Sap - Abap Faqs FAQ Index
Sap - Abap Faqs FAQ Index
Sap - Abap Faqs FAQ Index
ABAP RFC ALE Handling Tables BDC Transports Output Determination Others
FAQ Index
SapScript EDI / IDOC Batch In-put/Direct In-put
Q: When we create a customer the information is updated in structure RF02D and the some tables like KNA1 are updated. How can we find the tables for master data transactions? A: Go to ABAP Workbench -> Overview -> application hierarchy - SAP -> follow the customizing based tree for your application. Double click on a lowest hierarchy level to get for the correct marked development class. Here you can find all the tables, views, logical databases etc. used for a system operation.
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Q: Our ABAP program is working properly in Foreground. Can I schedule it for background processing on the weekend? A: SAP standard program RSBDCSUB helps you to schedule the job. Create a variant for RSBDCSUB with the BDC session name. Q: How can we send a mail to the user intimating him that his report/BDC is completed in background? A: You can use FUNCTION RS_SEND_MAIL_FOR_SPOOLLIST If Unix is being used, you may send a report to any internet mail with the following:
REPORT ZSNDMAIL . DATA: COMND(200) type c. DATA: RESULT(200) type c occurs 100 with header line. PARAMETERS: FILE(60) type c lower case default '/sapdata/sd_outbound/testmail.dat'. PARAMETERS: SUBJECT(60) type c lower case. PARAMETERS: EMAIL(60) type c lower case. INITIALIZATION.
TRANSLATE EMAIL TO LOWER CASE. START-OF-SELECTION. TRANSLATE EMAIL TO LOWER CASE. CONCATENATE 'cat' FILE '| elm -s "' subject '"' email into comnd seperated by space. CALL 'SYSTEM' ID 'COMMAND' FIELD comnd 'TAB' FIELD UNIX_RESULTS-*SYS*. Loop at Results. write: /1 results. endloop end-of-selection. Back to top
Q: We get the total number of pages as expected by using 'SAPSCRIPT-FORMPAGES' in a duplex layout. In our case duplex case is always 'Terms & Conditions'. We do not want the number of pages as in duplex printing. What is the best possible solution? A: On the Terms & Conditions page, Change the Page counter mode to 'HOLD' to keep the page counter from incrementing when you print the Term & Conditions. Q: Can I Print a logo on an Invoice? A: Save a Logo using Paintshop Pro or Corel Draw as Tiff file. Use RSTXLDMC to convert the logo to standard text in SapScript. When the program is executed, the path and file name have to be correctly specified. Process could be like the following: Run RSTXLDMC Enter file name C:\MAIL\COMPLOGO.TIF Resolution for Tiff file Absolute X-position Absolute Y-position Absolute positioning Reserved height Shift to right UOM = CM Text title Line width for text = 132 Text name ZHEX-MACRO-COMPLOGO Text ID ST Text language = E Postscript scaling Width & Height according to PS scaling Number of Tiff gray levels (2,4,9) 2 Then Create a new window 'COMP' with attributes; Window COMP description Company Logo Window type CONST Left margin 7.00 CH window width 10.00 CH
Upper margin LN window height 8.00 LN Finally in the text element , mention /: INCLUDE 'ZHEX-MACRO-COMPLOGO' OBJECT TEXT ID ST LANGUAGE 'E'. Please note that if object name is not indicated as 'ZHEX...', the logo may not be printed! You will not be able to see the logo in a test print. The same will be printed in actual printout. If you are using two logos in the same layout, the names of the logos should be unique. Say 'ZHEX-MACRO-LOGO1' and 'ZHEX-MACRO-LOGO2'. Else all the information will be overwritten. If the logo is not EXACTLY TIFF 6.0 , the same will not be printed. See OSS notes 5995, 18045, 39031 for some inputs.
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Q: We want to move a SAP table to an Access table using TABLE_EXPORT_TO_MSACCESS_RFC Importing parameters are DBNAME DEST FLG_APPEND FLG_POPUP LANGU The table has three columns: TABNAM MANDT SDATA We have no Exporting parameters. How shall we set the parameters? A: Install the PS utilities, which are part of SAPGUI install CD. You may run report RIACCESS from SE38. Go to SALE -> Communication -> Define RFC Destination. Setup two RFC destinations PS_ACCESS_1 and PS_ACCESS_2 and will have to get them to point to wdpsastr.exe and wdpsatab.exe respectively. Then execute RIACCESS and choose PS_ACCESS_1 to generate access tables. Please note that Access only supports tables with up 255 fields. Q: We want an RFC do the following transactions - MB1A, MB1C,>MB01 (goods receipt/issue). A: Call the RFC INBOUND_IDOC_PROCESS with IDOC_CONTROL and IDOC_DATA. The structure in the field sdata in the IDOC_DATA are e1mbxyh and e1mbxyi.
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Q: In a Dev instance, we want to transport a modification to a layout set from one client to another. What is the best way? A: use transaction SE71. Choose Utilities->Copy from Client. Layout sets need not be transported between clients , via transport requests DEVKxxxxxx. Q: We need to keep track of the transports that need to flow through to other systems (ie, DEV, TST, TRN, PRD etc). Is there a way do this? A: SAPCRAFT enables you to control the CTS from DEV system. This keeps track of all transports at all stages and enables you to allocate Import, export and Authorization functions to specific user.
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Q:1 We created an EDI Vendor and created all required output conditions. However no IDOC is generated when PO is printed. Why? A: Go to Header->output for the PO. The output type shall be '6'. The status shall be '1'. If the status is '0' check the timing. If the status is '2' , go to 'GOTO->Processing Log' and the explanation for non-generation of IDOC can be seen. Q: How can we create / upload IDOC's from legacy system to SAP? A: Third party tool Mercator may be used to convert Legacy files to Idoc format. Mercator provides an IDOC tree import facility, SAP provides the export facility. You can transfer the Idoc layouts from SAP to Mercator automatically and then map. Q: We want to receive an outbound EDI 855 IDOC only if E2EDP20 -scheduling confirmation segment is present. Else get an "error" status preventing triggering the EDI subsystem. A: User exit logic has to be added in function IDOC_INPUT_ORDRSP. # Set up a test flag and set it off when the IDOC header is read. # Turn the flag ON when the EDP20 segment is read. # Interrogate this flag when the next segment after EDP20 in the same IDOC comes in. If it is on ,you have an EDP20 coming in. # Issue an error status 51 with suitable message for whichever condition you don't want the IDOC to be processed, This will stop the IDOC from posting.
Q: Where ever PO is sent to the vendor via EDI, we want an acknowledgement of the PO by vendor. Which fields are updated and what should be my procedure? A: Execute Program: IDOC_INPUT_ORDRSP Process code: ORDR Message type: ORDRSP IDOC: ORDERS01 The confirmation process allows the supplier to return an acknowledgment. Only Dates and quantities can be changed The information is stored in the PO and can be viewed via Item->Confirmation->Overview. The PO can be flagged as 'confirmation required' so that Pos without acknowledgement receipt can be monitored. Control keys and tolerances (days and quantities) have to be customized.
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Q: Our IDOC remains in status 51 ( not posted) while testing ALE setup by passing DEBMAS02 Idocs. The message 'Field KNA1-BRSCH is not an input field'. This is the Industry key. What are we missing? A: Go to IMG - menu path IMG->LogisticsGeneral-> Logistics Basic Data: Business partners->Customers-> Control->Define Account groups and field selection for customer. Select sold-to or ship-to. Select General Data. Select control and double click. Industry key is found here. Change the option to 'Optional Entry'. Check OSS 5599. You may have to update view V_T078D also.
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Output Determination
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Batch In-put/ Direct In-put Q: We are calling transaction VL01 in batch input to create deliveries using a program
for delivery due list. How ever we are unable to create deliveries for transport stock orders. Why? a: Batch-inputs can not be used to fill the "delivery due list" screen because it is not a dynpro. This is a standard SAP report. A SAP report (check with "System -> Status")
may be called using SUBMIT sentence with the appropriate options . It is preferred to call a report than create a Batch-input program. Q: What are some sample Direct input data transfer programs? A: In MM for Material Master data - RMDATIND FI - for Accounting Documents - RFBIBL00 PP - for Independent requirements - RM06IN00 CA - for Classification data - RCCLBI03
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Handling Tables
Q: We specify the logical database. And we want a field that is not present in any of the tables defaulted in logical database. How can we want to add this additional field from a different table? A: . Presume you have a
logical database table 1 table 2 table 3 Define the required field as additional field say fld of table 1, table 2 or table 3 and then in the code section define. Perform get_f1d(zxxxxxxx) using f1d. Form zxxxxxxx could be like; Form get_f1d using f. Select * from where 'conditions' f = table4 - f1d.
Q: We need to download an internal table to the Presentation Server(local workstation). Whenever we run the program, the same file has to be saved as a separate file in sequential order. Ex: 0001.txt, 0002.txt etc. Where can we store the last file number? A: SAP has a table TVARV for storing the variants. A record may be created in TVARV for all the programs that require this kind of incremental records. For Ex: the record could be 100Zmm10001 MM sequence rec where first part consists of client code and the program being run. Client code is required because TVARV does not has a field for client code. The second part is the description indicating the purpose what
the record is created. This entire string may be posted in the Name field (char - 30). The Type field ( char- 1) may be populated with P or S (Parameter or Selection) Low field (char- 45) may be populated with '0001' when run first time and increment it by one in your program for downloading of the internal table.
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Others Q: How can we use CAD with SAP ? A: Third party tools from Eigner + Partner provide interfaces to SAP. Another third party software - Fastlook Plus from Kamel Software enables you to view all of the Autocad formats. Q: How can I access SAP through Internet? A: SAP has its own Internet transaction Server (ITS) . Other products include Haht, WebObjects, NetDynamics etc. Each product has its' own architecture. However to access the database, access paths SAP GUI or RFC Channel have to be used. Q: How can we transport the standard text? A: Refer note 3355 in OSS for a complete explanation. The SAPscript objects that should be transported must be written in a transport request. The entries are as follows: R3TR FORM NAME (NAME = Name of the layout set) R3TR STYL NAME (NAME = Name of the style) R3TR TEXT OBJECT,NAME,ID,L (OBJECT = Text object, NAME = Text name, ID = Text ID, L = Text language) If you want to transport a number of texts, you can use report RSTXTRAN to insert the individual text keys into a correction. The transport request must be entered and released via the transport system. Q: How to find what transactions a particular user was running for a given period in the past (Eg: from 1st of a month ) A: You may use the transaction - STAT. Q: We want protect/lock a field so that only selected people can change the value while others can only read. How to set the authorizations? A: Create an authorization object for change mode. Loop at screen in the user exit and set input to 0. Check the user based on sy-uname and the authorization. Decide whether input should be 0 or 1. Q: How to lock an user defined transaction for some time during which no user can access the same? A: Use transaction SM01. Scroll through the transactions and check against the
transaction to be locked. And after the maintenance is over, go back to SM01 and uncheck the same to unlock.
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