O'Grady 2011 Language Acquisition Without An Acquisition Device
O'Grady 2011 Language Acquisition Without An Acquisition Device
O'Grady 2011 Language Acquisition Without An Acquisition Device
1. Introduction
The study of language acquisition has long occupied a privileged place in formal linguistics, especially with regard to the search for explanatory adequacy, which, in the words of Chomsky (2002: 129), [is] achieved when a descriptively adequate analysis is completed by a plausible hypothesis about its acquisition. The standard assumption in formal work on language is that plausible hypotheses about language acquisition include reference to an inborn Universal Grammar (UG) that presents learners with a set of language-dening parameters that have to be xed in response to input of a particular sort. Fodor (2009) summarizes the history of work in this area and offers a detailed proposal concerning parameter setting. I adopt a very different view: not only is there no UG, there is no specialized acquisition device, and no developmental process whose goal is to produce a grammar. Rather, what we think of as language acquisition is an accidental side-effect of attempts to improve the ability of a grammatically naive processor to deal with input.1 Let us call this the AMELIORATION HYPOTHESIS. The Amelioration Hypothesis: Language acquisition consists of processing amelioration. Before proceeding, it is necessary to say a word about exactly what language acquisition is supposed to bring about. I adopt the following assumption, which I take to be a matter of consensus:
Revised and abridged version of a plenary paper presented at the Second Language Research Forum at the University of Maryland, USA, 16 October 2010
1 The idea that processing is the engine for acquisition has been put forward in different forms over the years; see, for example, Berwick (1985:31), Pinker (1984:32ff), Fodor (1998), Seidenberg & MacDonald (1999: 576ff), Carroll (2001), Truscott & Sharwood-Smith (2004), OGrady (2005:193ff), and Chang, Dell & Bock (2006: 234235).
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The Mapping Assumption: Language acquisition yields a way to create mappings between form and meaning. On this view, language acquisition corresponds to the emergence of an ability to pair sentences with meaning in the course of comprehension and to carry out the reverse mapping in the case of production, as illustrated in Figure 1 (for the purposes of illustration, I represent meaning via a primitive predicate-argument notation that disregards number, deniteness, tense, and the like.) This brings us to the classic problem of syntactic development: how do children come to distinguish between possible and impossible mappings between form and meaning in their language? How, for instance, do they learn that Robin sliced the apple can be used to describe a cutting event in English, but that Sliced Robin the apple cannot? Or that Robin didnt slice all the apples is far more likely to mean that Robin sliced just some of the apples than that Robin sliced none of them? I begin with the problem of word order.
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A striking advantage of the parametric approach is that, at least in principle, exposure to a small number of simple utterances (e.g. Eat it, Dont touch that) should sufce to set the head-direction parameter. This scenario ts well with the common observation that children make few errors involving the basic word order of their language. It also brings us to our rst challenge: can a processor, trying only to improve its own functioning, discover a languages basic word order?
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Bybee & McClelland 2005: 382; Beckner, Blythe, Bybee et al. 2009: 7; Herschensohn 2009). As Sagarra & Herschensohn (2010: 2022) put it, During acquisition of the native language, the child must develop computational procedures . . . to facilitate split-second processing in adult speech and comprehension. The creation and strengthening of routines is motivated entirely by processing considerations. The processor, it is widely agreed, is resource-limited. It has access to only a modest working memory store, and given the speed with which speech decays (Sachs 1967; Ferreira, Bailey & Ferraro 2002), it must act quickly in creating form-meaning mappings during comprehension and production. The emergence of processing routines is a response to that need. Independent evidence for the establishment of routines comes from developmental phenomena of various sorts: Processing speeds up in response to increased experience with relevant input (Song & Fisher 2007: 1980; Lieven & Tomasello 2008: 169; Clahsen 2008: 13; Fernald, Thorpe & Marchman 2010: 208 and 211), presumably reecting the gradual automatization of processing routines. The commitment to subjectverbobject (SVO) order becomes stronger with age, as comprehension and production routines are strengthened in response to repeated activation. Akhtar (1999) exposed children aged from two to four to novel verbs in a variety of word order patterns, including SOV (e.g. Elmo the car gopped). Whereas the younger children were willing to use the new verbs in SOV patterns, the four-year-olds produced only SVO order. In an extension of Akhtars work, Matthews et al. (2005) introduced 96 children aged 2 years 3 months 4 years 3 months to actual English verbs in SOV patterns. The younger children (mean age 2 years 9 months) used lowfrequency verbs such as tug in non-canonical SOV patterns almost half the time, but never did so with high-frequency verbs such as push. The older children resisted SOV order for all verbs. Both studies point toward an initial phase in which word order is determined on a verb-by-verb basis, followed by the emergence and strengthening of a general routine for SVO order that precludes alternative linearizations by age four or so. Success at processing transitive sentences emerges earlier in languages that consistently use the same word order to mediate the relationship between form and meaning than in languages that employ a variety of word order patterns. In an act-out task involving more than 200 monolingual children aged 2 years 6 months to 4 years 6 months, Chan, Lieven & Tomasello (2009) report that monolingual learners of English attain 100% accuracy on the comprehension of transitive sentences containing a novel verb at an earlier age than learners of German and Cantonese, which have more exible word order. This points toward the importance of frequency and consistency for the emergence and strengthening of processing routines.
2.3. Summary
In sum, the processing story offers an explanation for two key facts about the acquisition of basic word order, namely:
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the gradual improvement of the accuracy and speed with which language learners use word order in sentence production and comprehension, reecting the emergence and strengthening of the corresponding processing routine. the emergence of an aversion to unattested word order patterns, reecting the gradual entrenchment of the routine formed in response to the repeated processing of attested patterns. The key question that arises at this point has to do with whether there is more to language acquisition than the emergence of routines designed to facilitate processing. I propose that there isnt. What we think of as development and acquisition is simply processing amelioration: improvements to the speed and efciency of the processor, via the creation and strengthening of processing routines, as exemplied by the emergence of a basic word order in English. Development occurs as routines are formed and strengthened; acquisition takes place when they become entrenched. Despite its illustrative value, basic word order is not a typical syntactic phenomenon. Not only does it involve an unusually simple contrast (its either verbobject, or its objectverb), it has an extravagantly high rate of instantiation in the input. Given that children are exposed to as many as 2.5 million utterances a year (Hart & Risely 1995), examples of basic word order are presumably encountered hundreds of times every day. Most of the phenomena whose study drives acquisition theory do not enjoy these two advantages. Scope, to which we turn next, is a case in point.
3. Scope
The term scope refers to the effect of logical operators such as quantiers and negation on semantic interpretation. A well-known example involves the interaction between negation and the universal quantier all in sentences such as the following, from English and Korean. a. Mary didnt read all the books. b. Mary-ka motwun chayk-ul an ilkessta. Mary-SUBJ all book-OBJ not read (SUBJ = subject marker, OBJ = direct object marker) The two languages differ in the preferred interpretation of these patterns. Whereas native speakers of English strongly favor the not > all reading (Not all of the books were read), native speakers of Korean show an equally strong preference for the all > not interpretation (All the books were unread). We are thus confronted with two challenges: i. What is responsible for the difference between the two languages with respect to scopal preferences? ii. How do learners of each language come to have the appropriate preference?
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IP NP Mary I did Neg not V read I NegP VP NP all the books
b. Korean:
IP NP FP Mary NPi all the books Neg not NPi t VP VP V read F' F I I
As in the case of word order, there is a well-established UG account, with which we will begin.
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appeared in maternal speech just seven times; in contrast, examples of basic word order occurred thousands of times. Phenomena like scope endow the study of language acquisition with much of its intellectual interest, and progress in this area is vital to our understanding of development. This notwithstanding, the basic research questions are identical to those addressed in our consideration of word order. Is there a processing account for the structural difference between English and Korean, and for its acquisition? If so, is there anything left for a UG-based account to do?
2. all > not (the negative doesnt affect the interpretation of all) Mary didnt read all the books
The strong preference for the not > all interpretation in English reects a simple frequency effect: the routine that gives the not > all interpretation is activated far more often and is therefore far stronger than the routine for the all > not interpretation. This leaves children with no initial grounds for choosing between the two interpretations: each is easily accommodated by the processor, and the relevant input is too sparse to reveal the adult preference right away. This is reected in the developmental facts: English-speaking children are initially willing to accept both the not > all and the all > not interpretation (Musolino, Crain & Thornton 2000: 1314; Musolino & Lidz 2006). In contrast, of course, adult speakers of English show a strong preference for the not > all interpretation.
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Now consider how the processor goes about interpreting scopal patterns in Korean. The key difference between Korean and English is that in Korean the negative and the verb come AFTER the subject and the direct object.
This means that the processor will already have encountered and interpreted the all-phrase BEFORE it comes upon the negative.
If nothing else happens, the all phrase simply retains its full set interpretation, ultimately yielding the all > not meaning for the sentence (all the books were unread). If the all phrase is to have the partitioned set interpretation (just some books), the processor has to retrace its steps upon encountering the negative and undo the earlier interpretation that the all-phrase received.
This suggests that the not > all interpretation should be more difcult in Korean, as it places an extra burden on the processor, forcing it to backtrack and revise an earlier interpretation. Experimental work by Lee (2009) has conrmed this prediction: the not > all interpretation takes longer to compute in Korean even for adult native speakers. Because the all > not interpretation is easier to process in Korean, we would expect it to be preferred by children. This is in fact the case, as has been shown in experimental work with four-year-olds by Han et al. (2007) and with ve- and six-year-olds by OGrady, Kwak, Lee & Lee (2011). Similar preferences for adults are also reported in these studies.
3.3. Summary
In sum, the processing theory offers promising insights into both the typological and developmental issues we have been considering for English and Korean. On the typological side, there is a straightforward account for why Korean resists the not > all interpretation that is favored in English: that interpretation in Korean requires the processor to backtrack and recalculate a previously assigned meaning, as illustrated above. No such problem arises in English. On the developmental side, there is a straightforward account for why children learning Korean manifest the same preference for the all > not interpretation that adults do they are
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subject to the same processing forces. And there is an equally straightforward explanation for why children learning English initially exhibit no strong scopal preference, even though their adult counterparts strongly prefer the not > all interpretation: processing considerations do not favor either interpretation, and the input is too sparse to establish an immediate bias. As we have seen, a preference emerges over a period of years in English as the processing routine associated with the not > all interpretation is gradually strengthened in response to the fact that more opportunities for activation are available than for the all > not interpretation. In sum, the scope-related contrast between Korean and English, as well as the developmental prole of scope in each language, falls out from processing considerations. Consistent with the idea that I have been outlining, the emergence of routines, motivated by the need to facilitate processing, has side-effects that correspond to what is usually called language acquisition. The aversion to the not > all interpretation in Korean compared to English follows from the extra processing cost associated with that interpretation in Korean. The aversion is felt even by young children, since processing cost is an issue at all ages. Children learning English initially exhibit no strong scopal preference. This is because processing considerations do not favor either interpretation in English, and the input is too sparse to establish an immediate preference. Instead, a preference emerges gradually as the routine associated with the not > all interpretation is strengthened through experience. There is nothing to suggest that a specialized acquisition device has produced a grammatical rule or set a grammatical parameter. As in the case of basic word order, what we think of as language acquisition is in fact just processing amelioration: attempts by the processor to improve its speed and efciency by forming routines.
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IP NP Mary I did Neg not V read I' NegP VP NP all the books
rst part of the twenty-month period of observation. Two of the children in Hahns study exhibited an especially interesting tendency: they used the correct order for verbobject patterns that had previously been modeled, but reverted to OV (objectverb) order for novel combinations (Hahn 2000: 141 and 190); see also Park (1997). The effects of word order transfer are graded: they are not found in every utterance produced by early L2 learners, and they do not disappear all at once. This suggests that the objectverb routine of Korean is gradually pushed to the side by the verbobject routine of English, thereby improving the processors performance on the newly encountered input: an instance of processing amelioration. However, these facts can also be accommodated by UG theories that allow parameter settings to vary in strength. Truscott & Sharwood Smith (2004) offer just such a theory, suggesting (for example) that the objectverb setting of the word order parameter in Koreanspeaking L2 learners gradually weakens as the verbobject setting of English is strengthened, until at some point a complete change in its value takes place. Yang (2006: 156ff) proposes a similar idea with respect to rst language acquisition. In order to tease apart the processing-based and parameter-based approaches, we need a phenomenon for which they make different predictions. A promising possibility in this regard involves scope. Of particular relevance is the interpretive preference that native Korean speakers might be expected to manifest for English sentences such as Mary didnt read all the books.
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Table 1 Predictions of the two theories Theory The UG theory The processing theory Prediction initial preference for the not > all interpretation (due to the Scope Principle) initial preference for the all > not interpretation (due to the transfer of the dominant processing routine)
Given that the Scope Principle is taken to be universal, and given the assumption that L2 learners have access to UG (e.g. White (2003) and the many references cited there), it seems safe to conclude that the UG account predicts that Korean-speaking learners of English should strongly favor the not > all interpretation of sentences such as Mary didnt read all the books, just as native speakers of English do. As we will see next, the processing-based approach to SLA makes a very different prediction.
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without a context) 70% of the time, reversing the preference manifested in lower prociency groups. Presumably, L2 learners can also strengthen the not > all routine in English at the expense of the all > not routine transferred from Korean, thereby approaching the interpretive preference manifested by native speakers of English.
4.3. Summary
As the signature phenomenon in SLA, transfer has the potential to shed light on the fundamental question that we have been considering: is there a specialized grammar-oriented acquisition device, or is language acquisition (including SLA) simply the result of processing amelioration? Whereas the processing approach and the UG-based approach make essentially the same prediction in the case of basic word order, they diverge sharply in their predictions about the scopal preferences that should be manifested by Korean-speaking learners of English. Crucially, the experimental ndings a strong preference for the all > not interpretation are just what one would expect if the dominant processing routine in the L1 is transferred to the L2 as an initial attempt at processing amelioration in the second language. Furthermore, Lees (2009) results suggest that progress in L2 learning is marked by the emergence and strengthening of new routines to facilitate the processing of formmeaning mappings encountered in the L2. In these two crucial respects at least, what we think of as SLA appears to consist of processing amelioration, just as rst language acquisition does. In sum, the transfer and emergence of routines, motivated by the need to facilitate processing, have side-effects that correspond to what is usually called second language acquisition. The dominant all > not routine in Korean is transferred to English in order to facilitate processing of scope patterns in the L2. Exposure to new (but sparse) input provides an eventual opportunity for the emergence and strengthening of the not > all routine, thereby facilitating the processing of the more common scope pattern in English. There is no reason to think that a grammatical rule or parameter setting has been transferred, or that a specialized acquisition device has brought about an improvement in L2 prociency. What we think of as development or progress in SLA, such as the gradual shift in scope preferences observed by Lee, is in fact just processing amelioration: the emergence of a processing routine for scope that allows faster formmeaning mappings than does the routine carried over from the L1.
5. Concluding remarks
It is beyond dispute that qualitative changes in prociency take place in response to ongoing exposure to language. These changes are so striking and come about so mysteriously that
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it is tempting to attribute them, as we always have, to the work of a specialized acquisition device, with access to inborn grammatical options. Nonetheless, another possibility is worthy of consideration. According to the processing hypothesis that I have been outlining, there is no acquisition device and there are no inborn grammatical constraints and options. Rather, what we think of as language acquisition with its particular initial states, developmental changes, and end state is just a side-effect of processing amelioration, which is directed toward improving the speed and efciency with which the processor creates mappings between form and meaning in the course of production and comprehension. The theme for this years Second Language Research Forum is Reconsidering SLA Research: Directions and Dimensions. I have taken this theme seriously. Even if there is resistance to my suggestion that there is really no such thing as language acquisition in the traditional sense (i.e. the creation of a grammar by a specialized acquisition device), I hope that the general approach to SLA that I have outlined will merit consideration as ONE way to do SLA research. As I have tried to illustrate, the key to this approach involves starting with a typologically informed characterization of the relevant features of the L1 and L2. Next comes an attempt to understand those properties in terms of processing considerations that might shed light on the developmental course of rst language acquisition. Only at this point is it possible to consider the properties and problems of SLA in an insightful way. This is a demanding and unusual course of inquiry to pursue, I admit, but it may prove to be worthwhile in the long run.
I thank Miho Choo, Kevin R. Gregg, and Graeme Porte for their helpful comments.
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White, L. (2003). Second language acquisition and Universal Grammar . Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press. Yang, C. (2006). The innite gift: How children learn and unlearn the languages of the world . New York: Scribner. WILLIAM OGRADY is Professor of Linguistics at the University of Hawaii at Manoa in the United States, where he teaches course on syntax and language acquisition. He is the author of many articles and books, including Syntactic carpentry (Routledge, 2005) and How children learn language (Cambridge University Press, 2005).
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