon mobiliza-
The Marine Corps Reserve maintains its structure
by recruiting most of its manpower from its Active
Force. This policy ensures that its Reserve units will
consist mainly of former active-duty personnel. The
Marine Corps also maintains an active full-time sup-
port program. This program maintains a strength of 70
percent active-duty personnel, whose full-time job is
to support and train Reservists. These active-duty per-
sonnel provide the current operational and technical
expertise that is hard to maintain in a Reserve Force.
"Without {the} leadership and support of the Active
Marine Force, the readiness of the Reserves would
u.s. Army Aviation Digest September/October 1992
decline. ,,6 The high percentage of former active-duty
personnel and full-time support program combine to
improve the structure and integration of the Marine
Corps Reserve.
The Marine Corps Reserve continues to procure new
equipment along with its Active Force. "During the
acquisition process, the Total Force requirements are
identified, validated, and funded according to the first-
to-fight policy.,,7 This system ensures that the Marine
Corps meets its goal of providing new equipment to
the Active and Reserve Force at the same time. Along
with its joint equipment modernization program, the
Marine Corps continues to upgrade the Reserve and
Active Force facilities across the board. These policies
improve the integration of the Marine Reserve Force
and Active Force.
The most essential element of the Marine Corps
Reserve system is training. The Marines believe that
aggressive, realistic individual and unit training is
essential for the Reserves' success. The Marine Corps
has several innovative programs that concentrate on
individual training. However, the Marines' real suc-
cess comes from unit training. On a regular basis, the
Marine Reserve Forces conduct training with their
Active counterparts. The Marine Corps assigns and
requires its Reserve rifle companies to train with ac-
tive-duty battalions. On a daily basis, Reserve CSS
units support active-duty Marine Corps units. This
dynamic relationship between the Active and Reserve
Marine C01s units has led to a successful Marine
Total Force.
The Army's Total Force concept resembles the
Marine Corps' but fails to rigorously follow the
Army's own guidelines. In his article, "Total Force
Policy Examined in Wake of Desert Storm," Major
General (MG) T. Eston Marchant concludes that the
Army Reserve training focus must change. MG Mar-
chant writes, "Prior to mobilization, the basics of gun-
nery; maintenance; and squad-, crew-, platoon- and
company-level maneuver must be mastered. Task
force- and brigade-level maneuver should be trained
primarily through staff exercises and battle simulation
exercises".9 MG Marchant spells out that the Army's
concept of training before mobilization must be im-
proved.The Army also has been slow at ensuring the
roundout brigades receive the same equipment as their
Active counterparts. In Operations Desert Shield and
Desert Storm several NG combat units did not deploy
because they had not had enough time to train on their
new equipment.
An Army Total Force partnership as successful as
that of the U.S. Marine Corps needs to be developed.
u.s. Army Aviation Digest September/October 1992
For the Aviation elements of the Reserve Components
(RC) of the Army Total Force, this means that the
roundout and roundup Reserve and NG Aviation units
must be similarly equipped as their Active Component
(AC) counterparts. The Directed Training Association
and CAPSTONE affiliation programs need to be put
on the front burner with greater emphasis and AC
responsibility for RC individual training as well as
collective training.
Locations of some RC units may need to be changed
to faciliate monthly training with their affiliated units.
Relocation of RC flying units may not be as necessary
as for road and rail transported elements. But each
affiliation needs to be examined and decided on an
individual basis. A policy of actively recruiting RC
Aviation personnel and giving preference to AC A via-
tion experienced personnel leaving the services would
ensure that RC Aviation units are kept current in the
latest policies, procedures, training, and maintenance
techniques currently used by AC Aviation units.
The proposed budget and Total Active Force cuts
have made the Total Force partnership critical to Air-
Land Operations. Results from Operation Desert
Storm show the inability of the Army to execute the
Total Force concept. Failure of the roundout brigades
to deploy to Saudi Arabia resulted from a lack of
integration between Active Army and the RC. To
prevent future problems, the Army should study and
learn from the Marine Corps' execution of the Total
Force. The Marine Corps successfully integrates its
Active and Reserve Forces by maintaining similarities
in structure, equipment, and training. With future cuts
in military strength, the Total Force is not merely
important, it is critical to our national survival.
1. Bruce B. Auster, "Can Reserves Do the Job?" U.S.
News and World Report, 28 January 1991, p. 40.
2. General H. Norman Schwarzkopf Jr., "The 48th
InfantryBrigade (Mech), Georgia Army National Guard:
A Chronology from Invasion to Demobilization,"
National Guard, May 1991, p. 13.
3. Ibid., pp. 12-15.
4. MG T. Eston Marchant, "Total Force Policy Examined
in Wake of Desert Storm," National Guard, August
1991, p. 23.
5. Hollis E. Davison, "Active/Reserve Relationship Acts
to Enhance Corps," The Officer, February 1991, pp.
6. Ibid., p. 72.
7. Ibid.
8. Ibid., pp. 68-74.
9. Ibid., p. 23.
The Army's Mobilization
"Roundout is a fact of life ... the 48th Brigade, Georgia Army National Guard, is the third
brigade of my division ... I expect them to fight alongside us. They have demonstrated (their
capability) through three demanding rotations at the National Training Center ... they are, in
fact, combat ready."
Major General H. Norman Schwarzkopf Jr.
(when he commanded the 24th Infantry Division
u.s. Army Aviation Digest September/October 1992
Of National Guard Units
Captain Joseph E. Neilson II
Headquarters and Headquarters Company
1-185th Aviation
Mississippi Army National Guard
Tupelo, MS
he success of our armed forces in Operations
Desert Shield and Desert Storm proved, to a
degree, that America could mobilize its for-
ces with a certain amount of effectiveness. However,
the buildup was not without its problems. The United
States and other countries of the United Nations had
more than 5 months to build their forces in the Persian
Mobilization of a large force naturally creates
problems. Most of these problems are organizational,
as they pertain to the National Guard's (NG's)
mobilization to active service, and the Active Army's
attitude toward the NG. For example, Army National
Guard (ARNG) AH-64 Apache battalions, certified
through Fort Hood, TX, were not called.
Several state aviation officers and state adjutants
general voiced concern that the Army has a system to
determine the readiness of any given unit but does not
trust the system. ARNG combat units met all stated
Army standards of training, manning, and equipping;
however, these units were not mobilized or deployed.
The problem may lie in the Regular Army's (RA' s)
attitude toward the NG and not necessarily the process.
This example of the Army's attitude toward the NG
dates back to W orld War II. In February 1941, the 29th
Division (Blue and Grey), an NG Division from
Maryland and Virginia, mobilized and eventually went
to England. Active Army officers replaced the senior
leadership after the NG Division completed the or-
ganizational work. This created a huge morale prob-
u.s. Army Aviation Digest September/October 1992
lem in the ranks of the 29th Division. The prejudice
that RA officers had against NG officers drastically
reduced the Guard's confidence.
A parallel can be drawn between this example and
what happened in the most recent callup for Operations
Desert Shield and Desert Storm. The argument could
be made that the Army wants the NG trained and up to
speed, but does not want to provide any guidance or
help to ensure NG units can fully accomplish this. NG
units are left to themselves when it comes to training.
Under the CAPSTONE program, an NG unit might
receive an Army Training and Evaluation Program to
determine its readiness, but not necessarily its
CAPSTONE organization. If it is to use the
CAPSTONE program, the Army has to commit to the
part of the program pertaining to mission readiness.
The May 1991 issue of National Guard magazine
contains General H. Norman Schwarzkopf Jr. 's article,
"The 48th Infantry Brigade (Mech), Georgia Army
National Guard: A Chronology from Invasion to
Demobilization." The article discusses the inconsis-
tencies and problems the Army had calling up ARNG
units. It is a good example of why the Army should
consider the Operational Readiness Inspection (ORI)
On 7 August 1990, President George Bush signed
the Declaration of National Emergency. This gave the
Department of Defense (DOD) all of the authority it
required to implement a partial mobilization. It per-
mitted a I-million man callup in late August 1990,
citing the 180-day limitation. Under partial mobiliza-
tion, DOD never had any such restriction. Around that
same time, DOD alerted the 24th Infantry Division
(Mech) to begin uploading its equipment for the Per-
sian Gulf. Final elements of the 24th Infantry Division
did not reach Dhahran Harbor until November 1990.
This would have given the 48th Brigade (Mech) 75
postmobilization training days by the time final ele-
ments of the 24th Infantry Division reached the Persian
Gulf. The division was fully "stoodup" had it been .
mobilized on 24 August 1990.
Instead, the 48th Brigade had no idea when or if it
might deploy because it did not receive an alert. The
197th Infantry Brigade (Mech), the resident brigade at
the U.S. Army Infantry School, Fort Benning, GA,
went in the 48th Brigade's place in a C-5 status (need-
ing new equipment training). The 197th Infantry
Brigade had received M-60A3 tanks and M-113 per-
sonnel carriers on 2 August 1990. According to
Department of the Army (DA) data, the 197th con-
ducted no field training above battalion level in fiscal
year 1990. The 197th conducted only one brigade-
level field training exercise at Fort Stewart, GA, with
the 24th Infantry Division after being alerted.
On 22 August 1990, President Bush signed the
200,000 673(b) callup order. On 24 August 1990,
Secretary of Defense Richard B. Cheney issued in-
structions to call up only combat support (CS) and
combat service support (CSS) units. The first CS and
CSS ARNG units received their call on 27 August
1990. The decision to avoid calling ARNG combat
units came 1 day after General Carl E. Vuono told
senior military association executives, including a rep-
resentative from the National Guard Association of the
United States, that the 48th Brigade callup would be
announced the next day. It did not occur for more than
3 months.
In early September 1990, Congress asked Secretary
Cheney why ARNG combat units were not being
called up. Secretary Cheney said the 180-day callup
time did not allow enough time to call, train, and
deploy the units. Senior DOD officials explained the
200,000 callup authority did not allow enough time to
permit a full rotation. General Colin Powell, Chairman
of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, said that, if the 200,000
authority added a 180-day extension to the original 180
days, the Army would call up combat units. At the
same time, the 24th Infantry Division and its 197th
"roundout" Brigade took 90 days to reach Saudi
On 8 November 1990, Secretary Cheney announced,
at a Pentagon press conference, the near doubling of
U.S. Forces in the Persian Gulf and the callup' of the
three roundout ARNG brigades. General Powell said
a "workup" would be necessary to ensure the combat
readiness of ARNG units. This would include a trip
through the National Training Center (NTC), Fort
Irwin, CA, even though the 48th Brigade had gone
through the NTC the previous summer and did well
against the NTC' s Soviet opposing forces doctrine.
Before 2 August 1990, all brigades in the 24th Infantry
Division, including the 48th, reported almost identical
combat-ready status.
On 30 November 1990, the 48th Brigade reported to
its mobilization station, Fort Stewart, to find the pre-
vious combat readiness rules that it understood with its
parent units changed. The parent organization rated the
brigade "combat ready" before 2 August 1990. How-
ever, the Brigade did not receive this rating upon
reaching the mobilization station. The 48th Brigade
had to certify to a C-l readiness status, rather than to
a lower combat readiness rating. Remember, the 197th
deployed in a C-5 status. Additional tasks that none of
the active units deployed had training in included
counterreconnaissance, advanced guard, and
repositioning. No doctrine exists for repositioning. A
sudden requirement to be fully qualified at the grade
level assigned, rather than a generic qualification by
position, left the noncommissioned officer (NCO)
corps unqualified in the military occupational special-
ty and diverted many NCOs for further training. This
action broke up crews who had worked together for
The 48th Brigade's maintenance problems received
a lot of publicity. The problems stemmed from main-
tenance personnel being required to undergo computer
training on the new maintenance software. This meant
units were not being supported by maintenance per-
sonnel and resulted in significant maintenance break-
downs. The 48th Brigade's unit status report, known
by 2d Army and U.S. Army Forces Command, rated
the brigade combat ready the day it reported to Fort
Stewart, with a recommendation for 42 days'
postmobilization training. As stated earlier, mobiliz-
ing the 48th Brigade with the 24th Infantry Division
would have given it 75 postmobilization training days.
On 7 January 1991, the 48th Brigade began the move
to Fort Irwin, CA. Upon arrival, the brigade's leaders
found that the brigade would receive the "crawl, walk,
run" training program of instruction. Training ac-
complishments, such as tank gunnery during the pre-
vious annual training period, received no credit.
On 28 February 1991, the 48th Brigade was certified
combat ready by the 2d Army Commander, Lieutenant
u.s. Army Aviation Digest September/October 1992
General James Crysel, 51 days after its arrival at the
NTC. That same day the ground war ended and Presi-
dent Bush announced the cease-fire.
The most militarily uneducated in-
dividual should see that the Army's
system for mobilizing ARNG units
does not work ...
On 4 March 1991, the 48th Brigade prepared to
move back to Fort Stewart. On 11 March 1991,
Secretary Cheney demobilized the 48th Brigade at Fort
Stewart and ordered it to return to home stations.
The most militarily uneducated individual should
see that the Army's system for mobilizing ARNG units
does not work as effectively as it should. There is
duplication of training, such as, reassignment of per-
sonnel, new equipment training, and requiring NG
units to make additional rotations through NTC
without regard to some NG units having successfully
completed a rotation the previous year.
The Army should restructure its method of evalua-
tion. The V.S. Air Force uses the ORI system, which
validates or certifies NG and V.S. Army Reserve
(USAR) units on an annual basis, depending on the
unit's mission and deployment time. An inspection
team from the gaining command conducts the OR!.
The team looks at all areas, resource areas, spare parts,
performance of ground and aircrews, scenarios, closed
book testing, etc.
The five levels of capability in all inspection reports
that require the use of a rating system are as follows:
outstanding, excellent, satisfactory, marginal, and un-
satisfactory. These levels describe the overall rating of
major grading areas, subareas, and other functional
areas. Team chiefs may assign ratings that reflect
observed performance regardless of statistical out-
comes. However, when ratings differ greatly from
established criteria, an explanation should be given. A
unit found to be deficient in an area must respond in
writing to the gaining command as to how the unit will
correct the problem. The unit is placed in a
downgraded status until the deficiency is corrected.
All of this ensures that the Air Guard and Reserves are
combat ready at all times. The units are certified by the
gaining command before mobilization rather than after
mobilization. If the ORI program had been in place at
u.s. Army Aviation Digest September/October 1992
the time, the 48th Brigade would have been able to
deploy with the 24th Infantry Division.
Suggested Solutions
The Active Army, the ARNG, and the USAR must
make an effort to solve the problems of mobilization.
Close coordination must take place. The DA, DOD,
and the National Guard Bureau (NGB) must take a
close look at equipment shortages in the NG and RA
inventories. Adjutants general, NGB, and the Active
Army should use a memorandum of understanding
(MOU) to facilitate lines of communications among
them. An MOU also defines what an organization has
and how to use what it has.
The Army has all of the assets to conduct an ORI-
type inspection, but the organization is not there. Fixed
responsibility and authority for training subordinate
NG and USAR units must take place. For example, the
commander of the 18th Aviation Brigade would be
responsible for training the two NG battalions in his
Gaining commanders would enforce standards set
by Fort Rucker, AL. All units found to be deficient in
given areas would have to respond, in writing, to the
gaining command, and explain a course of action to
correct the deficiency.
There are many other aspects to the mobilization of
NG units than time and the author's knowledge permit.
This article does not attempt to solve the problem of
training and evaluating NG and USAR units. It merely
suggests a course of action to take, and tries to bring
to the reader's attention the fact that the Active Army
does not give the NG the credit it deserves.
The Active Army should realize that it is going to
have to fight with, and rely on, the NG and the USAR
in an extended conflict. With this in mind, it seems
obvious that the Army should oversee and train the NG
and USAR to the standards it trains itself.
Air Force Regulation 123-1: Chapter 1, "The Inspection
Program," 29 December 1989.
Balkoski, Joseph, Beyond the Beachhead, Stackpole
Books, Harrisburg, 1989.
Gleason, Paul LTC, Summary of the minutes from the
Army Aviation National Guard Symposium, 15 July
Schwarzkopf, H. Norman Jr., GEN, National Guard,
The 48th Brigade: A Chronology from Invasion to
Demobilization, May 1991.
Army Aviation Between WWII
Dr. John W. Kitchens
Aviation Branch Command Historian
U.S. Army Aviation Center
Fort Rucker, AL
How did the Army and Air Force define their separate roles between WWII and the Korean
Conflict? Once aefined; how did each effectIvely operate and function to complement
the other without arguIng over who did what and getting in the other's way? How did
the Army solve the problem of the Air Force's control of Army Aviation training?
RegulatIons of 1949, functions p'apers, and other arguments and proposals that reigned
between WWII and the Korean Conflict, 1945 to 1950, answer these questions.
or several months follow-
ing the end of World War
II (WWII), organic Army
Aviation maintained its inventory
of aircraft and also continued to
train pilots and mechanics at a
steady pace-even as the Army
was scaling down most .other
As a result of the expansion of
organic aviation to branches of the
Army Ground Forces (AGF) other
than Field Artillery, the Depart-
ment of Air Training of the Field
Artillery School at Fort Sill, OK,
was reorganized as the AGF Air
Training School effective 7
December 1945. The commandant
of the Field Artillery School,
Major General Louis E. Hibbs, be-
came commandant of the new AGF
Air Training School as well. Ac-
tual administration of the school
was under the direction of the as-
sistant commandant for air train-
ing, Colonel (COL) William W.
The Army Air Force (AAF) con-
tinued providing primary flight
training at Sheppard Field, Wichita
Falls, TX, until May 1946, when
this training program was trans..,
ferred to Gary Field, San Marcos,
Decline and Resurgence
Coincidentally with the estab-
lishment of the AGF Air Training
School, the supply of students
began to decline. All classes in ses-
sion on 7 December 1946 were per-
mitted to finish, but the beginning
of new classes was delayed. The
first class for mechanics after the
reorganization did not begin until
21 January. The start date of the
first 1946 pilots class was delayed
until 11 March when enough stu-
dents were finally assembled.
Besides reducing the number of
classes, the Air Training School
eliminated seaplane training from
the curriculum and reduced the
time devoted to the Brodie device.
In November 1946, as a result of
demobilization throughout the
Army and the consequent shortage
of students, the Air Training
School was discontinued. It was
replaced by a new Department of
Air Training, with COL Ford as
director, established within the
Field Artillery School.
The general demobilization of
the armed forces affected Army
Aviation in another way. Begin-
ning in early 1946 and continuing
through mid-1947, the number of
aircraft in the AGF inventory
rapidly declined. From a WWII
high of around 3,000, the aircraft
inventory was reduced. through
disposition by the Surplus Property
Board and otherwise, to between
200 and 250.
Even as its aircraft inventory
was being reduced sharply, organic
Army Aviation continued search-
ing for the most appropriate
aircraft for its various missions. In
a design competition held shortly
after the end of the war, the Army
selected the Boeing L-15; this
aircraft failed the field tests, how-
ever, so the search continued.
In a finished-article competition
held in early 1947, the winner was
u.s. Army Aviation Digest September/October 1992
And The
the Aeronca 7BC Champion. This
two-place aircraft, similar to the
WWII era L-3, became the Army
Between 1947 and 1949, the
Army purchased over 500 eighty-
five horsepower L-16As and
around 100 ninety horsepower L-
16Bs. The L-16B had a gross
weight of 1,450 pounds and a max-
imum speed of 110 miles per hour.
The Army bought these aircraft for
the bargain price of around $1,200
each, complete with spare parts
and data packages.
The Army also bought over 200
four-place Ryan L-17s during the
late 1940s. This purchase also
resulted from a finished-article
competition. Although some Air
Force leaders expressed reserva-
tions about the Army's acquisition
The first Army helicop-
ter pilot was Captain
(CPT) Robert J. Ely.
CPT Ely graduated from
the Army Air Corps
Course at Scott Field,
IL, in 1945.
1945- 1 950'
of the higher power and larger
capacity L-17 s with retractable
landing gear, no major problem
arose. Both the L-16s and the L-
17s served the Army well until
they were replaced by Bird Dogs,
Beavers, and Seminoles during and
after the Korean conflict.
As of 30 June 1950, the Army
and Army National Guard inven-
tories consisted of 1,155 fixed-
wing aircraft. This total included
664 L-16s, 228 L-17s, 219 L-5s,
and 44 L-4s.
The National Security Act of
The National Securi ty Act
(NSA) of 1947 abolished the War
and Navy Departments, created the
Department of Defense (DOD),
and made the U.S. Air Force
u.s. Army Aviation Digest September/October 1992
(USAF) a separate service coor-
dinate with the Army and Navy.
President Truman signed the act in
July, and it was implemented in
James Forrestal became the first
secretary of defense (SECDEF) on
17 September. Transfer Order No.
1, signed by Secretary Forrestal on
26 September, transferred military
personnel, bases, and equipment of
the former AAF to the Department
of the Air Force and the USAF.
The division of assets and person-
nel was completed during the fol-
lowing 2 years t h r o u ~ h 39 addi-
tional transfer orders.
The NSA gave the Air Force
general responsibility for aviation
with specified exceptions. The
most important exception was that
the Navy and Marine Corps were
Organic Army A viation con-
tinued searching for the most
appropriate aircraft. In a
design competition held short-
ly after the end of WWI/, the
Army selected the Boeing L-
15. The L-15 failed the field
tests, and the Army continued
to search for a suitable aircraft.
The L-16 replaced the L-15 as
the aircraft suitable for Army
Aviation's various missions.
This two-place aircraft, also
known as the Aeronca 7BC
Champion, was similar to the
WWII era L-3.
The L-17s served the Army
well with their higher power
and larger capacity.
u.s. Army Aviation Digest September/October 1992
given extensive authority to
develop and employ air power. The
only significant limitation on the
use of air power by the Navy and
Marine Corps was that strategic air
operations were reserved to the Air
Another exception to the Air
Force's monopoly of military avia-
tion, and one that is of particular
interest to the student of Army
A viation history, related to the air
arm of the AGF: organic Army
Aviation remained with the Army.
The key phrase in the National
Defense Act was that the U.S.
Army would consist of "land com-
bat and service forces and such
aviation and water t r a n ~ o r t as
may be organic therein."
To implement the National
Defense Act, the Army and Air
Force entered into more specific
agreements published concurrent-
ly with the act. One of these agree-
ments stipulated that-
The Air Force would provide
and operate liaison squadrons
according to Army require-
The Air Force would provide
individual training to Army
personnel for the operation and
maintenance of organic Army
A viation equipment; and
The Army would provide tacti-
cal training for jilots of organic
Army aircraft.
This agreement, for the most
part, extended existing arrange-
ments for cooperation in training
aviation personnel; however, it
also gave the Air Force the added
responsibility to train organic
Army Aviation mechanics. These
cooperative arrangements were
made to avoid duplication and
promote cost effectiveness, but
they often proved unsatisfactory to
one or both parties during the
process of or following implemen-
In late 1947, the Army proposed
to modify and amplify existing
agreements and understandings
with the Air Force. Here were four
First, the Army wanted the Air
Force to accept the Army's term
"light" in lieu of the Air Force term
"liaison" in all references to Army
Second, the Army requested that
the Air Force agree to the assign-
ment of Army aircraft to Army or-
ganizations as individual units" or
in groups of such size as to permit
performance of assigned mis-
Third, the Army proposed that
the new interservice agreement
should stipulate that the Army
would provide its own aircraft re-
quirements whenever the primary
function of such aircraft consisted
of the following missions-
Aerial surveillance of enemy
forward areas
Locating appropriate targets
Adjusting fire
Obtaining information on hos-
tile and defensive forces
Aerial route reconnaissance
Control of march columns
Camouflage inspection of
ground force areas and installa-
Fourth, the Army proposed that
the Air Force continue to provide
light aircraft service to the Army
for courier service, messenger ser-
vice, aerial evacuation, aerial
supply, and aerial photography.9
The Army had been performing
the missions listed in part three of
the proposal throughout WWII.
The extension of organic Army
A viation to branches of the ground
forces other than Field Artillery in
August 1945 at least tacitly recog-
nized this.
The difference was that the
Army now wanted the Air Force to
formally recognize the Army's
u.s. Army Aviation Digest September/October 1992
authority to use organic aircraft for
any purpose in support of the
ground forces when the primary
function of the aircraft consisted
of one of these listed missions.
Both the Air University and Tac-
tical Air Command (T AC) ob-
jected to the 1947 Army proposal.
The Air University opposed the
use of the term "light" for Army
aircraft because "light" did not in-
dicate a limitation of function as
did "liaison."
Also, in response to the Army's
proposal to organize its aircraft in
groups when required, the Air
University countered that only Air
Force aircraft should operate as
aviation units and Army aircraft
should be assigned only to operate
organically in units of division size
or smaller.
The T AC opposition was much
stronger; it recommended that the
Army and Air Force negotiate a
new agreement providing for the
Air Force to assume responsibility
for all liaison aircraft activities and
that organic Army Aviation be
The arguments used included
economy of forces, centralization
of control, recognized doctrinal
principles regarding the employ-
ment of air power, and the histori-
cal example of the expansionist
tendency of organic Army A via-
. 11
The Key West Agreement
In response to these and other
disputes among the Army, Navy,
and Air Force, the joint chiefs of
staff held two series of conferences
in 1948-the first at Key West, FL,
and the second at Newport, RI. The
agreements or "Functions Papers"
worked out at these conferences
were issued as directives by the
The first of the Functions
Papers, also known as the "Key
West Agreement," was signed on
26 March 1948. It effectively
stymied the efforts within the
Army to expand the functions of
Army Aviation.
This was accomplished in part
by listing among the functions of
the Air Force: furnishing close
combat and logistical air support to
the Army, and secondly, providing
air transport for armed forces ex-
cept as otherwise assigned.
The first of these functions was
defined as including airlift, sup-
port, and resupply of airborne
operations; aerial photography;
tactical reconnaissance; and inter-
diction of enemy land power and
communication. The Key West
Agreement also withheld from the
Army any mission assignment that
would justify force requirements
for airlift, tactical air operations, or
air defense other than antiaircraft
artillery. In the development of
doctrine, procedures, and equip-
ment for air defense and airborne
operations, however, the Air Force
was required to coordinate with
other services.
JAAF Adjustment Regulations
Neither of the 1948 Functions
Papers provided significant satis-
faction to the proponents of or-
ganic Army Aviation, except that it
was not abolished as some Air
Force leaders advocated. In the
Joint Army and Air Force (JAAF)
Adjustment Regulations 5-10-1 of
20 May 1949, however, several of
the Army's proposals of the pre-
vious 2 years were recognized and
The 1949 regulations stipulated
that organic Army aircraft consist
of "aircraft used by the Army for
the purpose of expediting and im-
proving ground combat procedures
in the forward areas of the bat-
The functions of Army Aviation
included those proposed by the
Army in 1947 plus the following-
Local messenger and courier
Emergency aerial evacuation
Emergency wire laying
Limited aerial resupply
Limited front-line aerial
Thus Army Aviation was
specifically authorized to conduct
most of those functions performed
during WWII, and other possible
missions were not precluded. Fur-
thermore, the Army was
authorized to assign or attach
aircraft to Army organizations "in-
dividually or in such numbers as
are required to perform assigned
missions." As a symbolic Army
victory, the term "liaison" was not
used in the regulations with refer-
ence to Army aircraft, referred to
as "fixed-wing aircraft" and
"rotary-wing aircraft."
The 1949 regulations further
stipulated that the Army was to
determine quantitative require-
ments and budgeting for its
aircraft, accessories, and parts. The
Army was also responsible for its
own unit and field maintenance.
The Air Force was to budget for
and provide "liaison aircraft units"
when the Army required such units
for the following specific func-
tions: courier service, messenger
service, aerial evacuation, aerial
supply, aerial photography, and
aerial wire laying.
On the downside, from the
perspective of proponents of an ex-
panded organic Army Aviation in-
dependent of Air Force controls,
the Air Force was to purchase
aircraft, parts, and accessories for
the Army and store and issue them
at the depot level. The Air Force
also was responsible for depot
maintenance of Army aircraft and
for field maintenance in overseas
commands until June 1950. Also,
the weight of Army fixed-wing
aircraft was not to exceed 2,500
pounds when empty, and Army
rotary-wing aircraft were limited
to an empty weight of "3,500 to
4,000 pounds. ,,13
The 1949 regulations did not ad-
dress the issue of the training and
rating of Army pilots, thereby leav-
ing primary training and rating of
Army aviators under the control of
the Air Force.
Effect of the Cold War on Air
Force Tactical Air Support
Another issue that produced
friction between the Army and the
Air Force during the late 1940s was
the degree to which the Air Force
provided the required aerial sup-
port to the Army. This was primari-
ly an Army-Air Force dispute
rather than specifically an organic
Army Aviation-Air Force dispute.
It nevertheless impacted on the
evolution of the Army's air arm in
that the Army came to insist on
using Army Aviation for these
functions when they were not ade-
quately provided by the Air Force.
As already explained, the Key
West Agreement assigned to the
Air Force the functions of estab-
lishing local air supremacy;
providing air transport to the
Army; and furnishing close com-
bat and logistical air support to the
During the late 1940s, especially
after the Soviet Union became an
atomic power, the attention of Air
Force leaders, somewhat like that
of their Army Air Corps counter-
parts during the 1930s, came to be
dominated by strategic and air
defense concerns.
This attitude was clearly
detrimental to tactical air power
and to close air support of ground
forces. For example, the TAc was
reduced to the status of a subor-
u.s. Army Aviation Digest September/October 1992
dinate command under the Con-
tinental Air Command from 1948
until it was restored as a major
command after the beginning of
the Korean conflict. During the
late 1940s, the Air Force placed a
low priority on the support of
ground troops. The official Air
Force position announced in Oc-
tober 1949 was as follows:
"Inasmuch as a democracy can-
not afford to maintain a high stand-
ing army in peacetime, it follows
that the peacetime requirement for
air units to perform the air support
mission is neither so large nor so
urgent as that for units to perform
the air defense and strategic bomb-
. .. ,,14
mg mISSIOns.
The Air Force's neglect of the
Army's perceived air support re-
quirements during this period
caused the Army to demand more
influence in the design of aircraft
for close air support, more air-
ground training, air controllers bet-
ter versed in ground tactics, and
operational control of tactical sup-
. f 15
port alrcra t.
The widespread perception that
the Air Force was neglecting its
responsibilities to the Army had an
effect in Army circles similar to
that of the Army Air Corps' em-
phasis on strategic
during the late 1930s. A few Army
leaders advocated returning the Air
Force to the Army, but even more
believed that the Army should at
least consider providing its own
tactical air support-as the Marine
Corps, with its own tactical air
arm, was able to do.
The Army was averted from
even preparing for any future ex-
pansion of its aviation functions by
existing DOD-sanctioned agree-
ments giving the Air Force control
over all aviation research and
development and over the procure-
ment of aircraft and parts.
Although some Army leaders
objected to the Air Force controls
and to the Army's impotence in
these areas during the late 1940s,
there was no concerted effort to
change the situation. As late as 23
March 1950, the continuation of
effective Air Force control over re-
search, development, and procure-
ment was reaffirmed in identical
Army and Air Force regulations.
It was not until the Army's de-
pendence on the Air Force for its
aviation requirements caused
problems in combat during the
Korean conflict that the Army
began to begin gaining control of
some of these functions.
The of the
The AGF acquired their first
helicopters, two-place Bell YR-13
utility/observation helicopters in
January 1947. This was 7 years
after Igor I. Sikorsky's successful
tests of the single-main rotor VS-
300 and 5 years after the AAF ac-
quired the first Sikorsky XR-4.
The Army Air Corps/ AAF had
responsibility for development of
all U.S. military helicopters during
WWII and continued to control
AGF/Army helicopter, as well as
fixed-wing aircraft, development
and procurement during the inter-
war period.
By the end of 1947, Army Avia-
tion had acquired 14 YR-13s and
distributed them for evaluation and
testing. The ground forces com-
mander, General (GEN) Jacob L.
Devers, requested authorization in
1947 for the purchase of 150 more
utility helicopters and also recom-
mended the rapid development and
acquisition of cargo helicopters.
The request was approved by the
acting chief of staff of the Army,
but the Army was unable to obtain
Igor Ivan Sikorsky, 1889-1972, the Russian-born aeronautical en-
gineer, helped to pioneer what Army A viation is today. Some of the
Army aircraft credited to his name include the R-4 Hoverfly, the first
helicopter purchased by the Army Air Forces in 1943; R-5 Dragonfly;
R-6 Hoverfly; H-19 Chickasaw; CH-34 Choctaw; CH-37 Mojave; CH-S4
Skycrane; and the UH-60 Black Hawk.
u.s. Army Aviation Digest September/October 1992 23
In 1947, the YR-13 utility/obser-
vation helicopters were the
first helicopters procured by
organic Army A viation. By the
end of 1947, Army Aviation
had acquired and distributed
the YR-13 for evaluation and
testing. The YR-13 has since
become the YG-13, YR-13, H-
13, and OH-13.
The Army acquired the Bell H-
13B Sioux helicopters in 1948
and 1949.
An OH-13 hovers low over the
u.s. Army Aviation Digest September/October 1992
any more helicopters until late
1948 and early 1949, when it ac-
quired around 60 Bell H-13B
In 1948, the Army as well as the Air
Force changed the helicopter letter
designation from "R" to "H." The
H-13 was the first Army aircraft
named for an Indian tribe. After 1948,
most Army aircraft were named for
Indian tribes or Indian leaders. This
practice was incorporated into Army
Regulation No. 70-28 from 1976 to
1988 and has continued as a tradition
since then.
The low priority that the Air
Force placed on development and
procurement of tactical aircraft
during the late 1940s was especial-
ly true with regard to helicopters.
The Air Force believed rotary-
wing aircraft had only limited use
in the nuclear age and, therefore,
refused to provide adequate re-
search and development funds for
testing and procuring the helicop-
ters that the Army believed it
In 1948, Lieutenant General
(LTG) James M. Gavin, in his
capacity as president of the Army
Airborne Panel, attempted to con-
vince the Air Force director of re-
quirements of the Army's need for
more and larger helicopters. Final-
ly, exasperated by LTG Gavin's
persistence, the Air Force general
"I am the director of require-
ments and I will determine what is
needed and what is not. The
helicopter is aerodynamically un-
sound. It is like lifting oneself by
one's boot straps. It is no good as
an air vehicle and I am not going to
procure any. No matter what the
Army says
I know that it does not
need any." 9
The Army was consequently un-
able to make significant progress
in fulfilling its helicopter require-
ments before the beginning of the
Korean conflict. As of 30 June
1950, the Army had only 56 utility-
observation helicopters and no
cargo helicopters on its inventory.
The Army's inability to obtain
adequate quantities of the types of
helicopters it required contributed
significantly to the growing senti-
ment within some circles that the
Army should obtain total control
U.S. Army Aviation Digest September/October 1992
The Sikorsky H-19
Chickasaw, deSigned
as a larger utility
helicoper in 1948 and
used in the early
1950s, is now the UH-
19 Chickasaw.
over its own aircraft development
and procurement and that it should
become more involved in the tacti-
cal air support of the ground for-
Pilot and Mechanic Training
After 1945, the training of AGF
pilots and mechanics declined
sharply, and the total numbers for
the interwar period were far below
those for the WWII period. In com-
parison to the 2,630 pilots and
2,252 mechanics trained from June
1942 through 1945, only 486 pilots
and 461 mechanics were trained
from 1946 to 1949.
COL Ford continued as director
of air training at Fort Sill until
August 1947, when he was
replaced by COL Carl 1. Hutton. In
November 1949, Colonel Hutton
was succeeded by COL Edward O.
Hopkins, who remained in the
position until October 1951.
On 25 February 1947, the com-
manding general of the AGF, GEN
Devers, and the commanding
general of the Air Training Com-
mand, LTG John K. Cannon, met
informally at Fort Monroe, VA.
Colonel Carll. Hutton
in August 1947.
They agreed the AAF would con-
tinue conducting basic flight train-
ing for ground forces student pilots
and rating them as liaison pilots.
The two generals further agreed
that the ground forces would con-
duct operational and tactical flying
training as well as first and second
echelon maintenance training for
ground forces aircraft in the
Department of Air Training at Fort
Sill and that the two commands
would coordinate with each other
to promote effective training of
aviation personnel in the AGF.
Later in 1947, the Army agreed to
tum over maintenance training to the
Air Force. In September, the secretary
of the Anny ordered that the Army
discontinue the training of liaison
aircraft maintenance mechanics upon
the graduation of the current class.
Future training of ground forces
aircraft mechanics would be con-
ducted by the Air Force.
Should the AGF commander
deem it advisable, however, he
could establish short courses for
specialized maintenance training
peculiar to ground forces aircraft
. 22
an umts.
Before 1947, some AGF
helicopter pilots were trained by
the AAF and others by Bell
Helicopter Corporation. Begin-
ning in mid-1947, the AAF/U.S.
Air Force provided rotary-wing
flight and maintenance training for
Army personnel. The flight train-
ing was conducted at Gary Field,
and the maintenance training, at
Keesler Field, MS. Ten pilots and
10 mechanics were to be trained
each month.
In early 1948, after fixed-wing
maintenance training began at
Keesler Air Force Base (formerly
Keesler Field)24, the procedures
and responsibilities for training
fixed- and rotary-wing pilots and
mechanics became standardized.
Primary flight training for both
types of aircraft was conducted by
the Air Force Air Training Com-
mand at Gary Air Force Base, with
tactical training for fixed-wing
aircraft conducted by the Depart-
ment of Air Training of the Field
Artillery School at Fort Sill.
All Army aviators were required
to complete both the 5 and 1/2
week, fixed-wing, basic course and
the 3-month, fixed-wing, tactical
course. A portion of them were
then sent back to Gary for the 4-
week helicopter course.
In early 1949, the Air Training
Command and all Air Force train-
ing of Army aviators were moved
to Connally Air Force Base, Waco,
TX. Shortly afterwards in April
1949, the maintenance courses for
Army personnel were moved from
Keesler to Sheppard Air Force
Base, TX.
In 1948, the Army became dis-
satisfied with the quality of rotary-
wing training provided by the Air
Force and decided that additional
training was required; it conse-
quently established the advanced
tactical helicopter training course
at Fort Sill in November. Begin-
ning in January 1950, all Army
personnel were required to attend
the new course at Fort Sill upon
completing the Air Force helicop-
ter training course.
The Army also admitted WWII
observation pilots to the tactical
helicopter course at Fort Sill
without attending the Air Force
Helicopter School. Neither the
Army nor the Air Force required
large numbers of helicopter pilots,
and the two programs were in-
creasingly in competition for stu-
In August 1949, the Air Force
program was extended from 4 to 5
weeks, and the class capacity was
reduced to six students. When the
Korean conflict began, the Army
was studying the possibility of
consolidating all helicopter train-
ing at either Fort Sill or Connally
u.s. Army Aviation Digest September/October 1992
Air Force Base, but the outbreak of
war caused the consolidation study
to be shelved.
N either the Army nor the Air
Force was satisfied with the train-
ing programs as they operated
during the late 1940s, under the
auspices of various existing agree-
ments between the two services.
The Air Force complained that the
Army did not fill the quotas estab-
lished for Army trainees and then
requested increased quotas on
short notice.
The Air Force also charged that
Army trainees had a high training
attrition rate because of the Army's
refusal to use the flying aptitude
test used by the Air Force. The
Army complained that the pilots
produced by the Air Training Com-
mand required extensive addition-
al basic training when they reached
Fort Sill; the Air Force did not pro-
vide training in the type aircraft
used by the Army; the basic rotary-
wing course was too short; insuffi-
cient numbers of graduates were
produced; there was a shortage of
instructors; and there were serious
maintenance problems at the Air
Training Command facilities.
Some of the training problems
were resolved during 1949, and
both the fixed-and rotary-wing
training programs at Connally
operated more smoothly during the
latter part of the year. At that time,
however, the Army had annual
production goals of 120 fixed-
wing and 60 helicopter pilots, and
these goals were not reached-at
least in part because the number of
trainees furnished by the Army
was inadequate.
The maintenance training pro-
gram was even less successful. The
Army required 200 liaison
mechanics and 60 helicopter
mechanics annually, but Sheppard
produced only 80 of the former and
16 of the latter between June and
December 1949. According to Air
Force analysts, this problem also
was caused by the failure of the
Army to provide sufficient num-
bers of trainees.
The JAAF Adjustment Regula-
tions of May 1949 (discussed ear-
lier) addressed the maintenance
training problem by authorizing
the Army to conduct Army-
specific maintenance training,
while leaving the Air Force
responsible for all maintenance
training common to both services.
In late 1949, the Army issued a
regulation stating that the "training
of Army officers ... as aviators and
aviation officers is the respon-
sibility of the Department of the
Army." The same regulation also
stated that the Army was respon-
sible for conducting individual
training for organizational and
field maintenance of Army
aircraft, but that the Air Force
would be requested to provide
technical training to maintenance
specialists that were common to
b h
. 29
ot serVIces.
Although the Army's claim to
have responsibility for training
Army aviators appears to have
contradicted existing Army-Air
Force agreements, the Army took
no steps to change the existing
training arrangements at that time,
so the question remained moot.
By mid-1950, the primary flight
training provided for the Army by
the Air Force had become unique
as well as anachronistic in that it
was the only primary flight train-
ing program that the Air Force still
conducted with Air Force instruc-
tors. All primary training for Air
Force pilots was conducted
through contract with civilian
The Air Force continued train-
ing Army pilots, however, because
contracting that function to a
private company would constitute
U.S. Army Aviation Digest September/October 1992
an admission that there was no
valid reason for Air Force control
over Army Aviation training.
Although Army Aviation per-
sonnel and many Army leaders
clearly wanted control over all
Army Aviation training, a decision
was apparently made in 1950 to
compromise on that issue and to
gain another long standing Army
Aviation objective instead. Ac-
cordingly, one year after the Army
asserted that it had responsibility
for its own training, it confirmed
the arrangements for the Air Force
to conduct basic flight training for
the Army in a special regulation of
25 September 1950.
A more important part of that
same special regulation was that
the Army also established the
authority of the Chief of Staff, U.S.
Army, to award the aeronautical
designation of "Army A viator" to
student officers who completed the
tactical training course at Fort
The AGF/Army finally gained
the rating authority desired and
sought since 1942. Not only was
Army Aviation able to survive the
demobilization following WWII,
but it began a steady resurgence,
even before the beginning of the
Korean conflict in June 1950.
The number of aircraft in the
Army inventory increased con-
stantly from the time of the NSA of
1947. The J AAF Adjustment
Regulations of 1949 considerably
expanded the mission of Army
In mid-1950, the Army's air arm
was still dependent on the Air
Force for some training as well as
for aircraft development and
procurement. Even so, Army A via-
tion was posited to provide effec-
tive and essential support to the
AGF during the Korean conflict
and to further expand its mission in
the process.
1. William W. Ford, Wagon Soldier (West Redding, CT:
privately printed, c. 1980), pp. 147-150. Tierney and
Montgomery, The Army Aviation Story (Northport,
AL: Colonial Press, c. 1963), pp. 76-79. After serving
as the first director of air training at Ft. Sill, OK, from
1942 through 1944, COL Ford spent almost 2 years in
the European Theater where he was promoted to
brigadier general. He chose to revert to the rank of
colonel during demobilization rather than retire as
brigadier. A few years later, he was again promoted
to brigadier.
2. Richard P. Weinert, Jr., A History of Army Aviation,
1950-1962 (Ft. Monroe, VA: TRADOC, 1991), p. 11.
3. Tierney and Montgomery, op. cit., p. 77. Weinert,
loc. cit.
4. Available statistics for that time are conflicting and
generally unreliable. There may have been as many
additional unauthorized aircraft on hand as there were
authorized aircraft in the inventory. Ur, MG E.E.
Partridge to CG, Air University, 5 Jan 1948; subj:
liaison aircraft, copy in Aviation Branch Command His-
torian Office (ABCHO). A. Earl McClendon, Army
Aviation, 1947-1953 (Maxwell AFB, AL: Air Univer-
sity, 1954), pp. 2, 29. Office of Chief of Transporta-
tion, "Inventory of Army and ARNG," 1 Apr 1958 (con-
tains figures for period from 31 Mar 1948 - 31 Dec
1957), copy in ABCHO.
5. "Inventory of Army and ARNG Aircraft," loc. cit.
Transcript of interview with LTG Robert A. Williams
(Ret), conducted by Ralph J. Powell and Philip E.
Courts, (Carlisle Barracks, PA, 1978), pp. 32-33. HQ
TAC, "Study of Liaison Aircraft Activities" (un-
published study, 19 Mar 1948), pp. 15-16. Tierney
and Montgomery, op. cit., pp. 226, 238-39. Gordon
Swanborough and Peter M. Bowers, U.S. Military
Aircraft Since 1908 (London: Putnam, rev. ed., 1971)
pp. 39, 580.
6. McClendon, Unification of the Armed Forces:
Administrative and Legislative Developments,
1945-1949 (Maxwell AFB, AL: Air University, 1952),
7. Ibid., Executive Order 9877, "Functions of the Armed
Forces," 26 Jul 1947, app. A, pp. 117-119, ABCHO.
8. AAF Agreements as to the Initial Implementation of
the National Security Act of 1947 (War Department,
15 Sep 1947), p. 15.
9. Partridge, loc. cit. Williams Interview, op. cit., pp.
10. Staff study, Air University, Maxwell AFB, AL, 24 Feb
1948; subj: aircraft organic to the Army, ABCHO.
11. TAC, op. cit., pp. 2-7, passim.
12. News Release 38-48, "Secretary Forrestal
Announces Results of Key West Conference," SEC-
DEF, 26 Mar 1948, ABCHO.
13. JAAF Adjustment Reg 5-10-1, Washington, DC, 20
May 1949, ABCHO.
14. Quote by Charles W. Dickens, "TAC Historical Study
Number 34," (Langley AFB, VA, Apr 1958), p. 18.
Ibid., passim. McClendon, pp. 10-12.
15. McClendon, op. cit., p. 12.
16. Ibid., pp. 11-16.
17. Army Reg 700-5 and Air Force Reg 65-7, both titled
"Supplies and Equipment: Army Aircraft and Allied
Equipment," ABCHO. Frederic A. Bergerson, The
Army Gets an Air Force: Tactics of Insurgent
Bureaucratic Politics (Baltimore and London:
Johns Hopkins University Press, c. 1980), p. 70.
18. ABCHO historian outlines two articles about Army
helicopter information, Army Aviation, May and Oct
19. Quote by LTG James M. Gavin, War and Peace In
the Space Age (New York: Harper & Brothers, c.
1958), p. 111.
20. Weinert, op. cit., pp. 10, 12.
21. Ur, GNGCT-27, commander AGF to ATC, 9 Apr
1947, subj: Training and Rating of AGF pilots,
ABCHO. "Liaison and Helicopter Training for Army
Aviation Personnel, Programs and Controversies,
1946-1955," Part III, History of the Air Training
Command for 1 Jan 1955 - 30 Jun 1955 (4 vols.,
HQ ATC), vol. I, p. 223.
22. L TR, CSGOT 353-30, dated Jul 47, LTG C.P. Hall to
CG AGF, 24 Sep 1947, ABCHO. "Liaison and
Helicopter Training," op. cit., p. 224.
23. Ur, COL C.M. Seebach to CG, AGF, 4 Jun 1947,
subj: YR-13 helicopter pilot and mechanic training,
ABCHO. "Liaison and Helicopter Training," op. cit.,
24. USAF HQ ordered their fields to become bases, Jan
25. Liaison and Helicopter Training, op. cit., pp. 235-37.
26. Weinert, op. cit., pp. 12-13. Tierney and
Montgomery, op. cit., pp. 94-95.
27. "Liaison and Helicopter Training," op. cit., pp.
230-37, passim.
28. Ibid., pp. 238-39.
29. Army Reg 95-5, 15 Nov 1949, "Flying, Army
Aviation, General Provisions," ABCHO.
30. Williams Interview, part 2, p. 3.
31. Special Reg 605-95-1,25 Sep 1950, "Officers, Army
Aviation Personnel Program," ABCHO.
U. S. Army Aviation Digest September/October 1992
How Do Newspapers Report
Arm y Aviation Aircraft M isha p s!
rmy Aviation is an ever-
increasingly technical
field. Aircraft such as
the AH 64-Apache, UH-60 Black
Hawk, OH-58D Kiowa Warrior,
and CH-47D Chinook attest to that
fact. Indeed, Army aviators fly in
an increasingly technical environ-
ment with the use of night vision
devices and newer communication
Operation Desert Shield/Desert
Storm answered many questions
about Army Aviation technology
for the Army Aviation community.
Our technology worked better than
we had hoped and new applica-
tions were found. In fact, media
Chief Warrant (CW2) James M. Stewart
2d Battalion, 135th Aviation Regiment
Colorado Army National Guard
Buckley Air National Guard Base
Aurora, CO
accounts of the Persian Gulf con-
flict raised the Army Aviation's
weaponry of war to heroic levels.
However, many Army aviators
who followed coverage of the war
recognized a number of familiar
trends in media reporting that they
had seen in peacetime. In many
cases, reporting on Army aircraft
technology was inaccurate, incom-
plete, or "downright" false.
The apparent breakdown in
communications between the press
and the Army on technology means
that the Army should redefine its
relationship with the press and
develop specific guidelines for the
media in reporting on military sub-
jects. A more thorough under-
standing of Army Aviation tech-
nology by the press should result in
more accurate reporting by our
It is disturbing to review the way
the press reports aircraft mishaps
and the use of night vision goggles
(NVG). To point out any problems
in media reporting and offer a
simple solution to them, we must
first examine the criteria reporters
use in developing and presenting
Criteria for reporting news
What is news? First, we should
agree on the definition of the term
U.S. Army Aviation Digest September/October 1992 29
news for which there is no text
definition; however, most jour-
nalists agree on its characteristics.
New stories that are actually
printed normally contain these ele-
ments: timeliness, importance,
prominence, proximity, and
human interest. A journalist may
determine if an Army aircraft
mishap has a potential story by ap-
plying these elements in the ex-
amination of the mishap.
Timeliness. Because of the
rapid and constantly evolving na-
ture of news, timeliness is possibly
the primary factor to use in deter-
mining if a story is to be printed.
An aircraft mishap probably will
be reported in a newspaper within
24 hours-any longer and the
mishap would more than likely
cease to be news.
Importance. How important is
the story? If an aircraft mishap oc-
curs at Fort Rucker, AL, it probab-
ly is not important to the reader in
Nome, Alaska. If the mishap invol-
ves a recently deployed aircraft or
the mishap is combat related, how-
ever, the importance of the story
Prominence. Prominence is the
trickiest of the criteria because it
means so many things to so many
people. An aircraft itself may be
novel, as with the RAH-66 Com-
anche when the mockup was
deployed to the U.S. Army Avia-
tion Center at Fort Rucker, AL; or
the pilot or crew may be
prominent. Prominence tends to be
more apparent the more localized
the story; for example, readers fron
Fort Rucker, AL, would take notice
of a story about people in a close
town if the story involved person-
nel from Fort Rucker.
Proximity. Closely related to
prominence is the proximity of the
story. Local newspapers consider
local stories more newsworthy
than those that occur far away. But
proximity can be psychological as
well as physical-case in point, the
Gulf War.
Human interest. Finally, the
reader of a newspaper story must
be interested in the subject to con-
sider the story newsworthy.
Human interest derives from the
fact that we all want to know what
is going on in the world around us.
Survey of newspaper articles
Two factors that affect a
journalist's treatment of news are
objectivity and accuracy. Every
journalist strives for objective and
accurate reporting. However,
given the highly technical nature of
Army Aviation, most journalists
cannot be expected to understand
and report accurately on the sub-
ject. Not all of this is the profes-
sional reporter's fault.
On examination of 40 major
metropolitan newspaper articles,
published between 1986 and 1991,
one can see trends that tell how the
Army may have contributed to this
First trend. In only 6 of 40 ar-
ticles on Army aircraft mishaps
and NVG use were Army
spokespersons positively iden-
tified, and by name, as having
some expertise in Army Aviation.
Other spokespersons, if identified
by name, were not identified as
having any relevant experience
with, or expertise in, aviation tech-
nology. From a journalist's
standpoint, this is like having an
accountant brief a group of Army
officers on elephants.
Credibility of the source is an im-
portant attribute in a news story. The
journalist can depend more readily on
a story's accuracy and objectivity if
the source is knowledgeable on the
subject. Unfortunately, most Army
public affairs officers are not aviators.
Constraints on disclosure of in-
formation pertaining to an aircraft
mishap, such as notification of next
of kin, classified technology, and
initial speculation of cause, must
be observed. Army Aviation
specialists are readily available,
however, to give thoughtful, ac-
curate information and assistance
to public affairs personnel.
Second trend. The second trend
was even more disturbing than the
first. None of the articles on Army
aircraft mishaps were indepth fol-
lowups to an original story. None
of the 40 stories were about the
results of an aircraft mishap inves-
tigation. The original m.ishap had
either lost its timeliness as a
newsworthy story, or the Army did
not make the results of the inves-
tigation available to the press.
For understandable reasons, cer-
tain aspects of an Army aircraft
mishap investigation .always will
have to be held in strict confidence
and not be disclosed to the public.
The privacy of the individuals in-
volved in the mishap and
legitimate security issues always
must be observed, but timely
notice to the press that the inves-
tigation has been concluded would
enhance the Army's standing as a
creditable source. Results of the
investigation, as far as they can be
released to the public, should be
briefed to the media. This will help
to educate journalists about Army
Guidelines for reporting on
aviation technology
Unfortunately, most newspapers
do not have rules for professional
journalists when reporting on an
Army aircraft mishap or NVG. Most
newspapers do not differentiate these
subjects from any other type of story.
This is a major pitfall that needs to be
addressed. Because of Operation
Desert ShieldlDesert Storm, jour-
nalists are looking at the way they
report on military technology.
u. S. Army Aviation Digest September/October 1992
10 Rules for Reporting on Aviation
1. Don't jump to conclusions. Rely
on statements made by qualified ex-
perts and check theories with people
who know aviation before you use
2. Be cautious of eyewitness
reports. While they are an invaluable
source of information, these reports
are given most frequently by un-
trained observers who may not know
what they have seen. One way to
avoid problems is to focus on the
consensus of the eyewitnesses
rather than individual accounts.
3. Avoid oversimplification. I n a
desire to make a complex subject
understandable, it's easy to make
misleading parallels. Airplanes don't
operate like automobiles or most
other familiar forms of transportation.
For example, one common error is to
consider the age of an aircraft to be
significant. Because of the perfor-
mance requirements and certification
procedures, the year the aircraft was
manufactured usually is not an in-
dication of how reliably it will perform.
The manner in which it was used and
the environment in which it was flown
may be more important factors.
4. Attribute statements and con-
clusions. This will assist your
audience in determining how
qualified the source is to comment
and will reduce the chance that
speculation and erroneous informa-
tion will creep into the story.
5. Put the story in perspective. It's
easy when an event is large and
catastrophic to overlook the fact that
it is also uncommon. For example,
stories about accidents involving
"the same type of aircraft that
crashed ... " rarely mention that other
copies of the same type of aircraft
have flown regularly for years with no
problems at all.
6. Understand the rules. For the
most part, people involved in aviation
and space will provide straightfor-
ward, factual information on request.
If they won't, there's usually a good
The only professional society
that has developed guidelines for
reporting on aviation is the A via-
tion/Space Writers Association,
headquartered in Columbus, OH.
This organization publishes an
reason . A good example is the
release of the names of passengers
and fatalities. Government agencies
and most airlines have policies that
require notification of next of kin
before casualty lists are released to
the media. It's a rule that won't be
broken for any deadline.
7. Don't expect to interview sur-
vivors of an aircraft accident im-
mediately after a crash. Not even
official investigators will attempt to
question them without medical and
legal approval. Survivors are not se-
questered, but the investigators un-
derstandably prefer to get first inter-
views while memories are fresh.
8. Obey the law. It's easy to run afoul
of law enforcement officials at an ac-
cident site in the rush to get the facts.
Ignoring a safety cordon can get your
arrested. At the scene of a crash in-
volving government aircraft , the
presence of classified information or
hardware can make security tight. Ig-
nore the security and you' ll likely
have your notes and negatives con-
fiscated by federal agents or other
interested parties.
9. Stay courteous. At an accident
site, your needs are not a priority.
The accident is. Don't expect any of
the professionals to interrupt the
primary task to spend time with you.
Attending briefings and "question
and answer" sessions may seem
mundane, but they are the best
source of reliable information.
10. Ask for help. There are people
at the accident site who are assigned
to assist you. Learn who they are and
use them. In particular, the public af-
fairs/relations representatives can
help to meet your needs without un-
necessary problems. Use the sour-
ces that are available to you including
manufacturers, industry spokes-
people, government agencies, and
other sources. They can help round-
out your story with accuracy. (Air Ac-
cidents and the News Media, 1991 ,
pamphlet titled, Air Accidents and
the News Media. Although it deals
with general aviation reporting, the
guidelines contained in this
pamphlet are valuable tools for the
reporter and Army Aviation.
U.S. Army Aviation Digest September/October 1992
The Association was the first to
recognize the potential for inac-
curate reporting because of
journalists ' misunderstanding of
aviation technology. The associa-
tion developed 10 rules to avoid
the pitfalls of reporting.
It is impossible to examine this
group of newspaper articles for ad-
herence to all of the 10 guidelines,
but some observations can be
The possibility, as mentioned
before, of inaccuracies and wrong
conclusions creeping into a story
are increased when a journalist
receives information fron a source
who is not an expert on the subject.
The Army may not make a
qualified aviator or safety officer
available for specific questions
about an aircraft mishap. If the
reporter has time, he must find an
outside "expert" source. The type
of situation can lead to greater in-
accuracies. The journalism should
avail himself to those who are the
experts in the field, Anny aviators.
Six articles were found on fleet
groundings of the AH-64 and UH-
60. Of these, only named sources
outside of the city and both were
associated with the contractor.
These civilian experts served to
validate and expand on the infor-
mation the Anny released through
routine channels.
Oversimplification of technol-
ogy was evident when examining
articles written on NVG. Out of the
40 articles, 14 mentioned NVG by
name as either present in the
mishap or as the subject of the ar-
ticle. One of the articles differed
from another on the same crash in
that it made no reference to the
presence of NVG on the aircraft.
Eight of the articles were about
aircraft mishaps that ended with
fatalities. NVG were present on all of
these aircraft as was mentioned in the
articles. I found no evidence that the
press was placing blame for the acci-
dents on NVG use, but seven men-
tioned that NVG use was controver-
sial. These statements on the
controversy regarding NVG use nor-
mally appeared in the middle of the
Five of the articles dealt with the
subject of NVG as the subject of the
story. Four of them were a thoughtful
and accurate attempt to explain their
use and the basic technology. These
four articles noted Army aircraft
mishaps where NVG were present
and drew conclusions as to their being
a contributing factor in the accidents.
The fifth article was a human inter-
est type story, short on the technologi-
cal explanations and strong on the
personality profiles of the aviators
who flew with NVG. It was also a
localized story about a Virginia Na-
tional Guard unit, so the story had both
proximity and prominence.
Again attribution statements by
sources seemed to be where the
greatest problem existed. Attributions
such as "an Army spokesman" and
"the Army" are not sufficient for the
audience to determine the qualifica-
tion of the source. Qualified iden-
tification of the source by name and
background lends credibility to the
Of the 40 articles, 35 included
statements from an Army spokes-
man of some type. These sources
were identified as an Army spokes-
man, Army official base spokes-
man, officials, and simple "the
In these 35 articles, 26 spokesper-
sons were identified by name. But
none of these 26 were identified as
having any technical expertise in
Army Aviation. Most disturbing was
the fact that, of the remaining nine
articles that cited quotes from
anonomous sources, five were about
NVG use, two were on AH-64 fleet
groundings, and two were about fatal
night mishaps with no mention of
Half of the stories examined con-
tained a perspective. The journalists
who prepared these 20 stories in-
cluded historial perspectives such as
the controversy surrounding NVG
use and histories of similar fleet
groundings. Specific attention was
given to historical context when the
facts alone rendered the stories com-
plete. The technical and historical in-
formation brought the reader up to
date on what happened and allowed
the reader to draw his or her own
Perspective can be a dangerous
characteristic in reporting Army
aircraft mishaps and Army A via-
tion technology. Again, the tenden-
cy to oversimplify a complex chain
of events can lead to a
misunderstanding of the mission of
Army Aviation and the drawing of
inaccurate conclusions. All articles
must contain facts; i.e., an article
must contain the statement of fact
that NVGs were not the sole cause
of an Army Aviation mishap.
N one of the articles on aircraft
mishaps included interviews with
crewmembers or survivors. This
supports the earlier observation
that postaccident briefings either
are not made available to the
media, are ignored as a viable fol-
lowup, or not considered newswor-
thy. This is a radical departure
from the norm in civilian aviation
accident reporting. Perhaps greater
emphasis should be placed on the
postmishap investigation informa-
tion available. This should put
Army aircraft mishaps in better
perspective and enable the jour-
nalist to report them with more ac-
curacy and objectivity.
Finally, what can the journalist
do to prepare for the nonroutine
type of reporting Army Aviation
presents? How can the journalist
prevent misunderstanding and
confusion resulting from the high-
ly technical sujects such as aircraft
mishaps and NVG use? The
answer is simply to adhere to the
10 steps suggested by Air Acci-
dents and News Media, normalize
the reporting procedure, and use
routine newsgathering and
processing techniques.
Improvisation and creativity are
important in gathering all of the ac-
curate information needed to develop
a thoughtful and objective treatment
of an Army aircraft mishap. Focus on
existing elements of news coverage-
as opposed to creating new criteria for
technological coverage.
Typifying, or anticipating, this type
of story can help to prevent shoddy,
inaccurate reporting because of a
journalist's publication deadline.
Army Aviation can make an invalu-
able contribution to this process by
maintaining close liaison with instal-
lation and command public affairs of-
fices. When a mishap occurs, the local
command can make expert sources
available to the press.
Journalists can further avoid un-
necessary haste if they do their
homework in advance. Army aircraft
mishaps will, unfortunately, always
occur. Army Aviation will continue to
use NVG. Journalists should avail
themselves of the resources available
in advance and gain as much
knowledge on these subjects as pos-
sible. Army Aviation could develop a
familiarization program in mission
and technology. Greater access before
an event would improve communica-
tion during the event.
Army Aviation should take the
lead in redefining its relationship
with the press and assist in
developing guidelines for the
media to use in reporting on
military aviation subjects. Greater
understanding of Army Aviation
technology by the press can result
in more accurate reporting.
u.s. Army Aviation Digest September/October 1992
Air Accidents and the News
Media, 1991 edition, Avia-
tion/Space Writers Association,
Army Copter Crash Kills 3, 16
December 1990, The New York
Times, p. /-31.
Army Copter Crashes into Oklahoma
Lake, 24 November 1990, The
New York Times, p. 1-8
Army Grounds Apache Copters After
Accidents, 20 June 1987, The
Los Angeles Times, p. A-29.
Army Grounds New Helicopters
After Defect Is Found, 31 January
1986, The New York Times, p. 1-
Army Grounds New Helicopters
Pending Probe of Fatal Crash, 27
August 1987, The Los Angeles
Times, p. 1-12.
Army Grounds 2 Helicopter Fleets
After Mishaps, 13 March 1986,
The New York Times, p. 1-19.
Army Helicopter Crashes Kill 8
Soldiers at Georgia Base, 10 April
1986, The Washington Post, p.
Army Helicopter Crash Kills 5 in
Arkansas, 29 July 1990, The
Washington Post, p. A-13.
Army's Apache Copters Grounded
After Crash, 27 August 1987, The
Washington Post, p. A-13.
Bartfay, P., Fort Chaffee Crash Kills
5, 29 July 1990, The Arkansas
Bowden, W., Green Berets' Lesson
in 'Realism' Crashes in Disaster
at Fort Chaffee, 31 July 1990,
The Arkansas Democrat.
Copter Deaths Traced to Pilot Error,
Lack of Tower Lights, 4 June
1989, The Los Angeles Times,
Crewman in Crash Is Found, 25
November 1990, The New York
Times, p. 1-31.
Ellers, F., Helicopter Crash Kills 2,
Hurts 3 at Fort Campbell, 26 July
1990, The Louisville, Kentucky,
Emery, E. , 5 Soldiers Hurt as
Helicopter Crashes into Fort Car-
son Field, 7 May 1988, The
Colorado Springs Gazette
4 Soldiers Are Killed in Crash of
Helicopter, 10 January 1990, The
New York Times, p. A-18.
4 Soldiers Are Killed in Crash of
Helicopter, 11 January 1990, The
New York Times, p. 0 -22.
Frank, G. , Goggles Give Pilot Night
Vision at a Price, 20 March 1989,
The Los Angeles Times, p. 1-16.
Frank, G., Pilot Questions Goggle
Training, 22 March 1989, The
Los Angeles Times, p. 1-14.
Friend, J., Military's Night Vision
Devices Drawing Fire, 18 October
1990, The Dallas Times Herald.
Gibney, J., 2 Army Copters Crash;
Crews Slightly Enjured, 12 Sep-
tember 1991 , The Denver Post,
p. B-2.
Gibney, J., Copter Crash Causes
Only Minor Injuries, 4 July 1986,
The Denver Post, p. B-5.
Haukebo, K., Fort Campbell Crash
Kills 2 Pilots Using Night-Vision
Goggles, 28 November 1990, The
Louisville, Kentucky, Courier-
Jehl, D. and J.M. Broder, Air
Crashes Cast Doubt on Combat
Readiness, 11 October 1990, The
Los Angeles Times, p. A-1 .
Jehl , D., U.S. Refits Copters to Fight
off Effect of Abrasive Sand, 30
September 1990, The Los An-
geles Times, A-7.
Kirksey, J., Copter Hits Power Line
in Search, 13 June 1989, The
Denver Post, p. B-4.
u. S. Army Aviation Digest September/October 1992
Mann, J. , By 'Goggling Up,' Copter
Pilots Get a Look at the Bright
Side, 6 August 1987, The
Washington Post, p. Va. 15.
Margulies, E. and J. Stewart, Fort
Campbell Gripped by Grief Again,
21 May 1988, The Nashville Ten-
Military Copter Crashes Kills 6, 23
July 1989, The New York Times,
p. 1-10.
Ordinary Radio Waves Allegedly
Can Knock Down Combat Copter,
9 November 1987, The Los An-
geles Times, 1-4.
Robinson, M., Two Guard Pilots
Killed in Night-Vision Training, 6
September 1991 , The Denver
Post, p. B-1.
Scarborough, R., Crashes Revive
Debate on Night Vision Goggles,
1 October 1 990, The
Washington (D.C.) Times.
7 Are Killed in Military Helicopter
Accidents, 29 July 1990, The
New York Times, p. 1-21.
6 Die in Crash of Military Helicopter
On Cape Cod, 18 June 1989, The
New York Times, p. 1-21.
10 Die in Copter Crash, 23 June
1987, The Washington Post, p.
Thomas, P. , Pilot Drops in on Prince
William School , 20 January 1990,
The Washington Post, p. B-1.
2 Army Copters Crash at Georgia
Post, Killing 8, 10 April 1986, The
New York Times, p. 1-18.
2 Army Copters Collide in Georgia,
Killing 8, 11 April 1986, The New
York Times, p. 1-14.
Up to 17 Killed as Copters from
Training Base Collide, 10 March
1 988, The Christian Science
Monitor, p. 2.
Warren, J. and M. L. Fulton, Probers
Find Few Clues in Crash of Army
Helicopter, 24 July 1989, The Los
Angeles Times, p. 1-3.
Army Aviation In Level III
Rear Operations
Captain John Magness
Operations Officer
160th Special Operations Aviation Regiment
Fort Campbell, KY
n 26 February, 1991, the
allied ground war in Iraq,
2d Armored Cavalry
Regiment (ACR) , screened forward
of the VII U.S. Corps and made con-
tact with the Tawakalna Division of
the Iraqi Republican Guard. His-
torians named the ensuing battle the
Battle of the 73 Easting (see figure).
Though some 175 kilometers (Ian)
inside Iraq, 20 Ian to the west, the
regimental support squadron (RSS)
moved forward to support the ap-
proaching battle. Without warning, 10
Iraqi armored personnel carriers
(APCs) appeared from the south and
began firing on RSS maintenance
-\------ xx
Unable to outrun APCs, the RSS
commander delayed them with main
gun fIfe from his float M 1 Abram
tanks. He at once called for and
received aviation support from the
regimental commander.
The regimental commander com-
mitted an attack helicopter company
(ATKHC) equipped with AH-IF
Cobras. The A TKHC commander
coordinated with the ground com-
mander who marked the closest
vehicles with colored smoke.
The A TKHC set up a blocking
position between the RSS and the at-
tacking enemy, which allowed RSS to
disengage and continue movement to
the east. The short battle resulted in all
---++--++-- xx
c iJ.
The Battle of 73 Eastlng
10 vehicles being destroyed and
numerous Iraqi killed in action.
The rear operation conducted by
the 2d ACR was unexpected but suc-
cessful. It showed that even the most
successful operations, such as Desert
Storm, can result in bypassed or
withdrawn units conducting Level ill
attacks into our rear area.
Another lesson learned was that ad-
vancing combat service support
(CSS) units are extremely vulnerable
to any level threat operating in our rear
area. Aviation units must be prepared
to assume priority roles in defending
against threats to our rear area.
FM 100-5, Operations, describes
Airland Battle Operations as conduct-
ing operations in three arenas: deep,
close, and rear. Of the three, aviation
commanders often overlook the pos-
sibility of major threat forces in their
By planning, coordinating, and
training for rear operation missions,
aviation commanders ensure that for-
ward units retain the freedom of
maneuver and continuity of opera-
tions even during a Level III attack in
the rear area.
To successfully counter such a
threat, commanders must initially
plan for allocating assets to support
rear operations. Second, aviation
commanders must coordinate their ef-
forts with ground forces. Finally, they
must train to fight against a major
enemy effort in the rear area.
FM 100-5 names four activities
encompassing rear operations: as-
34 u.s. Army Aviation Digest September/October 1992
sembly and movement of reserves,
redeployment of fire support,
maintenance and protection of the
sustainment effort, and main-
tenance and protection of com-
mand and control (C
) assets.
The protection of sustainment
efforts and C
assets against Level
I and II threats generally falls to the
"base cluster" concept described in
FM I-Ill, A viation Brigade
Operations. Level I is agent ac-
tivity and terrorism. Level II is
raids and ambushes. Each base
cluster defense is linked to the rear
command post and the rear com-
mander at each level of operation.
As history has shown and our
doctrine reiterates, few rear area
units can sustain a defense against
a Level III threat (airborne,
heliborne, or deliberate ground at-
tacks). More so than in the defense,
advancing CSS units are especially
vulnerable to such a threat. FM 1-
III describes one of aviation's
roles in rear operations with a
simple statement: "Aviation
brigades or subordinate elements
are employed mainly as a tactical
combat force (TCF) to counter
Level III incursions."
This statement gives aviation
commanders a tough mission for
which to train their units. Aviation
commanders may find themselves
as the appointed TCF commander
and must be able to execute this
mission. Injrotecting the sustain-
ment and C ,aviation units may be
the only assets that can react in a
timely manner and with sufficient
firepower to defeat Level III
threats. Aviation units are also
capable of delaying or destroying
enemy forces en route or after they
have arrived. With the type of
mobility and firepower found in
aviation brigades, aviation units
can respond with unparalleled
quickness and return to the forward
battle to conduct subsequent close
and deep operations. No other
Army asset has that capability.
The first critical task for aviation
commanders in rear operations is
to establish a plan for defeating
rear area incursions. Level III
threats present the most dangerous
threat to support assets. Aviation
units must designate internal assets
or request additional support to
react to significant rear area incur-
sions. If possible, as FM I-Ill
highlights, the S-3 (operations and
training officer) assigns the mis-
sion in writing in the operations
order. Though the FM explains that
the S-3 is to put the tasking in the
rear operations annex, the mission
should also be highlighted as a "be
prepared" mission. Commanders
who do not plan or designate units
will jeopardize critical assets in the
rear area. They run the risk of not
having adequate assets available to
respond to major enemy operations
in the rear area.
Though similar in execution to the
close battle, the rear battle requires as
much, if not more, close coordination
with units that are in contact with
enemy forces. Attacks on enemy for-
ces in the rear area require strict C
measures to prevent fratricide. When
CSS units are in contact with enemy
forces, the battle lines often become
nonlinear. This results in intermixing
of friendly and enemy vehicles and
personnel. To alleviate some con-
fusion, FM I-Ill recommends that
the aviation unit become the tactical
element for the rear battle. From
this vantage point, the aviation units
may also run into problems of defin-
ing the target area.
An aviation commander arriving
on the scene can use a variety of
control measures to prevent
fraticide. His most critical control
measure is to make contact with
that ground commander and allow
the ground commander to guide
the aircraft onto the target. Com-
u.s. Army Aviation Digest September/October 1992
manders can then use ground-
colored smoke, panel markers, or
terrain features to identify their
elements in close contact.
Without a well-defined target area,
aviation units risk shooting friendly
vehicles and personnel in the rear
area. Training for rear operations in-
cludes crew-level tasks as well as bat-
tle drills and command post exercises
(CPXs). Aviators must be able to
quickly identify major U.S. and threat
equipment. They must call for and
adjust indirect fITeS and employ or-
ganic aerial weapons systems to
defeat threat forces. Many other in-
dividual tasks parallel tasks for con-
ducting close and deep operations.
Aviation units must train
routinely with CSS units and op-
posing forces (OPFOR) in realistic
and challenging rear operation ex-
ercises. CSS units need to depict a
variety of situations from moving
to stationary. OPFOR units can at-
tack into rear areas using airborne,
heliborne, and mechanized attacks.
This will present both the aviation
and CSS commanders with chal-
lenging scenarios.
Training at the CPX level is im-
portant in evaluating and improv-
ing the planning process for rear
operations. A well-organized CPX
will determine whether com-
manders at all levels have ade-
quately planned for varying levels
of threat in the rear area.
Aviation commanders must ac-
complish three tasks to ensure suc-
cess for rear operations against
Level III threats: plan for the mis-
sion, coordinate the operation, and
train for the mission. Each of the
tasks are essential in successfully
defeating enemy forces in the rear
area. The Airland Battle cannot be
won solely by fighting the rear bat-
tle, but it could well be lost in the
rear. As in Desert Storm, Army
Aviation will continue to playa
vital role in rear operations. 0
Training For The NightJAAT
Captain Robert L. Douthit
Commander, A Company, 1-24th Aviation Brigade
Hunter Army Air Field
ountless warfighter ex-
ercises at division and
corps level use deep
night joint operations to destroy
lucrative targets.
Most often, these operations are
highly successful. This comes as little
surprise, since for years U.S. doctrine
has called for extensive use of night
operations to take advantage of supe-
rior technology and training.
However, these exercises are
computer simulations. The person-
nel trained are brigade staff and
higher. The training objective for
these commanders and their staff is
to effectively synchronize these-as-
sets into the battle: fire support,
Army Aviation, and tactical fighter
aircraft. However, no tactical
synchronization occurs.
The major challenge to the at-
tack helicopter company com-
mander, usually the computer cell
commander, is to figure out how to
input the mission into the computer
to achieve the brigade-division
commander's intent.
However, it is the tactical
synchronization of the night joint
air attack team (JAA T) that
receives so little attention. The 1st
Attack Helicopter Battalion
(ATKHB), 24th Aviation Brigade
(I-24th), Hunter Army Air Field,
Savannah, GA, envisioned and
developed a training program with
emphasis on night joint operations.
The training was based on the
ever-popular crawl, walk, and run
Savannah, GA
scenario. The traInIng involved
USAF F-16 Falcons and A-IO
Thunderbolts (Warthogs); Navy
F/A-ISC Hornets; and Marine A V-
SB Harriers, F/A-ISD Hornets,
and A-6 Intruders.
In the past 6 months, countless day-
and-night JAA Ts were conducted. As
expected, there were significant dif-
ferences in the conduct of day-and-
night JAA Ts. The training proved ex-
tremely beneficial and continues
today as each service refmes the way
to conduct night joint operations at the
tactical level.
Based upon the difficulty of con-
ducting night operations and the
complexity of joint operations,
regular training for these types of
missions is not only a requirement
for battle staffs, but also a require-
ment for the scout, attack, and tac-
tical fighter crews who actually
conduct the night JAAT.
The focus of I-24th training
started with day JAA T operations
and learning night capabilities of
the other services. Training con-
tinued all the way through to the
night live-fire JAAT operations.
The following is a synopsis of
the training that started in late
February 1992 and some of the les-
sons learned. The crawl stage of
the training required multiple face-
to-face meetings with the fighter
crews involved.
For years, the 24th Mechanized
(Mech) has conducted day JAAT
operations with A-lOs. The aircraft
that would perform night JAAT
operations travel significantly
faster than A-lOs and use different
attack profiles and targeting sys-
Many of the naval and marine
aviators did not know the term
J AA T. However, the concept of the
JAAT's massed firepower was not
new to them. None of the involved
squadrons, USAF included, had
ever conducted night JAAT opera-
tions, nor had the I-24th.
Finding out the capabilities of
the different fighter-attack aircraft
was truly an educational ex-
perience. Before we could start
training, we needed to know what
each aircraft could and could not
do. All of the aviators from the
other services were equally inter-
ested in the AH-64 Apache's
Every pilot we talked with was
enthusiastic about describing his
aircraft and its capabilities. They
were equally interested in learning
about the AH-64 and conducting
the training.
The F-16s flew with LANTIRN
(Low Altitude, Night Time, In-
frared Navigation) pods that
projected a forward looking in-
frared (FLIR) image onto the
pilot's heads-up display.
The F/A-ISs from the Navy
could carry either a navigational
FLIR or laser spot tracker (LST) as
well as a targeting FLIR. In addi-
tion, the Naval aviators wore night
U.S. Army Aviation Digest September/October 1992
AH-64 Apache
VISIon goggles (NVG) unlike
rotary-wing NVG.
The Marine A-6 had a FLIR with
LST and self-designation
capabilities. The A V -SBs we
trained with had only LST
capability. Squadrons with new
Harriers were also equipped with
FLIRs and flew NVG. Also, the
F-16s did not have LSTs, although
other F-16 squadrons were already
flying with them.
The natural follow-on to equip-
ment descriptions was how the
equipment was employed. To all
the squadrons we visited, we ex-
plained our day-and-night tactics
and scenarios where we thought
T AC AIR would be used.
A viators from the different
types of aircraft carefully ex-
plained how they used the different
night-targeting system. A 11 of
these aircraft, except the A-6s,
were single-seat aircraft.
The Navy squadrons were suc-
cessful in scheduling F/A-1S
simulator time for some of the at-
tack pilots from the I-24th. The
USAF is presently working on
flying some of the aviators from
the I-24th in F-16s during night
missions conducted with the bat-
talion. Both are excellent in
providing a greater joint under-
standing of the workload of a
single-seat fighter during night
Before any of the night training
took place, a previously scheduled
JAAT live-fire exercise was con-
ducted to include tube artillery and
A-lOs. A chance encounter with
Marine F/A-ISDs at Hunter Army
Airfield led to creating a triservice
This simultaneously involved
the USAF A-lOs and the Marine
F/A-1SDs in the live fire JAAT
exercise. The attack profile of the
F/A-1SDs was significantly dif-
ferent than that of the A-lOs.
In the weeks to follow, com-
pany-level training was conducted
with Navy F/A-1Ss from Strike
Fighter Squadron 132 based out of
Cecil Naval Air Station, FL. The
F I A -ISs participated in multiple-
day operations at Fort Stewart,
GA, delivering MK-76 training
bombs on laser spots provided by
Both training events were criti-
cal in Air Battle Captain, now
called Air Mission Commander
(AMC), training and explaining
Navy F/A-ISC attack profiles and
bombing accuracy to scout and at-
tack aviators. Night company-
level battle drills were conducted
at Fort Stewart with Strike Fighter
Squadron 15 (VFA-15).
Again, MK-76 bombs were
delivered with incredible timing
and accuracy onto targets desig-
nated by AH-64s, However, this
time the bombs were delivered
under the cover of darkness.
In late April, a live fire night
deep attack was conducted. All
three attack companies crossed the
forward line of own troops (FLOT)
as tube artillery suppressed enemy
air defense (SEAD) by firing tar-
gets at the passage point.
u.s. Army Aviation Digest September/October 1992
As the three companies flew
across the Fort Stewart artillery
impact area (the simulated FLOT),
tube artillery was simultaneously
firing targets as close as one
kilometer from the attack helicop-
Because of range and space
limitations, only one company at a
time could occupy the battle posi-
tion. Multiple-launch rocket sys-
tem (MLRS) SEAD was fired to
cover the ingress-egress of each
company. Also, the F/A-ISCs were
handed to the company in the battle
position for final control.
The mission was an unqualified
success. The timing of the artillery
was flawless; the three attack com-
panies precisely executed the mis-
sion; and the fighters were able to
make two passes for each company
for a total of 24 attacks by fighter
aircraft. All of this was done on a
night with 0 percent illumination.
Only weeks later, another night
company-level battle drill in-
volved the use of USAF F-16s
from the 69th Tactical Fighter
Squadron. These aircraft also
delivered their ordnance time ac-
curately on target. However,
without laser designated targets for
the F-16s, final control onto
specific targets proved difficult.
In early June, company-level
training was also conducted with
Navy Strike Fighter Squadron 105.
Day JAAT operations were con-
ducted into the Fort Stewart impact
Ninety minutes later, after the
scout, attack, and the fighter
aircraft were refueled, night J AA T
operations were conducted at
Townsend Range, a USAF Nation-
al Guard bombing range about 20
miles south of Fort Stewart.
Two weeks later, an attack com-
pany deployed to the Marine Corps
Air Station, Cherry Point, NC, to
conduct live-fire HELLFIRE mis-
should translate to the 11 O-meter high
Knowing fighter aircraft
capabilities that perform the CAS-
JAA T mission is essential. An Army
aviator's view of the target area at a
hover is significantly different than a
fighter pilot's view as he approaches
the target around 500 knots.
F-16 Falcon
Most CAS aircraft are single
pilot. The workload for these
aviators is going to be demanding
for night operations. F/ A-18
simulator time provided a tremen-
dous opportunity to see the CAS
aviator's perspective. Likewise, al-
lowing CAS aviators the oppor-
tunity to see the FLIR/target
aquisition designation system
provides them with an Army
aviator's perspective.
sile firing. In addition, joint live-
fire training was conducted with
Marine Attack Squadrons 542,331
(A V -8Bs), and 332 (A-6s).
Day operations were conducted
with only A V -8Bs from Attack
Squadron 542. The night attack in-
cluded three A V -8Bs from attack
Squadron 331 and one A-6 from
Attack Squadron 332. At 2150
. hours local, attack company
departed the Marine Corps Air Sta-
tion for a northern engagement
area know as BT -9.
After arrival into battle positions
and successful destruction of the
enemy (barges floating in the
water) from live HELLFIRE
engagements, that company
moved to engage targets in the
southern engagement area known
as BT -11 (Piney Island).
The company conducted team
operations in the BT -11 area. The
light team arrived to its battle posi-
tion first and began pouring sup-
pressive fires into the engagement
area and passing nine-line strike
briefs to fighter aircraft.
The light team remained on sta-
tion a few minutes longer to cover
the egress of the heavy team with
more suppressive fires and desig-
nated targets for the fighter
aircraft. Again, the mission was an
unqualified success.
The engagement in BT -9 had
seen two successful night
HELLFIRE engagements at ranges
of 5,500 and 6,000 meters.
The engagements in the south
involved the company conducting
a sectored night JAAT with 2.75-
inch rockets and 30-millimeter
cannons. The engagements suc-
cessfully coordinated multiple at-
tacks of two different kinds of
close air support (CAS) aircraft
while the heavy team in the north
destroyed the armored force.
Lessons Learned
Crawling. The training for these
night joint operations was based on
the crawl, walk, and run scenario.
Before conducting joint night
operations, the attack company
commander must ensure the unit is
extremely proficient in night
If night attack helicopter operations
are considered running the l00-meter
dash, then night J AA T operations
Walking. Conducting day re-
hearsals for night joint operations
validated the technology of the
LST. Although much faster than
the A-10, the Navy and Marine
fighters were deadly accurate
when using the LST provided by
the AH-64s. Fighters ingressed at
altitudes as low as 500 feet and as
high as 10,000 for day training.
Night LST training went equally
well. Fighters again ingressed at al-
titudes as low as 500 feet and as high
as 500 feet. The nine-line strike brief
is the same for day as it is for night
operations. Great strides were made in
terms of AMC training.
F-18 Hornet
u.s. Army Aviation Digest September/October 1992
As expected during night opera-
tions, visual acquisition of the in-
gressing fighters is practically im-
possible. However, an accurate
nine-line brief will get the fighters
looking in the right direction to
facilitate laser spot acquisition.
An interesting note: The Navy
and Marine aviators request
"sparkle on," and the USAF pilots
request "laser on."
Running. The two-live fire ex-
ercises proved to be of tremendous
training value. Bringing together
the JAAT for night live-fire exer-
cises is the only way to validate the
tactics and doctrine we so often
profess to use.
The command and control (C
of a night J AA T proved to be
demanding. Based upon mission,
enemy, troops, terrain, and time
considerations, C
was conducted
differently than day JAAT opera-
tions. Attack company operations
rely heavily upon unit standing
operating procedures for success-
ful accomplishment of the night
JAAT. Fire distribution is a major
The live fire exercises validated
the doctrine of J AA T; they suc-
cessfully proved that attack
helicopters and CAS aircraft can
perform at night. Unlike day J AA T
operations, the commander must
fight the night battle from an
aircraft with advanced night op-
tics. Since OH-5SDs are not as-
signed to attack battalions, the
commander must fight from an
AH -64 Apache.
trol of the heavy team in the north-
ern portion of the island.
The first night live-fire exercise
conducted at Fort Stewart involved
four F/A-lSCs rolling in every 20
seconds. This is a long time for an
attack helicopter to be lasing for
CAS as opposed to destroying tar-
gets with his organic weapons.
Controlling a night JAAT re-
quires a great deal of situational
awareness. As previous stated, the
attack company must be highly
proficient in night operations
before joint night operations can be
undertaken. Maximum use of the
attack systems available will en-
sure the greatest destruction pos-
sible of the enemy.
If more artillery is needed, then
the AMC should request it.
Greatest use of the fighters would
involve destruction of targets that
cannot be viewed or effectively
engaged by the attack helicopters.
Again, the use of OH-5SDs would
facilitate CAS engagement.
Depending upon the fighters al-
titude or sector, the AMC may
have to deconflict fires. In several
operations, the CAS aircraft never
dropped below 4,000 feet and no
shifting of fires was required.
In other scenarios, the fighters
would be as low as 500 to SOO feet
in the attack helicopters' sector of
fire. This demands a great deal of
situational awareness and fire dis-
cipline on the part of every crew.
Training for the night J AA T is a
constant process. Many of the
tasks involved can and must be
conducted at the individual, crew,
and team level before training at
the company level.
As previously stated, none of the
aviators from any of the services in-
volved in this training had conducted
night J AA T operations before this
training program started.
These lessons learned are by no
means all inclusive. They are sim-
ply some of the major considera-
tions deduced from the training
conducted within the I-24th.
As more modern technology is
fielded, such as the Longbow
Apache, RAH -66 Comanche, and
the OH-5SD Kiowa Warrior, a new
dimension will be added to night
J AA T operations. Also, with the
U.S. military's increased focus on
contingency operations, units must
take advantage of joint training op-
portunities so all the services will
better understand the night JAAT.
Finally, we must take maximum
advantage of our night capabilities
and train as we are going to fight.
Strike to Kill and Strike at Night!O
Also, control of CAS aircraft
will depend on which team in the
company can most effectively use
the sorties. For the Cherry Point
live-fire exercise, the light team
led by the attack platoon leader,
had final control of both the A V-
SBs and the A-6s for operations on
the southern portion of the island.
The company commander had con-
RAH-66 Comanche
u.s. Army Aviation Digest September/October 1992 39
Aviation C55 At The NTC
Any aviation unit that has
trained at the National Training
Center (NTC) within the last year
will have noticed an increase in
training feedback about aviation
combat service support (CSS) and
its support of the operational mis-
sion. The Operations Group,
A viation Trainer Division (Eagle
Team), has an increased personnel
authorization. The team is now
structured to provide the rotational
Major Brian K. Mays
Aviation CSS Trainer
Operations Group
Aviation Trainer Division (Eagles)
National Training Center
Fort Irwin, CA
aviation unit with the observations
and feedback necessary for the unit
to leave the NTC better trained
than when it arrived.
CSS Planning
CSS planners within an attack
battalion must properly tailor sup-
port for a particular mission. To do
so, they must have a clear under-
standing of the mission, the
commander's intent, and the
scheme of maneuver. Every mis-
sion is different; therefore, the CSS
support of that mission is different.
The sooner the following are in-
tegrated into the planning cycle,
the better: the executive officer
(XO), personnel (S 1), logistics
(S4), the 3/5th Platoon leader, the
maintenance company com-
mander, etc. Integrating the efforts
of intelligence (S2), operations and
plans (S3), and the fire support of-
ficer in the planning effort without
the supporters often results in in-
U.S. Army Aviation Digest September/October 1992
complete CSS planning and execu-
tion. This lack of support usually
results in not accomplishing the
mission nor the commander's in-
Once the battalion commander
gives initial planning guidance, the
XO can provide further guidance
to the supporters as a CSS scheme
of support. Such guidance may
consist of maintenance priorities
and aircraft requirements for the
maintenance company com-
mander, ammunition and fuel
requirements and general locations
to the 3/5th Platoon, and aircrew /
aircraft recovery guidance. Notice
that the scheme of support covers
time-critical events and actions to
provide the commander with the
maximum combat power when he
needs it.
Operators plan and integrate
their efforts into products such as
the decision support template to
help in the execution of the mis-
sion. As they do, the CSS planners
must integrate their decision points
and criteria into the same product.
These actions should ensure better
alignment of effort.
The importance of rehearsals
before mission execution cannot
be overemphasized. CSS key
players must be included in the bat-
talion rehearsal process. Their
participation and input during the
rehearsal (backbrief, sand table,
rock drill) will identify and clarify
problems that can be solved before
mission execution. The CSS ex-
ecutors (3/5th Platoon, recovery
teams, medical personnel, etc.)
should conduct their rehearsals.
The aviation unit maintenance
(A VUM) and aviation interme-
diate maintenance (A VIM) must
extensively coordinate before
deployment to the NTC. They must
discuss division of labor,
prescribed load list or authorized
stockage list requirements, special
tools, recovery operations, etc.
They must develop a working
relationship and expectations
before arriving at the NTC and not
try to develop them on arrival.
Maintenance preparedness for the
deployment cannot be left to the
maintainers, but requires com-
mand involvement.
Coordination between the
A VUM/ A VIM and the line com-
panies must be a timely, smooth
process. It should be driven by
standing operating procedure
(SOP) and habit. The results are as
follows: timely maintenance, effi-
cient parts requisitioning, correct
reporting to the commander, and
maximization of combat power.
The rotational unit should coor-
dinate wi th Red River Army
Depot, Texarkana, TX, and submit
a demand summary of anticipated
parts requirements. The repre-
sentative at NTC will bring some
line items authorized by the U.S.
Army Aviation and Troop Com-
mand (the former U.S. Army
Aviation Systems Command) and
preposition items at Red River to
decrease the turn-around time for a
requisitioned part. This coordina-
tion should take place before the
rotation and be continuous up to
deployment. The better the coor-
dination, the better the service.
Even with all the preparation
and coordination, the rotational
unit undoubtedly will not have
everything onhand or available
through Red River. The unit must
plan for and coordinate the
mechanism for shipment of parts
from its home station. This ship-
ment may be through Federal
Express, the U.S. Postal Service, or
another means. If the mechanism
for shipment is not wired before
u.s. Army Aviation Digest September/October 1992
deployment, it will be difficult to
make the system work quickly.
The 3/5th Platoon is responsible
for two of the three critical classes
of supply for aviation, fuel, and
ammunition. Why is Murphy al-
ways waiting around the 3/5
Platoon? The usual cause is lack of
planning either by the staff or a
lack of time for the platoon leader
to perform his troop-leading proce-
Positioning and composing of
forward arming and refueling
points (F ARPs) are time-critical
events and must be planned early
in the planning process. Position-
ing requires coordination with the
S2 and S3 so that the FARP is not
within medium artillery range.
Positioning also requires coor-
dinating the FARP's position with
the higher headquarters. Position-
ing supports the operational
scheme of maneuver. Composition
of the F ARP is equally important
in terms of manning and quantities
of fuel and ammunition. All this
takes time!
Communication is critical to the
battalion as a whole, but also to the
FARP. We generally observe a
lack of communications planning
in relation to the FARP. Without
reliable communications, the XO
and S4 cannot know the status of
the FARPs. They cannot displace
the FARPs according to the
decision support: template or ad-
vise the commander properly.
Positioning of the key leaders
within the 3/5th Platoon is impor-
tant. If the battalion must make a
turn in the FARP for a subsequent
attack of a moving enemy force,
key leaders should position them-
selves to ensure smooth, quick
execution of FARP operations.
They must be at the critical place
at the critical time!
Arriving at the FARP, needing a
quick turn, and discovering that it
has not been safety-checked by the
safety officer or another pilot are
disheartening at best. Include this
requirement in your planning.
Moving FARPs around the bat-
tlefield should be based on events
not necessarily time. The opposing
forces (OPFOR) do not always
cooperate with your plan to kill
One thing that must occur for
successful 3/5th Platoon opera-
tions is to make a leader
responsible for his actions, i.e.,
delineate who "Commander in
Chief (CINC)-FARP" is. He may
be the Headquarters and Head-
quarters Company commander, the
S4, the XO, etc. Whoever he is, he
must know and bt( held respon-
sible. By doing this, the 3/5th
Platoon will receive the same at-
tention and leadership given to
other elements of the unit.
Recovery of aircrews should be
included in everyone's SOP. It
should be more than merely "go to
the nearest downed pilot pickup
point and you will be picked up at
a certain time." If an aircraft is shot
down, injuries probably involved,
and the crewmembers may not be
able to execute this generalized
procedure. The unit must plan to
recover those crews as quickly as
the situation allows. The
commander's decision to proceed
with recovery assets forward
should not be made blindly. His
decision should be based on the
enemy and friendly situations.
There may be times when this can-
not be done.
As we all know, every aviation
unit has an austere medical
capability that barely can keep up
with routine operations. Position-
ing the flight surgeon/physicians'
assistant and medics at the critical
place and time during a mission is
a difficult decision, but it must be
A technique to broaden your
medical coverage is to integrate
your internal plan into the overall
brigade/division medical plan.
You should provide locations of
current and proposed forward sup-
port battalion and main support
battalion medical companies. The
procedures for using these sites
should be included in your SOP.
You also should provide locations
of ground task force aid stations
and ambulance exchange points to
the aircrews. It is important for the
medical personnel to rehearse
aircrew extractions and routes to
the most probable medical com-
pany, both during the day and at
In a chemical environment, your
unit may sustain chemical casualties.
What is your plan for handling this
type of casualty? The plan should be
discussed within the unit, and the
higher headquarters' medical
authority, and it should be rehearsed.
Who monitors the CSS functions
for routine operations, during the
preparation for the mission, the ex-
ecution of the mission, and
recovery from the mission? Every
commander must decide who he
wants to do this for him. We find
that if the commander tries to do it
himself, he quickly b e c o m ~ s over-
loaded. The XO or S4 might be the
logical choice. The XO seems to
work the best since he focuses on
the actual mission and all the ef-
forts to make it happen.
How do you want your XO to
operate? Is he the fighting XO, the
unit chief of staff, the CINC-Logis-
tics, the tactical operations center
(TOC) officer, or what? His func-
tion depends on the commander's
desires and the personalities and
abilities of the staff. This is a tough
question every commander must
The Aviation Logistics Operations
Center (ALoe) is the focal point for
monitoring logistics operations. It
also serves as an alternate command
post after the Toe and tactical air
coordinator. The ALoe should have
communications and be organized in
such a way as to monitor the tactical
operations of the unit. The ALoe
should be able to take over the com-
mand and control of the unit for short
periods. We see officers in the S 1/S4
as being too involved in routin.e mat-
ters to be tactically oriented during
combat operations. Noncommis-
sioned officers (NCOs) make
operations happen routinely. They
free the officers to plan for future
operations or execute contingencies
based on the tactical situation. If you
allow the NCOs to do their job and
hold them responsible, your ALoe
operations will be much more effi-
The subjects I have discussed
are not inclusive. They are the
basics. However, doing the basics
right is key to success in con-
tinuous aviation combat
operations. Success at the NTC is
not based on the number of
OPFOR vehicles that are killed.
We, the Eagle Team, believe a unit
will have a successful rotation if-
The rotation is accomplished
safely, and the unit returns to
home station with every soldier
The unit shows improvement
throughout the rotation.
The unit takes the lessons
learned and applies them to its
home station training. 0
u.s. Army Aviation Digest September/October 1992
Helicopter Maintenance
Through The Years
he people who pinned on
helicopter aviator wings
in the early 1950s have
seen incredible advances in
helicopter flight. Likewise, the
people who started repairing
helicopters back then have wit-
nessed tremendous changes in
maintenance concepts and require-
ments. Yes, aviators who trained in
the 1960s have seen dramatic
changes, as have those who ex-
perienced flight school in the 70s,
80s, and even today. The main-
tainers also have been challenged
by the advance of technology.
World War II-The
Going back even further to the
unforgettable crews of the "Gras-
shoppers" of W orId War II
(WWII), who bounced around in
the Army's "L-4" fixed-wing
aircraft as observers and artillery
spotters. They set the stage for the
phenomenal development of Army
A viation, which today plays a
dominant role in the Army's war-
fighting force. The Grasshoppers
proved the value of a machine that
could traverse terrain with ease,
whose pilots could tell our artil-
lerymen the enemy's location and
how to adjust fire to hit their target.
Colonel William J. Blair
Assistant Commandant
U.S. Army Aviation Logistics School
Fort Eustis, VA
They also revealed the obvious-
the value of that flying machine
was only as great as its ability to
leave the ground.
Those pilots did many of their
aircraft repairs. They worked
hand-in-hand with the mechanics
(then trained at Fort Sill, OK) when
those guys were around. When
caught in a solo situation, pilots
could make repairs using the small
roll of common tools stashed in
every airplane.
Of course, airplanes were simple
then. Reciprocating engines like
those found in cars, few instru-
ments, and straight mechanical
flight control linkages and cables
required frequent, but noncom-
plex, maintenance and servicing.
These repairs were within the
capabilities of anyone with a
reasonable mechanical aptitude.
Then came the helicopter.
During WWII, the Army's inter-
est in helicopters was minimal.
However, by 1945 pri vate
industry's helicopter pioneers, led
by Igor Sikorsky, had proven
rotary-wing aircraft were for real.
Military tacticians quickly realized
the battlefield value of an aircraft
that could rise straight up, fly at
high speeds, and descend vertical-
ly. In1945, the Army wanted it.
u.s. Army Aviation Digest September/October 1922
The Korean Conflict
The Korean conflict triggered a
quantum surge in those efforts.
Helicopters, notably Bell's H -13
Sioux, flew thousands of soldiers
to medical stations-soldiers who
would surely have perished
without such transport. Besides the
constant life or death missions
made by these "Angels of Mercy,"
Sikorsky's H-19 Chickasaw did
vital logistics and troop transport
missions. The helicopter was now
a fixture on the battlefield.
A major consideration, how-
ever, accompanied the develop-
ment and procurement of large
numbers of helicopters-main-
tenance. New powertrains and
rotor systems and inherent vibra-
tions dictated close attention to
component tolerances and wear
factors. These requirements in-
creased the need for recurring,
scheduled inspections and repair.
In Korea, operating units essen-
tially did maintenance on an as-
needed basis, with considerable
help from pilots.
For more difficult repair,
helicopters were sent to ordnance
light aircraft maintenance com-
panies. Besides seat-of-the-pants
flying, we had much seat-of-the-
pants maintenance. We got by, but
it soon became obvious the Army
needed an organized maintenance
training program and support
The 1950s-Gary Air Force Base
In the early 1950s, the Air Force
established a training program for
Army helicopter maintenance at
Gary Air Force Base (AFB), San
Marcos, TX. Maintenance military
occupational specialties (MOSs)
now consisted of single-rotor or
tandem-rotor helicopter (MOS 672
series) and single or multiengine,
fixed-wing aircraft (MOS 671
The Air Force used a repre-
sentati ve-aircraft training ap-
proach. A single-rotor helicopter
mechanic, for example, spent 16
weeks learning to maintain the H-
13 helicopter, inside and out, top to
bottom. Students were placed in
three- or four-man teams. Each
team was assigned to a training
helicopter (an old ground-runnable
H-13B model). The team com-
pletely disassembled the engine
and rotor system and removed
most flight controls and powertrain
system components. After receiv-
ing instruction on repair proce-
dures for the removed subsystem
components, each team reas-
sembled "their" aircraft, made re-
quired installation adjustments,
and rigged the aircraft flight con-
trol system. A team's efforts were
tested when it was time to crank the
helicopter and give it a live ground
run. Training on aerodynamics,
systems theory, standard main-
tenance procedures (safety, tool
use, ground handling, etc.), publi-
cations, and forms and records ac-
companied the hands-on main-
tenance sessions.
The representative-aircraft ap-
proach gave mechanics a good in-
sight into what makes any helicop-
ter tick. Provided with the right
maintenance manuals, a mechanic
could "crew" almost any type
helicopter in the field.
During this time, the Army used
the Air Force technical order (TO)
system to document maintenance
procedures. The Army's TO sys-
tem followed the Air Force main-
tenance publication system, both in
level of detail and in format. The
same held true for forms and
records used to log maintenance
actions and historical data.
The publications, forms, and
records transitioned through a
phase in the late 1950s when they
still followed the Air Force's lead
in format and content, but were
renumbered to an Army technical
manual (TM) identification sys-
tem. Eventually, the Army came up
with its own format, technical
content, and standards for TMs;
however, many similarities still
Gary AFB became Camp Gary
(Army) for a short while before
closing. By 1960, the U.S. Army
Transportation School, Fort Eustis,
VA, had become the Army's guru
for all aircraft maintenance train-
ing. The Transportation Corps
replaced the Ordnance Corps as the
proponent for Army helicopter
maintenance. Now Army Aviation
had to determine where, in the
field, specific maintenance tasks
could best be performed, and at
what levels the repair parts should
be stocked. Levels of maintenance
became a prime consideration for
Crewchief works on H-73 in field exercise "Wolf Call," Germany 7955.
44 u. S. Army Aviation Digest September/October 1992
designing the Army's aviation
The 19S0s-Levels of
Since then, the term "levels of
maintenance" has plagued main-
tenance system analysts and
decisionmakers. In the 1950s, the
term "levels" was often used inter-
changeably with the word
"echelons." Three levels (or
categories) existed then-or-
ganizational, field, and depot.
However, within those three
levels, five "echelons" existed-
first and second at the organiza-
tional level, third and fourth
echelon comprised field main-
tenance, and fifth echelon was
In the early days, besides com-
pany-size aviation units, small
"Air Sections" dotted the Army's
structure. A small detachment of
six or more aircraft might be
authorized by a signal battalion or
an artillery unit. These sections
usually had a pilot and crewchief
per assigned aircraft, several
mechanic's helpers (or assistant
crewchiefs), and several clerks for
supply and administration work.
The Air Sections were close knit
groups in which pilots and main-
tainers ate, slept, and worked
together-particularly on field ex-
ercises. That situation lent itself to
good cross-fertilization. Crew-
chiefs flew on many missions and
gained "stick" time, and pilots
helped with the maintenance,
much of which was done at night.
For maintenance support, the
Transportation Aircraft Main-
tenance Company (T AMC) often
was located on an installation with
several Air Sections clustered
nearby. In essence, crewchiefs,
whether assigned to an aviation
company or an Air Section, did all
organizational maintenance. They
took the aircraft to the TAMC
when field maintenance (third or
fourth echelon) was required.
This was a time when a
crewchief's name was synony-
mous with his aircraft's tail num-
ber. When someone talked about
tail number 126, they were talking
about Specialist Pickett, or if it
were tail number 919, Specialist
Fortaine's name came to mind.
A crewchief inspected his
aircraft after every day's flying
and prepared it for the next day.
These daily inspections were
called postflights. Pilots did more
abbreviated "preflight" inspec-
tions at the beginning of each day's
When a major inspection came
due, the crewchief was in charge.
Usually, mechanic's helpers and
crewchiefs from other aircraft,
when available, helped do the
work, but the crewchief of that par-
ticular aircraft was the boss.
The key to developing crewchief
responsibility was that most of the
workday was spent working on
their aircraft. The crews were
authorized sufficient personnel to
allow a crewchief per aircraft, and
their work priority was to keep the
aircraft airworthy.
The best-case situation existed
in Germany, where the Army con-
centrated its major defense forces.
There, paid local nationals usually
did all the "detail" work, i.e.,
kitchen police, post cleanup, gate
guard, etc. Thus, a crewchief's
only detraction from MOS work
was the training required to keep
him current in basic combat skills.
Crewchiefs and repairmen spent
most of their time working on
aircraft. This close crewchief-
aircraft relationship encouraged
tremendous "pride of ownership,"
which translated into high-quality
maintenance and quick turn-
arounds on inspections.
u.s. Army Aviation Digest September/October 1922
As the years passed, the aviation
maintenance structure underwent a
variety of "level" combinations.
We saw the transition to four levels
(organizational, direct support
(DS), general support (GS),
depot); the integrated DS main-
tenance, where selected direct sup-
port maintenance capabilities be-
came organic to "organizational"
units; and streamlining to the cur-
rent three "levels" (aviation unit
maintenance [A VUM], aviation
intermediate maintenance
[A VIM], and depot). Within
A VUM, crewchiefs do certain
tasks, and AVUM companies do
others. Within A VIM, corps sup-
port units do tasks not allocated to
divisional support units. Now, for
the next generation of aircraft, the
Army anticipates two levels of
maintenance-user and depot.
The Vietnam Conflict-
Maintenance Support
Many factors influence the need
for almost constant reassessment
of how we organize our main-
tenance support force. Foremost
are the never-ending advance-
ments in technology. The UH-l
Huey really started it all. Suddenly,
we could not teach an automobile
mechanic in a few weeks to apply
that skill to repairing an aircraft
engine, because automobiles do
not have turbine engines. The
Huey, then the AH-l Cobra, also
brought a few strange, little black
boxes to help fly and navigate.
Now electricians had to learn about
electronic signals and wiring
bundles. Composition of parts
stockage lists also changed sig-
nificantly with the introduction of
our first "jet" aircraft.
The Huey, of course, became the
centerpiece of Vietnam. The Huey
replaced the H-21 Shawnee as the
war in that country escalated.
These magnificent aircraft often
Maintenance flighfline, An Khe, Vietnam, 7967
flew 8 to 10 hours a day, day after
day, in grueling environments.
Their record of reliability and
durability testified not only to a
new era of helicopter technology,
but also to an Army that was learn-
ing to provide a rapidly burgeon-
ing, overworked aviation fleet with
effective maintenance support.
Vietnam provided a wealth of
experience for aircraft maintainers
at all levels. The 1st Cavalry (Cav)
Division, as the first airmobile
division to go into combat with its
400-plus helicopters, served as a
visible test bed for aircraft main-
tenance support. The division's
15th Transportation Corps Bat-
talion (DS/GS) moved into An
Khe, a patch of ground carved from
the jungle that became the world's
largest helipad. They then
proceeded to provide round-the-
clock maintenance support for the
division's assault and attack
helicopter units. The 15th had four
companies, each supporting
specific operating units.
While at An Khe, repairmen
lived in tents and worked primarily
from Butler shelters set up along
the flightline. Specially designed
ground support equipment and air-
mobile shelters were made avail-
able to allow them to do most
repair functions. The 15th quickly
learned the need to provide contact
maintenance teams to forward
units. The division engaged the
enemy throughout the central high-
lands. They could not afford to
send aircraft back to the base camp
for support level repairs, unless
major damage was incurred. Main-
tenance teams, comprising six or
seven repairmen of various
specialties, were formed at the An
Khe base camp. These teams
usually traveled-with essential
repair tools, equipment, and repair
parts-by CH -4 7 Chinook to patch
up helicopters in forward landing
The teams usually stayed with
operating units for the duration of
major tactical actions. It was al-
ways an eye catcher to watch a
team pack its tools and equipment
into an airmobile shelter, close the
shelter, attach wheels, roll it in the
back of a cranked Chinook, and fly
off to the next site. These "travel-
ing circuses" were not unique to
the 1 st Cav, but typified aviation
maintenance operations through-
out Vietnam. Informally, they can
be considered as the pioneers of
today's battlefield damage and as-
sessment repair team concept.
Vietnam also may have been the
last hurrah for the time-honored
crewchief pride-of-ownership
syndrome. In that conflict, a crew-
chief was tied characteristically to
a specific aircraft, by tail number,
as was stated earlier. It was not
unusual for a crewchief to fly com-
bat missions all day, work on his
aircraft until dark, and be up before
dawn to get it ready for the next
day's mission-every day. Sadly,
events since then have diminished
this close aircraft-crewchief
Post-Vietnam and Present
Today, because of manpower
constraints, crewchiefs often are
assigned at a less than one-per-
aircraft ratio. Unit duties often
keep crewchiefs from their
aircraft, and major inspections are
given systematically to an external
organization-A VUM or A VIM.
In the latter case, crewchiefs sel-
dom accompany the aircraft be-
cause of personnel shortages in
their units. Today crewchiefs often
find themselves putting aircraft
work last, which is not a good
Until Vietnam, the Army essen-
tially bought its aircraft "off the
shelf." They did not go through the
rigid source selection evaluation
board (SSEB) process now man-
dated for weapon system acquisi-
tion. Using the "off the shelf"
46 u.s. Army Aviation Digest September/October 1992
process meant that aircraft
procurement decisions were based
on speed, rate of climb, maneuver-
ability, and other operational
capabilities. Reliability and main-
tainability took a back seat.
The Electronic Invasion-New
Maintenance Thinking
However, the rising price of
helicopter technology eventually
made it necessary to take firm
measures to lower life cycle
operating and support costs. So,
reliability and maintainability be-
came prime grading factors in the
post-Vietnam helicopter selection
process. The UH-60 Black Hawk
and AH-64 Apache underwent
SSEB evaluations that emphasized
logistics and maintenance support
features on an even plane with
operational features.
Besides improved main-
tainability, the new generation of
aircraft embraces a technology that
shifted from mechanical subsys-
tems toward electronics and com-
puterization. This shift influenced
a major change in the Army's
aircraft maintenance training
programs and repair parts con-
siderations. It also imposed limita-
tions on "where" certain main-
tenance actions could be done.
We now see many subsystems
that require recurrent calibration
and testing, often with environ-
mentally sensitive test, measure-
ment, and diagnostic equipment.
This equipment was not made to
bounce around in helicopters and
trucks or function in extreme
climatic conditions. Thus, the con-
cept of remove and replace for-
ward and test and repair to the rear
became increasingly dominant in
maintenance planning.
The electronic invasion also
triggered new maintenance "think-
ing." On the older aircraft fleet,
crewchiefs and repairmen could
spot potential system and com-
ponent failures through wear fac-
tors found during scheduled in-
spections. For example, a
push-pull tube in a flight control
system was replaced if an inspec-
tion showed its end bearing had too
much play. But many electronic
components (including those
found in flight control systems)
fail all at once, with no prior in-
dication, just as a light bulb sud-
denly bums out.
Environmental Conditions
Effect on Aircraft
Also, trips to Panama and South-
west Asia in recent years revealed
that environmental conditions af-
fect the airworthiness of today's
helicopters more than they did the
older fleet. Humidity took its toll
on electronic systems in Panama,
as did the heat and fine sand in
Saudi Arabia. Further, the high-
tech nature of the new systems
generated an increased need for
civilian contractor support. Both of
those situations are acceptable
tradeoffs for jumps in technology
and aircraft operational capa-
bilities. However, they must be ac-
knowledged as tradeoffs because
they will dictate our future main-
tenance philosophy.
Impact of Changes in Force
Structure and Warfighting
Just as significant as leaps in
technology, changes to the Army's
force structure and warfighting
doctrine have influenced the way
we maintain aircraft. The greatest
impact in the 80s came from the
consolidation of all divisional
aviation assets into single aviation
Included in that reshuffling was
the formation of an A VUM platoon
within the battalion. That platoon
was tasked with performing major
u.s. Army Aviation Digest September/October 1922
inspections (now called "phases "),
and time-consuming, nonsched-
uled maintenance for aircraft as-
signed to operating units within the
battalion. Crewchiefs remained
with the operating units, their tasks
now essentially committed to ser-
vicing, troubleshooting, and minor
With no apparent increase in
personnel strength, the aviation
battalions were elevated to brigade
status. Platoons became com-
panies, companies became bat-
talions, and the battalion head-
quarters became a brigade
headquarters. This reorganization
is, of course, our current structure.
An A VIM company, doctrinally
assigned to the Division Support
Command, supports the Aviation
brigade within the division. Be-
cause of greater equipment
authorizations, A VIM companies
can do more indepth tasks than
A VUM units. The A VIM also
provides backup for AVUM work-
overload situations.
A VIM companies also exist at
the corps level. These companies
support nondi visional aviation
units and provide backup main-
tenance/work overload support for
divisional A VIMs. The corps
A VIMs are authorized equipment
that allows somewhat more exten-
sive maintenance than is found in
the divisions. The pattern is that, as
we move rearward in the theater of
operations, the depth of main-
tenance capability increases, but
mobility decreases. Skills of as-
signed repairmen are all the same,
since they all go through the same
MOS training program.
Maintenance MOSs and
Training Programs
As changes transpired in avia-
tion technology and force struc-
ture, maintenance MOSs and train-
ing programs were revised to
accommodate new requirements
and eliminate the old. Repairman
MOSs went from category type
(single rotor or tandem rotor) to
aircraft-specific (67N - UH-l, 67V
- OH-S8, etc.). Fixed-wing repair
MOSs virtually have been
eliminated because of the dramatic
force shift to helicopters. (Contrac-
tors maintain the few remaining
fixed-wing aircraft.) Technical in-
spector (TI) MOSs have cycled
back and forth between "broad
range" (one MOS for all rotary-
wing, one for all fixed-wing) and
"narrow range" (a TI MOS for each
type aircraft). The 3S-series
avionic or electronic MOSs have
been moved from Signal to the
Aviation Career Management
Field 67. The 68-series component
repair MOSs have been restruc-
tured to accommodate changing
Training, the bulk of which is
conducted at Fort Eustis, has un-
dergone a variety of approaches
(standard classroom or shop, self-
paced, computer-assisted, etc.).
During Vietnam, Fort Eustis in-
itiated a training strategy by which
students attended a short duration
"apprentice" program. They
received instruction on fundamen-
tal maintenance tenets. Based on
performance, they were sent either
directly to the field as 67 A "hel-
pers" or tracked into further
aircraft-specific training and given
an MOS at Fort Eustis before going
to the field.
The schoolhouse underwent sig-
nificant revamping. In 1983, when
A viation became a separate branch
within the Army, aviation main-
tenance was removed from the
Transportation School curriculum
and assigned to the newly created
U.S. Army Aviation Logistics
School (USAALS), Fort Eustis.
When originally established,
USAALS was aligned functionally
as a combat service support school
under the U.S. Army Logistics
Center, Fort Lee, VA. In 1987, the
decision was made to align the
USAALS with the U.S. Army
A viation Center (USAA VNC),
Fort Rucker, AL. Now it is a tenant
activity at Fort Eustis, and as-
signed personnel wear the
USAAVNC shoulder patch.
Two-Level Maintenance System
As previously noted, the future
vision for Army aviation is a two-
level maintenance system. The
goal is to go to a "user" level that
encompasses all battlefield main-
tenance of a retum-to-user nature
(aircraft is fixed and retained by or
given back to the owning unit) and
"depot" level (after repairs, aircraft
or components are put in the supply
system for reissue on an as-needed
basis). Depot-level facilities will
be located away from the theater of
The ideal two-level concept
would be one in which all user-
level repairs are done at the aircraft
owner level. However, a repair or-
ganization, by whatever name, will
exist between the operator and the
Stripes on the Flightline"
Another major goal is to set up a
"stripes on the flightline" program.
This program allows enlisted
crewchiefs and repairmen to
remain in technical positions and
still have the opportunity for pay
scale advancement.
Currently, our aviation "wrench
benders" are in pay grades E-4 and
E-S. To advance beyond that level,
they must leave technical work and
become s u perv i sors/admini s-
trators. In essence, just when they
reach peak proficiency as tech-
nicians, they stop doing technical
The effect of that situation in a
high-tech environment is that we
are experiencing high no evidence
of failure (NEOF), high removal
rates on high-cost components,
high troubleshooting and repair
times, and high constant retraining
costs. Poor management often
results-a good cook does not
necessarily a good mess sergeant
make. Morale suffers because
many repairmen would rather work
on aircraft than supervise. All that
translates into lower than at-
tainable operationally ready (OR)
rates for our aircraft fleet.
The USAALS "stripes on the
flightline" initiative aims at in-
creasing the grade authorizations
of aircraft maintainers so they can
remain as technicians without
sacrificing income. It also provides
an opportunity for those who wish
to take the supervisory track.
The dollar savings in reduced
NEOF, training, maintenance
man-hour consumption, and in-
creased management efficiency-
though hard to measure-will
more than offset the cost of
changing standards of grade to
allow additional senior enlisted
positions in our aviation main-
tenance force. Notably, airworthi-
ness standards and OR rates will
improve greatly.
Goals, such as the pure two-level
maintenance structure and master
technician workforce, may seem
out of reach today. However, how
many students at Gary AFB would
have ever believed that we now
would have greaseless bearings in
rotor systems or flight control sys-
tems that use electrons to change
blade pitch instead of push-pull
tubes and bellcranks?
Technology and maintenance
are fast-moving trains. 0
u.s. Army Aviation Digest September/October 1992
Analomy Of An Air Crash
This article paints a picture of
what happens in a well-or-
chestrated, well-planned, and
well-rehearsed response to an
aircraft disaster during the period
before the accident and lasting 1 to
The Early Phase
Major William S. Besser D.O., M.P.H., M. Ed.
Senior Resident in Aerospace Medicine
Brooks Air Force Base
San Antonio, TX
2 hours afterwards. This period is
known as the early phase of the
Disaster response plans should
be simple, short, and coordinated.
They should have tabs for easy ac-
cess. They are driven by algo-
rithms so that even a person new to
the job can pick up the plan and
react appropriately to the situation.
A military unit conducts fre-
quent announced and unan-
nounced evaluations of its plan,
testing all potential resources.
U.S. Army Aviation Digest September/October 1992 49
Video taping the response, each
agency reviews its actions in
afteraction sessions. The plan is
revised, incorporating lessons
learned in the new edition.
The detailed plans each section
should follow to support the
general plan and accomplish the
mission are beyond the scope of
this article. For example, the dis-
pensary recall plan could not only
recall the medical staff, but also the
local dentists who may be used to
augment the physicians in the
The setting was an early January
evening on a cold winter's day
even for Germany. A CH-47D
Chinook was returning from its
final sortie of the day. Onboard
was a weary infantry platoon, 34
soldiers who had been in the field
training for 2 weeks. Anxious to
get home for a hot shower and
some off time, most were now
sleeping, their exhausted bodies
lulled by the constant drone of the
helicopter's engines.
The crewmembers were
seasoned veterans in this aircraft.
They consisted of a pilot (chief
warrant officer [CW4]), copilot
(CW3), a flight engineer (staff ser-
geant), and a crewchief (specialist
The day started like any other
day ... physical training, shower,
breakfast . . . then to the mission
briefing. After being briefed on the
day's activities, they walked
around the comer and listened to
the weather forecast. The forecast
was for clear, cold weather. The
chance of precipitation was low;
they should have unlimited
visibility throughout the day.
So far, everything had gone like
clockwork. The preflight inspec-
tion found the aircraft's main-
tenance to be up-to-date. After
their inspections, the pilots and
crewchief were satisfied the
aircraft was ready to fly. Up to now
they were right. No problems had
occurred during the prior three ex-
tractions of the day. The aircraft
had performed flawlessly,
transporting the passengers to their
home station.
About 20 minutes from the
heliport, the pilot received ap-
proval to change radio frequencies.
He contacted his home airfield for
clearance to land, disembark the
passengers, and secure the aircraft
for the night. The tower gave ap-
proval for a straight-in-approach to
runway 27. This approach brought
them over a small village just east
of the heliport. The corridor was
flanked by a large housing area to
the south and the American
military facilities to the north. The
sky was clear. The pilot took the
opportunity to help train the air
traffic controllers in their ground
controlled approaches (GCAs). He
had flown these approaches a
thousand times before, but it was
required to stay current.
The controller's instructions
came over the Chinook's radio:
"Approaching glide path ... slight-
ly left of glide path ... come right
to 270 ... on course ... on glide
The crew could see the airfield
now. It was dusk and the runway
lights were lit. The familiar rotat-
ing beacon, a green light followed
by a split, white light marked the
military heliport. There was noth-
ing to do now but follow instruc-
tions and go home. ;.
Then it happened. Just before
reaching the chain-link fence that
surrounded the airfield, the pilot
saw a glimpse of a silver object a
split second before it hit the for-
ward blade. He reacted and bank
away from the object. In doing so
the aircraft lost power, dipped, and
caught its aft section on a fence,
shearing the aft rotor. The bird
rolled to the left, split apart, and
threw its passengers across the ap-
proach. Later, an investigation
revealed the object the pilot saw
was a remote-controlled airplane.
It had strayed from the local hous-
ing area and hit the Chinook's for-
ward rotor blades. For the small
American community, a disaster
had occurred. The time was now
The controller in the tower was
watching the approach as he sipped
on his soda. The shift ended at
1700. He did not see what caused
the crash; only that it happened.
After a few seconds of disbelief, he
picked up the crash phone and
opened his three-ring binder to
"Annex C, Crash Notification."
This annex gave the three phases of
the notification process-immedi-
ate, secondary, and delayed.
The phone automatically dialed
the military fire department, the
military police (MP), the local
medical dispensary, and the local
duty officer. When all the sub-
scribers had answered, the control-
ler flipped to the red tab marked
"immediate." Following a pre-
printed form, he gave the details of
the crash. "This is not a drill; this
is not a drill" preceded the report,
instilling its emergency nature.
As part of the airfield's standing
operating procedure (SOP), the
controllers exercised the disaster
plan telephonically monthly. They
practiced the plan through level 1
(immediate) quarterly, through
level 2 (secondary) semiannually,
and the entire plan annually.
"Time ... 1638; aircraft ...
CH-47; location of crash ... sec-
tor Echo 6; command post ... sec-
tor Foxtrot 7; fire . . . yes; pas-
sengers . . . unknown; cargo . . .
unknown; fatalities ... unknown;
wind ... 0-3 knots; time now ...
u.s. Army Aviation Digest September/October 1992
1640." (The airfield map and the
map of the local flying area had a
grid overlay to help pinpoint the
crash site.) This simple message
conveyed the important elements
of the crash to the immediate
At the MP station, the desk ser-
geant was thinking about the
drunks he would have to tend to
this night. It was Friday, payday,
and a full moon.
He had only three of five
authorized patrols out in the com-
munity, and the station was at 60-
percent strength. If the station did
not get in some new people, even
the marginal effect the MPs now
made in the community would not
exist. The hot line rang; he looked
at the clock ... 1639. An unan-
nounced drill no doubt; just what
he needed with his "real world"
problems. He picked up the phone
... said, "MPs," and listened.
Fumbling for a pencil and grabbing
for the preprinted crash form on the
wall, he copied the information
line by line. After the message he
replied, "MPs good copy . . .
Alpha, Charlie," giving the tower
his initials for their records.
After a deep breath, he turned
his chair to the MP radio and
relayed the information to the three
patrols in the community. Within
seconds they were proceeding
"blue light" to sector Foxtrot 7, the
designated command post for the
Like the events at the MP sta-
tion, the personnel at the fire sta-
tion, colocated with the airfield
tower, copied the message. Within
90 seconds, the firefighters had
donned their protective gear,
cranked up the firetruck, and
proceeded down the taxiway
toward the burning fuselage. The
fire chief followed and set his
vehicle at a point upwind of the
crash in sector Foxtrot 7. Here he
established his command post to
direct the rescue effort.
In the dispensary 20 patients
were waiting to be seen in the treat-
ment room. This dispensary, struc-
tured at the lowest level of emer-
gency care, could only respond
with an ambulance, medic, and
physician. Although staffed with
seven physicians and five nurses, a
limited laboratory, and x-ray, these
assets served the 60,000 patients
that flowed through the halls each
year. After hours, they could only
stabilize patients and transport the
critical ones either to the local Ger-
man hospital or to the U.S. Army
hospital 25 miles away.
When the phone rang, the back-
ground noise of screaming
children and impatient patients
muffled parts of the message.
When it came time to acknow-
ledge, the nurse who answered the
phone said, "Say again lines 1 and
4." The tower repeated the lines
and she responded, "Good copy
. . . Papa Sierra."
At once she asked if any of the
patients had a problem that re-
quired immediate attention. She
asked those who did not to leave
the registration area. She then
called for the duty physician, the
ambulance driver, and the medic
on duty. When they arrived, she
briefed them on the situation.
Upon completion of the brief-
ing, the medic placed the crash bag
(a satchel stocked with intravenous
[IV] fluids, bottles of saline,
bandages, etc.) in the ambulance.
The physician opened the narcotics
cabinet, took out the prepackaged
supplies, and signed the pre-
printed receipt for accountability.
The driver started the vehicle after
placing more spine boards and the
remaining crash supplies in the
back of the ambulance.
As the medic passed the
physician's work station, he
u.s. Army Aviation Digest September/October 1992
grabbed the portable radio from its
recharger. The three were on the
way to the crash site within 2
The nurse and the charge-of-
quarters (a nonmedical person)
remained at the hospital to begin an
in-house triage. They informed the
patients of the potential delay for
treatment and set up the
dispensary's recall plan for both
medical and dental personnel.
Next, they posted large direction
signs in and around the building.
These signs reconfigured the
building and assisted the staff in
patient flow. They were ready to
accept and treat mass casualties.
Meanwhile, the nurse alerted the
local German hospital, the Military
hospital, and the local ambulance
service operated by the German
Red Cross.
As the emergency responders
converged on the crash site, the
tower contacted base operations
for the details of the mission.
Before any military mission, a
briefing form must be filled out
and approved. This form, with the
manifest listing the passengers and
crew, is filed for such an emergen-
cy. Now the air traffic control per-
sonnel had a count of personnel on
board. They knew the aircraft was
not carrying any unexpected haz-
ardous materials. The tower
relayed this information to the
primary responders.
The firetrucks arrived on the
scene first. Except for the crack-
ling of the flames and an oc-
casional moan, the area was quiet.
The magnesium aircraft had
broken into two sections with the
rotor blades scattered over an area
covering several hundred meters.
One blade had been driven halfway
through the chain-link fence. The
forward fuselage section emitted a
brilliant white light from the burn-
ing magnesium. Through the
smoke, the firefighters could see
the wreckage of the aircraft, and
the bodies of the passengers scat-
tered through the gnarled metal.
The trained fire crew went into
action. No one could remember the
last time an aircraft had crashed at
this airfield, but the constant drills
and training were now paying off.
The crew foamed both sections of
the shattered hull, donned their
oxygen, and proceeded inside the
broken hull to extract anyone
trapped inside. Meanwhile, the am-
bulance arrived and, within
seconds, the MP patrol units were
on the scene.
Both the ambulance and the
three patrol cars reported to the fire
chief's command post. Next to the
chief was an assistant, the recorder,
trying to keep track of the orders
and decisions, writing them in a
chronological log.
All personnel responding to the
crash were easily identified. The
firefighters wore distinctive
protective gear and supplemental
air sources. Their leaders had their
titles stenciled on their suits. The
MPs wore black brassards with the
letters "MP" affixed in large, white
cloth. Medical personnel wore
white arm bands with large, red
crosses centered on them. The doc-
tor wore the long, white laboratory
coat he was wearing when the call
was received.
After a 30-second update and an
estimate of the situation, the fire
chief and senior MP decided the
MP patrols should to block the
three major roads into the area and
call for help to cordon off the area.
It was quitting time. The major
road from the base to the housing
area was just outside the mangled
fence. The MP units were dis-
patched. The fire chief directed his
recorder to contact the duty office
to assemble the Augmentation
Readiness Force (ARF). The ARF
is a platoon of 49 soldiers tasked to
be ready on 10 minutes notice. The
soldiers are used to augment any
need the community might have
from a terrorist threat to a civil
disaster. The chief also wanted to
know the location of the installa-
tion duty officer (100). As the re-
corder was getting through on the
100' s cellular telephone, the 100
drove up.
The fire chief briefed the 100,
who approved the plan of action.
The 100 instructed the ARF to
help secure the area. He then called
the commanding general to inform
him of the situation, and the per-
sonnel officer (G-1) to initiate his
cascade of notifications. The G-1
called the chaplain and the division
psychiatrist to help with the needs
of the survivors, families, and the
responders. The 100 called the
division surgeon to help with medi-
cal care; the casualty assistance of-
ficer, to help the families of the
deceased; and the public affairs of-
ficer, to submit and monitor press
The ARF arrived on the scene
within 6 minutes of its initial call. The
soldiers had just fmished their evening
meal. The platoon leader was con-
ducting a readiness inspection. The
soldier's billeting was less 1/2
kilometer away. The ARF responded
with all its prescribed gear and radios.
The soldiers wore orange vests that
made them easy to identify. Upon
reporting to the command post, the
fire chief and 100 briefed the
lieutenant. After several questions,
the lieutenant returned to brief the
operation to his soldiers. As the sol-
diers deployed to help the MPs and
cordon the area, the lieutenant kept
two soldiers from each squad to help
the medics as litter bearers. He gave
his platoon sergeant a list of supplies
that would be needed to help control
access to the crash site-cloth tape,
tent stakes, barbed wire, etc.
To the crew onboard the am-
bulance, the amount of work to be
done was overwhelming. They
could not yet get in close to the fire.
In one instance, when a young
medic wandered too close to the
burning aircraft, the firm hand of a
German firefighter grasped his
shoulder and said, "Nein ... sehr
heisse! II ("No ... too hot! ")
The physician moved from
patient to patient. He knew from
the tower relay that they should
have 38 patients somewhere out
here; that is, if they did not hit any
ground personnel, or if none
wandered off. What if they did hit
someone on the ground, and one of
the victims wandered off? How are
we going to get a good count? liMy
God ... 38 patients and only one
medic and me. II The physician
directed the ambulance driver to
radio the dispensary to determine
if more physicians and ambulances
were on the way. The driver estab-
lished a ground ambulance parking
and loading area. He also estab-
lished a landing pad for helicopter
evacuation. The radios were set on
the standard medical evacuation
Motioning for his medic to fol-
low, the physician began examin-
ing the closest victim. The medic
drove stake number one near the
first patient to mark the spot where
he lay. The physician started with
his initial brief assessment and
quickly determined that the soldier
was dead. The medic attached a
triage tag to the body, checked the
deceased block, and placed a black
streamer to the stake. The process
took only seconds. They then
proceeded methodically from vic-
tim to victim starting IV s, provid-
ing first aid, and categorizing (tri-
aging) each patient. When they
completed the initial triage, they
were up to tag number 20. Eighteen
people were missing.
U.S. Army Aviation Digest September/October 1992
While waiting for the all clear
from the firefighters to go inside
the wreckage, the medical team
sent litter bearers from the ARF to
retrieve the injured patients. The
bearers gave priority to those
marked with a green streamer.
During the initial triage, these
casualties were thought to need im-
mediate medical care. The bearers
gave priority next to those marked
by a yellow streamer and then by a
red one. The deceased, marked
with black streamers, would
remain until photographs, notes,
and sketches could be compiled.
The physician and medic now set
up their triage site. For now, the
deceased would remain littered
throughout the site. Priority was
given to those with the greatest
chance to live.
As the teams brought in each
victim, the physician again made
an assessment; each patient was
placed in a triage area. He con-
veyed orders and accomplished
more complicated medical proce-
dures. He examined the chest tubes
and endotracheal tubes placed in
the patient at the crash site. He
gave more treatment to victims, if
The first German ambulance ar-
rived 7 minutes after its initial call.
The German "Notarzt" (emergen-
cy physician responder) arrived a
few minutes later. He spoke excel-
lent English. He managed the field
aid station, relaying orders in both
English and German. The Notarzt
rendered medical care at the rear
site and evacuated his patients
either by an American or German
ambulance, medical aircraft, or
nonmedical aircraft to the closest
capable medical facility. Am-
bulances took the least injured to
the local dispensary, immediate
trauma cases to the German hospi-
tal, and the least urgent cases to the
American hospital. Each facility
waited with uneasy anticipation for
the injured to arrive. The fire was
extinguished. The firefighters had
neutralized the hazards onboard.
The firefighters began removing
the few remaining survivors in the
aircraft. Trained by the local dis-
pensary, they paid close attention
to protecting the spinal column,
especially the cervical spine, while
removing the victims.
The American physician now
found it easier to remain in a stable
forward location. The litter bearers
carried the patients to him for ini-
tial triage and evaluation. By now
several medics, who lived in the
barracks, had arrived at the acci-
dent scene and joined in both the
forward and the rear aid areas. The
tasks were now like clockwork-
initial triage, lifesaving steps,
categorizing, back to rear aid area,
reevaluation, further stabilizing
procedures, and evacuation.
The American physician looked
at the next triage tag ... number 39
... "Is this all? Boy, I hope so!"
The system was working, or at
least it seemed to be. He went back
to the rear triage area. As he looked
out over the crash site, he saw that
the wreckage was scattered over
more than an acre. Searchlights,
mounted on M-l Abrams tanks,
filled the area with light. The tanks
formed the posts of the perimeter
securing the crash site. A stream of
white cloth engineer tape stretched
along the course of the concertina
that marked the perimeter of the
crash. He looked at his watch for
the first time since he left the dis-
pensary ... 1730 ... all this in less
than an hour. He continued his sur-
veillance. The flight surgeon had
arrived and was trying to recreate
the accident. He photographed the
crash site and fatalities, particular-
ly the crew, and took notes.
The litter bearers were now
moving the patients. The dead
u.s. Army Aviation Digest September/October 1992
would have to wait until the com-
pletion of the photographs. Next to
each tent stake with a black
streamer lay a blanket covering a
The firefighters had worked
quickly and accurately bringing
the fire under control. They un-
hooked the aircraft batteries to
prevent sparking and removed
those who had not perished in the
crash and subsequent fire.
The count . . . 18 dead, includ-
ing the crew. Of the 20 survivors,
4 had little chance of survival with
severe head and abdominal in-
juries, 2 were minimal, the rest im-
mediate. The 14 immediate
patients were either transported by
air to the U.S. Army hospital 10
minutes away or by German am-
bulance to the local German hospi-
tal. The least-injured patients were
transported later to the dispensary
for evaluation and then by ground
to the U.S. Army hospital.
The last patient was evacuated,
and the American physician
thanked his German counterpart.
The N otarzt boarded his vehicle
and proceeded "blue light" to the
hospital to help his colleagues treat
the six patients sent to them. They
would need his help; he was one of
three anesthesiologists on staff.
The American physician walked to
the command center and briefed
the fire chief and the IDO. Then,
drained from the past hour's ac-
tivities, he gathered his medics and
equipment, said good-bye to the
flight surgeon, boarded the am-
bulance, and rode back to the dis-
pensary. It was only 1830 and his
shift did not end until 2300. As he
walked through the doors of the
dispensary, he could see the faces
of 20 patients whose complaints
could not wait until sick call the
next morning.
Would the units at your post
have responded this way? 0
Leader Development
ill tke 1 ' 9 9 0 ~
Major Mark T. Littel
Student, Command and General Staff College
Fort Leavenworth, KS
t is now time for the change
of command of your
platoon, company, or bat-
talion. Your unit has done many
great things, but will the leaders
you leave be ready to carry the
guidon in your absence? What
legacy have you left your bat-
talion? The accolades fade quickly,
but the knowledge you have im-
parted to your subordinates is a
lasting piece of your personal com-
mand philosophy and
mentorship. We owe
it to our junior
leaders to teach,
equally to the noncommissioned
officer (NCO) and the officer
corps. A game plan for an LDP is
an essential part of a quarterly
training program. Classes should
relate and link directly to the up-
coming training for a given
Components of an LDP
First, let us look at the com-
ponents of an LDP. We will as-
sume that soldiers and leaders are
properly received into a unit, and
basic skills have been mastered;
that is, common task test (CIT),
self-development test (SDT),
physical training test, small arms
qualification, etc.) (See figure 1 for
The four key elements of LDP
Reading Program. The reading
program is described in military
men tor, and train
them to go to war, to
fight, and to win. The
rigorous require-
Certification Program
ments of battle dic-
tate that we include
the spirit of winning
in a leader develop-
ment training
This article pre-
scribes one method
of executing a work-
able, functioning
leader development
program (LDP) in
your unit. It applies
Physical Fitness
Reading Program
iiliij]Ulllllrrrfr Unit Reception 1%
Small Arms Qual
Figure 1. Leader Development Program Components
u.s. Army Aviation Digest September/October 1992
qualification standards (MQS)
manuals, and is now being done
well in many units. The key is to
broaden the horizons of officers
and NCOs, focusing on material
related to their military occupa-
tional specialty, mission essential
task list (METL), and other re-
quirements for war. The sources
for books include reading lists of
the Command and General Staff
College, Fort Leavenworth, KS;
U.S. Army Military Academy,
West Point, NY; and branch ser-
vice schools. The battalion com-
mander approves books for his
unit. The reading program, how-
ever, is an "on your own" deal, but
should combine with the current
officer and NCO self-development
Officer Professional Develop-
ment (OPD) and Noncommis-
sioned Officer Professional
Development (NCOPD) Classes.
All classes focus on hands-on
training. This training must be tac-
tically or technically relevant, and
should be conducted on equipment
in a tactical environment. Classes
are conducted each week. The time
for classes varies based on class,
location, and resources available.
Only the battalion commander or
command sergeant major (CSM)
excuse leaders from classes. This
training is serious business. Com-
manders and leaders must enforce
mandatory attendance to make the
training work.
Certification Program. Cer-
tification is a result of the eval-
uation of the technical and tactical
level of competence in leaders.
When done well, this program
creates pride in one's unit and
self as being "a special part of a
special unit." Also, it creates bonds
among the leader and the led, and
further gels a common under-
standing of warfighting standards
in a unit.
In a cavalry squadron, spurs are
awarded after the soldier success-
fully completes all requirements
for the "Order of the Spur." The
award could easily be "Order of the
Wrench" for a maintenance bat-
talion or "Order of the Bayonet"
for an infantry battalion. Standards
may be higher than published
standards, purely driven by the
METL and the commander's in-
Performance Counseling. Per-
formance counseling proviqes
timely feedback to all soldiers in a
unit on duty performance. Also, it
provides subordinates with expec-
tations and performance standards.
All soldiers, from battalion leaders
to young, newly arrived soldiers,
deserve that feedback. A system is
necessary to ensure that perfor-
mance counseling happens each
month. Staff duty responsibilities,
special projects, and other duties
directly impact on leader develop-
ment. Duty performance in these
areas should be included in month-
ly counseling by leaders.
Let us take a closer look at the
LDP program to see how the ele-
ments fit into the quarterly training
Reading Program
The battalion S-3 publishes an
approved reading list.Branch
schools, MQS manuals, and skill
qualification test manuals provide
excellent references. Officers sub-
mit a book review from the ap-
proved reading list each quarter.
They turn in completed reports
through operations and plans (S-3)
to the battalion commander for
evaluation and feedback. Battalion
commanders provide each officer
an appraisal on writing strengths
and weaknesses. When a leader
departs, the simple tradition of
purchasing a book to give to the
battalion builds a healthy profes-
u.s. Army Aviation Digest September/October 1992
sional reference library for leaders
of the battalion.
The OPD/NCOPD program is
the capstone of the LDP.The bat-
talion commander or CSM ap-
proves topics for each class, in-
cluding tactical and technical
requirements for the next 3 to 6
months. Classes must be directly
related to the unit METL and must
mesh with the training program.
Each unit prepares assigned clas-
ses and teaches the classes, assign-
ing instructors based upon their ex-
perience and background.
The leaders of a unit, when
tasked with the requirement to
prepare a class, coordinate with h ~
S-3, commander, or CSM for fur-
ther guidance in preparing the
class. A typical sequence of a class
0800-0810 - Opening com-
ments by commander or CSM
0810-0820 - Threat update by
Intelligence (S-2)
0820-1000 - Class on given
1000-1200 - Practical exercise
These classes, when conducted
to standard, are proven winners,
because they improve leader war-
fighting skills in specific areas for
a given class. In one instance in our
squadron, a training deficiency
surfaced. Our junior leaders were
not preparing platoon orders
properly. An orders crass was
designed, requiring platoon
leaders (scout, artillery, armor and
engineer) to prepare adequate or-
ders, under time constraints, and to
standard. An afteraction report fol-
lowed. It is important to have an
open, honest environment that
focuses on learning where learning
really takes place. These classes,
such as a simple task-force-Ievel
terrain board exercise, must in-
volve the entire group. The atmos-
to task list
for unit
1 in = 1 km 1
Distance Scale
and HQ 6)
Figure 2. Certification Command Post Setup
phere must provide for questions
and discussion. Lectures are not
hands-on or performance oriented
and should be avoided at all costs.
Certification Program
The certification program has three
parts-prerequisites pre-scribed by
the commander or CSM, certification
"ride," and awards ceremony. Can-
didates must meet the prerequisites to
even qualify for the certification ride.
Certification "Ride"
The certification ride is the
capstone event of the certification
program and occurs when enough
candidates have completed the pre-
requisites. It is a 24- to 36-hour,
miles-driven exercise, including
the issuance and execution of tac-
tical exercise orders to all can-
didates. The "ride" tests individual
and group dynamics of candidates
as they prepare and execute the
"ride." (See figure 2 for a
schematic for course layout.) Tac-
tical tasks (grading organization
listed in parentheses) are as fol-
Task (Grading Organization)
1. Land navigation (A Company
2. Know ledge of cavalry mis-
sion/tactics (S-3)
3. Communications (B Co)
4. Nuclear, biological, chemical
(C Co)
5. Weapons (D Co)
6. First aid/vehicle evacuation
(Headquarters and Headquarters
7. Soviet tactics/weapons (S-2)
8. Mines (Engineering com-
9. Dismounted patrol (Scout
10. Call for fire (Fire support
11. One task at discretion of bat-
talion commander (Bn Cdr) (to be
12. Final outbrief with Bn Cdr
(Final station for all candidates)
Task, conditions, and standards
for each test site are published in
advance. Candidates are tested
(with option of retest) at each sta-
tion. As they move between sta-
tions, candidates are evaluated on
their abilities to conduct mounted
movement (both day and night),
using highly mobile multipurpose
u.s. Army Aviation Digest September/October 1992
wheeled vehicles. Certification
ride resources must be planned and
integrated into the quarterly train-
ing plan.
Final approval for the awarding
of the spurs, bayonets, or wrenches
rests with the battalion com-
mander. There are no appeals.
Awards Ceremony
Candidates receive awards at a
formal dinner befitting the oc-
casion. The sequence of events
varies, but should include a formal
ceremony awarding spurs to each
member who successfully com-
pleted the certification ride, skits,
and other team-building events.
The legacy we leave our units
must center on a sound, functional
leader development program. The
four key components of that pro-
gram are reading, OPO/NCOPO,
certification, and performance
counseling. This program must
link directly to the unit METL, be
planned as an integral part of the
training program, and be closely
supervised by the commander and
his CSM. The program develops
thinking, innovati ve leaders for the
future, and helps the commander
forge a close-knit, disciplined
The team will develop a com-
mon understanding of: who they
are, what is expected of them
within the unit METL, and what
the commander sees as his key
warfighting issues. We do not have
a choice in leader development. It
is our investment in the future of
our soldiers, and our Army.
Making the LOP a challenge, while
having a bit of fun, are the in-
gredients for a great program
focused on training today' s leaders
for tomorrow. 0
Western Region Aviation Survival School
The Western Region Aviation classes for the remainder of fiscal
Survival School, Lake Oswego, year 1993:
OR, has scheduled the following
Date Course Title Class Number Location
10 - 15 Jan 93 Cold Climate Survival 9388 SC Ely, MN
17 - 22 Jan 93 Cold Climate Survival 9389 SC Ely, MN
Annville, PA
14 - 19 Mar 93 Basic Land Survival 9390 SB Portland, OR
Annville, PA
21 - 26 Mar 93 Basic Land Survival 9391 SB Portland, OR
18 - 21 Jul 93 Survival Instructor Course 9392 SI Portland, OR
Annville, PA
09 - 14 May 93 Basic Land Survival 9393 SB Portland. OR
Annville, PA
16 - 21 May 93 Basic Land Survival 9394 SB Portland, OR
06 - 11 Jun 93 Hot Climate Survival 9395 SH Marana AZ
13 - 18 Jun 93 Hot Climate Survival 9396 SH Marana, AZ
11- 14 Jul 93 Overwater Survival 9397 SW Portland, OR
18 - 21 Jul 93 Overwater Survival 9398 SW Portland, OR
12 - 24 SeD 93 Survival Instructor Course 93994 SI Portland OR
Mobile Training Team (MTT) carry college credit and may be
courses can be scheduled to meet applied to the civilian educational
training needs and requirements in requirements. For further infor-
all states. Normal scheduling mation, you may call Mr. Frank
should be done 90 days in ad- Heyl, director of training, 503-
vance. An URGENT class can be 636-6254 or write to Universal
scheduled upon notification. All Training Systems, 15200 S.W.
Western Region Aviation Sur- Twin Fir Road, Lake Oswego, OR
vival School survival courses 97035.
u.s. Army Aviation Digest September/October 1992 57
Equivalency Evaluations
by Chief Warrant Officer (CW3) David J. Bean
What is an equivalency evalua-
tion, commonly known as "challenging
the course"? What is the best way to
prepare for it? These are the questions
most often asked.
Army Regulation 95-1, paragraph 4-
llc, states, "To become qualified as an
instructor pilot (IP) for helicopters or
airplanes, an aviator must successfully
complete the following: (1 )(b). An IP
equivalency evaluation administered by
an SP [Standardization Instructor Pilot]
selected by HQDA [Headquarters, De-
partment of the Army], in the mission,
type, and design aircraft in which IP
duties are to be performed." The same
equivalency evaluation criteria are true
for qualification as instrument flight
examiners (IEs), and maintenance test
pilots (MPs). For nonrated crewmember
flight instructors (FIs) Training Circular
1-210, paragraph 3-5c(3), states that
nonrated crewmember FI qualification
regulations require "coordination with
DES [Directorate of Evaluation and Stan-
dardization] to coordinate equivalency
evaluations. "
The IP or IE equivalency evaluation
is designed for active duty, Reserve, and
National Guard aviators to receive IP or
IE designations without attending the
resident course. This type of evaluation
has been helpful to Reserve and Na-
tional Guard commanders. Often Re-
serve Component aviators find it diffi-
cult or impossible to remain away from
their full-time employment obligations
for the length of the resident course.
Applicants must meet all require-
ments for the U.S. Army Aviation Cen-
ter (USAA VNC), Fort Rucker, AL,
course outlined in DA Pamphlet 351-4.
The Memorandum of Instruction for the
IP or IE equivalency evaluation issued
by DES outlines more documentation
requirements. Applications must be sub-
mitted by the individual's commander,
through his chain of command and the
Commander, USAAVNC, ATTN:
ATZQ-ESF, Fort Rucker, AL 36362-
5214; to HQDA, ATIN: DAMO-TRS,
Washington, DC 20310-0450.
The IP evaluation normally will be
conducted during a 3-day period. The 3-
day evaluation is based on a one-to-one
examinee to evaluator ratio. Additional
time may be required if a two-to-one
examinee to evaluator ratio is requested.
The first day will consist of the In-
structor Pilot Course written and oral
examinations for contact and tactics (day,
aided and unaided). The written evalua-
tions, exclusive of the open book
operator's manual examination, are based
on criterion testing (e.g., the examina-
tion has 6 scorable units consisting of 50
questions. Each scorable unit has a stan-
dard.) The second day will be used to
administer the day portion of the flight
evaluation and oral examinations ac-
cording to the appropriate USAA VNC
flight training guide (FTG). At a mini-
mum, the flight evaluation will include
all tasks listed in the appropriate
USAA VNC program of instruction (POI)
and FTG or aircrew training manual
(A TM) supplement. Day three will be
used to administer the aided and unaided
night portion of the evaluation.
Failure to meet any prerequisite or
failure of any portion of the examina-
tions will cancel the evaluation. Equiva-
lency reevaluations will not be conducted.
An individual who fails any portion of
the evaluation must attend the resident
course to obtain initial IP or IE designa-
tions. The examinee will be designated
as an IP in the applicable aircraft design
or series when he successfully completes
the written, oral, and flight evaluations.
A qualified IP could train the appli-
cant in tactics, unaided night procedures,
and night vision goggles while awaiting
approval to conduct the touchdown emer-
gency procedures training (EPT). EPT ap-
proval typically takes up to 6 weeks. The
instructor in charge of academics should
review material before training the appli-
cant Academic material may be requested
by contacting DES (A lZQ-ESF).
The IE evaluation normally will be
conducted during a 3-day period. The first
day will consist of the Rotary Wing Instru-
ment Hight Examiner Course (RWIFEC)
written examinations. The second day will
consist of a pilot instrument proficiency
evaluation that parallels the RWIFEC Stage
I evaluation. As a minimum, the examinee
will perform all flight tasks from the pilot's
station. The third day will consist of a left-
or front -seat instrument instructor or IE
proficiency evaluation that parallels the
RWIFEC Stage IT and Stage ill evalua-
tions. At a minimum, the examinee will
perform all flight tasks from the copilot's or
gunner's station. All oral and flight evalu-
ations are made according to the appropri-
ate ATM. Evaluated tasks will include all
additional tasks specified as mandatory for
evaluation in the RWIFEC Flight Training
Guide or POI. The examinee will be desig-
nated as an IE in the applicable aircraft
category when he successfully completes
the written, oral, and flight evaluations.
Questions regarding equivalency evalu-
ations should be directed to Commander,
Rucker, AL 36362-5214, DSN 558-3504/
6309, commercial 205-255-3504/6309.
I CW3 Bean is assigned to DES, I
USMVNC, Fort Rucker, AL.
L ___________ ...I
Directorate of
DES inquires may be sent to: Com-
ES, Fort Rucker, AL 36362-5208; or
call DSN 558-3504 or commercial
205-255-3504. After duty hours call
DSN 558-6487 or commercial 205-
255-6487 and leave a message.
58 U.S. Army Aviation Digest September/October 1992
OH-58D Kiowa Warrior Training
by Staff Sergeant (SSG) David R. Jordan and SSG Herbert Ramirez
In January 1990, Secretary of the
Anny, The Honorable Michael P. W.
Stone, signed a memorandum approv-
ing the Anned Retrofit Program. The
program will arm fully the 243 OH-
58Ds belonging to the Army. The task of
developing a course for each military
occupational specialty (MOS) affected
by the memorandum became a priority
of the U.S. Army Aviation Logistics
School (USAALS), Fort Eustis, VA.
The MOSs affected were 68FW5
(aircraft electrician), 67S (OH-58D he-
licopter repairer), and 68J (aircraft ar-
mament or missile systems repairer). To
prepare for this training, USAALS pro-
vided subject matter experts (SMEs) to
Bell Helicopter to monitor development
of the lesson plans. The SMEs reviewed
the lesson plans to ensure that they were
written according to U.S. Army Train-
ing and Doctrine Command regulations
and policies.
The Department of Attack Helicop-
ter Training, Scout Helicopter Division,
USAALS, was responsible for training
MOSs 68FW5 and 67S; therefore, both
courses needed only modifications. The
68FW5 course was modified to incorpo-
rate new wiring and familiarization of
the new line replaceable units being
used within the weapon systems. Six-
teen more hours were added to the exist-
ing 67S course to incorporate safety
procedures and loading and download-
ing procedures of the helicopter weapon
systems. The 68J was a different story;
since it is a new weapon system, a course
had to be developed that would be iden-
tified as 68JW5.
The first 68JW5 class began on 1
June 1992. The first 22 academic hours
of instruction are subjects generic to the
four weapon systems. These subjects are
the mast-mounted sight, control and dis-
play systems, universal weapons pylon,
and military standard-1553B data bus
interface. After the students complete
the common subjects of instruction, their
next 233 academic hours of instruction
consist of 34 hours for the 2.75-inch
rocket system; 57 hours for the .50-
caliber machinegun system; 62 hours for
the air-to-air stinger; 56 hours for ,the
helicopter launched fire and forget mis-
sile system; and 24 hours for weapon
systems boresighting.
New training devices were necessary
to teach the armament course effectively.
The first of these trainers to arrive was
the armament maintenance trainer
(AMT). The AMT enables the instructor
to teach loading and downloading,
boresighting, and removal and installa-
tion of the four weapons systems to
include the universal weapons pylon.
Within the next 2 years, delivery of a
composite armament trainer (CAT) and
a composite electrical trainer is sched-
uled. The composite trainers are de-
signed to provide system operational
checks and system troubleshooting pro-
cedures. The instructor has fault-inser-
tion capability via a computer console.
The computer allows the instructor to
insert multiple faults to enhance the stu-
dents' troubleshooting skills. Meanwhile,
CA T A storage, Kiowa Warrior aircraft
are being used to teach tasks that will be
taught later on composite trainers.
Students also receive training via class-
room system trainers (CSTs). The CST is
a learning tool that uses a combination of
computer and video displays; the video
is aided by a laser disc player. Instructors
can oversee and monitor the students'
u.s. Army Aviation Digest September/October 1992
progress. Students advance at an indi-
vidual pace and can review a subject to
help reinforce the material. Students will
complete a check-on-Iearning after each
block of instruction to decide how well
they retain the information.
Besides resident courses being taught
at Fort Eustis, V A, the Scout Helicopter
Division is supporting the new equip-
ment technic'al training (NETI) effort
for the Kiowa Warrior. The 68FW5
NETT is 16 academic hours, the 67S
NETT is 32 academic hours, and the
68JW5 NETT is 120 academic hours.
The first NETT effort was conducted at
Fort Bragg, NC, with future NETTs to be
conducted in Korea and Fort Rucker,
Now that 68F and 67S training has
been upgraded and the newly developed
68JW5 course is on line, the Scout Heli-
copter Division is meeting requirements
to train all aspects of the Armed Kiowa
I SSG Jordan and SSG Ramirez are I
I assigned to U.S. Army Aviation I
I Logistics School, Fort Eustis, VA. I
L ___________ .J
u.s. Army
Readers may address matters
about aviation logistics to: Assis-
tant Commandant, U.S. Army Avia-
tion Logistics School, A TIN: ATSQ-
LAC, Fort Eustis, VA 23604-5415
by Mr. Wayne Hair
More than 100 years ago, the 10th
Cavalry "Buffalo Soldiers" crossed the
high desert of Arizona in search of
renegade Apache Indians. Indian scouts,
with their stealth and cunning, would
search and find the enemy and then ride
back to inform the cavalry commander
of what they observed.
While technology has advanced com-
bat intelligence gathering during the
past century, the human element on or
behind the front line has always been
necessary. The human element soon
will be replaced by the unmanned aerial
vehicle-short range (UA V -SR) system.
The U.S. Army Test and Experimenta-
tion Command Intelligence and Elec-
tronic Warfare Test Directorate
(IEWTD), Fort Huachuca, AZ, recently
conducted a UAV Limited User Test.
The purpose of a U A V is the same as
that of the indian scout and aeroscouts.
However, the method eliminates the need
for a soldier to place himself in harms
way to collect combat intelligence. With
the UAV, the soldier remains within the
safety of his forces. He manipulates a
small unmanned airplane deep over en-
emy territory to gather vital intelligence.
There were two critical issues to be
answered with the test data collected.
First, does the UAV-SR system satisfy
the commander's unmanned aerial re-
connaissance, surveillance, intelligence
collection, and target acquisition require-
ments? Second, how well suited is the
UAV-SR system to operations in a low-
to mid-intensity combat environment?
To answer these critical issues, the
remote-controlled UAV was flown day
This Short-range UA V ( named the "Hunter'? was used In TEXCOM
operational tests.
and night at altitudes ranging from 3,000
. to 12,000 feet above ground level in a
variety of missions and scenarios. The
UA V also carried two imaging payloads.
The U A V operators for the test were
from a unique UAV platoon at Fort
Huachuca, augmented with U.S. Marine
Corps personnel. Approximately half the
operators were Operation Desert Storm
veterans of UAV operations.
The threat forces were supported by
the 1 st Battalion, 14th Infantry, 25th
Infantry Division, Schofield Barracks,
Hawaii. Specific target arrays, station-
ary and moving, were formed by the
troops at precise points in and around the
Coronado National Forest next to and on
Fort Huachuca. These targets ranged
from small groups of soldiers and ve-
hicles to as many as 50. Nonstandard
targets also were employed, including
horse-mounted soldiers, to replicate third-
world guerilla warfare units.
The IEWTD will be involved in simi-
lar UA V testing for the next several
years. The UAV Joint Master Plan will
harmonize requirements among all the
services to develop a UAV system archi-
tecture and ensure interoperability among
systems and subsystems.
I Mr. Hair is the Public Affairs Officer I
I assigned to the U.S. Army Test I
and Experimentation Command,
I Fort Hood, TX. I
L ___________ ..J
Test and Ex-
Readers may address matters con-
cerning test and experimentation
to: Headquarters, TEXCOM, A TIN:
u.s. Army Aviation Digest September/October 1992
by Mr. Robert C. Cole
The Military Airspace Management
System (MAMS) is the result of a 1987
General Accounting Office (GAO) study.
As a result of this study, the Department
of Defense (DOD) was criticized for
improperly managing special use air-
space (SUA).
SUA is airspace of defined dimen-
sions identified by an area on the surface
of the earth wherein certain activities
must be confined because of their nature
and/or wherein limitations may be im-
posed upon aircraft operations that are
not part of those activities. Types of
SUA are alert areas, controlled firing
areas, military operations areas, prohib-
ited areas, restricted areas, and warning
areas. SUAs are described best in Fed-
eral Aviation Administration Handbook
(FAAH) 7110.65 and the Airman's In-
formation Manual.
The genesis of the GAO study was
that the military does not maximize use
of existing SUA, maintain a data base to
justify SUA retention, or maintain data
to serve as a basis for SUA decisions. The
study also showed the military's need to
improve joint civil/military SUA use.
The military services jointly decided
an automated continental United States-
wide information network for schedul-
ing DOD SUA was required. The system
also will provide utilization statistics,
conflict detection and resolution, and
automatically release SUA to the FAA
when not needed for military use.
During July 1990, MAMS began as a
six-phase, 18-month prototype develop-
ment effort. MAMs went through all six
phases with DOD's Steering Group of
the Policy Board for Federal Aviation
monitoring the users' group activity. The
prototype is scheduled to be installed at
the R-2508, Edwards Air Force Base,
CA, during the summer of 1992.
USER-- J-H---- FAA
//////// ///////////// //////
MAMS Network Conce t
u.s. Army Aviation Digest September/October 1992
A new users group will be formed
consisting of members of all services to
assure this system satisfies all user re-
quirements. The system is envisioned to
operate through five regional nodes that
will be networked with an FAA National
system. Local activities can schedule
airspace by using commercial off-the-
shelf disk operating system, compatible
personal computers. User baseline re-
quirements include the following:
The ability to collect and report
utilization data (scheduled versus actual
A national military airspace sched-
uling system to store daily, weekly, or
monthly activity schedules.
A consolidated tool for schedules
currently using either limited automa-
tion or manual methods.
The ability to interface with an end-
state FAA automated system.
The current prototype effort assures
those requirements are obtainable. If
MAMS remain on schedule, the system
will be with the users in fiscal year 1996.
I Mr. Cole is an Air Traffic Control I
I Specialist assigned to the U,S. Army I
I Aeronautical Services Agency, AI-I
I exandria, VA. I
L ___________ ...J
u.s. Army
USAASA invites your questions and
comments and may be contacted
at DSN 284-773/7984 or write to:
Commander, U.S. Army Aeronau-
tical Services Agency, ATTN:
MOAS-AI, Cameron Station, Alex-
andria, VA 22304-5050
AWO Utilization
Change. General Gordon R. Sullivan,
Chief of Staff of the Anny, approved the
Warrant Officer Leader Development.
Action Plan (WOLDAP) in February
1992. In doing so, he set the stage for a
major change in future Aviation War-
rant Officer (A WO) utilization. When
provisions of the WOLDAP are com-
bined with the Warrant Officer Manage-
ment Act (WOMA) and the Total
Warrant Officer System, a cooperative
effect occurs that results in a rank-based,
sequential, progressive utilization tem-
Utilization. One new requirement is
to code A WO positions into four distinct
levels of progressive utilization. These
levels are WO for WO-l and chief war-
rant (CW2), W3 for CW3, W4 for CW4
and master warrant (MW) for CW5.
This policy means that as A WOs in-
crease in rank they occupy positions at
higher levels of organization. A WOs
will still be used in one of four career
tracks-safety, maintenance, training!
operations, or nonrated maintenance.
Organizations and Positions. Most
A WO positions are documented in modi-
fied table of organization and equip-
ment (MTOE) units. The initiatives set
into motion by the passage of the WOMA
and the approval of the WOLDAP will
assure the positioning of A WO experi-
ence at all levels of warfighting organi-
zations. For the first time, experienced
A WOs will occupy positions at all lev-
els of aviation organizations. They will
provide the level of expertise and expe-
rience necessary to ensure the success of
any aviation operation.
A viation Brigade. The initial tem-
plate for the tables of organization and
equipment (TOE) Anny gives each avia-
tion brigade and group four CW5 avia-
tors and one CW 4 nonrated maintenance
officer. These CW5s will fill these safety,
flight operations, and aviation mainte-
A viation Battalion. Medium heli-
copter, special electronic mission air-
craft (SEMA), special operations aviation
(SOA), and aviation intennediate main-
tenance (A VIM) battalions each will
have four CW5 aviators and one CW4
nonrated maintenance officer. All re-
maining aviation battalions will have
four CW 4 aviators and one CW3 non-
rated maintenance officer. These CW4s
and this CW3 will perfonn a similar
function at the battalion level as the
A WOs at the brigade level.
A viation Company/Troop. Exclud-
ing the exceptions indicated below, each
aviation company/troop will have two
CW4 positions. One position will be
coded for the standardization instructor
pilot, and the other position will be coded
for the maintenance test flight evaluator.
The instructor pilot, aviation safety offi-
cer, flight operations officer, instrument
flight examiner, and maintenance test
pilot positions at the company/troop level
will be coded for CW3s, except SOA,
which will have these positions coded
for CW 4s. Pilot positions will be coded
as WO (WO-I and CW2). Additional
WO positions at the company/troop level
will be coded for these officers: aviation
life support equipment, aircraft surviv-
ability equipment, and electronic war-
Exceptions. Medium helicopter,
SEMA, A VIM, and SOA are exceptions
to the position coding levels stated above.
These units will have CW5s at battalion-
level staff and CW4s at company-level
staff. These exceptions are necessary
since there are no medium helicopter,
SEMA, or A VIM brigades. SOA is offset
by one grade level upward; that is, entry-
level positions into SOA are at the CW3
level for pilot positions.
Future. To put this into perspective,
the Vietnam era legacy of having many
CW4s is rapidly ending. The days of the
austere and lean aviation company are
here. A WO budget end strength caps will
continue to buy insufficient numbers of
AWOs to man documented MTOE and
TOE positions. As the A WO corps gets
younger (both in age and rank) and
smaller, commanders and assignment
officers must ensure the rank and skill of
the A WO match the rank and skill of the
position. A CW4 cannot be interchanged
with a WO-l or CW2. When a CW 4
safety, standardization, maintenance, or
flight operations officer is assigned to a
battalion, he will displace junior officers
who may be occupying those positions.
Failure to do otherwise will adversely
impact career development and progres-
sion. To some, this may seem a radical
shift from the old ways of doing busi-
ness; it is. The definition of the roles and
functions of A WOs has gradually
changed over the years to reflect the
reality of the combat leader role of the
A WO that has existed since 1942. Each
aviation brigade, group, and battalion
commander will have safety, operations
and training, and maintenance officers
on his staff who have 14 to 20-plus years
of experience in their career field. This
gathering of skill, expertise, wisdom,
and maturity can only enhance the
warfighting capability of the most agile
and lethal branch in the Army.
Readers may address matters con-
cerning aviation personnel notes
to: Chief, Aviation Proponency Of-
fice, ATTN: ATZQ-AP, Fort Rucker,
AL 36362-5000; or call DSN 558-
5706/2359 or commercial 205-
62 u.s. Army Aviation Digest September/October 1992
Area Maintenance and Supply Facility
Reimbursable Operations
T he Area Maintenance Facility
(AMF) (now Area Maintenance and
Supply Facility [AMSF]), operates on a
stringent budget. So, the AMSF now
must provide its services on a reimburs-
able basis, which keeps us in stride with
the Army's "doing more with less" phi-
losophy. The major Army commands
(MACOMs) were informed of the new
reimbursable policy, and that the re-
sponsibility for paying for AMSF ser-
vices lies with the requesting installation.
On I September 1975, U.S. Army
Communications Command (USACC),
Fort Huachuca, AZ, realized the need for
a support maintenance facility to pro-
vide service to the Army aimelds under
their jurisdiction. To do this, the AMF
was founded at Fort Rucker, AL.
This organization had a dual mission.
Their first mission was to operate a
Direct Exchange Branch that repaired
and distributed modules, printed circuit
boards, and subassemblies used in all air
traffic control/navigational aids (A TCI
NA V AIDS) systems. Their second mis-
sion was to operate a Mobile Mainte-
nance Contact Team (MMCT) that
provided maintenance assistance both
telephonically and on site.
The AMF did not have a supply func-
tion. This function was absorbed into the
Supply Support Activity (SSA), 7th Sig-
nal Command, Fort Ritchie, MD. The
service area consisted of continental
United States, Alaska, Hawaii, Panama
and, to be added later, select sites in
Korea. Since the airfields were operated
by USACC, the AMF was centrally
funded, and its services were free.
by Mr. Neal Johnson
In 1986, the A TC transfer plan re-
moved all airfields and A TC operations
from under the USACC umbrella and
assigned them to their respective
MACOMs. According to the ATC trans-
fer plan, the AMF remained in place and
became an operational division of the
U.S. Army Air Traffic Control Activity
during its 1986 transfer to Fort Rucker.
The SSA at Fort Ritchie agreed to con-
tinue supporting A TC until in-house
supply support could be developed.
In August 1988, Department of Army
redesignated AMF as an AMSF, to oper-
ate as a Special Repair Activity and
develop an authorized stockage list (ASL)
of A TC-peculiar repair parts. It also
decreed that all AMSF actions would be
on a reimbursable basis.
We have averaged the cost of AMSF
services to each MACOM for fiscal year
(FY)90 and FY91, and arrived at a
figure for future requests for an MMCT
and a repairable exchange (RX). The
MMCf services are charged at 100 per-
cent (travel, per diem, and in or around
transportation). The RX transactions
(unserviceable tum-ins and serviceable
issues) are assessed a 35-percent sur-
charge to cover repair costs and trans-
portation. This surcharge will be 35
percent of the unit price on the current
Army Master Data File (AMDF). If the
unserviceable tum-ins cannot be re-
paired, the MACOM account will be
adjusted accordingly.
The AMSF maintains an ASL of A TC-
peculiar repair parts for most of the
NAVAIDS currently in use at Army
airtields. The main purpose of this ASL
u.s. Army Aviation Digest September/October 1992
is to maintain the integrity of replace-
ment parts for some of our antiquated or
low-density NA V AIDS systems. These
parts will be supplied on an as-needed
basis (routine shipment or overnight when
required) and will be charged at AMDF
These figures are startup estimates
that may have to be adjusted in the future.
Although the AMSF is no longer cen-
trally funded, it will continue its high
grade service to the A TC community in
agreement with the MACOM budget.
I Mr. Johnson is Chief, Area Mainte-I
I nance and Supply Facility, U.S. I
I Army Air Traffic Control Activity, I
I Fort Rucker, AL I
L ___________ ...J
u.s. Army
Air Traffic
Readers are encouraged to ad-
dress matters concerning air traf-
fic control to: Commander,
MO, Fort Rucker, AL 36362-5265
Who Is Responsible?
by Chief Warrant (CW3) Daniel R. Vandervort
Every unit gets their share of new
personnel, and they all ask the same
questions. Who is responsible for sup-
ply? Who is responsible for T A-50?
Who is responsible for aviation life sup-
port equipment (ALSE)? Do these ques-
tions sound familiar? Well, I cannot
answer the first two questions, but maybe
I can answer the last one.
Who is responsible for ALSE? Army
Regulation 95-3 states that the com-
mander will establish an aviation life
support system. The commander deter-
mines the need for ALSE, and he sets up
a program. I guess that makes him some-
what responsible?
The commander then appoints an
ALSE officer and an ALSE noncom-
missioned officer or technician. They
set up the budget, order the equipment,
set up the inspection program, and in-
spect your equipment. I guess that makes
them somewhat responsible too.
The pilot in command of the aircraft
ensures the ALSE is adequate to support
the mission. But, what is adequate? Does
he merely ensure that everyone wears
their vest? Does he check each
crewmember's equipment for complete-
ness and serviceability? I guess that
makes him responsible too, doesn't it?
That brings us down to you. After all,
you are the one who wears the equip-
ment. You sign for this equipment, but
do you know its purpose? That is the real
question. The heavy equipment you sign
for and wear is not intended to make your
life hot and miserable. It gives you the
best chance of survival in a situation
where you need all the help you can
Can you answer the question now?
Who is responsible for ALSE? You are
responsible for ALSE. After all, you
wear the equipment, and you must rely
on it. So, be responsible. Instead of merely
grabbing your equipment from your
locker and going out to fly, take a couple
of minutes to check it. Does your radio
work? Are your life preservers adequate?
Is your helmet cracked? Think, will this
equipment save your life? What is a
couple of minutes versus your life?
So now, who is responsible for ALSE?
I CW3 Vandervort is the Battalion I
I ALSE Officer, 1/244 Aviation Bat-I
talion, Louisiana Army National
I Guard, New Orleans, LA I
L ___________ ...J
and Rescue/
If you have questions about ALSE
or rescue/survival gear, write to
Product Manager, ALSE, ATTN:
SFAE-AV-LSE, 4300 Goodfellow
Boulevard, St. Louis, MO 63120-
1798, or call DSN 693-3573 or com-
mercial 314-263-3573.
u.s. Army Class A Aviation Flight Mishaps
Fiscal Year Number Hours
FY 91 (through 31 August) 46 1,172,008
FY 92 (through 31 August) 20 ( estimated)
Army Total Cost
Rate Fatalities (in millions)
3.92 37 $175.4
1.62 10 $72.9
u.s. Army Aviation Digest September/October 1992
* u.s. G.P.O.:1992-733-010:60004
In The Future For ANCOC CMF 67
Department of the Army
U.S. Army Aviation Digest Professional Bulletin
U.S. Army Aviation Center
Fort Rucker, AL 36362-5042
US PS 415-350
Official Business
Second Class Mail
Postage and Fees Paid
Department of the Army
ISSN 0004-2471
Key Points On The Total F opce
In a memorandum dated March 1991,
General Gordon R. Sullivan, then Army
Vice Chief of Staff, described his initial
observations of Operation Desert Storm
(ODS). Excerpts from his memorandum
on the total force follow:
Trained and ready armed forces (all
services) are essential. In the future with a
smaller force, the kind of quality, capability,
and readiness we all displayed during ODS
will be even more important.
Great soldiers-American's sons and
daughters, Active and Reserve-make
great weapons work; they are the key to
success; Le., technology alone is not
Integrated land, air, and sea opera-
tions, not single service approaches, are
key to success. Only in rare circum-
stances will a single service along have
capabilities sufficient to deter or resolve
a crisis or conflict.
Power projection of the historic propor-
tions of ODS may again be required. We
cannot consider this operation unique; we
must have the capability to conduct another
one similar to it-in speed and size of
forces-at some point in the future.
Active capabilities at 750,000 end
strength were adequate for ODS; at
535,000 we will be at the irreducible mini-
Active forces are adequately versa-
tile and lethal, and marginally deploy-
able. We need better ability to tailor our-
selves for deployment; need more and
better sealift and airlift-need the C-17
and more fast ships.
Active force structure is deficient for
major contingencies (e.g., insufficient
fully structured armored forces, combat
support, and combat service support in
the continental United States contin-
gency forces).
Highly capable and available Re-
serve Forces are essential. We can't ex-
pect them to be ready on C-Day; must
plan appropriately; and must give the Re-
serve Component every opportunity to
be all they can reasonably be.
Reserve capabilities are adequate
but improperly postured for no-notice
contingencies (need to revise 200,000,
CAPSTONE, to focus on power projec-
tion, not the former NATO-Warsaw Pact
Reserve capabilities are adequately
lethal, but only marginally versatile and
deployable (calls for continued Active
Component -Reserve Component close
integration to enhance training, readi-
ness, and ability to adapt quickly to un-
foreseen crisis).
We must avoid degradations in our
capabilities and readiness as we enter
the transition from ODS to peace and re-
sume the builddown to shape the
smaller Army for the future.