Tor Framework State Cso Environmental Advocacy

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1.0 Background: The key issues that have resulted in the survey of Renewable Energy is Global Warming and Climate Change. Though related, there is need to have working definitions for them. Climate change refers to the variation in the Earths global climate or in regional Climate over time. It describes changes in the variability or average state of the atmosphere over time scale ranging from decades to millions of years . These changes can be caused by processes internal to the Earth, external forces (e.g. variation in sunlight intensity) or more recently, human activities. Global warming is defined as the increase of the average temperature of the Earth. As the Earth is getting hotter, disasters like hurricanes, droughts and flooding are getting more frequent. Green House Gases (GHGs) are those gaseous constituents of the atmosphere, both natural and anthropogenic, that absorb and emit radiation at specific wavelengths within the spectrum of thermal infrared radiation emitted by the Earths surface, the atmosphere and by clouds. When sunlight reaches the surface of the Earth, some of it is absorbed and warms the surface. As a result of the fact that the Earth surface is much cooler than the sun, it radiates energy at much longer wavelengths than the sun does, peaking in the infrared. The atmosphere because of the GHGs absorbs these longer wavelengths more effectively than the shorter wavelengths from the sun. The absorption of this longwave radiant energy warms the atmosphere. The atmosphere radiates longwave radiation both upwards to space and downwards to surface. The downward part of this longwave radiation emitted by the atmosphere is the Green House Effect. The Green House Gases of Interest to us are Carbon (IV) oxide (CO2), Nitrogen (1) oxide (N2O), methane (CH4) and the Choloro Fluoro Carbons (CFCs). The first three are found in nature while the CFCs are man-made.

The following sectors and processes/activities are associated with generation of GHGs. They include : (1) Automobile and truck airconditioning units. (2) Domestic and Commercial refrigeration and airconditioning /heat pump equipment : Refrigerators, Freezers, Dehumidifiers, water coolers, ice machines, airconditioning and heat pump units. (3) Aerosol products except medical aerosols. (4) Portable fire extinguishers. (5) Insulation boards. (6) Pre-polymers. (7) Energy sector : Fuel combustion : Energy industries, manufacturing and construction industries; Fugitive emissions : solid fuels like bush buring, oil and natural gas. (8) Industrial processes : mineral products, chemical industry, metal production, Production of Halocarbons and Sulphur Hexafluoride. (9) Solvents and other products use. (10) Agriculture : Enteric fermentation, Manure management, rice cultivation, Field burning of agricultural residues. (11) Waste : solid waste disposal on land, waste water handling and waste incineration. The above sectors and processes/activities affect all of us in one way or the other, hence the need to create awareness on minimizing Green House Gases (GHGs) and; mitigating the impacts of global warming cannot be over-emphasized. Between 1990 and 2000, the total green house gas emissions of industrialized countries actually declined slightly by 5.6% but, that reflected unusual circumstances. It was as a result of the painful drop in the economic output of the countries of Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union. Now, the Eastern Europe economies in transition are growing, and their emissions are rising. The real work and what is really needed is a worldwide economic progress combined with reduced emissions. This is yet to be accomplished as it is not easy. The good news is that technology already exist that could stabilize and even reduce green house gas levels within a few decades. The problem is that getting such technologies in place : installing and paying for more efficient procedures for burning

fossil fuels and for using renewable energy sources such as solar energy and wind power is political and economically difficult. The Ministry has also challenges in response to oil spill in the State by Oil/Gas operators, waste management and green economy. The Rivers State has experienced a lot of oil spills that have not been cleaned up in her environment. The Oil/Gas operators have consistently delayed the prompt response on oil spills, as allowed by best practices; especially those as a result of sabotage. This has left the environment degraded to a very serious degree. One of the issues behind the attitude of these companies is the legislation. The law for example, has stipulated 21 years imprisonment for those convicted for sabotage, but the law is silent on the third parties who are not privy to the sabotage but, are impacted by the spill. The law is equally silent on the time frame to clean up the spill whether it is caused by sabotage or any other means. While the spills affect the land and the marine environment in the State, gas flaring have consistently polluted the atmosphere, making it an all-round pollution of the environment. Solid Waste Management is another nagging challenge in the State. The State has three sea ports, two airports and two main road networks to and from the State. These characteristics make the inflow of visitors into the State a normal thing. Such visitors who come in to the State for one assignment or the other, can form an opinion about the cleanliness of the State without caring to find out what the relevant Ministry or parastatals have done to address the waste management issue. At present, residents are requested to bag their waste and make them available to the waste disposal contractors when they are scheduled for that area. What happens is that the dumping time is not adhered to, and even when some residents have taking the pains at an extra cost to bag their waste, scavenger will use sharp objects to tear the bags open in search of useful parts of the waste. This has brought more challenges to the Ministry of Environment in her quest to effectively manage solid waste in the State. Not left out is the effective management of hazardous waste generated in the State. Another issue of interest to the State is green economy. Although this seems to be under climate change, but the issue of aesthetic

beauty, in addition to trapping the Carbon (IV) Oxide (CO 2) emissions, use and putting in place of all necessary renewable energy infrastructure in the State, makes the Ministry to capture such related issues under green economy. More time and details will be given to this aspect in line with the United Nations Declaration on Green Cities. The Rivers State Ministry of Environment will use the Network of Civil Societies and Professional bodies in the State to prepare four blue prints namely: (1) Blue print on Climate Change (2) Blue print on Oil/Gas operations in the State (3) Blue print on Waste Management (4) Blue print on Green Economy. 2.0 Objectives : 1. To prepare blue prints on Climate Change, Oil/Gas operations, Waste Management and; Green Economy. 2. To review the legislative framework in these sectors 3. To determine the capacity gaps of the Ministry in the implementation of her statutory functions. 4. To recommend ways and means of improving the use of renewable energy, Oil/Gas operations in the State and managing solid waste and; use of green economy infrastructure and; by implication, improving environmental practice in the Rivers State. 5. To design implementation strategies to fill identified gaps. 6. To recommend and identify the funding arrangement within or outside the United Nations Agencies for renewable energy facilities in the Rivers State e.g. Financial mechanism (Clean Development Mechanism/Carbon Credits), waste management, green economy and; Oil/Gas operations from the standpoint of enforcement of environmental standards by the Rivers State Ministry of Environment. 3.0 Scope of Work : The consultant is required to: 1. Use the network of Civil Societies and Professional Bodies in the State to produce blue prints on Climate Change, Oil/Gas operations, Waste management and; Green economy.

2. Review the legal framework in these sectors in liaison with the Rivers State Ministry of Environment, the network of Civil Societies and Professional Bodies in the State. 3. To recommend and identify the funding arrangement within or outside the United Nations Agencies for renewable energy facilities in the Rivers State e.g. Financial mechanism (Clean Development Mechanism/Carbon Credits), waste management, green economy and; Oil/Gas operations from the standpoint of enforcement of environmental standards by the Rivers State Ministry of Environment. 4.0 Methodology : The methodology shall include: Literature review of relevant existing policies, circulars and laws (both national and international) on renewable energy and mechanism put in place to enforce compliance. Regular consultation with the management of the Rivers State Ministry of Environment. Hold group discussions/meeting with the Rivers State Ministry of Environment (RSMENV) staff and other relevant MDAs and parastatals of the Ministry. Consultation with key stake holders including Civil Society Organizations (CSOs), professional bodies and senior Government officials. Carry out any other activity considered pertinent to producing detailed blue prints on Climate Change, Oil/Gas operations, waste management and Green economy in Rivers State. 5.0 Deliverables Deliverables in the reports must include: 1. Blue prints on Climate Change, Oil/Gas operations, Waste Management and; Green economy. 2. Implementation strategies to fill identified gaps. 3. Propose capacity building programme, estimated cost and evaluation criteria and methodologies. 4. Recommend funding mechanisms (access to carbon credits and Clean Development Projects) within or outside the United Nations Agencies.

5. Recommend ways of improving the operations/activities in these sectors. Weekly written and/or verbal updates on progress made towards meeting the objectives of the mission are essential. The Consultant is expected to submit the following reports Inception report submitted not later than two weeks after commencement of the assignment. The report will outline understanding of the Terms of Reference (TOR), overview of methodology and data analysis that are planned to be used as well as workplan describing how work will be scheduled and providing milestones for completion of key activities. Draft final report of Blue prints on Climate Change, Oil/Gas Operations, Waste management and; Green Economy submitted within the time frame of the assignment and not later than one week of the assignment ending. The report will describe work carried out and results obtained. The Consultant will submit draft report to the Management of the Rivers State Ministry of Environment (RSMENV), Office of the Special Adviser to Executive Governor of Rivers State on International Donor Agencies and the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP). Final report of Blue prints on Climate Change, Oil/Gas Operations, Waste management and; Green Economy is due within two weeks after receiving comments on the draft final report. 6.0 Qualifications/Experience:
Qualification and Technical Competencies

Experience Extensive knowledge and at least 10 years development experience on environmental management or related issues. At least 10 years of comparative experience at progressively senior levels in the design, planning and implementation of government projects, especially those associated

Masters or PhD in Chemistry, Chemical Engineering or Environmental Management and/or related fields with bias in networking to resolve the problems. Knowledgeable in

compliance monitoring and effective environmental protection. Having Good understanding and clear knowledge of the relevant existing laws on environmental protection (including international conventions and protocols),

with environmental protection and management. Excellent communication skills (written & oral English) is an essential requirement. Sound analytic and technical competence in analyzing and proffering solutions to environmental problems. Working experience with UN and bilateral agencies is an added advantage. Knowledge of the Rivers State particularly the regulatory framework needed to solve some of the identified problems is an edge.

7.0 Evaluation Criteria: The applications received will be evaluated using the following criteria and other relevant criteria as may be considered appropriate by evaluation / review committee: Relevant qualifications and years of experience. Relevant work experience Depth of proposal in addressing the subject matter Research and Analytic ability Knowledge of government business on environmental protection matters and of international conventions and protocols associated with the subject matter. Should have understanding of funding arrangement for projects with high capital outlay. 8.0 Duration and Location: The assignment lasts two months commencing from the date of the contract. The Consultant will be based at the State Capital with possible travels to selected Local Government Areas (LGAs) with a lot of industries or high effluent emission levels.

9.0 Application Procedure: Interested consultants should submit a detailed proposal detailing the problem, methodology, workplan, and staff profile amongst others to Rivers State Aid Co-ordination Unit within two (2) weeks from the date of the advertisement.

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