10th Sunday in Ordinary Time
10th Sunday in Ordinary Time
10th Sunday in Ordinary Time
Parish Office: 5562 223 1 Fax: 5562 223 0 E-mail: [email protected] Diocesan website: www.ballarat.catholic.org.au PARISH STAFF: Fr John Fitzgerald (Parish Priest) Barry Wolff (Business Manager) Leanne McElgunn (Secretary) Brian Shanahan (Gardening/Maintenance) Michael Gray (St Josephs School) Peter Morgan (Emmanuel College) 6.30pm (Vigil); 8.30am - 10.30am - 6.00pm Purnim: 11.00am (Eucharist on 2nd and 4th Sundays) (Assembly of Word with Communion on 1st, 3rd & 5th Sundays)
Office Hours: Monday to Friday: 9:00am - 12:30pm; 1:30pm - 4:00pm SCHOOL PRINCIPALS: WEEK-END LITURGIES:
WEEK-DAY LITURGIES: Tuesday, Wednesday & Friday: 10.00am (Eucharist) Friday: 10.30am (Reconciliation) NB: A funeral normally takes the place of the weekday liturgy.
Deaths: Nell Beasley, Michael Bilston, Ernie Dalton, Maree Reeves Anniversaries: Anthony Peyton, Jack Grey, Lisa Volders, Tom Hollingsworth, Adelaida Villanueva, Josefa Mendoza, Mary Estelle Toohey, Dan Pye Baptism Preparation: Next meeting is Wednesday, 12th June at 7.30pm Hospitality: Family Groups are hosting a cuppa after 8.30am Mass next Sunday St Vincent de Paul: A need for blankets for local families. If you have blankets you could donate, please take them to the Societys shop at 180 Fairy St. Thankyou Help Needed re Flowers: Sr Pattie and Judy McKenzie seek help with decorating the Sanctuary & Gathering Space. If interested please contact Parish Office. Powerpoint Presentation: Focus this week is the Year of Faith Praying the Rosary: Ida Brittains home (9 Barclay St) at 7.30pm Collections: Counters: Presbytery: $1,339.35 Parish: $924.00 Thank you for your support This week: Team 10: John Monigatti (5562 9537) Next week: Team 11: Veronica Anderson (5562 4859)